#like really fluffy
brcnze · 3 months
what more could i ask for?
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a/n: another from my ao3 that i deleted oops. also sorry it’s christmassy themed and i’m posting this in march?
word count: 5.3k
what more could i ask for?
as the final whistle blew, lucy felt as though she could breathe again. 
these last few months had been tiring, understatement of the year, they’d been exhausting. since the world cup, it had been non stop. she was being pushed so hard emotionally and physically and as she lay back on the grass she couldn’t bring herself to move an inch.
barça were playing at least three games a week, training was as intense as ever and not to mention england had been desperately fighting for their spot at the olympics. for the first time ever lucy was actually somewhat glad they hadn’t qualified. 
she was devastated at the time of course, her last minute goal and two minutes of unimaginable happiness coming crashing down on her had hit her hard. however, upon reflection she realised the time away she’d get over the summer would be good for her. it would be good for her knee that was hanging on by a thread and good for her mind, to finally be able to shut down for more than twenty four hours. 
although the tournament was in the summer and it was only december she had her month off already planned and ready to go. for the first time in her career she felt ready to finally indulge in some much needed rest and relaxation. 
the brunette still enjoyed the sport as much as she always had done, but the demands that playing for the best women’s club in the world and euro winning national team were something she had never experienced before. 
she thrived off of the pressure, but even she was human, not the robot everyone thought she was. she was thirty two and absolutely knackered to put it lightly. 
“come on lucia, up. you are showing your age.” 
lucy knew exactly who it was without even having to open her eyes. the use of her full name gave everything away. 
everyone called her lucy, that’s how she liked it. her close friends called her luce or even bronzey sometimes but she’d never been keen on the people around her calling her lucia, often meeting them with a death glare if they so much as tried it. 
that didn’t stand with ona though. nothing seemed to really, she had a totally different chapter in the lucy bronze rule book. the girl could get away with murder in lucy’s eyes. she liked the way the name sounded coming from ona, the broken english accent and the fact that it was only her who called her it. 
“help me up then.” 
the spaniard reached down and pulled lucy to her feet, smiling up at her in the process. 
ona had moved to barça only a few months ago, but it was like she’d been there forever. the pair had met back at a mutual friends wedding almost a year ago now and had instantly hit it off, the attraction to one another being undeniable. 
“stop eye fucking her.” 
lucy had turned to her side, the smirk of her best friend jordan nobbs being the first thing she saw. 
“she’s hot.” 
“go and talk to her then, what good is sitting here and drooling going to do?” 
she dwelled upon the idea for a minute, questioning whether or not she was ready to open up her heart to someone else yet. as she continued her pondering, ona had met her eyes and as soon as green met brown she was up and on her feet. 
for the first time in her life, lucy had listened to jordan and it was possibly the best thing she had ever done. the conversation between the two defenders had just flowed, both of them giggling as they kept accidentally interrupting one another because they just had so much to say. 
they sat with their thighs pressed together, subconsciously getting closer and closer to one another as the conversation progressed. flirty lucy hadn’t made an appearance in some time, but she was out in full force that night, ona loving every second.
the bride herself, lucy staniforth, had noticed the connection instantly and headed over, giving lucy strict instructions to look after ona once her barça move had been finalised. 
“look after this one? you don’t have to worry about that stani.” 
staniforth looked at ona as a younger sister, and she wanted to be reassured that she would have someone looking out for her and who better than her longest friend. 
“i’ll have the lucy bronze looking after me then, si?” 
ona had asked with a smirk once they were alone again, a smirk that lucy thought was possibly the most attractive thing she’d ever seen. 
“you bet.” 
it was safe to say that lucy had done a brilliant job of looking after her that night and onas contract with united wasn’t even up yet. 
the second she had taken a trip to the toilets and ona had followed her, she had her pinned against the wall with her mouth trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down her neck. she wasn’t entirely sure that was exactly what her best friend had meant by ‘looking after her’ but it didn’t stop her from taking her back to her hotel room and having her scream her name for the rest of the night. 
ever since that day she had been addicted to the spaniard. they stayed in contact during onas last few months at manchester united, neither being the type for a one night stand and having too strong of a connection to leave it at that. they met up whenever possible for date nights and randomly showed up at the others games if they could, instantly becoming each other’s favourite person.
the long distance dating was hard, but it was exciting. it would’ve been so much easier for both parties to just date someone who actually lived in the same country as them, but what fun was that when they had found exactly what they wanted in the other? 
the pair took a mini holiday together pre world cup where lucy had asked ona to be her girlfriend over a romantic dinner, and again after the world cup where they had celebrated ona becoming a world champion. lucy knew it was love when she felt genuinely happy and proud of ona, the ability to put her own feelings aside and relish in the pride she felt for her girlfriend. 
it was all just perfect really. thank you staniforth, lucy thought to herself every single day. 
as they walked back towards the changing rooms, down the tunnel and out of sight of fans ona intertwined their hands. they weren’t exactly keeping their relationship a secret, they had both just agreed on private. 
many people had caught onto the fact that they were an item now. whether that be from the pictures of ona comforting lucy at the world cup, the fan picture of them at a restaurant in menorca or the way they interacted with each other on the pitch. 
at the beginning they’d both decided on keeping it a total secret. lucy had already been through a relationship that fans had gotten wind of and this time around she just wanted something she could keep for herself. however, they both underestimated how hard that would be when they were so infatuated with one another. 
lucy couldn’t stop herself. she had to have at least one part of her body touching onas at all times, she couldn’t prevent the heart eyes or the wide smile that was simply reserved for her and came out in full force whenever she was around. she loved her, and quite frankly she didn’t care who knew it. 
“tired?” the spaniard questioned. 
lucy nodded, squeezing her hand as they turned into the changing rooms. she instantly sat herself down and began untying her boots, letting out a grateful sigh as her feet could finally breathe again.
“like you said, im showing my age. im excited to have over a week off that’s for sure.” 
ona narrowed her eyes, mock offence clouded over her features. 
“even though you’re spending half of it away from me?” 
lucy let out a chuckle, grabbing the younger girls hands and pulling her to sit on her lap, so she was straddling her legs. her hands rested on onas waist as ona wrapped her arms around her neck. 
“you can still come with me. i booked two flight tickets for a reason.” 
ona sighed, she so desperately wanted to take lucy up on the offer but it felt massive. her own family weren’t that big on christmas, but it seemed like a huge occasion for lucy’s family and she’d never met them before. in fact, she’d never actually met any of her previous partners families, never getting serious enough for them to even ask. 
her and lucy were serious though. it was different with lucy, she had never felt this way about anyone before. she pictured her whole future with the englishwoman; marriage, kids, the whole ordeal and the thought of messing it all up consumed her. 
she knew she was a nice girl, but that didn’t stop the overbearing thoughts that lucy’s family wouldn’t like her. maybe they would think lucy could do better? maybe they would compare her to keira? the whole thing terrified her. 
“i don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, the decision is yours. if you want to be at home with your own family i totally understand that.” 
lucy had noticed the change in expression in her girlfriends face, running a comforting hand up and down her back. 
ona couldn’t help but smile at the caring nature lucy never failed to show for her. they would be spending the new year together anyway, they planned on taking a trip to andorra together - just the two of them and their dogs but would be meeting in manchester before as lucy staniforth also known as cupid was having a very small get together a few days before new year’s eve and insisted that the couple that she match made were in attendance. 
however, the thought of spending the entirety of christmas with lucy made her heart skip a beat. she wanted so badly to just say yes, she’d have to meet her parents at some point. she was confident her own family wouldn’t mind, they really weren’t all that big on the festivities and were so obsessed with lucy that anything that involved her was given an instant approval. 
“i would love to.” 
the english woman’s head snapped up at that, a wide smile replacing the neutral expression on her face. 
“if you and your family will have me.” 
lucy pulled her into a kiss, hand resting on her cheek as she stroked the array of freckles that lay there. the amount of freckles she had seemed to double every time lucy looked at her and she thought it made her even more beautiful. 
“of course. they’ve been so excited to meet you, they barely ask about me anymore. it’s all ona this, ona that.” 
ona let out a soft chuckle, immediately leaning back in to connect their lips. if there was one thing she loved most in the world, it was making lucy happy. 
“not again! ustedes dos son repugnantes!” 
the two girls detached their lips, ona not moving from her position on lucy’s lap and turned to see that the once empty changing room was now filling up with their team mates. 
“like i haven’t caught you and ingrid in more questionable moments than this, maria.” 
lucy and mapi were like sisters at this point. the constant bickering and inappropriate jokes that went back and forth between them never failed to amuse, yet also piss off the rest of the players. the teasing between them had only gotten worse since ona and lucy had made their relationship common knowledge.
“mentirosa! we always keep it very professional.” 
“shall we talk about the time i found you both in the airport bathroom?” 
lucy smirked, relishing on the deep shade of red that had taken over mapis cheeks. she knew she’d got her with that one as the defender soon made her way over to the showers whilst muttering something incoherent in spanish. 
“i don’t know why she still bothers. i always win.” 
ona shook her head, laughing at the never ending competitiveness of her girlfriend.
the pair headed back to lucy’s apartment, saying quick goodbyes and wishing their teammates a happy christmas before packing the rest of their things into a suitcase. 
the nerves ona was feeling were evident on the way to the airport, the lack of singing from the spaniard giving her away instantly. lucy placed a hand on her thigh, stroking up and down. 
“you okay, love?” 
“im just a little nervous i suppose.” 
ona felt it was best to just be honest. she’d been putting off meeting her girlfriends parents far too long now and knew it was obvious she was having feelings about it. throughout their relationship they had always communicated everything, a huge reason as to why it was going so well. 
“im excited to meet your family and im so excited to spend christmas with you. i’m just nervous that they won’t like me, or i’ll say the wrong thing.” 
lucy’s face instantly softened, pulling in to the airport car park and turning her whole body towards ona. she could tell that meeting her family was something that had been playing on her girlfriends mind. lucy had met onas months ago now and was a frequent guest at family dinners, being welcomed and loved by them instantly. 
“i promise you there’s nothing to be nervous about. in all honestly, they’re all a bunch of weirdos and i’m more nervous that you’ll change your mind about us when you see what a weird group of people i grew up with.” 
ona chuckled at that, adoring the way lucy never failed to make her laugh. she took onas hands in her own, giggling a little too. 
“but honestly babe, please don’t stress. we can book a hotel instead if you like? if you don’t want to stay at the house?” 
the spaniard immediately shook her head. 
“no, absolutely not. i’m just a little shy i suppose but i’m sure it won’t take me long to warm up.” 
lucy tilted her head to the side, the most adoring smile resting on her lips. she completely adored the woman in front of her to no end, her affections growing every second.
“god, you’re so cute.”
she tucked a strand of ona’s newly highlighted hair behind her ear. 
“i won’t leave your side though, and just tell me if you need a breather at any point. i was dead nervous to meet your family, so i do know what it’s like.” 
“you were?” 
that information surprised ona. lucy was so good at putting on a confident front that she never would’ve guessed she felt any kind of nerves that day. 
“mhm. didn’t think they’d think i was good enough for you, or that they’d be offended by how shit my spanish is.” 
“you needn’t have worried cariño, they love you more than me and my brother now - especially my dad. they told me instantly that you were good for me, and also that your spanish is shit.” 
lucy scoffed, a look of false hurt clouding her features.
“im definitely getting better!” 
“si tú lo dices.”
ona was right in the sense that it wouldn’t take her long to warm up. 
almost as soon as the pair had arrived at the family home, she had been pulled into the biggest hug by lucy’s mum. the older woman welcoming her warmly as she was desperate to get to know the woman whom her daughter spoke so fondly of. 
“i am here too you know mother.” 
lucy complained as she watched the embrace take place. ona let out a small laugh, appreciating the warm welcome more than anything, putting her instantly at ease. 
once they’d gotten the greetings and ‘nice to meet you’s’ out of the way the family all sat together in the living room, ona being the star of the show. 
“you really are a beautiful girl, darling. i could tell from the pictures luce showed me of you but in person you’re even prettier.” 
ona had blushed at the compliment from diane, smiling so wide her cheeks hurt. 
“oh thank you. and thank you so much for being so welcoming and not minding me being here.” 
“don’t be silly, you’re family.” 
lucy was so glad to see ona smiling. she’d been a little worried when she saw how nervous she was, concerned that her family would maybe be too much for her but she needn’t have one bit. her mum evidently adored her already and as soon as her niece and nephew had come downstairs they instantly took a liking to her too. 
running straight past auntie lucy, they immediately went to interrogate ona. 
“im really starting to get offended now.” 
lucy admitted, watching her niece insisting ona play barbies with her and shaking her head no, when lucy had offered to play instead. her brother was loving it, teasing lucy endlessly that she’d been replaced as the favourite auntie.
they enjoyed a nice dinner together, lucy’s mums cooking going down a treat with ona who had never tried half of the foods on her plate. games were played, the two young children making it their life’s mission to ensure they were on ona’s team everytime.
when the kids were in bed, ona got a real taste of the type of relationship lucy and her brother shared. she knew that they wound each other up to no end, she’d witnessed enough facetime calls between the pair to know that. however, seeing it first hand was amusing to say the least. 
“so ona, out of all the women in the world. why lucy?” 
jorge asked her with a disgusted look on his face, earning himself a pillow chucked straight at his head from the woman in question. 
“don’t be a dick, jorge.” 
ona chuckled at the twos behaviour, not being able to help joining in on rattling him up a little bit. 
“oh i don’t know, many things. she’s funny, kind, always makes me feel loved and safe and i mean look at her. she’s hot as fuck.”
lucy smirked at her at that, whispering something to her that jorge definitely didn’t want to hear. he looked between them in disbelief, shaking his head. 
“sickening. how much are you paying her to say that?” 
“don’t get jealous. just because my girlfriend actually fancies me and your wife thinks you’re a pig now.” 
jorge rolled his eyes, scoffing. 
“well you’re definitely punching, luce.” 
“im well aware of that. most beautiful girl in the whole of woman’s football she is, well and the whole world.” 
another blush made it’s way across ona’s cheeks as she smiled up at lucy bashfully. 
“you are sweet lucia, but that’s not true.” 
“oh it certainly is true sweetheart, we all think you’re gorgeous and lovely just to top it all off.” 
diane chimed in, making her way into the living room carrying even more plates full of food and drawing out another blush from ona. 
going to bed that night in lucy’s childhood bedroom, both women felt content. lucy was so glad that ona was relaxed and happy and ona was so glad that lucy’s family seemed to like her. 
the older woman couldn’t help but look around the small box room that held all of her earliest memories. she remembered lying in the same bed late at night as a youngster, dreaming of the life she was currently living. never would twelve year old lucy bronze have believed you if you told her she’d be laying there right now; winner of multiple awards, one of the most famous names in women’s football, playing for barcelona and having the most perfect girlfriend by her side.
“i have had such a wonderful day today.” 
ona whispered into lucy’s neck, pulling her from her thoughts as the defender tightened her arms around her waist and placed a kiss on the top of her head. 
“me too, i’m so glad you’re here.” 
“i’m so glad i came.”
“they think you’re amazing, if you couldn’t already tell.” 
ona let out a little giggle, thinking back to the amount of compliments she had received throughout the day. she looked up at lucy, taking her head out of her neck and pouting her lips, tapping them expectantly. 
lucy happily obliged, meeting her in the middle for a soft kiss. 
the kiss quickly turned heated, neither woman being able to do anything by halves. lucy’s hand made it’s way up the back of onas shirt, well technically her shirt that ona had stolen, and began tracing patterns pulling her in impossibly closer. 
upon hearing someone get out of bed to go to the bathroom, ona pulled away but only far enough so that she could still smile into lucy’s lips. 
“i love you.” 
“te amo mas bonita.” 
the next few days were spent lazing around and going for light walks with the bronze family. both women were soaking up the rare time off and had even brought siestas all the way back to england, much to the amusement of jorge. christmas day had been nothing short of incredible too. ona didn’t think she could love lucy anymore than she already did, but now having such a special bond with her family too her heart was left feeling like it was going to constantly burst. 
when the time came to leave and head down to manchester before the new year, ona felt emotional to be saying goodbye to everyone. she had had the most amazing time and felt as though she had created a special bond with everyone individually after the five days spent together. 
the spaniard had to really fight to hold the tears in when it came to saying goodbye to lucy’s niece and nephew. the two little ones had created a card for them, hand drawn by them both. there was two stick figures holding hands, one representing lucy and the other ona. a bright yellow sun took residence in the corner, and a football was placed in the air. 
when lucy opened the card, gushing at the incredible drawing, she smiled to herself widely and turned it around so that ona could read their articulately thought words. 
to auntie lucy and auntie oni 
we will miss you soooo much. we loved playing football and princessess together. we love you xxxx
seeing the two young children refer to her as their auntie after only being in their lives a few days made ona feel like she could physically melt. she knew how much the young children meant to lucy and leaving with the feeling that they liked her was all she could have asked for. 
lucy clearly felt the same happiness as as soon as they go into the car she turned beside her, grinning like the cheshire cat. 
“did you have a good time, auntie oni?” 
the drive to manchester was spent sharing more family stories that ona hadn’t yet heard - the spaniard enjoying them even more now she could actually picture the scenarios, and singing along to their favourite songs, much a contrast to the drive to the airport a few days ago. lucy was just happy that ona was happy, taking her eyes off the road a few too many times just to watch her. 
when they arrived at their hotel, ona had barely opened the door before lucy had her pressed up against it. 
“i’ve missed you.” 
“you’ve been with me every day.” 
ona wrapped her arms around lucy’s neck, a deep sigh escaping her lips as the older woman started kissing down her neck. 
“mhm, but not like this.” 
she continued pressing kisses, ona throwing her head back as she found her sweet spot. 
“just wanted you all to myself.” 
ona tangled her fingers in lucy’s hair, pulling her head up from its position in her neck and smashing their lips together. both women were needy, tongues slipping into one another’s mouths and lucy sliding her strong thigh inbetween onas legs, drawing out a shaky whine from her. 
“fuck me, right now.” 
“don’t have to ask me twice, princesa.” 
with that, lucy picked her up, onas legs wrapping around her waist instantly and carried her to the king size bed. the two women found themselves lost in each other for the entire night, making good use of the fact they no longer had lucy’s parents and brother on either side of the wall. 
they woke up the next morning, appreciating the bigger bed the hotel had provided in comparison to lucy’s childhood single bed, yet still practically on top of one another.
mornings with ona were lucy’s favourite time of day, their legs tangled together, arms wrapped around one another and getting to watch the sleepy smile that never left her face. she was truly ethereal, and every time the sun rose she would count her lucky stars that she got to call this girl her’s. 
“you are creepy, watching me like that.” 
lucy smirked, the croaky morning voice of the spaniard giving her familiar butterflies. 
“stop looking so beautiful all the time then.” 
ona smiled, reaching up to play with the baby hairs that had escaped lucy’s night time bun before pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. the footballers then got themselves ready, sharing lazy kisses as they showered and went about their usual morning routine. 
they were meeting staniforth, jordan, demi and their partners at lucy’s house which wasn’t far from the hotel they were staying at. the afternoon was going to be a nice chill vibe, lucy positive the only reason they had been invited was so stani could gloat about being the reason they got together. 
“you know she’s going to be so annoying, right?” 
lucy warned ona in the taxi when they were on their way. the spaniard responded with a fond laugh, crazily excited to see their mutual friend. 
“oh, i know. the whole time we were at united together she teased me about having a crush on you.” 
“i like that you always fancied me.” 
ona rolled her eyes at the smirk that had plastered its way across her girlfriends face. 
“of course you do, it feeds your already huge ego.” 
the two arrived at the house they were both so familiar with, getting pulled into big hugs from everyone the second they arrived. neither woman was kidding when they said staniforth would be annoying, it only taking two glasses of wine until she began gushing about the couple. 
“i just can’t believe that you both are actually together.” 
lucy and ona looked at one another, smiling their signature loved up smile which caused the others in the room to let out a series of ‘aww’s.’ 
“appreciate the love and that but you lot don’t have to coo at us like we’re kids.” 
“but ona had the hots for you for so long im just so happy.” 
the spaniard nudged her former team mate, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. it was very obvious from the day they met that ona had always been infatuated with lucy and lucy was well aware of that too, ona having admitted it to her after a few too many wines on one of their first dates. however, that didn’t mean she wanted it broadcasted to other people.
“lucy was the same. caught her practically drooling in her glass of champagne at the wedding.” 
apparently it was jordan’s turn to pipe up now, not allowing lucy off the hook that easily. 
“alright we get it, we were both obsessed with each other and it’s all down to you all for getting us together. thank you so much.” 
the sarcasm was dripping off of lucy’s tongue, causing the room to erupt in laughter. she secretly loved it though, loved the fact that her closest friends were so happy for her and that they loved her girlfriend almost as much as she did. when the footballers were all occupied with another conversation, opting to tease jordan now about her lack of love life lucy turned to ona. 
“even more obsessed with you now though.” 
ona smirked at the hushed tone, laying her head on the older woman’s shoulder as they joined in with the grilling of jordan. 
they spent the entirety of the evening laughing non stop. the group of friends drank wine, ate take out and played games, lucy coming out as the winner every time of course. 
“do you ever get bored of winning everything?” 
demi was sat with her arms crossed, shaking her head at lucy’s third victory in uno. 
“you’re ridiculous, it’s trophy after trophy with you.” 
the group of footballers let out fond laughs at the englishwoman’s constant need to win. it was a part of their friend that they weren’t sure they’d ever fully understand, but a slice of what made her so special. 
the day had been perfect. lucy and ona’s cheeks actually hurt from where they’d been smiling so damn much over the past few days. they were packing up their hotel room, checking and double checking that they had all of their luggage before their flight back to barcelona to pick up the dogs later that night. 
lucy was sat on the edge of the bed, contently watching as ona scooped her hair up into her signature bun.
she couldn’t help but think back to what demi had said earlier about her need to win. she loved winning, that was undeniable but as she observed the girl five feet infront of her and thought back to the past few days they had shared she couldn’t help but think she’d won everything there was to win. 
“i love you so much.” 
the defender made her way over, wrapping her arms around ona’s waist from behind and resting her chin on her shoulder. 
“i love you too amor, but where did that come from?” 
lucy shrugged, turning the girl around in her arms and placing her hands on her waist. ona’s arms automatically coming to drape around her neck. 
“just been thinking about how good this weeks been so far, and how good everything’s been since i met you.” 
“i can’t believe how soft you’ve turned lucia.” 
ona smirked up at her lover. one of her favourite things was seeing how much her girlfriend adored her, she got to see a side to lucy that no one else did and it never failed to make her heart beat that little bit faster. 
“im serious though. i was just thinking about what demi said, about how much i love winning.”
ona nodded, encouraging her to keep going. 
“but i feel like if i’ve won you what more could i ask for? no trophy could ever give me the same feeling that you do.” 
the younger woman’s face softened instantly. some people in lucy’s life had criticised her for always focusing on winning, wishing she’d slow down and appreciate what she had rather than always looking to the next thing. ona had never seen it as a bad trait though, she found the constant motivation inspiring and just another part of lucy to love. 
ona rested her hand on lucy’s cheek, her thumb stroking across the sharp bone structure of the older woman. they both leaned in at the same time, their lips pressing together for a soft kiss, neither woman being able to stop smiling. 
“well maybe the world cup.” 
lucy mumbled into onas lips, the spaniard letting out a huff of a laugh and leaving a gentle smack on her shoulder. 
“way to ruin the moment.”
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nouverx · 1 month
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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salamispots · 1 month
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honse (kinda forgot about posting this here haha)
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fruitfulfaggot · 6 months
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a sketch that I spent waaay too long trying to get right. anyway I think one (1) kiss from wallace would fix scott somehow
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fruity-arts · 26 days
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Happy birthday silver the only disney princess ever!!!!!! I did something quick while I’m working on the comic :)
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risotto38 · 3 months
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doodled my fav scientist/researcher instead of writing one of my 4 essays due in a couple days
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celestialwrites · 4 months
six word dialogue prompts ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
@celestialwrites for more!
♡ “you chose her, i knew it.”
♡ “stop making me love you, idiot!”
♡ “i wish our fate could change.”
♡ “remember how much he loved her?”
♡ “i refute to let this change.”
♡ “why must all good things leave?”
♡ “you loved him, just not enough.”
♡ “i wish i died back then.”
♡ “her face haunts my dreams forever.”
♡ “to the stars and back, love.”
♡ “never forget what i said, okay?”
♡ “you’re a dumbass, please know that.”
♡ “i’ll be waiting, keep your promise.”
♡ “finding love like that, it’s impossible.”
♡ “thanks, for giving me the will.”
♡ “you’re too good for this world.”
♡ “i’m too dashingly gorgeous to die.”
♡ “enough! stop pretending like you care.”
♡ “please don’t ever lose your heart.”
♡ “as long as i have you.”
♡ “don’t make me regret not dying.”
♡ “people are simple, gone too soon.”
♡ “i never ever regretted knowing you.”
860 notes · View notes
My controversial opinion about Hob Gadling is that I believe he’s absolutely the sort of guy that “puts things behind him”, and tries to wash his hands clean of the things he feels icky about. This is implied pretty well in the show, with him blithely moving from soldiering and robbery to printing, from slaving to… whatever it was he was doing in the 19th century instead. That being said, this is not at all the same as actively trying to atone, or even making a concerted effort to be a better person, and I really wish fandom could tell the difference!
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wb-hollowstorm · 9 months
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more design doodles (pt 2, might make a part 3 later)
click for better quality ^^
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reallilystuff · 6 months
glorious leader what the fuck is that thing. what is that. get that cat out of the cult grounds I think it has rabies.
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drawing the lambs wool is surprisingly fun ngl
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alissssssaka · 6 months
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sweet nothings
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beskarfrog · 5 months
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we don’t have to do this, tonight or ever i know, luke, i want to
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notahorseindisguise · 2 years
I'm so sorry you're hurting yourself like this. You're clearly an autistic young woman. I hope you get the help you need ❤️
thank you so much!! i really needed this encouragement. it means so much to hear you call me a woman, especially since im a cisgender male.
i will get the help i need! ill look into hormone replacement therapy and become the beautiful autistic young woman you see inside me!!
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puppyeared · 6 months
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doodles of my fav sillies
anton belongs to @poicyss
#my brain is a barbie dreamhouse and theyre all just living in it#im especially fond of the second one because my mom used to hold me like that all the time <3#im drawing them a lot lately because im being crushed by the horrors and have to compensate for it somehow#homemade comfort blorbos......#watch me draw anton inconsistently bc i can never decide if i wanna draw him close to how he actually looks#or yassify him and give him soft fluffy hair and kind eyes and defined features. head in my hands#i dont really have a lot of drawing ideas for them bc they dont have like. a canon storyline or anything methinks#its just stuff me and bow toss around and giggle abt thru messages lol. maybe ill draw infant vincent one of these days#i just come up with stuff and draw them doing it. it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside#cuz like anton works for lobocorp as an abnormality BUT hes super duper chill and cute and does his funny little tasks so its fine#AND hes unkillable. auggie is an oc ive had since like 6th grade and i smushed them together. and vincent was for fun but i got attached#i dont have much of a read on anton either bc i think hes meant to be more of an insert character??? if im using that right#on one hand i dont think too hard abt anything being ooc since im not taking it seriously. on the other hand i just hold them in my hands#and stare into space until i can come up with something to draw since i dont have much to go off of. but its fun to build on small tidbits!#i think bow called it an au so i guess??? its an au????? im not really sure. bow if youre reading this im just willy nilly#the only thing i know for sure is that they boink like rabbits. im talking gomez and morticia levels of boinking#maybe ill go back and look at my old doodles for them and redraw em lol#myart#my art#my oc#oc#friend oc#augusta#anton#vincent#sillies family#doodles
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marciliedonato · 22 days
"I got that dog in me"
The dog in question:
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ratislatis · 4 months
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I'll find you. Wait for me.
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