Updated one of my yoi fics
I may have been motivated by spite but I updated A Voice Weeping in the Distance after *checks notes* uh . . . 7 years
Check it out on Ao3
He was sitting in the stands, then, watching Victor Nikiforov skate his winning program. And as Victor finished his program, spinning fast and halting with his back arched and his arms thrown over his head, Yuuri felt . . . hate. Hate. It was from his soulmate. Yuuri’s hands shook. He balled them into fists. His soulmate hated Victor Nikiforov.
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Free AO3 invitations for use!
(Considering current issues for guest commenters.)
Please note if you use any of these, I will be able to see the name of the account you make with them. I don't care and won't check, but if you want complete privacy, it would be better if you don't use these and sign up through the invitation queue. But if that's not an issue for you, do take these, go forth and accountify:
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About the AO3 "No Guest Comments for a while" warning
If you're not following any of AO3's social media accounts you might be in the dark as to what kind of "spam comments" have engendered this banner at the top of the site:
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These spam comments have been posted about a great deal on the AO3 subreddit for the past couple of days. Initially they comprised a bunch of guest (logged out users) bot comments that insulted authors by suggesting they were using AI and not writing their own fics. Some examples, from the subreddit:
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But it then escalated to outright graphic porn images and gifs being posted in comments, again by logged out 'Guest' accounts. Obviously, I'm not going to give examples of those, but between these two bot infestations, AO3 has clearly decided to act and has temporarily closed the ability to post comments for users who are not logged in with an AO3 account.
Unfortunately, this means that genuine readers who don't have an AO3 account won't be able to leave comments on fics that they enjoy.
If you are a genuine reader who doesn't yet have an AO3 account, I strongly suggest getting yourself on the waiting list for one. More and more AO3 authors are now locking their fics down to registered users only - either due to these bot comments or concerns about AI scraping their work - which means you're probably missing out on a lot of great stuff.
Hopefully guest commenting will be enabled again at some point soon, but I suggest not waiting until then. Get yourself on that list.
Wait times are going to be longer than usual at the moment, due to the current Wattpad purge [info on Fanlore | Wattpad subreddit thread], but if you're in line, then your invite will come through eventually.
Update: There's now a Megathread about this on the AO3 subreddit.
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I hate you mappa genuinely. I adore him with all my heart, I wanted to hear and see his story
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While Im here today:
Honestly getting back into the petz community has been such a fun thing for me. It feels so much like old fandom.
Literally this game was released over 20 years ago, got bought out and had sequels ruined by another company and still the fan community around it has lived on
And almost everyone has their own site and is encouraged to keep it up and visit others sites and not just live on sms
I hate that planned obsolescence is starting to reach fandoms. I hate that fandoms are starting to die after two, three years, I hate that whenever you stop getting content that means the fandom will die and be gone.
I need people to stop trying to brush off old interests as being 'cringe' as soon as you lose interest, or worse: make it seem like it's imoral to like something that they themselves held so dear before.
Fandoms are meant to last for years and years, the moment content stops being created is the moment we truly thrive because we keep creating the content ourselves the way we love it and expand on the things that are already there for us.
I don't care if you lost interest on something, it's fine and normal even, but stop trying to blame and make fun of people who still do love the fandom and the content and the things we can create.
I need people to enjoy fandom again
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Ice Ado Cancellation
So the official Yuri On Ice account dropped this tweet last night. Ice Adolescence is cancelled for sure.
I think we had all known that it was but the confirmation still stings.
And this wasn't just another cancellation like Netflix shows get. This movie was already well underway - animation had started. They already had music and choreography! Multiple famous skaters were working with them. They had released a trailer for it--and then it all got dropped.
I agree with Denki here - something major happened that we'll never know about, whether that was the Olympic committee or politics or MAPPA channeling resources into other series like AoT or JJK.
Either way, it stings. Yoi is literally the show that put MAPPA on the map, and it had a giant international audience. Like just looking at how many different languages are under the announcement post is enough to show how beloved it was. This tweet from Junichi Suwabe (the voice of Victor) really expresses it.
And I've always loved the fandom. It was a welcoming and happy place to be back when the show first aired. I don't think fandom can really exist like that anymore. (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Anyway, if you're reading this and have never seen Yuri on Ice, go watch it. It's literally a masterpiece on Sayo and Kubo's end of things and has excellent characters and storytelling.
Update: Here's Tosshi's (the voice of Yuuri) goodbye tweet
cross posted from my neocities
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My grief cannot be measured. Yuri on Ice has been part of my life since it aired in 2016 😭
I hope that we can keep the fandom alive.
Twitter announcement here.
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junichi suwabe's tweet on the iceado cancellation :(
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my heart goes out to the yuri on ice fandom tonight. this show brought me great joy and many tears a long time ago and I was always hopeful there would be more someday. though it never really felt over because I could always see what you all made for them. yuuri and viktor are very much alive and in love in your art. please keep them alive always.
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"Go to hell" is basic. "Hope your favourite anime movie sequel gets cancelled after seven years in production AND getting an animated teaser." is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying. It's happened.
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Yuri on Ice was such a life changing anime, especially to have experienced in real time waiting for those episodes to drop every week. It was an open acknowledgment and love letter to queerness, to valuing and creating art, to loving yourself and loving those around you and it’s no surprise that it had such a large impact on those who watched it. Not to mention how stunning it was to be presented with an open letter to queer love during a time where same sex marriage and gender equality was still a very hot and controversial topic. It’s, in its own way, nestled itself into history.
It may not be in the way we all expected or hoped, but see you next level.
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it's been kinda surreal seeing people and blogs that have been inactive for half a decade now come back to mourn ice ado with everyone else. this anime truly did touch so many people that even after 7+ years since the finale aired we are still coming together to remember how wonderful it is 💙💖
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i’ve had so many ask me for tutorials on these kinds of things. I hope this helps!!
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What are the stages of drafts? I'm trying to write my own book but I dont know how to draft properly and I feel like I'm gonna be stuck in a gutter if I don't know
Yesssssssssssssss someone finally asked it!!!
I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to explain this and show everybody my inverted pyramid :D :D :D
I present, The Inverted Pyramid of Revising a Book
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Now I’ll explain each section of the inverted pyramid:
This should be self-explanatory. You write the first draft. For novels, 75-150,000+ words of the world inside your head.
Go back and fix it all up. Did you tell the story you wanted to tell? Did you include scenes and events that add up to the conclusion you present?
Are there any unnecessary scenes you could delete, or scenes that are redundant to other scenes? Get rid of them. If this means entire chapters have to go, wave bye-bye.
Do your main characters have believable back stories and arcs, and do they act appropriately in character at all times?
Is there any point in time when your characters do something that they literally WOULD NOT DO? Change that up.
Now pay attention to the deeper aspects of the story. Delve into the world your characters live in. Do they react appropriately? Does any part of society influence them more than others?
What does your world look like? Delve into the setting. The cultures, the technology, the history.
Work with your secondary characters and how they interact with your main characters. What role do they serve overall? Does the main character’s journey affect them at all, or vice versa?
Tighten up plot points. Stay concise if possible.
Now that the major parts of your story have been patted down, you can begin focusing on the technical stuff. Start broad.
Do you have redundant sentences? Do you start multiple sentences the same way?
Throw in short sentences.
Drop the pronoun from the beginning of a sentence every now and then.
Use commas instead of ‘and’ if you find you use ‘and’ a lot.
Does the flow of sentences and paragraphs fit with the tone of the scene?
Chop sentences apart. Use quick, sharp words.
Or combine sentences and flowery language and soft words.
Now that you’ve really patted this thing down, find people willing to read your work (hopefully for free).
Ask them to point out inconsistencies. Are they confused by anything?
Beta readers can tell you when things are boring or exciting. They’ll laugh. They’ll fangirl. They’ll beg you for more chapters.
Your brain is soft from so much revising. Beta readers are fresh, and will pick out things you’ve glossed over from seeing it so many times.
Shake things up and host a video chat for you and your betas! It’s a great way to make friends :)
NOWWWWW you’ve finished all the major revisions and your story makes sense!!! All that’s left to do is get the broom and sweep it up (or the vacuum cleaner, or generate a black hole from the Large Hadron Collider to suck out all the errors because that’s super-effective**).
This is the nitty gritty stuff, and I highly recommend either forcing yourself to read really, really slow, or better yet, read your book out loud, start to finish.
You’ll trip up over misplaced commas and periods.
You’ll literally hear when a sentence is awkward.
Your brain will get confused when there’s a missing word.
Fill in the gaps, hammer down the boards, tidy up the place like you’ve got guests coming over.
Email the newspaper (I’ve appeared multiple times).
Email the local TV station (I’ve appeared on live TV).
Email book talk radio shows (I’ve had a Q&A for an hour on live radio).
……..Marketing is hard.
I hope that helps!
N.B. **please do not ask CERN for permission to use the Large Hadron Collider to create black holes that suck out all the errors in your book. You’ll look silly, and you might destroy Earth in the process.
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i’ve had so many ask me for tutorials on these kinds of things. I hope this helps!!
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eruri receipts post
 ~supplemental material edition~ guidebooks/smartpass/interviews/misc info that pertain to eruri because why not. [last edited: november 2020. i’ve added some stuff but we’re drowning in eruri content so this list is in no way exhaustive]
A Choice With No Regrets - official spinoff just for the two of them :)))) in THREE versions! i’m linking the VN here because this seems to be the least known despite being First and Original. contains the classic eruri line “what a man” and other gems
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Guidebooks/profiles/author interviews - official information & word of god
ANSWERS on Eruri: entire fucking sections of a guidebook dedicated to yams waxing poetic about eruri, how ackermans unlock their full potential by devoting themselves to one person, that for levi this is erwin, that there’s a time he got a bit mad at erwin & felt a bit at sea, ~there’s still so much i don’t know about him~ but he didn’t doubt erwin and decided to go along with him, (wow this sounds exactly like historia’s pledge to ymir) etc. etc. a gold mine.
2017 Character Directory:  isayama going off about how eruri is mutual and equal and SO MUCH MORE, GOD. personally it’s so validating to hear things we as eruris knew, like levi telling erwin to die bc he knew that’s what erwin wanted, but it’s also HEARTBREAK ALL AROUND
Levi’s type, according to isayama, is “tall people.” actual tall people btw. maybe about 180+ cm. damn are there any tall people around that he has self-professed personal feelings for, i wonder, (also “does he like women?” jfc did yams just imply that levi is gay)
POUTWIN: isayama blogging about how erwin POUTS. at levi. when levi tells him not to go to shiganshina bc it’s too dangerous. erwin is babie
Isayama’s 2018 Oita Q&A: levi went back to shiganshina for erwin’s bones,,, ;_; eruri just never stops being extra
Life is Strange was an influence in chapter 84, where the choice between sparing one person you love vs “everyone else basically” is remarkably similar to levi’s situation. yams likes the romance of lis. there are no implications here
Isayama in the 2020 Hita event: confirming for the millionth time that Levi’s hanging on to the promise with Erwin ;_; & more about their ages and blood type (which i mention bc their types are very compatible. it’s a whole thing in japan ��)
  TRUST [May 2015]: more stuff about faith that we already know but it’s nice that they get their own relationship sections in character guides lol
Erwin’s Gekkan Shingeki profile: Erwin—Levi = Solid Bond
Levi’s Gekkan Shingeki profile: Levi—Erwin = Deep trust/faith
Eren’s Gekkan Shingeki profile: Levi—Erwin = Deep trust (idk why it was necessary to add this here when this is eren’s profile & erwin’s not even linked to him?? just gotta insert Dat DeepTrust everywhere ig)
Interview with Erwin and Levi: from OUTSIDE guidebook, adorable part where levi is like “you’re not clean enough to talk to erwin!” the post comes with bonus eruri commentary from PASH! magazine
Erwin & Levi Feature in PASH! Magazine: this is a different one, a full page dedicated to “erwin and levi’s supportive relationship”
An Erwin profile: “more than anybody else” yanno what actually, on any given character intro (manga/anime/game/etc) it’s just super common to mention the ~bond~ or ~trust~ or ~belief~ between them. no im not gonna list down all the profiles that mention their deep gay connection i want this post to have an end
Relationship with Erwin seems to be special to Levi: jfc ok then
can only do it  when i’m ~with you~:  “erwin, who is his One and Only Partner!” lol
Oh, My Soul Mate: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you cannot make this shit up. just. GODDD
Animedia says Levi loves Erwin: LOVE. L O V E. periodt. and yes it can mean romantic AND platonic but really at this point who are you kidding
Staff Interviews - Eruri’s VAs and other anime staff offer some opinions
seiyuu interviews: Ono Daisuke (Erwin Smith): “Levi is a person who becomes a significant part of Erwin’s flesh and blood” wow ok then
Interview with Kamiya Hiroshi (Levi): “because of the relationship between Erwin and Levi, if Erwin has already decided on something, then Levi thinks that it is the right thing to do” among other things
Interview Highlights with Kaji Yuki (Eren’s VA) & Kamiya Hiroshi: nothing to do with Erwin but he gets inserted anyway. “He is just following Erwin’s order to take Eren under his wing. If it weren’t for Erwin’s order I don’t think Levi would do even that”
Tetsuo Araki (Director) in Animedia April 2019: “cannot be concluded as friendship” “no matter what outsiders say about the thing between him and Erwin” araki dropping bombs left and right
Kamiya and Ono discuss Ep 55: i just wanna point out that kamiyan was told to re-record “won’t you please forgive him” ignoring floche, but “100 to/regarding erwin, with tenderness” like make it gayer kamiyan ;_;
the english VAs ship them too just saying. here’s j. tatum’s thoughts on eruri & matt mercer saying levi’s not in love w/ anyone, except maybe erwin, unprompted, when asked a… different question. and thanks to a GLORIOUS anon: matt saying levi’s my little pony buttmark would be a “little erwin”
Smartpass stuff - weird area canonically? but the publishers are very quick to assure readers that these things have been supervised by isayama and have met his approval, also a bunch of them were bundled with volume 19
Erwin & Levi Close Up Interview Part 1  // Erwin & Levi Close Up Interview Part 2: these are just… so cute!!.… banter…. gross nerds…. “Levi is warm-hearted”… levi needling yet praising him…. adorable…!!
Levi: Close-up Report (Part One): “what makes you choose to work under the Commander? […] were you enticed by that special something that comes with human relationships?” the fuck kind of question is this. what the fuck kind of answer was that, too, levi, why are you so gay
Levi: Close-up Report (Part Two):  he just. can’t. shut up about Erwin
Crumbled Castle Gate: aww levi are u saying i look young?? :))) what the fuck erwin. & the way they stare at each other! straight outta ao3 wtf
Tea Time Incident: erwin blackmails tea from MPs to reward the hubby
Round about Midnight: not only that, he uses the SC budget for levi’s tea as well, lol. meanwhile levi wants erwin to do things for himself ;u;
Hangeki no Tsubasa - the game’s mostly just for lols but hey the 1.7x power boost was originally from here, then years later yams reveals that ackerpowers are fully unlocked by their one ackerperson, so. it’s Fair Game now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The 1.7x Power Boost: lol is this canon now WHAT THE  HELL
Erwin gifts Levi a suit for his birthday: the thought is overwhelmingly adorably romantic but the eruris are fashion disasters tbh
Training Ground 10: “i’m quite sure i didn’t completely fall for erwin’s smooth talk” sure you didn’t
Erwin makes Levi change into a swimsuit: but, like, for the good of the corps and stuff!!!!
Nile asks Levi to take care of Erwin: oh nile, oh levi ;u;
Erwin thinks Levi is a good cook: he bragged to pixis about it jfc, erwin is such a proud dork hubby
the tie-in games just… tend to do this a lot. there’s Escape from Deadland which also has this and this. & MUCH more from Tactics. there’s a whole blog if you wanna take a look!
Drama CDs - again, these cds are mostly cracky fun made for shits and giggles but they’re fucking gold. links–> (mega) (torrent)
Operation: Hospitality: contains tidbits such as levi inviting erwin to a party & the reveal that eruri always eat together after every expedition
The Survey Corps Muffler Incident: they’re just such massively cute dorks!! “LEVI HELP ME” “erwin tell them i have no interest in people’s underwear!!” “lol” “WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING” also eruri parenting styles, levi is the strict one and erwin the lenient one, what a surprise
The Case of Erwin Smith Disappearance: WOW. erwin disappears & levi with sasha+connie embark on an epic quest in his house to rescue him. N**TWIN. levi proving once again that he'ill follow erwin in absolutely everything. cutest ever sleepy scenes. jfc!!
Editor’s comments - bessatsu is published with a fanart section! sometimes erwin and/or levi art is featured. the editor comments range from a simple “aw that’s cute” to… well. i’m including this section in the post bc it’s hilarious
Levi’s smiling on the phone: so it must be erwin he’s talking to, gotcha
November 2014: levi trusts erwin bc he’s a great ride. i see.
October 2015: “…Levi’s head is filled with thoughts of the Commander!” levi is stripping himself naked. (also foreshadowing lol)
January 2016: “Wonderful school life with teacher Erwin?!”
March 2016: “cuuute!”
August 2016: “Levi carves his vow to Erwin on his chest” bro, chill
October 2016: “…his thoughts to Erwin within his chest” sorry, no chill
(october 2015 especially kills me bc that’s so goddamn suggestive. but what can you expect when snk’s main editor once #rekt an eruri hater on twitter. does he ship it hard lmao) 
Boyfriend Jacket Discourse: there is still no confirmation on who owns the jacket levi was wearing, but this is a nice take on it with translations & context. also it would explain erwin in the disaster outfit of SC jacket+black pants
They were roommates! (Oh my god they were roommates): tbh the clonoids creep me out but thanks for feeding us more material to play with
SNK Animation Gallery: ok i said no illustrations but exceptions must be made for an official website leading with shirtless (naked???) levi with erwin reflected in his eyes
i also said no merch but just. look. this is vol. 23′s limited edition not a random plushie and it’s their cravat and bolo tie intimately joined and sold alongside the actual manga like??? the fuck???
Levi’s character song and monologue mentions only erwin, and why/how he’ll follow erwin into hell (it’s bc he’s gay) also ties into sun/moon imagery that’s often used with eruri if you’re into that :)
PS: this post is just great bless the eruri fandom. & while far removed from canonverse, the parody spinoffs can be shippy too! sometimes alarmingly so, like here where every other sentence is a sexual pun & levi wants erwin’s balls??? wow i’m concerned. but sometimes it’s just cute circus dates
with many, many grateful thanks to the wonderful translators and fans who have shared these gifts with us!! @whiteflowertranslations @ningen-suki @yusenki @m-u-m-i @touchreceptors @darlingpoppet  @kikisuke  @goddamnchou @worldofchicken @wabbit-l-blog​ @leviskinnyjeans @calorescence​ @tsuki-no-ura @oscarforjm @lostcauses-noregrets​ @aot-tactics​ and if there’s anything this post missed DO TELL!! let’s gather all them receipts!!
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A strange alien doctor stands near the unconscious body of Padme Amidala. “It appears she has lost the will to live.” A older man with a limp hobbles closer with the aid of a cane. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” says Dr. Gregory House.
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