#like i dont want you dead this is just a LOT
thewertsearch · 7 hours
EB: and now i have all these sweet wind powers. EB: which is how i am making this car fly! GG: ohhhhhh! GG: that makes sense GG: dave had mentioned you reached the god tier
I think it’s funny that becoming a god hasn’t changed John’s personality, nor his modus operandi. He’s just as meandering as he's always been, and reaching the God Tiers simply enhanced his ability to meander.
If your Title does relate to your personality, then this would make a lot of sense. Perhaps you always get a power that helps you follow your own natural inclinations.
GG: but he did not say what it involved D: GG: he probably didnt want to make me worried EB: maybe, or he was just being some sort of aloof coolkid. GG: or that!
It’s nice that John and Jade are fully on the same page in this conversation, with access to more or less the same information. That’s pretty rare in this session, and it’s particularly rare with Jade.
For a long time, she was in the lonely position of knowing more than everyone else - and then, when Descend ruined everything, she was forced into the equally lonely position of understanding jack shit. When John declared that they needed to get Jade into the loop, there was real weight behind it, and it’s gratifying that we’re finally here.
GG: i wonder what space powers would be like?? […] GG: oh well EB: maybe you shouldn't rule it out though? EB: i mean, you did mention your dream self isn't COMPLETELY dead, remember?
I’ve been thinking about this.
See, the main problem with a Jade/Jadesprite merger is that when John died on his Quest Bed, he was completely supplanted by his Dream Self. There was no more Real John.
This wasn't a problem for him, because both Johns appeared to be the same person, with the same memories and consciousness. When John abandoned his realself, he didn't lose anything, apart from his sylladex.
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Dream Jade, however, has completely diverged from Jade. They're clearly different people – so if one of them was erased in the merger, we’d be losing a unique individual.
Yes, if Jade died on her Quest Bed, her two selves might fuse into one entity, with both sets of memories - but there's no guarantee, especially when a Sprite is involved. There's a decent chance that Jade's ascension would destroy one of her incarnations, and that's too great a risk.
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GG: why dont you tell me about your new friend? GG: he sure seems to be enjoying that horn! […] EB: he is just this silly guy i met when i woke up here. EB: he seemed to be curious about me and followed me around for a while. […] EB: also, another thing about him… EB: he has the queen's ring! […] GG: thats great! john you have to get that ring from him! EB: i've tried! i asked him politely for it and everything. EB: but he is very protective of it!
The Ring would be incredibly useful, if it wasn't destined for Earth.
As it stands, any attempt to use it is fraught with risk - and permanently separating it from WV would almost certainly doom the timeline.
EB: i think he is supposed to keep it. GG: you do? EB: yes. once i saw something in the clouds. EB: it was hard to tell what was going on, but i saw him! EB: im pretty sure it was the future, and he had the ring, and… […] EB: and then the cloud stopped showing me. EB: but i am pretty sure that some day… EB: he will have to wear it!
It doesn’t sound like John actually saw WV wearing the Ring. Seems more like he saw him holding the Ring, and jumped to the 'obvious' conclusion.
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WV held the Ring for his entire Exile, and never used it once. I’m actually a little skeptical that he will wear it, at this point, especially since he's started dreaming about how much he doesn't want the thing.
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silky-silks · 23 hours
Oh my God. 120 followers!!
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Had to whip up something (and I would have done more but im in college again and haha...that takes over everything!) But where am I? Oh right THANK YOU EVERYONE!!
I know its a small number but that means 120 people were interested and liked my work and art so guess what? It means everything and you all have helped me a lot!! You kept me encouraged and you all help me find my happiness in my art again. And look where I am now!
So here are all my oc's just celebrating or confused of all the confettie. And just to be random here is some random dialouge from them
Geneieve: "Why are we having a party again?"
Syrup:"To celebrate 120 followers of course!"
Shrimpy: "Followers? You mean people are stalking us???"
Syrup: No Shrimpy it means people who are "subscribed to us on Tumblr!!"
Simon: "But aint it the same as stalking a bit? Like they view us so....."
Syrup"...oh shoot you actually do got a point"
Silky: "I am very concerned for the amount of braincells you all have right now"
Zithur: "Eh I lost 50 of mine so i think we are all good here"
Geneieve: "How are you even alive at this point? Shan't you be dead????"
(poor Zithur)
Anyway now that the gang is all here I was originally going to mention all my followers and then i realized...holy shoot that 120 to type and find so here are a few of mostly stating the mutuals and down the line!!
Thank you..
@eve-pie @ericvelseb666 @sg-the-mag-by @blueberryflower23
@buenos-diaz @zoeyvelseb666 @sharkyy599 @f3l1c1afox @annelostshoe @dollpuppets @i-ate-your-dog-srry @eldiabo @enjoyerofspooks @ethandorianbatz @fluffyartist132 @thetiredcreature @nia1sworld @night-terrorzz @atomictoasty @thegrimpumkinpatch @theoryvixen @yet-happy @onewallywithmanyfaces
@mentally-quiet-spycrab @mentally-spacey-spy @oddlyvoid
@not-so-creative-brazilian-girl @oli-draw @izzy-the-chaotic-gremlin
@littlesiren79 @usuariaanonimam @that-one-furry-sky @autismtheartist
GASP AND TO MANY MANY MORE!!! Sorry if i didn't get your name but I am grateful nonetheless!
Now i dont have much presents but I will say for my Ask you can ask my characters literally anything. I want to be more interactive and i do apolgize for how slow I am with my diddly darn ask box so forgive me but to open up more room for how my characters act you can ask them whatever you like.
Hey Simon what do you think of the Mario games?
Stuff like that... see you guys later im going to go and eat a whole tub of icecream and drink orange juice BYE!!!!
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scythegirl13 · 1 day
ok this is going to be analysis again but its going to be comparing it to sparkle and shine. first there are a lot of different instruments, and removal of some. the saxophone isnt that noticeable which is a very nice detail, and there is no piano. so lets get on with the show (oh hey that rhymes!)
alright theres so much going on so im sorry if i cant dissect everything but i believe there is no piano, which represents mary. of course, shes dead and by this part theres no reason for her to be there. thats such a sad thing to think about, there isn't anything about her that remains in edward and she was really just a queen on the chess board, knowing that the king is who she serves. which is just...depressing :(
NO BASS EITHER. i dont think deacon even got a talking line in this whole finale. speaking of bass and piano, this isnt a jazz track no more. if it is i dont know what sub genre. it has no saxophone, piano or bass, which are staple jazz instruments.
THE COOLEST THING IS THE FREAKING BASS SOLO AND VIOLIN SOLO. lets get this clear, violin is emizel in shilos skin, and bass is theo. the violin is clear and distinct and something that you can hear easily. while the bass is barely heard but oh so noticeable. you can barely hear it but you can easily follow its rhythm. i think that represents how theo is following the violin, and how the violin makes a clear path that theo just follows, like a right hand man. emizel is the real star of the show during this section, and it seems like he doesnt want to take it away. especially during the bass solo you can hear a harp and a violin support theos part, which represents shilo and emizel.
the choir is queen coded, but thats not what its representing. its representing which name gets to be royalty. bathroys vs edward basically. he wants royalty and wants to be king, while the bathroys (aka the twins) are trying to stop it. keeping the crown for selfish reasons, or just making sure that he doesnt get it are both possible and i think this what the whole part, hell maybe the whole song is trying to represent. if you were shilo, and had royalty your whole life, your mothers legacy resting on your shoulders, youve had this protection your whole life, and some sparkly bitch wants to take it away. youd fight for that shit too!!!
and despite the name, i could only really point out that the soloists in this song were emizel and theo, there was nothing that screamed edward to me. maybe hes just the whole song, fading into the background because hes too busy fighting, idk.
blegh, theres me yapping, have a great night. this song anyways is actually a really good track for edward and fits the whole prissy, stuck up theme that he has going on. maybe hes conducting the whole track, or its something that hes like "hit it boys!" and they start playing. thats funny. anyways, thanks for coming to my rambles again!
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laithraihan · 2 days
Going on anon to avoid getting flamed but yeah. If you *actively* identify as a proshipper or an anti I think you're like. WAY too internet poisoned, in the sense that you've built part of your identity around one of two Very Extreme but also Petty internet discourse.
I hang out with a lot of artists that could be considered "proshippers" bc we enjoy and make "glorified depictions of problematic stuff", some even having large patreons. The morality of the issue is whatever, the point I'm trying to make is... we don't even try to actively fight antis and don't label ourselves as proshippers, because that's just petty internet drama? When an anti DOES show up screaming in our replies/inbox, we do go "ugh antis are so annoying". but we're, like, adults with a job? and responsabilities? We just block them and move on. And yes, we all have "dead dove do not eat", "problematic content, go away if you don't like it" and "+18 only" in our descriptions, because we REALLY don't want to fight. We all just want to exist in peace, yknow?
Seriously, I think people should be more comfortable with the block button and stop treating it like a Nuke button where it's the worst offense you could do to someone.... I also think people shouldnt be offended if someone doesnt want to interact with them either, both of these things would solve most of the pointless drama I see online. If someone makes an effort to put all the warnings, keep children away and do not participate in pointless discourse or harass people then that's perfect. I'll come across a profile that warns people that theres problematic content, I'll think "damn I dont really wanna see that", so I block and move on with my day. Not only is it simple but it just makes the online experience way less miserable.
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kagoutiss · 2 months
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pelican town, ‘72
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eggcats · 1 month
"people are mad that that artists wanted to be paid" no, people are mad that they HAD places of revenue they could have invested in and instead decided to fuck everyone over and piss off their fans who have been there since the buzzfeed days
(+ the only reason they're now saying they're not pulling content is BECAUSE of the backlash, and this isn't even going into how any growth is now impossible if it's their own platform, they are NOT big enough or produce enough content for this)
like, apparently they have a patreon? have never heard of it. absolutely no advertisement on it, when PLENTY of people would subscribe if they plugged it at ALL (like, fans love bts content, early episodes, extra/uncut stuff, having their names be credited at the end, a discord, etc) but I've never heard of it, and according to people who have subscribed, they didn't find it worth their money (not an ideal baseline for their own service)
they have merch? make more and better quality/nicer designs (or just fun quotes! so much of my stuff from their buzzfeed days is just shane quotes, but the only stuff I've bought from them now is their jackets and the professor doll, nothing else. I've looked at their catalog, it's ugly. put a funny quote on a shirt and I'll buy it guys, it's not that hard)
a youtube membership for similar stuff to the patreon, yt livestreams, USE THE PLATFORM YOURE ON MAYBE???
explicitly asking fans to turn off adblock for them on their videos
but, like, I am absolutely not paying $60 just for like 1-2 shows that only get like 4 episodes a year. they do NOT have the content for this on their own (and why tf do they have 25+ employees???? bro what) - not to mention, the inaccessibility the new platform and ability for non US based fans to even subscribe
people watch bc of the dynamic between Shane and Ryan, some of my favorite episodes are ones where we get the random text on screen- nothing fancy
tbh I get what they want but it's been my opinion that too much of their stuff that I watch has become a) formuliac and b) overproduced without much to show (imo mystery files comes to mind, it's Fine but I only enjoyed the banter vs all the unnecessary visuals, the same with ghost files)
I've seen people mention how expensive just the ghost hunting stuff is, and like yeah, maybe stop buying that big fancy brandname equipment without and instead ask for sponsors to advertise your stuff, all that stuff is nonsense anyway so it's not like you're lying about like betterhelp or something
and idk, maybe having a show where you apparently eat gold and caviar isn't the best if you're struggling with money (esp bc who watches it? not me)
what they need is someone who actually knows anything as their ceo, having less than half the staff they do, and investing in the avenues they already have with SOME pay walled content (not all), and maybe learn how to actually produce their shows without bleeding themselves dry bc the fans watch for THEM not the "production value"
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pasta-pardner · 1 year
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spotify | john marston's revenge quest, set to music from 1960s spaghetti westerns.
Fun detail: the opening cutscene for Red Dead Revolver (2004) features an instrumental version of "His Name Is King". The lyrical version is oddly fitting for John, given that it's a song about seeking vengeance for a dead brother.
#red dead#rdr2#john marston#arthur morgan#pardner playlists#pardner posts#tagging arthur in this bc even tho its a john-centric playlist.. its about the way john grieves arthur#y'all know me !!! im always a sucker for a revenge story!!!#so i cant help but dwell on johns attitude of ~i will throw away my chance at a future because i'm stuck in the past grieving you~#like thats a banger. thats a good revenge story. the ultimate act of devotion is also an ultimate act of betrayal.#this is admittedly a kind of pulpy playlist and im embracing that. im a fan of 'horse opera' westerns and im attaching that to epilogue joh#anyways. all the songs on this playlist were released btwn 1966 - 1971 so its definitely a vintage vibe.#i tried to match that vintage energy with the graphic design. the cover art is screenshots of rdr2 that i've /heavily/ edited in photoshop#i wanted the images to look like those oil and/or acrylic paintings done for old movie posters#it took a lot of filter adjustments and paint-overs to get to this stage. i spent a lot of time on it. (please clap)#i initially wanted john to be wearing arthur's hat for this but . hdkhjdf ran into some difficulties sourcing usable screenshots.#i refuse to accept unmodded epilogue john as canon. i dont know what you think that thing is but that is not my son etc etc.#its jmrp or bust for me#most of the jmrp screengrabs i could turn into a workable composition featured the john hat so i just went with that. unfortunate but mehh#sidenote. plz click for quality bc a lot of the paint texturing in these covers gets lost in the compression#alight yall. have fun with the playlist !! lmk if u end up giving it a listen.#rdr2 spoilers#🤠#art
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niishi · 7 months
Don't do a thinkpiece on skypiea if you're going to completely ignore white christian settler colonization and indigenous genocide. Just don't talk about it.
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iratusmus · 1 year
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hobimo · 2 months
see i don't even disagree w you, it's the specific jikook brand of omegaverse that is rly just an excuse to write straight romance undetected. like you can't convince me that if you replace jm and jk from the average jikook fic with a straight couple something would feel different. and please don't feel included in this because you know how to write a great plot and establish characters ok!!! actually i think i read a bakudeku fic once! it was superr popular and short i think? i tried reading some jujutsu kaisen ff and yeah there's some good stuff out there but nothing compares to the emotional attachment i have to bts so 😞 i need to fixate on something else asap❗
you would not believe. how many times i've tried answering this ask before i dissolve into Yapping. sorry. i have a lot of thoughts about the type of fic you're describing i really do. it's bothered me for a long time. my general thoughts are that. bts ao3 fic is a very short walk from wattpad band fic. so a lot of those sorts of people end up over here that dont have that Shame the rest of us nerds do who grew up writing cringey ass book and anime fic when we were teens that pushed us to experiment with writing in complete anonymity and write fucked up and shit stuff and we started Caring abt what we wrote. and also the wattpad band fic environment is so different to the ao3 m/m. but if you know a little grammar and you actually finish the fic the story just gets so unbelievably popular on its own.
that being said there are good fics still in bts jikook. i havent found them yet but i know they're in there. there's gotta be at least one brave soldier left fighting against swathes of people who probably unironically read colleen hoover for fun. there's gotta be. i refuse to live in a world where there isnt
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volivolition · 3 months
gotta draw more voli and echem being little haters to each other. i know their canon interactions are arguing over temptations vs abstinence and i LOVE that dynamic. unfortunately i am also the world's biggest fucking softie and i go weak in the knees for them working together and being affectionate.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months
Everyone's talking about Wish right now.... The only thing I can say about WISH.......let's hope it's like a Frozen 1 type thing. Where the trailers were ABSOLUTE ASS but then the film turned out really good. TT0TT
I mean.....there is a difference between the two. While the west got weird trailers that didn't matter for Frozen (Olaf vs Sven carrot thing), JPN and other countries got trailers that actually showcased the plot and drama in an interesting way.... And Wish.....well...... Wish at least gives us a villain and a part of an argument.....and I can't see that argument leading anywhere.....great tbh. So maybe not the best comparisons but let's hope for the Frozen 1 vibe!
Anyway I'm not liking what I'm seeing so far, but I'm hoping its better than the ass disaster Frozen 2 and Ralph 2 were. ;w;
#silly talks#disney#WISH#frozen#as frozen's first fan and the one that didn't care the trailers were ass......my heart goes out to Wish fans rn kldjsafkljsaf#'silly that's pretty bold of you to consider yourself THE FIRST frozen fan-" i drove that damn bandwagon y'all just jumped on later#no really around 2009-2010 i remember looking at the Snow Queen disney page wikipedia page to see if it finally got taken off of hiatus she#*off the hiatus shelf#i remember the damn day the announced Dinsey would take a crack a the Snow Queen adaptation again#then when they announced Kristen Bell for a character (super estatic cause i wanted to hear her singing even more after watching Veronica m#*after watching veronica mars)#The Snow Queen has been a fav fairy tale of mine since i was a baby so yeah I was excited to say the least TT0TT#and yeah 5 seconds into the movie (the day it released mind you! yes I was there I remember how dead the theater was) i was like 'I love it#I ended the movie and wanted to go back in too i loved it that much#safe to say I was BLOWN AWAY by how much OTHERS loved it esp after everyone was bitching abt it leading up to that film TT0TT#anyway love frozen 1 it's my fav#hate frozen 2 it's hot garbage I never felt more lied to by trailers than this movie holy shit#i'm like 8 rants away from writing a complete dissertation on how Frozen 2 completely misunderstood Frozen 1 in it's entirety#(note: I dont think F1 is perfect nor do I think it's a masterpiece I just happen to love it a lot uwu)#anyway I hope wish has a similar thing (sleeper hit release part....not a shitty sequel part)
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scarletcomet · 16 days
my therapist was trying to convince me that I'd miss out on all of these things if I died, but I really don't care??
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dockaspbrak · 13 days
i feel like im not actually connected to the world anymore like i used to be and i lost whatever i had
#and now im just waiting to die orsomething#idk#i feel like norman shouldnt have gone without me#unfair#im not even a person anymore#im uselss and a disappointment to all#i can just drive#i miss having friends and being a part of a group who noticed when i wasnt there yaknow? like#a society#i feel like i slipped out somehow and i dont see people smiling anymore or enjoy sunlight on leaves or feel hopeful#i dont know when i got to be so depressed but#i managed to get a hair cut today#which sounds stupid to even mention but i am sort of agoraphobic and hadnt. managed to get one since september of last year or so#i looked stupid#the other day i went into a store with my sister and a woman was very chatty with me so i bought her a slushie and it was sweet how happy#that made her#so im just being dramatic you know its nice when someone smiles at you like directed at you#and like i did feel the sun on my arm while driving today and it felt nice and i can change as a person whenever i want#i dont like living in the city i think#i dont know what i want but i gotta make changes you know#start smoking and get a tattoo or something#i guess a lot of this is just regan and i arent that friendly right now and its making me sad#shes just busy#kinda a little bit makes me sad it was so nice when we started dating and we flirted a lot now its like im just a fixture that needs mainte#ance#everyso often#and my cats still dead#and his brother is dying#hes got lymphoma#i guess thats why im sad and sayng all this today
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cube-cumb3r · 6 months
im gonna be completely honest man all this donna noble posting is getting to me. ive watched maybe max 3 episodes of doctor who 6 years ago but youre convincing me a little bit to watch more. youve made me insane about these two characters i know very little about outside of what you put on my dash. what are you doing to me
This is the highest honor anyone could've ever bestowed upon me,Laying down on the floor i've reached self-actualization god put me on this earth to make other people on tumblr unwell about donna noble and i've succeeded at long last. go watch 2006 christmas special runaway bride now
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dykedivorce · 8 months
if any other bitch in konoha had been gay apart from sasuke none of this would have happened to my son naruto.
#pussy from the turbotron edgelord 3000 and his whole life went up in flame. NOT worth it#no but fr it's insane how he bamboozled every fan into thinking he was so interesting and cool and badass when .#at the point im at in shippuden hes by far the least interesting of the main characters. one track mind (vengeance) and no depth beyond that#like the other characters rn : sakura coming in to her own ; finding her path and her strength + sharing a connection so deep with naruto#over their common loss that they both just Know although they absolutely cant talk about it#yamato: the only survivor of orochimaru's monstrous experiments on children; kakashi's stand in thats so different from kakashi#it makes you wonder what it would have been like with him as their teacher from the start;#a mystery thats clearly trying his best but whose mission truly is A Lot#SAI: A BRAINWASHED SPY A PAWN FOR A SECRET ORGANISATION WHO CLINGS TO HIS HUMANITY NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES HES BEEN PUNISHED FOR IT#WHO FELL IN LOVE WITH NARUTO FOR MAKING HIM REALIZE HOW DEEP THINGS COULD BE FELT AND HOW DEEP RELATIONSHIPS COULD RUN#WHO HAS BEEN DRAWING A BOOK FOR HIS DEAD BROTHER FOR YEARS EVEN IF HE'S FORGOTTEN WHAT HIS BROTHER LOOKS LIKE#WHO DECIDED TO SPARE SASUKE BECAUSE HE'S LOVED. WHO JUST WANTS TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE A HUMAN LIFE.#MOST AUTISTIC CODED CHARACTER OF ALL TIMES HAS NEVER SUCCESSFULLY MASKED A DAY IN HIS LIFE.#sasuke: sasuke#anyway. im not touching on naruto because i could be here for days#BUT while sasuke on his own so far is very whatever. the narusasu dynamic is truly one for the ages#bc i just saw the ep where sasuke manages to see kyuubi inside naruto and wooshes him away and it's very like.#oh so hes literally seeing naruto's demons and banishing them even as hes telling naruto they dont matter to each other anymore.#oh ok cool cool cool cool this feels normal and not something to obsess over#jesus christ why am i typing all this. who here cares#naruto thoughts
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