#lexi the human
demon-animatronic · 6 months
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Basically turning these two puppies in humans for FNAF lol. Dunno if Sapphire will keep that name as a human let alone Caitlyn (her birth name). And Lexi the Dog already has her human design seen here
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Although I hate how I did her head and face. The real different between the two is that Lexi’s the night guard (and Monty’s night bitch) and Sapphy/Caitlyn/whoever is his day bitch and she works in a Fazbear pet store.
The only thing in common with their designs will likely be their Fazwatches being Monty themed.
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ohmystarrynight · 4 months
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Journey beyond Sodor is so good
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the-redacted · 9 months
Theo, Lexi and Merlin!
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Old version!
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a-little-unsteddie · 7 months
wip weekend
hi :’) it’s been a while since i’ve done this and well. i have motivation again so i’m gonna do this. send as many asks as you’d like! definitely thieving the template from @just-my-latest-hyperfixation djdbsb
🪐 - untitled humans are space orcs, human!steve, alien!robin, alien!eddie
🎤 - stuck in your throat, rockstar/single dad!alpha eddie, nanny!omega steve (gift for @lexirosewrites)
snippet from 🪐:
Steve woke to the pungent smell of chemicals and a bright light shining in his face. He blearily looked around, but couldn’t make out any details because of how badly the world was spinning around him. The lights didn’t help, practically blinding him; he could make out silhouettes standing over him, but nothing else.
The realization that he was unable to move didn’t stop Steve from thrashing and trying to escape. He went to scream, but the noise was muffled, which caused him to become aware that there was something filling his mouth to prevent him from making noise. Panic surged through him, and as the world slowly came into focus, so did his memories from the—night?—before.
Flashes of a bonfire in a clearing of the forest.
Laughter, which turned to screaming, then to running.
Eventually tripping; falling upwards.
Steve could just make out a tall, willowy figure standing over him, looking impassive as it observed him. Emphasis on ‘it’, as Steve was sure that whatever was looking at him was not human. It was wearing a white lab coat, holding what appeared to be a tablet that it was using to take notes on. Most notably, though, was the fact that Steve was almost 100% positive that whatever thing was observing him didn’t have eyes to speak of. The skin appeared almost slick, and dark greyish-brown in color. The thing’s face was split in half down the middle of what was probably its’ face, and every few seconds, the two halves parted slightly, Steve could only assume to breathe.
Tearing his gaze away from whatever it was, Steve took the chance to look around the room he was in. The room was monochrome and filled with technology that was nothing like anything he’d ever seen—or even imagined—on earth.
Another one of those things approached him with a mask that appeared to be leaking a visible gas, which only caused Steve’s thrashing to intensify, to no avail. Steve was helpless but to watch as the mask was fitted over his nose and mouth, forcing him to breathe in whatever fumes it was exuding. Slowly, Steve’s fighting stopped as his vision went dark.
This is all to say, Steve’s first day in space could have been better.
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dashflashy-arts · 1 year
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Did what I do best: Gijinkas!
Rev and Danger got to look human but that's bc I haven't figured out how to implement bird features on the face yet
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lex-n-weegie · 8 months
Gonna prob be weird for a second I just wanna ramble
Y'all know I'm white as fuck. Like white as a ghost. So white I could camouflage in a clean kitchen or bathroom. White as paper. I'm white white. I'm clarifying this because I am not poc or any sort of nationality of any kind(maybe a bit irish but I doubt it). Despite this, I fucking LOVE seeing people turning characters black or hispanic or Indian or any kind of poc or anything.
I love seeing people put themselves or others into characters. And I love seeing people's joy over it. It makes me so happy. I wish they all got more representation with characters in media already though them making edits of others are so cool. Never stop doing it. Make yourself happy. It's wonderful to see
Edit to add: I'm okay with this being reblogged but as soon as someone tries to derail this or complain about "black washing" I'm putting you in a meat grinder and also showing my friends what you said and laughing at you ♡
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euphoriashots · 1 year
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Cassie Howard - the breakdown
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demon-animatronic · 9 months
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Finally made a updated reference for my FNAF self insert. Well, human version. Coco might as well be my animatronic self insert now that she has a Glamrock version too.
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toppedbykakuna · 4 months
Hi! Just writing to let you know that radical feminism isn’t “pure hatred”, and that the vast majority of women who support it don’t care half as much about people identifying as trans as they do care about protecting marginalized women worldwide (whose issues are fundamentally unable to transcend their biological sex in the way alternative feminism dictates). You said in the tags of a recent post that you’ve spent “so many years trying to understand” radical feminism, which is confusing, because it’s a relatively straightforward approach to feminism. No radfem is ever going to dictate how someone should or shouldn’t dress or behave. The single defining feature is just that radfems argue that how someone dresses and behaves should not be conflated with biological sex or be indicative of a societal gender norm. The entire concept is that boys can wear dresses and girls can wear pants and they are still male and female. Radical feminism strives for the elimination of gender and gender roles!
Genuinely hope you have a good day :) you don’t need to reply to this, I won’t see it anyway, but you really don’t have to prove anything to anyone either. Your beliefs should be yours, not something you feel the need to repeatedly reaffirm to an online public to stay socially acceptable.
Hey anon, thanks for the polite message, I do appreciate it. I'm gonna use this ask to share my perspective a bit more, and while you definitely don't have to continue this conversation if you don't want, if you have any further thoughts I'm happy to hear them!!
Essay below about my history with the phrase and community of "radfems/terfs"
I do acknowledge that in my original post I used the term "radfem" in that tag where I meant to use the term "terf", however in the past 10ish years I've found that the people who use these terms to describe their identity haven't given me any reason to differentiate the two terms.
When I joined Tumblr in 2013, I had already been involved with the queer community for a year, learning about the different corners of the community and our history. At that point, I had accidentally stumbled across the small "radfem" community that had started leaning into the "terf" category of identification on Tumblr specifically.
I remember this movement was relatively small but in any post I saw celebrating trans-ness or gender, there would be somebody with a "radfem" tag in their username trying DESPERATELY to shut down the joy. Comments filled with "you can't change your gender!" type beat, y'know? At the time, I figured it would die out and I moved on.
Suddenly a few years later, I'm on Twitter and I see a particularly famous children's author involving herself in the community I had forgotten about years before, liking posts about whatever the current drama was about and getting herself involved with the whole "you can't change your gender!" type beat, and whaddya know, it BLOWS up.
Now, let's take a few steps back. I'm somebody that struggled with fitting into same sex groups for my entire life. My childhood sport was same sex, my gym classes, the bathrooms, all the things that people don't really think too much about. For me, it came with a body rocking form of anxiety about things like my body being witnessed, the possibility of getting made fun of (which happened if I wasn't keeping an eye out), trying to fit into conversations that I wasn't really interested in because it's what people my sex and my age were talking about, I was getting denied opportunities from my parents because I was interested in activities that weren't typically for my assigned gender.
Funnily enough, I came across some old posts of mine from 2014, 3 years before I came out, that are absolutely mourning my assigned sex and begging to be anything other than my assigned sex. I didn't want my assigned sex to be perceived, I wanted my gender to stop controlling my life. Once I realized that being nonbinary (or agender, as I prefer) was an option and I could partially transition in order to become more androgynous, it has made my life MILES better. I have never thrived so happily in my body without my reproductive organs and a minor level of HRT, and I would encourage anyone looking for androgyny to discuss HRT options with their doctor because it seriously changed my life.
NOW, let's come back to how that's relevant to "radical feminism". In the last 10 years that I've acknowledged that phrase, I have never met a person who uses that phrase with the intention of including transgender people. I would genuinely like to know if anyone knows any people who identify as a "radical feminist" with the intention of including transgender people, cuz they're not doing a very good job of making themselves visible right now.
I live in a country that already has 3 different regions currently attempting to remove transgender people from the vocabulary of anyone under the age of 18, something that I would've THRIVED with the knowledge of as a teenager. If I knew that puberty blockers were an option, I would've avoided 8 years of incredible intestinal pain, dysphoria, depression and more. That's my choice.
I'm of the same opinion that anyone should be able to wear whatever they want and present however they want, along with identifying however they want. If a boy wants to wear a dress then that's so good for him, but if it's an 18 year old trans boy who wants to wear a dress, he is still valid as a man, whereas I've seen typical terfs argue that a trans man wearing a dress means he wants to stay a girl, therefore should just identify as a girl.
If we're genuinely talking about a group of people who identify as "radical feminists" and don't have a single opinion about transgender people I would like to know who they are, because from my perspective "rad fems" are the exact same group of people as TERFs.
To wrap this all up, my fiance is a transgender man. He was actually a huge influence to help me come out myself and better my life, and I'll forever be thankful for his kindness and education. My best friends are all trans or genderless, my sibling is nonbinary, the 3 different women I would run away with if they asked me to are transgender women... ahem
I love transgender people. I love people who play with their own genetics and put themselves through years of medical stress to be the best versions of themselves. Transgender people have been the kindest community I've ever interacted with, the most selfless group of individuals, the most in tune with their own minds and bodies and the world around them. I love their resilience and their strength in a world that wants them to desist, and I will always be on the side of transgender people.
This blog is not censored for appeal, nor will I ever post anything to satisfy any form of masses. This blog is my own beliefs, and my beliefs are that trans people are (pardon my pun) rad as fuck.
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winnie-the-monster · 11 months
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the-redacted · 1 year
The urge to give Diesel 10 a Long Furby too
Anyways Lexi and her long furb
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gingerbreadmonsters · 7 months
I’m sorry if I’m late to the WIP game my darling girl but I MUST know what the fuck heart eyes cry blood means what the fuck is this darling /pos
-Lexi Sun ☀️
lexi's talking about this tag game (still open!) <3
nothing i could possibly say can save me now. human nature!vegawarden edge of tomorrow source code style time loop romantic drama 😜😜
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icelandic-satan-2 · 2 months
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hayleigh-2001 · 4 months
I see Merlin, Lexi, Theo, Frankie, Hurricane, and Beresford as more of a family. Frankie being the mom, Hurricane being the dad, Beresford being the uncle, Lexi being the older sister, Merlin being the older brother, Theo being the youngest brother, and Thomas could be a Cousin or something.
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[Sparks crouched down in an attacking stance in front of Jason, who was attempting to do the same.]
Alright, you wanna stand like this, like this, right?
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Cool, now you wanna feel the power running through your body! You have to REALLY feel it! You have to charge up to super-duper full power!
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When you know you have enough, you have to let it out, in one huge burst! Like BA-BA-BA-BAAAANG!!! And cracka-BOOM! And a good ol' flash-POW for good measure!
[To demonstrate his point, Spark's body crackled with electricity, before a bolt of lightning fell from the clouds above them, striking himself with an ear-splitting Thunder.]
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Sparks, do you mind telling me WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE UNIVERSES you were trying to do to Jason?!
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Yeah, Mr. Sparks. It looks really fun! And your attack was so cool, too!
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W-Well, I- um... Er...
I, uh... Hey, this is Sammy's fault for saying that he's basically a Pokemon now!
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How does your tomfoolery fall on me?! I've been referring to him as a damn-near wild Pokemon for months now, and he's been called that even longer!
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See? You never said that he can't learn moves! And I wanted to teach him Thunder, the same way he taught me Lightning Blade!
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Sparks, you idiot...
Why would I have to say outright that he can't learn moves? Above all else, beyond anything else, he's still a HUMAN, Sparks. And he would share a Samurott's mindset, if nothing else! I have no way to learn Electric-type moves, and he wouldn't by proxy!
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He's able to do that cool glowey thing with me... Maybe it's not you-specific.
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Not helping, Lexi.
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See, New Girl gets it! If it applies to him, why not us?!
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Nope. I'm not having this. I'm not speaking to the same Jolteon that caused Jason- No, caused ALL of us to get embarrassed by Elesa. SEVERAL TIMES, mind you.
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And we kept spinning the block, better than you ever could! And it wasn't like I was benched each and every time~!
Mr. Fluffy, the BABY, got more action than you could ever dream of!
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And you weren't replaced by Cyclone during the battle with Clay?
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I'm sorry, who?... OHH, you meant the Swoobat.
Dude, Driver carried that fight, NONE of us were needed.
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I was!
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Did that human mind of yours make you a bumbling fool?
Brother in Mew, you were a "If crap hits the fan" 'Mon at BEST, in that battle!
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And I was THERE! Unlike YOU!
[The pair continued to bicker like an angry couple for about an hour, with Lexi's occasional failed attempts to break it up.]
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neutrallyobsessed · 1 year
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Give it up for the cab-foward engine, Lexi! She was my fav of the experimental engines, specially because I could do this for her humanization ^^.
I do plan to do Theo and Merlin later (among other humanized engines with unusual body... configuration? lol idk what to call it) so stay tuned for that~👀
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