#kyoutani kentaro fanfiction
toomanygoldfish · 8 months
It’s a… Dog person🎉
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With a nickname of “Mad dog” you might expect him to be at least acquainted with dogs. However much to your surprise he wasn’t. 
You later find out that this boy, who is very rough around the edges, was sent here because of a school detention. But you were unaware of that when he was first introduced to you. 
“…Hi, I’m here for volunteer work.” He shoved a piece of paper into the front desk lady’s face. She recoiled back, gently taking the crinkled paper in her hands, before putting it down on the desk and smoothing it out. 
“Ah, Kentarō Kyōtani, here for…volunteer hours.” 
Her nose curled up at this. Frowning slightly at her tone, you get back to work, filling out paperwork for the pets who needed to change facilities. 
You turn around when you hear a sharp “you”. You stand up, take a deep breath, roll your eyes at her for luck, then turn around to face her. 
“Yes ma’m?” You asked as politely as possible. 
“You are to give him the rundown, put him on the easy ones. Also that paperwork needs to be done soon. Chop chop.”
 You scoff slightly at the fact that she actually used the words ‘chop, chop’. You turn to him and bow. 
You rise and introduce yourself,
 “Hi! I’m [Name], I work here as a volunteer. I work mostly with dogs but I can give you help with the cats if you would rather spend your time with them.”
He blinks at you. You blink back at him. His eyes widened minutely, before looking away and introducing himself. 
“I’m Kentarō Kyōtani, I’m new here, um dogs are fine” His voice was gruff and yet he had a gentle way of talking. 
You nod shortly at him before spinning on your heel and opening the door to the cacophony that is the dog kennels. You had decided to start him on the cleaning of the kennels. That had to be the best start for handling the dogs and cleaning up after them. 
As you walked past each one of the kennals you greeted the dog inside with a friendly smile. The dogs wagged their tails delighted to see a person. Many barked at you, to which you shushed them and gave them a small glare before continuing on.
Finally reaching kennel number sixteen you pause and look at him. His eyes however were transfixed on the pit bull laying down. 
The pit bull in question and a pretty bad rep, she had been returned 3 separate times for ‘causing problems with other dogs’ which could not be true. She was one of the most friendly dogs here, although she was a bit shy meeting new people. 
She didn't have a name. You had been told not to give her one. But she had the softest brown doe eyes. Her muzzle was resting on her paws, while her gaze was set on his. 
He turned to you quickly. “Could I pet her?”
You smile, obviously he wanted to meet her as much as she wanted to meet him. You nod and crouch down to open the door. The door opens and you take a step back. 
“Hey there sweetheart! How are you today?”
You took a step back, letting them have a moment together. You thought to yourself, that maybe, just maybe, he would be a great fit. 
Wow, I really thought he would be a cat person. 
He would be a great pet parent either way. 
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doodle-bun-makes · 1 year
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New chapter for my fic “The Hat Rule™” on ao3! feel free to check it out!
Part one I Part two I Part three I Part four I Part fiveI  Park six I Part seven I Part nine I Part ten
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angryfistman · 3 years
kyotani x reader
No warnings
Summary: comfort with angry boy
Gender neutral reader
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Being friends with the big scary mad dog wasn’t as bad as other people were lead to believe. He’d occasionally share his lunches with you when you forgot yours (although you couldn’t get away from getting scolded by him.) He’d text you every morning to make sure you did your homework (so he could copy it.) Generally he’d always be there for you in his own way. Sure he wasn’t the most typical friend and maybe not always the nicest, but he was your friend nonetheless.
He knew you wouldn’t last with your current boyfriend. He made sure he told you that multiple times, much to your dismay. That is NOT something you wanted to hear from your friend. But he kept pressuring you into ���just thinking about the future of your relationship with him.” You didn’t believe him when he had said he had seen your boyfriend with someone else. You thought it was just him being petty and overprotective like he had been before. Then he showed you evidence, several pictures and a video of him and the person you were always worried about, all in the same places you showed him and loved to take him to. Yeah. That hurt.
“I wouldn’t lie to you about that kind of stuff idiot” he had told you with a scoff. You really should’ve just listened to him then. Now you weren’t quite sure what to do as he showed you the pictures.
“I- oh. First of all I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.” You told him, genuinely feeling quite bad.
“THATS what you’re more worried about right now? That’s stupid.” He replied.
In response you said, “Well I’m going to be honest with you kyo, I’ve kinda been preparing for this since you tried to tell me last week. I didn’t really wanna face it but that night I realized it really wouldn’t be a stretch with the way he’s been acting.”
“The way he’s been acting? Have you been worried about this? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well you can’t exactly get mad at me! You were the one continuously putting my relationship down and doubting him! So my first reaction when I had troubles is obviously not going to be to go to you. Even if you were right in the end.” He scoffed at that.
Kyotani isn’t the best at dealing with emotions. His or others. So the only way he knew how to help was by saying,
“You wanna go check the park to see if they’re still there and you can watch me beat his ass?”
You laughed and responded,
“You know what? Honestly yeah let’s do it. Though I warn you I might get to him first.”
He smirked at that and gently shoved you forward to start walking to the park.
“What are you gonna do if we actually see him?” Kyotani asked. You sighed and thought about it for a minute before responding,
“I guess we will find out wont we. I haven’t really been in that situation before and it depends on how they react.”
“Makes sense.”
After about five minutes of walking you reached the park. Kyotani led the way to where they had been earlier in the day and then you saw them. Just like in the pictures, they were hanging out in the place beneath the trees you had shown him a month into your relationship. That kind of stung.
Before you could stop yourself you walked up to them and said, “Oh hey! Crazy seeing you guys here! Having fun?” with the biggest smile on your face. All they could do was look up to you in shock before your (now ex) boyfriend started to say,
“Woah hey it’s not what it looks like!”
“Oh really? What does it look like?” You said still with the smile on your face.
“I- uh- I’m sorry!”
“I don’t think you are. I really don’t. Most of the time I wouldn’t waste my time on someone like you but really? Cheating on someone? And one of my closest friends at that?” Kyotani said, stepping towards your ex in a threatening way.
Before Kyotani could actually do anything, you stepped up right in front of him and spit on him. The person he was with said,
“What? Are you a llama? That’s disgusting!”
All you said in return was, “I guess so! Baa bitch! Have fun with someone who cheats I guess! And before you get to say it, I’m breaking up with you dude!” And walked away with Kyotani following close behind you.
“I didn’t think you had it in you to stand up for yourself honestly.” Kyotani said.
“Excuse me? I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself! Plus I think you’ve rubbed off on me. As much as I hate to admit it.”
“That’s dangerous.”
“Tell me about it. Anyways! Wanna come to my house and play the new resident evil game? I could really use some simping for a tall scary woman honestly.” You asked. Kyotani nodded and you both made your way to your house.
After about an hour of playing resident evil and screaming about how much you wanted to marry lady dimitrescu, you had kind of settled down and started thinking about what had happened. You hadn’t really given yourself time to process that he had, in fact, cheated on you and that yall had broken up. Kyotani had noticed you were acting weird and sluggish all of the sudden.
“Hey? What’s wrong? You better not be sad over your ex now.”
“Well how can I not be? We were dating for several months. I’m not all that sad over it! Its just- it’s weird not having anyone to go to now I guess? Like there’s not gonna be the promise of dates or good morning and good night messages.”
“Are you dumb?” Kyotani asked.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you dumb?” He said again.
“You’re not gonna miss out on that stuff. I mean we could always hang out instead and if you really needed me to I guess I could text you good morning instead of just asking for the homework.” He said so nonchalantly that it confused you. You just stared at him with wide eyes.
“Who are you and what did you do with my Kyo!” You said loudly. He scoffed at you for the hundredth time that day and said,
“Well if you’re going to act like that I guess I won’t!”
“Wait wait no I’m sorry!!! Pleaseeee do those things!”
He rolled his eyes at that and said,
“I guess I have to.”
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs
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-Bokuto and the rest of the hype house have FINALLY been caught out and arrested. Unfortunately for Himiko, she didn’t think her whole plan through, or the fact that her camera crew would turn her over for a get out of jail free pass. Y/N’s story (the highlights) has finally been released to the public, but it doesn’t mean she’s ready to talk about it yet. 
-The fans went crazy at Y/N’s update and are already starting the shipping wars
a/n: there will be no taglists at this time
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alpaca-fanfics · 3 years
This is just a basic idea you can change it however you want. But for context this would be the start of a fwb relationship.
Being friends with Kyotani and he almost gets into a fight but its somewhere he can't afford to, maybe a job or a college, and you pull him away but he can't seem to calm down and wants to go back so you tell him to take his anger out on you and immediately kiss him to show him exactly what you mean by that
A/N: I’m so sorry for the delay- I’ve been working on this request for over a week 👩🏻‍🦲
Warnings: Smut, Biting, Friends With Benefits, Implied Bullying, Swearing
Anger Management||Kyōtani
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You weren’t for sure how you ended up here. All you knew was you couldn’t afford to let Kyōtani ruin his reputation once again. He was doing so well, managing his anger and watching his tone, but today was different.
The two of you had been friends since birth, both of your mothers being best friends. Kyōtani felt as if you were the only person he could trust seeing him vulnerable, and with your help, he put his Mad Dog persona behind him.
You walked down the halls of your university, shoulder to shoulder. Kyōtani simply shook his head or let out a small hum here and there to signal that he was still listening to you ramble. His eyes widened slightly when he noticed you were no longer beside him.
His eyes flickered to the ground where you lay, groaning in pain before lifting his head to lock onto the culprit. “Oi, who do you think you are?”
“What’re ya goin to do about it, huh? You mad that I hurt your little whore?” The senior smirked, his friends laughing behind him.
“You fucker!” Kyōtani growled, raising a fist to give these dickheads a taste of their own medicine. The group of boys only smirked wider when the contact never came. Your hand gripped the faux blonde’s wrist tightly.
“Leave it, Kyō.” You glared, giving him arm a small tug.
“What? No! These shithead’s need to learn a lesson.” He grumbled, eyes having the same fire to them from high school.
“I mean it, Kentarō. It’s not a big deal. You can’t afford another suspension. This could ruin your career.” You reasoned, his resolve faltering. With a glare and an angry huff, he turned on his heel, dragging you behind him to your dorm.
I suppose, that’s how this all started.
“What the hell were you thinking, Ken!?” You groaned, running a shaking hand down your face.
“I was trying to take up for you, you dipshit!” He pouts, his body trembling with anger. He wanted nothing more than to march right back to those fuckers and rock their shit.
“Don’t use that fucking tone with me, Kentarō.” Your gaze darkened, standing to face the 20 year old. “You know what?”
His fierce gaze softened as he looked at you, cocking his head in confusion. “What?”
“Take your anger out on me.” You mumble, averting your gaze.
“Are fucking insane? I’m not going to hit you-“
“No, you dumbass. I mean- Ah, fuck it.” And with that, your lips were on his. You tightly screwed your eyes shut, afraid of the rejection to come.
It never came. He didn’t pull away. Instead, he tilted his head, gripping the base of your neck, deepening the kiss. He was shocked, at first, but he quickly recovered.
With a soft moan, you move to straddle him. Grunting, he allowed his hands to wonder to your hips, pulling your clothed core closer to his own.
With a gasp of air, you reluctantly pulled away from the heated kiss. “I’m sorry-“
“What the hell was that for? I ain’t complaining, but damn.” Kyōtani smirks, his fingers rubbing the skin underneath your shirt.
“...No strings?” You mumble, staring at his lips.
“No strings.” He crashes his chapped lips against yours in another fight for dominance. His tongue roughly presses against your bottom lip. Before you could grant him access, he grips your chin, forcing your mouth open.
The next thing you knew, you were sprawled out against your bed, naked. His tight grip on your thighs makes your cheeks burn in embarrassment. With a smirk, he pulls your thighs apart.
His lithe finger quickly makes contact with your sopping cunt, desperate for his touch. With a soft sigh, you allow your eyes to close as you melt against his touch.
“So wet for me, how dirty.” He chuckles darkly. “Who knew you were such a slut for me, huh?” His words were filthy, but the sound of your wet pussy squelching around his fingers was even filthier.
He slowly inserts a finger into your hole, beginning a ‘come hither’ motion. Soon after, he inserted another finger, brushing against the spongey spot inside you.
With a moan and jerk, your legs begin to shake at the pleasure he’s giving you. “Come on... please stop teasing me!” Your whine quickly fades into a high pitch moan as his thumb brushes against your clit.
“Whatever you say, princess.” He smirks, removing his hand from your dripping pussy. He quickly aligns his thicker-than-average cock to your entrance, before thrusting in until he was balls deep inside you.
“Fuck-“ He curses, letting his head fall into the crook of your neck. His thrusts started out slow, allowing the anger he felt moments before to seep back into his core.
With a growl, he pulls his cock out until only the tip was inside you, before snapping his hips roughly. You squeak in shock before bracing your hands onto his shoulders.
The pace was ruthless. Kyōtani shown no mercy for your poor pussy as he drills his cock deeper inside you. You asked for it.
Your eyes rolls into the back of your head as you feel his sink his teeth into your shoulder and his thumb circling your clit.
Soon, your cunt was clenching selfishly around his cock as you came shamelessly. Your body convulses as he continues to overstimulate you.
He was close. His ab muscles clenching to the point it was almost painful, his knees digging into the mattress with every thrust his body gave. God, he was so close.
Before he could spill his seed into you, he’s quick to remove his twitching cock before wrapping his hand around it, pumping it quickly. With a loud moan, one that was more pornographic than he would like to admit, he came. Thick spurts of white cum leaks from his tip, onto your sweat clad body.
This was the beginning of something interesting.
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sleepy-exe · 2 years
Mechanic AU - 11
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Kyoutani x f!reader
<< Part 10 | Part 12 >>
Summary: At this point, you figure you owe Kyoutani a favor.
Word Count: 3.5k
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Warnings/Genre: sfw, 18+/mdni, slow burn, fluff, mutual pining, non-sexual shower scene, a hint of sexual humor
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Part 11: Jack of Trades
There could be worse times to find a heating issue with your car. Like in the middle of blistering summer’s heat or while stuck bumper to bumper in rush hour traffic. While sitting in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant on a particularly warmer autumn day while you munch down a quick meal on your lunch break, the only place better to find this problem would be at home or the shop. Or better yet, not having the problem at all.
Something seemed a little off this morning with the climate controls, but you figured it was just you being paranoid and went about your trip to work. But since sitting here the temperature change between hot and cold blowing through the vents is pretty obvious.
Your eyebrows pull together deep in thought. First thing that comes to mind is the blend door; swapping temperatures would make sense if it was failing. But something doesn’t sit right with you while gathering your trash and putting your car in gear to leave the lot.
On your fairly short drive you noticed the cool air blowing on you warmed up primarily at those long red lights, so once you’re back at the shop you pop your hood to see if anything seems out of the ordinary.
“Shit.” Car still running, air conditioning as well, you notice a radiator fan isn’t running when it definitely should be.
Shutting the hood and turning off the car, you head into the shop and straight to the front desk to check for an opening. Work has been absolutely slammed lately, and so have you. The busyness of upcoming events and holidays, as well as winter being right around the corner, you’ve been working double shifts to both help the guys and eat that overtime pay.
So while you’re not surprised to find no openings for the next week at least, you’re still disappointed. You can’t get your car in the shop anytime soon and you don’t have time to work on your car after work right now, much less anything else. Eat, sleep, work, and take care of your dog is all you can handle right now.
The heating and cooling issue isn’t bothersome enough to be an emergency, but being down a fan that helps keep your engine cool and healthy does have you worried.
And so, in between work orders you search online to look for options. To find some place that can get you in this week, or preferably within the next few days.
Low and behold, with only two hours left of your work day you find a dealership in the next town over that can get you scheduled for just two days from now. You do a little dance from where you lay under a Mazda in excitement.
You’re in the middle of an oil change on a different car, fighting with an oil filter and it’s housing, when you hear a rapid chime of a couple of texts coming through back to back. You reach for your phone with your free hand.
>> From Kyou: “can i ask a favor”
>> From Kogane: “hey!! I told Kentarou to ask you but i figure he wont sooo do you care to do his hair? if you have time”
“Hmm?” You set the parts down and wipe excessive oil off your hands to reply to the odd request.
>> To Kogane: “what’s he want done?”
Setting your phone to the side, you grab the oil filter once again trying to get it to fit in the housing with minimal luck. Another buzz from your phone and you yank the filter away from the engine with an aggravated growl and set it aside.
>> From Kogane: “well his blonde needs touched up and his sister normally helps him but she cant before our game this weekend and I’m sure he’d super duper appreciate having that done before the game :)”
Wiping off your hands again, you sigh.
You volunteered me to color his hair. Before Saturday too, it sounds like.
Another sigh escapes your lips. That’s only a few days away and you’re working twelve plus hour days the rest of the week. Really if you’re going to do it you want to get it out of the way today.
>> To Kogane: “ill see what he's doing tonight”
You stare at the filter. Everything says it goes to this vehicle, and yet it really doesn’t seem like it. Really, it looks a little different from the old one you removed earlier.
Peeking into the container for used oil filters, you see the one on top you know came from this SUV and pick it up, wiping black oil from the edge with the part number on it.
It is a different filter.
Confused, you stare at it for a second, then carry it back to where you are working and set it by the new, and apparently incorrect, filter.
Similar, but no..
But another question comes to mind. Flipping through the filter book, you find the vehicle again, but this time look at the filters for other years. The old, dirty filter sitting here does match newer models.
You find Kiyoko at the front desk and ask her to call the owner of the car to ask them to head over for a question.
>> To Kyou: “today okay? after 8?”
Soon enough, the owner of the SUV shows up, standing just inside the open garage door. “Hey there! Everything okay?”
“Oh, hello! Well, I’m having a little trouble with the oil filter you see.. I was wondering if you’ve ever had any work done to the engine.”
“Well, no,” the man scratches his head. “Ah! Actually at one point I had a new motor put in it - but it was the same one.”
You nod as you take in the information. When old cars get new engines like this, they’re actually refurbished, rebuilt. So while this car may have the same kind of engine as what it came out of the factory with, this engine could have been rebuilt with newer parts if some old parts weren’t accessible. Which means a filter for a newer model could possibly go to this engine in this case. “Okay! Well that’s all I needed to know. Thank you.”
“So, it’s okay?” He eyes you and his car with concern in his eyes, wringing his hands together.
“Yup! That tells me what I need.”
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Your bathroom. Cold, white tile beneath your bare feet as you stand in front of the mirror in nothing more than an old stained work shirt and a pair of boy shorts, but you aren’t looking at your reflection. A bowl of a pale, creamy substance rests on the edge of the sink, a towel below it to protect the surface. Your focus is on the brush in your hand as you paint lightener into Kyoutani’s hair, masking the dark hair peeking through blond.
He rests on the closed toilet lid, calloused hands on the demin covering his knees. The waistband of black and red boxer briefs peeking above his black jeans, clearly visible thanks to the shirt that’s been discarded on the tile. His eyes are closed, an off-white hand towel hangs around his neck to protect his skin from any rogue lightener that may stray from your brush.
“Ya know, I did hair before I worked at Keishin’s shop,” you say, pursing your lips when you drop lightener on the towel.
“I didn't know that.”
“Hm, guess you wouldn't, huh.” You dip the purple glittery brush back into the bowl gathering more product, “Kanji didn’t bring it up when he volunteered me?”
“No.” When he starts to turn his head, you gently move it back so you can see what you’re doing. “When was this?”
“Mm, I got licensed in that before college and worked as a hairstylist throughout college and up until I got hired at the shop.”
With your brush and fingers, you pick through the messy clumps of hair. Careful to not leave any untouched spots as well as check on how the color is developing.
“Did you like doing hair?”
“Actually, yeah. The hair part anyway. Having what I’m working on being a person? Not so much. Working on inanimate objects is more.. Hmm. I’m happier with that. Working on cars.” Dropping the brush in the bowl, you grab some wipes to clean up any lightener that got on his skin.
He sits patiently, squinting as you clean the itchy product from his forehead and around his ears. “How did you get into working on cars then? Those are so different.”
“Mm, yeah. I liked coloring hair and playing with it. It was almost therapeutic for me, but.. Working on people, strangers, had the opposite effect.” You find your lower lip caught between your teeth at the thought of having to entertain customers while you did their hair. Some nervously watched you and others would spill a lifetime's worth of drama during their stay in your chair. “Cars don’t require my attention in the way people do. Uhm, I came from a racing family, so.. I, uh, wasn’t allowed to race cause I was young. But I spent a lot of time on the sidelines and in trailers and garages - around mechanics or people who worked on cars anyway. So.. I think that sparked an interest in cars. And maybe it's a bit nostalgic.”
You have plenty of time to clean up your little ‘station’ at the sink while waiting for the timer on your phone to strike zero. Putting away bottles of product, cleaning bowls and brushes.
“Is this therapeutic then or the opposite?”
Sitting everything to the side to dripdry, you wash your hands of any product left on them. “You don’t stress me out, Kyou.” You examine his hair after checking your timer and seeing that time is almost up. “You should just have a few more minutes before we can wash that out.”
With a low hum, he catches an arm around your waist when you go to turn away from him. “Oh, yeah? And are we going to do that?”
Giggling, you bring your hands to his arm. Not to move it anyway though. “Well, I can wash your hair in the sink, but that's not going to be nearly as comfortable for either of us as it would be at a salon. Another option is you just hop in the shower.”
“Would you be joining me?” The arm around you tugs you back, right into his lap. Chuckling when you complain and warn him not to get lightener on you.
“I don’t think I can make washing lightener out of your hair sexy. Sorry.”
“Hmm.. Not that I’m against that sort of thing, but I was just thinking, I just like to have you near is all.”
You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks, and you quietly ask, “Yeah..?”
Pulling his arm from your waist, he adds, “Plus, it’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked or anything.”
“Not with the lights on,” you mumble.
He raises a brow at that, leaning around your shoulder. “Shy?”
“Ack! No.” Hopping up, you turn to him. The embarrassment painted on your face makes him smirk.
”So flustered,” he teases.
You pout and mutter a complaint intentionally too quiet for him to make out.
“We don’t have ta,” you know he’s honest and means well, but the entertainment in his tone keeps your pout from waning.
Your phone buzzing loudly on the sink breaks your stream of thoughts. You quickly turn it off. “No. It’s cool.” Pinching some hair between your two fingers, you rub away the product to find his hair is light enough. Grabbing the towel from around his neck, you wipe off your fingers and toss the towel into the sink for now. “Let's get that washed out then, yeah?”
While you grab a second towel to set aside with the one you already had laid out for Kyoutani, he turns his back to you facing the shower and strips. He glances over his shoulder at you where you stand still clothed, then steps into the shower, the glass door obscuring his frame.
Unbuttoning your shirt, tossing it and your remaining clothes to the side, you cross your arms over your chest as the chilled air pricks your bare skin. Steam begins to rise from the running shower. You pad over to step in and see that his back is towards you. Shutting the glass behind you with a slight bang thanks to the magnetic closure, you swear this water-free corner is even colder than the rest of the room.
Water streaming down his back, steam rolling off his shoulders, you make a mental note to not let your eyes wander. His face is tilted up and eyes are closed while he’s standing right under the shower head. “Don’t get it in your eyes!”
“My eyes are closed,” he answers nonchalantly.
“I can see that,” you chuckle. Stepping closer to him, close enough to reach your hands into his hair but not so close that your bodies touch, you begin rinsing out the lightener for him.
His shoulders drop and his head leans into your hands as you massage the studs into blond strains. Your mind wanders and you start to wonder if the feeling of overheating is from the hot water running down your bodies or something else. Resting one hand at his hairline to keep product from running into his face, you scrub away.
“How’s your handy work?” He asks as you pour shampoo into your palm.
“Well, I’m not done yet.” He steps away from the running water when he notices you’re lathering shampoo in your hands. “And it’s hard to tell when it's wet.”
Massaging shampoo into his short hair, he closes his eyes again and sinks into your touch. “Done yet?”
“So impatient,” you check to make sure no lightener is left on his scalp to irritate it later. Rinsing the now all blond hair there’s no longer obvious dark roots, just the two dark streaks running from his temples to where his undercut begins. “But yes.”
Out of the shower, you grab both towels off the sink. First towel wrapped snugly around yourself, you hear Kyoutani speak up from where he waits at the shower door. “You are beautiful. And you can’t say it’s too dark in here this time.”
You scoff in fake offense, but really you’re embarrassed. You can’t be mad about the comment when you were thinking something similar about him just moments ago. Flustered, you wrap your towel tighter then toss him his own towel. “You creepin’ on me over there,” you tease.
He catches the towel and steps out of the shower, wrapping it around his waist while heading over to the mirror to examine your work. Running fingers through soaked strains, he has to agree that it is hard to tell what shade of blonde his roots are, but it's no longer unflatteringly darker than the rest of his hair. “Thank you, by the way.”
“Anytime. Unless you rather your sister do it. Though I’m guessing she doesn’t shower with you.”
“No, just half drowns me in the kitchen sink.”
You squeak a laugh. “So. You gonna let me tone it or what?”
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Hair toned, conditioned, and dry, Kyoutani’s hair is indeed one color again with the exception of those dark streaks he’s had as long as you’ve known him. The dark stripes are more prominent against the now-even-less-brassy blond when his hair is pulled back in that baby ponytail he often wears, but right now the longer hair fans over his undercut and blends the darker in with the light.
You put on some sweats after finishing coloring his hair to be more comfortable while you two lounge. He’s back in his dark jeans, and to your dismay, a long sleeved shirt. You’re now back in the living room cuddling on the couch, having pulled him into you after he sheepishly asked you to play with his hair. It’s comforting, the plush cushions of the couch below you, the soft pillow cushioning your head from the firm couch arm, and the weight of Kyoutani’s head against your stomach and back between your thighs, feet hooked over his sides. You can watch his calm expression from where he lays, eyes closed, melting under your touch like a snoozing Indigo after a long day. The sight is something far from the mad dog Kanji harmlessly calls him. Fingers tangled in his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp as if you're still washing suds from it, he lays there quietly for some time before speaking.
“You’re really good with your hands,” his compliment muttered through his trance.
“Phrasing!” A shout comes from somewhere in the apartment, Tendou reminding you of his presence.
You snort at the short exchange, shaking your head. “Outta be living with a thirteen year old.”
“I thought that after I said it. My bad.” He adds, his weight slightly heavier as he relaxes further. “But for real, you're gonna put me to sleep.”
“Well, I am a professional~”
“Okay, professional, don’t be upset when I fall asleep on you.” You’re sure that won't be long with the way his words start to run together and his breathing slows.
You smile. “Never.”
Some time goes by, peacefully as you both lay there in your dim lit living room. Only one lamp is on in the corner of the room, some light from the kitchen bleeds into the room as well. The light patter of rain falling outside is just audible over the clatter of Tendou washing dishes. The warmth around you, and Kyoutani’s soft breaths. A hand has since fallen to your side, but the other has yet to leave his soft hair though it has ceased movement in your own relaxed state.
Tendou trotting into the room is enough to pull you from the edge of falling victim to slumber. “Before I get in there, did you guys fuck in the shower?”
You scoff but can’t keep back your laughter, lightly bouncing Kyoutani’s head causing him to stir. “No, Tori, we didn’t.”
As he heads down the hall to clean up for the night, Kyou’s eyes blink open.
“What?” His voice is raspy from his nap. How long have you laid here?
You paw gently at his forehead before reaching for your discarded phone. “Nothing. Were you asleep?”
“Nah,” he yawns into his fist, “I wasn’t.”
“Mhmm..” You grimace when you check the time. So much for calling it an early night. “Hm, I work at seven. Yuck.”
“In the morning?” He furrows his brows some, but traces of sleep still grasps his face, keeping it from returning to a scowl. “Are you going to sleep soon? I can go.”
“Hmm, it is late, huh. Wanna just stay?”
“It’s not so late I can’t go home,” he argues and you shove your phone in his face displaying the time.
“Maybe I like your company and want you near is all,” you throw his own words back at him with a smirk, “and you seem awfully tired, Kyou.”
Pushing your phone out of his face, he rolls his eyes. “Yeah, that should be fine. But I work in the morning too.”
“Just as friends! I won’t keep you up all night.” You snicker to yourself.
You’re not sure if the sound he makes in response is a scoff or a chuckle, but you nudge him up and off you to drag away from the couch. You ignore the chill that creeps up your body as the lost contact, knowing that it won’t last long as you throw back your duvet and drive into bed.
“There’s some sweats over in the chair over there,” you point to the chair at the desk in the corner of your room. There rests some clothes you haven’t put away and you know there has to be something over there that will fit him well enough. Sometimes you borrow Tendou’s clothes to wear around your home, even if they don’t fit you.
Avoiding the bright overhead lights, you switch on a small bedside lamp. The low light should be enough for him to search for something to wear while still being easy on your tired eyes.
He grumbles something that you don’t catch and slips his jeans off for a softer material. You turn to your phone, giving him some amount of privacy as you put your device on charge and double check your alarm. The screen lights up both to acknowledge that it's charging and also display a text from Tori.
>> From Satori: “still only friends? ;P”
With the swipe of a finger, the notification disappears. The bed sinks under the weight of Kyoutani joining you and you turn your attention back to him, waiting patiently for him to get settled in, which isn’t that long. He must be exhausted from a long day as well. He lays there across the bed from you on his side facing the wall, and you wiggle your way over to him, tucking yourself against his back and nuzzling your face between his shoulder blades and whispering.
Part 12 >>
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kenjikutie · 4 years
Hii!! May I please request a hc for Kyoutani and Yahaba introducing their s/o's to the team. Love your stuff keep up the hard work!
thank you so much!! and im sorry but i don't write for yahaba, i just don't feel like i know his character well enough
kyoutani introducing his s/o to his teammates:
- he totally does not want to do this at all! there is no way in heck you are ever gonna get him to introduce you willingly
- so, you show up to surprise him, but end up running into the captain himself at the front door, who confuses you with one of his fangirls and asks you your name to give you an autograph
- you try to explain yourself, but oikawa is not listening, rather rambling on about how pretty he looks today and how you should take a picture for your screensaver
- suddenly, an arm is cutting between the two of you, swiftly pulling you into a firm chest and you relax in his hold, immediately holding a hand on his arm to calm him down
- “mad-dog chan!”, oikawa gasped, making your brows furrow
- “mad-dog chan?”, you repeated, staring up at your boyfriend, who looked about ready to kill his captain
- “what are you doing here?!”, he growled, glaring down at you but with very little anger actually in his eyes
- you looked down at the ground ashamed, avoiding his gaze, for if you had looked up, you would have seen his eyes soften immensely,  “i-i wanted to see you...”
- kyoutani felt terrible for making you feel bad, so, he took your hand and tugged you into the gym, standing stiffly by your side as the team introduced themselves
- you swore you heard him growl a few times O.O
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broc-e-coli · 2 years
✿ when my love blooms ✿
~ summary ~
Kyoutani Kentaro, aka Seijoh’s mad dog, delinquent, trouble maker, flower shop employee? Kyoutani is a boy with a plan: find a job to provide for himself and his grandmother, but that won’t be easy when he starts working with a preppy brat called Yahaba Shigeru.
🌸 by: periwinklepuck
🌸 fandom: haikyuu
🌸 pairing: kyoutani kentaro x yahaba shigeru
🌸 status: on going
🌸 rating: general audiences
🌸 chapters: 12/?
🌸 words: 25,867
🌸 archive warning: no archive warnings apply
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blushingbaka · 3 years
first winter;
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|| summary - kyoutani has been at best indifferent about winter in the past, but that was before he started dating you
pairing: kyoutani x reader genre: fluff length: 1.5k
✰ a/n: this is loosely based off the song “first winter” by wrabel ! I swear just give me any character and I will make them soft haha. hope you kyotani stans enjoy <3
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Kyoutani Kentarou genuinely doesn’t understand why people like spending time outside during winter. The frigid air nips at every inch of exposed skin and even his multiple layers can’t keep the cold from seeping into his very core. He glances up once again, his frown only deepening as he watches the hoards of people clumsily skate their way around the ice. Some barely make it two feet before they fall again, but their laughter still rings in the air. This was such a bad idea. Why was he even here? He’s reminded of the true reason when he feels the warmth of your hand on his thigh. He’s here because ice skating is something you wanted to do, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t relish in the way your face lit up when he agreed.
“Got your laces tight enough, babe?” You ask, your hand gently squeezing his thigh. He simply grunts in response, somehow able to maintain his stoic expression despite the twisting of his gut. He feels the heat begin to crawl up his neck at the prospect of ice skating for the first time in front of you.
“C’mon lighten up Taro. It probably won’t be as bad as you think” you reassure him, knocking your shoulder playfully into his. He guesses his reluctance to get on the ice is more evident than he’d like it to be. “From what I hear, Mad Dog-chan excels at any type of sport, so I’m sure he can manage this” you continue, your lips curving up in a smirk as his eyes widen slightly at the nickname.
“It sounds weird when you call me that” his voice comes out gruff, but he places his hand on top of yours, his thumb swiping across your gloved knuckles as a soft gesture. The knot in his stomach has begun to loosen with your words, and he finally feels ready.
He glances again at the people who are actually skating smoothly across the ice and tries to ingrain their movements in his mind, hoping that he can be successful by simply mirroring their actions. As soon as he stands up, however, he begins to wobble, and he immediately extends his arms to steady himself.
“Easy there, you got it love” you chuckle, placing a hand on his elbow. His mind is so preoccupied with maintaining his balance, he doesn’t have the time to be embarrassed by the pet name or your touch. He holds his breath until he gets onto the ice, his right hand tightly gripping the railing. He nods as he listens to your gentle instructions, bending his knees before he attempts to move forward.
His first two steps are shaky, but he manages to glide a little. Seeing you a bit ahead of him, he tries to turn his steps into a stride, but the next thing he knows, he falls sharply onto his butt. He huffs, hitting his fist lightly on the ice in an attempt to release the frustration that suddenly welled up in him. His breath billows in front of him, reminding him how unforgiving the cold is. The thought fades from his mind, however, as your gloved hands cup his cheeks.
“You got pretty far for your first time!” a giddy grin hangs on your face. “You might just be a natural at everything after all” his heart skips as you throw him a wink. He doesn’t feel like a natural, but his small effort has you glowing, and he suddenly finds the motivation to get up and try again. You easily stand from your squatting position, holding out your hands for his, which he takes. You keep your left hand tucked in his as you both begin skating again. It takes a few more falls, but Kyotani soon gets a good handle on it, keeping pace with you.
Now that he’s survived the embarrassing start, he can fully enjoy his time with you. His heart feels lighter seeing the way you’re silhouetted against the gray sky and the warm glow of Christmas lights. If he was more confident in his skating abilities, he would snap a picture of you. Dating you had caused him to do all sorts of embarrassing things. That included taking candid pictures of you that usually became the lock screen on his phone. He’s been dating you for several months, and it was difficult to remember what he used before you. Probably something volleyball related.
“Is that a small smile I see?” You suck in a breath for an exaggerated gasp. “Is Kyoutani Kentarou actually enjoying ice skating?” You tilt your head cutely to the side as you study him, which elicits a spread of warmth across his chest. You cause him to feel embarrassing things too.
“I guess it’s okay… with you” he adds quietly, but he knows you heard him when your lips part in surprise.
“You’re not bad company either” you beam, squeezing his hand. “The real question is though, do you think you can beat me in a race?” There’s a competitive glint in your eyes that Kyotani adores, and even if this is his first time ever ice skating, he’d never turn down one of your challenges.
“You’re on” he smirks, propelling himself forward before you even have time to react. He chuckles lowly as you call out loud protests behind him, but he’s sure you’ll catch up with him soon enough. He carefully dodges other people on the ice and it isn’t long before he catches a glimpse of you in the corner of his eye. He hardly manages to pass you the second time, and as soon as he does, he feels you tug on his arm.
“I can’t let you beat me” you declare, laughing as you try to pull back in front of him. He slows, scared to lose his balance, but his change in pace causes you to fumble since your hand is still gripping his jacket. Seeing you fall forward, Kyotani can’t resist the urge to try and catch you, his right hand going to grab your waist. The fast twist of his torso, causes him to fall himself, and he lands flat on his back. You fall directly on top of him, causing a grunt to leave his lips.
“Kentaro! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” One of your hands come to cup his cheek, and your eyes frantically search his face for any signs of pain.
“I’m fine” he manages a breathy chuckle. “But don’t claim you’re not a sore loser” he softly teases.
“I’ll admit I’m one when you do” you giggle, suddenly dipping down to press your lips to his. Your lips are cold and slightly chapped, but your kiss still stokes a warmness in him as only you can. He hears someone skid on the ice and yell for you two to move out of the way, which reminds him that there are other people still skating around you. It’s strange how you can dull and strengthen his awareness of the world around him at the same time. Your presence made him forget about the crowd he looked upon with disdain earlier, but somehow the Christmas lights never seemed to glow as bright.
Even as you two get up and start skating again, he can’t help but think about the other winter activities he wasn’t interested in until he had someone like you to experience them with. There’s a part of him that realizes he’s looking forward to his family’s Christmas traditions a bit more, knowing you can be a part of them. At first, he was embarrassed to invite you because you hadn’t met his family before, but now he can’t stop thinking about the seat beside him that could be filled with you.
These are the thoughts that continue to fill his mind as he walks you back to your place, the snow falling softly and you smiling contently into your cup of hot chocolate he bought you.
“Would you be interested in meeting my family on Christmas Eve?” The words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop them. He immediately regrets them when his words make you go into a coughing fit. He places a hand on the small of your back, his face screwing up in worry.
“Are you serious?” You ask when you regain your composure, wide eyes looking deep into his own.
“I guess that would be a weird first meeting. Forget I said anything” he adverts his eyes, a needle of disappointment threading through his chest.
“No, I would actually love that” you quickly assure him, tightly hugging his arm with your free one.
“Really?” He questions allowing himself to look back at you.
“Really” you smile earnestly, furthering your point by pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. He can’t help but look at you in awe, some unfamiliar emotion swirling in his stomach. He just stands there a minute, smiling at you like an idiot with his lips stretched wide and even his teeth showing. You smile so easily all the time, however, and he can’t help but feel lost in your affectionate gaze. When a snowflake lands on your nose, he gives into the urge to lean down and press a kiss to the tip of it without thinking. Your nose is freezing, but the cold doesn’t seem so unforgiving anymore. Maybe that’s because it’s his first winter with you.
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mimi-cee-hq · 4 years
Since First Year - Tsukishima x Yachi
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31 Days of Haikyuu!! - Day 17: Favourite Pairing - tsukiyachi :D
Summary: Tsukishima has been pining for Yachi over the years. High school, college, and afterwards, he wonders if he ever had a chance in the first place. A series of snippets of Tsukishima and Yachi's relationship over the years.
Tags: Cute fluff, Pining, Canon-compliant (I think), First year, Third year, College, Sendai Frogs, Sendai City Museum, (these are all basically hints about scenes in the story lol)
This one-shot was inspired by @limach-an's tsukiyachi fanart. And I also blame @innovativestruggles for sharing it with me and for loving tsukiyachi more than I do.
Note: If tsukiyachi is your NOTP, you can just filter out the tsukiyachi tag. I’m pretty good at tagging them.
Words: 1,958
Drool fell out of Tanaka's mouth, Hinata was asleep as well, and Nishinoya looked like he could pass out any minute. Kiyoko, holding a tray of food in her hand, looked at Tanaka, wondering what to do with him. Yachi panicked at the sight of Hinata's head on the table.
"He's fine, Yachi," commented Tsukishima. "Just let him sleep."
Yachi bit her lip, glancing at Tsukishima then back at Hinata. "I guess you're right," she replied. As Tsukishima continued to munch on his shrimp, Yachi giggled at him. "You're actually eating," she pointed out.
Tsukishima directed his eyes elsewhere. After the Shiratorizawa match, he had worked up a large appetite, which was absent on a normal day. He took another bite from the shrimp but didn't bother to eat the meat in its tail. His hands were still taped up.
"Umm...," she said while scratching her cheek. "Do you want me to help you with that?" Tsukishima prompted her to go ahead. As she peeled off the skin, she nervously peeked at Tsukishima every so often, as if she wanted to say something. "Y-You were really cool," she finally said after giving him the meat.
Tsukishima felt his cheeks heat up. He remembered feeling proud of his brother when Yamaguchi thought Akiteru was cool. He knew that Yamaguchi looked up to him as well. But it was embarrassing to hear it straight from Yachi. With cheeks still red, he muttered a thanks in reply.
"Nishinoya was cool too!" Yachi continued. "And Sugawara too! And I can't believe Hinata jumped into the net!" she laughed. Oh. So it wasn’t just him. But perhaps he should have expected that.
"Yachi," Kiyoko called out to her from across the table. "Could you help me get Tanaka's bowl?"
"Okay!" she replied, leaving her seat.
Tsukishima scowled, fully aware of the empty spot to his right. He continued to eat, biting a bit too firmly on his food. "Tch,” he clicked his tongue, getting frustrated at the strange feeling in his stomach.
"Here," Yachi handed the booklets to the team’s two new managers. "Hopefully, this will help you get oriented," she explained. "I already went over most of the information with you, but I made these in case you missed something or wanted something as reference."
The two first years gawked at the booklet. It was filled with information like names of the members of the team, the volleyball rules specific for the Japanese high school league, and the year's schedule. But that wasn't all. It was laid out with detailed attention to typography and graphics and it was pleasing to look at.
"Are you a professional graphics designer?" one of the managers asked.
Yachi rubbed the back of her head with a timid smile. "I would like to be one," she replied.
The two ran off, after receiving instructions from her. Tsukishima commented, "You're going to be busy with those two this year."
"I don't mind being busy with something like this," Yachi smiled. "I'm glad more people are interested in our volleyball team. Remember when I made that fundraising poster in first year?" Tsukishima recalled it clearly. "I don't even have to do that anymore. I'm glad that I joined the team and I got to see everyone grow."
Tsukishima noted the gentle smile on her face. "I'm glad we both joined," he mumbled to himself.
"What was that?" Yachi asked.
"Nothing," he calmly replied. "Why are you talking like we're not playing anymore? We still have the rest of the year."
"Ah! That's right!" Yachi exclaimed, covering her mouth.
Tsukishima smirked at her reaction. Although, he said otherwise, they really did only have a year of high school left. Staring at the top of Yachi's blonde hair, bundled to the side, he sighed, not wanting things to change.
Hinata: Happy New Year!! Please take care of us this year too!!!!!!!
Yamaguchi and Yachi laughed their heads off while Tsukishima covered a chuckle. Hinata sent them a picture of him and Oikawa making a Kagamimochi out of sand. But it literally looked like crap.
“It looks so wrong when you make that with sand!!” exclaimed Yamaguchi.
“That sitting - wait, squatting pose there isn’t doing them any favours either…!” said Yachi.
“They look so proud of their creation. It’s making me mad,” Tsukishima said, somehow still annoyed by them.
It was already New Years Day when they got the text. Yachi came over to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi’s dorm to visit for the first time in a while. After high school, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi went to Tohoku University while Yachi went to Miyagi University. Although they all lived in the same area, they didn’t see her very often. It was expected, but Tsukishima thought it was nice to see his high school friend again, not that he’d admit it.
“I guess I should go home now,” Yachi said as she stood up from the futon. “This was fun,” she smiled at them. Tsukishima walked her to the door as Yamaguchi started to clean up. “I’m going to miss you two.”
Tsukishima smirked at her. “Well…,” he started, “you could see us more often if you dated me.”
He heard a chopstick fall on the floor. Yamaguchi went stiff. Yachi blinked at Tsukishima, likely wondering if he was serious. “Tsukki, you shouldn’t joke about that,” she laughed. With her coat already on, she opened the door. “I’ll see you two next time,” she grinned.
Right after the door closed, Yamaguchi accidentally let out a snort. Tsukishima immediately glared at him. “I can’t believe you just did that,” Yamaguchi decided to let out his laugh anyway. Tsukishima rolled his eyes and sighed. It was worth a shot, he guessed.
Tsukishima saw Yamaguchi at the other side of the stadium waving him down. He grimaced, clearly recalling that he told them not to come and watch him play for the Sendai Frogs. Both Yamaguchi and Yachi insisted but, trying to deter them, he didn't bother to say when and where his game was. Of course, they found out anyway. To be honest, he didn't want them to come because he knew they would just embarrass him.
“Yamaguchi! Yachi!” yelled out Koganegawa with a large wave. When they got there, Kyoutani greeted them with a nod.
Tsukishima was right. He blushed, knowing they shouldn’t have come. Not when Yachi was wearing a Sendai Frogs jersey with his name on it. He groaned with a strong inkling that Yamaguchi probably talked her into wearing it.
He thought his crushing years were over. But after some food and dessert a couple hours post game, he still found himself averting his gaze from Yachi. Even Kyoutani raised his eyebrow, noticing Tsukishima’s behaviour.
And somehow after their evening drew to a close, Tsukishima found himself carrying Yachi home in his arms. With her head tucked in his shoulder and arms wrapped around his neck, he reluctantly decided to cherish this moment as long as it would last.
He stopped walking to shift her weight to a more comfortable position. "Are you sure you're okay?" asked Yachi.
"Yeah, we're almost there," he replied, wishing what he said wasn't true. "Next time, don't wear heels," he lied.
Yachi hugged him a bit tighter, Tsukishima realizing just how cold the air had gotten. He sighed, deciding he'd have to walk a little faster for her sake.
Tsukishima never expected this to happen. His manager walked Yachi through the Sendai City Museum and later introduced her to Tsukishima and his co-workers.
“Hi Tsukishima!” Yachi said with a bright grin.
“You two know each other?”
“Yeah! Since our first year of high school!”
Since first year… It had been that long. But here she was in front of him, with an opportunity to work together again.
Yachi was hired on contract from her mom’s design firm. Over the next few months, he worked with her to put together pamphlets and posters for the museum. She didn’t need much help from him. The company gave her quite a few resources for her to use. But he took the opportunity to sit and work beside her, saying that it would be much easier for her to ask for help that way.
As time went on, it seemed like they got even closer than they were in high school. Tsukishima would tease her whenever she started to overthink about her work, noting that some things didn’t change. But she would give him a jab right back at him, telling him to get back to work.
But there were times when Tsukishima would see glimpses of hope - glimpses that Yachi was actually interested in him. Normally, he would pick up on people’s emotions easily, nut because he had been pining for so long, he doubted his judgement, knowing it could be clouded by his feelings.
One day, Yachi suddenly started crying. “It’s nothing,” she told him. “Just forget about it.” But he hugged her and told her she could share with him if she wanted.
At first she mumbled her response. When Tsukishima asked again, she clearly replied this time. “I’ll miss you.”
It was the end of her contract. He wasn’t looking forward to this either. But from the way she was crying, he wondered if perhaps she did have feelings for him.
Tsukishima began to analyse back to the past months, looking for clues he might have missed. There were days where she placed her hand over his during his rough days. Another day she placed a hand on his cheek when he was distraught over the results of his work. She would also hug him whenever she thanked him for his help.
At first, he thought close friends would do that too. But as she sniffed, trying to hold back her tears, he wondered if he was special.
“Yachi,” Tsukishima asked, “can I test something?”
“What do you mean?” she replied, wiping her tears away with her sleeve, trying not to touch her mascara.
“Just push me away if you don’t like it.”
 Yachi blinked a few times, not knowing what to do, but she shyly nodded afterwards.
Tsukishima drew his face close to hers, tentatively stopping a couple inches in front of her. Yachi’s eyes grew but after a moment between them, they fluttered shut.
Tsukishima, on the other hand, took a step back to just stare at her. She actually liked him. Yachi caught him wide-eyed, covering his mouth. “What was that?” Yachi said as she pounded his chest with her fist.”
“That was so embarrassing!” Yachi exclaimed as she hid her face in her hands. “Why would you do that?”
Tsukishima groaned, not wanting to have to explain why he was being so… stupid. “Well, I’ve liked you for so long that I… was surprised.”
“What???” Yachi freaked out. It seemed like she didn’t expect his admission either. “Just how long?”
He mumbled.
“Since first year.”
Yachi's eyes grew wide. Of course her reaction was expected. Who would be pining for the same girl for so long?
Tsukishima hid his face, embarrassed from admitting his feelings.
“So… aren’t you going to kiss me?” Yachi shyly asked after calming down a bit.
“Mmm… maybe a bit later,” he said to tease, but a blush still covered his cheeks and still looking elsewhere.
“You can wait, right?”
“Ugh Tsukki!!!”
“You can call me that instead.”
Yachi was dumbfounded. With his initial embarrassment gone,Tsukishima started to have fun teasing her, but he noticed a sly smile growing on her face.
“You can wait, right?”
Tsukishima was caught off-guard, then laughed. He couldn’t help but think how cute she was and put an arm around her as they left the museum.
I hope you liked it. I feel like I got lazy in the end. lol.
FYI, the New Year’s college scene was based off of this translated post from Twitter for New Years 2020
General Taglist: @dorkyama @the-black-birb @hqprotectionsquad @nagichi-boop @moonaaluna @muffins-puffins (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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doodle-bun-makes · 1 year
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Guess who wrote another fic!  Feel free to check out my cowboy/college rodeo AU on my ao3 (”The Hat Rule™” by the_doodle_dump)
Part one I Part two I Part three I Part four I Part five I Park six I Part seven I Part nine I Part ten
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yonymii · 4 years
clear waters
a/n: uhh i love kyo but im bad at writing like,, actual relationships?? lmao can u tell ive never been in one sksjks,, i hope his characterisation is okay tho!! 🥰 
pairing: kyotani kentaro (mad dog) x gn!reader 
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Before Kentaro met you, his life was like a pond. Its waters were murky, and he couldn't see clearly, no matter what he was doing. His life was a mess; nothing seemed to fit together properly, like two jigsaws had been used and then put aimlessly into the same box.
When you first appeared before him, it was like a pebble was dropped into the water, tiny waves rippling out to the edges of his mind. You were a disturbance in the calm-chaos that was his life, and he couldn’t say he liked it at first. You were different; you weren’t hesitant to approach him and you never commented on his demeanor. His mind started clearing, along with his heart, and his thoughts were slowly being replaced with one thing: you.
After a while, he found himself looking back at the waters. Kyotani had to look twice to make sure what he was feeling was right, but his heart was not deceiving him, nor was his mind. They were clear, and he could see himself in the reflection, blinking in a confused manner and staring back at the miracle that you were in his eyes.
You’d arrived unexpectedly and unannounced; taking care of his wellbeing and carefully cleaning out the dirt-filled pond that was a poor excuse for a mind. You looked after him until you could see through the water; until you could see him, just Kentaro, until you weren’t staring at the huge fortress he’d built around his emotions. You’d tidied up the jigsaw pieces, separating them so that the two puzzles fitted together and everything made sense.
Kyotani was in love with you.
But you couldn’t see it.
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
Genre: Humor, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
A year and a half later
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-The tea page found out about the “engagement” because Atsumu and Co sent an anonymous pic of the rings. For the last 6 months, Y/N and her boys have been traveling. A year after the whole #exposed fiasco, Y/N did an interview and told everyone the truth. After that she decided she wanted to travel, and her men weren’t going to let her go off on her own. They’ve told their friends NOTHING of the engagement etc. They like stirring the pot ;)
-The rule was that whoever lasted the longest, got to be the public face for the engagement. Omi outlasted all four men so he got to be the face. The men have matching rings, and Y/N has a sparking set they pitched in for together. The current trip they’re on is their honeymoon. (by the way, they eloped and once again told NO ONE)
-Omi tops everyone. Atsumu is the bottom, but he likes to pretend he’s not. They’ve done a lot of fucking. Together and individually. Yachi is absolutely raging because she wanted to do the catering. Iwaizumi and Yachi have decided they’re going to hold a ceremony so they can play their rightful roles. Atsumu is forever skid mark guy. He was joking about Y/N being his “favorite” wife to imply that he was going to have more, but she was only half joking about the least favorite husband part. Kuroo’s ass was in the shot, but Kentaro cropped it out because Kuroo was also crying at how intimate the love making that round had been. 
-After a lot of talking, and some pining, and Yachi’s drunk confession of being in the middle of a Keiji, Tsukki sandwich; Yachi is happily taken by two men that absolutely adore her. It took them a while to find a good dynamic, but Tsukki is just greatful for another level head that can help him deal with both Yachi AND Y/N.
-Y/N is absolutely thriving, and she couldn’t be happier <3
thank you so much for reading Bad Blood. It’s crazy that it took forever, but we’re finally here!
Mama <3
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alpaca-fanfics · 3 years
This is entirely Self Indulgent because I just got done with a 7 hour photo job at a ball(it is now 11 pm) and I am in ✨pain✨ SOOOO....
Coming home from that to a very tired Kyotani who is kinda clingy and cuddly bc he misses you and couldn't properly sleep without you
Beautiful Boy||Kyōtani
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You sigh, throwing your head back in exhaustion. It was a tiring day, to say the least. All day, you wanted nothing more than to come home to your beloved husband and to just... Sleep.
You quickly slip your shoes off at the front entrance before shuffling through the apartment. You had half expected Kyōtani to be passed out in the bed, snoring away. However, you were met with a grumpy pout and disheveled sheets when you opened the door to your bedroom.
“Finally... You’re home-“ His words were quickly interrupted by a loud yawn that bubbles in his throat.
“Yeah, I’m home baby. Did you miss me?” You smile lovingly, slipping into the spot next to him. You couldn’t help but chuckle when he tightly wraps his arms around you, burying his face into your hair.
“Miss you... so much...” Before you could open your mouth to speak, he was out. Soft snores fill the room as he subconsciously wraps his legs around your waist.
“Goodnight, my beautiful boy.”
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I currently have 2 fanfics that I’m actively working on which one would you be more interested in, one is a Shigaraki x Reader and the other is yet another Kyotani x Reader 
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sleepy-exe · 3 years
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‘But Can I Fix It’ Masterlist
[Mechanic AU, Haikyuu]
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Kyoutani x f!reader
Genre/Warnings: 18+/sexual/suggestive content, mechanic au but the reader is the mechanic, strangers to lovers, implied sex, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, mental health struggles, unhealthy coping mechanisms, some post-time skip spoilers
Summary: Chasing highs with lows, looking for love or a distraction, Y/n spends her days working as a mechanic at Keishin’s garage and evenings with her beloved dog and roommate. Or on the normal days at least.
Playlist - songs that vibe with the story
Total word count so far: 60.5k
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[Read this by chapter on ao3 here.]
Part 1: She’s A Mechanic 2.8k
Part 2: Indigo & Blue Nights 4.5k
Part 3: A Green Subaru 5.4k
Part 4: A Lesson Never Learned 5.9k
Part 5: A New Friend 5.4k
Part 6: Uwubaru 3.4k
Part 7: 2:14am 4.2k
Part 8: A White Subaru 3.8k
Part 9: Regrets 4.4k
Part 10: Busy Mornings, Quiet Nights 4k
Part 11: Jack of Trades 3.5k
Part 12: Strange Nights 3.4k
Part 13: Feisty 1.8k
Part 14: Picking Favorites 1.6k
Part 15: Not A Daydream 2.9k
Part 16: Come Over 2k
Part 17: What is Love 1.5k
Part 18: Touch Starved 2k
Part 19: Joy Ride
Part 20: Where You Belong
Part 21: A Dangerous Game
Part 22: An Industry for Men
..on going..
[Warnings are listed at the beginning of each part.]
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