#like damn man the mods really don't give a shit about the people in their server at all
butwhatifidothis · 3 months
Y'know, I feel really bad for the people who are still in that server and have to put up with all the hateful rhetoric that mod is spewing out because they can't speak up about it in fear of getting banned.
Yeah, and just to serve as a general reminder that it is not everyone in that server are like this; it's mostly Shandale, a couple other mods, and a few other members, with the other mods who haven't engaged with this behavior directly mostly being responsible for never doing anything to actually rectify this issue like removing Shandale's mod status or removing them from the server for repeatedly saying shit like this (or doing anything similar to the other mods who have explicitly backed up their rhetoric). There's actually a good few people who will stand against the rhetoric thrown around, which is absolutely something to commend them for knowing that they could easily be banned (since, you know, the person that's saying this shit is someone who has banning privileges and is known to ban people for pretty innocuous shit).
It honestly must suck to be an average Edelgard fan in that server knowing that at pretty much any time there's a pretty damn good chance that one of the members - or mods! - will spout off blatantly racist shit and there's just. Nothing that will be done about it, ever, just cuz that person is friends with a mod or are a mod themselves. And in one of THE biggest spaces for Edelgard fans, at that! I hope they can eventually find a better place to love their fave in, since this one's such an unsalvageable garbage heap
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vinxwatches · 1 month
fallout (2024)
WARNING: i did not finish this. i didn't want to finish this. do not read or watch if you like happy stories. do not read or watch if you like the darkness in the fallout games. this show is dark in gruesome, permanently damaging ways. fuck this. the show may fucking nail the aesthetic of fallout, it doesn't get the vibe of fallout. fallout is set in a serious world where video game characters go through a video game plots in a world that's also often goofy. an equivalence would be if the mario movie had a serious burial of Luigi half way through and he just stayed dead. a clear sign that it doesn't get it.
trigger warning: gore, dismemberment of the living and dead. the dog dies.
as a big fan of fallout 4, even fallout 76, and a letsplay of Fnv this is very hype. and the references they are putting in straight is so cool to see. and damn, that's how you start a fallout. and now jus the references, seriously the vault hallways looks straight up lifted from fallout 4 (with high definition mods)
a vault having connections with a different vault? so that either is a process of kicking people the fuck out, or the evil experiment from vault tech... probably both. also love that they don't avoid the fucked up lore that really makes fallout fallout.
oh yea, this is how you start a fallout part 2, the personal angle. kind of bummed that she doesn't start with the classic bulky 10mm. and of course there's something about the protaganists family, because this is bethesda fallout (not derogatively, just perfect adaptation)
me, out loud: "ohhh, that's the pridwin, that's so cool" if you get me to talk out loud you did good. petty power politics? how very fallout of you. "i'm bringing him home". i'm very sorry but that's not how fallout works.
also loves that bethesda continues with inclusivity. Dane is nonbinary, played by a trans actor. it's so small, it plays no role (at least i find it HIGHLY unlikely that it will. nb people are just part of reality, and so they are now (finally) entering media.
the fucking junk jet made it in?
just "the ghoul". i wonder if we'll get more info on what ghouls are. i mean i know. i've probably heard more false things then there's true stuff about ghouls to know. but if you're new to fallout i think the vault is relatively obvious, and the brotherhood is pretty well explained. but the concept of a ghoul? practivally nothing outside of them being scary, can go "feral", and are weird. but it is only the first episode.
it wouldn't be fallout without skeletons in strange positions and/or environmental story telling. did they use fallout sound effects for the weird man drinking water? it may not be but that is diamond city. at least based of it. it looks so fallout that i can't even remember which of the places i've had a shootout in it reminds me of, it's too many.
not a fan of living gore. like fallout game gore is fine. shooting limbs of completely mindless things? fine. but not on a person, espcially not one that's then crudely taken care of. i'm way too terrified of something happening to me, it tends to roam in my mind anyways, even more so now that i've a reason to give a shit about my body, so the dismemberment of the living... ew, please, no more. at least it doesn't stick around too long (in which case why? just to be gross?)
"cyanide was the most humane product vault tech ever made"... accurate yet horrifying.
oh... so that's who the ghoul is. and that, well it'll create drama, and i'm curious how close it's to the story of nuka break. haven't seen that show in too long.
me, out loud, after wondering what that monster was "oh of course it was a gulper. wait, no, those are east coast, this was west coast." not really a plothole, monsters from one side often make their way to the other. harder for a water based creature. unless the same thing evolved twice.
oh, those eyes weren't just more human then expect. that thing was human... once.
the golden rule is severely lacking. don't do onto others as you'd have them to onto you. if i was into bondage and often horney how do you think it'd treat people if the golden rule was. a good rule is "treat others how they want to be treated" or "treat others how you can reasonably expect they want to be treated". the golden rule of the wasteland is pretty accurate though: "thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time". this rule is, in fact, recursive.
of course the waterchip is broken. this is fallout after all.
ok, no, i'm done. no dismemberment of main characters. fuck you. even if she does get it back. i'm done.
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medicinemane · 7 months
Man... after looking through various videos about this and that horror thing I come back to the same stance as I always have... most horror sucks
Like these people put a lot of work into making it, like I don't want to be disrespectful, but they fundamentally miss what makes horror interesting and just kind of... go for making weird shit with a lot of glichy this and that, and it just ends up feeling so damn hollow
It's all weird faces yelling at someone from a CRT or spooky fucked up men standing in corners, or mundane shit like aliens crashing and it just kind of lacks substance
The best of the stuff I've seen was the DOOM map that was clearly inspired by House of Leaves (something I've never read, cause you clearly need a physical copy to really read it, but that I respect), and it was very much all about being a disquieting and disjointed experience of exploring a world that doesn't make sense
The best bits of it are stuff like that endless stairway SCP and just House of Leaves straight up being there. Extra bizarre and unsettling spaces
Also has stuff like a QR code hidden in it that leads to an obituary for the author dated before the mod was released, so nice bits of... what are they called? ARG? Anyway, nice elements of using more than just the map itself
Not exactly my thing, but pretty good
Next best is this living meat thing, but in the end it's like... yeah... this is kinda cool, but at the same time... it's just kinda meat men doing bad things. It's a lot more fleshed out than the others, but... just doesn't quite hold my interest as a whole. My mind comes back to the DOOM map more often than that
And like the rest, you can tell serious work was put into them but like... they're creepy pastas that someone bothered to throw a video together for; and by that I mean they have all the subtly and impact of your average creepy pasta
The otherworld spooky man with the distorted voice is driving people to kill themself or is smashing people up in their room... oh no
Just kinda dull and... and then the youtubers it's also like... there's real work put in here, they're not bad, but they're so often like "oh my god, this was the craziest thing I've ever seen" when it's like... listen, your theory that this is about a guy who was murdered and is being forced to come to terms with it is compelling, it's just that's also a kinda fucking boring subject
"Man, the idea that something malicious usurped god and is running the universe to maximize suffering is the most terrifying thing I've ever heard"... I mean... I don't want to be rude, but like... that's just so basic. Like that's hardly even horror, it's just a shitty situation
I don't know man, I don't want to act like I'm the smartest person in the room... I can't even really tell you what I want here, but it's like I've said: I'm not sure if they're playing it up for the video or if they really mean it (probably both), but so much of this stuff it's just like... this is so fucking mundane. This is "there was a sewer man" levels of spooky (zero)
Maybe it's cause I grew up reading a lot of horror, but like... surprise me. Interest me. Give me something I haven't seen before
Signalis is another one of those games where I can't sit through a playthrough, but I adore it. It does something, something's going on there with the time loops and the breaking down of the androids filled with imprints of former human personalities. It doesn't feel like it's just being weird cause it thinks being weird is horror; it feels like it has depth
Where as a lot of this stuff feels like it has actually deeply thought out lore... but... but the lore is boring and I don't care. I think they should keep going and I think they should be proud of what they're doing, but to me it's just such basic uninteresting shit
I don't care if the mountain's spooky with ancient evil and if people's Jungian shadows as wreaking havoc on the world as people mutate into monsters; that's a lot of really cool ideas you've got there, but you blended them together in a way where they're a bland creepy pasta blend of flavors
Man... it's just so hard to find good horror, or horror that is good to me at least
I don't know, yes I would probably be scared if a monster was stalking me, but like... I'd also be scared if a bear was trying to break into my house, you know?
Yes dead people who let off toxins that made people decay around them would be frightening... but it would also be scary to catch something like TB and not be able to get treatment
Fantastic as this stuff is it's also mundane, and maybe that's what makes it so scary to these other people but to me it makes it... mundane
Horror either needs to be very very very short (what if there was a kid down in the street, and when you waved to them the waved back and started floating up towards you), or it needs to really have something more to it
I don't know, this is why I consider horror such a tricky genre, but man... I want some good horror and it's impossible to get (and often when people do recommend me something it's like... mhh... thank you, but also absolutely wrong for what I want)
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jaythelay · 8 months
One of the biggest reasons Undertale did so well is because it was quite literally the first time someone tried to make The Truely all around game.
You got the game itself of course, but the fact you can explore hidden content inside text files, change numbers and have different stuff in-game.
What Undertale did was give just bout everyone something and made everyone want to interact with the something that was cool for another.
Your average player doesn't know documents holds damn near every video game save and options file. Nor is there ever really anything of much use there for the average player.
As of right now, capitalism and IP rights really have a strangehold on such concepts. No big name company wants people scrounging around products they bought, it's why they're desperate to move to cloud gaming, they seriously and genuinely hate you and just want your money.
Undertale said "Hey guess what, you're rewarded for scrounging around!" Hell the game practically unintentionally encourages it, you so badly want more after beating it, most people learned about Ghaster initially because after completion, they wanted more, found it on wikipedia or some forum/video, possibly did it themselves, but the fact is, the game wasn't done.
The product wasn't just a beginning and end, it encouraged you to delve into it even deeper. It encourages everyone to think deeper about alot of random shit no game before it truly bothered with intentionally.
What's frustrating all around however, is that no game appears interested in truly doing the same. And Triple A is so creatively bankrupt and greedy, we may Never, get A Truely, All Around Game like Undertale, but bigger, better, and more complex.
Also no fuckin' ARGs don't count. If HALF your game is searching game files it ain't an All Around True Game.
Games like Doki Doki show the exact balance to have if you were to integrate the game's technical stuff with the gameplay and in-universe cannon. But ARG games are quite literally the opposite of the problem with Triple A, they aren't trying to be Video Games, just another aspect for an ARG.
FNaF got kinda close but with the new devs...yeah nah that "all around" feeling is lost. It felt lost since Sister Location honestly. FNaF 4 kinda utilized it's previous entries as a gotcha, there is nothing to open the box no matter how hard you try, but from there it really stopped being anything but a game with lore not directly told.
Man, imagine if you were interested in modding, you look through the code, and it's absolutely littered with all sorts of reveals of the game. Unnamed NPCs get named, locations unseen can be visited.
It'd be like Dark Souls for game files. A hell of a way to get people interested and involved in programming n shit. I love seeing Cut Content and Alpha footage and what not, a game, a piece of art, should never end with itself. It continues on with people's perspectives and discussions, how it formed should be as much of apart of that culture as the main piece.
Art isn't merely a napkin to be made, used, and discarded.
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csmeaner · 2 years
(general) not really anything in particular but how are you doing, mod? cs has bummed me out lately because even if i don't wanna participate in it it feels like trading for one-offs and such you NEED myo slots or shit because ~*~rarity~*~ !! people don't want to resale adopts anymore orz its always trading upwards. i finally obtained a dream design of mine but i wonder if i've fallen too far into adopts.
man ive lost so much interest. at the beginning it's shiny, it's collecting and trying to get the rarest thing, and FOMO on top of it. but you either can't get anything and making it very hard to get what you want, or you do get tons of shit and like. then fucking what?
i got a 'dreamy' too only to realize i had no fucking interest in making a story or developing it as a character. i just wanted it because it was from a hard-to-get species with rare traits and a decent color scheme. i bought so many cs just so i could have something to trade, i joined raffles for the same purpose - because it was the only goddamn way to get anything without taking years or shitting out 420 drawings
need to look inside yourself and ask what do you fucking do now? monthly prompts feel so damn hollow and you can get the general gist they follow the same pattern/themes every single month (i've seen so many april shower prompts and now it's mermay, fuck me running) with promises of arpg that all devolve into: crafting, farming, cookie, battling, and breeding, with barely any CS managing it much less making it balanced
ive been cs staff before and we can break our asses meeting deadlines, setting up events with all the art, answering questions of fuckers too stupid to read, all ontop of school/jobs, and only 3 fucking people did anything for it. what the absolute fuck. they did no prompts while still asking for adopts and then bitching to us about it
instead i turned to just open arpg's and drawing communities. no need to struggle at the start for a character to begin the game with, you make what you want and focus on progressing through the story with everyone else. less trading/selling because anyone can make whatever they want but official adopts still sell easily. more fleshed out characters and personal art gives you bonuses. events are long and casual while still being enjoyable
god it's been so much better
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kokokichichi · 3 years
Something that infinitely pisses me off in this fandom is that people tend to think Dream is a much better developer than George and often underestimate just how much coding George does for the entire dteam. See takes like "George codes for himself and Sapnap, but Dream codes himself :)" and "Oh yeah, George codes a little but Dream does most of the testing/editing"). And I think one of the reasons for that is because Dream at some point (back in fall mostly) couldn't stop mentioning how he's an Actual Developer and how he Codes, whereas George just...stays silent until someone directly asks him about coding stuff. And I don't know if it's just my personal experience as a female in CS field but whenever I see a dude brag about "how much of a coder he is" and "how he is in STEM which is sooo hard" I automatically write him off as a business major in denial, sorry not sorry. He'll be the horrible project manager who doesn't know shit about coding we all dread at work.
George, however, is a.) someone I genuinely think would be a breeze to work with b.) is so obviously a freelancer at heart that whenever he starts his classic money moves I can't help but think it's his old freelancing habits at play lmao
Dream may be an "ideas man" (again, something he's mentioned multiple times now) but please stop stealing George's credit from where it's due.
so valid anon! so true! 
you know, i’ll speak my truth on this: i am 100%, without a DOUBT, sure that george is a better programmer than dream. first, note that dteam themselves have said that george codes almost all of their mods. if dream was really so good at coding and if coding minecraft stuff was really as easy as he says it is, then why tf wouldn’t he code it himself? i know from working with clients how hard it is to get exactly what they want - it would be 100% simpler to just code it yourself if you knew how.
second, george has a DEGREE in cs. dream learned how to code HIMSELF. sure, it’s reasonably impressive that he started solo, but there’s only so much you can learn by yourself. cs in uni isn’t just learning about a bunch of languages, but it’s about also learning data structures and algorithms (varies depending on your focus but you get the idea) and so on so forth. the uni workload is also much harder than any real life application you would find in a job or freelancing (read up on the “weed-out” system in STEM, it’s super interesting. a lot of people think it doesn’t happen any more but... well...)
third, george probably got exposure to a lot of languages that dream didn’t. like sure, there’s a possibility that dream also taught himself more than just python and java, but i sincerely doubt it. george, on the other hand, has said on stream that he knows python, java, and javascript (which is very different from java). he also said he did app development, right? assuming it’s for iphone, that’s probably swift. the cs curriculum might be different in the uk than it is from the us, but i doubt he got his degree without learning a bit of c++ or c, which are two languages that are hard as FUCK but important for understanding fundamental concepts, such as memory allocation, which is all handled discretely with upper level languages (java and python). 
fourth, i think dream said the hardest thing he coded was an api? true, api’s are difficult, but i coded one my freshman year of uni. meanwhile, i think george’s tinder-but-for-business app would have been much harder to develop, in terms of complexity and components. 
fifth... dream does the testing and editing?? what?? i’m pretty sure when george finishes a program, he doesn’t immediately send it off without trying it out himself... so bullshit on that. in the case that george will send him something and dream will test it out to see if it’s what *he* wants (again... i still don’t see why he doesn’t just code it himself if he’s worried about this), dream has a practically finished program to work with. how is this supposed to be more difficult or skillful than starting a program from scratch...?
sixth, and this is probably subjective and biased, but i’m with you in that i trust people who don’t constantly tell me how good they are at coding more than people that do. like... especially with stem... you don’t get far in your field without learning to respect just how god damn difficult this stuff is and that there are always going to be people better than you. dream gives me like... consultant vibes LOL. george gives me “okay, how do you think we should do it? let’s discuss :]” vibes. he would absolutely listen to what i have to say and not talk over me, like 99% of the guys in stem.
ultimately, this isn’t a list that’s supposed to shit on dream’s skills or abilities. but if you think that george isn’t at the very least on the same level of dream in coding, then i hope this is a wake up call for you with no experience in cs. 
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samswinchesters · 4 years
a lot of white women in dbh fandom either fetishize white gay men. or sometimes they write these tone deaf self insert fics. usually depicting a white human lady who feels sorry for androids, showing how 'woke' she is by quoting mlk or nelson mandela or some other black person. it's like some of these people don't get how offensive it was for david cage to exploit the struggles of black people and they don't care either. they just want to fuck the white cop robot.
a lot of the fandom keep forgetting that their foundation is build on david cage’s exploitation of black people’s trauma, jewish people’s trauma, and profits off history that isn’t for him to tell. whenever a white person thinks they’re saying something by creating stories and films where “imaginary” characters are substitutes for marginalized people (ex. netflix’s “bright” and amazon prime’s “carnival row”). fairies, elves, and orcs go through a type of discrimination that is a lot like racism because of who they are, how they look, and how they are perceived as “other”. this is just a way for white people to digest the meaning of racism but it’s also incredibly harmful because it gives the perception that this doesn’t happen at all today when in reality, it is...and people are dying because of it. gosh not to get emotional but i was rewatching some of dbh because there was a mod for it and just...the way that this game is echoing a lot of what’s happening right now is just...it’s horrible! how can y’all demonize a violent revolution?? how dare a white person think that violence isn’t the answer when there is literal violence coming from the opposing side. then there’s the whole fucking fist symbol, the “i can’t breathe” shit, the “we have a dream”, the “hands up, don’t shoot”...literally getting sick thinking about how the game got away with so much shit and no one batted a fucking eyelash.
seriously, you really did capture this whole fandom in a nutshell. it’s incredibly frustrating when at the end of the day, the only thing the fandom walks away with from playing/watching the game is that connor is hot, nothing else. everyone’s attention is only drawn to connor’s storyline where they only care about him and the characters within his little world. it’s mainly white people (specifically white women) who are out here drooling over hankcon and reed900 as if gay men are some sort of sideshow attraction and say that they care about gay people when they don’t. even with rk1k, the ship between markus and connor, there are some works and fanart that depict a lot of racial stereotypes of markus and that shit ain’t right. people make fanfiction for stale side white characters and for what purpose? why can’t y’all think of headcanons for josh, a history university lecturer who definitely knows that history is repeating itself. what about rose and her son adam? why can’t y’all expand on her story and actually explore why she got into helping androids the that she does? and above all, why don’t y’all white stannies DESPISE markus? he is the literal at the center of dbh, this is his story...how are y’all just gonna brush him aside because you think he’s “boring”? this is not only the fault of DC but also the entire fandom. i have seen fandom literally create a character’s whole ass backstory, complete with fears and wants and dreams, for a side character that doesn’t fucking matter. trust if gavin was actually a man of color, he would be hated and cancelled. if hank was a man of color, he wouldn’t be forgiven for his past prejudices. hell, if connor was a man of color, y’all would NOT be this way with him...that’s on racism.
i did wanted to make this a separate paragraph because as a lot of y’all know, i used (maybe still..who knows) to write for dbh and i have seen firsthand the type of fics you described. the reader is either described as having the same prejudice as hank towards androids or the reader thinks “androids rights!” but it’s so base level activism and fake woke. like come on, girly, i don’t give a shit if you educated yourself by reading things, now what are you gonna do with the knowledge? how are you going to help this population? have you checked your own biases? then...that kinda gets to another thing where it drives me bananas thinking that white authors will write the reader as not having any sympathy towards androids...like what about us people of color who hurt alongside with them? who know what it’s like? it’s so vile to think that an author could write a reader to be so uncaring...it comes from a privileged place and that’s why i literally hate the self-insert dbh fandom. there is no representation whatsoever and whenever something is marketed as “neutral”, it never really is if the reader doesn’t care about androids. if the reader is actually written as neutral and to be “woke”, it’s a big ole bruh moment when they be like “why can’t we all get along :(” like fuck off!! we can’t get along because we still got a fucking police state, racist people in the streets, and the literal production of servants of color WHO STAND AT THE BACK OF THE BUS!! what is the reader doing about it? what are their biases? what are their privileges, if any? that’s why there’s not a single reader insert that is truly “neutral” because we know racism hasn’t been eradicated in the year 2038 (despite what rose said y’all KNOW that shit is deeply rooted and if the same establishments are still in place in detroit, we know racism hasn’t left) so we know that there will still be discrimination towards people of color. we can’t have neutral readers when writing in the dbh universe because that shit goes hand in hand. people of color, more so women of color, are gonna be far more sympathetic/empathetic towards androids and their cause than white people because they see a lot of themselves in them.
that’s why i tried to write for latinx readers while i was actively in the dbh fandom as a way to get the fandom into diversifying the reader. i have been incredibly vocal on my writing blog about these issues and though i was overwhelmed with love, support, and praise, i still wasn’t seeing the change the fandom promised to do. i was still seeing the same white reader being advertised as “neutral” ...and it hurt. neutral readers can’t provide the much needed nuances to discuss racism and discrimination about androids (since they symbolize black people/people of color do not argue this) because there needs to be a deeper understanding. yes, i have some privileges where i haven’t experienced half the shit others have experienced and i am not the spokesperson for people of color everywhere but i just know that we can no longer write neutral readers anymore when it comes to shit like this. it’s like when y’all right for 1940s!bucky barnes, you know damn well a woman of color would NOT be treated fairly during that time. that’s the nuance. you must be able to have the room to talk about it because then the work of fiction caters to white women. out of sight, out of mine and they go back to fucking connor. honestly, clown behavior.
no more “being hank’s daughter”, “gavin reed’s sister”, “reader that doesn’t care about androids/doesn’t believe in rights for androids” and other bullshit like that. society has progressed past being associated with white people!! fuck that shit xx
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kob131 · 4 years
If you feel like giving t a look, here's the tally I was making of all the BS I saw being thrown around this Volume. It got disorganized near the end, unfortunately, but should be readable. I don't recommend reading if you're not feeling good, because the sheer amount will probably make you feel worse. You can also just delete this if you want. I'm not adding any more to it(going to attempt to stop looking for it all until next time), but I am keeping an eye on the ones harassing the CRWBY.
Yes it does work FYI.
But damn dude, this beats even me out on the level of archeiving bullshit. And I’ve been obsessively playing modded Skyrim for a couple days so I’m actually feeling pretty good.
Let’s go through this all.
Week 1:
-Vexed Viewer Accuses the CRWBY of ripping off MHA (https://twitter.com/VexedViewer/status/1190773489139142657)
Yeah saw this when it was originally going around. It’s still just a ‘heroes standing together confidently’ shot. If you watch enough media, you see this a lot.
-Adel aka says that bring back Penny invalidates Volume 3/spreading ,misinformation about 7-1 (https://twitter.com/dandy3000/status/1190733104190758912)
Not watching his video. Just gonna say that- Between Yang’s missing arm, Pyrrha, Roman (whose death is AFFECTING Volumes 6, 7 and 8 so far), Ozpin ect.- It’s certainly NOT invalidated. As for the misinformation: Yeah not surprised.
-Floof rigs his bingo to ‘win’ as an attack against the writers, calling a ship “cancer” and calling their outfits retarded. (https://mobile.twitter.com/TheFloofArtist/status/1184022188178886656)
Yeah saw that too. He’s kind of full of shit.
-Admits to pirating the show (https://mobile.twitter.com/TheFloofArtist/status/1190654072262512640)
So effectively: Floof is not a part of the audience. Listening to him will not yield you any benefit. Because Floof is still gonna pirate the god damn show sos ignoring will make things simpler.
-Making a ‘parody’ of Volume 7′s opening to take potshots at it
And he got it copyright struck down. Yeah funny thing about Copyright, it’s not an actual law. It’s a legal defense. And Floof’s bullshit was copying the OP BEFORE it was out officially so RT actually has a reason to take it down.
You fucking got that one coming, Floof.
Calling Ruby seeing Penny alive an ‘insult’ (https://mobile.twitter.com/TheFloofArtist/status/1190832821796892672)
Saw that one: the statement’s bullshit.
- ‘Ilia definitely exists for pandering reasons but it's funny because she's presented as a crazy murdering sociopath and gets redeemed instantly when Blake sits on her lap in V5 I really don't understand why anyone is a fan of her, she straight up tried killing Blake's family‘ (https://twitter.com/TheFloofArtist/status/1191889007413579776)
Someone show this to RWDE, I wanna see the infighting.
-Admitting to piracy again (https://twitter.com/TheFloofArtist/status/1191830069078982656)
Jesus Floof, you’re killing yourself even more than I thought.
- Lightning In My Hand falsely accusing RWBY of ripping off Code Vein and other series (https://twitter.com/theKitanoHouse/status/1190765532338966531)
He fucked up so badly even his twitter responses are calling him out.
Seriously, especially with very common shots like these, you need a very specific example to call something a rip off.
-Calxiyn trying to get at CRWBY for...a dark skinned character not having curly hair? (https://mobile.twitter.com/Calxiyn/status/1190741846747729920)
... leave it to the fanboy to have the dumbest thing I’ve seen so far.
Not only is race not the same in both our worlds but not all dark skinned people have curly hair!
- Still going after the comics even though they’ve been fixed
I have mixed feelings about that actually. On one handed, they could have just credited the guy or said they just had the same design by mistake (unlikely but still possible) but on the other she should have just moved on.
- IncorrectBumbleby saying Vic sounded like a cartoon.
Yeah gotta agree with you on that. Even if you consider Qrow’s old voice cartoonish- It worked EXCEPTIONALLY well.
-Says Vic also sounded like a ‘parody’ 
That’s just a stupid opinion (in that it doesn’t make sense). Probably is Vic bashing.
-Otaku Daiki wanting RT to lose RWBY
Tried looking him up- Can’t find anyone definitive. But to those arguing this, let me say: You think RWBY is soulless now? Just wait until a much bigger corporation who abuse creators and never knew Monty get a hold of it.
-Celtic Phoenix going after one of RWBY’s Writers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt3_bU9WzVA)
It takes me about two hours to respond to a twenty minute video and I work with PURE TEXT.
- TheANIM06609813 hoping for RT to burn (https://twitter.com/TheANIM06609813/status/1191826952031629312)\
Nothing says ‘jilted lover-type fan’ like hoping the company to burn over writing differences while referencing a different company with no connection (Marvel)
-Hero Hei demonizing the RWBY fandom
Sorry man but without a specific citing I can’t say. Although him saying he doesn’t care enough to break something down HE’S MAKING A REVIEW OF says a lot.
-LJ/Berweebzy saying the fandom is full of retards and sociopaths (https://twitter.com/Berweebzy/status/1192427380431831041)
Bullying over ships happen in every fandom To be honest. And you can’t bitch about shipping bullshit then about it being faked this way.
-The cleo incident (a fake suicide attempt to demonize the fandom and shippers). (Proof: https://blakebellafuckingdonna.tumblr.com/post/188873797766/rwby-fandom-here-here-gather-around / https://captmrambeau.tumblr.com/post/188870982442/rwby-fandom-here-here-gather-around)
I think the only good thing to come out of this was Hero Hei doing some real journalism for once.
And considering that this 91 pages long (with very little personal input): I’ll stop here. Not reading mind you, just giving my own thoughts.
Damn man, you deserve SOMETHING after all this.
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fandom-addicts-yeah · 6 years
If you're up for it, could you do some Voltron significant other headcanons? I loved the kissing one you did! I'm going through a hard core Lance appreciation phase after this new season and no one writes any kind of none-shipping fic for him except ya'll. If you don't wanna/aren't inspired though, that's also cool! Thanks for doing such amazing writing!
Thank you for requesting this! We were pretty eager for some Voltron stuff tbh
I only did Lance, Keith and Pidge, but we might do a part two with other characters if you guys want!
~mod ale
Lance Mclain:
he’s so fucking sweet I swear to god
he’s very affectionate, vErY
he likes holding hands, playing with your hair, hugging you… all the time
all of that good shit
at first, he was kind of scared to be affectionate, thinking that you wouldn’t be exactly okay with it (and he respects that if you aren’t)
once he knows you’re comfortable with it, he starts doing all of that 
I would say he is the jealous type
jealousy caused by his lack of self esteem and protecting behavior
he won’t restrict you from talking to people tho
but he would totally interfere if he thinks the interaction is going a little overboard
but he won’t accuse you of cheating why the fuck would you anyway
when you enter a room, he usually approaches you and flirts with you like you aren’t already a couple
he’s cheesy as fuck
romantic dinner opportunity? he takes it!
you end up watching a movie on the couch cuddling? that’s fine still romantic
he tries to impress you all the time with everything
and you’d better stay there and look at him with a amazement and excitement, and also applaud him cause otherwise I swear to the lord that I’ll hunt you down
he likes when you wear his clothes
actually, he would ask you to wear his clothes cause he thinks you’d look cute
he’s right
he would ask for your opinion when it comes to decisions a lot
doesn’t matter id the subject is pointless and the decision doesn’t need to be made
he would take care of you a lot, always making sure that you’re alright
you sneezed once? you’ll be bombarded with questions 
such as: do you need to see a doctor? do you want me to tuck you into bed? should I bring the medicine?
and a lot more
also, being the extra mofo he is, if you’d say you’re fine and ignore his questions he’d probably yell something among the lines of: GOD DAMN IT! DON’T DIE ON ME OKAY?!
he would talk about you with everyone
mostly bragging about how he’s your boyfriend
he’d always compliment you
sometimes, when he looks at you with awestruck expression, he would mumble compliment words
he would say them really softly, but loud enough for you to hear
Keith Kogane:
this boy!
this boy is hella confused!
like an hour after you became official he’d come to you and be like ‘now what?’ 
you’d probably laugh at that, and i wouldn’t blame you
but man, that would make him even more confused 
after a while, he starts seeking comfort in you
and you’d better offer it
he trusts you more than anything
now, when it comes to affectionate gestures he won’t really offer them that much
he’s scared of messing up
but he likes when you show him affection 
he likes when you hug him and run your hands through his hair
or when you peck his lips, even tho he gets so fucking flustered 
if you do something like this in front of others, he won’t push you away
he would just widen his eyes and look at you like you’re out of your mind
while blushing so much
he would try to be supportive, but would tell you if something you want to do is a bit off or even stupid
he doesn’t want to hurt, he has good intentions 
but even if he does hurt you by saying that, he would hardly notice if you don’t tell him
he’s so blind when it comes to feelings and stuff like that
he won’t ask for opinions like Lance
he would most likely do something out of impulse and after that he’d ask you if you think that doing that was a good idea or not
he won’t complain if you take his clothes, he just won’t understand the point
he’d be like ‘but why don’t you wear your own clothes??????//??’
he would let you train with him, but never go hard on you
he doesn’t want to hurt you
he can get jealous sometime
but he very much knows that you won’t cheat on him or leave him for someone else (I’m implying to you that you shouldn’t)
he won’t talk much about your relationship with anyone
he thinks that the two of you knowing is more than enough
but he wouldn’t mind you talking about, as long as you don’t reveal too much information
to him too much information means even the fact that you kiss or even hug 
Katie Holt (Pidge):
okay so, she’s precious af
she loves hugs, any kind, she just loves them
you would have a lot of tickle fights
and you won’t believe this, okay? hear me out!
sometimes… she would initiate them!!???1??/// 
she gets clingy when sleepy, and sometimes, if you’re able, you’ll have to carry her to bed
if you can’t, you’ll basically drag her behind you, while her hands are wrapped around your waist
when she’s frustrated with something like work, all you have to do is distract her with something sweet
like kiss the tip of her nose, or peck her lips (she’ll instantly smile)
she would be the one stilling your clothes, but not wear them in front of anyone
not even you
you’ll probably find out by glancing inside her room when she isn’t paying attention and see her snuggled in your sweater or something 
sometimes, she gets carried away talking about future 
 she likes to think.. wait no, screw that! She knows you’ll stay together in the future!
she likes telling people you’re dating, even tho she isn’t affectionate in public
when she’s upset with you, she’ll either try to ignore you (and fail) or mock you
she likes when you wear her glasses 
mostly you like taking her glasses, and she enjoys when you smile
so win-win
she likes when you play with her hair
she probably give you very ‘subtle’ hints to know when to do t for her to relax
like for example, when you sit down, she’ll put her head in your lap and grab your hand an put it in her hair
subtlety at its best 
~mod Ale
also requests are open guys! we recently got into BNHA so sent in some asks!
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charmingstrangeness · 6 years
Rating: Teen
Characters: Hashida Kanshichirou, Sakata Gintoki
Word count: 2105
In which Hashida Kanshichirou seeks an escape from the weight of his new responsibilities as an adult - only to find a charismatic and suspiciously familiar silver-haired drunk instead.
[ao3 cross-post]
This idea was rolling around in my head since my first watch of the show, and a zine felt like the perfect opportunity to finally write it out. And so, here it is - my contribution to Samurai Heart: A Gintama Fanzine. You can (and should) check out the zine at @gintamazine  on both tumblr and twitter!
Huge thanks to everyone involved with the zine - it was a lot of fun and i'm super proud to have worked alongside such a talented group of people! Extra thanks to the zine mod, who put in a ton of work to make sure everything sailed smoothly, and extra extra thanks to the other fic contributors (Liatheus, UnidentifiedPie, corvidity and jackopancake) for your beta reading, edits, comments, and general conversation <333
One foot in front of the other.
He tries to lose himself in the act of running – the sharp breaths that come as gasps more than anything else, the burning ache in his leg muscles, the way his surroundings blur and fly past him – until an errant rock connects with his foot, and suddenly Hashida Kanshichirou is sprawled in the dirt, panting hard and no further from escaping his own spiral of anxieties than he’d been when he began his desperate flight.
Now that he’s still, tendrils of the conversation he’d been trying to outrun take root in his mind – you’re an adult now, Kanshichirou, it’s time for us to talk about you taking over the family business.
Gritting his teeth, he picks himself up from the road. The fact of the matter is, he’s only sev— eighteen years old. An adult? He feels like a child still – a child being thrown into a lifelong responsibility before he’s ready to handle it. Kanshichirou snorts derisively; thinking of the Hashida corporation as a mere “family business” is laughable on its own, and his grandfather wants him to be in charge of it already? Kanshichirou isn’t ready for that yet. He’s not even ready to think about it. And he doubts he’ll ever be ready to give up his morals, either; he knows what kind of ethically dubious things his grandfather does to keep the Hashidaya going. Taking over from his grandfather, going against his own conscience for the sake of profits… That’s not the kind of life he wants.
Kanshichirou kicks at the rock that brought him down and watches it skitter down the road. He’s not entirely sure where he is – some seedy part of town, by the looks of it. The street is lined with bars and cabaret clubs, their colourful signs flashing beacons of hope in the night for those weary of their problems and looking for an escape. To his left, soft light spills through the doorway of a pub. The warm glow is inviting, beckoning even, and Kanshichirou shrugs. Eh, what the hell. He may still be two years short of legal drinking age, but according to his grandfather he’s enough of an adult to run a goddamn conglomerate, so why not? How else do adults deal with their problems beyond trying to drink themselves into oblivion, anyways?
The bar stool is a hair too tall for him; Kanshichirou feels awkward hopping up onto it, and he slips off gracelessly and has to try again. He tries to get comfortable, but no matter how much he adjusts himself on the poorly padded seat, it’s just not possible. Swallowing nervously, he silently thanks the heavens that no one seems to be paying attention to him, lest they immediately spot the fact that he really doesn’t belong—
“And what’ll it be today, sir?”
Kanshichirou jumps in his seat, one knee smacking painfully into the underside of the bar. Across the counter, the bartender stares at him expectantly.
What do people even order at bars? For a brief second, Kanshichirou forgets everything he’s ever known about alcohol or adulthood or life as a whole, and he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.
“S-saké, please?” The quaver in his voice is unmistakable; surely the bartender is going to throw him out—
But no, the man only nods, and turns to the shelf of liquor behind him.
Kanshichirou exhales the smallest sigh of relief as the adrenaline begins to drain from his system. He’s passed the test – no one here will question him now. Satisfied, Kanshichirou leans his elbows onto the bar.
“Oi, aren’t you a little young to be drinking saké?”
Kanshichirou jumps a little less this time. He turns to the speaker, ready to defend his position as a proper adult of legal drinking age, and is promptly halted in his tracks by an overwhelming sense of familiarity; Kanshichirou thinks of framed photographs, in his own house and in his grandfather’s estate, of a different man – a man with a gleeful grin and sparkling eyes and the same wild, silver hair as the man sitting two barstools to his right in the present moment.
But Kanshichirou’s father is dead, and has been since before he was even born; he knows this, has always known this. And the man beside him shares no resemblance to the man in the photographs beyond that wavy silver hair, either – the face is wrong, and those eyes are lifeless, like a dead fish…
Kanshichirou shakes his head to clear out his thoughts. “I’m an adult, I’m allowed to be here,” he snaps. He didn’t come here to be plagued by memories, or to be belittled by strangers. He came here to drink, dammit – to drink and be properly irresponsible about his duties. Just like any other responsible adult.
The man snorts. “An adult? Barely. You sound like you still need to grow some hair between your legs, kid.” His face is flushed, and his words are a touch slurred.
Kanshichirou rolls his eyes. “Who are you to tell me where I still need to grow hair? Besides, the bartender is already serving me anyways.”
“Damn Kabukichou bartenders never check for I.D.,” the man mutters. “Irresponsible, really. I swear, I’m the only human being alive in this universe who actually gives half a shit about keeping our image family-friendly…” He trails off into indiscernible mumbles, glaring angrily into his cup.
What strange man, Kanshichirou thinks as he turns back to the bar, just as the bartender places a cup and a small flask of saké in front of him.
“Thank you,” he says with confidence. The bartender only nods before wandering off.
Some of that confidence immediately wanes, however, as he looks down at the saké. He knows it’s supposed to poured into the cup but… How much? And is there some secret pouring technique that only true adults know? What if he does it so incorrectly that everyone realizes he’s not supposed to be here?
“Never poured your own saké before, huh?”
Kanshichirou looks up – the man is smirking, and god Kanshichirou wants nothing more than to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face.
“Screw off, old man. Tend to your own drink.”
“Hey, who’re you calling a shitty old geezer?!” The man frowns. “Kids these days. What are you even doing here, anyways?”
“Having a drink, obviously,” Kanshichirou rolls his eyes.
“Damn you, you know what I meant. Why are you here, you shitty brat? Explain it in thirty words or less!” He gestures dramatically towards Kanshichirou, alcohol sloshing over the rim of the cup in his hand.
“I told you, I’m here to have a drink.” Kanshichirou’s voice falters a bit, and he glances towards the ground. “You know… to deal with stuff. That’s what adults do, right? They drink to fix their problems.”
The man raises an eyebrow. “Oh, do they now? Now there’s a mark of your age if I ever heard one.”
Kanshichirou frowns. “What, you think that just because I’m young I can’t have problems?”
“Nah, I just think that you’re naïve for believing that alcohol will fix them.”
The man’s words drive through Kanshichirou’s body like a nail. He’s right, of course; Kanshichirou knows he’s right (but he doesn’t want him to be right).
“What kind of problems are you running away from that have you looking to get drunk at a seedy bar, anyways?” The stranger shifts over a seat so he’s sitting right beside Kanshichirou. “Aren’t you too young to be doing this kind of thing?”
Kanshichirou winces. “It’s… a big responsibility. I don’t want to deal with it right now.”
“How big?”
“Really big… It’s, well. It’s kind of deciding on my future, you know?” Kanshichirou’s brow wrinkles. “I’m being pressured to make a big career choice, but I’m not really ready to make it yet.”
“Ah, I see.” The man nods sagely. “Who is it, your mom? Your dad?”
“My grandfather,” Kanshichirou corrects. “He wants me to take over the family business, now that I’m finally eighteen, and he wants me to start right away.”
“So what, you’ve got a steady career and some kind of fortune lined up from day one? Doesn’t sound so bad to me. Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position?”
“It’s a good opportunity, I guess, but it’s not what I want.”
“So what do you want?”
“I want…” Kanshichirou furrows his brow. “I want to make choices I can be happy with? I want… an enjoyable life, I guess.”
“Like a cherry blossom?”
Kanshichirou blinks in surprise. He’s heard that phrase before – according to his mother, it was something his father used to be fond of saying, back when he was alive.
I want to live like a cherry blossom.
It wasn’t something that had ever made sense, but… hearing it now… Kanshichirou feels like he finally understands the sentiment behind those words.
“Yeah… like a cherry blossom, I guess.”
The stranger takes a slow sip from his drink in response. Kanshichirou waits, expectantly.
“You know, kid… It’s true that sometimes, the things other people value aren’t always important. Being filthy rich, or living long enough to meet your great-great-grandchildren, or any of that. But even then… life is full of responsibilities, and you can’t just ignore them.” The man turns to face Kanshichirou. There’s something in his eyes, but Kanshichirou can’t tell what it is – it’s not motivation, but it isn’t defeat, either. “Maybe the way your grandfather lives his life doesn’t appeal to you, and that’s okay. But taking over the family business doesn’t mean following in his footsteps, you know?”
Kanshichirou cocks his head. “I… guess? I don’t know what you mean, exactly.”
“I mean, if you’ve got your own code, your own brand of bushido, you can still follow that. You can take over the company, but then run it the way you want to.” He gulps back the rest of his drink and slams the cup on the counter. “You don’t have to run from your responsibilities. You can meet them head on, and make the choices you want to make, and still live a happy life.”
Kanshichirou stares into his cup of saké and considers the stranger’s words. While the thought of following his grandfather’s legacy is certainly terrifying, the thought of changing that legacy…
Maybe I could…
A rustle to his right breaks Kanshichirou out of his thoughts – the man is standing up.
“Ah, wait! Are you going so soon?” There’s a silent plea in his words – please stay, you make me feel better about this, I want to keep talking to you.
“Sorry, kid. I’ve got my own responsibilities to deal with.”
“Oh…” Kanshichirou scratches the back of his head awkwardly and gazes at the ground. “Well… thanks for the advice. It helped.”
The stranger smiles. “Any time, kid.” He takes a few steps away from the bar, then stops and looks over his shoulder. “Listen, Kanshichirou—”
Kanshichirou’s head snaps back up.
We never—
“—in a couple years when you’re actually old enough to drink, come find me, okay? And we’ll share a drink for real.” He turns and walks away.
“W-wait!” Kanshichirou jumps off the bar stool. “Who are you? How do you know my name??”
The man raises his hand in a sort of farewell wave. “It’s a promise, okay? Remember, a samurai doesn’t make a promise he can’t keep.”
For a second, Kanshichirou sees it – sees the same man, walking away from him, only this time he’s walking away from a park bench, into a quiet spring night… Then he’s back in the bar, and the man is disappearing out the door, and Kanshichirou’s knees are buckling at the sudden memory.
“Hey, take responsibility for your tab before you leave!”
Kanshichirou spins around. The bartender is glaring at him from across the counter.
“S-sorry!” he practically squeaks, and stumbles back to the bar. “Here, let me get my money.”
“And I’m assuming you’ll be paying for your dad’s, too?”
Kanshichirou starts. “My dad?!”
“Yeah, that guy you were with? The one who just left without paying his bill.”
“He’s, uh, he’s not my dad.”
“Oh really? You too look exactly alike, you know.”
Kanshichirou laughs. “Yeah, that’s fair. And heck, I’ll pay his bill anyways. Just tell me who he is.”
“That’s Yorozuya Gin-chan. He runs the odd jobs place a few blocks from here.”
Yorozuya Gin-chan, huh? Kanshichirou can’t help but smile as he digs for his wallet.
I’ll find you again, Gin-san, he thinks. It’s a promise.
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
Hi. I'm really frustrated so I wanted to vent. I'm trans and POC and Seb saying transvestite doesn't bother me. He apologized, took responsibility, supports the trans community, didn't do it again. Its said and done to me. The fact that he liked a post of that white dude rapping the n word though makes me fucking sick to my stomach. I really hope he liked it on accident, or was liking it to agree with the people saying it shouldn't be said. The possibility that he may be someone who says 1/?
slurs in private genuinely makes me fucking sick to my stomach especially because he profited of a show like FATWS. I hope from the bottom of my heart that he doesn't actually think it's okay, or liked it accidentally, or was just skimming thru IG. But I am so damn tired of defending him actually! I know he's not a bad person but I wish he would just grow the fuck up and own up to his mistakes. He's my comfort celebrity and this genuinely fucking is awful because it literally just happens 2/
once every few months at this point. He needs to get his shit together. I don't think he is a racist but I think his white fragility is out of hand. I feel like a disappointment to my community because I Genuinely still have hope that he isn't actually a piece of shit. What do the Mods think? Preferably only Mods of color please.
HiDrama - "he's my comfort celebrity".
Imagine signing up to play Bucky Barnes and now you are responsible for folks mental health?
Ruby Woo -
Tumblr media
You don't have to defend Sebastian, he is a privileged wealthy White man. He gonna be aight. You can't expect him to apologize for his past behavior everytime his fandom digs up something to find offensive, because at this point, they're just doing it to retaliate for him "hurting" them (🙄) by having a girlfriend and not giving a shit how they feel about it. Let's not kid ourselves here.
All of us have done/said problematic shit in the past, point is not to do it anymore going forward. I understand you want him to become woke, but girl, you should take the man as he is, not as you want him to be.
I don't feel like I'm disappointing my community by supporting his career; thank God we're not a monolith 😉!
Le Chef - Y'all sitting here complaining abt Sebastian and he at Charles Schwab. Get over it. Like seriously. This is way too much time invested in a man that plays pretend for a living.
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