#team s!
ghostymitten · 1 month
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Icy! icy! What are you doing in... the yoyle Land!?
Day 5
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soursoppi · 21 days
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Who gets dibs on the chicken wing?
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retrogamingblog2 · 6 months
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lovethistoomuch · 2 years
I've been on a bit ob a Russell Crowe movie binge in the past few weeks and since he is almost sixty now, many of the movies I've watched were consequently older movies. and when I watched them, it struck me again, how much hollywood has changed in the last few decades when it comes to depicting men.
take Gladiator for example from the year 2000. Russell Crowe plays basically an action hero in it. he is a big, muscly dude, who is very strong and uses that strength to defeat his enemies. and this is what he looks like:
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looks like a strong man, right?
in the same year, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine looked like this in the first X-men movie:
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in 2013 the same character played by the same actor looked like this:
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it's a bit much, isn't it? I mean, he looks so skinny.
and if we go even further back: look at what the womanizer character Face from the A-team looked like in the 80s show vs the 2010 movie reboot:
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maybe the difference isn't that big but it really startled me when I watched that movie for the first time. in my mind there was no reason why Face should be particularly muscular since he is the charming one not the one known for being particularly strong.
if we go even further back, look at the charmin womanizer character Hawkeye in M*A*S*H from the 70's.
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I know he's a doctor and there is no reason for him to be ripped but I got the feeling if they did the show now, he would be.
I don't know what my point really is I'm just saying I got a bit nostalgic when watching these men. I cannot be the only one who'd rather see more of this:
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than this:
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also, as a sidenote: Russell Crowe gained a lot of weight for the nice guys and he is a fucking powerhouse in that film, like, when he punches someone, you really feel it because of the weight that is behind it and the shere mass of his body.
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(even if this may look different, he's about to break Ryan Gosling's character's arm. I couldn't find a gif of him punching someone but I swear it looks painfull as hell.)
so, in short: can we get big, heavy action guys back? cause I'm tired of seeing these skinny, despite being muscular dudes who look dehydrated as hell and on steroids.
and can we stop making characters ripped just for the sake of it? cause I'd rather cuddle with a guy looking like Hawkeye than one looking like Face from the new A-team movie.
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allelitewrestlings · 1 year
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If ya told me years ago, I’d have an arena chanting HE’S GAY at me in the most POSITIVE of ways, I’d say you’re crazy. It’s pretty cool to see how far we’ve come. Still more work to do. Happy Pride.
PRIDE MONTH EVENT 2023: Anthony Bowens ✂ Rampage 06.23.2023
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averageludwig · 2 months
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Its my birthday.... so I get to draw demoman as meiko..... !!!!
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Roommate!Simon who finds you fast asleep on the couch when he comes home after a mission. He gently enters your shared apartment, momentarily freezing when he hears the faint buzz of the TV and occasional small sighs.
Roommate!Simon who can't stop a smile from spreading on his face when he sees the inhumane position you fell asleep in, one leg thrown over the couch, the other partially covered by a blanket and your head hanging down in a position that's guaranteed to give you neck pains for the days to come.
Roommate!Simon who takes off his mask, gloves and tactical gear before gently lifting you in his arms and cradling your sleeping form to his chest, relishing in the rhythmic sound of your heartbeats.
Roommate!Simon whose heart skips a beat when you cuddle up into his chest, murmuring a sleepy welcome with your eyes still closed.
Roommate!Simon who eventually has to place you in your bed and tuck you in, a tender expression on his face as he watches you drift off to sleep in an instant.
part two part three part four masterlist
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dailyhatsune · 1 year
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did you know that tf2 and hatsune miku are of the same age
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fence-time · 4 months
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4 bros chilling in a hot tub~
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praudzivi · 3 months
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I went a little overboard
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
Thats not Fair!?
So! Danny is a Member of the JLA. He is a Millenia Old Ghost who is stuck looking the same as the day he died, so he never aged over all those Centuries. While the JLA is slightly uncomfortable at him being on the Team, they know his circumstances and try to ignore his appearance. He can't control it, its not his Fault.
Or at least, that's what he tells them.
Danny is in fact, a 15 Yr Old Kid, who used his experience as a Time Traveler to trick the JLA into letting him join the Adult Team. He is actually doing a good job in tricking them!
Then, in a complete accident, he runs into Jazz while talking to a few fellow Leaguers.
She showers him in older sister love, hugging him and giving him Nuggies, and when a Leaguer asks how old she is she says "Oh I'm 17, 2 whole years older than this little scamp!"
So there goes that lie.
Fortunately, the League decides to let Danny stay on the Adult Team.
Unfortunately, Young Justice learned about his admittance to the Adult Team and kind of lost it.
"What?! Why is HE allowed on the Adult Team!? He's only been a Hero for a Year! We've all been Heroes for so much longer!?! And for that matter why is Shazam still on the Team!? Is that the new Rule? If you can trick us into letting you in the Team you can stay? Cause we can do that! We can sneak our way in too!"
Basically I want to imagine YJ's reaction to 2 Child Heroes on the Adult Team when they are stuck on the "Baby Team"
I think it would be funny.
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okaykois · 1 year
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She’s not a damsel in distress anymore!
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triple-starsss · 2 months
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yeah im still on hiatus, yeah im going to post this now because i will combust if i dont (DISAPPEARING AGAIN AS SOON AS THIS IS POSTED ASBJDFH)
anyways yaaayyyy the sillies. been wanting to post about them for a while now!!
ALRIGHT, so the Chaotix in this au own a record store! (goodbye detective work, you only paid so much) they're still struggling to get by a little but they've got enough customers coming by that they've got the funds to keep the store up n running. Silver is one of said customers (but more importantly, a close friend!)
These three were actually Silver's main drive to fully pursue his love for singing!! Silver would often come by and listen to the records when he was a little younger (late teens) and eventually he just got to know the Chaotix through his frequent visits (becoming particularly good friends with Espio wink wink).
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retrogamingblog2 · 7 months
Prepare for trouble
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sporkberries · 1 year
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Robin(1993) is a comic where things happen
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insecateur · 8 months
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