heroofshield · 4 months
#12 for Shep/Kaidan?
Write about your ship going somewhere new together for the first time.
"What about Ryuusi's?" Kaidan asked as they sifted through the take out menus. It was nearing dinner on the Citadel and they were both starving. "I know you like the shrimp rolls."
Rose shook her head, "Banned after the incident with the fish tank."
"Yeah." Rose tried to keep the grimace from showing, the last time they'd had shore leave on the station still left a bad taste in her mouth. Poking at the other menus she tried to find something that sparked her interest but wasn't finding anything.
She opened her mouth to suggest that maybe they just raid the fridge when Kaidan stood while saying, "I found a place you might like."
"And that is..." Rose trailed off, taking the hand that he offered to help her up; still sore from jumping onto a skycar to try and catch Kai Lang.
"It's a surprise." Kaidan smiled as he pulled Rose towards the door and down the hallway. Hailing a cab, Kaidan tapped in their destination without letting Rose see and soon they were zooming through the station. Soon enough the cab pulled over and lowered, automatically opening the door with a slight hiss.
Rose stepped out, taking Kaidan's hand so she didn't trip, and looked at the storefront-raising an eyebrow at the scene in front of her. "Suddenly I feel overdressed." she deadpanned, turning her head to look at Kaidan who just gave her a smile. The exterior was made up to look right out of a scene from Earth that only existed in netshows now; the short plastic grass extending out a few feet and surrounded by a white-picket fence, patio seating with large umbrellas to shade from weather that never happened on the station.
"You look fine." Kadain said as he moved towards the entrance, following the fake looking paving stones that wound a path inside.
Once they were seated, Rose glanced around the interior to take it all in. It reminded her of the kitschy fad that had popped up during her teenage years; a slew of pre-mass effect netshows and movies that were all set during the post-world war two era had made that aesthetic popular for awhile. The white tile floors matched the white formica tabletops edged in red and chrome while neon signs blinked on the walls. Glancing at the menu, she saw that it boasted that the place was dextro and levio friendly-each getting their own section on the laminated paper.
Placing their orders of what promised to be greasy burgers along side french fries and hydroponically grown vegetables, their drinks arrived in honest to stars milkshake glasses with long straws and Rose asked the question that had been on her mind since they arrived, "How did you find this place?"
"Saw it while flipping through a listicle, '10 weird places to go on the Citadel.'" Kaidan shrugged as he drew the large glass towards him and took a sip of the fizzing, bright green drink. "Thought it looked fun."
"So...you've never been here before?" Rose asked slowly, trying to understand that the place was new to both of them. "You seemed like you'd been here before."
Kaidan shook his head, "Nope. First time. Besides it seemed like we could both use something a bit lighthearted on the station this time around."
Rose shook her head while slightly laughing, a smile appearing to show that she was amused most of all. "Well I have to admit that you know how to make it fun."
"Isn't that what you like about me."
"There are a few other things but yes, that's one of them." Rose playfully threw her wadded up straw cover at him and he artfully dodged out of the way, knowing that the smile on his face was echoed in her own.
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leviiackrman · 10 months
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Thank you so much Ruby! || Lucille Novak - @kyber-infinitygems || Kofi Donations
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @risingsh0t @sstewyhosseini @chuckhansen @statichvm @roofgeese @unholymilf @florbelles @confidentandgood @arklay @jinfromyarikawa @shellibisshe @simonxriley @queennymeria @marivenah @faerune @nokstella @noonfaerie @liurnia @indorilnerevarine @jacobseed @jackiesarch @heroofpenamstan
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sufficeth · 2 months
(also you're one of my favorite hulk blogs, the bretty divorce art in your pinned is perfect, and i remember seeing your art during bruceweek!)
this is SO NICE of you! i wanted to hoard this ask in my inbox forever. i love this small, niche fandom, and i don't intend on becoming less obsessed with hulk & co anytime soon. it's always a pleasure to see you in my notifs, and you (and anyone else who wants) are welcome in my asks/DMs anytime!!
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moved-mainblog · 8 months
Bruce Banner & Lucille Novak
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Made a new one because I got the actress wrong at the first picture. I hope this time it's the right one.
So again. For the sweet and lovely @neonsoundbite/@kyber-infinitygems. Her Oc Lucille and her best friend Bruce.
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statichvm · 3 months
🎀 - I consider you a friend already!
🌼 - We do talk, and I’m glad we do!
📷 - You have a nice aesthetic!
💙 - I think you’re cool!
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more junos of thanks of love 4 u
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badgerhuan · 5 months
for the shipping bingo:
ummm… maverick/iceman?
so I'm like. a few months late with this but oh boy you're sure hitting a hornet's nest with this one.
I'll also include the new bingo bc i think it's fun
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I just do not ship them at all 😂 one of the ships I have blacklisted, in fact
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gale-in-space · 7 months
what program/brushes do you use?
Hi hi hi!!! I use clip studio paint, and the brush I use for lining is the SU cream pencil brush!!! I generally just fill in colors with the fill bucket, but I like to experiment with other brushes from time to time as well :))
Thanks for the ask!!
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raviposting · 1 year
steggy for the ship thing?
Please do not read this if you like them lmao
They are such a bland ass ship asdfjkl they genuinely bore me so much. I thought they were Just Okay in the first movie and from that point forward I thought that continuing on with them was just. So boring. Peggy had way more interesting love interests in her show and I didn't reeeeeeally ship Steve with anyone (hardcore) but the fan ships I saw were just far more interesting to me. It's bonkers to me that I'm supposed to root for these two as some soulmate Forever Love story. They knew each other for what. A few months? asdjfkl
I think maybe I could have been down if this continued as a regretful "what could have been" thing, with them always wondering about the what if, the maybe they could have had it all type of thing. But then Endgame happened and I was asdfjkl already really tired of Steggy (and Peggy fandom tbh) after the Steve/Sharon discourse and to have him go back to her was just. I was so tired lmao I quite honestly think this ship should have been put to rest in the MCU a long time ago.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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thedeadthree · 3 months
🎵 + Tissaia?
HII RUBY DEAR I HOPE YOUR WELL!! tyty soo much tissaia my lonely lovely lady of last light she means the WORLD to me !!!!!
-`. send me a ♫ + a character’s name and I will respond with a song that reminds me of them. send a ♫ + a ship and I will do the same.
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✧ ― 𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 -`. soap&skin.
Wo immer ich aufschlage find' ich dich / Du fällst im Schatten der Tage / Als Stille und Stich / Ich wart' auf dich, wann kommst du wieder heim? / Ich wollt' noch nie lieber eine Made sein
whenever i open up, i find you / you fall into the shadows of day as silence and stabs / i'm waiting for you, when are you coming back home? / i have never wanted to be a maggot more than now
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sufficeth · 2 months
I usually deal with MCU when it comes to things, especially Bretty (it's happier, it's amicable divorce) but I love Bruce in any universe. I'm keeping up with the current comic run too and I really enjoy it!
nice. i don't have the strength to ignore all the things that piss me off about the mcu, but there are definitely some nuggets of gold there (well, mostly in avengers 1). and even though the 2008 hulk movie was pretty terrible, it did go off with certain bretty moments.
I agree the current run is really good! it's got that classic hulk running-into-trouble-in-the-desert vibe, down to the troubled teen sidekick (charlie my beloved). my only complaint is that I miss the Immortal Hulk system dynamics.
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dromaeocore · 7 months
3, 6, and 13!
3. How does your OC act when angry?
Oohh... I imagine it takes a lot to get him angry, but when he does, you don't want to cross him. It's a quiet fuming anger, and he holds grudges like no tomorrow lmao. There is no "forgive and forget" with this guy.
6. What is your OC's main love language?
I see him as a super physically affectionate guy who expresses his love for people that way - but for himself, he reaallly likes kind words and reassurance and encouragement. The right words make him melt. If you really want to get to his heart, write him a sappy letter or something.
He also tries his best to do everything he can to make his loved ones' lives easier. Kind of as a penance. He doesn't take care of himself well, but he's often cooking a meal for someone or doing housework for them or whatever else.
13. What is your OC's worst memory?
Ooooof... Finding out his best friend (and the mostly-straight guy he's been pining for for years) died bc of him. Finding his body on the couch and the crushing grief and sick mental torment that came with it. This is kind of what gets him into this whole afterlife mess in the first place.
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statichvm · 4 months
🐭 (in a “wow they’re so cool” kind of way)
juno ran off to commit baby crimes so pls accept some very important stellas
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mutantbanner · 8 months
the comic 😭
tore my heart into a million pieces but it is so GOOD
HEHEHEHE <333 I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!!!
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gale-in-space · 8 months
my oc’s outfit is literally inspired by it and i really need to rewatch them again!
peak cinema
Tron is one of my first loves lol, it's so goofy but I adore it so much <333
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raviposting · 10 months
For the character ask: Nadja?
Yayyy ty <3
Sexuality Headcanon: All the original vampires are pan babyyyyy <3
Gender Headcanon: Female, but I also don't think Nadja really cares a whole lot either, y'know?
A ship I have with said character: Her and Laszlo!!! I love these two sm
A BROTP I have with said character: Nadja and Guillermo are EVERYTHING fr fr. Their friendship over the past few seasons has been wonderful and this last episode was :')
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't really have one? I think all the ships Nadja has had have been pretty fun
A random headcanon: I think Nadja would unironically get into things like Build a Bear or Beanie Babies or Care Bears. She loves the fact that she gets to accessorize and fully has different collections (including special vampire collections just for her!!)
General Opinion over said character: I absolutely love her. Nadja is one of the most fun characters on tv, and she's played so well. I think as the seasons go on you know characters can kind of become caricatures of themselves, but I think the acting makes it so that even when that sometimes happens, we still get a nice depth to Nadja. And I've been so excited to see how her story develops!
Send me a character!
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captastra · 11 months
"kiss" for the wip game?
I don't have kiss in any of my WIPs at the moment :( Most wips are at the beginning of the relationship, so they will get there eventually!
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