#like i don’t care if this sounds like pulling teeth or whatever but I’m so sick of the language being co-opted at this point
dira333 · 1 day
It is what it is - Tendou x Reader x Ushijima (platonic)
Another one of my "this is my boyfriend and this is my boyfriend's best friend" fics. This has been going round and round in my head the whole weekend, I hope I could put all the feeling into this that I felt about it. Tell me what you think.
Tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain and @satorisoup because in a way, it's Tendou
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“Aren’t you worried people are going to call you out for this?” Satori asks, teasing lilt in his voice. “Flying all the way to Paris for a haircut?”
“I don’t care,” Wakatoshi exclaims, bathing in your joyful giggling and Satori’s amused snort.
“Whatever you say. I’ll see you after work, okay?” The redhead brushes a hand over his buzzcut before leaning over to kiss you - Wakatoshi averts his eyes on instinct.
“See you later. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You hold Satori’s hand all the way to the door, watch him step into the elevator before you turn back.
“Alright, now that we’re on our own. What do you want me to do with your hair? Some color? A buzzcut?”
“The usual,” he asks, closing his eyes when you pat his shoulder. 
There’s so much understanding in your words, your action, the simplest touch.
Oh, how he’s missed you.
“Wakatoshi, stand straight,” his mother orders. His father’s hands are warm on his shoulders as he stiffens, posture perfect now.
“This is my good friend,” she explains just seconds later and Wakatoshi can see it, in the harsh lines and the absence of a smile.
“And this is her daughter. It would make us very happy if you two would marry one day.”
“Love-” His father says in that tone he uses when he asks his mother to change her mind on something. She rarely listens.
“Of course, nothing will be settled until you are older,” she speaks over him yet again. “But I am sure you two will be fast friends.”
The adults leave them alone after that, with nothing but a plate of healthy snacks and glasses of water.
You are nice to look at, he thinks. Unlike your mother, you’re curves and softness, eyes glittering as you shyly ask what he likes to do in his free time.
“My father plays Volleyball with me sometimes,” he explains, “Or I read.”
“Could you show me?” You ask, pulling your lower lip between your teeth as you wait for his answer.
“The books or Volleyball?” He asks, not really understanding. He’s not good at reading between the lines, as his mother calls it. He hopes you won’t mind.
But your face lights up at his question, a sight he wants to see again.
“Both?” You ask and when he nods and turns to show you to his room first, your hand shoots out to curl into his, warm and small and soft.
He can’t remember the last time he held someone’s hand, but he squeezes yours like his father used to do with his and your smile tells him what he did was the right thing.
“Is this okay?” You ask, soft voice floating around him as you drag a comb through his hair.
“It always is,” he answers, stilling as you move to assess your work.
“It looks good,” you decide finally, smiling as you grab a mirror, making a show of presenting it. “You look good, Toshi.”
“You look better,” he insists, but it sounds foreign in his mouth. 
He’s not one to compliment someone’s appearance and he can see the surprise in your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes immediately, “It’s something I heard Satori say.”
“I thought it sounded familiar,” you agree easily before patting his cheek. “I sometimes lend sentences from him as well.”
“Pray tell.”
You smile, handing him the mirror again. “First you have to tell me how it looks.”
“Perfect,” he says, because it is. He looks the way he’s used to, the same haircut he’s had for years. You embrace routine as much as he does. Maybe that’s why the two of you clicked so well.
“Now,” you smile, “I’ll make us some tea. I’m sure I still have some sweets hidden where Satori won’t look if you want them.”
“I’d rather have something healthy,” he admits and your smile doesn’t flicker, it grows.
“Like the old days,” you agree easily.
It warms his heart that you remember the beginnings of your friendship as well as he does.
“Are you leaving?” Satori asks, looking up from his Shonen Jump.
“Yes,” Wakatoshi agrees, tying his shoelaces. “I will be back before lights out.”
“I’m not worried about that,” Satori laughs, “I’m curious. Where are you going?”
“I’m meeting with a friend.”
“Do I know him?”
“No, you don’t know her.”
The surprise is loud on his face, dark eyes widening.
“A girlfriend?” Satori gasps, hands pressed against his lips in excitement. 
“A friend that’s a girl,” Wakatoshi corrects. For a second he stills, doorknob in his hand. “Do you want to join us?”
Satori blinks. Once, twice, three times.
“Are you sure?”
“No. But I think she might like you.”
“In that case… give me five minutes.”
“I’ll inform her that we’ll come in later.”
“We won’t be late if we run,” Satori sings, diving into his closet to pull out something to wear that doesn’t wear the Shiratorizawa emblem.
Wakatoshi is usually blind to social cues, no matter how much he studies them. He still can’t read between the lines, but he can’t say he’s given it much thought lately.
He’s good at Volleyball and he’s excelling in his studies. What else is there in life?
You’ve never complained about him missing something either, clearly content with the state of your friendship. And if there’s someone’s opinion he cares about, it’s not his mother's, it’s yours.
But he can see it now, written in bold letters on your face, your eyes, the shiver of your hesitant smile.
You look at Satori like the girls from his class look at him before he begins to speak.
Your hand twitches as if to hold his but you hesitate.
He turns to look, surprised to see his only other friend just as changed.
Satori is supposed to be the confident one. Loud and unapologetically himself.
This Satori, however, is blushing, staring at the tips of his sneakers only for his eyes to flicker upwards and back to you for only a second before looking back down. 
Is this, Wakatoshi thinks, a little dumbfounded that it’s happening in front of him of all people, is this falling in love?
It’s cold, even for Spring in Europe. You curl further into the warmth of your jacket, hands stuffed into the pockets to keep warm.
The day had been bathed in a grey light that’s now dimming fast, street lamps and the warm glow of shop windows battling against the coming night.
Wakatoshi’s hand reaches out without a thought, folding around yours like he used to when you were little.
You look up with surprise and he’s not sure if he should regret this or not.
“You’re worried,” you tell him, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. “I can see it now. I was wondering what was wrong, but you wouldn’t say and I didn’t want to push.”
He opens his mouth to insist that he’s fine, a lie he’s been telling himself for weeks now, almost mastering to make himself believe it.
“Don’t lie, Toshi,” you ask and it’s the nickname that unravels him, a memory from long forgotten times resurfacing.
“I love you,” he admits, words spilling out of him like Volleyballs out of an upturned cart. They’re unstoppable, now that they’ve been set free.
But your smile doesn’t fade and your hand only squeezes his.
“I know, Toshi.”
His eyes flicker to the dark asphalt and back up.
“But Satori-”
“You don’t love me like Satori loves me, do you, Toshi?”
Your voice is warm and comfortable, like a blanket he wants to curl into.
“I don’t know,” he admits, because this is you. He’s always been honest with you.
“But I do,” you tell him softly, reaching up to cup his cheek with your other hand. “You’ve never looked at me in that way. We both know it, Satori and I, we both know you. What is worrying you?”
The question hits him like one does a tuning fork, everything in him vibrating to the point he fears he’ll fall apart. 
“I miss you,” he says, his voice carrying something he cannot begin to describe.
Hurt, loneliness, despair, insecurity. Will I ever be enough?
“Oh Toshi,” you rub your thumb under his eye, catching a tear that must have slipped out. “We miss you too. But we love you, okay? And even though it feels like that sometimes, you’ll never be alone.”
He considers it, smoothes it over the open wound inside of him like one does with a balm.
Another voice pops up, cuts through the noise inside his head like a warm knife through butter.
“There you are. I was looking for you.”
They both turn and Wakatoshi isn’t sure what he anticipates to see in his best friend’s face.
Anger, maybe, or betrayal. 
Not this kind of soft worry he isn’t used to.
You say something in French he doesn’t quite catch and Satori steps closer, wraps one impossible long arm around his shoulders, and curls into him.
“Can’t fool us, big boy,” he says with a voice so warm it feels like hot chocolate tastes, “Knew something was up when you asked to travel all the way here for a haircut.”
It might look strange to someone looking in, the three of them hugging in the cold night on the middle of the sidewalk.
But it’s not strange to Wakatoshi.
He should have known. These are his friends. His family. 
His home away from home.
“Is this really okay?” Satori asks, kneeling on the floor next to Wakatoshi’s bed. “You’ve got to be honest with me here, okay?”
“I am.”
“I am going to marry her if you let me, you know this!”
“I’d be happy if you did,” Wakatoshi insists. “If she wants you, that is.”
Satori snorts but it sounds more like a sob. “You think she likes me?”
“She said so, didn’t she?”
“Yeah,” the word is more a dreamy sigh than anything else. Satori puts his head back and stares up at the ceiling. 
“I didn’t know people like her existed,” he says, voice far away. Wakatoshi turns to look at him. 
“Girls?” He asks, a little confused.
“Kind people,” Satori explains, “with a good heart. Who don’t judge about someone’s looks.”
“Did that happen to you?” Wakatoshi asks, thinking about himself and his mother and you.
There’s something in Satori’s eyes, something vulnerable and open that he hasn’t seen before.
Wakatoshi pats the bed next to him before he can pull himself away again. Satori is nice. He wants to know him.
“Tell me about it?” He asks.
“You’re not good with social cues, are you?” Satori asks one day after lunch, walking back to Class.
“The girl that was talking to you, she wanted me to leave.”
“Because she likes you. She wanted to be alone with you.”
Wakatoshi stops, freezing in place.
“What?” Satori asks, walking back to him. “What are you thinking about?”
“Do you want to be alone?”
Satori understands immediately. “Sometimes, yeah. But I’d tell you that, you know? Right now we barely manage to hold hands without our faces combusting. And I like having you there. She does too, I know.”
“She said so,” Satori pulls out his phone, drags his thumb across the screen for a minute before he holds it up for Wakatoshi to see.
It’s an entire conversation he’s not been part of, your blocks of texts interspersed with the emojis Satori likes to use.
But he can read it, black letters on a white background.
“Wakatoshi is the most important person in my life.” It warms his heart like hot chocolate on a cold night.
“And since you’re my best friend too,” Satori singsongs, “You’re not getting rid of either of us.”
“Good,” Wakatoshi nods and repeats it once more for good measure. “Good.”
“Poland is not that far away,” you point out over morning coffee. Your hair’s a mess and you sit in Satori’s lap, leaning back into him every few minutes to remind him to feed you one more bite of the croissants Wakatoshi bought on his morning run.
“It’s not France.”
“Yeah, but the French team sucks,” Satori exclaims, “You’d lose all happiness playing for them just to be close. The Polish team sounds good if you ask me. And it’s really not that far. You could come over once or twice a month depending on your schedule.”
“I’ll think about it,” he agrees, buying himself some time with a sip from his coffee.
His wound is still open, though it has stopped bleeding.
“Do you think I’ll find someone,” he asks, yet again unable to keep the words inside before he has thought them through.
Satori and you both turn your heads to the side as you think, a habit that started with one person but he’s no longer sure with whom.
“Maybe you will,” you say, “maybe you won’t. You can be happy either way.”
“Don’t lose sight of what’s important to you,” Satori adds, “because it can be easier than you think. To give up on a boundary just because you think you have to.”
He considers that for a second.
“If I’ll never find someone-” Your hand finds his before he’s able to finish the sentence, squeezing as hard as you can.
“You’ll never be alone,” you insist. Satori’s larger hand wraps around yours until again, you are three.
- - -
The French Countryside is not a bad place to retire.
“Look what I found,” Satori raises a basket full of fruit, each looking better than the last, “everything from our own garden.”
“I thought you wanted to work less,” Wakatoshi comments, picking a plump apricot from the basket and biting into it. It’s the best thing he’s ever tasted.
“Ah, this isn’t work,” Satori insists, but he puts the basket down, pressing a hand to his back for a second. “I just need to slow down a little.”
“You should,” Wakatoshi agrees, but makes no move to pick up the basket himself. His back is even worse than Satori’s.
“Boys, boys,” your voice comes from inside, “Leave the hard work to someone younger. I’ve made coffee and tea, what do you want?”
They turn and walk inside, Satori singing yet another made-up song about the market in the village.
When he reaches you, he kisses your temple first and then your lips, squeezing your hips under the apron.
Wakatoshi has gotten used to the sight after decades. He’s more interested in his coffee and maybe the morning paper.
“Has anyone seen my glasses?” He asks, squinting down at the paper. 
Satori laughs. “On your head,” he tells him, but stays where he is, glued to your side.
It’s like this everyday and if someone would dare to ask, Wakatoshi wouldn’t mind living like this for another decade or two.
After all, one hasn’t lived before turning one hundred.
My Kofi if you'd like to tip me
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radsplain · 3 months
“trans women do not get periods. they may experience some period-like symptoms from the estrogen they’re taking but-”
nope, not even that!!! men cannot and will never experience even “some period-like symptoms” because they don’t have a fucking uterus. none of the side effects that come along with males taking exogenous hormones have anything to do with a female human-specific biological process. the male body, inundated with estrogen, does not suddenly get confused and then try to mimic female biological processes. that’s not how any of this works. whatever side effects they’re experiencing is male-specific, because they’re male. males cannot and will never have “period-like symptoms” ever, i don’t care, fuck OFF
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novulen · 4 months
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ : What happens when you almost get caught in the act by your son? Whatever it is, Satoru is unfazed & too pussywhipped to care.
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ/ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ : 18+ (mdni), riding position, mentions of overstimulating, (princess/ baby) used to adress reader, cock-blocking, fem!reader.
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“He’s finally asleep.” Satorou huffs out, tiredly, trudging to his respective side of the bed and immediately tossing himself onto the mattress beside you. You can’t help but softly giggle when he does such dramatic things, acting as if your son had tormented him—though your sweet boy would never do such things.
“C’mere.” he murmurs mindlessly to you, reaching out a long arm before you can even process what he’s said and pulling your form flush to his chest.
His sultry tone already tells you what he wants.
“‘Toru…are you sure he’s sleeping?” you mumble under your breath, scooting closer to your lover and placing a hand worryingly to his cheek. Recollections of the last time Satorou’s antics had almost occurred to your toddler catching you both in the act flood your mind, and you want to do everything in your power to keep that from happening again. But, Satoru, on the other hand, doesn’t seem worried about the circumstances.
“I’m sure, baby,” he promises, almost too quickly. Although you’ve always been one to take him for his word, as unethical as that may sound, and you hesitantly nod in response.
Satoru raises an eyebrow for a second, noticing the uncertainty laced within your eyes.
“We don’t have to, y’know.”
“No—I want to.”
You mask your worry with a honeyed smile, and lean into his lips. It’s almost instinct with the way his body moves to close the gap between your lips, his soft ones colliding messily to yours not a second later.
Satoru moans into the kiss, having found pleasure without even entering you yet. His big hands slide down your torso, lifting you effortlessly on top of him in the process, and find purchase on your hips.
“Mhm, ‘d you lock the door?” you whisper into the kiss, opening your eyes only to find a totally blissed-out Satoru. But, he merely hums, continuing to move his lips unfazed and too deep in the kiss to stop.
The dim light your bedroom lamp provides casts onto your lovers face, giving him a warm, loving glow that —though has quite the opposite effect of warm, and loving—causes your cunt to throb.
“Need to be inside you, princess,” he groans, only pulling away to fill his lungs with the breath you’ve stolen from him, pupils blown wide. And when he’s done, without another word, he’s kissing you again.
Soon enough, with the way he’s grinding his already half-hard cock against your clothed pussy, and the manner in which he’s smothering his lips against yours, you forget what you’d earlier asked.
He, in fact, did not lock the door.
“So fucking needy for you,” he murmurs underneath his breath, softly clamping his teeth down on your lower lip as he pulls back. Satoru takes in the sight before him; you, lips rosy, swollen, and agape, on top of him with nothing but some skimpy sleep shorts and a crop top—it’s almost too good of a sight to behold, he thinks.
“Need you too,”
Your hands are quick to find the hem of his grey sweats, tugging his boxers down alongside his pants just enough for his cock to spring up.
The leaky, pink tip releases a droplet of pre-cum, and your eyes watch attentively as it slides down his sturdy, tan base.
With just one touch, Satoru’s already thrusting up into your hands. “S-shit, don’t do this t’me. Just put it in.” he breaths, azure, blue eyes boring into yours with a stare like never before. It’s compelling in a way, and you find yourself sliding your shorts and panties aside as you position yourself over his shaft.
Rough hands smoothing over your ass, he pushes you down onto the head.
You moan deliciously, your palms flat against his chest once he's fully in. And as much as you'd love to tell him how good this all feels, how he's so deep and snug inside you, all that comes out is a choked cry of his name.
"Shh, y'don't have to say anything, I know it feels good," he hums, wearing a smug grin on his face—knowing he's the one that's got you a babbling mess—cocky as ever. "Just keep riding—fuck, just like that."
You're soon bouncing on his cock, a stream of fat tears rolling down your cheeks, and throat too sore to do anything but whimper.
"Satoru, baby.." you whine, throwing your head back in utter bliss.
"Yeah, princess?"
"You're so deep..."
And Satoru's never felt compelled to outdo himself more than he does now, the thoughts of overstimulating you swarming his head more than he'd like to admit. He groans at your words, and only wants to push himself deeper—deeper until you're crying out his name.
Satoru, Satoru, Satoru...
...But, you're whispering.
"Satoru!" you whisper-shout, finally snapping the frenzied man out of his trance. Both your heads whip to the door, and a panicked-silence falls over the bedroom.
Your heart races as you hear the pitter-patter of small feet stop right in front of the bedroom. “Mama?” your toddler calls out, thankfully knocking on the door before he lets himself in. You’re more than glad he didn’t take after his father when it came to manners.
“I’ll be right there, sweetie!…don’t come in, ok?” And you’re making quick work of tying your silk robe around yourself, though, not much to your surprise, Satoru simply covers himself and watches things unfold.
“Ok..” you cringe at the confusion laced within his cute voice, making your way to the door. “I need to go the bathroom, hurry, mama.”
Your eyebrows bunch together. “You used to go to the bathroom all by yourself, honey, what happened?”
“Papa told me the boogeymen would come get me if i went alone.”
You shoot a deadly clear at Satoru, who happens to be coincidentally ‘sleeping’ at the moment.
But the moment you arrive back, having tucked your son into bed properly this time, he’s awake.
“Baby, I can explain.”
Could he really, though?
Your eyes roll in annoyance, and you get into bed with your robe on, giving him the hint that what had taken place before would not continue.
You face away from him, reveling in the way he’s straight after you, a hand already on your hip.
“So…can we?” he trails off as his hand snakes down, and you feel as if you can see the pout on his face when you push him away.
“No more pussy for you, boogeyman.”
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suguann · 3 months
Possessive!Geto who pretends he doesn't care when he overhears that a new high-paying customer comes to the club every Friday to watch you specifically perform on stage, knowing he can’t really do anything about it unless a patron breaks the rules printed on a neon sign above the bar—No touching the dancers unless you're tipping—even if he’s the one in charge.
He’ll smile and nod, shaking hands with big spenders with sleazy smiles in the VIP lounge while his eyes find you from the other side of the room as you climb into another man’s lap.
He can’t stop his jaw from clenching when that same customer tips a month’s worth of rent every week or asks about private shows even though you don't do them. How he notices you smiling prettily for this customer, eyelashes fluttering with stars in your eyes to match the glitter on your cheeks before you walk off stage toward the dressing rooms. 
Sometimes you play the part of making a lonely man feel wanted too well. 
Possessive!Geto whose hand tightens around his glass tumbler, watching the man who’s been coming to see you (now twice a week) slip a thick white card into the top of your stockings. The fact that he touched your thigh with his dirty hands irks Geto the most.
In times like this, he wishes he had never come up with the rule about keeping your relationship a secret—so nobody thinks I’m picking favorites—because regret is a thick pill to swallow.
When you walk up to his office later, Geto wastes no time by dragging you down onto his lap, trailing his nose down the slope of your neck where your soft-smelling perfume is strongest and sucking a bruise into the hollow of your throat for everyone to see. 
You’re still wearing those cross-stitch stockings—the feel of them under his hands making him halfway hard—and he yanks the bodice of your dress down just underneath the swell of your breasts to get rid of the thought of another man touching you.
“B-but, Suguru, we’re at work—”
“Let me enjoy these pretty tits, huh?” he growls before sucking a nipple into his greedy mouth.
You whine his name, and it’s the sweetest sound he’s ever heard.
The blinds to his floor-to-ceiling windows are open, but it's tinted glass so nobody can tell what happens behind locked doors. Except, when he glances toward the busy club below, he wishes everyone in the building could witness what it looks like for you to fall apart under his hands—a personal show you put on just for him.
Only him. His fingers hook inside you to feel you tight and hot around him as a reminder.
Possessive!Geto who has enough one day after that customer asks for another private session—this time, he goes to Geto directly.
It’s a busy night, and every dancer works the floor. Well, almost. 
You’re kneeling between his spread legs, spit dribbling down your chin, whimpering while trying to open your throat for him.
He brushes your hair away from your face, watching your mouth messily slurp around his cock under his desk—his jaw is slack, and his other hand clenches on the armrest of his chair. “So good—fuck, baby—so fucking pretty,” he mutters, his top teeth catching his bottom lip.
His head tilts back when you eagerly fill your mouth with him again and again until he feels you choke, making his thighs flex under your hands. Geto’s thumb smooths an arc across your cheek.
“There you go,” he huffs. “I love that little mouth—”
There’s a knock on his door, and he feels you panic, moving to pull off his cock. But the hand in your hair tightens, keeping you pressed against him. Your nails bite into his skin, tears prickling your lashline as small distressed mewls escape your lips.
“Don’t you dare fucking stop,” he hisses. “Not unless I say so.”
Another knock echoes in his office.
“Come in.”
The customer with the too-shiny tie and a penchant for slipping thousands into your g-string opens the door with a smile on his face and a glint in his eye, sauntering into the room like he owns the place. “How about that deal—”
Whatever he’s about to ask is lost on Geto because his ears are ringing when he feels you swallow around him, and his balls draw up tight against his body, and—
Possessive!Geto who grunts when you moan around his cock as he cums down your throat, his lips twitching at the look of shock on the customer’s face.
“I’ve heard your deal,” he says eventually, glancing down at your glazed eyes and wiping away what little mess escaped your mouth with his thumb. “But she’s not yours to take.”
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moonstruckme · 7 days
The other day I fell down the stairs of my building and had to just like. Get back up and go to work and my knees are all fucked up and I’m so sore. Do you think you could write doctor!remus or casual dom Remus when his girl tells him about it hours later? Or whatever you think is best story wise lol.
Don’t worry about it if not, your writing is literally my absolute favourite right now, you are so amazing!! -angie
Hi Angie, thank you for requesting <3
cw: blood
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 666 words (oooo)
When the car stops, Remus won’t let you get out on your own, which is embarrassing even though there’s no one but him around to witness it. Remus is overall in a horribly embarrassing mood. 
Though you tried to hide it, you’d noticed him noticing the stiffness in your legs as you walked out to his car after work, and before you’d had a chance Remus had reached over and buckled your seatbelt himself. The whole drive home he’d been spooky silent, occasionally shooting narrow-eyed looks to the blood stains on your work pants. 
“I’m okay,” you try to reason with him now, when he sets his hands on your hips to take some of your weight. “I’ve been walking all day, baby.” 
“I know, that’s worse.” Your boyfriend is huffy. He seems to be contemplating fully picking you up and carrying you inside. 
You press your lips together while he supports you the rest of the way to the door, holding you firmly to his side when he needs one hand to unlock it. The two of you go straight to the bathroom, where the dress you were originally going to wear to work today still lies on the floor. Remus frowns but doesn’t comment. 
When you’d taken a tumble on the concrete stairs outside your apartment this morning, you’d been running too late to be concerned with anything but looking presentable and getting to work. Your dress left your bloody knees exposed and made you feel like a child fallen from their bike, so you’d screwed up your mouth and forced a pair of work pants on over the burning cuts, then changed into an appropriate top to match. Your knees have been alternately stinging and aching all day, and when walking back home from work seemed too much you’d called your boyfriend for a ride. He seems determined to make you regret it. 
“Sorry,” you murmur after he lifts you onto the counter. 
Remus looks at you. “What for?” The question isn’t patronizing or a test. He wants to know. 
“For not telling you.” 
He sighs softly, looking down to fiddle with the button of your pants. You trace the cruel line of a scar from his forehead down to his cheek. 
“I wouldn’t mind so much if you’d taken the time to clean them properly,” he says. “But if you were in my place—lift your hips for me, love—and I called you to say I couldn’t get home by myself because I’ve been hurting all day and not done anything about it, wouldn’t you be a bit distraught?”
“I would,” you admit. You suck in a quiet breath when he starts pulling your pants down over your knees. 
“Sorry,” he says, unsticking the fabric from your ruined skin as gently as he can. They slide the rest of the way down far easier, and Remus kisses his teeth when your knees are revealed. “Dovey.” He sounds equal parts pitying and disappointed. 
“Let’s stop trading apologies.” There’s the barest hint of humor in your boyfriend’s tone as he finishes tugging your pants off your ankles, letting them puddle on the floor and leaving you in your underwear. The countertop is cold on your bare skin. Remus wraps a hand around your thigh, careful of your knees as he leans forward to give you a kiss. “I’m not going to ask you not to do it again—although I hope you won’t—because I know you, but I get that you’re sorry, sweetheart.” His thumb swipes over the unbroken skin above your knee, lips turning down unhappily. “I’m sorry you hurt yourself, and that you’ve been in pain. I promise to try and lecture you about it as little as possible, okay?” 
You can’t help but smile, your voice coming out wry. “Thanks.” 
“You’re welcome, dove.” He gives your hip a condescending little pat. “You can make it up to me by sitting still while I take care of these and tell you about infection.” 
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adventuringblind · 20 days
The Thrill of It (1.8K Words)
LandOscar x Reader
Genre: Street Racer AU, Smut
Summary: Sometimes the boys come back from races a little riled up, it doesn't help tonight that they get a bit possessive when someone lays a hand on what's theirs.
Warnings: PinV sex, unprotected sex, public sex, exhibitionist Lando, Sub reader, Dom Oscar, Oral, face-fucking, Hair pulling (?), minor degradation, Oscar being stressed after because AFTERCARE IS IMPORTANT OKAY
Notes: I'm back! Did you miss me? I think this is the most lewd smut I've ever done... But reminder that comments and filling my inbox with nice things motivates me to write!!
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The lights amongst the crowd flitted about in shades of neon. The people are rowdy tonight on the sides of the street. All of them handing off their cash to each other to bet on which driver they think will win. 
It’s a dangerous game with no medic on scene. She supposes that’s the thrill of it. Knowing there may be no return once they put their foot on the pedal.
Lando and Oscar are practically swimming in the cash now. While she isn’t in the spotlight, they certainly are. These are their streets. They know Woking like the back of their hands now. 
Lando says he drives by feeling where Oscar has a map of the turns memorized. It speaks volumes about their character.  
You’d think these idiots would stop betting so much on other drivers. She’s been here enough times to know they never learn. Always lured into a false sense of hope. She doesn’t mind it, simply finds it funny. 
She finds herself entranced by the sounds of the engines, the people chanting their names. She sees other people oggle the two, hands becoming a bit more than friendly as the night progresses and alcohol is consumed.
A car pulls below her hiding spot. The second car driven, a truck she can sit in the bed of when things get overwhelming and the people too much. 
Those friendly hands tend to slip when they see a pretty stranger. Boundary lines are crossed. Another thing they should know by now: Oscar and Lando are the kings of these streets and it’s best not to mess with their queen. 
The bed of the truck shakes as they climb in with her. Their faces are half hidden in the dark. The other is illuminated by intermittent flashing lights. 
 Lando looks all too happy about the stunt he just pulled. A dangerous thing that could have killed him if not done right. The adrenaline has his pupils dilated. “Don’t think he’ll be coming back again. Gave him a run for his money… Liturgy!” 
“Yes, that’s what I meant - Literally!” 
She tilts her head back and laughs. Drunk off the atmosphere of the night and maybe the fumes of whatever people have been smoking all night. “Scared him off then?” 
“You know it baby!” Lando latches right onto her exposed neck with his teeth for all of two seconds before Oscar is dragging him off. It leaves them both whining. “Osc! I’m doing things!” 
“You’re doing our things.” The dehumanizing language should not have her this hot and bothered, in Woking, in October. She’s wearing a skirt with nothing aside from panties underneath and one of Oscar’s zip-ups with a tank top. Not the best choice of clothing all things considered, but she could care less. Not when it gives them easy access when they are all riled up like this.
Oscar drags her into his lap. The feeling of strong thighs underneath her in almost the right spot has her whimpering. “Didn’t realize you’re already so needy for us darling. Forgot how much seeing us drive turns you on.” 
She nearly cries when Oscar pulls her underwear to the side and slips a finger through her slit. “Look at this Lan! She’s a mess already!” Oscar’s free hand grips Lando by the collar and pulls him closer; nearly choking him out in the process. When his fingers are pulling obscene sounds from her, he brings them away. Up towards Lando’s mouth which unlatches to suck on them eagerly. 
The Brits eyes roll back as Oscar jams four fingers down the back of his throat just for the sake of it. “S’pose you’ve earned it tonight, Lan. You’re already a mess anyhow and I think you’ve been leaking since you got out of the car.” 
Lando mumbles something around Oscar’s fingers. It’s unintelligible - or she’s too lost in her haze to comprehend anything. Having slotted down on Oscar’s thigh to get some kind of friction. 
The sound of Lando’s belt buckle coming undone becomes louder than the engines. Then the wet sound of lips clashing together. The hand Oscar previously had in Lando’s mouth is now around his neck. 
The same story time and time again. Lando goes by feel where Oscar exudes superiority in how he has them memorized. 
She clocks the hand on her waist moving to the back of her head. Oscar switches to kiss her instead. The filthy kind - all tongue and teeth. It keeps her occupied long enough for Lando to shimmy his boxers just far enough down. 
“I knew you were leaking.” Lando makes a weak noise at that. Oscar’s words seem to have that effect on him. Both of them - really. “I bet you like showing off for all these people, huh? The possibility of us being caught like this. You get off on the thrill.”
The boys help her reposition her boy. Oscar gets two of his fingers in her, hovering just above Lando’s cock. Which - to Oscar’s credit - He’s not wrong. Lando is leaking like a faucet that has a consistent drip. It is mesmerizing and should be illegal. 
Oscar gets a third in her, dutifully stretching her open despite having to support her weight. Lando thrusts into the air out of impatience which earns a lovely smack to the side of his ass. “You should know better, Love, that all good things come with time.”
She feels empty for all of two seconds before her body is plunging down onto Lando’s cock. She can feel him twitching behind her - trying to remain still until given the go-ahead to move. His hands paw at the slope of her back and curve of her ass. 
In front of her, Oscar is undoing his own belt. She should’ve realized sooner how he had positioned them. How the truck bed is conveniently long enough to let Lando work out his residual energy by thrusting into her while Oscar makes use of her mouth. 
He’s always three moves ahead of them. 
She leans down, ready for him without him even having to ask. “Spit,” He commands. She does it without hesitation. 
Oscar makes use of the makeshift lube and gives himself a few strokes before motioning her forward. She unhinges her jaw and relaxes her throat and still - she gags. 
“See Lando, patience works wonders.” 
“Please Osc, please - I’m dying over here-” 
“Go ahead baby, you’ve earned it.” Oscar chuckles. 
They find a rhythm. When one is going in, the other is going out. She’s drooling all down the exposed skin Oscar is showing. 
“Best. Fucking. Reward. Ever~” Lando punctuates each word with a particularly hard thrust. The sounds are ridiculous and they are lucky that the sound of engines revving is drowning them out. If anyone is watching - well - they are certainly getting a show. 
Oscar’s voice cracks. “Fucking hell, you two look so good.” She concludes the walls of his resolve are starting to crumble. That the grip she has on his waist to ground herself is enough to make him snap and throw him over the edge. 
“You like the show, Osc.” 
“You could say that.” 
Lando likes to be seen and Oscar likes to watch. She likes everything in-between that. To be the object of their affections and an element of desire. Something they covet enough to lose themselves like this. 
Everything gets messier - if that was even possible. Oscar snaps his head back and grips the back of her head so he can hold her stead and fuck her throat. Lando grips her hips and sets an unrelenting pace. Each movement is sloppier than the last. Each moan is more pitched. 
She swallows. Her throat constricts enough for Oscar to growl from somewhere deep and sum without any warning. The tears are streaming down her face as she gags on the new and sudden change of consistency. 
He drags her off and gives her no time to recover. Simply lunging forward and nearly sending her crashing backwards onto Lando. His hand goes back to the Brits throat while his tongue goes so deep into her mouth that there is no way he can’t taste himself. 
Lando is a mess of high pitched whines. “Please - please I’m close-” 
She inhales desperately as Oscar unlatches from her mouth only to find the sensitive spot on her exposed collarbone. “Osc-” 
“I could keep you two like this forever. Desperate and whiny. Leaking with the thought of how good it would feel to cum.” They are both letting out desperate sounds. “I bet that guy from earlier would have stayed away then. So consumed by us that he could smell it on you.” 
“Yesyesyes - please-” She’s going to lose her mind. Lando might be closer than she is and yet he won’t slow down. There is nothing but this until Oscar tells them yes. Because it feels better waiting for it. 
And Lando will always go by feel.
“You’ve earned it Lando, fill our girl up yeah? Make her cry harder.” 
Oscar has to cover her mouth as everything goes white. Her ears are ringing - swimming in the sounds of their voices and nothing else. It’s white hot blissful nothing. No thoughts or anxieties, no worries about some guy making passes at her. 
Here she knows the two men who want nothing but to see her smile and cry for their cocks. Which is a stark contrast considering - but she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Oscar recovers the quickest. Swiftly jumping out of the truck bed to grab their extra blanket and hoodies. “I can’t really clean you two up yet, but will this do for now?” He shifts his weight between feet. Normally more prepared, ready to meet the needs of physical pains and emotional needs that come with the aftermath. 
They both nod and excitedly wait for him to climb back up. “That… was amazing,” she laughs. Her voice broken and hoarse from her throat being used. 
Oscar winces. “I need to get you some water.” 
“Relax! It felt good! It was great and we’re okay.” Lando gestures to the two who can barely move. Bodies still twitching from the overwhelming sensations. “Now we shall bask in the glory that is the ridiculous amount of cash we made tonight!”
“What are you gonna spend it on?” 
“You, of course!” Oscar leans her into his side as Lando throws an arm around her shoulders for good measure. 
Cars begin to drive past. Leaving for the night either to wherever they are staying or another race. They wave off some of the familiar faces and flip off the annoying ones. Yeah - she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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utterlyotterlyx · 3 months
A Fate Inked In Starlight
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Eris x Fem!Reader x Azriel
Summary - After crashing into the Autumn Court with no idea who you are, where you are or how you got there, Eris takes it upon himself to hide you and care for you with the help of the Night Court. That is until souls from other walks of life infiltrate Prythian searching for you.
Warnings - mentions of blood, Eris being gentle 🥺, memory loss, kinda arsehole Rhys?x
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
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Leaves of red and orange peered down at you inquisitively, and the earth was hard and slightly damp beneath you.
You hissed as you moved, a metallic sting coating the inside of your mouth. The world tilted, a dull thumping in your mind swelled behind your eyes and you pinched the bridge of your nose in attempt to centre yourself.
It hadn’t worked.
Looking about, you drank in where you had awoken, soil and an array of foliage welcomed your sight, dark bark held onto browning leaves, some of which floated around where you sat. Light birdsong and the faint chirp of crickets flittered around you with the occasional crunch of dry twigs that snapped under the weight of the mammals that trotted by, not heading much mind to you.
You were clad in some kind of black armour, a second skin that fit you perfectly as it curved around your breasts and hips, the material splitting open in the shape of lightening across your chest where yellow gems and light hummed. Jewelled metal talons were fitted to your fingertips, coated with dry blood that had worked itself into each crevasse it could. You were sure that whatever you looked like was not a pretty sight.
Something had kept you glued to your spot, swaying slightly from the brute force that had clearly been wrecked upon you. From what you had no idea.
From the distance, you heard the beating of hooves against the hard ground, growing louder with each passing moment before a brilliant white stag exploded into the clearing where you were. It was beautiful, those pools of emerald bore into you, there was terror laced behind them, and the stag readied his attack as he lowered his antlers toward you.
“I’m not going to harm you,” you told the creature with an extended hand, an extension of your surrender, “I promise.”
The stag surveyed you, noting the wild hair that had fallen from a once tightly strung braid, the blood that coated your neck and fingers, the bewilderment in your eyes. No, you certainly weren’t a threat.
“I’m not sure how I came to be here. I don’t know where I am,” you continued, as if the stag would be able to answer any of your questions.
The creature relaxed, taking a tentative step forward to sniff the outstretched talons fixed to your fingertips. He huffed and shook his head, one of his hooves tapping against the ground as another sound entered your earshot.
“Dogs,” you said softly, sadness laced in your rough voice that scratched at your throat. “Go. I’ll distract them,” you turned your hand, exposing your palm to him, he rested his snout in it gently, and only for a moment before he bounded away. Leaping over molehills whilst leaving you alone once more.
The barking drew closer and your breath caught in your throat at the obvious number of hounds that approached your position, perhaps mistaking your blood for that of the stags.
They hurtled into the clearing, the hedges and flowers parting for them as they surged through the air and landed in front of you, mouths pulled back and snarling teeth ready to tear you apart. You shuffled back as they circled you, snapping, slobber dripping from their canines causing your heart rate to beat in your ears. Hitting the trunk of a tree, you sighed, realising there were no weapons attached to the leather holsters at your thighs made your current predicament a lot more complicated.
You wouldn’t dream of harming an animal, at least, you thought so.
A flutter of your heart gave way to gentle excitement when you had seen the stag, and even the dogs despite them wanting to turn you into a meal.
A sharp whistle tore their attention from you, pulling them back to the source as he too entered the clearing. His head was tilted to the side and he examined you with a hand resting on the hilt of his sword, assessing if you were a threat or not. Red hair and amber eyes found you, and he approached, splitting his gaze between you and your laboured breathing to the scene around you both.
“Who are you?” His voice was rough but held a stoic calm, the deepness of his words made your hairs stand on edge.
A simple question. Your name. You opened your mouth but nothing came out, you stuttered, eyes wide as nothing came to mind, “I, I don’t know.”
You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Wide doe eyes staring at him in bewilderment, he knew your skin would be soft despite the mud and blood coating your surface. The sharp jaw and hallowed cheeks, full pouted lips and an elegantly pointed nose. Too beautiful for a human or fae.
The confusion etched into every inch of your features made the man relax a little, he knelt before you, his dogs happy with wagging tails brushing against his side, “Do you know where you came from?” By the looks of your armour, the blood coated talons, and the cuts dug into the side of your neck, it was clear to him that you weren’t from Prythian. You looked too advanced for his world.
You shook your head, muttering a faint and weak answer to him.
He hummed, reaching to tuck a strand of your dirty matted hair behind your pointed ear. Fae, he noted. Smiling when you didn’t flinch under his touch, he offered a hand to you, it was calloused and rough, but his pressure was gentle and guiding as he helped you from the ground.
“I’m Eris Vanserra, and you’re in the Autumn Court,” he looked down at you through thick lashes and offered a warm smile.
“Eris,” his name fell from your lips and he nodded in encouragement as you familiarised yourself with the sound of it. Yes, you definitely weren’t from his world, if you were, you’d surely cower from his name and the mention of where you were.
A pressure consumed your feet, and you found one of his hounds sat on them, staring up at you with its panting tongue flopping against the side of its jaw, its tail rustling the leaves beneath it as it wagged happily, “That’s enough, Duke,” Eris scolded the hound, rubbing between his ears in a bid to get him to move, “I’m sorry about him.”
“Don’t be. I don’t mind,” you smiled, and he noticed the warmth in your eyes, the molten gold and ocean blue that could have him entranced if he wasn’t careful. “I’m sorry about this,” you motioned the air, the current situation you found yourselves in, “I wish I knew what to say.”
“It’s fine,” he frowned slightly as he peered at the still open flesh on your neck that leaked with every heartbeat, “Let me help you with that.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
Eris smirked, “You’re not asking,” he shrugged as he heading back in the direction from whence he came, adjusting his brown jacket which lay over a cream open collared shirt. You weren’t sure how you didn’t notice it before, the well fit pants and shirt, the adornment of fine rings across his digits. Eris Vanserra was clearly someone of high standing, and you felt stupid for not knowing. The disappointment felt foreign to you.
The male looked back at you expectantly, his well kept fiery red hair tousling over his forehead, freckles visible as the sunlight hit his face. “Thank you,” you followed his steps, Duke trotting alongside you like a personal guard.
Once you had made it back to Fir Manor, Eris’ private residence that was home to him and his hounds alone, he insisted that you bathe, that it would be easier for the healer to assess the damage if she could tell what was or wasn’t your own blood.
You didn’t need telling twice, you thanked Eris for the spare clothes, a sheer deep red dress, before you slipped into the bathroom and peeled off your second skin, paying no mind to the marks that littered your forearms and torso, the marks that covered every inch of your body.
It seemed silly. To be so trusting of someone you’d just met. But something told you that Eris wasn’t a threat to you. Something had allowed you to feel safe with him.
You sighed as the hot water worked to relax your muscles, the rest of the world fading away into blissful nothingness.
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Rhys was happy.
Finally happy.
A mate and a babe. A family. No danger for the first time in what felt like a millennia.
Rhys watched them, watched his Nyx swaddled into Feyre’s chest as she painted, humming some lullaby to the dozing babe. Light poured into the room from the domed glass and he let a content sigh pass through his lips from where he leaned against the doorframe. Relishing in the sight for a moment longer before retreating back to his office and closing the door with a soft click.
He wasn’t sure where the rest of them were, Mor would be returning from the human lands soon, Cassian and Azriel were surely training, Nesta was probably nose deep in another book in the library with Amren at her side, and Elain was tucked away with Lucien somewhere revelling in their newly accepted mating bond.
Everything was as it should be.
The papers on his desk were too chaotic for anyone else to understand but him, he knew where each treaty lay in the stack, where each letter from a concerned citizen sat, when Az’s countless reports waited for his eye.
Though, one thing caught his eye that definitely hadn’t been there before he’d gone to check on his mate and child. A folded up rip of parchment, singed at the edges with an aroma of wet grass gripping to it.
It reeked of Autumn, of Eris.
Rhys wasn’t worried that the heir had contacted him. They were planning for a better Autumn once Beron handed over his title, it wasn’t out of the ordinary to hear from the eldest Vanserra at all. Scanning the parchment, Rhys felt his interest grow in the words, the vague message that beckoned him to Fir Manor, telling him that someone had dropped into the forest who Rhys may be interested in meeting.
So, the High Lord of the Night Court stalked through the halls, parchment in hand as the clash of swords and jostling laughter flooded his senses. Then he saw them, his two brothers in their training leathers, wide smiles and bruises that would fade within the hour as they jabbed another with playful words.
“Ah, did you call on Rhys to come and save you, Az? How desperate,” Cassian glimmered, his wings rustling and body keeping guard against Azriel’s oncoming attack.
Rhys stepped between them, holding the parchment in the air between his fingers with a smirk on his lips as Azriel to it from him, scanning the words, “With no memory of where she came from?” Azriel questioned, his shadows curling over his shoulders as though they wished to see what held their masters attention whilst he handed the written words to Cassian who pouted about being left out.
“Do you remember the visitor we had not too long ago?”
Azriel smirked at the memory of the redhead scouring through the caves of Prythian, “Bryce?”
“Yes, Bryce.” Rhys sent a glare to Cassian, no doubt still unhappy at his mates willingness to aid the girl, “She too fell into our world out of nowhere, didn’t she?”
Cassian stopped the thought before it could be shared, “Yes, but Bryce knew who she was and why she came here. It seems this woman doesn’t share that similarity,” he turned the paper over in his hand, like some newfound information was going to be inscribed elsewhere.
From the brief information that Eris had sent to Rhys, the woman who had fell into the Autumn had no idea who she was or where she was let alone how she found herself bleeding in a different world from her own.
“Regardless,” Rhys’ eyes glowed at the hidden message Cassian had tried to convey, that maybe this woman had nothing to do with Bryce and whatever war she was fighting on her shores. Though Cassian did have to admit that it was a coincidence that another soul had floated through into their world. “It needs to be investigated. Azriel, you’ll come with me. Cassian, you’ll stay here.”
The pair knew better than to convince Rhys otherwise, Azriel especially knew better than to refuse and potentially put his home and people in danger.
Another invader had dove into his world, his home, and he’d be damned by the Mother if he let another one trick him again.
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Authors Note
Hi my loves!
It’s been a while. I know I’m usually a Bridgerton girly but I’m kinda obsessed with everything SJM right now.
So, here we are. My first Maasverse fic 🤷‍♀️
I am wanting to write a series on this so let me know what you think! I’ve been out of the game for a bit 🤍
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cherienymphe · 1 year
Borderline (JJ Maybank x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, jealousy, seemingly unrequited feelings, secret relationship, semi public sex, non canon ages, underage drinking
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @silkholland​​
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summary: The three times you had sex with your best friend...and the one time you didn’t.
JJ’s hips pressed into yours, his bare chest brushing against your own with every thrust. His blond hair was damp from both water and sweat, not an unusual look for him, but seeing him from this angle? Yes, that was pretty unusual for you. You gasped when his cock hit a sensitive spot in you, clenching around him and pressing your fingers into his arm. The action made him hiss, and he leaned in to nip the skin of your chin with his teeth.
Having sex with your best friend in the back of your other friend’s van was not planned.
You and JJ were as thick as thieves, and partners in crime were all you had ever been. Breaking into buildings together, jumping off of boats together, and even getting into fights together. If he couldn’t count on anyone to back up whatever stupid idea he’d concocted, JJ knew he could count on you. You were always happy to go along with whatever…except for this.
As he pressed a hand into your stomach, holding you down and in place to take his thrusts, you fought to remember how you’d gotten in this position in the first place. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to wrack your brain and think about what you’d been talking about only an hour ago. It was so hard to do with JJ pushing into you and making you lose your train of thought.
You’d been talking about some Pogue, some Pogue you’d been seeing and the way he’d practically begged you to take him back at the ice cream shop. He was nice enough and cute enough, but the relationship, if it could even be called that, hadn’t been going anywhere. JJ wasn’t supposed to be listening in, but he’d never done what he was supposed to a day in his life.
“That sounded awkward,” he’d said, glancing at you and taking his eyes off of the road. “Poor guy was basically offering his soul to get back together with you.”
You’d rolled your eyes, grumbling to yourself and annoyed with him for eavesdropping.
“You got the holy grail between those legs of yours or what?” he’d teased, poking your side with a chuckle and you’d slapped his hand away.
“Don’t be gross,” you’d complained. “Believe it or not, but I’m actually a great girlfriend, JJ. Sometimes people are sad to see me go.”
You hadn’t had the chance to hear his response because one of the front tires on the Twinkie blew, forcing JJ to pull off of the road and into the grass. Between his anger at discovering John B.’s lack of care to keep a spare tire and John B.’s anger at discovering JJ blew one, your ex had been the last thing on either of your minds then. At least, that was the case for you.
You were both sitting in the back of the van and waiting for John B. and Pope to show up with his dad’s truck and a tire when JJ brought it up again.
“Pervert comment aside, I was serious, you know.”
You’d turned to him, a questioning look in your eyes. Seeing that you had no idea what he was talking about, the blond had rolled his eyes, pushing his hair away from his face and trying to keep cool in this heat.
“Any guy you date always acts like it’s the end of the world when you break up with them,” he’d explained, and your mouth had fallen open in offense.
“That’s not true,” you’d scoffed. “I resent that.”
JJ had chuckled to himself, shaking his head.
“It’s so true. We talk about it all the time,” he’d laughed.
You’d straightened at that, frowning at him. We? Did he mean ‘we’ as in him and your friends sans you? That was news that you found hard to believe, and you told him, and JJ shook his head.
“No, we do,” he’d drawled, half laying down with his head against the inside of the van and one leg bent. “Not all the time obviously, but sometimes to just laugh at the lovesick fools you leave in the dust.”
“You make me sound like some kind of man-eater,” you’d mumbled. “…and I’m not. I just… I don’t know.”
You’d shrugged, not liking this conversation.
“When I’m not happy, I leave. I’m not one of those people to stay just to say I have a boyfriend or something. Sorry,” you’d pointedly said, thinking hard about what he’d told you.
It was then that JJ could tell you were genuinely a little bothered, and he’d sat up, hurrying to move closer.
“Hey, hey, no. It’s meant to be funny,” he’d assured you. “We don’t mean anything by it.”
You knew that. It still didn’t stop it from bothering you a little though, wondering if that was how other people viewed you since your own friends did.
“I know you don’t,” you’d sighed. “I’m being silly, I know, but now you’re just making me rethink my methods, I guess.”
JJ huffed, scooting closer to you until his shoulder brushed yours.
“It’s not your methods we’re laughing at, I promise,” he’d lightly said, bumping your shoulder with his. “We just think it’s funny how you seem to give these guys the best time of their lives that they’re always ready to beg for you back on their knees.”
You’d given him a look at that, and JJ wiggled his eyebrows.
“I’m not talking to you about that,” you’d chuckled. “Who do you think I am? Pope?”
“I’m just saying,” he’d dragged out. “I don’t think I’ve ever slept with any girl that had me down that bad.”
JJ was laughing to himself, and your smile fell a bit, eyeing him with a frown. You could feel it deepening the longer you stared at him, and you’d suddenly reared back a little.
“You sound almost curious,” you’d blurted out, a light laugh in your throat as you shook your head at him.
You knew that wasn’t true, but the thought had been funny, nonetheless. However, you hadn’t expected there to be any truth to that, let alone the actual truth.
“Maybe I am.”
JJ’s words had shocked you, making you freeze in place, and his even expression didn’t match your horrified frown, at all.
“Be serious,” you’d said after a while, feeling like you were in the midst of some elaborate joke.
Your best friend tilted his head at you, arms resting on his knees as he ran his gaze over your face.
“What makes you think I’m not?”
The lack of humor on JJ’s face had stumped you, and you blinked at him. For a moment, words escaped you, and the van felt entirely too small and entirely too quiet as you just stared at each other.
“JJ,” you’d slowly said, lightly hitting his arm. “Come on…”
He’d taken your hand, making your stomach drop, and your eyes widened as he fully turned to face you. There was a glint in his eye that you’d never seen before. At least, not directed at you.
“Come on what? I can’t be curious?” he wondered, voice dropping.
“No, you can’t,” you’d almost yelled, pulling your hand away and looking away in disbelief. “You’re my best friend. I bet you don’t wonder what John B. is like in bed.”
“I might! You don’t know that…”
You’d rolled your eyes at him, prepared to pretend this weird turn of events had never happened when you felt his fingers brushing your jaw. You had turned to face him in shock, eyes wide as he touched you with a gentleness that felt strange. JJ was your best friend, and his blue eyes were drinking you in in a way that felt suffocating.
You could see him leaning in, and you hadn’t exactly done anything to stop it. In truth, you didn’t know why. JJ had never been anything but your best friend, never even tempted to think of him in that way. Finding out that wasn’t the case for him was shocking, sure, but not enough to keep you from pushing him away at the very least.
His lips brushing against yours had your heart skipping a beat, and for a few seconds, you didn’t kiss him back. You just sat there, letting him kiss you and getting the feel of his skin on yours in a way that was foreign. You’d blinked just as JJ deepened the kiss, clearly taking your lack of action as the okay, and you hadn’t been able to swallow down your gasp. When you hesitantly kissed him back, you’d felt JJ’s hand on the small of your back, the other fingering the strap of your top.
Everything after had been a mess of lips on lips, hands pulling at clothes, and finally skin on skin.
Your eyes flew open at a particularly hard thrust, JJ’s cock stretching you out so addictingly. Sweat clung to your skin, your clothes thrown somewhere in John B.’s van, and you couldn’t even find it in you to care about how hot it was. JJ’s hands were wrapped around your calves now, your feet pressed against his stomach as he slid into you over and over.
It was so hard to breathe for multiple reasons, but especially because you were having the best sex of your life and it was because of your best friend. The thought was enough to completely drag you out of the moment. It felt weird and good at the same time, and you couldn’t understand how that was. You couldn’t even find it in you to feel guilty over making a mess of your friend’s vehicle, feeling yourself dripping around JJ and smearing down your skin.
You’d actually almost forgotten that your friends were on the way with help and another tire. You’d almost forgotten they existed entirely until you heard JJ’s phone vibrating. You were on top of him, now, hands pressed into his shoulder and pushing yourself down onto his cock, fucking yourself onto him and chasing your high.
“They said they’re down the street,” he panted, one hand pressed into your waist while the other held his phone. “They’re close.”
As he said that, you could feel yourself getting close too, and your eyes rolled as you circled your hips.
“Fuck,” JJ breathed, and you could feel his eyes on you, but you were too preoccupied with coming.
When you finally did, you literally froze, lips falling open and a choked moan escaping just as you felt JJ’s hands tighten on you. Your nails were pressing into his skin, but if the way he deeply moaned was anything to go by, he didn’t seem to care. You could feel him stilling too, twitching inside of you, and the feel had you shuddering.
He was lazily moving your hips over his as you milked him, and you literally whined when you were forced to move off of him. Your back met the floor of the van, and you stared up at the ceiling, blinking in disbelief. You could faintly hear JJ hurrying to get dressed, but you couldn’t move.
You’d just had sex with your best friend…and it was great.
You felt yourself frowning, a myriad of emotions washing over you as you tried to process this. It didn’t seem real, and yet, the evidence was quite literally on you and in you. JJ called your name, and you realized he’d called it several times. You looked at him as he put your clothes in your hand, hurrying to help you sit up, and you felt like you were in a daze.
“Hey, hey,” he said, touching your face and making you look into his eyes. “We gotta get dressed, okay?”
He was right, and yet that still didn’t stop you from running your eyes over him, drinking him in. He both looked and didn’t look like your best friend, and it was an odd thought to wrap your head around. You couldn’t believe what you’d just done, and deciding that now was not the time to analyze your actions and the ramifications of them, you got dressed.
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“Fuck, baby…”
JJ’s breathless voice in your ear only made you wetter, and you pushed back to meet his thrusts.
It had been weeks, almost three months actually, since the incident. That was what you liked to call it because what else could you possibly refer to it as? How else would you identify the day in which JJ had convinced you to sleep with him in the back of the Twinkie? What could you possibly call the day in which you realized that JJ’s feelings about you weren’t always so platonic, and that sometimes, just sometimes, he was actually very curious about what his best friend was like in bed?
You had thought that it would be weird, disastrous even. You had actually cried yourself to sleep that same night, so scared that you’d made a huge mistake and that it would ruin your friendship with JJ forever. You’d told yourself that you should’ve spoken up, been the voice of reason when you were both careless and clearly delirious from heat.
After all, some moments of pleasure were never worth the loss of a friendship.
However, when JJ had shown up at your door the next morning, dressed and looking like his normal self as he offered to drive you to John B.’s like he often did, you got the sense that maybe you’d overreacted. Nothing about his words, tone, or expression had even hinted at what had taken place the previous day, and you’d actually frowned.
Somewhat dazed, you had nodded with a small okay, telling him you needed to get dressed. You had given him a strange look when he came inside, flopping on your couch and scrolling through his phone like everything was normal. Like shit was sweet.
Shit wasn’t sweet.
You and your best friend had quite literally rocked the van, and he was pretending like it never happened.
“Um…JJ,” you’d said when you followed him outside.
He’d been in the process of climbing onto his bike, and he’d turned to look at you, face inquiring. You had actually scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Are you just…going to pretend like yesterday never happened or…?”
He’d blinked at your words, features softening some as he climbed off of his bike. You’d swallowed at his close proximity, kind of unsure of how to act around him, now. He looked the same as he always did, but it was so different, now. You’d held that blond hair as he kissed down your frame. You’d looked into those blue eyes as he’d pinned you between him and the floor of the van. You’d held onto those arms as you came around each other.
You didn’t know how to pretend like you hadn’t.
“I didn’t think you’d want it to ruin our friendship,” he’d finally said.
“I don’t,” you had spoken up, straightening. “That’s the last thing I want, but…I don’t know. You’re pretending like it didn’t happen. Aren’t we going to at least talk about it?”
“…and say what? That it was great? That you were great?” he’d moved closer, looking at you from beneath his lashes. “…because you were.”
You’d swallowed at that, glancing away and feeling heated.
“Look, I know that it wasn’t your idea of how to spend the afternoon, and I just feel a little bad.”
You’d frowned at his confession.
“JJ, I’m an adult. If I didn’t want to have sex with you, I could’ve said so,” you’d told him, shoulders sagging. “No…it definitely wasn’t my first choice of how to pass the time, but I don’t think I regret it. Not unless it’s going to make things weird…”
You were trying your hardest to prevent that from happening, and when JJ chuckled, you did too.
“We were friends, and we’re still friends. Just friends who had sex one afternoon in a hot van,” he’d said with a shrug.
The way he’d worded it had made you feel better, and you were relieved when he pulled you into a hug. After hugging him back, you’d happily climbed onto the back of his bike, writing the previous afternoon off as that weird day when you and JJ decided to have sex.
He was right, of course.
You and JJ were still the best of friends who just happened to fuck each other one time. Once you were around the rest of your friends, it was easy to relax and sink back into familiar dynamics. You were teasing each other and throwing things at each other and finishing each other’s sentences again in record time. While there’d been the stray thought or two that your friends would be able to tell what went down between you two, that had soon passed after about a week.
After a month, it really did seem like nothing even happened.
You couldn’t deny that it had crossed your mind on occasion. After all, it was hard to look at your best friend and ignore the fact that you’d had sex with him. It was usually a stray thought in passing, like a little reminder notification in your head, and sometimes it was accompanied by the afterthought that it was the best sex you’d had. That was still something you had a hard time grasping, but it wasn’t long before even that fact didn’t feel weird to you.
Nights at The Chateau and on boats had accumulated into literal months since that day. It was something that you really didn’t even think about, now. Not when JJ hugged you or when he pinched your side or even when he held you close with an arm around your neck. Why would you? Nothing about your friendship had changed, something you were beyond grateful for.
So, it was kind of a shock to you when JJ had cornered you against John B.’s fridge one evening.
You were getting something to drink, and you’d gasped when you felt a chin suddenly resting in the crook of your shoulder, a chest pressed to your back. He’d startled you more than anything, and JJ had laughed to himself at your reaction.
“Anything good in there?”
Your answer was on the tip of your tongue when you felt his hand on your waist, fingers kneading into your skin where your shirt had ridden up. You’d frowned to yourself, stomach twisting a bit before slowly pushing his hand away.
“Just the usual,” you’d dragged out, slipping from between him and the fridge.
You were making your way past him when he reached out, a finger hooking in your belt loop as he gently pulled you back. You’d given him an odd look as he pulled you closer, a nervous chuckle escaping. His blue eyes were fixated on you, and he’d pulled his lip between his teeth as your frown deepened.
“JJ…what are you doing?” you’d slowly asked, worriedly eyeing him.
Your question had made him pause, pressing his lips together as he stared at you. You’d watched him blink, his face pinching together just a tad before he’d let you go. If you had known better, you would’ve noted how reluctant he’d seemed to do so. The air had felt so weird as you studied him, and just like that, he’d chuckled and broke the spell.
You had watched him scratch the back of his head.
“I don’t know,” he’d confessed, shaking his head before brushing past you, throwing a small sorry over his shoulder.
That had been days ago, and as much as the interaction had concerned you, you’d forced yourself to let it go. You’d been glad you did because in the days that followed, it was like it’d never even happened…
…but then JJ had driven you home...and he’d gotten off of his bike with you, and before you’d been able to thank him…he’d kissed you.
So shocked by it, you had stumbled back, looking at him with wide eyes. It was hard to place the look on his face, like he was confused by his actions just as much as you were, but it didn’t stop him from reaching out and gently taking your arm.
“JJ, what-?”
“I don’t…I don’t know,” he’d softly mumbled, moving closer as he pulled you closer. “I don’t know.”
He kept repeating that as he leaned in, kissing you again, and his breath was shaky as he did. You’d placed your hand on his chest, and he reached up, holding it there as he moved his mouth against yours. Before, you’d told yourself you should’ve been the voice of reason, recalling how scared you’d been that night that your friendship as you knew it was over. You didn’t want a repeat of that, nor did you want that to come true, and so you’d pulled back.
“JJ, we can’t-.”
“Why?” he’d breathed, licking his lips. “…because we’re friends?”
“Yes,” you’d slowly told him. “…and I want to stay friends.”
The desperation in his gaze threw you.
“We did it before, and we’re still friends…”
You’d faltered at that, looking away when JJ had forced you to look back at him. One of his hands slid down to your waist, trailing over your back and side, and you shuddered at the feel. You could hear how uneven his breathing was.
“I…haven’t really stopped thinking about that day,” he confessed, making your heart skip a beat.
“What? Y-you said…”
“I know what I said,” he blurted out. “I know, but…”
JJ leaned in, nipping at your bottom lip before kissing you again.
“I want you so bad,” he breathed against your lips. “You get me so hard, and you don’t even know it.”
All of this was overwhelming news to you, and when JJ deepened the kiss, you could feel yourself traveling back to that afternoon in the Twinkie. The voice of reason in your head was fighting against the heated feeling that was slowly consuming you. You were thinking of what his skin had felt like on yours, what his hands had felt like on you, and what he’d felt like inside of you.
This wasn’t supposed to happen again.
Never mind the fact that you and JJ were friends, but you weren’t this kind of girl. Casual sex was never and had never been your thing. You liked relationships, always had. You liked having boyfriends, and getting flowers and gifts, and having sex with someone you could call yours. You’d written that afternoon off as the one wild thing you’d do for the next three years.
It wasn’t supposed to happen again.
…and yet, you found yourself leaning on JJ’s bike, one leg raised with your knee resting on the seat as he pushed into you from behind. Your shorts were around one ankle, your underwear long ripped off, and JJ’s hands were curled into your hips as he dipped his cock into you.
You couldn’t even stop yourself from gasping and moaning, trembling at the feeling of him fucking you from this angle. The bike shook from his movements, and one of his hands moved to hold it steady. His lips grazed your ear, and despite the fact that he was literally inside of you, you were still supposed to be just friends, but the words he whispered didn’t indicate that, at all.
“You’re so tight,” he groaned, cursing when he sank into you again. “I’ve been thinking about this all week, you know that?”
You suddenly thought about that day at John B.’s, JJ’s weird behavior, and you frowned through the haze.
“Just wanted to feel you wrapped around me…choking me…sucking me dry…”
A high-pitched gasp escaped your lips, and you struggled to stay upright. The sound of skin slapping against skin could be heard in your yard, and you prayed to whoever was listening that your neighbors didn’t decide to get curious today of all days.
JJ’s free hand traveled along your frame. Kneading your waist, squeezing your breast, curling around your throat. It was too much, and to your surprise, you could feel yourself coming. If JJ was shocked too, he didn’t show it, fucking you through it and turning you into a babbling mess. You were so wet, the sound of it meeting your ears every time JJ pushed his cock into you, completely sheathing himself inside of your walls, determined to find his release there.
You were meeting him thrust for thrust, determined to come again. You felt like a woman possessed, fucking yourself onto him and squeezing his cock. You didn’t even care that you were fucking your best friend again, only concerned with wanting to feel him come inside of you. The aftermath was something you couldn’t focus on, right now, and you knew you’d come to regret that line of thinking. When JJ came, he came before you this time, spilling into you and pushing into you so hard it jostled his bike.
The feel of him coating your walls sent you over the edge, squeezing him so tight that he cursed over and over, hand tightening on your neck as you struggled to breathe. You saw stars, and unlike last time, there was no rush to get dressed. JJ remained inside of you for a while, just holding himself there and basking in the aftermath of what you just did…again.
When he finally did pull out, you weren’t as dazed this time.
Instead, you frowned.
You were still shaking as you pulled up your shorts, a million thoughts running through your head. What did this mean? What were you? Were you friends who just happened to have sex twice…or did JJ intend for this to be a regular thing? You couldn’t stomach the latter, knowing the kind of girl you were and hating yourself for going against what you knew you were comfortable with.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
One time could be a mistake, a lapse of judgement or just an afternoon of fun, never to be repeated. Twice? Twice was a choice on both your parts. JJ for making the move again, and you for allowing it. You stepped away from him when you were fully dressed, and you didn’t know what to say. You could still feel him in you, both figuratively and literally, cringing at the way he dripped out of you and into your shorts.
He was saying something about hanging out at Sarah’s place tomorrow, but you couldn’t really focus on it. You were too in your own head, but JJ didn’t seem to notice, leaning over to place a brief kiss to your lips before starting his bike. You watched him drive away, and you found yourself feeling incredibly…alone.
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You sipped on your drink with a frown, heart clenching at the sight before you. The sound of partygoers would’ve normally been music to your ears, but all you wanted in this moment was some time with your own thoughts. That and to be far away from JJ Maybank.
Realizing your cup was now empty, you forced yourself to look away from the sight before you. You turned your back on blond and blonder, stumbling across the beach to get another drink. You almost tripped over your own feet and probably would have if it weren’t for Kie.
“Woah, hey! You okay…?”
She steadied you, and when you glanced up, the concern in her eyes was evident. You’d never been much of a drinker, and especially not to the point of inebriation, but you weren’t exactly yourself. You hadn’t felt like yourself for a while, now.
“I’m fine,” you told her, but it was a lie.
You weren’t fine.
You were in love with your best friend…and it was all his fault.
JJ had always been attractive. Even if that had never meant anything of consequence to you, you could still admit it. He was funny, charismatic, kind, and way too forgiving for his own good. He was always the life of the party, and he’d never failed to make you smile. He’d always been that way, so none of that was enough to make you fall for the guy, but then he had to go and start having sex with you.
Granted, it only happened twice, but twice was enough.
You weren’t a casual girl. You didn’t even know how to go about being a casual girl, and now that he’d added sex to your dynamic, it was hard to keep seeing him as your same best friend. It was hard not to stare, not to linger on the way his laugh traveled through the air or the way he shook his hair out of his face when it got wet. You’d found yourself drinking him in on more than one occasion when he was fixing his bike, swallowing at the sight of his stomach when he used his shirt to wipe his face.
In the months since the last time you’d had sex, it had snuck up on you.
You felt more excited to see him more than any of your other friends. You found yourself hanging onto his every word, and when you weren’t with him, you’d absentmindedly wonder what he was doing…and who he was doing it with. The thought always made your stomach turn, and you’d get the feeling like you’d be sick.
Like now, for example.
You poured yourself another drink, frowning at how close he and some girl were standing. They hadn’t stopped smiling since they met, and you wondered to yourself just what was so damn funny. You blinked back tears as you downed the drink in seconds, quickly getting another. You ignored Kie’s voice as you disappeared into the crowd, wanting to be as far away from JJ as possible.
You felt so stupid…because you knew this would happen.
You knew yourself, and you knew this would happen, but no. You just had to listen to JJ and let him in your head and convince you that everything would remain the same. Now, here you were, months later and dreaming about and sulking over your best friend. Every time he so much as touched you these days, it was almost enough to do you in. You were torn between feeling grateful you hadn’t had sex with him again since that evening in your yard or feeling sad that you hadn’t.
“Woah, hey, where…where are you going?” John B. wondered as you moved past him and Sarah.
“Home,” was all you said.
You could hear footsteps behind you, and you grumbled when the brunette stopped you.
“Like this? Y/N, you’re so drunk,” Sarah said from beside him, reaching for your drink.
You gave her a look as you held it out of reach, daring her to try and take it. She threw John B. a pleading look, and he sighed.
“It’s getting late,” he said. “Why don’t we all just call it a night, and you can crash at my place…”
You both loved and hated the sound of that, but your desire to collapse and cry yourself to sleep won. You reluctantly nodded, allowing Sarah to take your hand as John B. disappeared behind you. You weren’t in a talkative mood, and you were so glad that Sarah respected that. She was helping you into the van when you heard the last voice you wanted to hear.
“Why did you let her drink that much?”
“I’m not a child,” you answered before John B. could.
Everyone seemed shocked at your tone, but you couldn’t find it in you to care, opting to lie down. You closed your eyes, ignoring everyone until you felt a jacket being placed on you. The smell of it was familiar, and you didn’t even open your eyes as you shook it off.
“Y/N, it’s like 60 degrees-.”
“Why are you even here?” you wondered, opening your eyes and fixing your gaze on JJ. “What happened to your girl of the night?”
The blond didn’t respond right away, looking at you strangely, and for a moment, you almost thought he could see right through you. It made your heart skip a beat, and he slowly shook his head.
“That wasn’t…that wasn’t anything. Besides, even if it was, you’re drunk,” he said, like you were more important or something.
You rolled your eyes at that, closing them and forcing back tears.
This wasn’t like you. At all. You didn’t cry over guys and get so drunk you could barely stand and snap at your friends. JJ was turning you into someone you didn’t recognize, and you hated it. A year ago, your friendship was as strong as it could’ve been, and now…now you could barely look at him. Before, you wouldn’t have even given a second glance to JJ and some girl, but now the thought was almost enough to send you spiraling.
Why did JJ even have sex with you in the first place?
Everything was fine.
When you blinked, you took in the change of scenery, and it wasn’t hard to guess that you’d fallen asleep somewhere along the way. You were in a familiar living room, and you didn’t need to sit up to know you were on a familiar couch. How you got there was a mystery, and you could faintly hear the voices of your friends from down by the water.
You wouldn’t be joining them, preferring to isolate yourself, and the thought made your eyes water. This thing with JJ was even affecting your other friendships, and you sniffed, sitting up. Your mouth felt so dry, and you were just about to journey to find some water when you were startled.
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong with you?”
You jumped at the familiar voice, and you pressed your hand to your chest. You hadn’t even noticed JJ to your left, lounging in the dark like some creeper. You didn’t answer him, simply huffing and attempting to stand. You probably would’ve collapsed if it weren’t for the blond.
“Nothing is wrong-.”
“I don’t think I can ever remember a time when you were drunk…especially this drunk.”
“Why do you care?” you loudly wondered.
You didn’t miss the frown that covered his features, and you knew you were being a bitch. JJ was your best friend…of course he cared, but you were so lovesick and frustrated and drunk and angry that you weren’t thinking straight. Sleeping with JJ had changed too much for you because now you wanted him to care about you the same way you cared about him…and because he didn’t…sometimes it felt like he didn’t care, at all.
…and that wasn’t true.
“Of course, I care,” he softly said, forcing you to sit down.
He sat down with you.
“You’re my best friend…”
Those words had you closing your eyes, and you couldn’t stop your head from dropping.
“Hey…” you felt his hands on you. “What’s wrong?”
You could only shake your head, and you felt his hands on your face, now.
You always told each other everything, but your relationship with him was so different, now, and you genuinely didn’t know how he’d react if you told him the truth. You didn’t think you could take it if he got that look on his face, the one where he looked both sheepish and in pain all at once, before telling you he didn’t feel the same. You knew it was true, but you couldn’t handle it if he told you outright he’d only wanted you for sex.
In your drunken state, you couldn’t handle that…so you kissed him instead.
If JJ was surprised, you couldn’t tell. Especially not with the way his hands tightened on your face. The presence of your friends right outside and down by the water was so far from your mind. Your drunken brain could only focus on JJ’s hands running down your sides and pulling at your dress. He seemed just as eager to be inside of you as you were to feel him there. You let out a sharp moan when his fingers brushed over you, and the blond shushed you.
“You have to be quiet,” he whispered, fumbling to release himself.
You pulled on his shirt as you laid down, pulling him on top of you, and you shuddered when you felt the tip of him poking against you. He was so hard already, and your heart clenched as you wondered if that was for you or leftover from her. JJ’s lips were hungry against yours as he reached down to push your panties to the side.
Your mouth parted into an O shape against his lips as he slowly pushed into you. It had been months since he’d stretched you out this good, and you almost couldn’t contain yourself. When he was fully inside, hips firmly pressed to yours, he held himself there for a while. It was as if he was basking in something he’d missed too, and you were too impatient, lifting your hips against his and letting out a small whine.
At that, JJ pressed his hand to your mouth before pulling his hips back. Only the tip of him remained inside of you before he surged forward, pushing into you with a force that made your eyes roll. Your fingers tightened in his shirt, and you breathed through your nose.
Every push of his cock had you shuddering and clenching around him, missing this and him so much. You felt so full when JJ was fucking you, more than you had with any of your previous boyfriends and the thought had you faltering.
JJ wasn’t your boyfriend.
He never would be, and as he fucked you against John B.’s couch, a few tears escaped. You wanted him to be, but this was just sex. That had been established since the beginning, and it was your fault for giving into something you knew you weren’t cut out for.
You felt like you couldn’t get close enough to JJ, wrapping your legs around him and lifting your hips to meet his thrusts. His fingers were digging into you and holding you so tight there was no doubt they’d bruise. His face was in the crook of your neck as he curved his hips into yours, breathing labored as he stuffed you full of his cock.
When he lifted his head, he removed his hand, kissing you on the lips before his lips traveled to your cheek and then jaw and then neck. He was kissing you and tasting you, and you couldn’t stop yourself from shuddering at the words that escaped his lips.
“You feel just like heaven,” he breathed. “You always do.”
You softly moaned his name, wrapping your arms around him and holding onto him.
“Always keep this pretty pussy nice and tight just for me,” he mumbled. “…always fit me so perfectly.”
He was murmuring incoherently, fucking you and kissing you and biting you. You could hear the squelch of him plunging into you, gasping as he hit something inside of you that made your back arch and toes curl. You were so drunk and he felt so good and you were on cloud 9.
“JJ…” you breathed. “I have… I have to tell…”
You trailed off, sinking your teeth into your lip to swallow down a moan. You were shaking beneath him, legs falling from around him, now as you let him fuck you. You moved your hand, reaching under his shirt too run your fingers across his torso.
“Oh my God,” you gasped, head thrown back as he grinded against you. “JJ, I have to tell you something.”
He cursed, looking down to where he disappeared into you.
“Fuck,” he hissed, slowly pushing into you. “You can tell me tomorrow.”
You wanted to tell him, now, but you could feel yourself hurdling towards the edge, and your drunken brain was too focused on trying to remain quiet. JJ’s hand covered your mouth again as he felt you getting close, his face buried into your neck as he became determined to make you come.
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You kept your eyes on your drink, the same drink you’d had for the better part of an hour. Ever since that night a few weeks ago, you’d been kind of scared of alcohol, and ever since that night days ago, you’d been scared of JJ. Not genuinely, of course, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be around him and act the same around him.
You still remembered the feel of his hand on your waist in the water. Everyone else had gone inside, oblivious to your pleading gaze as the last thing you wanted was to be alone with JJ. Not because you were afraid you’d have sex with him again, but because of the opposite.
Waking up alone and still in your clothes from the previous night on John B.’s couch hadn’t made you feel as worse as knowing that you’d had sex with JJ again, and this time, you were the one to initiate it. The level of disappointment you’d felt had been astronomical, and you’d wanted to cry for being so weak and pathetic and cowardly.
You’d had sex because it was easier than telling him you were in love with him.
It was easier than facing rejection.
You’d officially hit rock bottom, and it was that morning that you’d decided something had to give. You’d gone straight home to shower, and you’d developed some resolve by the time you got out, telling yourself that this couldn’t go on like this forever.
Seeing JJ after that third night had definitely felt like a punch to the gut, but you told yourself you needed to get over this. He acted the same as he always had, you guessed, and you swallowed down any feelings that arose when he hugged you or grabbed you. You reminded yourself that once upon a time, you’d felt nothing at all at his touch, and that it needed to be that way again.
You’d been mentally preparing yourself to have the inevitable talk whenever that came up again.
You hadn’t expected to have it so soon.
Before, where there’d been literal months in between, this time, it was only mere weeks. His hand on your waist in the water after everyone else had gone inside had startled you, and while the sight of his wolfish grin did elicit butterflies, it also made your stomach churn in a negative way too. It was hard to miss the slight from on JJ’s face when you’d pulled away.
You’d been able to hear him following you to the edge and out of the water.
“What’s wrong?” he’d wondered, and you’d swallowed, slightly miffed because you thought you’d had more time.
JJ had never wanted to have sex again so soon, and you didn’t want to linger on what that could mean. It was just sex to him, anyway, and you didn’t doubt that he’d be disappointed, but you knew he’d get over it. For the sake of your friendship, you both needed to get over it.
“I don’t really want to do that anymore, JJ,” you’d slowly murmured, grabbing your towel.
The silence that met you was loud, and when you looked over, you confirmed that he was deeply frowning at you. It was hard to place the look on his face, but the surprise was easy enough to spot, and you wrapped your towel around you as he came near. Water dripped from his blond hair and down his face and onto his chest.
“I don’t… I don’t get it,” he lightly chuckled, but it lacked humor. “I thought everything was fine. Did I do something-?”
“No,” you had assured him, shaking your head. “You didn’t do anything wrong, trust me.”
You’d watched him run his hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face as he studied you. His blue eyes hadn’t looked so warm then, and he’d scoffed.
“The old ‘it’s not you it’s me’ thing, huh,” he’d drawled, rolling his eyes towards the sky. “I thought we were friends.”
“We are…”
“Then why aren’t you being honest?”
“I am,” you’d firmly told him. “I don’t want that anymore, JJ.”
You’d shrugged, glancing away.
“It was fun…sure, but we knew it couldn’t last and…”
“That’s the best you’ve got?” he’d wondered, tilting his head. “It couldn’t last so might as well end it, now, right?”
If you hadn’t known better, you would’ve said that he was angry, and his reaction confused you. You’d shaken your head at him, holding your towel around him.
“Why does it matter? It’s just sex to you, right?”
JJ had blinked at that, like he’d forgotten that, and you’d pulled your lip between your teeth. The whole ordeal was hard enough, and you hadn’t understood why JJ was making it harder. When he hadn’t said anything more, only nodding, you’d finally decided to join your friends inside.
That had been days ago, and your hopes that things would go back to normal had been squashed when JJ had been giving you the equivalent of the cold shoulder ever since. He wasn’t cruel, of course, and it certainly wasn’t noticeable by anyone else…but you knew.
You knew it in the way he didn’t direct his jokes towards you or in the way he didn’t hug you anymore or how he didn’t even offer to drive you home. It was little changes that completely flipped what you knew of your friendship, and it had taken you by surprise.
…because JJ was mad at you.
…and you didn’t know why.
Your friendship had wound up in the one place you hadn’t wanted it to be, and more than you ever had before, you desperately wished you had never slept with him in the first place. Here you were, at a party and fighting with your best friend, only you couldn’t understand why. To add insult to injury, you had to leave your other friends in the dark about it. You couldn’t even imagine taking it from the top with them, dreading to hear Pope go on a whole ‘I told you so’ rant about Pogue on Pogue macking.
Feeling utterly alone and filled with regret, you decided to just cut your losses and go home.
You wondered if JJ took the whole thing personally, like it was specifically him you were rejecting and not the casual sex of it all. Surely, he had to understand that this whole thing should’ve never started to begin with. Had things been so peachy from his side? Had he had none of these thoughts, none of these doubts about what you were doing? At all? You found it hard to believe, and then you remembered Kie saying something once about men being simple creatures.
Maybe JJ really had thought that everything was perfect, and why wouldn’t he? He could sleep around with whoever he wanted and still turn around and get it from you too. From his point of view, he was probably on top of the world.
You were halfway to your house when you heard it, the sound of a bike, and you really didn’t think much of it until it started to slow. Looking over, the last person you expected to pull up beside you was JJ, and you paused. You eyed him as he stopped, and you watched his shoulders heave with a heavy sigh.
“Hop on,” he said.
You opened your mouth to say something when he continued.
“It’s late and…you shouldn’t be walking home…”
He wouldn’t look at you, and you found his behavior so odd. Still, as weird as he was being, he was right. It was late, and no matter how much of a weird place your friendship was in, you weren’t going to turn down his offer to take you home.
You swallowed at the feel of wrapping your arms around him. It reminded you of both the simpler times of your friendship, and the more complicated where your feelings for him were literally making you miserable. When he parked at your house, you were surprised to see him getting off the bike too, and you eyed him, watching him sigh again before looking away with a taut jaw.
“Can I come in?”
You blinked, taken aback, but unable to refuse.
“Of course,” you softly told him.
You had a feeling this conversation wouldn’t be light, and you wondered if you should play pretend at first and offer something to eat or if you should just tell him to get right to it. You turned to face him just as he locked the door, and you blinked at him.
JJ looked…troubled as he leaned against the door, just frowning at you.
“I don’t…I don’t want to break it off…”
That admission didn’t really shock you, and you nodded.
“Yeah, I gathered as much,” you mumbled, recalling his reaction that day.
“I thought things were good,” he quietly said.
“For you, maybe,” you scoffed. “Not for me…”
You crossed your arms over your chest, plopping down onto your couch.
“So, that’s it,” he said it more like a statement than a question. “Just like that you decide its over.”
You swallowed down the words you really wanted to say, confessing to him how you felt, but you knew it would only hurt you. You reached up, rubbing your temples as you stood. JJ was still leaning against the door, staring you down, and you shook your head.
“I don’t understand this, JJ,” you whispered. “You can and do sleep with whoever you want. Why does it matter that I don’t want that to be me anymore?”
“…because the thought of you sleeping with anyone else makes me sick,” he sneered, shocking you.
The vitriol and malice in his tone had your eyes widening, and before your eyes, it was like a mask dropped, revealing the angry guy underneath. You scoffed, glancing away with a shake of your head.
“We’re not together, JJ,” you slowly started. “…and besides you don’t have to worry about that anytime soon.”
Only God knew how long it would take you to get over your best friend, but as he approached you, you wondered if that day would come sooner rather than later. You gasped at the way he grabbed your arm, and again, there was that troubled look in JJ’s eyes, like his own actions shocked you just as much as they shocked him.
“I didn’t…”
His voice was quiet, and he trailed off, releasing a shaky breath through his nose as he stared at you. You watched his blue eyes rake over you, drinking you in and studying everything about you. You watched his face fall some, and he stepped closer. His hold on you kept you from taking one back.
“I thought I could sleep with you and that would be it,” he started, huffing to himself. “I didn’t know I’d be thinking about you almost every day since…fighting the urge to fuck you in front of all out friends…”
Your eyes widened.
“I didn’t think I’d drive myself crazy thinking about the day you finally got another boyfriend, and you wouldn’t…you wouldn’t be mine anymore.”
You were at a loss for words, somehow both hearing what you wanted and what you didn’t.
“I tried to just let it go, fight it, but I couldn’t…and I…I had to have you again, and I tried to fight it again, and then you…you kissed me this time,” he said through clenched teeth. “You wanted me and then you just broke it off.”
You furiously blinked, trying to gather your thoughts, but JJ kept talking.
“I wanted to break something. I wanted to break someone’s neck,” he spat, moving closer. “Now, that I’ve had you… I don’t think I can just let you go.”
Both of his hands were on your arms, now, and you pressed your hands to his chest.
“JJ, wait-.”
He swallowed your words, kissing you, and any fight against him was futile. Your mind was trying to make sense of this turn of events. There wasn’t anything to be happy about because you didn’t know if JJ actually felt something for you, or if this was pure possessiveness. Ownership. You wanted to talk about this, but the way he ignored your protests and resistance had you rethinking everything.
JJ wouldn’t let you get a word in, keeping his lips on yours, and you yelped into his mouth when he tore at your shirt. You sucked in air when you turned your head away, pushing against him.
“JJ, stop-! What are you…?”
You gasped when he shoved you onto the couch, and you felt like you were having an out of body experience. The very same best friend that you loved was pinning you beneath him, pulling your skirt down because you dared to put a stop to whatever this casual fling was.
Any thoughts entertaining the revelation that maybe he actually felt the same way this whole time was gone. This wasn’t love. This was about a guy feeling like you owed him something, owed him a part of you, and you yelped in pain when his teeth sank into your chest.
“JJ, stop,” you tearfully pleaded, pushing against his face.
“Why? Huh?” he wondered, hovering over you and holding you down.
His blond hair hung into his face, and his blue eyes were hard, staring you down like you’d done something wrong.
“So things can go back to the way they were before we slept together? If I say I don’t want that then what?”
You sniffed, trying to close your legs, but it didn’t prevent him from pushing into you, stretching you out in a way that was so familiar. You shuddered at the feel, and JJ pressed his tongue to the inside of his lip, watching himself slowly disappear into you.
“You don’t have half a clue what you do to me,” he murmured, leaning down and pinning you beneath him. “You don’t even get how you’ve ruined me for anybody else.”
He snapped his hips against yours, a harsh grunt leaving him, and you gasped. One of his hands had your wrists pinned to your stomach, the other forearm was pressed into the couch beside your head, holding himself up so that he could alternate between looking at your face and looking down to where you two connected.
“I…I’m sorry,” he whispered, brushing his lips over yours. “I’m sorry, I really am, but I can’t… I can’t let you go.”
You turned your head away.
“I can’t let you end this.”
Your face crumbled at that, wondering if you’d just told him how you felt, if it would have ever come to this. Then again, it was better to know what JJ was really like, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it better to know that he wasn’t the sweet and caring guy you always thought he was? Surely, it had to be better to know that he was capable of anything under the right circumstances too.
That was what you told yourself, but as he plunged into you, sliding his cock into your now slick walls, you almost wished you’d remained in blissful ignorance. As you shuddered beneath him, you wondered if this was where you would’ve wound up eventually even if you had refused him that day in the van.
“Fuck,” he cursed, slowly thrusting into you and forcing a whine to climb out of your throat. “Just imagine…”
He pushed into you to the hilt, holding himself there and reaching up to brush his fingers along your jaw.
“If you had never shown me what I was missing.”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 6 months
The Horners feeling asleep on the plane. Also, you. Max is deep in his thoughts what would have happened if you were caught last night, or if the CCTV footage was leaked. He doesn't notice that you're awake and only snaps back when he feels your kisses on his body and quiet voice asking if it's too late to join the Mile High Club
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The Real Prize - New Beginnings || MV1
The Real Prize || Thighs || Pre-Gala || Jealousy || Panties || Captivity || Rocky || Escaping || Consequences || A Mile High || New Beginnings
The plane was quiet as everyone slept soundly, except Max. He had lifted the shade to the oval window and stared out into the dark sky, seeing something far beyond the endless night at 40,000ft. His mind was preoccupied with Christian’s warning from that morning.
You woke to Max’s thumb softly drawing circles on your hip. Whether knowingly or by habit, he had found a gap in your shirt and needed the reassuring warmth of your skin under his touch. The moon illuminated his face, making his sharp features even harsher and he clenched his jaw as an unwanted thought passed through his head.
He was in need of a distraction.
Your neck hated the angle you had tortured it to but you ignored the ache as you kissed the corner of Max’s pouting lips. The prickles of his shirt beard tickled your lips as you dragged them softly across his cheek and down his neck. You found his steady pulse and gently nipped it as he remained transfixed on the stars outside.
He startled at the pinch of your teeth and groaned your name quietly. “Yes, my love?” you replied innocently. “You look like you need saving.”
“From what?”
“Yourself.” You unbuckled the lap belt and rose from the chair as you curled a finger in his direction. “Come.”
He followed you to the back of the plane where the double bed was separated by a thin wall. “I hope they changed the sheets,” you commented as you climbed on top.
“It was a long time ago,” Max chuckled before the sound sobered up. “Before I met you.”
He turned and locked the door to ensure your privacy but he questioned if it was enough. You watched your boyfriend rest his head on the door and knew he was still deep in whatever thoughts had stopped him from sleeping.
Slipping off the bed, you wrapped your arms around his middle and rested your head on his shoulder. “What’s on your mind, baby?”
“You. Me. Us.”
“That’s not foreboding at all,” you murmured as you pulled away.
“Not like that,” he said as he caught your hand and took a seat on the bed, guiding you onto his lap. “Last night…things got a little bit out of hand. I don’t know what came over me, but seeing you in that dress…it’s not an excuse, I should have been more careful. Christian was right.”
He hung his head on your shoulder and you combed your fingers into his hair. “I’m sorry.”
He laughed as he peeked up. “Why are you sorry?”
“I should have worn something ugly, something so hideous you would have been embarrassed to be seen with me.”
His eyes narrowed as your lips twitched. “Do you think this is funny, schatje?”
“Kind of,” you giggled. “You’re so serious for like 9 months of the year, baby. You missed out on experiencing the wild teenage years while you were off racing, you deserve to get crazy once in a while before you have to settle down.”
“You say that like it would be a chore to settle down with you.” You shrugged at his words, a teasing smile on your lips as he tightened his hold on you so you couldn’t wriggle away from his kiss. Chuckling softly, he left you breathless as he leaned back and said, “Just so you know, nothing could make me embarrassed of you. You could wear a potato sack to our wedding and I would still say I do.”
“You’re getting a bit ahead of yourself there, baby, you haven’t even asked me to marry you.” 
Max stood up abruptly and his hands steadied you before going to the bedside drawer and opening it. “Been bringing this on every trip since Austin…” He returned with a small velvet box in his palm and dropped to one knee in front of you.
“I was just teasing you,” you murmured, slightly shocked but very happy with the turn of events. 
“I can put it back if you want,” he said with a smirk, pretending to rise from his knees before you grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back down.
“No, no way, keep going,” you urged as he smiled to the floor, opening the box tantalisingly slow. “Oh my god, give me it here.”
Max jumped up and held the box out of your reach, laughing as you climbed onto the bed and then up his chest as you tried to steal it. “It’s like you are eager or something, schatje.”
Clasping the box tight with one hand, he curled the other arm around your waist and fell to the bed with you. He pinned you beneath his body, his lips brushing yours as he whispered, “Just say yes.”
“Yes,” you breathed as you stared into his blue eyes and saw love reflected. “Yes, Max.”
He sat up and opened the box, fear suddenly appearing on his face as he found it empty. “Shit,” he swore as he clambered off the bed and a sound relief echoed around the small room. “Found it!”
You didn’t truly believe him until he returned triumphant, ring pinched tightly in his fingers. “I got it,” he said with a flush to his cheeks as he took your hand and slipped it on your finger. “Mine.”
“Yours,” you echoed as you climbed back onto Max’s lap. You grinned as the diamond disappeared into his hair and tugged the strands while you peppered his neck with kisses. “Is it too late to renew my membership to the mile high club?”
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plasticferal · 6 months
hate that i love you | matt sturniolo.
authors note: i am sickly obsessed with his mattitude so i had to, also not really proof read so sorry, i’m tired.
warnings: dom!matt, fem!reader, angst, mentions an argument, explicit language, physical and verbal degrading and kind of rough, unprotected sex. reader discretion advised.
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the dramatic clinking sound of ice cubes hitting the glass was enough to make your eyes snap open. you had chosen to sleep on the lounge as opposed to with matt after a heated argument. you were prone to arguments, but tonight in particular, tore the house apart.
tiredly, you raise from the lounge to watch where the noise was occurring, hearing him pour himself a drink. “didn’t mean to wake you,” his low voice travels through the silent, dark house. you roll your eyes, knowing he purposely made no efforts in being quiet.
“whatever, matthew.” you huff, tense from the distaste in his full name. sliding your body off the couch, you shuffle into the now brightly lit kitchen. ignoring him completely, you brush past him coldly to grab a glass from a top shelf, feeling his eyes on you as your shirt lifts with a stretch. you turn around and stare at him, waiting for him to move away from the sink that you need to access.
he rolls his eyes, stepping to the side. his lower back is resting against the kitchen island, one of his hands' curves around the counter while the other wraps around his beverage. annoyed, you flick the tap on, letting the water rush heavily before slamming it shut.
“can you calm down?” you hear him cut through the tension.
you chug down your water glass, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before locking your eyes with him, waving the empty glass in your hand and making it clear that you’re lowering it into the sink at a slow pace, to satisfy him. calmly. more or less to shut him up.
before you get a chance to leave the kitchen, matt's hand lunges forward to wrap around your wrist, an unexpected touch. your face is flat as you look at him, wondering what on earth he could possibly have to say.
“no goodnight kiss?” his words are underlined with mock, knowing how much it would get under your skin. you pull your hand out of his to storm off, but not before muttering something under your breath.
“asshole,” you aim toward the hallway cupboard to collect blankets for the couch, where you intended to sleep.
your fights lately have been escalating, but tonight was the final straw. this fight was still fresh in your mind. you remember slamming the laundry basket of clothes against the wall and him yelling that the neighbours could probably hear you. you didn’t care. you remember him saying maybe you two should take a break, that it was getting too much. but there was no such thing as a ‘break’ in your mind. just a break up.
he chuckles bitterly, having heard your whisper. you wave him off with your hand. he gives you a “whatever,” before you leave momentarily. you return with a white soft knitted blanket and silk pillow that you typically slept with in your arms. you throw them on the couch with a defeated sigh.
“don’t be ridiculous, you’re not sleeping on the couch, come on,” you hear him speak, sauntering into the dimly lit open living space and placing his hands on the back the couch.
“yes i am.” you look at him.
“no, you’re not.” he debates, almost thinking this conversation is a game.
“stop telling me what to do, i’m so sick of you,” you grumble with clenched teeth, as you begin to tuck one of the blankets into the couch cushions.
“fine, whatever sleep on the fucking couch, i don’t care anymore,” he turns his shoulder on you abruptly, and your eyes go wide.
“like you cared at all in the first place?” you pushed back, arms folding across your chest as a wall to defend your feelings. your words were coming from a place of hurt. of course he cared about you. but for a while it seemed as though he didn’t want to.
“don’t you dare say i never cared,” he turns back and points a finger at you, firing up in defence. "i still do, you just don't appreciate shit," and his words are clearly in retaliation.
“god, i hate you sometimes,” you thought that sentence came out in your head, but it didn't. you speak out loud. he freezes, eyebrows scrunching in query. he steps forward slowly.
“what did you just say?”
you look down at your feet, flushed with remorse but more confusion on if what you said, you meant. you grind your teeth together, contemplating whether you should even look up at him.
you ignore his question, choosing instead to lock your eyes with his, almost feeling like a stare-off. his hair is a mess and still wet from his shower earlier, his white tee-shirt contrasts his dark tattoos, and his sweats hang dangerously low on his waist. all things you wish you couldn't see. your own arms cross over your chest, mirroring him. he takes a small step forward.
“you didn’t hate me last night when i had you clawing at my back,” his voice lowers an octave, making you drop eye contact with him to gaze at anything but his face, knowing it would just make your words catch in your throat.
“because we didn’t fight last night” you fire back quickly, starting to walk into the dining room. trying not let him get under your skin.
“we fight every night, y/n!” he huffs a bitter laugh and follows you, throwing his hands up as he speaks.
“because you’re never happy!” you pause your steps with scoff, mimicking the way he talks with dramatic gestures before turning on your heels and storming off once again, or attempting to at least.
matt grabs your arm, longer limbs making it effortless for him. tugging you to toward his chest and you collide with him. matt's lips are inches apart from yours, breathing heavily from the exasperating bickering.
“don’t walk away from me,” he states firmly, eyes darting up and down your face. a smile threatens to curve your lips, knowing it would just tip him over the edge. you take the initiative to lean in closer, lingering so close to his face you can feel his breath, body heat and light peach fuzz that covers both of your skin. with your voice soft and gentle, you utter your next sentence.
“fuck you.”
his eyebrow perks up and jaw tenses slowly. his stark blue eyes darken, looking deep into yours. an easy, smug smirk pulls and dimples appear in his cheeks.
"as you wish, sweetheart,” he speaks in a relaxed manner.
his fingers brush against your hip bone, sending a chill across your side. you want to lean into his delicate touch, but keep your self control together. you push his hand away, sharing a sharp, distasteful huff.
“you think that will resolve this?” you narrow your eyes, daring his response. he raises his hand slowly to brush them across your cheek, down your jawline. creating a flowing rhythm further down your neck, warm fingers past your collar bone.
“with how hard i’d make you cum, yeah, i do” his response is fearless and direct, like any other confident line that has ever left his pretty, smart mouth. you feel excitement trying to push through the stern front you’re attempting to keep up.
“i’d like to see you live up to that,” you retort, making his hand stop at your hip to grip tightly, pressing deep into your bone and tugging the lower half of your body to touch his.
“baby, i can live up to my word on one condition,” matty speaks. you wait for him to continue, but he doesn’t waste a second in sliding his hands down the back of your thighs to lift you up, turning you around to place on the cold wood of the dining table.
“don’t talk back.” and just like that, he was over the edge. he forces you in place, shuffling your shirt up past your hips eagerly. you support yourself on your elbows and lean back to still be able to see him, and allow him to take control.
his coarse, hot hands plant themselves at your side, thumbs digging deep into the crease where your hip meets your leg. the pressure was sure to leave a sore spot in the morning. spreading you open for his pleasure, he dips his head down to brush his lips along the inside of your thighs. he starts at your knee, and you feel his breath as he travels closer to your heat, teasing you.
you crave him to come closer, to make more contact. knowing what you want only makes him do the opposite. he brings two fingers to your black lace panties, pulling them to the side, whereas usually you’d help guide them off. while his fingers are there, the takes his middle and ring finger and slides them through your folds, feeling the pool that’s starting between your legs.
“matt-” you exhale.
“shut up.” he doesn’t give you a chance to merely breathe his name, hand holding your lace to the side and mouth attaching to your cunt. his tongue scoops upwards, soft yet firm. he enjoys going down you more than he’ll ever admit, but when he thinks he has the upper hand in a disagreement, your punishment is having to let him focus. therefore, no speaking.    
you feel him flick your clit, before making a stripe back from the start. he keeps attacking with his tongue, moving his mouth rhythmically but not focusing on your sweet spot as he doesn’t want to overwhelm you just yet.
his free hand leaves your thigh and makes his way to your heat, the tip of his middle finger tempting your entrance before he spits harshly, making you hum, as he slides in slowly. you gasp as his finger curves inside you, exploring you. inserting a second finger, he quickens his pace, thrusting into you hard and firm, tips brushing your walls with every push.
you grind into the palm of his hand with a heavy moan, friction from both matty and the table beneath you stimulating every moment. his tongue fixates again on your cunt, moving fast. you’re desperate for more, and he’s dragging out every second he can. you try to encourage his movement, running a hand through his perfect subtle curls. you grip his soft brown hair between your fingers, pushing him down to force pressure.
“y/n, keep your hands to yourself,” he swats your hands away, and you groan in annoyance at the loss of momentum. 
“but i need more,” you almost demand with irritation, seeing as though this was not only his idea, but emphasising the pent up annoyance lingering from the fight earlier. all he wants is for you to be quiet and take it. you’re a challenge for him. 
“like the needy slut you are." he states. 
“actions speak louder than words.” you counter.
“fuck are you gonna stop talking or do i have to make you?” matt groans, growing more direct.
“i never agreed to stop.” you rebutted. he laughs with a scoff, licking in the inside of his cheek slowly. he leans up to straighten his posture, looking down at you with his hips flush against the table. 
“y’wanna be that way? okay,” he exhales while slipping his thumbs into the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling them down teasingly to show the soft pale skin sharply leading down to his already hardening cock, pressing against his boxers. it’s all your eyes can focus on.
“turn around.” he speaks faint, raspy. when you take a few seconds too long to manoeuvre your body the way he desires, he takes it upon himself, forcing you by your hips and pressing into your lower back to flip you over. his strength is beyond you, and there’s no chance you’re unable to be manhandled. you’re on your knees, ass out for his viewing pleasure on this huge table. you still use your elbows as support, back arching.
his right hand crawls around over to your face from behind, around your neck, then up to your lips. the fingers that were inside you make their way into your mouth, prying your lips apart and forcing entrance to make you taste yourself. 
he keeps them there, using his free hand to slide his boxers until they fall. he traces the arch of your spine. when he reaches the curve just below your ribs, he abruptly grabs your body, pulling you toward his waist.
you feel the tip of his cock push against your exposed perineum, warm and wet, inching closer to your entrance where he finally fills you. you moan as he swallows his own, heavy exhaling with relief as he slides out and slams into you heavily. 
he repeats his motions once your body gives him the green light, thrusting into you at a steady pace, giving you time to feel his full raw movement when he pulls back before aggressively crashing your skin together. you can feel the sweat starting to glaze your skin, rocking back and forth with each moment. you moan with each stroke of his thick throbbing cock, the friction becoming a fire between your core.
“gonna try speak with my fingers in your mouth, huh?” he grunts, still thrusting into you deeply. 
without warning, he brings his free hand down to the side of your thigh with a hard spank, stinging badly. you gasp, teeth digging into his fingers as he makes a mess of your saliva all over your lips and chin, not being able to keep his hand still. 
matty prides himself on how long he can last, and his stamina meaning he has the time and patience to edge you until you’re on the verge of tears. you can feel the familiar feeling of a climax buzzing in your stomach, nearing closer with the consistent pace. you bring a hand up to put pressure on your already sensitive clit, making you shutter.
he finally pulls his fingers from your mouth and you pant, cussing and yelling "fuck, shit, s'good" your eyes shut tight, trying to match his pace and slap your ass into him while he thrusts. he slaps your cheek just hard enough to snap your eyes open, and you realise you're being far too loud.
he curves himself over your body so his chest is pressed on your back and he bites your shoulder, leaving marks all over your upper back. he bites hard enough to make you wince, and it's a very clear punishment for you.
"says i don’t care," he mutters, recalling the words you spoke earlier. he never drops anything easily. he'll use anything against you when he has you a moaning mess underneath him. he thrusts slow and hard, the noise so loud and hard you cry out.
"you hate me now, princess?" another hard, almost painful thrust. his thick cock fills you and hits so deep, feeling him the entire time and heavy in your cunt.
"n-no," you cry out again, feeling a tear slip. he'll never admit it, but the sight of your face wet from tears is the prettiest image for him. he wan't to be the only one to make it happen, and the only one to kiss it better, wipe your face, kiss it better.
"yeah, that's what i thought," thrust. he picks up his pace again and you know you can't last long.
"i'm gonna cum, matt, i- i need to," your breathing is jagged and voice is strained. you feel yourself clench around him and matt grabs your ass with his hands, repositioning to pull you back and forth aggressively onto his cock, and you're gripping the table so tight.
"god you feel so good. this pussy is so fucking good," he speaks through tight teeth. the moment you scream out and let your body collapse he pulls out and you feel his warm cum land all over your lower back.
"sh-shit, fuck," he moans out his climax, in a shuttering breath, the sweetest sound you could ever hear. he slaps your ass again, making you kneel up.
"cm'here" he uses your own shirt to clean you, wiping you down before helping you off the table. your legs are jelly, so you hold onto him tight.
"come back to bed?" he asks, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to keep you standing. you nod, and he starts guiding you both toward his room. you pull him back to face you.
"i don't hate you, matt" you bring your lips up to his, kissing him softly. he doesn't kiss back.
"not what i wanna hear," he shakes his head. you hesitate, leaning back to think. you really do not want to escalate it, but you think it's more suited to give him a taste of his own medicine.
"i hate that i love you," you look him in the eyes. he laughs through his nose, an exhale of air.
"i'll take that," he leans down, connecting your lips. he wraps his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you closer, pressing harder. squeezing lightly. he pulls back, brushing your noses together.
"i hate that i love you too, baby," he starts.
suddenly leaning over he’s sweeping his arms under your thighs, carrying you bridal style. you hold onto him tight, letting a laugh out as he yawns.
"now let's go to bed before we break up again."
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leighsartworks216 · 7 months
Just A Trim
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
I had this idea like this morning or last night, I don't remember. And then I was not physically/mentally able to write until the sudden Need To Write hit me and I cranked this out
When writing this, I noticed I kept making references to Tav being shorter, but bc I want this to be enjoyed by everyone, I took them out. Pls let me know if I missed any instances of it tho
Ending loosely inspired by this scene from Big Fish
Warnings: scissors, brief references to low self-worth, anxiety, pure fluff
Word Count: 1,287
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First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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Astarion didn’t trust his hair with just anybody. Pulling on it during sex? Okay. Playing with it while cuddling? It takes him a bit to actually trust someone enough to enjoy it. Washing it? Absolutely off the table. Cutting it? Out of question, and he’d probably insult you for asking.
So when he came to you, frowning and grumbling, and struggled through grit teeth to ask if you would please help him cut his hair? That meant something.
You tried not to let your glee show as you dropped whatever you were working on and followed him into your shared bathroom. He plopped onto the edge of the tub like a pouting child who’d just got a good telling-to after misbehaving. He held the scissors up for you to take.
“If you cut my ears, darling, I’m going to make you regret the day you were ever born.” He glares over his shoulder as you step into the tub behind him, rolling up your sleeves and taking the scissors. “And don’t you dare do anything funny. All I need is a simple trim. I assume you’re capable enough to manage that?”
You smiled as he growled at you like an annoying customer. You lean down and gently kiss his cheek. “I promise I’ll only take a little bit off.”
There’s an unspoken conflict on his face. He’s not sure he actually wants you to go through with this… But he’s sort of out of options. Any salons nearby closed before the sun went down, and he definitely did not trust any of your past traveling companions to do the job. No. He’d just have to trust you. He sighs and faces forward. “Just… be careful.”
“I will, my love.”
It had been difficult to notice during the course of your adventure together, but his hair did grow. Not as fast as yours, but curls that delicately curled around the edges of his ears now almost completely covered them, like strangling vines. You’d heard him cuss too many times when a strand got caught in his earrings and tugged when he went to brush the hair from his face. The curl that lay persistently over his forehead now brushed his upper eyelid. Very frequently, he would huff and fight to push it back, with nothing to show for it.
With gentle, smooth motions, you combed your fingers through his hair. Your nails lightly scratched at his scalp, running from his hairline to the nape of his neck, and carefully untangling any knots all the while. You heard his quiet sigh, and saw his shoulders begin to relax. You pressed a kiss to his head.
Assessing his full head of hair, you figured out where to begin. You separated out a section, trying to determine how long it used to be, so you knew how short to cut it now. He tensed again.
“I’m going to start cutting it now, okay?” He hummed, short and anxious. You pressed a hand to his shoulder. “Relax, dear. I’ve got you.”
“It’s difficult to when you have the means to turn me into a glorified clown.”
“But I won’t.”
He sighed. “I know.”
You wait for him to relax again, and he nods slightly. You take the scissors to the first section of hair. With a shink, a small clump of hair falls into the tub. The sound certainly doesn’t fill him with confidence, but he trusts you won’t mess it up too bad…
You begin talking about your friends, about the letters they’ve sent lately keeping you updated with their lives. Apparently, Gale sent some interesting information regarding potential cures for his vampirism - though most of it was only on temporary remedies. “In good time,” you’d assured him when he groaned. Stepping into the sun again would be nice, but an end to his sanguine hunger would be better.
It takes a while to cut all his hair, especially with how meticulous you’re being. You give special attention to the hair around his ears, making sure not to nick him. You step out of the tub and in front of him while you cut the stubborn curl there, where you catch it before it can fall into his lap, and deposit it in the basin. He can’t help watching you then. You have such determination and focus on the task at hand. Only once the curl is trimmed do you actually see him staring, and you smile and peck his lips. He rather enjoyed that.
As you go through each section, you consistently run your fingers through his hair. It’s the most relaxing bit, and he’s certainly glad he asked you for this. He would die before Gale ever got his grubby mitts anywhere near his hair.
By the time you finish, his eyes are closed. He listens to your chatter, to the random tunes you hum, to the way you hold your breath as you make a cut. It’s rather peaceful, despite the underlying nervousness to it all. He can’t see himself. All he can hope is you make him look nice.
You brush your fingers through his hair to knock loose any stray strands. It falls like snow by your feet. Satisfied with your work, you begin running water for a bath, kicking the hair down the drain before you plug it to fill the tub.
“Done, love?”
“Mhm!” You lean around to kiss his cheek again. “You can take a bath, wash all the hair off, and I can get you some fresh clothes.”
He grins. He stands and turns to face you, taking your hands in his and running his thumbs along your knuckles. He’s worried, anxious, but he tries not to let it show. “How do I look?” he asks with a careful bravado, tilting his head to the side, chin upturned, like a haughty nobleman.
You let go of his hand to cup his cheek. He automatically leans into it, mask slipping ever so slightly to reveal his worry. “You look beautiful. I think I did a rather fine job.”
“‘Rather fine?’ Oh, darling,” he lilts, “for your sake, I’d better look the spitting image of perfection.”
“You always do.” It’s earnest. A solid fact to oppose the teasing of his words.
He cannot prevent the true smile that tugs the corners of his mouth as he leans in to claim yours, tasting and nipping and teasing with soft sighs of content. You are much too good to him, but he doesn’t say that out loud, lest you lecture him and treat him to endless spoils until he believes it himself.
He reluctantly pulls away, but his lips continue to brush yours. “Bathe with me.”
You open your eyes to study his face. “Are you sure?”
A mischievous spark glints in the corner of your eye as you grin wickedly. “Do I get to wash your hair?”
He chuckles. “Don’t push it.”
You hum. “Would you wash mine?”
“Whatever you want, my love.”
“I want… to turn off the tap before our bathroom floods.” You pull away and he has to laugh as you wade through the water to stop the steady stream. The warm water reaches just below your knees. You sigh, but the annoyance is dampened by your grin. “Look what you’ve done - distracting me like that. Now my pants are all wet.”
“All wet?” He makes a show of looking you up and down. “I don’t know, love. I see quite a few dry spots.”
Without warning, he steps into the large tub, still in his own clothes, and grabs you, pulling you down with him into the water. Your laughter fills the house. Astarion has never been more in love.
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unformula1 · 4 months
hugs, pouting and kisses (LN4 x reader)
hugs, pouting and kisses (LN4 x reader)
valentines day series
Synopsis: Lando pouting, him regretting it. You kiss him. 
“You’re messing up my hair!” He says before pouting and crossing his arms. 
It makes you smile more, seeing him like this, it’s adorable. He turns his head away from looking at you. 
It's 3 am and you can't find your friends
I will leave the light on
If you want to come home
I will leave the light on for you
-leave the light on (Johnny Orlando)
word count: 644
valentines’ day countdown: -5
pairing: lando norris x reader
“I love you.” Lando says, snuggling his head into your personal space.
“Mhm, well I love you more.” You reply, patting his fluffy curly hair.
“No you don’t.” His voice is slightly muffled as his head dives into your chest.
“You’re particularly touchy today.” You chuckle.
You can’t lie. You love it. You love it when Lando just takes away whatever definition of personal space there is and holds tightly onto you. 
You hug him back, the positions are awkward but you don’t care, Lando’s touch feels surreal. 
His head slowly falls onto your lap and he looks up to the ceiling, beaming from ear to ear. His smile shows all his teeth and it looks innocent and perfect. 
You smile at him and stroke his face, ruffling his hair a little. It makes him chuckle, which sends your heart wild every time. 
“You’re messing up my hair!” He says before pouting and crossing his arms. 
It makes you smile more, seeing him like this, it’s adorable. He turns his head away from looking at you. 
You kiss his cheek and he turns back to face you. He doesn’t turn back and continues to pout. You see a small grin sneak its way onto his face but Lando fights to keep it in.
You shrug and lift his head off your lap, getting up from the couch. 
A look of horror fills Lando’s face as you stand up and stretch. His eyes widen and his pout disappears. He quickly grips onto your waist and holds onto it, pulling you back, not letting you walk away. 
“Don’t go. I’m sorry.” He says, tightly gripping onto your waist.
You give him silence as a response. 
“I’m sorrrrrry…” He drags the ‘sorry’, his grip doesn’t loosen, “I won’t pout anymore. I promise!”
You continue to ignore him, taking one step away from the couch.
It doesn’t go well for you as Lando violently pulls you back, making you fall back onto the couch, the cushions breaking your fall. Sometimes you forget how strong Lando is. You turn to face Lando, who looks horrified.
“I didn’t mean to pull that hard.” He looks panicked, as if he’s pissed you off, “I’m sorry.”
You try to keep a straight face but this is too cute. A smile breaks through and the laughs you’ve been holding back finally come out.
Lando’s body stiffens up, his face filled with confusion.
You shift yourself closer to Lando and hug him. 
His body relaxes slightly, “You’re not mad?”
You shake your head, “How could I? You look so adorable.” 
He smiles and blushes, “Really?”
Your hug tightens, “Mhm.”
He hugs you back. You kiss the top of his forehead which causes his face to flush bright pink. 
“I love you.” He says, snuggling with you.
“Well, I love you more.” You reply.
He chuckles and you find yourself instinctively looking at his lips. Your gaze is filled with soft romance. 
It looks…perfect.
You don’t hold anything back as you lunge at him. He falls backward onto the couch and you gently kiss his lips.
He kisses back.
It’s messy, but it’s tender.
“Okay maybe you do love me more.” He says as your lips pull away.
You smile.
“I know.” You reply, licking your lips.
Lando lets out a rough sounding ugh and pulls your face back in, kissing your lips. You instinctively kiss back. It's definitely passionate on his part. 
Your hands run through his hair, messing it all up. 
When the both of you are done, you get off him and he sits up. Both of you lock gazes for a second and it’s silent around you. It’s you and him, you and Lando Norris. 
“Still mad I messed your hair up?” You ask mischievously.
He shakes his head and lays on your lap. You stroke him.
It’s perfect.
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 9 months
Wanna Be Yours
Pairing: EddieMunsonxReader
Request: Hi. I love your Eddie stuff. What about one where the reader and Eddie are roommates? She wants him but he hasn't ever made a move so she keeps having one night stands trying to forget about him. He calls her a slut and decides to make her his slut. He gets all dominant and she wants it but then she gets all self-conscious thinking he only wanted her for that and then some gushy, mushy ending.
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“Who was it tonight?” Eddie muttered, barely raising his eyes from the television as you walked into the apartment, closing the door behind you. 
You tossed your purse onto the chair, glaring at him, sticking out your tongue. Pulling off your shoes, you dropped them onto the floor and made your way over to the couch, collapsing down next to him. 
“Why are you so damn judgy?” you grumbled, your head resting against the back. “Like you don’t hook up with a different girl every week at your shows.”
Those full lips pushed out, eyes rolling toward you, “Maybe so but lately you’ve been hooking up more than once a week, sweetheart.”
“Oh shut up. My sex life is none of your business. It’s not like I’m bringing them back here. You should be thanking me. Unlike you, I am not subjecting you to the sounds of my fucking other people through the very thin walls of this apartment.”
“So you hooked up at his place?”
“Uhh…the bathroom at the bar actually. Well, I sucked his dick in the bathroom. Then he fingered me in the cab. Then we fucked on his kitchen counter and now here I am.”
“Jesus Christ,” sighed Eddie, fingers pressing against his eyes. 
“What? You gonna call me a slut?” you challenged. “Careful there, Munson. Your hypocrisy’s showing.”
“You know, babe, I don’t like that word but lately…”
Your hand pressed into his chest, shoving him, trying to ignore the way that minimal contact caused a sudden pulsing between your thighs. Yeah, you’d been hooking up more and more lately but only because you were trying to fuck away the desire that had been steadily building for your roommate until you felt like you would combust with the force of it. 
He brought woman after woman home and you kept waiting for him to realize you were also a woman, that you were right there, just waiting for him to notice you, but he never did. You felt like a damn knickknack sitting on a shelf that he walked past, taking for granted because it had always been there. 
“Fuck you,” you hissed. “I’m going to take a shower.”
“No thanks. I don’t double dip honey. Go wash off the stink of whatever douche you let screw you this time and then maybe you’ll get lucky.”
Your teeth clenched so tightly that your jaw ached as you stormed away from him, slamming the bathroom door behind you. Jesus Christ, he could be such an asshole. Stripping down, you stepped under the hot water, biting back the tears that were strangling you, a lump so large in your throat that you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
No, you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Fuck him. Fuck him and his sanctimonious bullshit, acting like he was better than you. He was no damn better than you bouncing from woman to woman. Quickies in the back room of the Hideout with groupies who just wanted to say they’d gotten their hands on the lead singer, never actually allowing anyone to get close to him. 
You stepped out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy towel around your body, the cotton clinging to your damp skin. You were just going to your room, putting on your jammies and calling it a night. Opening the door, you jumped about a foot when you found Eddie standing on the other side, one arm resting against the frame. 
His head tilted, dark eyes roaming over your body, that damn tongue running along his teeth. That tongue that you’d imagined a million times, wondering what it would feel like inside your mouth, along your breasts, between your thighs. 
“You know sweetheart, I’ve been thinking…if you want to be a slut so badly…”
“You don’t get to call me that you son of a…”
Eddie’s finger pressed against your lips, silencing the nasty words that were ready to spill from your mouth. His fingers wrapped around the edge of the towel, pulling it away from your body and letting it fall to the floor. 
“I’m done watching you be a slut for anyone but me. If you’re going to be a slut, you’re going to be my slut.”
Your eyes went wide at his words, your brain battling your body. Your brain screaming at you to tell him to go fuck himself and walk away but your body craving this, to live out every fantasy you’d ever had while your own hand was buried between your legs, donning some of his chunky metal jewelry, imagining it was him. 
“On your knees, sweetheart. You like to give head in bathrooms, right? Show me.”
Eddie’s fingers tucked into the waistband of his gray sweats, pushing them down over his hips, allowing them to pool at his feet. Your eyes darted to his already stiff cock, the sizable girth of it, the way it curved just slightly to the left. Your tongue darted out, running along your bottom lip, your teeth following, raking the tender skin as your center throbbed needily. 
“You want that, do you sweetheart?” he rasped, large fingers wrapping your hair around his fist, pulling you firmly downward. “Show me. Come on. Be a good little slut and show me just how badly you want it.”
Your brain had lost all control. Your body was entirely behind the wheel now as you dropped to your knees in front of him, his erection brushing over your nose. His hand pulled again, guiding your mouth to his dick.
“Open up,” he commanded and you obeyed, dropping your jaw. “Good girl.”
Keeping a hand in your hair, he thrust his hips forward, sending his cock to the back of your throat. You gagged around him, having no time to prepare yourself but he didn’t pause, fucking your mouth again and again. Saliva pooled over his cock, dropping down the sides as you gasped for a breath. Tears ran down your cheeks as his cock activated your gag reflex again and again. 
“That’s it. Take it. Such a good girl taking all that cock.”
You wrapped your hand around the base of him firmly, holding it back, desperate for a full breath of air. You gave him a slow smile, gripping his cock in your hand as you dragged the head of it across your lips. He grunted, eyes going wide, watching your every move as you began to take over.
 You ran her tongue from the base to the tip before swirling her tongue around him. Wrapping your lips around the side, you explored every single inch of him while working the rest of him with your hand slowly. Lifting his cock, you slid your mouth along his length and then licked his balls. 
“Fucking Christ. You do give good head. No wonder the guys are just lining up for it,” Eddie growled. 
You sucked his ball into your mouth, rolling your tongue over the heavy sack, relishing the animalistic growl that rose up from within him. Releasing it, you gave the other one the same treatment until with a pop, your mouth was pulled off, your body dragged upward. 
Eddie had you shoved against the bathroom counter, your body bent forward. He kicked his foot against yours, spreading your legs. You gasped when you felt the head of his cock slipping along your folds. Your hands gripped onto the edge of the counter, your eyes lifting to catch sight of yourself in the mirror. 
Mascara ran down your cheeks like black rivers over your skin. Your eyes were hooded, drunk on lust, drugged on Eddie. Your hair was a chaotic mess. And just behind you, there he was, those brown eyes that could be so warm were dark and demanding as he smirked at you over your shoulder. 
“This pussy is mine,” he growled and then he slammed himself home, his cock bottoming out in one punishing thrust that had the harsh edge of the counter digging into your skin.
“Fuck!” you cried, head tilting, throat exposed as he yanked on your hair, pulling back every time he thrust unforgivingly within you. 
He was thick, stretching you completely, filling up all the empty spaces that you tried to fill with every guy who wasn’t him. Fuck, you were so messed up but you didn’t care. Maybe you were pathetic but Eddie was finally seeing you. 
Eddie yanked your body upward, your back pressing against his chest. His hand snaked down the front of your body, between your thighs, roughly running over your clit. You groaned, eyes rolling heavenward as he rutted within you. 
“Mine,” he growled again, repeating it like a mantra in your ear over and over. 
“Yes…fuck…yes…yours…I’m yours…” you mumbled, your brain complete mush. You would agree to anything he wanted as long as he didn’t stop. 
He flicked, pinched, twisted, rubbed until you were a whimpering mess, your knees wobbling, legs shaking, hands holding onto the counter for dear life. Fuck stars. Galaxies were exploding behind your eyes. HIs hips never ceased their relentless pace, his skin slapping against yours so ferociously you knew there would be welts. 
“Gonna cum for me? Come on. Scream my name, sweetheart. Let everyone in this town know who you belong to.”
“Fuuuucccckkk!” you screamed. “Edddiiiieee!”
Your orgasm rocketed through you, threatening to send you into another dimension, the force of it so powerful that your entire body locked up. Eddie pulled out of you quickly and you slumped down to the ground. His hand found your jaw, forcing your mouth open and he pumped himself once, twice, three times and then his own release was flooding your mouth. You took it all, swallowing him down, the last bit dripping down your chin. 
“Good girl,” he groaned, head falling back, that glorious hair plastered to his sweaty face. 
You sat on the floor, staring up at him, this man you’d wanted for so long. This man you wanted to notice you, to want you, to love you. But he didn’t. He just wanted what everyone else was getting because he was right. You gave it away for free. You were easy and he’d taken what he wanted.
Wiping your mouth, you reached for the counter, struggling on shaky legs to pull yourself up to your feet. Stumbling, you moved past him and out of the bathroom, needing to get away from him suddenly. You couldn’t look at him, to see that look on his face, the one every other guy got on their face. That smug look, the look that let you know there was only one thing they wanted from you and now that they had it, they were done. You were so easily discarded. 
“Hey, whoa. Where are you going?” Eddie called as you wobbled into your bedroom and collapsed onto your bed. 
Grabbing onto your pillow, you buried your face against it as your body shook, breaking apart into tiny little shards as you finally saw yourself for exactly what you were. You weren’t the girl any guy actually wanted. You were just the easy lay, the whore who would open her mouth and her legs for a little bit of attention. 
The bed shifted and you wished a hole would open up and swallow you whole if it meant you didn’t have to look at him. Two arms, lean tattooed muscle wrapped around you from behind, his cheek pressed against your shoulder.
“Hey, why’d you leave?”
“Eddie, just go,” you whispered. “You got what you wanted. You proved your point. I’m a slut who gives it up to everybody and now you get to be added to that list. Bravo for you. Go brag to your friends or whatever. I just want to sleep.”
“Sweetheart, I ain’t bragging to anybody,” he said softly, all the dominant machismo gone from his voice. “I got so mad because you’re not a slut and you deserve so much more than letting random dickheads use you like that and…shit.” He groaned. “Can you look at me?”
You held the pillow tighter, shaking your head. No. You couldn’t let him see how broken you were, how broken he’d made you. If you let him have that power over you there’d be no going back.
“Damn it,” he huffed, grabbing the pillow and yanking it away. You instantly covered your face with your hands and he pried those away too. “Look at me. You keep giving yourself to these guys and it pisses me off because…it pisses me off because I never understood why they all got to have you but never me.”
“Okay. Well, now you’ve had me so good for you.”
“No! Jesus Christ! Would you listen to what I’m saying? I’ve been waiting for you to notice that I’ve been here this whole time just waiting for you to think I’m worthy of your time.”
“What?” you questioned, knowing you had to have heard him wrong.
“I’ve been just waiting for you to finally see that the guy you’re supposed to be with is sleeping right next door. For you to stop wasting your time on these one night stands and maybe take a shot at something real with me.”
“You…want to be with me?”
“Yes!” he groaned, shaking his head. “Fuck, you’re such a pain in the ass sometimes. I want you to be mine, just mine. I meant it. I mean, I know it might not have been the right context for you to get it but I meant that shit. I don’t want anyone touching you but me.”
“You want me to be yours?”
“Hell yes I do.”
“All I’ve ever wanted is to be yours,” you breathed, your hand reaching up to cradle his face. 
“Mmm…all mine,” he whispered, his lips molding to yours, sweet and soft and soothing every doubt you’d ever felt. 
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rrenzwrld · 6 months
sound of my heart
ony x black reader
first ony piece! i literally just wrote what came to my mind so i’m not sure what’s happening, gets toxic at the end? idk but i wanna write for him more just not anything this…weird. but if you want more of this specific thing, lmk!
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the sound of my heart calls out to you, are you listening?
“i’ll pick you up at 8, okay? what do you wanna eat so i can have it when i get you.”
“it doesn’t matter. you know i’ll eat anything.” you heard ony suck his teeth over the phone.
“y/n. you do this all the time.”
“and i’m gonna tell you the same thing, all the time.” you giggled.
“whatever man, i’ll pick you up some tacos or something. just be ready when i get there, aight?”
“mhm.” and with that you hung up to start putting on some decent clothes.
you went to your closet and put on a white tshirt, forest green cargo pants, your new balance, and a gray hoodie. you topped off the outfit with a navy blue hat ony gave you with a tote bag. by the time you got yourself together, ony had texted you saying he was outside of your dorm.
“you meeting ony?” your roommate, jadeja knew by this time that whenever you put something other than sweats and a beanie on, you were probably going to see your boyfriend, ony.
“yeah, i’ll be back though. i’ll text you if i stay out later than planned.”
“okay~have fun!” she winked which made you roll your eyes before going downstairs.
when you got outside, ony was on his phone until he looked up and saw you. a smile instantly appeared on his face as he outstretched his arms to you for a nearly bonecrushing hug.
“i missed you so fuckin much.”
“i can tell.” you giggled while your arms were wrapped around his torso. you didn’t see ony as much anymore just because of all the away games he’s been on. whenever he was on campus, he tried to use those days to spend time with you even if it wasn’t a lot.
“i thought you brought food.” you pouted slightly.
“damn, you worried about the food than me.” he laughed but you felt bad immediately and he saw that. “you know i’m just fuckin with you. it’s in the car.”
once the two of you got to riding, you stopped somewhere to eat your food.
“so, where we going?”
“just a lil party jalen’s throwing. wanted to pop out for him for a lil bit then we can leave.” he knew how much you really didn’t like parties but you didn’t mind it if he was around.
are you listening?
“i would’ve dressed better if i knew you wanted to go to a party—“
“nah you look good. you’re fine,” he looked at you and raised his hand to turn your face towards his. “you look beautiful tonight.”
“liar.” ony knew his effect on you and you knew that he did. he knew what to say to get something out of you and it was true, to him you were the most beautiful girl in the world but the way he said it could make you pool up right in front of him. “we’re nearly dressed the same.”
“don’t care.” ony started up the car and took one last sip of his soda.
“hm?” you heard him, you just wanted to see if he would repeat it.
he shook his head and started driving again.
you and ony pulled up to the party and he was immediately bombarded by all kinds of people. you didn’t know what to do so you tried to stick by as close as possible. but with the type of person your boyfriend was, you had to let him be the social butterfly that he was. so while he was chatting it up with everyone in the room, you went in the kitchen to pour yourself a drink and stand around with others who didn’t wanna be in the midst of all the commotion. you did recognize some people from your class so you got to talking with some of them just to pass time but you could tell they were getting high and having their own fun away from everyone else.
“so you ony’s girl?” you nodded as you watched the boy take another hit of the blunt in his hand. “you cute. why don’t i ever see you around?” you shrugged, not really feeling the talking anymore. you just wondered where your boyfriend was.
“tamron leave that girl alone. she don’t wanna talk to you and you know how that man get about his bitches.” another girl, lydia, chimed in.
“see ain’t body even talking about allat. i just asked her a question,” tamron turned to you again after addressing what lydia told him. “anyways, why don’t i see you around? you don’t come out like that or something?”
“nah i just stay to myself, don’t go out often.”
“you too pretty to be staying in the house all the time.” tamron was gazing into you like he wanted to eat you or something and admittedly, you were uncomfortable but you knew that the weed and maybe the liquor was making it hard for tamron to notice that.
are you listening?
but before you could come up with your next thought, you saw ony move through the crowd to get to you and you were relieved.
“i hope yall not over here fuckin with my girl.” tamron looked at ony and smiled as if he wasn’t the main one.
“nigga ain’t nobody fucking with your girl—“
“nah tamron letting that blunt get to his head.” tamron looked at lydia and mean mugged her.
“snitch.” he mumbled.
“anyways, we finna leave. y/n, c’mon.” he walked over to you and gently grabbed your wrist, pulling you up off the couch. for ony to be moving this fast after seeming to be having fun, you wondered how exactly he was feeling. on the way out the door, ony said his goodbyes and of course people wanted him to stay but he was set on nearly dragging you behind him. something was weird about how ony was handling you so you stopped once the two of you got near the car.
“the fuck you stopping for? i said c’mon.” he still had a hold on your wrist.
“you been drinking?” ony couldn’t look you in your eyes so you had an answer. “answer me please.”
“yeah, few shots. why?” you could hear the slight slurring in his voice and he couldn’t stay still.
“i’m not bout to let you drink and drive. gimme the keys.” you held out your hand expecting the car keys but he just looked at your hand.
“i’m good.”
“no, ony. gimme the keys.”
“y/n..y/n,” ony laughed softly. “i’m good. promise.” you knew he was lying but he turned away from you and went to the driver’s side of the car.
“gimme the fucking keys! i’m not bout to let you drive with liquor in your system.” you never raised your voice especially at your boyfriend, but you had no choice if you wanted him to listen to you.
“i only had a few shots, that’s it. leave it alone, i’m driving, this my shit. get in the car, y/n.” he was steady stumbling and slurring.
“dumb ass can barely stand up straight,” you walked around to ony and snatched the keys from him. “gimme them keys nigga.” you pushed him out the way and got in the car.
“who the fuck you pushin…” while he was mumbling a bunch of nothing, he went around to the passenger side and got in. the ride back to ony’s apartment was quiet and tense. even though you knew he was drunk and high, the way the combination made him treat you wasn’t what you were used to.
when you finally helped him get into his room, you took off his jacket, shirt, and jeans before pulling a blanket over him. you didn’t have any clothes or anything to stay over so you called an uber back to your dorm and texted you roommate to let her know you were on the way in.
the next morning, you had a small conversation with ony before falling back asleep. when you woke up later in the afternoon, you had some missed calls and a notification from instagram. you checked it and recognized the account as the dude that was trying to talk to you at the party. you ignored it and got up out of bed. you noticed jadeja wasn’t there even thought it was a saturday but you didn’t worry too much after you texted to make sure she was okay.
although you couldn’t really take ony right now, that didn’t stop him from him letting you know he was outside your dorm. you rolled your eyes before getting up and going down to get him and brought him back to your room.
“why you being weird?” you sighed heavily while sitting down in your swivel chair by your desk.
“i’m not, i told you that. i’m just tired.” ony checked his phone.
“you been sleep since 9:30. it’s 2 o’clock right now.” you didn’t mean to sleep that long. “what happened last night?”
“nothing.” even though it made you feel weird, you felt like it wasn’t important enough to address. it wasn’t like he hit you or anything, you just knew it was what was in his system controlling him…which happened often when he got into a specific element.
“you sure?” you nodded. “positive?” you nodded again. ony did feel like something was off but he also knew you had a problem with communicating because you hated conflict if there was any.
are you listening?
“why are you here?” he looked you like you were crazy.
“fuck you mean why i’m here? i came to see what the issue was with you.”
“there’s no issue.” ony shrugged.
“sooo, can i get a hug or something?” no matter the energy, ony just wanted to be around you because he knew he rarely got to see you nowadays.
you got up and wrapped your arms around his waist but something was off. instead of smelling his natural musk or the cologne he’d use all the time, you inhaled a sweeter scent on him as if it was a smell another woman would use. but because you didn’t like conflict, you never said anything.
“i love you.” ony pressed his lips up against your cheek and placed more kisses all over you face, making you giggle. “so much. you love me?”
“of course i love you. always.”
after a few hours ony left and deja came back soon after that with a mutual friend, taylor. deja had been living with you since freshman year so she could tell something was up with your energy so you couldn’t get past telling her your concerns.
“you smelled some other bitch shit on him? oh nah, tell him!”
“deja, that’s dumb. y’know she not gon say nothing to that man and plus, why would he admit to another girl perfume on him?” your friend, taylor, was right. if he wouldn’t admit to it anyway, why waste time by asking? but you also didn’t wanna jump to conclusions and the only way to not do that was to get information straight from the source.
“maybe it was a sister, cousin or something.” you made an excuse
“she got a point…if he had another girl in his space, you have the right to know! and why would his family be down here and you not know? they live 5 hours away.”
“oh don’t worry bout it, texting the nigga right now…” you looked over and saw deja with your phone and tapping away on it.
“deja what the fuck!” you snatched it from her to make sure nothing was sent but the damage was done.
taylor covered her mouth, stiffling her laughs. “you sent it?? he coming over here?”
“nah, we’ll see when he text back.” luckily the message was still on delivered so he hasn’t seen it yet. “you need to learn how to open your mouth when it comes to these niggas. that’s why you keep running into problem after problem. shit, knock them in the head if you need to, they’ll get it.” while you knew deja was right and you and your boyfriend had multiple problems and misunderstandings when it came to communicating, it wasn’t in you to try to start things on your own. but this time and with a little push, you had no choice
are you…listening?
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moonstruckme · 21 days
hi mae!! how are you?
i recently burned my thigh with my iron curler and it formed a big scar. it started slowly bubbling up and i accidentally popped it like 2 days ago so now i have fresh skin open 🥲 it’s extra sensitive and i have to patch it up. and when i let the wound breath it HURTS 😭
i was wondering if you could write about this with emt!marauders? or maybe just james? idk lol whatever you feel like writing it about.
Hi lovely, I'm good! I'm really sorry this happened, it sounds awful!! Hope it's feeling a bit better by now <3
cw: severe burn (no details)
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 786 words
“I don’t think we should do this.”  
“I mean,” says James, sitting patiently opposite you on the bed, “I don’t love it either.” 
“Then let’s not,” you bargain.
 He gives you a sorry smile. “What do you think we should do instead, angel?” 
You take a deep breath. “Leave it,” you say on the exhale. “It’ll heal eventually. Or it won’t, and the bandage will become my new skin. I could be fine with that.” 
“I’m somewhat attached to your real skin.” 
“We all have to make sacrifices, James.” 
Your boyfriend gives you an amused look, but there’s worry beneath it. You feel guilty for putting him through this. It’s bad enough that he has to change your bandages for you because you’re too squeamish to do it yourself, but now you’re also making him convince you as if it were his idea. 
You blow out a long breath, tilting your face up toward the ceiling. “I can’t see it.” 
“You don’t have to,” he reassures you. “You can close your eyes, baby.”
“How bad is a little infection really?” you ask, but you’re already laying back, succumbing to the plushness of your pillow. 
“I had a dog bite get infected once,” James says, pulling your leg into his lap. Strong, gentle fingers on the underside of your thigh. “I didn’t enjoy it.” 
“You got bitten by a dog?” You turn your head to see him, but he shoots you a look and you sigh, covering your eyes with your hands. “When was that?” 
“When I was little.” One of his hands stays cradling your leg, but you feel the fingers of the other probing carefully at the edges of your bandage. Apprehension climbs up your throat, mingling with the ache of affection that’s already there. You appreciate how delicate James is with you, peeling the bandage up gingerly by one corner instead of ripping it off like some might. “It wasn’t really the dog’s fault, it was just spooked and I didn’t know enough to stay away.” 
You hiss as the bandage sticks to a tender bit of skin, and James coos an apology, stroking the unharmed skin beside it soothingly. Then the whole thing comes off, air hitting the wound and making you tense all over. 
“What happened with the bite?” Your voice is somewhat strained. 
James hesitates. “There was a lot of puss involved,” he says. “You won’t want to hear the details.” 
“Mm, thanks.” 
He chuckles. You can hear him twisting the cap off the antibiotic ointment. Your fingertips press harder into your brow bone. 
“You alright?” he asks softly. 
“Mhm. I’m ready.” 
You still gasp through your teeth when the ointment makes contact with your skin, and James grips your leg more firmly to keep you from flinching away. 
“Sorry,” he hisses, working fast as he can with gentle, caring fingers. “Sorry, baby.” 
“Not your fault,” you squeak out, keeping your own fingers pressed tightly over your eyes. “Thank you for doing this.” 
James doesn’t seem to want to accept your thanks, and you let the silence sit. When he’s done, you both sigh. 
“Thanks,” you say again. For good measure. “Couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“Definitely not,” James agrees. “I’ve no idea what we’re going to do when I’m hurt someday and neither of us can look at it.” 
You drop your hands from your eyes and sit up on your elbows, careful to look only at James and not down at your leg. It’s not hard. He’s a lovely sight, even with that sympathetic pinch to his mouth and worry tightening the muscles around his eyes. You reach for his hand, and his expression lightens. He wipes his fingertips off on his jeans before giving it to you. 
“We’ll have to call Remus,” you say, squeezing his fingers. 
A laugh startles out of him. “I thought you were going to say you’d put your squeamishness aside for me. Or that it wouldn’t be gross because you love me, or something.” 
“I would if it were true,” you reply, “but I’m afraid I won’t be much help if I’m gagging over you the entire time. I’ll hold your hand while we both don’t look, though.” 
“Mm, fair enough.” He scoots closer on the bed. His hand finds your opposite hip, rubbing a slow back-and-forth. “And you’ll distract me with kisses while I’m nursed back to health?” 
“If it’ll help.” Your voice is soft. “Though I should point out that I haven’t received any kisses.” 
Twin dimples appear on either side of James mouth as he leans over you, careful to avoid your hurt leg. “Patience, angel,” he murmurs as his lips brush yours. “I’m not done with you yet.” 
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ereardon · 18 days
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Ten
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, angst
Chapter summary: Ducky and Jake deal with jealousy; the team meets Bob's new girlfriend
WC: 2.5K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
The first time it happened, you were at the library desk, sitting down and pouring over a handful of new returns, typing in their serial numbers to check where they were meant to be shelved. 
“Excuse me?” You looked up. A guy, probably in his mid twenties, with blindingly white teeth and perfect olive skin, smiled down at you. “Could I ask you a question?” 
“Of course.” You pushed away the book and leaned forward on the desk, hands smoothed down over the cold surface. “How can I help you?” 
“I’m looking for a book about motorcycle repairs.” 
“Sure, I think that would be over in that back left corner.” You pointed one finger. 
He grinned. “Care to show me?” There was something flirty about the way he said it and you felt your blood pressure rise. 
“Sure.” You stood up and walked around the edge of the desk. 
His eyes widened as he looked you up and down. He cleared his throat. “Actually, uh, I’m sure I can find it myself. Thanks.” He was gone before you could even comprehend what had happened. 
And then you looked down and realized you could no longer hide it. 
“Y/N?” Jake’s voice rang out in the apartment. “Honey?” 
You emerged around the corner wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of bike shorts with a frown. “What did we talk about?” 
He smirked. “Sorry, habit.” 
“What do you want?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Just wanted to tell you I’m going out,” he said quietly. 
“The bar?” 
He hesitated. Then, “Um, No. a date.” 
Your heart squeezed. And even though you had said he should date, you hadn’t really meant it. You hadn’t thought he would go through with it. “Oh,” you whispered. “OK. See you later I guess.” 
Jake frowned. “Do you, uh, want to come with?” 
You cackled. “You’re joking, right?” 
“I don’t know what to do here, Y/N,” he sighed. “You seem upset but you told me to date. You practically shoved me out the door. And now I feel guilty leaving you alone.” 
“I’ll call Phoenix,” you said, picking up the phone. “I don’t want to go along on whatever slut date you have planned.” 
Jake’s face hardened. “Well OK. I guess I’ll see you later.” The sound of the door closing, hard, made you jump. 
You collapsed on the couch and pulled out your phone. “Phoenix, it’s Y/N. Listen, do you want to come over?” You paused. “Jake is out on a date.” 
“I’ll be there in ten.” 
“He’s a jerk.” 
“I told him to go!” 
Phoenix yanked her hand out of the popcorn bowl. “Still. Jerk.” 
“Was he like this when the two of you were together?” 
She closed her eyes for a moment then shook her head. “Yeah, uh, he’s always been like this.”
“Why do you sound so hesitant?” 
“Hit me.” You pulled your legs up beneath you on the couch and slapped your knees. 
“I thought he would be different,” she said quietly. “With you. With the baby. That maybe this was the wakeup call he needed to get his life together.” 
“I guess not,” you replied. 
“Don’t count him out yet,” Phoenix added, sipping her wine. “He might surprise you.” 
Less than an hour later, you and Phoenix both turned as the key in the lock swiveled and the door opened. She looked over at you, wide eyed, as Jake stepped inside alone. 
“Trace,” he called out as he stepped into the living room. “Y/N.” 
“Hangman,” she said, folding her arms over her chest. “You’re home early. Quickie by the side of the road, no dinner?” 
He blushed, a grimace over his handsome and chiseled jawline. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” 
“Yup,” she said, tossing one arm over your shoulder. “Right here, watching Desperate Housewives.” 
“Natasha,” he said and there was something in his voice. Both of you registered it. A pleading. 
She turned to you. “Guess that’s my cue. Call me.” Phoenix stood up, her tanned legs unfolding gracefully. As she crossed the room, her eyes lingered in Jake but his eyes were glued on you. He stood in the middle of the room until the sound of the door shutting rattled the wall. 
“How was your date?” you asked. 
“I told her about you and she walked out.” 
“You’re so dumb.” You shook your head. “Why on earth would you tell her that on a first date?” 
Jake rubbed his eyes furiously. “What the hell else am I supposed to say, Y/N? If I want to take a girl back to my place, you’re in the next room. In six months, there will be a baby in a crib in the apartment.” 
You stood up. “You’re the one who asked me to move in. Who begged me. And now you’re blaming your shitty sex life on me?” 
“I, fuck!” Jake tossed his hands up into the air. His face, normally so composed, was angry. He stepped forward and instinctively your hands fell to your stomach. He stopped, his eyes wide. “Do you think I’m going to hurt you?” he whispered, voice shaking. 
“I don’t know,” you replied softly. Was he going to hurt you? Was dating someone else hurting you, even if you said it was fine? Was staying out late, flirting with other women, hurting you? 
You’d be lying if you said no. 
His green eyes bore into yours. “I’m going to bed.” 
“Jake!” You called out after him but he was already halfway down the hallway. 
You were frozen in the living room as the sound of his bedroom door shutting filled the apartment. Without thinking, you padded down the hallway and flung open the door to his room. Jake whirled around, his chest bare, wearing just a pair of khakis. “Y/N,” he breathed out. “What are you–?” 
“Are you going to hurt me?” you whispered, stepping closer. 
“Why did you tell her?” you whispered. 
“The girl. The date. Why did you tell her about me?” 
Jake hesitated. “I told you. If I wanted to bring her home –” 
You shook your head, interrupting him. “That’s not the real reason, is it?” You stepped closer, so only a whisper of space was between the two of you. 
“Y/N.” Jake’s voice was low and dark, it practically rumbled through your body. “What are you doing?” 
“Are you going to hurt me?” you repeated. 
“Do you want me to see other people?” 
“No.” It came out automatically. 
“Why not?” 
“Because.” His breath was warm and smelled like beer but you knew without a shadow of a doubt he was stone cold sober. “Because you’re carrying my child.” 
“That’s it?” you asked. “That’s the only reason.” The room was dark and heady. You could feel your pulse racing. 
“You think I want other men touching you?” he whispered. “Putting their hands on your stomach, feeling our baby when I've never even felt our baby move?” 
You reached out, taking one of his hands in his, your other hand easing up the edge of your sweatshirt. Jake sucked in a breath at the curve of your lower stomach as you pressed his fingertips below your belly button. In the slim sliver of moonlight, you watched his tanned, large hand hold on. “It’s too early,” you whispered. “To feel anything.” You looked up. 
Jake was silent, his eyes glued to your stomach, his fingertips warm against your stretched skin. 
“I’m asking you,” you said quietly, “not to hurt me.” 
Jake pulled his hand away, but you could still feel the heat of his skin on yours. “That’s the last thing I’m going to do.” 
You stepped back. Any closer and you would throw yourself into Jake’s arms. You wanted nothing more than to feel his strong arms wrap around your body, pull you in tightly. Feel the whisper of his lips against yours. 
But for your sanity, you stepped back, into the door frame. Let the moonlight slip from Jake’s face until he was plunged into darkness. 
“Goodnight,” you whispered. 
Even in the darkness, you could picture his frown. “Goodnight.” 
“Tell me everything.”
Bob blushed and you nudged his arm with your elbow. Across the table, Phoenix grinned. “Tell her, Floyd.” 
“Her name is Sena,” he replied quietly. “We met on Hinge.” 
You squealed. Across the table, Bradley covered his ears while Phoenix cackled. 
Bob patted your hand. “Ducky, please.” 
“Tell me more,” you begged. 
He dipped his head. “She’s pretty.” 
“She’s fucking hot,” Phoenix corrected. 
“She’s beautiful,” Bob countered and you watched the way his eyes lit up. “She’s a pharmacist. Her family is from Mexico and she likes to surf.” 
“So she’s hot,” you said, leaning back and giggling. “Bobby, I’m happy. Are you happy?” 
“I’m happy.” 
“Why are we so happy?” Jake slid into the spot next to you on the bench, his thigh grazing yours for a second and you felt a flutter in your stomach. Jitters. 
“Bobby here has a girlfriend,” you said proudly.
Jake’s jaw dropped. “Shut up.” 
“OK Regina George,” Phoenix countered and the group laughed. 
“Bring her around sometime, Floyd,” Jake said. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
You swatted at him playfully. “Don’t tease him.” 
Jake caught your hand for a moment mid-air and the two of you paused, your eyes locked. And then Rooster coughed and your hand fell. You turned back to Bob whose blue eyes were watching you carefully. 
“Bring her around, though,” you said. “Please, Bobby? I want to meet her.” 
He took your hand and squeezed. “OK, Duck. You can meet her.” 
“A bar, really?” You frowned at the text on your phone. Bob and his new girlfriend were already at The Hard Deck with Phoenix and Coyote. You grunted and tugged at your dress, too tight around the middle. “I look fat,” you muttered to yourself. 
“You’re pregnant.” Jake hovered in the doorway and you turned. 
“I just look like I ate twelve donuts.” 
“You look beautiful.” 
“Shut up.” 
He shook his head. “No.” 
“I should change.” 
Jake grinned. “Should I sit down or is it not that kind of show?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Wait in the living room, I’ll be five minutes.” 
“I grew up with sisters, it’s never five minutes.” His voice trailed off as he meandered down the hallway. Twenty minutes later, you hated that he was right, you emerged in the living room wearing a flowing dress and your hair swept up, a pair of earrings dangling toward your collarbone. Jake stood up and patted down the legs of his jeans. “You look perfect.” 
“Are you sure?” you asked nervously. “I can go change, and–” 
“Woman.” He stepped forward and grabbed your arm lightly. “No more changing. We’re late as it is.” 
“Did you just call me woman?” 
Jake opened the door to his truck, shaking his head. “Hop in. Please.” 
The ride to the bar was largely silent, punctuated by Jake asking you what radio station you wanted and how you were feeling. By the time you pulled up to the bar, you could sense something was off. “Are you going to tell me, or do I have to guess?” 
“What?” He cut the engine. 
“You’re acting weird.” 
“I’m literally not saying anything.”
“That’s what’s weird!” 
“There’s no winning with you, sweetheart.” 
“Ugh there you go again with the nicknames.” 
“Jesus.” He flung open his door and stomped out. You struggled to chase after him, practically wobbling to catch up with him in the gravel parking lot. 
“Jake!” He whipped around as your fingertips closed around his bicep. “What’s the matter with you?” 
“You think it’s easy?” he asked. “Seeing you looking like that walking into a place like this?” 
You frowned. “I’m pregnant. No one is looking at me.” 
“Everyone is looking at you,” he whispered hotly. “You don’t look pregnant at all in that outfit. You look fucking gorgeous and I guarantee that every single guy in there is going to try to buy you a drink.” 
“Well I can’t drink,” you spat back. “So unless they want to buy me a ginger ale they can fuck off.” 
“I better not see anyone touching you.” 
“Well then you better keep your eyes peeled.” You shook your head. “I’m going to find Bobby.” 
The bar was crowded and you had to weave your way through sweaty bodies to get to the back. Just as one elbow was about to shoot out and smash you in the face, a hand pulled you back and you felt your back press against a hard chest, Jake’s fingertips smoothing over your side. “Watch out,” he hissed at the guy with the curveball elbow. “You almost hit her in the face.” 
“Sorry dude.” The guy barely shifted and Jake shoved him out of the way, using his forearm as a shield to protect you from the masses until the two of you were birthed out of the crowd into the back of the room. 
Bob stood up immediately and you stepped closer to him, Jake’s hand falling from your side. “Ducky,” he said and you tossed your arms around his neck, inhaling his familiar scent. “This is Sena. Sena, this is my little sister Y/N.” 
She held out one hand. “Hi, so nice to meet you! Bobby has told me so much about you.” 
Sena was way cuter than Bob had described. Tall and lithe, with beautiful tanned skin and shiny dark hair that fell past her shoulders with a slight wave. She had a stack of gold bracelets on one arm, and was wearing a pair of shorts and a crop top, a taunt section of skin showing a tattoo curved around her side that you couldn’t quite make out. You grinned. “Nice to meet you, too.” 
“Here, sit.” Bob pulled out a chair and you settled in. You turned, expecting Jake to be right behind you, but he disappeared into the crowd. Instead, you shook your head and turned to Sena. 
“So tell me everything,” you said and Bob shook his head with a sigh. “Let’s start with your biggest icks about my brother.” 
She laughed and you sat and listened as she waxed poetic about Bobby. There was an air about them, you noticed it instantly. The way her hand floated to his thigh, how he would smile at her when she spoke. A spark. Something deep inside of you panged with jealousy, and happiness. 
After a while, once the conversation had flipped to Bradley, you swiveled around and squinted. Jake still hadn’t come back to the table. It had been at least forty minutes since the two of you had arrived. 
You stood up and Bob looked up, eyes wide. “Have to pee,” you said and he nodded. You weaved through the crowd, now thinning on the edges, toward the long hallway in the back. 
But as you rounded the corner, your breath caught. 
Jake, with one hand pressed against the wood wall, leaning over a short redhead, her doe eyes trained on him, his free hand tipping her chin up toward him. You watched, mouth agape, as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. 
You turned and fled, before he could see you. Even if it meant peeing your pants. You would pee in the sand, for all you cared. Anything to get away from Jake Seresin in that moment. 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@blue-aconite @withahappyrefrain @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @gigisimsonmars @xomrsalliej4787xo @myfaveficrecs @mycobrakai1972 @sio-ina-bottle @joaquinwhorres @justanothermagicalsara @je-suis-prest-rachel @shanimallina87
@rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @boiolay @sometimesanalice @na-ta-sh-aa @bobfloydsbabe @kmc1989 @rosiahills22 @palepeanutponyshoe @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @mel119g @daggerspare-standingby @grxcisxhy-wp @mrsjobarnes @csmt-m @rockbottompunk-blog @joaquinwhorres @xoxabs88xox @spinning-away
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