#like fuck dude
vanpalmr · 1 year
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YELLOWJACKETS | 1.03 | 2.07 |
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tanjir0se · 2 months
Ok another thing that stands out to me in ATLA is the s3 episode The Beach. Zuko is sitting on the porch of their family’s vacation home. Azula invites him down to the beach. He responds, holding a childhood memento, that their vacations there feel so long ago. Azula responds by repeating her invitation and saying: “come on. This place is depressing.”
Like. Pretty much up until that point, the audience has never considered her human side. She agrees with her father and follows his every command. Why would memories of him be “depressing?” This moment makes the viewer realize: she grew up in that house, too. She grew up in that palace, too. On some level, just for a moment, she knows how fucked up it is.
That moment fucks me up because it’s the first time they’ve actually felt like siblings. Like, siblings that went through the same horrible abuse at the hands of the same person. There’s no twist to her invitation down to the beach to get away from the memories. That might be the only time in the entire show she does something genuinely nice to him, for no ulterior self-serving purpose.
For a brief moment Azula can admit what the viewer, what Zuko has known all along. All those memories of their family’s happiest times are collecting dust in an abandoned home that now is only meaningful as firewood:
Is fucking depressing.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 2 months
Why are u giving me a tag we’re not friends 😭 just bc I’m nice doesn’t mean we’re like best friends or anything
ok i had a whole paragraph typed out but honestly this just tires me out. i think u can be sure it wont happen again now that i know who u are lol
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ha-youwish · 14 days
this video basically explains why i’ve been more visibly black lately on tumblr.
like tumblr is not only extremely white its also very liberal aka white people who say “sorry poc people for being white” (and yes i said poc people like that bc that’s literally what yall sound like. people of color people, really?)
i dont know how to explain it in a better way that he does in the video, so i’m gonna add on to what it says with something ive been thinking about.
at first i wanted to give people space or comfort them when they realized racism was bad or whatever. but also i am so tired and frustrated seeing white liberal people say the most obnoxious shit with their full chest like with the conversation about rap a little bit ago. AND every time my “learn how to draw black people or die” post gets more notes it becomes an exercise in self restraint
like i get the effort and on some level i appreciate it. but if the second i express my frustration with this whole “i’m so self aware that i dont have any awareness of this thing guys look at me give me points” thing and you get mad at me for that? you look goofy. you look dumb to me and every other black person on this site. idgaf if youre not white if you arent black and you pull this shit you have the same underlying mindset and should check yourself
dont be mad at me because i dont want to be your teacher. dont be mad at me because i dont want to aunt jemaima you into unlearning your biases. dont be mad because i dont want to hold the hand of a you being a little white baby
being black on this site feels like standing on a rocking chair. i feel unbalanced, like i can’t criticize people even when they fuck up because they not technically racist. do you know how much i have to hold back when a white person tells me about the time they “found out about racism”? youre so fucking lucky i want to strangle you but im not because youre a good person, because youre “listening and learning” and typing in all caps on the internet about how fucked up the world is
tumblr is what you get when theres a bunch of leftist white people in one space, a bunch of people who are aware of social issues but dont know how to not make shit about them and always take shit personally. you all sound like my ex roommate who grew up mormon but lived in the gay dorms with me. you sound like the soccer team i was on who heard me make a joke about my skin color and laughed so hard and paraded me around to tell the joke to everyone else at the party.
fuck this idk how to end this post. you guys just sound fucking stupid
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gh0stn3lius · 1 year
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Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, SAME AS IT EVER WAS
Progress shots
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I think about this music video at least once a week
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thatsmolmusicnerd · 1 year
So ik all of this is loreeeee and it’s roleplayyyy but watching cellbits pov actually fucking hurts. Like watching him talk to people and then mute and just rant for a full minute in fast Portuguese and then take a really deep breath and then fixing his face back to being neutral and THEN unmute,,,, dude.
This double agent shit is pulling on my < hiding true emotions for years > heartstrings
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organiccats · 8 months
“Killing must feel good to god too, he does it all the time. And are we not made in his image?” are you FUCKING kidding me why is this line so 👌
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liquidgxldhoney · 2 months
Am I about to have to make this a men dni blog bc oh Wow. The amount of gross/unwarranted comments I’m getting today is truly alarming. Leave me alone.
Says in the bio: Not Interested.
Yes that applies to All of you.
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ranty personal talk or wtv, no trigger warnings besides maybe insects but just talking yk :)
I think the funniest part about human life is how much the little details can affect something.
I like what I do now yes, both for my job and what I've dedicated most of my life to studying for in school or otherwise.
I do tech stuff for game design for clarification, but i wanted to study entomology.
Do zoology for insects and stuff simply because I loved bugs as a kid y'know? Yet was never able to truly do those things. As unlike tech, entomology, surprisingly, wasn't really rising to popularity anytime soon. Or at least to the rates at which technology was? Leading to most schools in my area just completely removing the option altogether, literally way before I was born.
And yeah while I do love designing video games and making art, I wonder what would've been different if given the options I wasn't given before sometimes.
I study insects for different reasons now, as I incorporate them into my art and games as characters or background inspirations. Create things with them in mind sometimes. But it isn't really solely focused on the insects themselves, moreso the idea of them.
I have a love for arthropods yet its almost always going to be something long distanced. As without certification or experience, my chances are pretty low for a genuine job. So for now I do my best efforts to just find peace in studying them from afar.
Ironically, I've taken marine science classes as they were the closest to genuine entomology classes. But not fully? They were in the same families as some insects or arachnids but not exactly full bug study.
But I mean hey, I probably would've never gotten into the electric guitar without the help of tech and gaming so that worked out. Love doing that honestly lmao
I think my longest obsession was insects though, have always liked them or drew them in art classes or just in my freetime.
Idk maybe people like them as much as I do so I'll post some of the ones I still have :D (they're pretty old now though sorry)
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These included with also fictional bugs/ bug based characters and creatures that I drew all the time
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Like these don't even account for the multitudes of Scarab fanart I've made, simply because he's based off a beetle
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clownoverrat · 3 months
I think the hardest part of being autistic is knowing that there's a reason why everyone treats you differently your entire life. Everyone separates themselves from you when you're little, and you don't know why. Everyone makes fun of you for little things, and you don't know why. It seems like you're incredibly different from everyone else, including adults, but no one will tell you why. You're just different than everyone, and everyone, but you knows why. And you keep getting isolated until you learn to cover it up as best as you can, but people still treat you differently than others. You don't get invited to as many places, people talk down to you, people still make fun of you more, people talk over you more. You still don't know why. You keep trying to fix the thing that's wrong without even knowing what it is. You start looking up why you feel the way you, and you start doing research. You find the answer. You're autistic! But also. You're autistic.
So you try to go somewhere further with that, or when people point out your differences, you can explain now in a way that it's painful. Instead, you're met with everyone you know telling you you're too normal now. They still treat you the same. You're still "weird," but you're not weird enough to be autistic. You're just weird enough not to have any friends and to be excluded from everything.
You're smart! Not autistic smart though, just an above average, nerdy student with an interest in one subject.
You'll always try to be normal. You'll always try to be included and make up for whatever you lack to other people, but it feels like it's written in big ass bold print on your forehead to exclude you. Everyone can see it but you. Whenever you try to ask anyone about it, they ignore you. You want so badly to have friends and a social life but it's like no one wants you around.
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himb0-rights-activist · 4 months
NOT ENOUGH COMMIES IN MY DESIGN CLASS!!! We're literally studying the grunge aesthetic, what do you MEAN you believe Rishi Sunak is a left wing politician, I'll kill you.
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justablah56 · 10 months
help I have auditions tomorrow and I am going to cry . also have to wake up in 6 hours so that's great . fuck I hate how early school is , someone needs to yell at me to go to sleep
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lonelyoakenshield · 8 months
forever crying about Francesca by Hozier
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brenna · 1 month
like a true american, I often eat my lunch in my car (our break rooms are hostile architecture, and I'm a skater boi). anyway, naturally, I have a sun shade for my windshield, so I'm less likely to be Perceved
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nocturnalxsaturn · 1 month
I’m still dissociating into the two weeks I’ve just had. I Am Not Okay and need energy that is actually going to soothe me rn. I was just in the midst of genuine psychological warfare- I’m not even kidding, so please don’t start with me rn. It’s genuinely not about you- it’s not even about us, bc there is no us!! I’m fucking Tired.
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do y'all even get it
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