#like... idk. it was fun but it isn't one of my faves/ I can't see myself wanting to reply it very much
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
As someone who has played FE since FE7 came out in the west and have since played the games prior to and after it, I really don’t see how Engage is “the best FE game of all time” and yadda yadda that people keep claiming. Just because it has more customization and “freedom” doesn’t... automatically make it a better game? Personally I get more aggravated when there’s too much freedom and too many options for gameplay. Even Houses had a tad too much customization that I rarely use because it had so many menus and I love Houses.
Sure, I liked Engage, but I can’t see why it’s suddenly the bestest theeng evur just because it’s the newest entry. I had more fun with Hopes playing AG than the entirety of Engage, and I can compare them because they both reused old characters, so there was a similar feeling of interest being able to see old characters again. Other than that, I’m interested in like... two, maybe three characters tops in Engage.
Soren is pretty much the only Emblem perfectly on point who wasn’t almost entirely generic with conversations. Sigurd had fewer generic conversations and was completely ooc, so that was a big fat wah wah for me (because as we all know, IntSys pretends canon Sigurd does not exist in the whole franchise now and only uses ghost!Sigurd’s like five lines of dialogue as his only and whole personality).
Honestly I think I’m kind of getting bitter toward Engage as an entry because people keep saying it’s the best FE game ever made, especially for gameplay (big ol’ lel from me), but it’s almost always at the expense of Three Houses in one way or another, about how Houses is a worse game. It’s... really not. Oh noooo, they didn’t use anti-aliasing, the whole game suuucks. 😒
(Oh yeah, and FE9 was supposed to be the original hub world game where you got to run around at a base camp and all that fun stuff, so uhhh... that kind of thing has nothing to do with newer entries being better and all that stuff.)
Also, I am being 110% more critical of these people and Engage right now because I have a headache and have felt pretty crappy without even being sick for the past few days. :’)
#DCB Comments#like... ever notice how I very rarely post about... you know... actual Engage?#how it's always older characters and especially Houses related? yeahhhhh. Engage's story wasn't that interesting#the gameplay was... really... not that interesting. actually I found it pretty annoying a lot and the camera is s h i t#Engage did better with its characters than Awakening and Fates but they're kinda more like#two trope personalities instead of one#like... idk. it was fun but it isn't one of my faves/ I can't see myself wanting to reply it very much#like... idk. it was fun but it isn't one of my faves. I can't see myself wanting to replay it very much#also Engage REALLY hammered in the ooc stuff for Sigurd and Ike and made them nothing like their canon counterparts#Sigurd kinda has always been ooc bc like Heroes already did that and stuff#but Ike has kinda been a steady increase in ooc writing since his first non Tellius appearance#I think at this point also I'm just... tired. I'm tired of new games being the new cool awesome hero game of the whole franchise#and then it gets hated on when the next entry comes out. that's been happening basically since Awakening#(which is funny bc Awakening was /also/ better than Fates)#like idk is it really personal preference when it's four out of my five favorite games that either sold amazingly well#or are extremely sought after and fandom-wise super popular? the idea of Engage seemed cool and all but#idk something abt it... well a lot of somethings ig... aren't vibing very strongly with me#DCB Engage Stuff
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Dating Natalie Scatorccio Headcanons <3
She's literally my wife!! I eat these up btw.
I feel like she's like very protective but never possessive. Like she isn't clingy most of the time but if you're like "hey babe that guy's being weird" she's got her arm around you and doesn't let you out of her sight
She tries her damn best not to sexualize you because of the way she'd been treated in the past
But she does love a good low-cut top (who doesn't tbh)
She's totally into you like stealing her necklaces and earrings. She pretends to be pissed but secretly she thinks you look so cool
She also bought a sweatshirt that was wayyy too big for her specifically for you to steal. She acts like she didn't buy it for you but you know she did and you appreciate the sentiment
Natalie definitely steals your t-shirts and sweatshirts. Like you lend one to her to sleep in ONE TIME and soon enough you have to go out and essentially buy a new wardrobe
I wouldn't say she's shy about your relationship, but she isn't like screaming from the rooftops about it
Like the entire team didn't know you were together for months
Speaking of, she's a PDA hater. Like the most she'll do is lean on your shoulder in front of anyone she knows (she has a reputation!!)
Not to say she isn't WHIPPED though because you know she's down bad
Like all over you whenever you're alone. She's just a very private person.
Omg omg omg
Smoking with her
Totally imagining that you've never smoked before and she like teaches you how to roll one and you're like "she's so hot"
SHE LIKE CUPS YOUR FACE AS SHE LIGHTS IT and your brain short-circuits
"You good, pretty girl" and you're just silent and she's like "babe" "I'm fine." "You sure" "yup"
She's worried she broke you for a second
She also def does your makeup in her little emo bitch way but you kinda live for it
Sometimes you do hers too
Once you gave her like pink sparkly eyeshadow and she wore it to a party and everyone thought she was dying
She pulled it off though
Nicknames are a must. Like not only does she find a way to give you like 10 nicknames based on your real name, she also calls you shit like "pretty girl" and "princess"
Half the time though they're only used to make fun of you
Which she does all the time
Like she loves to tease you
Cannot be serious to save her life
But if you're sad she's like "what's wrong how do I help what do you want me to do"
And immediately you're like "🥰🤭" because how can you be upset when your girlfriend is right there being that sweet
Although sometimes when it's particularly shitty, you just like bury your head in her neck and she's like "😶😳" but she pretends to be so chill about it even though you literally feel her pulse speed up
Constantly complementing you. Like one time you said something like "idk I don't feel pretty :(" and then every time she sees you look in the mirror for too long or like trace your stretch marks she's like "you're so pretty baby" or "pretty girl" or "gorgeous"
Speaking of the stretch marks
She loves them. Like you wear a cropped shirt and she jus stares
For a while you were like "oh she hates them" until one day she just started absentmindedly tracing them and you realized she thought they were gorgeous
She also def kisses them any chance she gets. Like yall are just watching TV and she's lying on your stomach and she just gives one a little kiss
Using your thighs as a pillow >>>>>
Like she just lies on them and you play with her hair
Which she loves
Like you French braid it one time for a game and she now asks you to do it every day
And who are you to say no
MIXTAPES or if it's more modern she makes playlists
Like one for every major event with a mix of her fave songs and yours
I also think she's clumsy asf
Like constantly covered in random bruises and scrapes
And since she's pale as hell the bruises are so prominent
She can't drive. Like she's such a passenger princess
And if she could drive you wouldn't want her to
You help her paint her nails
Once you have her sparkles on the middle finger and she thought it was funny as hell
I think she's surprisingly a good cook
Like yall never go out for dates because she likes cooking for you and you like watching her
Like that's the only time she's not clumsy
She attempts to learn Italian but only remembers curse words and like pet names
And you don't really know which is which because she didn't tell you
She never yells when she's upset. She doesn't want to be her dad
Like any disagreement is a decently civil conversation
I mean there's a lot of cursing and angry tones but it's not a fight. It's a disagreement
She was very worried to meet your friends but they all love her
And she was also worried for you to meet her friends. Not because she thought you wouldn't like them or they wouldn't like you but because she was worried you'd be uncomfortable
But you like the whole team and they've never made you feel weird
Van constantly teases her about you though
I feel like Nat isn't much of a reader but she loves listening to you talk about books. And if you read to her? Oh it's over
She loves listening to you in general tbh. I think she's not a huge talker but you just yap on and on and she's just listening so intently
But when she does want to talk about something... you hang from her lips like nothing else matters
Her voice is like such a weakness to you and she knows it
When she needs reassurance she's horrible at saying so but she gets kind of quiet
After a while you just started pulling her in for hugs or kisses or whatever because she's such a physical touch girlie
And she melts every time
I also feel like she never initiates kisses but she loooves taking charge of them
Can you tell I'm insane for her yes or no
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cuephrase · 11 days
Are there any individual issues/short sections of the Tom Taylor Nightwing run you'd say are still worth checking out as little standalone/self contained things? I've read and enjoyed the 2021 annual (blood brothers) after seeing enough about it on tumblr but don't know much about the rest, and you've mention individual issues in other rec posts so it got me curious (and it's completely fine if you don't think you can recommend any).
asking me to be nice about TT?! *sighs* turns out i can be, actually, but um. only a little.
i'll preface all of this by saying, if you're interested in reading his run, you should. other people disliking a run is like...idk if this is going to make sense, but it's kind of like knowing the weather. you'll be like "hey, there's rain" and then you can either a) choose not to go outside, b) grab a coat and umbrella, or c) pull on a swimsuit and go dance. no wrong choices! maybe you get outside and it's more of alight drizzle, or maybe it's basically a tropical storm and you book it back inside and start batting down the hatches.
i could present you with people who's overall taste in comics i agree with who hate and love this run- actually, i was super hyped to read this run bc most of the people i'd talked to were like "OMG ITS SOOOO GOOD!!" and i was like "OKAY!!!" and then i was like 😗👉👈 maybe idk what good comics are?? (baby comic-reading cue felt wayyyy to new to the genre to trust their own opinions lmao. we're mostly past that now.)
but okay!! to answer your question: so post issue #91 is where my overall enjoyment of the run went like *imitates plane falling and crashing noises*. which. upon skimming from 78 to 91, i don't think i can say i was loving it that whole time, more like my tolerance threshold maxed out around there. bc uh. skimming i was like...yikes. i've also read way more Nightwing comics since, so like that could be factor.
ANYWAYS. me being nice:
#80 has some decent dick and tim!
#89 opens with a nice batman/superman/nightwing story, honestly can't remember if i liked the two-issue mini, but i'm going to guess i didn't bc even though i just looked i recall ✨nothing✨
#90-91 is a fun dick and wally adventure, if i remember correctly???? wally stans don't shoot me, i haven't read a whole lot of him idk if he's written well here i'm sorry
#111-112 is decent. it's not like. groundbreaking. but yk. maybe i just liked it more than the stupid pirate arc and maybe my standards are low and Good Dad Bruce is a weak spot, IDK
ummmm past that?
i like this page from #79
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this panel is from #83 if you want to like see it with your own eyes on page.
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the Hug is in issue #100, which is a bigger to celebrate 100 issues, and it happens later, i think it's the third story? some people love that scene, others can't stand it, i am a whore for soft batfam moments so it's very precious to me, and also nice moments make bad ones hurt more what?
if you like dickbabs you might enjoy more issues too, i was neutral about dickbabs and this run made me...not neutral. but i've heard from people that do like dickbabs that they don't like how they're written here so also, maybe you won't like it even if you like dickbabs??
but yeah!! these are my not-hated TT nightwing issues. i think there are a decent amount where i liked a line or panel here or there, but like overall most of it is just...not my fave. but you could like it!! which, i feel like it's worth saying that it's totally valid if you end up engaging with the run more and liking it. you wouldn't be the only person in the world to like it. but it's also ending in 4 issues thank god, so um don't get too attached if you end up digging it lmao
the red hood annual is also the annual i've liked for this run, i actually love that issue sm lol. the second annual is all about the Lamest Most Scariest Villain Ever, boring, and then the most recent was all about bea, dick's love interest in his ric era, which i was excited for...and hated. that one isn't even on TT, tho. travis moore your gorgeous dick is not enough to redeem you on that one. WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT-
thanks for the ask anon!! always good to practice loving your enemies i mean, i hope this helps, have fun <3
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
hi! I've been going through your blog and I love all your analyses, we may not agree on everything but it's definitely fun to read and eye-opening and I'm grateful to see someone looking into bsd with such depth and whipping out whole essays <3
On that note. There was a fan theory I read when dead apple came out (for the life of me I cannot remember the source, if anyone knows please tell me) that Atsushi's healing ability applies only to the injuries caused by other abilities, and he can't heal from non-ability things like guns etc. The op cited the scene in ch18 where Atsushi is caught in a shooting, and healed by Yosano in the next chapter.
This theory came about because 1) in dead apple, Shibusawa says that the tiger is "the antithesis to all abilities" and "the ability everyone desires." Then we never get the reason why Shibusawa was so obsessed with Atsushi. And 2) in ch7 after sskk's first encounter where Atsushi's leg is severed, Yosano takes a look and thinks "there's no scar, it's more of a restoration than a regeneration."
The gist of this is that I like the idea of Atsushi not being 100% invulnerable. And, if his is indeed the antithesis to all abilities then I'm excited to see what that entails; it implies that in the face of a time travel ability, he would be able to turn back time (if he knew how to use it ofc, cough Fukuchi fight cough). If the book is tied to an ability, Atsushi may be able to undo changes done by the book? he may also nullify Dazai's nullification? idk this opens many doors. Anyway! this is my fave bsd theory. I think, with how Akutagwa's ability sort of completes Atsushi's, and with the whole Rashomon being able to eat space, maybe with this development it will also "eat" a portion of the timeline, as in, undoing the events that occurred? is this making any sense? sorry for the rant I'd love to hear what u think, thanks <3
Hi!! Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot!!! Could this be the post you were looking for? Funny enough, it was at the very top of my reblogs queue. Indeed, it's an extremely insightful theory!!!
So, there's a lot to unpack here. Ever since I've read that theory, I've found Yosano's thoughts regarding Atsushi's healing from chapter 7 extremely interesting. It's curious, because the nuance gets completely lost in the official English translation:
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(Raws → fantranslation → official Yen Press English translation). As you can see, the meaning gets totally lost in the last one. It almost makes me wonder if it was an intentional change due to the fact that the plot point won't be brought up in the manga in ten years (much like opting out of adapting the Steinbeck Guild uprising in the anime, since that plot point has been apparently discarded), but I hope it's not the case.
All taken into account, I don't think it's a stretch to say Atsushi's ability, due to his quality of denying other abilities, can only quickly regenerate as far as other abilities wounds go. When I was reading the manga I thought it was only plot conveniency and suspension of disbelief, but taking a closer look perhaps the pattern of wounds not caused by abilities taking longer to heal isn't concidential: it already happened with the wounds he suffered from in the orphanage, which ended up leaving scars (chapter 28), with the Guild's attack, which was of unknown nature but required Yosano's help to heal (chapter 18-19), with Twain's sniper attacks, which as the theory's Op point don't seem to have healed immediately (chapter 29). But in my opinion it's still too little instances to be able to affirm with certainty that it's not just coincidences dictated by plot convenience.
I do have a feeling there must be Something to Atsushi's ability. it can't just be tiger transformation and wounds regeneration. He's the protagonist, and leaving it at that, that's about the lamest ability of them all (sorry!! I love him still!!). I like the idea of Atsushi's ability being truly special, carrying qualities that have yet to be unfolded that make it different and somehow above the other abilities. I really think it'd be the most satisfying progression narrative wise, because so far Atsushi has gotten really little to claim for his protagonist role, being constantly overshadowed by Dazai; but he's the main character still, and it's like the story itself is waiting to reveal what makes him special. And there being something special to his ability has been, though subtly, consistently underlined: the extraordinary bounty on his head that nothing about what we know seems to explain, the fact that the Guild wanted to capture him specifically, the no further elaborated on fact that he's the key to finding the Book, Shibusawa's concern with him and, most importantly, the ability's quality of tearing through other abilities. Like, that feels very relevant; it's different from Dazai's nullification ability in the way it doesn't just temporarily nullify the other ability, but straight up denies it. I feel like in a manga that is so littered with meta commentery on literature, it'd be fitting to have an ability that denies other abilities' very existence, like moving a rubber through the page. It's certainly interesting to think about. And I like the concept of Atsushi's ability as an alternative to Dazai's nullification ability. Dazai has been feeling invulnerable so long, it would be gratifying to contemplate the existence of something that's outside of his sphere of influence, and potentially even more powerful and destructive than he is.
Again, there's already so many elements that make it impossible to ignore the uniqueness of Atsushi's ability; but even then, they're still so sparse and obscure it's really hard to take a guess on what it could really be about, or what is the reason why it's special. There's so much space for soeculations - a connection with the book, a singularity, a God-like ability just to name a few -, but in my opinion none of them have any concrete enough canon basis to leave space for theories. I think I'd rather limit myself to say it would make a lot of sense for it to be an ability superior to other abilities, since it's something that has the power to tear through abilities themselves, and I believe that such quality is also coherent with its link to the Book as another ability-originated, extremely powerful object. The ability's power to rewrite reality, if only to a smaller extent compared to the Book, may further hint to its connection to the Book / being originated from the Book / sharing origins with the Book. When the ability immediately helps Atsushi regenerate from ability induced wounds he is lowkey rewriting the story to portray a reality where Atsushi wasn't hurt, and when he tears abilities apart it is lowkey rewriting a story where the ability didn't exist. In that, I believe it wouldn't be too far-fetched to draw similarities with the way the Book works. This also made me realize that where it's confirmed that the Book's altered reality to the point of changing the ada's memories so they remembered committing the terrorism crimes, I'm pretty sure that we never got the confirmation the same happened to Atsushi. Then, what if the book can't have effect on Atsushi due to his ability, but only on the reality surrounding him.
So yeah. I'm curious to see how this will unwrap, although I have my doubts I'll still be around when it does (man, the manga is going to take another six months just to catch up with the last anime episode, so you know). I really really like the concept of Atsushi's ability developing in a way that will make it more functional in a rematch against Fukuchi. I've been advocating for a sskk vs. Fukuchi rematch for years at this point, and it seems like we will indeed be getting it; and sskk BETTER win it this time, it wouldn't make any narrative sense to be otherwise. But to do that they'll have to overcome their biggest disadvantage that is Shintou Amenogozen's time manipulation, so you know!! Looking forward to see a sskk that is now mature and experienced unveil new skills to their abilities.
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airenyah · 5 months
15 people, 15 questions
I was tagged by @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas <333
Are you named after anyone?
no. there's a video game character with my name and occasionally people will bring this character up and ask if i was named after her but no, i wasn't. my parents don't play videogames
2. When was the last time you cried?
i honestly don't remember, i don't actually cry all that much. (so if you see me say things like "i'm crying" in the tags then i'm actually only crying in my heart, i'm not shedding any actually tears dfkfkjdf)
last time i cried was either bc i was really angry or really extremely overwhelmed with life during a period where i hadn't slept much or was on my period or so. orrr what is actually even more likely is that the last time i cried was when i cried from laughter while being with friends. i cry from laughter a lot, actually
3. Do you have kids?
nope. i think i could be a good mother if i had to, but ngl, motherhood and parenting doesn't sound very appealing to me. i am planning on becoming an aunt tho. i'll let my brother provide the grandkids and i'll just borrow them occasionally, spoil them, and then i can always give them back when they get too exhausting or annoying 😂
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i play baseball for fun once a year with old summer camp friends. other than that i'm not very athletic. in elementary school i used to go to schwimmkurse (swimming courses) which was super fun and it's one of the few sports that i'd consider taking up again if i were to do any. i've always liked swimming (but only in places where i can see the ground and where the water isn't too cold. i feel really uneasy when i can't see the ground and i also freeze easily so i'm not a fan of cold water)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
sarcasm? me? neeeeever, not at all 🤭
(^^^this answer is sarcastic, the genuine answer is yes. yes, i do. <- for those struggling to understand sarcasm, esp in written form <3)
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhh good question, i don't actually know???? maybe their face, idk
7. What's your eye colour?
blue-gray ish. and i have a yellow/green circle around each pupil. i actually really like my eyes, they're my fave part of my appearance 🥰
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings for sure!! i could never get into scary movies, idk
9. Any talents?
languages, i guess. at least i'm known as the language genius in my family and my friend groups. but to be honest, there's still a lot about language that i don't know and i don't feel like i'm all that great (esp when my language learning progress feels slower than the one of others. which is totally fine by me bc everyone should go at their own pace, but i just don't like it when people call me a language genius bc i feel like in reality i'm not really living up to that. i just happen to know a little bit more about language than those around me, but compared with actual experts? yeah no, i in no way compare...)
but yeah out of all the skills that i have, languages is one my best ones. and i'm also really good at organizing (aka keeping a million lists and making sure all the props are at the right spots and with the right actors and there's enough spares of everything etc lol)
10. Where were you born?
austria 🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹
(NOT the place with kangaroos just so we're clear dkjgkdjf)
11. What are your hobbies?
(internally) crying over fictional characters, then blorbo-posting about it. sometimes i'll also subject irl-people to my blorbo rants (mainly my mother and some of my friends)
i also take violin lessons and thai classes for fun
12. Do you have any pets?
technically no, but really yes. my mom and my brother share a dog and my parents also have two kitties. i go home a lot bc i don't really like staying in my own flat in the city where i study so they do feel like my own pets as well, esp the kitties <333
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^this is nika (the dog) and coco (boy cat). they're besties <3
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^this is minou (girl cat). she's the youngest and the smallest of them all, so we nicknamed her "die kleine" (the small one (f))
13. How tall are you?
155 cm
14. What was your favourite subject in school?
german, it was the easiest for me
fun fact: the only subject in school that i ever got a frühwarnung in was english lmao. ("frühwarnung" = early warning and it's what you get when you're about to get an f in your report card for a subject. i got an f in english in my report card for semester break, so i had the whole summer semester to get my grade up to a d)
15. What is your dream job?
director!!!! in theater or film, idk, but i just really wanna be a director. and maybe take some minor acting roles on the side, idk. for now i still feel too shy to do any professional acting, despite having gotten acting training for 3 years djkkdjfg
i'm really looking forward to next summer, bc i get to be assistant director at this one theater that i've worked at as an intern for the past two summers. the assistant directors that i've worked with so far at this theater have both sucked and both times i ended up more or less taking on the job myself anyway (to the point where they even paid me for my work despite my position usually being an unpaid one) and so this summer i was like "uhhh guys so what if for next summer's production i just work as an assitant director right away instead of an intern?" and they were like "omg you're hired" 😂
tagging following 15 people:
feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it or tag me in/send me yours if you've already done it, i'd like to read it <3
@newyearknwwme @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @lurkingteapot @callipigio @waitmyturtles @sunnenfinster @cornflowershade @celestial-sapphicss @killiru @gaym3bo1 @nongnaos @dimplesandfierceeyes @gillianthecat @ranchthoughts
bonus: @telomeke i know you've already been tagged, so this is just to ask you to tag me when you've thought of all your answers, i wanna read yours too 👀
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schmeap · 3 months
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do people on this website post tierlists for fun idk does anyone care about my opinions on pokemon and miku probably not but I'm finally giving into the urge to be really annoying about music (not a music analyst) (doesn't know how to identify a lemotif) (Was in High School Marching Band)
Anyway gonna be real fuckin annoying about this one its called i talk about rankings that are mostly personal bias
Let's just go in release order lol
Songs linked in their "titles" (video embed limit is. less than 18)
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DECO*27's Volt Tackle
ok so i have a confession. when this song came out, I knew it was going to end up pretty low on the list lol
Deconina (i can't. type that every time guys) is one of my favorite producers and almost every song he makes I nod my head at and go "yeah. that's a banger." But. BUT. He's started mixing his harder rock styles with his poppier hip hop styles and it comes to a head in this song. The bridge is really really distracting lol, feels like a different song and tone entirely from the kind of intense, battle like ferocity of the main part to a cutesy pop chant... It has a purpose, I'm sure, but there's something too dissonant about it for me to like.
The like, rest of the song is Deconina at his Deconina-est, I love the cute take on love (as he always does) with a pokemon flavoring... The visuals are also quite cute and fitting. It's really solid, but that one point holds it back from Funky Fresh, which is my baseline Very Solid.
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Electrical Forecast by inabakumori
The second song, by a producer I don't follow nearly as closely as Deco. Uhh I did listen to lagtrain as homework before this and yes it bangs. It's always nice to see people using people other than Miku and Kaai Yuki actually has a real solid appeal to me.
This is a song that slaps. It bangs, even. I don't know enough about inabakumori to comment on its relevance to their personal stylings or themes but we were still in the romance period with pokemon puns and tie ins so I was already tempted to put it higher in the list. In actuality, every song does an excellent jobs integrating game sounds and puns so no extra points are available for that stuff lol
Taking the idea of catching pokemon is always dangerous, I think, because pokemon fans aren't really here to catch things, we're mostly interested in battles and the journey with our faves, not completing the pokedex (because it's hard, and kind of chore) at least, to me. This song feels like a journey through the tall grass, scouring the lands to find pokemon... I just like the inabakumori style man. It gets points for getting on the playlist, but not really speaking to me.
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Mitchie M's What Kind of Future
Silly songs.......... my weakness and Mitchie M's strength oh no.........
Yeah Mitchie M really plays to his strengths, using cute visuals and nonstop puns to ooze a charm you can only get from haplessly indulging in the most whimsical of vibes. It was also quite surprising how well their TL team did with all the puns given some of them barely work lol.
"I love them all" is the type of pokemon fan I am, so that might also help explain why two of those songs are up so high...
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Pinocchio-P Kills You with The Pokemon Inside My Heart
yeah i cried what're *you* gonna do about it huh
Im a pinocchio-p fan. I don't always like everything he puts out, but when he really hits its insane how hard he does.
1) i fucking love his little pinomikus... having them all in a costume is so fucking cute they're little slit eyed freaks and by far my favorite trademark a producer's ever had lol My favorite. is lapras...
2) This isn't the first song to fuck me up by him lol 2:30 Life Remaining also damaging as hell, so it wasn't surprising to see him go for a quieter angle but man when its something you grew up with, a nostalgia you could relate to, an experience you lived, its way worse. It's such a soft song, with an upbeat backbone, I've no idea how he got the music to scream "nostalgia" so hard but the reverberating "aah"s are so cool too...
Anyway this song would be the best song if I weren't horrendously biased. It should honestly be up their with the top two but it was funnier to keep it in the crying tier.
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Battle! by cosMo@Bousou-P
I honestly did not like this song all that much when it first came out, but that was almost certainly because it was right after Pinochhio-P's lol
The high concept of people in the comments talking about some sort of Miku AI champion that was tired of winning got me more into the song now that I'm not directly comparing it to a song that spoke way more to me, there's just something a little unhinged about it in the way that cosMoBousou does well with machine intelligence/the meaning of digital media.
He also plays p well into his strengths with the breakcore fast bpm lol this song screams GO GO GO! I think it makes total sense why he'd go for a battle theme, and I really like the way the pokemon sfx are incorporated into the backing... drums? Unfortunately, I like battle songs not that much, and the lyrics leave a little to be desired because the story's a bit... confusing lol Maybe it's cheap of me to prefer nostalgia baits over whatever strange original story cosMo's thought up but that's how it is.
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A little evil with Kasamura Tota's I'll Fly in the Sky with You
Another producer I've not heard of before! No one talked about this song either, in my circles, I actually missed it until I came back for Giga and Jin's. I passed over it on first watch, put it on in the background and said "yeah, that's a nice soft song," thinking nothing of it. Boy was I fucking WRONG
edit (not an edit I'm writing this all in one sitting), I LIED I *have* heard this guys stuff before!! Araki covered one of his songs lol ok I'm getting the sense their skillset is Violently Sad Songs and goddamn are they good at em.
Anyway this song's MV is adorable and uses mudkips status as an adorable fave as a double shot directly to your sadglands as it tells a story of a pokemon that stays the same to continue to fly with its friend. Its fucked up, and a little evil, and totally took me by surprise because I was a fool. Little Guys Deserve Love Too is something you don't always remember as pokemon fan and it takes the implication of evolution seriously its really some pokemon Mystery Dungeon type heartstring pulling that got me good.
Musically I love the quiet backing that really lets the vocals (the story) breathe, its a musical narrative. The back and forth between Luka and Miku is done really well, plus having it based entirely around an existing pokemon song really helps it achieve its heart punching effectiveness.
Also I have a horrible bias toward piano please don't look up at the tierlist and where I placed Marasy
(Hilarious it got a kids rating on youtube btw. Another youtube kids L, probably)
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We couldn't draw miku at a fucked up angle this time guys: Giga's Gotchu!
lol yeah they had to sanitize this one's visuals a little bit, probably worked with a different artist than usual... It does show, a bit, in the kind of bouncy visual style Giga's used to being flatter and less 3D than usual. This leaves the music video a little lesser than the others that move... I also don't know if I've ever been a huge fan of Giga's recent animation style.
In terms of actual song: it's good! Giga puts his swing on classic pokemon motifs and it feels very him, with a nice mix of hip hop beat and electrical edge.
But uh, remember how I said before "catching pokemon is the weakest element of pokemon"? That point stands here, especially since the song itself is just simple and peppy. It's stylish as hell but doesn't give me a sense of journey or scouring like inabakumori's.
Sorry, but someone had to be last.
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Jin's Secretly Miku the whole time: Juvenile
Trans miku real or whatever
I'd like to say this is the first full on deadass whole animated story. I should be right. Also I don't think I've followed Jin since Kagepro lol (but I did hear Neo, and I did scream really loudly at it!)
dude the eevee is drawn so fucking cute im rhhdghh im not even a huge eevee fan (too mammal) but man when he do the lil paw to cheer up their trainer it got me. I also really like the compassion of the story, the trainers just want to support each other even though they fight... It's like, that's kind of what pokemon is, it's not necessarily about winning, even if Every Voice on the internet Ever (including myself) tells you otherwise. Turns out all you need from a friendly rival to make them better is to lose against them and not let them speak (im joking.......)
I just realized I never looked up the lyrics, actually, but I totally got the emotions through the fantastic MV and the general upswings of the music. It's a bold swing to take a trainer through their whole journey, but both songs that try this hit it justtt right, actually. Building yourself back up after a loss is like, The pokemon story, because turns out you can't win them all. Plus it takes time to focus on the mundanity of the pokemon journey, the stuff you don't really think about in game but is the meat of any fanfic... depicting hanging out w your pokemon is a huge bonus points.
The music combined with the visuals made me cry what can I say, I don't cry easily so it deserves it.
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Syudou's I'm a Ghost Type
I honestly don't know a whole lot about Syudou, not to say I don't know who he is, i do, i play pjsekai, but none of his "popular" songs really captured me.
I can mostly say the same for this one lol This is the first one where I have to actually explain the Funky Fresh tier: it means they play well to their strengths but they don't have a whole lot of staying power to me. This is where my pickiness starts kicking in, they just weren't swanky enough to make the cut.
The lyrics and visuals scream joy of ghost types though, I really dig how much energy is in the song... I think it's just personal preference for electric beats that puts the song the highest in Funky Fresh.
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BIPPA!! Wonderful Opportunity with Go! Bidoof Group!
Wonder Opp never fails me they got my back every time. I was hoping for something silly happy peppy fun and oh boy did i get it. A feverish dedication to a silly not strong pokemon, a basic rat you can get in any route that the pokemon company loves making fun of, BIPPA!!
All these dumb mfs so relatable to the Len that wants to evolve for utility, to the Rin that loves him as he is, to Miku who thinks all pokemon have their appeals... I've seen some people say WonderOpp's songs border on just speaking over beat, but I don't really see what's wrong with that. The comedic timing is solid (Len getting shot down is so funny) and the setup is inherently funny, a team of bullies that go after Only Bidoof. Team Rocket but Bidoof.
Joy radiates from this song and who doesn't want to hold a pokemon in front of your friends and go "Look!! this is my favorite child!!!" I think that's the real essence of pokemon. Pick your faves and then be really annoying about them. That's why this is the best one.
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Huh? Muddled... (Weird title... it's sfx, really) by Kuriyama Yuri
This project got me digging around in new producers libraries, quite fun. In this one I found Jitterbug! I love a good Meiko producer... But I don't particularly like their style, sorry to say.
I do like it though! It's fun, spooky and very stylized! I love the rhythm it gets into and the expressions on the people, even if I'm not entirely sure what's going on besides some good ol fasioned spooks. I think it accomplishes what it sets out to do, which is make a spooky ghost house experience song. Just doesn't appeal to me enough to rank it higher.
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Orangestar's Encounter
Look. This is pure bias. But I also think it's good!
I've gone on record (no record. just talking to friends lmao) saying Orangestar's music feels like running alongside a ocean during a sunshower. All their music is kind of same-y but by god does it hit that niche so good for me, using vocaloids to go way above what any human would sound good. In this song the synthwave really elevates it to something I'd recommend a non-Orangestar fan, it really carries you up, gives the song a rising energy... just like Lugia.
Breath is a key of Orangestar's songs, besides being very high, there's a lot of running vocals and held notes, meaning singing them is again, very difficult (if you're trying to copy miku) and I think the breathlessness of the vocals and synth really works with the concept of a legendary encounter. It's always so cool when you finally run into the thing on the box... and in the surrounding media, everyone always oohs and aahs. The lyrics support this, but I'm not very good at reading, so I actually just skim them to make sure they aren't total nonsense lol
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Eon Ticket by Marasy
I saw somewhere an author's comment about this song, something to the effect of "I always chased Latios and Latias"... So this is just a song about your faves, just like pokemon should be. It also has Kaito, which is *my* crypton bias.
Uhh I'm always back and forth on Marasy songs, I love him as a pianist, but his compositions don't always speak to me working with the others on em. But? I think this one hits nicely. It's a little toothless still, not as emotionally impactful as those on the top, won't make me scream in excitement but I do think this is one of my favorites in a while.
Kaito and Miku... it's always nice to have duets in this Miku focused project lol. I think the Eon ticket, Latios and Latias in particular was a good pairing for Marasy's flighty fluttering piano trills and runs, they're the kind of pokemon that dash around the skies like the music does. Part of what makes me rank composers higher in these miku songs is whether they play to their strengths or not, because you're already adding the twist of subject matter, and I think this does. I also think the framing device of the newscasters is cute
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Party Rock Eternity by Hachioji-P
Ahh Hachioji, another name I know and don't really listen to on purpose... Rad Dogs goes insane though an all time fave (but I say that about half the VBS commissioned songs). Maybe that's why I biased it higher, because it's a style of music I really like. A lot of bias is probably involved in this lol (poison type fan)
I like the perspective of a rocket grunt a lot, leans extremely well into the harder rock of Hachioji's natural lean, but the lyrics don't really tell us much, it doesn't quite lean hard enough into character for me to give it a funky pass... plus I find it's missing a POP that makes it appealing. It's extremely pleasant, but I can't give it a pass.
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Iyowa's Journey's Prequels, Journey's Traces
Hmm, I think the only producer I know truly nothing about, didn't even really recognize a song on their page. Doesn't matter since this song's extremely cute and appealing on its own.
The button mashing making up the backing track I almost didn't like but it totally grew on me, it gives the song more life. Visually the MV compliments the cutesy subject and the wonder of a child's first pokemon. But... it's just pleasant. It suffers the same fate as Party Rock Eternity before it, there's just nothing pushing it beyond musically, likely in part because I'm not as familiar with the composer. I like songs that go somewhere, and this one stays in the same place, which doesn't make it bad, it just makes it less interesting to me.
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Esper Esper, Psychic Psychic! by NayutalieN
I don't listen to a whole lot of NayutalieN's stuff outside the Rhythm Game Staples (most of which I like, at least passively), but it's enough that I know generally what I'm getting.
Musically this song doesn't stand out to me all that much, I like the rising tones during the chorus, but it actually doesn't use as many of the kind of flourishes on the top of vocals I really like about Nayutalie's tuning. The sfx in blend with the background are also really fun but for me, theming tops out anything.
When I went into the song, I wanted a cute silly fun song about psychic type pokemon that LOVED psychic types. I wanted to see them clap. And they did! There's just so many psychic types doing the classic flip back and forth dance, and isn't that, really, what makes a NayutalieN song?
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Kairiki Bear's Melomeloid
So Kairiki Bear I actually spent like, a day lying in bed listening to their entire lineup on their channel lol I wanted to determine whether I liked them as a producer or if I just really liked Bug. Turned out I just really liked Bug (and venom). That's to say, I wasn't expecting something standout in this song.
I was not disappointed, but I wasn't blown away either. That's ok, I think the most important part of Kairiki Bear songs are their texture, the rhythm of the vocals mixed with the instrument. I like Bug because of its punchiness, its extremely harsh tones, and Melomeloid's are a bit softer. It's good for a song about fairy types, but it doesn't make up that loss in musicality through the melody, which makes it average to me. But! I think it really hits where fairy types lie, a cutesy "I love you" mixed with the signature sharp, kind of off tune vocals with a harsh, present beat... It screams "cute but dangerous."
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A Glorious Day for Miku Yuri by EVE (it's Glorious Day)
wh what if u were a dragon type trainer and and I was a fairy type trainer and uh uh hhhhh and we were rivals............
Um ok, I just have to say, before I talk about Eve or whatever. The fact that they animate Every Miku in Voltage's art run and place them in this mikuverse where they all fight together is like, dude talk about an excellent finale. Deadass that touch alone put this to its ranking by itself.
That's not to say the music's not pulling its weight. It's Eve, and though I think is one of his weaker compositions, not being able to play into his more off beat rhythms (and having to use miku) it's still got all the bones of an extremely solid hype journey song. But to be honest, I think the music is the weakest part of Glorious Day, even if its flow is perfect for the story they're telling.
But the story..... God I do love a fully animated MV, there's just so much they put in it to make a pokemon fan happy, from the sakuga of the battle and the possible red cameo. Plus YURI!!! I love miku miku relationships I just think this one has the most potential to live in my brain rent free, so it goes up a tier. As a pokemon fan, this one's got the most for me, even if as a vocaloid fan, I wish Eve would just sing all his songs forever lol
Uh anyway thanks for listening like and comment if you want me to do this for commissioned songs for sekai i guess
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rwby-confess · 1 month
60-something confessions, weve paid our tribute, what are YOUR confessions
Okay, here goes 10 confessions from me:
I wish we had seen Pyrrahs friendships, I think she and Ren would've been good friends since both of them are so level headed.
I headcanon that they would take care of the school garden together, Pyrrah would struggle a bit with delicate plants but same time be happy to be able to learn from his peers new things for once.
One day she learns that Nora and Ren are orphans. Her respect for them grows, seeing them as so much stronger for not having the same support she had growing up, yet here they are thriving. She makes sure to invite them over during holidays and for other things they possibly missed out on as kids.
She doesn't care for cooking but often goes to shop for ingredients with Nora.
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I think Freezerburn is incredibly soft.
Weiss is able to cool down hot-headed Yang and Yang is able to melt away the Ice Queens tsundere tendencies. :'-) <3
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I miss seeing the street fashion influence when it comes to designs, ofcourse I understand why it isn't there as much anymore but I can still moan about it.
Yangs' tsuyome-esque looks was my fave, it was fire and I wanted to cosplay it so badly.
Ruby's look reminds me of something I wore when I was 12yo actually
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Only on my second watch I realised that Ironwood looks really hot with this look and it's a shame that it got SO little screen time. And same with Winters first look.
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Also on my second watch I realised that the straps on Oscars' gloves are green not black ???
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Remember bootleg Neptune from volume 4? Yeah he sure exists. But what if he did more?
Weiss is trapped in Atlas, she's lonelier than ever, she can only go to places and events dad approves of. And this guy keeps coming around, maybe they meet at the Schnee Manors garden, why not go for a bad boy?
They have fling going on, for Weiss it's mostly out of boredom and finding him good looking. If she's trapped might as well have fun. Maybe they'll get in trouble or have some other sort of side plot going on together but eventually when Weiss gets a window to escape out of Atlas, she's faced with a decision.
Stay with the guy who obviously finds it insane to trade living high life in Atlas to go chase some pals she met at school in other kingdom. Weiss snaps out of the rose coloured glasses after hearing this, ultimately choosing her friends.
Idk I just wish they let them do the usual young people fuck ups and learning experiences if there's going to be whole volume of them sitting around
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Yang's probably closest thing Oscar got for mother figure...
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The bird thing. Make Raven tell Weiss and Yang how the experience was as she remembers, give them reason to be shocked. So here's my suggestion:
Maybe the process was violent since current humans aren't used to magic in any shape, they're stripped from their autonomy in that moment and it's humiliating.
Like Amber was in the chamber beneath Beacon, Oz did it to Branwens there in similar way? Underground to not attract grimm, no one to hear their screams, its cold and dark, they're stripped like Amber to act as guinea pigs for this man.
Qrow has (more or less) made peace with all that trauma and what happened since he thinks its suffering for the greater good. After all, the man doesn't really have home to go back to. He doesn't want to bring misfortune to people he loves and the tribe doesn't really want him back.
However Raven learns that Salem can't be beaten, meaning she and Qrow suffered for only to be ideal candidates for a suicide mission...
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I want Qrowin angst, please crwby, I want to suffer lmao
Give Qrow absolutely losing it, calling Winter after Atlas falls asking her if she knows where the kids are? Where did she last saw them?
And when Winter tries to answer Qrows questions she can't bring herself to say it; they're gone. She was there and she couldn't save them, not even her own sister. The words just won't come out... and after the silence she tells him to meet her in Vacuo, after all he deserves to know.
Whatever differences they had in the past feel so miniscule now.
(Aaand I headcanon that both of them craved for a "normal" family, making this little story even more horrible!)
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Yang "shooting" kids' leg on live TV should've had more consequences me thinks. Give me atleast someone commenting or being vary of her.
Her arm is brand new Atlas tech according to Tai, maybe someone would see it as an issue after finding out that she got it for free from Ironwood himself.
Maybe anti Yang propaganda being showed around town could've pushed her to work with Robyn (lol)
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"Quite frankly miss I'm about to piss myself right about now, so this one is on the house"
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petrichoraline · 18 days
svt SERVED those mermen, or whatever they were going for, looks. never seen before sways, sauves and smolders. what did you like most about the mv?<3
aaaaa I'm so happy to see you in my inbox, hii🥰
this is long and rant-ish, i apologise <33
what WERE they going for, the cave and ocean scenes lead to mermen but the tarot concept was so detached from that..though if you think about it, if we're talking sirens I guess it all ties in together with the spell concept?
serve is an understatement, like you could put an idol in an outfit but you cannot make them WEAR the outfit the way it deserves to be worn. that jun fit (I can't find any gifs from the mv in the search bar yet) was made that much better because he knew how to pose and move to its benefit
chan absolutely left me speechless at his part and that outfit (though not smth im personally that big a fan of) created the interesting imagery to catch the attention which he had the task of keeping on himself AND KEEP IT HE DIDD
idk why im so happy with hao's tie dye shirt, tank top and loose pants combo, might be because it's different than the other flashy and intricate pieces or because he reaallly suits flailing oversized shirts. who knows :]
hoshi pulling out those wings had me like oh! I didn't know we were doing angels as well?? hahah, honestly I think the one thing that made me a bit uncomfortable was hoshi having a serious face on for the entire mv lol like he has the smoldering gaze and the sad expressions and I couldn't pinpoint it until now but I'm not used to seeing him like this for a whole song.. that being said, amazing presence as always
I'm still crazy about the outfits and omg the accessoriesss and jun's earring being the centre of a shot, insane
genuinely can't tell you which part is my fave because I watched it only once, I don't know what to do with myself. you know that feeling where something is so amazing you need to talk to someone about it (like quite literally yell and shake them) that watching it alone without the possibility to do that is too much..yeahh
I'm scrolling through hoshi's stories rn and a snippet came up and I started fangirling again 😮‍💨 ALSO he posted smiley photos and im laughing cause all is right again!! sorry that I can't post ss rn
I have to say my mouth was agape with the jun and hao shot, the props, the heart, the colours..beautiful, I love practical effects (if you can call it that?)..the shot of jun laying on the beach is so peaceful, I loved that as well
EDIT: I just watched it again.. im heated from punching the air im so hyped its insane
thing is this mv made me like so many things I usually don't enjoy for reasons beyond my understanding like icy landscapes.. I have some questions about the combo of sets but it's okay
turns out they all had the more casual fits as I suspected, it's just that hao had a parallel shot with jun in his slay coat-y fit
(I just realised how good joshua would look in this makeup...everyone else too oh my goodness now im even happier we got this..and also I wonder what they did for vocal team's mv)
honestly i started rewatching and went "it's gonna be most of the scenes, isn't it..yeah this one..and this one too..this one is also amazing" like I can't pick a fave 🥹💗 songwise, I loveee the spell part but that is also related to the fact I was already in need to get my energy out somehow and it gave me a reason to, it's so fun lol
please tell me what part you liked!! ☺️ i thought I was more normal about this but apparently nahh
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zorotitties · 1 year
I hate dudebro OP fans
I shudder saying this, but sometimes I visit the one piece subreddit *groans* I know. But sometimes really good cosplayers and theories pop up there! But I'm not here to talk about the good, unfortunately. I see it on reddit, on tiktok, on Instagram, and even Facebook. Cishet male one piece fans. Who take everything so fucking seriously, who think every character is straight, who criticize the manga to hell and back for all the wrong reasons. SPOILERS FOR MOST RECENT CHAPTER START HERE, THEY WILL BE BETWEEN TWO CAUTION EMOTES
⚠️ I saw one today that said that luffy using gear 5 on Lucci was stupid and that it made his fight with kaido look pointless and made kaido look weak because "obviously Lucci is weaker than kaido so why would Luffy have to use gear 5?" MF the boy isn't logical, he's not using gear 5 because he thinks he can't beat Lucci without it. He's using it because A) it's a new form he likes it, he wants to show off his new powers because Lucci is doing the SAME DAMN THING and B) he wants to show Lucci he's not messing around and that he recognizes how strong Lucci is. It's to show that he was a formidable foe ⚠️
So there's that bullshit lmfao. And then you have the people who insit Zoro will end up with Hiyori, those who ship Luffy and Hancock (no shade I guess but wtf), think of Sanji at surface level face value shit and see him as uber straight, completely ignoring kamabaka kingdom and his very obvious struggle with gender and sexuality. Dudebro OP fans love to point out shit and then ignore things that contradict their points entirely. They love to ignore the queer characters in OP. They love to ignore that Kiku and Yamato are trans. They love to ignore that Luffy has not once ever shown interest in a woman INCLUDING Hancock, but has blushed around zoro. They love to ignore Zosan's dynamic. Zolu's dynamic. Vivi and Nami's dynamic. They straight up refuse to acknowledge that Bon Clay is queer. They borderline suck the fun out of the anime. I can't imagine like genuinely rating all the arcs, overly criticizing them and calling some of them straight up bad. And maybe that's just because One Piece is my special interest, but holy fuck man how can you genuinely hate any arc. There are so many fans out there that just hate Wano and Skypiea and it's so CONFUSING bro. Idk I'm literally just talking out of my ass and going on my autistic little rant but damn!! Try enjoying the show !!! Try analyzing the characters beyond their fights. Try acknowledging some of your faves are queer. Oh and God help anyone that try to label any of the characters as neurodivergent. "Luffy is just an idiot" no you're a fucking idiot. He's obviously autistic.
Anyway I dont expect anybody to read this but if you do and you disagree with me uhmmmmm kys idk? /j
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all-will-be--well · 7 months
The Maybe Man
ok no one asked, but here is my AJR album review, song by song:
🌀 Maybe Man: I love this. I have a special place in my heart for all their album openers, they always give me chills. I can't wait to see them open with this live, especially when it goes so hard at the end! I've danced to this a lot already. Also learning that each verse references one song on the album! like a table of contents! I love them so much.
💔  Touchy Feely Fool: Very cute, and fun to sing along with. Probably like a solid 7 or 8 out of 10. Great to listen to, and has grown on me after listening to that Zach Sang interview and learning a little backstory
👍  Yes I'm A Mess: One of my faves from the album. I feel like such a badass walking around listening to this. Wish I could whistle!! The only thing i can't stand is the very end. I don't mind the tempo change but I don't like the slo mo voices that sound like a toy running out of batteries
🤓 The Dumb Song: More mid-tier for me. Got a great swing to it, and the instrumental breaks are really fun to dance to like a total idiot. I like to try out the lamest dance moves and just really commit to it. Lyric-wise, it's cute but reminds me of male weaponized incompetence (I know this isn't the intention, just what i think about), so it makes me feel a little weird if I think about it too much. Can't wait to hear a whole crowd scream "You should nooooot have done that!"
▶️ Inertia: Currently, this is my FAVORITE song on the album. It's fun, it's meaningful, it's got a great beat, and there are sounds that bring me back to past albums so it feels almost nostalgic. They used the instrumentals a lot in their promos for this album, and I can see why. It's both angelic with the choir sounds, and dark with the reverb/bass sounds. So good.
🧍‍♂️ Turning Out Pt iii : Always appreciate the Turning Out songs. Personally, the original is still my favorite. But even that one took me listening to it a dozen times before it really HIT, and then i was crying in the car. So maybe the same will happen with this one someday! Also if i'm not mistaken it's Ryan on vocals? So that's fun to have a change (though honestly he and Jack sound so similar)
🧠  Hole in the Bottom of My Brain: Gosh, so fun! Has that kind of nursery rhyme theme where it builds on itself (swallowed the spider to catch the fly, etc). However, unlike a nursery rhyme, the lyrics are kinda complicated to it's hard to sing along to. I'm sure people will be singing along by the time they're performing it live, like everyone memorizing the rambling line from Karma.
💿 The DJ is Crying for Help: I want to like this one more than I do. Don't get me wrong, I do like it! I think I just find it a little auditorily overwhelming. Like the string arpeggios are awesome, but I can't listen to that and the back up vocals and other sound effects at the same time. idk. To quote my favorite movie, Amadeus: "There are simply too many notes"
🙅🏻‍♂️ I Won't: This one has been out for a while so I feel like I've listened to it a lot already. Definitely makes me swagger walking around my apartment like I'm a total badass. Doesn't get my blood rushing like some of the others, but again that might just be because I've heard it a lot already.
🎡Steve's Going to London: Took me a few play-throughs to actually realize it wasn't just a nothing song! I appreciate them kinda breaking the 4th wall in a very AJR way. This song has grown on me with each listen! Very fun to sing and dance to, and has a great beat. My prediction is that this song will have a lot of special effects when they perform it live. We'll see...
💜 God is Really Real: RIP Gary ❤️ I love that their dad became a beloved part of the fandom. Very touching that they released this song early when it became clear they didn't have much longer with their dad. Beautiful, meaningful addition to the album.
🍂 2085: Perfectly packages up the album! The lyrics say that the old-timey voice says "You are not alone, young child, young child" which is NOT what it sounds like?? So hopefully that gets cleared up. I've seen some claiming it's a Yanny/Laurel situation, and tbh i wouldn't put it past the boys to find a way to do that on purpose. (I hear "You are my heart grown, just know, just know" which i know doesn't really make sense, but it's sweet to me) But the lyrics at the end "You've gotta get better, you're all that I got" give me chills. And then switching to "I gotta get better, I'm all that I got" 😭 . Also loves that it connects so perfectly back to Maybe Man so I can just listen to the album on repeat without interruption
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timemind · 6 months
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thank you @pinkyjulien for tagging me! i'm writing this like its a Net form Leo fills out cause that's fun
» NAME: Elliot Ryker
» GENDER: I'm just a guy. But if i gotta be specific, i'm a transgender man, he/him
» ORIENTATION: please 🥺
» NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Born n raised in Night City baybeee
» HEIGHT: 5'2"
» STAR SIGN: Aries (western), Rooster (chinese) (thx Misty)
— — — —
» FAVE FRUIT: I don't think I've ever had a real fruit, but i dig pears
» FAVE SEASON: i like autumn but lemme tell you I HATE summer i hate sweating by just exiting my fuckin house! I hope the sun explodes
» FAVE FLOWER: idk yellow?
» FAVE SCENT: The sea. so, salty water i guess, I wouldn't use it as a perfume now that i think about it. 🤔
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» COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE: I don't drink hot drinks at all cause i'm a weirdo, so iced tea for me. oh and i drink at least one energy drink a day. Preferably watermelon flavored
» AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Probably too little. I usually go to sleep at 3AM cause I get caught up in stuff and then have to wake up early bc my neighbor's alarm is SO loud. Northside amirite?
» DOG OR CAT PERSON: Can't choose, but I know I like em hairless. they feel funny when I pet them.
» DREAM TRIP: I kinda wanna go to Northern Europe. I wanna see what they're doing over there! also it's not as hot.
» NUMBER OF BLANKETS THEY SLEEP WITH: One weighted blanket I wish was like 50 kilos but isn't.
» RANDOM FACT: I wrote my will when I was 16 💀 I didn't have much confidence that i'd make it past 30 but its getting dangerously close now. that's good I think. Which reminds me i gotta update it, i wanna give Vik my teeth
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Idk how old your post/rblog is and i have a rant sorry you're the receiver. I used to love Jonsa crackship years ago before the show "hints" and like the amount of people shipping it has ruined it for me tbh.
And in general, idk if in my lack of tumblr use for like 5 years, everyone "grew out of tumblr' and left cause i've come back and :( it's ship wars and character wars and at least who i followed (all 4+years since they last blogged) even when they disliked a character they never just IGNORED characteristics and stuff. Like Catelyn and Sansa were always victims of misogynistic takes but at least people weren't utterly praying for their demise like i see now.
besides like Euron and the Mountain and like Ramsay and Roose, it's hard not to see the good AND the bad of every character, male or female, that's sorta the point of the series..... like even Jaime "throw a kid out the window" Lannister has a whole ass redemption arc (and my personal theory will still die despite growth!) like ughhh
sorry to rant, but like I feel like I can't follow any asoiaf blog that isn't casual rblogs cause everyone is so PRESSED in trying to up their faves that they destroy others in the process.... how is this fun for anyone???? do you like the media you are consuming????
you can just delete this i'm just tired.
I respect your fandom experience but I have a different one. I wasn't always on Tumblr but I've been a fan of asoiaf books even before the show started airing and I don't agree that things were better in the past. Dudebros on reddit (and on other platforms) always considered Catelyn and Sansa the worst characters ever simply because they found them boring. But I also remember fans making fun of the trauma Jon Snow has thanks to his stepmother, calling him whinny and saying that he should be grateful he didn't have it worse. Long before Jon//sa, I remember Sansa and San//san fans taking elements from Arya's and other Starks' stories to give to their favourite character/pairing. And then I also remember the Dark! Dany and Political! Jon theories rising. So yeah, fandom always had awful takes.
On the other hand, I've read some great meta from various fans other the years, seen some beautiful edits and art, read good fanfictions and even make some friends. So, I'm not going to say that everything about the asoiaf fandom is awful because that would untrue.
I don't post/reblog of mine triggered your ask but I guess that's what matter the least. The most important is how we should all curate our own fandom experience. My advice to anyone who might read this is to block tags of stuff that trigger/irritate you, block blogs that annoy you ( or simply post about your disliked characters/ships) and follow people whose content you enjoy.
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dez-wade · 10 months
Omg okay so you know how Forever asked for mod ideas to add on twitter? Well I can't stop thinking about the one I recommended bc it'd be such a fun server event.
The one I recommended was a double life mod. Which is basically like, two random PLAYERS (not eggs >:( !!!) are matched up and they are "soulmates". Soulmates share all dmg between the two of them which means if one of them dies, the other does as well.
I was thinking its an optional event obviously but theres some sort of prize for the last soulmate pair left standing. Maybe something like being able to ask the federation for ANYTHING (except obvious things like creative mode or leave the island) and its implied u can ask for egg lives too but idk if that'd ACTUALLY be a prize or just bait.
Essentially the participants are trying to make it to the end and be the last pair standing so they can get the prize which could include alliances, desperately trying to protect each other nd making it to the end bc they have the same wish OR betrayals bc they dont :D
I think it'd be a nice incentive for players to interact and be active since I think how active you are will have to be a factor or else a pair can just join the event and never login until everyone else dies lol.
I'm thinking, just like the actual double life series, each pair has like 2 or 3 lives until they're out of the event? I also think it'd create interesting dynamics.
Like how funny would it be if tazercraft participated but they werent paired up since its random, so their soulmates just have to accept that they have to work as a 4 person alliance? Would any soulmates rather go solo then stick around their soulmate? Would there be drama about soulmates going and doing dangerous things alone, risking if not actually accidentally costing them one of their lives?
Idek I just think it'd be fun. Idk who I'd hope Forever is paired w bc it'd be fun no matter what, but I do think he'd absolutely gear up his soulmate and give them everything he can so they can survive since if theyre BOTH downed, they will be completely reliant on the kindness of other players/participants to see if they'll be revived or lose a life which. Isn't ideal. I actually think he'd set up a statis room and want a code for if one of them is in danger and needs a tp yk
Tysm if u read this all, you are my fave Forever blog bc u Understand my cubito which is why u unfortunately got the brunt of this ramble 🙏🙏🙏
Ooh I actually like this idea! Actually I have been excited for Tazercraft's Murder Mystery because one of the roles is "Lovers", and if your partner die you die. So I really want to see the random matchups we could get.
In a way, it'd be like your government assigned partner all over again like it was with the eggs, but this time the French and the Brazilians can participate since they've always been just a big polycule. So it'd be nice for a short event where you can get some good but not game-breaking rewards.
I agree that Forever would become very protective of his partner and instantly set up an enderpearls stasis chamber like he does with his family, but I'd love to see how insufferable he'd get too if he got someone like Philza lol.
Anyways I really like this idea mainly because I'd love to see the unexpected duos that would come from it even if temporarily. I really hope the admins think of some type of event like this, but if not we can get something close to it with Tazercraft's Murder Mystery at least!
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theoculus124 · 1 year
I'm bored- No one asked but I'mma answer a bunch of questions from an ask game
0: Height - I think I'm 5ft 4
1: Age - 16
2: Shoe size - size 5, but mainly depends on the shoe brand
3: Do you smoke? - nope
4: Do you drink? - nope
5: Do you take drugs? - nope
6: Age you get mistaken for - 17/18
7: Have tattoos? - nope
8: Want any tattoos? - YESS, I have a whole pinterest board of tattoo ideas
9: Got any piercings? - Used to but now I don't
10: Want any piercings? - Kinda, but at the same time I'm terrified cause I have a stupidly low pain tolerance
11: Best friend? - I have many :) Honestly we could interact once on tumblr and I would consider u my bsf lol
12: Relationship status - single
13: Biggest turn ons - Idk if this means like relationship, or sexual way? But I'mma just take it as relationship way and say honestly being nice and I'll be happy forever
14: Biggest turn offs - being mean for no reason :/, or telling me to stop being sensitive or making fun of my weight, or making fun of my neurodivergent habits etc
15: Favorite movie - don't really have 1 movie that's my fave I love the greatest showman, I love the MHA movies, Ready Player One, Last Avatar, Marvel movies, Disney movies (Also I just saw there's a Bo Burnham movie so that'll probably be in the list once I watch it)
16: I’ll love you if… you're nice :)
17: Someone you miss - I moved house some years ago but I have some close friends where I grew up so I'll probably see them during the summer
18: Most traumatic experience - I have no clue, I also don't know if anything I've gone through counts as drama or if I'm being dramatic and catastrophising the situation. I'd say probably catholic camp that was awful
19: A fact about your personality - I'm unfiltered so idc what the topic of convo is about u can talk to me about anything and I won't judge you ever <3
20: What I hate most about myself - Being so sensitive. Ik I can't help it but still it still sucks so much, mixed with my constant need for hugs/physical affection is like the worst combo lmfao
21: What I love most about myself - I will be a massive simp for u platonically or romantically <3
22: What I want to be when I get older - I'll probably be an engineer, but I also want to be a therapist part time
23: My relationship with my sibling(s) - isn't horrendous but we don't talk much :/
24: My relationship with my parent(s) - it's been alr rn but it's very up and down, some things they say is really hurtful and it's hard to decide upon me being the overly sensitive one or not
25: My idea of a perfect date - Hugs and food and a gay show, and then staying up until late hours of the night just talking about ourselves etc
26: My biggest pet peeves - people who get mad at u for crying at how they've treated by saying "just chill" "you're overreacting" I hate it so much
27: A description of the girl/boy I like - Wilhem from Young royals. Not a desc but still I don't think I need to expand on that lol
28: A description of the person I dislike the most - bigots, terfs, racists -- those kinds of people
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend - I don't remember the last time I've lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school - overwhelming pressure and work
31: What my last text message says - I love you
32: What words upset me the most - hearing the word fat triggers me, I understand it's used as a descriptor and that it's being reclaimed as something neutral not negative but because growing up I got called fat in a negative way I only have negative connotations with it therefore I just get so upset when people say that even if they don't mean it in a bad way (Idk if that makes sense but yh)
33: What words make me feel the best about myself - I love u, beautiful
34: What I find attractive in women - physically Idc at all, like I don't have a type of person I'll be into Idc what ur hair colour, body type, face structure/feature are I'll be into you if you have a great personality
35: What I find attractive in men - physically Idc at all, like I don't have a type of person I'll be into Idc what ur hair colour, body type, face structure/feature are I'll be into you if you have a great personality
36: Where I would like to live - probably in a city, but also I don't want anywhere too loud
37: One of my insecurities - My body image
38: My childhood career choice - I don't remember I think artist
39: My favorite ice cream flavor - anything chocolate <3
40: Who I wish I could be - Nick Nelson or Torii from heartstopper
41: Where I want to be right now - I'd love to see my friends and I'd also love to meet up with tumblr mutuals
42: The last thing I ate - coffee? If that doesn't count ice cream
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately - I have no clue so many people are attractive
44: A random fact about anything - Boston marriages used to be a thing where two wealthy women would get married so they wouldn't have to share their finances with men :) Got shut down when people realised lesbians exist
There ya go I answered all the questions unprompted :)
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televinita · 7 months
Goodreads Choice Awards but the nominees are just the books I've personally shelved
I have a lot of thoughts about the options as they exist (mostly not that bad, except when it comes to the total elimination of children's literature, about which I am furious), but per usual I can't really articulate them in a coherent way SO I sorted my shelves by publication date, ignored the GCA requirement of a minimum 3.5 average rating, and am doing this instead.
[update: oops this did not turn out coherent either. but it got typed!]
Important Reminder: These are not all books I consider equal contenders for "best." I simply wanted to highlight every possible option I actually knew about and have read or am interested in reading.
After the Sirens - Sharon Farrell
Begin Again - Emma Lord (forgot to add this one before)
The Brothers Hawthorne - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (actual nominee and I'm gonna vote for it even though it seems like it may be more of a filler book. The Davenports is the only other official nom to intrigue me, and its lower average rating + hideous cartoon cover isn't enough to flip me unread so sorry, we're going Basic Popularity Contest Pick)
Cleaning Up - Leanne Lieberman
Five Survive - Holly Jackson (definitely not a winner)
Gather - Kenneth M. Cadow (edit: National Book Award finalist?? like with the adult fiction??)
Good as Gold -- Candace Buford (definite contender for fave so far)
Holly Horror - Michelle Jabès Corpora
The Island - Natasha Preston (lol. lmao even. but ridiculous fun)
The Lake House - Sarah Beth Durst
A Long Stretch of Bad Days - Mindy McGinnis
The Renaissance of Gwen Hathaway - Ashley Schumacher (here on author loyalty only)
Three Rivers - Sarah Stusek (THAT'S RIGHT. HER.)
Summer Rental - Rektok Ross (why am I this aware of brand-new ya horror??) (because I love horror and it's usually better paced and spookier and less shock-gory than the adult brand? fair)
Dream to Me - Megan Paasch (I think it would go here, anyway. but maybe it's just regular YA)
The Eternal Ones - Namina Forna (I gotta remember this series exists)
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries -- winner winner pick!! (no like officially)
Starling House - Alix E. Harrow (though this is a close second, and honestly, if they weren't both actual nominees I'd think The Unmaking of June Farrow has some potential intrigue)
Hazel Fine Sings Along - Katie Wicks (no comment on its Wattpad origin. I didn't notice until just now. have not read it.)
Famous For A Living - Melissa Ferguson (popular enough for Once Upon a Book Club! but not for for an official nom, despite my hopes, in this fiercely competitive category. boooo)
Out On a Limb - Hannah Bonam-Young (damn I actually saw this one making rounds on BookTube, thought it might be here)
Something Wild & Wonderful - Anita Kelly (can't believe there's actually a queer romance I want to see show up and it doesn't)
(Bonus: legit nominees I am considering for validity include Happy Place; Yours Truly - I really need to figure out if Emily Henry and Abby Jimenez are in my wheelhouse or not - and Hello Stranger, though as much as I like Katherine Center this one does not call to me)
This Bird Has Flown - Susanna Hoffs (might also have been under romance if picked for the actual GCA? feels more mainstream than that but idk. anyway HATERS 2 THE LEFT.)
^ also my pick for debut
The Lost Manuscript - Mollie Rushmeyer (dunno which category this would officially go in either. probably romance? maybe mystery? but it's got a lot more plot than the average romance)
The Echo of Old Books - Barbara Davis (holy crap this one's actually in the nominations?! Instant vote. Almost disappointing because there are some other candidates I would have felt fine voting for to block the worse ones, but this is the only one on my acute TBR. If I don't give at least 4 stars I will be shocked)
Forgotten Trail - Claire Kells
The Hike - Lucy Clarke
The Only One Left - Riley Sager
Homecoming - Kate Morton (crisis alert! the latter two are both official nominees and I am equally interested in both/both have equally good track records with me) (probs. gonna vote Kate on the principle of female solidarity. even though this is really stretching the definition of "mystery")
A Haunting on the Hill - Elizabeth Hand
(How To Sell a Haunted House is a hard maybe but also the only one I think I'd even consider trying from the official noms)
Paris: The Memoir - Paris Hilton
The Woman in Me - Britney Spears
Grimoire Girl - Hilarie Burton Morgan
Tell Me Everything - Minka Kelly
If You Would Have Told Me - John Stamos
Goodbye to Clocks Ticking - Joseph Monninger (forgot I just stumbled upon this one recently! it's on my library list but not my GR account)
and one more except GCA put it in a different category hang on
Three of these - not Burton's, alas - are actually nominees. Britney is gonna win but not without a fight from me. Do I go with Paris, whose memoir impressed me even though I still don't care much for her as a person, or Minka, whose memoir I haven't read but whose reviews sound excellent and whom I like more?
Being Henry - Henry Winkler (there is absolutely no reason for this not to be nominated in memoir btw. I hope it wins Humor because nothing else appeals in that category and I have multiple vendettas (SAMANTHA IRBY), but it would be as misplaced a win as the Office Ladies book was last year. fully deserving of an award! actually the best of the given nominees! but also like an adult beating a bunch of children in a footrace.)
(no longer a GCA category but it fudgin' should be)
Just Gus - McCall Hoyle
Falling Out of Time - Margaret Peterson Haddix (actually glad I don't have to choose between these two because like. dogs - but also boy MC - or author loyalty ft. sequel to my childhood fave??)
Rosie Frost and the Falcon Queen - Geri Halliwell The Spice Girl (no. 😔) (and yet it is still on my shelf)
I have no strong opinions for any categories I skipped.
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etrosgate · 10 months
heey eliza(^∀^●)ノシ
i interpreted this ask as the last 5 songs i listened to, but i guess it could be your 5 most listened-to songs right now? who knows! unrelatedly (or, well, relatedly actually) i keep seeing you tweet about enstars and was wondering if you have any song recs :)c
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
hehehehe. for general music, the 5 songs i've been into lately:
i can't stop listening to this gumi cover of nin's closer for some reason
kiss by buck-tick. since i've been very into shiki again
oops an enstars song snuck in here. it's lemon squash cheers by crazy-b and 2wink. perhaps i've been listening to my own cover of it 😶
ragequitted by black dresses. and the full album (forever in your heart) in general, i tend to listen to the full thing from start to finish instead of individual songs
don't forget about me by anomie train. one of my favorite synthv original discoveries. sometimes you just need a little song about a vsynth contemplating their eventual obsolescence
as far as enstars goes;
lets get the stuff i don't have 1 million words to say about out of the way first:
crazy-b's entire discography is really fun, but i could listen to the aforementioned Lemon Squash Cheers and Be The Party Bee! all day
i also love all of alkaloid's discography. it's just a style of music i really enjoy. can't really pick out faves
the tempest night by fine. so funky, i've played this so many times in the rhythm game
melty kitchen by ra*bits. extremely cutesy and i get the chorus stuck in my head all the time
stippling by double face. idk i just think it's really pretty
moonlight disco by getto spectacle. a classic.
marine blue rendezvous, kanata's solo. it's so soothing, i've definitely put this on loop and zoned out for a few peaceful hours.
i love listening to the cover of (RE)PLAY by eden and trickstar. even if the flute part is bizarrely prominent.
okay now i get to gush about my faves <3, eden (made up of sub-units adam+eve). their vocal performances are always really fantastic. and they tend to have really great choreography. in-universe they're one of the Big 3 most successful/popular units, and unlike fine and knights (sorry) they've really sold me on why. even if some of their songs will have me oscillating between "maybe this song isn't very good" to "this song is their best one" as i listen to it.
ANYWAYS, im about to talk way too much about eden.
something neat about enstars is that the va's are instructed to sing in-character, one of my favorite aspects of this is how jun's va sings from their earliest songs compared to now.
in Sunlit Summer (earliest in the the timeline, and a favorite of mine lol), hiyori and jun sound so similar it's genuinely difficult to figure out who's singing what by ear. and this is intentional!
at the point when eden is formed, jun is in a place where he has very little sense of identity, terrified to voice any personal opinion or desire, crafted by his former environment to be subservient. so in his early vocal performances he is literally imitating hiyori's vocal style, doing everything in his power to vanish into hiyori's shadow. early eve songs in general are very distinctly "hiyori" in sound, vocals and orchestration. (and ibara, as their producer, crafted in an inherent hierarchy of hiyori being the Center and jun Support at the beginning. which is reflected in adam too but that's off topic)
so it's really fantastic to see how much has changed as the timeline goes forward, such as eve's most recent song, Ruby Love, where Jun sounds distinctly like Himself (even though he retains elements of his inspirations like hiyori and jin sagami), is the center with hiyori playing support, and the song itself is a style of music very Jun. as part of an event where jun actually feels equal enough with the rest of eden to voice a dissenting opinion from everyone else! it's really satisfying to see.
tangentially related, jun's solo (Back-Alley Monologue) might be one of my favorite ballad's like, Ever. the performance is gorgeous and tender on its own, but every time i actually think about the lyrics about how eden saved jun from the worst time in his life, and how being with them is so much everything that he's ever wanted that it feels like an impossible dream. it makes me so emotional that my stomach hurts. if i hear this song in a vulnerable moment i might die.
another i really love is Deep Eclipse. it's pretty notable for being very different from the rest of the discography, a sweet and soft and kinda inspirational song (so different that many people who don't read eden stories think it's their worst song, that it doesn't suit them). this difference is important for a few reasons;
eden as a unit was created to be particularly artificial compared to most enstars units, with highly crafted stage personas and even a clause in the contract forbidding personal relationships between members. their unit concept is literally being The Antagonists who seek to corrupt the world into sin (particularly adam, where nagisa's stage persona as God is so different to his personality that ibara literally writes scripts for him to follow).
HOWEVER, instead what happens is all the members build a deep connection with each other, to the point that they become THE most important people in their lives, and they inspire each other to become better, happier people. i'm pretty sure every member (excluding ibara, because he's extremely repressed) has explicitly said that eden saved them.
and so Deep Eclipse is notable, for being a song where the Stage Personas are dropped the most, for being very emotionally honestly and vulnerable, and being about healing from their trauma (which, being enstars, is substantial). it's probably The biggest example of how the unit has changed from what it was supposed to be when it was formed. also the singing is really pretty.
okay that's enough of that i'll just do general recs for actual sound now:
ibara's solo Poison Strategy is an absolute banger. even if it's basically just a song about being The Poisoner.
Tumblr media
cannot overstate how ibara's Concept in eden is literally the poisoner. and in real life. he loves to be evil.
i think Ruler's Truth is my fave adam song
i love every eve song. Sunlit Summer is my fave i listen to it everytime i want a sunlit summer. Trap For You is my fave, yaoibait aside it's soooo fun to listen to. Ruby Love is my fave, idc if its gay club music!
love Faith Conquest. i will defend hiyori's weirdly autotuned wail that sounds like he's dying.
lyrics aside, i really love the sound of Dance in the Apocalypse
on a non-eden tangent. i haven't really read any valkyrie stuff, but i do really love the ex-valkyrie songs, for how well they evoke the absolutely terrible fucked up state of the unit in that moment of time.
A Castle Built of Sand and Sacred Youth's Games are very clearly both about the imminent self-destruction of the unit, in a meta sense. the former in a bittersweet tragic mourning of everything good that original valkyrie had, and the latter dwelling in the misery of everything terrible about it.
Sacred Youth's Games especially, it's a song that sound like anxiety. the sharpness to the vocals in general, the vocal parts feeling like the ebb and flow of an argument that occasionally breaks into a shouting match and how the chaotic instrumentation sounds like it'll fall apart if one note gets out of place. all while still being convincingly like a professional song they would feasibly be performing in-universe
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