#like I’m a bad writer
33max · 1 year
you know what’s really fucking uncool???? me having a zillion little max headcanons and feeling like I can’t ever share them with my friends cause they’re boring and I’m boring and I never have any good ideas ever
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whumpacabra · 4 months
Sometimes you look something up for medical accuracy, understand the topic entirely, and then choose to ignore everything you just learned.
For the ✨drama ✨
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bixels · 21 days
Bit of a weird question, but what is your overall least favorite thing about MLP? 
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Remember that one scene where Arthur is training with Merlin and Merlin is fighting for his life while Arthur repeatedly knocks him on his arse? I can’t remember what episode but it was early in season 1.
I like to imagine Merlin starts being sarcastic with every hit in hopes it’ll piss Arthur off enough to storm off and leave him alone. It backfires when Arthur starts replying and it turns into a venting session.
Like, Uther said some dumb shit about Arthur? Merlin starts a fight about it.
The knights can’t follow orders? Merlin is disobedient enough that Arthur starts yelling about how dangerous it is when his men don’t follow orders.
Arthur’s feeling bad about someone he couldn’t save? Merlin makes him see why he’s doing enough by arguing with him about it and reminding him that he’s only human.
And Arthur knows what he’s doing, he catches on eventually and will occasionally walk up to Merlin, push his shoulder only enough to be annoying until Merlin stops whatever he’s doing, then Arthur will just say “Fight me.” and Merlin will either say something he knows will get Arthur angry or he’ll throw a punch he knows Arthur will block and they’ll start sparring. (Merlin learns to fight eventually, neither of them realise it’s happening until he sucker punches a bandit and he’s out cold)
Anyway, it becomes something they do to help Arthur vent his frustrations.
The best part? It works.
So Arthur sees Merlin upset. It goes on for about a week when Arthur realises what’s going on. He sits down next to Merlin on the floor one night, nudges his shoulder like he would if he wanted to fight, and says, “why are you upset? It’s not like you’ve got anything to worry about.” In a purposefully taunting way.
Merlin scowls and keeps working, and Arthur tries again, “Really. All you do is follow orders. It’s not hard.”
And so Merlin looks up, clearly angry until he sees what Arthur is trying to do, so he puts down what he’s doing and starts fighting back, “no, just exhausting when those orders are given by a prat.” Or “Maybe if I had a day off once in a while.” I don’t know, I suck at dialogue.
It goes on for a while, until they get too close to the issue, Merlin snaps, tells Arthur he’s a dick and sobs, yelling about magic, and the great dragon being manipulative, loosing his father, loosing Freya, Gaius lying to him about his father and thinking Uther is a good king and a good man, and literally everything else that’s gone wrong.
Arthur pulls him in and hugs him, then tells Merlin they’re fighting together from here on out. It takes a while, but they work it out.
There’s plenty of “fights” about Arthur feeling betrayed by Merlin keeping secrets and Merlin being mad at his situation in Camelot and then being frustrated that he can’t get himself to feel angry at Arthur (I’ve got a half baked character analysis for Merlin and Arthur’s codependency somewhere in my drafts. I’ll come back to it eventually.) but they’re okay and they figure it out and end up stronger for it.
I’m holding back on sharing the major character death/dark!Arthur angsty alternate ending for this, but let me know if you want to see it :)
Edit: Part 2 - (the angsty alternate ending)
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sarcastic-clapping · 2 years
already seeing people who clearly don’t understand that a lot of us who are upset about what happened to marwa in this episode aren’t upset about the characters’ in-universe morality but the real life misogyny and racism in the way that this plot was handled lol
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akicult · 1 year
contains ; domesticity. bf!suguru. suggestive themes. modern / college au. geto wants you to be his housewife basically. just a short drabble. mostly fluff.
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just thinking about college bf!suguru that didn’t realize he was a domestic person until he met you.
he’s still young, only in his third year at university and he’s still deciding on what his near future will look like. he’s had his fair share of girlfriends, and little hookups, and to be quite frank—he didn’t think he was done either.
how was he supposed to know the first night he met you, bent over his backseat, was about to be the start of the most serious relationship he’d ever have.
that night started the first of many, slowly realizing he was only asking to hookup just because he wanted to see you. how he’d send a pickup text, with a frown on his cheeks because he thought you were only in it for that reason.
and when he finally swallowed his stubbornness, he was met with the most amazing two years of his life, stuck with you by his side.
college bf!suguru who, until he met you, hardly even dreamt about a future where the love of his life would carry his child in her arms, kissing his cheek and brewing a cup of coffee for the two of them to share in the morning.
he didn’t even care to imagine what that future would be like, what the woman would look like. it didn’t feel achievable, or even desirable until he fell in love with you.
and it was a random realization, but looking back on it—it was building. slowly.
weeks and weeks spent of you just pampering him, praising him, for even the most average things. like, getting an amazing score on an exam, and all you had to do was say, “aw! good job, baby!” before he was putty in your fingertips.
his room is all messy, deep dark circles under his eyes. it was procrastination’s fault—his fingers hurt from typing on his computer all day thanks to waiting until hours before a huge essay was due.
you offered to leave his apartment, to give him the concentration he needs to get it finished, but he was ushering a “no, no stay,” because he honestly didn’t want you to leave. so you stayed, situating yourself in the other room, occasionally popping in to check up on him—and eventually lay on his bed after he insists you to.
it’s only when he finally finishes—8 hours later and it’s already nighttime. his shoulders are slouched, his back is stiff and he’s walking out of his room with his closed computer weighing by his side.
and you’re still there.
not only are you still there, but you’re washing his dishes.
hair clipped back, sweatshirt engulfing your body and sweats tightly tied around your waist. you’re humming along to some music that plays over a speaker—quiet but loud enough to know what song is playing.
you look so utterly homey.
like you’ve settled into your personal home after a long day at work, just blissfully scrubbing away on glossy white dishes that were previously eaten on. your clothes acknowledge that you’re comfortable, uncaring of what he sees you in.
although it’s not just the fact that you’re dressed like that—it’s the fact that you’re cleaning his things.
cleaning a mess you didn’t even make, just out of the kindness in your heart that’s making geto’s throat close and his palms sweaty. he’s in absolute awe that he doesn’t realize you’ve noticed his presence until you’re turning to face him.
“oh! did you finish?” you ask, turning the water off and rushing towards him.
he’s blinking, nodding slowly. “yeah—just submitted it.”
“yay! ‘m so proud of you!” you grin, lacing your fingers behind the back of his neck and pulling him in for a chaste kiss like you always do—but it feels so much different this time.
like you’re congratulating him on a big promotion, tugging on his work tie and kissing him until he’s forgetting his own name.
he feels like his ring finger is so cold, and there’s a missing heavy weight that’s never even been there in the first place.
like he’s an idiot for not tying you down on the spot—wrapping vows and vows around the two of you until you’re barely mobile.
and he wants to be your doting husband for the rest of his life. he wants to walk through his front door every evening with an awaiting kiss to his cheek, and a home-cooked meal fresh in his senses.
he wants to go to sleep with you in his arms every night, mumbling sweet ‘i love you’’s after flickering off the bedside lamp.
and maybe, just maybe one day, he wants to hear the gentle pitter patter of two little feet charging down the hallway.
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this is accidentally freud coded (emphasis on accidentally)
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firbolgfriend · 4 months
Im just yapping but there is this fic on fimficton called Discord of Tomorrow that’s about s2 evil discord traveling forward in time right before he can be turned to stone to switch places with the version of himself (reformed discord) that exists when the elements of harmony are gone, so reformed discord gets stuck in the past and has had to snap away and hide the elements of harmony from the mane 6 so he can focus on trying to get back to the future without getting turned to stone, all while dealing with the moral dilemma of him realizing how easy it was to take the elements and how easy it would be to seriously just take Equestria over again vs being worried about what evil discord is currently doing to his friends in present time. It’s only like three chapters but I think the plot is so funny and the author didn’t even get to the part where evil discord is in the future and the mane 6 is trying to figure out wtf his problem is, thinking he has amnesia or something. I want to make a comic expanding on it so bad I’m like seriously obsessed with it I can’t stop thinking about it
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the-bitter-ocean · 1 month
(ISAT ACT 3/ ACT 4 OPTIONAL ACHIEVEMENT SPOILERS) Wanted to post more writing I did for @tealgoat In Tales of time au! Canonically speaking this is written with the intention of taking place after this event ( @felikatze did lovely writing for this scene and Teal did incredible artwork, so be sure to check out that post before reading this!) Writing under the cut:
< You are sitting at the Favor Tree. >
< You try to focus on writing in your journal. >
< No one..makes…a..sound. >
< Loop coughs forcefully and breaks the silence first. >
| “… So uh, Madame.. about what happened before just a while ago.. do you mind if we-“|
< Absolutely not. >
< “No.”>
< Loop looks at you in confusion. >
| “..No? What do you mean ‘no’, Madame this is clearly something we should talk ab-“|
< Your grip on your pen gets tighter than you’d like it to be. >
< You stop writing and look up at Loop. >
< “What is there to discuss, Loop?”>
< “I crossed a line and Siffrin reacted poorly. That’s all there is to it. He didn’t want to be touched, yet I insisted anyway.”>
| “That isn’t blinding fair! You can’t just assume that! You looped right back before he could even say anything!”|
| “For all you know maybe he would have liked the affection from you! Maybe you're not as scary as you think you are! If you had just-“|
< You doubt it. >
< You have had countless loops proving otherwise. >
< Every attempt of you trying to show your love for your family leaves them confused at best or genuinely terrified of you at worst. >
< There’s no point in trying to rewrite that part of the story now. >
< “Loop.”>
< “I know you’re only trying to cheer me up. The sentiment is appreciated, but I’d rather move on now.” >
< “To be completely truthful with you I don’t want to talk or think about this any longer than I have to.” >
< “..I don’t wish to trouble you with it. “ >
| “….But, Madame I-“|
< Loop sighs. >
< Their shoulders sag in defeat a little, before brightening in demeanor once more. >
| “Okaaayy! Well that’s fine by me!” |
| “Never was a fan of conversations spinning in circles anyhow! Teehee! You know me so well~!”|
< You look away from Loop and go back to writing. >
< “.. Mhm.. thank you. >
| “Anyway, you got a Memory for your troubles. I suggest not to check it out until you feel better later. I don't think you'd like me to tell you what it does.” |
| Moving on from all that now! So! How can I help you on this wonderful new loop?”|
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cas-writes-stuff-ig · 1 month
sorry, i’m imagining Short Masc Reader x Regina George, because i believe that they would purposely buy shirts/hoodies/jackets that are too big for them so Regina can feel tiny, cozy, and protected when she steals their clothes.
(i’m projecting me and my girlfriend onto regina x reader stuff sorry)
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loki-us · 6 months
Welcome to my Mega Problematic Sylvie post
I wanted to make a list of everything problematic about Sylvie in s1 and s2 because she gets away with whatever she wants and it bugs me to no end that she never takes accountability for any of the pain she causes.
You have been warned. So let's get into it.
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1. Sylvie’s way is the only way and she expects everyone else to just bend to her will without complaint
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2. She is physically mentally and emotionally incapable of trusting anyone besides herself
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3. She uses other people's emotions to manipulate them into getting what she wants
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4. She refuses to even entertain the possibility that anything besides her own opinion is correct
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5. She criticizes others' attempts to clean up the mess she caused while she herself does absolutely nothing about it
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6. Always looking to ruin and run, taking the easy way out and avoiding any accountability
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7. Puts her own need for revenge above the well-being of everyone else in the multiverse
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8. Blames everyone else for the problems she herself caused
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9. Insults everyone at the TVA for their lack of empathy despite it being the exact reason she didn't want to return in the first place. Every critique she delivers just illustrates how much of a hypocrite she is
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10. Berates Mobius and all the people who are actually trying to fix her problem even though they never once blamed her for the mess they're in
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11. Acts like she's doing everyone a favor just for being there and insulting everyone when in reality, Loki had to ask multiple times before finally getting her to return
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12. Never willing to put in more effort than just destroying everything and walking away
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13. Even when directly asked for her help, Sylvie straight up refuses. She couldn't care less about anything besides her McDonald's employee-of-the-month badge
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14. Sylvie gaslights Loki into thinking they're the same, that she's not in the wrong because they're both only thinking of themselves. In reality, Sylvie is thinking only of going back to her own timeline, alone, while Loki is thinking only of making his friends happy, because that's what makes him happy too.
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15. While being completely unsympathetic to Loki struggling with his greatest fear, Sylvie makes the decision that Loki's friend's are all better off where they are now. But is it really better for them, or just better for Sylvie?
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16. And now, after 11 episodes and countless requests for Sylvie's help, she actually cares about the rest of the multiverse. And yet it's still solely because her own timeline is finally in danger
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17. When Loki ends up sacrificing himself to solve the problem Sylvie created, her only response is a joyful shrug that she's now happy, alone, and responsibility-free.
Overall, I know Sylvie's only purpose as a character is to be a darker mirror of Loki and everything she does is understandably informed by her trauma. This is likely a result of having a limited-episode-series and having all male/not diverse writers creating female characters. Sylvie is used only as a comparison to Loki before he met Mobius, and unfortunately is never given any thoughtful character moments like Loki had showing how he was aware that his actions hurt others. In 1x1, Loki talks about how he doesn’t enjoy hurting people and only does it to maintain control. The only time we ever see Sylvie reconsider her actions is when she didn’t kill Timely, which I think is more because she saw herself in Timely as someone who didn’t want to be controlled by their ‘destiny,’ not because she developed any kindness or compassion toward him.
I understand the fact that Sylvie was never given someone like Mobius to allow her the opportunity to change like Loki did, but I don't think that should excuse her causing so much pain and being so self-centered. Sylvie never trusted or cared about anyone and that's also my biggest argument against Sylki; her loving or being driven by anyone besides herself is just so inconsistent with her entire character.
Anyway, my purpose here was not to be hateful or to search for any reason to criticize Sylvie, but instead to look critically at her character since I've seen a lot of people praise her as the strong, independent female Loki whose behavior can always be forgiven. Unfortunately, the way she was written is that Sylvie turned her own trauma into everybody else's problem and they all spent 2 seasons trying to clean up her mess. That's my take thank you and goodnight
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goldenhypen · 7 months
⋆。⠐ happy ✧。♡
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✴︎。⠐ birthday ⠐⚬⋅。
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⋅。⠐ to the kindest cutest most loving cheerful hard working greatest prettiest handsomest funniest hottest jakey sim 🦭 ⚬♡⋅。
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⎯ ⋅ ♡ ⋅ ⎯
jake, my love and admiration for you go beyond words. thank you for blessing me with so much joy and love in my life. you’re an inspiration to so many and i’m so grateful for you and incredibly proud of where you are and who you’ve become. and you deserve all the best things, or at least to have the best birthday of your life this year <3 eat well and celebrate lots my love <3 i love you and happy birthday <33
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thecryptidbard · 2 months
ALSO can we talk about Hetty’s reaction after Flower tells her “You’re a good friend”???
Think about where she was at this point last year—having also just revealed a massive secret, one that almost irrevocably ruined one of her oldest friendships. She’d admitted in Ghost Court that friends were not something she’d ever had in life—something she hasalso just reiterated moments ago to Sam and Isaac, that one of the reasons she felt so trapped and alone and without options at the end of her life was because she had no friends.
Think about how far we’ve seen her come; in season one, it’s huge growth for her that after Jay’s possession, she admits to the other ghosts that she missed them. Or season two, how in a very un-Hetty move she’s willing to swallow her pride and apologize to Nigel (even though she’s sure she isn’t in the wrong!) for the sake of saving her friendship with Isaac. Or even earlier this season, how closely she’s clinging to Alberta in so many of the episodes, because she’s so grateful she got her friend back after being so close to losing her that she doesn’t even want to be physically separated from her.
And then now, she’s just once again revealed a secret she’s kept for well over a hundred years, in order to save Flower. She’s kept this part of herself from everyone for so long, and the very second she sees that Flower is securely out of the hole, she turns her back to everyone to gather herself and then bolts.
Isaac and Sam make her see that, yes objectively she has people here for her now like she never had in life, but Flower coming in and thanking her is when she actually gets to see and experience the reality of how different her existence is now. “You’re a good friend,” she says, and it might be the first time someone has ever said that to her. And Hetty just looks up at Flower so surprised in that moment, and so heartbreakingly hopeful, because I genuinely think that until right then, she really hadn’t considered it like that before; she just knew that Flower was in trouble and that she had to help her whatever the personal cost, because not saving her wasn’t even an option.
So much of the ghosts’ relationships, especially early on, were transactional, and, especially in Hetty’s case, built around enforcing particular power dynamics: accruing a wealth of back rubs, extorting Pete’s TV time before signing Elias’s contract, or any of the countless occasions she brought up her status as ‘lady of the house’. So the fact that she makes this sacrifice that feels like a loss of power to her is in and of itself big; but Flower acknowledging that, and making sure Hetty herself sees it too, by calling her a good friend—it’s a whole different level of meaningful.
She doesn’t just thank Hetty. She makes sure that she sees what her actions mean to her. And Hetty is so taken aback by it, because Flower saying this to her and meaning it is a gift she was absolutely unprepared for; a “good friend” is not something Hetty has ever known herself to be, up until now. But she very badly wants for it to be true.
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shibaraki · 4 months
I like ‘bad’ fanfiction I like crackfic and silly AUs I like fic that diverges so far from canon that it’s practically unrecognisable and fic that is blatantly self indulgent I like fanfics with no plot and cliches and predictable twists and repeated tropes! not every fanwork has to be a bestselling novel every single fic has a place and a purpose and sometimes I want to come home and read something that doesn’t require me to think! sue me
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ovaryacted · 3 months
Where are the Leon Kennedy fics like damn…where did y’all go? THIS BITCH EMPTY!!
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Nobody mention that I’m literally at fault cause where are my fics LMFAOOOOOOO.
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dudeyuri · 6 months
i know I’m not alone in this but my favorite thing mhok did this episode, out of all the sweet things he did, was urge day out of his comfort zone to set a plan with august. it spoke volumes about his character and about his relationship with day. it was just such a refreshing turn of events (that led to a cute practice date sequence)
this ep set up mhokday v. augustday in a way I can really only call “juicy” lmao. day makes excuses for and takes on the onus of talking august down from his flighty and flaky tendencies; mhok is day’s anchor, in a myriad of ways, and when he wasn’t there for day during that scene in the markets, it was of course in no way positioned as day’s responsibility. day had to strive to earn august’s acceptance; mhok’s acceptance has been unconditional even if it took some trial and error for him to understand day (I think their relationship is built on a deepening understanding of each other, fostering this two-way acceptance). day and august were assigned to each other; day chose mhok and mhok chose day. august surreptitiously walks away from day’s feelings; mhok shoulders them despite his own.
we’re shown right off the bat in ep5 that august and day’s relationship strikes something like jealousy in mhok. but this is a grown ass man with a caretaking job. even as he blurs the line between caretaker and suitor he remembers his place—his place as day’s friend and phi even more than as his caretaker imo. above all else he wants to help day push past self-isolating tendencies (look at all the friends who love day! he’s not meant to be holed up in his room!)(and I mean, this is personal for him! not just as someone with feelings for day, but as someone who lived through the suicide of his sister and as someone who had been in jail before).
and the way he reacts to day’s confession of feelings for august—we see that day is not the only heartbroken one here, but mhok doesn’t let day in on that. there are more than a few things he doesn’t let day in on, in this scene lol. he didn’t even divulge the full story of rung’s tragedy (just as day only hinted at what happened between him and night). mhok is just fully present for day as day deals with his own heartbreak. whereas in august and day’s relationship as badminton partners, august’s feelings formed the center of their relationship, and he often left day scrambling just to appease him.
there’s probably some comparison to be made between mhok stepping in and setting up dinner plans for august and day, and august insisting that he will never have another badminton partner if it’s not day. it’s like love v. possessiveness. mhok has this maturity that is really compelling, makes sense with his character, and again is just soooo refreshing
mhok has made a few self-deprecating comments about lacking tenderness, a hang-up informed by his past and by his sister’s suicide, but damn if this man isn’t the paragon of devotion idk what he is. and because of all this, because we’re seeing mhok place his feelings second to caring for day, i am of course looking forward to seeing mhok’s feelings prioritized alongside day’s and his insecurities addressed as the series progresses. in conclusion, what a mensch
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
what if we get a scene that parallels the moonlight scene in s1ep5. like, ed and stede are in a similar spot where they’re looking at each other from across the way, longing for each other, yearning for each other’s touch and affection. so they’re once again stuck for a few beats looking like this—
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but instead of parting ways again, something in them breaks, and they run back to each other to grab hold of what’s hanging in the air between them. they run back to see through what was started, but never finished.
they run back to deeply kiss each other.
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