#laridian writes
the-laridian · 2 months
Be Not Afraid (3918 words) by laridian
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fallout 76
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Mothman Cultists (Fallout 76)
Additional Tags: Mentions of Mothman, Mothman Cult, Celebradiation 2024, Corpses
Summary: Strange things are happening in the Flock's territory, and it starts with the bodies.
Written as a Celebradiation 2024 gift for @strangeomens-sketch, who requested "Cult of Mothman anything".
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galaxycunt · 3 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
saw this looked like fun! Tagging: @the-lastcall @the-laridian @captastra @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @gayafsatan @ahummingbirdwitch @rorywritesjunk @sporadicthingcollection @hey-august @gingernut1314 @lavalampskyy @strangefable
(wow that’s a lot lol sorry)
1. Only Tomorrow
“I’m so, so glad Dammon could fix me soon, because gods damn it. I’m drunk enough to try!”
2. Take Me For A Little While
Predictably, it started in a bar.
3. Something Good
The night ended up shittier than you wanted it to be, lonely and now without a crew or any sort of job, you got drunk.
4. Don’t Change The Way You Are
The recovery was the hardest part.
5. Time Moves Slow
He really didn’t need this right now.
6. Safe In Your Skin
Ysari was a hard person to read.
7. Say Yes
Your best friend was going away, finally leaving your tiny village to join the merchant marines.
8. The Sweetest Thing
Your crew settled into the ways of the Grand Line easily, a little entertaining watching the other new faces showboating around the tiny bar you occupied.
9. Dream In The Moonlight
Buggy was sleeping soundly against your chest, mumbling warm nothings into your skin.
10. I Can Be Anything
A loud heckle cut through his story, “bull fucking shit, man!”
Patterns found: I think I try to go with a very punchy first line. I’m unsure if it grabs a reader like I try to make it lol when I first started writing fics I used long ass sentenced so they’re way shorter now.
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hibernationsuit · 8 months
wip wednesday
tagged forever ago (over 20 days ago omg i am so bad at keeping up with this) by amazing @darkfire1177 <3 using the actual wip wednesday title bc it's. wednesday here. it's 12:07am. 👍
tagging @quickhacked @spaceratprodigy @the-laridian @envergothash <3 no pressure to do this tho sbfbbfbfkfkg
short writing wip for one of the prompts that have been waiting for me to work on them forever. i got a small idea while playing tosay so we'll see where this goes
"It's just-", Max paused, looking for the right words, "You seem to, well, take miss Leonora's task more seriously than you usually do."
"She lost her husband, surely we should help her find some peace by finding his flask."
"There's something else, I can see it's bothering you." The man tried to keep his face as blank from any sign of emotions, but Max could easily see through him. Captain might have had different problems than his old 'flock' had, but he was a human, too. Someone who needed his help, maybe more than ever before during their travels. "Opening up may help."
"You sound like my therapist back on Earth."
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driftwoodskeleton · 1 year
thank you so much to @captastra for the tag!
i have a couple things im working on atm, so here's them below lol:)
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image redraw of my beloved Cardinal so i can learn how to draw him lol, i do not agree with his face or Cassock but i also love it lol
i also have some writing, here's an extract from my as yet unedited fic, Blazing Ghoul. hoping to have it finished and posted soon:)
"You had been patient, you knew that. More than patient, more than that bastard deserved for sure. Secondo Emeritus. The very thought of him made your lips curl in disgust, revealing sharp fangs stained with black blood. Over the years he had been your summoner, master, even your friend. But now he was nothing more than your prison guard.
For 50 years he had promised you a chance to shine, a place in the limelight like every other ranking Ghoul those foul men summoned. But for 50 years, you had been passed over, left behind, ignored. You didn't know why.
Sure, you hadn't come to the mortal realm knowing how to play an instrument like the others in your rank, but you could learn. It wasn't ideal, but it wasn't the end of the world. And besides, you'd been gifted in another way, with power the others could only dream of. But even that had been squandered by the old man.
Your tail flicked back and forth in a sharp motion behind you as you stalked through the grounds, a cruel determination in your stride. The scent of sulphurous blood was still strong on you."
thank you again for the tag!! ill tag @toyapandora @strangefable @the-laridian @the-lastcall and @purplehairsecretlair, i hope you don't mind!! and of course, anyone else who has anything to share:)
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strangefable · 2 years
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The first set of ship in 5 minutes, for Lore and her two OTPs. <3
Lore and Max | The Outer Worlds | Ship: A Bartender and Her Vicar
Lore and Ava* | The Outer Worlds | Ship: A Doctor Walks Into A Bar**
tagging just the TOW crew for this one: @funkypoacher, @damejudyhench, @the-lastcall, @somethingclich8, @clonesupport, @gayafsatan, @jumpship90, @kourumi, @mediocre-life-span, @chilikecheese, @juniper-tree, @olivepip-writing, @toastedoats42, @kyber-infinitygems, @glass-hope, @galaxycunt, @incognito-insomniac, @porkwithbones, @the-laridian, and anyone I mistakenly missed <3
Footnotes: *Ava belongs to the marvelous @socially-awkward-skeleton <3 <3 <3 **not their actual ship title; i just think i'm funny
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funkypoacher · 2 years
she's baaaack
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dun dun dunnn. I've been tagged by a fair few people lately, so tagging/tagging back @fandomn00blr @damejudyhench @biggreenfeet @serial-chillr @sforzindazinda @kourumi @socially-awkward-skeleton @paraparadigm @polymorphic-basket @togepies @the-laridian aaaaaaaaaaand like... everyone else who sees this. having been away, I definitely need a new tagging list, so you if you want to be tagged for wips/questionnaires/meme thingies, just like... drop an emoji in the comments. anywho, share your WIPs with me, I can't wait to read your stuff, and it's very nice to be back! <3
An evening of fussing, a night of fretting, and a following morning made vertiginious for the absence of pacifying pharmaceuticals had all poured out to this: a fucking tall glass of clarity. Amber Heights might’n been where her hat hung for a furlough, but in the wake of the great shake-up—in the Board being disassembled, as she understood it—what she’d lacked no longer was. The Iconoclasts’ stronghold was a haven in necessity no longer—Archie had been summoned to Byzantium by thems that were the big wigs, now, meaning they’d want her cozy. Kept. They’d ply her lush in the musts of life, namely comestibles and medicinals, both which she’d been parched of on Monarch, their places taken by sulfur, stink, and sick.
Monarch. She was wild. Wild, wide, and a wonder. She hadn’t passed muster, neither. Casting out for a home, Archie hooked a bastard of a lesson, instead. It had taken her two star systems to hammer home what home actually meant, and home was only as far as one could throw this red-penciled proverb: home weren’t where the heart was at—it’s where your stomach satiated. 
Hence her past twenty-four of qualming. Because Archie had all but bitten the hand that was now going to feed her.
yes, there's a very good chance I will write Archie physically biting Max. he deserves it.
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the-laridian · 6 months
Christmas Party
Beckett waited until Willow finished hooking up the colored lights around the cabin. “Now?”
Beckett flipped the switch, and the lights came to life. After a moment they began blinking, alternating colors.
“There we go!” Willow came down the ladder. “Just right for Christmas. Especially with it getting dark so early now. People should be able to see that from a distance.”
“They will.” Beckett put his arm around Willow’s waist, and Willow put his arm around Beckett’s shoulders, as they looked at the lights. “It looks real pretty, angel.”
“Thanks. It’s good to know that vo-tech training in the Vault was worth something.” Willow’s electrician training had paid off more than he’d expected, even if it hadn’t been helpful at all for a while out of the Vault.
They watched the lights in silence for a little while. It might even snow this week; Willow wasn’t looking forward to that, but that was life Outside for you.
Well. He liked snow, as long as he could get out of it when it stopped being fun.
“I’d better put the ladder away,” he said at last.
“Yeah, and I’m gonna make sure the chickens are good for the night.” The hens were in one of the side rooms Willow and Beckett had added onto the cabin, for just this reason. They had a light, too; no staying in the dark for them.
Which, it really was getting dark fast, and chilly. Willow was shivering as he came into the cabin. It hadn’t been that cold when he’d started putting the lights up.
Beckett handed him another sweater. (It was known - Beckett said - that Vaulties were less hardy folk than Wastelanders.) “So you got the lights up… how many people’re coming to this shindig? Lemme rephrase that. How many did you invite?”
Willow pulled the sweater over his head, and then began ticking off on his fingers. “You and me, obviously. Ricky and Sofia. Oh, and I asked everyone to bring something - you know, potluck.”
Beckett nodded. “I hope they do.”
“Well, whether they do or not, I’ve got some food we can set out.”
“It’s not that prewar stuff, is it?”
Willow didn’t answer that. “So there’s you and me, Ricky and Sofia, Orion and Orlando, Max and Stevie - “
“Wait, is Stevie that Mothman guy?”
“Max says he’ll behave,” Willow said.
Beckett’s eyebrow went up. “Will Max behave?”
“One Christmas miracle at a time, okay?… Rowan and Will Dane. I don’t know if either of them are bringing a plus-one or not, but I assume they are. Ronnie and Edwin are going to try to make it.”
“You invited them? Well, good. It’ll do Edwin good, I think.” Beckett went to the bar area to see what he had for the upcoming party.
“And Sage and your brother. Sage, I don’t know if he even got the message, and your brother never responded,” Willow said. He took a seat on the couch.
“I’m not real surprised by either of those. How’d we end up with all the Mireshine?” Beckett was kneeling at the floor cabinet.
“How much do we have?”
“Like six bottles.”
“Yeah, that does seem like a lot.” Willow scratched the back of his neck, where the tag in the old sweater itched against his skin. “I got some in a trade for those clothes.”
“Ah. Well, if Sage shows up, then he’s welcome, and if Frankie shows up, it’ll be okay.”
“Maybe he’s just out with a caravan?” Willow suggested.
“Maybe.” Beckett stood and dusted off his hands. “That’s… at least ten people who’ll probably show up, maybe as many as fourteen. Anyone else?”
“Fourteen’s gonna be crowded in here already,” Willow said. “It depends if anyone else shows up, y’know? I don’t want to turn anyone away on a winter night.”
“Well, let’s just hope they don’t all bring booze,” Beckett said.
Tagging @darkfire1177 @theartofblossoming @the-lastcall to participate if they'd like! (Even if it's just what's brought to the Christmas party, which is a few days after this scene)
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galaxycunt · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Figured it’d be fun to get to know ppl on here :) tagged by @alphedhel
Tagging @captastra @gayafsatan @clonesupport @the-lastcall @the-laridian @kirjanikv6ilill @socially-awkward-skeleton @incognito-insomniac @darkfire1177 @goatyoat @galaxymermaid214 @toads-treasures @roofgeese @strangefable
If you are not comfortable with putting any information you may use something like “Nice try FBI,” because it’s funny.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Bianca from Taming Of The Shrew
2. When was the last time you cried?
Literally last week when Evan puked from dehydration even tho we weren’t even in the backcountry and had plenty of water and salty food lmao he cried so I cried bc I was worried he was gonna force himself to hike down and pass out. Men are so dumb!!!! Drink water!!!!
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I’m currently trying. Which is the least gross way of saying it bc Evan like to make gross jokes about it bc it’s true lmao
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’m a weirdo who thinks sarcasm is super not funny lmao like ok I get it ha ha u got the whole club laughing rn 😐
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play baseball/softball with friends, soccer but not on a real team just with kids at school lmao as an adult I do rock climbing and I played rugby once with my brother in law is running in races a sport? Then I guess that too
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I like looking at peoples faces
7. Eye Color?
Dark brown the most beautiful color in da world baby 😎😎😎
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Hey man most scary movies have happy endings bc at least someone lives lmao watching yellowjackets rn and I don’t think no one got a happy ending so far
9. Any Special talents?
Used to be able to swallow objects bc I learned sword swallowing on tv lmao I don’t think I have any actual talents for things
10. Where were you born?
Reno 😎 Don’t let the marketing fool u the whip guy lives on!!!!
11. Free space (there was no 11 on the prompt I received)
I am not the best artist even tho I went to art school imo but I do love to paint mini canvas oil paintings of clouds I have them hidden in my room they are okay, alright even. I maybe should’ve gone to the copywriter focus of my ad major Lmao
12. Do you have any pets?
I have my little Iggy boy. My cat biscuit died last year of heart problems no one knew about bc she was barely 5. Odie i had since I was 10 and he died at 18. So yeah doing the strategy of feeding Iggy Mexican food bc odie lived so long on that lmao (not really don’t worry) I just let him eat small tiny bites of my food hehehe
13. How tall are you?
5’4 😔
14. Favorite subject in school?
I wasn’t really a fan of school but I did enjoy my film and acting classes. Had one cool creative writing class senior year. I use this knowledge to nod knowingly to video essays. In college I took a mycology class that was cool bc we brewed beer and baked bread. I also enjoyed my media studies classes and my professor was a porn historian who’s main focus was home video evolution and even more narrowly Betamax. Basically most inventions truly are made for porn and that sets the tone. lmaoo
15. Dream Job?
Me and Evan discussed retiring to be a park ranger and honestly that’s it. Would love to camp all day and just sit in a booth or lead nature walks. Like yeah lots of young people up on the trails doing the hard stuff but I have a friend who was a ranger in Big Bend and loved it and before getting her job in the White House was gonna hop around the parks a bit and that’s living the dream man
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gayfanboyfred · 2 years
Tagged by @the-laridian for WIP Wednesday and I'm sure no one here is all that interested in my Destiny 2 ocs but that's all I've been writing so you're getting it anyways 😛
Here's an excerpt from Seven Adrift, a story about who my Guardian was before he died and his relationship with the Drifter back in those days.
Seven laughed. "Nah, this guy's a real fuckwad. Just a small time fish trying to make a name for himself among the sharks, trying to keep himself off the menu." He shook his head. "Nah, I'm gonna play him. Feed him to the sharks once word gets out that you're still alive."
"Damn," Drifter whistled. "That's cold."
"He robbed and killed an old buddy of mine," Seven said flatly. "Course, he doesn't know that," he continued, tilting his head to the side thoughtfully, "else he probably wouldn't have hired me." He shrugged and shook his head. "Doesn't matter if he knows it's comin. I'm still gonna disassemble his little empire in the making and make sure he dies a penniless wretch."
"Shit, you don't fuck around with your grudges," Drifter said, a little impressed and maybe even slightly intimidated.
"Nah, there's this old saying- or maybe it was a song?" Seven said thoughtfully. "Anyways, I forget the rest of it but the part that always stuck with me goes like, 'I will burn your kingdom down if you try to conquer me and mine.' I think it was a song actually. Anyways that really stuck with me and I guess you could say I took it to heart. Well, I don't really have one anymore-" he knocked on his armored chest to emphasize the point "-but if I did, yknow."
I don't know who to tag so anyone who wants to join and hasn't been tagged yet consider this your invitation 😁
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honeybeesimmin · 4 months
Patricia Laridian: The Silent Warrior
Patricia was born in 1971 in Washington, D.C. to two young hippie parents. The first few years of her life were spent in front of the TV in the backroom of the grocery store her mom worked in during college. She has flashes of memories with Olivier in their tiny apartment, but overall she doesn’t remember her real dad too much- nor would she want to based on what her mom has told her. Eventually Dandre came into the picture and he truly was the perfect father. Much of her toddler years were spent with him in the kitchen, watching him bake the sweetest treats and singing to the Bee Gees. He instilled in her a love of cooking that she carries to this day. 
When her two younger siblings came around, George and Corrine one right after the other, Patricia started to miss the days of having her parents’ undivided attention. Especially as they started getting older, Cori and George’s exceptionality and Patricia’s lack thereof didn’t help her case. George was always a charmer, and not to mention incredibly smart. He could talk to anyone and light up a room just like his dad. Cori was stunning and on top of that, an amazing singer. Pat was…Pat. She didn’t excel at anything; in fact, she really struggled in school. She didn’t understand math, she could never remember anything she read, and making friends was extremely difficult for her. By the time high school was coming to a close, Patricia resigned to a life of invisibility and mediocrity. That is, until college…
Patricia attended a community college near her parents and took an intro to creative writing class with one professor Raymond Frost. All the girls fawned over Professor Frost, but Patricia didn’t see what the big deal was until he asked her to come to his office hours one day. There his unwavering gaze, his care for Patricia, and his not-so-covert flirting had Patricia feeling ways she never felt before. More than anything, he made her feel important. She continued to go to his office hours on a regular basis and they quickly developed a romantic relationship. This community college in particular had already had too many infractions where teachers had inappropriate relationships with students. One night at Patricia’s apartment, Raymond tried to cut things off. Patricia panicked. How could she lose all of this attention she’s been getting, all of this love? He’s the first person to make her feel beautiful, smart. She hated school anyways. So, she decided she would drop out to stay with him. 
That made Raymond feel over the moon. The next day Patricia dropped out and not soon after they got engaged. Patricia introduced Raymond to her parents and she could feel Donna’s questioning eyes saying, “Are you sure about this?” 
Patricia and Raymond got married on a stormy day in 1992 and honeymooned in Brazil. Everything seemed so perfect for the pair until…Raymond asked to experiment with a third in their couple. Patricia was confused- was she not enough? But, she agreed because it would make him happy. They invited one of their neighbors, Charity, to their home and, well, got to business. Patricia actually enjoyed it, maybe too much. She knew they couldn't do that anymore, but was it because of her jealousy or her pleasure? After the encounter, she told Raymond she wanted them to cut things off with Charity and he agreed. 
But lo and behold, he continued to sneak around and see Charity, even promising her that he would leave Patricia for her. As luck would have it, Patricia soon found out she was pregnant with their first child, and Raymond’s plan to leave her was squashed. That didn’t stop Charity from going to their house one night while he wasn’t there and telling Patricia everything. Her stomach dropped. Her brain did backflips to try and reason through her cheating husband's actions. Ultimately, she decided to bury this deep down within her for fear of proving her mother right. She told Charity to get away from her and her family. When Raymond returned later that evening, Patricia never mentioned the incident and she never would. 
In 1994, Patricia gave birth to her and Raymond’s first daughter Taylor Frost. At this point, Patricia had decided to only talk to Raymond when absolutely necessary. The crazy thing was, he didn’t even notice a thing. Patricia didn’t care. Now she had Taylor who she needed to protect. And it was Taylor who lit a fire under Patricia to stop relying on Raymond, and start building her own capital. A few months after Taylor was born, Patricia started her own interior design business- nothing too fancy and mostly among her group of mom friends. Eventually those friends started recommending her to people in other towns, and soon enough Patricia was making some decent money. 
One day, Patricia got a job offer farther south for the Byrch family. She completely redid their office and living space and Trudy Byrch asked if Patricia would stay the night in their guest room, since it was already so late and they lived so far away. Patricia agreed. After dinner and putting her kids to bed, Trudy and Patricia stayed up all night, watching movies and talking as if they were best friends. Patricia had never felt a connection with someone like that before. The next day after Patricia came home, she got a call from Trudy letting her know that her neighbors just moved out and their house is for sale. Luckily, Patricia and Raymond had been doing so well into their careers that when Patricia pitched it to him, he agreed without hesitation. They packed up and moved to a huge new house next to the Byrch’s. 
In the excitement of a new home, a better paying university gig for Raymond, and new friends for Patricia, the pair ended up getting pregnant again. This time with triplets. The couple coped with this huge life change in different ways: Patricia dropped her interior design business completely and stayed home sick in pain almost every day, and Raymond treated his new class of students like a new dating pool. Raymond once again woo’d one of his students, this time getting the girl pregnant. At the same time his wife is pregnant. With triplets. 
After years of cheating, cold shoulders, and indifference, this newest incident was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Patricia finally reached out to her mom and told her the entire thing. Donna, without hesitation, told Patricia to leave Raymond and she would take care of the rest. So that is exactly what she did. Without looking back, Patricia left the man who cheated on her while pregnant, sold her house to her parents, and let them come in to save the day. Not because she was helpless, but because it was going to take  a village to cope with this trauma and raise three new babies at the same time. 
Once the triplets were born, Patricia and her parents got into an unbreakable routine of caretaking and working. Dealing with the divorce was just a thorn in Patricia’s thumb. Her eye was on the real prize- finishing college and getting a degree to kickstart her life again. Her eye was also on her neighbor Trudy, and she is pretty sure she is looking back at her. Patricia isn’t sure about how to deal with those feelings but with her family, she knows she will be alright.
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Ai generated short fiction submissions
I was reading this post on pillowfort by Laridian- the article it's discussing is very interesting and concerning - it's about the number of ai generated submissions for short fiction exponentially increasing in the past 2 months and the concern that eventually they won't be able to screen them out and will have to close open submissions entirely
My tags from my original reblog: there's also a whole lot of comments under this article discussing whether or not it's ok to use ai to draft, and that eventually something wholly ai generated will be published by one of the big houses, and all i can think of is that scare a month back where its found that at least a significant amount of ai writing is probably trained off ao3, and the rest of it is trained off writing that already exists, so theoretically it can't write anything new, and some of these people are using that to "spark their creativity"
I still want to test my own fic by inputting some of it and seeing if the rest of the fic will be regenerated or not but I'm kind of scared to do it so far. Anyway I have my account archive locked now so I don't have to worry about anything new I publish being incorporated into an ai
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funkypoacher · 2 years
saw the We would like to ask you to recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is "most popular" and 2 that are "hidden gems”! meme posted by @captastrastra. I wasn't tagged, but fuggit -- I do what I want (and am trying to build up steam to do some writing today). tagging @damejudyhench @kourumi @biggreenfeet @juniper-tree @fandomn00blr @serial-chillr @curiousartemis @the-laridian @jackalgirl @ktyxdovahkiin @paraparadigm @polymorphic-basket @togepies (srry if you've been t agged already, most of you prolly have been)
Rules: We would like to ask you to recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is "most popular" and 2 that are "hidden gems”!
1 - "L'habit ne fait pas le moine" (The Outer Worlds) is probably (??) my most popular (tho Steamy Thedas Nights might be comparable). But seeing as I posted it as a series who knows what the overall stats are. 19 bookmarks, 850-ish kudos, 13000-some hits combined between the 9 parts. I really wish there was an actual stats-page for series on Ao3. It's definitely the better way of posting fic. Sure, you get bloat your Works page, but posting as a series actually gives you proper insight into how many hits one chapter gets, how many kudos one chapter gets, etc, plus, as a reader, it allows you to multi-kudos fics, which we all wanna do. 2 - I think The Illusion of my being Self-Conscious, or Even Conscious is a hidden gem. It's Mass Effect/Shenko, and once in a while it gets a lovely, lil life-affirming comment, but that's about it. It's one of my favorite things I've written, though, definitely. I uhhh should finish it.
2 - Practice and Practicality (The Outer Worlds) is my literal child whom I adore, admire, and cherish. Who doesn't love a Reed Tobson deep-dive set against the backdrop of work-place romance in a pro-Board setting? Just me? Plus Miss Spacer's Voice 2342 is an absolute peach... Margaret is definitely one of my favorite OCs.
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communitysunsky · 2 years
Book of james commentary pdf
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Both the Old and New Testaments are preloaded on your electronic Bible. McElroy has compiled a list of over 400 memes to help you easily demonstrate the shocking truth about modern Bible versions. Praying the Bible into Your Life gives readers the help they need to draw from God's power, truth, wisdom, and comfort for everyday guidance and decision making. *FREE ARTICLE ONLY SELECTABLE IN CHECK-OUT PROCESS. Power bible cd But to claim the promises and put this POWER to
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the-laridian · 5 months
Christmas in Appalachia (11150 words) by porkwithbones, laridian, DarkFire1177, the-lastcall and theartofblossoming
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fallout 76
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Vault Residents (Fallout 76), Original Vault Dweller Character(s) (Fallout), Original Fallout Characters, Beckett (Fallout 76), Sofia Daguerre, Steven Scarberry (Fallout 76), Female Resident (Fallout 76), Male Resident (Fallout 76), Sage (Fallout 76), Orlando (Fallout 76), Ronnie (Fallout 76)
Additional Tags: Christmas, Christmas Party, Christmas Fluff, Vegetarians & Vegans
Series: Part 11 of Ironwood
It's Christmas time in Appalachia, and Willow and Beckett invite their friends over for a Christmas party. A collaborative fic between five Fallout 76 players and their characters!
@porkwithbones @darkfire1177 @theartofblossoming @the-lastcall
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galaxycunt · 5 months
Tagged by @the-laridian @the-lastcall
Favourite Colour: Pink
Currently reading: I haven’t read anything that wasn’t fanfic in a minute, but I have read some of Pablo Neruda poems bc Evan got me that for my birthday and it’s been sitting the car since the summer bc I took it on my camping trips.
Last song: Luna- Smashing Pumpkins
Last Movie: May December I watched it twice bc Evan decided he did wanna see it and ugh Charles Melton needs the Oscar for that even tho it’s shitty the people making the movie didn’t talk to the real guy behind it even tho that’s exactly what the movie is about
Last Series: Blue Eye Samurai ( I enjoy it!)
Current Craving: red meat lol had steak for New Year’s Eve and I was like damn I want steak. Don’t eat it a lot bc Evan was vegetarian until he was 20 and really only eats chicken so its a nice treat (I’m not those kind of people that makes a separate meal for myself lol)
Tea or coffee: tea. Caffeine makes my tummy hurt and I learned that preground coffee might have bugs in it that will make u sick if u have a shellfish allergy so it’s like ohhhh
Currently working on: teaching Iggy to jump through hoops bc I think he’d like agility classes bc he loves hopping onto things. He hopped on the kitchen counter once like a cat any high surface he needs to get on that.
I haven’t drawn in ages so I made some stupid buggy doodles bc I love seeing fan art and got inspired
I remember when I first started writing I made so many silly fics I need to get back into that even if it’s silly AUs it was fun I just been feeling blah but maybe people do want silly fics of pirates and whoever working at a bar instead
My joints get stiff and achy in the winter so I haven’t climbed that much and so I’m working on trying to do so again but not too bothered bc in the winter the gym is busier and the youths kinda just camp at the wall like hello!! Move!!! I’m wanting to climb here too!!
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