#kh Kari
mrfroag · 8 months
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*snapcube eggman voice* I miss my guys tails
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blauequuleus · 3 months
Okay so I’ve never played any Kingdom Hearts games and I’ve only watched the first 2 hours of a play through of the first game.
I’m gonna list everything I know through just internet osmosis. So tell me how off the mark I am on some of this (If I spell names wrong I’m sorry and be nice please)
Sora, Riku, and Kari(?), have all grown up together and play on this island with no parents in sight or a house or anything but island kids running around (do they have parents and houses to go home to? Or is this just Peter Pan style island of lost kids)
They want to leave the island and go on an adventure together
Kari just kinda showed up one day
Sora has a crush on Kari but has not a lot of interactions with her but is constantly talking about Riku and chasing after him
Kari I’m sorry sweetie as far as I can tell you’re the old trope of “this is girl character who is girl and main love interest that will spend 99% of the plot damsel’d and doing nothing -probably knocked out- and the last 1% she spends reassuring the main male lead in some way and has no personality outside of that” (this could be radically different in the games and she actually has a personality that doesn’t revolve around the main lead Sora needing to rescue her but all of the scenes I’ve seen from the games she’s either just standing there or is knocked out)
Riku and Sora have so mush chemistry people are convinced they are in love (to be fair every thing I’ve seen from the games has them constantly obsessing over each other more so than anyone else. Half their lines seem to be each others names. So yeah big rainbow energy coming off of them)
Also don’t they like combine swords or something into a big weapon… 👀🏳️‍🌈
Isn’t there matching wedding rings for Sora and Rikus swords cause if so that’s cute
Main game plot point is Sora, Goofy and Donald jumping around in a Gummy Ship?? to all the different Disney properties and movies and these are all treated like different worlds (is Star Wars in there now cause that’s a galaxy in and of itself, how does that work????)
Donald was dunked on for years as a terrible healer until he nuked a guy and the internet went insane over it
Micky Mouse is a king
Idk where the fuck Minnie is or Daisy
This is all connected to Final Fantasy games somehow. Cloud and Sephiroth(??) are connected to this (I have not played the Final Fantasy games either so idk what this means. I know it’s the same developers but haven’t they been in the KH games??)
The Halloween Town designs are cool looking
Sora gets a wardrobe change per world (species change for little mermaid?? And maybe others??)
Why his shoes too big lookin for his feet
Heartless are little shadow guys that are made from people having their heart/soul ripped out
There’s basically an apocalypse on every world cause of these heartless little creatures (but only main characters seem to notice them??? Everyone else going about their day which is a mood)
The Pirates of the Caribbean one is hyper realistic but Sora still looks like anime guy which is weird
Maleficent is keeps being a boss bitch but still dies for it
Doors and keys are super important
Sora and Riku have heartless but theirs get people forms but they don’t look like who they come from that shit is reversed for some reason
There’s like 3-4 just for Sora and none of them look like him
Riku got a stalker in some guy named Xnort(???how spell???) who possesses Riku at some point
This Xnort little old ass seems to have a habit of this possession thing and uses time travel?? to just keep possessing people
Eyes turn yellow when he does
He started a war for a specific heart??
Keyblade War (no idea what this is or means I just know it’s a thing)
There’s another trio that timeline wise came before the OG trio from the first game that was in the war
Xnort got the buff guy one, the other guy is in Sora but not?? turned into sparkles and possessed Sora but also didn’t, and the blue haired girl is out here working the hardest but she on a deserted island in the void
Micky also ends up chilling with her there at some point
Woody roasts a guy
How the fuck does the Toy Story world work if there’s people and sentient toys???? Why does Sora become a toy there if he a people
Sora wasn’t supposed to wield the keyblade Riku was but his dumbass got corrupted so Sora got it (?)
Riku got another one
I think everyone has kinda died at some point but they all got better
Sora got trapped in dream world by blonde Kari that drew pictures about it
Blonde Kari isn’t evil she was just chilling with a comatose Sora
Riku went through a lot to get his boyfriend back
There’s an organization that’s connected to Xnort guy that wears black robes
There is another set of Riku, Sora and Kari copies there
The third Kari black haired goes out Master Oogway style but with glitter
There’s a red haired guy there that talks big shit but is constantly getting his ass kicked
There are so many spin-off games that have a lot of lore in them and the titles only make sense to people deep in the fandom trenches and lore
Those titles got fractions and shit in them
The Disney princesses played a major role at some point but idk if that’s still a thing
Those stain glass window levels are gorgeous
Sora is a people pleaser who dies for it
But unlike everyone else getting better from it, as he also has in the past, Sora is now gone gone but also not and next game may be in basically purgatory which is kinda our world (so many jokes there)
Riku gonna be on quest 2 of save his boyfriend and is sad now cause of it
Poor Riku he went through his emo phase in the first game and now his punishment for it is running after and saving a serial self sacrificing people pleaser that can’t say no and who keeps dieing from it
Let me know if I was close at all to being right about some things and what I got wrong.
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mythicalartistx · 3 months
How about Genderbent Destiny Trio
Technically first destiny trio art
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Riku: I basically shorten the shirt to be more croptop and swimwear. I also wanted to look different from their other gender counterpart. Instead of pants I gave Riku a flowy skirt that is based off the pants, having a similar top. I also shortened the gloves as well as made them fingerless with a bow on the end.
My favorite part was the hair. I shortened the hair since a lot of KH girls have shorter hair. It still has the same look and vibe but a cuter and shorter look. Most KH or SE girls in general have accessories so I took reference to other girls such as Aerith Gainsborough and Skuld by adding bracelets and more. I also added my own spin by having two hair pins.
Sora: For Sora, I wanted the hair to be a bit longer even though girls usually have shorter hair. Since the male counterpart already has short hair I decided to make it longer. I added more so it's messy but longer spiky hair. The accessories are all from various female SE characters in general. I added my own KH spin to them.
Instead of just being red, I decided a pinkish Red would fit better. I still kept some blue but I made it much lighter. The swim jumper is still a jumper it just has a skirt now instead which is heavily inspired by Skuld's own skirt. His shoes are long boots inspired but Elrena's boots, and he of course still have the clown shoes look but it's not shown.
Kairi: Now for Kairi it was more of taking stuff away. I took away all the accessories except for the necklace because it's a vital part of Kari's character. That is how Aqua is able to identify who Kairi is. I made the hair longer since males tend to have a bit more longer hair while still keeping the initial style of Kari's hair.
Kari's shirt is more of a regular tank top. I made the shirt less oval looking. I then added gloves that are similar to male Riku's gloves. I then changed the skirt to shorts instead with the same initial look.
Finally the background I had destiny Islands with the famous tree they always go on.
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rain-nyte · 2 years
Was scrolling through the sorikai tag and now I need a kh game where you get the whole trio in the party and they have a Trinity that's a combination of the gayblade and Karis combo move from remind
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princess-ibri · 1 year
What would be your Disneyverse redesign for Master Xehanort and his twin younger incarnations Ansem Seeker of Darkness and Xemnas?
Tbh i probably wouldn't do anything woth them. Kingdom Hearts is just such it own big unique thing I don't really I could find a good way to incorporate it. Like I said in a previous KH ask all I'd most likely do is have Sora/Riku/Kari cameo in a background of a scene as a little easter egg.
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derekscorner · 2 years
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I still can't believe this thing is Kari from Digimon. It's so nostalgic that I dont even pay attention to the KH gibberish it's speaking.
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ferrumira · 3 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
Ravyn Hollows ( FT OC)
Mirajane Strauss
Lucy Heartfilia
Juvia Lockser
Lyon Vastia
Zelda muses: Groose, Impa, Midna, Mipha, & others @twilightcrested
and sooo many more on @sorrowsgate
My oc Natasa Sinclair ( FT OC, Lightening/Requip mage)
My oc Sayuri Arashi ( Naruto oc)
Kakashi Hatake
Mika Fullbuster
HAVE WRITTEN (bolded out are clearcut favorites) :*WHEEZE* I'm going to do like top 20 lmao
Mirajane Strauss
Elfman Strauss
Laxus Dreyar
Lucy Heartfilia
Levy Mcgarden
Rogue Cheney
Gajeel Redfox
Aranea Highwind
Rouge the Bat
OCS: Rav being my favorite so far
Kakashi Hatake
Tsunade Senju
HInata Hyuga
Yang ( RWBY)
Blake Belladona ( RWBY)
Winter Schnee
Riku ( KH)
Axel ( KH)
Kari Kamiya
Aranea Highwind
Rogue Cheney
Yang Xiao Long
Blake Belladona
Kakashi Hatake
Gajeel Redfox
tagged by: @biisutoarm Tagging: whoever wants to do it!
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atomic-taco-muffin · 9 months
KH girls and OCs witch au:
Both xigbar and Karina: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Marina: (another of my OCs I still gotta make) demyx sweetie that was clever but xigbar was saying Kari is jealous when she says she isn't
Demyx: sorry *sad puppy* (I love him so much 😭)
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soursoppi · 5 years
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don’t think I haven’t noticed this Nomura
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umishiqu · 4 years
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First of many concept arts... most of which I still need to do :p
Kari Kamiya, wielder of 1/3 of the Kingdom Key — AKA “Heaven’s Charm”.
Separated after being separated from her kingdom, her and her childhood friend, TK, meet a boy named Daisuke. Because of each of their light-filled hearts, on the day the Kingdom Key was needed, the Kingdom Key broke and split into three fragments — each being a keyblade for each of the three friends to wield. Now, they must figure out how to save the rest of the worlds from darkness — while avoiding to become tempted by it themselves.
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kairizine · 5 years
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✩ Introducing one of our visual writers, Kari! ✩
Socials: Ao3 | @kawree
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allshewhispers · 5 years
Sora is the type of friend that everyone needs. He is a ray of sunshine that can work his way into anyone's heart.
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neko-tie · 5 years
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In the event that something happens to Kari, or ya know Sora, here’s a happy little embrace of the two
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luckyfox099-blog · 6 years
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Kingdom Hearts Backgrounds
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roselea13 · 5 years
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Dunworri Kari, I can get you some context.
This happens after KH3 - where Sora abuses some special power he got and, from the narration, paid with his life.
Yes, in the trailer, Shibuya is kind of Sora's afterlife.
The ironic thing is that Shibuya is seen as the "fictional world" while the worlds with Disney characters were seen as the "real world." Yes, KH is whack.
Anyway, Sora here is more or less a year older than he was in Kh3, so yeah, a year younger or the same age as Takeru and Sougo when they became Riders or at least I assume. (meaning he's 17-18)
Also yes, I love Kingdom Hearts... a plot bunny is already forming XD
...okay I am a little less confused now thanks
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