#less restrain less dumb
ghostymitten · 1 month
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Icy! icy! What are you doing in... the yoyle Land!?
Day 5
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marciliedonato · 2 years
If you can't accept first kill as anything else other than genuinely good you're weak and won't survive the winter....
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bitegore · 11 months
everyone in my household owes my friends and my ex girlfriend so fucking much.
#red rambles#'when i yelled at you over the spices earlier i actually meant thanks for making lunch' 'alright well im glad you got there eventually' 'yo#have a very abrasive manner of speaking' thank you! i am restraining myself from calling you a fucking asshole to your face. Thank me for#my fucking patience.#yeah man i spent an hour cooking for you and when you got off work you immediately lit into me for doing it wrong and then spent like a ful#fifteen minutes yelling at me over the counters being dirty (which YOU dirtied. for the record) because i had the audacity#to ask that next time i not have to hurt myself trying to get spices out of the disaster you yourself made of the spice rack#by moving ONE THING.#and then you want to wait until the next time i resurface from avoiding the sound of YOUR tv that you play super loud to remind me that#you're an ungrateful pos who doesn't give half a fuck how much work anyone else does for you?#thank me for not screaming in your face.#like it's insult on top of injury at this point. I don't give a shit. You don't have to fucking thank me i do not care. Don't fucking get#MAD AT ME for doing what YOU ASKED. DUMB ASSHOLE.#it's okay i have a handle on my fucking temper. but THEN. don't get on my case for being a little bit less gracious than i could've been#'you know you catch more flies with honey than vinegar' yes well i would like to shoo the flies out of my FUCKING HOME. have you considered#that.#oh well. i'll be out of this fucking place in like a month.#if you told me when i was 15 that i'd be begging for school to start again just so i could get out of the house i'd have asked you why we#hadn't just walked in front of a moving car yet. sometimes i still wonder.#pdl
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Hulk! (1978) #14
#this whole story really emphasized Bruce as a scientist and as that being a position of superiority#not even necessarily just superiority over the Hulk but as a position in society#there’s even a scene where police try to restrain him and he yells at them ‘you can’t do this to me- I’m a scientist!’#of course the concept of Bruce’s life being more valuable because of what he can contribute as a scientist is nothing new#which I’ve been thinking about a bit lately#like that trial the Hulk had way back where it was argued that it would be wrong to kill the Hulk because that would also mean killing Bruce#and that would be such a loss to science#implying that it would be ok to kill Bruce for the Hulk’s crimes if he was someone that could contribute less?#and- for that matter- that the Hulk’s life is worth less than Bruce’s because he’s not as ‘intelligent’?#I think that these ideas are interesting within the story#I like the idea of Bruce as something with a sense of superiority#of Bruce as someone who thinks of himself as that he ‘exalts mankind’s conquest of savagery’#and- amidst all his other issues with the Hulk- as insecure over part of him being a ‘dumb beast’#but it can sometimes be frustrating to see those ideas presented uncritically within narration#(though I have already formed the habit of sometimes rejecting the framing the narration presents in Hulk comics- haha)#and then reproduced by fans#particularly the weird insecurity some Hulk fans have over the Savage Hulk alter being the most well-known one#and the emphasis they’ll give on how the Hulk is actually an interesting character capable of depth!#… because there are other alters with less limited vocabularies#like c’mon now#marvel#bruce banner#my posts#comic panels
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ellieslittlewh0re · 11 months
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chapped lips - seattle! ellie x wlf reader
summary - you’re kinda new to the wlf and when your group gets taken out by scars, you’re left alone… at least that’s what you thought until a girl knocks you unconscious and holds you hostage.
wk - 5k
additional tags - revenge! ellie, interrogation play, canon game violence, blood! mention, gun play, name calling, mean! ellie, rough lesbian sex, fingering (e! and reader both receiving) humping?, reader! is a little off her rockers bc she me fr, use of the word daddy (im sorry), degrading (e! to reader), thigh riding, name calling (crazy bitch, slut, whore), this is literally canon seattle! ellie in all her glory, no physical description of reader
It don't know how it happened. I was supposed to go to my post and take out any scars that I came across. Basically, it was suppose to be a normal, average day. I got up at the usual time, ate what I normally would eat before heading out and hell.. I was even was with the usual group that I was always working with. Posted up in a less trafficked area had us comfy, cocky even. My group had their guards down. Me included. Sneaky assholes got the high ground on us.
I don't know if I was the only one who made it. In the chaos of guns firing, arrows flying and the screams of my people being slaughtered, I had ducked into a building in downtown Seattle. Up until now I didn't even know this building was here since we never bothered to send anyone out this far from base.
"Fuck." I take a deep breath, steadying the gun I clutched in my hands. I draw it, pointing it towards the front door and windows that lined up facing the street. I scan with my gun looking for anything really. Scars, anyone from my group that may have survived. Any movement at all but it was silent. Bodies littered the street. I recognize a comrades body that laid lifeless on a hood of a rusted taxi.
I can't stay here. I thought to myself, cowering behind a counter still squeezing the pistol in my hands.
"C'mon. You got this." I take a few deep breaths to gain to courage to get the fuck out of there. I squeeze my eyes shut for just a moment when a slight squeak of the linoleum floor alerted me. I snap my head to the direction of the noise. A flash of color and something came down heavy on my head then everything went black.
Was I dreaming?
"Wake up."
Who's voice is that? Did I dream the whole thing? I am waking up for the first time and my whole grouped didn't just get killed in front of me.
My eyes fly open and my head is pounding. I blink repeatedly trying to take in the surroundings. It didn't look like my barracks room. My cheek began to sting and I go to touch it, but I couldn't.
"About time."
I follow the voice looking up. It was a girl. A girl I didn't recognize.
"What? who'r you?" I groan in agony. My head felt like it was going to explode and my wrists started to go numb. I look up to my hands that were cuffed to a drawer above me. Skin red around where the metal was digging in. This definitely wasn't a dream.
"Where's Abby?" She knelt down in front of me using a bat to steady herself. Her voice was raspy, demanding and didn't sound like she was looking to make a friend.
"Who?" My voice went up a pitch from annoyance. Who the fuck is this girl and why the fuck is she holding me hostage.
"Don't play dumb. Abby Anderson. She's one of you." She takes her index finger and moves it up to the patch on my jacket.
"You think I know every wolf? There's fucking hundreds of us." I shove my shoulder into her hand, forcing her touch away.
"For your sake you should probably think a little harder." She stood and hovered over me, adjusting the grip on the bat she was wielding.
"Or?- What? You're going to kill me?" I let out a humorless chuckle. I furrow my brows at her, puffing out my chest trying to come off as intimidating even if I was the one restrained.
"It's your last chance." She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her knuckles turning white from her firm grip on the bat.
"Fuck you." I spat. Yanking on cuffs, but it didn't help. I felt the stinging around my wrist intensify and a warm trickle down my arm. I didn't know why I was fighting anymore. I didn't want to be apart of the this group in the first place but they had guns and food, things necessary to survive and I wanted to keep living. It felt like it was going to be cut short anyways when I notice her bring the bat over her head and throw it down towards my face.
"WAIT!" I flinch and scream just before it could make contact causing her to pause. I take a few deep, shaky breaths as she crouched down in front of me once again.
"You said Abby... Blonde hair? Works out a lot?" Too scared to make eye contact I keep my eyes fixated on the girls shoes. Dirty converse that were worn and stained with blood.
"Where." She wasn't asking she was demanding. Her tone was sharp and cold which made me flinch.
"No- no one has seen her since yesterday..." a tremble could be heard in my voice. I shut my eyes and brace for the wood. Either she's not going to believe me and kill me or it wasn't what she'd want to hear and kill me.
"Bull-fucking-shit." She chucked lightly but it wasn't out of humor.
"It's the truth. She left without permission yesterday and hasn't come back." I gain the courage to look in her eyes and stand my ground. Hoping that she'd just believe me and let me go.
She stood, pacing back in forth dragging the bat behind her.
"Please- just let me go.... I won't say anything. I'll just pretend-" I was cut off by the shattering of glass. I got on my feet and peek over the counter at the front windows. Familiar whistles and people in homemade leather jackets start to flank the building.
"Fuck me." The girl cursed under her breath, taking cover behind a shelving unit a few feet from me.
"Unlock it." I demanded. Pulling at the cuffs.
"Fuck no. You'll just kill me as soon as you get the chance." She held her pistol firming by the side of her head, peaking around the shelves. A arrow flew past her, missing by a few centimeters.
"No... I'll help kill these fuckers and then I'll try to kill you." My patience was wearing thin and she seemed to appreciate the honesty. She readied herself, taking a few steps back and then running across the open fire, sliding herself next to me.
"Don't move."
"Wait- why?-" I was cut off by the sound her gun firing and I felt a burning sensation in between my wrists. I felt my hands free from the awkward position.
"Give me my gun." I held my hand out, peaking over the counter in a frenzied state. She hesitates making me look at her in frustration. My eyes widen in a 'what the fuck are you doing' kind of way.
"We kill these fuckers first. Yeah?" She raised her brows at me with a nod. I roll my eyes at her and huff.
"Oh my fucking god-" I was cut off by the sound of more glass shattering and gun fire, casing me to flinch.
She slapped down the weapon in my open palm and give me a look of 'you ready?' and I nod back to her.
She fires gun shots at the entrance as I make it over to the other side of the building. I keep myself concealed, ducking and sliding behind furniture as I try to take them by surprise. I find a broken window and jump out of it and take cover behind the same taxi except now blood poured from the hood. I peak from behind the car and take aim at a scar that was further behind the rest. I steady my hand and shoot casing him to go down. The sound of my gun alerting another one. He aims his rifle at me, but it was too late I let another bullet fire, hitting him in the chest. The girl who was once my captor was now my partner for the time being. She proved herself useful and skilled. She'd taken out a few that were closest to the building, making more flood the front which just made it easier for me.
The sound of gun firing had stopped, leaving the sound of wind that rustled the trash in the streets. I scan the street and slowly start to stand up from behind the car when I felt a hand throw me backwards by my hair.
"AH!" I scream, trying to pry the hands from my scalp. A large man with a machete crawled on top of me. I reach for my gun that fell to my side but he tosses it out of reach. I hit and claw at the bald man's face which made him put his knees on my arms, leaving me completely helpless against his strength.
"Such a pretty little thing." The man sneers and I felt him wrap his hands around my throat. I gasp and flail trying to loosen myself from him, but I couldn't. He squeezed harder and harder, making my vision go blurry and I heard ringing in my ears. It started to go dark again but I heard one last *pop* and the tension around my neck relaxed. I gasp and cough, not really sure what happened. I felt warm liquid pool down my neck in chest. I look down to see the now dead man partially on top of me, open wound to the back of his head. I push him off and crawl out from underneath him.
"What the fuck is wrong with these people." I continue to try and catch my breath, wiping away the blood splatter and sweat off of my face.
"You're welcome."
My state of adrenaline induced shock was interrupted by the girls voice. I turn to her in disbelief that one: she killed somebody to save me and two: she had the nerve to crack a joke right now.
"I didn't ask for your help." I pick my gun off of the ground, shoving it into the waist of my jeans.
"Oh? So you wanted him to kill you?" She sounded annoyed that I didn't kiss her feet for the favor.
"What does it matter? You're going to kill me anyways!" I throw my hands up as my voice grew louder. I hear her sigh and suck her teeth. I didn't understand her. She was fully intended on bashing my head open, but then she had a change of heart and saves me?
"If you're done here can we get this over with?" I snap at her and start to walk back into the building.
"Not here. Not safe anymore."
I paused briefly, confused by her words. 'Not safe anymore' what does that matter if you're just going to kill me?
I follow her a few blocks away making sure to hang a few feet back. I would be so easy to shoot her right now and she'd have no idea. I should shoot her. I mean she knocked me unconscious, cuffed me and threatened to kill me. It's clear she has issues with the WLF and specifically this Abby chick. Whatever it is, I don't care. I have my own personal beef with the WLF and this girl she's looking for isn't my friend or anyone special to me so maybe that's why I didn't shoot her.
"Seriously where the fuck are we going?" I break the silence and my voice echoed throughout the street.
"Somewhere secure." She answered but continued to look straight ahead.
We continued to walk for another half hour or so, the only noise was the sound of our feet shuffling pebbles and debris that littered the roads.
"How much further?" My agitation grew with each passing minute. Growing more anxious that I had no idea what this girl plans to do with me.
"Stop bitching. We're here." She stopped in her place making me almost run into her.
I look up at the sign on the front of the building that read 'Pinnacle Theater' and scoffed.
"Is now the best time to watch a movie?"
"It's safe." She snapped, turning back to shoot me a glare.
Safe? Safe from what? The only thing that's a threat to my safety right now is her so why did she bring me here?
"Whatever." I roll my eyes and follow her into the building.
I take in the surroundings of the theater. The large burgundy curtains that hung on the walls gave it a gaudy, over the top feel. Once fancy chairs and couches were now coated in a thick layer of dust and mildew. My attention to the interior of the large room was diverted to a rattling behind me.
"What are you doing?" I furrow my brows at her in confusion as she was putting the legs of a chair in between the handles of the doors.
"Do you want more of those assholes showing up?" She spit back, sounding annoyed that I had the audacity to question her. I roll my eyes once again at her attitude, crossing my arms over chest in a way to shield myself.
"Sit." The seriousness of her tone snapped me out of thoughts and caused me to look at her. Her brows were slightly furrowed and her jaw was tense, making her bone structure more defined than it already was. I was scared of her so I obeyed, slowly lowering myself on a nearby couch while keeping my eyes on her. If she was going to make a move I didn't want to be caught off guard.
"Where's Abby?" She took a few steps closer to me and maintained a hateful stare.
"I told you... she left."
I watch her face contort from my words. The slight flare of her nostrils and the curl of her lip made my heart start to pound faster. She started to pace again... forward a few steps and turning around and doing the same, repeating her movements. A fuse was being snapped the longer I watched her, a switch within that was half-way being flipped. She stopped her pacing and lunged at me, whipping out her pistol out of her back pocket to point it at my face.
"Where?" Her voice became course and there was a slight tremble.
"Pl-please.... I told you already. I've just joined the WLF a few months ago... I don't know anything." I flinch. Breaking the eye contact turning my face away, squeezing my eyes shut.
I hear her take a quick breath and then the cocking of her gun. I let out a whimper, squeezed my eyes even tighter and braced for what's to come.
"Fuck-" She breathed heavily and I hear her take a few steps back lowering her gun. I timidly open my eyes and watch her as she sits on the ground. Her head hung low in between her legs that were propped up. Her hand was still clutched around the handle of her gun but I noticed the tremble of her free hand. She breathed heavily, slowly like she was trying to sooth herself. The tough act that she put on up until this point was now crumbling beneath her feet.
I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanting to flee and another part of me wanted to comfort her which confused me. I don't know her and our first time meeting each other wasn't really all that pleasant, but she was hurting and that was something that I could connect with. I hear her sniffle and she quickly goes to wipe the tears.
"Hey-" I start to get up but was rudely stopped by her pointing her gun as she stood and took a few steps back.
"I-I'm not going to hurt you if you don't hurt me." I held my hands up high for her to see as I slowly reach into my waistband as she followed my movements with her gun. The sound of mental hitting the carpeted floor bounced off the walls. Maybe I'm trusting her too much by discarding the only weapon I had to defend myself, but I felt like she didn't want to hurt me she just felt like she had no other choice.
"See?" I lower my hands back down to my side as she looked at me with confusion, the grip on her weapon tightening.
"You think I won't?" She took a few strides forward, now leaving me at arm's length with only a few inches between the tip of her gun and my chest. My teeth clench and I break out in a cold sweat.
"No. I don't." I take a small step forward allowing her gun to dig into my chest. I felt coldness of the barrel through my clothes. My breath hitched and a shudder ran up my spine. The girl looked at me in disbelief, glancing at my partly opened lips and the contact of her gun.
"You're fucking crazy." She chuckled lowly.
"Maybe." I whispered as I tilt my head to the side. We stood in this position for what felt like hours but in reality probably only a few seconds had gone by. I noticed her breathing pick up as she fixed her eyes on the cleavage that poured out the top of my low cut shirt. A realization hit me when I noticed what she was looking at. She was turned on by what she saw. I didn't know if it was simply because she found me attractive or the whole holding me at gunpoint and at her mercy was just a fucked up kink of hers.
Getting a closer look at her face she was quite beautiful, handsome almost. Bright green eyes framed by dark long lashes, freckles dispensed unevenly across her face, full lips that had a scar that ran through the top corner and how her dark auburn hair was tied up messily in a half up- half down style. Her sharpe bone structure making her seem more masculine and how she carried herself was much more of a man. She was a type of girl I hardly came across and she was exactly my type.
I grab her gun slowly and push it down and to my surprise she didn't retaliate. I take one last step forward until we are chest to chest. I didn't realize it before, but she is much taller than me. She could easily overpower me and I just hoped it didn't come down to that. I subconsciously bit down on my lip as I look at her parted mouth, I felt her breath brush against my own.
"What are you doing?" She breathed, leaning in slightly looking perplexed.
"If you're not going to kill me then what else are we going to do?" I blink wide-eyed at her, cocking my head slightly as a whininess took over my voice. The corner of her lips tugged up into a devilish smirk.
Her hand gripped tightly on arm, forcing me backwards. She pushed me down on the couch, pining my back against it as she got on top and straddled my legs.
"You really are fucking crazy." She gritted through her teeth before I felt her lips clash against mine. Her lips were chapped and felt rough against my own. The aggression and desperation of her kiss caused me to moan as her tongue slipped into my mouth. I felt fingers tips drag over my thin fabric top before she squeezed my breast harshly.
"Fuck-" I break the kiss, looking at her through half hooded eyes. I was panting looking up at the girl as she looked down on me with hunger. I felt a heat building in my core making my decision making fuzzy. I roll my head to the side and noticed her hand still holding onto her gun. Dark green-blue ink that came together into a delicate looking drawing covered almost her entire forearm.
Her fingers were long and small cuts and scrapes covered them. I imagined what she would feel like inside of me which caused a small whine to leave my lips. Maybe I am crazy...because why the fuck am I having these thoughts when she is holding a gun this close to my head all the while making out with me? She glanced to where I was looking and caught me deep in my thoughts.
"Does this turn you on? Huh?" She lifted her hand that held the weapon and swayed it in front of my face, almost in a way of trying to shame me.
A whimper escaped my lips unintentionally and a deep-rooted desire was coming to the surface. I don't know if it was the stress or how attracted I was to her, but being scared of her just made me all the more aroused.
"You're so fucked up." She humiliates me like she was on a power trip as she pressed the tip of the gun to my temple. My body shudders as I felt the icy metal brush against my skin.
"Pl-please..." I whine at her, begging her to do something about the heat building in my pussy. I squeeze my thighs together underneath her as tears start to form in my eyes.
"Please what? Use your words princess." She kissed slowly at my neck.
"Touch me." I breathe out, my voice trembling.
I hear a giggle and her breath in my neck.
"Name's Ellie. Use it." She sternly demanded. Her voice rough and almost hoarse.
"Ellie- I need you t-to touch me." My hips started to grind the air, desperate for some sort of friction.
"Good girl." I felt her teeth dig into my neck before lifting herself back up to look down at me. She kept her eyes on my own as she placed her gun down, probably making sure I wouldn't try to grab it. Her hands move down to unbutton my pants and I lift my ass, allowing her to remove them completely. My breathing hitched as she cupped my pussy, gently rubbing small circles over my underwear.
"Fuuuck- you're so fucking wet for me even though I tried to kill you. You're such a crazy bitch." Her choice of words made the throbbing more intense.
I moan as I move my hips against her hand, head rolling back as I focus on getting myself off but she pulled her hand away before I could.
I watch her confused as she lifts herself off of me and then sitting back down.
"Get on top." She sounded impatient, patting her leg.
I hesitantly crawl further down the couch, lifting one leg over her thigh and holding her shoulders to steady me.
I felt her fingers wrapped behind my neck pulling me in to reconnect our lips. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth as I let out another moan. The thin fabric of my underwear, now soaked, made the ridges of her jeans more apparent.
"Mm fuck- el-lie." My hips started to rock back and forth against her leg.
"That's it. Use me, slut." She gritted, molding various parts of my exposed skin in between her fingers.
I felt her hands grab the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head. She kissed and bit at the delicate skin between my breast, but it wasn't enough. She pulled my bra down so the straps hung off of my shoulders, leaving my chest exposed. Her mouth enveloped my nipple, sucking and then biting it gently.
"Fuuu- mmm-" Biting my lip to silence my wines as I felt goosebumps form on my exposed skin.
My hand wondered down to the button on her jeans as steadied myself with the other.
"C-can I?" I ask for permission through wet eyelashes, eyebrows furrowed upwards but was already unzipping her pants and slipping my hand inside. Her hand that harshly gripped my side came up around my throat causing me to pause. I felt her fingers squeeze around my neck but she didn't say anything. I study her expression trying to understand if she wanted me to stop. Her eyes were dark and filled with lust, lips parted as her chest rose and fell from her rapid breathing. I cautiously slipped my fingers in between her folds, feeling the slickness of her arousal.
"Fuck-" She leaned her head back against the couch and adjusted her hips, allowing me easier access. She rocked her pussy into my fingers as I did the same on her thigh. Seeing her in this submissive position and at mercy to what I was doing to her made my heat burn hotter. She must have felt the way I was watching her and switched back to her more controlling behavior, slipping her hand in my underwear.
"Mmmm-" I bit down on my lip, throwing my head back while still trying to keep my rhythm on her pussy. I dragged my cunt against her fingers. My hole dripping and coating her hand and letting her slip her finger in easily.
"Ahh... Fuck.. yes Ellie- j-just like that." I started to bounce my pussy on her finger, leaning back and grabbing the back of my calf with one hand to keep me stabilized while the other sloppily encircled her clit.
"Keep doing that baby.." She breathed heavily and her words broken while still trying to maintain her position of power, but she was weakened from my touch. Her aggressive, harsh tone was now much softer and feminine. Her whimpers and moans sounded like honey coated candies, sweet and sounded like music to my ears. Her breathing quickened and the distance between her cries were getting shorter. Her eyes squeezed shut as her head tilted back, signaling she was close.
"Fuck- I'm-" Her jaw hung open and her body tensed underneath me.
"C-cum fr' me Ellie.." I bounced lazily on her fingers, wet sloshes and strained moaning filled the room. I slowed my pace against her clit as her hips stilled and then buckled, leaving her limp for a few seconds.
Her chest rising and falling deeply as she caught her breath. She looked at me with wide eyes then shifted back to the girl I first met. Her eyes darkened and her jaw tensed, lifting herself as she held into my thigh putting me beneath her once again. I look up at her with sex drunk eyes, pulling her down to feel her chapped lips on mine. I held onto the sides of her face as we tasted each other, savoring every last drop.
"You're so f'ckn sexy baby." She panted, reaching down and rushing to tug my underwear out of her way.
"Mmm Fuuu—" I moan, bitting my bottom lip as I felt her fingers slip between my folds.
"M' not gonna go easy on you." She mumbled into my neck, leaving a wet trail of kisses behind my ear.
"G-good." My voice trembled as I felt a finger enter and a second follow shortly behind. Her pace quickened and my eyes start to fill with tears. I look up at her through wet eye lashes, pitiful and dazed. I pull her head down and kiss her deeply, moaning into her mouth.
Her fingers pounded into my cunt without mercy, leaving my body limp and unable to control myself. My moans turned to screaming as her wrist slapped against my clit with each thrust. The fingers of her free hand dug into my leg that was draped over her shoulder as she gently placed kisses to my calf.
"M' so close..." I cry out, tear stained cheeks as I study her face, her watching how my pussy takes her fingers. Her brows furrowed, her mouth hung open ever so slightly. The sweat glistened on her nose and forehead from the rigorous movements. The milky fluid of my sex coated her knuckles.
"You like it rough- huh?" She gritted through her teeth, grabbing the back of my thigh and pushing it forward, allowing the pressure to dig deeper.
"Oh- ohhh Fuuck.. y- yes daddy.. mm-" I barely can make out, eyes rolled back into my head as she fucks against my cervix.
"Be a good girl- Cum fr' daddy." Her raspy, sex driven voice ricocheted through my body. My back arched, my head fuzzy as I grabbed the couch cushion. The air was sticky and thick as my hips rolled and twitched sporadically, not being able to control my movements. I watch her through blurred vision, the silhouette of her hazy from my tear filled eyes. My jaw falls open, my eyes squeeze shut and my climax rolls throughout my body like waves. Bolts of electricity course through me causing my hips to jolt. She slows her pace against my cunt, riding me out until my body stills.
I lay motionless, body splayed out on the couch as I catch my breath. My pussy continued to throb from the sudden absence. I felt her sit down on the couch just below my propped-up knees, causing me to look down at her from my horizontal position. She examined her fingers, still wet, and brought them to her mouth.
"You taste so good baby.. I need more."
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theemporium · 1 year
i feel like remus lupin can be the kind of guy that would be silent but sometimes he's vocal when he hasn't seen you in a long time... "fuck baby, you feel so good."
thank you for requesting!🖤remus lupin being vocal is so personal to me
“Shit, shit, shit—”
“That feel good, baby?” you cooed softly, your hips slowly rolling against his as the boy whined and bucked beneath you. 
“So good,” he moaned, nails digging into his palms as he fought against the restraints. 
Because the thing about Remus Lupin was that as good as he was with his words, he liked to show how he felt through actions. Whether it was small, wholesome acts like preparing your coffee in the mornings or carrying your book. Or slightly less innocent acts when he would hold your hips and fuck into you until you couldn’t keep yourself up.
Actions spoke louder than words was a philosophy Remus strongly believed in.
Except when he got in certain moods, quite like the one he was in currently. 
He would become needier and more touchy. His hands would always be touching you in some way, his lips always near your ear so he could whisper in your ear just how much he needed you. And when Remus got this vocal, it drove you wild. It drove you fucking crazy because you could have him whining and begging for you the way he did to you. 
“My pretty boy,” you sighed, nails tracing down his panting his chest and along the ridges of his abs. His hips jumped, his hands pulling at the ropes that had magically restrained him to the headboard. His cheeks were flushed pink, his lips swollen and red from biting them and his cock was buried deep inside you, your walls clenching around him tightly. 
“Please, baby, please,” he whimpered, his chest heaving as you slowly began to move up and down his cock, the tempo nowhere near enough for him. “Fuck me, please. Fuck me.”
“Yeah?” you murmured as you leaned down, lips brushing against his Adam's apple as he tried to buck his hips up into you. “Want me to fuck my pretty boy dumb?”
“Please,” he moaned out, his lips parting with a silent scream as you began to speed up, bouncing on his cock until his eyes were rolling back. “Shit. Shit, you feel so good, so fucking good, love.”
“Fuck, you fill me up so good, baby,” you moaned into his ear, your voice a little whiny as you kept rolling your hips against his. “So fucking deep inside me, Remus, it feels so good.”
“Shit, I-I can’t—”
“Shh,” you cooed, the mocking tone of your voice only spurring him on as your fingers ran through his hair before tugging softly. “Be a good boy and come for me, love.” 
His moans were whiny and pathetic as he came, his cock still buried in you as your lips and teeth marked up the column of his neck until he was shaking beneath you, far too lost in the pleasure and you to care about anything else.
“You look so pretty when you come,” you whispered against his lips.
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gangrenados · 1 year
Yandere!Miguel O'hara warning: talk about physical violence
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•let's talk about violence and Miguel.
•Miguel is a man with issues, his temper it's volatile and he explodes in anger fast and easily.
• It might make you think he would be a horrible being to his darling, a man without mercy who would put you into place and beat you if you dare to do otherwise.
•But no, I do belive he's would be a control freak towards his darling, and would treat them as if they were dumb and weak. Yeah, as harsh as it sounds that's how he perceives you, Miguel just wants to be your hero and savior.
•But as bad and stoic he looks, Miguel would feel extremaly guilty to hit you on purpose, he can't bring himself to do that no matter how bad your offense was.
•He prefers to put you in time out and restrain you, hell he would rather paralyze you with his venom if it means to keep you in place.
•Yeah, Miguel has done it many times and he tries to be as gentle as he possibly can. "Para que dejes ya la malcriades y me hagas caso de una vez." his words are stern but he carries you around as if you were the most fragile thing to ever exist.
•Whenever Miguel paralyze you he ends up putting your body on a cozy place like his bed where you can lie down. If he got the time Miguel would stay with you for a bit and scold your actions, he'not mad just disappointed.
"I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Mi amor, you are really important to me, I just want to protect you"
•During those time you might be able to see his delusional shell cracking, just a bit, enough to let you see a defeated Miguel whose doubting if he's actually doing the right thing.
•He just wants a family, somebody who can make the world a less dangerous and scary place. Miguel wants the warmth that love provides, he wants to feel that with you.
"I don't wanna be the bad guy, I just care for you that much." He confess, caressing your legs with grace and fear his touch might stain your skin.
Para que dejes ya la malcriades y me hagas caso de una vez: Stop being bratty and hear me out for once.
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doberbutts · 6 months
weird question, but is there a reason why humans with rabies don't become as mindlessly aggressive as animals with rabies? like, how come people with rabies aren't running around biting everyone?
If I'd hazard a guess, it probably cooks us before we progress that far. Additionally, it also likely has something to do with natural instinct- humans with rabies while they are still able to talk report feeling intense fear and pain while experiencing hallucinations.
Most humans actively don't want to hurt other people- I have a schizophrenic aunt and even in her worst delusions and hallucinations where she may be screaming threats, she's never actually followed through on any of them because she genuinely doesn't want to hurt anyone when she's capable of processing situations logically. Similarly, I have a friend-of-a-friend who is also severely mentally ill, and the only times he's ever hurt someone are when he gets grabbed while he's hallucinating that someone is trying to hurt him. Those he's lashed out at in this state get shoved or kicked or punched before he continues to try to get away from them (they also forgive him immediately because they are his caretakers and understand his mental state very well).
When we started using tools as a species, we also stopped reaching for "biting you" as a defensive response unless there is truly no other choice. Even in the grips of intense fear and panic and pain and delusion and hallucination and paranoia, humans are more likely to choose literally any other option than teeth unless that's their last line of defense. We probably did bite each other back when we were no different than our great ape cousins.
More or less, I'm not entirely convinced that rabies sends signals for "bite" specifically, and is more sending signals for "attack", and humans don't really reach for "bite" when attacking as a general rule unlike other animals. Humans who are restrained in their hospital beds are significantly more likely to bite their caregivers- shoving, kicking, and punching are out of the question when you're tied down. That is true regardless of if they have rabies or not.
Additionally, the virus seems to only progress so far before it stagnates at a specific stage in certain animals. Bats are significantly more likely to have "dumb rabies" than "furious rabies". This could be due to a number of things ranging from "dumb rabies makes them incapable of flight and fucks up their sonar [true!] and so they starve to death before symptoms can progress past that [theory!] since they have fast metabolisms and missing even a single night's meal is devastating to their health [true!]" to "bats show some resistance to rabies as a whole [true!] and thus it may take much longer for symptoms to progress in the usual manner and so the bat generally dies before it can go any further [theory!]" Bats CAN progress to the furious stage, but we don't tend to see it as often.
There has never been a recorded instance of rabies passing from human to human so my money's on a combo of the two theories. It's very possible that Grug The Caveman got rabies from the wolves he was trying to tame and then wiped out his entire society by zombie-biting the fuck out of everyone who tried to help him. But we weren't writing things down at that point, so we have no way of knowing.
Rabies' first documentation is 4000 years ago- but it's very possible it existed before that, since the writing just states that the owner of a rabid dog needs to take provisions against it biting anyone, meaning we knew by then what rabies was and that the bite was dangerous. It's very possible this disease has followed us around since before humans harnessed fire and invented the wheel. That's a decent amount of un-accounted-for time for humans to have hulked out and started zombie-biting.
We have so many folkstory monsters in nearly every culture on the planet that boil down to "had contact with an animal that was acting strangly, turned me into a savage monster that tries to kill everything I see less than a month later, btw my monster disease is super contagious and I spread it by biting the fuck out of you" that predate any modern science knowledge of how the virus works, which makes me think that it probably did happen back in the caveman days and it's ancestrial memory that has us clinging to these concepts to this day.
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pinkynana · 11 months
summary : when the drunk thoughts sound less like "i'm gonna dance all night in this club" and more like " i wanna suck my ex's cock"
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warnings: dubcon, reader is drunk, public grinding and groping, blowjob (duh), masturbation, degradation, reader didn't get to cum
to celebrate your best friend's good news of getting a job, your small friend group decided to go clubbing. so you put on a tiny tight skirt and a crop top that shows off your cleavage as you drink your fill in the club. at first, you and your three other friends were dancing together in one spot on the dance floor. but then you turn around to see two of your friends making out with some guy and your one other friend had already gotten up to the stage where the poles are. 
"oh my god.." you sighed. you left the dance floor to get more drinks because you certainly weren't in the mood to be the most sober friend and help them not to make any dumb decisions. 
your eyes linger around the club, one of your friends who was making out had already disappeared and you sighed again. she was the driver. you drink more and more, eyes still wandering around the club. 
until you catch the sight of your ex in one of the booths, texting on his phone. the break up was brutal. you told your ex, jisung, you wanted to break up and he pretended you never said that. he lived in your apartment, he asked to have a meal together, he offered to send you to work. it was to the point that you had to put a restraining order on him. you haven't met him since. until today. 
"why does he look so hot.." you bite your nail, checking him out from afar. his hair is back to black, his natural color. it was still blue when you broke up with him. but for some reason, (maybe because you're drunk) you don't remember why you broke up with him. and you certainly don't remember how much you hated him after the break up. "should i.." the thoughts were coming. you played with your bottle as more regretful suggestions pop up in your head. "nah.. i shouldn't," you shake your head, looking away from him so the ideas would vanish. 
but looking at your friend who's stripping on stage, the very friend who got a job, you decided that tonight is all about regretful decisions. 
you got up from your seat, as you approached your ex. "hi." you leaned in. jisung smiled at you before replying to your greeting. "are you here alone?" you tilt your head as you asked the question. 
"no, i came here with- what the fuck, where did he go?" jisung looked around the dance floor to look for his friend. you grabbed his hand. "well, now you're alone then." he knew you were drunk. it's not just the smell of liquor, it's the look in your eyes, it's the way you speak. "come dance with me," you pulled his hand as you giggled. 
on the dance floor, you kept grinding yourself on him like a bitch on heat. of course jisung noticed it and of course he didn't do anything. he could only get this with your current state of mind. "you look so handsome tonight." you whispered to him as you kissed his neck. "can i suck you off?" jisung was sure you'll regret this once you're sober. you thought his silence was rejection.
"pleaseee," you palmed his bulge, giving it a squeeze. "i'll be good. didn't you like it when i have your cock in my mouth, hmm? please, jisung." you pout your lips as you plead. "right here?" jisung asked. 
"let's go to my place. you like my bed, don't you?" 
on the way to your house, the two of you couldn't keep your hand to yourselves. you were fully making out on the back of the cab, not caring about the driver at the front. you enjoyed the way jisung's big hands were groping your tits. he caught your moans into his mouth, probably enjoying this more than you did. 
the moment you got into your room, you were already eagerly taking off his pants for him. you pushed him to lie down on your bed once his undergarments were gone. his cock was already hard from the grinding, the groping, the kissing, it was finally time for it to get the attention it deserves. "fuck, i love your huge cock so much." you wrapped your hands around it, jerking it off as you started kissing from balls to the tip. you could feel his cock twitching when you gave the tip a little kitten lick. "fuck," he moaned. that's when you finally started to put it in your mouth. 
"i missed this so much, miss having you like this." you hollow your cheeks, sucking it properly. you moved your head up and down and it felt like heaven for jisung. especially because your face was showing so much pleasure just from sucking his cock. "take off your clothes, baby. wanna see you naked." you gave his cock a kiss before sitting up to strip off of your tight clothes. while you did that, jisung had already jerked himself off. couldn't stand his dick not being touched even for a second. "you look so fucking good." he praised.
you went back to sucking his cock but this time he had his hands on you, pulling your hair and thrusting up into your mouth. his moans got louder, you felt hot. so you reached down to your pussy to rub your clit. "so good to me, baby. such a good slut for me." he was fucking your face at this point. 
"coming to me because i looked hot. practically throwing your body to me. i don't fucking care that you're drunk and would probably regret this whole thing tomorrow. tonight you're my slut." his degradation made you even more wet, you could hear the squelching from your pussy as you rubbed it harshly. "dumb fucking slut probably doesn't even remember she put a restraining order on me. now she's the one who invited her ex over. " jisung pushed you away, pulling out of your mouth. 
you whined, chasing his cock again. "need to cum on your face." you all but pout, couldn't do anything if that's what jisung wants. as he fists his cock, you fingered yourself. you couldn't wait for his cum to pour messily on your face. and in just a few seconds, his cum landed everywhere on your face. 
"so fucking hot." 
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ghostymitten · 2 months
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FreeSmart goes to 4&X YoyleBurgers
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dean-samw67 · 4 months
So I thought of something that would actually give me motivation to go back to the gym and that’s being delusional
So hear me out, reader is going to the gym and perving on Carlos while he works out, he confronts reader only for them to deny it and he’s all like “don’t fkn lie to me” and then hanky panky time happens
Don't Play Dumb
Carlos Oliveira X Fem!Reader
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(A/N: I got you, I got you. He would probably actually have a restraining order if this was real.)
Warnings!!: Smut (Obvi), Fingering, vaginal penetration, FUCKING HONRY MFS, Don't do this irl
Words: 3537
You hated the gym. Despised it. Yet you continued to go. Why? That answer was simple. The gym hottie. Carlos Oliveira. You had pretty much learned his schedule. Maybe it seemed creepy but he was your motivation. He had dark curly hair that got more curly when he sweat, deep eyes that honestly made your heart melt. And who could leave out his fucking muscles? 
So, regularly, you found yourself walking the treadmill while watching him lift weights. You would have offered to be a spotter, but frankly you were too nervous. You had your earbuds in your ears, your show playing on your phone while you walked on the treadmill and kept glancing at Carlos. 
Something about today… he looked fucking delicious. His black tank top clung beautifully to his skin as he sweat. His basketball shorts were riding up just a bit, revealing a little bit of his thigh. Shit, you knew how pervy this was, But you couldn’t help it. 
You tried your best to look away but sometimes when he moved the right way, and his muscles flexed, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. He made your mouth water and quite honestly, made your panties soaked. 
By the end of the workout, it was overall, cleared out. A few stragglers, including Carlos and yourself. You were wiping your neck with a towel, getting your stuff together when you hear footsteps approaching behind you. You didn’t think much of it at first, since it was possibly someone passing by you. But a chuckle brings your attention to the person behind you. You turn with furrowed eyebrows, revealing a sweaty Carlos. His face was red and his hair a mess. 
“You look at every guy like that?” He had a cocky smirk plastered on his face and his arms crossed. 
“Uh…” Your heart practically gave out. “What?” You try your best to put on an innocent, confused smile. 
“Don’t play dumb.” He steps closer to you, your heart wanting to jump out of your throat. “I saw you. You don’t need to lie.” He chuckles. You try to say something but suddenly your mouth feels dry. You were caught in the act. He probably thought you were a weirdo. Which, you probably were. But he didn’t need to know that. 
“Well I uh-”
“You need to make your perving less obvious.” He cut you off by leaning down by your ear and lowering his voice. You couldn’t help but stand like a deer in headlights. 
“I… I’m so sorry.” You quickly apologize, not really knowing what else to do in this situation. 
“So are you gonna answer my question?” He raises an eyebrow. 
“What do you mean?”
“Do you look at all the guys around the gym like that?” All you could do is shake your head, not trusting your voice at this moment. “I just happen to be the lucky man?” He laughs. 
“I guess.” You kinda squeak out, your voice clearly displaying nervousness. 
His hand slips into yours and you let out a gasp as he chuckles and says, “Good.” Before letting your hand go and walking past you. The smell of his cologne mixed with his sweat made you feel like a feral animal in its mating season. You look down at a small slip of paper that now sat in between your fingers. You open the paper up to reveal a number on it. 
Sitting at home, you couldn’t help but stare at the small piece of paper as it sat on the coffee table next to your phone. Was it real? Or was he trying to make a fool of you? As if you didn’t feel foolish enough for being caught today. Or maybe he’s noticed before and never said anything? God. Your brain was racing.
You inhale and hold your breath as you pick up your phone and type in his number, staring at it before typing up a text. 
Y:Hey, it's the girl from the gym. Is this Carlos?
You quickly toss your phone down as you turn on your tv and try to distract yourself. What the hell was wrong with you? You had never felt this nervous texting a man. But then again none of them had caught you perving on them in the gym until now. 
As soon as your phone goes off you stare at it, heart pounding in your chest you could barely hear your show anymore. You pick it up, reading his text:
C:So you know my name?
You throw your phone to the other side of the couch as soon as the text processes. You couldn’t really explain that you found his name out by “accidentally” overhearing his conversation with another gym member. God… you really are a creep, huh? You take a deep breath and pick your phone back up. There was another message from him. 
C:What else do you know about me?
Text was an easy way to be confident, right? Right? You take a deep breath and begin to type out a text. 
Y:Not as much as I wish.
As soon as you pressed send you wanted to scream. He’s gonna think you are weird. That sounded creepy as fuck. The way he answered so fast made you more nervous. 
C:Oh, yeah?
Was that good or bad? You couldn’t tell. 
You let out a mini scream as a call comes through. It was his number! What the fuck!? You slowly answer it but stay quiet, unsure what to say. 
“You there?” Carlos chuckles after a minute of silence.
“I think.” 
“You think?” He laughs, sounding purely amused by your answer. 
“Mhm…” You hum as you nod, even if he can’t see you. 
“You are funny.” Your heart jumps at the compliment. 
“Thank you?” You bite your lip as you laugh quietly. You weren’t trying to be funny, but you’d take it. 
“So what else would you want to know?” 
“Huh?” You are pulled back to the reality of the situation. 
“You said you didn’t know as much as you’d like. So what more would you like to know?” You could practically hear a smug smirk in his voice. 
You couldn’t outright say his dick size. So you say: “You.”
“Me? What about me?” He questions. 
“Just… you.” You shrug as you answer him. 
“I thought I was just eye candy.” You could tell he was joking but it didn’t stop your cheeks from turning a deep shade of red. 
“I-” You pause for a moment. “I didn’t mean to-” 
“I was joking.” He quickly jumps in and laughs a bit. The sound made you let out a nervous, shaky laugh. After another moment of silence he speaks up again. “So you have a name or just ‘Hot pervy gym girl’?” The ‘hot’ part of it definitely threw you off. 
“Uh… I uh… Well-” You chuckle nervously. “Hot?” 
He lets out a deep laugh that echoes through the room from your phone. “Yeah.” 
“Um… It’s Y/n.” You answer. 
“Who knew your name would match your beautiful face.” You can’t help but roll your eyes. 
“Shut the hell up.” You laugh. 
“What?” He chuckles. 
“You are stupid.” You giggle and look at your phone. 
“Hey, that's not very nice. You shouldn’t say that to men you perv on at the gym.” 
You sigh as he says it again. “You aren’t gonna let me live that down.” 
“Nope.” He sounded very proud of himself. 
The next day in the gym was interesting. It wasn’t your normal secret staring. As you walked on the treadmill, Carlos kept making eye contact. And he didn’t even try to break it. If he wasn’t watching you watch him, he was very obviously flexing and showing off. Like he knew when you were looking at certain parts. 
You inhale deeply and let out a heavy breath as you turn off the treadmill. You grab your stuff before slowly walking over to Carlos, who was just finishing up on the bench press. 
“Spot me?” You ask, before looking at the weight plates that were on the bar. 
“Yeah. Let me help with this.” He says as he helps you take down the weight and make it even. As soon as he is done helping, he wipes down the bench. You get on and lay back as he stands behind the bar and looks down at you. He did a half ass job of wiping it down, because you could still feel a bit of sweat against your back. But you don’t say anything. Instead you look up at him as you place your hands on the bar. 
A part of you couldn’t help but picture you laying like this with him standing over you, and fucking your throat. You shake the thought as you slowly push the bar up and begin to bench press, Carlos keeping a close eye and holding his hands under the bar. 
He helps you push the weight up and back into place when finished. You grunt as you sit up and drink from your water bottle. You couldn’t help but notice Carlos’s eyes as they scan over you, a small smirk gracing his face. You look up at him and he looks away, eyes meeting a clock on the wall. 
“You know you didn’t completely wipe off the bench.” You point out as you stand up. 
“I know.” He looks back at you. 
“It’s a little gross, you know?” You wipe the bench off completely. 
He leans close to your face, lips just brushing your ear. “Not when you smell like me now.” He chuckles just before standing up and walking away, his hand just brushing your ass. You are left there to blush as you think about what he said. When you turned around, he was no longer in the room. You clear your throat and quickly gather your things, hurrying to the locker room. Fuck, this man was teasing you now. You brush your hand over your face and then head off to take a shower, hoping it’ll relieve some of your pent up feelings. 
It was nearing closing time for the gym by the time you finish. So it was mostly empty. You step out of the shower with a towel wrapped around your body. You walk over to your bag and pull out your change of fresh clothes. 
You hear the door to the locker room open, and don’t think much of it. Probably just another woman finishing up for the day. As you pull out your clothes you feel a pair of strong arms around your waist. You let out a sharp gasp and elbow whoever it was in the gut. The groan and step back quickly, allowing you to turn around and look at them. 
“Carlos!” You gasp as you see who it was. He was leaning over grunting, holding his side. 
“I would not want to mess with you. You are stronger than you look.” He laughs as he rubs the spot you had elbowed him. 
“I am sorry. Do you sneak up on women often in the ladies locker room?” You joke a bit as you walk to his side.
“I guess we both are weird pervs.” He jokes as he stands up straight. 
“Shut up.” You laugh as you roll your eyes. “I never snuck into the men's locker room.”
“You don’t want to. It's scary. And I am a man.” He chuckles as he takes a seat on a nearby bench. You scoff with a laugh as you walk back to your bag. “You washed off my scent.” He teases. 
You blush a bit as you bite your lip and chuckle. “Just wanted to wash my own sweat off.” 
“Maybe I have to make you smell like me again.” You could hear him get up but keep your eyes on your bag as he walks up behind you. Your heart was racing. 
“How do you intend to do that?” You question, your voice quiet as you fiddle with the hem of your towel. He steps up behind you, his arms snaking around your waist. This time you don’t even flinch as his hands find the opening of your towel. His hand makes contact with the bare skin of your stomach and waist. You gasp at how warm his hand felt in contrast to the cool air of the locker room. 
“May I?” He asks and you already knew what he was asking for. All this sexual tension and he still made sure to ask. It struck you with something. And in full honesty, made you want to fuck him even more than you already did. 
“You may.” You nod, your eyes fluttering closed. Carefully, he pulled your towel off of your body, tossing it on the bench with your stuff. Immediately his hands find your waist, caressing along it. A gasp escapes your lips as his mouth finds a place on your neck, kissing and gently biting at the skin. You didn’t even have to look at him. You could tell he was debating whether he should leave marks or not. And ultimately, he decided to. You could feel his mouth become a little more rough when he makes this decision. 
“Fuck…” You let a whimper escape your lips. It is easy for Carlos to tell you may be a little touch deprived. He doesn’t mind. He will just satisfy all your needs that you left untouched.
“Feeling good, meu amor?” That fucking accent while he called you that, sent you into a spiral. 
“Fuck you, Carlos.” You chuckle as a soft moan escapes your lips when his hand begins to travel down your stomach. 
“So defensive.” He chuckles. “You’ll be putty in no time, don’t you worry.” You could feel his smirk against your neck just before his fingers found your swollen clit. You let out a whine and feel your legs turn to jelly immediately. Why does he have this effect on you? How could one man do all this? 
“You are soaking wet, meu amor… Been thinking about something recently?” He teases.
“Maybe. There seems to be this guy… ah… that I think about… some-sometimes…” You stutter through your moans as his fingers rub circles on your most sensitive spot on your body. 
“He must be a real catch to have you this wet.” He chuckles as he nips at your shoulder, his calloused fingers moving down to your dripping hole.
“Must be…” You repeat his words as it feels as though your head is spinning. Jesus, you really are touch starved. 
“May I?” He asks again, his fingers spreading your wetness over your swollen pussy lips. You can only muster a nod in this moment before his middle finger is slipping into your cunt with ease. 
“Shit!” You let out a gasp and whine as he does this. He smirks as he thrusts his finger in and out of you. 
“How long has it been since someone has done this to you?” He can’t help but laugh at your reactions. 
“Don’t laugh…” You whimper, bucking your hips forward as he adds a second finger. 
“It’s cute, darling, don’t worry.” He smirks and nips at your ear. The palm of his hand would brush against your clit with each thrust of his fingers, getting you closer to the edge even faster. You reach up to cover your face as it contorts with pleasure. His free hand is quick to push them down. “Let me see you. I want to see that pretty face when you cum on my fingers.” 
“Carlos…” You whimper as you look back at him. 
“That’s it. Good girl…” He whispers as he curls his fingers with each movement inside you. It hit the right spot and was getting you closer and closer to that high. Your wetness was dripping down his fingers. It was a mess. And you had just showered too. 
“I… I’m gonna…” You moan and whine, biting on your lip.
“Already? I told you that you would be putty.” Carlos chuckles as he continues the repetitive movement with his hand, not slowing or stopping. Within your body is shaking and your walls are tightening around his fingers as you reach that peak. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… Carlos.” You can’t control the line of curses and his name as they leave your mouth. 
“Look at that. So pretty.” Carlos smirks as he takes a seat on the bench, sitting you on his lap as he does so. You could feel the very prominent bulge against your ass as he does this. You don’t say anything as you attempt to catch your breath. 
After just a moment of regulating your breathing he is lying you down on the bench and hovering over you. You stare up at him, eyelids a bit heavy. 
“We aren’t done.” He had that stupid smirk on his face like always. You hear him fiddling with his belt, undoing it and then his button on his pants following. He pushes his pants down enough to let his cock fall free of his confinements. He was above average. Definitely the biggest you had seen in person. His tank top was pushed up so you could see his happy trail. It made you horny all over again. Which was pretty easy for him to do. He pulls your legs up, holding them under the knees and keeping them spread apart. This allowed him a full view of your already spent cunt. He chuckles as the tip of his cock brushes against your soaked entrance. 
“May I?” There were those two words again. You had let him destroy you with his fingers and he still was asking if he could do this. 
“Yes.” You nod and stare up into his eyes. As you do so he carefully sinks his cock into your swollen pussy. 
“Holy fuck!” You grunt and grit your teeth, a slight pain from his size. It was not awful but not something you are used to. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll be slow.” He whispers as his arms are placed on the bench above your head. Your legs now rested against his thighs as he slowly moved his hips against yours. He keeps his eyes on your face to make sure he wasn’t making it worse. It didn’t take long for that pain to fade into pure pleasure and you were thrusting your hips to meet his and encourage him. 
With that he grunts in your ear as his hips pick up the pace. Your hands find their way around his body and your nails find his back. You were still sensitive from the earlier orgasm, making this more intense. There is a slapping of your hips against his with each thrust he took. 
“Good girl. Taking me so well.” His praises just fill you with more pleasure than before. He could feel the soft clench of your walls around him from his words and it made him feel absolutely insane. He buries his face in your neck, taking in your scent, which was now mixed with his. 
“Carlos… please…” You can barely whine out as your nails drag down his back. 
“What? Use your words, meu amor.” He bites on your earlobe as his grunts and groans. 
“More, please.” Your words come out just as a whimper but he doesn’t hesitate to comply and pick up the pace of his thrusts. Your eyes roll back as your back arches off of the bench you laid on. 
“That what you wanted, sweetheart? More of my cock?” He moans against your skin. You can muster up a nod but the only thing falling from your mouth at this moment was pleas of pleasure. He chuckles through his own sounds of pleasure as his hips rock against yours. You knew that you were already teetering on the edge of a second release, in hopes he was at the same point as you. 
You could feel your legs shuttering against his toned thighs and that only fueled his ego more, making him slam into your dripping cunt with more vigor. His back at this point was covered in scratches from your nails, and each one elicited a groan from his lips. 
“I… gonna… ah, fuck!” You couldn’t even warn him before you are tipping over the edge and the walls of your pussy are clenching around his thick cock. He grunts and stabilizes himself on the bench with his arms as his thrusts come to a complete stop and his hot cum fills your spent cunt. As the two of you are left to fall down from your high, the locker room is filled with heavy breathing and soft whimpers. 
“You did so well.” Carlos breathes out before capturing your lips with his as if rewarding you for this. It wasn’t until you pulled away and took notice of the clock on the wall, realizing that it was five minutes to close and you both would have to rush to get out of here.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
tadc cast with a s/o who hates touch.
BUT when they finally get comfortable with the characters they get soooo touchy (as in hugs ,hand holding etc)
Sorry if i didnt make myself clear
And thank you for your work!! ;)
TADC cast x reader who's warming up to touch!
So sorry for taking so long to get to this anon <\3!! I recently went back to writing on mobile due to back pain from sitting at my computer and it's really done a number on my efficiency <\3
That said I hope you enjoy!
Side note does anyone know any tips on how to soothe sore throats? Preferably not with honey because honey naoes my throat swell and itch 😭😭
This post ended up being waaaaaay longer than I first intended so I hope yall are ready to eat up
LAST MINUTE NOTE I misread/misinterpreted this as "reader finally taking a step towards initiating affection for the first time" and not "they're already comfortable and LOVE touch" I am so so dumb but I already have this written <\3 I hope you enjoy this regardless anon 😭😭😭
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I think Caine would struggle with the no touching thing especially since I see him being very affectionate both verbally and physically. That said I do think he eventually gets the hang of it and stops himself from throwing his arms around you for a hug... he amps up the verbal affirmations to make up for it though! He doesnt wanna make you unhappy so hes gonna respect your boundaries and take things slow!
As for when you start easing yourself into it, I think he would try to not make a big deal out of it, as not to risk embarrassing you. As someone who doesnt like touch as well as being hesitant to initiate it, I think I wouldnt want a big hoorah about it you know? But that's just me
He does subtly know hes proud of you for being able to take that step, even if you two are only holding hands via linking your pinkies together
I dont think pomni would be crazy about touch imo, she seems like the type to seize up when you touch her without warning. And I'm not saying that as something to be ashamed of because honestly me too. So I think this is one where you both need to have heavy communication in order to push past that and get used to touching one another ! Team work makes the dream work or however the saying goes
That said imagine you two grab each others hands bc something startles you/you both run from something (be it a prank from jax or an IHA or an abstracted) and you both just
Stare down at your interlocked hands. Experimentally squeezing each other before both relaxing into it
I think that would be a cute idea
Just like caine she is so so understanding. But unlike caine, she doesnt struggle all that much with trying go restrain from giving you physical affection. Ragatha naturally shows her love through quality time and gift giving, so she doesnt often feel the urge to wrap her arms around you, much less unprompted. Especially with your discomfort in mind
In the event that you come over to her, maybe lay your head on her shoulder while shes reading, I think she would stiffen up a little out of surprise, before gently leaning her heads against yours. Its nice, its quiet, and its comfortable. You two both peacefully exist like that for a while... good thing you guys probably dont have organs because ragathas heart would be pounding so fast, shes just so proud of you that the adrenaline kind of gets to her
I think this might be the main one where there may be conflict.
Not because jax belittles your discomfort or tries to push the boundaries. No, I dont think he would, especially when you two get serious. Like would he probably poke you in the beginning before realizing it genuinely brings great discomfort? Yes. Would he stop when he finds out it's an issue for you? Also yes. Again, hes an asshole but I dont think he would be outright ab*sive
No, the reason why I think kay there may be conflict is because behind closed doors, jax can be very clingy and physically touchy, he would want to lay on top of you and hold you and that kind of stuff. That one ask with clingy jax hcs changed me
I think, if you ever try to initiate touch first he would say something kind of mean before he can stop himself. "About time" or something. Like he means it lightheartedly but like. He immediately regrets it, especially since that can just be so... eidkcmc.. when you're trying to come out of your shell in regards to something
Easily has the worst reaction, make him sleep on the metaphorical couch
I think he would do anything to fix that though, you're his lil bun afterall
Kinger is big on touch, he likes handholding and putting his hand on your shoulder. But ultimately he would respect you and not touch you.. honestly kinger can be the same way depending on the day. Either he hates touch and doesnt want anyone or anything touching him, or he needs to be held in order to keep his mind set straight. Poor guy. He just like me frfr.
Honestly gets a little spooked when you gently set your head on his lap, announcing you're going to take a nap while you two hang out in the pillow fort. Kind of gives a soft and surprised "oh!" Before going as still as a statue. Does he stay put? Does he run his hand through your hair? Does he keep up his bug ramble? Does he pipe down?
Ultimately he sits there quietly while you sleep
Expects that to be a one time thing, but he notices you're slowly becoming more physically affectionate. He outwardly shows his support and pride for you
Another one who doesnt really like touch, but instead of it being a discomfort it's just a "I dont like it" thing you know? I mean what did you expect? Zooble doesnt interact much with people unless they're forced to, so it makes sense that touch isnt their thing. So this actually works out very well for you two.
Just like the pomni segment, you guys are going to have to do a lot of communication in regards to introducing stuff like cuddling and hand holding ect into the relationship and finding what works for you while keeping both parties satisfied. I think in the end zooble would be supportive, and even try to esse themselves into the whole thing. So you dont have to do it alone, you know?
Honestly I think shes too shy and/or unconfident to initiate physical affection herself so the topic never really came up. Which... is a bit odd since it regards a comfort thing for you as well as gangle possibly thinking that you dont enjoy her company; assuming you never really tell her that touch brings you discomfort
But because we love healthy stuff here, let's assume you guys set down boundaries and stuff before getting together
I still think gangle would have some teeny tiny feeling that they arent the best for you. She knows its unfair to think that for both of you, but like. Its one of those nagging mean voices we all have/get at some point, you know?
Probably lets out a little squeak when you slowly wrap one of her arms around your hand and wrist. Kind of just stands there frozen. Too scared to speak up or move, fearing she would ruin the moment
Honestly I think gangle isnt used to touch (that isnt neutral or in passing), so this is going to be a little experience for her. You're both in this together now, basically
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Pretty // J.Todd x f!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: SMUT 18+ CHILDREN BE GONE. If I see any ageless or under 18 blogs sniffing around here, I will block you faster than you’ve ever seen. I’ve got the fastest draw in the fucking WEST fucko. Also, insecurity and dom/sub practices.
Summary: You’re having a bad brain day. Jason makes sure you know you’re loved.
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“What do you need?”
His breath brushed against your ear and bathed your cheek with warmth. You met his eyes in the bathroom mirror and took in the way his masterfully built form towered over you. Jason wasn’t just tall. He was solid muscle, firm and unyielding, and every part of him should be rough edges.
“I don’t know,” you replied. You tilted your head to the side unconsciously, as if your body knew what to tell him and Jason’s eyes softened. His hand came up to cup the underside of your jaw, applying the barest hint of pressure onto your throat.
“Do you need me to take control?”
Your tongue darted out to dampen your dry lips and without hesitation, you nodded. “I need…I need to not be right now. I’m all up in my head and telling myself things and-”
He shushed you. Jason didn’t need to hear anymore. He understood. His grip tightened minutely and you shuddered at the weight added to your lungs when you exhaled.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, sweetheart?”
You blinked up at him in the mirror, your head going a little dumb at the sight of his big hand wrapped around your neck. The prettiest collar for the prettiest girl, he’d always tease.
“Why me, Jason?” you finally whispered. “Out of all the women and men of Gotham, why me?”
The heat in his gaze dimmed for just a moment and then he was back in your space, nose pressed against your temple and chest pressed flush against your back. You could feel the thickening length of him pressing against the cleft of your ass and you shivered at the touch.
“Where is this coming from, sweets?” he growled. He was bordering the line between him and the Hood and you hated the way your cunt throbbed at the raspy grate of his voice.
“It’s nothing,” you brushed off. He spun you around so you were chest to chest and his teal eyes bored into your own.
“Did someone say something?” The line of his jaw ticked and the vein in his neck pulsed with barely restrained anger. Jason dropped his head to rest against the crook of your neck, his lips pressing a line of kisses against your delicate skin before he gently bit down on the lobe of your ear.
“Tell me, kitten, because you know I’ll find out either way. I’ll find them and I’ll cut their tongue out. I’ve killed people for less.”
You shuddered at the venom in his voice and he caged you in the safe hold of his arms. This man. This man. You knew he was serious. Jason had thrown grown men through walls when they hinted at getting close to the Hood’s precious jewel. No one knew your identity, but the mere suggestion of someone finding you made him downright feral.
“No, Jase. Sometimes my mind just has bad days.” You cradled his face between your hands and sighed. “Today is one of those days.”
You couldn’t turn off the string of constant thoughts. Normally you were great at reframing them but today you just didn’t have the mental energy to fight the negativity. It would pass. It always did. But today you were in that limbo of struggling to reconcile the rationality of your thoughts with the impulsive emotions that were at war in your mind.
Jason’s entire body relaxed and then one of his arms was sliding under your ass and he was carrying you into the bedroom. He turned so that he took a seat on the bed and carefully placed you down on his lap, your legs straddling his waist.
“Baby,” he murmured. You blinked up at him behind heavy-lidded lashes and he leaned in to pepper soft kisses on your forehead, the tip of your nose, each cheek, and then your lips. You inhaled the heady scent of his musky cologne and the lotion he applied after every shower.
“Oh, baby,” he said again. You pressed your forehead against his shoulder as he cradled the back of your head with one hand and the other slid under the hem of your shirt. Jason’s cool hands brushed against your sternum and you sucked in a shuddering breath when the calloused edges of his fingers caressed your breast.
“Turn off that pretty little mind of yours, hmm? Let me take care of you, sweets.”
“Please.” Your plea disappeared into a whimper as he pinched your nipple between his fingers and rolled. Arching your back, you pressed closer to him in a silent beg for more. He cursed under his breath and yanked your shirt over your head so he could press a kiss to the top of your breast before taking your other nipple into his mouth.
Your hips canted against the bulge in his pants and the pressure was good but it wasn’t enough. A heady sigh escaped you as you dragged your fabric covered cunt against the friction of his jeans. You wanted more.
“I love these tits,” Jason groaned once he finally unlatched himself from the swollen bud. “And this ass.” He snaked his hands down to grab the fleshy fat of your butt and yank you impossibly closer. You threw your head back and his breath trailed against your neck before he bit your chin.
“God, I love seeing your face first thing in the morning and right before I sleep. I miss you so much when you’re gone,” he said. One of his hands dipped into the front of your sweatpants and he pressed his fingers against the soaked fabric of your underwear.
“So wet for me. Such a good girl, aren’t you? Always so good for me. And you’re so smart too. Tell me, baby. Tell me that you’re a smart girl.”
He applied the barest hint of pressure to your clit and it had you whining around the words that tried to form in your mouth. “I’m smart. I’m a smart girl.”
“Yeah, you are, aren’t you? Such a smart girl and pretty too. Tell me you’re pretty.” His fingers pushed the drenched seam of your panties out of the way and his knuckles teased at your entrance. He sucked a hickey into the skin of your breast as he waited for you to speak.
“I’m pretty.”
“And you’re kind.”
“I’m, ah, I’m kind.” You yelped as he slid a finger into your weeping cunt and Jason grinned at the way your face relaxed as he filled you.
“You’re brave.”
“I’m brave.” He added a second finger and pumped them inside of you, twisting and scissoring his fingers until you were practically thrashing against his lap. His other hand held you steady by grasping your waist. His very presence seemed to sear your soul into fusing with his and you wanted to let him hold you down and press his entire weight on you as he fucked you senseless. You wanted to scream his name until your voice gave out.
“You are loved.”
The tenderness of his voice coupled with the absolutely filthy way he was finger fucking you, two fingers caressing the spongy flesh of your cunt while his thumb drew circles around your clit, had you nearly sobbing in frustration and relief.
“I am loved.”
“That’s my girl,” he cooed as he stroked you to that point of release. Pleasure shot up your spine and your thighs quaked on either side of his hips as desperate, panting gasps escaped you. Jason held you close as you clenched around his fingers and when you opened your eyes again once the aftershocks subsided, you had never seen him so pleased and at peace.
“Thank you,” you murmured as you leaned up to kiss him.
He accepted the kiss without complaint and then he raised the hand that had just been buried between your legs and slid his fingers into his mouth to suck the taste of you onto his tongue.
“Oh, we’re not done just yet,” he answered.
@mcrmarvelloki​ @gone-batty-fics​ @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @kat-nee​ @khaylin27​
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
I'm a slut for brat reader fics/hcs/Drabbles
same babes! and because this has been sitting on my frontal lobe for a few days, imma give y’all a little something with big papi Erwin and him getting his kick back on his bratty lil trophy wife.
cw: brat black fem!reader, dom erwin, vibrator use, spit play, slapping, choking, bondage, daddy’s used, overstimulation, nipple play, pet names (honey, sweetheart), mentions of exhibitionism/masturbation
“Say you’re sorry..”
“Ah—haaaaa..please..I wanna co—“
the words spilling from between your lips in a tearful plead as (y/n) lie flat on your back, staring hopelessly at the man who was so mercilessly pounded your pussy into oblivion. Your cries interrupted by the sharp zap of the vibrator plastered to your already sensitive clit. Hands restrained above your head, legs pinned back and held by his veiny hands and breasts jiggling from the thin cups of your pink lace teddy. Not exactly the predicament you had expected to find yourself in tonight but truth be told, you had all but brought this upon yourself. How so? By breaking the one condition that your otherwise dutiful and loving husband requested of you. Your job as his beloved bride was to do nothing else except live like a princess, look pretty and to allow him time to work without interruptions. Today, you couldn’t be vexed to comply and instead, burst into his office amid an important zoom meeting..wearing nothing but lingerie, sat your pretty little ass on the futon in there and began fingering yourself right in front of him. Sucking on your own nipples and moaning his name, among other things as his colleagues listened in. Playing with that pretty pink pussy and begging him to take it. See, the thing was, as loving and devout Erwin was, taking care of business..he had been neglectful of your needs and you missed your husband! Missed his big hands roaming your body, fucking you slowly underneath the flickering candlelight and making you feel good. Rather, he was tugging at that tie; choking you out and relentlessly torturing you with that device and giving you deep strokes. Gritting his teething and grunting… “Dry those fucking tears, sweetheart. Should’ve thought about this before interrupting my meeting. You know better.” True enough but it was clear that your sexual urges came first. Never would you have imagined that it would have landed you being forced into three orgasms consecutively. Squirting and spasming all over his shaft. Shaking vehemently as that vibrator whirred against your bud.
“Okay, okaaaaay! I’m sorry, daddy..fuck.” Begging him to let you come but it was to no avail. Tightening his grip when he felt you do the same on his dick. “Is that so? Sorry for interrupting me or sorry you got caught?” Truthfully, you couldn’t answer that, mainly because you were barely of coherent mind as is but what was certain was that you were about to drench him again if he didn’t stop. Instead, he’d keep burying himself inside of your tightness. At this point, the answer was whatever he wanted to hear but your words were of no use to him. Erwin then gave you a heavy smack to your cheek and prompted to open before spitting into your mouth, and holding your jaws together between his fingertips. Glaring at you with a somewhat diabolical smile..meeting your dumb, slutty, fucked out expression.
“Oh honey, you’re forgiven. But I think I want to fuck you for a little bit longer. Maybe then you’ll behave..I’ll make sure you’re too tired to even move. Less known, give me trouble.”
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felikatze · 1 month
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FE brainrot continues. Based on base Keaton's battle artwork in FEH, which made me realize what a babygirl pose that truly is. Okuma Yugo drew both base Keaton and Halloween Dogboy Grima, which automatically makes him my hero forever.
Anyway. Wolfskin Isabeau.
This is where I hit you with my FE crossover headcanons.
The two wolfskin characters that exist are, to put it mildly, fucking morons. Both Keaton and his daughter Velouria (the only playable Wolfskin) are well and truly Dogs in personality. They like smelling things and collecting cool looking rocks and bones.
They are both named after fabrics.
I think, beastfolk have it better in a place like Vaugarde. Their ability to shift shapes at will is seen as a boon from the Change God themself. They're admired, nearly holy.
And yet. And yet.
Why do they change shape into... this? Into animals? Are they humans who change into animals, or animals who change into humans? Their abilities are praised in theory, but in practice, anybody's bound to freak out when someone turns into a huge wolf creature in front of them.
There's no real stigma against being beastfolk, but, well, don't show it, will you?
I think, Isabeau keeps his nails short, even though they always grow far too quickly. He smiles with a closed mouth to hide his teeth. His ears are weighed down by earrings, so they wiggle less. There's nothing he can really do about the tail, but people at least find that charming.
He plays into the stereotypes on purpose. Acts like a dog for jokes, to make others laugh. Because a dumb wolfskin is expected. Because a dumb wolfskin is less threatening. Someone with intelligence and cunning, who can also tear you to shreds with their bare hands?
....People don't like that very much.
But Isabeau didn't like being shy and demure, didn't like dancing around what he is. What he's always been. When he Changed, he wanted to be bolder, wanted to be someone who others look up to, confide in - not just something like a cute pet.
It's about confidence, and gender, and all of that, yes. It is also about being honest to the monster inside of you. As the journey progresses, he lets it trickle out, bit by bit. Using claws instead of closed fists. Hitting harder, faster, using his senses to warn others of danger.
Here, this is useful. Once the journey ends, and it stops being useful... Well, he better reign it in, right? But it's exhilirating to be honest to his own capabilities. He doesn't know if he can go back. He doesn't know if he wants to.
Also thinks about. Wolfskin Isabeau within the context of Manakete Siffrin.
Siffrin, who, at first, doesn't even realize he's not human either.
For the first time, there's someone who just... isn't fazed by beastkin at all. Sure, Odile wasn't scared, but she'd never met a wolfskin before and Isabeau had still been a curiosity, comparing to the kitsune Odile knew. Yet Siffrin didn't even seem to know what a beastkin is.
Just utterly at ease, with whatever Isabeau shows them. Of course he'd fall in love.
Of course he'd accept every single monstrous part of Siffrin, too. Whenever Siffrin is just a little too quick, a little too strong, when their long ears flick or his eyes reflect the light oddly - when Isabeau sees that Siffrin could be just like him - yeah, of course he'd fall even harder.
I have more thoughts on how Siffrin would feel on their end (how they feel feral compared to Isabeau, who controls himself with perfect precision, how they feel rabid after being restrained for so long), but this is honestly long enough.
Hi to everyone who clicked that readmore, I hope the length of this jumpscared you. Ask me about my isat/fe AUs. Any of them. Please.
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kikibumblesqueaks · 5 months
I just had the ever-loving SHIT tckled out of me at my second PT appointment😵‍💫😵‍💫😭😭
Last time she was just checking my alignment, this time she gave me a whole MASSAGE for 10 MINUTES. Or at least it felt like 10. But I- just-
*screams into the void*
She just starts pressing and digging her fingertips into the most tcklish part of my left hip and I’m already dying inside and fighting the urge to giggle and jerk around, my heart rate is like weeEEEE📈😵‍💫💀 She asks “does it feel tender at all?” and I’m like god not this shit again and with difficulty I reply “it doesn’t hurt, no” and she said “okay it just tickles?” and I nod and finally let out a giggle🙈 And then she continues with prodding and squeezing and starts traveling down my thigh and I still manage to restrain myself but my face keeps scrunching and on the inside I’m screaming and writhing like a snake😵‍💫🫣🙊
That lasted for way too long.
But then I realized- shit… my left side is the less tcklish side…..😳🙊
And sure enough my PT switches to rubbing her fingertips into that really bad spot on my right hip and she might as well have been tckling me on purpose at that point😵‍💫😵‍💫🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I continued holding my laughter in like a pro, but that just resulted in me shaking like a fucking leaf and contorting my face😖🫣
Oh but that’s not the worst part! No, THEN I had to suffer the humiliation of having to say the fucking T WORD out LOUD. Because I was suffering so much my dumb ass just had to say “that side is so much worse..!” trying to discreetly let my PT know I was truly suffering, but instead she said “oh this side is more sore? I thought you said the left side hurt more?” and I really had no choice but to say “no it… tklz…” and I wanted to fucking DIE the way she and my mom both laughed at me😭🙈
And then my mom had the audacity to say “it’s okay, you can let your giggles out! We’d rather hear you laughing than being in pain.”
And I’m like THE HELL IM NOT GIGGLING IN FRONT OF YOU😤😖😫🙈 So I continued suffering in silence with the nonstop prodding and squeezing up and down my right thigh and hip, my tummy shaking with suppressed laughter and my eyes tearing up again😭💀🙈
And to make it all so much “worse”, my dearest @the-shy-ler sent me this message before I went in to my appointment- “Whatever you do don't imagine that their hands are mine, exploring for "weaknesses"~ That would be a real shame” LIKE?!?! REALLY?!??😵‍💫🫠 So of course I was also thinking about THAT the whole time too which made it impossible not to blush and *almost* impossible not to giggle but I just straight up refused😖🙊
I stg everyone wants me dead😵‍💫😵‍💫💀💀
(I’m not genuinely upset btw just flustered to death and wishing my mom wasn’t watching fjnfjfjfj)🙈
Update: I’m probably going in alone my next appointment so I can giggle in peace without the embarrassment of my mom witnessing it🥲👍
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