#kyoutani fanfic
sleepy-exe · 1 year
Mechanic AU - 15
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Kyoutani x f!reader
<< Part 14 | Part 16 >>
Summary: The Subaru is fixed, but at what cost.. Kyoutani sees another side of you.
Word Count: 2.9k
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Warnings/Genre: sfw, mdni, angst, hurt/comfort but more like angst/comfort, fluff
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Part 15: Not A Daydream
Barging into your home, you find an empty living space. Even Indigo doesn’t greet you, and a quick look in the kitchen shows you he’s not in his crate. Satori is likely on a walk with your baby. 
It’s perfect really, getting to come home to an empty apartment to distress on your own before you head out to get your car in an hour or two. Plopping down on the floor in your dirty uniform you browse through your apps to find something to distract while you wind down, you’re not feeling up for a shower quite yet but don’t want to get your furniture dirty either. 
When you find yourself bored with any app you open, you finally decide to check your notifications that fill the top of the screen. First on the list - a missed call and voicemail from about an hour ago, left from the dealership that has your car. 
Listening to the voicemail, your face scrunches up with displeasure at the information that they left you with. So much for chilling out. 
Giving them a call back and having your call redirected, a man answers the phone with a friendly greeting. 
“Hey." You speak with something akin to forced kindness, trying to mask your bad mood, "This is Y/n, I missed a call from you guys about my 2018 Subaru WRX.” 
”Hey, Y/n,” his cheerful voice chimes through the speaker, “So it looks like your fans are out and that's causing the issue. Looks to be some internal damage, so it will need replaced.” 
“Fans,” you strain to hold back your anger. They have ran you around all this time, acting like you don’t know what you’re talking about, just to tell you that your original concern was indeed the problem. Not only is that insulting, but you shouldn’t have needed to bring your car back for a second time. “The fans up front?” 
“Yes, there’s fans right behind the radiator and that's your problem-“ 
You’re pissed. Your heart is pounding and you can’t stand to lay on the floor anymore. Standing, you lose what’s left of your cool and growl lowly into your phone, “You mean the radiator fans. What I’ve brought up twice now?” 
Engulfed in your anger, you don’t hear the front door open or the jumbled footsteps heading to the kitchen. Or towards you. 
When you feel a hand touch your shoulder, you jump and whip around to sneer at the offender without thought. 
Without a word, Tendou raises his hands defensively, and you continue your over-the-phone rampage, completely ignoring him and walking to your room for some privacy. 
“That fans haven’t worked in weeks now. Why hasn't it been fixed? You charged me a diagnostic fee and didn't even check the part I bought up to you in the first place?!” The bite to your words has the man on the call stunned, desperately apologizing. 
Swinging your bedroom door open, your eyes immediately land on Kyoutani. To your surprise, he’s stretched out on your bed with his hands tucked behind his head and earbuds in. You were not aware that he would be giving you a visit today. Not that you would normally care, but you really did not want an audience for this conversation. 
Catching your moderately aggressive entrance, he pulls the earbuds from his ears and sits up in one swift motion, dark eyes glued to you. 
With your little distraction, Tendou manages to slip the phone out of your hand. You shoot him a glare over your shoulder, but you find that he isn’t even looking at you. No, he's looking past you at Kyoutani. He ends the call and pockets the phone without giving you a glance. 
You turn to him, arms thrown out, “Tori, what the fuck?!” 
“I will call them back and take care of it for you,” he states matter of factly, seemingly unbothered by the situation while simultaneously defusing what he can.
“I don't need you to take care of it! I was handling it!” 
The redhead gently places his hands on your shoulders, speaking equally as gently, “You were about to verbally assault the person on the other line.” 
You scoff at the accusation and Tendou looks over your head, hands sliding down your shoulders and over your arms, pulling away as another set of hands grab your waist firmly. The extra hands remind you that someone else is witnessing your display and you grumble a curse to yourself. 
“If you’ve got this,” Satori nods to you, then taps the stolen phone in his pocket, “I’ll take care of this, m’kay?” 
Kyoutani gives him an affirmative hum, hands still keeping you anchored in place beneath his firm grip. 
Even with your lower body frozen in place, you continue to growl and grumble over your roommate interrupting you and taking your phone. Regardless though, Satori walks off to the next room, ignoring your complaints. 
With one strong arm wrapping around your waist, Kyoutani reaches out and slams the door closed. 
“Kyou,” you growl, low and stern, almost sounding like a threat. But his other arm wraps around you anyway and he kisses your temple softly. 
His voice drops, lips pressed to the shell of your ear as he whispers, “I’m not about to tell you to calm down. I know that's the last thing you want to hear. Hell, it pisses me off more when someone tells me that.” 
His warm breath tickling your skin distracts you once again. But it’s short lived. You push at his arms in an attempt to break free of the embrace and snarl, “Let go.” 
“If that's what you want.” He drops his arms, setting you free only to stand in front of you - between you and the door. 
All you can hear is your heart beating in your ears. You glower at nothing as your thoughts race too fast for you to latch on to a single one of them. 
A hand slips under yours, palm to palm. He gives your hand a squeeze, “Can we talk? ..I know I’m not much of a talker. Erm, we could sit together or lay down. Listen to something?” 
Brows still scrunched together with a frown as you clench your jaw. Finally, you look into Kyoutani’s eyes, finding something unknown in them. Something you haven’t seen from him before. Your scowl softens and your jaw relaxes as he watches you with worry-filled eyes. 
“Can we,” he looks down to your joined hands, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, “We could go somewhere. Or maybe- Do you like walks? We could take Indigo-“ He stops when he looks back up and sees your glossy eyes. “Ah, shit. Did I say something? I-“ 
“No,” you take a shaky breath, still pissed, but now pissed about being pissed. “I, uh, want to stay here. I don't want to leave.” 
He nods as you pull from him to go sit on your bed, shoving your face into your hands with a groan. 
Hesitating to join you, he glances around your room that has been neat the many times he's been here before. Noting the messy environment he's not used to seeing here, he slowly makes his way over to sit on the bed with you.
In an instant, you let go of your face to rest your head on his shoulder. “How did you even get here? Satori was out with Indy.” 
“He let me in before he left. I thought you wanted to hang out today?” 
Oh. That’s right. You completely forgot about your plans with Kyoutani when your car appointment got moved. Forgetting that you had plans that you intended on canceling or rescheduling. 
“I know I was early, but I didn’t have anything better to do..” 
“No, no, no. I meant to reschedule with you after my appointment got moved.” Embarrassment and guilt begins to override your intense anger and tears gather in your eyes again. 
Until you realize just what he said and you decide to tease him about it. “You’d rather be at my apartment, alone, than do something more fun?”
“Well, I just.. Yeah.” 
“Wow,” you joke, giving him a toothy grin. 
“And you forgot about me,” he pushes you over, making your back hit the bed with a yelp. “And here I thought you cared.” 
His scowl fails to disguise the hint of laughter in his tone, and you can feel yourself melting into the blankets. Your voice comes out small, “I do.”
A grin pokes at the corners of his lips as he leans over you, looking particularly smug. “I know.”
A silver chain sparkling above you captivates you as always. While the frequency of his visits and hang out sessions haven't slowed down, it's been some time since he last accepted your sexual advances. Although, you get the feeling he's holding back for one reason or another. “Y-yeah?” 
He arches a brow at the change in attitude. Angry lioness turned sweet as a kitten in just seconds before his eyes. “Hmph.” 
Lightly dragging his fingertips across where you’re most ticklish, he pulls a screech from you, “Kyou!”
He barks a laugh, a sound that you can't help but grin at. 
Hooking a leg around him and pushing off, you successfully knock him on his side next to you. Now you're the one laughing, though he still is too. 
You sit up on your elbow, looking down at him. Admiring the soft smile on his lips. 
“Are you in a better mood yet?” He wraps an arm around you, letting you tuck into his side. 
“Now I am.” With your soft words, you close your eyes. 
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There’s a soft knock against your bedroom door before it cracks open, Tendou peeks in and sees you fast asleep on Kyoutani’s chest. He quietly apologizes, “Oh, sorry.” 
Kyoutani speaks up, though as softly as Tendou, when the redhead begins to leave the doorway, “It's fine.” 
“I just, uh, it was quiet. I didn't know if you guys were still here.” He looks at your sleeping figure, your back to him. He arches a skeptical brow, “You got her to calm down?” 
Kyoutani runs a hand over your hair. “Enough.” He glances at your roommate, then away, then at you. 
“Would you, if she's still sleeping - or really just regardless - go with me to get her car in a bit?” Long fingers fiddle together as he hums. “I don't think anyone there, uh, would appreciate it if she goes. I mean, it could be entertaining to see how that goes, but.. Probably not for the best.”
You start to stir and Kyoutani freezes until you give a sleepy sigh and relax again. Peering at Tendou, he nods in agreement. 
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You wake up alone in bed, in not much more than an undershirt and panties. You don’t remember being tucked in under a plush duvet. Rubbing sleep from your eyes, you pad down the hall to find your roommate watching some cooking channel. Stepping up to his side, you cross your arms. You must have given him some sort of look, because he chuckles softly and gestures at your attire when he meets your eyes. 
“Ah, that was me.” A sly grin creeps across his face and he holds up a hand, a finger and thumb nearly touching each other, “Pretty sure your friend was this close to decking me for it.” 
A sleepy smirk graces your lips, “He didn't?” 
“Well,” his face morphs into something mischievous, “I did explain that it's nothing new.” 
You mouth ‘oh’ and glance around the room, “Where is he?” 
“I don't know,” he says, throwing his arms up into a shrug, “You were already pissed at me, and then him. I left him alone. He left, that's all I know.” 
You raise a hand to your head, it's pounding. “I’m gonna take a shower.. Let me know if he comes back or whatever.” 
“Want something for that?” 
He taps his own head. “Headache? You should have some water too.” 
A heavy sigh leaves your lips. “Yeah. You always seem to know.” 
“I’ve been around you enough.” He turns his attention back to the TV. “Go on. I’ll bring you some.” 
In the shower, you sit on the tile floor with hot water spraying at you, melting away tension from your muscles and helping you relax. Moments like these are when you really wish you had a bathtub. 
By the time you gain the will to scrub yourself down and get out of the shower, wrapping a towel around your torso while searching for the will to leave the room and get dressed, Satori let’s himself in the bathroom. Setting a glass of water and medicine on the sink, he turns to you with his hands on his hips. “So how’d he do that? Did he knock you out? Should I have Toshi fight him?” 
You completely ignore that he even suggested Wakatoshi would fight someone. “No, we just.. I don’t know. I laid down and got tired is all.” 
“Mhmm..” He nudges the glass closer to you. “Well, your car is back. Don’t worry, I used your card for it.” From his pocket, pulls out your phone and waves it in the air too high for you to reach, “If I give this back are you going to use it for evil?” 
“Thatta girl,” he chuckles, sitting the phone down. “That shop is closed now anyway. No harnessing anyone the rest of the night, okay?” 
You click your tongue but grin at him anyway, at least until your grin goes somber. “Hey.. Uhm, I’m sorry about earlier.” You sigh, leaning a hip against the sink counter. “I shouldn’t have went off on you like that. You were just helping.. I just-" An exhale leaves your lips in mild frustration. "I don’t know." 
“Hey. It’s okay.” His eyes are as bright as ever, making him look carefree and unbothered. 
Though that doesn't ease the guilty feeling in your chest. “No, it’s not.” 
"You feel bad and you're sorry. Well, I forgive you," he pats your arm before pausing and giving you an update on your car - including how overpriced the service turned out to be.
You grimace, “I shoulda done it myself.” 
Satori tilts his head shooting you an annoyed-like look. “And stress yourself out more? This would have happened either way.” 
“Most of that was probably labor. I could get that part for-“ 
He cuts you off before you can complain too much, “Okay, okay, but you and work were too busy. That’s why you took it elsewhere. The guys wouldn’t be able to get it in yet, the car was overheating so you couldn’t put it off, and you were too busy with work yourself. Ya know, like the rest of the guys you work with. You would have either overworked yourself and got upset or risked your car having worse problems which would upset you. You made a good decision taking it somewhere that could get it in.” 
“I shouldn't of had to take it to them twice when I told them what it was in the first place,” you grumble, arm crossed over your chest. 
“You're right. But why didn’t you leave it with them when they didn’t fix it before?” 
Pulling your gaze away from his red eyes, you sound defeated, “I took their word for it and didn’t check..” 
“Then lesson learned?”
“Yeah. Do it myself," you say matter-of-factly.  
Satori sighs. “Y/n, Y/n.. Well, I’m going to make dinner. Hayashi rice.”
You raise a brow at the food choice knowing it usually means one thing. “Ushijima coming over?”
Stepping out of the room, he peeks over his shoulder, “What can I say? After your little bit there I could use a good end to my night.” 
You watch the door close and straighten yourself, turning your attention to your reacquired phone. “Hmm..” 
Unlocking the phone, you hover over his name for a moment before texting him. 
>> To Kyou: “hey” 
You bite your lip and start to type a second message but backspace it away, choosing not to ramble on about your worries and instead give him a chance to reply in hopes to gauge how he may be feeling himself after earlier. 
Waiting to hear back, you head to your room for some comfortable clothes, a long tee and sweatpants, before joining your roommate in the kitchen. You figure you could help him cook as some form of an apology as well as showing him appreciation. 
What would you do without Satori? 
The two of you finish making dinner before Wakatoshi arrives at your place. You take a plate to your room rather than wait around for him, not willing to face him after causing Satori trouble as if he would do anything about it. 
Knowing you likely won't leave your bedroom for the night, the redhead wishes you sweet dreams and you thank him for the meal and all he's done for you today. 
You're leaving your empty plate on the desk in the corner of your room when you check your phone for the nth time tonight. Still no word from Kyoutani though. Kicking off your pants before putting your phone on charge for the night, you text him again. 
>> To Kyou: “I wanted to apologize for losing my shit earlier..” 
>> To Kyou: “um.. call me later or something” 
>> To Kyou: “please”
Part 16 >>
Taglist: @cantchoosejust1
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taintedtort · 7 days
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"i think i’m in love with you," kyotani blurts, not being able to hold the words in any longer. he’s blunt, he always has been, he always says what he’s thinking. well… unless you’re involved, you get him all tongue tied and soft. he hates it. for the longest time he didn’t know why you made him feel like this, but finally he came to the conclusion that he likes you, loves you, even.
your constant babbles and attempts to befriend him got on his nerves at first, but you stuck around. you kept trying even after he pushed you away and said mean things. you’re always the one that sticks by him and stands up for him, even when he’s done something wrong.
he hates feeling vulnerable or anything similar to it, so he took a while to finally accept that he has feelings for you. he wasn’t gonna say anything at first… but the words just came out, he said them without really thinking. he shakes himself out of his thoughts, waiting for your reaction with narrowed eyes.
you‘re silent for a couple seconds, just staring at him in… shock? surprise? disgust? he isn’t sure. he really hopes it isn’t the last one though.
"what?" finally comes your reply, your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. his heart immediately drops. he really messed things up. he mentally curses himself, feeling stupid for letting the confession slip out.
"i— nothing, i just thought… you felt the same. never mind, forget it," he shakes his head, his words a bit bitter. had he read you wrong? everyone on the team always tells him you obviously have a crush on him. he brushed it off for a while, but he’d held onto the hope… till now. he feels so stupid—
"no! i mean— yes! i do!" you suddenly blurt, your hand shooting out to grab his shoulder, forcing his attention back on you and pulling him out of his thoughts. "i just didn’t expect you to say that, i’m sorry," you apologize, feeling rude for your delayed reaction.
he stands stunned for a moment, not really sure what else to say. you like him back, that’s good… now what? a kiss feels like too much, too soon. he did just confess that he’s in love with you though… that was probably too soon.
"kyotani?" you say, pulling him out of his thoughts once again. he’d been staring dumbly for several seconds, and suddenly you’re much closer than before, your hand still on his shoulder.
"go on a date with me," he states, not even asking. when he wants something, he just takes it.
he watches once again as your eyebrows go up in surprise, but a smile quickly forms on your face. god, he loves your smile, he always has.
"okay, sure." ♡
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☆ i love him, but no one really writes for him!! figured i would, hopefully some other kyotani lovers see this ^^ (i wasn’t sure how to end this, can you tell? lol)
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dira333 · 8 months
Open up - Tsukishima x reader
Requested by @shoulmate - kind of part two to "Friends"
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He had not known how bad he was at opening up to people until he left Karasuno.
The comfort of being a third year, of being familiar with the habits and quirks of his classmates and, especially, the people in the Volleyball Club, had tricked him into thinking he’d be just fine in College.
But he wasn’t fine. He was far from being fine.
Where it was relatively easy to explain to himself that what he was feeling was only natural, he couldn’t bring himself to tell Yamaguchi that he missed him.
His constant presence had become a comfort he’d taken for granted.
He missed Yachi, her bubbly personality, and even her almost predictable bouts of over-worrying. But he supposed that Yamaguchi missed her even more, now that she was studying in Tokyo. 
He even missed - and that was something he’d never tell anyone - he even missed the monster duo. Training was too quiet without their constant fights and with no one there to challenge him like those two had, he felt himself falling into a rut. 
Three months into College he caved and called Kuroo, nibbling on the nail of his right thumb as he waited for the Call to connect, the habit he’d picked up from Yamaguchi a sick kind of comfort.
“You’re lonely.” Kuroo summarized the moment he finished his explanation. “That’s not surprising.” 
He wanted to argue against it, but even he knew that it would make him sound even more childish. He’d been the one calling after all.
“It’s hard for everyone. To be a first-year again. To lose so many friends.”
His voice sounded a bit hoarse for a moment and Tsukishima remembered with a start that while he and Yamaguchi had always been in the same year, Kenma and Kuroo had always been one year apart. 
College must have been especially hard for him if he still felt like that about it.
“As nice as it is to know that I’m not alone, I didn’t call for that, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kuroo laughed. “But do you really need my advice for that? You know what you got to do, right?” 
He scowled at the thought.
“Right. Yeah. I was just hoping-”
“You were just hoping I had something else up my sleeve? Sorry. You still need to talk to people. Open up a bit, Tsukki.”
“Don’t call me that.”
1. Find someone on your team. Maybe there’s someone you already know. Or someone you could look up to.
“Kyoutani, right?” He asked the older boy, despite knowing perfectly well that this was his name. God, he so wanted to be somewhere else right now.
“Yeah, so?”
“I was wondering if you’d be up to train.”
“Why would I?”
“We’re on the same team?”
He fought against the urge to pinch his nose. This guy was even worse than Kageyama.
Wait. Kageyama.
“Well, I wanted to train my blocking technique. But if you think I’m too strong for you, I’ll find someone else.”
“The fuck you just said?” Kyoutani is right up in his face now, baring his teeth. “I’ll wipe the floor with you!”
“Great. Tonight after practice?”
“You bet.”
Kyoutani did, in fact, wipe the floor with him.
But he pulled him up at the end of it, looked him over like he contemplated throwing him into the dumpster outside, and nodded.
“I can’t train on Mondays or Fridays. We can do all the other days. Just don’t talk too much.”
2. Find someone in one of your courses. Someone who needs help studying or someone who can help you study. Yes, Tsukki, such people exist.
“Watari, right?" He asked the boy, vaguely remembering the name from some assignments.
“Ah, yes. And you’re Tsukishima?” 
“Yes. We’re in the same Biology Class.”
“Yes, I’ve noticed. You went to Karasuno, right?”
“Yes?” He narrowed his eyes at the other boy. Where was this going?
Watari’s smile did not waver under Tsukishima’s glare. It was unnerving to talk to someone so calm. It reminded him of Sugawara and he’d learned long ago that that calm demeanor could be flipped like a coin.
“I went to Aoba Johsai. I remember playing against you.”
“Oh. But you’re not in the Volleyball Team anymore?”
“No. It felt like the time for me to try something new. Besides, I’d flunk all my Classes if I tried to focus on anything else besides the Course material.”
“About that…” Tsukishima started, already cringing at himself. “I think I could help with that.”
After one Monday and one Friday spent with Watari, Tsukishima was ready to admit he’d never become a teacher.
But the other boy was a lot less annoying as a student than the Monster Duo.
He could see himself keeping this up and it was kind of nice to talk about Volleyball in between studying.
3. Find someone else. Be a bit creative. You might learn something new about yourself. 
This is the hardest part.
He didn’t want to talk to the people he meets in the cafeteria. Or the people watching his Volleyball Matches, even now that he’s got to actually play on the court.
He didn’t want to think about the internship he’d going to have to suffer through next semester.
Weren’t two new friends enough, he asked himself when he’s alone in his room, studying, reading, listening to music. When he endures Watari struggling with memorizing things, or Kyoutani’s way of talking during their training.
Aren’t two new friends enough, he asks himself when he walks through the library one day only to find… you.
He’s neither quick nor small enough to duck behind a cart or another person and you spot him almost the instant he recognizes you.
And the way your face lights up cuts a piece straight out of his heart.
“Tsukishima.” You walk up to him where he’s frozen on the spot. “What a coincidence to meet you here. How are you?”
“Hrrm.” He makes, his tongue unable to unknot himself. You nod.
“I don’t want to keep you, but if you want, we could go for a coffee and catch up?”
He’s unable to say no. And not in the way that his mouth won’t open, because that too, but even if he could speak, he couldn’t say no to you.
But he can and will protect himself. He’s promised himself that.
Back as a first-year at Karasuno, when he had a crush on you and realized it was never going to be reciprocated.
Back in his second year at Karasuno, when you stopped coming to their games, and he only ever saw you in passing or heard you mentioned in conversations.
Back in his third year at Karasuno, when the hallways were void of you and he didn’t even have Ennoshita around to hear about you. When even the pain of not having you sounded better than the void you left behind.
“How’s Ennoshita?” He asks as soon as you take a seat.
“Good, I guess.” You puff out your cheeks and blow at your coffee and he wonders if you know how adorable that makes you look. “Haven’t talked to him in a while. Didn’t think he’d forget about me so easily now that he has a girlfriend.”
He chokes on his drink.
You hit him on the back, but it does nothing to ease his mind.
“He- girlfriend- Ennoshita- you?” He chokes out and you pull your hand back to muster him.
“Yes. He has a girlfriend. Is that surprising? I did think he was rather popular with the girls in Karasuno but no one ever confessed to him.”
“Yeah, because everyone thought the two of you were a couple.” He can’t help his snark and regrets it the moment your eyes widen.
“They did? Why?”
“Because you two were so close. Why wouldn’t we think that?”
He bites his tongue the moment the words are out of his mouth.
You’re frozen in motion, eyes wide, mouth open until you close it with an audible click.
There’s something like understanding in your eyes and he’s ready to grab his drink and leave when you put your hand on his arm.
“Did you think I was dating Ennoshita?”
“Again, why wouldn’t I think that?” He asks but it’s lacking the usual cut of his tone. He just sounds tired now.
You heave a sigh, so deep it seems to come from the bottom of your soul.
“Ennoshita was right after all. I should have confessed to you.”
Now it’s his turn to freeze in his seat and he’s a bit ashamed to say that he forgets to breathe for a moment.
“What?” Is that really his voice speaking?
“Everyone of my girlfriends said that I should wait until the boy makes the first move and looking back, especially after what you’ve told me, they probably had Ennoshita in mind when I was always talking about you. I just… I thought you were interested in me and I was interested in you and I was just hoping you’d confess.”
“I’m sorry.” He says and you shrug. 
“We can’t change the past, right?” Something changes in your eyes and he holds his breath, realizing it will probably shake his core again, whatever you’re going to say next.
He’s right. 
“So, what do you say?” You cock your head and grin. “Are you free tomorrow? For a date? Just to make sure there are no more misunderstandings?”
Kuroo calls him on Saturday and he barely makes it out of his room to accept the call.
“Bad timing?” The older boy asks and TSukishima huffs. “We’re having a watch party, but I’m not missing much. I’ve seen Jurassic Park a million times.”
“Oh, a watch party? So you made some friends?”
He leans against the wall next to his door, thinking of the people inside.
Yamaguchi, who’d called to let him know he was done missing him in silence and that he was coming over Saturday, no matter how he felt about it. He was very much okay with that.
Watari, who’d jumped at the idea of a watch party, especially after he heard the name of the chosen movie. “We can point out all the inaccuracies and review at the same time.”
Kyoutani, who’d needed a bit more convincing.
“You know, they say it’s good for team building, but if you’re above that-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. But I don’t want any mediocre snacks, alright?”
The door opened next to him as he was talking and you squinted at him.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, just talking to Kuroo.” 
“Oh, alright. Tell him I said hi.” You blow him a kiss and step back inside, leaving him flustered in the halfway.
“Kuroo.” He said, voice hoarse yet again. “You don’t happen to have some advice  for communication in a relationship?”
“Don’t laugh. I just don’t want to mess this up.” Again, he adds in his mind.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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yvette-tal · 7 months
“What’s up with you lately?”
Startled, you turn around only to see your boyfriend, Kentarou, in the doorway to your room. Weird. When he’d get here?
“Your door was unlocked. Do you know how fucking dangerous that is?” He asked, clearly upset by more than the confused and dazed look on your face as he walks closer “What’s up with you? You didn’t answer any of my texts or calls, are you mad at me?” He asked, his frown softening a bit.
“are you mad at me?” You dumbly return his question and he answers without hesitation “Yes.”
lmao ouch.
“but I’m also worried about you.” He mumbled, the faintest of blushes dusting his cheeks that you aren’t sure you’re seeing right. “Come on, loser. Tell me what’s bothering you. I’m tired of you acting weird all the time.”
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faerielotus · 1 year
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˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ FRESH ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
tw : murder, violence, blood, gore, smut
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You’re not surprised when he slides into bed without a word. Being talkative isn’t something that you’d associate with Kentaro, especially with it being so late. What’s surprising is the distance between the two of you. He’s close, but not close enough for you to turn over and face him, to hold him. It’s a strange new practice for him. A pattern you’ve seen repeating the last couple of days.
Nonetheless it still confuses you. You know he likes to touch you, feel that you’re there; the same as you. You enjoy the way he hooks his arm over your waist, holding you tight to his chest. The sound of him slightly out of breath when he first joins you in bed, most likely from shuffling up the stairs of your rickety apartment building. But most of all you enjoy the way he smells. He always manages to smell fresh, even when he was covered in sweat from moving in the sofa that was way too big for your living room, but that you insisted on buying; or another time when he came back home, holding a hoodie covered in red splotches. Even the metallic smell was overpowered by the smell of him ingrained into your apartment.
You love everything about the man beside you. That’s why it’s so strange to you. How you know he feels the same way, but is still so far away from you. His distance continues to plague your mind. That is until he sighs, not irritated but not relaxed. Yes, you find the whole predicament strange until he sighs, scoots closer to you and holds you tight, resting his head on your neck. That’s when you forget how strange it is, and start to think about him, how he feels, how he sounds, and how he smells.
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You’ve been laughing for what feels like ten minutes. One joke from Matsuwaka growing into his own personal comedy show. You can’t hear anything else anybody’s saying. Not even the music from the back of the club thrumming through your body is truly reaching you. Your drink has almost fallen out of your hands more than once, quickly being saved by the brunette sitting besides you.
You finally calm down, taking a swig from your drink and inhaling a big breathe of air. You look over to Matsuwaka, readying yourself for his next barrage of wisecracks when you notice that he’s looking over you.
You turn around and see three tall men all maneuvering through the crowds of people towards the two of you. Their attire matches the clothes that Matsuwaka is wearing, a fancy, if not slightly disheveled suit. You take brief notice of the fact that their eyes are on you, or at least shifting between you and the man you were having a conversation with. Your eyes, however, are focused on only one of those men. With a buzzcut that’s been bleached blonde and a mean look on his face you feel like shying away. His tanned skin absorbs the colors of the club lights. Over his suit he’s wearing a clashing leather jacket and overall looks a bit mean.
You realize how long you’ve been staring when they get closer, and the blonde cocks his eyebrow at you. You turn back towards Matsuwaka and nurse your drink.
“Issei.” The brunette in the middle of the three men speaks up when they reach the bar.
“Oikawa.” Matsuwaka says in a drawn out fashion, almost teasing the man in front of him. “I was coming back, I just needed something to drink”
“We can see that!” A strawberry blonde on the side of Oikawa pipes up. He yells over the loud noises of the crowd while staring at you. “My names Hanamaki, but my pals call me Makki!” He’s leaning over now and holding out his hand for you to shake.
You take his hand and introduce yourself. He slowly drops his hand from yours and looks at Matsuwaka with a sly smirk on his face.
The atmosphere is laid back, but you can’t help but feel awkward stuck between these men in suits.
“I’m sorry if I stole him,” you start, looking up to Oikawa. “The both of us were waiting for our drinks when I started a conversation.” You brush a stray hair back, one that you missed with your bobby pin when rushing out the house to meet your friends.
He looks over to you with a smile. “You’re all fine sweetheart. This one right here is responsible for himself.” That got a laugh out of you, and the angry man standing by his side focused his eyes on you. “He’s still got some work to do though, so we’re gonna have to steal him back.”
“Come on, Oikawa, I can’t leave a girl like her on her own here.” Matsuwaka said, feigning a pout and grabbing your hand.
Oikawa dramatically sucked air through his teeth and sighed. “Yeah, you’re right about that.” Oikawa shifted on his foot and turned towards the cross blonde next to him. “Well, Kyoutani already did his job for the night,” he faced forward again and smiled “Why don’t you keep the pretty girl some company Kyo-kun.”
Kyoutani stared at you with a glare and you stared back, looking at him more closely. His scowl didn’t make him any less handsome. His face was strong and his skin was glowing underneath the light. He was lean, but you could tell that underneath his suit he was toned. You looked back over to Matsuwaka who had an incredulous look on his face.
“‘Kawa, you know that’s not what I meant man.”
Oikawa’s grin widened even more. “Kyo-kun take Matsuwaka’s seat for me.” On the side of Oikawa, Makki snickered and hid his face in his elbow.
Matsuwaka grumbled as he shifted out of his seat. Kyoutani dropped himself onto it and motioned for the bartender.
“We’ll see you later Kyo-kun.” Oikawa said as he and the rest of the men walked off, arm draped over Matsuwaka’s shoulder.
You turned your body towards the bar, but kept your head facing the man beside you. Ignoring his rough look you were somewhat entranced by him. Everything from his appearance to his smell was strangely attractive to you. He started to order a drink when he looked to you.
“Do you want another?” He motioned to your drink, still with a glare on his face. You nodded with a smile and he finished ordering.
You asked him a couple of questions, mainly about Matsuwaka, how they met, their friend group, but also about him. That seemed to loosen him up enough for his brows to relax.
“And you?” He asked as the bartender set your drinks in front of you both.
“What questions are you asking me?” You said with a dopey smile.
“Anything.” He responded after taking a second to gulp his drink. His short answers made you realize how little interest he has. No, not that, how little he likes to talk. He seemed engaged even with his limited amount of interactions. That, like so many of his other qualities attracted you.
“Well,” you started, leaning your elbow on the bartop. “I think you’re hot.” You tilted your head, resting your hand on his knee.
You saw him take a small gulp and you laughed at that. He stared at his drink until he picked it up and downed the rest. He swallowed and turned to look at you again.
“Yeah?” That was the first time you saw him smile.
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You wonder if you really got everything you needed. You didn’t want to head back to the store for something small. Thinking about calling Kentaro to check the kitchen, you decided to brush the idea off, remembering he left earlier that morning.
You sighed, shifting and moving your grocery bags around in your arms. You felt like you haven’t talked to him in so long, the last form of contact between you too being a kiss on your forehead as he slid out of bed. You made your way into the lobby of your apartment and up the stairs. You couldn’t tell why he was acting the way he was. You just knew that something was wrong.
Just like how you knew something was wrong when you opened the door to your shared apartment to see clothes caked in blood on the floor. You couldn’t feel your bags dropping from your hold. All you felt was fear. It doesn’t take much time for you to run into your bedroom at all.
What takes time is your realization. The realization that Kentaro’s completely fine. Wearing black joggers with his shirt stripped off, a towel hanging off his shoulder, he turns to look at you. He has a cut on his lip, but his face has no emotion. He just keeps staring at you, not a single word passing between you too.
You look down. “What happened Ken.” You look back towards the living room, motioning towards his discarded pile of clothes, already seeping into the carpet. “What happened to you.” You turned back to him taking a couple steps forward.
“Nothing.” He says turning back around, back facing you. “Some asshole had too much to say at a meeting.”
You weren’t sure what type of work Kentaro and his friends were in, but the past couple of years gave you some insight as to how violent it could be. “Kentaro,” you said demandingly. “Your clothes are soaked in blood.” You finally got close enough to him to turn him around and you noted how tense he was.
He stared down at you, this time you could see something in his face. “Are you scared of me?” He whispered.
You were taken aback, but kept your hand on his shoulder and the other on his face. “No,” you turned your head at him and frowned. “Why would you think that.”
He takes a breath, whether it’s relief or him trying to compose himself you can’t tell. He pulls your hands from him and pulls you into an embrace, inhaling your scent.
“Not important,” he finally says, toying with the bottom of your shirt. “Just help me real quick.” He kisses you, beginning to lift the bottom of your shirt, you’re distracted from the look on his face.
You can’t think about how scared he looked when he’s fumbling with your bra, grunting into your neck when you reach down to pull his sweats off.
You can’t think of anything else except the way he’s touching you, and the fresh scent coming off of him from washing off the grime and blood of a tough day.
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You didn’t think you were going to go
home with the indifferent man who sat beside you for half a night, but you couldn’t deny the strong feeling of euphoria from between your legs as Kentaro slammed his hips against yours.
He grunted as he lifted your legs over his and lowered himself closer to your face, hands intertwined with yours. He moved his lips against yours and you moaned. He cursed and pulled away, biting your lip in the process.
He moved his hand down your body and you mewled, thrusting against him.
“Fuck!” He shouted, touching you, and dipping his head. You grabbed his shoulder with your free hand, trying to urge him closer. “You want me, baby?” you nodded, squinting your eyes closed and moaning. “Yeah, you want me.”
He moved his hand from you, up your body, resting on your breast for a moment, before he harshly gripped your throat. “Kyo-” you tried to say, but were overpowered by his strength and the urge to moan.
You arched your back, still trying to get closer to him. He finally caught on to the way you were flexing, and kissed you hard. He continued to pump himself in and out of you, taking time to grind into you causing you to release cut-off moans and gasps.
“Come on, baby, cum for me.” He tightened his grip on your throat, dragging his face along your neck and thrusting harder. He pushes you closer and you squeezed his hand, shaking and squeezing his cock.
“Kyo…tani” you croak, but he’s not listening, he’s pounding into you harder, holding you tighter, and now kissing you rougher.
He was close to losing control, almost crushing you with his strength, but he held back. He held back until he came, cumming inside of you and growling into your ear.
You both were out of breath but he continued thrusting into you. It took a moment for him to settle down, releasing his tight grip on you and collapsing on top of you. He rolled to the side and held you, tucking his face into your neck, taking big breaths.
You were tired and still catching your breath when you thanked yourself for going out tonight.
He gripped you tighter, kissing your neck.
He murmured. “You smell good.”
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You sat still, tears slowly running down your face as the recent events of the day replayed through your mind.
Kyoutani stood in front of the counter, in between your legs, drying your washed face with a towel, and trying his best to avoid your blooming bruises and aching cuts.
You know he’s thinking the same thing as you. Probably thinking about how he bashed in the head of the man who cornered you during an afternoon outing with his friends. He was probably thinking about how scared you looked when he saw the dickhead from earlier that week groping you. You know he was thinking about if you were okay when the asshole started getting rough when you tried brushing past him.
Kyoutani set the towel down and sighed. He reached for you and you shied away. He ignored it and held your face in his hands.
“I killed for you.” He said. Staring you in the eyes and assessing the damage done to your face. You didn’t say anything and more tears rolled down your face. He tilted his head and took a moment to really look at you.
You thought about his question from a couple days ago. The fear in his eyes when he asked it. His bloodied clothes, now tossed away, probably living in some dump. Your assailant, and his bandaged body and furious face.
“He had it coming for a long time. He kept messing with me and my boys.” You couldn’t tell what he was trying to say to you. Was he trying to explain his actions, soothe you? Was he trying to convince you that his murderous rage was an outcome of the dead man’s actions and not his own violent tendencies? You didn’t care.
All that you knew was that you were scared. You were scared of your boyfriend. You loved him, but he terrified you. You started to sob. Wails escaping you as you replayed the moment when he repeatedly threw the head of the random man against a brick wall, not stopping until his skull was shattered, spilling out his most vital organ onto the pavement you both stood on.
Kyoutani didn’t try to hug you. He didn’t try to comfort you. Not even in that traumatic moment. He just picked you up and walked away, leaving his friends to clean the mess.
Kyoutani was never good at talking. Not even now. He just kept staring at you. “Are you scared of me?” He said, reaching for your face.
He didn’t look afraid this time. He looked tired, and serious. He looked like he already knew the answer and was just asking to ask.
You still didn’t say anything. Your hiccuping cries were enough of an answer for him.
He sighed and picked you up, carrying you to your shared bedroom. He laid you down onto the bed and after taking a moment to undress joined you. He hovered over you as you continued crying.
“I can still smell that dickhead’s cologne on you.” You didn’t know what to say to that either, you just kept still underneath him. He reached for the buttons on your dress and you stayed still.
You realized he was trying to get the smell off of you. He was almost scared of it.
The same way you were scared of the way he smelled. Not the fresh scent that you adored, but the metallic and almost deathly smell of blood.
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This was my first fic!! I originally posted it on my other account, but I made that my personal blog. I also posted it on AO3 under Faerie_Lotus. Please please please!! Tell me what you guys think 「(°ヘ°)
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Hi there, it's been a really long time since I've posted anything, but I'm planning on dusting off this old blog and working on my wips that have been sitting in my docs unattended for a few years
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dakato · 11 months
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Took part in a Sendai Frogs Big Bang event on Twitter a few months back and had an absolute blast!! You can find the fic here and moon's accompanying art here
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doodle-bun-makes · 10 months
Hi! Would you mind telling me about your favourite thing you've ever created?
Oh my gosh I dont even know where to start!!!! I've made a lot of things in my 19 years of life; both fandom related and original ideas, writing and drawing! So I'm gonna choose one of each because I can't choose just one (this is going to be long lol)
For fan writing, I have to say my favorite thing I've made so far is for Haikyuu (of course lol). It's a fantasy au that originally focused on Kyoutani x Yamaguchi where Kyoutani's a demon/cambion who's apart of this infamous demon family that's known for bringing destruction. He and his brothers are summoned to bring down a kingdom that was already on the verge of collapsing b/c of a shitty king who pissed a lot of people off. But Kyoutani becomes enamored with Yamaguchi, who all the demons mistake for the prince. Then Kyoutani gets in trouble because he decides to spare and help heal Yamaguchi even though they were supposed to kill all the royalty. It isn't until a demon king comes to "finish the job" that it's revealed that Yamaguchi isn't the prince, but the personal servant of the princess. Then this would branch into another story focused on Hinata x Aone where prince Hinata and his sister flee to the neighboring kingdom in the mountains. Then Hinata tries to befriend the shy prince Aone and they end up falling in love after Aone saves Hinata from hypothermia after he was thrown by a horse into a river. I still love this idea even though I haven't finished either of these fics. I've put so much thought into it and I don't want to publish anything until I have the whole story written out so I don't leave anything on a cliffhanger. I do intend to finish these fics one day and maybe add another to the universe where Yamaguchi, Aone, Hinata, and some other characters (i'm thinking Tsukishima and Kageyama) go on some journey, but idk. But if we're talking about published fics I'm still so proud of my Yamaguchi x Kyoutani cowboy au "The Hat Rule" that's published on my ao3, it's the longest fic I've been able to finish so far!
For fan art, this is going to be hard. I'm kinda in a rut right now where I hate my art style, but I still really like this art I made for my cowboy au fic "The Hat Rule" that I mentioned before
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For original works, i think my favorite story would have to be this fantasy story that's working title is "Of Dragons and Unicorns" where the princess of the unicorn kingdom, Sylvia, is betrothed to the crown prince of the dragon kingdom, Eluard, but she's really resentful about it because she's only met him once when they were really young so she doesn't remember him at all and all the portraits she gets of him make him look dull and boring. But the dragon royalty and other royalty are coming to the unicorn kingdom to celebrate Sylvia at a debutante ball thing. Basically, Sylvia is cold to Eluard and his brother Oswald at first but after she has a slight meltdown at her ball, Eluard opens up to her and they become friends. I'm hoping for a one sided enemys-to-friends-to-lovers kind of story. Then in a different story Sylvia would move to the dragon kingdom where she'd learn that Eluard has an estranged twin brother and both of them have this curse(?) that gives them dragon traits (scales, wings, claws). While the estranged brother embraces his traits and sees it as an excuse to not be responsible for his actions, Eluard is ashamed of it and tries to hide his traits from Sylvia. Then this would lead to the whole "prince saves princess from dragon" situation where BOTH of the princes are dragons (kinda) and Sylvia is so rude to the estranged brother that he gives her up voluntarily. But this story is SO far from finished that I don't know when or if it'll ever be done. I've put so much thought into the world building for this story that I could honestly spend hours talking about it. I truly love this story, but I literally can't find the motivation in me to work on it.
For original drawings, this is a hard one. I have a lot of OC's that have my whole heart, but my favorite digital drawing has to be this one with burlesque cocker spaniels. For a little context, I like drawing animals in old fashioned clothes when I'm super stressed because it makes me feel better. I'm not an official furry (I don't have a fursona or anything), but this piece brings me a certain pride that none of my others do. Maybe it's the lighting
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But yeah! These are four of my favorite projects and I'm so happy to share them with you who made it this far. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have about any of my projects!
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grungeeuvu · 1 year
12, 27, 24 for the writing asks!
Astro, my beloved, hi bestie!!
12. Do you outline your fics first? How detailed are they? How often do you stray from them?
There's usually 'timestamps' and that's it tbh, like, "this is when A says this which upsets B but it makes C happy, then there's drama, then A and B make up" but that's usually it. Oftentimes it's worse like "here's point A now let's see where the hell point B is".
However, some fics are planned by chapter usually, like CLWMB.
24. How do you choose who's POV to write?
Okay this sounds weird but I pick the person who doesn't have the answer. Like, I'll pick the person who doesn't know how the other person feels about them, or the person who knows the least about the situation.
Using CLWMB as an example again (I'm sorry, it's just my best fic), if Yahaba was the POV character then there would be less worry about Kyoutani's death because Yahaba knows he's a necromancer. Did that make sense lol?
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Dialogue for sure. It's the easiest by far.
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jplupine · 1 year
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Title: Rabies
Words: 32,297 (Complete)
Rating: M [✨🥊🩸🍋🍖]
Pub Date: Feb 27, 2017
Pairing: Kyotani Kentaro (M) x Shori Yamiko (F)
Summary: You don't fuck with Rabies.
Where to find it: AO3 || Wattpad
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sleepy-exe · 2 years
Mechanic AU - 14
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Kyoutani x f!reader
<< Part 13 | Part 15 >>
Summary: Kyoutani comes into the shop and Tanaka has questions.
Word Count: 1.6k
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Warnings/Genre: sfw, mdni, strangers to lovers, slice of life, fluff
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Part 14: Picking Favorites
Kyoutani is in the shop today with his dark green WRX STi to have his tires swapped over to new wheels. It hasn't been all that long since you put new tires on his car, but the faux blond will be replacing the original silver wheels for a set of bronze BBS.
As he pulls the first wheel out of the box and unwraps it, you stare in awe at the shiny new wheel. "Kyou, these are going to look amazing with your wrap!"
"And the black if I get rid of the wrap." He gently sets the wheel on the concrete floor of the garage before moving on to the next box, taking it upon himself to unbox all of them for you.
Operating the lift to raise his car into the air, you begin digging out your tools for the job. "Wait, you're thinking of getting rid of the wrap? It's beautiful!"
"Well, it has rock chips already on the front bumper and it's not going to last forever regardless," he says, balling up all the paper and bubble wrap from the boxes, "but I have no plans to get rid of it anytime soon."
"Well, good. I like it." Impact gun in hand, and the appropriate socket, you kick a stool on tiny wheels his way, "Ya can take a seat if you want."
He stops it with a foot before picking up the boxes he broke down. "Thanks, but I was thinking I'd grab us some drinks since you were complaining so much earlier."
You perk at that. An offer to feed your caffeine addiction might be the quickest way to your heart, if he wasn't already in it anyway.
"I assume you've got somewhere out back I can throw these." You caught his smooth save at catching one of the boxes that began to slip from his hold.
"Mhm, just stop by Kiyoko's desk and she can point you in the right direction." Turning back to his car, you start removing the lug nuts from the first wheel, "See ya soon!"
"I'll just be down the street." With that he heads out the door and you are sitting your impact gun on the ground to pull the wheel off the car to carry over to the tire machine.
Carefully removing the tire from the wheel and even more carefully installing it on a brand new wheel, you move on to the second wheel, taking your time to not scratch either sets you're not sure what he'll be doing with the old set. Saving for a winter setup maybe? Though if he were, wouldn't you be working on that right now instead?
Having made a pile of old wheels and new wheels with tires mounted on them for the driver’s side, you head over to the passenger's side figuring you can just swap all the tires over first before putting any of the wheels back on the car. However, you only get three lug nuts off the first passenger wheel before you run into trouble.
"Oh, I don't like how that feels." You play around with the impact to see if you can get things to move more smoothly, but no, the lug nut spins roughly and at an angle - the thing is cross threaded, no doubt. "Fuck."
Though normally cool and collected in this situation, you find yourself flustered by the problem. You never cross thread anything. Did you get careless last time? Grabbing your phone, you nervously text Kyoutani.
>> To Kyou: “hope you’re not too attached to your lug nuts haha”
>> To Kyou: “one might be fucked”
Biting your lip, you examine the definitely fucked lug nut before going full send on it with the impact until get goes from spinning off rough to coming clean off with an uncomfortable snap.
With closer examination, you find the lug nut indeed took half the stud off with it.
>> From Kyou: “there's new ones in the back”
>> From Kyou: “brb”
Best to move on and come back to that in a moment.
You're not going to have that fixed before Kyoutani gets back either way.
"Whatcha do?" Tanaka pops in close, eyeing the dead stud. "Uh-oh. Why didn't you use heat?"
Good question.
"Jeez, Ryuu, get outta here!"
Looking around with a hand over his brows like a visor, he asks, "Hey, where's the boy toy anyhow?"
"Oh my- Ryuu!" You bat at him and he squeaks. "Shut up!"
"Hey, whatever. As long as it's not the boss man, I could care less."
You sigh, but a quiet laugh still sneaks out. "Oh, yeah? So if it was Noya or Daichi, you wouldn't be bothered?"
You laugh at the disgusted face he gives you in response, freeing up the last lug nut and carrying the wheel to the tire machine.
By the time Kyoutani returns with the goods, you've finished swapping the tire for the last wheel.
“Got it then?” He asks, watching you carry one shiny bronze wheel with one dirty tire on it to the driver’s side of his car.
“Hm? Ah,” you place the new wheel on, hand tightening the new black lugs for the two of you to admire. You continue while pointing over the car, “That one over there - one of the lug nuts was fucked to begin with. Swear I didn’t do that.” You cringe.
“Hmph. Yeah, someone else’s touched it since.”
Jokingly, you throw him an offended look, but it falls quickly with a nervous tone, “But, uhm, I did technically get it.” She walks over, poking around a stud that’s snapped in half, “Well, this is my bad. The studs' aftermarket or nah?“
Nodding again, you walk off, “I probably have a new one. Be right back.”
"Where should I put your drink?"
That stops you in your tracks. Trotting back over to him, you take the offered energy drink and several thank you's spilling from your lips as you run off with your beverage. Kyoutani grins softly at you before checking out his ride.
Returning with a new stud in hand, you spot two more wheels on the car than when you left and Kyoutani moving the last to sit on the ground nearby. "Ah! You don't need to be doing any of it!"
He raises a brow at you. "Okay."
"Anyway. 'Have a stud. I'll swap it out real' quick and get your car done. Hopefully you weren't in a hurry to get out of here." You rub your neck shyly.
"Not with you being here," he says cooly.
What's that supposed to mean??
"Alright then," you say as if you're completely unbothered. "I'll get to it."
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With Kyoutani long gone and your next appointment running late, you take some time to clean the garage. It really is getting to be quite a mess.
Dumping used oil filters in an old oil drum, picking up soiled rags, tossing random garbage littering the ground. Every little thing helps, and things have really piled up with the whole shop being as busy as it has been. No one has been taking the appropriate time to pick up after themselves.
You're sweeping dirt and junk from all over the garage into your temporarily empty bay when Tanaka abandons his work to bother you instead.
Grease stained arms and hands cross over his equally stained chest as he stands over a dirt pile. “Where’d you get all that from?”
You gesture vaguely around you, "Here.”
“Now, you're supposed to just not look at it.”
“Oh, okay." You grin at your friend who's apparently very much tired of working on the same engine harness job he started five hours ago. At least Keishin pays well for that sort of thing; those can really be a headache. "I'll leave it right here then.”
“I'll go make you a dirt sign," he says, but doesn't leave his spot.
“Just put it on top. Cover it up.” Playing along, you stand your broom against the post of a lift.
“Put some caution tape around it.” He motions with his hands as if he were wrapping tape around an object haphazardly.
"What if I just put a caution cone over it?”
He rubs his chin, smearing black across it in the process. “Mhmm, yeah. That’ll work.”
Laughing, you pick up the broom again and a dustpan to sweep up the pile. Your next appointment should be here any moment, so now is a good time to quit cleaning. The garage looks decently better with less tripping hazards.
Before returning to his own work, Tanaka adds, "So. You two a thing yet? Or are ya just bangin'?"
You grumble lowly at the man for his bold choice of words, and at work of all places. You two aren't the only ones here after all, and you're sure Takinoue doesn't want to hear about who you sleep with in your spare time. Not to mention, it could be pretty awkward with Keishin around here somewhere.
"What? I don't even know what to call you guys."
"I don't know. Maybe call us friends?" Busying yourself, you pick up the work order for this car that can't arrive soon enough. A Toyota Corolla coming in for diagnostics and, ah - customer states no crank, no start - sounds like you are waiting on a tow truck then rather than the customer.
"Friends? We are friends. Whatever you two got going on - that's not being friends."
You grin mischievously. "Sure it is. 'You jealous?"
"Hell no," Tanaka exclaims. "He can have your crazy ass."
You laugh knowing he's only joking and truly is happy for you. Tucking the work order under your arm, you step away from the conversation to seek out Kiyoko for a possible update on the delay.
Part 15 >>
Tag list: @cantchoosejust1
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dira333 · 1 month
The I'm definitely not a creep Fanfic Rec - @shoulmate Edition - part 2
I don't think it's a secret that I'm a huge fan of Shoulmate's works. I just love how she manages to mix humor with real life. There are so many plot twists you'd never expect as well as heavy hitters that make you think.
Since I don't read suggestive or spicy stuff you'll not find her whole masterlist on here, but it's a pretty close call.
I organized the list from A-Z because I could never choose a favorite, but it's too much for one post, sooo.... have fun with
Kageyama - Doppelganger (Haruka, my love!)
Kageyama - inside jokes (this could be considered a little suggestive, but I let it slide for the absolute humor of it all)
Kageyama - what’s missing (Adlers Team) part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 (this one's such a precious thing to me!)
Kageyama - meeting you at the engagement party (I feel like this deserves a second part as well, it's got such potential! But even as it is it's great)
Kageyama - meeting again (plus Team All Star) (The banter in this is chef's kiss)
Kageyama - Fractions
Kageyama - Of being late and coming clean (This one is sooooo good)
Kageyama - Sensory Issues (Kageyama is so underrated for this one)
Kageyama - getting lost at a retreat
Kenma 😍 (do I have to say more?)
Kenma -Friendship Level UP
Kenma asks you to get to know Hinata and it backfires part 2
Kenma - sloths
Kindaichi (he deserves more love)
Kindaichi - middle of the road
Kita and newborn babies
Kita's secret child part 2 on AO3 "Delivery" (I cried reading this, it's so sweet)
Kita realizes you don't need to be fixed
Kita - study date
Kita - falling asleep
Kita - Wombat (this one's so cute!!!!)
Kita - Soulmates 
Kita - birthday
Komori - Family reunions (I love how reader plays an active part in this)
Kunimi and family reunions, or how depression can suck
Kunimi - cleaning duties (this one's so smooth!)
Kunimi - asking for notes
Kuroo (She writes him so flirty! I love it=
Kuroo - you woke up happy by accident (angsty)
Kuroo - running away from a party
Kuroo - the dangers of caffeine
Kuroo - impromptu Spa Day
Kuroo - Office Bingo part 1 part 2 part 3 (I swear, her mini series give me life!)
Kuroo - Rooster Head
Kuroo - spotting each other
Kuroo - flirting over water 
Kyoutani - He needs you at his game (I just loved this... it's so good)
Kyoutani - The rage of Customer Service (It be like that sometimes)
Matsukawa/Mattsun (I just love how you write him)
Matsukawa and standing up for each other
Mattsun and being there when depression hits
Matsukawa - getting pestered into being their manager
Matsukawa - Quick Learner part 1 - full fic on AO3
Mattsun - Hoodies (I once had a similar idea but could not get it to paper. Now I know. It had already been done perfectly)
Meian Shugo (@emmyrosee)
Meian Shugo and you have a Valentines day tradition 1 - 2
Nishinoya - someone finally flirts with him
Nishinoya - he can definitely kabedon (this made me snort so bad!)
Nishinoya gets lost
Nishinoya - Going everywhere with you
Nishinoya - Guardian Angel
Nishinoya - nothing to worry about (featuring Tanaka and Kiyoko)
Osamu (@emmyrosee)
Osamu - and Ginjima's little sister (I wish there was a part two to this, but it's so fine)
Osamu - wanna dance?
Osamu - not all change is bad
Osamu - using Atsumu as his wingman (that one was so smooth)
Oikawa (@alienaiver)
Oikawa and the one who really sees him - Full Fic Through your Lens (AO3)
Oikawa - On Bended Knee - part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9
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yvette-tal · 3 months
Kyoutani is shaken awake by you in the middle of the night, grunting quietly as he blinked his eyes tiredly at you in the darkness of his room.
“K-Kentarou…” You whimper softly, clearly on the verge of crying if you weren’t already.
He pulls you closer, practically enough to suffocate you under his body weight, in attempt to comfort you. He had definitely panicked about you possibly crying—he could NOT see you at all lmao so he wasn’t totally sure that you were crying—but he knew he just wanted you to feel better, trying to ignore that this was the first time you’d called him by his first name.
“had a nightmare..” You say quietly from under him, your hands on his waist as you nestled your face in his neck, already greatly calmed by the hug and weight of your boyfriend.
“It’s alright..” Kyoutani whispered back, kissing the top of your head “I’m right here.”
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casperrscapes · 1 year
kogagoshi fanfic rec list !!
+ some sort of sendai frogs fics!!!
hello hello hello! ヾ(•ω•`)o it’s me, casper, back with another fic rec list! kogagoshi is one of my all time favourite ships, so i’ve compiled some into this list!! there are, unfortunately, not many kogagoshi centric fics, so i thought this list might help my fellow kogagoshi shippers!!! feel free to add your own recs/recommend some to me !!!
As always, be careful, and make sure to check tags and warnings before reading !!!
there is no particular order to this! fics marked with an astric are my absolute favourite fics!!! fics marked with a frog emoji (🐸) include the sendai frogs!!!
Remember Our Youth by bumbl3b33 (NR) 4,729 words, 1/1, [Kogagoshi] --- Goshiki thought about their time together in high school for the next few days. 
He thought about their brushing hands and wide smiles. He thought about the feeling he got, something warm but aching, when he looked at Koganegawa Kanji. Most of all, though, he thought about what would have happened if he had done something, anything. What would’ve happened if he had leaned over and pressed their lips together? Maybe he could’ve done it when they played video games, sitting at the foot of Goshiki’s bed. Maybe he could’ve done it when they sat down in the grass after playing volleyball in the park. There were so many possibilities that he didn’t know the answer to. Although, he knew one thing for sure. Koganegawa had no business showing up and confusing Goshiki all over again.
this is so!! i love this!! just so adorable gahhhhh!!! they’re so cute :’). 
Just Breathe by crow_writing (G) 723 words, 1/1, [Kogagoshi] ---  Goshiki has an asthma attack and Kogane helps him through it. 
kogane best bf <3. very cute fic :). 
**complications of infatuation by ClementineKitten (NR) 14,409 words, 1/1, [Kogagoshi] ---  Goshiki has a problem, and his name is Koganegawa Kanji.
this fic!! is so good!! goshiki just running around trying to get love advice from his uncles senpais. all of the characterizations are so; *chefs kiss*. just a goofy funny fic, and i love it. first crush kogagoshi fics just hit the spot :’). 
It’s a Date by crow_writing (G) 1,385 words, 1/1, Kogagoshi ---  Goshiki and Kogane’s journey from texting buddies to boyfriends.
kogagoshi texting fic after the training camp or whatever it is. such, such a cute fic.
Wide Enough For Two | KogaGoshi by AnxiouslyShipping (G) 3,285 words, 1/1, [Kogagoshi] --- When a storm hits Miyagi, Goshiki is unfortunate enough to not have an umbrella. However, he is fortunate enough that Kogane finds him on his way home…
this is!! so adorable!! perfectly encompasses kogagoshi’s idiot energy; the odd umbrella backstory is so funny.
**E-Mail My Heart by asynchrony, girlkita (peerlessbellbird) (T) 4,754 words, 1/1, [Kogagoshi, Ushiten-ish, Aofuta-ish] --- Hey Koganegawa-san, what’s the deal with this picture? I’m not sure I understand what a sexy truck is, but I showed it to Tendou and he forwarded it to himself on my phone. He hasn’t stopped laughing about it for the last two hours either. Koganegawa and Goshiki exchange emails, and then much more.
GWAHHHH!!! they’re so cute!!! just two silly awkward teens with their first crushes. kogane is so cute :’). HE CALLS STUFFED ANIMALS “SOFTIES”, IT’S ADORABLE!!!
🐸 love isn't easy (but it sure is hard enough) by AP0LL0S (g) 7,210 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi] --- “I’ve known them for years, and I don’t remember a time when Kogane wasn’t head over heels for Goshiki.” “No way!” Kyoutani audibly gasps. or,, where koganegawa has a crush and his friends are done with him
SENDAI FROGS CONTENT>>>. and once again, we get kogagoshi being idiots (in love), and tsukishima and kyoutani try to get them together. (fair warning, you might not like the tsukishima and kyoutani characterisation in this, it depends!!) 
soldiered storms by AP0LL0S (g) 1,249 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi] ---  “I’m proud of you.” Goshiki spoke softly. “Why?” or,, where the sendai frogs lose an important match and koganegawa has to face his emotions
so cute :’). just goshiki being an amazing partner, and sad kogane. very good hurt/comfort. i normally see kogane comforting goshiki, so this was a nice change of pace, though i like both !!! 
**a snack by poutyongs (g) 2,575 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi] ---  Koganegawa uses a pickup line on Goshiki without much thought, except Goshiki is painfully oblivious to anything that is not volleyball related.
THIS. this is exactly how i imagine their dynamic. goshiki is so oblivious :’). kogane having fun with the pickup lines, as he should!! ‘shiki trying to figure out the pickup lines is hilarious. absolutely freaking adorable!!!
nickname by kogagoshi (g) 1,131 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi] ---  After training camp, Koganegawa exchanges emails with Goshiki (and gives him a nickname, too).
goshiki is flustered + panicking so hard, and i love him :’). i genuninely can’t tell if kogane is just dense, or intentionally teasing him. knowing him, it’s probably all of the above. just a cute, short little fic !!
There’s more to life than just volleyball, Tsutomu by WaterBear45 (t) 1,792 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi, semishira] --- “I guess now you know why I didn’t come to practice.” “Um… I do?” Goshiki squeaked. Semi frowned pulling down his hood and revealing a collection of matching red marks on his neck. “Haven’t you seen a hickey before?” “Oh!” Goshiki’s hands spasmed at his sides, balling into fists. “Sure! Lots of times!”
this fic is?? so weird?? and i don’t know how to feel about it?? not in a bad way!! it’s just- you need to read it to understand what i mean <(_ _)>. i do genuinely reccomend it, though!!
**kogagoshi fics <3 by london_artfully (t) 4,271 words, 3 works/?, [kogagoshi, ushiten, minor semishira] 
The Rather Unfortunate Circumstance of Goshiki Tsutomu by london_artfully (t) 2,919 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi, ushiten, minor semishira] ---  Shiratorizawa's third years know that Goshiki has a boyfriend... but Goshiki hasn't quite realized it himself. They feel the need to do something about this.
of angry birds and rainy days by london_artfully (g) 637 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi] ---  On a simple rainy day at Kogane's house after practice, Goshiki introduces his boyfriend to a certain mobile game.
breaking point by london_artfully (g) 715 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi] --- Goshiki wasn’t like Date Tech, an iron wall. He wasn’t unbreakable, and he broke far more often than one might think. Why did everything have to bother him so much?
i genuninely love this series so much, it is spectacular. all of the fics in it are amazing, and i sing nothing but praises. please, please, check these fics out. 
🐸 **Scaredy Frogs by copyrightings (t) 4,835 words, 1/1, [tsukiyama, kyouhaba, kogagoshi] ---  In a feeble attempt to find out which one is scarier, Koganegawa finds himself actually becoming good friends with the Sendai Frogs' most terrifying players, Tsukishima and Kyoutani. To be honest though, he doesn't even understand why people think they're scary in the first place until he meets their partners...
even though this isn’t strictly kogagoshi centric, i just HAD to include this. kogane POV fics are suprisingly rare?? so this was like a breath of fresh air. this fic is hilarious, and i adore it. the sendai frogs are all so whipped. please read this :’). 
**Ankle Weights by sophie_scribblz (g) 3,150 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi, ushiten] --- How big of a crush can you develop on someone in less than a week, anyway? Not that he has a crush on someone, no, that would be dumb. He barely knows the guy; there’s no way he has a crush on him. Yeah.
But then there’s the heart fluttering and there’s the weak knees and oh, for the first time he wants someone else’s mouth on his and it all seems so appealing all of the sudden— but that’s dumb, because he barely knows the guy.
He’s a little silly, Tsutomu supposes, the guy he likes. Tall, with about four times the amount of enthusiasm you’d think should be able to fit inside his body. Clumsy, but in a charming sort of puppy-dog way that makes you want to pat his head and tell him he did a good job. 
But then there’s his laugh, the way his eyes squeeze shut and this sound that embodies his joy bursts forth, bright and loud, just like everything else about him does. There’s his drive to be better, the fact that every time his upperclassmen told him he was hopeless, it only made him want to practice more. His generosity, his passion, his never ending kindness. And he gives the warmest hugs.
(Sure, his hair is a little silly but Tsutomu will let that one slide)
i don’t really know how to describe my love for this fic but,,, they are so sweet, and soft, and i love them (and this fic) so much. 
2019 Winter Exchange by snazzy_scarf (g) 10,492 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi]
Matchmaker, Matchmaker! by snazzy_scarf (g) 4,233 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi] --- It all started when both Lev and Hinata received two text messages around the same time. 8:18PM Kowenga: haha when did Goshiki get so cute lol 8:26PM Goshiiiiiikiki: hey so remember how i said liked guys? by guys i meant Koganegawa sjdhfbsjf
Say That You'll Hold Me Forever by snazzy_scarf (g) 6,259 words, 1/1, [kogagoshi] ---  Goshiki's had a crush on Koganegawa for some time now, and finds himself getting flustered at every little thing he says. Is he flirting with him, or is it just wishful thinking? Maybe a series of awkward conversations and loving gestures will help him find out.
this one’s a lot longer than all the other recs, but it’s real good!! the first one is an outsider pov from lev, and the second one is just a normal fic from goshiki pov. it’s just all very soft and silly. they’re both dense, and it’s quite cute :) 
annndddd, that’s a wrap!! i definitely missed a few that i didn’t bookmark (;′⌒`) please feel free to add your own recs, i’d love to see them!!! i also hope you liked the sendai frogs fics (‾◡◝). feel free to request/ask for other recs,,, i can’t promise i’ll have any, but i can try my best!! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ hope this was enjoyable!!!
ps. should i tone down my use of emoticons?? 
pps. a list of fic rec lists i’ll probably post in the near future!! : yukeru (fruits basket), semishira (haikyuu), percy jackson/heroes of olympus, trials of apollo (sepreate cause why not!), maybe stars align, and if i’m feeling silly, i’ll do chad/ryan from high school musical!!! once again, feel free to request lists you’d like to see!! 
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Hey everyone I know its been a while since I last posted I apologize for that, I lost inspiration to write completely for a long while but I plan to change all of that soon I have a few Wips that I'm working on finishing and I have a few requests too that I haven't seen that I'm going to get started on as well. Hopefully this next year I will be better about writing at least that's the hope! I love you all thank you for the support! ❤️
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i first read close to the chest in high school, when i was about the same age as yahaba. id barely thought about kyouhaba as a ship before, or even the characters themselves much; im not sure why i decided to click on that link back in the day but im so, so glad that i did. i was so blown away by your fic that, to this day, i feel comfortable calling it my favorite fanfic out of any that ive read, in the haikyuu fandom and outside of it. i've probably read it a dozen times now, most recently in the past 24 hours. it's the fic that made me start noticing background characters more, start to extrapolate vivid lives for them the way you did for yahaba, and it's something i love doing to this day, even in my own (often unfinished and unpublished, but not always) fics. your storytelling was so convincing that i forget most of it isn't literal, canon material. this morning, after blasting through a reread, i realized that since the last time id read it you'd published a companion fic, and i nearly screamed in excitement. i just finished reading, and it's so, so incredible, as good or better than the original. if the first fic caught me at a time where i was a high schooler muddling through the social minefield of being queer, this one caught me at a time where im coming to terms with being less neurotypical than previously planned. im feeling so much for kyoutani right now; youve made me love him so, so much more when i already fell in love with him back in high school alongside yahaba. from the bottom of my heart, thank you. these two fics mean so much to me, and i just had to let you know. i'll be perusing your profile for more fics now, which i cant believe ive never done ❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is one of the most touching asks I've ever gotten, thank you so much!!! I'm so glad my work was meaningful to you! Honestly, writing those fics really helped me work through a lot of my stuff in the same order. I wrote CttC well after I had come out, but when I was in my first serious relationship and working to set up my life as a Totally Out lesbian. I wrote the Kyoutani piece years later, when I started coming more and more to terms with my own neurodivergency and stop trying to play it down in my own head. They're probably the most personal stories I've ever written and can imagine ever writing, so the fact that other people respond to them just makes me feel so many things.
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