#like episode 7 that's when i just had to make my distaste known
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
remember when i thought i was gonna love yellowjackets season 2
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kirain · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel and VivziePop Drama
I've been hearing/seeing a lot of drama concerning Hazbin Hotel and it's creator VivziePop, and while I don't know her personally or really care what people think, I do hate slander and the spread of misinformation. Truly nothing in this world upsets me more than when people believe rumours while making no effort to fact check, and that's exactly what's happening right now. That said, I wanted to try and clear up some of the rumours going around about Vivzie and the show, because I think some of them are absolutely outrageous and need to be addressed.
1. Vivzie hired an abuser onto the show.
Now, I’m not here to burn anyone at the stake, especially since I don’t know anything about Chris Niosi (the alleged abuser), who I believe openly admitted to the allegations? Regardless, this is a moot point. He’s not credited anywhere at the end of the episode. So either he was booted before production wrapped up or he had nothing to do with the show in the first place.
2. Vivzie supports bestiality.
Admittedly I thought this one might be true, since she draws so many anthropomorphic animals. In the very least, I figured she was probably a furry, but I haven't seen any evidence supporting this accusation either. Near as I can tell, this rumour started for two reasons. One, because of her famous Zoophobia comic, which revolves around a therapist named Cameron who gets assigned to work with human-like animals. Ironically, poor Cameron suffers from crippling zoophobia, which makes for some pretty decent comedy. I didn't read the whole comic because, quite frankly, it’s not my cup of tea and I just don’t have the time. But from what I saw there are no examples of bestiality anywhere in its contents.
Two, this message, which blew up all over social media:
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To me, this just proves that people are more interested in virtue signalling than checking to see if their claims are actually true. Everything about this message is 100% false, which I’ll touch on in my next point.
3. Vivzie is a pedophile and she’s drawn child porn.
This is hands down the worst allegation and holy shit, I really wish people would stop using it to defame someone when they don't have any proof. This is a life-ruining accusation and you're disgusting if you believe it based solely on hearsay. This rumour began to spread when Vivzie allegedly shipped the two underage characters in the above photo and drew them NSFW-style. At the time, one character was 19 while the other was 14, and the relationship was a very illegal student-teacher relationship.
This is WRONG! The characters were not 14 and 19, they were actually 18 and 19, the legal age of consent! Additionally, the relationship wasn't student-teacher. One character is a student and the other is Alumni (a student teacher). This one pisses me off the most because it’s obvious the person who sent that message didn’t even bother to conduct any research. They said, “He’s a teacher, she’s a child.” Both characters are MALE!
Since then, Vivzie has apologised for any NSFW art she drew in the past and stated that it's not a reflection of her art today, and I'm inclined to believe her. Almost every artist has drawn NSFW content at some point in their career, and hers wasn't even distasteful. Other than this one example, there is no evidence anywhere that suggests she’s drawn “child porn”. In fact, she’s never even drawn explicit NSFW.
Please stop spreading this rumour. It’s dangerous and completely incorrect.
4. Vivzie said the "N" word!
No, she didn’t. It was a fabricated tweet. That is all.
5. Vivzie is copyright striking every video that criticises her!
No she isn't. YouTube’s DMCA is automatically striking people who are using full clips without permission. Vivzie has gone public several times, telling people exactly how to avoid getting a copy strike from the algorithm, which is something she absolutely does not have to do. At this point, she doesn't owe you anything. In my opinion, she should just sit back and watch these channels burn.
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6. Vivzie copies and traces other artists’ work.
This is another one I’ve seen going around, but I looked into it as thoroughly as I could and failed to find any concrete evidence to support the allegations. As of right now, there are only two examples of Vivzie “copying” or “tracing” other artists’ work, and both of them can be explained. The first is a gif she made with a character from her Zoophobia comic, which looked a lot like the girl from ME!ME!ME!:
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Damn, that’s pretty incriminating. She obviously stole-- oh, wait. This gif was part of a ME!ME!ME! MEP (multi editor’s project) and Vivzie didn’t take full credit, despite the fact that it’s not even a direct trace. It’s supposed to look like the original, which she fully cited. The second example comes from a short dance sequence from her Timber video, which seems to have been inspired by several Disney movies. As Vivzie herself stated, that was an homage to the original animations. Lots of artists and shows do this, including the beloved Stephen Universe series.
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Regardless, this doesn’t count as stealing character designs or plagiarising someone’s work. It’s meant to be respectful, an admiration of other projects. Other than these two instances, however, there is no evidence of her tracing or stealing other people’s art. From what I’ve discovered, all other designs she’s been accused of “stealing” are characters she bought and paid for. They’re quite literally HER characters.
7. Vivzie supports problematic creators.
I’m getting really tired of guilt by association. Vivzie follows and enjoys some controversial figures, but who cares? We can argue all day about whether or not the accusations against them are true, but it ultimately has nothing to do with the show or Vivzie as a person. I do the exact same thing, to be honest-- follow and listen to people on all sides so I can learn, understand, and form my own opinions. The fact that some people think this is bad, to me, is absolutely mesmerising. Vivzie doesn’t control what the people she follows post, and if they do something overly questionable she publicly criticises and denounces it.
From Vivzie:
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Now that that’s been dealt with, I’d like to address some complaints/claims about the actual show.
8. Vaggie is an angry Latina stereotype and a lesbian stereotype. Vivzie is appropriating Hispanic culture and misrepresenting the gay for profit.
First off, I see a lot of people passing around yet more misinformation regarding Vivzie's race. So many people seem to think she's white? Well, I'm here to tell you they're wrong. Very incorrect. Vivzie is in fact Latina, and Vaggie is meant to mirror some of her own personality traits.
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Second, who is Vaggie mad at? Context matters, and if we take a look at the episode, we see that Vaggie is literally only mad at two specific people: Angel Dust and Alastor. Why? Well, for starters, it's her girlfriend's dream to run a rehab hotel for sinners, and Angel Dust nearly demolishes that dream single-handedly. Vaggie has every right to be over-the-top vitriolic. Then there's Alastor, a known sadist, narcissist, and murderer who loves trapping people in his nefarious schemes. He invites himself in, effectively takes over the hotel, and pushes both her and Charlie aside. At one point he even sexually assaults her by slapping her butt during his musical number. So yeah, I think her seething ire is totally justified. Keep in mind, however, that when she's around Charlie she's calm, collected, and happy. I wouldn't call that a stereotype.
Thirdly, the lesbian stereotypes. I keep hearing this argument but I really don't see it. Both Vaggie and Charlie have so much personality and trust for each other. Maybe I'm wrong, but the stereotype I know always totes a more butch, tomboyish woman with a ditsy, innocent, naive woman. Charlie is optimistic, but she isn't stupid. She refuses to shake Alastor’s hand because she knows he’s likely trying to screw her over. She’s also not entirely innocent herself and uses words like “fuck” and “shit”. I also wouldn’t call Vaggie butch or tomboyish. She has a cute, girly presentation, complete with a pink ribbon in her hair, lace stockings, and a dress. She's protective of her girlfriend, as I think we all are with our partners, and there's nothing wrong with that. They're flawed characters, as every character is meant to be. This isn't a problem.
9. The show is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, blah, blah, blah.
I’m amazed this is even an argument. The show is supposed to be a dark comedy that takes place in HELL. You know, the place the worst of the worst end up after they die? What were you expecting? Everyone gets a shot or two fired at them, but that doesn't make them bad characters nor does it make the show itself horrible. Take, for example, Katie Killjoy, the news reporter so many people are up in arms about. She says she doesn’t “touch the gays” because she has “standards”. Well, here’s a newsflash of my own: we’re not supposed to like her! She’s an antagonist. Not to mention ten seconds later Charlie insults her and isn’t the least bit slighted by her pretentious attitude. The characters are strong and don’t take shit from anyone, because to some degree they’re all terrible people who can throw down when it’s called for.
Obviously if you don’t like the show or think it’s offensive, I’m probably not going to change your mind. That’s perfectly fine. You’re entitled to your opinions and you don’t have to watch the show. Just stop lying and stop trying to take it away from everybody else. Stop attacking Vivzie and spreading misinformation without checking the facts. I realise a lot of people probably aren’t trying to be vindictive and only want to do something good, but just remember this: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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cakebeam · 3 years
Thoughts on RNM 3x08 - In two parts. First part will be everything outside of Malex.
Hip-hip-hurray, Malex finally happened!
Now let’s cut to all the other sh*t.
First off I just want to say, this is going to be very much a downer about 3x08 (and season 3 as a whole) so if you’re still wanting to just ride the Malex kiss high- best to just pass on this.
Where to begin. How about with Liz Ortecho, the still currently demoted main character that’s barely been involved in the storylines this season because someone else has taken her place. The wishy-washy concern Liz is giving to her other friends (outside of Maria), giving no mention or care about Kyle, and she’s barely showing any concern about Max after finding out Jones is in his F*CKING BODY and his mind is probably trapped in there as well with him. It becomes really apparent when compared to her overwhelming concern for Maria. Like, they're not this close as friends. But here’s Liz trying to create a rescue serum for Maria, going above and beyond for Maria, talking to Maria about her issues when she’s in a coma- WHAT ABOUT MAX??? The guy she’s supposed to be in love with?? Why wasn’t she seen talking to him, even if it was to his hat or something? ANYTHING. Or Rosa, her sister she’s only had back for 2 years? Instead all of Liz’s concerns and care is being given to only Maria- her ultimate best friend apparently who she didn’t speak to at all for a whole f*cking decade and didn’t want to clue in about Rosa coming back from the dead… Yeah ok.
Then we have the science-y hogwash scene in the barn of Isobel and Rosa inquiring about if they will make it while being in the mind vortex and Liz says “according to evidence you will die”. LOL WHAT?! What evidence?! You have evidence on alien mind visiting relating to death? Bitch where?!?! I don’t even pay attention to the science of this show but that one was so stupid it caught my attention. And then the unbelievable full minute scene of Liz to revved up background music heating up some horseshoes so Maria’s temp stays up.. Wow. You brought a patient into a drafty barn with the door open and didn’t think to bring some hot water bottles? Or a non-electric heating pad? Or I don’t know, NOT use a barn? They could have used the Wild Pony, I mean literally anywhere else.
Let’s get to some unfavorable scenes shall we? Isobel and Rosa taking the time to prop up Maria and calling her brave for reliving her grandmother’s disturbing memories while waiting outside of the room where she’s injecting people was really not the moment to do so. Is Rosa ever brave for having to constantly hang out in a bar this season because everyone refuses to go anywhere else? Or Kyle for standing up to a racist, almost dying, and consistently helping this group at the stake of losing his job and is now comatose? Is anyone else ever allowed to be given some praise on this show? The writer’s had 7 episodes of every character being up Maria’s ass, maybe cool it for this one?
Then there’s Alex’s moment of talking about Omar. Oh sweet jesus. I honestly did not see them going down this route for his story on his leg. I mean, we are all aware of the horrors that the U.S. military does to innocent people overseas, if this is the story they wanted to give to Alex, it shouldn’t have been, “because the Taliban killed a little boy who was his friend and so he avenged him”. This is a made up story in a fantasy show, the writer’s didn’t need to feed the audience some military/saviorism bullsh*t. What happened to Alex being aware he was part of the problem when he was in the army? What about the burning villages? The people screaming? “That the evil is YOU”? What about all of that? Instead we’re gonna bring up the Taliban now??? No sis, that’s not it. I am really disappointed with the writer’s with this. Alex’s loss of his leg could have been 100 other situations, not this.
Extra bad bits:
Isobel’s very tone deaf line of, “can I force one on you?” in reference to getting Liz to drink some wine. The writer’s should have known why Iz saying this would be distasteful. Also, it’s just a gross saying, why write it at all?
Kyle is basically not spoken of at all in this episode. While he is in a coma (in some other barn apparently) and also been injected with god knows what. No one in the group seems to give a sh*t because Maria needs everyone’s attention all of the time. Un-f*cking-believable. 
This Maria worship of season 3, when her actions from last season still have not been criticized or condemned by the writer’s, shows me that the homophobic narratives of last season will not be addressed and that the messaging of this show has OK’d Alex’s mistreatment last season. And I am not here for it.
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life-rewritten · 4 years
The Gifted Graduation: The Story of Supot
The origin of Nyx88 and The Gifted Program
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When watching shows like gifted, I tend always never to trust the first explanation or narration of a flashback; especially when told by someone who I have been shown by the show never to trust and to always be on guard about. This is the same with this show for stories where characters seem unimportant or forgotten to the side when you know that the show pays attention to details and always brings back unfinished plots. Lastly, I also tend not to trust death in these shows, especially when I don't see the dead body visually, the reason and how it happened on screen. With The Gifted; ever since season 1, I remembered telling my self to not just go along with what is being said, but to look out for clues of potential foreshadowing, patterns and hints that something is going on deeper. If I had clued onto these, it would have been easier to discover that the director was as gifted as Pang in season 1, that Pom's powers were what they were and that Pang was ultimately going to lose by the end of the show. I didn't, and I ended up being blown away by all the plot twists after plot twists along with Pang who thought he was one step ahead always, only to be shown that he never even got past the starting line. That's where I'm at with season 2 of The Gifted, Graduation; I can't seem to trust anyone no matter how good their actions are, I can't seem to add up the mysteries being told to us before they're pushed aside and forgotten. But here's me trying to piece together a theory of what we have so far
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The Story of Supot
One of these is to do with Director Supot and his narrative of what happened to make him this way. One glaring factor that was important to the story was the death of Yuth. It was so essential, the easy things people noticed about it were mentioned: Pang and Supot and Pom mirror each other with their idealism and failure to be good leaders, and Yuth, Wave, Channon are their companions with brains and smarts who are always for them but still end up being hurt in the misfire of their goals.  This pattern was even shown in the future generation with Third and Time.  Of course, it was nice to ship and obsess over these similarities, but something wasn't sitting right with me this whole episode and the previous. That was the entire idea that both Channon (I've made a post about him here) and Yuth are not to be trusted.
Their stories are open-ended steeped with mystery and hurt, and they're left forgotten to the side. One because we didn't expect them to be necessary anymore; they've served their use (Yuth is murdered in the past, and Channon is hiding behind the ministry and isn't crucial to the main story (or so we think)). Two because their companions are who we're more focused on, who is more prominent in the story (Supot is our main antagonist and Pom works for Supot and is our primary teacher for the gifted)
It's interesting how we the audience have been led to believe in these 2 when really we know with this show that no one is good; no one is evil. They're both. Channon seems like a sacrificial lamb, and Yuth also joins into this. I can't help but feel the need to call out why that's so worrying when it comes to this show. So here's a post analysing Yuth and also what I think the storyline is panning to.
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What we're told about Yuth
He and Supot have been long time friends who have supported each other from the start, he's known about Supot's potential and has always supported him in his dream to do more for people like him with the government
He is extremely intelligent, he is known as the brains of Supot's group, and he helps research for the discovering of the gifted program and also for nyxx 88. His intelligence further makes him useful to the ministry later, but he runs away and gets killed. 
He has unrequited feelings for someone. It's either his friend Supot or his girlfriend, Nate. He's not okay with feeling like a third wheel.
He's the one who discovers about nyx88 and the ministry's intention with gifted. It frightens him, and he comes to warn Supot, but then he gets murdered by the ministry. 
He doesn't feel wary about Supot's potential because Supot promised to never use it on him. This promise is broken later, but Supot tells him that he broke it and didn't continue to manipulate him any further so they fight for a bit and it gets pushed to the side because they have other things to worry about: Nate and the ministry. 
He doesn't have a potential like Supot and Nate. He never got to realise if he did or didn't get tested, but from what it looked like when Nate was going through the test he didn't seem to have it since you have to listen to it for it to trigger you. He was nearby.
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Things we forget about Yuth:
He's shown distaste towards Supot's idealism for the gifted program. He agrees Supot should give up on the plan and think of another way later on and not fight with the ministry, but Supot refused and continued experimenting, which led to Nate getting hurt. 
He is brilliant, and the director instead of trying to get rid of him asked him to work for him. We are not shown details of what happened; we are told by him (unreliable narrator) that they are planning to hurt the gifted with the virus. His intelligence is what causes an issue to his narrative; the ministry only gets rid of people who are gifted and have taken things too far like breaking the law as we are shown at the beginning of this episode.  We're shown that the gifted get 'distributed' and we are shown sounds of someone screaming with sounds of a chain saw and then a fire burning which suggests they burn their bodies afterwards? But we know that Minister does not get rid of assets valuable to him, he respects and finds Yuth's intelligence necessary so to get rid of him seems a bit too much, especially in such a gruesome and cruel way. Then again, Yuth knows too much and broke the rules so the ministry maybe that cruel. Except:
The Minister did not actually know where Yuth was when he went missing. When Supot arrives to blame him for Yuths death, he asks of his whereabouts. This suggests he did not know about Yuth's death because if he did; the music would have been more sinister and we would have seen that on his face as he answers Supots question. His focus instead switched to Supot and trying to get Supot to start the gifted program. Yuths, death is forgotten and pushed to the side, which is weird. 
He has unrequited feelings for someone, and it wasn't enjoyable for him to see the relationship between Nate and Supot. It's unclear who he has feelings for; there are hints to it being both:
Supot because of their closeness, and the way he stared longingly at times towards him. He always seemed there to help him, support him and be by his side. It's very similar to the other duos, especially Pang and Wave.
Nate: This is my theory; unfortunately, he seems worried for her well being despite trying to tsundere about it, he willingly tries to get her medicine and also is very upset when she undergoes her experiment. He's too rattled when it doesn't go well and seems aggrieved at Supot for causing her harm. Before he dies, he also mentions her well being as the reason for why he escaped to  tell him about the plans. 
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5. This means that he had reasons for resentment towards Supot building up, that's not been dealt with, which means it will be if he is alive. It could be a reason as a trigger for why he could potentially be harbouring revenge if he did not die, but it adds to him also feeling resentment for always being overlooked by either Supot or Nate. 
6. He's the one who gives Supot information about nyxx 88 and discovering of the gifted potentials. This goes back again to working for the ministry. We don't know what he was asked to work on, but looking at the vials of the virus, I would say he had a hand in creating the vials for them. It's a weird scene because we would have discovered the same information from the Minister later on when Supot goes to see him, and he threatens for the gifted program to be created, so we didn't need to have Yuth recap what's been happening before he dies. The scene before his death; him frantic and showing up randomly to Supot is just as strange as his death. I also want to link this to another mirror character of his who we are unsure of his job in the ministry/forgotten; Channon also claims to be working in the ministry after his memories came back, but we're given vague details. It's also just as weird and mysterious as Yuth. 
7. He also gets reasons, even more, to feel angry and resentful at Supot and this doesn't get discussed or resolved, it's pushed to the side and forgotten. He's upset when he discovers that Supot broke his promise not to use his potential on him. This could either hint to him feeling upset just like Channon at their partners for betraying them as tools/experiments to their potentials to fulfil their goals; Yuth forgets about it, but Channon is traumatised by the events and decides to hide from the director. I don't believe in this for one second. it could also pile onto his hate for Supot's gifted program since he can see it's harmful and it led to Nate being hurt when she too was experimented on by him. 
8 This is an interesting one? Could he have a potential? Why were we so close to finding it out only for Supot to stop him?  We can argue that he shouldn't because he didn't seem affected when the sound to activate the potential happened, but Supot also didn't scream however you may only be affected if you haven't been activated before. Him not screaming either suggests he has no potential or he has one and has kept it secret from Supot. If he doesn't have a potential, then he's definitely more against the use of potentials because of the consequences using it. If he does have one, then it may be the opposite, and he plans to use them for more. 
9. The way he died. We are not shown how Yuth dies, we are told, but no one seems to know how he did, and the reasons for why seem convoluted and not accurate. Supot definitely believes the ministry killed him; hence his mistrust and hate towards them, but the ministry seems not that fussed and doesn't even acknowledge his death. It's just so random, we can think he died because we saw his glasses fall, but he could have taken it off and disappeared pretending to die. The reason is why? And if Yuth is not dead, what does this have to do with gifted?
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How does this connect to what's been going on
The first anomaly to this is the Minister. Sure he seems to work for the government and do what they want him to do with the gifted like kill them if they break a rule or convince Supot to create a program to find them and weaken them. But he's weird, he doesn't see the gifted as disposable he sees them as tools that can benefit the government, and he sees Supot and Yuth both as valuable assets. He's the person who goes to Yuth and asks him to work for him, and we're not sure what that work entailed. He's also the person who leaked the information about the gifted which just seems like a strange thing to do considering his goals is to hide them and keep them a secret and stop them with the virus.
This is why he's an anomaly. He also seems to be very secretive when it came to Yuths death like I said he acted like he didn't know where Yuth was, but he switched the subject and focused on Supot instead. He didn't need to kill Yuth the way he killed others because he had no potential and he wasn't a dangerous threat (unless he discovered something else he didn't tell us) and he doesn't seem to know that he did anything like that. It's the way he changes the subject though that suggests that he may be lying and he knows that Yuth did not die and he may still be working for the Minister secretly. Either way, the Minister is up to something, if Yuth is included; he may be involved or not involved with the Minister that's why I call him an anomaly to this theory.
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The next thing necessary to this storyline is the introduction to Nyxx88 we know it's Yuth; he discovers what it is, what it does and how it works. We also know that the Minister gave it to Darin to give to Supot to get rid of him, but she didn't, and it instead was stolen by Korn. Let's pause here first of all the Minister giving the virus to Supot makes no sense to me, as he could have done it any other way without having to hire Darin to do so, it may be because Supot is rebelling and protecting the gifted program. However, it still doesn't add up to me.
Second, the way Korn discovers about nyxx88 is so convenient it hurts. It's meant to be an accident that Channon gave the information to Korn, he didn't know Korn will take the lead and become evil with it, but I've already said in my previous post why this feels like a lie. The leaking of this virus is what the plot of this season revolves around. It also revolves around the anti gifted and the ideologies between the ministry and Supot. Korn being revealed as the leader of the anti gifted still feels convoluted, and some parts are missing to his narrative apart from his hate of his potential for why he'd go so far. He seems like an unreliable narrator that is being puppeteered by someone else.  
This brings me to think that Pang, Supot and most of the students are actually in the dark about what's going on. Another person is playing them. I think this person is Yuth. I believe that because he's the closest source to the origin of nyxx88 that it all goes back to him. But I also think that the Minister could also be part of this.
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So here's my theory on what is going on so far:
Korn received nyx88 intentionally by Channon. Channon joined the ministry after being betrayed and traumatised by Supot and Pom, and after his memories came back, he felt hurt and resentful being discarded and forgotten about. He also probably hated he was experimented on and a victim to the powers of Pom and Supot.  (Again parallels when Yuth found out about Supot using the powers on him) 
I think Channon either is in contact with the Minister if he's involved and the prominent leader of this plan or he came into contact with Yuth. Yuth convinced Channon to join the ministry (either with Minister knowing or not knowing) and to use this form a back story, the same story he told Pang about working in the maths and IT department. Yuth convinced Channon because they're both filled with resentment against their partners and they felt mistreated or hurt by the creation of the gifted program. They're both victims. 
This is what led to the creation or alliance with the anti gifted. (Korn) I don't think Korn is behind the anti gifted, and I still don't trust he's the leader who did all the things, including getting Namtarn hurt. He wouldn't go that far. 
Now the issue is finding out what the goal is: I have three theories again.
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It's either to do with ending the gifted program ultimately, getting rid of Supot and having revenge on him or its the opposite and it's to control the gifted program and turn them into weapons. 
Ending the gifted program altogether. This points to why they could be the creators of the anti gifted and the reason  why the virus was leaked and used this way. I just wouldn't think the Minister is involved in this goal. However I can see why Channon would be okay with this, he's a victim of the gifted program, he was hurt so the gifted program could not get ruined, his memories were wiped, and he was betrayed for the good of the gifted program by Supot and Pom. Yuth is the same, he's also a victim, has lost the person he loves (if it's Nate) to the discovery of the nyxx88 and the gifted program and he may think it's just producing monsters or evil people who should not be powerful (Supot and the ministry) 
Getting revenge on Supot: The results of Korn's mistake causes Supot to be hunted by the ministry, people are trying to take him down, and he's no longer the director of the gifted program. He's forced into hiding. The Minister can be involved in this goal because he seems to dislike and wants to get rid of Supot (hence why he tells Darin to give him the virus). Channon is a victim of Supot and has been hiding from him for ten years; it's enough reason to want revenge. Yuth has reasons as mentioned before for why he would want to get rid of Supot mostly again if he had feelings for Nate, he would be vengeful for her and won't forgive him for what he created. 
To turn the gifted program into weapons and tools. This is an interesting one. The Minister is easily part of this goal because he sees the gifted as valuable assets and means for great things to come. If he wants power or control having the gifted program disbanded and under his command will help him achieve that. Channon is the anomaly in this as he is actually gifted, he wouldn't have any reasons for wanting to make the gifted more powerful unless he wants more out of his potential, and he wants more control over the program the way Pom has; he may be annoyed at the fact that it was Pom that got to have a good job and took care of the program whilst he's cast aside and forgotten. He may also realise that he wants the gifted to be more superior to humans? Though from season 1, I wouldn't think that's what his goal would be. Yuth also makes sense with this goal. He's extremely intelligent and realistic and probably sees that the gifted can be great weapons and help take over the government. He may have thought Supot was right, but his way of doing things was wrong and too idealistic, and so he feels this way is a better way to make use of the gifted program. He also may secretly be gifted (like I said we're not sure on this) and want to be more superior to people rather than work for them, so he's building an army to take over? 
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(This wouldn't explain why the information on the gifted is leaked at the end of this episode apart from the other two theories which are to imbed fear in the public and cause chaos, so the program is wholly ended.)
So you see that after thinking about it so much. Also, the fact that episode 1 focuses on Supot, Nate and Yuth (it even shows the longing for someone and his distaste with the experiment). I think it foreshadows that Yuth is essential, he's not dead, he's hidden somewhere either working with the Minister or being the actual head of the game. Whatever he has up his sleeves he's going to be the foil to Supot, and he's also going to play everyone like a puppet. Let's hope the new generation will stop him. This is if he is actually alive. This is just a theory.
Previous Analysis about Gifted Graduation: Reuniting with Channon
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Everything wrong with Karmi and why its a problem
Never thought I would do this thing, but as of now… I’ve kept this to myself for a long time since the beginning of the show, and I want to say that this is not recent, this is not a response to every fan that likes this character. This is to share why I find Karmi as an awful character in full detail and the fact that it’s being portrayed positively rather troubling.
(This is just a small disclaimer put to put it shortly: Jelly pig’s actions were inexcusable. She can hate Karmi all she wants and should not be forced to like her. However, sending threats and going out of their way to put nasty comments on other’s piece of work is not a healthy way to express your distaste for a character. At most, they should have just filtered their tags so that they don’t see any Karmi related work on their dash. And Jelly/pig or whatever your name is now if you’re reading this: I want to let you know that you can hate Karmi all you want, but again, sending death threats is not a way to get others to listen to you. And I get what you were trying to do, trying to say that Karmi’s existence is worse than COVID. While I get what you’re saying if you seriously think this way then you need to reevaluate yourself and your choice of words. Karmi is a bad character but there are far worse things to worry about. I do genuinely hope you change your behavior and express your opinions in a healthy manner, that you are getting better, but again, death threats will get you nowhere. In other words: think before you run your mouth.)
I am a fan of Disney, and I especially adore the show Big Hero 6: The Series. However, it has come to my attention that a certain character is a harmful presence in the show that is being portrayed in a positive light when their actions had clearly been damaging. In Big Hero 6: The Series, there is a character named Karmi, who is a Biotech student. From what I can understand, she is portrayed as a rival to Hiro Hamada to which her actions are endearing, and is set up as a love interest to the main character, with the added charm being that she is a fanfiction writer who is enamored with Hiro's superhero identity. However, upon further inspection and research, it becomes clear that Karmi, the character, is not a positive character who should be presented as such. In fact, what her actions and behavior actually are is that of a bully, an antagonist. While it is nothing new to have a bully character to be an antagonist, it appears that the writers and executive producers of Big Hero 6: The Series are unaware of/ignorant of how Karmi appears in the show and genuinely believe that Karmi's character is endearing. Here is the following evidence to display Karmi's actions and why it is not justified.
In her first appearance of the show, Issue 188, she is introduced to Hiro as to ‘help him’ socialize better by Professor Granville, and yet her behavior/actions to Hiro, when the professor is not around, is demeaning and antagonistic; One particular scene near the end where Karmi is experimenting on a dangerous virus, a virus that requires her to be in a biohazard suit, and yet doesn't tell Hiro to wear a biohazard suit himself. This becomes more concerning since the virus is compromised and could have possibly escaped, with the chance of it infecting Hiro yet she expresses no concern over his well-being and that she could have gotten him killed via said virus. Even if this is played for comedy, no biotech major or scientist would even think of replicating Karmi's actions. Especially virology majors and biotech scientists because it is the most irresponsible and negligent thing to do. Then later, we learn that it’s not Hiro that has a problem socializing, it was Karmi the whole time. Helping others socialize is nothing new, and while that is a start... later in the series we see Karmi having no problem talking to others around her, and can easily approach Liv to steal Hiro’s attention to present her invention(More on that later.) So immediately, it shows that Karmi’s problem isn’t social, it’s behavioral, she has gotten in trouble for her behavior before.
Now, I got to say this: at the beginning, I genuinely wanted to give Karmi a chance as a character, reasoning myself that it’s only her first episode. I was not expecting a 180, I only want her to be at least decent to Hiro. I could tolerate a sarcastic line or two... but Failure Mode had ultimately destroyed any sort of sympathy I could have had for her since then, the one to make me shout ‘WHAT. A. BITCH!’ and make me absolutely hate her.
During the episode of Failure Mode, her second appearance in the show, Hiro Hamada's first attempt at his project has been a failure; to which her first reaction to doing so is to film the blundered presentation and post it online for all to see. Her action during that moment is in fact, cyberbullying; an act to which the bully will post slander or humiliating moments of their victims' actions online to further humiliate them. The fact that Professor Granville, a professor/Dean of the school, who was teaching that class, in particular, does not reprimand Karmi for her blatant bullying here is disgraceful as no other teacher in authority would allow such a vile act happen in their classroom. 
When I first watched it I was staring in horror at such a blatant act of bullying. I actually stopped the video I was watching because I couldn't stomach watching any more of it and it took me a solid week until I could watch the rest of the episode. And even then, she didn’t stop there: She does it again when Hiro’s second presentation inadvertently destroying the other student’s projects to which Karmi(and a group of students standing behind her) taking pictures of the whole ordeal. The next scene shows Granville and Hiro having a moment discussing how Hiro shouldn’t be discouraged and that he shouldn’t call himself a failure… to which Karmi barges in with her project and asks Granville point black to let Hiro call himself a failure many more times,(curiously the next scene cuts off to the gang before it gets to Granville’s reaction so we never see if Karmi was scolded for this.) Then, when Hiro presents his project a third time, Karmi has her phone out expecting it to fail a third time! That’s three times Karmi had done in a span of an episode with the intent to humiliate Hiro online and even wanting Hiro to call himself a failure! Could you imagine a child watching that episode, someone who might be bullied at school, watching such an act go by, and for laughs?? That’s just downright terrifying and horrific for anyone in that situation.
In Small Hiro One, Karmi is clearly demeaning to Hiro as she makes fun of him not joining the other students to a seminar of a student-alumni due to his age. Even when they had a moment to talk, Karmi originally came up to Hiro to humiliate him for being around a 'fake scientist' that made 'fake volcanoes' for a kid's show. So even that sweet moment is soured when you realized she came up to him to insult him to make herself feel better for being the first student to be kicked out of the seminar. Even Hiro, in his super suit, tells Karmi to be nicer to other people! But even then it doesn’t work and Karmi still continues her malicious behavior.
Fan Friction is a more infamous example. While it is true that people write fanfiction of their beloved celebrities and actors there has to be a line. In Hiro Hamada's view, he is clearly uncomfortable with Karmi's writing of his superhero self being portrayed in a romantic relationship when, as previously stated before, her prior actions towards him are antagonistic. He is a person, a person that had been antagonized by Karmi. He had every right to be upset about this, but the others around him basically chalk it up to being embarrassed by Karmi's infatuation with Hiro's alter ego rather than the fact that the fanfiction is written by someone who despises him.
Do you remember the episode Big Hero 7? The plot being that Fred inadvertently exposed his superhero identity to Mole which lead to Mole blackmailing the team to which they had to give in to his demands that ultimately failed because Mole still made that appointment with bluff dunder to expose their identities? That all started because Fred saw that Mole forged an autograph of Fred's superhero self, where he claimed they(The team) go apple picking and are close friends, which leads to Fred’s outburst and the reveal. Fred did it because a person who despises him and does everything he can to upset/torment him made an autograph that says they are friends when they’re clearly not as Mole tormented him for laughs. So, how come Fred has the right to be upset about Mole's autograph forgery, and yet Hiro can't be upset with Karmi's fanfic? I bet you that Fred would have been just as upset at the fanfic if it was written by mole as a self-insert, and  Gogo would be just as upset if Mole also included writing herself as his GF like Karmi writing Super Hiro as her boyfriend. And here's a kicker: if the fanfic was literally written by anybody else, then Hiro wouldn't have been so upset about it. Why? Cause it was a stranger that wrote it, someone he never met and could care less about. He would have probably shared the sentiment the others had. Except it wasn't written by some stranger, it was by Karmi, who had routinely bullied him and belittled him from day one all because he’s a younger student than her.
Karmi’s self-insert fanfic even backfired when Momakase literally thought that Karmi was in fact Hiro’s girlfriend and kidnapped her. To which brings up this thought: Why would Momakase think that a self-insert about a student be real? Is it because Obake thought it was real? I highly doubt it since he had been spying on the team for a long time and would have known everything about them, hell he made a replica of Hiro’s room in the previous episode Rivalry Weak! He would have been long aware of Hiro’s true relationship with Karmi and realized that Karmi is not involved with the team in any way. Its actually my head-cannon that Obake placed that fanfic in his sources as a joke, as a way to test Momakase to see if she could tell the difference between real info and fanfiction, to which she failed... and then he proceeded to laugh at her when he told her the truth after the fact.
In the episode Big Problem, it starts off with the introduction of Liv Amara who is going towards to see Hiro Hamda for work on Baymax. While they had waited for Liv Amara to arrive, Karmi comes in uninvited to get Liv Amara's attention. Then Liv Amara pushes away Hiro because it was Tadashi who made Baymax; there was no explanation as to why Liv Amara disregarded Hiro because it was Tadashi's invention,( is it because she had a run-in with Tadashi before that lead to some bad blood between them? We never learned anything about it). To which Karmi steps in and takes Liv Amara's attention. Hiro Hamada is clearly upset that he was snuffed for his invention not being his own, to which the others around him basically say that he is jealous of Karmi attracting Liv Amara's attention. That is a false assessment from the supporting characters and from the writers. Karmi had no right to be there when it was clearly Hiro's interview with Liv Amara. If Liv was so impressed with Karmi that she chose to spend the day with her, fund her project, and give her an internship in season 2...  then why didn't she go to Karmi in the first place? If they wanted to have Hiro jealous it should be that Granville tells the students that Liv is going to see Karmi because of her invention. That would make Hiro’s jealousy believable, but instead, Hiro’s supposed jealousy is out of anger that Baymax, his brother’s invention, was snuffed by Liv Amara  (who has the power to distribute Baymax to the public to help people like Tadashi wanted) with no explanation why and only to have Karmi, who had no right to be there, take her attention.
The episode Intern-about showcases most of Karmi's negative interactions with Hiro here as he is bothered by Karmi's high and mighty personality to which he goes to get an internship with Krei Tech. When Karmi sees that Hiro is being used for ordinary errands she insults him and laughs away like a bitch. Nothing more, not even an ‘I’m sorry’.
Prey Date has Karmi calling him an idiot. Of course, she does ask Super Hiro how Hiro is and a lot of people find that endearing. Except that was the bare minimum of decency anyone could ask. Fred asked if Mole was OK after their battle with High Voltage and not much is said about that. Even then, why didn’t Karmi ask Hiro herself? Why didn’t she look for Hiro and ask how he was, and what Orso Knox did? She didn’t. It could have happened off-screen except that’s not good enough. If it doesn’t appear in the show than that never happened, which means Karmi’s concern for Hiro by asking him in person did not happen.
Something Fluffy also has Karmi being an idiot considering she exploded at Hiro for even suggesting that Liv was behind the monster attacks and that he had no evidence to prove it. Except he does. He has Karmi’s sticker patch that he got from Ned Ludd, the hybagon. It is literally Karmi’s invention found on a person, that transformed him into a monster, and she says that it wasn’t Liv? That is more than enough evidence to show that Liv is behind the attacks because last we checked, Liv funded Karmi’s project, making it part of Sycorax. There is literally no reason for her to doubt or attack Hiro on this. Karmi could be forgiven if the patch itself was redesigned without her knowledge by Liv and Chris, but it’s an exact match which means Karmi should have known better.
On a side note: The Mayoi being a Fungus is true: however, fungi are not plants, not even close. They are in the class of Animalia because of their eukaryotic cells, they lack the ability to photosynthesize so they get their energy by absorption of other plant life, and the fact that their cell walls are made of a carbohydrate polymer called chitin, which is also found in insects as their exoskeletons. There’s even a species of fungi called the cordyceps that infect insects like ants, to which they plant themselves into the head, control the hosts’ bodies to an environment to spread their spores, to which the host dies as the fungus consumes it. What the mayoi are is just an evolved form of the fungus (thankfully not the cordyceps strain of fungi otherwise it would be far more terrifying in the show) given legs and eyes instead of a plant being given an animals’ characteristics and biology. Even the science Karmi uses isn’t correct, misdiagnosing the mayoi as plants.
There are plenty of more instances that had shown Karmi behave at her worst and I had no love for her to even care about her at this point. 
For more details about Karmi’s actions, I recommend this post, https://galaxiesinadot.tumblr.com/post/187608576016/big-hero-6-season-2 as it goes more in detail about everything Karmi’s interactions with Hiro and how it was antagonistic.. 
But then, a particular moment during the episode, City of Monsters had me once again staring in shock to which it made me realize just how malicious and ego-driven this character is and made me wonder why the writers and executive producers think this was acceptable. Now, beforehand, her blatant bullying behavior could have been done out of ignorance simply because she doesn't know who exactly Hiro Hamada is because to her, he was simply a younger student that took up the title of the youngest student in SFIT. Not a good excuse but it would explain it. But what she revealed showed that all her previous aggression towards Hiro Hamada was out of genuine malice, nothing was accidental. The insults, wanting Hiro to call himself a failure, the cyberbullying, the purposeful attempt to get Liv Amara’s attention, every aggression towards Hiro was all on purpose; the story reveals that Karmi does, in fact, know who Tadashi Hamada is and that she had admired him at school, something she confesses to Hiro... She had known from the start that Tadashi Hamada is Hiro's older brother, and therefore would have known what had happened to Hiro and Callaghan's theft of his microbots. This means that she had chosen to harass Hiro Hamada, she had chosen to call him names. She had chosen to belittle him in any way possible because of her wounded pride in being the youngest genius at school. It was not a misunderstanding, it wasn’t a miscommunication problem. Karmi deliberately chose to behave this way towards Hiro despite knowing who Tadashi is. And even after their time at the lab where they worked at the cure, all Karmi had to say about Hiro is that he was useful…
Not ‘’He’s not so bad to talk to’
Not ‘He’s actually OK.’’
He was simply ‘useful’ to her…
That is not a friendship blossoming. That is just Karmi using Hiro for her project.  which meant that she only mentioned Tadashi to emotionally manipulate Hiro to get him to help her. The fact that she said he was useful is the type of language that Liv literally has for anyone: even Karmi. It’s an antagonistic way of speaking of another person and this is considered their relationship being improved over the course of the show? And in the end, when she leaves she doesn’t bother to say goodbye to Hiro. Not even send him a text message to explain why she just up and leaves. That doesn’t sound like a friendship where you leave without another word, especially since this is where tech is super-advanced where sending a text wouldn’t a problem. Instead, Hiro gets nothing out of it.
Now, all of the previous actions and behavior Karmi had done would have been interesting if the writers had been aware and kept Karmi in the role of the antagonist at school. I would honestly enjoy having Karmi as a bully because not only would she be someone you love to hate because of her bitchy behavior, like Heather Chandler from Heathers, it would lead to Hiro’s rising above her and others rightfully verbally slapping her in the face because of her shitty behavior and foiled attempts to undermine Hiro. Except she isn’t: Instead she’s being praised for that bad behavior, and Hiro is the one who has to apologize and be the bigger person, never the other way around.
The way she had been portrayed and presented with Hiro Hamada is unsettling because this is not a relationship to even form in a healthy manner; this type of behavior, which has been documented over time, could evolve into an abusive relationship. Just like the stories where the woman abused their male partners and some people not giving a damn because they thought of it as charming. In fact, if Hiro was the girl and Karmi the boy in this dynamic, going through the exact same thing, a lot more people would point out just how careless the producers and writers are because they chose to portray this type of relationship as positive.
And this isn’t just me: There’s a review that specified Karmi being a major problem in the show.
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The executive producers' Bob Schooley, Mark McCorkle, and any other previous writers involved don't seem to realize that this type of behavior should not be presented in a positive light as it could encourage young children to tolerate their bullies and even pursue a relationship with them, which then continues the cycle of bullying which would then evolve to an abusive relationship. It is best that they do not resume writing the character Karmi because she is not a positive influence for the intended audience because her behavior and actions are excused while Hiro is the victim and repeatedly written to just tolerate her abuse which in this time, is simply inexcusable and recklessly irresponsible to teach children.
Now, whenever I hear responses this sort of thing, a common defense I hear is that its a kids show, its fiction, it shouldn't be taken seriously as it has no impact on the real world.
Except... it really does.
Animal Farm? A critique and warning about Stalin Communism that is still used today.
20,000 leagues under the sea? The real-life Nautilus.
Star Wars in general? Lightsabers in the process of being built.
Harry Potter? Two real-life theme parks in Universal Studious that had gotten insanely popular since their grand opening.
Also, kids shows/movies have the power to show lessons and experiences that could speak to someone at any age. Big Hero 6 the movie itself is an example, considering that it has themes of grief and loss and how it could affect someone to progress positively (Hiro Hamada) or in a self-destructive path(Callaghan). It touches on REAL WORLD GRIEF, THE REALITY OF THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE. THE SAME LOSS THAT IS STILL PRESENT IN THE SHOW ITSELF.
How can people claim that a show/movie is so deep and meaningful that touches their hearts and influences them and yet turn around and say ‘it’s a kids show’ as a defense when people point out their flaws? Either small and minute or genuinely a large problem.
And here’s what I’ll say next: You are not a bad person for liking Karmi. If this made you uncomfortable to see all this then... I don’t know what to say. You can continue loving this type of character all you want... but don’t deny the reality of your favorite character being a toxic influence when other people call it out.
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reviewpri · 5 years
Beware-Alt Right is claiming GoT
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I do not think DnD set out to do that...no, but it is happening.
and I do not think that all the people coming out to give a positive spin on season 8, in particularly, justifying Mad Dany are Alt-Right inserts- but some are.
How is Alt-Right claiming GoT? Well, they are spreading misconceptions about Daenerys solely based on the show in order to convince people that fighting for a more just society is misguided.
(not the same people, but on the same level of those who keep crying over the fact that selfish Dany is going to these places, liberating slaves while ignoring their culture...whatever that means.)
Note those claims are wide enough to convince normies and some leftists also that being a revolutionary equals being a tyrant.
1- Daenerys is a white savior.
Wrong. The trope that we are dealing with is actually “ going native”- a white person embracing and being embraced by other people/culture.
(in this case, Dothraki- and that they were presented as almost irredeemable savages is on GRRM )
Moreover, she rules over a very racially diverse population who had been ruled by a racial elite that Daenerys is no part of- meaning, she does not think her race makes her superior to the underclasses-  the Ghiscari, on the other hand..
2- Daenerys is an imperialist.
I am not going to touch on the fact that we are speaking of a 20th-century concept when speaking about a piece of fiction depicting a magical medieval world.
Daenerys' intentions have never been set up an Empire with her as Head. What she wants is to end slavery. Period. This will also explain her taking over the Dothraki, not only because she wants an army, but because the Dothraki are great suppliers of slaves.
She stays in Meereen because first if she leaves before the transition is way underway, they Ghiscari Elites will enslave the people she freed again. And, she wants to learn how to rule.
3- Daenerys is bloodthirsty
This is a show invention. Daenerys first impulse is NEVER to “ burn cities to the ground”, but she is constantly advised to do so.
4- Embracing Fire and Blood is the first sign of her tyranny.
Daenerys is compared to Aegon, the Conqueror.
Aegon was not a lunatic who kept burning things. Quite the contrary- despite having the obvious advantage of three dragons, Aegon would give his enemies a fair warning before he went to war.
Most probably, Daenerys will repeat the two events that set Aegon to be King: the Field of Fire ( season 7) and burning the Red Keep ( as an analog for Harrenhal)
5- Daenerys going crazy is GRRM ending.
First, DnD cited the “ she is a Targ and they are crazy” reason for her meltdown, which is bullshit. 
Second, they retconned the whole thing in addition to changing the dynamic of Daenerys and her advisors. 
SEASON 8 HAS NOT BEEN METICULOUSLY PLANNED SINCE SEASON 5- the retroactively going through scenes, changing their meaning or actually inverting their meaning, show just that.
Examples that impacted the story:
a- Theon did not make fun of Tyrion when they met in season one- it was the opposite- They retconned it because they made Tyrion, who is a bloodthirsty man with daddy issues who cares nothing about the smallfolk ( and was portrayed as that for four seasons) to be a pacifist. In that scene, they wanted to remind us that Tyrion is a nice guy, who can be a bit emotional. A turn for the character who, at season 4 had screamed that the populace of KL should have died during Stannis attack.
b-Daenerys did not force Jon to give up his Crown for her to go North- the one who made this demand was Cersei. But this is the version of the story that is in the mouths of the northern Lords- and neither Daenerys nor Jon rectify the mistake because, voilá---the writers decided that Daenerys IS Cersei now.
c- Targaryens never went North to fight against Starks, like Tyrion said they did, so really, the northerners could not still remember it because the fact never happened. ( and this episode, of the King Who Knelt, is in the History and Lore section- so, it is TV Canon)
d- Jaime had already told Brienne the truth about his actions during Robert´s rebellion when they weer at Harrenhal and why he killed the Mad King, but by season 8, that scene never happened- or Jaime had lied back then for no reason whatsoever.
e- Daenerys and Jon never spent time together during their childhood, but by season 8 she is telling him about when they were young and she could not count till 20...something that would only make sense if the dialogue was written for Jaime and Cersei.
f- The House of Undying vision of Daenerys had already been fulfilled by season 7. Daenerys had literally the chance to take the Iron Throne, but she chooses to go cross the Wall and go North. She gives up her plan to blow up the Red Keep- shown in the vision with a Seven-Pointed Star, meaning it was a “what could have been” they elected to retcon ( which can be attested because Daenerys, in the original version of the scene, mentions it as a difference between her vision and the reality.) to save Jon Snow North of The Wall.
Season 8 they inverted the chronological order of the vision to fit their plot- Daenerys is North and, instead of resting her troops, she goes South and for some reason ( madness) she destroys the whole thing with dragon fire, but miraculously, The Iron Throne remains. Drogon then sets fire on the Throne, which melts? ( why has not melted before? same reason Tyrion manages to find and recognize the corpses of his siblings- because logic does not matter.)
As their infamous Austin panel shows, DnD confirmed they were interested in writing scene for scene, not necessarily characters arcs or themes. They also said that they divorced the books since season 5, that they made GoT theirs, that the magical elements were downplayed and finally that they simplified the scope of ASOIAF to a “ Power is everything” mentality.
Power being their concern explains why the series is called “ Game of Thrones”, which is just the name of the first book. 
GRRM is often quoted as not believing in heroes...but in fact: he does. What he does not believe in are in perfect, never at fault heroes:
“My own heroes are the dreamers, those men and women who tried to make the world a better place than when they found it, whether in small ways or great ones. Some succeeded, some failed, most had mixed results... but it is the effort that's heroic, as I see it. Win or lose, I admire those who fight the good fight.” 
Note that DnD gave this definition of hero- the ones who try to make the world a better place- a sentence that Daenerys repeats at least a couple of times during seasons 6 and 7.
and again..while GRRM gives space for his heroes to “win or lose” ...and admits that most heroes “ had mixed results”...he does qualify them- the dreamers- as heroes nevertheless.
Therefore this vision...this black and white vision of Daenerys as Hitler with Dragons (incidentally- Alt-Right has been known to make claims that nazism- as in national socialism- was, in fact, a far-left movement.) that just because she started out freeing slaves by force, it never meant she was in fact, a hero, but a misguided despot in the making...is not GRRM, but Dave Benioff and Dan Weiss.
To place things in context, the producers of GoT are members of the Elites. Of course, they sympathize with characters like Sansa and Tyrion ( their admitted favorites) who are members of Elite- in case of Sansa, the Starks are what one could call benevolent aristocrats- but aristocrats nevertheless- and to them...it does make incredibly sense that a person who is willing to go as far as to challenge the Elites for the well being of the underclass by using violence ( Daenerys) would be a step away from being a Tyrant.
Am I saying that GRRM does not intend to make Dany crazy? I am not saying that. I cannot say what his intentions are. What I can say is that, in his own words, not only Daenerys, but most of the characters are going to be Darker in the next book. Possibly, keeping with the tone of the series, this means Daenerys will go grey. 
Grey could very well choose to go for the Red Keep, as Aegon went to Harrenhal, despite innocents are being held there. Some people will call her crazy...others will see the actions as simply a part of a war.
I think he intends to allow readers to decide.
Personally though...I am not sure I am up to it anymore. By making Daenerys a victim of rape, one who not only survives and thrives, but chooses to fight against such inequalities instead of becoming the abuser ( Cersei) that he might use such character to discuss the limits of being a hero...I find it distasteful.
As of now, ASOIAF is shaping out to be one of many standard fantasy series. It has been sold as nothing of the sort, but as an inclusive, realistic portrayal of a generational saga where the main characters would have to contend with the mistakes of their fathers...but GoT leaves the impression that ASOIAF is, indeed, just white men´s wank.
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veridium · 5 years
happy pills
The storm is on the horizon for your favorite modern thedas college girls. It’s my honor to push my piece a step further on the board. This episode brought to you by Norah Jones’s “Happy Pills,” otherwise known as my favorite song to sing wine drunk in the shower! 
Enjoy some sad, tepid burn and friends knocking sense into each other! uwu!
start from the beginning // previous episode
6:50am, Friday morning:
--dude, send me your coffee order in ten minutes or perish.
Ellinor: surprise me
--you hate when I do that
Ellinor: you always say that! you know me
--ok fine, it’s my funeral after it’s yours. I’m at the studio. Hopefully you’ve snuck back through the window from your nocturnal love nesting.
Friday morning workout at the dance studio does not rival Josephine’s pep talk as far as therapeutic outlets go, but it’s a close placebo. She’s been going once a day at least since Wednesday evening, and switched to early mornings in order to evade any possible ‘run-in.’ Now she is an even more mean, lean, dancing machine than she usually is, dressed in her black leotard, tights, and running shorts. The last thing on her to-do list while in town is to stop into the coffee shop downtown to pick up coffee for her and Ellinor -- she called dibs on the honors, edging out Cullen for once that week.
She parks her car on the curb at 7:45am and tosses her hair up in a clip. Hopping out of her mini and over the crosswalk, she walks in with ease though the memories flood. Down the way she sees the table where her and Cassandra had their disaster coffee meet-up, and butterflies yet linger in her stomach as she waits in line to place her order.
Just as it’s her turn, people come down the shop stairs from the second-floor lounge area. A set of flats with ballerina laces, the other calf-high, military style boots. The worst combination of people there could ever be. Cassandra, and the red-headed friend of Josephine’s. Lily? Leliana. Leliana.
What are they doing here? It’s the crack of fucking dawn!
They’re walking close, and it’s not due to the lack of space. Shoulder-to-shoulder, like...like how they used to. Olivia can’t bare to look at their faces and have it be made worse. She closes her eyes and turns away. Dread and its accompanying sensations flood her from nose to toe. She braces for a collision, a cringey ‘oh how do you know so-and-so?’ and sly grin for absolutely no reason. Cassandra’s awkward inability to hide her feelings of uncomfortable distaste.
But, across the floor, the secondary door entrance rings its bell, and she turns to see they are gone. Left without so much as a horrible side-eye. Well, fine, if that is how it is...
Is she that unrecognizable post-workout? God, she must be. She pulls out her phone and flips the selfie camera on. It isn’t the worst she’s ever looked -- sophomore year, second semester finals definitely takes the cake in that category. But she does look...human. Mortal. Normal, sans emo pride flag hoisted in her wake.
Her gawking is interrupted by a text from Ellinor:
Ellinor: Hey, still bringing my coffee? I have some things to do and class later…
--Yeah, I’m ordering now. Be at the dorm in 15.
Oh, so she is alive. Funny. She pays for her to-go order, a white non-fat mocha and an Oregon chai. She’s expanding Ellinor’s palate, slowly but surely, starting with the chai family. Today is a risky day to try, though -- Ellinor has been a happy nervous mess, and last night’s antics have them both on edge: another instance where she’d said she would come home in a few hours, tops, only to stay over until morning. Something’s got to give.
Heading to her car, she makes a couple more texts, but to Theia instead:
--dude, hey, do you know Leliana?
She’s buckled up by the time Theia responds. The early mechanic bird always gets first dibs at tinkering with the shop stuff, as she would say.
Theia: Leliana? Who fucking doesn’t.
--That makes me feel better. She queer?
Theia: Yeah, she’s one of us. Cool once she likes you. I swear she ran a government background check on me when I started hanging out with Josie.
--well, great, she’s hanging out with...she who shall not be named
Theia: Well, hope she says goodbye, because I’m still killing her lol
--Ha, very funny. I gotta drive, I’ll text you later. See you this weekend at the gala?
Theia: Yep!
Well, shit. What’s there to like about the situation besides their choice in shoes? Nothing. But she’s got a coffee order to deliver to her best friend, and that takes precedent. She puts the car into gear and takes off.
Once on campus she marches straight up to their rooms, where Ellinor is waiting with a boot tapping the ground and phone in both her hands.
“There you are! Fuck,” Ellinor sighs, rubbing one of her eyes. “Tell me it’s at least a double-shot.”
“Triple,” Olivia grins, handing it to her. They both sip, and Ellinor makes a face.
“Is this a boujee chai? You got me a boujee chai again.”
“I got you a nice chai. You’re welcome, Olivia, for being my coffee fairy…”
Ellinor pinches the bridge of her nose, like a reset button, and refocuses on her phone screen. Is she still grumpy from Olivia’s read last night? Maybe, it was a bit...brutal. That’s what happens when you catch her trying to sleep, noise machine on ocean sounds and late night oreos digesting.
“Thank you,” Ellinor finally spits out, pulling her headphones from her denim jacket pocket. “I’m sorry, I’m just...worried.”
“Why? What’s up? Fuck, my class starts soon, let me throw some clothes on and get my bag.”
A black spaghetti strap, black jeans, and a grey long cardigan will have to do. She runs some product through her wet hair and ties it back up, and out in no more than 3 minutes. They get down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. Private enough for multitasking gossip and academia.
“So, what’s with the stick up your ass?” Olivia asks, slipping her aviators on.
“Not even!”
“You got ten minutes before the door closes and you gotta find another plucky blonde to be your confessor, dude. Speak now or forever hold your peace!”
“Urgh!” Ellinor chokes back an erroneous groan, pressing her to-go cup to her lips. “I need to be beamed up, Scotty. This is getting too much.”
“Too much? Dude, what?”
Ellinor takes another long chug, and their walking gets faster. Oh no, she’s not getting out of this one.
“His sister is arriving today.”
“I thought you were excited to meet her.”
“I am! It’s just...It’s…” they round a corner, a back path to the area of campus where their buildings are located. “You know in movies and shit when people get introduced to other people and the mutual friend goes “ah, shit, this is...my...friend,” like all awkward? I realized this morning that he’s gonna have to do that.”
Olivia sighs, adjusting the position of her bag shoulder strap and hooking her thumb onto it. “And you want to be introduced as an important person.”
“Yes! I--NO!”
“Aha!” Olivia finger guns. Caught red-handed...or...hearted...whatever it is.
“That is not what I am having an issue with! Look, you were right, okay. I don’t want it to be this way. I need to nix it.”
Olivia dragged her shoe heel to a halt, eyes round and mouth agape. “The fuck?! Ellinor, how am I to blame for this?”
“Your text! You...with the thing...and the ‘is this what I want’ shit!”
“Ugh! Ellinor, Jesus Christ!” she grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her off to the side. They had entered a little park-like area, with a couple trees and a cheap looking sitting bench. Guiding -- no, yanking -- Ellinor to it, she slung her onto her ass and set down her coffee.
“Alright, Ellinor, gloves coming off.”
“Gloves, off,” Olivia rolls her shoulders. She’s still feeling bouncy and strong from workout. “You keep saying the opposite of what you feel and it shows. You obviously like him, and he obviously likes you. Why are you acting like being an adult only means saying no? The fuck?” Olivia throws her arms up.
“I’m not! I’m just being practical! I don’t even know if would want to be anything else. He seems perfectly fine as it is!”
“Who said to be friends, Ellinor? Who? I’ll give you three guesses, the first two don’t count!”
The world seemed to stop turning. Olivia stood there, hunched forward in her shoulders, looking like she was lobbying on a Congressional floor that water was a basic human right. That same ardor, all for her best friend botching her love life. But Ellinor was squirming for all the wrong reasons. She was doing exactly what she did when things got too good: finding a reason to call it good, while they were ahead.
Ellinor bunches her knees together and sits back, pouting.
“I said it,” she mumbles.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear. Who?” Olivia holds a hand to the rim of her ear.
Ellinor purses her lips and looks off to the side, evading her eye. “I did…” another low tone.
“Uh, come again?”
“I did! Dammit!” she kicks the floor and folds her arms. “Shit, fuck, dammit…”
“BINGO! Ya’ll we got a winner!” The salt in her tone’s getting excessive, even for her own internal standards. Which, clearly, are immense. Deflating her tirade and taking a breath, Olivia puts her hands to her hips. Shifting from antagonist asshole friend to helpful soccer coach mom.
“Babe,” Olivia gives in, “maybe it’s time you listen to the Disney song and say you like him, and you know what you want from him.”
“Do I?” Ellinor asks as Olivia sits down next to her, thigh-against-thigh. She lays her head on Olivia’s shoulder. “I’m so confused I can barely think straight.”
“Hey, that’s less of a problem then you think.”
“Oh. Ha-ha, nice gay joke, funky little bisexual.”
Olivia giggles, and wraps her arm around hers. “Hey, it worked. And now, we’re gonna be late for class.”
“I know.”
They both sigh, and accept the inevitable. Each of them has their reasons. Ellinor probably doesn’t want to see Cullen and have all her existential agony to show off. Olivia just...wants to stop caring. The week has gone on logistically without a hitch, and her workaholic personality has ensured everything but her love and social life has gone smooth. Everything is on fire, but it’s fine. It’s so fine.
“Well, games are fun, right? We’ll have fun.”
Olivia stills, her cheeks flushing. It suddenly gets a whole lot hotter. “Uh, hey, about that…”
Ellinor twitches and sits up, looking at her with a pointed face of ‘oh god, please don’t.’ “Olivia…”
She cringes and bunches her shoulders. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“You said yesterday it’d be fine! That you were all good under the hood!”
She glares, but with a laugh in the back of her throat. “I didn’t say ‘all good under the hood.’ I have never said that in my damn life.”
“You! But you said! Ugh, unbelievable!” Ellinor let her hands fall up, then down onto her jeans, making a slapping down. “What’s going on? Did you talk to Cass?”
Cass. She calls her Cass all the time. It’s nice, but it’s not her. Cullen calls her Cass, too. They all call her Cass. Why not her? Why does she have to be extra and say ‘Cassandra’ all the damn time? For fuck’s sake.
“No, I haven’t. It’s still radio silence, but…” she teeters on whether or not to explain, but she figures it’s written all over her face anyways. Ellinor’s look of skeptical frustration says as much. “I saw her this morning.”
She pauses. Anticlimactic, so it seems. “You...saw her? Is that...a big deal?”
“No, it’s…” she rubs her hand against her scalp of tied-back hair. “It’s not that, really. It’s...how I saw her.”
Ellinor looks as if she’s about to hear a testimony of assisted homicide, as she turns to face her, criss-crossing her legs and picking her coffee up. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You know that girl I told you about, the one Josie introduced me too?”
“Yeah, the creepy redhead. What about her...oh, oh no. Liv…” she scowls in sympathy, “they weren’t…”
Liv smiles with sadness and looks off to the grass in front of them. “They were at the coffee shop. What was supposed to be our coffee shop. At 7:45 in the morning, no less. You know what that means.”
“...morning after hookup coffee…” Ellinor whines a bit in secondhand misery. “Fuck. It can’t be.”
“I mean, I was wrong. I must be,” Olivia shrugs. “Or she’s having very fond friendships.” Very, very fond. 7:45 in the morning, dressed with makeup on and school bags packed fond. No one’s that fond without something that perked them up the morning before. Unless you were Ellinor Trevelyan and hated admitting feelings.
“The worst part,” she chuckles again, “the worst fucking part! Is that Leliana said she heard about me. My dumbass was like ‘oh, cool, Josie mentioned me,’ but no! It was! Her! That...that!” she stops before she gets carried away, gritting her teeth as she puts her coffee to her chin. “They must laugh about me. Goodness, why would she make a move on Cassandra, she’s clearly not interested and spoken for! Secret...CIA lesbians…”
Ellinor rolls her lips, choking on her laugh she so desperately wants to let out. They refrain from eye contact in order to save face.
“You might be jumping to conclusions, maybe? They could be friends. Josie and her seemed tight, and you don’t know if this Leliana person is even--”
“I texted Theia after I saw them. She’s ‘one of us.’ And pretty, and sophisticated, and...has leadership roles. I look like a chipmunk and Marilyn Manson had a love child on a good day.”
Ellinor gasped, and slapped her in the thigh. “Olivia Berenice, shut up! What the hell! Whatever this woman has going for her, you’re hot, okay? Hot, and brilliant, and cultured!”
“I’m a chipmunk!”
Ellinor roars and starts tickling her in the side, but she only groans and squirms like a gangling preteen without proper cognitive awareness. But, laughter does take hold, and she even snorts.
“Fine, fine! I’m not a chipmunk!” she wiggles, “I just! I’m mad. I’m mad that I’m mad. I shouldn’t be jealous of something that wasn’t mine to begin with. But here I am, sulking and pouting, going ‘but that’s MY spare bike helmet she’s probably wearing, riding on the back of her motorcycle.’ I want to bury myself alive. This shit blows.” She sips more of her mocha, but the sweetness is no longer satisfying. The taste of resentment and unresolved bisexuality overtakes the white chocolate.
“It...it does blow,” Ellinor admits, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees. “Damn.”
“So, forgive me, but I don’t think me showing up tonight will be good. Or necessary. I’m just gonna be that awkward friend that Cullen wants to be nice to but also respect his roommate’s choices. And from what I gather of Leliana, she’ll probably just go Avril Lavigne and kick me into the mini-golf lagoon.”
That evokes a laugh, but a sorry one. Pity. Ellinor downs the rest of her chai and slides her feet over the edge of the bench, boots barely touching down on the dirt. “That means I’ll be on my own with Rosalie, probably. Fuck.”
“Hey, that’s not a bad thing. You’re cute, and funny. From what I’ve heard of her, she’ll probably look at you like the sun shines out your ass. A grunge babe, out in the world and getting educated. Yeah…” she teases, a crooked and charming smile.
Ellinor groans. “I’m a mess, is what I am. She’ll see me twenty yards out and go ‘shit, what’s that hot mess express doing out here in public?’ and Cullen will go, ‘hey, that’s my friend! My friendly friend, who I only have friendship for. The friendliest friend to ever...friend…” she gets sadder the more she talks, as does her posture. It’s disheartening to see her spin and spin and spin, rather than just cut herself a break.
“Ell, you gotta put yourself outta your misery,” Olivia concludes, pulling her phone out. “And I don’t mean by taking a break.”
“There’s no way to know if I’ll be more miserable for indulging myself, though. I’ll just jump out into the water and fall flat on my face.”
“Or, he could catch you, like he’s been trying and offering to this whole damn time.”
“That’s not true!”
“Ughhh, Ellinooorr,” Olivia falls forward into her lap, her head hung low. “Christ alive.”
“It’s not! He doesn’t look a touch uncomfortable with being friends.”
“Yeah, because so far friends has gotten him a spooning-mate for what, three nights?”
“Two! My God, forget about it, nevermind!”
They roll their eyes at the same time but for contrasting reasons. Olivia, fed up a bit by the circular direction of the conversation, would rather go to class and risk being locked out for her delinquency. “Come on, to class, binch.”
Ellinor lays her head back but pushes herself up, dragging her feet but carrying on. When they’re back on the sidewalk, fresh air in their lungs, things feel a bit less useless.
“But that also means he’s probably sick of me making demands,” Ellinor speaks again after about a minute of walking. “If I try to reset the boundaries, he’ll probably think I’m too bossy or something.”
“The man likes to be bossed,” Olivia says rather mercilessly, “I’ve never seen a guy with a more apparent invisible “peg me” sign on his forehead.”
“What?!” she shrugs, “there’s a nobility in getting pegged.”
“Yeah? And what would you be, if Cassandra was involved?” a sharp, cutting response. Maybe Olivia hit a nerve too far.
She sighs. “The best peggers know when it’s their turn to get pegged,” she answered, “I do not possess such talents. The force is not with me.”
They come to the short concrete walkway to Olivia’s building and stop. People walk past, closer so that they have to be more secretive with their highly classified discussion.
“The force could be in you, maybe,” she giggles crassly, “uh, I mean, pour one out for your pegging skills,” side-stepping towards the path where she must walk alone. “You sure you don’t wanna go, dude? It’ll be a crowd, and you can spend all your time with Rosalie if you want to. I might need the help if she turns out hating my guts.”
Olivia slides her hands into her jean pockets and looks around. No one familiar, no one worth her attentions. Good.
“I’m sorry, Ellinor. I’m recovering, and I’m a hell of a lot better than I was last weekend, but...I don’t think I can see her. See them...at least, not like that.” The sight of Cassandra playing soccer was still sacred to her. The first real sight she ever got of her in action, and the epicenter of happier times with Ellinor on the grass sipping drinks and fantasizing about their love stories.
“Okay. Text me, alright? If you change your mind I can just swing around and come get you.”
“No worries. I’m probably gonna drive home tonight, actually. I got my dress for the gala, I just need to go spend time with Mother dearest.”
“Ugh, really?”
“Yeah. I know,” she huffs, looking up at the third floor windows where her lecture is being held without her. “Time to wake up and get on with life. You, at least, are still holding out.”
“Psh! No,” Ellinor make a ‘yikes face.’ “I’m on thin ice right next to you.”
Olivia stares at her, a brow raised. “Ellinor.”
She shakes her head, and turns her shoulders towards the doors that await her. “I’ll put it this way: I walked out on my person after demanding space once, and she came back around. I did it again, and I lost everything good about it in fear of facing the ‘maybe’ bad stuff. Don’t be me, checking messages that are a week old, hoping that I somehow missed one. Don’t get your heart smashed into the sidewalk when you see him out with someone else because you didn’t know what you may have had. Please.”
It pains her to say it out loud, but it’s true. The week was a yellow-brick road of life lessons learned all-too-late. If she could go back, she’s unsure of what she’d do. Maybe not kiss her, maybe still try but then ask what was wrong. Talk to her. Listen. God, listen better. But it’s too late -- or, it’s too close to being too late, and she can’t keep doing this to herself.
Ellinor frowns, as if she is about to tear up. Olivia grins and pats her on the shoulder. “Hey, go to class, kid.”
“Okay. Text me, please? Let me know when you’re on the road and when you’re home.”
“I will. Love you, bestie.”
“You too, bestie.”
And with that, they part ways, Olivia retreating into her sacred building, called Tifton Hall by everyone else. The stairs sound better than an elevator, and when she gets to the third floor, she sees that class was let out early. Great, so it was no use showing up. She climbs back to the second floor where the faculty offices are along with the TA office desk and inboxes. If she can get nothing else out of being there, she can check for any last minute notes. She’s been a horrible TA -- it’s been over a week since she checked it.
Nothing’s there, though, with the exception of a red post-it. Some Professor’s shorthanded nonsense, probably. Ripping it from the box and sticking it on her finger, though, the truth is revealed:
“Stopped by to drop off things for a Professor. Hope you’re having a good day. -C”
Her throat nearly closes, or so it feels. It must have been old. She looks on the back, and true to Cassandra’s erudite character, it’s dated. The day before last Friday. The day they hadn’t seen each other, or text, really. Turns out her distance wasn’t so far.
She looks down either end of the hallway -- no one’s there to make fun of her for what she is about to do. She pulls out her favorite notebook and presses it to the inside cover. The last thing she’ll ever have, for when she starts to forget it was ever real.
God, Ellinor, don’t fuck up like I have.
Time to put headphones in and marathon King Princess, St. Vincent, and Halsey, her sapphic patroness Saints, until she feels too heartless to care. A playlist on her Spotify made by Sera for her last fallout with a girl, titled “Girl Troubles, Dedicated to Baby Liv.”
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kallypsowrites · 5 years
GoT fandom be like 'I can excuse rape and constant misogyny, but I draw the line at my personal fanfics ideas not being recreated and my ship not being endgame.' Also, nobody was petitioning to remake season 4 and 5 because Cersei and Sansa were raped. t’s just now, after 7 and a half seasons of racism and misogyny, when two fan favorites do things the audience doesn’t like that people start losing their marbles.
I mean, you’re not wrong. No one petitioned for a remake after Sansa’s brutal abuse at the hand of Ramsay, or the Cersei rape scene, which the directors didn’t even think was a rape scene because they’re dumb. That should have been the first warning. In addition people excused the racist depictions of the cultures of Essos and the Dornish, the absolute travesty of what they did to all of the female Dornish characters (first how they were written and then how they were killed in one episode), how they handled their LGBT characters, the side story mass rape plot at Craster’s keep with the rogue Night’s watch. The terribly written Arya and Sansa plot that was only there to fake us out about Littlefinger’s death. That one five minute long scene in season one of two women being made to have sex with each other while Littlefinger talks about his tragic backstory.
I mean, I could go on. We’ve always known this show has a problem with women and rape and racism and we’ve known that the writing has taken a dip in quality ever since season five. None of this is new. None of the problems rearing their head in season 8 are any different than ones that have shown themselves in the past few seasons, and honestly, I don’t think season 8 is THAT MUCH WORSE than what we got in season 5 and 7. Its just that it’s the end and I guess people expect more.
It always annoys me when people claim they are renouncing a show for some noble reason (bad writing, bad character development, mysoginy, sexual violence, racism etc) when all of those things were there a long time before. It’s just they didn’t care until it effected their favorite. And don’t get me wrong, I get being angry that your favorite character was treated badly. I’m not saying people SHOULDN’T be upset, because getting upset by any form of art is healthy and good. But I think elevating one’s hatred of the show to make it seem more ‘morally correct’ is dumb.
I’ll give you an example. Sansa’s rape caused a lot of outrage. After all, it wasn’t in the books. And I was pretty pissed about it too, because Sansa is my girl and I love her. But none of those same people were particularly outraged when the same things happened to minor book character Jeyne Poole (who took Sansa’s place in the books). In fact we are shown those things in more explicit, nauseating detail in writing. But no one cares about Jeyne, right, so who cares? No outrage to speak of.
People weren’t horrified over the acts itself–about the senseless abuse of women. They were horrified that a character they liked was going through it. But they made it SEEM like it was the act itself. The principal. Even though the sexual violence problem had been effecting the show for a long, long time and was PARTICULARLY egregious in season four as far as ‘casual rape’ goes.
I kind of went off on a tangent, and I want to emphasize that I’m not saying you can’t be upset about what happened to your faves. As a Braime shipper, trust me, I’m not happy about how everything ended up, and I reserve the right to express my distaste for all of my blog to see. But I’m not going to act like my dislike for the writing is new, or ‘morally superior’, or right. D&D have been showing these flaws for years and years. None of the fumbles they’ve made this season are surprising, and even if they were, no one has the right to demand a remake.
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fireinmoonshot · 6 years
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PART ONE OF ? Summary: You’re the daughter of the Secretary of State and, after being caught up in an assassination attempt against your father, are assigned a bodyguard – August Walker. August isn’t sure about his new assignment, especially as it’s so different from what he’s used to, but as soon as he meets you, something clicks, and something tells him that this might not be so awful after all. Pairing: female!Reader x August Walker  Fandom: Mission: Impossible Word Count: 2444 Warnings: Mentions of blood, mentions of nightmares, mentions of death, mentions of guns. A/N: I posted before about having started the BBC series Bodyguard earlier today, and this idea came to mind. It’s partially inspired by that scene in episode 2 (which you’ll know if you’ve seen it). Anyway, I know there’s another bodyguard!August fic out there (which I haven’t got around to reading yet!) but I hope you like this one, too! I really loved writing this first part. I don’t know how long it’ll end up being, but maybe 5-7 parts! Hope you enjoy! <3
It’d been impossible to miss the news story that had broken out the week before. Even August, a man who spent a majority of his day working, had managed to catch the breaking news story on TV when he got back to his apartment later that evening.
He hadn’t thought twice about it. These sort of things, they happened all the time. Politicians were often in the centre of things like that, and even though it was a little more serious this time, being the Secretary of State and all, he didn’t care very much. It wasn’t a rarity, even though the news stations and media were desperate to make it seem like it barely ever happened. Sure, it was rare for a politician’s family member to be caught up in it, but it meant nothing to him. The only casualty was his personal assistant, and the Secretary was still alive and well.
The following day, he’d gone back to work, focusing only on the job ahead and not on the fact that the Secretary and his daughter had nearly been killed the day before. Why should he have to?
Everything was normal at the CIA that day. Sure, there was a buzz in the air, people trying to figure things out with the Secretary and what had happened, but August wasn’t involved in any of it. He’d spent most of the day in meetings with Sloane and the team, preparing for the next mission. For most of the day, the assassination attempt hadn’t even crossed his mind.
In fact, it only really crossed his mind five days later when he was called into Sloane’s office.
“Walker, I’ve got a job for you.”
He took a seat in the desk opposite her and waited.
“It’s something different than what you’re used to, but I’m certain you’ll do well. My client has asked for the best of the best and I’ve assured him that you are exactly that. It’s not usually something I’d assign to you, but you’re the best agent I’ve got. What do you say?” She raised an eyebrow.
“What is it?” He pressed.
“You’ll recall, I’m sure, the news about the attempt on the Secretary of State’s life last week, yes?” Walker nodded. “Right, well, I’m sure you’ll also remember that his daughter was caught up in that attack, too. The Secretary has asked for a protection detail to be assigned to his daughter. He’s rightfully afraid for her safety.”
Walker furrowed his eyebrows. He wasn’t going on a mission to save the world. Instead, he was going to be protecting the rich daughter of the Secretary of State? He tried to keep the distaste off of his face. “Do I have a choice?”
Sloane didn’t hesitate before she answered. “No, you don’t. You start tomorrow morning at 8:00am. I’ll email you everything else you need to know. And both the Secretary and I expect you to do your best work, Walker. I also think it’s important to mention that I’ve known his daughter since she was young, and I trust you completely in keeping her safe. You’ve had the life of the world in your hands before and I’m sure you’ll be more than capable with having the life of one in them this time.”
She dismissed him and Walker left the room instantly. He sighed as he walked down the corridor, back to his office. He was a bodyguard. There to protect someone he didn’t even know the name of, simply because she’d gotten caught up in the middle of something by accident. Simply because she was the daughter of a rich man.
He shook his head and walked on.
Maybe Sloane was right. He’d had the life of the world in his hands before. What made having the life of one in his hands so different? Wouldn’t it be easier? Something in the back of his mind told him it wouldn’t be, and he believed it.
It had only been six days since the attack and yet you’d been woken up more than once a night by the sounds of gunfire and the images of blood in your dreams. Or, more accurately, nightmares.
You hadn’t told anyone about the nightmares. After all, they only affected you. No one else, bar your father and your driver, Teddy, would understand, and both of them were dealing with their own troubles. They didn’t need to hear your troubles, too. They were your own problem and no one else’s.  
And Irene… you’d lost her, your fathers personal assistant. You could still remember the sight of her blood, the feeling of it seeping into your shirt and on your face… you shook your head to shake the thought from your mind.
No, no. Today would be different. You were sure of it.
Your father had called you into his office just after you’d woken up and you hadn’t hesitated in making your way there after you’d gotten dressed. He’d given you space to deal with everything, just like you’d asked, though you weren’t sure if it was doing you much good. Perhaps talking to him about it would be good, or maybe even to Teddy.
Though, your train of thought was cut off when you stepped into his office and found him standing there with three other people. Two of them, you knew, and one of them was unfamiliar.
Your mother, Erica Sloane and a man. A rather handsome man, you had to admit.
“Sit down, sweetheart,” your father smiled, sitting down at his desk.
Usually, things weren’t so formal, but clearly, this was different.
“What’s going on?” You asked.
“Well,” he began, looking up at Erica and the man. Your mother moved around the desk to join you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. She knew how hard this all was for you.
You’d grown up away from this life. Your parents had divorced when you were eleven, and your father had moved away after that. You used to spend summers with him and the rest of the year you spent with your mother in Seattle. That was home. The fuss and bother of your fathers second life had never really been something you’d gotten used to. And then you got thrown into the deep end.
“I know you might disagree, but I think it’s important that we do this. After the attack earlier this week, your safety is of utmost importance to me,” your father explained, not looking away from you for a second. “I’ve gotten into contact with Erica, who you know, to provide you with a protection detail. It might seem a little much, but–”
“No,” you shook your head. “No, it’s good. If you hadn’t organised it, I would have asked anyway, Dad. This is good. And like you said, it’s important. It’s good.”
Your father seemed a little taken aback by your words, but he didn’t let the shock show on his face for long, instead, he smiled. “Well, good. That makes things easier.”
You looked over to Erica and the man. Erica smiled at you and you were instantly filled with warmth. Your father had known her when you were young, and they’d stayed in contact for a while after. Clearly, he trusted her to find someone worthy to protect you, and you felt the exact same way. Judging by the look of the man beside her, too, you knew she’d chosen the right person.
“This is Agent August Walker,” Erica introduced. “He’s primarily an agent in the Special Activities Division, but for this specific detail, I’ve chosen him to protect you. He’s the best agent I have at the CIA and I’m positive he’ll give this job everything he has.”
Slowly, and a little hesitantly, you stood from your chair and crossed the room to Erica and August. He nodded at you as you stood in front of him, and then, you extended a hand and introduced yourself. His hand was warm, and even though the look on his face wasn’t particularly friendly, you felt comforted.
“Thank you for agreeing to do this,” you said.
August gave you a tight lipped smile in response. “My pleasure.”
You were, August admitted, not the person he’d expected you to be. When he and Sloane walked into the Secretary’s office that morning, he’d expected a snobby rich girl, just happy with her father’s money, to waltz in. He’d expected you to whine about how you didn’t need protection, that you were fine on your own.
What he saw, though, was completely the opposite of that.
Something inside him stirred with the realisation.
August had to admit that you were rather beautiful. Not just pretty, even though you were that, too. But more than that. He hadn’t seen pictures of you on the television, only a few blurry images that media helicopters had managed to grab when you, your father and your driver had been escorted away from the scene. He remembered one shot in particular – a blurry shot of a young woman, you, covered in blood. The thought of that shot alone made him uncomfortable.
He hadn’t expected you to agree to the idea of having a bodyguard. He was sure he’d have to listen to your father and Sloane talk you into it over a few hours, not for you to agree straight away. And you would have asked for it if your father hadn’t organised it in the first place…
As he and Sloane walked towards the car outside your family home, a million thoughts were running through August’s mind. He couldn’t seem to settle on just one. But after he’d stayed up so late the night before, dreading having to deal with a snobby rich girl, he’d been pleasantly surprised.
His words in response to your greeting were true: it was a pleasure.
Or, he supposed, it would be. He hoped.
He watched as Sloane got in the car and drove off, leaving him practically alone at your home. This would be his base for however long it needed to be. There were a few other bodyguards around. Your father had one, as did your driver, Teddy, and your mother, too. They were recently assigned, just as he was. Yet he was the only one assigned to you. The only one they trusted to look after you.
Glancing down at his watch, August sighed softly and wandered back into the house, heading out to find you. It was a Sunday afternoon, meaning that August wanted to know your plans for the week ahead so he could prepare adequately. If he knew your every move, it’d be easier to keep you safe.
It took him a while to find you, though, when he did, he wasn’t surprised.
You were sat in the library, curled up on a window seat and staring out the window at the lavish gardens surrounding the property. Even from far away, August could tell that you felt a little out of depth here. Something told him that you didn’t spend much time here as a child, or even as a teenager. He’d have to find that out later, though he wasn’t sure a Google would give him the answers he was so curious about.
He was quiet when he walked up to you, and as he cleared his throat to announce his presence, you jumped. August didn’t miss the way your eyes flashed or the way you tensed up until you noticed that it was him.
“Oh,” you cleared your throat. “Sorry… just you… ah, what can I do for you?”
“I’m just here to discuss this week’s schedule with you so I can organise protection details in advance.”
You nodded and sat up a little more, tearing your gaze away from the window. “Right, of course,” you hummed. “Sorry. I’ve never really done this before… the whole bodyguard thing. It’s a bit strange.”
August stifled a chuckle. He agreed wholeheartedly.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket to check your calendar just as August sat down on the other end of the window seat. He pulled his own phone out, too, and opened up a new note, ready to write down your plans.
This was the first time the two of you were alone… August had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last time, either. He wasn’t particularly nervous about being alone with you, no, not that. Just… concerned. There was something about you. Something about the way you were acting. The way you’d jumped when he arrived. The way you were so eager to have a bodyguard. It confused him just as much as it intrigued him. He wanted to know more about you, and that shocked him a little. Usually, he was one to keep back and not intrude when he knew he really wasn’t wanted all that much. But with you? Something told him to step forward a little more.
“This is usually all private… feels weird to share it,” you mused. Then, you looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “Ready?”
He nodded, urging you to continue.
The two of you sat in the library for about ten minutes, August listening as you relayed the upcoming weeks plans to him and writing them down. You didn’t have too many things planned, and August was a little surprised. As the daughter of the Secretary of State, August had expected your diary to be full of events and galas. To find out you only had four things planned, and for all of those things to be nothing particularly serious or grand, was a little shocking.
When you finished, you locked your phone and leant back against the pillows behind you. “Is that all, Mr. Walker?”
He glanced over at you as he tucked his phone back into his pocket. Mr. Walker… “Yes, that’ll be all. Thank you,” he replied. “This place is pretty well secured, so I’ll be just outside if you need me.”
You watched as he walked out of the library and sighed, crossing your ankles. When he was out of sight, you turned to glance out the window again. This would be good, just as your father had said. Necessary. You squeezed your eyes shut for a second, but even a second was too long – blood flashed, gunshots echoed. You opened your eyes instantly and took a deep breath.
This would be good. August Walker seemed capable of protecting you. He seemed more than capable, actually… if only he could protect you from the terrors of your mind, too.
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magaprima · 5 years
Part 1 Episode 7 Thoughts (Part 2 of 2)
“But the reward is ever lasting glory in the Dark Lord’s heart”
When Prudence says this, Lilith’s eyes flicker ever so sharply here. That phrase is a definitely trigger for her, because Lilith has been working her butt off for literally eternity and here we have a girl thinking all that’s needed is to be Queen of the Feast one night in order to get close to the Dark Lord. We know Lilith doesn’t let anyone have a chance at being beside Satan except herself. That’s the whole reason she spends the majority of the show despising Sabrina, because Satan is all focused and obsessed with her. Even in the Feast of Feasts, a ritual that doesn’t really guarantee anything it promises, Lilith is immediately defensive. She is that abuse victim who strives to find one thing she can take power/enjoyment in. That although she is a victim, she is abused, she is controlled, of all the victims she is the most revered one, and that small, small, small consolation is something she holds onto viciously. She defends that measly territory. So when Sabrina is asking her to convince Prudence against it, she’s silent and vaguely uninterested, but the moment Prudence claims this will get her close to the Dark Lord, Lilith becomes much more invested. There’s also the argument that her look towards the girl is a case of ‘If you think it’s that easy, you’re an idiot’
When Sabrina introduces ‘Ms Wardwell’ as an excommunicate, Lilith is all very casual and just all ‘Yep that’s me. Your local friendly covenless witch’. She’s not overly invested in the cover, it’s just an easy backstory, but the moment Prudence dismisses the worth of an excommunicate, Lilith gets annoyed and defensive of her fake persona. She definitely seems to believe that Prudence is the snob that Sabrina says she is. Like she is thinking ‘Oh so you won’t take advice from an excommunicate, you also believe being lunch for a coven gets you into the Dark Lord’s heart? Idiocy, so much idiocy’. This is supported by the way she gives a glare of disdain at Prudence when she tells her she’s ‘done some digging’ into the Feast of Feasts. 
“Now, you may not want to listen to an....excommunicate”
Lilith continues to be so genuinely annoyed by this. This is her fake history and she’s offended someone is belittling it. I do think this is because Lilith isn’t into the whole church-organised-religion thing at all, possibly because it’s run by men, possibly because she doesn’t react well to any regime that tells her what to do. In her book an excommunicate is just a witch who couldn’t take the patriarchal, organised shit anymore. I mean she does seem to be mildly impressed when she finds out Hilda is excommunicated, and even admires when Hilda uses it as reason to do the exorcism. Lilith does like a rebellion against authority, it’s how she began her own existence, even if the rebellion is against the Dark Lord’s religion. 
“If you’re brave enough to find her”
The way she blinks at Prudence when she says this, deliberately goading her, you get the idea that Prudence has not made a good impression on Lilith at all. I think at this point if she had to choose between the two witches, she’d probably pick Sabrina, because at least she’s a rebel defying Blackwood and doesn’t judge witches based on their status i.e ability to follow orders. 
“I don’t believe it”
When Prudence says this, Lilith literally and openly mocks her, pulling a face. It’s a slight and subtle version of ‘Oh really? You don’t? Well, ner, ner bully for you, you idiot’. Lilith is clearly very irritated by her and I think her annoyance at Prudence is temporarily, making her like Sabrin a little more and it’s visually show by the way the two stand together at the desk. Lilith and Sabrina are close to one another, stood in the same way, both looking at Prudence. They’re on the same side here, and it’s foreshadowing for the finale of Part 2. 
“and Satan knows who we might chance upon in the woods”
The false innocence as she says this, the look at Sabrina (which the girl completely misses), Lilith is very clearly thinking ‘Yep, two birds one stone. Wake this idiot up and then show Sabrina her dear Harvey as a witch hunter. Marvellous, my day is already improving’. 
"She’s always at home. Isn’t that right, Dezmelda?”
Definitely getting the vibe here that Lilith knows Dezmelda well. The way she says this, the tone, the wording, it all implies Lilith has known her before, perhaps very well, but in her previous form, her pre-Wardwell days, so Dezmelda won’t know her this time around. But if Lilith has always known her and yet never revealed where she is, it implies she’s been keeping Dezmelda’s secret for her; a young witch running away from a predatory man is something Lilith would understand so it seems reasonable that she’d let her keep hiding. 
As Dezmelda remembered her past and trails off, head bowed, eyes on the ground, Lilith reaches out and puts a hand on her arm, gripping a little. You could say this is all part of the act, but I don’t think it is. Her eyes are focused on the others, her expression is the act, as she is in teaching mode, mentoring, leading, but the hand on the arm is something done without display or over-precise purpose. Considering what Lilith suffered with Adam and then with Lucifer, something bearing some resemblance to Dezmelda, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was an instinctive support here, an automatic, subconscious empathy. She offer reassurance, support, there with that hand on her arm and then Lilith finishes the story for her so Dezmelda doesn’t have to. 
“The High Priest was to............initiate her”
Her eyes flicker to Dezmelda while she says this, and she swallows with distaste as well. The way she does all this, it is genuine. She does know exactly what Dezmelda felt, she has felt it too, only Dezmelda was able to flee successfully. However as Lilith says ‘she’s lived here ever since’ there’s a look on her face that implies she doesn’t think Dezmelda made the right choice. Just because she understands her fleeing, just because she thinks the High Priest was vile, doesn’t mean Lilith would have made the same decision. Lilith prefers to pay the price of abuse, stay and having power, than run from abuse and have nothing. This is not to be mistaken with consent, this is simply Lilith and Dezmelda having opposite views of what is the ‘lesser evil’. 
However, though I’ve established that when Lilith supports and reassures Dezmelda she’s being genuine, when she’s watching Sabrina and Prudence, we see the act. As Sabrina says ‘which makes what he’s doing even more insidious’, Dezmelda nods in full and empathetic agreement but Lilith is just looking between the two witches, sharply checking what’s being brewed there. Lilith may understand and sympathise with Dezmelda, but she is still using the woman to her own ends here in order to stop Prudence from being and to see where Sabrina falls and the discord that brews. This is her whole ‘one piece at a time’ attack. 
‘who would do such a thing?’ ‘men’
This is such a powerful moment which has become quite iconic within the series I think, if the amount of GIFs are any gauge. Here is a familiar, a creature misunderstood, a wild thing, an animal, a being different from mortals and what happens? Men kill it. We see this happen a thousand times over, both literally and metaphorically, both to animals, and to people who aren’t male and/or white. Anything different is attacked, and anything different with power is destroyed. Man destroys the world and men revel in it. 
We know Lilith was aware the Kinkles would be hunting hee and this is what they’d likely come across, but it’s further proven by the wool yarn she has in her pocket. She was fully prepped for coming across the Kinkles and hiding all the girls so that Sabrina could see Harvey when he couldn’t see her. Her plot is falling nicely and quickly into place for once. 
Also I love this spell. One of the things I love about this show is that despite using Christian and Judaic mythology with Puritan influences, the spells and magics they perform often directly echo the spells we use in the real non-tv-magic world. Items are used to represent things, metaphors are taken to literal levels, power is placed in simple jobs and shapes. For example, you can pour a line of white sugar and thyme between your houses to nurture a sweet, beneficial relationship between you and your neighbour. And that’s the vibe we get here with using the yarn in the shape of a pentagram to ‘pull the wool over their eyes’
“Don’t speak. Stay very quiet. Or the cloaking won’t take”
I love this too, because, again, it’s very much like magic practised in the real world. Spells of ‘invisibility’ only work if you encourage that invisibility, not if you dance around in front of someone. It’s not Harry Potter. There’s one I used to use a long time ago in High School, a simple chant I used to murmur, that was so a teacher wouldn’t pick me for a question when they were doing that random ‘which unwilling subject do I select’. It worked every single time. But if I’d jumped up and down and waved my arm, yes, I would have been picked. ‘The cloaking won’t take’. I know one of the people working on the show is a practising Pagan, so it’s possibly her influence here. 
While they’re watching the Kinkles, the Weird Sisters look a mixture of scared and pissed off, Sabrina is bewildered, but Lilith looks smug as fuck, concluding with a ‘well you must admit, he certainly looks the part Sabrina’ in a tone and with an expression that says it all, really. She does, however, roll her eyes, when the weird sisters make dramatic declarations. 
“That’ll be the takeaway I ordered. If you’re nice, I’ll...share”
There’s something in her face here that says she’s not entirely happy. She doesn’t look delighted to be eating. I don’t know what it is precisely,  but there’s something off. I mean I’ve headcanoned that her becoming a demon was a slow process, one born of the self-preservation she told Sabrina is so important, to make her live longer, make her stronger, make her able to bear things, perhaps even to make her ‘more worthy’ of being queen of hell. It’s even possible it was a choice made for her, that Satan didn’t allow that she could simply be just a witch, she had to be part demon as well, and so Satan made it so. And from being demonic comes the whole ‘I feast on male flesh’. 
I mean we know the Spellmans, and other witches in the coven, have eaten human, but it seems to be ceremonial and/or non-murderous (the Spellmans apparently eat the corpses from closed coffins. Ew), so it feels different to what Lilith does. So with her...resignation here, is it that she doesn’t enjoy it? Is it something she has to do, as part of her survival, her existence and longevity? Does she only find pleasure in it when she feels the man is chosen and deserving (like Hawthorne) and therefore no joy in a random pizza boy?
She even looks bored, after her brief little sexy play act, as if this is just....something she has to do. There seems to be minimal enjoyment here and that is very revealing, though I’m not quite sure precisely of what, aside from my above theory that Lilith has changed and altered over the centuries and centuries and centuries....and perhaps, even though she’s in conscious denial, is not entirely happy with all the changes. 
I mean I doubt the woman who became the first witch, who refused to submit to a man, who was cast out for saying she was equal, imagined her future would involve serving a man, and losing a large part of her humanity (at least a third, if we say third human third demon third witch. but more than a third if witch and demon are almost half and half and human is tiny part) to become part demon, and feast on male flesh for sustenance. 
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jadewing-realms · 5 years
Voltron S8 Thoughts
warning: there will be spoilers ahead
So, I wanted to give myself some time to ponder this before I threw my thoughts out... I don’t want to just say more of what’s already been said, and I don’t really have the brain capacity for a super long rant right now anyway, but... there are a few things I feel like I want to contribute if I can.
I’ve seen some people claiming that those of us who are upset about this conclusion to the show are only upset because “our ships didn’t happen.” Others seem to defend the “tragedy” of this ending as a positive element from an artistic vantage point. Those are the things I want to address mostly, I guess.
On the matter of ships: I’m a writer myself. I’ve been studying the art of story for 10 years now, so that’s usually the lens through which I view most shows and movies. And while I’m sure some might be upset over ships alone, from what I’ve seen, most have cited most of their problems with this season/the latter half of S7 as being from a story point of view. Which I have to echo.
For example: I don’t hate Allurance. Really, I don’t. It’s not my cup of tea, but I wouldn’t have had a problem with it if it felt... genuine/not rushed/not a rebound/not flat by comparison to the previous canon-confirmed ship that was Lotura. The problem with how Allurance panned out, to me, depends entirely on the context. 
Like, one of the major problems with the ship that I’ve seen is that Lance is a human boy from Earth, who loves Earth and his family there, and he’s never expressed interest in being a diplomat. Which isn’t a bad thing. 
On the other hand, Allura was the princess of a lost race, the last remaining relic of a culture that existed 10k years ago. She had dedicated her life to being a diplomat who would rebuild the universe. Once everything was said and done, she shouldn’t have been expected to abandon that role (this is, for the moment, ignoring the fact that the show did more than have her do just that). Ideally, she would have had to stick with it, lead New Altea, continue to seek peace as any good leader does.
If the Allurance subplot could’ve addressed some of these themes and complexities, I would’ve found that interesting, even if it’s not my ship. It would’ve been intriguing to see how a couple might face those kinds of challenges together. I can get behind any character relationship if it’s done well, has depth, and makes sense.
For me personally, the execution of Allurance (and then of course, Shiro and his unnamed SO that seemed to get tossed in as an afterthought) had none of these things. My distaste for these is not due to the fact that my chosen ships weren’t endgame; in the end, that’s not what it comes down to for me. It’s more about the characters and what feels right for them in context of the show as a whole, and their pre-established character arcs. 
The way it was actually manifested, Allurance felt shallow and rushed to me, Shiro seemed tacked on to the season as a whole, and all in all, I was left with a feeling like the characters themselves were not done proper justice (regardless of who they ended up with). That their potential had been let down hard.
Then in regards to the tragedy element, I’ll start by saying that I LOVE a good tragedy. I live off dark themes, it’s what I love to write myself. One of my favorite shows is Attack on Titan. All in all, I don’t mind seeing things ending horribly for characters, okay? 
But it has to be executed properly, or else tragedy just ends up feeling like blatant manipulation. Like a bid to make the viewers feel something in an otherwise shallow emotional context. 
Viewers of Attack on Titan could never complain about the brutality of that show because it establishes itself as brutal from Episode 1. It sets the tone to tell viewers ‘this is gonna get ugly, don’t get comfortable’. It prepares viewers for a rough ride, so that when we see characters die in horrible, gruesome ways, it’s not as jarring as it might’ve been had we had no warning.
Season 8 of VLD seemed to fish this tragic element out of left field. The show was not built to be a tragedy; up until the end of Season 7, there was no indication that that’s the direction we were going to take. If there HAD been evidence of it, the subtle laying of the foundations of darker elements, it would’ve been fine. But because there was no precedent for how horribly things went, it had all the emotional tact of a freight train barreling down a city street with no tracks (Inception reference, anyone?).
Lotor and Allura both became critical victims of this (though the entire main cast suffered from this ultimately). They both deserved better, and I don’t mean from their universe. I’m talking from a story point of view, as characters, they deserved better from their writers. Even if they both still ended up dying, they were both well-done characters who deserved for their arcs to reach satisfying conclusions. Especially as representative characters.
Lotor specifically spoke to me on a more personal level, as a victim of paternal abuse/neglect myself, as someone who’s constantly checking myself and my flaws because I share that fear of becoming the person who hurt me so deeply. It’s always felt like there’s no way anybody could truly understand what it was like growing up in the environment I did. Like I have to bear it alone. 
So to have a character presented with hints of these same struggles was really validating, especially when it seemed like these things were going to be called out. Addressed. Dealt with. Other characters would find out the truth about the depth of Lotor’s suffering and he would find peace and solace in newfound friendships. Such an ending is idealistic, yes. But it’s a nice thought that even if I struggle to find that kind of peace in my own life, it happened to this character. And maybe some day, it could happen to me.
Instead, Lotor is betrayed so wholly and completely by those newfound friends, based solely on circumstantial evidence, that his fragile state of mind can’t take it. Guilty or not isn’t relevant; the Voltron team stuck him in the Rift and FREAKING LEFT HIM THERE TO DIE and that was never once addressed as a problem. The Voltron team was painted as The Good Guys who totally did the right thing, until the very end when Allura (who incidentally was the one previously shown to be the most incensed/angry/bitter over what Lotor did) conveniently acknowledges that Lotor was just trying to do what was right and that he deserved better--which just fell flat coming from her, who up to that point, had not been shown to feel any sort of guilt over what she and her team did to him. Even that acknowledgement was not any sort of admission of fault on her part; only an admittance that Lotor thought he was doing the right thing.
All in all, this does not paint a hopeful picture for me as a victim. It creates a theme of inescapable pain... the idea that my trauma might haunt me so thoroughly, only death brings an escape. Heck, even if Lotor still had to die unfairly (if they had to show us those flashbacks, confirm what a horrific life he’d led, and then show us his melted corpse), the least they could’ve done is dealt with the ramifications of that... show the Voltron team realizing how wrong they were, feeling guilt and shame for their drastic, cruel actions, and THEN admit that even if Lotor had done some horrible things, nobody deserved the fate they dealt to him.
Instead, the message presented is the idea that Lotor, the manifestation of the pain Zarkon caused over the course of ten thousand years, was unable to endure his suffering. That there was no hope for him. He was unable to defeat his upbringing, and was then sentenced to a torturous death for the resulting crimes. And the people who were both betrayers and executioners felt absolutely no remorse for it. And yet I’m supposed to think of them as the Heroes. 
I don’t know... maybe all of this is just circumstantial. Maybe I’m biased due to my chosen field of study and my own personal background. But I don’t see how this season was in any way satisfying on a plot or character level... and I certainly can’t bring myself to see any beauty in the injustice of my own childhood, so it stands to reason I can’t see value in the needless tragedy of Lotor’s suffering. Or even Allura’s death (the necessity of which is debatable, btw; there was literally no explanation for WHY she absolutely HAD to die).
I can’t speak for everyone, but the thing that originally kept me watching this show was the characters. Not the plot, not the space battles or giant robots or weird aliens. I watched for the people--for Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Keith, Shiro, Allura, Coran, Lotor, etc, etc--and how they interacted, how they got to know each other and understand each other and help each other. How they made each other better. Because that’s really all any of us can hope to get out of life, isn’t it? To be known, to be validated, to be understood, to love and be loved. This is what I read/watch fiction for, because if I have a hard time finding those things in real life, then at least I can watch it happen to characters I care about.
In the end, though, this season left me in the depressing state of wondering what the point of it all was, which is probably the last place any content creator should want to leave their audience. What was I supposed to take away from this, if not the idea that this show, which obviously fell in love with itself somewhere along the line, pretended to represent many varied facets of the human condition, only to conclude those facets with pat answers, hasty romance, cheap monologues, and shallow tragedies?
I’m not angry. I am simply disappointed.
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Another one of my two-year-late-rewatches! Again, the below is the complete and unaltered text of my reaction/rewatching-a-day-or-a-few-later of the SU episode “Mr. Greg” from the Summer of Steven like two years back. Including typos, I think. Also, unfortunately missing the line-by-line unpacking of “It’s Over, Isn’t It” that I meant to do, which I guess is why I didn’t post this at the time. I appreciate that past-me’s reaction to things still remains rather relatable, even though I have absolutely no idea if any of those questions got answered in the meanwhile. Also, pffft, my note at the end, ah yes, two years later, definitely got to posting these in a more timely manner. Absolutely.
“Rewatching Steven Universe: Summer of Steven Edition” continues!
(This one was, uh, actually written before the first two episodes of the week because I have Great Outpouring of Feelings(tm).... I didn’t get to it first only because I delayed writing these until after Monster Reunion and Alone at Sea.)
Day 2 (Tuesday, July 19)
Mr. Greg
Okay first thoughts before actually rewatching, after my memory has had time to dull for awhile. This episode was great, I loved it so much, I love Pearl and Greg and Steven and music and singing and feelings and dealing with the spectre of Rose Quartz.
I’m wondering a little where Amethyst and Garnet are, but actually, given the number of times Steven has been left to his own devices for an extended period of time, the gems just sort of... not noticing people have gone for awhile has a lot of precedent. Probably.
I don’t actually have a lot of new and Strongly Opinionated longwinded thoughts to preface this episode, possibly because I left this rewatch for so long. Actually, I suppose I’ll get to actually rewatching all the Summer of Steven episodes after progressing through the whole rest of the episodes eventually. It’ll be interesting to see what information and perception has changed by then.
Now, actually rewatching the episode...
1) Hey, actually, just a thought, but when’re we getting a new opening?
2) Okay, the Marty in the commercial is young!Marty. When the hell did he sell Greg’s song as a jingle, and how long has it been circulating, and why has it taken so long for a) anyone in Beach City to notice and b) Marty to come by with the money?
3) Greg’s song works really well as a jingle, actually.
4) Hey maybe the reason Marty needs the Guacola contract (even though his contract with Greg says Marty gets like 75% so if Greg is rich Marty should be richer) is because Marty got all that money early or over a lot of time and delayed paying Greg long enough that Marty had used up so much of his money, that a sudden 10 million dollar draw on his account put him in a bad place moneywise. A friend of mine proposed that gambling is how Marty could manage to burn that much money to the point he’s in need of sponsorship.
5) $5.95 isn’t a bad deal as long as it’s a good, hefty burger with maybe a soft drink, actually. At least, with real-world American money. What is the in-universe value of American-ish money, anyway- the same as real life, or... ?
6) Actually if the ad is regional (i.e. not in Beach City’s region) and we assume Greg is the only one besides Rose who would have known the song (because his CDs never sold and nobody came to his concert), it’s not too off to assume they’d have never noticed the jingle. I’m now wondering how Greg even found the ad in the first place, it’s not like Marty gave any explanation about why he just handed Greg a large cheque. Maybe some information was written on said cheque, like, from the bank or what the money was from, and it just wasn’t detailed?
7) “This is what did it? Burgers?” I get the impression Pearl is trying to hang what happened on just one event that started everything. Then again, it’s a fair point. If Greg had, say, been singing about the glory of war and nationalism in the way that hot-blooded youth stereotypically might, or even angsty nobody-understands-my-feelings hackneyed stuff, how would things have gone then? Was it only the fact that Greg’s schtick was Space and the Universe that drew Rose in, that first night? I wonder if that’s something Pearl wonders. Wonders why her own dreams of stars weren’t enough for Rose.
8) Oh god that is something they had and may yet have in common, isn’t it. The stars, and dreaming of flying off into them.
9) “She would have loved it.” Aside from Pearl continuing to break my heart, this bit is curious in a couple of ways. Greg is asking Pearl what Rose would have thought- and by his tone of voice, it is an actual question, not a rhetorical one. Greg and Rose were together for years and years, but Greg still will ask Pearl to confirm some things. (Then again. Human memory is not crystalline clear.) More interesting still, Pearl brings herself to answer honestly, if sadly.
10) After asking, Greg immediately looks like he kinda regrets it, like, ‘uh, oh, uh, maybe I shouldn’a done that, right, Pearl still can’t really. Talk to me, about this.’
11) ‘Don’t Cost Nothing’ is a wonderful song and I like it. Also. “You could buy a house and a car” oh Steven you’ve said what the whole fandom thought the moment the teasers and promos started rolling. “Or I could buy you all the finest courses online”, Greg, making with the realness here, that was just such a good line that’s just- it really places it in the modern day, and I kinda like it, dated like that, just a little.
12) The size of that van is occasionally rather odd seeming- does it shift a lot, do you think? I’mma keep an eye on that as I rewatch earlier episodes...
13) Pearl’s unamused expression as Greg and Steven burst in through the door of the house while Pearl is pacing (and presumably brooding). Actually, on that note, Pearl probably could have escaped a number of the things in this episode if she’d hid in her room after walking away from the van.
14) “Empire City!” “And let’s bring Pearl!” Steven did you just think of this plan on the fly, oh for the love of- I can’t not laugh, that was just a very sudden addition to that song that came rather out of left field.
15) Greg’s startled “What-!?” and Pearl’s rather more put together “I don’t know...” segueing into:
16) “I don’t know, past experiences have taught me that three’s a crowd.” Whoa there. That was, pointed. Think about this line for a moment, though... Was there some time in the past when Rose did try to bring both Pearl and Greg to a thing, trying to, I dunno, get them to get along over her, and it didn’t go well. Ah, jeez. And Pearl’s expression for the second half of this line looks like Unfond Memories(tm) and- I wouldn’t say exactly bitterness, because we’ve seen that in younger Pearl, but some blend of bitterness and dry distaste, something that comes with time.
17) “It’s be great! Just you, me, Pearl- and don’t forget Mom!” Steven you had to go and make it weird. You were starting to convince them, even with Pearl’s Skeptical Face(tm), and then you had to go and make it weird.
18) Le Hotel. What a very generic name for the hotel.
19) Greg when did you get those business cards printed out, or are they literally printer paper and ink as opposed to anything remotely professional. What am I saying they say Bazzzilionaire on them, professional is not what is happening here.
20) Pearl carrying the stuff in from the car- to avoid some of the super awkward while she could, maybe? Because like, she probably would not have brought stuff, so that’s Steven’s stuff, yeah, and Greg’s, in the suitcase. For that matter, Greg was on about the sights in Empire City, the things around to do, and then we cut to the hotel straight away- did they all three of them wander around and do other stuff for a bit before checking into the hotel?
21) Pearl looks super uncomfortable being carried like that though- is it a touching people thing, or a touching human people thing, or a touching stranger human people thing, or just that this whole situation is awkward in general and what even the fuck? Like, being sat at the dining table, you’ll notice the lines under her eyes- she looks really very upset in a shocked sort of way.
22) Pearl being like Greg what the fuck why are you on the table. And then rescuing that one plate.
23) Okay wait a second. When they were being carried out of the dining room, did... did they just bump Pearl’s head against the doorframe? Wait I’m rewatching that. Yes. Yes they did. They bumped a (once again very distressed looking) Pearl’s head against the top of the doorframe. There. There was even a *thunk* coconut sound effect. Why. Why. Okay that’s probably one of a hundred straws atop the camel’s back during this episode.
24) And a super crowded elevator with a contingent of singing strangers- yeesh. Uh. Who all somehow manage to get out before Greg and Steven and Pearl get to the penthouse, where yet more waitstaff are already set up?
25) I just noticed from the aerial view entering the room, but Pearl is literally crouched down and hiding behind Greg, peering out at everything.
26) Why. Would there be a waterslide. And like. A full pool? Is that a thing penthouses have?
27) Not to mention, when did they have the time during this montage to get the suits? Were they singing while they got the suits? How did they get Pearl a suit? Did they get her to sit for measurements, or did they just guess? How did they get her into the suit? (Well actually the answer to some of this is probably just Steven’s puppydog eyes.)
28) In the pool wearing the suits? Really?
29) Okay so I was feeling really odd throughout this whole episode about Pearl sort of being confronted with a weird parody of Old Homeworld, that which we presume was a sort of decadent empire, or at least the part that Pearl was made to be in, a fancy, made-to-order servant. I suspect some of that might be contributing to Pearl’s discomfort.
30) Pearl, just crouching by the water, trying to find inner peace in idleness by poking it. Relatable.
31) And she looks rather upset when they keep offering her food. Like, yeah, on top of a day like that, even thinking about food considering her distaste for it is probably... yeah.
32) I love when Pearl sort of just starts getting into the song, with the suit and the hat and the tap dancing. Like, she’s just starting to kinda chill, enjoying Steven being happy.
33) Also, it occurs to me, the fountains in Pearl’s room in the temple are probably set up similarly to the room from The Test or Rose’s/Steven’s room, like, the water and things flowing through the Temple are probably programmed in, some weird extra mystical something-or-other. Or the water is piped in and cleaned from literally the ocean right outside. As opposed to the waste of potable water, in an area with high population density as compared to water access, which what I presume (after considering it for a bit) that Pearl means by “wasteful”.
34) That slight against the barn though. “Unlike that termite ridden barn-” hah. And, it looks like we see that Pearl does indeed have her contribution to Sardonyx’s gestures and mannerisms.
35) “You’re having fun?” “More or less.” “So dance with me, just say-” “No!” Well that happened. I feel like that episode might not have come to quite such a head if Greg hadn’t tried the dancing thing- particularly, hadn’t just swung right in there and tried to pull Pearl into a dance. Like, if he’d asked and Pearl said no and Steven said please, Pearl might have been convinced into a short, careful dance (which, to be fair, might have ended as badly anyway). Also, the implied continuation of that line into the same “Just say yes” as Jasper’s is very interesting considering how the Crewniverse has been thusfar with parallels.
36) Pearl suddenly looks very, very tired. My suspicions lie with the idea that Greg’s attempt at a dance reminded her in that instant of both of their dances with Rose, and how it must have felt that Greg had taken all Rose’s dances away from Pearl, from the start and in the end.
37) Have to shoutout to the guy to was like, Boo, you ruined the song! because whoa dude chill. Also, so I guess in-universe the singing is very much a thing that is actually of the happening. I’m curious to what extent.
38) “Don’t worry about it kiddo. It’s always been this way.” Seriously, I’m curious how past interactions with Greg and Pearl have gone. Like, we see (and have seen in the past) that they can get along decently well in the present day. They certainly don’t devolve into squabbling. What led up to that, and what does Greg mean, exactly? That things can be going fine, swimmingly even, and then a small thing a word or a moment can suddenly chill the atmosphere, probably.
39) Please note that in the scene just before “It’s Over, Isn’t It?” when Pearl is walking toward Greg and Steven’s room, the state of that penthouse. That blasted golf game is on the flatscreen TV, over which there is strewn a sock, there’s a towel on the lampshade, and then in Greg’s and Steven’s room there are socks and pizza all over the place. I never quite understand how that ends up happening- like, in real life too, sometimes, I look away, and suddenly there’s food boxes and such everywhere.
40) Actually, wait, where did Pearl go, for the intervening time? Between her “No!” and her song? Did she, what, hang out in a different room, or on a balcony, or just go for a walk? I want to know this.
41) What is with the roses everywhere as furnishing, honestly, is this actually how hotels of the fancy kind have themselves set up? Or was this like, the one day of the month where the hotel has the fancy room set up with bouquets of roses?
42) Pearl looks in on Steven and Greg, and as she sighs, she smiles, a little. I just. I recognize that expression, okay, from the inside, same as the laugh at the end of Sworn to the Sword, the bittersweet happy that’s wrapped around sorrow that goes back, back, back.
43) And now for my exceedingly long line-by-line unpacking of my interpretation of “It’s Over, Isn’t it?”, prefaced by some comments.
Oh boy, this song, though. I’ve been listening to it on repeat since I heard it, tryin’ to sing it, just all sorts of Great Outpourings of Feelings(tm). There’s just so much nuance in this song, the way it’s sung and the way it was written and due credit to whoever played the instrumentals, it’s just. Amazing to me.
44) Okay, now, but after that. It’s Greg’s turn now to sound so very tired. It’s unsettling, the way we don’t see his face until the very end of this scene. It’s weird to think, actually- keeping turned away from things is, as far as I remember, not something we’ve ever seen Greg do. We never hear him sound defeated, either, and yet here....
45) And Pearl, calling out after him- it’s interesting, she’s so very far beyond the point she wants to hurt anyone with her grief. Maybe once she would have wanted to make Greg guilty, make him understand the hurt she was feeling, but now, she’s just. Tired. Done. Her quiet, “I shouldn’t have come along”...
46) Steven is starting more of his plans to fix things and people... It’ll be interesting to see him continue, but, at the moment, I’m rather just relieved this one didn’t go wrong on him. Because this could have gone really, really rather off.
47) Steven, glaring at both of them. I wonder, is that his determination face?
48) And really, in this case, Steven is very perceptive. It’s actually not so much a surprise, because these are two of the most important people in his life, and he’s seen their hurts, he’s seen a lot of this hurt in particular. More than any of the people-plans he’s ever had, he certainly does have the background for this one.
49) I’m curious, now, though. Pearl says “I don’t hate you” and the way she says it, that reads very true to me, but did she every? Hate Greg? And if so, when did she stop?
50) Them bonding a little over Rose and the things they both saw in her, saw of her, is wonderful and I want to see more of it.
51) And rounding it out with compassion and understanding and a dance, willingly held, is a good way to bring things around full circle to the start of this altercation, and, for that matter, the start of everything really.
52) Ending it in laughter was a nice touch too, although I now really wonder when the heck all the waitstaff reappeared, and how much of the goings on they took in. Because really, this was a microcosm of a lot of the Pearl-Greg heartbreak that Rose left behind, and it would I think have been fairly clear to a perceptive individual what was up. What I’m trying to say, is, I wonder if this scene brought any of the waitstaff to tears and secondhand heartbreak later.
53) Pearl looking at the bill as though she has limited scope about what exactly is up with this Earth-human-money and its value is entertaining- especially when she’s still chimes in to the reprise of “Don’t Cost Nothing/It’s Over Isn’t It”
54) For that matter, though, it’s interesting, her reaction to trying to improv lines. “Getting it wrong-” Pearl looked like she was really about to start freaking out a little there, before Greg chimed in the accompanying “-don’t cost nothing.” It’s interesting to wonder here, what sort of intersection that reaction is between it being just a Pearl-thing-that-she-does versus a product-of-Homeworld-and-the-Pearl’s-as-poised-servants thing.
55) Pearl and Greg talking at the end really cements the fact they have something of a new understanding. Like, I’m sure both of them have lingering issues about what’s happened that they won’t be sharing with one another, but, for the most part, I hope to see them moving forward.
Well, that was long. Lots of thoughts. More episodes to come! (Hopefully in a more timely manner.)
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samisadeangirl · 6 years
Why are you anti misha?
Not that it’s anyone else’s business (especially someone hiding behind Anon) why I like or dislike someone or something, but here are some reasons why I’ve decided I’m done with Misha Collins (in no particular order):
1.  He queerbaits his fans on a regular basis.  Everyone else associated with the show has repeatedly said that Destiew is not and never will be canon.  But because Misha needs his fans’ attention, he stirs them up with comments like at his panel this past weekend at SeaCon.  What’s worse is he often tries to drag Jensen into his fans’ crazy, knowing that they’ll harass Jensen over their damn ship as a result.
2. He often makes very inappropriate “jokes” (roofie comment, slave comment, sexual innuendos towards J2′s wives, sexual comments about underage fans, etc.) and expects his fans to laugh them off, yet makes no attempt to control the same fans when they attack others, particularly Jared, for the slightest supposed infraction.
3. He’s frequently rude to his co-workers, especially J2.  He knows that Jensen doesn’t like Destiew and its crazy fans and yet constantly makes Destiew-related comments at Jensen’s expense (see point 1).  There’s when he tried to forcibly shove Jensen’s face into his crotch despite Jensen’s protests on the S8 gag reel, posted a suggestive photo manip of a young Jensen, grabbed the crotch of a Dean cutout at a con, or made other suggestive comments about him.  Then there’s his frequent rude comments to Jared, including about his genitalia, and stealing his credit card to send him a sex toy.  A lot of this is behavior that easily would’ve earned him sexual harassment charges if J2 were women.
3.  He insults the show that pays him and without which he wouldn’t be anything.  He’s accused the writers of misogyny, given one of the showrunners the finger, and blames his lack of other roles on the show (despite other actors on the show having no problem moving on to good roles, like JDM, Lauren Cohan, Sterling K. Brown, etc.).
4. He tries to act like he’s a lead on the show–asking for more money at cons, dinners, etc., complaining when he’s not included in articles, magazine covers, etc., expecting to not have to audition for roles, acting like he’s responsible for the show’s popularity–and encourages his fans to think he is.  But the truth is that he has never been a lead and doesn’t deserve the same level of recognition as J2–he appears on half or less of the episodes in every season, he has little to no effect on the show’s ratings, his convention merchandise (calendars, photo ops, etc.) doesn’t sell anymore, and his Q Rating, which is used to determine how well-known or popular an actor, show, product, etc. is, dropped so low that it hasn’t been measured since S8 (the scores aren’t measured once they drop below a certain threshold).  Given all that, his behavior is either arrogant and entitled or desperate and jealous.
5. He takes advantage of his friendship with Robert Singer to stay on the show.  His character should’ve been written off years ago–Castiel is no longer interesting, shows no growth, keeps making the same stupid mistakes, and hasn’t had a decent storyline in ages (despite TPTB’s attempts to keep him relevant by doing things like bringing Lucifer back in S11).  On top of that, Misha’s acting has deteriorated to the point that he’s just dialing it in now.  Factor in all the inappropriate behavior mentioned before, and he should’ve been fired long ago.
6. His behavior at conventions is questionable.  He curses and makes sexual comments despite knowing that there are many underage fans in the audience.  He’s often dismissive and/or rude to fans, which I can attest to from my own convention experience.  Also from my own experience, he often wastes more time during his panel talking to his friend Darius (who is not associated with SPN at all and shouldn’t be on stage) than answering fan questions.  Given how much these conventions cost to attend, this is beyond rude and frustrating.
7.  He’s lied about his past to gain attention and sympathy.  He’s claimed that he was homeless at one point as a young child, yet his family could afford to send him to expensive private schools from elementary through college.  He lied about being mugged and then backpedaled when he couldn’t produce a police report or other proof.
8.  His “political” presence on social media is disingenuous at best.  He seems to only post about issues when they’re trendy, like his anti-NRA tweets after the recent school shooting.  And he only criticizes without offering solutions.  Yet his fans act like he deserves to run for President.
9.  Even some of his charitable work is suspect.  YANA is basically a copycat of AKF to try to draw attention away from Jared, had to bribe people to get them involved, and only 10% of the net profit goes to charity (and he apparently tried to blame Jensen for inappropriate videos made for it).  For GISHWHES, he harasses celebrities to try to get them to participate and encourages his fans to do the same, tells fans things like it’s more important than school, and includes things like getting pornographic pictures of his fans (many of whom are minors)–that are worth more than the charitable items–on the list of activities.
I hope this is a long and thorough enough list to “justify” my distaste for the man (I don’t hate him because he’s not worth that much effort).  And please don’t try to excuse his comments as “just a joke.”  This level of inappropriate behavior on such a regular basis is no longer simply humor, any more than a bully repeatedly picking on someone is “just having fun.”
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
May 21, 1950
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“Mrs. Cooper Thinks Liz is Pregnant” is episode #89 of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on May 21, 1950.
Synopsis ~ Liz tells George's mother that she's ill so the older Mrs. Cooper won't try to come to Liz's bridge game, but George's Mother thinks Liz is really pregnant, and tells all of Liz's friends what she thinks.
Note: Despite the word ‘pregnant’ being in the title, it is never spoken aloud in the episode. This was also true of the “I Love Lucy” episode, “Pregnant Women are Unpredictable” (ILL S2;E11).  CBS censors found the word distasteful, but titles were originally used only for internal use. Unlike Lucy Ricardo, Liz Cooper never had children - that we know of!  
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benadaret was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Gale Gordon (Rudolph Atterbury) had worked with Lucille Ball on “The Wonder Show” on radio in 1938. One of the front-runners to play Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy,” he eventually played Alvin Littlefield, owner of the Tropicana, during two episodes in 1952. After playing a Judge in an episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” in 1958, he would re-team with Lucy for all of her subsequent series’: as Theodore J. Mooney in ”The Lucy Show”; as Harrison Otis Carter in “Here’s Lucy”; and as Curtis McGibbon on “Life with Lucy.” Gordon died in 1995 at the age of 89.
Bea Benadaret (Iris Atterbury) was considered the front-runner to be cast as Ethel Mertz but when “I Love Lucy” was ready to start production she was already playing a similar role on TV’s “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show” so Vivian Vance was cast instead. On “I Love Lucy” she was cast as Lucy Ricardo’s spinster neighbor, Miss Lewis, in “Lucy Plays Cupid” (ILL S1;E15) in early 1952. Later, she was a success in her own show, “Petticoat Junction” as Shady Rest Hotel proprietress Kate Bradley. She starred in the series until her death in 1968.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz (above right), a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
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Eleanor Audley (Letitia Cooper, George’s Mother) was born Eleanor Zellman in Newark, New Jersey. Audley was a New York born actress who performed in eight Broadway plays between 1926 and 1944. On radio, she appeared in several episodes of Lucille Ball’s “My Favorite Husband,” such as “The Mother-in-Law” (1949), “George is Messy” (1950),  “Dinner for 12″ (1950), and “The Two Mothers-in-Law” (1951), in which she plays George’s mother, Letitia Cooper.   Audley was first seen with Lucille Ball as Mrs. Spaulding, the first owner of the Ricardo’s Westport home in “Lucy Wants to Move to the Country” (ILL S6;E15).  She returned to “I Love Lucy” to play one of the garden club judges in “Lucy Raises Tulips” (ILL S6;E26) in April 1957.  Audley appeared one last time with Lucille Ball in a “Lucy Saves Milton Berle” (TLS S4;E13) in 1965. She played a society reporter named Eleanor.  She is probably best known, however, as the voice of two of Disney’s most memorable animated villainesses: Lady Tremaine, the wicked stepmother in Cinderella (1950); and the evil Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty (1959). She served as the physical model for both characters.
ANNOUNCER: “As we look in on the Coopers today, its late afternoon, and George Cooper is just coming home from the bank.”
George greets Liz with a kiss. He tells her that he had lunch with his mother.  She wants Liz to go shopping with her tomorrow afternoon. Liz has a bridge luncheon. Now that mother Cooper knows about it, she’s sure to want to attend.  Liz says she always describes herself as a ‘spare’ if anyone drops out.  Liz complains that she picks all the pecans out of the mixed nuts. 
LIZ: “If she brings any more of that cheese spread she makes, we’ll all drop out.” 
Liz is having two tables of bridge and nine would be a crowd.  Just then Mother Cooper (Elizabeth Audley) telephones.
LIZ: “Well, the pecan picker didn’t waste any time.” 
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Mother tells George she wants to speak to Liz. The conversation is awkward. Mother isn’t asking, and Liz isn’t offering.  Mother coyly asks Liz what she’s doing tomorrow. 
LIZ: “Two o’clock and bring your own pecans.” 
Mother has already made the cheese spread.  They hang up the phone. 
LIz tells Katie that tomorrow she will be too sick to have breakfast.  And too sick to have the bridge luncheon. Katie is concerned but Liz says it is all a ruse to get George’s mother not to attend her bridge party.  Katie wonders what ailment she she have?  Liz suggests something with a Camille-like cough.  
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Camille is a 1936 MGM film based on the 1848 novel and 1852 play La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is about a woman (Greta Garbo in the film) dying from consumption, a wasting disease that caused the coughing up of blood. The film starred Greta Garbo, Robert Taylor, and Lionel Barrymore. In “The Dancing Star” (ILL S4;E27) during the song "How About You?” Van Johnson sings about “Greta Garbo’s looks” to which Lucy ad libs “Did you see ‘Camille’?”  In “Lucy Gets Into Pictures” (ILL S4;E19), Ricky tells the director “She thinks she’s playing Camille. She’s been practicing dying all day long!”  
George is alarmed that Liz is ill on the day of her bridge luncheon. George agrees to phone his mother and tell her it’s off.  Liz celebrates her award-winning performance by telling Katie to fix her a big breakfast. George returns with good news: Mother Cooper is coming over to be her nurse! 
LIZ: “Aaaargh!  I just had a relapse!” 
End of Part One
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Announcer Bob LeMond provides a recipe for Raspberry Snow, using Raspberry Jell-O, a warm-weather dessert!  
ANNOUNCER: “As we return to the Coopers, we find that Liz’s pretended illness has hit a snag. A snag called Mother Cooper.  George is just leaving for the bank.”
When George is finally gone, Katie serves Liz the big breakfast she ordered. She says the toast and warm milk George insisted she eat was terrible. 
KATIE: “I’ve never had warm milk and toast. How does it taste?” LIZ: “Like hot cotton and white shoe polish.” 
Before she can even tuck in the doorbell rings. Katie admits Mother Cooper.  Liz wants her not to worry - just to go home, but Mother Cooper insists on nursing Liz back to health. 
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It becomes clear that Mother Cooper is on to Liz’s deception; strange pains and queasy in the morning.  She reminds Liz that she was a mother once herself and takes to calling herself Grandma. Liz insists it is not what Mother Cooper thinks it is.  
The phone rings and Mother answers it - it is Iris Atterbury. Mother can’t keep it to herself and tells Iris that the Cooper house is soon to hear the patter of little feet!  Iris won’t believe Liz’s story about a cold.
IRIS: “What do you want? A boy cold or a girl cold? I know how much you and George have always wanted a cold.”
Liz asks her to tell all the girls that the bridge party is off. Iris promises she will tell all the girls but doesn’t say about what. After she hangs up with Iris, Mother Cooper promises to keep her well fed
MOTHER: “After all, you’re eating for two now!” LIZ: “Two? I haven’t even been able to eat for one!” 
Mother Cooper rushes off to prepare her a big breakfast - of toast and warm milk. 
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At the bank, Mr. Atterbury calls George into his office and offers him a cigar. 
MR. ATTERBURY: “Congratulations, boy!  It isn’t every day you become a father.”
He says that Liz told Iris a few moments ago.  George is astonished!
GEORGE: “I’d better call Liz.” MR. ATTERBURY: “She knows about it.”
George is completely flustered by the news. Mr. Atterbury says that a raise might be in store. He says that they are going to take the afternoon off and go see Liz. On the way, they’ll stop and get the ‘boy’ some toys: A baseball bat, some boxing gloves, an air rifle, and a chemistry set.
Back at the Cooper home, Liz begs mother to go home - she’ll be fine. 
MOTHER COOPER: “What are you going to call the baby?” LIZ: “Virus.”
Mother Cooper implies that she might name a girl after her, but Liz says she’d never name a child Budinsky Cooper. Iris bursts in just as Liz is about to tell Mother Cooper the truth. George and Mr. Atterbury burst in as well, both congratulating Liz. 
LIZ: “What did they put this in? Skywriting?”
When Liz hears about the raise - she bursts into tears. Mr. Atterbury decides to raise it to $100 a month! More tears!
MOTHER COOPER: “I’m going to be a Grandmother!” MR. ATTERBURY: “I’m going to be a Godfather!” IRIS: “I’m going to be a Godmother!” GEORGE: “I’m going to be a Father!” LIZ: “I’ll pass.”
Liz tells them they will have a long time to wait. Mr. Atterbury is going to put the $100 in the bank under the baby’s name. George says his baby will be worth hundreds!  Liz says it might be thousands!
LIZ: “In fact George, don’t be surprised if I give birth to a millionaire!” 
End of Episode
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In the Jell-O tag, Lucille is Honest Abe Foghorn, a blustery politician, and Bob LeMond is a reporter interviewing him. Foghorn promises a chicken in every pot and a box of Jell-O in every cupboard!  
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Herbert Hoover’s 1928 campaign slogan “A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage” was satirized in “Lucy Goes Into Politics” (TLS S2;E25) in March 1964 when Mr. Mooney runs for Danfield Comptroller as “A Chicken in Every Pot and a Mooney in Every Garage!”  
Foghorn tells everyone to go to the polls and vote for Jell-O pudding. 
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
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FLASH REPORT THIS MORNING: Gou is now breaking up his Pokémon with Raboot, upon focusing some PokéResearch by himself
LITTLEROOT, HOENN -- A distasteful controversial episode from this Sunday night (Japan local time) on Pokémon: The SERIES (Season 23) - Sword & Shield: Journeys... The relationship friend between Raboot & Gou, will be separated permanently effectively starting today by next morning.
Haruko Haruhara (Radyo Patrol #41 reporter of [adult swim] News, a subsidiary affiliate of ONC) told OneNETnews, Gou was completely ignoring his Raboot (after it's evolving from Scorbunny) unless... He is really focusing some PokéResearch in his hometown to Vermilion City in Kanto.
Our sister YouTube affiliate "Crasher Plays & Reacts", it's a shocking bad end for his final decision to leave a Pokémon behind.
Some netizens of KissAnime & Twitter, was usually a mixed reaction that night:
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Say what you want about Ash releasing his Pokemon but at least he says goodbye to them #anipoke pic.twitter.com/w97wQsZUvX
— Neil ⚔️🛡️ (@Arkeus88) April 19, 2020
He thinks less of himself that he believes Raboot will be happier without him. This fits Go's character up to this point as he's painted as a person with a confident persona to make up for his self-doubt. The moment he sees Raboot smiling was HEARTBREAKING. #AniPoke pic.twitter.com/iUWrZtkTUI
— 108 Kitties 🌈 #ThankYouAnipoke (@108Kitties) April 20, 2020
The episode genuinely had me thinking Go might not be able to go back for Raboot and it would end on a cliffhanger. I found myself sighing with relief when Raboot opened the door and Go eating the apple was a soothing release from that heightened drama. #anipoke pic.twitter.com/KgrglcBB1c
— 108 Kitties 🌈 #ThankYouAnipoke (@108Kitties) April 20, 2020
It is unfortunate to let his Pokémon go for it's Raboot here in Littleroot town. He temporarily skips almost everything upon continuing some PokéResearch in the present.
Gou was attempting to ask out to give the apples but... Raboot was declined and hate each other in a tsundere way. "Raboot, I don't get you! I don't know why, but you've been acting like this ever since you evolved! You don't follow my lead, high-five me and even look me in the eyes!" He questioned in to Raboot... "Do you hate me that much?"
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Her Apple vendor speaks out with Gou, along with a short advice... "I think your Raboot is in your rebellious phase. Acting all cold and distant everyday, and never being happy with anything you do... You just have to give it time. It just happens at that age."
The following night in Littleroot town, there will be a private dance battle for Pokémon between Raboot & Loudred. Gou & Ash is on the scene to help them to finish a medium-rare event. And sadly the next morning afterwards... He is finally leaving to Raboot for now.
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Gou breaks his silence to Ash Ketchum for a final decision, "I left it behind. But this is for the best. You know how Raboot has seemed so bored lately, yeah? It wasn't because of some rebellious phase... I'm sure it was all my fault. I think it'll have a happier life without me."
Haruko was spoked to Officer Jenny at the Littleroot Police Department by leaving his Raboot from Gou in Japanese dialect... "A concerned citizen known for Ash Ketchum, was filing a report to remove a Pokémon called Raboot. This resulted possibly on his mental health, based by his final decision today." Jenny was suggested to Ash Ketchum for Gou... "I can take action from yours truly however. I'll handle the paperwork for a serious arrest warrant with Gou, when he is arrived via the Train and it will be detained by court until then."
Officer Jenny was suggested in the United States and the Philippine laws, he is now violated with the Title 42: U.S. Code #9501 - Section H & K and Republic Act #11036 or The Mental Health Act of 2017: Section 4e, 4j & 4r. He'll be sentenced from 6 months to 2 years in Prison with the revocation of a student school in Vermilion City himself. He is now suspended for studying & researching until further notice and judged by the Kanto Juvenile Court.
That said, it is too late to apologize for Raboot to Gou... upon lacking of training and fighting ability of the day. This controversial episode, will ruin his life straight away.
SOURCE: *https://disqus.com/by/Sparky111000 *https://disqus.com/by/disqus_N7pY8HziVz *https://newskei.net/?p=14584 *https://serebii.net/news/2020/19-April-2020.shtml *https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Littleroot_Town *https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Raboot_(Pok%C3%A9mon) *https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Goh *https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cerise_Laboratory *https://albumizr.com/a/-JVr
SEVERE HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this news article are not those from the Nintendo of America, Oriental Light and Magic Inc., The Pokémon Company and JOTX-TV 7: TV Tokyo. It does not imitate this controversial suspect in any matter. Furthermore, the assumptions of this news report will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading!
-- OneNETnews Team
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Title: Inversion
Series: Hannibal (TV/Novel Hybrid)
Rating: Everyone
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11994324
Pairing: Clarice Starling/Hannibal Lecter
Summary: Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter role reversal AU. Takes place in Hannibal TV verse after season 1 episode 5. Right now it's a oneshot, but I might write more stories in this verse later.
Serial murderer Clarice Starling, once a shining star of the FBI, is now imprisoned in the Baltimore Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
In the dreary gray of the basement of the Baltimore Hospital for the Criminally Insane, Hannibal Lecter found himself across a startling pretty and intelligent young woman.
Death Angel Clarice Starling, the tabloids called her.
Clarice Starling, convicted murderer of 7, and killer of serial murderer Jame Gumb, known by the public as Buffalo Bill. That was only counting the ones that the FBI knew of.
Up until her incarceration, Clarice had been a brilliant agent at the FBI. Her teachers constantly scored her at the upper tier of the top 5% in all areas. Her discovery and murder of the high profile serial killer was just a cherry on top. She was the lioness to Will Graham’s hound in Jack Crawford’s pack.
It was this same lauded intellect and ability that allowed her to go uncaptured for years. Although Hannibal had long wished to interview her, his motive for his visit today was...a little more personal.
An orderly offered to take Hannibal’s coat when he entered the front office, which he politely declined. The man mentioned that the director was out at the moment, but would be back very soon and let him into the hospital director’s office.
Hannibal was left standing in the middle of the office and gave only a cursory glance at the gold plaque reading “Dr. Fredrick Chilton”.
The director’s office of the hospital was a room furnished considerably in contrast to the bleak grays and greens of the mental institution. On the wall hung many academic achievements in their ornate frames and waxy parchment, lauding the director with many degrees and accomplishments. This too, Hannibal only spent a few seconds glancing through.
The door behind him creaked. The same orderly from the front office opened the door for in a small, short man with oily hair that reminded Hannibal of a certain pigment secreted by the gall bladder.
“Are you Hannibal Lecter?”
“Dr. Hannibal Lecter.”
“I’m Dr. Fredrick Chilton, director of this hospital.”
Although the man emphasized on the doctor, in the short five minutes Hannibal spent conversing with Chilton in his tasteless office, he learned that the man had no medical degree at all.
“I can see why they sent you,” Chilton tugged his cuffs, his beady eyes narrowing at Hannibal’s tailored designer suit. “Starling rarely gets to see anyone so put together, not in this place. I’d rather not go down myself, you see.”
Hannibal only gave the man a nod. “I’m certain you have your reasons.”
“Indeed I do, she’s a terribly disturbed woman. You wouldn’t expect it, not from such a pretty face. But it’s so rare to get my hands on someone like her, alive. A female serial killer.” Chilton beamed. He reminded Hannibal of a schoolyard boy showing off a prized possession - odious. “She’s housed in the basement ward, where the worst go, under maximum security.
Chilton opened the door to his office, leading Hannibal down the hall to where they would take an elevator down to the lower level, his chatter never stopping as he spoke of all of his cases in the hospital basement.
Hannibal had little interest in Chilton’s collection quest of the vile and sick. Upon exiting the office, his fingers skillfully picked a business card off of the large wooden desk and whisked it into his suit pocket in one fluid motion; Chilton none the wiser.
The heavy steel of the gates lowered, making a clattering noise upon contact with the cement floor. Hannibal turned to face Chilton as they reached the basement cells that held the hospital’s more infamous inmates. “Thank you Dr. Chilton. However, I believe it would be best if I faced Miss Starling by myself.”
Chilton stiffened for a moment, before amicably holding out his hand. “You should have told me earlier, I would have sent you with an orderly.”
Hannibal knew, much to his distaste, that the slick shine of the man’s hand was from lanolin. He grasped it for a moment, holding it only as long as society dictated acceptable.
The moment Chilton turned around, Hannibal unfurled his handkerchief from inside his jacket, wiping off the oil in a practiced motion. He then carefully folded the handkerchief and placed it in his pocket opposite to Chilton’s business card.
At the door to the basement stood a different orderly and a prison guard. A nametag with Eric printed on it, gleamed in the fluorescent light of the ceiling lamps of the orderly’s work uniform. Chilton had sent a message ahead of time, thankfully, and Eric was waiting to let Hannibal in.
“Walk straight in the middle.” Eric instructed, his voice reedy in the cool air. He led Hannibal down the hall, the prison guard bringing up the rear. The basement’s ambient atmosphere, contributed partially by the lights within the cells, cast a dim blue against the cement and glass. “They’ll shout and scream as you walk by, it’s nothing personal. The cell you’re looking for is at the end, to the left. Don’t hand her any pens, she has her own. Make sure any paper you hand her is free of any metal. Don’t go near the glass, don’t touch the glass, or we will have to escort you out of here by force. Do you think you’ll need a chair?”
Hannibal appreciated the man’s courtesy and affirmed that he, indeed, would require a chair. Eric walked to one of the lockers at the end and pulled out a folding chair.
As he took a seat, Hannibal observed Clarice in her cell. She kept her back turned to him as she occupied herself with a magazine, seemingly unaware of his arrival. Books, periodicals, and newspapers were piled on the edge of the desk bolted to the wall, as well as the head of the sleeping cot. Mail was scattered to the corner, an afterthought.
The thick partition of solid glass that separated the woman from Hannibal reminded him of a specimen box for insects. Clarice’s fiery hair, incapable of being dulled by the atmosphere of the prison, shimmered like the vibrant color of butterfly scales.
He sat there, for a moment, observing her. When it became clear that Clarice had no intention of acknowledging his arrival, he spoke up. It was quieter at this side of the ward, carrying his words clearly.
“Hello Clarice Starling, I am Doctor Hannibal Lecter, may I speak with you?”
The woman smoothly closed the magazine in her hand and set it down, next to the letters and books. With a practiced twist, she turned to face him, her arms and legs crossing. Clarice Starling sat as if she were in her office at Quantico instead of in a tiny harshly lit supermax unit.
“Hello. Dr. Lecter.” There was a slight ghost of Clarice’s southern accent in those words, dripping a barely concealed amusement in the way she spoke his name. Her stare seemed to weigh him from the other side of the glass, glinting with a great intellect. “Are you here to poke around my head like everyone else?”
“Only if you wish me to, Clarice Starling.” Hannibal kept their gazes locked, speaking her name softly.
Clarice tilted her head.
“If you're not here to deconstruct me, then what are you here for?”
“My own interests and personal research. I read your paper in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Clarice, it is brilliantly written.”
A snort. Clarice leaned back, her hand brushing her vibrant hair back casually. “I’m amazed, Doctor. Exactly how much research have you done on me already?”
“Not much. I’d very much prefer to speak with the genuine person."
Silence. Then Clarice began to tap her fingers, as if thinking. “Personal is it? Dr. Lecter, what reason do I have for answering any of your questions?”
This time, Hannibal graced Clarice with a small curve of his mouth. “If you so happen to wish for a fairer method, perhaps we could do a quid pro quo, Clarice?”
The silence returned, and they sat in mutual solitude. Clarice pondered for a moment, her tapping resuming. Next to her, lay the last month’s copy of Vogue.
“You tell me something and I tell you something. But Doctor, what do you have to offer me?”
There it was. Hannibal kept his eye contact with Clarice and spoke in a measured tone.
“I may be able to bring in Will Graham for a visit, Clarice.”
Clarice pursed her lips, as if she found the idea unappealing.
“And how would you be able to do just that, Dr. Hannibal Lecter?”
“He is my patient, unofficially. Some more recent cases have...upset him. I thought, since he has mentioned you before, that it might help him to center himself to see you.”
Clarice leaned back again, staring at her fingers. She seemed to ponder the offer for a moment.
“Dr. Lecter. Are you aware that the man who put me here was Will Graham? What makes you think that I would have any motive to help him?”
“Because, Clarice, you were the one who surrendered yourself to him.”
Clarice exhaled through her nose and wrapped her arms around herself. That was the one detail that both she and Will had left out during her surrender, left out during all of the court trials. “How is Will?”
Pleased, the curve once again graced Hannibal’s thin lips.
“Not in the best shape, unfortunately. Crawford has chosen to involve him once more in his quest for righteous justice.”
Clarice furrowed her brows. Her last face-to-face talk with Will had been after her prosecution. At that time, Will told her that he chose to formally retire from fieldwork, wishing to focus on teaching at the academy. Did Jack attempt to replace her spot as Will’s anchor with this man in front of her?
How quickly does faith slip away, how weak is the material that trust is made of. Gratitude, as Crawford liked to say, had a short half life.
“I see. Your turn.”
“Why do you kill, Clarice?”
Silence. Then the tentative shift of Clarice’s body as she straightened her posture. “Dr. Lecter, I cannot fathom why you would ask that question.”
“Why do you think I wouldn’t?”
“I am sure my motives have been thoroughly examined and analyzed by the press and scholarly journals. Journals, I am quite sure, that you read.”
“They only talk of simple minded speculation. I doubt, Clarice, that your reasons are as banal as ‘man hating’.”
“What makes you think I don’t hate men?”
“You certainly don’t hate Will. You tolerate Jack Crawford.”
Silence again.
“You’re right. I don’t.” Clarice laced her fingers together. “I do it to silence the screams.”
“What screams, Clarice?”
“The lambs.”
“Why lambs?”
“What case is Will working on right now?”
“He just finished with the Angelmaker. Jack has, for once, allowed him a moment of peace before plunging him head first into another gruesome case.”
“The lambs are from my childhood. My mother sent me to live with my aunt whose husband owned a slaughter barn. Do you think you could tell Will to stop, Dr. Lecter?”
“I believe Crawford already offered him that option. He refused.”
“That-” Clarice stopped herself, her laced hands clenching in anger, as if offering prayer. She grasped that anger, tamping it down with great willpower and used its edge to clear her mind. “I apologize for that, Doctor. Your question?”
“Why did your mother send you to live with your aunt?”
“My father died and there was too many mouths to feed. There’s only so much you can do on a high school education. What was the first case Crawford dragged Will into?”
“A missing girls case. He believed they were being murdered, but lacked evidence.”
“And so he sought out Will Graham, thinking he could find the murderer even with the lack of evidence. How did that turn out?”
There was a pause - one final time - as their conversation reached its end. Without looking away, never looking away, Hannibal asked one more question.
“What, Clarice, was the memory that led to the screaming of the lambs?”
Like a thin stream, Clarice’s voice quietly slid through the glass partition, through the small holes in the barrier.
Any person other than Hannibal would have had to struggle to hear.
“When I came to the farm, I was happy. I’d always loved animals and my aunt’s family treated me well.”
“You were happy, Clarice. Until you learned they fed out animals for slaughter.”
“Yes. The farm mainly fed out slaughter horses, although they did other animals depending on the season. All of the horses on the farm were either sick or lame. I hadn’t realized it at the time.
“I became attached to a blind mare. None of the slaughter horses on the barn had names. They don’t tell you when you’re feeding them out, so I called her Hannah.”
“What happened to the horse, Clarice?”
“We ran away. It was summer, we could sleep out.”
“Did you lead her or ride her?”
“A little of both. I had to guide her to a fence for me to climb on to ride her. We rode out to a livery stable outside of town. For 20$ a week, I could keep Hannah in the corral. There was enough on me to pay for it but the owner’s wife called the sheriff on me.”
“What happened after?”
“My aunt decided to let me go. They sent me to a Lutheran orphanage after.”
“Did they slaughter Hannah?”
“No, she went with me. The orphanage was on a farm, they let her plow the garden.”
“Why did you run away with the horse?”
“They were going to kill her.”
“Did you know when?”
“No, but she was getting fat.”
“At what time did you set off with Hannah?”
“Early, it was still dark.”
“Something woke you.”
“Screaming. The walls on the farm were pretty bad at keeping sound out and I woke to screaming in the dark. They were slaughtering the spring lambs.”
“And this prompted you to run away.” He spoke it as if it were a fact and not a presumption. It irked her, but Clarice found herself unable to rebut his statement.
“Yet you still hear them. Are they in your dreams, Clarice? Or do you hear them even when you are awake?”
“Dreams, mostly.”
“Sometimes I hear them even after I wake up, even though they couldn’t possibly be real.”
“And does killing stop these screams?”
“Depends. If it’s just killing, no. They stop when I save someone.”
“And then you’re free, for a time. But later you find that you must do it again, to make them stop.”
Hannibal leaned back, his face still with calm and at peace. Clarice, given time to ponder, wondered what this man wanted. He held no notepad, nor did he ever break eye contact with her. He seemed too proper to wear a wire and Clarice could not see anything on him that would suggest such an instrument. He didn’t even seem to carry a briefcase.
“Thank you, Clarice.” There was warmth in the thank you that had not been present in their earlier conversation. A good-humored crinkle appeared at the edge of his eyes. A genuine smile. “I will be sure to bring Will next time.”
Clarice watched from her side of the glass. Watched as Hannibal stood and gestured to Eric. Watched, as he gave her one last look as the guard led him away. Watched long after the doctor’s silhouette vanished from the hellish basement ward of the Baltimore’s Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
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