#like okay i guess hero of the horn mat is kinda cool
theuncannybookdragon · 8 months
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As per my last post
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ᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴇʙ ᴏꜰ ʟᴏᴠᴇ -- Peter Parker fanfic (3/of many)
Part 1  Part 2
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"I chopped you some fruit" Thor offers me a plastic bag and he sees me eyeing it confused "I couldn't find a proper container a'right? you better enjoy this... I'm going away for some time"
"thank you" I nudge his bicep and offer him a smile
At the car, I curiously googled Spider-Man just to see if there was something new, not at all. Maybe is one of those called 'heroes' that one day just disappear.
"Whatcha doin'" Happy asks looking at me through the mirror
"googling news about the Spider-Man"
"oh yeah, I checked some yesterday... " he casually says
"mm nothing, but he looks like a modern Tarzan" he adds
"that's exactly what I'm thinking!" we laugh in sync and arrive at school "see you in some hours!"
Walk, walk, walk... Stares, stares, stares... This is how this year is going to be? When I finally open my locker, hundreds of photos fly all over, dragging everyone's attention to me, I lower myself trying to collect them all when a pair of hands pop beside helping me, I look up and it was Peter.
"what's all of this?" he curiously asks
"I really don't know.. I opened my locker and all of this pictures fell, they're not mine"
His hand grabs one picture and spin it around, the word "MURDERER"  written all over it. I quickly snatch it and scan the other pictures... they are all about the accident at Sokovia, really disturbing pictures...
"Whoever did this, is trying to make a point" I mutter cleaning the floor and standing up. Peter following me.
"yeah but they're not proving it, you are not a murderer," he says with a small smile
I give him a sympathetic smile and unconsciously squeeze his shoulder "has anyone told you that you dress like an old man?"
"mmm thanks? I mean if that's your thing okay.." he catches how I want to change the subject
"no!!" I slap his chest and a bubbly chuckle escapes his lips   "ready for economics?"
"oh! my books! my locker is at the other hallway"  he starts walking backwards and accidentally crashes into some girls "sorry! sorry! see you at the classroom"
At Economics, Peter and I fought to answer what the Teacher was asking so we were stealing each other turns, then we walk to Algebra. This year the school divides students into their respective levels. Lists were glued to the wall and I squint my eyes searching for my name, obviously, I wasn't in Basics nor Intermediate, I skim the advanced level but I'm not there
"I'm not in any class..." I frown looking at Peter
"yeah me neither" Peter peeks his head trying to find a teacher
"it's because here are the other ones, there's a new class that was opened for request" Morita walks behind us pasting a list besides the others
"request from who?" Peter asks confused
Morita glares at him "the Board Mr. Parker" he leaves and I read the list
The name of the class is Algebra P.R.O (Practice, Reenforce, and Optimization for future professionals) Jesus, who invented that name.
"guess we are Pro" I turn to Peter who's skimming the list
"oh, no..." he whispers
"what? you cheated on your exams?"  I snort
"No... Liz Toomes is there"  he says with a terrorized face
"yeah, she's smart?"  I point and see his face crumbling  "ohhhh I see, you like her Peter" I whisper at him
He then touches both of my shoulders looking down at me because he's taller "no one must know, please"
"of course not..."  I don't have anyone to tell, except Happy but he doesn't give a flying potato for high school gossip  "act cool, relax Peter"
All the class, Peter was avoiding contact with Liz, I look at her, she's pretty and smart, she's going to kick ass like me one day. In the end, I had Ethics, nothing important just Plato and Socrates, then I ate my lunch in my usual spot. At P.E. I'm a badass, Steve taught me some moves and how to run without breaking into pieces and also my daily exercise helps me.
"Aren't you tired, Tannie?!?!" Ned shouts in agony trying to do a crunch while Peter helps him
"a little but it feels good"  I mentally count 50 and I stop trying to soothe my breathing, I crawl to the mat they are working out  "let me tell you, Steve, I mean, Captain America helped me train" when I said it both of their faces change to the best scene I've ever seen
"You're the coolest chick ever!!!" Ned shouts even louder "okay cool no more crunches I'm going to sit right over there" he spins landing on the floor
"So umm... how is living with the Avengers,"  Peter asks while sitting on the floor  "I can totally see myself texting with Captain America"
"HA!" I snort too hard  "no way, he hates mobile phones trust me and he is waaaay behind pop culture, I'm just explaining to him who are the Kardashians, he thought it was a music genre"
Peter then starts laughing  "unbelievable but well... after all, you are Tony Stark's daughter"
I sigh "sometimes is the best thing, sometimes is a nightmare" With a grunt I stand up  "I'm heading to the changing lockers... see you at English!"
----------------Flashback at Stark's Expo 2010 (Iron Man 2)-----------
"Mommy where's Daddy?"  I scan the area but he's not there
"he's working baby, he's fine, he'll be with us sooner than we expect" she palms my back and walks faster to the entrance
"Are you coming with us?" A police officer asks my mom eyeing me as well
"No, I'm gonna stay until to park is clear" she nods and I let my eyes observe what I used to think it was the best Expo of all times
All I can see was people running, some people tearing up and a lot of fire
"Baby... are you sure you want to stay with me?" my mom questions me and I tighten my grip
"Yeah, we'll be okay mom" I smile at her and she sighs just waiting for my dad to appear
Little did I know that the robots spread throughout the expo will be exploding all around us...
What a tremendous feeling for a nine-year-old. The uncertainty of not knowing if my dad will survive and return safe and sound to me. The images of drones flying all over and people injured was part of the nightmare of being Tony Stark's daughter.
------------------end of Flashback-------------
"Listen, everyone! the class is not dismissed until I say so!"  the teacher exclaims but fails when everyone starts rushing out of the classroom
"see you at the club?" I ask Peter
"Yes! yesterday uh, I couldn't come because...I..." he pauses thinking of an excuse and I roll my eyes
"it's okay Peter I know why you didn't come" I naturally say and he abruptly stops staring at me
"what? like...how?He gnaws his bottom lip and his pupils dilate
"yeah... come on, it was the introduction to the club, we didn't do anything and it was so boring. I actually wanted to skip it too"
He longly sighs and scratches his neck  "Oh my God yeah! you already know my secret hehe"  He then starts walking and we enter to the classroom
The first hour we just made a huge list of materials we would need at this course, then we all put the benches in a middle circle and the presentation of previous works begin. And yes Morita was right, three people built Automathic back scratchers.
"thank you, Tyler!" Chung chrips  "well now...Tannie Stark please" everyone claps and I turn to Peter who is nodding at me
"okay well... Ummm I built it this in summer break- I say opening a bag and taking out the robot
-ohhhhhh-  everyone awes
"its name is EMMA... and it's for Emergency Machine. This is a medium size but my idea is to make it bigger because it's designed for yeah....emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, and daily accidents. It includes a complete first aid kit inside this part of the belly and its operative system is built on a normal binary algorithm, my wish is that once I perfect it... there is at least one in every building of New York and then of all the country"
The claps emerge, mingling in loud cheering. I nod knowing I killed it.
"This is amazing Tannie! we weren't expecting less!" Taylor Chung claps walking to awkwardly palm my back
When the bell rang announcing that the second day was over, I quickly pick up my stuff and stroll to the exit
"hey! wait!"  Peter then approaches me "before you go, let me tell you that if I was rich I would totally invest in your emergency machines" He flashes a toothy smile, kinda cute...
I snort and offer my hand "A pleasure doing business with you Parker" I shake hands with him
"so I was thinking that we could uh... trade phone numbers just in case we need help with homework?"
"sure! just...don’t share it with others" I hand him my phone and I take his
"no! of course, no" he writes his number on my phone and I do the same on his "here, ready"
"cool, text you later I suppose..." I walk to the car while throwing my hone into my backpack but suddenly I crash with someone "Oh... sorry!"
"ha no sorry, I was a little confused and lost...this is a big school,"  A really tall guy with messy blonde hair and blue eyes purses his lips at me
I snort "I think you arrived a little bit later, classes finished for today"
"oh no! I'm here to turn in some papers, tomorrow I'll be early though"
A horn booms all over the street, I turn to look at the owner of the car... figure... it's Happy
"desperate much?" the boy mutters  "well I need to..."
"Yeah, sure! mmm I need to go as well, see you soon...?" I shyly wave goodbye at him and quickly enter the car
"since when you are so desperate Happy?" I huff
"since when you are so unpunctual Tannie?" he fires back making me stick my tongue out at him
"what if I alter this part?" I move the hologram of a new model of a robot I'm building
"let me recalibrate the function T"  FRIDAY says while I write down some notes  "the system is operating normally with a minus 5% of failure"
"really? that's great! let's make it minus 30% shall we?" I grin feeling the ambition and excitement rushing through my body
"I am a genius" I whisper to myself
"And I am the genius who created the genius" obviously, my dad says entering the lab  "did you check the fusils?"
"the code of chips and the binary set?"
"what about the part underneath the-"
"the fourth and sixth compartment of the first box of cables... yes dad I did" I sigh
"uuuhh you are on fire kid!" he happily claps  "here, a gift for you"  He hands me an empty carton box
"Oh my god, I wanted this, you know it's the last edition?!" I excitedly chirp
"very funny, but I wanted to tell you that next month we are moving"
"wait what? I thought that the others were uh the only ones moving...?"
"yep, we are taking our shi...I mean, our things and we are moving them to a new place where we are going to live"  he explains it as if I was dumb
"what about the tower? it's a clean energy-powered skyscraper dad" I move to table to turn the hologram off
"I know, I designed it... but the place we are moving to is better trust me... I'm surprised Steve hasn't told you about it..."
"where? Brooklyn?" I huff
"nope, a little far away up north but you'll love it! it's like our Disneyland T" he grabs my shoulder playfully shaking me
"okay dad...actually I don't care if we live in a small cabin or in a big mansion... as long as we are together" I warmly smile at him but he crunches his nose
"that's too corny T"  he walks to the door "there are more boxes at the entrance ok? bye bye"
My dad's interruption cut off my inspiration so I take some boxes and begin putting the things I use less and marking the boxes, it took me some hours and then I went to the kitchen and turn the TV on, it was my mom who was live on a press conference about Stark Industries, I make a quick dinner and I eat it silence until my phone rings, a message notification emerge.
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I lock my phone and prepare to sleep but before my room, I hear someone opening a door in the main hallway, I take a knife and prepare myself to attack when I spot it was only Vision.
"you scared me!" I touch my heart in a dramatic manner
"Sorry Miss Stark, not my intention" his British accent and the politeness makes me wrinkle my nose
I walk around the kitchen island  "please Vision, call me Tannie or just T"  
"very well, 'just T '"  he proudly smiles knowing he just joked with me "I'm just taking Wanda's boxes to the new place"
"oh sure, go on" From the corner of my eyes I see how he walks but stops seconds later
"you know, you should probably check the third box of the second box of cables at your robot, that'll give you a minus 45% of failure," he says and then walks away
I quickly blink and immediately go to the I+D floor where the lab is, I then spent 3 hours working and I remember sitting on the floor, closing my eyes and sleeping
A/N: hope you liked it! Also available in Wattpad! https://my.w.tt/sw2CZNdCv1 .
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