#lena knows kara is supergirl
imjustalittleman · 1 year
Kara Danvers is Supergirl.
Alex knows this. Winn knows, along with James. Maggie found out. Cat Grant always knew on the down low. And Lena Luthor obviously knows this, too.
So why hasn't Kara told her yet?
She knows it's not because she's a Luthor. They've known each other long enough for that to not even be an issue. Why then, was Kara not telling her what was so obvious?
Surely, all the clues had to mean something. Flying in on a bus? Having coffee with herself in a cafe at 2am? Always referring to herself as "Kara Danvers" when she's Supergirl? For being 'best friends', Lena has never seen Kara or Supergirl in the same place at once. Ever. Simply putting on glasses and doing her hair up in a ponytail wasn't much of a disguise. So, clearly, this couldn't all just be by accident.
Lena had full confidence that Kara wasn't that oblivious to how very bad she was at having a secret identity.
Maybe it was a test. Kara was leaving all of these openings because she wanted Lena to figure it out without telling her directly. Maybe Kara wanted Lena to tell her that she figured it out. That she cracked the code. Solved the two-piece puzzle.
If that was the case, then she was ready to do it now. Heck, she was ready to do it when she first met the reporter. When she came to visit her with Clark Kent. Aka the man in the suit. Aka Superman.
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lucyllawless · 2 months
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bihters · 4 months
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Have I ever told you you're my favourite person?
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damienns · 1 month
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fictiongods · 2 months
I just know the Catco employees spilled the absolute HOTTEST tea in the break room when they saw Kara and Lena on their little lunch dates. I JUST KNOW.
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natalievoncatte · 4 months
The first time Kara Danvers touched Lena Luthor was seared on her memory. Lena had offered her hand in the usual way and Kara took it, but it was no ordinary handshake. Her grip was firm, but not controlling, and her flesh was warm, almost feverish. The handshake was like Kara herself- bold and brash at first, then softening, letting Lena take the lead almost with a sense of relief.
(Later, in a darkened room with an empty whisky bottle by her head and a broken picture frame clutched to her chest, Lena would realize that had *not* been the first time that Kara had touched her; the first time was to save her, rescue her, protect her, to bend steel one moment and reassure a terrified woman the next, and that first touch had set a tone for the others, a surpassing tenderness she didn’t deserve)
The next touch she remembered was Kara gently tapping her shoulder on a restaurant terrace. Lena had tensed at the brush of fingers on her shoulder, looking up sharply with a stabbing fear in her gut- it was the first time she’d dined out casually and publicly since her brother committed a literal crime against humanity. She wouldn’t dare do something so ordinary in Metropolis; she’d be lucky if there were only protesters with signs as she was leaving. Only when she arrived in National City did she let her guard down, both literally and figuratively. Kara’s impossibly soft fingers on her bare shoulder jolted her from her reading and she felt that spike of terror for just a moment before she met a pretty smile and those lovely, strangely haunted blue eyes greeting her.
Lena had built walls of steel and stone and pain and the woman who came from the sky took them apart touch by touch, not with fists but with back-pats and handshakes and hugs until there was nothing left but a bare soul, exposed and raw like a frayed nerve, with only Kara to protect it.
The next time it happened was at a gala. It wasn’t an important one and Kara was frankly bullshitting Lena by asking her to tag along to “report” on the goings-on. Lena knew it would be painfully boring for Kara because it was painfully boring for her.
That was what she thought, anyway, until Kara, bold sweet Kara, rested a guiding hand on the small of Lena’s back and lit up every nerve in ending in her body like a Christmas tree, as she defensively stood proud next to Lena, towering over her and the randy city councilman both. She wouldn’t know until later, much later, why Kara had seemed so much more herself, more true, in that moment.
After that was one of the most painful nights in her life. Lena had always known she was trash, that she was nothing but one of Lionel Luthor’s by-blows; sometimes she could hear Lilian at the funeral, snarling at her that she only existed because her father was a second too late to waste her on her mother’s thigh where she belonged. The world didn’t care about her hospital or her charity work or the effort she’d put into making her company a positive force in the world. Someone told them she poisoned the children and the goodwill was gone in a puff of smoke like the thin, gossamer thing it had been. Once a Luthor, always a Luthor.
Then Kara was there, a living, loving fortress of bone and muscle and love, wrapping Lena so tightly in a shield of pure compassion that she could have survived anything, that even as the tears fell she knew that she could live in a world that hated her so long as this one person could would love her so much. Kara carried her through that storm and more besides.
That was also the night that Lena began using her own touch as a substitute, a pale imitation of the one she wanted from Kara but knew she would never have.
But they did not always touch.
Later, after more hugs and more lingering hands and shared dances, they would sit next to each other for nights of games or movies, and their friends would begin to make innuendos and begin to stare and Lena let herself pretend that the touches were more than they were.
In the darkest hours of the night Lena would lie in an empty bed and pray for touches.
Then the worst thing happened, and she denied the touch. Kara reached out, meaning to console, to comfort, to protect, to make it all better with her maddening power, but there was no fixing it. In the frozen tomb that was Kara’s arctic fortress, Lena buried Kara alive in a green hell and wished never to be touched again.
But her anger did not last forever. It never does. They fought, they argued, Kara ruined her plans, called her a villain, resisted her at every turn… but never touched her. Those soft hands were never laid upon her in anger and there were times when Lena almost wanted it, just to feel them again.
Then one day Lena saw too much and learned too much and the enormity of what she had done came down upon her, rushing in on her all at once, and she was as raw and naked and pained as she had been that night long ago when she first realized what Kara’s touches meant.
When she rushed back to the rent controlled side of town, going on foot for fear her brother would learn of her destination if she took the car, she only had wanted to set things right. She knew she didn’t deserve what she’d already been given and would ask no more.
Kara was waiting for her. When she opened the door she stood tall, jaw set, hair down over a pastel cardigan. The effect of Supergirl’s stern, righteous conviction garbed in the soft, inviting form of Kara made her heart do a flip, almost made her run, but she held her ground, feeling like a child begging forgiveness from a hurricane.
Lena stood before the open door, trembling and shaking, tears cutting red lines down her cheeks as she explained herself.
She didn’t expect Kara to touch her, so when it happened she flinched, almost yelped. When those powerful arms wrapped around her, it was as if nothing had changed, but everything had changed, because for the first time, Lena touched her back.
Lena touched her back without fear or reservation. She touched her back without the nervousness that came with hugging her Straight Best Friend. She hugged her back without deceit. She hugged her back with absolute conviction, saying with her arms and hands what her ever broken heart could never speak in words.
Kara’s touch answered her. She cupped Lena’s chin with a softness, a gentle control that no human could ever have, even as she closed the apartment door with such intensity that it left a hand print in the metal. The touches changed; they were no longer announcements but conversations, exchanges, dances and music at the same time. The world became a blur, a dreamscape of hands lifting her from the floor and relieving her of her coat and laying her on a bed, each caress a declaration that Lena answered with her own.
When their lips met, Lena poured into them every thought, every desire, every pain, every longing. She would have swallowed Kara if she could, climbed inside her, and Kara’s hands and lips begged and adored and instructed and finally, after, in morning sunlight, Lena buried her face in a sleeping Kara’s shoulder and wept her joy and freedom, because at last she was home.
When Alex came and Kara told her that Lena would help them safe the world, they were holding hands.
They would be holding hands again much later, after much love and loss and hope and joy, when Kara closed a delicate bracelet around Lena’s wrist.
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thatonebirdwrites · 17 days
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We all get it, Kara. You're madly in love. ;)
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awaitingrain · 2 months
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Kara's favorite ❤️💙
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ekingstonart · 1 year
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The dance ends in a unique dip, Lena hovering near the floor and Kara holding her whole weight up by one arm, and in the few crackling, heart-stopping moments before the cheers explode into her eardrums Lena becomes aware that her body has reacted in the most inconvenient possible way.
— from ‘i want something just like this’ by @jazzfordshire
So. I obviously wasn’t kidding when I said I am obsessed to the point of flat-out mania with the image Jazz described of Kara spinning & dipping & throwing Lena around the stage (and Lena trusting both Kara and herself enough to thoroughly enjoy it)
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avocadosockz · 1 year
she's not pretty but she's done
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if anyone has any edits or additions they would like me to make just let me know
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msdanvers · 1 year
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SUPERGIRL 2.05 ↳ original script [source]
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spaceman-earthgirl · 1 year
This made me laugh and I decided to make it supercorp.
Lena knocks, but doesn’t bother waiting for a response before she lets herself into Sam’s apartment. She makes a beeline straight for the couch, drops backwards onto it with an exasperated huff.
“Hello to you too,” Sam calls from somewhere Lena can’t see her. She appears at the end of the couch a moment later, a bottle of wine and two glasses in hand. “What happened?”
Lena sighs as she sits up, there are currently too many emotions running through her, she definitely needs a drink.
“Did the gym this evening not go well?” Sam prompts, concern furrowing her brow.
Lena takes a big sip from the glass Sam passes her before she speaks. “I had a plan, I was going to finally figure out her name,” Lena starts.
Six months. Six months Lena has been working out with the same girl at the gym and she still doesn’t know her name. At the beginning it hadn’t mattered, she hadn’t even realised she didn’t know her name until Sam had asked her and Lena had realised she didn’t know. She’d just been calling her ‘gym girl’, a name that’s stuck around for months as her efforts to figure out the girl’s name have failed.
It started with asking for her number so they could plan their workouts, but the girl had added her name as “Gym Buddy” to her phone, a little emoji of an arm flexing its bicep beside it.
Her next attempt was to ask for her Instagram, which worked, in a sense. She found the girl’s Instagram account, and she may have spent way too long scrolling through it because her gym buddy is hot. Like insanely hot. Like she gets distracted when working out sometimes because the girl really is the most beautiful person she’s ever seen. But that’s not the point right now, the point is that the girl’s name all over her social media is ‘Supergirl’ and that really doesn’t help her issue.
Lena had even managed to get her email address, and still, it gave away no clues.
And now it’s been six months and she just wants to know her name, wants to know the name of the person she has the world’s biggest crush on.
They text all the time, talk on the phone even more than she does with Sam, she sees her most days of the week at the gym and still, no name. At this point, it’s just getting ridiculous that she doesn’t know, and she’s definitely way too far in it now to ask, especially after what happened earlier.
“You know you could just ask her, right?” Sam says.
It’s a common suggestion from Sam, one she’s never going to take. She’s in too deep now, it’s been too long, she doesn’t want her friend to find out she doesn’t even know her name.
She’d thought about asking someone else, the girl is well known around the gym, her sister the owner, but she didn’t want it getting back to her that she didn’t know her name. Everyone just calls her “Sunny D”. Lena’s not even sure if that’s a reference to her first or last name. It’s definitely a reference to the girl’s personality, she lights up any room she’s in.
But that’s where today’s issue comes in. “I did, sort of.”
Sam sits up straighter, suddenly looking more interested in the conversation. “Wait, what? Did you figure out her name?”
“No,” Lena groans.
“Then I’m confused.”
Lena’s hands reach up to cover her face, so her next words are muffled. “I asked someone else to talk to her, and it did not go as planned.”
“I could’ve told you that wouldn’t work.” Lena can hear that Sam is trying not to laugh, and she drops her hands to glare at her best friend. “Okay, sorry. Tell me what happened.”
“There was a girl at the gym,” Lena says, starting from the beginning. “Someone I didn’t recognise.” She spends a lot of her free time at the gym now, she recognises all the regulars. “So, I started talking to her, her name is Nia, she was really sweet. Anyway, gym girl was across the room and I asked Nia if she could do me a favour and go and ask what her name is.”
“That doesn’t sound as easy as just asking gym girl yourself but I’m assuming she didn’t do it. What, was Nia interested in you, or something?“ Sam’s eyes widen. “Oh no, don’t tell me you inadvertently set the two of them up?”
“No.” God, she hadn’t even thought of that happening. The outcome she got was much more embarrassing, even if it went far differently, and entirely better than she thought it would. “Nia thought I was interested in gym girl, and that’s how she phrased it when asking for her name.”
Sam’s trying not to laugh again. “Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
Her cheeks burn now, just as they did at the time. She can still see clearly in her mind, the way Nia had smiled and pointed in her direction. She couldn’t hear what they said but she saw the confusion on gym girl’s face morph into a brilliant smile before she made her way across the gym to Lena.
“I heard you think I’m cute.”
Lena definitely hadn’t said that to Nia, and she’d been about to try and smooth over whatever damage Nia had done, before gym girl’s next words had nearly made her fall over with the surprise of it.
“Have dinner with me tomorrow night?”
Sam sobers. “Are you okay? I know how much you like her.”
Lena swallows, her frown breaking into a smile for the first time since she arrived. “I’m kind of great, actually?”
Sam frowns, clearly trying to puzzle together the sudden shift in Lena’s mood. “What?”
“I…” Lena can’t stop smiling now, it still hasn’t quite sunk in. “After talking to Nia, gym girl asked me out.”
Sam bursts out laughing. “Oh my God, that’s great! Not where I expected this story to go but good for you.”
Lena laughs too, except she still has one problem. “I have a date with gym girl tomorrow night, but I still don’t know her fucking name.”
(She figures out Kara’s name on their first date, completely by chance because Kara booked the table reservation under her name.
It’s definitely more than just a crush because after Kara walks her home, right when she’s pretty sure Kara is about to kiss her goodnight, Lena admits the truth, admits why Nia spoke to her, admits that she’s spent months trying to figure out her name and only just discovered it tonight.
Kara thinks it’s incredibly funny and can’t believe Lena didn’t just ask her herself. But they both agree that it worked out well since it got them a date.
And then Kara does kiss her, and Lena forgets her own name).
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lucyllawless · 11 months
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dieselwasdesire · 6 months
Has anybody seen the girl that chops wood on tiktok and Kara Danvers in the same room? No? Okay.
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damienns · 8 months
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supercorpstateofmind · 6 months
I think about this daily
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I think about how the writers wanted to have them get together in the end but they couldn’t get the green light from higher ups so the writers gave us so much queer subtext and this scene because it was the best they could do and I cry all day over this
I’ll drown in my tears on this hill
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