#kommando Spezialkräfte
dewszt · 11 months
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Casio F-91W
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replaye · 1 month
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Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK)
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loudblonde · 1 year
Simon "Ghost" Riley X Male!Reader Mafia AU (Chapter 10)
Summery: Tension and jealousy run high with König and Ghost wanting to impress the younger man, yet (Y/N) doesn't care for their peacock-like tendencies.
Warnings: Mentions of torture of minors
Word count: 2,1K
+18 themes, minors dni
When they retired for the night, Simon didn’t know what to make of this. Logically he knew that getting jealous over someone who wasn’t even his own was just a result of them spending time together and sharing a bed. Logically he knew that (Y/N) was so detached from morality that he could never care for Simon in any way that Simon needed it. (Y/N) wanted Ghost, not Simon. There was no way in Simon's mind for anything else to make sense. He looked to where (Y/N) were lounging on the bed, leaned back and read a book. He thought about the cabin. How it had just been them. How there was no one else. How Simon and Ghost wanted that. Both sides of him longed to be fully alone under the predatory eyes of (Y/N). Whatever the gaze held, love, care, hate or lust, he just wanted those eyes on him. 
Almost as though (Y/N) sensed eyes on him, he looked up and motioned Simon over. Simon dutifully climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around (Y/N), his head coming to rest on the other's chest. Simon closed his eyes and smiled slightly. He didn’t care that Price was going to punish him for this. He didn’t care that he had been ordered to not get attached, not like last time. 
“You disobeyed a direct order and got the client killed all because you fell in love.” Price said, his tone was deadly still. 
Simon’s hands were tied behind his back, and his knees hurt from having knelt for hours on cold, dirty concrete. His breath was ragged and the icy air around them only tore into his wounds and lungs with a ravenous hunger. It was as though all the elements were trying to kill him. Blonde hair was stuck on his forehead with caked and dried blood. Yet, Simon didn’t speak, he knew it would only anger the man further. 
“And not only that, but you lost a million quid worth of product.” Price knelt down and took the boys’ face into his leather-gloved hand. He looked at Simon disgusted. “If I were any smarter I would just kill you, such… weakness shouldn’t be allowed here, but you have promise. Even with this monumental screwup.” He stood back up and motioned for Soap to come over. 
The Scotsman, well boy, neither were older than 17, walked over and stood next to Simon. 
Price dropped a balaclava in front of Simon, it held the image of a crude skull on the bottom part. “You are not Simon, but Ghost. Simon is a worthless sack of shit who is too emotional to even be worthy of keeping around. But Ghost is worth it. Ghost is my new attack dog. Do you understand?” Price asked. 
Ghost nodded, not saying a word. “Good, you will train with The Hound, he is getting old and a good leader, he will have free reign to punish you for any screw-ups.” Price said before sighing softly. He gently brushed Ghost's hair away, his hand resting on his cheek. Ghost leaned into his touch, too touch deprived to be able to stop himself. “I don’t like that I have to punish you, you boys mean a lot to me, but I can’t have weakness, not as high up as you are.” Price said. “I care about you, that is why I am doing this….” He pulled away and turned to Soap before handing him a knife. 
Soap looked at the knife and at Price confused. “Sir, what do you want me to do?” 
“Make sure he keeps that mask on, no matter what.” Price said and left the basement room entirely, ignoring the screams of pain coming from Ghost as the door closed behind him. 
Simon really should have learned his lesson, but if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t. He wanted to be close to (Y/N), even if it was just for now. To finally be able to sleep without worrying about nightmares and night terrors was too addicting and by god was Simon addicted to the younger man. 
(Y/N) slid his hand up through Simon’s hair, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the comforting feeling of someone beside him. Simon practically melted against his side, becoming a pool of muscles to be manipulated. 
(Y/N) opened his eyes and looked down at Simon. He smiled before closing his eyes again. “Simon?” 
Simon hummed in response, not yet opening his eyes. 
“I am enjoying our time together. This is nice. I wouldn’t want to trade this for anything else.” (Y/N) said, showing a moment of weakness in the privacy of their borrowed bedroom.
Simon’s smile softened as he looked up at him. “I am enjoying this time as well. I am… happy, for once. I can’t describe it any other way.” Simon said. 
“You growing soft on me, Si?” (Y/N) teased. They both chuckled and closed their eyes. “We are safe here for as long as we need to be here. Don’t worry about being anyone but your own.” 
“Thank you… (Nickname).” Simon said before yawning. He felt at ease enough to not worry about falling asleep. His body felt heavier and heavier as sleep dragged him down into a blissful night of darkness. No nightmares nor dreams, just silence. 
When Simon awoke the next morning, the bed next to him was empty though still warm. He groaned a bit and placed his head further into the pillow he was cuddling instead. A chuckle came into the room from (Y/N) who ran a hand down Simon’s back. “The shower is free, I am going to go see if König is awake or if I should just start cooking us all some breakfast.” 
Simon shuddered a bit before turning to look at (Y/N). He gave a small smile and nodded. “Of course, I will be right with you.” He said and got up. By the time Simon finished his shower, put on a mask and walked down into the main room, (Y/N) and König were already eating some eggs and toast. A plate covered with another sat for Simon at the table and he gladly sat down with them. 
“Enjoyed the first night here?” König asked as he placed down a cup of tea. 
Simon nodded. “It was good.” He said courtly, he looked at König with a raised eyebrow. König simply nodded at that. 
(Y/N) rolled his eyes and waved a white napkin between them. “Boys, boys, you are both pretty, no need to puff out your chests.” 
König looked away sheepishly. “My apologies, mein Schatz.” 
“Sorry, sir,” Simon said and picked up some toast. 
“I thought you said that you and Ghost were not a thing,” König said, turning his attention towards (Y/N). 
(Y/N) shrugged. “It’s mutually beneficial. I still get nightmares and so does he. We sleep well and if anything happens during the evening we can get away quickly.” 
Simon looked down at his food silently as he just picked at his eggs, he didn’t say anything.
“And I care about him. More than ever before.” (Y/N) leaned on the table, his eyes trailing down König who rightfully blushed. (Y/N) licked his lips. “Though, what are you getting at?” 
“N-nothing, sir,” König said, practically squirming in his seat. 
(Y/N) chuckled. “Well, that’s too bad.” He turned to Simon and tilted his head. “Ghost.” Simon looked up at him, his eyes trained directly at (Y/N). “Don’t feel intimidated because of a past that is further in the past than my last case.” 
Simon nodded and swallowed hard. “Yes sir. Of course sir.” (Y/N) gave him a court nod and looked towards König. 
“And you,” König looked towards (Y/N). “Don’t think that we are anything anymore, I loved you back then but we both knew that we would never be able to work out. Your priorities and mine are completely different and that is okay Arthur, I care about you, but I have duties to my father now and Ghost here is tied into that in whatever way I deem fit. Do you understand?” 
König nodded. “I understand.” 
(Y/N) gave both men a nod. “Good, now if you will excuse me, I will go draw, you two will make friends and then come model for me, we are stuck here for a while.” (Y/N) said and left.
König looked to Ghost and offered a hand. “A truce.” 
Simon shook it with his good hand. “A truce…” 
König tilted his head. “So you two are not together? Why not? I see the way (Y/N) looks at you, you are his whole world. If you gave him permission I am certain that he would do anything you asked him.” 
Simon leaned back and looked König up and down. “I know, I would want nothing more but I am not that person for him. I am a simple bodyguard and my role is to take any bullets for him that will undoubtedly come.” 
König nodded a bit. “That is… sad for you. I hope one day you both accept the care you have for each other.” König stood up and grabbed their plates. “I do believe we have been forced into being models.” 
Simon chuckled. “Well, I am not complaining one bit, even if I have to share his eyes with you.” 
König chuckled as he put the dishes in the sink to soak. “You will come to tolerate me soon, mein Freund.” 
Somehow, Simon didn’t doubt that. 
They made their way to the small corner (Y/N) had sat in and for the next few hours, they simply sat and chatted about everything as (Y/N) drew them, occasionally moving positions. 
By the time dinner rolled around and was over, Simon could honestly admit König wasn’t all that bad. He still didn’t like the man nor trust him as far as he could spit, but he had a modicum of respect for him. 
Simon sat on the bed and watched as (Y/N) walked towards the doorway and leaned against it. “So, wanna tell me what all the jealousy is about?”
Simon felt his blood run cold, and he froze up. 
“I… am sorry sir.” He said, not taking his eyes off (Y/N). 
(Y/N) walked over and tilted his head up, holding onto his chin with two fingers, simultaneously depriving Simon of any meaningful physical touch and making him crave it even more. “You are so desperate and for what?” 
Simon’s lips parted, and he felt the air get knocked out of his lungs as he stopped himself from moving from the position. 
(Y/N) chuckled a bit. “Oh how pitiful, a man such as you, depraved of any love. I barely treat you like anything but a plaything and yet you are more addicted to me than a junkie to his meth.” (Y/N) slid his hand so it covered Simon’s cheek, his thumb brushed against it softly. “We have many months without the watchful eye of my father, it doesn’t have to end in love but I think I can speak for us both and say that I desire you, Simon, carnally, beyond that, so much that even god himself couldn’t stop it, and you… you desire me the same, do you not?” 
Simon nodded, his mind both going a thousand miles per minute as the faint smell of expensive yet comforting cologne washed over him. (Y/N)’s words made his senses sharpen. There was a desire for Simon, not Ghost, Simon, was more intoxicating than any touch from (Y/N). Simon had never had anyone desire him for him, only ever Ghost. The idea that potentially (Y/N) may come to love Simon for Simon, it made him lose himself truly and utterly to the charms of the younger man. Simon would forever be his, in whatever way he wanted. Carnally, lovingly or a simple attack dog. 
Simon licked his lips and looked into the others eyes. “I am yours, truly yours. Please don’t throw me away.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes darkened at the idea. He reached up and took off a silver chain necklace around his neck and held it up in front of Simon. “May I?” 
Simon nodded wordlessly. (Y/N) moved behind him and placed the simple yet thick silver chain necklace around Simon’s neck, it was a bit tight around his neck, not choking him but forever a reminder of it being there. 
(Y/N) gently kissed Simon’s neck, causing electric sparks to be sent down Simon’s spine. His eyes fluttered close as (Y/N) sucked a bruise onto the back of his neck. “Si, when we get out of here in a week, you will be my most trusted man. When or if we ever return home to England, I will have you as my protector. Where I go, you shall go.” 
Simon, still with closed eyes, leaned back against him. “I would want nothing more.” 
tag list:
@rasberry-jupiter @one-green-frog
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unforgettabie · 1 year
(x is like oc or reader or a character idc u do u)
x is in a german town did i mention they’re a thief? yeah! anyway könig is the king right? x gets caught boom u continue 😻
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konigsblog · 10 months
Hi! This is my first time asking something :D 
Do you do anything, not nsfw? And if so, what would some random könig headcanons you agree with? Like habits and stuff you’d think he’d do? (does that make sense lmao)
If you just do nsfw you could make them nsfw headcanons.. Or just combine both aha
**HII.. i do write for sfw and fluff, as well as angst it's just not really requested as much as smut :) but here, hope you enjoy this!!! 🌙
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silly könig headcannons
⭒ mentions of weed use, fluff.. 🌷🎀
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⭒könig who prefers cats over dogs. they're quieter and calmer, has a ginger cat called ‘spice’ that's fiesty to new people. he loves the animal to death, and hands it to his oma when he's on deployment.
⭒i've mentioned this before, but i feel like könig was in a band as a kid, just a school one. he played the drums and was pretty emo in his teenager years...
⭒he sleeps in the weirdest positions. he'll either wake up with his body contorted into different ways, his arms above his head and across his chest with his legs intertwined with eachother.
⭒he's an easily jealous person, always top of his classes and getting 100% on his tests. his mother always wanted the best outcome for her son, so she was shocked when he decided to join the kommando spezialkräfte instead of becoming a doctor or a lawyer.
⭒has 100% attempted to get up but fell because his legs were stuck and tangled in his bedsheets.
⭒gets second hand embarrassment far too easily. he's cringing on the inside when someone does/says something stupid.
⭒absolutely hates the summer. it's horrible; everybody's sweaty and stinks, missions make him want to peal his skin off. definitely prefers autumn/winter.
⭒his favourite food to eat whilst sick is soup, a special homemade soup him and his mother made together while growing up. her own special recipe that he only teaches to his closest of friends.
⭒loves late night conversations. they're so deep and understanding, chatting for hours 'til your jaw hurts and the sun his peaking through the curtains.
⭒either drinks black coffee, really bitter. or drinks the most sugary coffee ever, no in-between. (tell me your opinions)
⭒is a morning person. gets up early and has his breakfast, something quick and easy, like toast or porridge (oatmeal), has a morning shower 'nd everything. (i love adding salt to my porridge/oatmeal)
⭒hates when people say germany and austria are the same. will definitely have a whole rant about the differences 'til you understand fully.
⭒smokes weed a lot, pretty much an addict. he says it's to calm his nerves down but he gradually started doing it more and more often. a stoner fs.
⭒enjoys movies, a lot. he loves sitting down with a blanket beside him, covered in orange cat hair. will probably make a bowl of popcorn to eat whilst watching, but ends up eating it all before he's even 30 minutes in.
big, bear hugs. we all know that the big, brute and towering man gives amazing hugs, but he really wants to lay atop of you, to cage you with his warmth.
⭒has a tendency to over share, rants sometimes while pretending to be confident, finding anything to talk about before feeling a bit uncomfortable with what he'd said.
⭒isn't shy. it's my biggest pet peeve when people make könig out to be someone shy, scared, ect.. he's not shy, he's socially anxious, but that doesn't make him quiet. he either puts on a front and pretends to be confident with a cocky, loud personality.
⭒absolutely adores milk. he drinks like a gallon in two days, that's why he's 6’10.
⭒enjoys mint chocolate chip ice cream, hates strawberry, especially if they have chunks. (self projecting)
⭒enjoys doing the dishes, finds it satisfying. until he touches food and gags.
⭒avid banana hater, the texture to the taste, everything about it makes him feel ill.
⭒listens to music for hours, usually something rock or heavy metal, loud music in his ears and the loud explosions gives him some hearing damage.
⭒usually smells woodsy, fresh cut trees and vanilla.
⭒germaphobe. doesn't like being near people when they're sick and will avoid them, probably because he gets sick too easily, despite having a strong immune system.
⭒isn't a very emotional person, he has sympathy for others but can't express it through tears and emotions. he's cold and aggressive to the recruits, blaming them for his issues because he struggles taking blame and fault for situations and needs a punching bag.
⭒owned a fish when he was around 7, cried because it died. turns out it was alive and he saw it swim down the toilet. never got another fish again, traumatized.
⭒doesn't like being told he's in the wrong, will refuse and deny it 'til he's forced to either apologise or end the friendship.
⭒curly ginger, or wavy ginger, you can't change my mind.
⭒doesn't really understand tiktok that much, or instagram. not really something that he's interested in, but occasionally uses twitter for like 5 minutes.
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⭒has anemia, or iron deficiency. takes a couple naps a day because he doesn't like taking his supplements.
these are all i could think off 😵‍💫 tell me your personal headcannons!!
banner credit; @cafekitsune
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diejager · 1 year
I am really relived ;w;
I just really love your headcanon about König and wondered...
Would you maybe do Platonic Yandere! König, Simon Riley and Captain Price with Childhood friend! Y/n? (You can choose any of them)
I CHOOSE- all of 'em.
Pairing : König x reader, Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader, John Price x reader
Cw: dark, platonic yandere, threats, canon violence, murder.
Wc: 1.2k
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Not much was known about König outside of his moniker and the basic knowledge about his specialty and kill count. People who are powerful enough to find his file will only know how he failed to qualify for a recon sniper and joined KorTac after being a part of KSK (the Kommando Spezialkräfte - the Special Forces Command).
His personal life, however, was something he guarded with his life, a secret he would bring to the grave. His civilian life was almost nonexistent, his file didn't even have his name, and the military simply knew him as König; King, in german - a king among kings.
He cherished few things in life, his life, and (Name), the person he grew up knowing and shared his pain with. You were his little secret within the world, something - someone - he would protect fiercely, even at the cost of his blood. You stood up for him when you were younger, you fought back against his bullies even when they towered over you; you'd worry about him and ease his anxiety when he felt panicked.
When he'd heard you joined the KSK, wanting to follow in his footsteps a year after him, his heart almost gave out, he wanted you safe and far from the front lines of war and battles. You were stubborn, pleasing your case with such ardor that he let you with the promise of staying by his side. Unlike him, you made it into the 5th platoon, a marksman of value after months of patience and practice, and when he left the KSK, he took you with him.
A battering ram, he was, fierce and dangerous when provoked, wherever you went, he goes; looming over your form like a shadow, scaring off people and some members of KorTac with the cold gleam in his steel eyes. His hands would linger protectively on you, your shoulder, arm, or back, anywhere that would deter people from approaching you; from wanting to hurt you.
Since you joined KorTac as their sniper, you'd be far from him, being a breacher and bettering ram had him on the line of fire often, the first on sight and the first to storm in. He was far from you, and he *hated* that, and he still does. If he could, König would lock you up where no one would know your secret and your existence, he didn't want harm to befall you.
König won't stop at anything to keep you safe, you were weaker than him, shorter than his 6'10, and fragile; to him, you were his childhood friend, his everything. He would do the same as you did to him when you were young, he would protect you.
He was Ghost, named for being a ghost to the world, he used to be Simon Riley, someone who was alive, someone who existed, someone who had people waiting for him at home. Then he lost his whole world, his brother, step-sister, and noise died, killed by the people who tried beat him, tortured him, raped him, and attempted to kill him by burying him with the traitorous Major Vernon.
After leaving his life as Simon Riley, the blonde and brown-eyed man people knew, he became Ghost, a dead man walking - a zombie. He had lost everything he cared for, but when he learned that you survived, deployed elsewhere when the massacre of the Riley family happened.
It made his previous protectiveness spiral into an obsession, wanting to know where you were, what you were doing, where you were deployed, which base you were stationed at; everything and anything about you. When Price came with Task force 141, luck seemed on his side, he met you at the tarmac, waiting for him.
"Ghost, (n/n), but when it's just us, Simon is fine."
He was cold and brooding around others, less when you were beside him, but he still held the facade of a cold-hearted and dead Lieutenant Ghost. However, in your shared barracks, he would drop the mask he wears and Simon would come back, the sad, heartbroken man that survived and cared for nothing but you, the last of his previous life: his everything.
Both being snipers and infiltration specialists, he often found himself working closely with you, standing in front or beside you with a protective awareness. Although you were both soldiers - a Lieutenant and a Sergeant - and faced death many times, he wanted to keep you from harm, hold you, and put you somewhere safe.
He dreads the thought of finding you dead or receiving a call about your untimely death: (Name) K.I.A. He's had nightmares about your death, the risks of letting you continue working with the Task Force and simply knowing him, he wakes to you holding him, shushing and whispering his night terrors away - like you always did.
You helped him through his younger years, a place of comfort to him in his abusive household, now he'd do his best to keep you alive and by his side. Even though he can't shake the thought of you going M.I.A. or K.I.A., not having you by his side was irksome, a thought he pushed away. He wanted you with him, so he'd have to work harder, a few slips of his trigger finger in a freak accident, and the trip of his enemies' foot, and he'll have you safe and sound.
He grew up in a traditional, conservative family, so every neighbor knew their neighbors, your family included. Although you were a few years younger than him - being six when he was ten - you quickly became best friends, glued by the hips wherever you went. He had to protect you, you were his adorable childhood best friend whom he loved so much.
When he joined the army, he remembered soothing your cries and your dazed pleas and promises: "Wait for me, John." He did, waiting impatiently for you to join the British army between letters and calls.
He had made enemies while on duty, especially with the formation of 141, it put a bigger target on his head, and whoever knew him; it was yours, especially, that worried him the most, even after having Laswell find and invite you.
He was a captain, and you, a lieutenant - first lieutenant, one rank over Ghost - by 2019. Having you in his Task Force made the weight of his worry lighter; having you on his team during deployment - always - made things easier for him; just having you in his presence made him more relieved. He dreaded and feared losing you to missions, to stray bullets, to traitors, or to the enemies he'd gained over the years.
The constant fear had him command you by his side, always with him in missions (behind him when you infiltrated a base, or near him in shootouts), in his office (saying that he worked better with you helping or sitting on the couch in his office) or bunking with him (he wanted you to sleep in the same barracks as him, it would be easier to protect you come the time of a surprise attack).
He knew you were able to defend yourself, to survive on your own as he's seen many times - you were second in command too - but he still worries, hoarding you to himself as you did as kids, by the hips.
He's a captain that doesn't fear getting his hands dirty if it meant keeping the world clean, the same would be said about keeping you alive and unharmed. He wasn't shy to hurt people or threaten them, he has connections and power, and he - John Price - knows what he's doing.
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minoment · 2 years
könig with tall a lover (they’re like the same height) how he react sfw and nsfw
(my first time requesting sorry if it’s kinda weird)
OK I AM SO EXITED FOR THIS ONE. I am 6'2" and I speak German so this is just perfect. I love writing for him since we are very similar so buckle up and MINORS DO NOT INTERACT since there's NSFW. I PUT THIS TOGETHER OVER TWO DAYS SORRY IF ITS KINDA SHIT. Thanks for the request Anon! <3
Pairing: König x GN!Reader
Type: Headcannons (SFW + NSFW)
Warnings (kinda): Sub needy König, dom reader, readers gender is unspecified, König is a shy sweetheart, mentions of war related things, praise kink, size kink, breath play, teasing, overstimulation?, manhandling, hair pulling, slight impact play?, reader could have a dick or a strap, oral sex (reader receiving) could be either readers dick getting sucked or readers pussy being eaten its up to you horny freaks, gentle and passionate relationship with no BDSM or hard sex because we must be nice to the Austrian cinnamon roll.
A/N: The NSFW will be dom!reader because we don't do that sub shit here 😋👏
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König x Tall!Reader Headcannons
When König first joined the KorTac company, he didn't think he would ever find someone as tall as him, but there you were.
You had greeted him professionally, shook his hand firmly and looked him straight in the eyes. He was so used to everyone gazing up at him so this eye contact instantly awoke something in him.
When you both weren't working, he would try and strike up a conversation despite his social anxiety. You found his attempts quite amusing to say the least and you two soon became inseparable.
KorTac enlistees had already been intimidated by your size and rank, but now there was another giant always one step behind you. This certainly re-enforced any sort of authority you had over your troops (and enemies).
This gave you quite the reputation, especially on missions. If there was anything to do with stealth or infiltration, you would sigh and pull him aside as other more... fitting candidates were chosen.
Although, you always kept each other company and your combined prowess in battle was a major force to be reckoned with. Especially when it came to intimidation and brute force.
You two were close friends and soon König was comfortable about sharing his past, his social anxiety, joining the Kommando Spezialkräfte in the 1st Platoon, failing to become a sniper, his deployment in Berlin, joining KorTac... absolutely everything.
Soon after, you told him your story and how you ended up here. This created a deep level of trust and comfort between the two of you.
This deep emotional connection, trust, and inseparability soon turned into the both of you falling head over heels for each other. König was the one to confess first in a rather flustered moment of panic. You had just laughed and hugged him tight.
In public, you both kept your relationship purely professional but when you were alone, physical and verbal affection was everything. Kissing and cuddling was the best thing on earth with König. He was like a big, flustered, teddy bear who wanted nothing more than to make you happy.
You both came back muddy and exhausted from training one evening, dropping your gear by the door of your shared dorm before competitively sprinting to claim who showered first. You won and quickly got in, laughing at König's muffled German curses from outside the door.
"Oh mein Gott! Let me shower with you, i'm cold!" He whined sheepishly outside the door.
"Nope!" You snickered, quickly finishing in the bathroom before walking out in undergarments. You flopped onto your bed and gave him a grin. "Go right ahead." You teased playfully.
König rolled his eyes and disappeared into the bathroom. You were so exhausted that you were already half asleep when he was finished. You two didn't bother saying anything else, he just wriggled under the covers with you and wrapped his large frame around your equally broad one. Placing your hand on the back of his head, you both fell asleep in a big, messy bear hug.
If we had to give König a label, he would be a switch (leaning submissive) bottom. A very soft and gentle one at that. Due to his nature and history, he would be into passionate and gentle sex rather than rough.
He would love being praised and comforted, definitely a pillow prince with a praise kink.
Your similar size to him would also be a huge turn on. The fact that you can easily manhandle him into whatever position you wanted, would make him whine and blush.
He would be quite shy to initiate any sort of sexual activity and it made him feel a little ashamed. (HES SUCH A POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW I WANNA SNUGGLE HIM AHSGJHDGIU)
Definitely into gentle hair pulling, whether its pulling his head back to whisper sinful praise in his ear as you thrust into him or gently guiding his head down as he gives you head.
Both of you have an incredible amount of stamina and can easily go multiple rounds and even all night.
He's quite impatient and can't handle being teased. It would either end up with him quickly taking what he wants (usually ending up with a gentle smack on his inner thigh from you), or he gets teary-eyed and starts whinily begging for you to please him. Of course you can't resist.
You had come out of the shower, steam rising from your muscled, toned body. König gulped, his eyes flicking over your form as he pretended to be half asleep. He had already showered and was barely clothed under the sheets. You got under the duvet and slid a hand up his bare back, knowing damn well he wasn't asleep.
König let out a muffled squeak as he felt your hands wrap around his waist, pulling him close and tight. He could feel your breath of his nape and he shivered, already becoming aroused. Your large calloused hand ran up his chest and rested on his collarbone, pulling him closer so your breath fanned over his ear. König straight up whimpered and it made you smirk.
"Ha.. w-what are you doing-?" He said softly, desperately holding onto your arm around his waist. You laughed fondly, pressing a kiss to his neck as the tension was broken. He shivered and leaned into your touch, grateful for your warmth.
"Nothing.." You replied, moving your hand downwards ever so slightly. König let out a shaky sigh and closed his eyes.
"Bitte- if you're going to... fuck me. Stop teasing me and do it~" he whimpered. You chuckled, gently reaching down with one hand to grab both his wrists and firmly hold them against his chest. Your other hand snuck down into his boxers, making him lean his head back onto your shoulder with a soft gasp.
Soon enough he was pleading and moaning, his hot breath against your ear as your fingers ran up and down his slick cock. His gasps and whines were enough to make you want to bend him over and finish him right here, but you held back.
"A-ah~ please- please my love~" He cried out, rocking his hips into your tight fist. "Heilige Scheiße~ I need to c-cum.. please~" He gasped brokenly, right next to your ear. You relished in his desperation but nodded, rubbing your thumb roughly over his weeping tip and down the thick veins of his length.
"You may cum sweetheart.." You purred softly, pressing a kiss to his jawline. You couldn't help but lean down and suckle on his sweetspot, leaving a dark hickey on his neck and marking him as yours.
König lost his mind, throwing his head back onto your shoulder as he let out unintelligible strings of curses in broken German and English. He soon released, letting out a lewd cry as he reached his peak and shot ropes of white all over your hand.
You gently stroked him, letting him come down as he shivered and whispered soft "thank you"s over and over again like a prayer. He rolled over to face you and buried his blushing form against your chest. You sighed then smiled fondly, cleaning off your hand with your nearby towel before hugging him tight. König was already asleep, snuggling into your warmth. You pressed one last kiss to his forehead and fell into a deep sleep beside him.
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distantdoll · 1 year
König Headcanons
I...recently brought MW2 in the January sales and I have no words for how quickly I got attached to this man. I thought I would give this headcanon thing a go, since my thoughts on him differ slightly from others. They are all SFW (for now), feel free to agree, disagree or tell me why I’m wrong. 
⦁ He has a bunch of scars scattered all over his lower face and neck, most of them are small and barely visible but one of them is deep and jagged and spans a sizeable portion of his jawline. They were all acquired via stray shrapnel, from his time as a incursion specialist in the Kommando Spezialkräfte.
⦁ He has long, shoulder length hair. He accidently let it grow out once when he was a teenager, he was having a particularly bad time with his anxiety in that period of his life and the idea of being trapped and forced into conversation with strangers as they were cutting his hair was too much at the time. He started to let it grow long again around the same time he joined KorTac. ⦁ He doesn't wear the hood all the time, only for missions or training exercises. Not only does the heat make his scars itch but he's trusting the other operatives to have his back and to keep him alive, trusting them with his face seems like a given in light of that. If he is having a bad day with his anxiety, he will let his hair fan out over his face and act as a makeshift cover.
⦁ He's a natural fidgeter, from nerves as well as having too much energy and can often be seen biting his lips, grinding his teeth and tonguing some of the scarring through his cheeks.
⦁ His anxiety is always present, peaking and receding throughout the day but it tends to leave him with awkward speech patterns. Generally he talks in a slightly jittery, rapid fire pace because if he doesn't get out the words as fast as possible, he's going to end up not talking at all but if his anxiety is particularly bad, he will go completely non-verbal and this combined with his intimidating size and habit of grinding his teeth has lead some of the other operatives to assume he is a bit stand-offish.
⦁ He has a huge sweet tooth but doesn't indulge too often, having fond memories for vanillekipferl especially. His Mama isn't a very good cook and he has eaten more dubiously cooked meat that is somehow both burnt and raw than you can imagine but whenever he had a hard day at school or he just needed cheering up, he could always count on finding some crescent shaped cookies baking in the oven.
⦁ He's one of the younger KorTac operatives, between 27-30 years old.
⦁ After years of feeling small and insignificant due to the bullying he received, he enjoys being much bigger and stronger than most people. He doesn't like unsettling the other operatives or anyone he cares about but the people he's against? He loves seeing the stunned look in their eyes, the tremor of their hands and just how easily he can manhandle their bodies. 
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Deutsch und Spanisch | Rodolfo Parra x m!reader
Anonymous asked: 🪳 My little cockroach self is back. And you know who we all love Rudy up… If you don’t like Rudy I’m sorry you’re wrong I don’t make the rules.
Im here for more Rudy stuff can I get a x m reader that just mumbles German to there self. And also will just through German at Rudy mostly Ich liebe dich. I feel like Rudy would be confused and maybe nervous that man knows English and Spanish.
summary: even though you can't speak each other's language, you and Rodolfo manage to make things work between you
tws: swearing
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Other than König, who also spoke German, a lot of the soldiers would tease you for mumbling and muttering the language under your breath; there were some exceptions, like Alex and Gaz and Price, but the majority of them often teased you for it. Rodolfo never did, either, but he had good reason not to.
To him, you were his Schatz, his corazón, the only man that he ever wanted to be with, and although he never understood a word of what you said, he had become used to it to the point where it was endearing albeit confusing for him; he did pick up a little bit here and there.
He understood when you told him you loved him, he knew when you called him your little bear and your mouse - little pet names you loved to throw his way. He almost certainly understood when you swore.
Working on a crossword puzzle as he sat at the breakfast bar, Rodolfo watched curiously as you paced the kitchen, muttering under your breath.
A letter had come through, telling you that the Kommando Spezialkräfte wanted you to lend a hand with training some new Los Vaqueros recruits, and although you were glad that it meant spending more time with Rodolfo, you didn't want to deal with snot nosed brats who called themselves private.
"Der Oberarsch," you grumbled under your breath as you read the letter. "Der Nuttensohn... Verpiss dich, Ich gehe nicht."
Putting his pen down, Rodolfo tilted his head to the side, confusion mixed with a bit of amusement in his eyes as he cleared his throat. "Mi esposo, are you okay?"
You dared to glare at him, your gaze softening when you met those big brown eyes, your shoulders losing some of their tension. "Ah, jep... fein, mein Bärchen."
He smiled at the pet name, nodding a little as he leaned on the breakfast bar with his arms folded, his chin resting on his forearm as he watched you, those big brown eyes hard to ignore. "You sure?"
"Yeah," you sighed, shaking your head and daring to keep your eyes on his as you smiled, copying his actions and trying not to grin. "Mir geht es gut."
Now that one, he had heard a dozen times but had yet to grasp what it meant exactly, and as confusion once again came to his gaze, he pouted a little. "No hablo alemán."
You nodded slowly, a soft huff, a bitten back chuckle, coming from your nose as you finally let loose and grinned. "Ich liebe dich."
He knew that one, and smiled brightly. "Yo también te amo."
Sure, with a lot of German words, Rudy got confused and wasn’t exactly understanding of what you meant exactly, but when it came to that little phrase, those three little words, he knew exactly what they meant, and they would never fail to make his heart absolutely melt at hearing them thrown his way; he didn’t know exactly what you meant, could never tell anyone what the words were in Spanish or English, but he didn’t care.
He knew the phrase, and had heard it enough, to understand what you meant when you said it to him, the same way that you understood what he meant when he told you he loved you in Spanish.
"Sehr klug," you mumbled to yourself, pulling back and humming under your breath as you went to get yourself a cup of coffee.
Rodolfo knew the song you hummed, knew it well enough to be able to hear the lyrics as he listened closely; 'Race to the Sea' by Sabaton, it made him smile as he listened keenly, head tilted slightly to the side.
He wasn't about to tell you that he had gotten tickets to see them in a matter of months, as he wanted it to be a surprise; he also wasn't about to tell you that he had been debating about reaching out to König over the phone in hopes of learning some very basic German.
"Du bist sehr klug, mein Mann," you told him as you came round to sit with him, looking at his crossword and frowning. "Was?"
"It's in Spanish," he pointed out with a soft laugh, shaking his head. "Mi rey, tan inteligente pero tan estúpido."
"Did you just call me stupid?" You asked, playfully pushing him.
"No," Rodolfo grinned as he pushed you back.
"Ja, you did!" You laughed, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him in close. "Are you sorry?"
"Tú deseas," he pouted, trying to see if you would fall for his trick, his little lie of telling you that you wished and hoping that you would think he was saying sorry. "Corazón?"
You shook your head, letting him go as you scoffed. "Lügner. Alles Lügen!"
He stared at you blankly for a moment, but when he realised that he didn't actually care about what you were saying as much as he was with getting a kiss from you, he smiled; slowly, he pulled you onto his lap, and dared to crash his lips against yours for a moment.
"Mi idioto," he hummed. "Mi idioto favorito."
"Mein Lügner," you whispered. "Mein Favorit Lügner."
Rodolfo adored you, that much was true, and although neither of you could understand the other's mother tongue, be it Spanish or German, he knew that you adored him just as much, he knew you loved him just as much as he loved you; he just debated, in that moment, whether or not to ask you to be his husband.
Then again, that could probably wait; if he was going to ask, he wanted to know how to do it in your language.
"Mein Bärchen," you murmured.
"Mi corazón."
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German operator from the Kommando SpezialKräfte (KSK) wearing a MCU-2A/P gasmask
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evilvvithin · 2 years
he first volunteered/joined when he was 17 and its currently 2022 in-game and it slightly confuses me
He did join german army at 17 and was selected for the Kommando Spezialkräfte which was active since '97 and then years years later, 2022, he became part of the KorTac as contractor
Im going here by facts (wiki, his bio, etc) but theres not much else known about his life in details between the '97 and 2022 and his age is unknown so we can't know BUT TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, Kommando was created '96 and activated '97 and if we go by that he joined german army and straight went to Kommando the same year, he was born 1979 / 1980, making him 43 / 42 years old
edit: read replies as i didn't count needed experience in and @thoughtfullyhauntedchild explained the process really well, he more than likely joined around 2010s.
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evilwy · 1 year
mr. Doctor man 💉
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My second Cod oc✨
Name: Ilya Kahnwald
Nickname: mr. Doctor
Age: 27
Gender: Nonbinary (He/They)
Voice: Holding On–This Cold Night
Height: 196 cm. | 6.43 ft.
He was born and raised in Germany. Since childhood, they wanted to become a pianist, but his conservative father believed that they should become a "real man" and serve in the army
Ilya decided to choose the lesser of two evils and went to college to become a military surgeon, and then they applied for the KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte), where he successfully passed
In college, they began to make friends with professor who had a piano and Ilya asked to teach him how to play. Later their relationship grew into something more (not really healthy tho, but it's story for another time)
After a few years at KSK they became a contractor medic for the KorTac private military company
He has bouts of uncontrollable aggression which has made him very secretive, he is not afraid of people, rather despises them
From the outside they seems unemotional and taciturn but he is easily gets hurt, although they doesn't show it outwardly
They avoids close relationships with someone because he's quickly attached to people and hard going through betrayal
The will of chance confronts they with König on one of the missions that failed. After that, König often comes and talks to Ilya, and likes to spend time with them because he's the only one who really listens
In KorTac they provides the services not only of a surgeon, but a combat medic as well (in emergency situations)
Ilya smokes a lot and wears glasses when he works. He sees well, but wears them to see even better. He also doesn't like noise and prefers to work in silence and solitude, but this does not always work out
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wikagirl · 1 year
Okie dokie my honey sweety sugar boos. I know I said I wasn't gonna get active in this fandom, mainly bc I don't play the game a lot outside of the story campaign because I turn into a terrible person in pvp also, I don't even own the game, my brother lets me snickerdoodle his steam account to play both the og mw2 and the remake story and that's all I did gameplay wise, but I have been obsessively reading the lore of the new characters because my brain chooses my hyperfocus and I do not get to have a say in it so here we are.
Below the cut we've got in the following order: -A warning and explanation about my chaotic writing style that you can just skip -some additional info about where I'm from and how it plays into the headcanons -Actual headcanons -Cultural foods I think könig would like -Music and musicians I think he would like
So I have been chatting with a buddy about the characters, thus furthering both our brainrot (we both have the weird tendency to get overly invested in the lore of games we don't even play, in our case cod, r6s and apex lmao) so here I am to curse your eyeballs with some more könig headcanons. I'll elaborate some more of my previous shitpost thanks to one single person asking real nicely for me to elaborate in the tags of a repost (yeah looking right at you @regretsabaddon, you enabled me to write this, now suffer the consequences <3)
Also this is a warning: I am an unmedicated adhder and you will 100% be able to tell, I am allready rambeling and overexplaining it will only get worse as I go. I'll do my best to elaborate on the really nieche cultural stuff, the elaboration will be (added to the main headcanon like this) so you can just skip over the explanation if you don't care for that kinda shit also I personally support every ship featuring könig, but I do definetly have a special little spot in my heart for könig and horangi in a best buddies kinda way because I love the big reserved behemoth + shorter feral gremlin dynamic.
Additionally, I am from a region called Franken which spans across several of the 16 states that make up germany, one of them being the most northern part of bavaria, idk if that actually matters for any of the shit I'm about to write but I though I might just bring it up......yeah
Now with that out of the way, lets get crackin'. All of this shit is in no particular order, I'm just writing them down as the come into my head. This is what my thoughts look like, welcome to hell.
The actual headcanons start here
-so first, I 100% think he was born in germany and then moved to austria with one of his parents being german and the other austiran. I'm gonna explain in detail why but if you don't care about the politics of serving in foreign military in germany or austira you can skip the whole next block.
(You can not join the german military as a foreigner without citizenship and even if he was born in austria his citizenship would have been revoked the second he joined the german military unless he lived on german soil with dual german-australian citizenship before compulsory service in germany was abolsihed in 2011. In that case he would have been allowed to join without losing his austiran citizenship. Also if I'm not mistaken his bio says he's german but the patch on his gear is the austrian flag so I personally like to believe that he grew up somewhere in bavaria close to the border and just decided to haul his ass down to austira and get citizenship there after his time in the Kommando Spezialkräfte meaning that he now either a dual citizenship or just purely austiran papers. (and I've read on reddit that they changed it to the german flag now? Don't know how true that is tho, can't fact check it atm bc I don't have the game installed. And in an offical blog enrty that you can find n the sources of the cod wiki he is said to be in the austrian jagdkommands? Make up your friggin mind. Or at least explain I'm getting confused))
-country kid, dislikes cities because they are crowded and too complex in layout, is totally fine with towns tho
-in my previous post I said that name wise he gives me major Torsten vibes and I honestly wish I could explain but I can't. You really need to have met a Torsten to know a Torsten and it just really fits. But if I had to decribe a Torsten it would be someone that gives of young dad energy, like has a kiddo in kindergarden type young dad, with a lot of anxiety, kinda protective of his loved ones but also with a childish streak (like an obesession with plushies for example) who can get very violent if he needs to....that's a Torsten.
-Same goes for what I think could be a really nice lastnmae form him. He gives off major „extemely hella old german“ lastname vibes, something like Grafeneck.
(„Dukes corner“ if you translate literally, again not a very common name but also not absolutely unheard of especially in the deep middle of nowhere bavaria)
-tldr. I headcanon his name to be something like Torsten Grafeneck
-Probably somewhere between 30 and 45
-has at least 1 tamagotchi
-is a digimon kid, the idea of having a digital creature buddy is probably also what led him to getting a tamagotchi (digimon somehow manages to have a really unhealthy grip on a big potrion of millenials and older zoomers in germany, especially the music. The german versions of intros and the transformation songs go hard af lemme tell ya)
-was one of these hella tall lanky kids in school and got bullied for being built like a flagpost
-joined the army bc he didn't know what to do with his life after school and just kind of went with it from there.
-emotionally he is still that twig of a man even tho realistically he knows that he could handle the spines of all of his old school bullies like a snap bracelet now
-probably also had some weird interests that only added to the bullying, might have even been the stereotypical nerdy kid that liked videogames and anime before it got cool/mainstream. Distanced himself from his interests/stopped talking about them in order to keep himself safe and now is just a little bit miffed about how something he used to get picked on for is now very popular.
-Mittlere Reife? Got it. (in germany you enter primary school at 6/7, after 4 years it splits into several different branches, those being Hauptschule, Realschule/Mittlere Reife and Gymnasium. Hauptschule takes 9 years and teaches you basicly all you need, stereotypically people who graduate from there do blue collar work. Realschule/Mittlere Reife is 10 years and seen as the standart/what most people go to and it's more or less the same as Hauptschule but they teach you more useless shit just to enable you to do the same jobs but with higher pay and a couple positions up in the corporate ladder. Gymnasium takes 12 years and enables you to go to uni, it's called Abitur or Abi for short. If you've got Mittlere Reife you can tag on additional 3 years in a seperate kind of Gymnasium to get your abitur too, but those ususally have a nieche thing they focus on. For example my abitur has a niche focus on economy and buissness, that's what we call a Fachabitur)
-used to have long hair in his late school years but chopped it off because of the high maintainance also if I'm not mistaken back when we still had compulsory service there were some rules rgarding hairlength that have since been abolished.
-went to a metal festival in his mid to late teens, had a blast but at the same time was constantly so overloaded with anxiety that he never wants to go again unless he can drag someone with him. Would have loved to have someone braid his hair but didn't have the courage to walk up to someone and ask/accept if it was offered to him. Goes absolutely WILD in the moshpit after a couple of beers and definetly has a whole ass playlist filled with songs to listen to back in camp. (there is this weird thing, idk if it's a purely german thing, but we sure do like to play the most annoying braincell-popping aneurysm inducing music while chilling in camp in between stage shows. It spans from hardbass-remixes of childrens cartoon intros all the way to several hour loops of the cantina band. Source: trust me bro.)
-loves his gandma a lot. Even though he's twice her height she still calls him her little boy and he loves it. Like I imagine his granny to be the type that sneaks her adult kids and grandkids candy as if they were 10 and is supportive no matter what even if she doesn't always quite understand. Also yes this is thechnically a gandma headcanon and not a könig headcanon but I don't give a shit and he deserves the greatest country-side grandma there is.
-könig ususally doesn't have a dialect unless there is someone else speaking dialect. Adapts the deepness of the dialect to the person he is talking with, in other words when he's talking with ganny even most other germans won't understand shit. Also as someone that understands the bavarian dialect he can prettymuch also understand every other german dialect because it can't get much worse except maybe what they speak in Köln depending on who you ask.
-can recognize what regions other germans and austrians are from just from the way they speak, sometimes even down to the exact ctiy because of how specific certain dialect tends to get over here.
-humms to himself when he is alone/thinks he's alone or with someone that he feels comfortable with
-has different playlist for different purposes bc he's very selfconcious about his music taste and thus doesn't listen to certain types of music around certain groups of people. As the (assumably) only german speaking member of KorTac he might listen to a lot of german music while on base bc it gives him comfort that noone understands his, in his opinion, questionable taste in music and the lyrics but definetly also has some songs in the playlist that he thinks/knows other on the base enjoy.
-his taste in music is over all very diverse with different languages (mostly english and german) and genres, some of them seem really contradictory (I might make a little list at the end when I run out of other stuff)
-is one of those guys in your friendgroup that seem very chill most of the time but have some deeprunning anger issues and the battlefield is his outlet
-doesn't like being the angry scary murder machine, but he does like the calm that washes over him after he let off some steam. The longer he goes without his outlet the more anxious he gets.
-the longest amount of eyecontact he's ever upheld with anyone was with horangi during summer, when they and a bunch of others had a bit of a dry spell in terms of missions and contracts to they all sat down for a beer together one evening. König gave Horangi the most intense deathglare as he watched the korean veeeeeeerrryyyyyyyy slowly add one icecube after a nother to his glass of beer, never breaking eyecontact in the process.
-Not a very picky eater but if you give him the chance to eat some classic german/austian food he definetly will choose it over any other option. He also is the guy that everyone gives their leftovers to when they can't finish their plate.
-same goes for drinking, however, he'd rather drink water from a swamp than Beck's (a beer brand, commonly the one you'll find at big festivals unless the festival has deals with local breweries, you either like it or think it tastes the way piss smells no inbetween)
-gets random muscle twitches in his eyebrows sometimes and he doesn't really know why
-alternates between having a little uwu kitten sneeze or the loudest eardrum busting ACHOO in existence
-it'll will take a loooooot of coaxing to get him over his anxiety but he's happy to cook with others if their housing situation allows for it.
-Everythone thinks he hates physical affection because of the way he always tenses up when he gets a pat on the shoulder or any other form of casual contact but he actually really likes it, he just doesn't know how to react really
-thanks to his past issues he will instinctively flinch when someone raises their hand too quickly (like for a high five for example), but it becomes less and less the close he is with the person
-has one of these angry-happy octopus things you can flip but the angy side is black and has red lines drawn under the eyes with a marker to match his sniperhood, the happy side is light blue with pale green dots.
-whittels wood to calm his nerves/keep his hands occupied, mostly animals from the wildlife of his home
-he LOVES highland cows. Compared to him they are basicly pocket sized plush cows (he's 210-ish cm and scottish highlands reach a shoulder hieght between 110-130 cm)
-he becomes different types of drunk depending on the perviously established mood and people he's with. When it's just him and friend he becomes the lazy sleepy snuggelbug kind of drunk, if he's in a party setting he will get a bit more hyper and loose some of his anxiety to the alcohol and if you make the mistake of letting him drink when he's allready feeling down then you better prepare for the big depresso.
-hugs people in his sleep, he has no conrtol over it but he's aware of the fact that he does it while asleep so he keeps his distance from others unless it's with his S.O or with a nother close friend but the latter will have to repeatedly tell him that it's fine and chill.
-ueses “Stadtkind” (city kid) as an insult regularly
-backpains....alot....also has a tendency to slouch down to make himself look smaller
-hates public buildings in germany because the standart door height is 1,98m and in some rare cases 2,10m meaning that he either has to duck down or just baaaaaarely fits with his hair grazing the top end of the doorframe as he walks through
-loves Karneval, or as it's called in bavaria: Fasching. He loves the fact that he can get dressed up n costumes, get wasted and basicly be a different person with less worries for a bit. Also loves the sense of community that comes with the events in some of the more rural areas, especially in towns were almost everyone is involved in organizing in some way. If he wasen't away from home so much thanks to being on base, he'd probably join one of the building groups that make the carts for the Karnevall parades on Rosenmontag but you'll probably never catch him as one of the people dressed up on top of the carts, he'd be the guy that walks along the parade in minimal costuming and acts as a security guy to make sure that everything runs smoothly. He'd probably have to do a good bit of Vorglühen (drinking before going to a party) if he plans on attending one of the Prunksitzungen (stageshows with comedy, dragging local politicans, dance, music and acrobatics) bc if he goes he wants to see the whole thing but since there are a crap ton of people there he'll need to muffle his anxiety beforehand.
-in a living with his S.O scenario he'd probably be the diy guy with a garage full of tools. No Ikea kitchen cabinets in his household.
-pet of choice? Big strong floofy dog that could probably murder someone by itself but is actually a really affectionate snugglebug
-casual gamer in his downtime. I can see him playing a variety of games like shooters (r6, apex), singleplayer rpgs (like elderscrolls series or the witcher) but also survival games. He'd probably play survival games as if they were animal crossing with a really aesthetic looking homebase and all the tameable pets where he just tends to his gardens and chills on the porch but with the bonus that he also get to deck some enemies in the face every now and then. Like he's the guy with the over engineered, perfect structural entegrity valheim base that looks like a small medival european town or he's the guy with the empressive treehouse in the redwoods in ark survival that spans across the entire forest and he definetly has one of the shoulder pets with him 24/7
-the only thing going on in his head while on a mission is the song from the "violent vincent-I'm going to kill your family" ring tone and you can't convince me other wise
-German/austiran foods he'd like probably like:
anything that includes Spätzle (basicly a german type of noodle even though it's not really a noodle bc the way the dough is made is very different from noodles but still, looks like noodle, eats like noodle, is a noodle)
Maultaschen (basicly german ravioli, they come in very different sizes. The small ones are usually as part of a soup, the big ones you eat as main dish with sauce and veggies. In some regoins they are also known as “Herrgottsb'scheißerle” which transaltes to “little lord cheaters” because the lore/legend of their origins is that a bunch of monks were gifted meat during the season of fasting and they didn't want it to go to waste so they made it into the filling for the german-ravioli so god can't see them eat the seasonally-forbidden meat.)
Germknödel/Dampfnudel (big floofy bun, usually filled with plum or cherry jam, eaten with vanilla sauce)
Schäufele/Schäuferl (littlerally translates to “little shovel”, it's the shoulderblade of a pig with meat still on it, eaten with sauce and various side dishes depending on the region but usually potatoes, spätzle or dumplings with either red cabbage or buttered veggies)
Lentil stew with flour-dumplinds and Wammerl (specific type of smoked beef)
Ahoj Brause (okay this is not a food but a soda, you can either get it canned or as little packets in powder form that you still have to mix with water. I can totally see him have a stash of the powder packs on base. Fun fact: ahoi brause was originally cancelled and taken off the market for a bit, less than a year, when the company was bought by Katjes (known for making vegan gummies but also other candies) but the germans got mad so they beought it back. Also one of the oldest unchangeing candy brands in terms of packaging in germany.)
bands/musicians and songs I think he'd listen to (but aren't limited to) + a short explanation of what the song is about if it's in german because some of the titles do be looking a bit questionable at first glance:
literally everything that Electric Callboy ever put out
probably some classic stuff (and with classic I mean stuff that everone can potentionally vibe with even if its not their main thing, not the opera stuff that's would be classical) like queen, bon jovi and, as much as we like to meme about them being bad, nickleback
A lot of songs by powerwolf
Also Feuerschwanz, most of their songs are medival/viking themed party songs with metal sprinkeled in, they also have some interesting covers of stuff like “gimme gimme gimme” or “dragostea din tei”
a bunch of songs by Santiano, Mr Hurly und die Pulveraffen and Versengold for a fun but relaxed drinking mood, all have a very “drinking in a tavern with the dnd-party” vibe
”Fahrradsattel” by Pisse (song is about a girl that wants to have serious relationship and get married but the singer just wants her to sit on his face lmao)
”Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt” by Danger Dan (basicly just a guy singing about a whole lot of very questionable sometimes literally illegal to say stuff (like denying that the holocaust happened, yes that can literally get you into trouble with lawenforcement in germany) you could theoretically say and get in hella trouble for but get away with by claiming that it's covered by the freedom of art)
”Deine Schuld” by Die Ärzte (this song is literally a callout to all the doofuses that just complain about the world, stating that it's not their fault that the world is the way it is but it will be their fault if they don't make a move to change it)
”ich bin das Gesetz” by Eisbrecher (literally describes what I think König would be like on the battle field. A person that is also a feelingless well oiled machine there to execute a job)
”Hitler Töten” by Sudden feat. Alligatoah (dude thinking about all the stuff he probably should do if he had a time machine, like stopping the titanic from leaving the port or killing hitler, but he'd rather use it to get back into the arms of his last relationship, even if the relationship he describes was hella toxic)
”Du bist schön” by alligatoah (about people that have their looks as their only woth mentioning feature, also a criticism of the modern consumerism and the way we have people in poor countries make our clothes for sub-human pay)
”Willst du (mit mir Drogen nehmen)?” also by Alligatoah (literally just asking a girl if she wants to take drugs with him and a bunch of descriptions of all the fucked up shit they would do as they send their life down the drain)
”Hurt” by Oliver Tree
”Semi-Automatic” by Twenty One Pilots
”Stille Wasser” by Ignis Fatuu (song about a guy confrontig his now ex-best friend after said ex-best friend sexually assulted and possibly murdered a girl)
”Der dunkle See” by Unzucht (a metaphotical description of someones emotional state as a deep dark lake that seems to be unmoving and calm while actually being very tumultuous under the surface)
”Ein Wort flieg wie ein Stein” by Unzucht (a song from the perspektive of a guy who just had his girlfriend confess to him that she cheated. Her confession is described as a stone being thrown at him, shattering his heart like glass)
”Werben” by ASP (a song about wanting to literally be filled up, consumed and merged with ones love, described as dark magic and a devils concoction. Basicly if Gomez Addams were to sing about his love to Morticia but german)
”Krabat” also by ASP (muscial retelling of the german classic by the same name. It's a book about a guy named Krabat learning dark magic at the hands of a miller that has made a pact with the devil, giving him the power to turn into a raven. The song describes him flying across the land to escape his masters eye and be with his love)
”A little piece of heaven” by Avenge Sevenfold
”Love bites” by Halestorm
Songs for the silly “I will torture you with this until your brain goes numb” metal festival campsite/getting into the mood for Karneval playlist. I will not explain these because they either are songs that most people listen to when they are too drunk to understand the text anyways or pretty self explanatory so here I go:
”Helikopter 117” by Tobee
”Saufen, morgens, mittags, abends” by Ingo ohne Flamingo
”Margarethe” by Buddy Ogün
”Bück dich hoch” by Deichkind
”Leider geil” also by Deichkind
”Leb deinen traum” aka the digimon adventure intro
”Through the fire and the trains – Thomas vs dragonforce” by nick totsch on youtube
”Ferien in algerien” the 12 minute version by Knokator
”Tight pants/Body rolls” by lesliehall on youtube
the covers of “Barbie girl” and “boom, boom, boom, boom” by little V on youtube
And finally: Some phrases and quotes as well as german memery I could see him toss around with other german speakers. Also the dialect-ish stuff is written the way a german would say it, there is no gramatically correct way to write dialect....so good luck trying to pronounce that in your head
Starting off with a classic “Sprich deutsch du Hurensohn” literally transaltes to “Speak german you son of a bitch”, most commonly used in the german r/ichiel subreddit, though könig would probably only use it with peopl that he REALLLYYY knows he can use it without hurting anyones feelings so...almost never but just imagine him being in a convo with somebody in german and then somebody non-german, horangi for example, walks up and asks whats up, he drops the line and horangi just stands there, expression completely blank thanks to his mask and sunglasses, staring until könig start to apologize all worried and horangi just starts laughing because our big guy just worries too much.
”joa mei!” transaltes to something like “oh my!”
”na moin”/”ja moin” there is no literal transaltion for this, but it is used as an exclamation/reaction akin to going “lmao” after someone did something incredibly stupid or something funny happened.
”Pissnelke” literally transaltes to “piss carnation” it's just an insult used the same way as asshole but originated as a term for girls that men find....lacking in willingness to do certain stuff but it's just used for everyone nowerdays and I think it sounds hella funny
”hinterfortzig” is a verb that literally translated to “behind the cunt” so...just a very funky way to say someone behaves like an asshole Example: “man, Kyle really is acting like an asshole today” - “Mann, Kyle verhällt sich heute echt hinterfotzig”
”sapperlot!” exclamation of surprise.....if I catch anyone use this in an nsfw situation I will have you in a box
”warum liegt hier stroh?” it's.....from a clip of german porn that gets memed a lot....we LOVE to meme german porn because germans find german to sound very very un-sexy funnily enough. Just look up the clip on youtube if you really want to know I honestly don't have the braincells to explain this one
Also I think König would be the type of person that would be able to quote both “Schuh des Manitu” and “(T)Raumschiff surprise”, both movies by Michael Bully Herbig, by heart forwards and backwards. I don't think that there is a version with english subtitles out there saldy but they are a huuuge part of german meme culture. The first one is a winnetou parody and the second a parody of star trek enterprise.
Oh hey you've made it to the bottom of my size A4 8 page long, times new roman font size 12 adhd induced not proofread ramble about a character from a game I don't even play. Wowies you must be really really bored huh...
So yeah this is what goes on in my brain if I develop a hyperfocus and now watch me not even remember who this guy is in two weeks because my brain just do be jumping from one thing to a nother like that and it's honestly driving me insane please sent help.
Anyways I hope you had fun, plz don't take any of the shit I said as me trying to lay down the law. These are literally just random throughts I have in my brain about a fictional man and I honestly couldn't care less if you agree or disagree as long as you had fun on your way down here. And if you didn't have fun...welll...I'm sorry for your loss of braincells that you probably suffered while reading this
Have a good one.
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lumi-cake · 2 years
König Biography
König suffered from severe social anxiety throughout his life, often being bullied during his childhood. At the age of 17, he volunteered for theGerman Armed Forcesand was selected for the Kommando Spezialkräfte.
While he hoped to join the 5th Platoonas a recon sniper, his physical size and his inability to stay still made him an unsuitable candidate. He was later assigned to the 1st Platoon as an insertion specialist to serve as a battering ram charging through doors in contested environments.
During a mission, König took down an Al-Qatalacell in Berlin which was involved in human-trafficking. He breached the townhouse and eliminated all twelve AQ fighters inside. However, his sniper hood terrified the Urzik hostages who had to be convinced by the rest of his team to follow König to safety.
By 2022, König became a contractor for the KorTac private military company.
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konigsblog · 8 months
Please I need to spey why is so hot to me.
(this turned into how i view könig's appearance, somehow... and then smut !!!! 😵‍💫)
personally, i adore long hair on men. shoulder length and longer is alright, but i also love curly short hair on men. probably struggles to take proper care pf his ginger/dark brunette curls and they end up frizzy, eventually he learns a routine, and has pretty, soft curls.
ginger/dark brunette body hair coating his abdomen and chest, long arm and leg hair. very hairy man (maybe, i'm biased...) exercises a lot and eats a LOT. sweet tooth until it comes to caffeine, where he has black coffee with a tiny, tiny bit of milk. enjoys the protein taste of protein shakes, and eats a lot of snacks throughout the day.
slow metabolism growing up, before he became a teenager and grew thin and slim. gained muscle mass when he was a teenager (16-17) preparing for the bundeswehr's kommando spezialkräfte (or, SKS)
definitely uses his muscle mass to his advantage during sex. pinning your wrists beside your head and forcing you to maintain eye contact with him while he ploughs into you mercilessly. he has you chanting his name while worshipping his body — like he's a ancient , powerful god. dragging your tongue up his happytrail while rubbing your puffy pussy back and forth along his boots. he pets you like an obedient pet, humilating you by shoving his fingers in your mouth to suck on.
“that's it, my dear. worship me, worship me, baby.” as he guides your weeping hole back and forth along his bulge. your eyes glistening as you touch his muscles, feeling him flex them, just to impress his schatzi. has a huge ego, and teases you from cumming just sucking him off, or fingering yourself at the sight of him. isn't he just so magnificent? he could easily break you, ruin you, destroy you and turn you into a ruined, useless toy. but he won't, he wouldn't dare ruin you.
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petapeta · 1 year
KSK(ドイツ語:Kommando Spezialkräfte)とは、ドイツ連邦陸軍特殊作戦師団隷下の旅団級特殊部隊である。1996年に編成される。日本語では特殊戦団と訳される場合もある。 KSKのモットーは、「Facit Omnia Voluntas(意志が決め手)」。管理系統は特殊作戦師団隷下にあるも、統合作戦や国外での実作戦時には特殊部隊作戦指揮司令部の指揮下におかれる。 KSKの編成は、1996年、カルフのグラーフ・ツェッペリン兵舎に駐屯する第25空挺旅団を基盤に始まった。KSK創設の基幹要員となったのは、解隊された第25空挺旅団、ならびに連邦軍第100および第300偵察中隊の将校だった。編成は、2000年に完結した。 KSKは、陸軍指導部に従属し、軍事性の作戦のみを行う純粋な軍事組織である。KSKは、特殊作戦群(フランス)、グリーンベレー(米国)、そしてSAS(英国)のようなNATO諸国の類似部隊と同じように創設された。これら部隊は、KSKのための原型かつ手本であるだけではなく、戦闘訓練過程における常時パートナーでもある。英SASとの協力は、特に上手く進行している。ヘレフォード市の第22連隊の駐屯地から15kmにあるポートリラス市において、協同演習がかなり頻繁に行われている。 2002年、ドイツのマスコミに、KSKがアフガニスタンに投入され、特殊作戦に参加しているという報道が現れたが、ドイツ国防省は損害や作戦の成否を含め、一切のコメントを拒否している。 先祖にあたる部隊として1990年から1996年まで活動していたFallschirmjägerkompanie B1(FJK B1:B1降下猟兵中隊)と呼ばれるコマンドー部隊が存在していたが、KSKの創立に伴い解隊した。 不祥事 KSKはナチスへの傾倒や軍内での武器の横領疑惑など極右的な風土があるとして当局より調査をたびたび受けている。 2020年5月15日、KSKの元隊員だった上級曹長が法令に違反して小銃や爆発物を自宅に持ち込んでいたとして逮捕された。 同年7月1日、アンネグレート・クランプ=カレンバウアー国防相は特に極右的な思想が蔓延したKSK一個中隊の解体を命じたと明らかにした。
KSK (ドイツ陸軍) - Wikipedia
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