#kris dreemurr smut
rooftopswandive · 10 months
Like She Knew Everything
Fic under the cut
⚠️: Fantasizing about noncon, obsession, thoughts of violence, angst, yandere
♟️: Kris Dreemur, Noelle Holiday
🚨: All characters are 18+
It wasn’t right. It was disgusting, deplorable for them to feel this way. Kris clutched their chest, staring into the school’s bathroom mirror wanting to throw up. What was wrong with them? Not the possession mind you, that was a feeling they’d grown accustomed to. This was worse. A burning ache in the deepest reaches of their eternally damned soul. Why couldn’t they get her out of their head! The girl next door. The one with the blonde hair that sparkled like fresh snow, the one whos trot was so deliciously adorable they could watch it loop for hours on end, the one so feeble, frail, and fragile that the slightest breeze could destroy her inside and out. It was sickening, their own thoughts, and they knew it was wrong. They shouldn’t want to do anything to a girl so perfect but they did. Its not like they could tell anyone about how they wanted to pin her against the wall and bite her so hard she bleeds, or about their fantasies of raping her with a knife to her neck, and certainly not about the 84 (and counting) candid photographs of the girl. It was a burning fire they could only hold onto for so long until they did something drastic.
They’d be fine. They’d be fine. Walking out of the bathroom trying their best to hold themselves together, it almost worked for a time. Almost normal, well as normal as it was for them. Being the weird kid had its perks. No one knew when you were possessed, and no one knew about your latest obsession.
So why did she look at them like she knew everything.
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imptwins · 11 months
Just a li'l drabble I never posted here. Minors begone. Warning for stomach bulging.
There was an addictive quality to it, and an almost morbid satisfaction. Like reaching into what seems like a puddle and finding a bottomless pool; like suddenly discovering you're thirsty only when you take a sip of water, and proceeding to down an entire bottle. To keep going and somehow never face resistance, to push to your limits, past them, further and further still seemingly without end. To feel like you've so effortlessly transcended your flesh, to feel like surely they must be overlapping in physical space like an Escher painting made flesh, that any further movement would find flesh grazing Soul. They wondered if the temporary addiction would even end there or if given the chance they would let the monster under them touch at the core of their being, penetrate the culmination of their existence and violate that as well.
They wondered if it was magic at play. Many aspects of monster physiology were a mystery to them, perhaps they really were overlapping? Perhaps Determination allowed physical and magical flesh to interact in ways nobody had discovered, or perhaps humans were simply a lot more durable than either had imagined.
The sudden press of scales to their rear broke Kris somewhat out of their reverie, blinking under their fringe. Their body settled into sitting as if they'd found the most natural seat in the world, and their mind settled on the reality that, somehow, the insurmountable obstacle they had soaked in the vision of, the impossible task that obstacle's owner had set for them, had in fact been accomplished.
"I told y'you'd be fine," a gruff voice rumbled directly into their ear. Its owner arched her head down, even while sitting on her lap she had to crane her body down to reach Kris' cheek. Warm breath washed over them, all the way from temple to neck to shoulder, betraying both size and arousal. Kris could see her claws fraying the threads of their blankets with how hard she gripped their bed, and her breath felt more in line with that than her quiet tone. "What the fuck is goin' on in your head, though?… Y'know I can't read your thoughts but your emotions are all, I dunno. Weird."
Kris didn't reply immediately. They didn't think they'd be able to, at least not without a whimper or a whine and they didn't want to give her the satisfaction. Plus, they knew how much it taxed her. The claws weren't the only tell; they could feel the scales on her chest and stomach, her thighs, every part of her body that touched to theirs - and there was a lot of that - was tense and trembling against their skin, at war with her instincts. It took Susie immense restraint to be tender, to let Kris go at the agonizingly slow pace that her physiology demanded, but she managed it. Just for them, she let Kris sit flush in her lap, still but for shaking like a leaf in the wind.
"Just weird thoughts," Kris eventually breathed out, still only barely managing to keep level even with the pause. Their voice still much more strained than they'd hoped from the physical effort of handling the monstrous woman.
"You're shiverin'," Susie mused, and Kris could hear the shit-eating grin in her voice.
"So are you," Kris jabbed back, but Susie just chuckled it off. Kris was definitely the one getting pushed further, Susie knew it, and it fed her ego to stay in control even if it was difficult. Of course Susie couldn't help herself from teasing a bit, but even her teasing was so much more delicate than usual. She was acting brash but her actions made it completely clear she was being very careful for Kris' sake.
That moment stretched on and Susie found herself uncharacteristically okay with it. One arm wrapped around Kris' front as she sat back upright, holding them to her and further sharing warmth between them. The other trailed down their shoulder and arm, the soft hide of her hand at odds with the razor tips of her talons. The shiver it caused Kris only made Susie feel even further in control, for as much as the two were often in a half-joking war for dominance.
Her paw reached theirs and closed somewhat around it, emphasizing the difference with Kris' half-sized hand in a mirror of their own bodies. They didn't move as she pulled their hand over, ran her paw with Kris' hand under it along the human's own side, over their stomach, and-
Kris' body straightened - and tightened - up a fraction. Those scarlet eyes looked down suddenly, widened, and Susie just chuckled again.
"Y'didn't notice?"
"I didn't think-"
"It's your body, think you would'a felt it," the dragoness scoffed, though still only gentle.
"All of these sensations are a lot, it's hard to notice individual aspects," Kris huffed out in excuse. They felt their cheeks burning and it was mildly irritating.
Susie's hand guided theirs over their stomach, letting them - making them - feel the bulge that sat there. There was no mistaking that she was causing it. Not the least of which because as Kris, at Susie's gentle but firm insistence, ran their hand over it, they could feel it twitching just the faintest, tiniest bit. A slightly harder push against their own skin, and it pulsed with her magic, bringing a gentle growling groan from the chest behind their head, and the throat hovering above it.
"'It'll be easy you baby,'" Kris said in a mockery of Susie's gravelly voice. "Not as if my body is about to break the fuck apart."
"No it's not dude don't be a drama queen," Susie chuckled through a smirk. "'Us humans are soooo strong, Determination this, Determination that!'" she mocked right back, though her Kris impression was more than a little lacking.
"Don't think they taught us this aspect back in school."
"Whatever," Susie huffed, discarding the back and forth. She kept gently rubbing Kris' hand over their stomach while letting them rest. Using their hand cradled in hers, to feel her flesh cradled in theirs, with their body cradled in her lap.
Kris could feel their cheeks slowly heating up even more, the slow movement of their hands helping to hammer home not only the physical sensations of her body plumbing theirs, but the emotional ones. The amount of power she had over them in that moment. As if picking up on their thoughts - or perhaps literally, thanks to the innate empathy of monsters that Kris never fully understood - Susie's grin-suffused growl once more filled their ear.
"This is how I can tell that you're mine, Dreemurr," the girl taunted, giving a gentle little tap of one of her claws to the bump in their stomach.
"How do you figure?" Kris asked, trying to sound cocky themself but betrayed by the strain.
"Nobody would do this for just anybody," Susie hummed. "I must really be special if you're pushing your body so much just to make me happy."
"Dream on," Kris grunted, but all's it took was a flex of the monster's monstrous dick in them to make them immediately shut up to hold back a groan.
"Can it," Susie scoffed. "This is what y'really want, isn't it?… Y'can't get any more devoted than this. Letting me use your body in ways most humans wouldn't even know they're physically capable of." Her paw squeezed Kris' hand down, squeezing her dick and the layers of Kris' flesh that separated them. Both groaned, both pushed their bodies together for the closeness and the comfort while their toes curled and hands clenched.
Kris was silent beyond their groans. They didn't have space in their brain for a witty comeback, it was too full of cock.
"You're a good li'l human for your big dragon Gee Eff taking me like this," Susie taunted, her grin becoming wider both physically and vocally. But before Kris could get too frustrated and start thinking of payback, her head dipped down again, this time not to growl in their ear but to gently press her thin, leathery lips to their neck, getting yet another shiver from them.
"And that's… Weirdly, kinda, flattering, I guess…?" Susie continued, grin slowly fading. "I'm… Y'know me, I can't help but be a bit of a shit, I'm sorry dude. But you really are like… Goin' above and beyond for somethin' as silly as gettin' a rise outta me, uh, literally."
Kris clicked their tongue. Their cheeks were burning bright.
"It's not that serious… I wanted to know if I could, and I can, so I did."
It was a transparent lie, but Susie knew about their aversion to sentimentality. And the message was clear besides. She straightened up and pressed her snout into their hair, enjoying the soft texture and the smell of apples.
"Whatever you say dude."
"Yeah yeah," Kris grumbled, spare hand squeezing at the monster's thigh. Just to make sure she knew. "Are you gonna move or what?"
A throaty chuckle blew at their hair, before Susie sat up properly for the balance and support. It was probably the longest Kris had ever seen her patient for, the longest she'd held herself back, the longest she'd been tender and gentle and just let Kris set the pace for the sake of their comfort.
Both of her claws moved to their thighs and, without so much as a grunt, Kris felt their body rise along hers, felt that bulge in their abdomen recede, felt so much of her drawing out of them that it was almost as much a shock to the system as having it pushed in in the first place. It felt outright unfair that she could detonate a bomb in their brain with so little effort, and that was just from lifting them a few inches.
"Bet," Susie grinned into her little human's hair, and her tenderness was no more.
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snarky-wallflower · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@amethystunarmed tagged me for this!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I've currently got 25 works on there.
2. What’s your total word count?
161, 391! which...wow, that number hits me every time I look at it. I can’t believe I’ve written a whole novel’s length of fanfic this year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Hatchetfield and Deltarune, but especially Hatchetfield. The silly little horror-comedy musicals (especially the LiB and Paul) have grabbed me and won’t let go. To the detriment of my WIPs in other fandoms. Oh, and I’ve also written a decent amount of fic for Spiderverse and Dracula! (Our good friend Jonathan Harker, after all.)
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
pas de masque - a pre-canon Spiderverse fic focusing on Gwen's terrible experiences in the Spider-Society, and just what it's like to learn you're doomed in every other universe, and that no one will let you stop it.
The Show Must Go On - a fun little theatre AU for Deltarune, where Susie's been arrested, and the only way for her to not be arrested is to join a club. She chooses theatre, which Noelle is coincidentally the director of. Romance, friendship, and theatre chaos ensues. (also, I LOVE writing Kris in this fic.) It's the fic I've been working on the longest.
what is a god? - my exploration of the Lords in Black, and how they think and treat Hatchetfield and their puppets, written at 12 am after finishing Nerdy Prudes Must Die. Despite that, I’m still pretty proud of it!
used to think about you (everywhere i go) - a post-canon Nimona (movie-verse) fic, in which Nimona gets to work out her complex feelings about Gloreth by standing at her grave. Sometimes therapy is yelling at your ex-bestie's grave, more at 11.
one hell of a normal abnormality - a fic where I wrote Pete actually seeming to care that Ruth and Richie weren't there at Homecoming, with a decent exploration of grief and feeling guilty. Also, I think I was the first one to use the green-hair-after-being-touched-by-Wiggly headcanon.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, of course! I love comments - you read my whole chapter/fic, and you liked it enough to post your reaction! Amazing, I love you, I would literally die for some commentors.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this is hard. Most of the fic I write is angst, so tough to pick. I'd say the real competition is between life underground (it's over now) and always be my favourite ghost. But if I had to choose, it would be the first one, because that ends with Chara literally ripping up their adoption certificate, and thinking they’ll never be a part of the Dreemurr family. And we all know what happens next. :(
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, this one’s pretty easy. like real people do. It’s a short, canon divergent one shot I wrote for a podcast, Monstrous Agonies that I was super into - even submitted a couple of letters to the podcast I was pretty proud of. It ends with the characters sort-of rekindling their relationship, after accidentally broadcasting them kissing through the radio. It actually managed to predict a decent amount of the actual finale, too!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, I haven't gotten any yet. Hoping that that streak continues.
9. Do you write smut?
Ha! No. And it's probably not going to happen for a long time, if ever. I'm apparently a bit of a nerdy prude myself. I have written at least one fic that's only plot was two characters kissing, though.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven’t yet! Maybe someday.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Also, no. Benefits of being a smaller fic writer, I guess.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! But if that ever happens to me, I'm gonna scream
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! I was thinking of co-writing a Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes fic with a friend in real life, though. It was a really good movie, but I haven't made a lot of progress on it.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
You know, I'm really not sure? I mostly read gen fic, but for shipping? I'd have to say probably Noelle/Susie, or Paul Matthews/Emma Perkins? It really depends on the day - I'll read a lot of ships.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
None so far! My WIPs currently are probably going to take a long time, but I plan to finish all of them. Outlines may be bad, but I am determined!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at internal monologues. And along with that, characterization! I get a lot of really sweet comments about it, and I do like writing character-focused pieces! Which is kind of ironic, given that worrying about writing characters wrong was a pretty big reason I didn’t start writing again until this year.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Oh my god, every time I try to write snappy dialogue, I have new appreciation for comedians and dialogue-heavy writers. Those people are so talented. Sometimes I act out dialogue I’ve written and I want to throw myself into the sun.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Look. I took French for five years. But every time I try to speak French, one of my best friends looks like she wants to fight me. I am not great at languages other than English. I am positive that if I tried to write dialogue by myself, I would just resort to DeepL, or Google Translate, and nobody wants that. If I have to write in another language, I'm going to try and get a translator.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Are we counting works posted to ao3, or first fic ever? Because the first fic I ever posted to ao3 was for a podcast, Spirit Box Radio, that I should really relisten to at some point. But my first fandom I ever wrote for was Gravity Falls - the fic's still posted to Quotev, and I have reread it recently. It was a next-generation fic.
...At least younger me was having fun?
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
How dare you ask me to pick? But seriously, probably pas de masque. I know it's cliche to say my most kudos'd fic, but I am super proud of my characterization of Gwen there, and getting to play with pre-canon Spider-Society and what it's like for someone to know they're doomed by the narrative in every other universe.
Okay, who do I know? @acaciapines, @nonbinarycollector, @sherbetflowers, @littlesilentrebel, @am-i-lie, @lilacthebooklover, @noelle-holi-gay, @marvelmaniac715! Please don't feel pressured to respond if you don't want to!
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
When You Go,
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WXT4ei
by loriethefennec
Our god and savior, Bold Koopipico (Bald Kurapika in lame human language) travels down to the mortal realm to find the cure of his never-ending boredom. He has countless adventures. But there's this one, where he encounters a strange, French in fact, person. Little does He, our lord and savior, know, that that man is about to make a big impact on His immortal existence and godly fine ass. Although, that experience might be the most important, The Gog Himself meets countless of other homo-like aura characters. Bold Koopipico has all the power in His hands and can do whatever He wants. But... Will He use it for good and holy purposes? (read to find out, idiot)
Words: 8, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunter X Hunter, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Minions (2015), Undertale (Video Game), Super Dangan Ronpa 2, The Owl House (Cartoon), 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga), どうぶつの森 | Animal Crossing Series, Deltarune (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: bold koopipico, Bald Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Cheadle Yorkshire, garbage freecs, Ging Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, Alluka Zoldyck, Pakunoda (Hunter X Hunter), Neferpitou (Hunter X Hunter), Pariston Hill, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Chara (Undertale), Asriel Dreemurr, Kris (Deltarune), Susie (Deltarune), Sans (Undertale), Komaeda Nagito, Bob the Minion, Scarlet Overkill, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Ankha (Animal Crossing), Zone (Animator), Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Leorio Paladiknight, Le Oreo Paladiknight, Fairy King Harlequin, Diane (Nanatsu no Taizai)
Relationships: Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight, Kurapika & Leorio Paladiknight, Gon Freecs/Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs & Killua Zoldyck, Komaeda Nagito/Sans (Undertale), Komaeda Nagito & Sans (Undertale), Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Diane/Fairy King Harlequin
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, No Smut, Killugon - Freeform, Killugon Day, Killugon Week, leopika - Freeform, French Leorio Paladiknight, animating, goddamit kris where the hell are we, kurapika is a god, bold koopipico - Freeform, kurapika is now drowning, Le Oreo, uwu, quirky, fruity, Gay, we are the children of jegus, welcome to bible study, Church of England, church of bold koopipico, criticism not welcome, my mental health is decreasing, akaku
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WXT4ei
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pacexlikexaxghost · 4 years
Rule & Muse List
This is an multimuse RP blog, with muses from Undertale/Deltarune, School-Live!, My Hero Academia, Pokemon, Avatar the Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, A Series of Unfortunate Events/All The Wrong Questions, and Steven Universe. More characters to inevitably be added in the future knowing myself. 
Quick things:
Feel free to hit me up with a thread any time! I don’t care if we’ve never talked before! Write the starter, send the thing to my ask box, etc.! I’m happy to RP with you!
Seriously you don’t have to ask if you can RP with me. To be honest whenever I’m asked it makes my anxiety act up. Just do it. I might not respond, but it wouldn’t hurt anything
I have a discord; if we’re mutuals ask for it. (I follow from @scientistredacted​ )
If your character is an OC, I’d prefer if you have a page with info on them, so I can know about them before RPing.
I'm very crossover friendly!!
I prefer literate paragraph style roleplaying. But I try not to be picky. Just know that if it's not that, I'll be slower to respond than usual.
Also unless we’ve talked about it before hand, the first time I interact with an OC, I assume it’s the first time our characters are meeting.
I’m very, very shippy. It needs to have chemistry, but if there’s even a hint of it, I probably ship it (but will never act on it without talking to you).
Mun is autistic and writes 99% of their muses as such! Absolutely including like. Most of the muses here.
Each muse has a main verse that's technically their default, but I really just go for whatever works best.
I use some basic formatting. I don't require you too, aside from paragraph breaks for readability.
I struggle with executive dysfunction, or other (real life) things taking all my spoons for a while, so I might go for days at a time not responding, or I might respond multiple times in one day. Bear with me please.
Related to the above: Mun does have pretty bad anxiety and occasionally struggles with dissociation, so at times I will be  V E R Y  selective about what replies I get done. Please. PLEASE. PLEASE be patient with me (And before you ask no I’m not really getting any help with either of those things because of issues with my mother that I’d rather not anyone ask about).
I tend to ramble in tags like, a lot. Often I comment on the motivations behind actions in individual replies.
You’re allowed to drop threads if they aren’t fun for you! Just tell me!
I don’t usually send in rules passwords because of anxiety. But know that I HAVE read your rules. Multiple times before ever daring to interact with you, probably.
Feel free to send anything from any inbox memes no matter how old! Just, if it’s old specify which thing so I can find it
I’m 26, but I will not RP smut. I'm ace, and that makes me really uncomfortable. Sorry. (Other NSFW is fine though)
If a thread is started from an ask, please move it to a new post to respond. If you’re on mobile, just tell me, and I’ll move it to a new post.
Don’t be a jerk. Which means no drama, no godmodding, metagaming or the like. Let's just all be reasonable here.
See above
Izuku Midorya from MHA
Shoto Todoroki from MHA
Yuki Takeya from School-Live!
Allister from Pokémon
Zuko from Avatar
Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls
Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls
Six Undertale OCs based on the fallen human kids
Papyrus from Undertale
Kris Dreemurr from Deltarune
Chara Dreemurr from Undertale
Frisk Dreemurr from Undertale
Roy Mustang from FMAB
Lemony Snicket from ASOUE/ATWQ
Pearl from Steven Universe
Rose Quartz / Pink Diamond from Steven Universe
Steven Universe from Steven Universe
Volleyball from Steven Universe
Raine Whispers from The Owl House
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rooftopswandive · 1 year
A snippet from my “weirder route” deltarune alternate universe
CW: Abuse, Gaslighting, Coercion, Implications of Sexual Assault
⚠️: All characters I write are explicitly portrayed as 18+. This work is purely for the purposes of entertainment. I do not condone the actions I write about. I do not encourage the condoning of the actions I write about. You should only ever practice sex in an environment with people you trust completely. If you are in an abusive situation, there are resources to help you. You are never alone.
✏️: The following work is not proof read for typos and grammatical errors. Cry about it.
♟️: Kris Dreemurr, Noelle Holiday
Noelle looks through Kris’ phone, trying to gather more evidence for her theories. Goes into their photos. Its all just her. Some in…very compromising positions when she thought she was in complete isolation
From behind her “Looking for something princess?”
shes unaltered. Scared, but unwavering in her goals. Thats their fault, isn’t it? “care to explain, dreemurr?”
“Isn’t it a bit early in our love to be using surnames?” they stand behind her, placing their arm over her shoulder and scrolling through the pictures for her. The gallery just goes on and on “I just have a bit of an interest in photography. Thought you wanted me to get new hobbies”
“Very funny. So how did you do it?”
“Im afraid I don’t understand the question” they look down at her, lying through their teeth like always
“Following me like this isn’t possible”
“Small town” they interrupt
she backs away, still clutching their device “I don’t care how small the town is! Some of these are…temporally improbable! I know somethings wrong with you and I-“ she goes to point an accusatory finger, and her wrist is grabbed
“Angel, Angel, Angel…theres nothing wrong with me. Even if there was I don’t understand why you’d care so much! I mean-“ they stifle a laugh “-don’t you like this side of me?”
“…no, I don’t” she lies through her teeth
they grab her other wrist, the phone dropping out of it onto the hardwood floor. She struggled, despite her immense physical frailness
“Weak in body but not in spirit. Not anymore. You know a month or two ago you would’ve let me break you right now. You would’ve welcomed a punishment. I’ll be expecting a thank you for that”
“Its not like that! You…y-..just…I want to know the truth! What are you hiding from me?”
“I suppose this is what I get for teaching you to stand up for yourself…” they say in a half-mocking, half-lamenting tone of voice. They shamelessly wrestle her to the floor, her face visibly red while shes living out both her worst nightmares and most lewd fantasies in one day “but I’m not ever going to tell you. I adore this side of you. Confused, scared, and so so powerful! You’ve gotten so strong…in spirit anyways haha…”
“You know I’ll find out…”
“…no, no you won’t.”
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rooftopswandive · 1 year
An unhinged Weirder Route thought
⚠️: Cw, my content is suuuuper fucked and also 18+. All characters are portrayed at 18+!!! If you don’t like what I write, then do us both a favor and block me about it.
♟️: Noelle Holiday
“I hate you…I hate you so much”
The doe cried as her master thrust in and out of her at a steady rhythm. It was less a rebuttal to them and more something to comfort herself with. A lie to steady her mind. Surely she didn’t like it when they raped her in her own bed, clutching her own sheets while trying to hide her moans of approval. Surely she didn’t leave her door and window unlocked to make it easier for them to sneak in at the dead of night and have her way with her. And surely she wasn’t loving every single second of this.
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