#kozaburo toma
meli-r · 1 year
“You can take madness as another form of medicine. Overdose may have unfortunate side effects, but they are temporary, and a booster for your psychological immune system, helping you fight existential and identity crises.”
Touma Kouzaburou
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straye · 2 years
(massage) — to give my muse a relaxing back/head/foot massage
(massage) — to give my muse a relaxing back/head/foot massage
Kogami always had a workaholic streak, and once he’s latched his teeth into a case, he doesn’t let go of it until it’s solved. It’s to his and the CID’s fortune that most of the ones that he’s been assigned to have rarely run cold; it’s to their chagrin that at least one has slipped.
He had notebooks opened (filled with scribbles of his own, gluesticked images and data within the margins) and brightly lit monitors with dozens of windows open, cross referencing evidence. The office echoed with his typing, even as the inspectors and enforcers he’d been assigned with for a certain shift had long gone home.
He’s certain that this past case has something to do with the elusive ghost (Makishima, as Sasayama recalled) but all he can make of the man right now is a blur; what great irony that all he can make of this image is white — made greater when he feels like he’s cold, just beyond his reach. The Specimen Case and the previous one Division 1 took on have been considered solved, sure, with Kozaburo Toma’s disappearance and the explosive apprehending of the villain of the day, but why does everyone else seem satisfied with that conclusion if there had been clear outsider involvement?
His coffee mug ran dry as he came back to square one, and he pushed himself away from his desk. He leaned back into his seat and put his hands to his head. His chair creaked and rolled back into someone; he didn’t open his eyes to see who it was.
“Hey,” he greeted Kimiko. “You’re here…” He peeked at the clock at the corner of his monitors through his fingers. “… late, imouto-san. You working overtime?”
She made a remark about his own stay there, and he smirked; as if proud of that inherited wit. She almost sounded like Tomoyo.
“… I’ll be going home soon, then. I swear.”
I swear, he swore so many times over.
Kimiko, not pleased with his answer, placed her hands on his shoulders and he blinked and lowered his hands into his lap.
“What, are you going to push me back to my room?” He scoffed.
He fell silent the moment he felt her pinching motions and held back a surprised laugh; choosing instead to relax under her touch. She’d always been thoughtful like this.
“—I promise this stress won’t kill me,” Kogami sighed, and looked back to his monitors. “… I’ll be out of here for a little bit. I’m sorry if I troubled you.”
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va--fail · 2 years
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haeresys-realm · 4 years
Seemingly, this is a clip from the official two-volume drama CD called Namae no nai kaibutsu (名前のない怪物, lit. "The Monster with no Name") based on the prequel novel. Translated by Shiroro.
Makishima: By the way, I met an interesting girl earlier. I believe she was a student in the school you go to.
Touma: I see.
Makishima: That’s interesting.
Touma: What?
Makishima: The part where you have absolutely no interest in anything else aside from your purpose. But, you’re not simplistic nor shallow minded either. I want to know more about you. For that, you need to be someone I cannot reach.
Touma: The way you toy around with logic is a bad habit of yours, Shougo-kun.
Makishima: Is that so?
Touma:  For the lack of words, there are more thoughts included. Perhaps it may be difficult for someone like you, who is all about theories.
Makishima: I see. You are trying to bring out thoughts using crime. You’re just like an artist.
Touma: I have no interest in art. I just want to leave a trace… of us two.
По всей вероятности, небольшой отрезок (с разговором за чаем Макишимы Шого и Кодзабуро Томы) из drama CD в двух частях, сопровождавшего новеллу “Безымянное чудовище“, в которой детальнее рассказана вся история с “делом об экспонатах” трехгодичной давности. Новелла все еще не переведена ни на русский, ни на английский язык (кроме трех глав первой части из пяти), но с ее текстом можно ознакомиться на сайте NoitaminA.
(Прошу простить весьма примерный и достаточно вольный перевод на русский, но это то, как лично я понял их беседу. — прим. пер.)
Шого: Я, кстати, недавно встретил весьма занятную особу. Похоже, она студентка из твоей школы.
Кодзабуро: Понятно.
Шого: ...А это любопытно.
Кодзабуро: О чем ты?
Шого: О том, что тебе безралично буквально всё, что напрямую не касается твоей цели. При этом ты далеко не так прост, и пустой твою голову точно не назовешь. Мне было бы интересно получше узнать такого человека. Будто нечто доселе непостижимое.
Кодзабуро: Эти твои "игры разумов", Шого, всегда казались мне дурной привычкой.
Шого: Думаешь?
Кодзабуро: Иногда слова вовсе излишни; мысли за ними скрывают гораздо большее. Но это, видимо, невдомек таким, как ты, — всецело поглощенным своими теориями.
Шого: Вот как... Выходит, через преступления ты пытаешься донести свои мысли? Ты как настоящий художник!
Кодзабуро: Искусство мне не интересно. Я хочу всего лишь... оставить наш след.* *Как подметила xnightrainx, говоря обощенное ”bokutachi”, Кодзабуро, вероятнее всего, подразумевает вовсе не их с Макишимой, а себя и свою сестру, с потерей которой он до сих пор не смирился (несмотря на то, что сам оборвал ее жизнь). К сожалению, я читал лишь первые три подглавы новеллы, но на основании имеющейся информации, могу предположить, что об этом свидетельствует как то, что после убийства своей “принцессы” он поместил ее голову в морозильную камеру и от одиночества продолжал разговаривать с ней, так и то, что после всего случившегося он не оставил прошлое позади и, возможно, подсознательно пытался найти кого-то, кто смог бы занять в его жизни ее место (история с Токо). — прим. пер.
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Kozaburo Toma (PSYCHO-PASS)  » December 25
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effei-s · 3 years
ep 17 in a nutshell
toma @ makishima: join the sibyl system, my dear old friend! we have cookies!
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khalix-hyetology · 7 years
If there was a Psycho Pass x NieR:Automata Crossover
Akane Tsunemori
Shinya Kougami
Shogo Makishima
Kirito Kamui Eve:
Mizue Shisui 
Pascal: Joji Saiga
6O: Shion Karanomori 21O: Yayoi Kunizuka  Commander: Kasei Anemone: Nobuchika Ginoza
Jackass: Choe Gu-Sung N2: Kozaburo Toma & Sakuya Togane
I mean I can definitely see Shinya become an obsessive psychopath bent on destroying the machines and getting revenge for Akane. Not to mention, seeing he had a softer inspector side I can see initially as a softer person as in 9S’s Route A who doesn’t like physical violence be turned into the one who causes the most physical violence. I can also see him rip up an Akane clone’s hand to replace his own. Just the way he progresses in Psycho Pass makes him fit this role. 
Akane makes a brilliant 2B — she has the all the making of a beautiful warrior who is strong, fierce and just. I mean I can see a more morose side of her where she could be telling Shinya-9S “emotions are prohibited.”It is just the first TV series end where she is able to keep the secret of Sybil and plow on makes me feel that she is someone who could keep on fighting regardless of the lies to ensure the safety of Earth.
Shogo Makishima has certain similarities with A2. A person who feels betrayed by Sybil and YoRHa would have similarities. Seeing the endgame, is between 9S ands A2, and Shinya and Shogo, this choice seems to work best. I also think Shogo and Akane could have a friendship and relationship like the one shown between A2 and 2B. In the end, Shogo can have elements of being an anti-hero or even a redemptive antagonist, which is basically A2′s Route C. 
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houndfive · 7 years
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psycho pass pixels part four, three, two, one fine to use as long as i’m credited please!
in honor of angel’s birthday today, (happy birthday!! 💖💖), here they are! or another note, it’s been five years! it’s about time that they give us a third season yes?
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saiko-shippai · 3 years
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Do the names Shogo Makishima or Kozaburo Toma not ring any bells or have y’all completely forgotten about them?
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Toma Kozaburo: Is that all you've got? A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?
Sasayama Mitsuru: Dude, that could be the name of my autobiography.
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meli-r · 9 months
Redemption v2.18
Fingers moved with precision and grace, like a conductor orchestrating an intricate symphony. Beside the cold metallic table, Touma's attention was entranced by the dance of digits, as if they were translating melodies from another realm. In his mind's soundscape, he discerned the delicate notes of a sonata, each movement resonating with a harmonious rhythm.
Redirecting his gaze from the spectacle that lay upon the blood-smeared gray surface, Touma's focus shifted to the pale and fragile form sprawled before him. His keen eyes rested on the clenched, trembling hands of his captive creation.
"You're still alive?" Touma's voice held a peculiar blend of surprise and amusement. The sound of a latex glove snapping resonated, punctuating the heavy silence that enveloped them. Blood stained his gloved hands, a testament to his artistry in this theater. "Did you know that music possesses the power to modulate heart rate, respiration, and even blood pressure?"
“Why… are you doing this? Do you truly think… I’ll beg you to let me live? You’ll pay for your sins,” Altoromagi's words were a mere whisper, his eyes shut tight against the glaring light. He shifted his gaze towards Touma with a lethargic effort, his movements betraying his weakened state.
Touma's lips curved upward, a smile that mirrored a conductor savoring the crescendo of his symphony. Laughter, like music, flowed from his lips and reverberated within the room.
"Your words imply a connection to some higher plane," Touma's tone dripped with disdain. "Yet, the role of arbiter is not yours to claim. Where is your god now? For wherever he is, he just loves this."
Aligned with his own internal symphony, Touma's fingers sought their instrument from an adjacent metal surface. A knife blade glistened, each droplet of blood resembling a note in an intricate composition.
“Touma-kun, you’re sick. You’re mental,” Altoromagi's voice quivered.
"Existence granted solely by birthright," Touma's retort was punctuated with conviction. "However, I suspect you have now comprehended... that dominion over our world is reserved for those who assert their authority."
Altoromagi's scream tore through the air, a dissonance against the unfolding composition. His body quivered, a counterpoint to the melody that enveloped them. With a calculated yet almost reverent movement, Touma drove the knife into Altoromagi's abdomen. A gasp escaped his lips, his heart quickening as he felt the rush of warmth, the visceral presence of blood saturating his gloved fingers.
As hours passed, Yashiro found herself ensnared within a dimly lit room, an unfamiliar figure looming before her. Without a hint of hesitation, she propelled a black pen into the man's chest. His body crumpled, life extinguished, crimson blood seeping from the wound, staining her hands and garments in an indelible hue. As the room appeared to gyrate around her, an adrenaline surge propelled her back onto her feet, urging her to flee. Echoes of her steps resonated through the corridors, composing a haunting melody of escape.
Navigating the labyrinthine passages, her exit etched a visceral narrative. Blood-soaked skin and attire, relentless pursuit by shadowed figures—they all contributed to her flight. Bursting into a scene of exultant festivity, the school's celebration was a stark contrast to the turmoil engulfing her mind. Amidst the oblivious throng of students, parents, and teachers, her eyes honed in on Touma Kouzaburou. His enigmatic smile seemed to taunt her as he raised a glass in her direction. Suppressing an involuntary shiver, she pressed forward, feeling the accusatory weight of the whispering crowd—abomination, mistake.
Stepping out into the caress of the night's cool air, a surge of desperation engulfed her as the grim reality set in—the inspectors and enforcers had cornered her. Dominators were trained on her, yet remained unresponsive. Her eyes locked with Kougami Shinya's. And then, another weapon came into view—a firearm, its barrel aimed at her. The gunshot shattered the air, ringing in her ears as her vision collapsed into darkness, the ground rushing to meet her.
With a gasp, Yashiro's eyes snapped open. Dawn's gentle light filtered through the room, the lingering dread slowly receding. Her breathing was ragged, her body trembling as she grappled with the visceral aftereffects of the dream. She reached up to touch her forehead involuntarily, as if still feeling the impact of the bullet, its haunting presence lingering for a moment before dissipating.
As the residual tension from the dream gradually subsided, Yashiro found herself seated in the cozy ambiance of the Oso Academy's dining hall. Morning light filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the space where she shared breakfast with Kirino Touko and two of her friends. The clinking of cutlery and soft chatter filled the air as the students savored their morning meal.
Amid the easy flow of conversation, Yashiro's thoughts occasionally drifted, her mind still entangled in the tendrils of her dream. Engrossed in her own reverie, she absently stirred her coffee while Touko’s voice intermingled with the voices of her friends.
"Takahashi-san, did you hear about that new exhibit at the art museum?" Touko's question managed to puncture the haze of Yashiro's thoughts, yet the words seemed to take a moment to fully register. “Takahashi-san?”
"What?" Yashiro blinked, her attention shifting to Touko. She was met with a concerned gaze from her friend, who gently touched her arm.
"I asked if you heard about the new art exhibit," Touko repeated with a small smile.
"Sorry," Yashiro replied, her voice slightly distant. "I must have zoned out for a moment. No, I haven't heard. What's it about?"
Touko's friends exchanged amused glances before one of them chimed in, "It's a collection of modern sculptures and interactive installations. I think it's supposed to challenge conventional perceptions of art."
"Oh," Yashiro replied, offering a faint smile, her thoughts still lingering on the dream's lingering impact.
"Is everything okay?" Touko's concern was palpable as she leaned closer.
Yashiro managed to shake off her preoccupation, her smile becoming more genuine, "Yes, just lost in thought for a moment. Don't worry about me."
As the conversation continued, the gentle hum of activity was interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone. Touko's phone lit up, and she quickly excused herself to take the call. Yashiro absently swirled her coffee once again, her thoughts ensnared by the impressions of her dream. The casual chatter of her friends seemed to blur into the background.
“Emi!” Touko's voice carried with an upbeat tone, her grin evident. “How's it going? Did you manage to see the dentist?”
“Hey, Touko, have you spoken to your dad recently?” Emi's voice sounded over the phone.
“I think he tried to call me earlier. Why are you asking about my dad?” Touko inquired, taking a sip of her tea.
Yashiro blinked and glanced up at Touko, her friends continuing their discussion.
“Well… there was a murder at the Ueno Zoo. I happened to stop by for a dentist appointment,” Emi's voice wavered slightly.
“And?” Touko leaned in, curiosity dancing in her eyes.
“Apparently, some guy... murdered a lawyer and placed his body in a chimpanzee enclosure. They found your dad's ID in his wallet,” Emi continued, her tone growing somber, as if holding back tears.
Touko reclined with a chuckle, “Oh, come on.”
“Try calling him right now, because I've already tried, and I can't get through,” Emi insisted.
“We've known each other forever. You'd recognize his face if you saw it. What you're saying doesn't add up. We were at Oso's anniversary event,” Touko shrugged. “It's probably just a misunderstanding. He's fine.”
“The thing is… the zoo is on lockdown. Security drones everywhere. Entrances sealed off. No one's allowed in or out. I'm telling you what I heard from some of the zoo employees. It seems to be connected to the recent string of murders, like the politician Hashida, remember?” Emi's voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and concern.
“Alright, I’ll try calling him. But if he picks up, you owe me,” Touko pulled her phone away from her ear momentarily to initiate the call.
“What's going on?” one of Touko's friends queried.
“Emi's saying my dad's dead,” Touko chuckled, waving it off. “She's just messing with me.”
Laughter echoed around the table, though Yashiro's expression remained pensive.
“You almost gave me a heart attack,” another friend chimed in.
“I'm going to try calling him anyway,” Touko sighed, lifting her phone to her ear. Moments stretched into silence, the anticipation palpable. The waiting tone continued to play, and Touko’s smile faded with each unanswered attempt. “What's he up to? Ignoring my calls again? Is he doing this on purpose?”
Touko stared at her cell phone for a beat before abruptly rising and walking away, seemingly oblivious to her friends' laughter and shifting topic.
“Wait,” Yashiro swiftly stood and quickened her pace, moving to catch up. “Kirino-san, you can't just go like that.”
“How do you even know where I'm headed? Did you see something?” Touko abruptly turned, halting Yashiro in her tracks. Yashiro remained silent. “I'm heading to the Ueno Zoo. Don't even try to stop me, or I'll make sure the principal hears that you were at the school anniversary event when you're suspended."
An hour later, the setting had shifted from the tranquil campus to the Ueno Zoo, where an air of tension replaced the usual cheerful atmosphere. The sun hung low, casting long shadows over the pathways and enclosures.
Touko made her way through the entrance, her determined steps carrying her past the anxious faces of zoo employees. The news of the gruesome discovery had spread like wildfire, casting a solemn hush over the once-vibrant grounds. Yet, Touko's gaze remained unflinching, resolutely fixed on her purpose.
Navigating the premises with a practiced ease, she artfully eluded the watchful eyes of the security drones. Her familiarity with the zoo's layout allowed her to move in the shadows, evading their prying sensors. As she approached a side entrance leading to the primate enclosures, a sharp voice cut through the air.
"Isn't she the girl we met in Ogishima?" Kougami Shinya's voice carried clearly to her ears, sparking a quickening of her heart.
Touko's attention was drawn to the source of the voice. There, not far from the entrance, stood Kougami and Sasayama, their expressions a mix of curiosity and recognition.
"Kirino Touko," Sasayama responded to Kougami's inquiry, confirming her identity.
Her mind racing, Touko's focus lingered on Kougami as he directed a sharp glance towards Sasayama.
“Did you call her?” Kougami's frown deepened. “You punk.”
“You know I wouldn’t,” Sasayama's retort was swift and forceful.
Before she could fully process their presence, Kougami's attention turned back to her. He closed the distance between them purposefully, his hands gently coming to rest on her shoulders.
"Kirino-san, how did you get here?" he inquired, concern evident in his eyes.
"I heard about what happened. Is it true, my dad?" Touko's gaze met his, her voice laden with urgency.
Kougami's expression tightened, and he shook his head, "You shouldn't be here."
“Where’s the ambulance? Are you taking him to the hospital?” she pressed for information.
"Kirino-san, listen to me," Kougami's tone was firm. "You need to go home now. We are taking care of things here.”
"Let me go," Touko's frustration flared.
In a swift motion, she pulled away from Kougami's grip, determination etched across her features as she walked past him, heading deeper into the zoo's grounds.
"Kirino-san!" Sasayama's voice echoed after her, and he reached out to grab her wrist, but she slipped away.
Without looking back, Kirino fled into the sprawling expanse of the zoo, her heart pounding with a mix of fear, determination, and the burning need to uncover the truth behind her father's fate.
Amid the hushed atmosphere, the chimpanzees had been temporarily relocated to a separate enclosure as the investigation unfolded. This precaution was taken for the safety of both the animals and the involved staff. The scene was under close scrutiny, with small, spider-like drones systematically scouring the area.
Standing near the fence of the cordoned-off enclosure, Yashiro narrowed her eyes, her gaze fixed on a distant figure. The man's body had suffered the grisly fate of being partially consumed, his form a gruesome testament to the events that had transpired. Strewn nearby was a blue ball, its once-bright hue now tarnished with blood. A curious thought flitted through Yashiro's mind—had the man's stomach also been used to carry something? Perhaps more than just sustenance?
A series of noises—a mixture of footsteps and the mechanical hum of drones—drew Yashiro's attention. Through the foliage on the opposite side, she caught sight of Touko's figure, her hands gripping the fence as if seeking solace. With a sudden burst of determination, Touko disengaged from the fence and made her way towards the enclosure's entrance. Yashiro's concern deepened, and she moved swiftly to intercept her.
"Kirino-san!" Her voice carried a mix of urgency and apprehension as she entered the enclosure behind Touko. "Kirino-san—"
Touko's progress was halted by a slight stumble, causing her to fall to her knees in the soft dirt. Despite the distance, her eyes fixated on a brown leather watch that lay on the ground nearby. With a delicate touch, she cleared the broken glass from the watch's face, her movements mechanical and detached. She exhaled a shuddering sigh, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Rising unsteadily to her feet, Touko moved forward once again, but Yashiro intervened, placing herself in front of Touko. 
"Kirino-san, no," Yashiro's voice held a mix of sympathy and insistence.
In her desperation, Touko attempted to push past Yashiro, her movements tinged with a raw sense of grief. However, her strength faltered, and she stumbled backwards, falling to her knees once more. Yashiro acted swiftly, supporting Touko to prevent her from colliding with the ground. Touko's arm involuntarily came to rest on Yashiro's shoulder, her grip tight around a brown leather watch.
Yashiro wrapped her arms around Touko's back, offering a gentle embrace. She felt the tremors that coursed through Touko's body. From a distance, the hurried sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, a stark counterpoint to Touko's soft, suppressed cries.
Raising her gaze, Yashiro's eyes met the penetrating stares of two men standing outside the enclosure, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and concern. The one with short brown hair clutched the grille with his fingers. Yashiro's brows knitted in a mix of frustration and determination, her hands involuntarily forming into clenched fists.
As they exited the enclosure, an air of heightened security enveloped both the zoo and the immediate vicinity of the crime scene. Security drones maintained a vigilant presence around the perimeter. The fence was demarcated with holographic yellow tape, serving as a clear warning against any unauthorized entry.
Amidst the somber backdrop, Touko found respite on a nearby bench, her silence a reflection of the turmoil within her. A woman with sleek black hair elegantly tied in a ponytail settled beside her. Kneeling before her, a man with short brown hair clenched his fist and declared, “I’ll catch him no matter what. You have my word.”
"I'm Ginoza Nobuchika," the man's keen green eyes locked onto Yashiro's, as he displayed his holographic ID. Standing beside him was a figure of slightly smaller stature, with sleek black hair and piercing gray eyes. "And this is Kougami Shinya," he motioned to his partner. "We're inspectors from the Criminal Investigation Department. Were you aware that you were in the midst of a crime scene, and your presence could potentially compromise the integrity of the evidence?"
“Yes,” Yashiro replied, her gaze briefly shifting to the trench coat-wearing man next to Kougami, whose features were marked by short brown hair.
“This area is restricted. How did you manage to gain entry?" Ginoza's brows furrowed.
“I climbed over the wall,” Yashiro's answer was forthright and succinct.
“You climbed over the wall,” Ginoza's voice reverberated, his wrist lifting to assess her crime coefficient. The holographic numbers materialized, revealing a value of 61. His attention then shifted towards Touko. “Do you know her?”
Touko's gaze momentarily flickered towards Yashiro before retreating into her own thoughts.
“Yes,” Yashiro confirmed, her voice steady. “We rushed here as soon as we heard the rumors. I intended to prevent her from witnessing the scene.”
“Kirino-san entered the area unaccompanied,” Kougami pointed out.
"I had arrived earlier and accessed the zoo through a different route," Yashiro clarified, her voice maintaining its calm demeanor.
"You were waiting for her," the trench coat-clad man interjected.
"Yes," Yashiro acknowledged, her gaze transitioning between the trench coat-clad figure and Touko.
"What were you doing during your wait?" Ginoza's gaze held a sharp intensity as he continued his line of inquiry.
“I was watching,” Yashiro responded, her reply concise.
“You were watching?” Ginoza's frown etched deeper lines onto his forehead. “Precisely what were you watching?”
“The body,” Yashiro's reply was direct.
A subtle ripple of reaction passed through the group. Ginoza's eyebrows shot up, his intrigue intensifying. His eyes then flickered towards Yashiro's crime coefficient hologram, displaying an unexpectedly low number.
"You saw the victim's body?" Ginoza's voice held a mix of astonishment and disbelief.
“Yes,” Yashiro affirmed, her unwavering gaze meeting Ginoza's.
Both Ginoza and Kougami exchanged fleeting glances. 
"Aren't you concerned about your own psycho pass in light of witnessing such a traumatic event?" Kougami's voice penetrated the charged silence that had momentarily enveloped them.
Yashiro's gaze briefly shifted towards Touko, who still sat on the bench, her demeanor subdued. With deliberate intention, Yashiro returned her focus to Kougami, her eyes conveying a depth of consideration.
"I was concerned about hers. I was apprehensive about the potential impact on her psychological state after encountering the scene."
"We acknowledge your intentions, but entering a restricted crime scene during an ongoing investigation has serious ramifications," Kougami intervened, his voice even-keeled.
"I understand," Yashiro replied, her exterior demeanor maintaining its composure.
"Takahashi?" Sasayama approached, a cigarette dangling between his fingers. The scent wafted towards Yashiro, causing her to wrinkle her nose in subtle distaste. "It's Sasayama."
“Takahashi?” Kougami sighed, a faint smile curving his lips. “Could it be… are you Takahashi Yashiro?”
Yashiro's attention sharpened as Sasayama's gaze settled upon her, the weight of his scrutiny heightened by her distinctive hair color. A faint furrowing of her brows betrayed a momentary annoyance, an emotion quickly masked. Yet, she could not entirely conceal the flicker of displeasure that danced in her eyes, a fire quickly banked.
"Brown suits you well," Sasayama commented, his tone carrying a tinge of familiarity.
“Do you have any leads on who might have done this?” Yashiro redirected the conversation, steering the focus back to the core matter at hand.
"We are still investigating,” Ginoza's response remained cautious. “Do you have any relatives we can contact on your behalf?"
Unfazed by the suggestion, Yashiro's reply was matter-of-fact, "I have uncles, but I'm not sure if they're in town. I’ve never really considered them. If you call, they might answer since you're an inspector. They wouldn't respond to me."
The exchange passed with minimal notice, save for a frown from one individual—Enforcer Masaoka Tomomi, who had his hands in his trench coat.
Sasayama's voice entered the conversation, punctuated by a puff of smoke from his cigarette, "Kirino-san mentioned a teacher from her school might be involved—Touma Kouzaburou. Kirino Abele was head of a charity organization that got him out of Ogishima. There's a personal grudge between them. She believes he's likely the last person who interacted with her father. During a school event, she witnessed them conversing. Afterward, both men seemed to vanish. Kirino stayed with friends, thinking her father left due to work commitments."
Ginoza activated a holographic interface above his wrist, "We've identified a suspect, Touma Kouzaburou. Shion, run a background check and send us his address."
"You know this guy?" Sasayama directed his question to Yashiro.
"He's a social science teacher," Yashiro replied. "He should be at the academy now."
The results of the background check were conveyed, "No criminal record. He's a teacher at Oso Academy. Linked to Kirino Abele through his involvement in his relocation from Ogishima at the age of fourteen. No siblings. His mother's demise stemmed from substance abuse when he was young. Notably clear hue. Address incoming."
"We're heading there for further questioning," Kougami affirmed.
"I'll handle things here," Ginoza concluded, deactivating the hologram. "Be cautious—we don't want to escalate the psycho hazard."
"I'm well aware, Gino," Kougami sighed.
Turning her attention towards Touko, Yashiro gravitated to the bench near the chimpanzee enclosure. Taking a seat beside her, Yashiro's presence exuded comfort and understanding.
"They have a lead now. They're en route to our school."
“It's my fault," Touko's voice trembled, her eyes betraying a shimmer of unshed tears.
"No, it's not," Yashiro countered, her tone resolute in its support.
"If I had been with my dad, this wouldn't have happened," Touko's words were heavy with self-blame, her emotions threatening to overflow.
“You can't possibly know what his intentions were,” Yashiro's brow furrowed.
"I should've answered his call. We argued yesterday. Maybe he was reaching out for help and—"
"You don’t know that," Yashiro's words cut through, firm yet compassionate.
“I should have," Touko raised her voice. "My dad saw through him when he encountered him in Ogishima. A clear hue, a smile… all while his mother lay dead in bed. He must've been the one who killed her, like the others."
"It's over now, thanks to you," Yashiro patted Touko’s clenched fist gently. "Just… be mindful now. People often seize opportunities when they perceive vulnerability."
"You're right."
"Have you reached out to any family or friends?" Yashiro inquired softly.
"Only you,” Touko's response was raw and honest. “I'm heading back to school."
"Can I ask you not to?" Yashiro's plea held a gentle earnestness.
"I need closure. I can't bear sitting there, hearing people talk about my dad. I have to do something, or I'll lose my mind."
Yashiro's eyes widened, her gaze locking onto Touko's determined expression. For a brief moment, she hesitated, as if contemplating the significance of Touko's words. Then, her lips curved into a soft smile.
Together, they began walking towards the waiting patrol vehicle. Sasayama caught Kougami's attention with a subtle nod of his head, followed by a casual toss of his cigarette. Kougami followed Sasayama's gaze and turned around, noticing the approaching girls.
Their expressions held a mixture of surprise and approval, unexpected at the girls' choice to accompany them. Kougami's lips curved upward in a subtle smile, a flicker of respect gleaming in his eyes. Sasayama's gaze lingered a moment longer than necessary, his demeanor briefly softening as he locked eyes with Touko.
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novelars-blog · 7 years
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Tag dump 2/?
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eyeofsibyl · 6 years
Shōgo Makishima & Nyoko Shinzu: 1984 vs. The Sibyl System: Man’s Very Own Fail-Safe
(note: I often write conversations between Shōgo and an asymptomatic add-in character I speak through. Her name is Nyoko Shinzu. I find it easier to dissect Shōgo when I can do it through a literary vessel such as Nyoko.)
“Winston and Julia spoke of the Party when they said, 'They can't get inside you. If you can feel that staying human is worth while, even when it can't have any result whatever, you've beaten them.' But what is this?” Nyoko asked, motioning beyond the foggy window pane and outward to the mist-filled city below. “Sibyl has penetrated the human mind, his spirit, his very soul.”
“Yet it was he who first allowed it,” Shōgo countered.
“That's true — once, a long time ago. Now, it is involuntary. It needn't even happen anymore. It already has happened. Sibyl was allowed inside, and there it has remained. Perhaps in some predestined way — if you believe that sort of thing — we just weren't meant to coexist, you and I, with what Man has become. Simply by our being, the pair of us — and others too, like Kozaburo Toma, for example — have beaten what has beaten Man himself. It could well be that we are the result of Man's inherent need to be human, no matter how far he's since fallen from himself. We alone survive, born not of the Fallen, but expelled, untouched, until the need arises. And then, when Man has lost himself completely, ones as you and I, sensing our humanity within us, may come alongside and guide him back into existence.”
Shōgo's eyes alighted. “Man's very own fail-safe.” 
“In a way, I suppose.”
“Hmm,” he smiled. “What a lovely thought.”
by Eso Niko
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whatsyourcolor · 6 years
So the brain of Kozaburo Toma is still chillin with the other Sibyl brains, right?
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kaiaishi · 6 years
Pleasures of the body are limited. But pleasures of the mind are infinite!
Kozaburo Toma as Joshu Kasei, Psycho Pass
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mel-animeland · 7 years
[Anime Crush] Kagari Shuusei
[Anime Crush] Kagari Shuusei
Kagari Shuusei is a fictional character from the anime and manga series Psycho-Pass, he was an enforcer working with the Division 1, he normally work under before being killed by chief Kasei (control by Kozaburo Toma at the time) (more…)
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