#komaeda sdr2
anonzentimes · 1 month
hi ur like the komaeda phd on my dash so i was wondering something that might be a dumb question but idk
i’m chapter 2 komaeda gives this big speech about how people who aren’t “chosen” to be talented or symbols of hope will never become worthy. how would that connect to how he sees izuru kamukura, and the kamukura project as a whole? because that project is essentially artificial talent— an Ultimate Hope created in a lab.
I just see most people assuming that he’s worship him or something as an ultimate hope, but it’s something I think about a lot idk
OKAY, SO, I'VE ACTUALLY BEEN THINKING ABOUT THAT RECENTLY TOO LOLOLOL??? Also it is an honor to be called the komaeda phd on your dash LMAO
People hearing this probably would assume he'd hate Izuru for disrespecting the hierarchy, but that doesn't seem to be the case? Unfortunately we don't fully know if in Chapter 4 Nagito knows the full extent of the project, and in the anime he has no clue who Izuru is until he shows up and gives him gay panic which doesn't give much clarification lol. Like, It's implied he knows about the project but it's never really clarified to what extent which is a little confusing. If he does know he still treats Izuru fine after waking up, so I don't really think he has any gripes Izuru's existence?
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In fact, Nagito is shown to be extremely fond of Izuru and this idea is pushed often?
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If he had any gripe specifically with the person being tempered with maybe he'd be upset with Hajime for messing with the hierarchy? He's more upset at Hajime in Chapter 4 because he feels betrayed and is conflicted. He's confused on why he cares about a despair inducing terrorist, let alone a person who barely means anything.
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He could be upset about him disrespecting the hierarchy too, but that's never really clarified and may not likely? There's nothing really implying he has distaste for the project at all honestly. I wonder if he doesn't really see any issue with it or if he just somehow doesn't know the finer details. If he has no issue with it maybe he thinks it's an exception or special case because he is a lab rat for hope's peak and they're very capable?
Basically in short, we have no clue what he thinks about the project specifically or if he knows all the details. If he knows, we don't really see him be distasteful or positive about that specific aspect of it and he might not even care too much? It's a little messy with the details overall. At the end of the day he seems to be extremely fond of Izuru and care dearly for Hajime, despite everything I don't think the concept of the project interrupts or overrides any of that Lol.
Thank you for your ask!!! Hopefully this answers your question enough to be satisfactory lol <3
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nagitoplusharchives · 13 days
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xshinina · 1 year
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*Married life playing in the background
This idea was probably funnier in my head
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palarien · 1 month
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the courtroom know-it-all...
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bzil111 · 2 months
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l0-barry · 6 months
bday boy!!
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kosmical · 5 months
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she speaks for the people
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ariespetal · 23 days
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I don't know what this is but I'm tossing it out to the universe now
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kaitobromota · 4 months
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hajime posting
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dr2-hell · 1 month
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i hope theyre having a good day
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kayunivy · 2 months
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It's already April 28th in Japan!
Happy birthday Komaeda Nagito!!
Art made by Akeri, the artist of Komaeda's manga.
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anonzentimes · 1 month
I'm sorry this is a stupid question, but I'm a bit confused. What do you think Nagito's relationship with the other ultimates is like? Does he genuinely care about them? Or he just see them as talented people who can bring great hope and nothing more?
(I think it's interesting that it was shown in Danganronpa 2.5 that in Nagito's perfect world, he was friends with Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko. I've seen so many people think that he didn't care about the other ultimates beyond their talents but I like to believe that he at least cared a little)
Wonderful question, I'd be happy to help with my interpretation!
Basically, the way I like to describe it is by separating his feelings by calling them warped love and genuine love. His warped love is more about status. Nagito doesn't expect reciprocation with this love because he wants to help from the side lines. He wants to be a stepping stone for the ultimates since he's not capable enough in the (false) hierarchy he's accepted to create such great hope. This is what he talks about a lot in Chapter 2!
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For his genuine love, well it's what it sounds like, it is genuine love. But despite this fact he doesn't expect reciprocation for this either because of his self esteem and fear of his bad luck going after them if he gets too close. For genuine love he really does care a lot about the person more personally beyond just status even if he doesn't acknowledge it or even notice it, the only real time he understands is when Hajime's status is no longer there. He's so stuck in his absolute beliefs that when he's burdened with the fact he cares about Hajime when his status is gone and he is a despair inducing TERRORIST he is beyond conflicted at the fact he still loves and cares about him. His absolute beliefs override his genuine love and he doesn't quite understand his genuine love as much, Anything is okay if it's for the sake of Hope after all.
In Danganronpa 3 I believe Nagito only loves everyone with warped love at First. Through spending so much time with them he genuinely cares for his classmates quite a lot. It's sort of a mix of warped and genuine love there. His classmates know about him more beyond the surface from spending time together and him being there as well, it's to different degrees but for the most part the class just thinks he's a freak and doesn't like him much. Nagito doesn't mind since both of his loves, and general worldview/self esteem, allows him to think it's just because he's factually garbage and doesn't deserve reciprocation. Nagito distances himself with the class because of all of these things but genuinely does care about them personally and about their status, he's only shown full reciprocation by Chisa and only the slightest bit by Chiaki.
In Danganronpa 2 everyone doesn't know each other as well and it's mostly first impressions and preferences, Nagito mostly cares about status here since he doesn't know them as personally and in the prologue nobody knows enough about Nagito to form a full opinion on him. Nagito's meltdowns, coping mechanisms, worldview, and what not obviously lead them to dislike or even hate him when they're on display in Chapter 1 and onwards. They don't really care about him much, again to ranging degrees, but it's worse this time since he is quite literally at his worst mentally in the game and his moral grayness, luck cycle, and how he appears when hope is relevant serves as something dangerous for them to fear. Everyone hates him in the killing game and he has warped love for the ultimates in Danganronpa 2, he may have preferences but he doesn't really have much genuine love for them yet.
However, there is an exception to this. An exception big enough that he defies his normal behaviors of distancing himself from the Ultimates and wants their attention and time, an exception that is the biggest obvious display of his genuine love that we have, Hajime Hinata.
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Nagito feels a connection with Hajime when they first meet and from a preference standpoint really likes and connects with him, this quickly shifts into genuine love. Nagito doesn't distance himself from Hajime he actively tries to get his attention, make a good impression, help him, and he playfully teases him. Nagito cares about Hajime alongside inherently status and that status allows his genuine love to easily happen. I said it earlier, but Nagito is beyond conflicted at the fact he still loves and cares about Hajime when he knows he's a terrorist. He's fond enough of Hajime that he kind of acts irrationally compared to what he usually does, and I think that is genuinely so sweet. There isn't anything specific he just feels a relatable connection without his worldview being able to get in the way of genuine love forming for him. Nagito cares and loves Hajime, his absolute beliefs that he uses to function are still more powerful though.
In Danganronpa 2.5 I think the reason he's friends with Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko is from preferences and genuine love since the simulation is using his school life memories! :)
In conclusion, it kind of depends on circumstance? Nagito genuinely loves his classmates from knowing them so long alongside their status, when he doesn't know them as well there isn't as much genuine love yet but there are preferences on the people themselves paired with the warped love about status. The exception is that he has such interest in Hajime from the very start had such a strong preference that he forms genuine love quickly.
Hopefully that makes sense! Thank you for your ask, if there's anything that didn't answer your question fully let me know <3
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nagitoplusharchives · 1 month
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mousec1ub · 1 month
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goodbye, despair ☁️
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justsomedumbstuff · 2 months
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They’re just a bit sick… don’t worry it’s not too contagious!
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puppyaulait · 9 months
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