#leonardo is a dumbass
deadtiredghost · 20 days
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Some unfinished doodles and their references.
blorbos be blorbing. THey aRe DinOsAuR cOdEd To mE!
Ive been tryna sketch out the wedding outfits from my 07 series but i cant draw humans well, and i certainly cant draw whatever the fuc the 07 (and 12) humans look like. casey's face rn is just a large triangle; send help.
ps. theyre both wearing colour coded nail polish i just havent coloured it yet :]
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starjammin · 1 year
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The Barbie trend but they are both Ken I mean look at them-
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merdie · 2 years
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cringe fail losers my beloved
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forgetful-nerd · 3 months
In there trying times have some cute pictures of Mikey and his brothers:
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Just a little reminder that they love their little brother. And he loves them back.
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rottmntfan69 · 2 months
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POV: Me when im "doing" chores👁️👄👁️
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miicycle · 10 months
I just think Leo would be EXTREMELY good at chess, based on how absolutely bonkers he is at strategy and quickly thinking on his feet.
If chess is Donnie's domain, it is Leo's kingdom because damn that boy sure conquers the playing field for no reason
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cinnamonbloom · 4 months
on my way to blow my mind
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*heavy breathing*
do i know how to shade? absolutely not. did i try and actually sorta do it? HELL YES I DID :D
Art for The Lemonade Leak by @turtleinsoup
some individual parts under the cut
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oneidler · 2 years
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twitter trend where you draw the boys in your own fits :)
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manyunhappygreenies · 9 months
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art trade with @wingstobetorn , pepaw being happy with his baby boy.
Leo loves his dumbass son <3
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faetaiity · 1 year
hey if it’s okay with you can you please write the rise turtles helping reader out with overstimulation? thank you! also delete/ignore if you don’t want to!
Hi! yeah, sure! I can write for this! But it's gonna be how I experience overstimulation, which makes me irritable, passive aggressive and want to be alone for the rest of the damn day- You didn't specify poly or separated so I went with separated because it was quicker to write.
Yeah, this is 100% self-indulgent.
Separate! Rise! Turtles x Overstimulated! GN! Reader
Post Format: Headcanons
CW: Crying, Leo getting depressed, mentions of separation anxiety + arguments, and Reader wanting to be left alone in their room for multiple hours (Not necessarily Isolation, but wanting to be in an environment that they can control) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Is the best in terms of reaction
The worst reaction he has regarding you snapping at him is irritation, he will almost never snap back at you
He (mostly) doesn't blame you for your outbursts, he knows what you're going through, and he knows that you'd never snap at him without a valid reason
Hates when you stay in your room for hours by yourself, but he never intrudes when you're trying to calm down unless you're on the verge of doing something dangerous
Tries to keep overwhelming stimuli out of the lair when you're visiting
Yes, that usually can include Leo.
However, the first time you got overstimulated around him did go poorly
He kept asking you what was wrong, pretty much making you want not want to talk about it
At one point it got too much for the both of you (He started getting pushy, irritating you more and making him also start to become irritated) and you just went home to cool off
It took you the entire day to calm down
Once you did, you felt horrible and apologized to him, explaining you tend to get overstimulated really badly around noises and crowds
And asking questions or touching you makes it worse, because being overstimulated makes you easily agitated
He understands and you two talk about what irritates you during these times
He makes sure no-one else bothers you, so that you can calm down quicker
After you've calmed down, please spend time with him, despite the fact that he understands why you need to be left alone, he still feels distressed when you snap at him or can't stand being around anyone.
Is the worst in terms of a reaction
He has separation anxiety, so when you leave for hours to calm down and relax, he gets whiny
Often texting you and BEGGING you to let him come in, he swears he won't do anything!
You learned that is a lie the hard way
You relented once, he came in and cuddled you, kissing your cheek softly, making your skin feel like it's getting pricked by needles
You didn't say anything that time, not wanting to hurt his feelings, you felt you could tolerate it as long as he didn't talk or ask questions
Despite the fact that he wants to be in your room while you're relaxing, he gets really aggressive if someone else tries to come in
He once yelled at Mikey to get out when Mikey came to ask you if he could borrow something for an art project
Mikey has never left your apartment quicker lmao
The first time you got overstimulated after you met him was a fucking wild ride
It was a giant argument, making you cry from frustration
He kept getting in your space and touching you up until you snapped at him
He instantly starts freaking out, trying to defend himself (from what you may ask? nothing rational, just thinking his crush suddenly hated his guts) and started asking questions, irritating you further until you left
He got into a depressive episode, almost crying because he thought you hated him, he pretty much was a bit of a simp since day one, so this was a blow to his false confidence
Once you calm down and talk to him, apologizing for your behavior, he calms down as well, understanding that you couldn't help it and that you didn't hate him.
He reacts a lot better now, but please give him attention when you're feeling better, because if he's the cause of your Overstimulation, he'll definitely be in a depressive episode until you are okay with him being around you again.
2nd best reaction out of all four.
ONLY second best because unlike Raph, he will snap back if in a sour mood or if he's overstimulated as well.
If asked, he will leave you alone, only texting you every few hours to see if you're okay
As I've mentioned, he also gets overstimulated, and will ask you if you can leave him alone for a few hours so he can relax.
Also gets aggressive if anyone tries to visit you
Especially Leo, because he's aware that Leo can overstimulate you more than most people can
First time you got overstimulated, he most likely realizes the signs early and backs off
Once you leave, he might wait a few hours before sending you a text
Donnie: Hey (Y/N), you okay? you were pretty irritable when you were here
He won't force you to talk about it, but he is there if you need to talk.
If for any reason, you can't leave while overstimulated, he'll take you into his lab, putting headphones and a weighted blanket on you for your comfort
After either of you calm down from being overstimulated, you two tend to seek each other out, usually to talk about what happened so perhaps you can avoid triggering each other.
Has the 2nd worst reaction
Only because he doesn't get extremely depressed like Leo when you go to cool off, but he's just as clingy
Doesn't like it when others come to bother you but isn't nearly as aggressive as the others.
The first time you got overstimulated around him, he got panicky and started asking you questions, causing you to become irritated
He starts crying a little once you snap at him and it hits you like a truck
You calm down enough to tell him that you just need time alone, which he tries to deny, not understanding why you want to leave him, but eventually he relents and lets you go home
Once you calm down you call him and tell him to come over
It takes him about 20 minutes to come but once he does, he instantly hugs you and apologizes over and over, for what you may ask? he doesn't know, all he knows is that he made you angry.
You tell him he didn't do anything wrong and sit him down to talk about it
He understands once you explain why you got so irritated by his response to you being overstimulated
He does still spend time with you, even when you're in your room trying to calm down
He doesn't interact with you, all he does is draw while on the floor.
When you calm down, please cuddle him, he'll feel so much better.
Made this at 1 am, sorry if it's ass lmao, me sleepy.
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Happy 40th birthday to these fuckers
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Donnie: How the hell did you crash the tank?!
Leo: So I was just driving today, right? And my navigation told me to go straight.
Leo: I was like "Woah, that's kinda homophobic". Instead, I went gay. And THAT'S how I got into an accident.
Donnie: ...
(Name), with a proud smile: And THAT'S my boyfriend, comrades.
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20s-turtle-posting · 2 years
i need to watch back through 2k3 again bc i swear Raph and Leo barely even fight about the whole “leadership thing.” Like I can’t really recall any of their fights explicitly being “im a better leader than you”??
maybe my memory is faulty but i swear that most of the fights are literally just Raph essentially butting heads against any idea he even slightly disagrees with or doesn’t see the point of, even if half of hose nitpicks are just that, Raph being an obstinate nitpick and being loud and gruff about it. Most of them never blow up into real fights
the only big fight i can remember Raph and Leo engaging in is the fight during City at War, in which situation they both had extremely relevant points, and Raph wasn’t even challenging Leo’s position as leader, he just thought Leo’s point of view was rash and stupid
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starsinthenigth · 16 hours
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★here urh, for pride month have erm, this guy-★
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★hmp. gay turtle man /aff★
★..(digital-fied this post★
★..happy pride btw <3 !!★
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skillzissue · 7 months
Guys I just got done studying (I am fighting for my LIFE in Chemistry rn 💀) and Anyways take some self indulgent doodles from my homework :)
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((Ofc their all Leo))
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his dumbass (affectionate)
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