#levihan smut
youre-ackermine · 7 months
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Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe
Wordcount: 1025 approx.
Canon Universe / slightly suggestive / non-binary Hange / swearwords
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It seemed like hours had passed since he had knocked on the carriage roof for the coachman to drive them back to HQ. The rain, no more than a drizzle when they had left, was now pouring heavily, adding its monotonous noise to the clatter of the wheels and of the horses' hooves on the paved road.
The meeting with the brass in the Stohess District had worn them both out but they still had so much to think, so much to work out. Well, Hange did at least. As a matter of fact, sitting on the bench opposite his, they were already writing down the final changes to the project suggested by the higher-ups.
The Squad Leader barely had had time to mourn Sawney and Bean. As soon as the Military Police investigation was completed, they had been discussing new action plans to flush out the culprits in Erwin's office until the dead of night. Every fucking night. For two fucking weeks.
The rest of their day was even more busy, Hange rummaging the library shelves or leaning over their desk engrossed in a big-ass book, locked in their lab drawing sketches for a new technical device. Every fucking day. For two fucking weeks.
The development of their research as well as the strategic aspects of Erwin's long-distance scouting formation plan for the expedition to come were frequently talked through in private meetings only a few Squad Leaders and the Captain himself attended. The scheme required secrecy for not only Eren's but also Humanity's fate were at stake.
Both the jolting of the coach moving on the cobblestones and the relentless beating of the rain against the vehicle had failed to bore him to sleep and he had a hard time trying to distract himself. No matter how much effort he put into concentrating on the scenery outside, his thoughts still pulled him back to that night he had tried to soothe their grief the only way he knew, bringing them a cup of tea and, later on, showing them how much he cared.
Too damn long! It had been too damn long since the last time he had touched Hange. Those past few days, they had just been able to steal a couple of hasty kisses, hiding in the shadows like some shameful teenagers. These brief encounters had left him in the grip of a burning frustration that his yearning heart could barely endure and that no stroke of his own hand could fully sweep out.
Levi startled as Hange let out a weary sigh and turned to look at them with a worried frown. The design they were correcting earlier lay abandoned on the bench beside them. They rubbed their eyes and pinched the bridge of their nose.
"Shit!" they muttered, "it has to work or else we're screwed!"
They adjusted their glasses and, trying to shake off their exhaustion, stretched their arms above their head as much as the cramped space allowed them to, their knee slightly brushing against his in the process.
Levi gulped as he took their slender shape in, eyes lingering on their arched figure then up on their small breasts. His cheeks flushed as he noticed their nipples showing through the fabric of their shirt, his thoughts instantly dragged back to that night again.
All of a sudden a bump in the road shook the carriage. The papers slipped off the bench and Levi promptly bent down to pick them up on the floor, a hand on Hange's leg to keep his balance as the coach still bounced. 
His palm was already burning when he lifted his gaze towards Hange. Eyes locked with theirs, he put the sheets back on the seat absentmindedly and let himself dive in the amber shades of their irises.
He tried to ignore the irresistible urge drawing him to them every time they were together. He tried to ignore the unsteady rhythm of his heart pounding in his ears. He tried to ignore the butterflies fluttering in his chest when he looked at Hange.
But he failed. Terribly. Totally.
Giving in to the longing that had become almost unbearable, he slid his hand along their thigh up to their waist and got closer, his face now mere inches from theirs, his warm breath a feather-like caress over their lips.
In one effortless motion, he cut the distance to kiss Hange, enfolding his arms around their slender waist and, sitting back on his bench, drew them into his lap. 
Nothing was more important to him now than their chest pressed against his, their body wrapping him in a tight embrace. He let himself sink into the slow, tender kiss, relishing the taste of their lips, humming in the warmth of their mouth.
Hange let out a delighted sigh at the feel of Levi's hands sliding up under their shirt and caressing their back. His lips had drifted from their mouth to trail kisses along their jawline and reached that sensitive spot under their ear, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
His hands kept wandering, drawing the scars on their skin, tracing the curves of their spine, slithering to their chest. His deft fingers gently grazed one of their nipples, his lips now moving down their neck. 
Hange's skin shivered under Levi's soft touch and they moaned his name. They ran their fingers through his silky hair, pulling him close for a long, heated, desperate kiss.
When they finally pulled away, both light-headed and panting, they looked at each other in wonder.
The feeling was overwhelming, breathtaking. 
Levi's chest tightened with emotion and he buried his head in Hange's neck, softly whispering their name again and again.
"You got into my head, Four-Eyes!" he blurted out. He kissed the crook of their neck.
"You got under my skin," and he pressed a few feather-light kisses up their neck.
"You got into my heart, Hange," only a faint whisper this time. And he kissed their earlobe.
Hange's eyes widened, then softened and fluttered shut in bliss as he held them impossibly closer against him and whispered something in their ear. 
His words a murmured echo of their own breathless words.
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This is for @dont-f-with-moogles 💕
This takes place two weeks after Bad Habit. I'm not as talented as you are but I hope you'll like it!
Happy Birthday Terra Darling 🎂
Header: @youre-ackermine
A/N: not beta/proof read - English is not my usual language
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dont-f-with-moogles · 10 months
Bad Habit
Bad Habit (NSFW) Characters: Levi x Hange Word Count: 1147 words Canon Universe So, this links a couple of things together… 
Fiercely, Levi yanked Hange’s leg to his heaving chest, lifting her hips up so that he could sink his weight into her. Beneath him, Hange’s head was thrown back against the pillows, his name escaping her in strangled gasp. Insatiable, Levi pushed deeper, more insistently into her. Strangely, he found he was no longer concerned about the noise they were both making.
This felt different to the last time they had been together… That had been a quick, messy, sweaty affair; half-dressed and leaning against a block of straw. Hange remembered the clumsy, desperate kisses; her hair still wet from the rain; her cold lips against Levi’s neck. There had been no time for self-consciousness, for they had only stolen a few precious moments together. Afterwards they had found it hard to look at one another; clawing pieces of hay from tangled hair, hastily buttoning shirts and fastening belts. There had been no time to think about their next meeting, or to question the events which had passed inside the stable… Before she had even acknowledged the line she and Levi had just crossed, Hange had found herself rushing back to the castle with her jacket held up over her head.
But this time, things were different. Hange hadn’t been expecting company that night. It seemed as though hours had passed as she had sat upon the lounge chair in her room, eyes glazed. She had been too exhausted to cry any more bitter tears. Hange stared at nothing; her body bowed forward so that one elbow rested upon her knee. Fretfully, she gnawed upon a bitten-down nail. One ugly thought surfaced, then another rose to take its place. Increasingly wild theories were emerging, leaping over one another; giving persistent chase around her mind. 
A sharp knock had brought her back to her surroundings. Hastily rubbing her face, Hange approached the door. There was Levi, bearing a china cup and saucer. Of course he’d brought tea. Was it a pretence? She had hardly entertained the thought before glancing over his shoulder first one way, then the other up the darkened corridor.
“Did anyone see you?” 
“No…” Levi raised his eyebrows. He held out the cup to her, but did not cross the threshold. Hange turned her back to the doorway. There came the sound of a click.
“You never make two. You didn’t think I’d ask you in, huh?”
Hange coughed out a tearless sigh as Levi set the tea down upon a small, round table. He offered a half-shrug. Hange returned to her chair. Hesitantly, Levi made a brief motion as though he was about to leave again. Instead, with a gentle thud, he kicked off his boots by the door and took a seat beside her.
Seemingly, Hange felt like talking after all. The conversation wound itself in convoluted loops, beginning with the deaths of Sawney and Bean, before meandering through possible theories. First, Erwin’s, which had been the outcome of the little information they had managed to gather. Soon their talk wandered through the labyrinth of Hange’s thoughts; twisting into complications which neither could explain. What would the attacker’s next move be? The expedition teams were leaving tomorrow; it could not be delayed. There were those who knew. There were those who could never know. Hange’s tea had grown cold in its cup, the colour fading from golden brown to milky grey. 
“It’s not just about the titans…” Hange’s voice was hoarse. “It’s…”
She gestured uselessly, buckled under the weight of such weariness. No. It wasn’t grief for Sawney and Bean but the wasted effort. Her heart ached with it; the risk to those lives who had helped to capture the titans. And what was there to show for their preparation and sacrifice? It was all for nothing. Worse, the Scouts were bound to face the same danger all over again if they were to learn anything new.
“I know,” came Levi’s reply, filled with doubtless reassurance.
Exhausted, Hange sank against him. Her cheek rested on the collar of his jacket.
“I know it's more than that. And we’re all just as sorry for it.”
Beside her, he was real and solid and warm. For a moment, the horror of the situation wasn’t entirely insurmountable. They would find the perpetrator, one way or another. Even if it wouldn’t bring the test subjects back. Even if it meant putting even more lives at risk… alas, that was the Scouts’ burden to bear. Hange shifted slightly against him. Her forehead rested against Levi’s chin. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest. As his fingers stroked her hair back from her face, Hange released her breath slowly. Levi had remained still then. Hange turned her head towards him. He did not move away. Then she gently brushed her lips against his.
Everything had happened quickly after that, like a series of choreographed movements. They were learning each other’s patterns, rhythms, inclinations, as though by instinct. Their bodies were no longer strangers to one another. It was suddenly easy to undress each other; safe to lose themselves completely. It was becoming a habit.
Now Hange’s head was pressed into the pillows scattered upon her bed. Her legs were draped over Levi’s shoulders, so slick with sweat that they were slipping out of place. Levi’s hand clutched her ankle firmly. Hange was lost to an all-engrossing heat; one that was building so sharply, so agonisingly close. She hardly noticed when Levi’s fingers threaded through her own, gripping her hands as his thrusts became more desperate. 
Her whole body rocked on a wave of ecstasy. As the sensation crested to its peak, Hange choked out a few incoherent words between her sobs. Heat flared within her. Every muscle in her body clenched. And then, the sting of pleasure was ebbing away. 
Levi’s movements were slowing. His eyes were closed; brow slightly furrowed in concentration; his cheeks flushed. Dark hair stood up, uncharacteristically unruly. Hange’s chest pulled tight. Her hands slid up Levi’s back and into his dishevelled hair. Breathless words left her in a sigh. Levi’s body tensed. He drew back enough to look down at where she lay beneath him. Her eyes were half-closed; face aglow.
She knew he would not answer. Not until he was sure of what he had heard. Both shared the same secret but were too afraid to reveal it.
Hange took Levi’s warm face in her hands. Their lips met silently, softly. She held him there and Levi showed no inclination to draw himself away, or to continue moving against her.  He was still inside her; stomachs pressed together; skin warming one another, as he kissed her again. Their bodies moulded naturally, as though they were made for only this. As though they could remain this way for the rest of their days.   ... Levi x Reader version is here.
I’m taking NSFW prompts 👉 Smut Scribbles
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Reckless Behavior - Part 2
Pairing: Levi Ackerman/Hange Zoë (Attack on Titan) Rating: Explicit. MDNI Warnings: Nipple play. Vaginal Fingering. Oral Sex. Unprotected Sex. Additional tags: She/Her pronouns for Hange Zoë on this one. Wordcount: 3k Read part one here >>This is smut. Minors please do not interact<<
Levi was a skilled man, but right now he was struggling with the small sphere that refused to leave the confines of Hange’s shirt. Of course, the button was just a scapegoat, the real culprits being his hands, which trembled in anticipation as they revealed new inches of her skin. 
It was conflicting. His mind wanted to savor this moment, to commit every gaze, sound, and touch to his memory. Levi wanted to hold time in his hands, unroll it like a ball of yarn so that each moment would last forever and tomorrow would always be one night away. His body, on the other hand, was taken with desire. The rampant beast that for long Levi had managed to stifle with layers upon layers of ‘It's never gonna happen’ was now thrashing fiercely inside him, threatening to burst its prison of flesh and devour the Squad Leader right then and there.
Levi let his forehead fall to her shoulder, overwhelmed by the dispute between the expectations he had built in his mind and the reality that his own flesh was imposing on him. The captain inhaled deeply, letting the smell of oily hair and old books wash over him.
The aroma had inhabited the captain’s desires for months now. It was difficult for Levi to focus on the Senior Officers’ meetings sometimes, especially after Hange picked up the habit of sitting next to him. A couple of minutes in and Levi's mind would be invaded by the image of himself buried in the crook of her neck. Erwin’s voice would fade in the distance as her panting and soft whimpers echoed in the corners of his mind. Levi thought, in those moments, what he wouldn’t give to know how it would feel to drown in Hange, what she’d look like while he was pounding into her, what she would sound like as she was coming around him.
His heart picked up the pace, fueled by the fresh memory of the delicious sounds Hange had been making for him so far.
He would find all of that out today.
As the thought occurred to him, the final button was undone.
Time slowed down as Levi took in the scene before him. Both sides of Hange’s shirt opened like a curtain revealing the skin of her neck, reddened in the places his tongue and teeth had explored just moments ago, some purplish spots proving his suctions weren’t as soft as he had believed them to be. She looked so fucked out already. Messed-up hair. Flushed cheeks. Red, swollen lips. Hange was the one against the wall, but her eyes were that of a predator that cornered its prey.
Her chest heaved up and down, and Levi was hypnotized by her breasts. Silky skin, lighter than her usual complexion, contrasted with the dark brown areolas that sat atop it. His mouth watered at the tempting sight. Even though they weren’t very big, Hange’s tits looked plump and heavy, like ripe fruits ready to be tasted. 
Levi wet his lips, eyes glued to her hardened nipples,  “Can I-”
“Yeah” She breathed out through a smile, and when his gaze lifted to meet hers, her grin faltered into a pitiful desperate expression “Please, Levi.”
A shiver ran across his skin, raising every hair on his body and making his cock twitch inside his underwear. He dove back into her, hands kneading at each of her breasts, lips locked around the velvety skin of one of the brown nubs. Hange’s fingers grabbed at his hair and her moans were music to his ears. Levi sucked thoroughly on her nipple, then let his tongue swirl around the flesh, before pulling on it with his teeth, which elicited a throaty “fuck” from her. He replaced his mouth with his fingers, moving his lips to the other side to do the same thing.
Levi wanted to protest when Hange let go of the firm grip she had on his locks, but the captain had a mouthful at the moment. Then, she started fidgeting a bit, one leg dancing between their bodies, then the other. When Levi finally let go of the task that was keeping him occupied, Hange was already shaking the remaining pant leg off of her feet. With a final kick in the air, the item of clothing flew away, landing on the floor near the wall adjacent to them. The shirt joined it next. So much for being careful not to wrinkle their uniforms…
But his mind didn’t stay long on the evidence of their rendezvous, not when Hange Zoë stood before him in nothing but panties. Not when she had that gorgeous wide smile that made him go to heaven and back every time he caught a glimpse of it. Levi stepped forward, one of his hands unceremoniously sliding down her stomach and right under the waistband of the undergarment. His eyes were fixed on her face as his fingers explored the outside, feeling the prickling of her thick bush and the way it contoured her slit, then the warmness inside, the frailness of that naked skin, and then-
So fucking wet.
Hange’s eyes fluttered closed and Levi melted away when his fingers finally dove in between her folds.
Her head fell onto his shoulder, her panting occasionally broken by a whimper, as Levi alternated between dipping his middle finger into the pool that gathered at her entrance and rubbing circles on her clit with his coated digit. Her lips were so close to his ear, every little gasp or moan falling into it and traveling straight to his cock, which he’d unconsciously started rutting against her leg. 
It felt so good.
A little more of this and Levi was sure he would make a mess on his uniform, and if the way Hange’s body was starting to wriggle was any indication, she was close too. 
Levi’s wish was to speed up his ministrations, have her come on his fingers, and then in any and whichever other way she’d like, but, for once, reason spoke louder. After all those months fantasizing about this, stroking himself late at night in the communal bathroom over the thought of the faces she’d make during her high, he couldn’t have Hange hiding in his neck when that finally happened. That wouldn’t do.
Still, it was hard to stop.
Levi let his finger slide down from her clit to push at her entrance, and the way her slick walls sucked him in had him lightheaded. Even though the captain was a disciplined man, It took him every ounce of restraint he had to remove himself from her. 
Hange started to protest but her words became mumbles and then silence fell as she stared at the digit disappearing between his lips. Levi’s eyes fluttered closed and he moaned at the tangy scent and the slightly salty taste of her. 
“You drive me fucking crazy,” he whispered, hoisting Hange up by her thighs and diving into a deep kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist, arms holding on to the back of his neck and his shoulder. 
Hange rutted her hips against his clothed cock, following the rhythm of their tongues, her warmness and wetness radiating even through the fabric.
Levi moved them away from the wall, turning around to let her fall onto the mattress, ass right at the edge of the bed. He pulled her panties down her gorgeous long legs, taking a minute to marvel at the sight of her glistening pussy before falling to his knees. 
He caressed Hange’s thighs, then pushed them down until they were flush against the mattress. Levi thanked the flexibility the Survey Corps training gave its soldiers as he watched her open herself as much as she could to him.
Hange shivered at Levi's kisses on her inner thighs and at the light circles his thumb traced on the sensitive skin near her knees. He made a path towards her hips and lay a final kiss on her slit. Only then he licked a stripe from her entrance to her clit. Levi closed his eyes for a second and he let out a throaty groan as he finally got a taste of her straight from the font.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this, Four Eyes” he breathed against her pussy. “You’re so good.”
Hange arched her back away from the bed and grabbed his sheets as his tongue prodded at her hole. Then, she was arching in the opposite way, back pressed hard against the mattress, head up, fingers once again tangled in Levi’s hair, holding his head in place as his lips latched on to her clit, soft tongue alternating between flicking it up and down and making circles all around it. She seemed to like the circles best.
Levi sped up his pace, marveling at the sounds Hange was making for him. Her sharp breaths were slowly and steadily being replaced by moans, which grew louder and quicker at each roll of his tongue. As her back started to rise from the mattress once again, and as her hands pressed his head down harder against her pussy, he knew she was close. His eyes shoot up to her, ready to burn the image into his memory. Her face was red and sweaty, eyes shut tightly, mouth agape, lips so swollen and glossy from their kissing. Hange looked like a goddamn goddess and Levi was worshipping her the way she deserved.
Hange's moans became shorter and shorter building up until a drawn-out whimper took over. This was it. Levi pressed his tongue flat and hard against her clit, and her whole body tensed up under him. Her legs shivered and her thighs tried to rise from the bed, but Levi pushed them down with his palms again, his tongue now pressing small firm circles on her clit, dragging out her orgasm 'til the last drop.
Her whine morphed into an anguished cry of pleasure as Levi’s tongue gradually slowed down, still firm against her oversensitive nub. When he finally stopped, Hange was pushing his forehead away from her. He sat back on his ankles to watch her with a cocky smile on the corner of his lips, her arousal smeared all over his cheeks and chin.
“Levi,” Hange panted “I had no idea you could fuck like that.”
“I haven’t fucked you,” Levi stood up, then added: “yet.” 
His reply made her giggle, but as Hange sat on the bed and glanced at his pants, her eyes widened in silent panic.
Levi looked down to find his briefs and part of his open fly damp, with whitish stains starting to form in the drier parts. His blood froze during the split-second he believed he had cum in his pants just from eating Hange out, but, to his relief, it was the result of her rubbing against him earlier.
Given his natural clean-freak disposition, Levi would’ve thought something like this would annoy him, instead, it made his cock throb under the soiled pants.
“Sorry, Levi! I’ll get them cleaned when we-”
Levi took a step forward to hover over his colleague, one hand pushing her torso back to the bed, his knee nudging one of her legs to the side so he could shove his middle and ring fingers into her. Despite the abruptness of this intrusion, he slid in without resistance. Hange gasped and he cursed as her walls clamped around him. 
“Looks like you’re ready,” he said, making a hook movement with his fingers as he pulled them out. Levi removed his shirt and hung it on one of the pegs behind his door. He used his ruined pants to wipe his hands and face, then discarded them next to Hange’s clothes on the floor.
There were no barriers between them now, no secrets, Levi thought, as he stood naked between Hange’s legs. Her hands traveled up his abdomen, soft palms tracing his muscles, making him shudder under her light touch. She pulled him closer for a kiss while retreating to lay further back on the bed. When they reached their destination, she shifted her weight to the side, showing him what she wanted.
Levi obeyed, laying on his back as she positioned herself above him, legs on each side of his hips, wet pussy lips hugging his dick, pressing it against his stomach.
Hange started out slow, rolling her hips back and forth, the sway of her body so fluid it had Levi hypnotized. He tried to get a hold of her breasts, but Hange caught his wrists, trapping them behind his head. She lowered herself on his chest to lay little pecks on his lips, which soon became deep kisses. She moaned in his mouth each time his tip poked at her clit. 
Hange freed one of her hands to play with Levi's chest. He watched unblinking as she dipped her thumb and index finger in her mouth before trapping one of his nipples between them. She twiddled with nub and Levi couldn’t hold back his moans, the sensation completely overwhelming. 
“So sensitive,” she smiled down at him, and the sight was so divine Levi wondered if maybe he’d died and was in heaven. He was so entranced he didn’t have time to react when Hange guided him to her entrance and sank down.
“Fuck! Han-” his words melted into an incomprehensible mewl.
An eternity fantasizing during the Senior Officers’ meetings wouldn’t have prepared him for how fucking fantastic it felt to be inside Hange. She was impossibly tight and yet it was so easy to slide in and out of her. Hange didn’t give him time to get used to her grip, setting a steady pace from the get-go. Levi would occasionally snap his hips to meet her thrusts, and every time he did so her pussy clenched around him, making him see stars.
The best part was feeling all of this while watching Hange’s face contort in pleasure, her usually innocent big brown eyes, now half-lidded, shutting hard whenever he hit some secret spot deep inside of her. When her lips parted to let out a moan, he couldn’t help but capture them in a kiss, swallowing her sounds. The feeling of her tongue gliding through his somehow made the pleasure he was feeling skyrocket. If heaven felt like this, he didn’t care if he died tomorrow in the expedition.
His soul just about left his body when out of nowhere Hange tightened more than he thought possible around him. Levi looked up in confusion, only to find a mischievous grin on her face. She did that on purpose and oh fuck-
And again.
Hange kept this up, bouncing faster and faster on his cock. Indescribable pleasure built up in him, the sensation so intense and overwhelming that Levi didn’t even have it in him to moan. So he panted, louder and louder, quicker and quicker, until, with a final long squeeze Hange tipped him over the edge, and then he was shuddering, spilling all he had inside of her. 
They lay side by side for several minutes, first catching their breath, and then breathing silently. The mattress shifted when Hange propped herself to get up, but Levi got a hold of her wrist before she could leave the bed.
“Where do you think you’re going, Four Eyes?”
“To clean myself up” she replied, moving to leave the bed, but Levi wouldn’t budge. “What? I thought my tidiness would make you proud” She joked, getting an amused puff from him, but his hand remained in place.
“Stay. Please.”
Hange lay back again, facing him, and Levi sighed in relief. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to bury his face in the crook of her neck, his nose drowning in her hair. His lips found the shell of her ear to plant his confession “I wanna go again”, to which she replied with a chuckle and a light caress of his hands. A truer confession, however, would be that he simply didn’t want this night to end. 
“As much as I’d like to, I gotta be able to ride my horse tomorrow”
His thoughts must have been made transparent by his expression because Hange’s playful demeanor changed to a serious one. She lay on her back, staring at the ceiling in silence for long minutes.
“Do you think we’ll ever see this thing through?” She said, finally. 
He tilted his head to the side, and she looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
“Titans. The walls. These expeditions” Hange elaborated, looking at the ceiling again, “I know these things take time, generations even, but I can’t help but wonder if we’ll see an age without Titans in our lifetime.”
She smiled weakly at his honest reply and the expression looked so out of place on her face. Levi’s heart felt suddenly heavy. 
“I thought you liked your research.”
“I do, it’s just- wouldn’t you rather have a choice, Levi?”
He would, but having grown without the luxury of taking anything, not even sunlight, for granted, he knew better than to entertain false hopes. He should be honest.
“Maybe we have a chance,” is what Levi found himself saying, instead. “Maybe tomorrow we’ll kill every last titan outside of the walls or you’ll find some secret poison or come up with some incredible weapon that will wipe them out. Maybe tomorrow will be our last expedition.”
She smiled a strange smile, melancholic and complicit, her eyes reflecting exactly what he was feeling. It was a conversation without words.
Thanks for lying for me. Thanks for lying with me.
Hange turned on her side, this time with his back to him, and pulled one of his arms close to her chest.
“Yeah. Maybe.”
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smol-lydia · 10 months
If you were church, I’d get on my knees
—Hange to Levi, probably
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this-is-krikkit · 1 month
chapter summary: ☔
warning: 🔞 content ahead
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mstwnttd · 11 months
this is just a personal opinion but:
Levi’s favorite position - “ Doggy Style “ cause’ he likes to grip hange’s hips hard while wrecking their insides.
Hange’s favorite position - “ Cowgirl “ bc Hange enjoys topping Levi only for his sounds and facial expressions. They also ride him slowly just to piss him off so they’ll get fucked harder. Hange is def a brat in bed.
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hey guys! there is fanart creator that i was tryin to find their account to access for all of their levihan fanarts but i couldn't find their name but only a sign like "Hbr" or "Hor" ?  Idk... Can you show me the account of this drawers? please...
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levmada · 1 year
Hey Gee 💙
OMG Congrats on 2500 followers!! You deserve this so much!!!
May I request some smutty canonverse Levihan [no surprise here, of course ;) ] with:
[ TENSION ]  one muse is patching up the other’s injuries which leads to intense eye contact,  lingering touches and them finally crashing their lips against each other’s. 
No need to say you can add hurt/comfort to the equation 😏
Thank you so much!!
Sending love & best wishes your way 🫂💙
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val frjigrjtgitjer that kitty levi gif was watching me the whole time i was writing (amazing moral support). thank you so much!!! (hurt comfort will be served)
as a general note, sorry i've dropped off the face of the earth a little. ive been writing a shit ton, but because my mental health has been utter garbage lol
[ TENSION ]  one muse is patching up the other’s injuries which leads to intense eye contact, lingering touches and them finally crashing their lips against each other’s. 
//canonverse, after the reiss (fatass titan) fight, banter, nb/afab hange, smut at the end, some description of minor injury (including stitches) | 1.0k
participate in my event here!
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“Right. Let me guess, you were planning on doing it ‘later’, but then you heard me coming and that’s why that shit is spilled everywhere.”
Hange’s office is clean, by their standards. It's their lab that's suffered in Hange's stubborn haste to dissect the Reiss family's secrets despite the nasty injury they sustained when fighting Kenny's squad.
They finally came up to their office this afternoon to catch up on routine paper-pushing. A few books scattered unceremoniously across their desk, the organized mess it usually is, on top of the inkwell that needs refilling.
They sit on the couch pushed up against the side wall, a lantern and the gutted contents of a first-aid kid laid out on the coffee table in front of them.
Hange themself doesn't look too bad, besides frazzled to see him here. He can smell that they showered earlier, on top of their fluffy hair in its un-brushed, undone state. One strap of their camisole has fallen off their shoulder, the side bandaged where their shoulder meets their chest.
Finally they let out a big sigh. "Maybe. The question is, did you come to embarrass me, or embarrass me and make sure I don't die from my clearly fatal injury."
Levi is nonplussed. “Infections are fatal.”
They groan. “Then I’m pretty sure I’m fine.”
“Pretty sure, huh?”
Levi pushes off the doorway, and shuts it on his way over to them.
Them, resigned to their fate, scoots to make room so he can make a place at the table to sit down.
He begins picking out the supplies he needs: gauze, tape, and disinfectant solution. It's not complicated, but he knows what it is to see it as a chore.
"Alright," he murmurs. "Come here."
"Fine fine," they titter.
They sit next to him, angled a little so he has easy access to the injury. Though it'd be easier, they balance their weight not on the table, but above his knee.
He doesn't point it out. Doesn't want to. Everyone's been busy reeling and planning for the expedition to seal Wall Maria once and for all. He'd be lying if he said he was just wandering the halls and decided to show up.
Their eyes meet as he places his hands on Hange's waist, and hooks his fingers under the hems to get it off, a little slower than necessary. With the knowledge that their arm is sore—though they won't show it—he braces their bare bicep as he peels the stretchy material off and over their head. He folds it neatly before resting it beside him.
They're binding their chest. Knowing Hange, it's practically guaranteed they haven't taken a break in a while. And them knowing Levi, they've got the bandages halfway unraveled before he joins them. Their fingers brush more than once. Hange's are warm.
That done, their heavy breasts spill out from the material. They try to mask their relief as always, but they're easy to read.
He rolls the bandages up with efficient neatness, intentionally ignoring their nudity despite the tension between them growing palpable. He's not finished yet.
The wound sits just underneath their pronounced collarbones, where their sun-kissed skin is a touch more pale. His palm lays not on their shoulder, but the space between their breasts to brace them as he peels off the old tape, along with the gauze.
Not too bad. The black squiggle of stitches is surrounding by a mild pink, it's healing, and not radiating any heat indicative of infection.
Their gazes again meet. There's a gleam to Hange's brown eyes that make it hard to break. "Not bad."
"Is that a compliment?"
"Nope," he lies, just to be coy.
"Mhm... It's okay. I see how much you care."
He worries the inside of his cheek with his teeth as he spreads the gel and tapes the gauze. Their touch is creeping up his inner thigh, but no closer, warming up desire deep in his core.
He puts the supplies away. Just as the kit clicks shut, for the first time he can't swallow a small huff as their hand locks on his belt buckle. They both know he's hard.
It's when he's finished up and pretending to inspect his work for mistakes that Hange leans in, their lips brushing up against his neck. He brings his hand up, carding his fingers through their hair, pushing them to kiss his neck properly. His eyes flutter. It really has been a while since they've found the time to be alone like this, and it shows in the both of them's barely restrained advances.
His other hand slides up their waist and closes on their breast, half-stroking their hard nipple, half-simply appreciating its weight and warmth.
It feels like they come to an agreement without speaking a word, ending in Levi pulling them closer. The sound of his belt buckle clinking is loud, and his whine as their teeth scrape his neck.
"Hange," he whispers on bated breath.
That's the breaking point. They drag him forward by his hair and crashes their lips together, immediately parting for their tongue to lap hungrily into his mouth. He groans.
That's not enough for long, and Hange throws their arms around him, bringing them both falling backwards onto the couch. They moan down his throat as his weight comes crashing down.
They barely manage to separate for the second it takes for him to tear his shirt over his head, or the shift apart to get Hange's fucking pants off.
They toss them away, while Levi's already kissing his way down their body with just enough pressure to tease, but with none of the patience he's usually capable of maintaining. Not with the way Hange's pulling his hair, guiding his head down.
He skips their thighs entirely, instead hoisting their legs over his shoulders so he can practically taste the heat from their wet pussy, their swollen clit peeking from between their lips.
He groans, and goes down to taste them for himself.
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levihan's masterlist • main masterlist
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phantommaws · 8 months
🔞 Chapter Preview - Insurrection
!!WIP LeviHan Smut!!
AKA idk wtf I am doing because I’ve never written anything like this before.
It is what it said on the tin, my first EVER piece of smut. Never written anything this descriptive before, but without further ado, I present whatever this is. Constructive criticism and feedback is incredibly appreciated.
Hange looked up as Levi walked into the room, wearing nothing but his sleeping shorts as he carried two cups over to the bed. She carefully placed the book down on the bedside table before taking the cup offered to her, catching the soothing smells of chamomile and valerian root as she gave a sigh of contentment.
“Is it really a good idea to be reading, Four-Eyes? You yourself complained about how bad that headache had felt earlier.” Levi said as he slipped under the sheets beside them as they looked at him over the rims of their glasses.
“You know me, shorty. I like to read before I go to sleep – helps settle my mind.” Hange took a sip of the tea, their eye closing in bliss at the soothing flavours. She loved the new routine that she had devised for herself, revelling in the fact that she no longer had to stay awake all night the way she had in the past.
“Although, we do have the house to ourselves tonight – Onyankopon is out visiting family. I think you know what that means…”
Levi’s eyes widened in shock as he almost choked on his mouthful of tea. His heart pounded in his chest as he turned to face Hange, seeing the look of pure lust in her deep brown eye as they looked at him over the rims of their glasses. He felt his cheeks flushing, mind running wild as he imagined all of the different things that would possibly happen.
“Quit looking at me like that, Four-Eyes.” He said quietly, trying to ignore the sly smirk that Hange was throwing his way. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t ignore their presence beside him, nor the growing heat and tightness between his legs.
“Like what?”
“Like a wild animal stalking its prey.”
Hange chuckled at his statement, and Levi felt his heart leap. Fuck, he thought as he grasped Hange by the waist, pulling them so that they were sat straddling his hips as she squealed in shock, it’s been far too long since the last time.
“Damn, shorty,” Hange teased in a sultry tone as their hands wandered down his torso and ever closer to the hem of his shorts, “I didn’t realise that you would be so eager…”
Levi merely grunted in response, pulling his lover close and planting a kiss on their throat, and all Hange could do was bite back a breathy moan at the gentle touch. His tender kisses felt like they left trails of fire on her skin as he moved to her collarbones.
Hange’s eye closed in bliss, breath hitching in their throat as she felt the palms of his hands wandering across her back under the oversized shirt that she was wearing. Levi always had such incredible ways of making them feel so beautiful and sensual, and now was no different.
“You’re so beautiful, Hange,” Levi breathed as he worked the shirt off, revealing the curves of Hange’s body as she sat above him and chuckled; he shivered in anticipation, and Hange smiled warmly as they reached back and released their hair from the ponytail – strands of their rich brown locks cascaded down, covering their shoulders slightly as they stretched their body out with a smile. Levi didn’t know if it was possible, but it felt like his face was growing even redder as he took in the sight before him - their soft, supple skin; the slight, elegant curve of their back.
Levi reached up and began to gently stroke the skin of Hange’s stomach, and they practically melted under the gentle attention. Both his hands and his eye wandered further down, reaching between her legs as she leaned in for a gentle kiss. Hange’s breath hissed in as they felt his fingers toying with them through the shorts, fighting the urge to grind themselves against his hand.
“Take the shorts off.” Levi practically growled into Hange’s ear with a smirk as he pulled his hand away, making them groan in annoyance at the sudden disappearance of stimulation. The brunette eagerly wriggled out of the garment, tossing it to the side before leaning back down again, crushing their lips to Levi’s in a passionate embrace. Once again, Levi’s fingers began to trace teasing circles around their clit, and Hange could barely contain their moans.
“Oh…Levi! That feels so good!”
Hange’s eye remained closed, and before she could register anything else other than the intense sensations, they felt Levi push them down so that their back was pressed against the softness of the sheets. She moved to look up, but the sudden presence of a tongue against her most sensitive spot accompanied by Levi’s fingers rubbing against her entrance swiftly stole away whatever words she was trying to form in that moment, replaced only by a cry of pure pleasure.
“Hnnngh…fuck…Fuck! Aaah…aaaaaahh…”
Hange’s face was flushed, feeling the warmth building in their lower abdomen as she grabbed fistfuls of Levi’s jet-black hair, her cries and desperate whimpers growing in pitch and volume. He was eagerly lapping at them with the flat of his tongue, fingers threatening to make her come undone at the very seams.
Levi couldn’t help but smirk slightly as he continued his work on his lover. Their gasps and desperate cries were music to his ears, and from how much her body was clamping down on his fingers, he knew she was close. Hange was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and their entire body was trembling as his attentions brought them ever closer to climax as her back arched off the bed.
“Fuck! Levi, I’m…I’m gonna…!”
The fire pooling up in their lower abdomen exploded into an inferno, and Hange could no longer hold back her screams as the pure, unbridled pleasure overwhelmed her entire being. It felt like there was electricity coursing through her entire body as Levi continued his motions, helping her ride out the waves until she was left gulping for breath, collapsing against the sheets.
That’s all I have for now as I’m still working on it. Will be uploading the whole thing once it’s finished.
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ackercoded · 11 months
girl dinner.
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youre-ackermine · 10 months
Hello Val and congratulations for 300 followers 🥳💕
Love your blog lovely Val!!! I know you're into levihan BUT for the event can I request some pikuhan NSFW? If you don't mind of course! 🙏
Modern Actor AU behind the scenes where they're both actresses would be great OR Journalist Pieck interviewing AOT Actress Hanji. Whatever your choice things heat up between them 😏 You can listen to Alyson Stoner's "Fool" and Baum's "Hot Water" for inspo 💕
Feel free to ignore this request if that makes you uncomfortable (it'd make me sad though but I understand if it's not your cup of tea😢)
Hey lovely anon ✨
I'm glad you like my blog!
Thank you so much for sending me this request. Writing a Pikuhan drabble was a challenge but I didn't want to make you sad so here it is! I hope you'll like it ✨
Thanks for my beta/proof reader Terra @dont-f-with-moogles for her help ❤️
Also tagging @smol-lydia 🫶
English is not my usual language
Behind the Scenes
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Characters: Hange Zoe / Pieck Finger / Levi Ackerman / Armin Arlert
Pairing: Pikuhan / Levihan
Wordcount: 2100 approx.
Modern setting / Actor AU / Non-binary Hange / Fake dating / Secret relationship
Warnings: NSFW+18 - MDNI / Swearwords
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Cheeks blushing hot, Armin was looking out the window on purpose as he tried to ignore the lewd sounds invading the limo. His knuckles turned white from how hard he held his glass and his leg wouldn't stop bouncing from nervousness.
"Tch… Go get a room for fuck's sake! You're embarrassing the kiddo!" Levi rolled his eyes.
The couple pulled away from each other for a second, briefly catching their breaths before diving into their passionate kiss again.
Levi emptied his own flute of expensive, delicious champagne, clicking his tongue appreciatively. Not even minding to hide the smirk on his face, he noticed how Pieck's eyelids slowly fluttered shut, her whole expression uttering bliss as Hange kissed her.
He couldn't blame her. He knew this feeling. He remembered it. He remembered how it felt to taste Hange's lips, he remembered how his skin shivered under their feathery touch. His smile grew wider at the pleasant memory but, before any of them could catch him staring, he decided to look away and focus on adjusting his cufflinks.
The make out session on display seemed never to end, adding embarrassment to the anxiety already building up in Armin's chest before the premiere, making him sweat in agony.
Levi patted Armin's shoulder with affection, drawing a faint smile from him. The young man turned to face him, slightly less flushed than a couple moments before, and straightened his back to regain composure.
"Oi, lovebirds! We'll be there in a few minutes. We can't afford to get out of the limo so fucking disheveled, do we? So get your shit together and wipe the spit out of your faces, you're literally glistening!" Levi blurted out after a brief glance at his watch.
The lovers reluctantly parted, already longing for each other. Pieck quickly pulled out a fancy compact mirror and some lipstick from her velvet purse to touch up her makeup.
Hange turned to Levi with a beaming grin unfortunately stained by the intense kiss. Levi leaned over to them, pulling out a clean handkerchief out of nowhere and rubbing the purple lipstick off their face and lips.
"Look at your sorry ass, idiot!" he uttered in a soft voice, kneeling in front of them, his hands now tangled in Hange's messy locks in an attempt to make them look less tousled.
Hange chuckled and he smiled fondly.
"What is it, Four-Eyes?"
"We owe you big time, Shorty," they said, tenderly brushing their palm on his cheek. "Sorry to put you in such an awkward position but we can't do otherwise for now, you know." Their eyes shone with endearment as they added "thank you so so much, you're so kind Levi!"
He averted his gaze, embarrassed as always when they showed him their deep, genuine affection. He took their hand in his, placed a quick peck on their wrist and exhaled deeply to get rid of the accumulating stress. The limo finally stopped and the car door clicked. Pieck blew a kiss to Hange who mouthed "I love you" in response.
"Let's do this!" Levi exclaimed as he stepped out on the red carpet, gently dragging Hange behind him. The flashes dazzled them but their faces wore a radiant smile as Levi pulled Hange into him by their waist, both looking left and right to allow the crowd to take proper pictures of their idols. 
Holding hands, they glamorously reached and climbed the stairs, stopping at the top with Pieck and Armin to wave one last time. They finally entered the luxurious hotel.
The worst part was over.
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The 'Paradis/Marley Alliance' actors shared a large round table almost deserted by now. Half the cast was on the dancefloor, twirling under the huge crystal chandeliers. 
The meal had been delicious, taken in good company and they were actually sitting side by side. Pieck couldn't be happier than in this very moment as Hange discreetly held her hand in theirs under the table and their shoulders brushed ever so slightly. She didn't dare look at her lover's handsome face but she could breathe in their earthy scent, a scent that never failed to make her blush with desire.
All of a sudden, Hange's hand slipped out of her grasp as Levi helped them get up from their chair. The music was so loud they had to lean down to whisper in her ear.
"Levi and I are going to dance for a while. Showing off as usual, of course." They winked at her and left a light peck on her earlobe, raising goosebumps on her skin. "Meet me in fifteen minutes in the library down the hall, Gorgeous."
They clung to their so-called boyfriend's arm and left with a light chuckle. Pieck's gaze followed the couple on their way to the dancefloor. They looked so good together, dancing gracefully, almost sensually. No wonder everybody thought they were still dating.
She couldn't help letting out a gasp as she realized Hange had a type. Levi and Pieck didn't look so different physically but there was a huge difference though: he was their best friend and she was the love of their life.
Levi had been nothing but the most amazing friend, helping them hide their relationship. They were lucky enough that the brief romance between Hange and him never broke their strong friendship and made the whole fake dating performance believable. They couldn't afford to be uncovered, at least not while most of the new Attack on Titan's promotion revolved around the famous and glamorous 'LeviHan' couple as it had been for several years now.
Exhausted by a week of interviews and photoshoots, Pieck dozed off a bit as she let her thoughts wander for a while. Until the boisterous yet gorgeous laughter she could recognize anywhere snapped her out of her daydream.
She held her breath and her heart skipped a beat as soon as her eyes opened again and spotted Hange's slim figure, head thrown back as they chortled in Levi's arms probably at yet another poop joke of his.
The loud pounding in her chest echoed through her whole body when she took in the enchanting sight. Their black satin suit hugged Hange's thin curves perfectly, highlighting their endless legs, their elegant shoulders and their firm ass. Their jacket barely covered the sun-kissed skin showing off in the absence of a shirt.
Her face felt hot all of a sudden, and her hands started to sweat as she watched the way Levi pulled Hange flush against his chest, the way his hand lingered on the small of their back then slipped surreptitiously down to their ass. She wished she could do this herself, in front of everyone. She swallowed around the lump in her throat, nervously licking her lips and closed her eyes for a second. She resolved to head her way to the library to end the torture.
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Silence was most welcome as she entered the cool room. The dim light of a few table lamps provided an intimate atmosphere to the library, something cozy also brought by the large leather sofas arranged in front of the fireplace. She let out a weary sigh and crossed a few steps to a bookshelf, looking for something to read while waiting. Her choice fell on a collection of love poems that she started to read right away, not even bothering to sit down.
She was so engrossed in her reading that neither did she hear the door slowly opening nor the light footsteps approaching behind her.
"I'm finally here, Gorgeous."
Pieck flinched when Hange's deep voice whispered in her ear as they wrapped their arms around her waist, pressing against her back, and kept her in a warm embrace. She closed her eyes and leaned back on their chest with a sigh.
"I missed you so much, Love," she whined, "I hate it when I must hide while Levi is caressing your ass in public… It's not fair! It's mine, not his!"
Her lips tentatively curled in a cute pout but she knew there was no point in complaining. Well, she just couldn't help it. It made her feel better.
Something else never failed to make Pieck feel better and it was as if Hange could read her mind. As they delicately brushed a strand of hair off her neck, she tilted her head for them to kiss the sensitive spot below her ear. Her soft skin shivered under the light touch of their lips.
"You're right, Gorgeous, I'm all yours," they replied in a low, sultry voice that sent a shiver down her spine.
Hange's hands wandered over her purple dress, slightly stroking her toned belly up to her chest as they kissed their way down her neck. Pieck managed to bite back a moan at how their warm breath and soft pecks felt deliciously tickling on her skin.
But seconds later she couldn't help but whimper when they sneaked a hand under the velvety fabric, cupping one of her breasts, grazing their thumb over the perky nipple. Pieck felt heat pooling down her belly and turned around, a light shade of pink flecking her cheeks.
Pressing her chest against Hange's, she opened her eyes and wrapped her arms around their neck to make them lean down. They gazed at each other, Pieck marveling at her lover's handsome features before her lips ghosted over theirs for a brief moment. She let her delicate fingers run through their brown hair as they tenderly stroked her back. Then, finally, their lips joined in a soft, gentle kiss.
Oh. It definitely felt like heaven. She relished in the slow motion of their mouth against hers, closing her eyes at the overwhelming sensation of warmth blooming in her chest, letting her whole body surrender to the intoxicating touch. 
Her mind went dizzy when Hange licked along her lower lip and nibbled at it, eliciting a low moan from her. She parted her lips and their tongue gently slipped into the welcoming wetness of her mouth and their hot breaths mingled as they deepened the kiss. This was nothing but pure bliss.
They made out more passionately and Hange's hands traveled down her body, prickling goosebumps all over her skin, leaving her weak in the knees.
Without breaking the kiss, they both took a few slow steps to reach a couch until she bumped into its edge. Pieck lay down on the cushions and Hange drew back just enough to take in the stunning view beneath them.
"Perfect! You're so perfect!" they uttered in a breath, their pupils black with want still raking over her body.
Pieck blushed but held their gaze. She licked her lips, breath still uneven heaving her chest, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
Hange hovered over her, covering her face with wet, soft pecks. They kissed along her jawline while they caressed her over the fabric down to her thighs, one hand finally sliding its way through the slit of her dress. Her eyelids flickered and she breathed heavily under the sensual contact, her heart pounding faster in anticipation.
Pieck yearned for more of their touch. Unable to bear the wait any longer, she weaved her hands behind their head to draw them closer and captured their mouth in a heated kiss, pressing her body tightly against theirs.
Pieck trembled as their palm brushed the soft, silky skin of her thigh, her loud moans vibrating into both their throats when their fingers finally rubbed the wet patch on her lace underwear.
A sudden knock at the door snapped them out of their blissful haze. They lingered in their dazed reverie for a few confused seconds before another knock, sharper this time, definitely broke the spell.
"Oi, Four-Eyes! The fuck are you doing? No time for your pussy-licking shit or whatever!" Levi's voice was muffled from the other side of the door.
"Always so romantic and sophisticated, Shorty!"
Hange let out a heavy sigh, frowning their brows in annoyance.
"Five more minutes, Levi darling! Please!" they yelled.
"Fucking hell, no! Some bastard noticed we're not dancing anymore and shit's going to happen soon if you don't drag your sorry ass in here, Hange! We're supposed to go upstairs in "our" room to fake shag, remember?"
"Shit! You're right, Shorty!" they ranted before getting up, tugging at their crumpled suit.
Pieck rolled her eyes and puffed with exasperation.
"Ok, Gorgeous! Meet you in your room in ten?" they asked.
Hange didn't even wait for her answer. They kissed her lips with a smile and joined Levi in the hallway.
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Mood board: @youre-ackermine
Glitter divider: @firefly-graphics
Yellow divider: @saradika
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dont-f-with-moogles · 6 months
21. Don't hold back 🫠🫠🫠
levihan ofc
Smut Scribbles 21: “Don’t hold back.”
Meeting in Secret (NSFW) Characters: Levi x Hange Word Count: 367 words
Hands splayed, palms slipping against the wooden desktop, Hange struggled to hold themself up. Their legs trembled as Levi’s urgent movements knocked the desk against the wall. The small room was filled with quiet gasps and the slap of skin. Levi’s grip upon their hips tightened; an agonised sound escaped him, breath scorching the air behind them.
“Hah–  Ah, don’t–  Don’t hold back-” Hange fought for air.
The desk lurched into the wall. Sounds came louder; the smack of flesh; half-stifled moans. Levi’s fingers were buried deep enough to leave blemishes upon Hange’s thighs. A bead of sweat rolled along his neck and dripped down onto their bare back. Below, Hange was bowed beneath him; Levi leaned into them, his fingers threaded through theirs, desperate, clutching. As his thrusts became faster he clung to them, his grip tight enough to fracture bone.
“Levi– Ah, Levi–”
There wasn’t enough time to savour each other. There wasn’t time to relish the slow, delicious cresting of pleasure as it broke over them. It wouldn’t be long before others noticed their absence and asked questions. Sex had to be quick, sordid, with trousers slung unceremoniously around ankles in case either of them heard approaching voices. Releasing a hand, Levi brought the pad of his thumb to their clit and stroked in time with his motions.
A wave of heat rolled over Hange. Their head fell backwards as they cried out. Knuckles whitening over Levi’s hand, their nails carved into the desk’s surface. Every muscle seized; their legs stiffened between his own. Suddenly, Levi felt them clench around him; a blistering heat. His breath was ripped from his lungs as he came unannounced. Levi was rigid, body rooted to the spot; his hand fused to theirs, skin melted against their own. He could not move, could not utter a word as he felt the rush of release. And then, Levi slumped forward, his chest slick against Hange’s back. His frantic heart thudded its drumbeat along Hange’s spine.
“Shit…” Hange managed. Levi’s arms were wrapped around their waist, his hair damp and matted against their neck. Hot breath tickled their ear.
Hange smiled, aglow, as tangled, sweat-soaked hair swept across their face. Half-turning towards him, they felt Levi’s nose graze their cheek as he lowered himself to their mouth. ... Thanks, Anon! Only had time for a quickie this week so I hope this'll satisfy!
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Hey Alice 🌹❤️
How are you?
If you still take prompts from the Drabble Challenge, I'd like to request 82 "I just ironed these pants".
Thanks & kiss 😘
Send me a number and I'll write you a drabble Number 82: I just ironed these pants! Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoë Warnings: NSFW. Mention of alcohol intake (small amounts). Foreplay. Wandering Hands. Clothed handjob. Additional tags: She/Her pronouns for Hange Zoë on this one Wordcount: 621 Minors, do not interact!
Hange wasn’t sure what started it.
It may have been the prospect of the next expedition, which tended to give the soldiers a renewed sense of urgency, along with that bit of liquid courage pumping through their veins as they prepared for the soon-to-come struggle. Maybe it was that glance they exchanged from across the bar, that lasted a second longer than it should have. Or that seemingly trivial touch of hands, just an accident really, but one that sent a jolt of electricity over every inch of her skin. 
She could still feel it now, as he pinned her against the door, legs parted by his thigh, thoughts blurred by the fresh smell of his hair. A delicious tingle ignited from where his tongue latched onto her neck, the sparks spreading throughout her whole body, making something inside of her melt.
They had barely made it to his bedroom, poorly sneaking around while bumping against the headquarters corridors, swallowing each other’s tongues like a couple of horny teenagers. It was reckless behaviour! Someone might have seen them. Maybe even…
“Levi,” Hange panted against his ear, smiling as she felt his hands gripping tighter to her hip and waist, sure to leave them sore the next day “do you think Miche will be able to smell it in us tomorrow?”
“Shut up, Kuso Megane!” He moved his lips from her now raw neck to say the words, his voice raspy and needy, only to capture her mouth a second later, in a desperate messy kiss.
He really wanted this.
The stubs of his undercut prickled her fingertips as she ran her nails across his scalp, all the way to the longer part of his hair. His breath hitched when she grabbed two handfuls of black locks, roughly pulling his head back before diving right back to his parted lips. 
Her fingers wandered down from his hair, nails scraping the skin of his sweaty neck, eager hands groping his chest, trying to memorize the feeling of him, the way his stiff nipples dug at her palms through his shirt. Oh, and the noises that got out of him, low and sharp groans that were enough to make arousal set damp and heavy in her core.
Levi’s whole body stiffened when her hands traced the bulge in his pants, and a soft moan left his lips as she gripped it tighter. Hange’s fingers quickly worked his fly, getting one layer of clothing out of the way. She clutched both sides of the fabric, gathering it roughly to pull it down, except Levi held her wrists.
“Easy! I just ironed these pants!”
The all-too-typical response made her giggle. Her smile brushed against the shell of his ear as she whispered, “iron it again tomorrow. I’ll pick up the coal for you”. She didn’t give him time to respond before moving her partially restrained hand up and down his hard-on, the steady pressure drawing out a throaty grunt from him. 
“No, I mean…aahh” Levi’s voice faltered when her thumb circled the tip, and Hange protested once he moved her wrists away from his crotch. “I mean,” he paused, catching his breath, “if we show up tomorrow in wrinkled clothes, forget Miche, everyone is gonna know.”
He had a point.
“Plus,” Levi added, more composed now, “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.” Hange watched in awe while he slowly brought one of her hands towards his face, thumb fondling her palm. His steel blue eyes pierced into hers as he started to plant chaste kisses on each of her fingers, intention and desire made clear at every touch of his lips “so, if you don’t mind, tonight I’m taking my time with you.”
_________________________________________ @youre-ackermine Hii Val! I'm feeling great, and I hope you're well too! Thanks so much for sending this prompt, I had a lot of fun writing it 💕
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this-is-krikkit · 10 months
we built this town on shaky grounds
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Levi Ackerman/Hange Zoë
Additional tags: Angst and Fluff and Smut, a bit (a lot) of ocean themed imagery, POV Levi Ackerman, Boat Sex, that's all this was supposed to be about so I'M TAGGING IT AS SUCH, may have gotten a lil out of hands, I'm sorry?, They/Them Pronouns for Hange Zoë, Emotional Sex, cause i can't write it another way apparently, There was only one bed - trope
The Alliance makes its way to Odiha to stop the Rumbling, and Levi and Hange get a moment of well-deserved peace.
Hange's unusually soft knock wakes him up when they bring him dinner, and although this has become a familiar moment in the past few weeks, the switch between their roles in such a scene strikes him especially hard tonight. Maybe it's the change of scenery now that they're on the Hizuru boat and on their way to the worst of the war. Or maybe he's simply gotten more aware of his surroundings since he's finally starting to heal, now that he's had some actual rest and he doesn't have to play dead in the middle of a wet and hostile forest while Hange shoots at comrades and subordinates they helped train on sight to protect his life –and has what they think are quiet secret meltdowns by his side while he pretends to sleep because he can't even muster enough force to try and offer the comfort he knows they need.
Either way, they jump at the sound of his voice calling their name out right as they put the plate down on the bedside table in this cabin he's been attributed, and he holds in the urge to click his tongue at them –did they really expect he'd sleep through such an intrusion into his personal space?
keep reading on ao3
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mstwnttd · 11 months
Hange turns off the bathtubs faucet as soon as she hears the front door open, and then close. Levi must be home.
“Hi babe, how was work?” hange asked, wrapping her arms around him as soon as he entered their bedroom. Levi looked exhausted and also very upset and refused to say a word. Hange concluded that he must have had a bad day at work. Taking a quick peek into the bathroom, Levi noticed that hange had prepared a bath for him and sighed in relief.
“take off your clothes, hange.” he ordered, already removing his own. Without breaking eye contact, he made his way into the bathroom and then into the tub.
hange followed suit, getting into the bathtub with levi, setting herself down with her back agaisnt his chest. No matter how much stress levi was under, she knew how to help him relax, whether it being absolute silence while entangled in eachother, or just simply telling him how much they loved him.
after both finished bathing, levi got out first to dry himself off. Feeling a tug on his wrist, he ended up being pulled back into the bedroom. Hange was in charge today and he figured that out very quickly as she planted kisses and love bites all over him, causing levi to become hard within seconds.
“I know you had a bad day, levi. let me ease your mind, okay? just relax.” she cooed while shoving levi down onto the bed, then guiding levi to her swollen entrance. seconds later, hange sunk herself down, filling up completely with Levi’s length and began moving her hips back and fourth slowly.
“fuck hange, why do you do this to me..” levi said in broken words, grabbing hange’s hips tightly that was sure to leave marks later. They both made deep eye contact with eachother before hange broke the silence with “because I love you. I love taking care of you.”
this is messy as fuck as i’m kind of rusty w my writing now but i hope you enjoy ! thanks again to @atmospheric-light for the idea :3
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levmada · 1 year
realized i haven’t done a lil tease post in a while👀so here is levihan…. with ppegging…
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