#law and order: svu imagine
cathrrrine · 5 months
how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single”
Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Casey Novak
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Alex Cabot
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Fin Tutuola
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Elliot Stabler
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511 notes · View notes
megalony · 4 months
Help A Girl Out
This is my first Nick Amaro imagine from Law and Order SVU. I hope you will all like it and I'm open for any Nick requests. Feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz
Summary: (Y/n) often pops by the station to see her husband. But one afternoon, she turns up at the wrong moment and gets taken hostage.
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A sigh burned past Nick's lips and he threw his head back over the back of his chair. His knees bumped into the edge of his desk and his left hand began to tap down against the arm of the chair while his other hand flipped the pen between his fingers.
He hated doing paperwork, especially when they hit dead ends like this and the cases seemed to go nowhere. He had the right mind to kick his feet up on his desk and try to catch up on some sleep. He had been working for over twenty-four hours straight now and he was desperate to go home to bed.
He let his eyes fall closed for a few seconds before he stared up at the ceiling. If he closed his eyes for too long he was liable to fall asleep on the job and he didn't need the headache that would cause.
His neck cricked when he tilted his head forward to look over at Amanda. She was slouched forward over her desk, one hand tangled in her hair and the other hand splayed out on the desk. He watched the way she nodded her head and pointed ahead of her.
A grin pulled at his lips and the tiredness washed out of his face immediately when he cast a glance over his shoulder.
He straightened up and hopped out of his seat, stretching his arms above his head before he moved across the floor. The smile stretched higher across his face the closer he got to her. It felt like forever since he'd last seen her, as if a lifetime had passed him by since he'd been at the station. Days and nights blurred together and shifts stretched on into eternity when they pulled all-nighters and went without sleep to try and catch their perps.
Nick could of stood there for hours, admiring his wife.
(Y/n) was stood in the doorway to the SVU lobby, leaning a little to one side so she didn't fully block the doorway or stand in people's way. Her hair was pinned back to one side but a few strands had fallen loose and fell to frame round her face and curl around her jaw.
Her heels clicked against the floor as she shifted her weight from foot to foot out of anxious habit. But it was the way she had her arms folded across her chest that made Nick smile. He wasn't sure why, but he loved the way she would curl her arms across herself like that and drag her fingers up and down her upper arms like that.
When her eyes locked with his, her lips curved into a grin and she stood a little straighter as he approached her.
"Hi," His voice was soft and oddly quiet against the rumbling background of heels clicking, voices shouting above the papers stacking on desks and the sound of doors slamming and hinges creaking.
Nick reached his hands out to cup her arms and he tugged her closer, moving her from the doorway so she was over the threshold. Her hands reached up to hold his shoulders and she dipped her head forward to press her lips against his neck while his hands moved down to cup her hips.
He squeezed her hips, scrunching his fingers around her dress that crumpled between his fingers and allowed the pads of his fingers to mesh into her waist.
"Everything okay?" He spoke in hushed whispers against the top of her head, rubbing his nose into her hair before he did a quick sweep around the room. No one was going to care if he disappeared for five minutes to talk to his wife. He hadn't seen her in almost two days, he was allowed to take a small break since she had come all the way down here for something.
"I need a favour,"
(Y/n) tilted her head up until her lips touched the underside of Nick's jaw that acted as a button, turning him to jelly in front of her. She felt his hands dig tighter into her waist and he stepped closer until his abdomen was pressed into hers and she could feel each deep breath he took.
She looked up at him, batting her lashes before he swooped down to steal a kiss. His lips were hot and heavy against hers and (Y/n) reached her hand up from his shoulder to cradle the side of his sharp jaw. She let her nail scrape along his chin, guessing he must have taken a moment to shave at some point during his long shift since he didn't have one trace of stubble anywhere.
"Go ahead," She could ask anything and the answer would always be yes, no matter what the favour was.
(Y/n) took a step back so she could slide her bag down from her shoulder to let it drop into the crook of her elbow. She let her eyes drift up to see the way Nick's smile morphed into a smirk that showed the intrigue wash over his face. He had no idea what she was about to take out of her bag or what kind of favour she was asking of him.
His lips rolled together and he bit the corner of his mouth when he saw what (Y/n) took out of her bag.
"Help a girl out, Amaro?" Her voice was so quiet and tender that Nick almost didn't hear her for a second or two.
He took the pre-filled and plastic-packaged needle from her hand and nodded. His arm moved to swoop around her waist and he reeled her into his side as he turned to face the middle of the room.
"Sure. This way, carino."
(Y/n) could feel his fingers gliding up and down her side like feathers tickling her skin through her dress. Her arms automatically moved back around her chest, resting over her bump while Nick guided her towards his desk. The seat was still warm when he motioned for her to sit down and she cast her eyes around quickly.
She knew who everyone was just by looking at them. She hadn't met anyone from the precinct in person yet but from how Nick talked about them and described them, (Y/n) could guess who they all were. And she figured they knew who she was when she looked at his desk and saw a photo of them both sat proudly on his desk.
Her attention moved back to Nick when he knelt down in front of her and turned the chair so she was facing him. He gave her knee a gentle squeeze and leaned his left arm to rest over her thighs that he parted so he could stand between them. A shiver rolled down her spine when he tore the packet open with his teeth and took out the needle.
"Can I?" He motioned his hand towards the hem of her dress and (Y/n)'s smile melted like butter.
Always the gentleman.
They were married. (Y/n) was asking for his help to take her insulin, and he was still asking for her permission to lift her dress so he could give her the injection.
Her lips pressed together to try and hide her smile and she nodded, trying to stay still and straight in the chair.
Nick held the hem of her sea green dress and slowly raked it over her thighs, relieved to see she was wearing a pair of small, grey shorts beneath her dress. He didn't feel like giving the whole squad room a view of his wife's underwear. He lifted her dress higher until it exposed her six-month bump that made his smile turn fonder.
He let her dress lay over her bump and didn't bother moving her shorts since they were tucked beneath her stomach anyway. They were getting rather tight since her stomach was expanding but (Y/n) didn't usually like to wear dresses without a short pair of shorts on underneath. Just in case.
(Y/n) hummed and did her best to stay still when Nick pinched the side of her stomach between his thumb and finger. She let her eyes focus on his hair rather than his hands so she didn't have to see the needle. Needles were all well and good if they were used on someone else, but as soon as it was (Y/n)'s turn, she turned queasy.
She was slowly getting used to the slight scratch and the small burn it created and her heart fluttered when Nick brushed his thumb across the small dot on her skin when he removed the needle. He brushed away the tiny fleck of blood and leaned forward to kiss her stomach before he threw the needle in the bin beneath his desk.
"All done."
"Thank you," (Y/n) rolled her dress back down so it was draped across her thighs and her head lifted up to follow Nick when he stood up. She watched him move to sit on the edge of his desk and she felt his knee bump into hers while his arms folded over his chest and flexed his biceps.
"All good?" His head turned to look behind him at Amanda when she leaned forward with her pen trapped between her teeth. She didn't want to intrude but she just wanted to check everything was alright. In case Nick needed to go and take a break with (Y/n) for a while. This was the first time (Y/n) had come down to the station and Amanda wasn't expecting her to come here for that reason.
"I don't like needles," (Y/n) rubbed her hands together on her lap while she scooted the chair closer until her knees bumped into the desk and she could lean against Nick's leg.
"Blood clots?"
"Hm- oh, no, um, insulin. Oddly enough, the baby's decided to give me diabetes." (Y/n) smiled and leaned forward until she could perch her chin on her husband's knee. She felt his fingers feather across her shoulder and down her arm soothingly.
It hadn't been the best surprise when Nick took (Y/n) to an emergency appointment after she started going dizzy and coming down with shaking and feverish sweats. They found out she had gestational diabetes where she wasn't producing enough insulin due to the baby. There was a good chance she would be fine once the baby was born, they were hoping her body would go back to normal and sort itself out. Most women did.
But there was a chance of (Y/n) becoming diabetic after the baby was born and she prayed that wouldn't happen.
The medication to help her newfound condition didn't agree with (Y/n), it had made her violently sick and gave her horrid migraines. So the next solution when her levels didn't even out was to start taking insulin injections. But (Y/n) wasn't good at doing them herself.
Nick didn't mind.
He was all for being affectionate and helping his wife in any way he could and he had been giving her the injections every day. With him being at work for almost two days now, it meant he couldn't be there to help and (Y/n) thought she would come down to the station on the off-chance Nick might be here and could spare her a minute or two to help.
"That's rough," Amanda sank back in her chair and propped her feet up on her desk.
A gentle smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips as she tilted her head up to look at Nick while his hand feathered along her arm and around to her neck. She leaned her chin against his wrist and bit the corner of her lip.
"It's not so bad."
It meant she got to steal little moments like this every day with Nick and to see him smile down at her with that cheesy grin that made her heart flip. And they were getting a baby at the end of this, so it was more than worth the slight discomfort.
"Oh, hey (Y/n). Are you looking for Nick?"
A delicate smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips as she dragged her right hand up and down her arm to try and stay calm. She treaded carefully over the threshold and made a beeline for the desk she knew was Nick's while her eyes looked around for Amanda.
She found the blonde approaching with a cup of coffee and she moved over to sit down at her desk opposite.
(Y/n) set her bag down on Nick's chair that was vacant aside from his dusty grey blazer jacket that was slung over the back of the chair. He hadn't gone far if he had left his jacket here, (Y/n) knew what he was like. He wouldn't go out without it as that was where he put his keys and his phone. It also helped to conceal his badge and gun, if needed.
"Yeah, well, I just thought I'd drop by and bring lunch." She slumped the paper bag down on Nick's desk and spent a few seconds scouting through her handbag. She made sure to quietly place Nick's badge on his desk near the desk phone, trying to do it quick so no one noticed. Nick hadn't been pleased when he had been in a rush to leave this morning and he couldn't find his badge.
(Y/n) found it an hour after he left and it gave her an excuse to bring lunch by the station for him. She knew what he was like, work came with pressure, new leads got in the way and before he knew it he had gone over ten hours without eating.
She reached into the paper bag and handed a wrapped sandwich out to Amanda. Her smile widened when Amanda just stared at her for a few seconds like she didn't know what (Y/n) was giving her, or why.
"For me?"
"Unless you're not hungry…"
"You, are a Godsend." Her face lit up with a grin when she took the sandwich offered out to her. Everyone would be willing to let (Y/n) hang around every day if she was this nice to them all. "Nick won't be long, he was just going to find some paperwork."
Moving her bag, (Y/n) let herself slump down into Nick's chair. She had managed to do her own insulin injections for the last few days but it was hard when she started to shake and it made her nervous. (Y/n) knew bringing Nick dinner would soften him up and give him a chance to have a break where she could ask if he wouldn't mind doing her injection again.
Her head tilted to the side and she slouched down a little to try and ease the discomfort in her back. Her hand moved to smooth over her stomach as she cast her eyes around the station.
It didn't seem as hectic today.
No one stood in a corner arguing and cursing to high heaven. No clattering people in handcuffs being moved from holding and dragged into the corridor. There weren't people hanging around arguing or being moved into separate interview rooms and no one was making a commotion.
It was oddly calm today. This was the kind of day Nick liked, where they could concentrate and finish paperwork and not have to worry about doing ten different jobs all at once.
"You okay?"
"Hm." (Y/n) managed a smile and nodded. She felt fine, she just had a headache which probably meant she would need to take her insulin soon. She usually had an injection after she had eaten, depending on how well her blood sugar levels were as they varied from day to day.
After a few minutes, just as Amanda finished her sandwich and went to look back through her paperwork, a loud clang rattled through the squad room and made all the distant chatter dwindle down.
(Y/n) leaned her head back and looked over her shoulder just as a large, burly man shouted "Don't touch me!" And flung his arm out at Olivia who was trying to guide him inside.
(Y/n) rolled her lips together and sighed as she turned back to face Nick's desk. That guy seemed the macho type, the kind of person who didn't like being told no or being ordered around or told to do something. She could see the way Amanda grimaced and visibly rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"I'll go see if Liv needs any help. Thanks for lunch," Her hand gave (Y/n)'s shoulder a squeeze as she walked past. They didn't need a scene being caused when today had been a calm, laid back kind of day. And Amanda knew the guy Olivia had brought into the squad room. He was rather hard to talk to and calm down and he was their main suspect in their newest rape case.
Sitting forward, (Y/n) clicked her back into place and danced her fingertips over the photo frame on the side of Nick's desk. He had one of them on their wedding day, and one of him and Zara that (Y/n) had taken.
Her hand moved across to her temple again when she felt her headache getting worse.
Maybe it would be worth her going to get a drink while she waited for her husband to get back.
She kicked her bag a little further beneath Nick's desk so no one would see it and try to run off with it. Not that anyone would get a chance when there were officers mulling about the place and Finn was sat at his desk a few feet away.
The blood seemed to rush down to her feet when she stood up and she had to take a moment to control herself and stop from letting her head loll forward and stop her knees from giving way. Her legs trembled but after a few paces, (Y/n) felt like she was herself again and the blood was circulating properly through her body. She would need to get her insulin soon though in case that was making her feel worse. She had eaten her lunch already and usually needed insulin after eating.
Nick dragged his fingers through his tousled hair and looked down at his phone just as the lift chimed and the doors opened up. He scrolled down through his phone but he only took two steps out the lift before he looked up and felt the tiredness washing out of his system completely.
"Carino," His lips curved up into a wide grin and he slipped his phone in his back pocket as his eyes set on his wife.
He was getting rather lucky these past two weeks with (Y/n) appearing at the station. It meant he didn't always have to slump at his desk and daydream about going home to see her. He didn't have to frown or grow tiresome, he just had to look up every now and then and she turned up and brightened his day and his mood.
His arms swooped around her the moment she was within reach and he pulled her to the side out the way of the oncoming people passing up and down the hall. A shiver rolled down his spine when (Y/n)'s cold hands pressed against his neck and slithered beneath the collar of his shirt.
She tugged him down until he was close enough to kiss and he could taste the sweet tea remnants on her lips.
"You both okay?" His left hand splayed out on her lower back wile he slipped his right hand between them to cradle her stomach. It was as if the baby knew exactly where they were. Nick stroked his thumb across her shirt when he felt a small kick against the palm of his hand.
"Hm. I found your badge, it's on your desk along with dinner." (Y/n) smoothed one hand down Nick's chest, tapping her fingers over his shirt beneath his tie that she wanted to take off.
"Oh, thank you," He murmured against her lips and he sank his teeth down into her bottom lip just to feel her jump and grab at his neck. "Shall we?"
"I just need the toilet."
Nick moved his hand round to squeeze (Y/n)'s hip and let his lips linger over hers for a few extra seconds before he finally let her go. He attached his lips to the side of her neck as she moved to walk past him and he felt her squeeze his shoulder as they moved in different ways.
He watched her round the corner before he moved into the squad room. His eyes landed on his desk straight away and he made a beeline towards it. He noticed the large paper bag on his desk before his sight shifted over to his badge in front of the picture of him and Zara.
Nick clipped the badge onto the waistband of his trousers over his belt. He didn't have time to find it this morning, he had been running late and it annoyed him whenever he put something down and went back later and couldn't find it. At least (Y/n) had found it for him, and a smile danced across Nick's lips at the thought of (Y/n) using it as an excuse to come down to the station and see him.
His hand drifted into the paper bag but he barely managed to peak his head inside to see what (Y/n) had brought before he stopped.
Someone was shouting.
Raised voices. Olivia and Amanda were shouting. A man was raising his voice and bellowing something so loud and fast Nick couldn't work out what he was saying.
The sound of more yelling and someone saying 'drop the weapon' made a shiver bolt down Nick's spine. He tilted his head to the left and glanced over at Finn who was already pushing up to go and see what the commotion was.
A sigh blundered past Nick's lips as he moved away from his desk and jogged out the squad room into the corridor. He needed to get near the toilets and make sure (Y/n) didn't come out into whatever situation was happening out here.
It felt like Nick rounded the corner at the exact wrong time.
The air got caught in his lungs and stones started to drop down to the pit of his stomach.
Drew. Their prime suspect in their current case.
Everything happened in slow motion. No one had chance to try and grab him, all they could do was stand near the other end of the corridor to block off his exit, but it didn't do much good. The toilet door opened at the very worst time and Nick immediately knew who it would be.
Nick ran forward but he wasn't quick enough to do anything. He was too far away and his heart physically clenched in his chest when he saw (Y/n) open the door. Before Nick could grab her attention or shout at her to close the door, Drew, their suspect, grabbed (Y/n).
He almost pushed her to the floor with the way he scrambled to grab her before someone could grab him. He was clearly thinking off the top of his head and muddling through this as he went along. One hand fisted in the back of (Y/n)'s hair and he used her hair as leverage to drag her out of the doorway and out into the corridor.
A panicked cry flew past (Y/n)'s lips and she reached out to try and dig her nails into whoever had suddenly pounced on her.
She tripped over her feet and her right arm spasmed when her elbow collided with the wall. Panic surged through her chest and she choked on her shallow breaths when she was dragged, stumbling out into the corridor. Stars danced across her eyes and her knees almost buckled if it wasn't for the hand screwed up in her hair.
But as soon as she stopped wobbling, the hand left her hair and a forearm pinned around the front of her throat. Her back slammed up into someone's rough chest and the back of her head bashed into his shoulder.
Tears welled up in the corner of (Y/n)'s eyes when she felt the barrell of a gun press into the right side of her temple.
Oh dear.
He had a gun. He was now keeping (Y/n) as a hostage. Why had he decided to grab her of all people? Why was he doing this on the day (Y/n) had come into the station? Why didn't she head back into the squad room with Nick where she would have been safe?
"Drop the gun Drew. Now!" As fast as anything, Nick unclipped the gun from his belt and aimed it at Drew, but he couldn't get a clear shot. Not with his wife in the way.
He tried to take a few steps closer as his shoulders hunched up and his elbows locked in place. He could feel Finn hovering close beside him, his own gun aimed out ready to take an emergency shot if needed. Both Olivia and Amanda were stood on the other side of the corridor, blocking off Drew's exit so at least he had nowhere to try and take (Y/n).
"Drop it!" Nick raised his voice and moved the gun to aim it at Drew's head, but it didn't phase him in the way he wanted it to.
"No! I think I'll keep her as insurance. So why don't you all back off?"
Leaning back, (Y/n) tried to tilt her head a bit higher to make it easier to breathe. And she dug her nails into the arm strapped around her neck like an iron bar.
It took a few seconds for her eyes to land on her husband but when they did, she could feel herself beginning to shake.
Nick looked frightening. Shoulders hunched up and tense, arms popping through his shirt. Gun aimed at the man behind her. His nose was crinkled and his upper lip was curled up in anger but it was the look in his eyes that made (Y/n)'s knees go weak. If looks could kill she would have been safe and back in his arms by now.
"Let her go. We can work something out, but you need to let her go." Olivia tried to get Drew's attention and when he looked at her, it let Nick get two feet closer towards them.
(Y/n) tried to stop the tears that were starting to fall down her face but she couldn't seem to help it. Shakes were rattling through her body now and she knew the man behind her could feel how badly she was starting to tremble. It made him tighten his arm around her neck which in turn made (Y/n) gasp.
She tilted her head forward until her chin was pressing down into Drew's forearm and her eyes stayed locked on her husband.
Nick held his other hand out in front of him and rose his brows, trying to keep his expression calm but it was hard to hide the anger pulsing through him. He needed to try and stay calm so (Y/n) didn't go into a panic attack.
He had to protect his wife.
"How about you let me walk out of here with her… or she gets a bullet."
(Y/n)'s knees quivered when the gun moved away from her head and suddenly pressed into the right side of her stomach. He had figured out she was pregnant.
Her teeth sank down into her bottom lip as she tried to keep her eyes on Nick and stay calm. Crying wasn't going to do anything to help their situation and she had to keep focused. But it was hard when the gun pressed deeper into her side and the uncomfortable feeling made her try and move to the left. It was bad enough that her headache had come back with vengeance and her body was ransacked with trembles.
Now the baby was starting to twist and kick and (Y/n) wanted to be sick. And she could see how Nick's stance changed, he straightened up and aimed his gun at Drew's temple. Both his wife and unborn child were now being threatened. Nick wasn't going to stand around and let Drew make demands and try to get away from this.
"If you do anything to hurt her, we can't help you. Let her go, and you can still walk away from this."
"And the rape charges, you can drop those and help me with that, can you?"
Nick's eyes narrowed when he looked across at (Y/n). He waited until Drew twisted to the side to look at Olivia who seemed to be trying to control the negotiations. Nick tilted his head to the side and parted his lips, trying to silently ask (Y/n) what was wrong. He could see the way her expression changed and she started to shake her head.
She tried to move one hand down near her stomach while Drew was occupied looking over at Olivia. And she pressed her index finger into her stomach a few times to try and get her silent message across.
She needed her insulin.
She didn't feel well. The headache and the shaking was most likely because she was lacking her injection and if she didn't get it soon, she was going to go into a hypo state.
"Drew, you'll go to court for those charges. You can convince a jury you're innocent, we can talk to the witnesses, see what we can do. But you have a whole station full of witnesses here. I'm sure no one would make a complaint if you let her go now, but if you hurt her, you won't even get a trial."
He had a chance. He had a chance to convince a jury that he was innocent, even if no one here believed him and they knew he was guilty. He still had a fighting chance if he got a good lawyer and that was all he could get. They needed Drew to see that hurting (Y/n) was going to cement his time in prison and he had witnesses this time. If he hurt her, he wouldn't get away with it but if he let her go, no one was liable to press charges. At least, they needed him to think that way so he wouldn't do anything rash.
"Let her walk me to the door. No police, none of you following us, then I'll let her go."
"We can't do that Drew." Nick spoke before Olivia had the chance to agree or try to negotiate again.
He saw the look of terror in his wife's eyes and there was not a chance in Hell that Nick would let her out of his sight. He wasn't letting Drew try and take her hostage because he didn't believe Drew wouldn't hurt her in some way. He might try and get her out the building with him to make a better escape. That wasn't happening.
"Then I'll hurt her!"
"Nick-" (Y/n) snapped her eyes closed and dug her nails harshly into the arm around her neck when he rammed the gun into the side of her stomach. She knew she should be thankful he didn't pull the trigger on purpose or by mistake. But the blow was harsh and so sudden it took all the air from her lungs and left her gasping as he held her up by the arm around her throat.
"No! Drew don't- you don't need to hurt her okay? Don't!" Nick held his free hand out in front of him and took a step closer before he could stop himself.
He could feel Finn try to grab his shoulder but he shook him off. This was his family and he didn't care whether Drew found that out or not. He just wanted to keep them safe.
"I- I… feel sick." (Y/n) leaned her head forward and tried to pull on the arm around her neck. She felt like she was going to faint and now he'd hit her, her stomach was suddenly churning along with the baby turning around. If she didn't throw up she was definitely going to collapse soon without her insulin.
"We're leaving. Now."
A strangled sound left (Y/n)'s lips and she let her knees buckle so he wouldn't be able to move her so easily. She wasn't going anywhere. She wanted to be sick. Her body was giving out and she needed him to let her go.
Her fingers scratched down his arm and she pulled as harshly as she could while she moved down.
Whatever he shouted into her hair made her cringe and cower down but she couldn't work out what he was saying. Static built up in her ears that became overpowered by the sound of her blood rushing through her ears. Her head was pounding and throbbing and weighed forward.
(Y/n) let her arms coil around her waist and she tipped her head down when she felt people closing in around them.
"Drop the gun!"
Before Drew could try and heave her up to her feet again, Nick bolted forward. He grabbed Drew's wrist and twisted it round to the left until he heard a successful click and the gun dropped down to the floor. Amanda swiftly tossed the gun to the other side of the corridor where an officer moved to pick it up while Nick slammed his elbow down between Drew's shoulders and pushed him onto his stomach on the floor.
(Y/n) couldn't tell who it was who grabbed her elbows and helped to shuffle her forward but she swatted her hands out either way. She didn't want them touching her. She didn't want to move. She wanted to go to sleep. She was ready to power down and forget this had ever happened.
Nick clamped his hand down on the back of Drew's head and bashed his face forward into the floor until his nose cracked and blood started to pour down his face.
"Cuff him!" He shrugged off the hands trying to pull him back. He wouldn't do anything else, he wouldn't jeopardise getting Drew sent down for this, he just had to do something that would cause Drew the kind of pain he had put (Y/n) through.
His chest heaved and sweat rolled down the back of his neck as he moved away from Drew who had his hands pinned to his lower back so they could cuff him and get him moved.
Nick turned his attention away while his chest heaved and he moved to kneel down next to (Y/n). She had her arms pinned near her head so she could get Amanda and Finn to let her go. She swatted her hands out and cried out until they got the message. (Y/n) didn't want any of them. The only person she wanted was Nick.
"Carino… carino, baby it's me. It's okay." Once his voice registered in her ears, Nick moved his arms out for her.
He wrapped his arm around her back and moved his other hand to cradle the back of her head. His lips smothered her cheek as he rested his chin on her shoulder and pulled her into his chest. The way she grabbed his bicep with a sudden fierce grip made him jump but he didn't say anything. He reeled her into his chest and curled around her like a safety blanket.
"Alright, shh. Let's get you up carino."
Both (Y/n)'s arms wrapped around Nick's bicep and she buried her face in his shoulder and pressed her side up into his chest until he curled back around her. She let him gently pull her up to her feet and his hand clamped down on her hip to keep her standing upright when she wavered in his arms.
He moved his lips to the back of her head while his hand started to glide up and down her arm like feathers brushing against her skin.
"Call a bus." Nick glanced over at Amanda who nodded and grabbed the radio on her waist.
"Home," (Y/n) tilted her head back to look up at Nick and for a brief moment, she saw a smile flicker across his face. He flashed his teeth and shook his head as a breathless chuckle left his lips.
"No carino, I'm not taking you home. We're going to hospital, for you and for me. I think I've had a heart attack." He spoke into the top of her hair as he gently guided her towards the squad room. He was relieved his desk was close by and he kicked the chair round so he could ease (Y/n) to sit down.
Nick tried to pull back but he couldn't exactly move when (Y/n) dug her fingers into his bicep and pulled on his arm. She kept his right arm pinned around her chest until Nick sighed and leaned over. He curved his left arm back around her waist just below her shoulder blades and carefully rested his hand on her stomach. He didn't know whether to touch her stomach or not in case he hurt her, but when she didn't wince, he left his hand there to feel the baby move.
She could feel him kissing the top of her head and she kept his right arm bound against her chest with her temple pressed into his shoulder. Nick stayed stood up beside his desk chair and leaned over so he was curled around his wife.
He knew from a different angle he looked rather weird and odd, leaning over like this with his lower back and bum arched out. But he didn't care. As long as he made (Y/n) feel safe and kept her calm, he would stay hunched over her like this until the paramedics arrived.
"D-don't let go."
"I'm not going anywhere carino." He spoke quietly into her hair and he realised he was slowly swaying them from side to side. "I gotta give you your insulin soon, don't I?"
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naturesapphic · 6 months
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A much needed break
Olivia benson x fem!reader
Warnings: smut
Olivia hasn’t come home yet and you were worried. She hasn’t been home in days, saying something about finishing some paperwork she was extremely behind on. Of course you understand how important work is for her, even if she’s just doing paperwork, but a lot of the times, she overworks herself to where she exhausts herself. That’s why you are going to the precinct to check on her and make sure she’s okay.
You walked in holding a container of leftovers for her since she probably only had coffee and junk food from the vending machines. Walking to where her desk is, you see Olivia typing away on her computer. She looks up when she realizes someone was in the same room as her and her face immediately brightens when she sees you. “Sweetheart? What are you doing here?” She questioned as she stood up from her chair and walked over to you, wrapping her arms around your waist. “I wanted to come check on you. I brought you dinner too.” You said and she smiles as she gave you a loving kiss on the top of your head.
“Thank you babygirl.” She said and you leaned up to give her nose a gentle kiss which made her blush. She walked back over to her desk with her arm around you and her dinner in her other hand. She sat back down in her chair and she patted her lap for you which you gladly sat on. She was explaining to you some stuff that happened in the past few cases as she ate her dinner. “I’m sorry I haven’t came home. I know I should have. I’m just super stressed and I know that’s not an excuse. Trust me. I miss you so much sweetheart.” She sighed as she explained. You know how hard for her it is to be so open, but she’s been letting down her walls more and more for you.
“I understand baby. Work is important to you and I get that.” You explained as you ran your fingers through her brown hair that was slowly growing out. “What did I do to deserve you?” She asked with a true loving look in her eyes and you blushed. “I should be asking you the same thing.” You shot back at her with a smirk and she smirked back at you. She leaned up and took your lips in hers in a passionate but loving kiss. You moan softly against her lips and wrapped your legs around her waist until your clit hit her pants buckle and you let out a little moan again. She pulled back slightly and gave you a evil smirk.
“What’s the matter babygirl? Are you needy right now?” She asked against your ear and you whimpered loudly which gave her the answer but she wanted you to say it. “Say it sweetheart.” She demanded and you blushed bright red. “P-please livia…I need you so bad…it’s been a week since you fucked me and I need you so much.” You begged her and you saw her eyes darken with lust which made you even wetter. “As you wish darling.” She stated and she bunched up your sundress so she could see your underwear that was practically ruined in your fluids. “My oh my…look at this pretty pussy…”. She stated in a low voice which made you feel hot all over.
She slowly runs her hands over your body and yanks your dress off over your head. You giggle at her frantic antics and she smiles at the sound. Her eyes rake over your soft and gorgeous body, admiring it. “Come on sweetheart. Rub that pretty pussy on my belt buckle until you cum. You whimpered and started grinding onto her buckle and moaned at the sensation. Olivia’s hands are on your hips guiding you as she watches your pussy. She bites her lips and feels herself drooling at the look of you. “Come on darling…keep using mommy…that’s it…”. She praised you and you felt your legs shaking as you felt yourself already cumming. You let out a loud strung out moan and cummed all over her belt and pants.
She immediately pushed the chair out of the way and got down on her knees and buried her face in your warm, throbbing, wet pussy. You squealed at how fast she attached her lips onto you and you screw your eyes shut at the intense pleasure you are feeling. “F-fuck! Olivia!” You moaned out and she threw one of your legs on her shoulder and entered her warm, long tongue deep into your throbbing hole and your knees buckled almost falling but Olivia didn’t let that happen. “Fuck! Fuck!” You moaned out and soon enough you were cumming again but this time into her waiting mouth.
“You always taste so good. I’m addicted to your pussy sweetheart.” She admitted and you smiled at her. She gently laid you out on her desk and sat back on her chair as she dove back into you again. You whimpered loudly at the sensitivity that was rising but all you could think in this moment was your badass, loving, detective girlfriend eating you out like she was having her last meal on earth. She penetrated her tongue into you again and started rubbing your clit with her thumb. You were arching your back and your legs were shaking as you orgasmed again. She pulled away from your shaking legs and smiled down at you. “You’re so beautiful Angel.” She said sweetly and you gave her a tired smile. She licks her lips and wipes the edge of her mouth with her index finger and thumb.
“Do you think you could give me one more sweetheart?” She asked you as she gives you gentle kisses all over your face as she gently rubs over your body. You smiled and nodded at her but she raises her eyebrow and you know. “Yes liv…I can do one more…I want to be a good girl for you.” You stated and she gave you a soft look. “You are always my good girl sweetheart.” She said softly as she looked at you with such an adoring look. She gave you a long, loving kiss to your lips and reached into her drawer to pull out her harness that was attached with a 7 inch dildo that she loves to use on you. “You ready babygirl?” She asked you. “Yes…please…” you whined out and she chuckled at you.
She rests her hands on either side of your body on her desk as she gently slides in your pussy. She bottoms out and waits for you to say that you are ready before she starts. “G-green livia…” you stated and she gave you a loving smile. Olivia pumps into you a few times and you moaned out at the feeling of being full. “That’s it babygirl…such a good girl for mommy…” she panted out as her pace quickens with every thrust. Both of her hands went up to your bare breast and started pinching your rosy pink nipples to give you extra stimulation. With every thrust, your breast moved against Olivia’s hand and that made her go crazy. She started fucking you faster and faster as she removed her hands and replaced them with her face. “A-ah! Mommy!” You moaned out and held her head with one hand as your other hand was on her back, bunching up her shirt material.
“I-I’m gonna c-cum!” You exclaimed and her eyes went up to your face and she gave you that look which meant don’t you even think about it. You whined and she gently bit your nipple in response as she reached down with her hand to start rubbing your clit with her fingers. After a few moments of her fucking you and you begging her to let you cum, she said one simple word that made you lose it. “Cum.” She demanded and you arched your back off her desk and squirted all over her pants and some on her shirt. She smiled and gently pulled out which made you whine at the feeling of being full. “Hey shhhh babygirl…it’s okay..I got you…” she said softly as she scoops you up into her arms and cradles you against her.
She sits back down in her office chair and carefully helps you get dressed while not putting back on your panties since they are ruined. After getting dressed, you snuggle up on her as she finishes some things on her computer before y’all go home and rest. “You did so well for me sweetheart. I’m so proud of you. When we get home we will do our aftercare and we can do whatever you want princess.” She explained and you looked up at her with an exhausted expression and gave her a gentle nod in response. “I love you sweetheart.” She said. “I love you most Olivia.” You said back to her.
A/n: I know this smut wasn’t good but I was horny and I’m on my period and I needed to get this out sldmdkckdksosk. Remember Christmas/winter requests are still open! Also remember to stay hydrated and rest! I love y’all!
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cabotwife · 6 months
I have an idea for a reader and Olivia Benson if you’re happy to write it. 2am Olivia gets a frantic call from reader, she’s hyperventilating and her words are coherent. Olivia manages to get out of the reader that she’s home and rushes over. As the approaches her apartment she notices the front door ajar and inside is a complete mess. She hears reader sobbing in her room, and notices she’s naked and bruised and scratched. Reader confesses her ex forced her way in and attacked her. Reader begins to space out lost in her emotions of insecurity and worthlessness, she unknowingly advances on Olivia and ends up kissing her.
thank you for your request! i hope you enjoy 💗
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Enter The Night
Olivia Benson x Fem!Reader (tho r isn't described with any pronouns)
warnings: implied assault/rape (up to interpretation), typical SVU themes, poorly written fluff, not proofread
word count: ~1314 (longest one on my page so far yippie!!)
a/n: i love writing for my svu girls! there's definitely not enough fics of any of them, and my requests are open for them all :)
Olivia is jolted away by the sound of her phone ringing. she rubs her eyes as she groans, looking at the alarm clock on her nightstand.
2:43 am.
she sighs as she grabs her phone, her eyes straining at the brightness as she turns it on. the call had already ended, but she decided to check to see if it was important or not.
she frowns when she notices you’ve called more than once. she quickly clicks the ‘call back’ button, pulling the phone up to her ear as she adjusts her position in her bed.
she has an unsettling feeling forming in her chest as the phone continues to ring. finally you pick up the phone.
“y/n?” Olivia’s voice crackles through the phone.
the glass from your shattered phone stabs through your hand as you grip it tightly, pressing it against your face. you breathe heavily, unable to form any words as you can feel yourself slipping out of consciousness.
“hello? y/n?” Olivia repeats your name, worry filling her at the sound of your labored breathing. “can you tell me where you are, honey?”
suddenly the line goes dead, a sharp ‘beep’ can be heard on both sides.
“y/n?” Olivia says panicked as she tears the phone from her ear, she quickly tries to call you again, pulling her phone away to stare at it when it goes straight to voicemail.
the brunette swiftly pulls herself from her bed, hurriedly putting shoes on and grabbing her keys as she attempts to call you again. she rushes out the door of her apartment, not even bothering to change from her sleepwear.
the entire car ride is full of dread and worry, she had a quick phone call with Fin while in the car. she needed to make sure that someone knew where she was going, in case something goes down or she needs back up.
she sloppily parks in front of your apartment building, quickly rushing out of the car and into the building. she practically runs up to your apartment.
Olivia can feel her heart drop into her stomach as she nears your door, noticing it’s open.
“y/n?” she calls, pushing the door open. “oh my god.” she stands in the doorway in a state of sudden shock, everything was destroyed. there were spilled flowers on the ground by the entrance, couch cushions thrown off the couch, picture frames and trinkets spread over the floor by the kitchen island.
she continues into your apartment, taking notice of the shattered glass and blood on the kitchen floor. she freezes again when she hears the sound of heavy breathing. the brunette walks slowly towards the sound.
“oh my god, y/n!” Olivia breathes as your barely conscious body comes into view.
you were laying on your kitchen floor, slouched over against the cabinets, your body cut and bruised, your shirt is missing and your pajama shorts are ripped.
Olivia rushes over to you, dropping onto her knees to cup your cheeks, “hey- hey open your eyes for me.” she says, her voice uncharacteristically shaky.
you open your eyes ever so slightly, attempting to focus on the brunette woman in front of you.
“’livia..” you mumble, your voice raspy and you're quickly thrown into a coughing fit, blood flying from your mouth.
Olivia takes a sharp intake of breath, “i’m going to get help, okay? you’ll be okay.” she mumbles, whipping her phone from her coat pocket, calling Fin to tell him she needs paramedics at your apartment. as she’s speaking on the phone she peels her coat off of herself, wrapping it around your body in an attempt to cover up your near bare body.
she sets her phone down as the call ends. “help is on the way.. can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?” Olivia whispers as she strokes your hair gently, glancing towards the window to see if she could see the lights of the ambulance approaching.
you look up at her with tear filled eyes, “she got me, ‘livia.. she got me.” you whisper, your voice cracking as the tears begin streaming down your cheeks.
Olivia didn’t need to ask to know who you were talking about, she knows it’s Max, your ex girlfriend. since the time she began getting close to you, she had always promised to protect you from your abusive ex girlfriend.
the brunette’s eyes search over your face, “we’ll get her.. okay? what did she do to you?” you drop your head back onto the cabinet, your eyes closing slowly, “hey- hey no, keep your eyes open, honey.”
you force your eyes open, trying, and failing, to focus on Olivia, “’m sleepy..” i mumble, my eyes drooping again.
“come on, y/n, stay awake for me..” her voice is panicked as she pats your cheek, you drift into unconsciousness.
Olivia stands up as she hears footsteps approaching, hearing the sound of the ambulance sirens outside of the building. the brunette rushes towards the ajar front door, stepping out to wave the paramedics into the apartment and showing them where you lay on the floor.
the next few hours are excruciating for Olivia, you had to get surgery in order to remove the shattered vase pieces from your back, and you’re now laying unconscious in your hospital bed.
Olivia is seated next to the head of the bed, no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t fall back asleep, she needed you to be okay.
“liv?” you mumble, your voice hoarse for a number of reasons. your head is pressed against the bed as you squint your eyes over at the older woman sitting beside you.
your sudden voice causes her to jump slightly, her eyes shooting from the book she was reading to you. “y/n.” she breathes as she stands up, leaving the book on the chair as she leans over you.
you grin up at her, “hey, ‘livia.”
“hi,” she whispers, running her fingers through your bangs as she stares down at you. “how're you feeling?”
you hum, shrugging your shoulders but the movement makes you wince, “i dunno.. did you get her?” as soon as the brunette frowns you know, she's still out there.
the room goes silent all except for the buzz of the lights and the slow beeping of the heart monitor. 
“thank you.” it comes out as a whisper, but it confuses her nonetheless.
she scrunches her eyebrows in confusion as her eyes meet yours once more. “for what?”
it's silent for a moment before you respond, “for answering my call.. i suppose.” you gaze up at her.
a smile tugs at the brunette's lips, “i'll always answer when you call me.” she says gently “no matter the time, or the day, or how i feel..”
you giggle, “even if you hate me?” 
her smile falls, but only slightly, “oh, y/n.. i could never hate you.” she whispers, her hand cupping your cheek.
you can feel your cheeks heat up slightly, “oh.” you meet her eyes again before your gaze drops to her lips. slowly you lean in before eventually you're pressing your lips to hers in a tender kiss.
once you realize what you’ve done you pull away, eyes wide. 
it’s silent.
your eyes begin filling with tears, “liv-” before you can say anything, Olivia leans in, kissing you. you quickly reciprocate the kiss. when you both pull away she is smiling at you, her eyes soft and her feelings towards you are evident in them.
“i’ve wanted to do that for a while..” she whispers, her thumb gently rubbing your cheek bone. 
“yeah?” you chuckle, the tears that were in your eyes had now run down your cheeks, being quickly rubbed away by the brunette.
“mhmm,” Olivia hums, a loving smile on her face as she holds the gentle eye contact with you.
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 5 months
I'll be Gentle Sweetheart
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone will accept this as my gift. The next chapter in Dating App.
Trigger Warnings: Smut, oral-female receiving, teasing. I think that is it.
Master List
Prompt List
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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“Good. Girl.” Rafael cooed just before his lips took yours. Your body heated at his words.
You moaned the second his lips touched yours, the hand holding your face moved to grasp the back of your neck. Your hands clutched at his suspenders, as you arched up towards him wanting more contact with him. A fire building in your body. You felt Rafael’s lips curl up as he started to pull away but his hands moved to hold your waist tugging you with him until you were standing flush against him. Your hands stroked up his chest and wrapped around his shoulders, one of your hands moving to run through the hair on the back of his head. One of Rafael’s hands caressed up and down your back the other moved down to run up your thigh tugging your dress with it before he cupped your arse. You rocked into him, moaning again at Rafael’s touch, you felt your pussy throb and felt it getting wet. Your arousal growing from the small simmer that it had been since you laid eyes on the man. 
“Rafi,” you groaned pulling away from him.
“This okay, baby?” he asked you going to remove his hand but you quickly reached down to put his hand back on your arse.
“It’s more than okay,” you whispered, leaning into bit along his neck, grinning when his hands twitched before they grabbed you harder. You felt his hard cock against your hip as he tugged you even closer, a moan rumbled through his chest at the friction. Your pussy throbbed again, the heat of the moment covered your nerves at the prospect of what would happen tonight. There was one thing you hadn’t told Rafael, and at first you didn’t think it mattered, that you wouldn’t need to tell him. But now that it was happening you felt the nerves ramping up, you knew that you still wanted this, wanted him. You had never felt more ready but you couldn’t deny the nerves were there. And you wanted him to know, wanted him to understand.
“Carino,” Rafael moved his other hand down to cup your arse squeezing and kneading the flesh as you mouthed along his neck. He felt your teeth gently nipping at his skin, moving up and down his neck as your hands trailed across his shoulders and down to his shirt fingers fiddling with his buttons. You removed your lips from his neck and looked up at him from under your lashes.
“Can I take this off?” you asked him, trying to delay the conversation.
“Perhaps we move to your room?” he raised an eyebrow. You bit your lip, taking a deep breath as you removed yourself from his grip and put some space between the two of you. Rafael reached out to you but dropped his hand back to his side, as he noticed you were nervous as your fingers twisted around each other, just like they had on your first date. “Carino, what’s wrong? We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t want to.”
“I want to Rafael, believe me I really want to,” you shook your head. “There’s just something I need to tell you.”
Rafael felt his stomach drop as he become very worried. A small part of his brain had been waiting for the other shoe to drop, worried that maybe this had been all too good to be true. But he ignored that feeling pushing it to the back of his mind, as the weeks had gone on and you showed no signs of getting sick of him.
“Chica, please?” Rafael prodded you when you still hadn’t said anything else.
“I’m a virgin,” you rushed out in one breathe, closing your eyes. You weren’t ashamed of not having had sex before, but you also were fully aware that some people could react oddly to that. The last time you thought you were comfortable enough with the person you had been dating to have sex with him and tell them that you had no experience he had become a little…overwhelmingly eager and took a little too much pride in being your first. It was a little off putting, to the point that you hadn’t felt comfortable after that to have sex with him that night. He would bring it up a lot, asking when you were going to have sex, constantly asking you if you were finally ready, even after you had asked him to stop and you would let him know when you wanted to have sex. That had been the moment you decided to end things. You didn’t think Rafael would react like that but you also could never really be sure.
“Carino,” Rafael’s voice softly called for you. You opened your eyes to find he had taken a step closer but made no move to touch you. His eyes had lost the fire that was in them before, he stared at you with one of the softest looks you had seen on him yet.
“And before you ask, yes I am still sure I want this,” you continued on, causing him to huff a little and smile at you. He held out his hand, giving you the option to initiate touch with him. You quickly took his hand, holding it tight.
“Okay, I was definitely going to ask that,” Rafael chuckled lightly. “Thank you for telling me, Chica. We’ll go at your pace and anytime you want to slow down or take a break or speed up tell me. I want you to be comfortable, and not just tonight but every time we ever do anything.”
“I will, I’m so very much into communication,” you nodded your head. Rafael took another step towards you raising your hand to his mouth to place a kiss on your knuckles. “Thankyou…for not making this a big deal.”
“Chica, even if this wasn’t your first time it wouldn’t change how I would approach having sex with you for the first time, it wouldn’t change my desire to know that you will always communicate with me,” Rafael said, voice still soft and oh so gentle. But slowly his eyes grew heated again, his voice still gentle became a little rougher as his desire return. “My first time with you, to me is a big deal, but only because I want nothing more than for this night to be the start of many more nights to come. Now, shall we take this to your bedroom? There is so much I want to do with you, do to you. One of which is getting to taste you. Is that something you would like, Chica? For my tongue to lick between your thighs? To circle your clit?”
Your thighs clenched at his questions, your arousal returning so fast it was almost like whiplash. You whimpered in response but Rafael raised your chin with a finger demanding you look him in the eye.
“I need words, Carino,” he whispered.
“Yes, let’s go to my bedroom so you can do that, please?” you asked already walking backwards, able to navigate your own apartment without looking. Rafael chuckled at your eagerness as you tugged him to follow you.
Rafael used the one hand he had free to slowly remove his suspenders, noting how your eyes followed his hands and how your tongue peeked out to lick at your lips. Rafael’s cock had been semi-hard from the first kiss the two of you had shared when he arrived but it was fully hard by the time the two of you entered your bedroom, pushing a little uncomfortably against his boxers and pants. Rafael took a moment to take in your bedroom, a desk in the corner with more books and a desktop computer and a laptop, a dresser with makeup and jewellery, the canopy bed with fairy lights decorating it that were on and a few more candles scattered around giving the room a very romantic atmosphere. He felt your fingers twitch a little in his and forced his eyes back to yours.
“Very you,” he grinned tugging you towards him a soft smile on his face as he kissed you lightly on the nose before he let go of your hand and to hold your hips.
“Thanks,” you smiled up at him your hands starting to pull his shirt out from his pants, fingers playing with the first button as you bit your lip.
“Yes, Chica, that can come off,” he smirked as his own hands reached down and grabbed your arse again. “Fuck, baby, your arse is perfection.”
Your whole body flushed at his words. You never thought you would like words like that being said to you but coming from Rafael changed your whole perspective regarding them. You forced your fingers to stay steady as you slowly unbuttoned his shirt, more and more of his skin being revealed to your eyes. Once all the buttons were undone you pushed the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms before throwing into the corner of your room. You dragged your nails down his chest before trailing them back up and over his shoulders feeling him shiver at your actions. You couldn’t resist leaning forward and kissing across his chest and up his neck again. Pushing yourself as close to him as you could, feeling his hard cock against you.
“Chica,” he moaned, his hands pushing under your dress again. “Can this come off?”
You nodded as Rafael pulled the dress up slowly allowing his fingers to trail over your skin before he threw it in the same corner that you threw his shirt. His hands smoothed your hair away from your face before he kissed you, moaning into his mouth as tongues met, his hands grabbing your hips, the feel of his skin on yours set a fire in your veins. Rafael broke the kiss and took a step away smirking at your whine as you chased his lips.
“Rafi,” you pouted a little.
“Sorry Chica I just wanted to see you in all your glory,” he smiled eyes roving over you. He took in his fill of your body covered in the beautiful green lacy lingerie set. Your body flushed under his gaze the look on his face made your heart beat faster. You don’t think you had ever seen a man look at you that way.
“Do you like what you see?” you asked raising your hands to run through your hair biting your lip as you turned slowly in a circle. Rafael’s response was a growl and his hands grabbed hold of your hips and pulling you close to him before walking you backwards towards your bed.
“You are stunning. Ravishing. And beautiful,” he whispered placing a new kiss on your lips between each compliment. The back of your legs hit the edge of your bed and you slowly sat down moving backwards to lay fully on the bed with Rafael following you down after kicking his shoes off. He hovered above you, his hips bracketed by yours.  
“Hm, well, you are handsome, charming and captivating,” you murmured arms raising up to wrap around his shoulder trying to tug him down. “Now, can I please have another kiss?”
“Anything you ask for, is yours,” Rafael promised. And by god did he mean it. In a way he had never thought he would ever mean.
He leaned down balancing on his forearms as he carefully rested his weight on you however, he didn’t kiss your lips like you wanted. He placed kisses across your cheeks and down your neck nipping at the skin enough to leave a little mark but nothing that would be visible tomorrow. You sighed at his actions your hips jolted when he reached the crook of your neck kissing and biting at it.
“Rafael,” you moaned. Your hands scratching across his shoulders and down his back as he continued. Rafael’s moan followed yours when he felt your hips rock up into his hard cock, he rocked down into you. The friction on your clit from his hard cock and his pants had a shot of pleasure running through your body.
“Chica, christ,” Rafael groaned into your neck before he lifted away from your neck and finally claimed your mouth again. His hips continuing to rock into you, as his tongue swiped into your mouth, tasting the wine and dinner from before. You whimpered into his mouth, your legs wrapping around his hips to get better leverage to rock up into him, the heels you were wearing still encasing your feet.
Rafael pulled away again leaning his forehead on yours before he leaned up reaching behind him to unlock your legs from around his hips. You pouted up at him at that reaching your hands up to him but he merely grinned down at you as he reached to undo his belt and pants. You licked your lips as he slowly unzipped his pants and started pushing them down his hips showing the top of his boxers. Rafael had to stand up to remove his pants and he did so slowly, dragging it out to tease you. Like you had teased him, even if you had never meant to. He found everything you did to be mesmerizing. He grinned as he watched your eyes following his pants before they zeroed in on the tent at the front of his boxers. Your mouth watered. You wanted to taste him, a desire you had never had before.
“Rafi,” you whined sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed, you reached down to start taking your heels off.
“Let me,” Rafael interrupted kneeling down in-front you.
Your breath hitched at the sight of him on his knees, his hands gentling running up your left lower leg before his fingers gently started to unhooking the strap tying your heel to your ankle. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your ankle as he removed the shoe before repeating the motion with your right leg. After he had placed your shoes out of the way you expected him to stand up but instead he stayed on his knees and ran his hands up your thighs, his lips laying kissing up your right leg, over your knee and across the top of your thigh. His hands gently spread your thighs, squeezing at the flesh as he settled in between them. His bright green eyes staring up at you, your chest heaved with the breaths you were taking as his hands continued to massage your thighs and his lips placed kisses and bites along the inside of your thighs moving close to the edge of your panties before moving back away. He could see the evidence of your arousal on the front of your panties and his mouth watered at the thought of being able to taste you. To bring you to orgasm with his mouth. But he wouldn’t do that until he knew that is what you wanted.
“Rafi, please,” you begged.
“Please what?” he asked. You bit your lip moaning softly, your hands reaching up to run through his hair.
“Please, I want…I need,” you tried to explain to express your desires but you struggled a small flush of embarrassment running through you.
“Do you want my mouth on you?” Rafael took pity on you and asked, his eyes never leaving yours as you nodded, he felt your hands tighten in his hair and he hummed at the feeling. He wanted to feel that grip as you guided his head, as you took your pleasure from his mouth.
“Yes, please,” you whined. “I need it.”
“Then I shall give that to you, my beautiful chica,” he promised as he reached up to tug your panties, you removed your hands from his hair and used them to help lift your hips off the bed enough for him to remove your panties.
Rafael gripped your thighs and tugged you closer to the edge of the bed not moving from his position kneeling in-front of you. He pulled your thighs over his shoulders, kissing up your thighs again only this time he didn’t stop when he met the top of your thigh he moved across to your wet throbbing pussy. You gasped at the first hint of his breath, at the first teasing swipe of his tongue as he run it between your lips and to your clit tasting you. Your hands went back to his hair holding onto him, as he reached under you to push your hips up as he started to devour you. He moaned as his tongue swirled around your opening delving into your pussy, sucking and licking at the wetness that leaked out before he removed his tongue. You rocked your hips, lightly at first not wanting to grind too hard into his face. He made sure to pay attention to your clit circling it with his tongue before sucking on it, making it swell as your pleasure built.
“Darling, don’t be afraid,” Rafael kissed your thighs again. “Grind and rock against my face. Smother me between your thighs.”
“Shit Rafael,” you moaned hands tightening on his hair tugging him back down to your pussy hips lifting up. “Please?”
“Good girl, take your pleasure,” Rafael smiled before he dived back down. He altered between sucking on your pussy and licking at your clit. With his encouragement you rocked into his face grinding against him as he continued to eat you out, nibbling on your clit and licking his tongue inside of you. The curl of pleasure building inside of you grew hot behind your core, the whimpers and moans that left your mouth brought a different pleasure to Rafael. He had always enjoyed hearing his partners in the throes of pleasure, as their orgasms build and build getting closer to the edge. But hearing your whimpers and moans, the broken way you would say his name in gasps as your rocked into his face grinding against him took it to another level. The heat in his veins made his cock ache but he ignored it, only wanting to focus on you. This entire night was always going to focus on you.
“Rafi, Rafi, fuck,” you moaned feeling the tell-tale signs of your orgasm getting closer. The tightening just behind your core, the way your walls started to flutter and your hips starting to rock faster and faster. “I’m close, I’m so close. Please, Rafael. Please.”
Rafael started focusing solely on your clit, ensuring to suck on it and lightly nibbling it. When he first did it he was testing the waters and when you rocked into him he knew that you enjoyed it, so he would nip at it every few sucks and licks. He moved one of his hands down, swiping it through the wetness around your pussy replacing his lips with his fingers as he licked into your pussy sucking and stroking your walls.
“Rafael!” you moaned loudly as your orgasm built and released. Your walls fluttering, hips twitching and your legs shaking. You locked your legs around his head, as your body hummed with the pleasure you felt flowing through you. None of your orgasms had felt like this before, Rafael continued to lick you through it, gently stroking your clit with his finger as your hips rocked into his face until the touch got to be too much. You whined hips moving away from Rafael, leading him to pull away from your pussy. He licked around his mouth not wanting to waste any of your arousal, the taste of you was even better than anything he could imagine.
“Baby you taste so good, I could get addicted,” Rafael purred as he slowly stood up eyes tracing up your body to your heaving breasts and flushed face.
He stepped up into the space between your spread legs, placing his hands on either side of your body he leaned over you, kissing and nipping up your torso, sucking on your harden nipples through the gauzy material of your bra. You gasped, your nipples sensitive, the feeling of his wet mouth almost too much but you didn’t want him to stop. The feelings running through your body and your heart was like nothing you had ever felt. Rafael was paying an incredible amount of attention to you. He wasn’t just going through the motions to get to the point where he could stick his dick inside of you, he was worshiping you. Rafael was just proving again and again that you were incredibly lucky to have found him. You might have been planning on getting Liv chocolate and a bottle of wine to thank her for getting him on the dating app and all the interference she had run for the two of you.
“I could get addicted to you doing that,” you smiled airily up at him, still coming down from your high. Your hands teasingly pushing at his boxers. “Why are these still on?”
“Why is this teasing piece of material still on?” he countered gently snapping the strap of your bra.
“My clothes were wrapping for you to remove,” you grinned.
“Oh is that so?” Rafael raised an eyebrow lifting his head from your chest. He lifted himself away from you again standing next to the bed hands on his hips. “Well, then I should finish unwrapping my present.”
“Hmm, yes you should Mr Lawyer,” you teased wiggling backwards on the bed propping yourself up on your elbows and pointing your foot at him. “But only if those come off first.”
Rafael grinned tilting his head at you as his eyes slowly moved up your body to connect with yours. The green in them almost completely hidden, the look in them made your stomach flip and your heart pound. He slowly pushed his boxers down never taking his eyes off of yours. Inch by inch of his skin was revealed to you. His dick sprung up when his boxers past it, you never imagined that a dick would make your mouth water or your stomach feel warm but Rafael’s, well his, his did.
“Rafael, I…I want to taste you,” you whispered finding it hard to look anywhere else.
“Maybe in the morning sweetheart,” Rafael promised as he crawled back onto the bed to hover above you, his lips just touching yours as you were still propped up on your elbows. “Cause right now I do not think I will last long enough if you put those pretty lips on me. You are far to sexy, and if you still want to I need to be inside of you.”
“Fuck yes, Rafael, please I need you inside of me,” you kissed him. “I have had one too many dreams of it that if you do not fuck me right now-”
“So demanding Chica,” Rafael whispered into your mouth as he pressed you fully down into the bed with persistent kisses. He straddled your hips putting his weight on his knees as his hands covered your breasts and gently massaged them. You pushed your chest up into his hands, whimpering at the attention he paid to your hardened nipples. “But first I do need to finish unwrapping my delicious, beautiful present.”
Rafael slipped his fingers under the edge of the bra following it around the back as he kissed along your collar bone. He carefully undid the clasp before he ran his hands up to your shoulders and dragged the straps down, pulling away from your neck as he slowly pulled the bra away from your skin throwing it to the side. He paused to allow his eyes to drink their fill of their first sight of you bare before him. His mouth watered at the sight before him, from the moment you had sent him that photo of you walking through the park he found you to be one of the most stunning women he had ever seen and that belief had only grown. But there was something about seeing you beneath him, vulnerable and naked, body flushed from the pleasure he had given you that ignited a fire inside of him.
“Amor,” he whispered reverently, his hands stroking up and down your body.
You felt almost like a different person with how he was staring down at you, how he was touching you. Like a man possessed, his touch was passionate and gentle, an almost possessive gleam in his eyes at being able to see you bare and under him. You had been nervous at first but with each part of you that was revealed to him you could see the heat in his eyes growing and your confidence grew with it. You reached your hands up stroking up his corded forearms to wrap your arms around his neck, tugging him down to your face again.
“Rafael, take me now,” you whispered, somehow managing to wiggle your legs out from under him, nudging him to put his legs closer together so you could wrap your legs around his hips, gasping a little when his cock nudged against your pussy.
“Shit, Chica,” Rafael dropped his head into the crock of your shoulder. “Tell me if you need me to stop.”
“I will I promise,” you grabbed a hold of the hair at the nape of his neck.
Rafael balanced himself on one hand as he reached across to grab a condom that was sitting on the bedside table. He ripped it open with teeth before he rolled it down over his cock, using the same hand to guide his cock head inside of you before placing it at your waist and squeezing you. You gasped at the feel and the slight pressure. Rafael kissed at your neck, running his hand up and down your side before sliding further in. You felt his hand start to slowly move from your waist and down to your clit, the combined burst of pleasure and the feeling of being filled took away the slight edge of pain and uncomfortableness that you were feeling.
“How do you feel?” Rafael whispered after he had bottomed out inside of you.
“Fuck, I feel so full,” you moaned as he continued to tease your clit as the last ebb of pain seeped away. “Move, please move.”
Rafael grinned down at you as he slowly started to thrust, keeping the pace slow and gentle at first letting you get use to the feeling. He waited until he started to feel your insides start to twitch against him, until your hips started to roll meeting his thrusts before he started to alter the speed of his thrusts. He angled his hips smirking when you moaned loudly your inner walls tightening around him as the pleasure in your stomach tightened.
“That’s it baby,” he encouraged you. “You’re taking me so well beautiful, look at you.”
Your body buzzed as he praised you, a tingling feeling starting to centre around your clit as your breathes started to come out with whimpers and moans. Rafael lowered his head to suck at your breasts not able to ignore them any longer. He had thought about what it would feel like to have your breasts in his mouth as he fucked you and he was not letting the opportunity to do so go by.
“Rafael, fuck, oh god,” you whimpered legs tightening around him, your nails scratching down his back, he felt a slight sting left in their wake but it only caused him to fuck harder and faster into you. Sweat was gathering along both your bodies as your tempers climbed higher and higher as the two of you were driven closer to your highs. The pleasure coiling tighter and tighter in your bodies.
Your pussy was so tight, warm and wet around Rafael’s cock that it had him forcing back his climax as he wanted the two of you to finish together. He needed it. Needed to feel your walls spasming around his cock, gripping it tightly as he brought you to another orgasm. He switched his mouth to your other breast, sucking on your nipple and lightly grazing his teeth against it. When he heard the airy whines that escaped your gorgeous, wet, red lips he released your nipple, lifting his head to stare down at your face, taking in the flush red cheeks, the pleasure that was etched onto your face. And your eyes that were squeezed shut.
“Look at me carino, I want to see your eyes as we come together,” he whispered before he kissed the tip of your nose.
You forced your eyes to open, knowing that you didn’t want to miss a single emotion that passed through his eyes, that flitted across his face as he pounded into you. As his fingers continued to tease your clit in slow circles as he increased the pressure before backing off to nearly no pressure at all, repeating the pattern. You stared up into his eyes as your hands found their way back up to his shoulders, one arm wrapping around his shoulder, clutching him tightly and the other scratched up into his hair.
“I’m close, I’m so close,” you whimpered, your hips struggling to maintain the rhythm you had built up as your pleasure got too much.
“Me too baby, me too,” Rafael moaned as his hips starting to stutter and lose their tempo as his balls grew heavier and drew up.
You reached your climax first, the heat in your stomach bursting as your second orgasm took you higher than your first did. Your vision became white as your legs shook and your whole body trembled as your pussy pulsed and throbbed around Rafael’s cock. Squeezing him so tightly that, although his orgasm had been building it still hit him suddenly. His body bucked as his semen filled the condom and his cock throbbed in time with his heart beat that pounded in his ear.
“Rafael,” you whimpered, he had managed to continue teasing your clit through his own pleasure, overstimulating your body. Rafael felt a similar feeling as your pussy continued to clench around his cock, milking it for every last drop before it got to be too much and he slowly pulled out. You both whined, you at the empty feeling and him as he left the warmth of your pussy. Rafael rolled off of you, pulling the condom off and tying it before throwing into the bin that was under the bedside table before he pulled you to lay across his chest holding you tightly.
“I think I scratched you,”
“I think you did,” Rafael huffed at your comment, finding it a little random. “But I like it, means I’m marked by you.”
“Rafael,” you giggled a little. “And yet you didn’t mark me.” You looked up at him and pouted. “That’s a little unfair.”
“Oh, don’t worry chica, I’ll mark you up so everyone knows,” Rafael promised a light growl entering his voice as his arms tightened around you playfully.
“Good,” you nodded a little giddy at the thought of being marked by him. “You haven’t got anything on tomorrow do you?”
“Only staying in this bed with you for the majority of the morning, then taking you out for brunch and anything else you want to do,” Rafael stroked his fingers up and down your spine. “If that is also something you would like.”
“Hell yes Mr Lawyer, no take backies either,” you nuzzled into his neck, before teasingly nipping at the skin.
“No take backies?” Rafael laughed. “So juvenile, Chica.”
“It works and everyone knows what it means, not like your fancy lawyer talk,” you shrugged. “I mean seriously, why do lawyers need all those long arse words to say the same thing as no take backies?”
“Well, when you say it like that it does sound ridiculous,” you could almost hear the eye roll that accompanied his words. “As a counter argument, why do librarians feel the need to use something like the dewy decimal system to sort books?”
“Cause it makes it a shit tone easier to shelve books via subject and it actually makes it easier for readers to find what they want,” you answered leaning up to look at him, an eyebrow raised. “You give the person the number of the book, they find the shelf with that number and then they just look for the number of the book rather than the name. And they’ll be in numerical order as well.”
“Well…” Rafael didn’t quite have a response to that. “Clearly if you can think that clearly to make a valid argument I didn’t exhaust you enough.”
“Resorting to commentary about your sexual prowess? Isn’t that normally your partners job? Though since you are resorting to that I guess that means I managed to muddle your brain.”
“You and Liv are never meeting,” Rafael muttered.
“Aw, am I teasing you too much, baby?”
Rafael tugged you closer to him, his fingers digging into your side as he tickled you in response. You tried to stop the giggling that was raising up but as you tried to wiggle away from his teasing fingers the laughter escaped you. Rafael managed to trap you against him as he continued to tickle you, his own laughter joining yours as you continued to playfully fight against him. Rafael started to blow raspberries against your neck before sucking on the skin to mark you as you wanted. Your body started to heat in a different way but you didn’t think you could handle another round so soon.
“Rafael, stop!” you giggled squirming away from his mouth and fingers. You expected Rafael to ignore you but he once again surprised you by backing away immediately, his arms holding you loosely around your waist. “You stopped?”
“You asked me to,” Rafael shrugged, his green eyes soft as he ran his nose along your cheek. You looped your arms around his neck kissing along his jaw.  
“Rafael, I am so glad I met you,” you whispered. Rafael felt his heart skip a beat at your confession, a warmth of happiness flooding his veins.
“I am as well, Carino,” Rafael pressed a soft kiss to your lips, his hands holding you oh so gently.
Olivia would be getting two really nice bottles of wine and so much chocolate.
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motherofdogs1010 · 6 months
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I write with chubby-coded/plus sized, racial inclusive readers in mind; very rarely do I mention anything about a reader's physical appearance, all are welcome and are written in mind for everyone to enjoy!!
Must be 18+ to join taglists
I also take frequent mental health breaks since I do suffer from poor mental health, BUT writing is my safe space so I will always come back to you guys ❤️
💋 18 + Smut
😊 Fluff
💔 Angst
🖤 Dark Storyline
😉 Omegaverse
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Laurel Sickness (Sonny Carisi x Reader) 🖤
Summary: Laurel Sickness is an case of extreme case of obsessive love that is sweeping the globe with no explanation. People are becoming just as mad as Apollo once was when he first set his godly eyes on the virgin nymph, Daphne.
Warnings: 18+ only, dark!fic, toxic behavior, gaslighting, dystopian society, dark!Sonny Carisi, stalking, stalker!Sonny Carisi, the world's messed up in this story, age gap relationship, forced relationship, eventual non-con/dub-con, Stockholm Syndrome
Part I Part II TBA
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Need to Know (Peter Parker x Reader) 💋
Inspired by Doja Cat's "Need to Know"
Summary: When she was ready to get back out on the dating scene after dumping a certain Winter Soldier, Y/N was a woman ready to get back out there. She just never expected to find herself in a relationship with a certain nerdy spider.
Warnings: older woman/younger man, age gap relationship, heavy smut, drinking, swearing, daddy kink, mentions of cheating, toxic ex behavior, eventual pregnancy
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Little Darling (Thomas Shelby x Reader) 💋
Summary: Birmingham has received a new club, one that is showcasing a exotic type of dance that is drawing in crowds, but it is one particular dancer that catches Thomas Shelby's eye... one that goes by the stage name: Little Darling
Warnings: 18+ only, eventual smut, stripper!reader, mentions of prostitution/sex work, canon Peaky Blinders violence, swearing, drinking
Letters to Juliet & Romeo (Thomas Shelby x Reader) 😊💔
Inspired by 'Letters to Juliet' film...
Summary: Heartbroken and in the midst of the Great War as a nurse, Y/N L/N writes to a person she never expected to write to before... her brother's friend, Thomas Shelby... But the war's over now and it is time to face the letters...
Warnings: angst, wartime talk, fluff, reunion, pre-Peaky Blinders Tommy, solider!Tommy, nurse!Reader, chubby!reader, age gap (everyone is of age)
Part I Part II
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Of Messiahs and Seeds (Dark!Paul Atreides x Reader) 🖤💋
Summary: Emperor Paul of House Atreides has set forth with expansion of his empire on the planets that have resisted and has now come across the last stronghold that resists him: Terra Millennium...
Warnings: 18+ only, eventual NONCON/DUBCON, eventual forced marriage and pregnancy, violence, language, drinking, chubby!reader, dark!Paul Atreides, spoilers for Dune Part 2
A Jedi in Arrakis (Paul Atreides x Reader) 💋💔😊
Summary: While on the run from Empire troops, Jedi padawan Y/N comes to find out that hyper-driving in a compromised craft can have some major setbacks when she discovers not only is on a new planet but a whole new galaxy as well...
Warnings: jedi!reader, eventual 18+, NSFW, angst, fluff, eventual smut/pinv!sex, oral sex, talks of questioning the Force and teachings, spoilers for Dune Part I and II, eventual marriage
Part I Part II Part III TBA
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Solar Flare (Feyd-Rautha x Reader) 💋
Summary: Chosen as the bride of na-Baron Feyd-Rautha, Y/N finds herself at the hands of the sadistic na-Baron who seems keen on having his bride on their wedding night...
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, arranged marriage, DUBCON/ pinv sex, fingering, loss of virginity, brief knife kink, small breeding kink, crude language, forced arranged marriage
Dividers by @firefly-graphics & me
Banner by @vase-of-lilies
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oneshotnewbie · 19 days
SVU team x Reader:
The whole team and their kids are meeting up for a nice picnic at the park. Noah and Jesse ask if Reader and Carisi can come play football with them. While watching you play with the kids, Olivia is losing herself in watching you. Amanda notices.
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𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: 𝐵𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦, 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓. 𝑆𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑚𝑒. 𝐼 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑜 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑦 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑓𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔, ℎ𝑎ℎ𝑎. 𝑂𝑛 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡.
The warm spring wind on this Saturday gently caressed the green meadows of Central Park, while the sun slowly emerged from behind the clouds and scattered its rays over the many playing children and their parents. A pleasant breeze blew through the branches, the sounds of nature. In the middle of this hustle and bustle was the team from the Special Victims Unit, who wanted to gather outside for a well-deserved afternoon.
Olivia Benson, SVU's veteran captain, entered the park with her 9-year-old son, Noah. The bright sun reflected in the little boy's eyes as he excitedly led his mother to the playground. Olivia smiled, her mind briefly lingering on work, but today was a day of rest and togetherness.
Amanda Rollins entered the park a few minutes later with her two daughters, Jesse and Billie, chatting happily and moving from one exciting story to the next. Dominick Carisi was also there and they both watched their girls lovingly, a warm smile on their faces before Noah called the two girls with a loud scream of their names and they immediately rushed over to join him. Carisi smiled proudly and felt blessed to share this moment of joy with his family.
Finn Tutuola, the group's sergeant, also entered the park, alone but with a big grin on his face. He knew he would already enjoy the company and the vibrancy of his team and the park, even though he didn't have any children of his own. His colleagues and their families had become like his own family, and that was more than enough for him.
And then there was you, an important part of the team, arriving with a warm smile and a picnic basket in hand. Although you didn't have children of your own in your young years, you always had a special connection with your colleagues' children and enjoyed spending time with them.
Together you all found a shady spot at a picnic table under a large tree and laid out lunch while the children ran around and laughed. The world seemed to stand still for a moment as the SVU team and their children enjoyed the beauty of life together in the park.
You all sat together at the table, chatting comfortably while relaxing leisurely. The mood was light and relaxed as the children ran across the lawn cheering each other. Noah and Jesse had just discovered the soccer ball in the bag Olivia had brought, and they enthusiastically asked Carisi and you to play soccer with them. "Y/n, can you play soccer with us? Please, please!" Noah asked and you couldn't resist his bright and big eyes, so you agreed to join the game with a smile. "Sure, Noah. I'm in."
"And you, Uncle Carisi? Do you play on our team?" Jesse also asked, taking his hand without hesitation and looking at him with her googly eyes. "Of course Jesse."
The kids cheered as you and Carisi joined the soccer group. You should play on Noah's team and Carisi on the girls' team. You both stood up, your eyes meeting briefly before joining the excited children. You took a quick look at the ADA and saw a smile on his lips. It was a moment of quiet exchange of togetherness.
You felt the familiar texture of the soccer ball beneath your feet as you juggled the ball, passing it to Noah with precision and skill. Carisi appeared less adept, passing the ball to the children more often than he had it under the soles of his shoes himself.
Noah in particular was impressed by your ability to keep up with them. He watched in fascination as you skillfully outsmarted Carisi, mastered the ball perfectly and effortlessly fought your way through the walls that Carisi seemed to build with his body. "Wow, y/n! You play really good!" The little boy remarked, pausing for a moment to take a sip of water. "Thanks, Noah. I used to play a lot, I was even on a team."
"Really cool!" the laughter of the children filled the air as they challenged each other and continued to run with you across the lawn, accompanied by the deft movements of their adult teammates.
Carisi was surprised by your skills on the ball. He didn't expect you to be so good. His respect for you grew as he watched you jump over his straddle with ease and grace, overwhelming him to the point where he wanted to give up. A warm feeling of admiration spread through him as he watched you having fun with the children and sharing their joy.
“Respect y/n, I didn’t expect that.” spoke the young ADA, giving you a high five. You smiled gratefully as you passed the ball back to Jesse, who happily passed it to her sister.
Meanwhile, Olivia continued to sit at the table and watched you play with the children. She admired the ease with which you blended into the world, the bright smile on your face as you laughed and joked with the children. It was a sight that warmed her heart and she couldn't help but get lost in your movements.
Amanda noticed her best friend's pensive look and stepped next to her, holding her third and youngest daughter in her arms. "Earth to Liv?" She asked, waving her hand in front of the brunette's face. She looked up in shock, her smile disappearing. "Sorry Amanda, what did you say?"
"You should stop staring at her like that. You're already drooling like a dog who can't wait to get it´s bone," the blonde giggled before sitting across from her best friend and placing her hand on the brunette's. "You're so in love, how can you hide it any longer?"
Olivia raised her eyebrows in surprise and now completely looked away from you and over to Amanda, who had an amused smile on her lips. "What? In love? I don't know what you're talking about, Amanda. I'm just being professional and watching the football game"
Amanda rolled her eyes and grinned mischievously as she gave the baby a bottle as she began to whine. "Sure, Liv. Just like I 'professionally' get ice cream out of the fridge at night as soon as the kids are asleep so I don't have to share. Come on, feel free to admit that you like y/n."
The unit captain laughed softly and shook his head to make her thoughts disappear. "Well, maybe a little." She spoke admittedly, pulling her hand away to brush her hair out of her face. "A little? Ha! I knew it! So when are you finally going to take her out?"
Olivia leaned back and let her gaze wander back to you, who was currently carrying Noah on your shoulders while you happily ran with him to the playground to hang him on the climbing frame. As you did, you heard Noah's loud laughter as you swayed him back and forth like a plane.
"Maybe I should think of something. But at the moment I'm just happy that she fits in so well with the team." She spoke and Amanda winked at her as she stood up to go to Jesse and Billie who called her. She walked around the table again and playfully pressed her elbow against her shoulder.
"Sure, sure. But don't forget that sometimes life is too short, especially in this job, to not enjoy it. So go ahead, do something! Maybe you could invite her to a romantic dinner."
Olivia laughed and nodded her head, imagining how she should ask you and where she should take you if you agreed to her. She looked over at you and Noah again, then decided to join you and spend time with you. She was nervous but also excited about the possibility of asking you out and having a lot of fun in the process if she found the courage to ask you.
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evan4ever · 8 months
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Why am I fantasizing over a 52 year old man?????
Why do all the LOMLs have to be significantly older than me 🥲 WHY AM I ATTRACTED TO OLDER MEN???
But yeah, sorry, my current obsession is Rafael Barba (Raul Esparza) so I’ve been sidetracked in writing for Evan WHOM I STILL LOVE AND ADORE WITH MY WHOLE HEART I just need time to obsess over this beautiful old man for awhile 😭
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kryptonitejelly · 8 months
nick amaro x reader // law and order SVU
yes, we are going there - what have i done 😭 no plot, really. just a moment.
The last thing Nick had expected to find when walking back into the SVU bullpen was you; and yet, here he was, eyes fixed on you as his strides quickened. He notices Fin’s smirk that finds itself aimed his way as he weaves his way between Amanda and Liv to get to you, but he ignores it.
He lets his gaze drag itself over your form, head down on his desk, the lamp on his desk casting a soft glow around your features; the extra suit jacket he leaves hanging on the back of his chair draped over your shoulders. You have a laptop open in front of you, a case file and note pad within reach, all topped off by an uncapped pen lying caged between your curled fingers. He sees the pair of heels which you had shed, one standing, one lying on its side peeking out from under his desk. A dip of his gaze reveals the deep green of the dress which you had on, one of his favourite dresses on you - one that he knew you had worn in to work today in anticipation of Friday having supposed to be date night.
Nick slows his pace as he approaches you, content in the few seconds to allow himself to watch the gentle rise and fall of your shoulders. The sight stirs a mix of emotions in his chest - the swell of emotion that came rushing in whenever he set his eyes on you, and a heavy tinge of guilt. Guilt that he had to cancel the first date night you both had managed to plan after weeks of clashing schedules, guilt that you taken it so well, and guilt that you had somehow found your way here, to the SVU bullpen so that you could both head home together.
Nick drops to a knee, bringing himself to eye level with your face. He raises his hand to cup the side of your face gently. His touch on your skin is light, soft, but it makes you stir immediately.
“Hey,” Nick’s voice grounds you as you let your mind grind to a start, your surroundings shifting into focus. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought we could go home together,” your lips furl up into a gentle smile, voice soft, your eyes, still hazy with sleep, locked onto Nick’s. You forget your bearings for a moment until you hear a cough from behind Nick as various footsteps shuffle into the bullpen. You straighten up slowly, blinking the sleep from your eyes, legs stretching out beneath you as you offer a wave to the rest of the team trudging in.
“An ADA slumming it at Amaro’s desk?” Fin muses, voice joking and light.
“What would Barba say,” Munch follows, expression deadpan.
“Unbecoming isn’t it?” Liv continues with a quirk of one end of her lip.
“What can I say,” you play along, “not all of us have Barba’s flair.”
“Clearly,” Amanda states, looking pointedly at Nick which earns a series of chuckles from the rest of the team and yourself.
“Yeah, yeah,” Nick waves a hand in the air dismissively, but his gaze doesn’t leave you. You tilt your body downward slightly, hands reaching for your discarded heels. Nick notices and he is back on a knee in one fluid motion.
“Nick,” you protest as he places a hand along your calf, his other propping your heel up, helping you back into your heels. You hazard a glance behind your boyfriend, only to find the rest of the team, tactfully busying themselves with their desks. “I’m not Cinderalla,” you state, but with no real protest as you let him guide your other heel back on.
“I’m not your Prince Charming?” He teases, not caring who else heard, giving your calf a gentle squeeze before winking at you and straightening back into a stand.
“I’ll get back to you on that,” you pull a face as you turn to gather your belongings, making quick work of shoving them into your bag with Nick’s help.
“Way to hurt a man,” he places a hand on his chest as you shrug his spare jacket off your shoulders; Nick takes it from you, hanging it back on his chair.
“She could hurt you more” Fin cuts in again with a sing-song voice. It makes you chuckle, as you catch a wink Amanda throws in your direction.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be Detective Tutuola,” Nick asks all while shrugging off the jacket on his shoulders to place it over yours, letting it hang off your frame. He flicks off the light switch on his desk and picks your bag up.
“If I say no, will you let me tag along?”
Your yes comes at the same time as Nick’s absolutely not, and it earns you another series of chuckles around the room.
“Don’t call me till Monday,” Nick calls out, while threading his fingers through yours as he starts to guide you towards the lift. You barely manage to call out a goodbye, before the lift doors shut on you both.
“I didn’t-” your protest is cut short by Nick’s lips on yours, his free hand circling your waist, going over the fabric of his jacket on your shoulders. You let yourself sink into the kiss, hand sliding up his shoulder and behind his neck as the lift descends to the parking garage.
“I’m sorry I had to cancel today,” he says, forehead resting against yours as he breaks the kiss. His eyes are closed, but you flicker yours open as you run your hand from the back of his neck to cup the side of his jaw.
“You have nothing to apologise for Detective Amaro,” you end with the professional term of address in attempt to diffuse some of the guilt you see in his eyes. “Work,” you continue with a light shrug - Nick was a victim of you cancelling on him as well, and you understood.
“I was really looking forward to tonight,” he says, still apologetic as he finally opens his eyes while leaning his face into your palm.
“I can think of a few ways you can spend the rest of the weekend making it up to me,” you say, dropping your voice to a lower, almost sultry tone as you lean into him, pressing the front of your body into his. Nick responds by pulling you in closer, his hand dipping down the hem of his jacket on your shoulders to slide down onto the curve of your ass.
“Take me home Detective Amaro,” you say as the lift door dings open.
“Your wish is my command,” Nick says in response, taking the opportunity to sear another quick kiss onto your lips before tugging you out of the lift.
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cathrrrine · 5 months
Perfect / Love Won’t Die
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi x Reader • Law and Order SVU • Domestic Fluff, AFAB!Reader
Summary: Sonny happily holds the bouquet of flowers he bought for his girlfriend only for her to open the door and start crying. He immediately panics, but soon finds himself amused when she reveals the true reason for her tears. AO3
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A/N: I’ve never posted any of my SVU imagines, but I had to with this one :) Happy 2024! My resolution is to post more of my work so I’m digging through all my drafts and posting them lol. Enjoy husband material Carisi <3
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In all the six months you had been dating Sonny, there were never many problems that couldn’t be resolved with a simple conversation or a hug and a kiss on the cheek. As far as Sonny was concerned, it was the perfect relationship. He had gotten to know all your little habits; likes and dislikes, pet peeves, niche obsessions. Six months wasn’t exactly a super long time but it wasn’t short either. After only half a year of dating each other, he’d confidently testify that he had fallen in love with you deeply, enough to want to spend the rest of his life with you. He was happy to get married, have babies, grow old together…the whole shebang.
Things were going steady with you. He couldn’t imagine himself being with anybody else, and he was over the moon to know that you felt the samw way. Long late-night conversations about the future the two of you dreamed of revealed that you wanted him to be a part of it as much as he wanted you. Sure, Sonny was aware of how much of a (hopeless) romantic he could be sometimes, but that was in the past, and all of those relationships weren’t with the right people. His sisters had been talking his ear off ever since high school, warning him about women that would only break his heart. It made him wince just to think about all the red flags they ticked off angrily; gold-diggers, manipulators, emotionally unstable women, emotionally unavailable women…and the likes of it. That and their own broken-heart experiences that prompted very fuelled lectures of examples of men Sonny shouldn’t follow always rang in his mind, even until now.
He’d also been made well aware of how right they were about his exes with a bunch of ‘I told you so’s’ and narrowed eyes, but those relationships were in the past and he was much, much younger (and dumber) than he is now. He only had a couple of serious relationships in his adulthood, which ended up not being the right fit for either parties. Then, his love life got buried under the heavy, heavy load of police work and law school and he never found the time to make himself available in the dating pool. He was always too tired, too beat, too mentally drained. It was never a priority.
Then everything came to a stop and his whole world wouldn’t do anything but revolve around you. Sonny was smitten, like a lovesick puppy who got shot by cupid’s nuclear-powered bazooka as fate would have it.
He never felt this way about anyone in his life before, it was a feeling he relished in and was adamant on not letting go.
You were perfect.
Obviously, you had your flaws, but all only human, none of them fatal. Like how you had a habit of ordering too much food but he ends up being the one to finish it up when you realised your eyes had been bigger than your appetite — but he didn’t mind that at all, in fact he secretly loved being able to feast like a King — or how sometimes, you would arrive 10 minutes late to your dates on one of your busiest weeks, which he never complained about because he had his fair share of being unpunctual as well. Plus, you always made it up to him one way or another.
You were absolutely perfect, inside and out. Sonny thanked God everyday for sending a woman as smart, beautiful and kind as you his way. He’s never felt so lucky.
Sonny knew and loved everything about you, down to your weirdest quirks. If there was a Jeopardy! game where the topic was You, he’d be waving around his trophy like a mad man. What you didn’t tell him, he learned. It was the same way you got to know him. The two of you were always honest with each other, trust being the pillar of your relationship, it was why you got along so well. You knew how to make him happy, as he did for you.
So, why is it that you were crying as he handed you a bouquet of your favourite flowers as soon as you opened the door to your apartment?
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” His sweet smile dropped to a concerned frown, uncomfortable and nervous at your sudden reaction.
There you were in front of him, dressed in your most comfortable pair of pyjama pants and an oversized tee that he was sure once belonged to him, messy hair up that he found extremely adorable. Nothing seemed out of place, except for the fact that…well, you were crying.
He always brought you flowers. Was he late? He glanced at the clock on your wall. No…was it something he said? Something he did? Something…he totally forgot about?
“Nothing- no, everything’s fine, nothing’s wrong.” You sniffed, hugging the fresh bouquet close to your chest, dipping your nose into the floral fragrance to smell it only to find that the tears had triggered an onslaught of snot. That only made you cry more.
The bubble of nerves in Sonny’s chest was bursting at this point, he was almost worried he was having a heart attack. “Doll, you’re crying, something’s wrong.”
He held out an arm to pull you into a hug and you eagerly sunk into his embrace. You buried your face into the fabric of his suit jacket, breathing in what you could of his faded perfume. His calloused hands stroked your hair, softly caressing your head as he cradled it. He gently peeled you off of him to get a better look of your face, now red and eyes puffy from sobbing.
He held your cheeks between his palms and you pouted, looking up at him with sad doe-like eyes, and if that didn’t break his heart that he must not have one because the look on your face was shattering him in every possible way right now. One of his thumbs swiped a fresh tear off your cheek, he felt you nuzzle into his hand.
The tall blond gently led you to your couch and set the flowers down on the coffee table before cuddling up with you close to his chest. You wrapped your arms around him desperately, wanting nothing more than to be absolutely engulfed by everything Sonny — scent, skin and biceps.
“You’re killing me sweetheart, you gotta tell me what’s gotten you all upset like this.” You felt him kiss the top of your head and love bloomed in your chest immediately. “Come on, doll, what’s up?”
You sighed, big and loud, huffing away all the choked up tears with one big breath. “I swear it’s nothing. I’m so stupid.”
He was quiet for a while until you felt his voice vibrate from his chest again, “Was it…me? Did I do something wrong?”
You whipped your head to look at him, only to be greeted with a very worried expression.
Oh, Sonny. Oh, sweet heavenly innocent Sonny. How could you not love this man with every fibre of your being when he’s got that look in his eyes? The one where his pupils are so dilated, you could see your reflection in his big, blue puppy eyes.
How could you have been so careless?! Of course he’d think you were crying because of him, the sweet stupid man — God, you loved him so much. The thought only made you more emotional…and just like that the waterworks came rushing back in.
“Oh, God, Sonny-“ you hiccuped, pulling yourself away from him to put your face in your hands. “I’m so sorry- it’s not your fault at all,”
The lovesick, worried-sick man shot up next to you to pull you into his arms once again, stomach churning at the wave of emotions you were going through. He couldn’t even detective his way through this, his mind going haywire with every sniff that came from you.
“Then what is it?” He tried to keep the panic out of his voice, “Did something happen at work? Is it that asshole again?”
With what he dealt with at his job, it wasn’t out of the question for his mind to be going down that dark path, but he shoved his anger and panic down to focus on your well-being, remaining rational until you were calm.
That made you shoot up to look at him again, words tumbling out of your mouth hurriedly to curb his worries. “No, no! I’m okay, I’m absolutely fine, Todd — that ass — didn’t do anything to me, I promise you, I swear to God. And it’s not you, it’s not anything even remotely related to anything sane at all. I don’t even know why I’m getting all worked up over a bunch of random things, it’s just so—“
“Doll.” Your boyfriend’s voice pulled you out of your rambling. The loving concern that radiated off of him was enough to bring you back to your senses. Gently, he asked again. “What is it?”
You melted immediately, both embarrassed and exhausted from all the sobbing you had been doing. “I’m on my period.”
“I know, I’m not usually this emotionally affected but my hormones are all over the place and my TV decided to autoplay The Notebook, now I’m a mess.” You sniffed. “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have seen me like this, much less deal with me.”
It was only then that the detective noticed the TV screen, paused on Ryan Gosling’s frowning face.
He tried to stifle his amusement, but it came out in a fit of giggles, much to your dismay.
“It’s not funny.” You pouted.
“I just— I thought—“ His laughter consumed him, shoulders shaking as he held up his palms to his face and ran his fingers through his hair, uncaring of how it would mess it up. Sonny leaned back into the couch and continued to laugh with his hands over his face.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice was so quiet it came out like a squeak, ashamed of how you cried like a baby in front of him. Although the two of you spent plenty times over at each other’s places and hanging out with each other, over the six months he knew you, you never had your hormones hit you this hard. It wasn’t uncommon to you, but it wasn’t a regular occurrence either, and it certainly wasn’t an event Sonny had the pleasure of experiencing…until today.
“It’s okay if you’d prefer to be at your own place right now, I totally get it. I won’t be offended in the least, okay? I’ll call you in the morning.” Some men in the past have been weirded out when this happened to you, so you weren’t lying when you said you wouldn’t be offended — it was ‘your fault’ anyway, that was what you had grown accustomed to.
But Sonny, the ever-loving and understanding guy, did not share the same view. Of course not! Raised-with-sisters, loves-his-mother, thoroughly Italian, good-Catholic-man-who-respects-women Sonny, would never in a million years ever even think about being upset with you just because your period messed with your emotions. And that’s why you weren’t sure why you were so surprised when he responded to your offer with a kiss.
This was Sonny. He would never think lowly of you because of something you couldn’t control.
“That’s crazy talk, doll.” He mumbled into the kiss, smiling as he continued to love on your lips. “I’d never leave you alone like this.”
You pulled away a bit to properly look at his face, “Really?”
This was the man your heart belonged to. You don’t know how you didn’t explode when he gave you the most charming smile that ever graced his lips.
Everything you were worried about solved itself into place, like sentient puzzle pieces figuring themselves out with confidence.
“You’re too good for me.”
Unabashedly, you continued to make out with your boyfriend on your couch, a newfound appreciation driving you mad with love.
“I’m only for you, babe. Don’t need anyone or anything else but you.”
Now that the two of you were freshened up and settled down with mugs of hot cocoa in your hands, you and Sonny were much more at ease.
There was nothing better to Sonny than to be cuddled up with his girlfriend with her head laying on his chest. You practically clung to the arm draped over your shoulder, making a nest out of his bicep for your face — which reminded him of a koala bear, but he kept that thought to himself. He was so comfortable, so happy that this was his life. His nose pressed against your hair, the scent of your shampoo reminding him of a holiday well-spent together in Mexico. Deja Vu hit him the minute he kissed your head, laughing through his nose when he remembered the events that happened just a few hours prior.
“Hey,” he nudged you with the arm you were glued to. You pulled your focus from the movie you were watching — a comedy, nothing that would make the ‘bloody demon hormones possess me’ as you put it — and raised your eyebrows curiously in response. “I’m just wonderin’…”
“Why did you cry when I gave you the flowers?”
You groaned, still somewhat embarrassed at the flurry of emotions you attacked the innocent man with. But you humoured the question anyway, “I opened the door and you were standing there, so handsome and so sickeningly charming, holding up flowers that you brought for me. You should be worried if I didn’t cry.”
“Wow,” he whistled. “I’m really that handsome, huh?”
You playfully hit him in the chest with your fist as you resumed your initial position, “Shut up.” A smirk managed to rip it’s way through your lips. “But mostly, I was crying because I was so sad that the flowers were going to die. I don’t know, just weird how my brain works on my period.”
It was a nonchalant mention, nothing big to you, but it stuck to his mind. Flowers dying made you upset. How precious was that? He catalogued the thought, filing it away for the future. The inkling of humour tempted him, though.
“So, not so much on the handsome part?”
You snorted, “Eh, I’ll give it a 60/40.”
“It should be in the news or something. ‘Guy So Handsome, Makes A Grown Woman Cry’” he gestured in the air as if there was a banner.
“How about, ‘Girl So Hormonal, Makes A Grown Man Cry With Her’?”
“Psh, I didn’t cry.”
“You so were.”
“Was not.”
You laughed, thinking he’d given it up when the sound of the movie began to fade into your hearing again.
“You should come over the precinct, tell the guys how I can make the ladies cry just by showing up at their door.”
He wore that goofy, toothy grin you were so accustomed to whenever he was joking around.
You rolled your eyes. Then decided to mess with him. “Excuse me? Ladies? Plural?”
The grin immediately wiped off of his face. “No- I meant lady, as in singular.”
“I mean— no, that’s not what—“
“Sure, Son.” The monotonous voice you used made him sweat.
“You know you’re the only gal for me! I was just joking…hey, baby, come on, look at me…”
Months passed by and relationship milestones came and went. You finally met his family on month eight, and him yours. Month ten, you got a promotion at work and thankfully — not by your doing — Todd left the company. Sonny and the rest of the SVU team made a breakthrough on a case, you met his coworkers you heard so much about for the first time when he brought you along for their celebratory dinner. He was teased relentlessly for ‘keeping such a wonderful woman from us all this time’. You enjoyed the camaraderie that they shared with each other, and felt like you won a prize when they extended it to you.
Time passed by you so fast that you barely noticed it was almost a full year since you and Sonny made it official.
The day of your anniversary, he made reservations for the two of you at a fancy restaurant — Italian, of course. You reminisced the journey of your relationship together over some fine dining and a delightful bottle of wine. The ambiance, mixed with the light-headed feeling from one too many glasses of wine, only made the love you had for Sonny so much more emphasised. It was a dream, to be loved by such an amazing man, to have found your soulmate. If you weren’t at such busy points of your career, you’d literally have his babies right then and there. A couple of mini Sonny’s would do the world good, you pondered. Unbeknownst to you, the subject of your thoughts was thinking the exact same thing, only he was dreaming up a babble of mini You’s instead.
Sonny and you walked home together — he had basically moved into your apartment by now, he was finding it harder and harder to be separated from you at night. Having you next to him made him sleep better, and just generally being around you made him feel better — the two of you never made his move-in an official thing, but there was no need to. It was almost like you shared a telepathic connection. Although, Sonny being Sonny, will make the moving in an official thing whether you needed to or not. Maybe into an actual house, with a backyard and a huge kitchen and a family to raise in to make it a home. One day. Maybe even tomorrow. He’d do anything, anytime with you.
“Got you something, by the way.” He grinned, keys jangling on the doorknob as he swung it open for you.
“Sonny, you didn’t have to.” You blushed. One year together and he still had that effect on you.
“Well, I wanted to.”
While you were taking off your shoes, he used it as a distraction to take it out of the hiding spot he so carefully planned — his height being an advantage to said plan — and waddled over in his socks to where you were sitting on the couch, handing it to you once he was sat as well.
It was a daintily patterned gift bag, not too big and not too small either, with a card attached to it on the front. You carefully removed it to read his words in neat handwriting.
Happy 1 year anniversary, doll. I love you so much. You make me the luckiest man alive. My love for you will never die.
You wanted to cry, so touched by his short but undeniably sweet words. He saw how your bottom lip jutted out, the way it usually did when emotions got the best of you, and smiled to himself with a bit of pride in getting his words right.
Slowly, you pried the top of the bag open, only discovering a plastic dome. “Careful.” Your boyfriend noted.
You wondered what it was, going over all the possibilities in your head as you took it out of the bag; lava lamp, necklace, tiny bottle, lantern…only to gasp when you saw what it really was inside.
A small sphere-shaped cactus with a crown of pink flowers, placed inside a white ceramic pot with the words, ‘My love for you will never die’ engraved in cursive writing around it.
Ahhhh, here come the waterworks.
“Sonny,” your eyebrows scrunched up, lips fully pouting now. “This is the sweetest fucking gift ever.”
Your use of words didn’t go unnoticed by the smiling man, earning you a chuckle out of him. “I remember the time you cried when I brought you flowers, and you told me it was because you were sad ‘bout them dying…it’s cheesy, I know. Corny, a bit. But I thought you’d like it.”
The rising inflection of his voice gave away his nerves, but you were quick to make your appreciation known. “I do, I do! It’s just the most beautiful and thoughtful gift anyone’s ever given me. Thank you, baby. I’m- Aw…“
You choked up and he took that as his cue to pull you into his arms, careful to set the prickly plant down so you wouldn’t accidentally get hurt.
“It’s true though, my love will never die. You’re stuck with me for as long as you want me.”
“You know I’m shit at keeping plants alive, Son!” You couldn’t help the wavering in your voice, “Oh, but this is just so, so sweet. You’re just too cute for your own good.”
“Well, I was cute enough for you to accept the babbling guy who asked you out a year ago.” The giggling that followed made his blue eyes seem brighter.
“Yeah, I couldn’t say no to that face.”
You took the comfortable silence that ensued as a segue to your own offering to him, “Speaking of this cactus being put at the risk of dying, I’m gonna have to appoint someone to remind me it needs water every now and then.”
“I’m assuming that would be me?”
“Yup.” You shifted around to look through your purse. “So, I was thinking…”
Sonny narrowed his eyes at you, “Thinking…?”
You held out your palm and reached out for his, dropping a familiar weight into his hands. As soon as you pulled your hands away, the object revealed itself to be a single silver key with a brown leather strap keychain attached to the ring, ‘Det. Carisi’ engraved on one side and ‘Sonny’ on the other.
He looked up at you, meeting eager eyes that matched his own. You were practically bouncing with giddiness, excited to reach yet another milestone.
“Move in with me? Officially?”
God, you were so perfect.
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Sonny Carisi: Tears For A Good Man 
I was writing a Nick Amaro story. This popped into my head, and it wouldn’t let go. My first attempt at another one of my favorite SVU men Carisi. I was nervous to write him, but I had so much fun with it. Someone has to tell me if I hit his character right.  
Your mind is in a whirlwind. You have no idea how you’ve come to be at this spot in your life. It doesn’t feel real. Your life wasn’t like this. Good things just didn’t happen to you like this. So, you just watched the scene play out in front of you through misty eyes. Time had slowed, and words were taking longer to process adding to the surreal state. 
Sonny didn’t notice as he pulled Chinese food boxes from a paper bag and set them on your desk. He was chatting animally, about how he wasn’t sure if you were still trying to cut back on carbs, and that you really didn’t need to. He had been craving Chinese and he thought you should eat some too. He honestly liked his woman with meat on their bones, curves, he was Italian after all. But he had gotten you a salad too.   
You had been the one complaining to him last week that since you had started seeing him two months ago you had gained almost ten pounds and now your pants were tight. Sonny was an amazing cook and he loved to feed you. You loved to eat his cooking, but he couldn’t really be okay with you gaining weight, could he? No man was like that. They were visual, they wanted their woman to look like they had just walked off the runway impossibly small. It had been a hard pill to swallow as you had started dating in high school. As you had gotten older it hadn’t gotten better. Men had a way of giving women body issues.   
“I got you a Coke before I remembered that you're giving up pop too. So, I got you a Raspberry Lemonade instead.” He was setting the drinks on the desk as he spoke, “Then I remembered how much sugar it had and got you water. I got tell you though doll, a salad and water doesn’t sound like much of a meal to me.” There was a twinge of exasperation in his voice. 
You feel tears start to roll down your face. Sonny had only texted you an hour beforehand to see if you had time for a quick lunch. You had expected to just meet him somewhere, you didn’t have a lot of time but enough to sit down and eat. You hadn't expected him to come over with a feast of Chinese food for the both of you, a salad if you decided you wanted to continue your healthy eating, and three different drinks because honestly who did that? You would blame the tears on PMS because in what world does a girl start crying because her boyfriend is being nice and respectful to her.  
When Sonny turns and sees your tears, he cuts off midsentence concern written all over his face. “Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong sweetheart?” You can’t say anything emotions bubbling up through your stomach. “Did I do something wrong? I didn’t mean to.” You roll your eyes at yourself for being stupid, not him. When Sonny sees it, he doesn’t interpret it that way. He reaches for you putting a hand on your shoulder. His voice lowered to almost a whisper, “Is it because I brought that salad? Honey, I don’t want you to eat that. I was just,” He groaned bringing his other hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I was just trying to be respectful of your decisions. In hindsight, I can see how it looks bad though.” His voice is tense and then changes to a more upbeat problem-solving tone, “I’ll just go get you something different. Anything you want, just tell me.” 
You shake your head at the absolute absurdity of this situation. You finally find your voice, “Sonny please, stop.” He pauses near the closed door of your office. “It’s not the salad. I-I'm just being stupid.” He walked back up to you, caressing your tearstained cheek and wiping at the stray tears with his thumb. Sonny had always been a problem solver, so his mind went to the next possible problem.  
“Am I moving too fast again?” That was something you had told Sonny. It had been in a serious conversation right as you agreed to start a relationship where you had admitted that his confidence and speed of the relationship scared your jaded fragile heart. You had admitted none of your relationships had lasted over six months and that you were nervous about ruining the good thing that the two of you had. “I’m trying to keep it slow baby, but it’s something new to me. I didn’t think lunch would be a big deal. I mean we have before-” Your lower lip trembled as you saw the frustration in his face. You were forcing your insecurity onto him.  
“No Sonny, you're not.” You wrap your hands around his shoulders pulling him tightly to you, he is stunned for a minute before returning the embrace heartily rubbing you back comfortingly. “Thank you,” You whisper in his ear squeezing him tighter. 
“Um, I-I'm not going to lie doll, I’m coming up empty on this one.” One of his hands is still rubbing your back, the other twisted into your hair. Your next words make the tension fall from his shoulders as he kisses your head before tucking it back under his chin. 
“Thank you, for showing me what a good man is really like.”
I know it was short, but this was just to get my feet wet. I love Sonny but I’ve never written a character like him before. I hope everyone finds their Carisi. If you haven’t, you're in good company. Love you guys xoxo                   
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megalony · 3 months
Bed Rest
This is a new Nick Amaro imagine, requested by anon, I hope you will all like it. Let me know what you think. I'm loving the Nick requests being sent in so far.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread@musicistheway@avada-kedavra-bitch-187@luula@missdreamofendless@bradleybeachbabe@woderfulkawaii@amberpanda99@daggersquadphantom@marvel-and-chicago-fan@angryknightstatesmantrash@minjix@lyjen@kmc1989@itsmytimetoodream@noonenuts@hiireadstuff@ashie-babie@classyunknownlover@jayyeahthatsme@sp1ritssz@dumb-fawkin-bitch@oliverstarksbae@gimatida@heart-35@supernaturalstilinski@stefansalvatoresgf@kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275
Summary: When (Y/n) calls Nick at work in a panic, he drops everything to go home and take her to the hospital. Not informing the team where he is going until they realise he's missing.
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Nick ran a hand through his hair, loosening up the curls and pushing them back on his head into a more tamed fashion. He scratched his nails against his temple as he slowly climbed up the stairs.
He fiddled with his tie and clipped his badge onto his belt while he turned and headed back into the bedroom.
As he made his way over towards the bed, a softness pooled in his eyes and a tepid smile forming on his lips when he reached the bed.
He went down on his knees in front of the bed and leaned his elbow down onto the mattress while his hand moved out towards (Y/n). He was gentle when he delicately brushed his index finger against her temple and pushed a stray hair back behind her ear. His fingertips continued to graze against her temple and for a brief second, he pressed the back of his hand against her skin and his lips faded into a frown. She was flushed.
A small smile quirked his lips up from a frown into a grin when (Y/n)'s hand batted up and grabbed his. She tangled their fingers together and pulled his hand down to her lips instead of her forehead. Her lips pressed a gentle kiss against the back of his knuckles that made adrenaline explode through his chest and send his blood tingling beneath his skin.
He loved the way her lips moulded into a tired yet sickly sweet smile when her half-lidded eyes focused on him and she reeled his hand closer until he had no choice but to press his arm into her chest. She curled around his hand and arm like it was a comfort teddy and her nose brushed against his knuckles.
"Are you okay?" Nick kept his voice quiet as he moved to perch his chin on the end of the bed so they were level while his knees pressed into the bedframe to keep his balance and stop him falling backwards. He brushed his thumb over the back of her hand when she nodded and tried to keep her eyes open but she was tired.
All (Y/n) wanted to do was stay bundled up under the covers and sleep the day away. And Nick wanted nothing more than to climb back into bed and stay with her. He wanted to stay home and look after her and make sure she was actually okay, but he needed to go to work. He was on a long shift today and he didn't know whether he would actually get home tonight or if he would end up doing a double shift.
Nick's lips twitched and he grimaced when (Y/n) suddenly dragged her eyes over his frame and realised what he was wearing.
He was in his suit. He had his tie around his neck and his blazer dragged up over his shoulders. And as realisation hit her, (Y/n) looked down at his arm that she was cuddling close to her chest. He was dressed for work.
"You said you weren't working today." Her voice was thick and laced with sleep, but Nick could see in her eyes that she was upset.
"The squad caught a new case last night, I've been roped in. I'm sorry, Carino. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
(Y/n) nodded and pressed another kiss to the back of his hand and it let Nick know that she wasn't angry or upset. She knew his job was demanding and she also knew that Nick would swap a shift in the next few days so he could still have a day off with her and be home with her.
Nick had only agreed to this shift because (Y/n) had been feeling a lot better yesterday than she did the previous few days. He had told Olivia he couldn't pull double shifts and he had to go home at the end of the shift because (Y/n) wasn't well.
She was suffering badly with morning sickness and Nick needed to be home with her and make sure she was alright.
He had been extremely close to calling in sick yesterday but (Y/n) seemed to be more alive and alert in the afternoon when they spoke on the phone. And she managed to eat tea and sleep through the night without getting up to be sick which was a big improvement. She wasn't at work today and Nick knew a day in bed would do her good.
He reached across for the sick bowl near the end of the bed and held it up to show her before he put it down on the floor by his feet, whispering a quiet "Just in case." He wanted her to have it close by on the chance she did feel sick and couldn't make it to the toilet quick enough.
"Will you be alright if I go to work?"
A lopsided smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips when she finally let go of her husband's hand and reached out to brush her thumb against his lower lip and down his freshly shaved chin.
"Yeah, they need you, officer Amaro. Just tell me if you're not coming home, please."
Nick thanked God for how understanding (Y/n) was. She knew his job was tiring and impacted his mental health and how it could strain him. She knew he got roped into double shifts and long stints and he got put on the line a lot. And (Y/n) never judged or quarrelled or argued about it because it was Nick's job and she understood.
As long as he told her if he wasn't coming home and if he still took time off to be with her, and they had their anniversary or birthdays off, she wouldn't complain.
And Nick had been there at her scans with her every time and he took her to her appointments. She couldn't ask for anything more.
(Y/n) didn't want Nick to have to call in and leave the station short-handed when he didn't have to. She was okay, she wouldn't be moving about much today anyway. She felt much better, she was mostly tired. Her headache had gone, her stomach was settled and she was even hungry this morning which was a big improvement. All she needed was a day in bed to recover and she would be back up and moving about again tomorrow.
(Y/n) reached her hands up to cup Nick's jaw when he leaned over the bed and stole a kiss from her lips. She could taste the morning coffee on his tongue and feel his lips quirking into a grin against her when he slid his hand beneath the cover and pressed his palm against her stomach. His fingers glided over her stomach that was just starting to get round now she had passed the twenty-week mark.
His touch made her shiver and his cold hand sent her stomach jumping which only made Nick grin against her lips and bite down on her bottom lip that he sucked between his teeth when he pulled back.
"Ring me later, let me know how you feel." He didn't care that he would be at work or how busy they would be. Nick didn't even care if he was in the middle of an interview when (Y/n) rang him. He just wanted her to ring him so he could hear her voice and know that she felt okay.
"I will. Love you."
"I love you too," He muttered against her lips and pecked her lips again and again like she was a drug he was addicted to. He kept his fingers tickling over her stomach just to feel her squirm and wriggle as his hands were still cold and she was wrapped up in warmth.
She brushed her thumb against his jaw before she reached up and dragged her fingers through his hair. Ruffling his curls and skewing his raven black hair until he finally pulled away from her lips with a groan.
"Bye, Carino."
Nick loosened the tie around his neck and threw his blazer over the back of his desk chair. He let himself slump down into the seat with a thud and tilted his head back until he was staring up at the ceiling of the squad room.
He was tired- no, he was exhausted.
He wanted to go home. He had been at the station for almost two days straight now without going home or getting more than an hour of sleep in the back room. And that meant he hadn't been home to see his wife, either.
The only solace Nick has was that he had been able to take a few breaks and call (Y/n) to make sure she was alright. From what he'd gathered, she spent most of the day sleeping yesterday and had livened up in the evening. Which made Nick feel even worse because he had to tell her he couldn't come home yet. He had to pull a double, and then it didn't look like he was going home anytime soon either.
They had found two new victims to interview, process and go over their statements and coroborate the facts. Now they were trying to get their perp into an interview and get a statement without making much of a fuss or causing a scene.
He reached out for his mug on the desk but he sighed when he grabbed it. The mug was cold. Time had passed him by since he made the coffee he hadn't found time to drink.
He pushed up and took his cup across the squad room to the small drinks station at the back and flicked the kettle on. Tipping his mug in the sink. It probably wouldn't be worth making another cup, he only got the chance to drink or eat when he was in the car on the way to find a victim or talk to someone. But he was tired and he needed to refuel.
His hands braced on the counter and he arched his back out, letting his head drop down but his eyes barely closed before he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket.
A grin lit up his face when he saw (Y/n)'s name and picture light up his phone screen. Just what he needed to lighten his mood and wake himself up.
"Hey Carino, everything alright?"
"I- I don't know."
Nick straightened up almost immediately and the smile disappeared from his lips. What did that mean? Why didn't she know if everything was alright? Had something happened, had she gone out and felt ill?
His hand moved to scratch the back of his neck and he turned round to lean his hips back against the counter.
"Why, what do you mean baby? What's wrong?"
"My stomach really hurts, like, really bad cramps… and I… I'm bleeding. I don't, Nick I might be having a miscarriage."
All the blood drained down to his feet and he felt like his stomach had dropped down through the floor to the reception below. He felt like someone had punched him in the gut. His lungs shrivelled up and stopped working and his weight leaned back on the counter to prop himself up so he didn't collapse down onto the floor.
She wasn't well. (Y/n) was ill and Nick could hear the panic building up in her voice.
(Y/n) didn't know what to do. She had never been in this position before, this was their first baby and up to now the only problem (Y/n) had had was suffering with bad morning sickness. But throughout the day as she had run some errands and tried to tidy the house, she started to feel worse.
Then the pains started as if she was having period cramps that made her knees buckle and had her stomach in knots, clenching and unclenching every few minutes. When (Y/n) went to the bathroom, she started to cry when she saw blood in her underwear.
It was such a relief that Nick answered the phone on the first try.
"Nick?" Her voice quivered as she wiped her sleeve beneath her eyes and tried not to sob down the line.
"Where are you, baby?"
"Home, I called the doctor, t-they said I have to go down to the emergency room, now." The receptionist had spoken to the doctor and (Y/n) had cried when they said she had to go straight to the hospital to get checked out because she quite possibly could be losing the baby.
But she couldn't go down without telling Nick first and letting him know what was going on. Even if he couldn't get off work right away, as long as he knew, (Y/n) would be relieved because she knew he would come to her as soon as he could.
"I'm coming to get you. I'm on my way now and then I can take you to the hospital, okay?" Nick pushed off the counter and sprinted over to his desk. He slung his blazer over his arm, pocketed his keys and bolted out the squad room before anyone noticed he had gone.
He would worry about telling the team where he had gone later. His wife needed him now, and he had to go home.
Nick winced when he heard (Y/n) cry down the line. Did she really think he wouldn't drop everything and come home to get her? Did she think Nick cared at all if Olivia told him he couldn't go? It didn't matter how busy they were or what case they were working on, family came first and (Y/n) was Nick's whole world.
He knew Olivia would understand. She knew family came first even if they couldn't always go home straight after a shift or if they had to stay late and go to court and come to work on short notice. In matters like these, work was not a priority.
"Y-you're coming home?"
(Y/n) felt the tears falling faster as she held the phone tighter to her ear as if it would make a difference in his response time. She wanted him to come home. (Y/n) wanted Nick to come home because he promised if ever anything was wrong he would be there. He made sure for all the important dates he was off work and he wanted to be there for every aspect of this pregnancy.
Even if that meant being there if they lost the baby. Nick was going to be there and look after (Y/n) and he was taking (Y/n) to the doctors now so he could try and keep her and the baby safe.
"Wh- of course I'm coming home Carino, you need me." He was already in his car and slammed the door shut.
"I'm scared."
"You don't need to be scared, Carino. Five minutes and I'll be there, you're gonna be fine."
Time seemed to be on Nick's side when he hit every green light going home. He parked the worst he'd ever parked on the edge of their drive and headed inside. He was about to call out but he found that he didn't need to. Nick expected (Y/n) to be upstairs, he wasn't quite sure why, but when he passed through the hall, he found her in the living room.
He didn't like what he saw. (Y/n) stood with one hand gripping the back of the sofa to keep herself upright, and the other hand on her stomach. She looked like she couldn't quite hold herself upright and when he saw the tears traced down her face, he felt even worse.
"Oh, baby. Okay, let's go get you checked out." Reaching over, Nick curved his arm around (Y/n)'s waist and clamped his hand down on her hip.
He reeled her into his side and took some of her weight for her to try and make it easier. He felt her hand scrunch up in his shirt and her other hand stayed curved beneath her stomach.
Tears continued to fall down the bridge of her nose and (Y/n) turned her head to the left to bury into Nick's shirt. She felt like if she kept her arm tight around her stomach, she might just be able to hold the baby in place. She might be able to stop her body from evicting her baby if she held onto them tight enough and prayed enough.
They wanted this baby. (Y/n) didn't think she had done anything wrong, she had done everything she was supposed to do and she had felt fine until today. Why was her body doing this to her?
When Nick eased her into the car, (Y/n) curled up against the door. Her knees pulled up towards her stomach and she sank down in the seat until she could barely look out the window. She just wanted to disappear. And when she felt Nick reach across and place his hand on her stomach, a whimper left her lips and she shuddered.
One arm stayed around her stomach and even though she looked out the window, she moved her other hand to keep hold of Nick's wrist. She didn't want him to let go. Not yet.
Nick didn't like how silent (Y/n) was.
He didn't know what to do or what to say to her when she seemed to shut down on him.
But he was relieved she didn't push away from or brush off his touch. After he told the receptionist the situation and moved to sit down next to (Y/n) in the waiting area, he was relieved when she tucked herself into him. Her face buried down in his chest and her arms wound around his torso.
He began to smooth his hand up and down her back while his other arm looped around her shoulders and he smothered his lips against her temple.
"(Y/n) Amaro."
She kept herself hidden away in Nick's chest and let him guide her down the hall and into the cubicle after the nurse. She let Nick walk her backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed in the middle of the room. And he didn't give her chance to move. He let her hands stayed curled around his shirt while his hands moved down to hold the back of her thighs and he carefully lifted her up onto the bed.
He smothered his lips against her temple, whispering a quiet "Come on," to get her to pull out of his arms and sit on the bed properly.
Nick stayed stood at her side, letting her hands curl around his arm and pin it to her chest again so she could press her lips against his bicep over his sleeve. His right arm curled around her back so his hand could smooth up and down her lower back between her hips. And his lips moved against the back of her head while he looked across at the nurse.
"Okay hun, you had some bleeding, has it stopped yet?" She looked between (Y/n) and the file in her hands she got from reception. As soon as (Y/n) told the nurse on the phone what was happening, they added notes to her file to send across to the emergency room.
"I think it's stopped now," Her cheek pressed against Nick's arm while she wriggled in discomfort.
"And the pains?"
"Still happening," (Y/n) murmured, moving one hand to her stomach as if to prove her point. Her lower stomach was cramping and it just felt like a period pain moving around her abdomen. But knowing that she shouldn't be in any pain made her feel even worse and seemed to make the pain feel ten times worse.
"Okay, I'm going to check your vitals, then we can do a scan and see what's going on in there."
(Y/n) stayed still and compliant as the nurse clipped an pulse monitor onto her finger and found a blood pressure cuff in the drawer. The tight band around her arm made her feel lightheaded, but she stayed silent and tried to ignore the tension it caused to run down to her fingertips.
She could feel Nick leaning over to take a look and (Y/n) knew instantly by the way he took a sharp breath that her blood pressure wasn't where it was supposed to be. Nick had taken his own pressure enough to know that (Y/n)'s was currently elevated which wasn't a good indicator.
(Y/n) sank her teeth down into her lower lip and leaned back but she could feel the tears welling up again when the nurse kindly lifted her shirt. It didn't hurt when the nurse pressed her fingertips in various places over her abdomen, but it made her feel worse.
"Let's take a look."
Nick kept (Y/n)'s left hand tightly held in his while his right hand moved to rest on the back of the bed so he could lean over. He watched intently as she placed the gel over (Y/n)'s stomach and began to sonogram.
Panic bubbled up in (Y/n)'s chest and she tugged sharply on Nick's hand as she tilted her head to look up at him.
"T-there's a heartbeat." She mumbled in astonishment.
She felt Nick's hand move to cradle the back of her head and his lips quirked into a small, tense smile before he kissed her temple lovingly. He knew this was a good sign, but it wasn't always a perfect indicator. (Y/n) could still be going through the process of a miscarriage or lose the baby even if they had a heartbeat.
But (Y/n) had been prepared not to hear anything. She thought she was going to see a blurred image on the screen and then soon feel the baby be evicted from her stomach.
"That's good, right?" Nick looked across at the nurse as he tried to read her expression. He was good at reading faces and right now she looked more relaxed than he'd expected which was another good sign.
"It is… you've had a placental abruption, the placenta has moved away from the womb lining which isn't good. But baby is still where we want them to be and heartbeat is steady. You're not experiencing a miscarriage."
(Y/n) turned her head and buried her face into Nick's arm as he kept kissing the top of her head. He reeled her closer to his chest and grinned against her hair. It felt like a weight had been lifted off both their shoulders. This morning they hadn't been worried about losing their baby and now after a moment of panic, they could go back to feeling that way again.
"You've lost a little amniotic fluid, but as long as you don't lose anymore, you should be fine. But you'll need to be on bed rest."
"For how long?"
The apprehension was clear in (Y/n)'s voice and she gratefully took the paper towel the nurse handed her so she could clean her stomach and pull her shirt back down. (Y/n) didn't want to be on bed rest. What was she supposed to do? She would become bored within two days.
"Indefinitely, I'm afraid. You need a few days here in observation for a start, then if all is good you can go home. You need bed rest and light duties, no heavy lifting. Your next appointments will determine how long bed rest lasts."
(Y/n) groaned, she knew what that meant. The rest of this pregnancy was going to be spent in bed.
She couldn't spend the next four months sat in bed. She truly couldn't do that. (Y/n) couldn't be laid up in bed, bored out of her head wondering what to do with herself. She would end up going on a cleaning spree around the house or tidying up or trying to do some yoga or something strange. She wouldn't be able to stay in bed.
"But I can't-"
"Hey, if the midwife says bed rest, then you ain't leaving that bed. Got it?" Nick cupped (Y/n)'s chin in his hand and tilted her head back until she was looking up at him with those doe eyes that always made him melt. But not this time.
She found herself nodding even though she didn't fully agree. (Y/n) wouldn't go against Nick, it wouldn't be worth the headache and the fierce side she would envoke if she dared go against a midwife's orders.
"Okay, I'll get you admitted onto the ward."
Nick leaned down to peck (Y/n)'s lips, unable to stop from grinning against her but he pulled back when he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. "It's Liv, I won't be a sec." He whispered against her lips, kissing her again before he turned and headed out into the corridor.
He couldn't exactly ignore her when the team must have realised by now that he wasn't in the station and he hadn't told anyone where he had gone.
"Hey Liv."
"Nick, where'd you rush off to? You didn't tell anyone you we're heading off, is something wrong?"
"Uh," He scratched the back of his head and looked around the corridor as if the right words would suddenly pop out at him. "I had an emergency… (Y/n)'s not well, she's had a complication and she's gotta stay in the hospital for a few days. I had to bring her down here, I know I should have said something but when she called I just-"
"Hey, slow down. It's okay, you need to be with her. Is the baby okay?"
"Yeah, yeah the baby's alright." He found himself smiling even though all the air was disappearing from his lungs. They had had a lucky escape. A few hours later, a bit more bleeding or more cramps and they might not have been this lucky.
"Good, well take as long as you need and tell me when you're ready to come back. And you look after her, got it?"
"Where do you think you're going?"
A shiver crawled down (Y/n)'s spine and she froze halfway down the stairs when Nick's voice rumbled through the air. Leaning to the right, (Y/n) carefully peered over the bannister and looked down at her husband.
He was leant up against the bottom of the stairs, one leg crossed in front of the other with his arms folded over his chest. And his head was tilted back to look up at her.
She didn't think he would be home this early. And she didn't hear him come in, but he had already kicked off his shoes, removed his overcoat and blazer and tie. Leaving him in his starched black trousers and creased white button up. Her eyes followed him as he pushed off the bannister and moved round to stand at the bottom of the stairs. Arching his back out and tapping his fingers against the rail while he looked up at his wife's sheepish expression.
"…Into the kitchen?" (Y/n) took two steps down before she stopped again when Nick started to walk up the stairs towards her. There was no way she would be able to squeeze past him.
"Funny, I thought the bed was still in the bedroom?" He pointed to the top of the stairs and climbed up the rest of the steps until he was stood one step down from (Y/n). The higher step made them equal in height but when (Y/n) looped her arms around his neck and tried to steal a kiss, Nick tilted his head back.
"I wanted a drink." (Y/n) tangled her fingers in the back of Nick's hair and tugged until he relented and gave her a kiss.
But she gasped when his hands grabbed the back of her thighs and he hoisted her up as swiftly as anything. He looped her legs around his waist so she was sat low on his hips and he began walking back up the stairs with their lips still attached and her fingers knotting into his hair making him groan against her.
"Baby, the kitchen's the other way." She groaned softly into his lips and pulled his lower lip between her teeth just to feel his chest vibrate with a deep growl.
"And you're going back to bed. Bed rest means you go to bed, and you stay there to rest. Not wander about the house Carino."
Nick pushed the bedroom door open with his foot and walked in, digging his fingers into her bare thighs before he reached the bed. He leaned over and carefully eased her down onto the bed and arched over when she kept her legs curved around his hips, refusing to release him.
"I've been resting all day, I still need to move about, baby."
"Hm, somehow I don't quite believe you."
"Nick…" She groaned out his name until he was shivering between her thighs. "I can't stay in bed forever, and the baby's fine, they like it when I move around, they won't settle when I sit in bed all day."
"The baby is fine because you're resting, Carino and that's what you'll keep doing. So while I'm home, you're not leaving this bed. I don't care if I have to tie you down." It wasn't going to work trying to worm her way around him or tease and suck up until he caved.
Nick wasn't taking any chances. He was finally going back to work, although he made sure he wasn't pulling any double shifts so he could be home to make sure (Y/n) was alright. He wanted her to stay in bed and rest because it was what she had been told to do. The nurse said in uncertain terms that (Y/n) couldn't do any heavy lifting or straining, if the placenta moved even a tiny bit, they might end up in preterm labour and Nick wasn't risking that.
(Y/n) flopped her head back on the bed and pushed her heels into Nick's back until he took the hint. He leaned forward and knelt up on the bed between her thighs, moving his forearms to rest either side of her head so his fingers could tangle in her hair and brush across her cheek.
He leaned most of his weight onto his knees and his left arm so his right hand could slide down between them and move to slide under her shirt and go across her stomach.
"That doesn't sound too bad." (Y/n) mumbled softly against his lips, brushing her thumbs down his neck.
She wouldn't object to his methods of subduing her.
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naturesapphic · 6 months
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I need you
Olivia benson x fem!reader
(Warnings): hurt/comfort, mentions of murder, cussing, Olivia being a simp and a softie
“Benson.” Olivia rasped our tiredly and you smiled at the sound of her voice. “Hey liv.” You said and you heard her sigh “what’s wrong y/n?” Olivia questioned you and you knew something was wrong, you just didn’t know what. “Nothing. I’m just really hungry and was hoping on your way home you could get me a cheese burger with extra extra pickles?” You asked her and she sighed once again making you frown.
“Maybe I don’t know. I’m really busy right now hon. I’m having a tough case and we really need to catch this guy.” She said while you were trying to understand why she can’t be home right now. “Please come home liv…please I miss you so much.” You said getting choked up and she felt her heart break at the sound of your voice but she had to catch this guy.
“I’m sorry baby. I’ll check in on you later okay?” She said and you whimpered back in response and hung up causing Olivia to run her hands through her hair angrily and sigh loudly. She feels terrible. All you wanted was a cheese burger and your wife. She understood that but she needed this guy to be caught and out of the streets for everyone’s safety, especially yours.
~ a couple hours later ~
Olivia went by McDonald’s on her way home to get you your cheese burger. It was around 11 o’clock when she finally got off of work. Fin came into her office a few moments after the phone call she had with you and filled her in about how they caught the guy and he’s in the station being processed. She couldn’t be more happy and grateful that he was finally Caught. But it dawned on her how she treated you and she felt awful.
So, Before she went home with your bag of food, she decided to go to the store to get you some of your favorite flowers, chocolates, snacks, and candy. She feels awful and she wanted to make it up to you. She headed back to y’all’s house and opened the door with her keys. The jingling sound made you startled and you jumped up and got a knife from the kitchen. You slowly walked to the door and was about to attack when someone grabbed your arm and turned on the light. “Liv?! What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me!” You said breathlessly and handed her the knife. “Well at least you weren’t almost stabbed by your own wife.” She chuckled and you rolled your eyes at her with a small smile on your face.
“I thought you were supposed to call to check in on me? But seeing you is much better.” You mumbled out and she sighed. She took you into her arms carefully, trying not to hit your bump as she held you in her muscular arms. “Well…we caught the bastard and decided to get you “im sorry for being a jerk of a wife” gift.” You looked at her confused until she held up some bags filled with your favorite things and your cheese burger. You immediately snatched the McDonald’s bag from her and started eating it. “Thk y-u..” you mumbled out with your mouth filled with food. She chuckled and kissed your forehead softly. “Anytime sweetheart. Here, let’s have you sit and I’ll give you a foot massage as I tell you what happened.” She explained and you nodded. She guided you to the couch with your food in hand and she sat you down as she placed your feet in her lap. She started massaging your feet and you moaned loudly which caused her to smirk.
“Oh get that smirk off your face you horn dog.” You grumbled out and she laughed which made you smile. You continued eating as Olivia told you a brief summary about the case since she can’t share all of the details to you. She told you that this guy was killing pregnant women and how she wanted to catch this son of a bitch in case he went after you. Olivia wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you, she will protect you with her life. You finished your meal as she finished her story and you gave her a soft smile. “I wish you would have told me…I honestly thought you were being distant with me…” you confessed to her and she gave you a sad look. “No sweetheart…im so sorry that I made you feel like that…I just really wanted to catch this bastard and I wanted him off the streets as soon as possible.” She explained to you and you leaned up to her and kissed her softly on her lips.
She kissed you back gently and held your face in her hands. The both of you pulled back and gave each other big smiles. “So…what else did you get me to eat.” You smirked and she laughed. “I got you your favorite chocolates, snacks, and candy.” She replied and you gasped excitedly making grabby hands at the bags on the floor near Olivia. She chuckled as she handed you the bags and you stared munching on them while Olivia watched you with a adoring look on her face. “Do you forgive me babygirl?” She asked you and you smiled at her. “Of course I do silly. I couldn’t stay mad at you. You were just doing your job I know that. I was just a little insecure I guess.” You said and she gave your forehead another kiss “I understand baby…but just know that I don’t distance myself from you on purpose. I just get so caught up in my work that sometimes Im distant. But just know that I love you so much darling.” She explained to you and you gave her a loving smile.
“I love you most liv.” “And I love you too little bean-son.” She joked and you giggled at the nickname she kept calling y’all’s unborn child. You felt the baby kick in response and you quickly laid Olivia’s hand on your bump and the baby kicked again which made Olivia break out a huge smile. She leaned down and gave your bump a gentle kiss. Olivia started talking to the baby as you ran your fingers through her short hair and she kept giving your stomach loving kisses.
A/n: my first Olivia benson imagine! I hope y’all enjoy and know that winter/Christmas requests are open for all the people that I write! Remember to stay hydrated and rest! I love y’all! :)
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urrockstar-xe · 7 months
detective sweetheart - n.a x fem!reader
posted nov 3rd, 2023 12:22 am
this was what i did for my "based on my day" challenge (i spent it watching svu season 14 lmfao) its also my first time writing for nick amaro or any detectives in general so I'm sorry if he's a bit ooc, its also a crossover with criminal minds and i think i made up the whole technical analyst assistant thing but that's my job in my criminal minds DR lmfao. hope you enjoy :)
this includes alcohol (reader consumption), use of Y/n, and possibly wrong wording for FBI stuff?? the reader likes children (in a not creepy way). Jennifer Jareau
summary: the BAU's technical analyst assistant develops quite the crush on SVU's detective Nick Amaro
word count: 0.8k
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You sat quietly in a bar, sitting amongst a group of FBI agents you knew well and a few detectives you’d just recently had the pleasure of meeting, chatting about the now-closed case and a few chatting about their children, you hadn’t spoken much, too busy trying not to stare at Detective Nick Amaro.
“Detective Amaro, this is Y/n L/n, she’s our technical analyst assistant, our official technical analyst is back at Quantico focusing on another case” Your boss, Aaron Hotchner, introduced you to one of the detectives you’d be working with for a necrophilia serial killer case, 
You two spent the last few days working very closely together on this case. 
Penelope had been working on another case and due to a small fire that you and Penelope accidentally started with a candle in your already small office, Hotch decided to bring you with the team to Manhattan.
And of course, with your luck, Penelope couldn’t be there to fangirl over the hot detective with you, so you had to deal with the consequences of your short attention span all on your own, (granted our beloved Spencer did try to relate and fangirl with you, he did his best, but he was quite busy getting into conspiracy arguments with Sergeant John Munch).
Now that the case was over, Hotch decided that the team was in no rush back to Quantico and could leave in the morning, so while he called in early and left back to his hotel, the rest of you went out with some of the SVU detectives,
Including Nick 
of course.
“What about you? Got any kids?” Nick asked, accidentally snapping you out of your trance, as he handed JJ back her phone after she showed him a photo of her boys.
“Oh, uh”
fuck, he smelt good, why did Derek have to sit you right next to him?? 
“No, no kids, I do adore them though” You smiled in a way you hoped wasn’t too awkward, before Emily spoke up “She’s great with them too! I mean they just love her” 
Nick smiled at that, nodding as Emily talked. 
You laughed awkwardly in response, “she’s exaggerating” you whispered just loud enough for Nick to hear, earning a laugh. 
oh my god, he LAUGHS?
“As much fun this has been, I’m gonna call it a night” JJ announced, standing up from her seat, her actions mirrored by Spencer as he agreed. 
They were shortly followed by Olivia, Fin, and Emily. Derek went home with a pretty girl (obviously) and finally, Rossi left with Rollins, after she offered him a ride back to the hotel.
That left, you and Nick, alone
of fucking course
“So, miss L/n, how was your first time in New York, huh?” He asked, taking a sip of his bourbon or was it whiskey? Maybe scotch? You couldn’t remember
“Oh, you mean besides the corpse-loving freak? Pretty great, thanks for asking, Detective.” you joked, feeling less intimidated thanks to the vodka cranberry sitting in front of you.
He laughed, “Yeah, dumb question” he shook his head almost embarrassed but you were eating it up.
“How was your first time working with the BAU, hm?” Nick smiled as you practically hummed the question, he thought it was cute, and you could tell, which only boosted your confidence.
“Gotta be honest, I was worried you guys would swarm in and take everything over but, it was a lot easier than I expected” You nod in response, 
“A lot of people think that, but typically it’s an ego thing. was it an ego thing for you, Nicky?” The nickname had slipped off your tongue with ease as you teased your schoolgirl crush, having called him that just a few days ago when you first started working together.
Nick scoffed, “What? No, absolutely not” but the small smirk on his lips was a dead giveaway. “Okay, maybe it was kind of an ego thing, just a little bit” he whispered his confession. You all but giggled in response
“It’s gettin’ late, what do you say I walk you back to your hotel huh?” he offered, standing up and putting his coat on before reaching for yours 
“I’d like that, thank you, Detective” You smiled, standing from your seat and sighing as he carefully put your coat on for you.
The hotel wasn’t far but god you wished it had been, it would’ve given you some more time to flirt with the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life
(exaggerating? Pft nuh-uh) 
But yet, here you stood, in front of the tall building that ruined your excitement.
“Hey, uh how would you feel if the next time you were in New York, I took you out?” Nick asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket, his tie hanging loosely around his neck.
You smiled, hoping the lights surrounding you both hid the blush on your cheeks instead of accentuating it. “Or if you’re ever in Virginia?” 
He smiled, nodding. 
“I think I’d like that a lot” You responded, quietly, suddenly very sober.
“Great, have a safe flight back home, alright?”
it's already over
“Thank you for walking me back, Nick” 
“Anytime, goodnight, sweetheart” he smiled once more.
“Goodnight, detective”
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 7 months
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Okie dokie my lovely readers! Here is chapter Five of Dating App now it does end a little on a non suspenseful cliffhanger and I promise that the next chapter will be worth the wait!
So there is also about a three week timeskip at the start and about three days around the half way point of this chapter.
Warnings: Masturbation. Dirty minds. Semi public (in office behind a closed door).
Master List
Prompt List
One , Two , Three , Four , Six
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It had been almost three weeks since you had been able to see Rafael, the two of you had messaged back and forth every day. You had learned a lot about the man, such as the fact that he needed at least three coffees a day more often than not that was the minimum requirement, one of them had to be as soon as he wakes up otherwise he is a little grumpy, and he can be a little petulant when you mention how adorable you thought he was as he complained to you about the coffee at the court house.  He even sent you a photo of himself pouting, you saved that straight away.
Rafael always messages in full sentences, with near perfect grammar and punctuation. However, you learnt that when he was beyond tired after a day of court and then spending hours preparing for cross the next day he could become adorably nonsensical with some of his messages, the perfect grammar and punctuation slowly leaving as each hour passed. The petulance would come back in full force if you gently told him that he had to go to sleep, you worked out two ways to get him to sleep, one that if you promised to give him lots of kisses when you next saw him he would go to sleep. Or you hoped he did, he stopped responding to your messages at least. The other was video calling him, and you preferred this option as it allowed you to see that he did actually go to bed and sleep, as you wouldn’t hung up until he was asleep. You were also shown the petulance in its full glory as he tried to negotiate with you, thankfully you weren’t bound by law or court etiquette so you used all the weapons at your disposal to get him to relent. Including promises of more than kisses and perhaps a continuation of what happened in his office. That would sometimes backfire, as Rafael’s eyes would darken and his voice would become a husky grumble, still tinged with sleep as he asked for evidence of these promises. In the end it still resulted in him falling asleep but it was harder to get him to agree.  
You also learned how to tell when he had been having a good day in court and when he’d had a bad day. You made sure to do whatever you could to do make his day better when court had been tough, by sending him updates of everything going on in the library, sending him photos of your different outfits and makeup for the day, as inspired by different gods and goddesses. Even though you hadn’t been unable to meet up with him it hadn’t changed how you felt at all, in fact you think it only helped your feelings grow. Although the two of you couldn’t do exactly what you guys promised on your second date, Rafael insisted that you still read the amber quartet series to him over the phone. He claimed being able to listen to your voice helped to relax him after a tough day, hearing that you were all too happy to read him a couple chapters a night.
Rafael showed that he could be romantic even without seeing you, he had sent flowers and even chocolates to the library twice since your lunch, both thanking you and apologising for not being to be meet up with you. Not wanting him to be the only one being romantic, you sent him some flowers back, with a hidden meaning. You sent him a bouquet with peonies, matthiola incana, red chrysanthemum, and carnations, trying to portray that you could see yourself falling deeply for him. Something that was already happening. The response you had gotten from that had been endearing as hell, Rafael called you right away after he got them, he stumbled over his words and he sounded flustered, you really wanted to see if his cheeks were red, because that would have been the most adorable sight.
That had been three days ago, the messages had been fewer but Rafael had told you that the court case had just gotten difficult and so he might not be able to message you. You stared at your phone and the message sitting in-front of you.
‘So, I know that your case is difficult at the moment, but when it is over I was wondering if you would like to come over to mine for dinner? And maybe, if you wanted to of course, you could stay the night.’
You hadn’t sent it yet the nerves in your stomach stopping you. Of course you knew that he wouldn’t have an issue with it, in the past few weeks there had been plenty of indications that the both of you wanted to be more intimate with each other. But there was still that small part of you that was worried he would say no, that was nervous about taking that step with him.
“Come on, pull on your big girl pants and send it,” you groused to yourself. You took a mouthful of your wine, swallowing it while closing your eyes and hitting send. “Okay, so I did that. It’s fine, it’s so totally fine.”
You drained the rest of your wine as you grabbed the bottle to pour yourself another glass, to wait for Rafael’s response. It was late but you weren’t working tomorrow so you figured you could get away with a rare late night wine session. You bit your lip as you looked through some of the photos Rafael had sent throughout the weeks. A lot of them were similar to the first one he ever sent, dishevelled appearance with more and more of his shirt buttons undone. You paused on a few of the ones he sent when the two of you had been messaging late at night when he was grumpy. He had angled the phone to capture his strong thighs clad in his suit pants, with the zipper undone and his cock tenting his boxers. You felt a curl of pleasure in your lower stomach as you stretched out on the couch, your bare legs bent and spread. You flicked through some more photos of the same vein, one with his hand cupping his cock through his pants, another showing his entire body as Rafael bit his lip and grabbed himself.
Images of what could happen the night he stayed over played through your mind as you remembered how his cock felt as you sat on his lap kissing him, his hands grabbing your ass. Your mind played out what could have happened if you hadn’t been interrupted, you imagined Rafael manhandling you until you were laid out on the couch, as he buried his head between your thighs, drawing moans and whimpers from you. You imagined him hovering over you as he slowly pushed himself inside of you. As these images played through your mind, you trailed your hand down your stomach, slipping under your panties and swirled your fingers around your clit.
Rafael could feel another headache starting just behind his eyes. This case was almost over, maybe another two days and it would be closing arguments, the defence was just throwing character witness’ at the jury, one of which had opened up a can of worms but the detectives had dug a little and hopefully found something he could use tomorrow when he cross-examined this witness. He had always had an issue when defence would have an insane number of character witnesses, but he especially felt it with this case. It had been almost three weeks, three long weeks since he had been able to see you, see his Chica. The messages and video calls had been amazing, you showed a clear concern for his health, bartering with him to get him to sleep, it was adorable to see you negotiate with him. You of course had an advantage, he was finding it very difficult to say no to you. He didn’t want to disappoint you, and it was slowly becoming clear that all you had to do was flutter your lashes, pout a little at him and use a tone that was a mixture of coy, shy and seductive.  
He was pleasantly surprised when you had sent him flowers, along with a cute little note stating that you thought men should get flowers and that you were giving him a little test to work out the little message the flowers had. He had brought up a flower language website so fast, the flowers were all about adoration, romance, bashfulness, happiness, passion, fascination and new love. Rafael didn’t think he had ever felt so flustered when he read the meanings of the flowers, nor had he ever stumbled so much over his words when he rang you. Nor had he ever felt so adored by someone before. He had worried that you would lose interest in him, finally see that a relationship with him meant going potentially weeks without being able to see him, that it would involve making plans for dates but having to cancel them and not even being able to have you come to his office. But you hadn’t shown any sign of that, you always sent him a good morning and good night message along with ones spattered throughout the day, trying what you could to help him relax.
Rafael sighed, a groan of frustration leaving his lips as he slumped into the couch at his office. He knew he should probably go home but he needed to be focused for the cross tomorrow, plus he had to go over the evidence of other cases and start on warrants for the detectives. Liv and the others had done what they could but even they couldn’t prevent how much work could pile up on his desk. His phone vibrated on the desk drawing his eyes from the papers in-front of him. God he hoped this wasn’t a message telling him one of his cases was about to blow up. Again. But all the exhaustion and frustration of the day disappeared when he saw your contact name.
‘So, I know that your case is difficult at the moment, but when it is over I was wondering if you would like to come over to mine for dinner? And maybe, if you wanted to of course, you could stay the night.’
Rafael stared at the words on the screen. He swallowed as heat coursed through his body, you wanted him to stay the night. He thought that you might be interested in moving things forward from the conversations you had had, including some of the incentives you had given him to get some sleep. And you weren’t necessarily shy, although you could ask for what you wanted he found that you would get a little bashful about asking. He wondered how long it took for you to send this message.
‘That sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate the end of this case. And there is nothing more I would like to do then spend the night. Hopefully, this case should be over in about three days but I will keep you updated, of course.’
He sent through his response, adding a heart emoji onto the end of the message. And with that Rafael couldn’t focus on his trial prep, all his mind could think of was spending the night with you. He tried not to let his mind get away, but after some of the video calls the two of you had shared he found it incredibly difficult. He knew what you would look like above him, but now he was imagining what you would look like underneath him, stretched out head thrown back in ecstasy and what noises he could drag from your lips. He felt himself harden, his cock straining against his pants as the images played through his mind. He felt his body heat as he palmed himself to relieve some of the tension, a soft groan slipping from his lips, he glanced briefly at the door trying to remember if he had locked it after closing it.  
“Fuck it,” he muttered deciding that it was too late for anyone else to still be around. He quickly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants to pull his aching hard cock out.
He didn’t have any lube available so he closed his eyes and licked his hand, imagining that it was you licking his hand, sucking on his fingers. He wrapped a hand around his cock slowly stroking himself as he allowed his mind to go where it wished to. He saw you on your knees in-between his legs as you teasingly sucked on the head of his cock. Your gorgeous eyes staring up at him, a beautiful red flush on your cheeks. He bit down on his other hand in an attempt to quiet the noises coming out of his mouth. His phone was beside him on the couch ignored as he focused on his pleasure until it started to buzz consistently. He wanted to ignore it but he vaguely recalled having messaged you and he didn’t want to ignore you, even for his own pleasure.
You had just considered getting up to get one of your toys when your phone buzzed.
‘That sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate the end of this case. And there is nothing more I would like to do then spend the night. Hopefully, this case should be over in about three days but I will keep you updated, of course.’
You grinned at Rafael’s response glad that he was excited at the prospect of spending the night. Your pleasure hadn’t ebbed away when you read his response, it instead grew as the possibilities you had played in your mind as you fingered yourself suddenly became a lot more possible. You dragged yourself up from your couch and travelled to your bedroom, glass of wine in one hand and your phone in the other. You quickly set up your room, lighting some candles and turning on the fairy lights you had strung up over the canopy of your four poster bed before you dug around in your drawer for your external vibrator. The wine had gone a little bit to your head, as you took a photo of your bed and your room all set up to send to Rafael. You sent another one with a towel and your toy sitting on top of it. And then other one after you had changed into a green set of lingerie that you thought would be perfect to wear for your first night with Rafael. You had purchased it as soon as you saw it, as you believed it would almost match his eyes.
‘I thought a little preview was in order. A little gift for you. My poor man is working so hard.’
‘I thought a little preview was in order. A little gift for you. My poor man is working so hard.’
“Fuck Chica,” Rafael groaned his hand speeding up as he stared at the photo of you in the most gorgeous set of lingerie he had ever seen.
A gorgeous green, with lace trimmings and a sheer, gauzy material that almost showed everything but it was designed to hide the parts of your body that he longed to see. His stomach tensed as his pleasure reached its peak as he imagined you laying under him in that lingerie set as he mouthed at your breasts and teased your clit through your panties. His cum covered his hand, some drops on his pants that had it been a different situation he probably would be frustrated but he didn’t care. He cleaned up the mess his cock had made before he took a photo of his face showing his flushed skin, lips red from his teeth having bitten them.
‘Chica, you are going to drive me insane.’ He attached the photo and sent his message off before he saved all the photos you sent. Your bedroom looked exactly how he thought it would, cozy and romantic. And he desperately wanted to see it in person. He would actually consider murdering the defence if they did anything to make this trial go any longer than three days. But he would kiss them if they stopped calling witnesses and allowed the trial to end earlier. He decided to call it a night, he wouldn’t be able to concentrate at all now.
You stared at the photo that Rafael had sent you and a part of you just knew that he had taken this photo after he had cum. His cheeks were flushed just so and his lips looked bitten and his eyes, god his eyes were burning and had a satisfied look in them that you desperately wanted to see as he hovered above you.
“Oh fuck,” you groaned as the heat inside you built, you held the vibrator against your clit, hips rolling in pleasure. You sat your phone done so you could tease your breasts altering between them as you pulled at your nipples.  You imagined Rafael above you, thrusting inside you and biting at your neck, the imagine was all you needed as your pleasure reach its peak, your walls fluttered as your clit throbbed as your orgasm flooded through you.
You breathed deeply allowing the last thrums of pleasure to roll through you before you removed the vibrator. Humming you opened your phone again to the photo Rafael sent, bit your lip. You weren’t a religious person but you prayed that the case would be over in three days or less. The need you felt for Rafael was like nothing you had ever felt before, it grew and grew every single day.
“Girl you need to get laid,” Lily muttered after you had snapped at some teenagers making a mess.
“I’m trying to,” you snarked.
“Wait…you guys haven’t?” Lily walked beside you on the way to the break room.
“I haven’t seen Rafael in three weeks, this current case apparently become a shit show,” you shrugged. “He’s going to stay the night after the case is over.”
“And that is?”
“Hopefully tomorrow night,” you groaned. “Lily, that man is making me feel things I haven’t felt for someone before.”
Lily grinned wrapping an arm around your waist as she pulled you close.
“And what about Rafael? Any indication that he feels the same?”
“Yes, I think so at least,” you nodded, a soft smile pulling at your frown as a soft blush swept up your neck to your cheeks. “We’ve messaged a lot, including video chats and he is definitely interested. I had a bit too much wine the other night and may have sent a spicer photo then normal and he definitely enjoyed that.”
“Ooh girl, who are you?” she teased.
You shrugged grinning at Lily as you briefly wondered that yourself. You have never sent a photo like you did to Rafael, you had never felt comfortable enough for that. But Rafael made you feel comfortable and safe, you couldn’t explain why after only a short time you felt that way. But honestly you didn’t care. You liked how Rafael made you feel, and you didn’t want it to go away.
“I don’t know but I kinda like it,” you giggled.
“Well, let’s  hope you get laid tomorrow cause you seeing you death glare teenagers dressed as Athena is a little terrifying,” Lily patted your head. “And we can’t go scaring people from our library.”
“Hm, let’s hope,” you hummed in agreement.
Rafael barely waited long enough for the Judge to leave, barely waited enough for the victim and their family to thank him before he rushed out to the courtroom and to his office. Ignoring the detectives, he briefly waved over his shoulder when Liv called his name.
“Can’t stop, dinner,” he rushed out. His pulse was thundering as he quickly packed his office, telling Carmen to not interrupt him under any circumstances for tonight and tomorrow. Maybe even the next day, he hadn’t quite decided that. He paused only long enough to send you a text message letting you know that he would be over to yours by 6 at the latest.
‘I can’t wait to see you Rafael, I’ve missed you.’
Rafael grinned at your reply as his uber arrived, he continuously tapped his leg in a little anxious pattern until he arrived at his apartment. He didn’t think he had ever rushed quite so much packing a bag as he did tonight. He debated having a shower and changing but after a quick look in the mirror he decided against it. He knew you thoroughly liked how he looked dishevelled in a suit and figured he could have a quick shower at your place, maybe with you. That would be incredibly enjoyable.  He ordered another Uber to get to yours, stopping to pick up some flowers on the way.
In what felt like hours he arrived at your apartment. Taking a deep breathe he keyed your apartment number into the buzzer and waited for you to answer.
The sound of your intercom going off set your heart racing. You hesitated briefly before answering.
“Hello? Rafael?” you asked, there was no-one else it could be.
“Hey Chica,” Rafael’s voice soothed something inside of you. The nerves calming a little.
“I’ll buzz you up, I’m the fourth floor, left after you get out of the elevators and near the end,” you breathed hitting the unlock button.
“Thanks,” Rafael said before you heard the sound of the door opening.
You rushed to your room, checking yourself one last time in your mirror making sure there wasn’t anything out of place. Your hair fell loosely down your back, you decided to forego make up tonight, and chose a formfitting dress with just the peek of green lace showing at the top. In a short time a knock on the door had you wondering back to the entrance. Your eyes cast over the candles that you had lit throughout your apartment, the kitchen table set for two, a bottle of wine and a glass of scotch waiting. You also had your aroma diffuser going with the scent of cherry blossoms. You smoothed down the front of your dress, taking one last breathe before you opened the door. And that breathe rushed out of you the second your eyes saw him.
It looked like he had run here straight from court. A bag held in one hand and white rose held in his other. His green eyes simmered with a heat as he took you in, the simmer growing when he saw the green lace peeking out the top from your dress. He was man enough to admit that he struggled to pull his eyes away from your cleavage but he managed to if only because your eyes caught his.
“My eyes are up here, Sir,” you teased opening the door wider to allow him in. “Come on in.”
“Thank you Chica,” he grinned, as he passed you he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “You look ravishing tonight.”  You smiled ducking your head a little as pink dusted your cheeks.
“So do you,” you tried for a similar tone in your voice that Rafael had but you didn’t quite succeed. Your voice was breathless, because Rafael did look…delicious. With his suit not quite perfect, the tie loose and buttons undone. His hair ruffled and messy.
You watched as Rafael took in your apartment, you kept it clean and tidy. You had bookshelves along the back wall of your open floor plan, the shelves had fairy lights and fake plants decorating them. More fake plants decorated your coffee table and other little nerdy items were scattered throughout your apartment. You felt comfortable and happy in your apartment and never second guessed any of your choices for decorations. Rafael did a small circle noting a glass of scotch waiting beside a plate on the table, you grinned as you noticed the slight hitch in his eyebrow and the soft look on his face as he took everything in.
“You have a lovely home,” Rafael walked towards you. “I picked these up for you.”
“They’re gorgeous Rafael, thank you,” you said reaching out to take them from him but you didn’t step away from him right away. You stepped closer, looking up at him through your lashes, before looking down at his lips and then back up to his eyes.
“Is there something you want carino?” He asked hands taking hold of your hips and tugging you softly.
“Hm, I thought it was you who wanted something,” you countered. “Last I checked it was you who petulantly begged for kisses.”
“Petulantly begged?” Rafael whispered lowering his head until his lips hovered over yours.
“Mhmm,” you nodded. “You going to deny it?”
“Do I get a kiss if I agree?” he asked.
“Well, I mean you did bring me gorgeous flowers,”  you started, purposefully biting your bottom lip. “And I heard you won your case as well.”
“Oh, does winning get me a kiss then? Even if I deny that I begged?” Rafael grinned.
“We both know that you did beg but I will still give you a kiss for winning,” you nodded. “Plus I haven’t seen you in three weeks.”
“Which is just far too long, I’m sorry-”
“Ah no, there is no need for that Rafael,” you smiled cupping his cheek with your free hand. “I was fully aware that this could happen. You’re here now.”
He opened his mouth, probably to try and apologise again but you were not having it. You decided the best way to get him to stop and to distract him from even thinking about it was to kiss him. You pressed your lips against his, causing him to startle a little at the sudden contact, a huff of air escaping him as his lips curled up into a smile, before he started kissing you back. You pulled away before it could get too heated, as you had cooked a rather nice meal and as much as you wanted to finally get him naked you wanted to have a nice meal and talk with him first.
“You hungry?” you asked pulling away, Rafael followed your lips for a second before he opened his eyes a soft whine leaving him.
“Starving,” his green eyes no longer just simmered with heat, they burned.
“Later,” you promised, a similar heat burning through you, and your eyes telling Rafael that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. “I made Casareccica Alibrandi, and I got you some scotch. I hope it’s one you like. Also please make yourself at home, you can put your jacket on the coat rack just over there.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Rafael watched as you pulled out a vase to put his flowers in before sitting them on your coffee table, his eyes were glued to you as you walked back past him into the kitchen. It was only when the rest of your sentence entered his brain that he looked over to the a little nook in the wall just after the entrance into the apartment. He quickly took off his suit jacket and tie hanging them up and leaving him in his shirt and suspenders. He undid a few more buttons and rolled up his sleeves.
 “I know, I wanted to though,” you smiled over your shoulder at him as you pulled the pasta dish out of the oven where you had placed it to keep to warm without overcooking anything, feeling your throat constrict a little when you saw him rolling his sleeves, exposing those forearms of his that you had dreamed about. You forced your eyes away and tried to remember the rest what you had wanted to say. “You’ve had a tough three weeks and I wanted tonight to be as relaxing as possible for you.”
“Carino, you are something else,” Rafael whispered as you served up the dish gesturing for him to take a seat. The first thing he did was try the scotch, he wanted to assure you that the scotch was good. And it was, it was really good. “This scotch is really good.”
“I’m glad, I hope the food is good,” you smiled shyly placing a bowl down in-front of him.
“It smells delicious and looks it too,” Rafael caught your hand before you could move to your chair. He brought it up to his mouth to place a kiss on your knuckles. “Thank you Carino, this night is exactly what I need. You are what I need.”
“Rafi,” you whispered squeezing his hand, leaning to place a kiss on his cheek before slowly dragging your hand from his and taking you seat. You stretched your legs out entangling them with his, not wanting to stop touching him.
Rafael smiled at you, taking a bite of the food and could barely stop the groan of appreciation that left his mouth the minute the tastes hit his tongue. It was amazing. Your eyes were stuck on his mouth, as he took another bite, tongue darting out to catch a drop of the sauce. Another hum leaving him. Your body heated as you noticed that his tongue would poke out a little as he took a bite of food.
“Chica, this is amazing,” Rafael focused back on you to see that you hadn’t taken a mouthful yet. “Chica?”
“Hm, what?” you shook your head trying to clear away the images that had taken up residence there. “Oh, um, good, that’s good, I’m glad.” You quickly took a mouthful trying to pretend you hadn’t been staring at him this entire time.
“A bit distracted?” Rafael teased he slipped off one of his shoes and lightly ran his foot up your leg that was entangled with his. You gulped down some wine at his action, surprised at it. “Because I have been distracted by you since you opened your door. Seeing that lacy bra peeking above that gorgeous dress that hugs your curves. Those curves that I have been wanting to kiss and run my tongue all over, tasting you.”
“Rafael,” you gasped, a shiver running through you, your heart picking up at his words.
“My desire for you has grown Carino,” Rafael stood up from his chair, placing one hand on the back of your chair and the other on the table beside your bowl. “Carino, look at me.”
Your eyes trailed up his arm, his throat until you finally looked him in his eyes. The green in them was darker then normal, you were taken back to the day in his office when the two of you made out on his couch like teenagers. You wetted your lips, subconsciously pushing your chest out a little, you felt a little surge of pride and victory when you noticed Rafael’s eyes darting down to stare at your chest before he looked back to your eyes. That small little victory you felt however, withered under the look on Rafael’s face. The hand that had been on the table moved to trail up your stomach and over your chest and up your neck before he gently cupped your face. His touch was the complete opposite of the hungry look on his face, a look that was almost feral. A look that finally made all those descriptions in your fantasy books seen possible. The plan for a nice slow evening had gone out the window and you found that you didn’t quite care as much as you thought you would. You could always talk with him in the morning.
“Ask me,” Rafael demanded as he slowly lowered his face to yours. “And tell me to stop, tell me if you don’t like anything I do.”
“Rafael, please kiss me,” you voice was quiet.
“And?” Rafael insisted, you smiled up at him you hands reaching to grab hold of his suspenders.
“And I promise I will tell you to stop if I need to and I will be clear if I don’t like something,” you responded.
“Good. Girl.” Rafael cooed just before his lips took yours.
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nophunleague · 8 months
Rafael Barba Appears at the 16th Precinct Again
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Rafael Barba x gn!reader
warnings: angst, grudge holding.
You all but crash into the conference room at the 16th, anxious to tell the squad that Mickey Davis had gotten some hot shot attorney, that you had heard courthouse gossip about it. The door swings open and you're met by Kat, Fin, Rollins, and Rafael.
His green eyes almost darken at the sight of you. He's not shocked that you're here, it's just the shock of not having seen you in years that strikes him. Taking in the crowd in the room you barely blink before spitting out at Rafael, "oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, you just look like someone I used to know," before spinning on your heel and storming back out into the squad room. You don't even look up at Liv and the deputy chief as they pass you. Amanda follows after you after Rafael is pulled into Liv's office by the Captain and Deputy Chief Garland. You're sat at your desk, head up in a thousand yard stare.
"Well I think you definitely hurt his feelings, if that's what you were going for," you're broken from your gaze by her speech and you look up to her from your seated position.
"After what he put me through I think what I said was fairly tame."
"You might be right about that, but maybe think about what he's been through too. He nearly threw his entire career away and had to leave you in the process," she tries to reason with you but your eyes narrow as she keeps talking.
"He didn't have to leave me and he should have talked to me first. I showed up to work one day and he was gone. The man I loved left me without a single word. It felt like my life fell apart," you seethe. Amanda looks over your shoulder to see Rafael standing behind you.
"That's very mature of you," she says before walking away, he walks up behind you and gently lays a hand on your shoulder. But you hadn't notice him yet so as he makes contact with your body you jump to face him, hand on your holstered weapon.
"Woah," he throws his hands up, "its just me," you scoff but remove your hand from your hip.
"Just you? Just you?" You start to pace back and forth in front of him, searching for the words to tell him off. But deep down you're glad to see him, he looks healthy, the beard he's grown compliments him.
"We should talk."
"Oh you want to talk now? But you didn't want to talk four years ago when you left," you all but shriek, your voice sparking the attention of those in the precinct. "You pulled the plug on someone's baby, were charged with murder, acquitted, and then you left me. And you didn't talk to me about any of it. We were supposed to be together and you left me out of it," your voice continues to raise as you takes steps closer to him, ending up in his face. His eyes search yours trying to find the person who he had once loved, but all he find is someone who has undoubtedly been incredibly hurt by his actions. The tears are threatening to spill from you eyes but you stay strong. Your raised voice causes Liv to step outside of her office.
"Both of you, take it outside. Now," you glance between Rafael and Liv before turning on your heel and storming out with Rafael following close behind. You meet again in the elevator where this time you stay silent.
"I didn't know how to tell you I was leaving, so I just left," he says quietly. "It wasn't the right thing to do, you didn't deserve that, but I needed to leave here. I was suffocating," the both of you stare at the elevator doors, not daring to look at one another. You reach up and hit the elevator switch, stopping the elevator in its descent.
"No, I didn't deserve that," a tear escapes your left eye at last, but you don't wipe it away. "You threw me away like I meant nothing to you. I would have went with you if you had just talked to me."
"You meant everything to me. I just couldn't let you throw your NYPD career away to come with me on the campaign trail. You were just getting to the point of being on the precipice of making sergeant," his eyes are now glued to the side of you head while you keep looking at the doors. You take a second to think about what you're going to say before raising your voice and making direct eye contact.
"Yeah well I failed the sergeant's exam twice since you left so I'll only ever be a detective now," Rafael can feel the holes your eyes are burning in him, his breath kicks up and he's uncharacteristically speechless for a moment. You huff and flip the elevator switch again allowing it to continue its descent. The doors open on the ground level of the 16th and you start to take a step out when he speaks.
"The day I did what I did to Baby Drew I was meant to pick up a ring. An engagement ring," he hangs his head, not looking at you.
"Oh so one day you were thinking about getting married and then next you were throwing everything we had together away? I don't know why you came back, but I don't think there's any fixing this. Not right now anyway," you shake your head as a few more tears fall.
"Liv and Fin called me," he admits.
"Oh even better, you didn't even come back for me. Tell Liv that I'll be back in a little bit," you storm out of the precinct. Rafael runs a hand through his hair as a tear now escapes one of his eyes. He composes himself quickly then presses the floor number of the squad room to go back up.
"I really fucked that up," he says to himself.
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