#kirigiri x celeste
samcat0925 · 2 years
Here is my list of OTP and OT3 ships that I love the most:
Emira X Viney
Karma X Nagisa
Kirigiri X Celeste
Virgil X Roman
Logan X Patton
Remus X Janus
Basil X Sunny
Mari X Hero
Hiccup X Elsa X Jack Frost
Mylene X Ivan
Luka X Felix
Madoka X Gingka
Kyoya X Hikaru
Kappa X Siren
Lumine X Kody
Phenix Wright X Miles Edgeworth
There’s probably more but these are the ones that came to my mind. Also please don’t tell me anything about some of them not being canon or something like that, I am very aware but that’s not going to stop me from shipping them since there is nothing wrong with these ships(since they’re not bad, illegal or pedo ships).
If anyone has any questions or headcanons for any of these ships, please ask or tell me. I’d love to hear them.
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ryanmurf1013 · 6 months
Makoto Naegi and his accidental rizz
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waveglox · 1 year
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i dont ship them but the dtiys was cool inst | twitter | "patreon"
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frickingnerd · 1 year
being in a poly relationship with kyoko kirigiri and celestia ludenberg
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pairing: kyoko kirigiri x gn!reader x celestia ludenberg
tags: polyamorous relationship, short mention of the girls fighting, mostly fluff, established relationship
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kyoko and celestia are both like the moon, while you are their sun
they are rather cold, usually keeping their distance and not allowing themselves to open up to others
but in your sunlight, they just melt away…
you balance them out so well, being the more energetic and affectionate one out of the trio, always showering your girlfriends with love
it honestly took those two a while to get used to it, leading to a few complications at the start of your relationship
both kyoko and celestia had never met someone they could let their guard down with so easily
they both feared they could lose you again, yet weren't sure how to properly express that fear
it mostly resulted in the two girls being at each other's throat for the first few weeks of dating each other, before they slowly grew used to each other as well
while you were so different to your girlfriends, they had quite a few similarities, that they started to cherish after some time passed
it even got so far that they'd prefer to spend more time with each other than with you! 
you always pout at them when they do something together without you, but you're actually glad they get along so well now! 
sometimes you teasingly remind them of their early days together, only to watch them get flustered about how immature they were back then
but being with you has helped those two to grow! 
your sunlight warmed their hearts and just like two flowers, they started to grow because of you
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ro4dkillz · 7 months
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Who up danging they rompa
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Best thing about being with the THH cast?
Sayaka always knows if something is wrong with you, she doesn’t press about anything till you’re both alone. However, it’s good being with somebody that instantly knows you’re not okay, especially if you have a hard time opening up.
Leon spoils you. He buys you tons of gifts, but he also loves to spoil you with his constant compliments and flirting. He makes you feel so loved, and he knows how to make you feel better about yourself when you need it.
Chihiro is so helpful, any trouble you’re having they’re the most likely person to have a solution, or the best advice. They’re always somebody you can go to when times get rough.
Mondo makes you feel safe. With those big, muscular arms of his, wrapping around you in a hug, you know that for as long as he lives he will protect you with everything he has.
Taka is so good at motivating you to do things. Whether it’s something as simple as proper hygiene, cleaning your room or taking your meds, you know he’s really proud of you for doing these things and tells you as such. He motivates you to do better everyday.
Hifumi is your number 1 simp, always will be. He defends you with everything he’s got, he will spoil you till he has no money left, he will never shut up about how gorgeous he thinks you are and he constantly compliments you. He’s a sweetheart, truly.
Celeste is thoughtful of you, which is something you wouldn’t expect from her. Normally she isn’t, since she doesn’t care for others much. However, she cares for you. She pays close attention to you, so she notices the things that make you tick. She’s thoughtful in the sense that she will bring up extra water bottles from downstairs if there’s non in the fridge upstairs, she will put extra toilet paper out when the one in the bathroom is almost done, small things she knows would bother you.
Sakura is nice to talk to. In general, like you two could talk about your hobbies, your past, your friends, your families, happy topics, sad topics, everything and nothing. It doesn’t matter, talking to her is just so nice.
Mukuro knows how to make you feel better. She pays close attention to the things that make you happy, she knows exactly how to put you in a better mood when shit gets really tough.
Junko …. what is there to say… really… why are you even dating this chick? In all seriousness, erm… you can count on her for good fashion tips. She seriously will help you look your best and feel your best, she knows how to make you feel more confident in yourself! The key is actually convincing her to help you with that.
Hiro just loves you so much and tells you as such, he shows his love for you in such a pure way. It’s hard to believe he’s ever had a dirty thought about you, the way he loves you is just so pure hearted and innocent: he gives you flowers and likes to take you on cute dates and be overly romantic and sappy, it’s cute.
Makoto is optimistic, you always feel hopeful when this guy is around. He says it’s his only strong point, but there’s so much more to him. He fills you with so much happiness and hope for your future.
Byakuya can be nice when he wants to be. Typically when you’re upset or something he will be nice and listen to your problems, or buy you something you really like. He has his ways of being nice, even if it’s at times superficial you know he means well.
Toko is always on your side, whenever you feel like nobody has your back at all, whenever you feel completely alone in this world you know toko always has your back. She will always be there.
Aoi is brimming with positive energy, she always knows how to brighten your day. Or to motivate you to do things in a positive manner that doesn’t make you feel like she’s acting like a mom towards you.
Kyoko is so soft with you, you can hardly believe she has that iron like mask most of the time. She’s just so gentle, the way she touches you like your gonna break if she’s too hard with you, the way she looks at you with such a soft expression. She’s so loving.
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Like or reblog if you ship Kyoko/Celeste!
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vhsghostricks · 2 years
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Why are they like this
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yvannahaleth · 1 year
Maki, Kyoko and Celestia with a Boyfriend who's usually is pretty affectionate and a bit clingy starts acting a bit cold. They fall under the impress that he's either cheating or about to break up with them but after suddenly asking them on a date he proposes to them.
Maki Harukawa, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Celestia Ludenberg x M! Reader Whose Clingy Suddenly Become Cold and Propose To Them
M! Reader, Fluff, SFW
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Maki Harukawa:
She felt guilt
She's shocked
She's miserable
Is this perhaps her own karma for not treating you right?
Is this perhaps her own karma for being cold towards you?
Well, she tried to go on with her day as if nothing happened
She might looks like she's okay but believe me, she's feeling like she could choke someone out of spite.
She was speechless.
"Are you toying with my feelings right now?" she said while SMIRKING?!? ;?!?
Ms. Girl was annoyed at the fact that you did all that 'cold shoulder' to her before you asked her hand in marriage
Anyway, she accepted, of course.
Kyoko Kirigiri:
Poor girl is blaming herself
She thought that this is because of the way she acts
She thought that this is because of her being cold even when you both are in a relationship
Yes, she does blush and kiss you
But it's not enough, isn't it?
She feels horrible.
Same like Maki, she probably hides her worries in a calm attitude
She's so confused when you proposed to her
Bro was confused, 'so are you cheating on me or what??"
She sighed in relief, she loves you so much she can't get mad at you for being cold towards her
She loves you so much, she accepted
Celestia Ludenberg:
She's confused
"What did i do wrong?"
You did nothing wrong, Celeste.
"Is it because of the way i act?"
Noo :((
"Is it because of my fault?"
Noo, of course not
"Is it because i asked them to roleplay as vampires once?"
..... Maybe
What matters now is that you're literally ignoring her
She tried to initiate a conversation with you
"Why, if this isn't the boyfriend that has been ignoring me for days."
I can tell she tried to guilt trip you so you could feel guilty and then apologize to her
Which makes her more surprised.
You proposed to her
She was...
Didn't say anything to you for two minutes and then hugged you as a 'yes'
She definitely said something like
"You better be a perfect husband or I'm going to put on a leash on you and starts acting as if you're my pet bat."
Can't tell if she's not anymore, tbh
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sugastutuca · 1 year
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miau uwu
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Sondham (Sonia x Gundham) or Celesgiri (Celestia x Kyoko)?
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randoimago · 2 years
hiiiii! could i get maki, celestia, kirigiri and mukuro kiss headcanons (fem reader if possible but gn is fine)? if it isn’t obvious i have a type lol
Kiss Headcanons
Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Maki Harukawa, Celestia Ludenburg, Kyoko Kirigiri, Mukuro Ikubasa
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: We love well written female characters (ignoring what the anime did to Mukuro)
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Has definitely said "beg for it" when it came to kissing her. Rather it was a joke or not, who knows with her. 
Not the biggest fan of kissing. Just because she prefers gift giving/acts of service to actually kissing. 
She doesn't hate it, but she prefers other ways of showing her affection besides physically.
When she does kiss you, it's a quick kiss. Depending on her mood, she might nip your lip as a bit of a cheeky joke or to remind you that she's wearing the pants in the relationship.
Also not the biggest fan of kissing, but mostly because she's rather busy and so she hardly has time to stop and give you a kiss.
Probably prefers receiving kisses than giving them out to you. Now and then she might surprise you by initiative and giving you a small kiss on your lips. 
Mostly likes cheek or forehead kisses. Prefers kissing you on the cheek or back of your hand as it feels more personal in her opinion. You see people kissing on the lips all the time so she likes kissing you elsewhere.
Doesn't kiss you too long either. It's a nice, short kiss. Would prefer to hold your hand and give it a small squeeze or placing a hand on your arm or shoulder just to have that bit of reassurance.
Would be more open to physical affection but only when you're alone. Otherwise she'll be more into hand holding in front of others or a kiss on the cheek if you're lucky.
But she's more into cheek or forehead kisses too, not that she'd admit it. 
When she feels soft then she'll admit that the affection feels nice, but most of the time she might grumble about you trying to distract her.
A bit on the shy side when she does kiss you. It's also a quick kiss just because she doesn't exactly know how to kiss that well and so the faster the kiss, the less she has to let you know she doesn't know what she's doing.
Pretty shy and embarrassed when it comes to kissing her S/O. She's just not used to actual physical affection (because she sure as hell hasn't gotten any from Junko).
She's just hesitant and doesn't know if she's doing this whole relationship right. 
The physical aspect is just not something she's great at so it is going to be her S/O taking the lead almost all of the time.
She isn't bad at kissing, just really hesitant. She gets into her own head with if she is doing okay and just scrutinizing herself so she might not be entirely into kissing you. Much prefers cuddling or holding hands.
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Hello! Can I have Celestia, Kirumi, Kyoko and Junko (non-despair) male Ultimate Musical Actor? It's just I'm on my third Hamilton phase and it's been on my mind a lot!
Hi anon! This is so cute. I'm a fan of musicals as well, Hamilton is wonderful! A recent favorite of mine is the musical movie Moulin Rouge-- Ewan McGregor is an incredible singer. Sorry for the delay, work has been quite the drain on me :/
-Mod Celeste
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Celestia Ludenberg, Kirumi Tojo, Kyoko Kirigiri and Junko Enoshima with a male! Ultimate Musical Actor s/o:
-She has always loved the dramatic type, so you two get along well. Of course, she'd have a love for theater.
-Though, she listens to a lot of opera so she might not be as familiar with some of your favorite shows. Luckily she's always willing to watch!
-Celeste always brings you a bouquet of roses to give you after your performance.
-Stage makeup is something she actually knows a lot about. Since her aesthetic is so high maintenance, she uses a lot of the same products you might.
-That also means she's cool with doing your makeup before a show. Honestly, she likes to pretty up her boyfriend.
-I could see her really liking the Beetlejuice musical.
-She's a cultured lady, so she actually has a lot of knowledge on popular musicals. In fact, it's a pastime of hers to see local productions.
-That's how you met: and after your show, she insists on you using her maid services.
-She loves hearing you sing while she's tidying up. It brings her comfort.
-Kirumi will make you the most wonderful costumes. She uses the best materials and always monograms them for you.
-She'd probably like something classic, like The Phantom of the Opera.
-Your ability to act is what draws her in. Actors have always been fascinating to Kyoko because they have to put on a facade. She wants to see past that.
-Because she's shy, if you use any of that charm from stage on her, she will shut down. In a good way though, haha.
-Surprisingly, she likes to sing... but only when nobody is around. She'll remember the songs you rehearse.
-Somehow she always gets front row seats to your shows. It's believed she has blackmailed Byakuya, who she says should be a patron of the arts.
-Kyoko would enjoy a tragedy in my opinion, so West Side Story comes to mind.
-Similar vibes! Fashionistas and musical actors both have a certain pizzazz, so you two fit together very well.
-Though... her singing voice is terrible. She will duet you just to hear you laugh.
-She's the type that would become friends with all of your cast mates, because she'd bring you all coffee and snacks.
-Junko brags about how cool you are to everyone she knows. Poor Mukuro has heard all about her sister's epic boyfriend since day one of your relationship.
-Heathers energy. Need I say more?
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Celestia: Me or coffee
Kyoko: Coffee.
Celestia: Very well then, carry on.
Kyoko: Love, i'm joking I can already hear your cries
Kyoko: i'd pick you over coffee anyday
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goth gfs
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Following up on the danganronpa 2 cast and v3 leys go with the Danganropa trigger happy havoc cast with reader that has a crush on them
Sayaka kinda catches on but not completely, she gets the feeling you may like her but she second guesses herself and thinks maybe you’re just really nice and is a bit unsure. She thinks you’re really sweet though and tries to send you hints she likes you too.
Leon isn’t a complete dumbass so he probably catches on to the fact you like him. He’s actually just super excited about it so he gets a bit too eager and asks you out rather quickly.
Chihiro doesn’t love themselves enough to catch onto the fact you obviously like them, but they can’t help but always get flustered by your compliments. They feel happy you seem to really enjoy their company, at the very least. But you’ll have to tell them on your own, because they won’t catch on.
Mondo gets so goddamn flustered around you, it’s quite amusing! However, he’s a clueless idiot. You’ll find that he doesn’t even think you like him romantically, instead he thinks you really admire him. Perhaps he just thinks you’re too good for a brute like him.
Ishimaru is as clueless as they come, easily the worst on this list for cluelessness but is that honestly a surprise… he gets very red in the face by your compliments and tells you he’s undeserving of your kindness, but he truly just thinks you’re being friendly.
Hifumi gets very happy about this, when he realizes you’re not messing with him like Celeste does. You’ll find that he will return the favor, and he’s a lot more confident in himself and probably asks you out.
Celeste is certainly not an idiot, so she catches on. She likes it this way, and waits for you to confess your feelings on your own accord. She likes not being more vulnerable than you, after all.
Mukuro gets so flustered! She’s happy, though she doesn’t get why you’re so nice. Junko has to tell her you probably like her, but mukuro doubts her sister a little. She needs to seriously think about it.
Junko catches on, surprise surprise. She’d rather you tell her how you feel, because in all honesty she would love to see how you’d ask her out. Hopefully you keep surprising her and do it in a unpredictable manner.
Hina doesn’t exactly catch onto you liking her but definitely takes note to how kind and friendly you are to her in comparison to others, especially the other girls. It makes her feel like she’s special to you, and the two of you are just real close.
Kyoko doesn’t completely catch on, at least at first. Mainly due to her inexperience with romance. She will eventually though, she’s the ultimate detective for a reason after all. It just takes more time than it normally does for her to figure things out.
Toko is convinced you’re just teasing her or making fun of her if I’m being honest lol. Even if you tell her you’re being genuine the doubt is there and she doesn’t bother hiding it either. It messes with her head, cause she really likes you.
Byakuya normally wouldn’t care for your nice personality and obvious feelings, but since he likes you two he takes a bit more of pride whenever you compliment him. You’ll notice he feels a lot better that day and seems to be in a particularly good mood whenever you’re being your sweet self. He tries not to show it much but he’s obvious.
Makoto always gets flustered and red in the face by your compliments. He gets the feeling you may like him, but he’s not completely sure. A suspicion, but he doesn’t have enough confidence in himself to be sure.
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