jettorii · 1 year
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continuation from this post :)
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sleepysheepytea · 1 year
...i wanted to draw some kitties
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sillymarieee · 29 days
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(Reposting bc made small changes)
This was so flustering to draw😵‍💫
Same thing for when I posted that Connor art piece... Simon is part of those fictional characters I find most comforting AND completely head over heels for-
Tried to add more details, with lighting and shading!
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wendolylex · 2 months
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Once my little kitten🐈
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awkwardtickleetoo · 4 months
Pretty Kitty
helloooo everyone :D happy (late shh) valentine’s day!!!
welcome to the long awaited kitty george fic!! i made a concept post about it here if anyone is unfamiliar with what i’m talking about, and seeing as this fic is romantic dnf and the concept was created by me and @mushiewrites on the 16th last year, i figured what better time to upload this than right now :D so happy valentine’s day and/or birthday to the kitty george concept <3 you’ve been well loved my sweetheart
also shoutout to mushie and @wishitweresummer for reading this and liking it so much <3
warning: this fic is romantic dnf, so they do kiss quite a bit and they are referred to as boyfriends, and also this is literally only feet tickles and very very heavily favors feet nibbles and kisses. if that’s not your thing, feel free to skip this one!
lee!george, ler!dream, 4.8k words
Dream stood in front of the kitchen sink, bare feet pressed against the cool linoleum as he washed his empty cereal bowl, when he felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind. He looked down and immediately recognized them as his boyfriend’s, letting out a low chuckle as he rinsed the bowl out and placed it on the drying rack, grabbing the glass he used next.
“Hi, baby,” He greeted, earning a soft hum from George as he hugged tighter.
“Hmmm… hi,” George replied, voice muffled, his cheek pressed against Dream’s back.
“Whatcha up to?” Dream asked, rinsing the soap out of the glass and leaving it to dry as well.
“Nothing. Just wanted a hug.”
“Aww, Georgie,” Dream cooed at him through a giggle, reaching over and drying his hands with the dish towel he’d left on the counter. He turned himself around in George’s arms, smiling down at him and wrapping his arms around George’s shoulders and pulling him close, one hand laying on the back of his head to play with his soft, wavy hair– which had grown slightly longer in the lull between their haircuts. “I love you,” Dream whispered softly. George relaxed into the hug immediately, letting out a content sigh, pulling Dream closer and leaning his head further into his chest. Dream pressed a soft kiss to George’s head before resting his chin on top of it. They stood in comfortable silence for a few moments, before George broke it apprehensively.
“I, uh…” He began, and Dream lifted his head to look down as he hesitantly pulled back from the hug. George kept his hands clasped together behind Dream, leaning back to look up at him, big hands resting on his shoulders as he spoke. “I have… something to show you. If you’re not too busy.”
“Of course!” He nodded, smiling down at George as he took a step back and pulled his hands away, letting the other take the lead. “I’m never too busy for you, Georgie,” Dream reassured, making George let out a small chuckle, his smile growing as he nodded his head in understanding and grabbed Dream’s hand to lead him to his bedroom. He walked slow, his pace careful and delicate, sticking close to Dream even while he was in front of him.
Dream stayed close as well, playfully clinging to him, occasionally tugging his hand to pull him back into him and letting his free hand glide over George’s hip, lower back, shoulder, and upper arm to make sure he always had a hand on him. George smiled at the touches, fighting the urge to melt into it until they got to their destination, even if he flinched and giggled sweetly and batted his hand away when Dream tweaked his side briefly a few times.
They made it to George’s room in no time, George tugging Dream in and closing the door behind them. Dream watched his movements attentively, taking note of the slight pink tint to his cheeks. He pulled Dream over to the bed, having him sit in the middle of it– which Dream did without question, sitting cross legged on top of the plush comforter and fluffy throw blanket George had laying on the bed– before he leaned down to pull Dream into a gentle kiss, one finger gently tilting Dream’s chin up to meet him halfway.
“Hey,” Dream whispered before their mouths connected, his eyes flicking down to George’s lips before they closed, reaching his hands forward to rest on George’s waist. His smile grew as George pulled away, eyes slowly opening to see George’s pretty face just a few inches from him, and George smiled just the same, though much more bashful than Dream.
Then, his hands were being moved, guided by George’s shaky, hesitant fingers on his arms. They led him to the front of George’s sweatpants, where the draw string was loosely tied, ready to be undone with one quick pull. His hands paused where they were, his pinkies slipping gently into the waistband of the pants, between them and George’s boxers, and his thumb and forefinger caught the end of the string as he looked up at George for confirmation.
“This?” Dream continued to whisper, the teasing smile still present on his face– still growing, along with George’s embarrassment. “Is this what you want, baby?”
“Mhm,” George agreed with a nod, and the drawstring was undone. He took a step back to pushed the sweatpants down his thighs, letting them fall past his knees, down to his ankles, and then stepping out of them.
Then, Dream gathered what George had actually wanted to show him.
With the loss of George’s sweatpants, the tops of black thigh high socks were revealed– smooth and soft, the dark material a stark contrast to George’s lightly tanned skin, starting just a few inches above his knees even as he adjusted them, tugging them upwards and flattening the hem after removing his pants completely. He was left in only an oversized hoodie that he’d stolen from Dream, his black boxers, and the ever present thigh highs.
George stood up straight, wringing his hands in front of him, nervously fidgeting with his fingers. Dream gave him a soft smile, reaching his arms out to beckon him forward, working past the shyness that was presenting itself very strongly in George’s behavior– as it usually did, in situations like this.
“C’mere,” Dream coaxed quietly, and George took the two steps forward to stand against the end of the bed again, letting Dream rest his hands on the sides of his thighs, on the bare skin between where his boxers ended and the socks began. “You look so pretty, Georgie. You like them?” He asked, and he was given a shy yet enthusiastic nod in response, which he smiled at as he patted George’s thighs gently. “Good. I’m glad you like them, because I really, really, like them. You look… so good, and we are definitely coming back to these again in the future,” Dream continued with a giggle as George let out an embarrassed whine and covered his face with his hands, leaning forward to shove his head into the crook of Dream’s neck to hide further, only making Dream giggle harder and pull George in closer. “Aw, baby.”
“Shhhh…” George shushed, pulling back from Dream’s shoulder but keeping his hands resting there. He looked down at the bed, pausing for a moment, looking as if he was thinking quite hard about his next move, but he seemed to decide on it before Dream got the chance to ask what was on his mind. He carefully climbed on the bed, sitting back on his heels while he adjusted his position.
He ended up with his back against the pillows facing Dream, relaxing back into them as he kept his knees bent in front of him and his feet pressed firmly into the mattress. He bit his bottom lip, looking hesitant again, clearly having something else to show Dream but considering abandoning the whole operation. But, when Dream rested one hand on his knee and rubbed his thumb softly over the material that covered it, George relaxed into the bed completely and made the final push.
George rested his feet in Dream's lap, his ankles crossed as he tried to take up as little space as possible, in case he needed to pull away again if Dream showed any sign of dislike towards the newest addition to George’s display.
This addition, of course, was the padded cat paw prints on the bottom of the thigh highs, pink and plush, settled right on the ball of his foot and over his toes. Dream gasped softly, immediately taking one of George’s ankles in his hand to take a closer look at the paws, his fingers wrapping almost entirely around his ankle and making George whimper and squirm under the attention.
“Oh, baby,” Dream mused, making George whine again as he melted further into the pillows, curling and uncurling his toes a few times. Dream brought his other hand up to hold George’s ankle as well, now able to cup his narrow heel between both of his much larger hands. He rubbed his thumbs over the sole of George’s foot, making him tense up, the sensation amplified due to the soft material. George’s breath caught in his throat, making Dream’s eyes flicker up to his flushed face, a smile gracing his lips before he turned his full attention back to the foot in his hands. “S’this what you wanted to show me?”
“Mm– y-yeah…” George stammered, his breathing shallow and voice strained. He shifted his foot in Dream’s hold, flexing his toes.
“How long have you had this in that head of yours?” Dream asked curiously, brows pulling together as his thumb pressed gently into the bone of George’s ankle.
“Uh– a co- um… A bit…” George stuttered out, staring down at his hands in his lap when Dream looked over at him again. He brought one hand up to his mouth, curling his fingers in front of his lips nervously. “I, uh… I saw- saw them online and just kinda… bought them without thinking, and- and then when they got here I just…” George paused, both boys’ eyes flicking up to meet the others, and George swallowed against the lump in his throat before continuing, unsure how much longer he would be able to focus on speaking clearly with Dream’s warm hands cradling his foot so carefully. “So, it… it took me a little while to… and th- and then I just…” The older boy trailed off, completely lost in Dream’s eyes as they stared, unrelenting, into his own, kind and enamored and wholly in love.
Dream hummed calmly as George faltered, smiling sweetly at him before shifting his position again, turning to face George now. He took both of George’s ankles in his hands, shuffling closer and letting George’s other leg rest over his thighs. George breathed out with the movement, relaxing against the pillows behind him, and Dream kept his other foot still held up in his hands, focused intently on it, barely a few inches from his face. George squirmed under the attention.
Dream’s thumb slid against the inside of his foot, the tip of his fingers dragging down the same spot as well, making the older boy flinch and let out a soft gasp– which immediately caught Dream’s attention.
“What’s that?” He asked, voice gentle, and George couldn’t help the whimper that fell from his mouth at the question. Dream swiped his fingers up the inside of his foot again, making him jerk his leg in a pathetic attempt to pull away. “Is my kitty a little ticklish?”
“N-no…” George replied unconvincingly, well aware they both knew it was a lie. He nervously pulled the sleeves of his hoodie over his fingers, waiting for Dream to make his next move. Dream smirked at him, his lips curled evilly but his eyes still nothing but entranced by the sight in front of him, and George still felt like his skin was burning under such an intense gaze.
“Hm…” Dream hummed, testing his theory by trailing his nails lightly over George’s heel, using a slow jellyfish motion. George whined, attempting to subtly twist his foot out of Dream’s hold, but he simply held tighter around his ankle and scratched with more determination. George’s toes curled, his other knee coming up and resting his foot on Dream’s leg, pressing the padded toe beans into his thigh as he squirmed. “I think it tickles, baby.”
“Nohoho…” George denied, though his giggling picked up when Dream’s fingers crawled too close to the arch of his foot. He bit his bottom lip, wrapping his arms around himself and looking down at his lap, making Dream chuckle.
“You’re shy today,” He observed, earning an embarrassed whine from the other boy as he dropped his head back onto the pillows and sunk further into them. “You’re blushing so much. This is really getting to you, isn’t it, sweetheart?”
“Mmh– Dreheam–“ George giggled, still squirming, making the mistake of glancing up at Dream for no more than a second– but it was long enough for Dream to catch his eyes, and George was nodding and pouting in response to the question before he even realized what was happening, immediately burying his head in his hands once he did.
“Aww, baby…” Dream cooed between his jellyfish movements, and George whined again, more broken and embarrassed than ever before. Dream giggled at him, deciding to let him off easy and not dwell on it too much, wanting to let George feel however he wanted and let go as much as he could manage. “It’s okay. Just relax for me, pretty boy.”
And with that, he immediately scratched his nails over George’s arches, holding his ankle firmly in place and covering as much surface area as possible. George gasped, shooting upwards and slamming his hands down on the bed next to him.
“FUCK–“ George squealed, bringing one hand up to slam it over his mouth and throwing the other forward to try and grab for Dream’s hand. “DRE– ah– Dreheheheam, plehehease–“ He couldn’t quite reach far enough, though, ending up with his hand on his calf and sliding down until he could grip his own thigh, until he felt Dream’s ring and pinkie finger scratch over the inside of his foot, then his pointer and middle finger hit the spot just under the ball of his foot, and he was a goner. “NOHOHO– oh my gohohohohod!”
“Shhhh, shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, just relax,” Dream soothed, giggling again when George’s foot twisted in his hold, trying to pull away. George whimpered, collapsing against the pillows again and throwing his head back into them, arching his back and breaking into helpless laughter.
“Fuck– Dreheheheam! Ihihit’s soho– ihihit–“ George attempted to plead, his desperate words blending together with continuous laughter, only broken by small squeaks and gasps for breath.
“I know, baby, I know…” Dream continued softly, nodding along with his words. “You’re okay. It’s okay.” Dream stopped tickling at his arches then, cupping his foot for a moment and squeezing to help him calm back down.
When he heard George let out a shaky breath, he continued, shifting his position. He pushed himself closer, leaning in and resting George’s ankle on his shoulder, smiling warmly at the other man when he looked at him with a confused expression. His questions were answered, though, when Dream began to rake his nails up and down George’s calf, the featherlight touch quickly turning unbearable over the thin material covering his legs. Remarkably, though, he melted into the touch, and his squirming stayed at a minimum, only shaky legs and involuntary twitches making their way through.
“You’re staying so still for me,” Dream began, chuckling at the small squeak he received when his nails scratched a little too close to George’s knee. “I know how hard this must be for you, sweet boy. You’ve always been so sensitive to this kind of thing.”
“Mm– Dreheheheeammm…” George whined through the steady stream of giggles that escaped his lips, curling his fingers over the sleeves of his hoodie and pressing his thumbs into his closed eyes. He let out a gasp when he felt Dream’s hands move upwards, one holding the back of his calf to keep it in place and the other moving to repeat the jellyfish motion over the top of his knee. “AH– nahaha!” George squealed, his leg jerking away from the cruel nails and his hands jumping down to hit and grab at the blankets underneath him.
“It’s okay,” Dream comforted, and then immediately went against his word as he scratched at the back of George’s knees, his hands attacking both legs now and making George kick his free leg out and tighten his trapped one, pulling Dream in closer.
“DREHEAM, plehehehease!” George pleaded through his giggles, squeezing his eyes shut and whining, until he felt his entire body jolt as Dream’s nails migrated to his thighs, scratching up and down the backs of them and making his laughter go even higher. “Oh myhyhy gohohohod, nohohoho! Nohoho, Dreheam, I cahahahan’t–“
“Shh, I know. I know, baby, you’re okay.” Dream began tracing circles over the back of George’s thigh, gently taking his other ankle and pulling it up onto his shoulder as well so he could mirror the action on both of George’s thighs. George whined desperately, his hips squirming against the bed uselessly as he pushed himself closer to Dream out of pure instinct. Dream smiled at him, sliding his palms up George’s legs until they reached his hips, and he pulled him the rest of the way in. “There we go. Is that better, kitty?”
“Mm–“ George whimpered, settling his hips back down on the bed between Dream’s legs and resting his hands on his knees. He hummed, content, and nodded at Dream’s question.
“Yeah? Good.” Dream delivered one gentle squeeze to George’s hips before moving his hands back up, rubbing gently over George’s thighs, slipping under the legs of his boxers before resuming his tracing on George’s inner thighs, right at the top seam of the thigh highs. George’s giggles picked up immediately, much more desperate and panicked than ever before, and Dream couldn’t help but comment on it. “This must be so hard for you, baby.”
“Fuhuhuck–“ George groaned out through his laughter, one hand squeezing the material of Dream’s pajama pants and the other moving to hide part of his face, as much as he could cover with one palm and spread fingers.
“Mhmm. You’re so ticklish here, aren’t you, my kitten?”
“Shuhuhut uhuhup…” George protested weakly, lightly punching Dream’s knee in futile attempts to get him to stop teasing.
“You’re doing so well, though. Such a good kitten,” Dream mused, completely enamored with the man in front of him, making him whine and squeeze his eyes shut, meeting into Dreams touch even further. His legs tightened again, one ankle turning to push on Dream’s shoulder again, and Dream giggled and leaned down to kiss him, practically bending the smaller boy in half as their lips connected in a sweet, gentle kiss. Dream hummed into the kiss, drinking it in, almost melting more than George before he pulled away to steady himself– he wasn’t finished yet, he had plenty more worshiping to do first. Instead, he smiled, and spoke again. “My perfect little kitten…”
“Oh, Dreheam…” George whispered, his eyes glassy, and Dream pressed a soft kiss to his cheekbone just under his eye before he sat up again, now letting George’s knees hang over his shoulders. “You can’t– you… you can’t just say thahat…”
“Well, that’s too bad, because I’ve got a lot more where that came from,” Dream replied, a smug smile on his lips, placing a kiss on George’s left knee next to him. This pulled another breathy giggle from George, and Dream glanced up at him fondly, repeating the action a few more times and getting a new string of giggles each time. “Does this tickle too, sweetheart?”
“Uh– ah! A-A little…” George mumbled, shy again, his toes flexing and curling against the plush pads resting on top of them.
“Hmm, yeah?” Another kiss. “A little?” Dream kept the teasing lilt to his voice, kissing up George’s inner thigh instead, one hand coming up to hold his leg steady where it rested on his shoulder. George squeaked, throwing an arm over his face and falling into helpless, bright laughter at the sensation. “More than a little, I see.”
“Ahahaha! Dreheheheam!” George’s laughter was high pitched and squeaky, his leg jumping and tensing in Dream’s hold as he continued to place dramatic kisses all over the inner part of his thigh, squirming against his boyfriend’s body and grabbing for anything he could. “Stohohop!”
“I can’t stop! You’re being so cute, I just have to kiss you!” Dream teased, giggling at the way George shook his head when he did so. “This really tickles that bad?” Dream asked, voice genuine, albeit still teasy, and George nodded his head quickly.
“Ihihihit’s–! Yohou- ihihit’s yohohour stupihid beheard!” George whined, and Dream mentally kicked himself for not realizing sooner.
“Oh!” He exclaimed, his smile returning. “Oh my god, Georgie, I didn’t even notice! But that’s even better!” Dream said with excitement, rubbing his stubble against George’s inner thigh and making him flinch and squirm all over again.
“Nohoho, ihihit’s nohot– AH! Nahahaha!” George squealed at the new feeling, his poor thigh trembling in Dream’s evil grip, practically begging to be let go– even if it was against George’s own wishes. “Dreheheam, c’mohohohonnn…” He whined, his ankles twisting and toes curling uselessly, legs kicking out behind Dream’s back before curling back in and pressing into his shoulders.
“Okay, okay, fine, I won’t do that anymore,” Dream relented, squeezing George’s ankle comfortingly and pulling back to let him catch his breath. Then, Dream continued with his gentle kisses, pressing his lips against George’s leg repeatedly, trailing down over his thigh, his knee, his calf, even to the bones of his ankle as he moved George’s leg along with his mouth, resting his heel on his shoulder while his other leg stayed draped over his back.
George’s giggles continued softly, no doubt still tickled by the scratches of stubble and ghosting of lips over the soft material of the thigh highs, but he still kept himself mostly composed– although, Dream wasn’t convinced he was actually composed, so much as completely lax and melted by the atmosphere of the situation.
“I love how relaxed you are,” Dream commented, tracing circles over the outer bone of George’s ankle with his thumb, making George hum and swallow against the lump in his throat. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, you know how much I adore seeing you get hysterical. Or bratty.” George scoffed at this, rolling his eyes, but the smile on his face grew nonetheless. “But this is nice. I’m tickling you to pieces, and you’re just letting me, you’re just calm. It’s sweet.”
“Shut uhup…” George whined, pouting at Dream, making them both break out into happy giggles, Dream instinctively leaning down towards George to pull him in closer.
“You’re cute,” He finished, wrapping his whole hand around George’s ankle and lifting it off his shoulder. George scoffed again, letting out a sudden gasp when he felt Dream's lips ghost against the sole of his foot.
“No! Nohoho, no, nonono!” George whimpered, twisting his ankle and trying to free it from Dream’s tight grip. “Dreheam, nohohoho!”
“Shhh, it’s okay, kitty. It’s okay,” Dream soothed, voice soft, pressing soft kisses up and down the center of George’s foot.
“Noho, Dreheheam, plehehehease! Ahaha– plehehease!” He continued to plead, reaching forward to grab at Dream’s legs again, completely lost in his giggly laughter. Dream chuckled along with him, reaching his free hand forward to grab one of George’s, lacing their fingers together and squeezing comfortingly, letting George hold his hand as tight as he needed to expel the excess feelings he couldn’t get out through laughter and squirming. Dream decided to push further, letting out a playful growl and baring his teeth, nibbling incessantly on George’s arches and making him squeal in both delight and terror. “NAHAHA! Nohohoho, whyhyhy! Ihihit’s nohot fahahahair! It’s not fahahair, plehehease!”
“It is fair, baby, this is what you wanted!” Dream teased, earning a drawn out whine from his boyfriend, making him laugh happily once again, holding George’s narrow foot close to his lips so he could continue his nibbling for as long as he wanted. George’s whiny giggles continued, his hips squirming against the bed, his hand squeezing Dream’s fingers between his, his thighs shaking and feet attempting to kick. Soon enough, Dream felt something press into his cheek, and he pulled back for a moment to realize it was the plush pink pads of the paws that rested under George’s foot, his toes curled in to push just barely against his face. He smiled, watching George’s face as he blushed, whined, giggled his head off, did everything under the sun that wasn't looking back at Dream, and he could tell almost instantly that George wasn’t doing it intentionally– he probably didn’t realize he was doing it at all.
Until he did.
“Oh, do your little toe beans want attention too?” Dream teased, pushing in more, leaving George’s knee bent almost to his chest, his entire body folded in half under Dream’s body. He immediately whined and shook his head, curling his toes against the padding and throwing his free arm over his face once more. He gripped Dream’s hand tighter, pulling him closer, despite his embarrassment. “Aw, sweet boy, it’s okay. We can definitely make that happen.”
“Noho!” George squealed, tensing and whimpering when Dream’s hand grabbed around the middle of his foot. “Noho, Dreheheam, I cahan’t– I can’t take it, plehehease–“
“You can, baby, you can, it’s okay,” Dream soothed, rubbing his palm up and down George’s leg to calm him, grabbing his foot again. “You’re strong, aren’t you? My strong boy?” George couldn’t help but whimper and nod in response, and Dream smiles sweetly down at him. “Yeah, you are. You’re my good kitten. I know you can do it.”
“Mmh– Dream–“ George said with a pout, cut off by a sudden onslaught of laughter as Dream began nibbling on his toes. “AH– Dreheheheam! Oh my gohohohohod!” George squeaked, high pitched and frantic, arching his back off the bed and throwing his arm out to grab the sheets, squeezing them and Dream’s fingers equally as tightly, before falling into more helpless squirming. “Oh– GOHOHOD, Dreheheam, stohohop! Stop, stohohohop, STOHOP! Plehehehease!”
“Don’t worry, baby, I’m gonna stop,” Dream reassured, barely pausing his nibbles to speak, even as George was lost in floaty hysterics underneath him. “I'm gonna stop, it’s alright, just relax, don’t worry.”
“Plehehease, please, plehehehease! Dreheheam, I cahahahan’t!” George begged, sounding utterly hopeless, and Dream could tell he was being genuine– thought, he didn’t need to do much with that observation, as George tugged him closer with the leg around his shoulders, pulling him fully in and throwing his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. “Dreheheam– ah–! C’mohohon–“
“Okay, honey, okay,” Dream said through giggles, nodding along with George’s pleads, resting one hand flat on George’s tummy and rubbing gently over his hoodie, and using the other to card gently through his hair. “It’s okay, kitty, it’s alright. We’re done now, okay? You’re okay.”
“Mm–“ George whimpered, nodding, letting his hands slip down to fall onto the bed next to him, as if he was completely exhausted and holding them up was more effort than his body had left. Dream laughed at that, knowing it was an insane exaggeration, but humoring George anyway, placing both hands on George’s waist and rubbing his thumbs back and forth over the hoodie instead. He used his free hand to move George’s legs off his shoulders, letting them rest around his waist over his thighs instead, then leaned in to give George a long awaited kiss before speaking again.
“You okay?” He asked, slightly patronizing, but grinning wildly. George hummed and nodded, the smile on his face seeming permanently etched into his skin. “You liked that?” He asked, earning another nod, more eager this time. “Tired now, baby?” George nodded once more, frantically now, working up the strength to throw his arms around Dream’s neck one more time, making the other man break out into fond laughter. “Alright, baby, one second.”
Dream pressed another kiss to George’s forehead, moving them both around so he could lay next to George, pulling him in by his waist and taking his hands. He kissed the backs of George’s knuckles softly, scooting in close, and kissed him more– his forehead, then cheeks, then the tip of his nose, finally reaching his lips, where he stayed for a few moments, the two of them breaking apart and coming back together several times before finally pulling back.
“You did so good,” Dream praised, making George whine and shove his head in the pillow below him.
“Shut up,” He complained, muffled by the fabric, but Dream just laughed and hugged him tighter.
“I’m serious. You're such a good kitty, baby. My perfect kitten.” He kept his voice low, soothing, and he could already feel the way George’s body relaxed at the words.
“Hmm…” He hummed, curling himself into Dream’s chest and smiling. “Thank you.”
“Of course, my sweet boy,” Dream finished, kissing George’s head one last time before they fell into comfortable silence, only broken about ten minutes later by George’s even breathing, signaling that he’d fallen asleep at some point in that time.
Dream chuckled, closing his eyes as well, hugging George a little bit tighter as he followed suit soon after.
And, as he’d said in the beginning, they were totally, definitely, 100% coming back to the thigh highs very, very soon. He would make sure of it.
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mysteriouslee · 1 year
Alternate ep 10
lee!Kitty Ler!Q
"I'm retiring too old for this shit" says Kitty
"Hmm nah" said Q
"And what are you gonna do to stoHOHP MEHEHE" said Kitty as Q dug into her exposed sides
The thing about Kitty's torso is that its really ticklish.
"QHUHUHU, STAHAHAP"laughed Kitty.
"I don't think so, not until I hear what I want to hear" said Q switching to her ribs.
Kitty's laughter become really high pitched and full of squeals.
"Say you'll stay and still be the best matchmaker ever, I dont want you to quit" said Q
Kitty stubbornly refused to give in, also she kinda needed this right now.
Q moved his fingers to skitter on Kitty's bare stomach.
"Do you? or are you telling me this to stop the tickles" said Q digging a bit harder into her mirdriff with four fingers and swirling his pinky in Kitty's belly button.
Kitty's pleading become incoherent through a river laughter and squeaks, she didnt think it would get any worse until Q began giving out raspberries.
Kitty shrieked louder and snorted, she pounded on the mattress with one hand and gripped Q with the other.
Q noticed the tears in her eyes and her wheezing so he let up.
"I wohont gihive up juhust yet" said Kitty, still giggling from the after feelings.
"Great, now come one, I have some night night tea" said Q as they both left the room
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bimobuddy · 4 months
Feeling Better
Hazbin TK fic
Lee!Alastor, Lers! Husk and Niffty
Everything in this fic is platonic
Soft and caring Husk :]
CW: Alastor in the bath, but everything is covered and nothing NSFW happens, angst as per usual in my fics at this point, mention of blood, mention of scars and past trauma (brief)
Summary: Alastor, while quite the dapper gentlemen, smells like swamp and deer carcass, as that is what his bedroom is. After some back and forth, his companions decide to take it upon themselves to take care of the issue (and take care of him)
Edit: I dont think this was my best work
It was no secret that Alastor wasn't the cleanest person. He turned his bedroom into a swamp to feel more at home, and often left blood stains from his meals on his suit, leaving it to rot and smell.
However, what many people didn't know, is that he also wasn't the best at keeping up with hygiene. Something that only Husk and Niffty knew about him was that he despised bathing. They didn't know why, they just knew that he did.
And they put up with it.. For as long as they could.
As Alastor sat at the bar, Husk found himself scrunching up his nose. To be polite, he made sure no one was listening first, then he turned to his boss, ears down. "Jesus, Al, when's the last time you bathed?" The radio host stared at Husk, trying to intimidate him, but for once, Husk wasn't budging. "I'm serious, Alastor. Not only does it reek, but I'm sure you don't feel good either. Right?"
This caught him off guard. He wasn't used to people other than Charlie showing him genuine concern. His smile remained as normal, but the folding of his ears seemed to give away how he was feeling. "I'll admit it has.. been a while."
Husk nodded and leaned against the counter. "Then maybe you should do something about it?" He asked, raising a brow. The other demon seemed to go quiet. Husk studied him, as if trying to read his mind. "Maybe... We can do something about it then? Niff and I?"
As if summoned by the mere mention of her name, Niffty appeared out of seemingly nowhere, hopping up onto the counter. "You know you can trust us, Alastor! I like cleaning!" She grinned.
"And you know I'm not going to judge or tell anyone." Husk said, looking him in the eye. Alastor thought it over for a moment. Niffty and Husk were two out of a small select group of people he genuinely trusted the most. "Fine." He shrugged, trying to make it appear as if there wasn't a growing sense of unease and anxiety sinking into his stomach.
Husk nodded. "Niffty, why don't you go ahead and go run the bath for Al. Use my room, I don't trust that he even has a tub in his." Niffty gave a quick salute then hopped down from the counter, running off.
Husk turned his attention back to Alastor, lowering his voice. "Is there a reason you don't like bathing, Al?" He asked, catching the demon off guard. "Why Husker, what makes you ask such a silly little-" "Don't think you can fool me, I saw the way you froze earlier. Al, you might own my soul, and you might scare the shit out of me sometimes, but I don't hate you," this surprised Alastor, "I'm only asking so I know how to go about this properly. If there's something about it that bothers you, I don't want to force you into it."
Alastor looked back at Husk for a solid minute, thinking it over. He stood suddenly and started to walk toward the hallway, where Husk's room was, signaling the other to follow, which he did. Once they were alone, Alastor finally spoke.
"What I'm about to tell you does not leave that silly little kitty mouth of yours, understood? If I find out that-" "You have my word, Alastor, you don't have to threaten it out of me." ".....Right. Well- Thank you.. Husk."
It wasn't often that Alastor used his actual name instead of 'Husker,' but when he did, the cat felt a sense of equality between them. No longer 'Owner of Soul and Servant,' but like they knew each other. All the more reason he decided to take this issue seriously, for Alastor.
"While I was alive, let's just say I've been through a lot. In my life, over many years, and many incidents, I acquired many scars. Reminders. Let's just say I do not enjoy them. I hated them, and hated looking at them. I assume that is why fate decided they would stick with me even in the afterlife." There was a moment of silence before Husk replied, "They make you feel vulnerable again. They remind you of those.. incidents.. Don't they?"
Alastor didn't verbally respond, but the glance he gave him confirmed to Husk that he may have been correct about this. Husk nodded. "You can trust us, Al."
As they stepped into Husk's room, they noticed just how much effort Niffty had put into this. She had drawn a bath, filled it with bubbles, already gotten a towel ready, and fresh new clothes for Alastor, folded neatly by the sink. As the Radio Host looked closer, he noticed some of the holes and tears had been mended.
"Wow, Niff, I'm impressed." Husk said, taking his hat off. Another sign that this wasn't between co-workers, but friends. His hair was slicked back as usual, though Alastor hadn't seen it like that since the day he won his soul.
When Husk looked back at Alastor, he noticed the look in his eye, his posture, everything. The look of 'I am trying very hard to be okay with this.'
Husk gave him a slight nod before turning to Niffty. "Why don't we give him some space real quick, alright?" He turned to Alastor. "Go ahead and get yourself ready in the bathroom, we'll be right out here." As he walked past the deer demon, he lowered his voice again, "We won't leave you."
Alastor stepped into the bathroom and shut the door, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He did deep down truly appreciate how supportive Husk and Niffty were being, it did help him feel less.. anxious about everything. Though he also no longer felt like an overlord. He felt like a kid again. The constant reassurance, the sudden comfort and concern he was being shown.. It reminded him of his mother. It was hard to describe, but if he had to, he would have said he felt 'weak, but in a way that was okay with him.'
He got himself ready and sat himself in the bath, the heat of the water somehow immediately helping him relax more than he thought it would. He was grateful for the bubbles as well, not only did it cover him, but he wasn't able to see his scars that much.
There was a gentle knock, then Husk's voice. "Al?" Wanting to at least pretend he still had control, he replied, "Enter."
Husk opened the door and before he even got a full step in, Niffty darted in, grabbed Alastor's discarded clothes and then ran back out, fussing about the blood stains under her breath.
"... Alright, well while she goes and does whatever it is she's decided she's going to do, I'll get started, if that's okay with you." Husk said, shutting the door behind him. Alastor nodded. It did feel odd to him to have someone elss in the room, but he reminded himself that he could trust the bartender.
As Husk stepped closer, he did catch a glimpse of a couple scars, littered across his skin. He didn't mention them, instead grabbing a rag nearby that Niffty had left out. "I know you don't like being touched, so I'm warning you beforehand that I'm about to, so you don't kill me. Satan knows Niffty would fuss at you over the mess." He said, trying to lighten the mood a little. Though Alastor didn't laugh, his grin did widen slightly, indicating that it had worked.
Husk dampened the cloth and got started, touching it to Alastor's back. As the radio demon jumped a little and suddenly gripped the sides of the tub, he paused, gave him time to calm back down, and continued. He knew he could have laughed at him, teased him for being such a powerful demon scared of something as small as a bath, but he didn't. He wouldn't. Because he understood. Sure, he was a feared overlord, rivaling with the King of Hell himself, but before that, he was a person.
A person that, surprisingly, he had come to understand and even care about. As Alastor suddenly jolted again, letting out a sudden ring of static, Husk thought it was due to him being anxious again, only to see his shoulders shaking a little bit.
At first, he worried that Alastor either was in pain or had started crying (a thought that really concerned him), but as he looked down, he noticed he had the rag placed on the back of his ribs, and that Alastor was arching away from the touch. Now this was something he could tease him about.
"Ticklish, kid?" He grinned, making a point to wiggle his fingers through the rag, making Alastor do the radio feedback noise again. "I-I'm oholder thahan you, you ahabsolute-" "Yeah but you died younger than I did, I'm more of an adult than you are."
Alastor opened his mouth to argue, but Husk had already slipped the rag under his right arm, wiggling his claws through the thin fabric. The radio demon slammed his arm down, trying hard to keep it together. He shook with contained laughter, his grin wide and wobbly, ears pinned back. He was doing quite well until Husk suddenly skittered his claws along the back of his neck.
He scrunched his nose up and broke, giggling hysterically, reflexively kicking a leg out, causing a bit of water to splash over the side. "Hey," Husk playfully scolded, "Keep it together down there, you know Niffty is gonna chastise you about that later." "My floor!"
Husk and Alastor jumped, the latter accidentally letting out more mic feedback, as both startled at the sudden sound of Niffty. Neither had seen or heard her enter the bathroom. She huffed, hands on her hips. "You boys. Always giving me more work." She shook her head, hopping up on a stool left by the tub so she could reach Alastor.
"I swear she appears whenever her name is mentioned, did you do that when you got her soul?" Husk whispered. Alastor shook his head, his eyes showing he was just as freaked out as Husk was.
Niffty ignored them, filling a cup with water. "Ears," was all the warning she gave before she dumped it over the deer's head, giving him a split second to fold his ears back to protect them from the water. Husk had to bite back a chuckle as Alastor's hair fell into his face, covering his eyes. He almost resembled a grumpy, wet dog. He reached up and pushed his hair from his eyes, looking slightly annoyed, but Husk knew he had all the patience in the world when it came to Niffty. She could get away with anything.
Even when she started to work in the shampoo, scritching behind his ears. Alastor visibly tensed up, his cheeks turning pink (something Husk had never seen him do). The cat grinned at him, leaning on the edge of the tub. "Your ears are ticklish too?" He chuckled.
As muffled, staticky snickers bubbled out of the overlord, Niffty just smiled. "Husk, dont tease him when you're worse." This shut him up quickly, Husk pinning his own ears back grumbling. Alastor would have laughed at him, had he not already been fighting it back so hard.
When Niffty started to gently scritch at the base of his ears, he started to crack more, giggling louder, yet it was clear he was trying to sit still for her. "Pff- Hmph.. M-Mhmhmhmhm- hahahaha nohoho!" His eyes flew open to glare at Husk, who had picked the rag up to start at the other side of his ribs now, under his left arm.
Alastor's ears were flicking from Niffty's tickling, as he gripped Husk's wrist, more just to have something to ground himself rather than to push him away.
Husk gently scrubbed lower down his side, earning higher giggles before Alastor gasped and flinched away. He hadn't been hurt, but Husk knew it more him trying to avoid getting hurt before it actually happened. The slash he had gotten from Adam was still healing. "Relax, Bucky, I'm not gonna hit it." Husk said.
"Don't call me Bu-hahahaha!" He had gotten cut off when Husk simply switched to his other side.
"Ears." Niffty warned before immediately pouring water over his head again. Alastor coughed a little before lifting his bangs again. "Careful, Niff, don't drown him." Husk chuckled, giving him a break to catch his breath.
As Niffty hopped down off the stool, Husk tossed the rag to Alastor for him to get his own legs, making a joke about how 'I know neither of us want me reaching down there.'
Husk took a seat on the stool as Niffty ran back in with a jar. "What's that?" Husk questioned. "Hoof polish!" She grinned. Alastor let a quiet growl escape his throat, though it was more out of embarrassment than anger, making the cat laugh a little. "As funny as that would be Niffty, I don't think we need it. I'm not pampering his spoiled ass more than I have to." She nodded and ran back out of the room.
"I couldn't help but notice," Husk started, "That you didn't try very hard to get away from the ticklin', especially around your ears." He smirked. Alastor just threw a soft glare his way and didnt confirm nor deny anything.
Once Alastor was done, Husk turned his head away and handed him a towel, before leaving the bathroom to leave him to it.
Alone once again, Alastor took a moment to take in just how much better he felt. Not only physically, but mentally. In the past, bathing would drain him of his energy, leaving him mentally exhausted. But this time he felt better than ever. He looked over at his newly mended suit, patched up by Niffty.
She didn't have to do that.. But she did. Because she looked up to Alastor and cared for him. And Husk didn't have to sit with him the entire time and help him. But he did. Because he saw him as a friend.
He got dressed and left the bathroom, meeting Husk again in his bedroom. Husk's ear flicked as he heard the door open, and he looked up at Alastor. "Feeling better?" He asked.
Alastor walked past him, quickly scritching behind the cat's ears as he passed, earning a loud snort as his hand was batted away. "Much." He smiled, and headed back out to the lobby.
It may not have been a verbal 'thank you,' but Husk had gotten the message anyway.
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slimeylee · 4 months
wrote my own fic based on the tickle sentence prompt list ( this is kinda short ! sorry huskerdust enjoyers ,, xP enjoy the small meal tho !! )
warnings ; tickle fic , mild swearing ..
1. " I can't believe how ticklish you are . "
lee ! husk ( he / him ) ler ! angel ( he / him ) 💕
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" I can't believe how ticklish you are . " Angel grinned evilly at Husk , scribbling his fingers into his target's fluffed up wings .
Angel had been teasing Husk , and after he had traced down a feather on his wings in an attempt to annoy him , he had immediately tackled him to the ground after having heard the yelp that came out of his mouth . And that was how they came to this .
" SHUHUT THE FUHUCK UP ! " Husk laughed out from beneath Angel , pounding his fist into the floor as he buried his face into his elbow to muffle his laughter . His laughs were deep and sweet . Music to Angel's ears .
" Well, that's not nice , now is it , Whiskers ? " Angel teased , scratching at the base of Husk's wings . He grinned widely as Husk twisted and turned beneath him . Husk's face grew more flushed as laughter poured from his mouth .
" FUHUHUCK AHAHANGEL ! " Husk cackled out , kicking his legs out as his tail wagged quickly . " N'aww , are the kitty's wings too ticklish ? " Angel grinned , switching spots to knead into Husk's shoulderblades . It gave him a small break and his laughter died down a tiny bit , but he was still giggling up a storm .
" Ahahahangel ! " Husk whined , digging his claws into the floor in laughter . " That's my name , baby . Don't wear it out , babe ~ " Angel purred , smiling brightly down at Husker . He was so cute like this , he thought .
Angel evilly moved back to Husk's wings after a little bit , which brought back up his laughter . The cat demon immediately began to cackle once more , pounding his fist on the ground again . Angel loved the current sight , but he could tell that Husk was getting tired .
" AHAHAHANGEL , I CAHAHAN'T ! " Husk squirmed . He was an embarrassed , giggly mess on the bar floor . " Alright , kitty , " Angel chuckled , slowing his attack to a stop .
He hopped off of Husk , sitting besides him . He looked at his face ; it was red , and he looked really out of breath . " Did I go too far , Whiskers ? " Angel grinned softly , adjusting the both of them so that Husk's head lay in his lap .
" ... Nohoho .. yohou're fihine .. " Husk sighed , catching his breath as his head stay limp on Angel's thighs . Angel pet Husk's head slowly as he purred in his lap .
" Y'know , I thought it was cute that you didn't ask me to stop once . " Angel teased , looking down at Husker with a wink .
Husk opened his mouth , but no words came out as his ears flattened slightly . " You liked it , didn't ya , honey ? " Angel giggled .
Husk's face flushed a deeper red as he hid his face again . " Oh , shhuhut up ... "
" N'aww , you're adorable , babe . "
the silliest goobers i love them
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guy-busleeness · 3 months
Huskerdust tickle head cannons?
(If ya want of course my darling!)
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Ahh yes! The ship everyone wanted and fought for! I gotcha!
•Angel is usually the ler of the two, but if he needs cheering up or is being annoying, Husk tickles the spider to pieces
•Angel prefers softer tickles, kinda like feathers. And Husk has wings sooooo… win win
•Angel is STUPIDLY teasy when tickling lil ol’ Whiskers
“What? Is my widdle kitty tickwish~?”
“Aww, too bad my hands are full! I wanted to tickle that fluffy tummy so much! Good thing I got more haaaaands~”
“The itsy bisty spider went up the water spout~🎶” While sloooooowly scittering his fingers up Husk’s sides
•Where as Husk says stuff like:
“Ticklish? You? I don’t believe it!” While Angel is giggling up a fucking storm
“Finally, something good about this demon body” Referring to his claws
“Damn Angie, are my wings really THAT soft?”
•Angel kisses Husk’s neck or near his ears to tickle him, he calls them spider bites
•If the two are cuddling and Husk is purring, it tickles.
•Angel traces the hearts that Husk has on his body and his paw pads
•Whereas Husk traces the heart pattern Angel has on his torso
•If the two have a tickle fight then there’s gonna be kisses and snuggles afterwards
•Angel uses his 4/6 arms to an advantage on the poor kitty
•Husk sometimes uses the end of his tail to tickle underneath Angel’s second pair of arms to get him giggling
•Husk mews while getting tickled and Angel chirps when getting tickled
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starlight-write · 3 months
....lee!Husk () ler!Vaggie and ler!Charlie?
The others come in at some point idk (adorable sight though)
"Need some help there?" Vaggie laughed at seeing the cat sprawled out on the floor.
Husk yelped at the sudden voice before looking up at the exorcist standing at the side side of the bar. The cat's ear flattened in embarrassment and looked away.
The girl shut the door behind her as she approached him. "How did you even manage to get yourself stuck like this?"
"I was doing a little 'Spring Cleaning." He sighed. "I was sweeping under the shelf and the head of the broom broke off. Honestly, we need more cleaning supplies this thing was ancient."
"And you really thought your beefy arms could reach that and not get stuck?"
"Hey, I did get it!" The cat said before flicking the tool out towards the other.
"Good for you, hun." The exorcist noticed her girlfriend walk into the main living space.
"Hey babe, check this out!"
"Oh come on!" Husk whined as Charlie approached the bar. The princess peeked over the counter and shot her girlfriend a confused look.
"Look who got his arm stuck under the counter." Vaggie laughed. "You think we should call the fire department or something?"
Charlie laughed softly at the other. "Aww, poor thing. Does the kitty cat need our help?"
This was beyond humiliating. The cat thought to himself and banged his head on the floor.
"Yes, please." He groaned in defeat.
Charlie hopped over the counter and crouched down to face the two.
"Oh so you do have manners," The princess smiled. "Where was that a few hours ago during our last conversation? What was that you called me again? A shit-faced wannabe?"
Vaggie gasped dramatically. "Husker, how could you?!" The two girls giggled at eachother.
"For the last time, Princess, Hell or not, you're still not old enough to drink." The cat argued.
Said princess rolled her eyes before shooting an evil smile at the other girl.
"Y'know...Angeldust told us something pretty interesting about you the other day~" Charlie began running her fingers along the cat's arm.
Vaggie perked up, realizing where the other was getting at. "Yeah. Let us in on a secret on how to deal with your scrooge ass."
"Would you two just get me out alre-ADY- Hehehehey!-" The bartender squeaked when fingers began wriggling under his trapped arm.
Husk shot an angry look at the smiling princess. "Don't you even think about IT!- AHAHAHA- QUIT!!!" He shouted, squirming when Vaggie began tickling his sides.
The poor cat twisted and turned as he fought to get away from the absolute children who were wrecking his shit right now. He tried flapping his wings viciously to shoo them away. Unfortunately, this only resulted in each of the two pinning one down before attacking them as well.
Husk wished he could've said he kept his composure, but that would've been a damn lie.
"GET OHOHOHOFF!!! GET OHOHOHAHAHAHA-AAAA THIS ISN'T HEHEHELPING!!!!" Husk screamed and thrashed uselessly against his attackers.
Angel walked into the living space at hearing the commotion, followed by Alastor who had poofed himself beside the bar.
"What the absolute Hell are you guys doing-oh?" Angel laughed as he realized what was going on. The two girls looked up at the others, laughing as they got off their victim.
Alastor looked over the counter as well, looking slightly disappointed. "Yes, I heard screams of torment and got quite excited. My mistake."
The cat gulped in air, beyond embarrassed at this point.
"He got himself stuck." Vaggie explained. Angel nearly fell to the floor laughing so hard.
Alastor gave a small chuckle before snapping his fingers and the cat was suddenly poofed out of the bar beside Angel who caught him before he fell.
"Next time, call the fire department." The Radio Demon said before vanishing.
"You ok?" Vaggie asked when Husker had seemed to catch his breath.
The cat just huffed. "You guys are the worst."
A/N: This was a fun pairing to write. Sorry if this seemed a bit rushed.
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Husk tickle headcanons because I CAN!!!
PS: Got this in my drafts it's been a while now 👀
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— Ticklish ears. Everyone agrees? Good
— Can't take light tickles not here nor in heaven, you can tickle him as harsh as you can and he'll resist a lot; now LIGHT TICKLES??? Just impossible
— Tracing your nail around that heart he got on his hand is enough to make him let out a few giggles and snorts escape
— Sometimes when Husk is too grumpy or annoyed, Alastor will sneak up on him to give him a little tickle since "nobody is fully dressed without a smile"
— Now when it comes to Ler!Husk, I am SURE those "claws" of his are very useful
— Niffty always end up tickling by accident when she's "playing with the kitty"
— Has no idea how it feels like to receive ticklish kisses but once he gets one it'll be his favorite FOREVER
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alixlives · 4 months
for the tk prompts thingy lee!husk w 11 and ler!angel (/nf!)
11. “Can I tickle you?”
eueudhfhsjfhd this is my first time writing for any hazbin hotel characters pls be nice🙏🙏
this can be viewed as either platonic or romantic !!
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“Hey, whiskers~!” Angel says as he approaches Husk, using that same tone and smirk that Husk swears he hates so much. Husk gives the spider a look of disinterest and annoyance as he continues cleaning a, currently, empty alcohol bottle.
Angel does not care.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me whiskers?” Husk sighed.
“Get over it, pal, cause I ain’t gonna stop.” Angel grinned smugly at the groan he was given as a response. “But I’m not here to flirt with you today.”
Husk almost cheered aloud, his curiosity stopped him.
“Okay then.. Why are you over here?” Husk set down the bottle he’d been cleaning. “You’re not just gonna get drunk and bitch about your job to me, are you?”
It’d been a little while since Husk and Angel actually became close. They learned a lot about each other in this time.
And theres one that Angel doesn’t like to leave Husk alone about.
“Can I tickle you?” Way to be straightforward, Angel.
The spider had a small yet mischievous smile on his face.
“I swear to fuck,” Husk mumbled to himself. “Why?”
“It is very adorable when I tickle you. Y’know, your laugh, the way your wings flap, and the way that tail.. thing.. wags which tells me that you like it.. I could go on as to why. Now will ya answer my question?” Angel leans forward with his elbow rested on the table, and his chin placed on his palm.
Husk blinked, heat rising to his face. His tail flicked, and he nodded.
“Fuck yeah! Come here!” Angel practically jumped over the counter and tackled Husk down. The spider wrapped him in a tight bear hug with his top set of arms, and used his second set to scribble all over Husk’s stomach, immediately eliciting loud laughter.
“See what I mean? You’re just too cute when you’re being tickled, I don’t think I can handle it.” Angel grinned at the sight of Husk being a mess of laughter. He’d never get tired of it.
“Shuhut uHUP!” Husk couldn’t muster up much of anything to say. He squirmed in Angel’s grip, though his attempts at escape were fruitless as the tickles had weakened him. It didn’t help much that the hug that confined him has trapped his arms, causing incapability to defend himself.
“Aww, are you embarrased, whiskers~? Can the kitty not handle some little tickles~?” Angel teased, a shit-eating grin on his face as he extended his third pair of arms and started squeezing Husk’s hips.
“AhaHANGEL! Dohon’t- FUHUCK!” Husk kicked his legs out a little, but Angel quickly put that stunt to an end by trapping Husk’s legs with his own.
“You tryin’ to hurt me there, whiskers?” Angel raised an eyebrow.
“Noho! Fuhuck off!” Husk tried to protest, and began to squirm a little more intensely than before.
“Hm. For that, I oughta—“
“Well, this is certainly an interesting sight!”
The sudden comment startled both demons on the floor. Angel stopped what he was doing and whipped his head around as he let go of the demon below him; both him and Husk recognized that radio-filter voice anywhere.
Him and that stupid fucking grin.
“How much of that did you see!?” Husk panicked, scrambling to sit up.
“Just about all of it, Husker. I was alerted by the sound of your yelling and wanted to investigate the source of it. And it appears it is just innocent fun!” His tone was quite cheerful, though it almost always seemed like that. “It is quite entertaining to watch, though I’ll spare your last bit of shame and leave the room so you may continue your fun.”
“..Thanks?” Angel watched, confused, as Alastor walked away with his hands behind his back.
“You’re welcome, my dear!” The radio demon called out as he left the room.
“Well, where were we?” Angel turned back to Husk with a smirk.
Husk’s laughter soon echoed through the room once again.
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sillymarieee · 1 month
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Done with @smolknismofox template 💗
The butterflies I got while drawing this— mmmm😵‍💫😵‍💫
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hearted-anon · 2 months
Hello, I know you had like a lot of lee!changbin fics but I think you could create like a lee!Minho and ler!bangchan. Maybe Lee know could get a lee mood that progressively gets worse. And then goes to chan and like acts bratty to get like a punishment. I don't know honestly. I've never written so idk how hard it is. Good luck.
Here kitty kitty~
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Words: 2k Note: AHH my first inbox! Sorry this took so long.. and lee know always looks so done with Chan.. cuties T/w: Use of tools, restraints, begging Lee: know Ler: Channie
Lee Know absolutely hated this feeling. The feeling of butterflies swarming his tummy, the way he would stamp his feet and giggle like a female high-schooler in those retro movies when he watched clips of him being tickled, seeing his bright smile that he was always quick to hide, he hated it.
And to say he absolutely despised lee moods were an understatement.
It started off as a weird tingling feeling on his body, not enough to hinder his performance but enough to make itself known. Then it progressively made its way basically everywhere, including his soul. It was tearing him apart, mentally and physically, jumping at every small touch his members would give, and scowling right after before storming off.
Worried the members tried their very best to reach out to no avail, only earning very harsh words that spewed from the bunny's mouth, telling them that it wasn't their business. It wasn't, but concerned frowns were all over their faces as Lee Know grew more secluded and solemn, as if he had made a cat den in his room at that point.
He scoured through the internet in his best attempts to find what kept him so flustered and so up at night, tired of ignoring his members as he didn't want to be so open about this weird new experience, and his eyes finally landed on exactly what he wanted. His heart dropped and his eyes widened, refreshing the page over and over again to clear his doubts as the words stared right back at him.
A lee mood..? Wanting to be tickled? That was ridiculous!
His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking on his door, making him groan to his absolute dismay. Flinging open the door in his frustration, he was met with none other than Chan, who wore concern as if it was his clothing around him, a bag of something in his hands. He looked him up and done as if a judge, before letting the leader inside with no questions asked. The kangaroo gave a small but warm smile, melting the bunny's interior in less than a second.
"What's wrong? You've been quite moody recently..." The older started off hesitantly, waddling towards the dancer to cuddle him when he noticed that Minho curled towards himself in bed with a very obvious pout. The younger let out a shriek of surprise, only heightening his mood more as an more obvious flush than his pout made its way to his face.
When the bunny didn't respond, Chan only spiralled deeper into worry, searching his bag to pull out what looked like a cat toy. It had a feather attached at the end, making Minho wonder in confusion, and more of the other one where it made his mind turn to mush.
"I heard this is good for gentle therapy, or something, but please?" The oldest pleaded with what could be considered the cutest little puppy face Lee Know had ever seen, making him babble in protest before ultimately giving in, by that it meant lasting for ten seconds. He was too cute; and it was a terrifying weapon towards the members at times, most likely also not knowing what he was even talking about.
With consent finally in place, the younger shuddered when he felt the fluffy item run gently under his chin, making him bit his lip to hold down his giggles. He must've made quite the scene, as Chan soon enough let up when it barely hit the minute mark, staring at the dancer's cheeks in mischievousness that bloomed behind his worried expression.
"Lee Minho, does it perhaps...tickle to you?" Chan chuckled lowly, the Australian accent prominent through his soft laughter as his fingers that once wrapped the younger in a comforting embrace curled into his side, the other hand toying with the feather item right in front of his eyes. The oldest finally caught the gist of what was happening, and was going to finally lure the cat out of its den.
"S-Shut up, old man." Minho internally cursed himself for stammering, squeaking when he felt fingers press into his side. He curled himself into the leader, wanting to crawl back into his den after just gaining a sliver of hope dangled above him that his stupid mood would finally be solved. But when it was someone that teasing, someone who was going to do this to him? He would rather dig his own grave.
"Nah ah~ Not how you talk to your elders, and I think you need a little lesson, hm?" Chan tutted at the dancer's predicament, giggling along with him when he noticed the flustered smile plastered on his face when he brought the toy closer. Of course he never touched the dancer, he wanted him to beg, beg for his reward that wasn't going to come unfairly to him.
"That's why you're so old." The cat hissed, his scowl returning to hide the swarms of butterflies that made his tummy feel like he was going to ascend. The leader might've been his only hyung, but he was really going to risk it all before admitting that he wanted to be tickled silly. Unfortunately or fortunately, Chan took it as his last straw, pinning the bunny's wrists high above his head and tying it down with his belt, the leather surface against his wrists so it wouldn't hurt.
The cat, now forced to leave its shelter had his eyes widened, crumbling before Bangchan's eyes while his knees were turning to jelly. He tugged and pulled at the belt that restrained his arm, finally realising the consequences of his bratty behaviour. No matter to Chan, he was going to make him pay with laughter soon enough. The younger squealed again when the same cat toy made its comeback down his arms, curse himself for wearing a tank top today in courtesy of his mood.
He clamped down his lips hard enough to bleed, whimpering when the feather went a little bit too close to his armpit before trailing back up, shaking his head in the light, ticklish torture that he was forced to endure.
"Here kitty kitty~ Are you going to tell me what you want?" The older cooed sweetly, earning a not so very nice snap of insults through held back giggles from the dancer. The leader heaved a disappointed sigh, when would Minho realise that it wasn't wrong to feel this way? It'll be fine, he'll ensure that that's the only thing he'll remember by the end of this.
"ARGH! Hyuhuhung stop it!" Minho shrieked when his other arm was tortured with Chan's nails, manicured to perfection that trailed down his smooth skin slowly and delicately, making it tickle much more than it should've. Out came no response, only the soft trailing of the feather and his nails that always went to dip near his armpits just to leave. Eventually the older got bored, although the younger was practically writhing in agony of anticipation, he wanted more.
Lifting up the dancer's shirt, the trailed the toy around his belly button, his nails now drawing tiny hearts around the area with a knowing smirk on his face, awaiting the crack he was wanting the dancer to finally have.
"NO! P-Plehehease not this!" Minho begs, just wanting the stupid toy to finally dip into his navel, but nothing happened, and neither did Chan say anything. He just continued lazily tracing around his navel, leaving Lee Know to suffer in the anticipation that he brought upon himself.
"Fine! I'll beheheg! T...Tickle mehehe!" He finally caves, unable to take the gentle tracing anymore when they neared too close to his ribs, then down to his hips, then around his sides, but all of it was futile when his hands refused to move anywhere near the certain area, only focusing back onto his stomach eventually.
"The cat finally comes out of its den, how cute~" Chan taunts relentlessly, before putting the cat toy aside to rummage through his bag again. He came out with what looked like a hair brush, with the softest bristles ever. Minho gulped, he was so dead, he hoped his members had prepared his coffin in advance as the brush hovered over his tummy.
"I was going to brush your hair with this, but maybe I could give that stomach a cute little hairdo!" Obviously he was joking, it'd be another world if his tummy could grow hair. Lee Know shook his head, stamping his feet onto the bed as if it would save him from the leader's fingers. He squeezed his eyes shut, preparing in advance for the brush to finally torture his waist.
However, he was met with his throat tearing out a squeal when he felt lips attach to his stomach, blowing a long and loud raspberry onto it. There was no sign of the brush, only those torturous nails scribbling gently all over his bare armpits that drove him up the wall. How dare Chan trick the cat? What a bad person Minho thought, well through his cackles.
"GAHAHAH! NOHOHO!" He squealed out, pulling at his arms that didn't want to come down with the belt holding them up, his face starting to heat up if it wasn't red enough already. Again, silence, but only because the leader was busy with giving all the raspberries to that tummy, his hands switching to kneading right into the middle of his armpits, making Minho shriek and cackle with laughter that bounced off the walls.
"PLEHEHEHEASE! MERCY!" He pleads to no avail, only earning a low giggle that vibrated against his stomach, only tickling him more. He babbles for mercy when everything suddenly stops, only for the older to pull down his pants slightly to reveal his v-line that was staring back at Chan hungrily. Well maybe that brush wasn't going to be used, but he was dead.
"Minho, I'm hungry, would you care to make me food?" Chan asks mischievously, giving a chance for the younger to breathe, which he was grateful for as he sucked in as much air as he could.
"Y-Yes! Anything you want, just pleAHAHAHA HYUHUHUNG!" The moment the bunny nodded, thinking he would be finally let off the hook Chan went right for the exposed sliver of skin, nibbling and giving raspberries as rough as he could, his fingers kneading and vibrating into his inner thighs.
He was sent into another bout of loud hysterics, he felt so content, so overwhelmed but happy with the electrifying sensations that coursed through his body, digging his heels into the bed from the intense torture as he thrashed around in his grip. Arching his back, he couldn't do anything but that, crashing back into the bed soon after.
"Nah ah ah~ You wanted this, where do you think you're going?" The leader smiles innocently, as if he's not tearing the cat into pieces in this very moment. Silent laughter made his way down the dancer's cheeks, shaking his head as he felt like he was going to ascend, trying to close his legs shut together to no avail when the fingers didn't let up.
Tears soaked the pillow case, he had no idea how long it had been succumbing to the torture before he was let up, trembling in exhaustion and totally not with a side of happiness. His arms were released, but it felt like he was paralysed, every muscle in his body was not cooperating with him right now. He couldn't feel his legs, nor his arms, just take his whole body as a living lump that he couldn't feel anything anymore. What he could feel was a certain pair of arms embracing him though, pulling him in for a real cuddle this time.
"You're so....bahahad." Minho grumbled, pouting when the giggles wouldn't stop getting the best of him. Chan simply smiled, melting the dancer's heart when those eyes crinkled and his dimple showed through, making him forgive the leader in an instant. He felt his eyes droop when the brush that never got its chance to shine went through his hair, feeling his heart finally lift from its chains of being embarrassed.
Maybe next time he wouldn't be so embarrassed, as Chan pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.
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gatopidao · 3 months
você faria icons da haerin do newjeans??? eu acho seus icons belíssimos 😭 sou apaixonada na sua galeria e amaria ver mais icons dela na sua galeria 💔
obrigado amor!!! fico feliz demais em ler isso <33 e aqui estão! espero que goste <3!!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‧ ⋆ kitty-haerin ᡣ𐭩 ׂ 
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tired-and-ticklish · 4 months
Please more hazbin hotel tk headcanons please, you can choose the character that you like (except Valentino please :)
Gotta go with my favorite spider then
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He's got four-six arms depending on what he's doing
Angel is actually very gentle for a ler, due to knowing how bad it can be when people go too far.
He'd get into tickle-fights with his twin sister Molly when they were alive
His favorite 'victims' are Charlie, Husk, and Cherri
He especially loves to tease Husk in Italian
"Aww, chi è un gattino carino e solletico~?" ("who's a cute, ticklish kitty~?")
Angel also loves to do the 'itsy bitsy spider' song while tickling someone's ribs or sides.
Loves to give raspberries too, either on the neck (with Husk) or stomachs. Or nibbles (calls them 'spider bites')
The only one besides Niffty and Husk brave/dumb enough to tickle Alastor, despite knowing he'll regret it later.
Besides Charlie, Angel is the second instigator of the hotel tickle fights.
Always makes sure there's a safeword and respects it
Won't restrain with anything other than his arms
Not opposed to using tools, but prefers more hands on methods
His worst spots are any of his underarms, his thighs, his back and his ribs
You know how he'll do the 'itsy bitsy spider' thing to you? He'll absolutely die if someone does it to him
"C-Come on, we can t-talk about this, right?"
How he found out he was still ticklish even in death is that, during one of the times Velvette was measuring him for an outfit, she scratched his side by accident and he snorted.
Velvette couldn't keep her mouth shut, so that's how the other Vees found out.
Cherri was the one who showed him tickling doesn't have to be intense or awful like how Val does it.
Too feather ticklish, will crumple like a wet tissue if feathers are used on him.
Husk likes to tickle Angel with his wings due to this fact
While his feet are ticklish, they're not a worst spot and he hates having his feet touched.
Seriously he will kick you in the face if you try.
Doesn't like being restrained, he likes to be able to flail or cover his face.
Raspberries also kill him
Can't handle back massages
If you get a particularly good spot, he makes spider chirps
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