#lateral oppression
nonbinarymlm · 17 hours
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Hey. Don’t tag my posts with this stuff. Trans women are not behind negative media depictions of trans men.
Trans people are an incredibly small, oppressed minority. Our oppression is not caused by other trans people. Get your head on right and don’t play oppression Olympics or demonize other trans people.
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this is a cripple punk post; ableds must tag reblogs with #i’m able bodied
stop calling ND people’s ableism against physdis folks “lateral ableism.” it’s not lateral.
the vast majority of physdis folks are ND. while ND people can absolutely be disabled, ND disability works and is experienced differently, and isn’t just “physdis but mental”
ND people’s ableism against crips isn’t “lateral.” it’s ableism with an excuse.
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
also yes, a disabled person can be ableist towards people with the same disability as them.
people don’t grow up in a bubble. many of us internalise a lot of messages we’re sent growing up, and sometimes that leads to lashing out at others in our communities (either accidentally or on purpose)
if someone calls you out for ableism, make sure you’re taking that seriously. you may have been ableist or you may not have — but being disabled doesn’t inherently protect you from being ableist
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adhbabey · 2 years
If I have to be real for you, having ADHD in tandemn with my other mental disorders has been one of the most disabling experiences for me, and I'm tired of it being treated like my experiences is lesser than having a physical disability.
And I do have a physical disability, but it affects me very little compared to my ADHD and my very disabling trauma.
ADHD affects me physically, it always has, so how come it's not basically a chronic illness? How come when I go catatonic due to stress, it's not the same?
People with mental disabilities are not as perfectly abled as you're lead to believe. And ADHD is lifelong, something I'm born with, I will always be disabled because of my ADHD.
Just because I can walk doesn't mean I have the spoons to take care of myself. Hygeine is hard. It's fucking humiliating and sometimes it feels like I'm deteriorating.
I'm just as disabled as anyone else, and that deserves to be said. Lateral oppression is super shitty, a lot of neurodivergent people are just as disabled as physically disabled people. That deserves to be said.
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sharknado-three · 1 year
Homophobes: I don't hate people who struggle with homosexual tendencies, I just think sodomy is a sin and responsible for spreading disease. I will do anything in my power to stop people from having gay sex, including campaigning to make it illegal. I believe being visibly homosexual in the presence of kids is making kids gay and shouldn't be allowed.
LGBT+ community: That's homophobic.
TERFs: I don't hate dysphoric females, I just think transitioning is causing irreversible damage and reinforcing sexist stereotypes. I will do anything in my power to stop "confused lesbians" from destroying their bodies, including campaigning to make transition illegal. I believe being visibly trans in the presence of kids is making kids gender-confused and shouldn't be allowed.
Some of you: Wow, TERFs sure do love AFAB trans people! They literally said so and we know bigots would never lie about that!
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johannestevans · 5 months
queer cisgender women love to invite "women and nonbinary individuals" to their events bc they might be down with queer solidarity but they draw the line at trans men or random nonbinary ppl they've decided are too scary and need to be gatekept away from events
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feluka · 2 months
when i make a post about coptic culture and someone tags it as "worldbuilding"... a chill runs up my spine
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neuroticboyfriend · 8 months
honestly, although i really hate to say it... being able to work, on a systemic level, still puts you in a privileged position compared to people who cannot work. i wish i could say it's only an advantage when you're disabled, because i know it feels bad that being employed and getting income is a privilege even if its hurting you to do it. but it's not the hurting-you part that's the privilege, it's the way it systematically supports you. there are things that disabled people who're unable to work (especially those without income and/or savings) experience that you just don't, because you still have the ability to work and generate income yourself.
it's not a pleasant situation and by no means should any disabled person be forced into working. it's 100% torture and working disabled people deserve so much better. it's just that you just can't change the fact that society gives you chances and resources that disabled people who cannot work just don't have. that's not inherent to you, it doesn't make your disability invalid. it's systemic ableism and classism. being working class (as an individual) is still a step above the bottom of the barrel, even if you're disabled. so if there's anywhere to direct your grief and frustration on this towards, it's society. it's ableists. it's the ruling class and capitalism. not other disabled people.
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40ouncesandamule · 2 years
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bisexualpussy · 11 months
white queer goy will bend over fucking backwards all day trying to explain to me, a Jew, how actually the holocaust was never about Jews at the start. How it was actually rooted in queerphobia and ableism, NOT solely antisemitism. As if the nazis didn't believe that Jews carried "unfavorable traits" and were generally viewed as dirty/subhuman. As if the nazis didn't believe that queerness was an idea introduced and perpetuated by Jews that was now "infecting" the wider populous.
Like shut the fuck up u sound dumb as hell when you say that the holocaust wasn't about Jews because Your Lily White Ass is experiencing oppression for the first time
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oh let me know if there's already a term for it but i've started to use diagonal ableism to refer to the kind of ableism that's often incorrectly called lateral ableism--like, when level 1 autistics talk about/treat level 2&3 autists like shit, when non-ID ND folks 'reclaim' the r-slur, when abled ND people call themselves paralyzed or cripples, etc.
shit that is absolutely not lateral because it weaponizes a very real power imbalance, but that is arguably still coming from "inside the house"--ableism against people who are more severely disabled, who have a different class of disability entirely, who need more support, who are more visibly disabled, etc.
lateral ableism does exist to be clear, but it's not what LSN disableds will often do to MSN and HSN disabled people.
and like yeah diagonal ableism is also just ableism, but i think that having something to describe it is worthwhile because there's a specific context and often an extra vitriol applied to it, yknow? like the way an LSN autist treats me like shit is often different from how neurotypical ableds do.
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
when arguing about bigotry or stereotypes or demonisation, please do not redirect the bigotry towards a different group
99% of the time, the statement “people are fine when this oppressed group does this, so why isn’t it okay for us?” is a full on lie. you need to go back and talk to the other group about what their experiences actually are
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normalbrothers · 3 months
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TOMMY: Arthur, Frances was right. Linda was here today.
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nothorses · 5 months
I keep seeing stuff in online queer groups about gender abolition, but in the sense of people wanting to abolish gender identity itself instead of just gender roles, and honestly as a trans masc it's really scary to see stuff like that being pushed around because even if there wasn't any words to describe being trans, it's still a feeling that people would feel
Anyways sorry to vent its just really scary because it seems like radfem rhetoric is inching its way into the queer community
Yeah, that's one of those things that I honestly tend to see a lot in real-life progressive spaces mostly dominated by young queer folks. I have met a lot of very young nonbinary people who are genuinely accepting of all trans people- at least in theory and goal- but who also haven't thought super critically about gender theory, and end up projecting their own feelings about gender (and what they've seen/heard in punchy little soundbites on twitter and tiktok) onto the rest of the world.
I think it arises when those personal feelings meet subtle radfem rhetoric and folks just do not know enough to catch that, or don't think to examine it more critically. And it sucks. And I also think they're often well-intentioned people who do not want to do harm to other trans people, and who's ideas tend to evolve pretty quickly once they have some better ones to move towards (though I have certainly met people who aren't and don't. people are people).
I also don't want to imply that this phenomenon is exclusive to nonbinary people. Aside from the fact that plenty of cis queer people also believe this, and that it originates in radfem and TERF rhetoric to begin with, there are plenty of other examples of trans people projecting their experiences onto everyone else: transmedicalism is a great example.
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somecunttookmyurl · 9 months
you cannot uncouple "it's rich white people doing it not old people" from the fact that being a Rich White People makes it significantly more likely that you will get old in the first place
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web-novel-polls · 3 days
I know it's been, like, over half a year, and I probably shouldn't be concerned with it anymore, but I think what bugs me so badly about people being so self-righteous about Jiang Cheng "being homophobic" in the Aroace Spec Character Tournament is that directly correlates to actual experiences and interactions I see within the LGBTQIA+ community. It's so close to the fear and shame that leads to the question of, "how much of comfortability and well-being do I have to give up to live within an amatonormative world? At what point do I speak up about my own repulsion? Do I ever?Why am I the always the one who has to change?"
I can't help but come back to that AITA about an aro and/or ace GSA member who was shamed and called homophobic by what should be their own community for the simple crime of looking away from PDA. Their club advisor who acted like they were the problem because it's "supposed to be a safe space for the other kids" but not really answering whether it's also supposed to be a safe space for the submitter. How aroace people are "included" until they're uncomfortable or don't want to talk about sex or romance. How sex and romance repulsed aroaces are never allowed to show repulsion, or they're prudes, homophobic, ruining the fun. Why is someone being uneasy something THEY have to apologize for? Why is it an attack, if not to protect the amatonormative idea that anyone who is personally unsatisfied, uncomfortable, rejecting of love and sex is somehow lesser or hostile to love and sex itself? How aroace are we allowed to be before we become "problematic"?
[I'm aware this is an emotional reaction for this specific instance. Don't be weird. Don't be a dick. Don't be aroace-phobic. Do be gay and aro and ace and trans and-]
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