ellrond · 11 months
celrond + 2 and/or helaemond + 40 🙏🙏
sorry im in a helaemond era
40. …because the world is ending.
The queen faced the window, but her eyes did not see. They were red, the tears that streamed from them silent. The maids had changed her from the gown that she had been paraded around in, had removed the netted veil from her hair. It was now loose around her shoulders and down her back, soft and wavy and pretty. When they had tried to put a different dress on her, she had shrugged them off. It was in her shift that she stayed.
There were goosebumps along her arms. Aemond knelt in front of her and ran his hands up her forearms. "Helaena, come sit in front of the fire. Please?"
Whether she was ignoring him or simply could not hear, Aemond did not know. It frightened him either way. He got up and pulled the blankets from her bed and wrapped them around her shoulders. She was stone, still and cold. He knelt in front of her again.
"Lae, please look at me. Please."
Her eyes did not search for him. But there was a slight movement in her face. Her brows twitched, her throat tensed.
"You can hear me, love. Please look at me. Please."
Instead, she closed her eyes.
Aemond rested his forehead on her knee. "He was my son too, Lae. Please don't leave me alone here."
"You weren't there."
His head shot up, his eye wide. She spoke! Yes, her voice was low and strained, but she spoke! "I know."
"It all ends now."
"Don't say that." Aemond moved between her knees and cupped her face in a silent beg for her to look at him. His heart raced in fright, agony coursing through his veins like ice.
"It all ends now."
"Lae," he tried to soothe. But his own tears were coming. A son for a son. The world thought Maelor Aegon's son. But it was his little boy, his beloved child, who had been taken. Aegon's twins lived. "We will survive this. We will have our revenge, I swear it." Aemond took her hand and pressed it over his heart. "It's you and I now, just us."
"You are going to leave me." Helaena still couldn't look at him. But her voice was growing bolder, her weeping more exhausting. "My children are dead, and so are we."
"No, we are alive, all of us," he urged. He stood up and pulled her to her feet. She was almost limp, but he held her in his arms firmly, safely. "We will take our revenge."
"The Doom is come again."
"No, no, you're wrong, we're-"
"Our hubris will tear everything-"
"No, no, Helaena, no, listen-"
"Our world is ending and we cannot stop it now-!"
They were both weeping when he kissed her. Aemond held her tight and kissed her and they tasted the shared salt of their tears. He held her face as she cried against him, and he choked on his sobs.
"I swear it," he gasped between rough kisses, between clawed grasps. "We are not defeated. I will save us."
Helaena's arms were sudden vices around him, pulling him tight until there was no space between their ribs. "We're already dead."
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queenmeriadoc · 10 months
isildur for ur ask game? out of curiosity
He is like the son I never wanted 💗
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In a way that I don’t want children but I would adopt him anyway!
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niennawept · 1 year
pov you marry adar and gain 5271918 new orc children. do you consider this a pro or a con
Oh, pro, hands down.
They can open jars for me. They can smell a good BBQ a mile away. They sometimes bring me dead rats, but in the proud way that dogs and cats do, to show they are strong and good at stuff.
Seriously, though, I have grown very attached to the uruks. Rings of Power isn't the first time that I considered their "humanity" but it is the time that I've spent the most time world-building around them. At the risk of sounding too soft on them, every time they've been shown in the book or on the screen, it's been from an outsider's point of view. We don't really know what they are like on their own and not in a time of war. That's something I'm really interested in exploring.
Thank you for asking!
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abnerkrill · 1 year
game of thrones or house of the dragon for the ask game? if u haven't seen them idk 😭
i have only seen the GOT pilot and it was probably 8 years ago! oof I’m sorry to fans of GOT but i’m mostly of the opinion that… while the acting seemed mostly good, costumes and plots seemed overall fine till the final season, unfortunately the writing was super misogynistic and chock-full of unnecessary brothel exposition (sexposition IS the funniest term to have come out of this) and sexual assault scenes so I don’t think I’ll ever be watching the show itself, and I do believe GOT negatively contributed to a grimdark ugly unpleasant trend in fantasy fiction that I despise. that said:
westeros, GRRM’s attempt to do fantasy war of the roses. there’s the ice zombies in the north, there’s a wall guarded by Sean Bean and family, including Jon Snow, Ikaris from Eternals, Sansa Jonas Brothers Wife, and Arya who is def the coolest. and Bran who gets visions and becomes king at the very end of the show, which pissed a lot of people off and has been widely regarded as a bad idea.
there’s Cersei the queen who’s doing an incest with her brother Jayme, and they have some horrible children she passes off as the king’s kids, including the sadist Joffrey. and there’s Daenerys whose brother trades her off into marriage with Jason Momoa i mean Khal Drogo except then he dies and she raises dragons and conquers the world but then she also does an incest, and Jon Snow kills her for the good of the world. I think. I did not really follow the final season.
side note: im an archaeologist by college major, and super duper into fantasy world demographics as a hobby, so I have read all the online critiques about how Westeros does not work as realistic fantasy and laughed at it all. the armies are absurdly large, there isn’t infrastructure for food production especially in the face of a long winter, the population demography as a whole does not work; and don’t get me started on the horse nomads not making any logistical sense. this would not matter at all because I believe in suspension of disbelief, except for the fact that GRRM makes himself obnoxious talking about how Realistic his world is compared to say, Tolkien not explaining Aragorn’s tax policy, which is just patently ridiculous. so I do tend to drag GRRM on the worldbuilding. it’s stupid. he needs to do better demography if he wants to claim realism. or he needs to own up to the fact he’s very, very generously handwaving it all for the cool factor.
anyway not to beat dead horses but the funniest thing was that Ed Sheeran and Of Monsters and Men cameo, instantly dating the show forever. also the Starbucks cup mistake was hilarious. also are we talking about the racism re: sand snakes exoticism, slave nation issues, treatment of Greyworm and Missandei yet or nah?
anyway, if you haven’t already been able to tell, im a Tolkien girl. sorry if I dragged your fave but it is NOT for me 😂
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halfelven · 1 year
oohh happy birthday!! hope u have a good day!
thank you!!! 🥰❣️
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
I must show you the cat
Behold: the cat
The picture of her as a baby is my absolute favourite because she just decided to climb onto the back of my hand. She's literally just hanging out there???
Also I have a ton of very cute picture of her but I just emptied my phone storage so now they are all on my laptop
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wordbunch · 1 year
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This discussion is too gold to be kept in the comments!!! @labhandar you brought this upon us all 😂
Thrandy passed tf out in a wheelbarrow somewhere in the Shire because a tea party turned into everything-but-tea party 😂🎉 and he is woken up by hobbit children poking him curiously like... Excuse me who are you 🥺
and because thrandy secretly wants to retire from being a king and just chill and party he is like.... maybe this quaint little place will be my weekend home 🤔🤣
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shirebarbie · 1 year
listen listen
so after my Florence and the machine concert there was an open-air after party with their songs in the old square and it was WILD however my point is FLORENCE HERSELF just shared a video of that party on her ig story and for a split second i can see myself and my friends jumping 😭😭😭😭😭😭😍💖💕🥳 I can't fkdhskssksk
@labhandar SHE
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elswing · 2 months
username change <3
labhandar -> elswing
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fenharel-enaste · 9 months
Tysm for the tag my lovelies @nihilizzzm @hippodameia @thesolarangel @starlady66 💖💖 I did this recently but I'm doing it again, I love this stuff 😍
first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pic on pinterest is your vibe
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Tagging (if you want to): @nyctophilic0vitnir @labhandar @elrondscalaquendi @cloudywithachanceofjam ✨
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ellrond · 1 year
top 5 Lana songs GO🔫🔫
in my feelings
say yes to heaven
off to the races
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niennawept · 11 months
hi! i have a blorbo question for the certified Blorbo™ appreciator if you feel like answering! how do you think adar would react if he was suddenly introduced to valinor?
I'm certainly an appreciator, but sadly, I don't think his first impression would be good?
I don't think Adar trusts nice things - so at best, I think Valinor would make very uncomfortable without truly being able to discern the reason why. [cutting for length]
And then, I think, because he's not an uruk who bears indecision well, he'd get pretty damn angry. Why should these elves and these Ainur live in peace and abundance while his children have had to struggle for every patch of bare earth they've ever called theirs? I'm not sure he acts on this anger - he strikes me as the slow simmering anger type - but it's in him like a tempest. And honestly, I think it's justified.
Now -
That's not to say that he couldn't ever have a positive experience in Valinor, but I think that veers far away from the place he was in when we left him in the series. Maybe with say ... a whole novel of post-canon character development, he might appreciate the peace.
Thank you for asking, my friend!
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abnerkrill · 1 year
rings of power, farscape and i can't think of anything else so mandalorian for the TV show ask game?? 🫶🫶
rings of power
Favourite character: u know as a known villainfucker i am contractually obliged to say Adar but close seconds are Miriel, Elrond, Elendil, Valandil, and Disa and Durin. I HAVE A LOT OF FAVORITES OKAY THIS IS A LARGE ENSEMBLE CAST.
Funniest character: Disa has some of the greatest comedic beats in the show but i think Elendil's dad humor is underrated as well lmao
Best-looking character: Adar, Miriel, Elendil. you canNOT make me choose here i have written extensively about how beautiful they are and i will cONTINUE to write about it
3 favourite ships: obviously miriel/elendil, but the cracky miriel/elendil/valandil ship ~accidentally~ turned into a real ship, and i wasn't convinced about adar/arondir until i wrote it for an exchange and they won my heart (also intrigued by adar/arondir/bronwyn, you KNOW i love an ot3!) honorable mention: isildur/valandil.
Least favourite character: i've said it before and i'll say it again: modern AU kemen is a college republican. unforgivable.
Least favourite ship: brandishes the sign of the cross at the h*ladriels (exception for like, the cool h*ladriels who ship them in a way that doesn't strike me as incredibly sexist...........)
Reason why I watch it: diehard tolkien fan, loves the 2nd age, was not to be deterred by the fact plenty of people hated it (funny story... i actually looked in my saved photos earlier and realized in like 2020-21 i had actually publicly said "fuck the lotr show!" and then. screenshotted it. because of the nudity/sex scene rumor. hindsight is 20/20 i guess, sorry rop, i'm better now.)
Why I started watching it: honestly pure curiosity about if the show would be good or not!!! and because i could not skip a LOTR show, tbh. (i really thought elrond and gil-galad were not hot at first but their charisma & acting won me over! look at me now!)
farscape... oh you've really awakened the sleeping dragon here i'm gonna readmore this for your own sanity !!
Favourite character: crais & aeryn, which really says a lot about how much the "child soldiers fighting to be their own self" works for me as a character arc. (FUNDIE/EXVANGELICAL METAPHOR??? note: talk about this with my therapist later.) they are both so very sexy and tortured and carry big guns. very hot. very cool. *drooling a little bit thinking about aeryn and crais* what was i talking about..... ummmmm yeah okay-- (wait honorable mention to Pilot, who is LOVELY and my FRIEND. also the fact that crais's actor also voices Pilot has given me a weird hard-on for Pilot as well. sorry. alienfucker present.)
Funniest character: john crichton is actually so fucking funny i hope we all appreciate his comedic chops--same for harvey/scorpy, the comedy in some of those mind scenes is EXCELLENT
Best-looking character: crais & aeryn. im so fucking sorry i think they're both incredibly hot and the leather and scowling and "i could kill you in 12 different ways" energy really does it for me. when crichton is in his long leather coat outfit being edgy, he also is included in this category. zhaan is also too beautiful to look at. this is a very beautiful cast!!!!!
3 favourite ships: crais/aeryn/crichton is... basically the show for me. i know it requires a certain deluded perspective to watch the show through that framework but also it completely makes sense if you have the 3rd eye to see how homoerotic the crais/crichton fights are. they're constantly fighting over their own big feelings and over aeryn and it's just like okay, fuck it out already! i do like zhaan/stark a lot as well--super compelling and very sad but beautiful!!! i think crichton/scorpius is really fun in a fucked up traumatizing psychosexual way, but i also think they'd never actually fuck, scorpy just tortures john and that's as close to sex as they'll get. (@julians-meh-house back me up on this)
Least favourite character: rygel. i know what purpose he serves thematically and in the ensemble cast—and don't get me wrong, it SLAPS that a muppet is like, cursing and shitting and farting and pissing onscreen, committing proper war crimes/acts of immorality—puppets is definitely is the best way to do sci-fi aliens tbh—but he has done so many unforgivable things to my favorites! i hate him a lot, but in the "wow he's a well-written character" kind of hate.
Least favourite ship: honestly most things with chiana give me the heebie jeebies because she's canonically Very Young (teenager/young adult?) and d'argo is a whole-ass 40 year old man. so. i understand why farscape does it, i understand that the show is depicting chiana as someone who's hypersexual because of trauma, i know the chiana/d'argo relationship is FAR from healthy to start with. i just personally want chiana to have some healthy relationships with people her age lol.
Reason why I watch it: it is the best show in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but seriously... my major problem with contemporary sci-fi is that it is too clean and shiny and new and sharp and savvy and militarized. and what i really want from sci-fi is the dirty underside of the cosmos. aliens being weird and freaky and kinky and inhuman and gross and ALIEN. (star wars tries to show the grimier side of things but only succeeds in like, rare circumstances.) farscape is so messy and good and it's also from the era of TV where seasons were 20+ episodes long. so much better.
Why I started watching it: @yamelcakes farscape propaganda on the dash worked on me. i am forever grateful. <3
the mandalorian
Favourite character: axe woves and din djarin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boba fett and fennec shand as well but it feels like an insult to call them characters from the mandalorian when they had their own show lmao.
Funniest character: din is surprisingly funny, but of course it's baby yoda/grogu, he's soooo cute and evil and a menace and i love him! my baby!
Best-looking character: din, axe, koska, fennec! yeah im bisexual why do you ask. honorable mention: i didn't love her episodes but Elia Kane (Katy O'Brian) can step on me anytime
3 favourite ships: call me crazy but i LOVED din/omera back in season 1...... big fan of multishipping din, i've loved interpretations of him with pretty much everyone (omera, cara, boba, cobb, luke, bo, fennec, etc.) i've gotta say axe/bo-katan divorce arc is my thing for real, and i really like axe/bo/koska ot3! honorable mention: axe/paz :')
Least favourite character: i'm wracking my brain and i'm not sure i have one. moff gideon is so fucking sexy and cool i can't hate him even if he's super duper evil. well, maybe greef karga, he tends to annoy me when he's onscreen because i think carl weathers is hamming it up too much and the tone isn't quite right for the show. and cara dune i liked as a character but the acting was always bad!
Least favourite ship: none, i'm a happy multishipper! the antis in this fandom are INSANE though jkdfslkjfdsjlkfds do NOT get into a mandalorian ship discussion with anyone, they WILL eat you alive
Reason why I watch it: unfortunately i am a star war fan in the year of our lord 2023. s3 was... not... good, but i'm so attached to s1-2 din and grogu i couldn't stop. also i love axe woves.
Why I started watching it: i didn't watch it when it first came out--took a few more months and then i binged s1 and live-blogged the whole thing to my close friends' group chat and i was so sold on it afterwards! din and grogu are so special to meeeee
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I was also tagged by @starlady66! Thank you both!
Tagging @fenharel-enaste @labhandar @eowyn7023 @wordbunch @orehuna @montyc @90spopstargirl @queenmeriadoc @sotwk @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
for the threesome ask game:
thranduil and his wife but you have to spend the whole of the next day with Legolas and you're not sure if he knows or not
éowyn and faramir but it's at aragorn's coronation and while he doesn't actually walk in on you or interrupt, it is unfortunately how éomer found out his sister was engaged
arondir and his guard friend whose name i forgot but they make you go on a run with them at 6 a.m. the next morning
galadriel and thranduil but you have to do it in rivendell because they both kept arguing about whose kingdom had the better "👁️ elf 🫦 toys 👁️" and you end up having to explain the reason for your visit to elrond
arwen and aragorn but the whole thing is just a ruse to get him to shower and you spend at least 39% of the time doing looney tunes-esque schemes with arwen to push him into the lake while he's distracted. Pros: you get unexpected shower sex and he doesn't smell like horse
glorfindel and elrond but you spend a good portion of your energy trying to avoid touching glorfindel's hair so he doesn't get upset but it is Very Long and there's A Lot Of It so it's like that one tiktok game where you tie a bottle to a ceiling fan and try to avoid getting hit. Pros: extra adrenaline
beren and lúthien but huan keeps scratching at the door to be let in
isildur and valandil but ontamo finds out and he's not upset or jealous (he is canonically engaged) but is nevertheless a little put out that he wasn't invited
rings of power elrond AND lotr trilogy elrond
fëanor and nerdanel but they get divorced immediately afterwards and while it definitely was not because of you and they both assure you of it fingolfin starts high fiving you every time he sees you and it's getting a lil awkward
any two characters of your choosing but you have to do it in erebor while smaug is asleep and if you wake him up you will both absolutely die
I already can't stop laughing and I haven't even read that all yet 😂😂
All of this is absolutely unhinged and I especially love the last one.
thranduil and his wife but you have to spend the whole of the next day with Legolas and you're not sure if he knows or not: YES. 1000 times yes. I think Legolas knows what his parents are up to and chooses to politely ignore it. He could give me the "omg you slut" look all day. I don't care.
éowyn and faramir but it's at aragorn's coronation and while he doesn't actually walk in on you or interrupt, it is unfortunately how éomer found out his sister was engaged: I don't think I want to do that. Eowyn and Faramir should have some time to themselves first :)
arondir and his guard friend whose name i forgot but they make you go on a run with them at 6 a.m. the next morning: No. There are very few reasons I would ever go on a run, and there are fewer reasons I would be up at 6am. Combine the two and you got me hysterically laughing in your face at the suggestion.
galadriel and thranduil but you have to do it in rivendell because they both kept arguing about whose kingdom had the better "👁️ elf 🫦 toys 👁️" and you end up having to explain the reason for your visit to elrond: I would give a public speech about the reason I am in Rivendell if that means a threesome with GALADRIEL AND THRANDUIL. Heck, I would invite Elrond to join if that makes him feel any better.
arwen and aragorn but the whole thing is just a ruse to get him to shower and you spend at least 39% of the time doing looney tunes-esque schemes with arwen to push him into the lake while he's distracted. Pros: you get unexpected shower sex and he doesn't smell like horse: I would absolutely help Arwen. This man needs to shower. The threesome would just be an added bonus to that. Seriously, Aragorn needs to shower.
glorfindel and elrond but you spend a good portion of your energy trying to avoid touching glorfindel's hair so he doesn't get upset but it is Very Long and there's A Lot Of It so it's like that one tiktok game where you tie a bottle to a ceiling fan and try to avoid getting hit. Pros: extra adrenaline: I will braid his hair out of the way. If that bothers him he can punish me. 10/10 I would smash them.
beren and lúthien but huan keeps scratching at the door to be let in: I feel like it would be awkward because the dog can actually talk??? But no, I don't think I could get in the mood with that permanent distraction.
isildur and valandil but ontamo finds out and he's not upset or jealous (he is canonically engaged) but is nevertheless a little put out that he wasn't invited: I don't want to come between the Numebros (pun intended). Also I am not into any of them (Isildur's dad can get it tho)
rings of power elrond AND lotr trilogy elrond: If we leave the moral implications aside (self-cest?) then yes, 100%. I think that Elrond would be a very attentive lover. But TWO Elronds??
fëanor and nerdanel but they get divorced immediately afterwards and while it definitely was not because of you and they both assure you of it fingolfin starts high fiving you every time he sees you and it's getting a lil awkward: Okay I am still laughing about that one. WHAT THE FUCK. I would smash them. I would also both smash them individually after the divorce. They had their issues, I don't care. Plus, high fiving Fingolfin 24/7 would be absolutely hilarious
any two characters of your choosing but you have to do it in erebor while smaug is asleep and if you wake him up you will both absolutely die: Bold of you to assume Smaug wouldn't join (hello ao3 history). Allow me to set the scene. Feanor and Thranduil, both obsessed with shiny things. Not only would we fuck in Erebor, we would do it on top of the whole hoard. It's giving inappropriate use of the Arkenstone. And honestly, if Smaug wakes up and does not think "oh my this is hot, I want to watch" but instead decides to kill us all, I think Thranduil and Feanor could handle a dragon easily. If not, it would have been worth it.
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gil-galadhwen · 9 months
WIP Title Poll Game
The rules: run a 24-hr poll of your WIP's, then write as many sentences for the winner as it gets votes.
Thanks for the tag my lovely, epic fic writing friend @myfavouritelunatic ❤️😘
Some of these fanfic wips are old, but I'm up to the challenge of finishing (starting) them! 😆
No pressure tags: @caitlinlidae @immortallaughter @stardustspell @ambrosia-salads @bananaphanta @bunnyyanny @elvngrl @jurassiclexie @karmabansheenz @starlady66 @queenmeriadoc @lady-of-imladris @labhandar
If I didn't tag you and you want to do it, PLEASE DO and tag me so I can see 🩷 (same goes if I tagged you and you don't want to be!)
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