#listen he did a lot of crazy shit those 4 years
I get scared people dont like me so what do I do?
OK listen to me first of all let me tell you details about myself I’m 40 years old and I’ve never taken bullshit from no one. This is not Riverbial or a joke or a metaphor I am not fucking with you I’m sitting your bitch ass down and telling you what’s real about life. I’m 40 years old and there can be 40 more of me but what’s more important regarding to your fucking pathetic situation is that you need to learn to not give a shit that’s right not give a shit.
you need to fucking stand up for yourself once in your life and realize that the shit that you like to do feels good unless it feels bad you know what I’m saying like don’t do some fucked up shit don’t actually do heroin or some shit that’s not a good idea you just need to get your shit together and like if you like like fucking rolling yourself up in a big tortilla and jerking off go ahead I don’t give a shit but don’t involve anyone and your bullshit man. Don’t evolve anyone and your bullshit and you’ll be fucking fine man. Just like reach out when you need help you know like peace and love blah blah are we fucking get it but here’s what I’m fucking saying. You got a let people give a shit about you good when they give a shit about you bad you just got a lean over fucking grab your ankles and fart on their fucking faces with big clapping wet shiny oily rosy butt cheeks keep going
and when I’m looking at those big oil a rosy wet butt cheeks that are weapon wet clapping clapping like a weapon I get pissed off and I just turn my head and throw up but you got to keep farting because if you fart oh man I’m sorry I’ve been getting a little Ronchi off topic here well truth be told my wife hasn’t let me hit in the past few weeks so I’ve been getting really into hobbies to try to avoid pornography even though the only pornography I look at is overwatch stuff. Woodworking
is what I’m really getting into these days to try to keep my hand off my fucking dick and it’s starting to work but I’m basically just kind of carving it like I’m chiseling clay I get kind of like a whole log and I just go to town rather than a 2 x 4 because it’s easier that way cause I got a bunch of trees need cut it down yeah I’m well aware I’m getting real raunchy with you right now a big Ronchi boy just kidding man fuck off come on. Did you catch the game last night it really got me upset that they put Wilt the stilt from the jokers back on the fucking line if you know what I’m saying. I know they’re going to trade McCafferty to the Lakers
fuck the lakers
yeah McCafferty man. He wrote all that shit on Twitter about how he’s gonna burn down the library‘s that Carnegie bought for New York. That was really fucked up and specific but he said he was joking so it’s like fine. I don’t even think he put them in New York I think he put them in their place of birth. Man I’ve been thinking about Carnegie a lot lately. He knew his kids were gonna turn out to be dip shit do you ever read the gospel of wealth. He knew his kids are gonna turn out to be stupid piece of shit so he didn’t really give them a big crazy fortune Yeah I know instead he just kind of wrote all this shit about libraries I guess that by today’s standard he’d be a socialist is what I’m trying to tell you which is a good thing I know that’s pretty left-wing of me and I know I’m been more of a centrist in the past Yep I know that’s pretty fucking left wing with me yeah I know that’s pretty left-wing
im a right winger but i stuck to grime thats why i've done what i've done in such a short time my g
oh you’re right winger are you. With all the shit that’s going on that’s not even fucking funny. Bro seriously you are. Fucking with me. That’s so fucking dumb. Why don’t you get off this gaming out for a little boys and play something else with a 40-year-old man huh. Like you and me. I’m talking outback. On the pavement. Your skull. Spattering and splattering. Into. 1 million. Beautiful. Shards. Of. Rubys
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hetalia-club · 5 months
Now that it's gone tomorrow I can finally say it. Tumblr live was a money laundering scheme by the mafia. I'm not sure how they attempted to profit off it. But you cannot tell me any of those people were tumblr users. I feel liked if I clicked on one it would just say 'this page can't be found' or something.
This is partly me trying to start discourse and also me being 100% for real in what I think.
While I'm at it I also think the chain Dollar General is a money laundering front. My small town of 1,500 people has 4 of these within an 10 mile radius. Why? I don't know. No one is ever there the parking lots are like always empty but they just keep building more. We all hate them. It’s like a town meme when they are building something we always say “is it a bank or dollar general” because that’s like all they ever build is just more dollar generals or a new random ass bank chain no one has ever heard of.
One time I went into a Dollar General in my town for batteries and when I went inside there was no music on and no one at the counter and so I just like moseyed around and found my batteries and went and stood at the front and then this guy came from the back, gave me a look, went back into the back and came back with a dollar general vest on. He said not a word to me. rang me out with money from his OWN WALLET he never popped the drawer or pushed a single button he just did the math in his head I don't even think it was on. I took my batteries and dipped no receipt or proof of purchase. It's been 4 years or something since then and I have not stopped thinking about it. I tell everyone who will listen my conspiracy about Dollar General and they think I'm just bull shitting like I do about everything else all the time but I'm 100% serious about this one.
Another crazy thing is they built a brand new one from the ground up and within a year they closed it, and built a new one across the street from that one. Like what are they DOING!?!
Also like 3 years ago across from one of the Dollar Generals there was a Taco Bell that was the BEST TACO BELL IN THE WORLD and they got in trouble for selling meth out of the drive through window, and they fired the manager & he went to jail or something I think, now the food is trash no one goes there anymore. Come to think of it there may had been a connection to the meth and the dope ass food and most likely the Dollar Generals. I want to be Noir detective so bad I just want to walk door to door and ask people. "So you heard any rumors lately?" "What's your connection to the hive mine Dollar Generals & the meth Tacos?" Also the Taco Bell is still there it's just dead to me. I'm convinced the meat there is just fancy feast so when I go I always ask for no meat and I get refried beans which is essentially wall plaster instead and they ALWAYS give me meat anyway and it feels personal.
Anyway....yeah Tumblr Live was crazy tho...
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finallydelight · 2 years
i have an idea but you totally can dismiss it lol: a cute ming and mark hanging out maybe like at svt dorm or nct dorm and the guys tease them :)
thank you so much for the request! They're back by popular demand, do yall have like a name for them? that would be cute 😊
the bold is english!!
Interrupted | Ming Chapter
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July, 2022
"You're sure they don't mind, right?" Mark asked her, still unsure whether her dorm mates minded that he was there.
Yerim shook her head, slightly smiling. "Don't worry about them, they never come into my room, I'm sure most of my members have never even seen my room." She reassured him, not wanting him to feel unwelcome. The pair was seated on her bed, away from the eyes of her dorm mates.
"Okay," he felt a bit more secure, "I'm very happy that we get to hangout like this, you know." He shyly confessed.
"Yeah? Me too." She matched his shyness, flustered by his sudden confession.
He scratched his voice. "I really like your room, btw. Did you decorate it yourself?" He asked her, looking around her room.
"Oh thanks, yeah I did, it's mostly pictures, though." She didn't find her room that special, it's mostly made up of pictures and gifts from loved ones.
His eyes fell upon her nightstand. "Are those your brothers?" Mark pointed at one of the pictures next to her bed, the one of Yerim with her younger brothers.
She smiled at the picture. "Yeah, my two little brothers." She answered him, taking the framed photo and showing it to Mark.
"They're younger than you? Oh shit, they're tall." His genuine surprised reaction, made her laugh.
"Yes, they're younger. This is Junghoon, he's only a year younger than us," she pointed at the tallest guy next to her in the picture, "and this is Jungwoo, our youngest, he's 4 years younger." Yerim explained to him, not being able to hide her proud smile while talking about her younger brothers.
"His name is Kim Jungwoo? Ha ha, I also have a brother whose name is Kim Jungwoo." He laughed, referring to his older member.
She chuckled. "That's right! What a coincidence."
He looked at the other picture on her nightstand. "And is that your sister?"
Yerim looked at the photo in question and gave him an awkward laugh. "That's not my sister, that's my mom." She corrected, placing the picture with her brother back in its place and taking her mother's instead.
"Wow, you two look so much alike. She looks so young!" He exclaimed, surprised at the fact that it's her mother.
She nodded. "Yeah, she was very young when she had me, she was only 22 years-old."
Mark listened attentively to her. "That is young, that's our age, I can't imagine having a kid now."
"Same, it's crazy when you think about it." Yerim had always been surprised by her parent's choice to have 3 kids at a young age.
He nodded at her words. "Yeah, it is, do you get to see your mom often?" Mark asked
Oh, boy, how she hated having these conversations. "Uh, no, my uh, my mom passed away when I was younger." Anytime she told someone her mother passed away, the atmosphere just turned super awkward.
"Oh, I'm sorry, fuck, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." Mark panicked, his intention wasn't to upset her or to bring up painful memories of hers.
She put her hand on his knee. "Minhyung-ah, don't worry, it's okay, you didn't know." She eased his panic, well not totally, cause she put her hand on his knee and now his brain is malfunctioning again.
"I'm still sorry, I didn't upset you right?" Yerim felt like melting right on the spot, he looked so worried that he had upset her.
She shook her head. "No, you didn't." A small smile came through on his face. "Okay, that's good, that's like the last thing I want to do." He said while putting his hand on top of hers, his shyness from earlier almost completely gone.
Yerim couldn't help but start blushing. "It seems like I make you panic a lot, don't I?" She laughed, referring to their first conversation.
He laughed along with her. "Yeah, you do actually, you should stop with that." Despite saying she should stop, his tone implied she shouldn't.
"I don't mean to, it just happens, you know?" She felt herself getting more confident by the second, she wasn't nervous to tease him back.
They made silent eye contact for a few seconds, before Mark spoke up again. "So, you're going on tour, huh?" His hand still remained on top of hers, not planning on taking it off soon.
"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it." She smiled at the thought of performing on the big stage again.
"Where's the first stop?" He asked. She thought for a second. "Euhm, our first stop is in Vancouver, I think." She replied.
His face lit up. "No way, I grew up there! That's awesome!" He exclaimed, a bright smile covering his smile.
"That's right, you're from Canada!" She tried matching his energy, finding him cute.
"Yes, oh my god, I could give you like some places you could go, if you have time to explore the city?" He suggested to her.
More chances to talk to Mark? She'll gladly take them. "Yeah, I think we get a day to just roam around the city, I'll send you some pictures."
"I would definitely love some pictures." He smiled. "Do you get to go to Canada often?" Yerim asked him.
"Not really, when we go on tour, but that's not always the case." The smile on Mark's face slightly falters. His answer saddened her, that must be hard for him.
She moved her hand from under his and gave it a squeeze. "I don't personally know what it's like to be that far away from your loved ones, but some of my members are also in that situation, so I understand that it's difficult." She tried to comfort him.
"Thanks, I appreciate it, Yerim." He gave her a sad smile, still a bit in his feelings. She wanted to fix that.
She moved her hand to his shoulder, grabbing his attention. "Do you need a hug?" She asked him, hoping she wasn't crossing any boundaries.
His eyes met hers, finding nothing but sincerity in her eyes and he gives her a small nod. She moved both her arms around his neck, while his hands went around her waist. She could feel the tension leaving his body, as he melted into their hug.
He put his face in her neck. "Yerim-ah?" His voice a bit muffled.
"I really needed this."
A small graced her face. "Well, you're lucky I'm here then." She was screaming on the inside, but remained reserved on the outside.
He chuckled at her words. "I am, yeah."
They pulled away, but one of Mark's hands stayed on her waist. She looked at him and noticed how close his face was to hers. Mark looked down at her lips and she understood what he wanted to do, so she gave him a small nod. He let out a small smile before bringing his face closer to her.
"Hey, guys!"
The pair quickly moved away from each other, surprised by Joshua's sudden appearance.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt anything." He said in a teasing tone, a smirk present on his face.
Yerim scoffed. "You forget how to knock all of a sudden?"
"You normally don't have guests in your room." His teasing continued, he really has no shame.
"And he calls himself a gentleman." She said in a hushed voice, making Mark chuckle.
Joshua was about to say something back, but got interrupted.
"I didn't know there was a hangout going on here!" The one and only Wen Junhui made an appearance.
Yerim could die. "What are you doing here? You don't even live here." She argued.
"Kim Yerim, be nice to your brother, he used to feed you as a baby!" Joshua argued her back, with his Shua nonsense.
She furrowed her eyebrows. "Just because he made my lunch when I went to high school," she put the emphasis on high school, " doesn't he can barge into my room, the same goes for you Mr.Gentleman!" She pointed at Joshua.
"Hey, is there a party happening without us?" Sooyoung and Doyoung stood outside her open door. This is a lost cause, Yerim thought to herself.
"Come in, guys!" Joshua cheered, urging them to join.
Yerim put her hands before her face in frustration. Mark patted her back, feeling bad for her. He, also, felt frustrated. He had been building up the courage and the moment it was going to happen, it got interrupted.
"I would love to, but euhm our manager is here, so we have to go." Doyoung said, looking at Mark in particular.
"Uh, yeah" Mark awkwardly got up and looked at Yerim, who then got up as well. "I'll go to the door with you." She said.
Joshua tried to stop her. "He can walk by himself, can't you Mark?"
"You're still here, Joshua?" Yerim had enough of everyone and motioned for Mark to keep walking to their front door.
Doyoung and Soonyoung were already standing outside, but Yerim stopped Mark.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know they were gonna do that." She apologized to him.
He waved his hands. "No, it's alright, it's not your fault, don't worry about it." He reassured her.
"I really enjoyed it, though." She told him, getting shy again, her confidence from earlier totally gone.
Mark blushed at her statement. "Me too, thanks for letting me come over." He was probably going to smile the entire day.
"No problem, it was my pleasure."
He took a step closer to her and spoke in a hushed tone. "I really want to give you a kiss right now, but your members are giving me dead stares from behind you, so I'll just wait for next time."
"I'll wait then." She told him.
"Alright, bye Yerim." She waved at him and Doyoung as they left. As soon as they were out of sight, she turned around to see Coups, Joshua, Minghao, Jun and Soonyoung standing behind her.
"What the fuck was that?" She didn't hesitate calling them out.
"What do you mean?" Joshua said innocently, pretending like he didn't know what she was talking about.
Their leader decided to chime in. "I'm sure they were just teasing you." He defended them.
"You don't get any say in this, you weren't even there." She argued, completely done with them.
"What were you two even doing? You two sat really close to each other." Joshua started again.
She glared at him. "That's none of your business." Despite her frustrations, she remained calm.
"Hey, that's enough you two." Coups interjected, not wanting this to get out of hand.
Yerim moved past them, wanting to get away. "Where are you going, Yerim-ah?" Soonyoung asked.
"To my room and that means I want to be alone." She yelled through the dorm, not bothering to stop walking. The guys slightly flinched as Yerim shut her door very loudly.
Jun turned to Joshua and patted his shoulder. "Good luck with that."
"He's gonna need it."
Taglist: @lunarxsun @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra
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so-idialed-9 · 2 years
Full transcript of Louis Tomlinson interview on The Project - with screenshots
His first interview in 2 years! Did his team vet these questions? Did they blacklist anything? Will there ever be a time when Louis has a media team on his side? Will we get more gratuitous use of 7 to have a total of 4 7s across this week's Larrieverse? UPDATE- here's my 7 masterpost
Watch the full interview on YT 
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:read more:
INT CARRIE BICKMORE: Louis Tomlinson welcome to The Project!
LT: Hello, hello, thanks for having me.
INT BICKMORE: Great to have you here. I mean, It’s been a long time in the making. Two years I think since this tour was meant to happen. You played your first gig in Brissie last night, how did it go?
LT: It’s amazing, the crowd were unbelievable. I think it’s about 7 years since I’ve been in Australia. Absolutely love this country and the crowd were amazing.
INT PETER HELLIAR: And this was your first tour without the old band of course, are you loving the freedom that comes with being a solo artist?
LT: Yeah it’s exciting but it’s also challenging, you know, being part of a group, you can only put so much of yourself into that, so suppose this tour, it’s just been – it’s already taught me quite a lot, to be fair. I’ve had to kind of take on my own independence musically and creatively, but that’s definitely been fun.
INT WALEED ALY: I feel like you’ve all done that creatively. Solo stuff sounds quite different to the stuff you were doing together. I imagine it’s very different writing a song when Simon Cowell isn’t breathing down your neck and ticking things off.
LT: [makes this face]
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INT BICKMORE: [laughs like she knows Simon's evil]
INT ALY: Like do you – like is there – is there some kind of feeling that you’re finally doing the music you’d always wanted to do?
LT: For myself, yeah, for myself, definitely, but I think you know when you look at the One Direction stuff, that’s stuff that I’m obviously immensely proud of. And you know it was kind of amazing for what it was but obviously now I’m going out and doing my own stuff. For me it’s just been about trying to create the record that I want to create but also, you know, not alienating the fans – kind of meeting in the middle of those two ideas really.
INT LISA WILKINSON: Well your fans are very passionate and they do occasionally like to throw gifts at you onstage. You’ve had plenty of things hurled up there over your career. What is weirdest thing that has either ever landed in front of you or hit you?
LT: That’s a good question, to be fair. Someone threw a burger up the other day, it’s kind of random, I threw it back, to be fair – [making this face thinking about fans]
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INT WILKINSON: Was it still in the wrapper?
LT: It was still in the wrapper to be fair, yeah, untouched, yeah, but I didn’t eat it.
INT BICKMORE: You said it was 7 years since you’ve been here last time. What are you wanting to do Down Under? Is there stuff you didn’t get to do last time or that you loved doing last time that you can’t wait to do again?
LT: Not anything too specific really, I just - I just love this country, I love being here. I’ve done a lot of traveling this year and I’ve seen a lot of different places but Australia feels close to home, it’s just a shame we’ve come in winter, the weather’s shit.
INT ALY: Although have you seen the weather in the UK? It’s not looking much better right now.
LT: Yeah man, yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s crazy, it’s crazy.
INT HELLIAR: Louis, there’s been a bit of 1D beef recently thanks to Liam, he’s been speaking out about the band a little bit. When you look back on your experience with the band how do you feel about those days?
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LT: Oh so the fishing’s begun already, um, yeah, I see what you’re doing. No listen, I – I – I’m immensely proud, as I know Liam is, I’m immensely proud of those days, obviously, I mean, you know, it was an incredible thing to do and especially at such a young age. Amazing memories, man, amazing memories.
INT BICKMORE: But Louis when you say, Oh, you know, the fishing’s begun, I imagine it is so annoying having to answer retrospective questions like that. I’m genuinely interested - how much do you want to talk about that time in your life to the media versus how much you never want to have to talk about it ever again?
LT: No, good – good – good question, I mean, I’m more than happy to talk about it in every interview, it’s something I’m immensely proud of as I’ve already said, it’s just when you mentioned the beef before it sounds like you were getting ready to stir some shit up, that’s all I’m saying.
INT BICKMORE: No, I’m not actually –
INT HELLIAR: No I’m not a shit-stirrer, Louis, do I look like a shit-stirrer?
LT: [laughs but doesn’t answer]
INT ALY: These guys definitely aren’t stirrers, Louis, but I am, and I’ve spotted something overnight –
LT: [laughs] Here we go –
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INT ALY: - that will make you incensed. It turns out that a Texas university announced overnight that it’s launching a new course on Harry Styles called Harry Styles And The Cult of Celebrity. That should be you, shouldn’t it?
LT: [eyes narrowed, looking irritated] Yeah, I don’t really have any interest in having a course made about me, to be fair, but each to their own.
INT ALY: I mean it’s a very strange thing not to be interested in?
LT: You sound very interested, to be fair, maybe you should sign up. [tight lipped sharp smile]
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INT BICKMORE: He’s done every degree you can imagine, just add that to your list.
INT ALY: Louis, I may have designed that course.
INT WILKINSON: Walls, your debut album, dropped over 2 years ago now. When can we expect a follow up?
LT: Soon, soon, very soon. I’m pretty much done with the record, feel really excited about it, that’s all I’m going to say.
INT HELLIAR: And what’s it called, Louis?
LT: Not telling you, not telling you. You’ll have to wait and see.
INT HELLIAR: Just give us the track listing then.
LT: Not having none of that.
INT BICKMORE: So there’s just a few tickets left for Louis’ Aussie shows so grab your burgers, head to our website, get ready to go to the show. 
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damonjuicyscock · 1 year
Playlist-Chapter 2: The magnificent seven
Pairing: 80's Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, smut (Virgin Noel and Virgin Reader, Loss of virginity, P in V sex, unprotected sex), language, mention of blood and wounds, maybe a few spelling mistakes but I hope not
Words: 4632
Summary: You and Noel are now misfit teens. Something happens in high school, you think Noel is being beaten by his father, and something that wasn't planned at all in your mind happens.
A/N: Heya ! Merry Late Christmas ! I'm late, my computer had a problem and I couldn't publish the chapter without it. This chapter might maybe shock some of you because there is CONSENSUAL smut between teenagers, and they're not underage ! I don't usually write this type of stuff because it makes me ill at ease, but this is part of the story so I had to deal with it the way I could. I recall that sexual majority and age of consent in the UK is 16 years old. In case I might have problems or maybe you doubt it, here's a link that will witness what I say : https://lawstuff.org.uk/police-and-law/age-of-consent/
I just hope you won't report this chapter, I took a lot of time writing it and it would spoil my work so if you're shocked I'd advice you to to skip it and not read it, but you might have missing elements for the rest so it's both my problem and not at all. As per usual... Enjoy !
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“Ring! Ring! It's 7:00 A.M.! Move y'self to go again Cold water in the face Brings you back to this awful place Knuckle merchants and you bankers, too Must get up an' learn those rules Weather man and the crazy chief One says sun and one says sleet A.M., the F.M. the P.M. too Churning out that boogaloo Gets you up and gets you out But how long can you keep it up? Gimme Honda, Gimme Sony So cheap and real phony Hong Kong dollars and Indian cents English pounds and Eskimo pence
You lot! What? Don't stop! Give it all you got! You lot! What? Don't stop! Yeah! »
Teenage years came, the outsider era as well, Noel and I were now 15 years old. We still were neighbours and the best of friends, we were inseparable. Noel and I now had some male friends. He had stopped stammering. We were some kind of hooligans, and I wasn’t scared to fight with someone else if needed.
Most days, we were skipping high school to eat these famous “magic mushrooms”.
Noel was still in probation for what he did 4 months before. When he was still 14, he robbed a local store and was arrested. That’s when he decided to learn guitar.
We were punks, heading out every weekend without our parents knowing to go to gigs, and to go in fields to watch the stars and smoke pot, taking the cassette-radio with us to listen to The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd or even the Sex Pistols. I had the Cassettes and Noel had the Vinyls.
We never were at Noel’s place. He didn’t want me to meet his “dick of a father” as he said before. And to talk to each other when we weren’t together, we were using a chalk and a slate that we were showing to each other from our windows as these were one opposite the other.
He shared his room with Liam, who even though he was a kid, could be a real pain in the ass. Why? Because this little bastard, sometimes, when I was calling his brother with the help of my torch lamp, was the one answering by showing me his butt.
One day, the first separation came. We were in chemistry class, and oh, it went bad.
So what shit do we have to do today? I asked
Huh… We have to create a formula for the dilution of a chemical solution… I don’t know shit!
I don’t either. Chemistry is shit.
We agree on that.
Ready to make the classroom explode Noely?
Fuck yes, I don’t even understand why ye insisted on coming in chemistry class or even school!
But you followed me! I said, winking at him
Ye know I’d follow ye everywhere, cock. But still, why?
Just need some grades to go on our next year of high school, I don’t want to repeat a year, and my parents would kill me.
But ye suck at chemistry!
And so do you.
Well anyway, I just want ye to know that if ye do the wrong mix, I was happy to know yer fer 10 years me dear Y/N.
Shut the fuck up you fucker! I answered laughing and giving him a punch in the ribs
Miss Y/L/N, Mr Gallagher, do ye need some help? The teacher said when seeing us
Nah thank you mister, I can slap him alone.
And I can her make her think she’s going to make the classroom alone as well, thank ye. Noel added
Ye two should mind yer language and stop being cheeky before I send ye both to detention!
Yeah well, it won’t be the first nor the last time we will not be going because we ain’t got time for that shit. I murmured to Noel
Too right. We’re ghosts here. Kaboom?
Kaboom. I answered, a mischievous smile on my face
That’s when one of our classmates decided to be a complete idiot and throw a flour bomb at the teacher. The classmate right behind us.
And he thought it was Noel.
Gallagher! Out! To the director’s office! the teacher yelled at him
Why? I didn’t do it!
Yes sir! He didn’t do it!
Y/L/N, you want to join him?
No, but I swear!  It wasn’t Noel!
Shut up ye bitch! I heard behind me
What did you just called me fuck face? I threatened
Silence ! Y/L/N, yer going to detention!
Perfect! I’ll be coming at 28pm during the weekend of the 42 of Novembruary!
There’s nothing I could do. Noel got accompanied to the director’s office and I left the high school, waiting for Noel outside.
I saw him appear in front of me 2 hours later.
As Peggy was working at the high school’s canteen, she already knew everything.
So? A full month of detention and public apologies to the teacher or are you gonna be hanged on a public place?
I got expelled.
No fucking way. Noely, I’m going to see the director and I’ll tell him I witnessed the scene and that it wasn’t you!
It’s too late Y/N… He won’t believe it. They know about what I did 4 months ago, the robbery. They needed a head of steam, they found one and anyway, I was fed up with school, so all the better.
But…What about me?
Don’t worry ‘bout that, we’ll keep seeing each other everyday.
Fuck, I’ll stop going to school as well and find myself a job.
No Y/N, don’t quit high school because I won’t be there anymore. Yer smart, much more than I am, obtain yer GCSE, do it fer me, please.
I’ll find meself a job. But with me case, probably going to have to work with the other crap.
You mean…
Me father, yeah. Oh fuck, I don’t want to go home.
Let’s walk to the happy forest.
The “happy forest”, yes, the forest next to our high school, that’s how we were calling it.
We got home at 7pm, high and Noel was absolutely petrified. He knew what would happen.
By the time, I started asking myself some questions, started understanding that my best friend was in danger, and I understood it this evening.
See you at the window?
As always. He answered squeezing my hand
Love you Noely.
Love ye too cock.
He hugged me as if his life depended on it and went to his house.
At 9pm, while I was reading a book, I heard it.
Tommy was back home and was shouting at everyone.
I heard loud noises coming from his house and I knew it was nothing good. It lasted about 20 minutes.
I approached my window waiting to see Noel appear on the other side. I saw the light in his room go on, but instead, I saw Liam appear, afraid and crying.
He didn’t seem hurt which were good news.
Then the door opened, and Noel appeared. His nose and mouth were bleeding, and he had a hand holding his ribs as if he had been kicked there. He was crying as well.
This day, I understood that his father had been doing this for years and that when I punched him earlier this day, he was already hurt.
He saw me watching, tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
I grabbed my slate and a chalk and wrote on it before showing it to him.
“What happened?”
He then grabbed his, wrote on it and showed it to me.
“The usual, but worse”
“How long has it been?”
“Years. I didn’t want you to discover it. And certainly not like that.”
“I had doubts. Deep down I think I already knew.”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t Noely. But why didn’t you tell me?”
“Shame, and I didn’t want to worry you.”
“I told you I already had doubts about it. You should have told me when I first saw your bruises.”
“You would have told your mam.”
“Which would be normal, yes, but if you don’t want me to tell, I won’t. At least as long as I am sure your father isn’t planning on killing you.”
“He won’t. Got to comfort Liam.”
“Go. And treat yourself!”
“I will.”
My protection mode had been activated.
After this, Noel got to work with his father, just like he told me. I succeeded my classes.
In November 1983, everything changed.
November 1983:
Noel and I were now 16 years old, and we had discovered a new band a few months ago that became one of our favourites. The Smiths. We were planning on going to their gig in Huddersfield, but we wouldn’t go. Because as I said, everything changed in just 3 days.
November 21st 1983:
When coming back from school, I wasn’t expecting for Peggy to be with my mother in the living room.
I came back home, screaming as per usual.
Y/N, how many times will I have to tell you not to scream for God’s sake!
I know! You just know that I love having all the attention on me! I joked, taking off my jacket and dropping my bag in the middle of the hall.
Y/N, school bag in your room please.
It will be, but first I want my snack! I’m hungry!
There are cookies in the cupboard above the closet. Tea’s with me in the living room.
Thanks mam!
I took my pack of cookies and my favourite mug with me and went in the living room to find my mother.
That’s when I saw Peggy was there. I was used to see her here. So used to it that I know recognized her from behind.
Heya Peggy!
She turned to face me and that’s when I saw it, the black eye she had. The blackeye her asshole ex-husband gave her.
Hello me beautiful Y/N.
Fu…Freaking hell, Peggy, who did this to you?
Y/N, this isn’t… my mother started
Who? I insisted, stopping my mother before she could finish her sentence
Thomas, sweetheart. He found us, I don’t know how and who told him.
I swear I’m going to kill this motherfucker.
Y/N, language!
No mam, I won’t apologise for saying the truth and I what I think.
She’s right Y/M/N, even though it still doesn’t look good in a pretty girl’s mouth like ye Y/N.
I know, but I don’t care Peggy. You moved so he wouldn’t find you, hurt the boys and you anymore and start over.
Don’t worry sweetie. If he comes back, I’ll call the police.
You better. Was he drunk again?
As usual.
How are the boys?
They’re fine Y/N, don’t worry about this.
But I am worried.
Yes, I ended up opening my mouth and telling my mother. Because Noel was presenting more and more bruises everyday and I was shitting myself everyday by the idea of losing him, so I told my mom. That’s where we discovered that Peggy and Paul also were victims. So my mom invited Peggy, telling her she knew everything, and she helped her to find a new home and she moved out with the boys. I still admire my mom for that today.
So Noel and I weren’t neighbours anymore, but he still was alive, and it was and still is what mattered the most. Especially when he was coming to see me like he did that night.
November 22nd 1983:
It was about 10pm and raining as fuck. I was listening to The Clash’s The magnificent seven when I heard a noise against my window. Then again. Someone was throwing rocks at it, and only one person would do that.
I opened the window and received a stone in the face.
Oh fuck, soz Y/N!
What the fuck Noel?!
I thought ye didn’t hear me.
Come on, come up here, it’s cold and raining you fucking moron!
It was my visit of the day, as per usual, we were still seeing each other everyday.
Noel climbed up the hedge to my bedroom window. I stepped back to give him room to get in. And that’s when I saw these again. Those bruises and blood running down his face.
Oh my God! Noel! What the fuck happened?
Noel walked painfully to my bed and struggled to sit on it.
He came back.
Your father?
Who else?
You’ll tell me everything. I’ll grab the first aid kit. And be quiet, my parents are asleep.
He nodded as a response.
I went downstairs to grab a tea towel and some ice, came back upstairs, went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, and came back in my bedroom.
Here. Thought you might need this. I said handing him the tea towel
Thank ye. He answered, taking it
I opened the first aid kit bag and took out compresses, alcohol, and bandages.
So? I said, starting to treat him
He came back, fucking wasted as per usual. He entered through the back door, and he found mam. He had followed me when we were done working. He started hitting her and tried raping her. I heard her scream from me room even though I was playing guitar. So I rushed downstairs, and Liam joined me. We got to take him off her and I fought with him. And… ye can see he won, Paul had to come home to take him off me and kick him out for it to stop.
For fuck’s sake… huh… this is my first time doing this and this is alcohol so it might hurt.
It’s okay Y/N. Do it.
I started dabbing the compress on the wounds on his face to remove the blood and clean these. He hissed in pain several times but did not complain.
Take off your jacket and your tee. He also had you there.
Noel executed himself and oh, with the blood, so many bruises were there. Asif his father broke him some ribs.
Fucking hell Noel, how could he do that to you?
I don’t know. But at least, he beat the talent into me.
Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. I was horrified.
I cleaned the wounds once again and when I was done, Noel picked the tea towel and put it on the bruise that hurt him the most while I threw what I used to treat him in my bin.
I came back to sit next to him, watching his face contort with pain, his teeth biting his lower lip and had trouble breathing.
Can I…touch?
Why? He answered
Yes, ye can.
I put my hand on the massive bruise on his ribs.
Does it hurt?
Yea. He always kicks me here.  As if he knew what he was doing, where it hurts.
I ran my hand there carefully so I was sure I wouldn’t hurt him more than he already was. And suddenly, I burst into tears.
Y/N? Noel asked, stunned
Soz Noel, don’t mind me…
Noel took me in his arms, holding me tight and left a kiss on my cheek.
When he let go of me, I made sure to lower my head so he wouldn't see me crying.
Hey, I should be the one crying here. He chuckled
But it didn’t make me laugh and my tears were getting worse. I was hurt to see Noel hurt.
With his hand, he raised my head so that our faces faced each other.
Our looks met, and Noel held my face in his hands.
He paid attention to my sad look and my crying eyes for a few more seconds before crushing his lips on mine urgently. As if his life depended on it.
I answered the kiss even though in shock and troubled. It wasn’t my first kiss, and it wasn’t his.
He ran his tongue on my lips, asking for entrance and I let him.
Our tongues met and he deepened the kiss. I went from being sad to horny and sad.
Noel laid me on my bed, him on top of me, still kissing me, his hands roaming over my body. He was so tender. One of my hands went in his hair and the other went caressing his back.
Then his hands tugged at my pyjama, which was only an oversized shirt.
I pushed him a little bit and unbuttoned it. I wanted him. He wanted me. Maybe was it a mistake to do this now, but in truth, I never thought it was one.
Noel put his lips on my neck, kissing it and made me shiver. God, his kisses were everything. They then slid to my still covered breasts.
He pushed aside the edges of my shirt so that he could see them, my top being now exposed to him, the only remaining fabric being my undies.
Noel was in awe. And he didn’t know what to do with them, which made him as nervous as I was.
Are ye sure ye want this? He asked
Yes Noely. I want this. But…
I… I’ve never done this before. I answered
Me neither. He answered, smiling
Good, we now knew that we were two horny, virgin teenagers, who wanted each other.
Noel seemed lost, so I helped him by kissing him passionately.
I tugged at his jeans at the same time, indicating him to take these off.
He got the message and stood up. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped them before stepping out of them. Meanwhile, I took off my shirt and stepped back on the bed to rest my head on my pillow. Noel came back on top of me, kissing me again. He grinded on my clothed womanhood, making me whimper at the sensation.
Noel was hesitant. His fingers were tugging at my undies but didn’t dare to touch my womanhood as if I would change my mind. But I was sure. I grabbed his hand and put it on the hem of these to show him he could take them off me and touch me the way we both wanted.
He didn’t hesitate anymore and slid them off. The second after, he was looking at me, naked under him.
Yer so perfect… He whispered
I blushed. I was ready but couldn’t get enough of his lips on mine.
Please, kiss me more.
And like this, he was back on me, trembling and dry humping me.
I could feel his clothed member twitch against my thigh.
Came the moment where I started feeling like I couldn’t take the tension anymore.
My hands slid under his boxers, touching his ass. I started sliding them down and he got the message again.
He got up and took them off, also leaving him bare in front of me.
He blushed at his turn and sat on the bed.
Are you okay? I asked
Yea, I’m just nervous, me.
Me too, but hey, it’s okay!
I kissed him again to reassure him and slowly guided him on top of me again, between my legs.
He started grinding against me again, precum leaking out of his member and getting wet with my juices.
The friction was driving me crazy; my clit being stimulated in the process.
Can I? Noel asked, wanting to take things further
Yes, go slow at first please.
Of course.
He entered me slowly, all trembling, centimetre by centimetre until he was fully inside me.
Fuck… yer so tight…
It hurt a lot. It stung. And Noel saw it.
Are ye okay?
Will be. Just give me a minute before moving, okay?
Yea, I need a minute too or I’m going to explode.
We both were a trembling mess, nervous but so wanting and excited.
I finally nodded to indicate him to move, and he put his lips on mine, kissing me while starting thrusting in me.
It still hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable. It even was pleasant. This sensation of being filled up while it still stung a bit was pleasant.
Noel started groaning lowly. He wouldn’t last long.
His hand grabbed mine, squeezing it, his lips still staying on mine. It was so tender.
Yes Y/N?
You can move a little faster if you want.
Alright, but I’m not sure I’m gonna last.
It’s okay…
He sped up his movements, causing me to start whimpering. It started to feel good.
Fuck Y/N… He moaned
My free hand came wandering on his body, ending up in his hair.
I would not know what an orgasm was yet, but I would know what letting go is.
I let myself melt under his touch and I started moaning lowly for how pleasurable it started to be.
My insides accidentally convulsed around Noel’s shaft. He stopped kissing me and looked me in the eyes.
My face was showing signs of pleasure and it drove him crazy. I felt his hand squeeze mine harder and he bit my shoulder, muffling his grunts. He pulled out at the same time and spilled himself on my stomach. It had lasted only 5 minutes, but these were the first best moments of my life. These 5 minutes that changed my life and our relationship. But I didn’t know it yet.
Noel collapsed on top of me as I left kisses on his forehead.
Soz but we had no condom… He said, out of breath
It’s okay, I don’t mind Noely.
He looked at me and kissed me again before getting up and grabbing my shirt to clean our mess or more like his mess on my stomach before leaving a kiss there and laying next to me, taking me in his arms, as we let ourselves fall into Morpheus arms.
November 23rd, 1983:
I woke up at 9am, alone in my bed, Noel was gone.
He hadn’t left a word or anything.
I was sore from the night before, and suddenly, I remember wat happened. Noel and I had sex the night before. We had been each other’s first. Something that wasn’t planned. Because we weren’t dating, right?
But I didn’t regret anything. I was scared Noel might. I did as nothing happened the whole morning.
At 2pm, having no signs of Noel when we were supposed to go to The Smiths gig, I started to worry. So I called.
Hello? I heard a feminine voice answer
Peggy? It’s Y/N.
Oh hello me beautiful Y/N, how are ye?
I’m fine, it’s you I should ask.
I’m good, thank ye.
Is…Is Noel here?
No, he went camping with Liam until tomorrow.
Okay… can you tell him I called when he’ll be back, please?
Of course. See ye Y/N.
See ya.
Yeah, I wasn’t happy and cool about it. Firstly, Noel let me down and there was no way he could have forgotten about the gig. And secondly, I felt like Noel regretted what we had done and would never speak to me again.
During a whole month, I had no news from him, until Paul called me.
December 31st 1983:
Having no news from the most important person in my life after my parents was hurting me. And there was worse. I understood a few days after what happened that I was falling in love with Noel.
But all of this was probably over. I tried to overcome this by trying to make me think about something else with books and music. It was New Year’s Eve and for the first time in years, I had nothing planned, or so I thought.
Y/N, phone call! My father shouted
I thought he was the one calling, so I literally ran downstairs.
Hi Y/N, it’s Paul.
I was a bit disappointed but tried to hide it.
Oh hey Paul!
Have ye anything planned tonight? I’m soz for being late to propose but our kid and I are organizing a little party tonight, do ye want to come?
Huh, yeah, of course!
Noel will be there. I know ye haven’t seen each other for a few and I think that’s a bad thing so…
Okay. Do I have to bring something?
Just a few bottles if ye can, we have the rest.
I’ll be there.
At 6pm, I put on my favourite blue night dress, some make up, a faux-fur coat, some boots, took a full bottle I had under my bed, my pack of cigarettes and left for the party.
When I arrived, I saw everyone but Noel. And when he arrived and saw me, he totally avoided me.
I didn’t understand, we didn’t do anything wrong.
By 11pm, everyone was having fun when I was sat on a chair, tipsy, and had no trace of Noel. So I went outside, smoking cigarettes on cigarettes.
By 11:55, someone opened the door and joined me. Here he was, standing in front of me. He hesitated.
Hi… he started
Hi… I pursued
Can…Can I sit with ye?
Yes. I even think you should.
I know. We have to…
Talk? Yeah.
He sat next to me, lighting a cigarette, and taking a puff before blowing smoke in the cold humid air.
Why Noel? I asked
I needed to think.
About what happened? Noel, if you think I regret it, I don’t and I loved it. If it had to happen again, I would let the exact same thing happen.
I don’t regret it either and I loved it too.
Then what’s the fucking problem?
I…I feel like ye won’t feel the same way but…
I realized I love ye Y/N.
I was stunned, we felt the same.
And yer not saying anything so not hard to guess ye don’t and I fucked up.
You’re wrong, you didn’t. I feel the same Noely. For the last month I realized this too. I thought you regretted what happened and that you never wanted to see me ever again.
Oh no Y/N, the past month I couldn’t stop thinking about yer lips on mine, how I held ye tight when we slept, how I loved being inside ye and making love to ye. How I always want to spend time with ye. I mean it Y/N, I love ye.
We heard the others inside start counting down the countdown, 1984 was about to begin.
Okay, fer 1984, I want ye to be me girlfriend and I’ll start it by kissing ye.
Okay then 4…3…2…1…
And Noel crushed his lips on mine, deepening the kiss by letting his tongue dance with mine.
And when we separated, he looked at me, smiling like an idiot.
Happy new year Noely.
Happy new year, me lovely girlfriend.
And as soon as his sentence was over, the fireworks started lighting the sky, and we watched it, hand in hand.
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nsomniacsdream · 2 years
I'm on the cusp of 40 and here's all the wisdom I've figured out.
1. Sometimes you need to just sit quietly. Cup of tea or whatever, blanket wrapped around you and just breathe for awhile.
2. Everyone is insane, to a different degree. The human mind is complex on the level of galaxies, but you will never convince some people that child abuse is wrong because that would mean their mom, who they love, did a bad thing.
3. If you try to convince someone of something, and you try your best (sources, citations, studies) and they still don't change their mind, you can stop trying. Seriously, either someone is capable of changing their mind or they're not, there isn't a whole lot of in between.
4. Mayo goes on the bread, mustard goes between the meat and the cheese. It doesn't make a huge difference, but its the right way to do it.
5. People cannot help themselves from showing you who they really are. Seriously, no one can keep up a charade on the order of months and years. There will be "red flags", and you'll ignore them because you've decided they're not like that, but they are.
6. There is vanishingly little you can do on a global stage. Unless you were born very rich. Focus local, make whatever small changes you can locally, and hope enough people can change their locale that the effect is global. If you try too big, you're just gonna drive yourself crazy.
7. This is a really hard one: stay calm. It can be really hard when someone gets up in your face yelling about shit, calling you names, but understand: you losing your cool doesn't help, and its giving them what they want.
8. Keep physical copies of the really important things and get a fireproof lockbox. Birth certs, wedding photos. Tech fails ALL the fucking time, seriously. You're gonna plug in that memory stick one day and it's gonna say files corrupted.
9. Bad thoughts are fine until you act on them. Your brain is built on the same chassis as a crocodile, sometimes you will think about violence.
10. American politics is stupid to the point of laughability, but you still have to be involved. Make sure you vote, if only for the peace of mind that comes with knowing you did it.
11. Most salespeople hate their job. It is not too controversial to say that sales is literally the worst. Like in a "this is actively holding back humanity" sort of way. Don't get mad at them personally, but also understand that they are paid to lie to you. Even the true things they say are lies because they're using them to trick you. Do. Not. Listen. To. Salespeople.
11b. That used car was not driven only on Sundays by a little old lady. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. It was a car some rich kid got for his 16th birthday and he did considerable damage to the transmission, but you won't find that out until just after the lemon law lapses.
12. Be kind, but know that nice is not the same as kind. Nice is often a mask for just the worst people, kind is something rarer and so fucking wonderful when you find it. Hold on to those people.
13.if you find a really fucking good local restaurant, tell EVERYBODY. Those places are like tripping over a huge diamond at random, and so many of them go out of business before they really catch on.
14. Find fun where you can. It's hard out here, and if playing video games, or tabletops, or flower arranging or whatever! makes you happy? Do it.
15. Be nice to dogs.
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leffee · 1 year
I'd love to hear your lps headcanons if your up to share them 🥺🧡
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Okay, so, uh, I didn't actually expect one person to want to hear my shit but now tthere arethree who do (the third one commented hence there's no screenshot of their question but you know who you are) and I am elated but also intimidated. Anyway
As I said before most of them are for Vinnie the beloved, but I will definitely sprinkle other characters in there as well. And third! I basically pulled most of those headcanons out of my ass and they have nothing to do with canon, but seriously, a lot of them I thought of years ago and just kept adding stuff or changing and transforming, borrowing from other characters, projecting until it became an absolute mess. Seriously, this. is. a. mess. Stars help us all.
Ah, and something that I definitely should have mentioned before, most of those are for human au. If possible feel free to take them as if they are for the normal one in which everyone is pets as we know them, but in others, you just won't be able.
Oh, and Vinnie's my favourite character and you know what we do with favourite characters. That's right, I'm gonna fucking give him trauma. Let us commence forth:
let's start with something easy, if we're talking about a universe where people aren't born with colorful hair (basically anime) then his natural hair color is definitely ginger
speaking of his hair, it's long, like, waist-long, but obviously, you can't see itnormallyy in that beautiful pompadour of his, and he takes great care of not letting anyone see that (don't ask how that is supposed to work, I don't know)
he's so so flexible, for example he could do most yoga poses without trying too hard
oh, he's tiny, approximately 5'2" but Russell is also approximately that height and they do argue about it sometimes, each trying to prove that they are in fact taller. They tried so many methods and did official measuring at so many doctor's offices, but the results are always different with that minimal difference which once deems Russell taller and the other time it's Vinnie, so they just continue while Sunil is just a witness to it all, standing there in his tall glory, and one day Penny whispered to him, "They know they're basically fighting over the last place, right?"
he's not genuinely angry or irritated often, but when he is, oh stars he's scary like holy crap and everyone is very much aware of it
he's fairly good at video games, nothing that crazy, but just quite good
also, he's naturally really pale, close to looking sickly pale, but this is just his normal complexion
he's from Italy, Padua to be more exact, however, when he was around 4 he, his sister, and his mother moved to the States so he barely has any memory of it. What he does however have is bilinguality. Yup, he speaks both Italian and English, though obviously doesn't really have that many occasions to speak Italian now
he has vasovagal syncope to needles
oh yeah, he has an older sister whose name is Stephanie and she soaked up all the height genes, like bro
his mother is just a horrible, emotionally abusive person and more and I could talk about her alone for so long but let's stop here for now, also her name is Diana
listen, listen, he has abandonment anxiety and that actually kinda makes sense even in canon but only kinda
he and Penny are such good friends, not quite as good as he and Sunil but still good, and Penny is so affectionate to him, I mean, in general too but whatever they love each other (one is more open about it than the other ehehe)
he has quite an amazing pain tolerance, not naturally though, but he is clumsy and he did break his bones so many times he basically got used to it
I can't decide what age I want to give him but I'd say something between 19 and 25, although sometimes I'm like "Yup, 35 :D"
my boy doesn't like coffee all that much unless it's iced coffee, that he could drink in gallons, he likes energy drinks too
he has so. many. freckles all over his body, mainly on his face and shoulders, sure, but still pretty much everywhere, more or less
he has a tiniest tiny itsy bitsy big obsession with his hair and has so many hair products and will feel genuinely deflated if he has to, for whatever reason, skip his routine of using them
he and Pepper are such silly goofy friends :D they do the stupidest, goofiestiest shit together and on internet chats (discord, basically) they talk in such incoherent memes' language only they can understand it
and don't even get me started on him and Minka, they're kinda like him and Pepper but more wholesome??? They also have this running joke of "being married"
he's allergic to raspberries
he has so many leg warmers, the boy is always cold, you know?
he either doesn't sleep throughout the whole night or sleeps for 12 hours, there's no in-between
Yeah, this isn't even close to all my headcanons but I figured I would stop here. I have so, so many more, like, I didn't even touch the shipping for Vinnie or anyone else for that matter (Vinnil, anyone? Others too). I also wanted to sort of color code those headcanons cause there are differentkindsa of, some Iliterallyy pulled out of my ass, others are somewhat related to canon, and few are based on some fanfics, and more, however, I figured that it would look like an absolute mess if I did it.
I could literally expand on any of those headcanons, some more some less (if someone would be curious ahaha, I could write you an essay), but bold of you to assume that I don't have a whole backstory developed for my boy. I do, and it's long. Also has different versions too because I couldn't just settle for one hence all this is so messy. And I didn't even really show that trauma part too much, but honestly, this is mostly in that backstory aspect. I don't know what else to tell you, but I have so much more and whether you, the person reading it, end up liking it or not, thank you for giving me that possibility of sharing my cringe. And I know I fangirled over Vinnie but I swear I love all of the pets, or humans in this case, you know what I mean.
He's just THE blorbo
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n04hw4sg4y · 2 years
I feel like Mike gets way too much hate, so here is this, that I've been thinking about.
Season 1: His literal best friend goes missing, he does everything he can to find him, including letting a random girl from the woods stay in his house because he thinks she can help him find Will. Then he finds out he is dead. He refuses to believe it and continues searching no matter what. He has to cope with the revelation that an entire different fucking dimension exists, and that Demogorgons are real. He even has to run away form them. Oh! He also has to run away from a weird organization to hide the strange girl. He thinks he might like the strange girl. Oh shit, she vanishes in front of his eyes while fighting a fucking monster. At least he has his best friend back, right!!
Season 2: Yeah, no. His best friend has all these weird visions of the alternate dimension he was stuck in for a week. At least they're crazy together :). Yeah well, in one of those visions his best friend gets infiltrated by a fucking big ass mind flayer shadow monster. They discover weird underground tunnels in hawkins. They try to burn them because they're from the alternate dimension. Ah shit, his best friend is burning too. So they're connected. They try to find out what is going on with Will. He seems to be getting worse and worse, his memory dwindling. His best friend finds a solution. Oh shit, the mind flayer is spying back, the solution is a trap. No one believes him. The entire lab gets infiltrated by Demodogs, his best friend is completely possessed and he has to listen to him screaming as his mom sedates him. They somehow make it out of the lab. They have to get info out of Will, so he has to talk to his possessed friend to get that info. Ah shit, they're running away again. Oh, did i mention? The girl he's been trying to contact for like half a year, after seeing her vanish, has lived the whole time and was being kept hidden. Shit happens. They manage to get the mind flayer out of Will, and El closes the gate. Cool!!
I am not about to do Season 3 and 4 too, you get the point. Mike has spent years having to constantly worry about not only him dying, but also the people around him. Especially the two people who he loves most. His best friend who he possibly is in love with, and his girlfriend, who he's been through so much with. And he can do nothing. He tries to help, but truly, he can't. They don't need him. So he is left to worry that they both will eventually realize that they don't, and leave him. Mike Wheeler is a helpless 15 year old, who has a shit ton of trauma. Who has to also deal with his feelings for his girlfriend and his best friend. He pushes people away, so they don't do it to him first.
Stop acting like Mike is a monster. He is dealing with a lot, and his worst fears are coming true over and over again. The people he loves are constantly in danger, and they don't need him. They can do it on their own. All he wants is to protect them, and he can't even do that.
Also, he most likely has an insane amount of internalized homophobia.
The way he acts in season 4 comes from that. From that fear of losing people. From that fear of them being in danger. From that confusion of his own feelings. From all that trauma. No one cares bout any of it.
Mike Wheeler, I love you, and I think you're great.
I've done this all from memory so some parts might be wrong, but I think my point is clear.
And yes, this does not excuse the fact that he treats Will badly. That he pushes him away and ignores him. But I think he does because he loves him, and is scared. He does because he just wants to feel normal, to live normal. He does it because when he has a break from worrying about everything, he doesn't know what to do with himself. Who to pay attention to. His brain functions on the thought "Pay attention to whoever is in danger." And when neither Will or Eleven are in danger, he's confused. Plus again, Eleven is his safety. Through her he can pretend that he is straight. And he cares a lot about her. So maybe he also misinterprets these feelings as romantic when he's platonically attached.
Idk, I have a lot of thoughts on him, and I'm not sure if any of this made sense, but I felt like it needed to be said. I will defend Mike Wheeler always.
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harrison-abbott · 1 year
Tommy & Jake
Tommy’s sister had asked him to sit her son, Tommy’s nephew, again. The nephew was called Jake. And Tommy had always found him a little brat. Just a mean kid. Spoiled. (His sister was rich.) And Tommy had never liked his brother-in-law either, who worked for some famous corporation in the gaudy city centre. He’d only pretended to like Jake and his brother in law because that was his sister’s family. And for the past half a decade he got the strong impression that his sister thought Tommy was increasingly beneath her, because he earned less, and did not have his own family. Tommy didn’t even have a girlfriend. Whenever he spoke to his sister on the phone, which wasn’t too often, she asked him why he was still single. Tommy said he didn’t know.
But that didn’t stop her asking him to sit Jake whenever convenient. Jake was 4. He shouted a lot and forever had a runny nose even though he wasn’t ill and he had this habit of smacking other kids, and adults, too, including Tommy. He did that, today, after Mummy dropped him off at Tommy’s flat. Because Jake didn’t want to be there. Tommy had set Jake up with a few bowls of crisps and sweets and pop to try and keep him satisfied, and stuck a show on Netflix to glue his brain. This backfired, because Jake went psychopathic after gorging the junk food. Then got bored with the Netflix show. Jake had only been there for three hours. He kept hollering at the TV. “I don’t like this show, Uncle Tom! I don’t want to watch this crap.” Tommy was trying to read the newspaper. “So what do you want to watch instead, Jake?” – “I don’t know. Don’t knowwwwwwww. Fuck’s sake.” It was weird to hear a four year old swear. And Tommy was about to challenge him; but Tommy was a meek meek meek man and he knew that if he scolded the boy, Jake would snitch him out to his mother, and Tommy’s sister would go crazy at him. Tommy found a Marvel film instead for Jake to watch. One o’ those hyper modern numbers with lots of famous names and this bizarre sense of encyclopaedic action, with explosions and lots of superhuman skills.
Jake was occupied by the film. Shut him up, for a while. Or so thought. Until Tommy went back into the kitchen. Where Jake was terrorizing the cat. Tommy’s cat. “Jake! What are you doing?” Jake smiled when he turned around to him. He was holding the pillow over the cat’s head on the couch and the cat groaned and squirmed underneath. Tommy darted over. He blushed on the way. And yoinked the pillow off of his pet. [She scuttled away and zoomed out of the room.]
“You can’t do that to animals, Jake!” Tommy cried, all strawberry jam in the cheeks. Jake laughed. “Don’t laugh, either, Jake.” And Jake hit him. Tommy – his uncle – punched him on the leg. Tommy blinked. And wondered what to do. He really wanted to whack this little shit right in the head. But he resisted the urge. And calmed himself down.
Tommy went into the kitchen and got a beer, opened it. And then he got his retro iPod out and jacked his headphones in and listened to some 1970s rock and read the rest of the newspaper. Jake came into the kitchen a whiles later, whilst Tommy was doing the crossword. Jake wanted his attention: Tommy just ignored him. The kid might’ve made further noise, but Tommy wasn’t listening anymore.
He finished off further beers until his sister came over in the early evening to pick Jake up. Tommy told her he was never sitting her son again. She got angry. Tommy shut the door in her face. And ignored her phonecalls in the coming days. And resumed watching football, reading books and looking after his cat.
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jodilin65 · 34 years
SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1990 Last night I was over to Andy’s for a few hours watching TV and listening to tapes, and I’ve finally finished all my editing!! I edited all those phone calls with us crossing people, and with Fran and Nervous arguing, amongst a lot of other shit. I’m also gonna continue to work on the funny edits. What I mean by the “funny edits,” is when I take either one word or a quick sentence that’s funny, such as Nervo swearing or getting Nervous. Or Andy, Fran or myself saying something funny, and taping it over and over a few times so it sounds like a broken record. It’s totally hilarious. I don’t think I ever wrote about this before.
Currently, I have someone on the phone, who’s been on now for well over an hour, of course, not saying anything, so I’ve played them the edits and other shit over the phone. I wonder if they’re still listening or if they fell asleep.
TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1990 I’ll try to write as much as I can about happy things, but right now I don’t feel too cool. I’m lonely, I guess, and the usual battle with smoking is driving me crazy. I feel I’ll never be able to quit, and my asthma and constant congestion are a nightmare! It’s really scaring me. Oh well. Whatever’s meant to be will be no matter what I do or don’t do.
Saturday I get paid and I’m swamped with fucking bills! There are things I need and want that I’ll never be able to get for a very long time.
Yes, I really do want to move to CT and get the fuck outa this city, but I’ll miss my friends and neighbors.
I had a really good session today with Martha. I’m starting to feel more comfortable with her, although I still miss Trisha. Martha sure is one hell of an attractive lady.
MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1990 Yesterday I slept all day and woke up at 9:00 last night. When I awoke I saw that Jai was back so we talked a while then walked up to Lil’ Peach on Belmont, came back, talked a little more, then Jai went to bed.
Last night I knocked on Steve’s door, but I guess he was asleep. Earlier he had sounded as though he was upset about something.
Andy and I made phone calls last night till 3:00, and I’m staying up till after therapy.
I never did write about what happened with me and Kacey, or about this girl Stacey.
Well, I didn’t fuck Kacey over and she never fucked me over, but we got scared off of one another cuz we’re so used to being alone, and I guess Kacey wasn’t quite ready and her feelings weren’t that strong for me. I definitely know, though, it was more than just sexual, but I also know she never quite got over this girl Angie that she was with for 4 years.
I also think it was God once again having me dumped by one of the decent ones cuz love just wasn’t meant to be for me. Never has been, never will be. I will never, and I repeat never, get involved again cuz it’s just not worth it and I do like to be alone 80% of the time.
I’ll write about Stacey later.
I am now at CC. I have 20 more minutes till I see Martha.
Linda S just walked by, and I get so embarrassed every time she does cuz of the phone calls I made to her about a year ago. I don’t know if I wrote about it, but I called and hit on her. At first, she didn’t know who the hell I was, but then she recognized my voice.
I’m starting to get pretty tired. I just want to go home and climb into bed, but first I’m gonna call Stacey and have a word with her, and eventually, I’ll write about her. I also have to call John, too.
SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1990 Right now I am on the phone with Andy making prank phone calls.
Last night I was over at Steve’s and finally fell asleep at 7:30. Then at noon, there was a car accident on Locust St. No one was hurt, but I never went back to sleep so I went down to the store and hung out for about 3 hours and played cards with Louis.
Before I went to the store I talked to John who just got back from Daytona Beach and sounded in a great mood and revived. He needed that vacation.
I’m gonna go listen to music then try to get some sleep. I’m just totally exhausted. Andy’s still gonna be up all night making calls so I told him he could leave them on my machine. He’s got 30 minutes’ worth of tape. He’ll have a field day.
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1990 After I came back from grocery shopping with Andy, I ate dinner and went across to Steve’s and gave him some tips on all kinds of stuff such as hair, makeup and nails, and even filed and buffed his nails which he really liked. Then we showed each other pictures from photo albums.
In a little over 21 hours, I’ve had about 5 cigarettes and he’s had maybe 3. I’m really not craving one that bad either, and those 5 that I had were 98% psychological. I think my mind is smart enough and strong enough now to hopefully get up the willpower cuz my lungs and nose are worsening by the day and as time goes on you get madder and madder at feeling so lousy. And then there’s my singing to worry about too, and saving money, gaining weight, and getting a better complexion and blood circulation. It’s amazing how much time it’s been taking too, to realize my price for smoking and that it’s no joke anymore when one day your lungs say, “I can’t take this anymore! Quit!” But then again, I’m not surprised, as it took me years to wean my way off the Navane. Years ago, I never thought I could stop cutting my wrists or that I’d ever make so many personal strides, except for my temper. The only thing I know that can never be is a loving relationship with a woman. As for a baby, I don’t know yet. I do hope so, but that’ll probably never happen either.
THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1990 I woke up right before my show, watched that, took a shower and went out with Andy for a little while.
John R, this undercover cop I know, who’s also a security guard at Mercy Hospital where we met, is back from vacation. He left a message on my machine yesterday afternoon before I woke up. I’ve known him for a little more than 3 years.
One day I was at the little variety store down the end of Locust, and the guy there, Louis, who’s super nice and lots of fun to work with, hired me. I’ve only worked about 3 days so far cuz I’m waiting for him to leave so I can take over his hours managing the store alone. So basically, those 3 days I worked were just to get me familiar with the store which is very tiny.
Gloria’s in the hospital with a broken vertebrate cuz a huge truck rammed her tour bus in the rear on a snowy road in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I guess she was on her way to Syracuse, New York. That poor girl. I love her so much and I feel so bad for her. I mean, this woman has so much class and is so respected that it doesn’t seem fair. Emilio got a head injury and Nayib broke his collarbone but they’ve been released from the hospital. Gloria’s received tons of phone calls and cards and flowers and I heard that President Bush came to see her.
In about 20 minutes me and Andy are going grocery shopping at Super Stop & Shop on Boston Rd.
Steve called from work which was so sweet of him. Last night we had a great conversation and we’re both trying to quit smoking together. Since 7:30 yesterday morning, he’s had one which he said made him feel so dizzy he put it out, and since 7:30 yesterday morning I’ve had two and they made me feel like shit so we’re both gonna keep trying to just take one day at a time. Steve said he’s gonna quit regardless of people smoking in front of him.
Steve is a pretty positive and supportive person who doesn’t try to knock down people’s self-esteem.
Earlier I fed George, Jai’s cat. Jai’s in Virginia visiting Jenny. He’ll be back Sunday. Jai and Jenny are also the sweetest people.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1990 It’s been 40 days since I’ve written, and I know I should write every day to keep updated and so I don’t forget anything, whether it’s important or not. If I write on a daily basis I can write not only the important things but also little details too. And the little details may not seem so important now, but someday, after a long time has gone by and I look back on this stuff, I may see things differently.
I am working now down the street at a little variety store/Laundromat called Rub-a-Dub. Of course, it’s in the daytime and it’s under the table at $3.50 an hour, but shit pay’s better than no pay. I wasn’t working today but I stopped in to get some candy bars and some “Lucy’s,” which is when you buy just 3 cigarettes.
Also, I left this journal last Monday in Martha’s office, so I stopped in to pick it up (I wonder how much of this she read). Martha looked great.
Andy drove me today and he had errands to do too, such as stopping at welfare for an hour, then cashing his check.
I’m gonna drop off to sleep, but first I have to go set the VCR for Unsolved Mysteries.
0 notes
how-to-do-it-better · 2 months
Wild Pregnancy Sex
 Weird Hormones and suppressed fetishes can make expecting, a delight.
By various parents. Listen to the podcast at How To Sex.
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A young and frisky married couple is contemplating having a baby. They’re seeking advice on lots of things, but the question that came to us is;
“What is sex like, during pregnancy and after?
Some details are straight-forward and answers are easy. Like;
It’s rare for an obstetrician to recommend any limits on sexual intercourse, and in those rare situations, Couples can utilize their other means of sexually satisfying each other’s cravings.
What a medical professional can’t tell you, is how your morning sickness and late term discomfort will take a toll on your libido. And then there are other hang-ups, like knowing your child is fractions of an inch from where daddy’s parts are rubbing mommy’s parts.
Pregnancy does amazing things to a woman’s complexion, and bustline. That usually draws her man’s attention. But the last weeks of pregnancy have common discomforts. But after delivery, her vagina needs a break for about 6 weeks.  Couples sometimes have to put effort into getting back in the grove of sexual intimacy, only this time a baby can interrupt anything.
So it’s especially important to have great sex before a seasonal post-partum drought hits your sex life.
Well, we’re going to give you lots of perspectives, for couples who’ve been through this unique phase. Enjoy! Here’s what some experienced folks said;
First trimester it sucked. I was chronically sick, didn’t feel sexy, couldn’t orgasm , it was horrible. Second trimester a switch flipped , my vagina became engorged with blood , I feel tighter , hornier , wetter. I want my man now. I’m just blessed I have a homey who goes through this crazy cycle with me because now it feels so good and I can’t get enough of him but the first trimester sucked
 Fun. It forced my wife and me to explore a lot of new positions and techniques. I also got a lot better at oral because toward the end of pregnancy that was the easiest way for her to have an orgasm due to being limited to only a few positions.
 With my first pregnancy it was great. I wanted to do it a lot of the time and could climax with just penetration what until that point had never happened before. Eventually, by week 34, PGP kicked in and there was nothing until 6-8 weeks after my c-section.
My third pregnancy was the opposite, I had severe morning sickness/nausea till week 15-16, then hardly had any sex drive till week 25 when I had a persistant pelvic pain and it was physically impossible to do it anymore. I can count on one hand how many times we had sex between finding out I was pregnant at 3 weeks gestation till 20 weeks after my c-section.
Complete Honesty
 When my woman was pregnant - it was top tier sex. I Would recommend, if you’re partner is down for it!
Raven heart
 I was in the mood all the time with all 5 of my pregnancies. The drawback is, after I had each one; my libido went on an extended vacation for a years or so, so I’d have to fake it, fake interest, fake the orgasms, all of it.
Then with pregnancies 4 and 5, each orgasm would cause my uterus to contract, even at 6 weeks pregnant it happened, making me not really want the orgasms. Odd shit
boys mom
 I was in Japan for much of the pregnancy of our first son. I was home for our 2nd son’s pregnancy. I think I'd rather have been back in Japan! The wifey was insatiable! Monday thru Friday, at 5am, wham bam thank you ma'am!
5 Pm, wham bam thank you ma'am. On the weekends, it was thrice per day. Same with our third, a baby girl!
done good
 I Dunno. I guess I was too gross for my hubby to even want it. He never tried. But the do-it-yourself release was epic.
 It was Tiring when she got a high sex drive spell. Oh, God! She had a honey spell for a whole week. I was right tired all week
Prairie Chocolate
 Didn’t have it, husband stayed the fuck away from me, we only did it a few times during pregnancy and it was awful, especially at the end when trying to go into labor, I felt like a beached whale
Creep in cupcake
 Best sex of our marriage, her sex drive finally matched mine, she gets a little thicker, her breast are engorged and plump, and I could leave it in and fall asleep. Its probably why we had 4 kids, now that I think about it.
Definition Primary
 Once I hit the second trimester, I was a total horn dog!
 Pretty bad honestly. We tried once or twice but I had this mental block that I could hurt her or the baby, even though I know it's very unlikely. Some people have a pregnancy fetish or aren't bothered by it at all; but I'm not one of those people. Made me feel super guilty whenever my wife was horny.
 Some of the best sex I’ve had. The only time I’ve ever gushed.
spagooter and mash
 My wife and I were going at it constantly, almost every day!
 My libido is a little higher. Although during the later months of pregnancy some positions are off the table.
Boog Tot
 You can nut in her as much as you want!
 Much, much better until that last trimester. Then it was a struggle, uncomfortable, and orgasms gave me terrible Braxton hicks. But yeah, for those first two trimesters; cannot get enough.
almost always except
 Wife is pregnant with twins. She's more horny than she's ever been. Amazing sex!
mario z
 It Depends.
With the First pregnancy, first trimester sucked, second one was great, third, I was horny as hell but sex hurt so bad. So I basically kept dragging my husband into the bedroom, convincing him I would be ok, and then regretting it once we started .
With the Second pregnancy, first trimester was ok, but second and third were phenomenal. I dunno what happened, but all the stars aligned and my libido was only beaten by my newfound sensitivity. Husband had a blast too.
Goose G
 Unfortunately, almost non-existent with my partner. Lots of masturbation
One Curious Yogi
 The positions were hard but it honestly feels so much better after I got pregnant and had the baby.
Couldn't understand what the hype was about before.
Not that it didn't feel good before either, just wasn't nearly as good as it is now.
Flat worm
 Absolutely best! She had this extra blood flow down there and as a result all the labia and all that were way more puffy than usual. The sensation was phenomenal!
mg macius
 Non existent. He refused to do it.
And then would lay next to me when he thought I was asleep and jerk off.
I was so huge I couldn't even touch myself so I was just miserable both pregnancies.
 My wife is always really shy and would tell me the next day that she wanted to wake me up in the middle of the night and make love. I kept saying “why didn’t you?”
mighty jor
 It was great, and I swear having sex like every day, or every other day throughout the pregnancy, is what kept me from having any tearing when I gave birth both times.
 Until the last two weeks before I gave birth, then it got super painful so we had to stop then. But otherwise it’s wonderful. I also was not a squirter before I ever got pregnant. And then after I got pregnant with my first baby, I started squirting and I’m thankful that was something that stuck around after the pregnancy.
 I loved it. I already like curvy women which my wife is. So all the extra curves that come with pregnancy, drove me wild. Super sweet as well.
norml enough
 I considered myself to have a higher-than-average sex drive prior to pregnancy, so my husband and I were curious just how horny I’d be once I was pregnant given what I’d heard from other women.
Turns out: not horny at all. Libido went back to baseline within a month postpartum, thank god, but I had less than no interest in sex during pregnancy. My husband also thought my pregnant body was super sexy, so that was a pretty big bummer for him
c dubs b
 During my wife's first pregnancy, I wanted nothing to do with it once she got a bigger belly, not because she wasn't attractive, more just fear. She basically had to pin me down a few times and beg me to do it.
tim 28
 I always felt like I had to pee. Even if I just peed. It’s like my bladder was being squeezed from both sides. Honestly not ideal.
Human 420
 From a man’s perspective; it was weird, but for some reason my woman was 10 times more beautiful when she was pregnant, almost like her skin had a certain glow, hard to explain.
 I was very happy about becoming a father, but regarding sex; I wasn't exactly thrilled all the time, when she wanted it.
 But with her hormones going amok i didn't mind too much, plus getting her to the point of orgasm was a lot easier when she wasn't pregnant. I barely had to do anything.
Well Okay
 I was super horny during my third pregnancy. Around month 3-4 we were going at it and I started bleeding. After a call into the doc she said get to the er and get checked out. They did an internal ultrasound and it took forever to find the heartbeat. We thought we’d lost the baby. It traumatized my husband a lot. They found the heartbeat thankfully and all was well, but we had to take a break from sex for a while.
Once I was given the all clear to go ahead again by my doctor, husband didn’t want to have sex at all during pregnancy. The final 5 months of pregnancy and the 6-8 weeks after, waiting for my post-partum check-up and birth control to kick in was fucking torture for me.
It took a year and a half after she was born to get our sex routine back to normal.
 Yea, my wife was super horny all the time. While it was awesome, it actually almost broke my penis. I had to ask my Commanding Officer if we were going to the field anytime soon, so I could give my Peter a rest.
I was gone two weeks for field exercises, (I’m a Marine) worst mistake of my life.
 She jumped my bones not even 10 secs into getting home from 2 weeks out in the desert of California. I had to wrestle her off me so I could at least go shower first. She joined me in the shower.
Then I didn't get any electrolytes for the next 6 hrs. My tummy was rumbling, and she didn't care. I swear by the next morning I looked like a corpse.
Don’t let a heavy pregnant woman ride cowgirl at high-speed, bucking bronco fury! One slip on the drop and Peter goes to E R.
Papa Marine
 It varied each pregnancy. We had amazing ones with lots of orgasms.
And one pregnancy where it hurt literally so bad that we had to stop doing it all together, for like 4 months in a row!
Oh, and in the end, I had one position; the ‘stranded whale’ position. Ya know, where you’re so big you can’t do any positions other than looking like a stranded whale!
 My ex-wife was not interested in sex while pregnant with both of our kids.
After a while she just wasn’t into sex at all; So maybe it wasn’t the pregnancy’s fault?
I think I could count the times we had pregnant sex on one hand. I took care of myself a lot during that time.
I’m not trying to get anyone else pregnant, these days
 I ended up with an even higher sex drive than usual. Amazing until I got to 36 weeks; and then overnight, everything got so uncomfortable, it became a complete impossibility to have penatrative sex.
 First pregnancy my wife was super horny and I wasn't really. Second pregnancy was the opposite.
Sad story.
 I’m currently 7 months along. In my 1st trimester, I didn’t want much sex because of the nausea.
But from roughly 14 weeks or so to the present, I crave my hubby constantly. The sex is amazing!
I happen to want it more in the middle of the night, or mornings, or both!
Hubby had to set a time limit of acceptable times to wake him up during the night though; so he is able to go back to sleep before work. Which I respect .
Palpitation Future
 My wife was a sex maniac. Plus, I didn't have to pull out before the blast of jizz. Best 9 months of my life!
ian j
 At 39 weeks, I miss sex but I have no drive, which is just as well because the last time we did (like, a month or two ago), it was so uncomfortable I couldn't get there. And I'm even more swollen and sore now.
I can't wait for this to be over, I keep telling the baby, "Get out!"
 It was amazing. Preggo boobs are the best! Pregnancy with my girlfriend enhanced our sex life. Her hormones were all fucked up so she wanted it a lot and I was thinking; “Hey, I don't have to pull out anymore.” Life was good.
 With my first pregnancy, sex was great. The hormones made everything more intense and certain positions worked easily until quite late in the pregnancy.
I was hoping to repeat the experience in my second pregnancy; but having a toddler to care for while growing a second one, made me so tired that my husband barely ever saw me awake after the first kid fell asleep.
 I don't have many memories from my third pregnancy, to be honest.
jan in am
 For some reason my wife wanted it all the time while pregnant. I think more for “I’m still sexy validation than anything.”
 Another thing, sex was fine but her cunt had a different smell, not bad but different. Sorta like I had a ‘fill-in’ sex kitten.
 We're about 6 months along at this point, and my husband hasn't been able to even contemplate sex since we found out. He's a bit over-protective of the fetus. He doesn't like it when I poke my belly because the baby mightn't like that. I'll occassionally admit to him I'm sexually frustrated, and he agrees he is a bit, too. But he just can't. He explains he knows everyone says it's safe, but what if? Would you ever forgive yourself if something happened to the baby because of sex? Just not worth it.
 My wife is pregnant right now. The sex is great other than dodging the baby bump.
Most men find their wife to be just as, or even more beautiful when they are pregnant.
Plus it’s always amazing to not have to, ah, pull out.
 Sucks, to be honest. My orgasms caused immense pain, Braxton Hicks and a very hard stomach from a very angry baby in my uterus.
 Worst thing is, I'm so fucking horny all the time, but I have no interest in dealing with all the suffering during and afterwards.
It's hard to find an angle that doesn't hurt, and the gunk that comes out over the next few days is absolutely disgusting and worrisome.
Plus, I’m too heavy and bulky. I can't find the right position. I get tired and sore too quickly.
Pristine Princess
 My wife was super horny up until 3rd trimester.
5 stars, Product surpassed expectations, service was amazing, and she came faster than expected! Yes, I would reorder, and recommend to others!
 I think we actually triggered labor. I was full term, as it all started about 6 hours post coitus.
I'm sure I read somewhere that women who have had frequent orgasms while pregnant, tend to have more efficient labors, as it gives the uterus a bit of a contraction workout. Not to mention the strengthening of your pelvic floor muscles, to help with labor and the recovery.
 I’m the guy, and my girlfriend is preggers with #2.
Man! Her fucking is absolutely amazing. Her cunt has always been wet, don't get me wrong; but as I'm fucking her now. She will literally spurt her female juices all over me, and the bed. Her orgasms are so much more intense.
 I had zero interest in sex while pregnant. My body honestly didn’t feel like my own, and being pregnant felt terrible for 99% of the pregnancy.
We did it when I was trying to naturally induce labor, but it felt kinda like a chore. My man also felt a little weird about poking baby even though he knows it’s irrational. So neither of us were really revving to go.
hopefully romantic
 With my ex-wife, after the morning sickness passed, we were in the bedroom the moment that I got home from work everyday. Into the 3rd trimester, I couldn’t keep her off of me. Although, I did have to switch my deodorant, because it was making her nauseous.
Sadly, we split up. Now she’s with another guy and in her 2nd pregnancy.
She told me that the guy she’s with won’t touch her. He called her fat and ugly. His loss, I guess.
 My husband just hates preggo sex. it was HELL on us for our first baby. I was ravingly hormonal and my sex drive was insane. and he basically ran and hid whenever he knew i was in the mood, or turned me down. I was distraught a lot.
He never could really explain it; muttered stuff like he didn’t like the belly in the way, or he was not attracted to the shape, or I was heavy.
He admitted that even though he knew it was safe, it was just too weird for him.
I think stress kills his sex drive and he was stressed about becoming a dad in his own nonverbal way. He also flipped out if i mentioned my cervix hurt, or if I had a tiny bit of cervical bleeding from sex, which is normal and not harmful. Despite that we did do it at least once or twice a month, though it was more him grudgingly doing it at my behest, to avoid a fallout.
I was pretty much livid with him all the time and took the whole no sex thing personally, and we fought all the time, mainly with that being the underlying issue.
I was worried it was going to last past pregnancy and that he wouldn’t be able to connect with me as a mother and wife; or worse, not connect with his child.
Anyway, after baby was born, all that stuff didn’t happen, and we got back to having sex 2 weeks after baby was born, and it was good. I had no tears or other trauma, and I pretty much recovered early.
Good luck, if your man has hang-ups like mine did. Maybe buy vibrators and other toys, and tell him about your sexual arousal without him. Show him the monster life-like dildo that fucks your cunt and ask him if his lovely cock is more dangerous than the  monster rubber dildo you’ve been slamming into your cunt every afternoon.
 It almost killed me.
From about three months ,along right up until our daughter was born, my wife was ravenous. Morning and night, weekend nooners, she could not get enough.
 It took all of my strength and will, to barely keep up. I seriously wondered sometimes if I was going to survive it.
Five stars and would recommend! I would choose death by cowgirl, all over again.
punks mostly dead
 During my first pregnancy, we both were worried it could cause a miscarriage or premature labor. Where we came up with that notion I can’t remember. We did have sex but it was slower and not as often.
The second time around the pregnancy was high risk and I was sick all during the first trimester, so we didn’t have sex at all, in those weeks.
But by the second trimester I was insatiable. I was never really uncomfortable because we tried different positions and improved our rhythms to make it pleasurable for both of us.
 My wife is just in her 1st trimester with our 1st baby. We have had sex once in the past month. She's pretty nauseous, but I am crossing my fingers that once she feels better, she might be more interested.
I always hoped she would be a horny pregnant person, and not an uncomfortable pregnant person.
Mood Shoes
Pregnancy sex was the absolute best sex ever, during my first pregnancy.
My second pregnancy, I was pregnant with twins and threw up nonstop for 34 weeks. I was definitely not feeling the heat that pregnancy.
orange star
 It was bad. I always felt like I was making my baby have sex.
 My ‘ex’ refused to have sex with me when I was pregnant.
up your bum chum
 The Mrs. completely turned off sex. I think we only did it twice the entire pregnancy.
 I Don't know if you worry about this as well, but my husband's distaste for pregnancy really kind of kept him from doing anything like even rubbing my belly, feeling kicks, spooning with me while holding my belly. He didnt even like me spooning him with my belly pressed to him, talking to baby thru my belly, or any of those gushy things i really HOPED for him to do.
Basically I freaked out that if he couldn't connect to baby while I was pregnant he would not be able to connect when she was there, or be there for me in labor.
Luckily he was a fabulous labor partner, and was a true rock for me for the 24 hours of my misery, and he was the best daddy ever! From the start, he and our daughter are inseparable and it’s ridiculous how devoted he is to her.
 With my ex it was great! she was constantly in the mood, anytime we weren’t working, we were in our apartment having sex in every room.
In my new marriage, we didn’t really have frequent sex before this pregnancy; and now during it, sex went down even further so.
tay wil
 It was like my genitals turned off. They just didn't get aroused, didn't respond to touch; nothing.
I was worried I'd lost the ability to orgasm forever. Thankfully, it did come back, a few months after giving birth.
High Fives For Dayz
 Sexy and amazing.
A lot of incredible anal stuff that she initiated, and so many her-initiated two-a-days.
Very happy penis, very happy testicles, and a very happy wife.
Daniel In frangible
 Fucking amazing. I’m stunned I didn’t get pregnant again during the pregnancies. I’m preggo now, and despite the morning sickness it’s great.
Also zero worries about pulling out or condoms.
My only gripe is I don’t think I look as good, I’m plump and my face has gone dark this time. But well, I don’t have to look at me and my partner looks as good as ever.
Also sex after the birth (after all the bleeding is over), is pretty good too. I haven’t asked my current man how he feels about the changes because he is a bit reserved about discussing sexual topics. My ex-husband though, felt preggo sex was the best, both with me and his current wife.
The dude just had to tell me.
One more thing, ladies, if you’re making your guy wait weeks before fucking (post-partum), you can still use your hands and mouth to keep him content and attentive.
And he can find creative ways to pleasure you, too.
 Me and my ex were expecting a baby boy in July 2021. She was a quite different animal when it came to sex. She wanted to do it every minute of the day, and I kept up with her for the most part.
But after she had our baby, she wanted it more than I could handle. Somewhere down the line she lost feelings and we broke up.
But yeah that's how it was when she was pregnant. Latinas be tripping!
deadly scone
 There’s three moods during pregnancy for me:
·         Horny
·         Hungry
·         Exhausted
 When my wife was told in the 9th month; that sex and orgasms were a sure fire way to get induce labor, I couldn’t keep her off of me. It was wonderful. A little extra discharge but nothing gross.
Magickal Fuck Frog
 I remember my wife’s Obstetrician was always insisting we have sex. She said something about it being good for the pregnancy. But we never did. Can’t do sex in front of a kid, you know.
 Both times I was pregnant, I became unable to orgasm around the second trimester, and that lasted through weaning.
Sex was still enjoyable, but my drive was also way down.
Oh, and first trimester I was too pukey for sex anyhow.
When my drive came back, though, it came back with a vengeance.
sane dragon
 My ex-wife loved it. Her orgasms were multiple as well.
But fucking was limited to cowgirl or from the side.
It was nice, knowing that there's no more trying for a kid.
unbiased asian
 My husband had a real pregnancy fetish; that is, until I got pregnant .
I guess he loved the glow of a pregnant woman, and the thought of sex with a pregnant woman, but he didn't really enjoy it when the time came.
He was creeped out by his baby being right there. For both pregnancies, once I started really showing, we pretty much stopped having sex.
  I loved it, & would recommend lotsa great sex, if you plan on having children.
Oh, and it’s just so care-free! We went from that phase of being careful trying to prevent pregnancy. Then to that phase where we had a task to accomplish and sex started feeling like a mandate.
But pregnancy sex with a glowing hot wife carrying your child and loving on your cock twice as often, after the nausea stage ends.
Neighborhood No
 My ex-wife tried to break me every day for the last six months.
Independent Ok
 Golly. After my 1st trimester, when I could actually hold down water and food, I was horny as hell. All I wanted was spicy food, and spicy bedroom action.
 After the first trimester, it was amazing. My wife felt sexy (which she was!), with the raging hormones and it made the whole experience great
silver fire
 I Got lightly sprayed with breast milk during the latter stages. Hormones be cray!
 So good! And I swear it kept me from going past my due date. We had sex within hours of my water breaking for both of my babies.
Print Own
 From a man’s perspective, it was great. The hormones she was releasing (is that called pheromones?) it made me go primal. I’ve never been hornier and have wanted her as much as I did when she was pregnant.
 My guy was reluctant, so I told him that after the baby is born he'll be lucky if he gets laid once a month, if at all, so he better get it while he can.
Besides, do you have to have intercourse? Does he think oral is dangerous too? Do something sexual together, so you can stay connected.
Merrickan Girl
 My wife’s last trimester for our third/last baby girl, she was down-right forcing me at times  to make daily deposits every morning before I left for work.
She was so serious, she wanted that baby out yesterday. At least that’s the urgent reason she always gave me!
 It was nice during first pregnancy. Second pregnancy, it was good up until 3rd trimester.
Lightning crotch made it so that if we did have sex, any movement would be severely painful for the next 2-3 days.
Wut Smith is This
 Sex was Frequent. My wife was prego with twins and we’d have sex a lot more than when we didn’t have kids. There weren’t much options for positions though.
Poor boy was wedged into her pelvis. Luckily my dicks not long, or he would have came out with black eyes.
Health Ok
 Sex was great. Pregnancy hormones sure did a number on me. I was horny 24 7, and we stayed sexually active daily until the day before labor, with both kids.
 God I miss those days. Makes me want to knock her up again.
Big Thisty Beast
 Nothing to brag about during the pregnancy. I had early complications, so no intercourse. Just stimulation is aggravating for 20 weeks.
But the first time after that post 6 week appointment. I needed a bottle of wine, first ;cause I was not prepared at all. But I NEEDED that dick.
We both finished, and he was so happy and out of breath. I just started sobbing so bad. Crying like a crocodile because it was so good after like a year of blah.
 Tears of joy. Such a weird experience. Fucking hormones.
 Male here, and I loved it . Her tits were big and full, and she had a really healthy “glow“ to her.
Best of all there was no worries about getting her pregnant any more. No rubbers or birth control of any kind; just all out natural sex . Wonderful!
Dead Red
My Husband was super super into it, and made me feel so sexy! Even though it was obvious I was huge.
Beatrix Kidd
 Pretty crazy. Some ,then none, then more than I could take.
In the last month she was insatiable.
Afterwards it was quite a few months before she resumed.
planet 1
 My wife was huge and beautiful and I could not keep my hands off her.
spokey man
 I was on an antidepressant called Venlafaxine, the year before getting pregnant, and was unable to have orgasms because of it.
Six months after no longer taking it, I still couldn't enjoy sex.
I somehow still became pregnant and all of a sudden I could feel again. So it was quite lovely.
I had lots of catching up to do.
 Been a long time for me but my wife was always craving it and the further along she got, the wilder it was.
She even wanted it as she began labor, before going to the hospital.
The nurses were laughing because she didn’t get ‘cleaned up’ time before getting to the hospital.
I was absolutely delighted every time she told me she was pregnant, cause well you can guess.
 It was great! I was a lot more confident about my body, actually.
I generally really enjoyed it.
It’s after the baby is born that it’s not so great, due to delivery recovery, and hormones, and a kid cock-blocking all the time.
Fucking awesome!
With kid #5 I was a sex slave for nearly the whole time.
She was always so hot so we kept the window open during the winter. It was the coldest winter in decades where we live.
I never thought I would enjoy freezing my ass of so much. She was ravenous; at all hours.
 I was reluctant to do it. I Found my wife really attractive while she was pregnant, but I was genuinely worried about hitting the baby with my cock; despite it being scientifically impossible.
 It was weird. Not bad weird but the body does some crazy things. The bigger I got, the more I could feel my uterus contracting after an orgasm. It was unsettling until I called my OB and was like “Excuse me but what the fuck” or something like that. She told me it was normal and not to worry. Stay hydrated and it won’t be as noticeable.
Towards the end of my pregnancy, I was so desperate to get my daughter out. Semen can start the dilation process, so sex was just a way to evacuate her from the hot tub party that was my uterus.
 My wife and I remember this fondly.
Her hormones were absolutely raging and she was horny pretty much all the time. I've never had more sex than when my wife was pregnant. She was insatiable and wetter than I've ever seen her.
We had to do this sideways maneuver when she got way pregnant because she couldn't breathe if she was on her back and obviously she couldn't lay on her stomach. But it worked for us.
Then you can't do it for at least 6 weeks after your kid is born and you go into sex withdrawal. And my wife had postpartum pretty severely, so it was even longer after that.
Cosmic Pope
 I’m Currently pregnant. My hormones are raging and I feel like I'm constantly pulling my partner in the bedroom.
Physically & emotionally, the hormones are going on all circuitry, so I'm loving it.
 I absolutely loved it. She was so physically, hormonally and emotionally into it that the sex itself was great.
Plus, a pregnant woman is just a beautiful thing, like a damn sunset. So, all around, five stars
Edith Whart
 Awesome. She was horned up all the time. She would wake me up in the middle of the night, ride me like a Harley, and then we’d have a midnight snack.
Stupid Old
 My doctor encouraged us! It's great stress relief, because being pregnant wasn't easy (at least for me). I was pretty much assured it was pretty darn impossible to harm the fetus with sex. Also, it works pretty great to bring on labor when you're 5 days overdue. So if the doc is telling me to have sex when I'm 10 months preggers, I'm pretty sure it was okay at 6 months.
My sex life didn't ramp up during pregnancy; it definitely slowed down, but we still were pretty regular! And yes, you need to let your body heal after having the baby (6-8 weeks is generally the recommendation) but we got back on track after week 6 (and I had a C-Section).
 The only difference is, now there is a kid in the mix so trying to find the time is so much harder (and can be frustrating when you're planning on some exciting festivities and about 5 mins in, a little someone decides to wake up early and scream until picked up). To solve this, we now plan for sex (sounds so unromantic but it really isn't).
We try for at least one night a week (kiddo now sleeps 12 hours and has since 3 months - he's 9 months now) where we spend the entire evening on each other. Any other chances we get during the week are bonus - showers, early morning quickies, etc.
Have faith! And seriously, if your man rejects your advances, citing fears about the baby, have a real professional talk to your husband about his fears - they are totally unfounded and it would be interested to see where he has formed them.
 The truth is that I was never much in the mood when she was pregnant. Not because she was about twice as big as usual, but because she was a fucking bitch for nine months, not that I can blame her.
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nerdy-alto · 10 months
Curse you, AC/DC, Mormonism, and/or Laziness
(In honor of Twitter's continued death throes, I figured why not repost one of the favorite long-form things I've written.)
I listened to a lot of music growing up. As the oldest kid, most of what I listened to in my very early childhood was my parent’s music; Linda Ronstadt, Doobie Brothers, Barry Manilow and various classical composers. It was a mark of my growing independence when I got my parents cast-off hi fi systems and was able to find my own radio station to listen to. And boy, did I listen to it. When we ran out of Star Wars topics to cover during recess we talked music. My big favorites were Duran Duran, or at least any band that wore make-up and had keyboards. Beyond the obvious and well-documented prepubescent attraction to non-masculine dudes, what totally attracted me to certain songs was their utter incomprehensability.
Telegram force and ready I knew this was a big mistake There’s a fine line drawing my senses together And I think it’s about to break If I listen close I can hear them singers oh-oh-oh Voices in your body coming through on the radio-oh-oh The union of the snake is on the climb Moving up it’s gonna race it’s gonna break through the borderline
Seriously, wtf does this even mean? But it didn’t matter to me, because this wasn’t your ordinary, Barry Manilow type song about some girl named Mandy, or dead showgirls (1) – this was deep. And maybe I didn’t understand it now, but when I got older – maybe mature enough to have a boyfriend, or wear makeup, or have a boyfriend who wore makeup it would all become clear to me, and I would listen to these songs with a profound understanding. Yes, I’d surely cogitate, this is the Union of the Snake breaking through borderlines. Good thing I got that telegram force!  
I can hear your cries of protest now – But surely you weren’t an idiot, nerdycellist, why did you just accept that kind of nonsense? To which I reply, Why thank you, no, I was of course a very smart child (2) but those crucial years of cerebral cortex development were marred by Mormonism. (3) Among Mormonism’s many fine doctrines and articles and rules and crap is the concept of “the milk before the meat”. Both the History and Theology of Mormonism is sometimes less than salubrious (mountain meadows massacre), and frequently insanely wacky (Adam-God doctrine). Since Mormonism’s also big on converting people, they try and keep the crazy shit from the new recruits until they’re far enough entrenched in the cult that they’re willing to suspend disbelief. The official party-line is the analogy that a baby must first learn to drink milk before it can eat meat – too much too soon and you’ll puke, I guess. So I figured that I can’t smile without you was like how Jesus Loved You and the reflex being a lonely child waiting by the door was the idea that my husband would have lots of other wives with me in heaven.
 So I had a certain comfort level with not understanding stuff – hell, it may have been a superiority complex – and I listened to a lot of radio. Also kiddies, in those days there was no internet to look up song lyrics, so if you didn’t have the album, you didn’t have the liner notes which only sometimes had lyrics printing in them. I was quite willing to settle for my ear’s first guess when it came to songs.
 The last piece of the puzzle here is my laziness; this has always been the bane of my existence. I learned to read very early and with that came a certain amount of knowledge in other school-related pursuits.(4) One of those was spelling, which is a terrible subject for english speakers and learners – it doesn’t make any sense! They only way you can learn how to spell is to be exposed frequently to the word. The other is just by rote repetition. My 5th grade teacher, Mr. Coombs, a favorite mostly because he tried to keep up with important pop cultural references (5), had developed a great strategy for lazy smarty-pantses like myself, who would normally get incomplete marks on take-home spelling homework that I deemed pointless busywork – he gave us 10 minutes on Monday morning to review our list of 20 words, then gave us a pre-test. You only had to do your spelling homework on the words that you missed and then you had the real test on Friday. I hardly ever missed any words on the pre-test, and so was able to skip the bogus busywork. I also pretty much aced the Friday tests. (6)
 So let us combine these points into a final scenario: A Friday spelling test was always a nice way for me to usher in the weekend. I had aced the monday pre-test and not had to waste any time copying words out or using them in sentences. Mr. Coombs would always use them in a sentence anyway when calling out the test, which was good in this case, because I had been zoning out when he first pronounced the second to last word, but he used a song lyric to illustrate it! Rad!
 I put my pencil to paper…
 “… dirty deeds and their Dunderchief.”
 I knitted my eyebrows. That was one of those words, like wah-lah, that I had only heard but never seen written down. And that was from a part of the song that I wouldn’t understand until I was emotionally prepared to deal with the consequences of the full knowledge of that song. I was just going to have to use the context clues of the lyrics to figure out how to spell it. Dirty deeds and their Dunderchief… like an Indian Chief, only because they were Dirty deeds (and not Indian Deeds), they had a Dunderchief. You know, like a dunderhead. Yes! Now “i” before “e”…
 This made sense to me. Or at least enough that I scribbled it out in enough time to catch the last word on the quiz. It is to his credit that when Robbie Elmer passed back my corrected spelling test that he didn’t circle the word and write “stupid” or “what is this supposed to mean, idiot?”, but the big red (X) next to #19 was enough to shame me into blushing furiously while considering not turning in the paper at all so Mr. Coombs would never know that I mistook “Cheap” for a made up concept of a Leader of Dirty People.
Also, please note that any spelling mistakes in this essay were left in deliberately, as an excercise for the reader.
1. Holy crap, do I love this song. Also Manilow, but had to be closeted about that back in the day.
2. So smart in fact that I was used as a lab rat for some UofU grad students for their dissertation of kids who can pronounce all the words in Tolstoy but don’t really understand it, or doing stuff with mealworms or something. All I know is I got out of class for like an hour on the days I didn’t get out for orchestra practice! Score!
3. Man, is there anything that can’t be blamed on Mormons?
4. Manifested itself in Kindergarten, when I zoned out during reading because I was already done with Dick and Jane, and then zoned back in during math with the shock that I couldn’t make a 5.
5. He also brought his guitar sometimes and taught us Ghost Riders In The Sky – or was it Ghost Riders in Disguise? Also he demonstrated important scientific concepts by taking us out in his cessna two at a time to do barrel rolls and shit.
6. OK, I think I’m done bragging about my own clerverness now. But I will leave you with one final piece of evidence to my own brilliance – I was so smart I repeated 8th grade!
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healinghks · 1 year
What if I’m enough on my own?
What if I am worthy of real self-love and real self-respect? What if it has nothing to do with how hot I am, how good my grades are, how much money I’ll make, or how ripped I am? What if I’m just... enough as I am? 
But who am I? How can I be enough if there’s not enough of me to be enough in? What if I just don’t have an identity? 
Grief takes away everything. The world seemed larger and brighter when I was 22 and my family was healthy. 
Text Messages on November 17, 2020
Me: Did dad tell you he has chest pain whenever he breathes in?
Eileen: Ummmm no. Wtf
Me: I’m scared. The most common signs of lung cancer are: (copied and pasted list from WebMd). 
Text Messages on December 3, 2020
Me: Is it bad to say I already knew... Like I knew when he told me he had chest pain a month ago...
Eileen: I think we all knew for a long long time
Me: Has anyone told Danny? 
Who was I prior to when those text messages came in? Because I haven’t been anyone since that day. 
All I remember from the first half of 2021 is the color gray. I would drive to work and it would be gray. I’d drive to work and shed silent tears listening to “I Know The End” by Phoebe Bridgers, “Soon You’ll Get Better,” by Taylor Swift, and “What Sarah Said” by Death Cab for Cutie. The trifecta of songs for a depressed 23 year old who could feel that her father was going to die. I would drive home from work and it would be gray. I’d take a nap in my gray bedroom. If I could muster any energy, I’d go on a run on a gray sidewalk. 
At some point, I detached from the gray. I started to build a personality that wasn’t me at all. In the second half of 2021, the color of my world shifted to a bright shade of pink. I wore pink leggings on a vacation to Colorado with my friends that I took while my dad stayed at home, miserable because of how much the radiation was affecting him. I was wearing a pink shirt to work when my mom called me and said that my dad had decided to switch to hospice status rather than continue treatment. I was wearing pink shorts when I destroyed a 4-year-long relationship because I wanted to feel free. I was wearing pink lipgloss when I met a guy at the bar a few days later and brought him home with me. Everything was pink and carefree. I posted pretty selfies and got a comment that said, “You seem so HAPPY! I’m so happy for where you are in life right now.” I thought I was the shit. My dad was dying and I was still happy. I thought I was the perfect image for how someone could be happy in tough times. 
In 2022, the color started shifting to orange. Orange is a crazy color. It’s beautiful, but you can’t have too much of it; it just doesn’t ever work out that way. I lost sense of everything actually happening. Everything was fun. I did a lot of MDMA. I danced a lot. I went to the movies. I smoked so much weed. I ate at new restauraunts. I always had weekend plans. I even had weeknight plans. I was going, going, going. My going, going, going wasn’t even stopped by my dad’s death. I had plans made a few days after. 2 weeks after he died, I went to Miami, got dances with strippers, popped bottles, and fucked in a hotel room with a mirror on the ceiling above the bed. I was orange. I was crazy, I was sexy, I was fun, I was unhinged and in denial. 
In the second half of 2022, I woke up. The loss of my human distraction, a piece of shit named Jeremy, sent my world into chaos. The world was blue because I was blue. Ocean waves of sadness poured out of me daily onto everyone I loved. I became nothing but heartbreak. It was visible to everyone around me. “Why does she always talk about getting cheated on?” said one of my classmates to another classmate behind my back. 
I don’t know what color this stage of life is for me. It’s unidentified. I don’t even know what the hell I’m doing. I don’t know what I’m feeling. I don’t know who I am. Who was I before my world became gray? Who was I before I painted the sky pink and then orange in a desperate attempt to remove the gray? What color was the world when things were normal? Why does it feel like the world used to be brighter and now everything is kind of mundane and monotone? Who would I have been if my dad didn’t get cancer when I was 22?
What if I would’ve been a better person if he hadn’t died? What if I never would have torn up a good relationship? What if I would’ve treated people better? What if I would’ve had more of an idea about who I am? What if I would’ve stayed friends with people I abandoned? What if I had never been raped? 
The what-ifs don’t get me anywhere, though. It’s useless to try to become the person I was pre-2020. I have to build a new me. But where do I start? 
I don’t want to die unidentified. 
Here Lies Helene... A nice person. A daughter and sister. A law student. 
I don’t know what else goes in that sentence. 
How could I be enough for another person if I’m not enough for myself? 
0 notes
spinariosthorn · 2 years
Why is Tsukasa so...well, Tsukasa?
In fact, it kinda admires me that Tsukasa is so careless and happy even tho everyone treats him pretty much like shit
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No matter what, he seems to be in such irrepressible high spirits, you can not even imagine him being scared or crying. And I actually am inclined to think that there is no problem with his unshakable joy. Maybe he is just like that, “just because”. Just cause it’s fun and he feels comfortable in this constant state of merriment. Just because he wants to.
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What I’m saying is that not everyone has to be severely traumatised to be like that. As Sakura said, if he's enjoying himself, it's fine. If he likes being like that, then it's fine.
That kind of constant cheerfulness and happiness might be considered abnormal, but what do we call normal anyway?
It’s always what is comfortable for the majority. And an unconcerned child with unusual ideas who pays no attention to anyone's opinion in order to get what he wants with malicious grin is uncomfortable. So I am not sure if we should call him crazy and call his cheerfulness wrong simply because he ignores everything bad that's said and done to him, trying to live a joyful life and fulfil his dreams.
While we're on the subject of insanity, the elements of it that Tsukasa clearly shows may be related to his creative nature.
Current empirical research suggests that the most important mental trait found in both geniuses and madmen is what is known as cognitive disinhibition - the inability to filter out and throw useless things, pictures or ideas from the mind. It is this trait that contributes to delusional thinking and mental confusion, but it also makes creative minds more fertile.
A huge number of creative personalities walk on the edge of normality and insanity. Because for them, the flurry of impulses and ideas they draw from their state is a treasure trove of all creativity, without which they cannot imagine their existence.
Sources: «What Neuroscience Says About The Link Between Creativity And Madness»,  Fastcompany;  «If You Think You’re a Genius, You’re Crazy», Nautil.us
As a ghost Tsukasa are not restricted or limited in action and ways, so he implements his ideas in a possibly very creative way, but his initial aim is to create, to create something good, to make wishes come true and to bring happiness through his art.
But on the other hand, things may not be so simple and happy. We don’t know much about Tsukasa’s past but it’s kinda obvious it wasn’t too good.
I mean, for start with, 4-year-old kid who is willing to sacrifice his life for his brother’s sake, while thinking this brother hates him and is happier without him, is definitely a traumatised kid.
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Then who knows how many accidents or disturbing unpleasant stories happened to him in the Red House. I mean, lots of people came there in hoped to make their wishes come true, and according to Teru, they all died. Who knows how many things those innocent children's ears heard. Who knows how many deaths and tears he saw in that house.
Then he had to listen to the hatespeech and threats from Kou, even though Tsukasa didn't even know what he had done wrong. And then also he found out that Amane would kill him.
By the way, remember how he reacted? He laughed too, looking absolutely happy. He's been reacting like that to every stressful situation ever since.
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And at school, finally? The situation with Amane's wounds is very suspicious. And I have a couple of questions for Tsuchigomori-sensei. If he saw that Amane has so many wounds and problems, wouldn't it be logical to find his twin and see what's going on with him? Or even ask him? That would have been a huge clue!
Why wasn't there a word about Tsukasa in the flashback? Why is there no mention of Tsukasa's past at all in the whole manga? Did he have any friends? How about his grades? Was he abused too? Or was he safe and sound?
Why didn't Tsuchigomori care about Tsukasa? Maybe Tsuchigomori didn't even know Tsukasa existed? Maybe Tsukasa didn't go to Kamome Academy at all? Why didn't he go then? Maybe he was chronically ill? Or beaten up even more than Amane, so he couldn't even come to school?
I just think Tsuchigomori is smart enough to know that it's not just one twin you have to worry about, but both of them. However for now it all looks like Tsukasa didn't exist at all.
It might be that his life wasn’t so easy and this constant laughing, smiling, spreading a good cheer might be just protective reaction. Why the need for grief, envy, anger, sadness, shame? They only make life harder, so why not just laugh and convince yourself that everything is great, everything is fine, and you're happy with everything? I think this is how he got rid of the unpleasant feelings and emotions he was feeling and now he just won’t stop smiling at any misery or insult he meets. But most importantly, I believe he really, genuinely thinks he is happy and has a great time. I mean, he is not like “I'm going to show everyone a fake happy image and then I’ll sink in an ocean of tears and sadness", he really thinks things are better than ever.
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Anyway, we can’t be sure in anything unless the official manga proves it.
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dollslayer · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Bartender!Bucky x Reader
Summary: When your ex-boyfriend makes a surprise appearance at your sister's wedding you find help from an unexpected source.
W/C: 4,642
Warnings: NO MINORS, Smut, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol consumption
A/N: Hey! I know it's been a minute (sorry), I wrote this for @saiyanprincessswanie's writing challenge using the bartender au! If you like this please reblog and comment and check out my other fics!! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
You sighed internally before slapping on a smile for yet another group picture. Your bridesmaid dress was itchy and you already regretted spending the entire night in it, as the reception was just starting. But it was your sister’s day and you decided that if what she really wanted was for you to wear this itchy monstrosity to honor her wedding then damn it, you’d do it. So you leaned in close with the rest of the wedding party and posed some more.
When the photographer had finished with his photos you were ushered to the family table and wedged between your mother and your aunt. You mentally cursed your sister for seating you with them because they were going to spend the entire night trying to set you up with someone while simultaneously lamenting that you’d dumped your boyfriend of 4 years just a month earlier. Your mother wanted grandchildren so badly, you didn’t know why she couldn’t just settle to get them from your sister.
“Sweetheart, you and Steve were so good together though! Remember when he surprised you at Christmas with that puppy? I don’t know how you let a man like that go…” Your mom chided.
You grabbed the attention of a passing server and grabbed the champagne off their tray. If you were going to have this conversation again you needed liquid courage to do so. You downed it in three sips and your mom scoffed at you.
“Mom, we've been over this. I didn’t ask him to do that, we agreed we weren’t ready for a dog. Ugh, oh my god, anyways, we just didn’t work together. Sometimes things don’t work out, Mom. You’ll still get grandkids, just not from me.” You patted her on the shoulder but she just pursed her lips and looked past you to your aunt.
You wanted nothing more than to get wasted but you couldn’t do that to your sister. You wouldn’t get blackout drunk, but you were definitely getting drunk tonight. The reception was being held in a hotel and the wedding party had a block of rooms reserved so it’s not like you had to drive. You just had one thing to do before you did that.
The moment you’d been dreading had finally arrived, the toast. You held your freshly topped-off glass of champagne and brought your fork to it to get everyone’s attention. Someone handed you the mic and you hesitated before taking it and nervously cleared your throat.
By what you assumed could only be the grace of God you managed to deliver the perfect toast about finding the right person and soulmates and anything else you might find in a hallmark card with only minor stumbles. Everyone clapped and your brother-in-law wiped a stray tear and everyone finally dug into dinner. You just hoped that would mean your mother would be quiet about Steve for the next 20 minutes and then you could escape to the open bar.
You almost made it through dinner scott-free and sat back to watch your sister’s first dance. Just when you thought you were in the clear it was your aunt that threw a wrench in your plans. She was three glasses of wine deep and had that glassy look in her eye when she grabbed your elbow and pulled you closer. She spoke to you in a low voice while trying not to fumble her words.
“Listen kiddo, I know your mom is hard on you about Stevie but she just wants what’s best for you. What you two had… it was so good even I liked him! I don’t like anybody y’know that. So.. so why don’t you jus’ give ‘im another chance, make your mom happy? Couldn’t be that bad, could it? Maybe he’ll even… surprise you”
You mentally blocked out her words halfway through her speech, hoping neither of you would remember it by the end of the night. Right now you just had to get her to stop so you could get away from the table. You didn’t think you could take one more second of being shamed for leaving Steve.
You smiled sweetly and nodded in understanding towards her words.
“I know, Aunt Linda. I know. Sometimes things happen, I love mom but I’ll find someone else.”
With that you patted her on the shoulder and took off in search of the bar.
There were two bars and you wanted to go to the less crowded one. Looking around you had spotted it just past the dancefloor and made a beeline. Weaving through the now open dance floor and escaping the invitations to join your family you finally made it and leaned heavily against the countertop with a sigh.
“Rough night?” Your eyes follow the gruff yet amused voice and find that it belongs to a very handsome man with a defined jaw, clear blue eyes, and long hair that was tied back.
You smiled and rolled your eyes.
“You don’t know that half of it. Nothing like a wedding to remind you how single you are” You joked.
“Ah. Yeah, that’ll do it. That’s rough. You look like you need a drink, what can I get you?”
“Dealer’s choice. Just no vodka.” You requested.
He smirked and nodded, perusing the lines of bottles that were in front of him. He bit his lip as he concentrated on what to make and you tried not to stare. You watched him get to work on your drink and couldn’t help but notice the way you could see his muscles move underneath his dress shirt.
He turned back around and proudly presented you with something fizzy in a highball glass.
“My own concoction, I even used the non-watered down liquor. Just for you” He says with a wink.
You try your best to hide your shy smile and accept the drink.
“Thank you, how sweet of you.” You tell him.
“It’s nothin’. So how’s a gal like you single? If you don’t mind my asking. Seems pretty impossible to me.”
You're caught somewhere between flattery and embarrassment and just hope it doesn't show on your face. You take a long sip of your drink and gear up to answer him.
“Well, I just got out of a 4 year relationship, actually. He’s really sweet but he always had a tendency to steamroll my needs and just do whatever he was going to do. Eventually that shit adds up.” You sigh.
“Like for example - last year we had talked about getting a dog and I said I wasn’t ready, we’re just both way too busy and then on Christmas day he shows up with this puppy! And then I’m the villain for telling him no! The puppy ended up going to a good home but he did stuff like that all the time. It just became too much. Anyways now my mom won’t get off my ass about leaving him.” You shook your head.
“A puppy? Wow, that’s… intense. That’s a lot, I’m sorry. You finish that drink and I’ll pour us both a shot” He laughed.
You nodded in agreement and downed the rest of the cocktail. He held up two shot glasses and extended one to you.
“A toast, to… wait. I don’t even know your name!”
His shoulders shook as he laughed and he answered you.
“I’m James but you can call me Bucky” You made a face at that.
“What kinda name is Bucky?” You asked before giving him your own name.
“Whatever, I’ve got two shots of tequila, you want one or not?” How could you say no?
“A toast,” You continued, “To you and your weird name, Bucky.”
He laughed and you clinked your glasses together, then against the counter before downing them in one go. You tried your best not to make a face and looked up at Bucky to find him extending you the lime chaser, which you took gratefully.
“Hoo… I could use like, 3 more of those to get through tonight. So, how’d you get into bartending?”
“I needed somethin’ to put me through school and I figured this beats stripping. Though, with some of the customers we get sometimes I’m not so sure”
You laughed at that and Bucky went on to tell you anecdotes of all the crazy people he’s had to serve, disastrous weddings, and the time he got a lapdance from the bride herself. You hadn’t even realized how much time had passed but you were enjoying talking to him, forgetting your mission to be drunk.
The two of you kept swapping stories and were getting to know each other a bit more. He let you vent about Steve and just listened, it was refreshing to talk to someone and not be told what it is that you should be wanting. When you pictured the night you didn’t picture yourself confiding in the bartender tonight but if you were honest you were enjoying yourself. It beat awkwardly dancing with your family and enduring more disappointed remarks from your family.
You had hoped you could hide out at the bar and spend the entire night unscathed when the double doors to the ballroom opened. Your heartbeat in your ears as time slowed down around you as a blond head of hair made its way through the archway. Your laughter died in your throat when Baby blue eyes found you across the room and you froze like a deer in headlights. No. Nononononono this isn’t happening.
Time has somehow come to a halt while simultaneously hurtling forward since you can’t get yourself unstuck from this moment yet fail to realize that Steve is now standing right in front of you. His hair is swept back perfectly and he flashes you that million dollar smile of his that shows off his dimples perfectly. You scold yourself for checking him out but damn did he always clean up nice.
“Hey, sweetheart” he says shyly, as if he’s not crashing your sister’s wedding to get with you.
“What…? What are you doing… here?” You ask quietly, trying to avoid a scene.
Before he can answer you your mom comes up behind Steve and squeezes his shoulders tight, all with a big, bright smile on her face. Of course. How did I not see this coming?
“You made it!” She exclaimed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Of course, sorry to have missed the ceremony but there’s still plenty to celebrate, right?” He asked with his signature boyish smirk.
Shock was still in full effect on your features as you stood stock still. But that shock was soon giving way to anger as you slowly pieced together everything that was happening. Your mom had brought back Steve to try and get you back together and Steve was steamrolling you again.
“I… I, can’t. I can’t-” You started
“Sweetheart, how many of those have you had? You need some water.” Steve motions to the drink in your hand and you feel the anger running through your veins about to take over. You have to move this out of the room. Now.
“Why don’t we move this to the hall?” You suggested quietly.
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you started moving towards the exit but you did spare one last panicked glance towards Bucky. He looked confused and his brows were quirked in a way that made him look upset, almost. You sent him a pleading look before turning back around and preparing yourself to deal with this shitshow that had slowly unfolded before you.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. You got this. Your hand begins to push the door open when Steve’s much larger one covers yours and gets the job done. An action that you once would’ve thought was sweet, one that you would’ve made you swoon, even, is currently pissing you off.
You two made your way to the hallway and you looked around before you started in on him.
“Okay, what the hell, Rogers? Crashing my sister’s wedding? Really?! I don’t give a shit if my mom put you up to this I-”
“Sweetheart, please. She thought you might be having second thoughts and maybe us seeing each other would… patch things up. We just want what’s best for you, sweetheart” Steve attempted to console you, reaching out to try and rub your arm but you pulled back.
“No! I am so sick of you running me over! You never listened to me or what I had to say and this is exactly why I broke up with you, Steve! You’re being so fucki-”
“Hey, babe, everything okay out here?” Bucky’s voice surprised you but not as much as his lips pressing a kiss into your hair and his arms wrapping around your waist.
You had to crane your neck to look back and up at him. It took all of two seconds for you to piece together what you’d hoped was the truth. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you as if to say “come on” and in all your desperation you went with it. You supposed that his formal uniform made him pass for a regular guest.
“I, ah, yeah, yes. Steve here was just leaving, right?” You asked him.
Steve raised his eyebrows in a stunned expression, mouth slightly open in disbelief. His hand reached out towards your shoulder but Bucky pulled you back gently.
“Doll, are you serious? Who even is this guy? Does your mom know about this?”
“No, she doesn’t. It’s… new…” You told him.
“Right,” Bucky cuts in, “It’s new so we weren’t telling anyone just yet but she figured I should at least be here for the reception”
“Seriously?” Steve scoffs, “Man bun? What does he have that I don’t? C’mon, you know what you and I have is real.”
“What you and I have is over, Steve. You never listened to me, always pushed me further than I was ready for. We’re done, it’s over. I’m sorry for whatever Mom told you”
Steve took a harsh breath inwards and you watched him try to decide whether he should walk away or blow up. Based off of the veins popping in his forehead, he was opting to blow up.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to but-”
“She said it’s over, punk. Move along” Bucky cut in. He took a protective step in front of you and pushed his shoulders back, squaring up to Steve. Steve seethed quietly and you two exchanged very tense glances.
“I’m telling your mother about this. I doubt she’ll be happy to hear you brought some random person to your sister’s wedding.” Steve spat.
He walked past the two of you and bumped shoulders harshly with Bucky. Bucky’s jaw tensed and his grip on your waist tightened but he didn’t retaliate. Instead he took a step back to get a proper look at you.
“You okay?”
“Why did you do that? You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but you looked like you could really use the help.”
“Well… thank you. I appreciate it, more than you know. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.” You laughed to yourself a little and added, “We’re not even together 5 minutes and you already have all my emotional baggage”
Bucky laughed at that and shook his head.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’ve got some crazy exes too. So what now? You going back in?”
You became a little flustered at that but moved past it with a sheepish grin.
“No,” You shook your head, “I think it’s best for everyone if I just go up to my room and avoid a whole scene.”
“Well at least let me walk you up. I wouldn’t put it past that creep to follow you.”
“What about the bar?”
“We’re overstaffed and the party’s winding down anyways. They’ll get on without me”
“Alright then” You accepted and started off towards the elevators.
You two were standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to close when you spotted the doors to the ballroom open. Your mother was looking around, her face a picture of anger. Lucky for you the doors closed before she could look in your direction and you let out a sigh of relief.
“You know as far as fake boyfriends go I’d say you’re pretty good”
“Just good? C’mon I had that guy on the ropes.”
“Yeah alright,” You relented with a grin.
You exited the elevator car and made your way down the hallway until finally you reached your door. You fished your keycard out of your wallet and turned to Bucky.
“Hey… do you wanna… maybe come in? Hang out? I know you’ve got work but if you’re overstaffed maybe…” You trailed off. There was a beat of silence and you felt regret instantly, thinking you’ve asked too much of him. “Y’know what nevermind, you don’t have to, I’m sorry I-”
“I’d love to hang out with you, if you’re okay with that. Plus it’s probably better I wait to get back until the wedding’s over. Can’t really show my face as your boyfriend and then get back behind the bar, can I?” He said with a soft smile.
“Suppose you’re right,” You swiped the card and cracked open the door.
You stepped inside and felt like you could finally breathe again. You kicked off your heels and went to turn on the lights. You reached back to get the zipper of your dress but couldn’t quite get there.
“Will you get my zipper?” You asked Bucky. He nodded and came closer to you.
You could feel his warmth radiating from him when he was this close. Your nostrils filled with the heady scent of his aftershave. He smells so good. He unzipped you halfway and left the rest for you.
You thanked him and grabbed your change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. Relieved to finally be free of the itchy monstrosity of a bridesmaids dress you sighed and put on a tank top and pair of shorts. You realized the tank top showed a little more of your cleavage than intended but you shrugged it off and exited the bathroom.
Bucky’s eyes landed on you and he took a sharp breath in but tried to play it cool. It half worked, you caught him staring a little bit and giggled to yourself. When you looked at him again he was undoing his tie and the first two buttons of his shirt. Wonder what he’d look like if he unbuttoned just a few more… You stopped yourself in that line of thinking and joined him on the couch.
“I think your phone’s gonna zap itself into an early grave with the way it’s been going off” Bucky said as he pointed to your phone on the table.
You picked it up to find you had several missed calls from your mother, one from Steve, and one very long text message from him that was already inducing a headache. You opened it, forgetting you had read receipts on. Oops. You weren’t going to read this now in front of Bucky, so you shut it off and put it aside.
“So how are you feelin’?” He asked.
“Better now that I’m out that damned dress. As for my family, they'll get over themselves. I don’t know why who I’m dating is such a big deal to them anyways.”
“You do look more comfy now that you’ve changed. If you don’t mind me sayin’ you’re just as gorgeous now as you were all dolled up”
You felt heat flood your cheeks instantly and eked out a thank you. You and Bucky talked for an hour more or so and in that time you’d found yourself nodding off with your head on his chest. On instinct he brought your whole body closer to him and put his arm around you. If you were less sleepy you’d be embarrassed but right now you didn’t care.
Bucky had moved slightly and inadvertently jolted you awake. You shot up and realized that you’d cuddled your way into Bucky’s side and now the embarrassment was catching up with you. You instantly scooted back to give him some space.
“Sorry, I uh, didn’t mean to cuddle you” You said while avoiding his gaze.
You felt a hand on your thigh and finally looked up to find him smirking at you.
“I didn’t mind it. It’s getting late though, I should get back.”
You were slightly disappointed but nodded your head. You rose and followed him to the door. He went for the handle but turned around when you grabbed his hand. He stepped away from the door and was in your personal space. You looked up at him with a shaky breath.
“Thank you, again, for what you did. It was really sweet of you.” He smiled down at you and brought one hand to your face. Oh God, I didn’t prepare for this. Your heart was beating just a little harder as you looked into his clear blue eyes.
“For you? Anytime. I had a really fun time with you tonight.”
“Me too.”
With that his other hand came up to cup your face and he kissed you sweetly. It wasn’t until you kissed him back that he pulled away.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, I don’t wanna make you uncomf-”
You grabbed him by the shirt collar and brought him in for another kiss. This time more demanding but just as sweet. He let out a small moan and you swear you could’ve melted. His tongue explored your mouth while his hands moved their way down your body and brought you even closer to him. You could feel that he was hard and it only made you want him more.
Without breaking the kiss you started to move backwards towards the bed until finally you were just at the edge of it. You broke apart for air and searched his eyes only to find his pupils blown wide in lust. You cupped him through his pants and he groaned. He was big. Maybe even bigger than Steve.
“We don’t have to do anythin’ you don’t want to do,” He breathed out. You shook your head and kissed him again.
“I want you, I’m sure.” You panted out.
“I don’t have a condom”
“Doesn’ matter, I’m on the pill” You told him. With that his hands were up your tank top and you’d helped him to remove it. He worked on his shirt next and while he fumbled with the buttons you took off the rest of your clothing.
Bucky was every bit as devastating as you’d thought he’d be and you let out a genuine sigh. His toned muscles rippled throughout his arms and torso and you watched him remove his boxers and you’re not entirely sure your jaw hadn’t dropped. He noticed you gawking and chuckled as he leaned down to join you on the bed.
“See somethin’ you like?”
He didn’t give you the chance to answer though, he pushed you backwards onto the bed and kissed you again, this time trailing his kisses all the way down your body. He stopped and took his time to admire each of your breasts, licking and biting your nipples. You’d gasped in surprise and pleasure. He moved his way down finally to your pussy and looked up at you.
“Can I? You could only nod and let out a shaky breath as you sat up on your elbows and watched him get to work. He kissed and caressed your thighs until finally his fingers were prodding at your entrance. He groaned at how wet you were and pushed two fingers in. You let out an obscene moan and your hands went into his locks. His tongue lapped at your clit before he sucked on it, all the while pumping his fingers in and out of you in search of your G-spot.
You’d pulled his hair out of his bun and guided his tongue where he needed to be. Finally getting the right angle you were whimpering in pleasure, back arched almost to a point of pain. He’d finally found the spot he’d been looking for and your eyes shut closed in pleasure.
“Please,” you begged, “Please don’t stop I’m so close”
You pushed his head harder against you and his fingers sped up. It was only a matter of moments until your toes were curling in pleasure and you writhed on the bed in the aftershock of your orgasm. Bucky continued to lap away at you until you pushed him off. He came back up to eye level with you and had a wolfish grin.
“Who knew you’d make such noises? God it was so hot”
You pulled him in for another kiss and reached down to grab his cock. You pumped it a few times before you moved down to return the favor when he stopped you. You looked up at him with brows pinched in concern.
“Don’ worry about me, I just wanna feel you”
He moved you beneath him and you spread your legs apart for him. You were still sensitive in your post-high when his tip brushed your clit but you didn’t mind the bolt of pleasure. He aligned himself with your entrance and looked you in the eye as he pushed all the way inside of you slowly. You let out an involuntary moan, trying to accommodate his full length.
“You good?” He asked.
“I’m good, you’re just...big” He smirked at that.
“Can I move or do you need a second?”
“No, you can move, please move.”
One hand on your hip and the other on your breast he started thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace. You swore you could feel every bump and ridge of him with every inch he put into you. His pace picked up and he kissed the column of your neck, finding the one spot that drove you crazy. Your small mewls turned to full moans and he began fucking you harder.
“‘M not gonna last much longer” He told you. You didn’t say anything in response, just brought him in for another kiss and grabbed a handful of his ass to push him further inside you. He chuckled at that and took the hint.
He was going the hardest he had so far and you were holding on for dear life and loving every minute of it. His panting breaths were heavy in your ears and you reached down to toy with your clit so you’d cum together. His thrusts were getting a little sloppier and your hand moved faster, quickly approaching both your peaks. He let out an almost pornographic moan as he came, He fucked you through his orgasm and not a moment later you came for a second time. Your bodies melded together as you rode out the last waves of each other’s orgasms.
Finally Bucky stopped and held himself with one hand, trying to catch his breath. You were slightly dazed, trying to compute how your night had ended up like this. Bucky rolled over onto the bed and you felt the mess between your thighs. You looked over to him with a hazy smile.
“So, I know we’re doin’ things a little backwards here but, maybe I could take you out some time? If you want?”
Your smile grew even wider and your heart felt so light in this moment.
“I’d like that”
You didn’t know what tomorrow would hold or how to even begin cleaning up the mess with your family. You’d deal with it all in the morning, for now you’d just bask in the afterglow with your fake boyfriend and be grateful for chance meetings.
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Graveyard Siblings (5)
[Masterlink] (PART 1) (PART 4)
Mari and Cass sometimes switch their suits as they have the same body type. Cass would sometimes go out in full Hellbat gear and give the appearance that Hellbat is out more often than she actually is.
So Orphan/Black Bat also sometimes uses guns.
This also helps with concealing secret identities. Maria was rescued by Hellbat from Joker’s Henchmen. (Vicki Vale was getting sus of the new Wayne and Hellbat.)
Unfortunately since Hellbat rarely comes out and she had already made all of her appearance for the month and it wasn’t a busy weekend, the public had come to the conclusion that Hellbat has a crush on the newest Wayne.
Basically everyone thought that Mari has a crush on herself. Which led to some teasing and escalated to Mari announcing that Jason had a crush on Red Hood on live TV.
It didn’t help that a video of Red Hood and Jason re-enacting Romeo and Juliet with Jason on his apartment balcony and Red Hood on the roof was posted on the internet a few days later. (Thank you, Trixx and Tim’s awesome video editing skills)
Sadly, it was taken down 24 hours later. (Tim and the others have multiple copies of it, on the cloud or hardware, hidden around in the manor and their respective safehouses in the US.)
Some people kidnapped Jason to hopefully gain leverage over the Red Hood and to their dismay and nightmares for years to come, Hellbat came instead.
One lucky and incredibly brave reporter asked why she was there instead of her brother.
Mari being a little shit, “Red Hood may be a tough and scary guy but when it comes to his feelings, my brother is a chicken.”
Pictures of Jason tackling Hellbat somehow never made it into any papers.
The criminal underworld hasn’t taken a hint and Jason has been kidnapped a few more times.
Other times Jason was kidnapped:
Robin: Red Hood made a fool of himself in front of Todd recently and he doesn’t dare to show his face.
Spoiler: He was taking too damn long checking his hair even though I told him that no one was going to see it under his helmet and he was so offended that he is currently sulking in the bathroom.
Red Robin: Red Hood can’t think straight when he is around Jason. I mean have you seen the dude.
Arsenal*during a rare visit to Gotham*: Red Hood owes me one now.
Dick finally ends it by going out as Red Hood and rescuing Jason. Gotham is happy that Redson (Red Hood x Jason) ship has finally sailed.
Kate, Babs, Cass, Steph and Mari were out on Mari’s first girls’ night since her move to the manor.
This is set a little after she came back from Paris with Jason.
They watched rom-com movies, did hair and nails, gossip about the superhero community and bitch and vent to each other.
Marinette off-handedly mentioned the crazy shits she had done during her stint as Ladybug. It started with asking about the T-rex in the Batcave and she mentions jumping into the mouth of a live one before.
Everyone in the room was shocked and after a few more questions, it was obvious that she was very reckless and self-sacrificing. Yep, she was going to fit into this crazy family just fine.
And Holy Shit. There is so much trauma packed into this kid. She needs lots of therapy.
Babs finally decided that they all needed to get out and have some fun. All in their respective suits and they went out.
Joined by Harley, Ivy and Selina.
Plagg came along because I want Plagg to meet Selina.
It was a chaotic night and it was a miracle that Bruce didn’t find out about what the girls did.
Batman and Red Hood were on patrol together when Selina jumped in front of them.
“Hello, Boys”
“What do you want, Catwoman?”
“I want to meet my new prodigy, Kitty Noire.”
Cue Marinette jumping down from her hiding spot, transformed with the Black Cat Miraculous. “Hiya.”
Red Hood carries her like a potato sack and points his gun at the other two.
“Nope, she’s my sister and I called dibs. I adopted her. She’s off limits.”
“Legally, she’s mine.” Batman coughed out.
“I did it first. Emotionally. She’s my emotional support sister. You have plenty kids already, B and Selina, get your own.”
“Hey, I am still here and can hear you.”- Maria
Alya was worried for Lila. She had been acting weirdly for the past month.
She looked very out of sorts. Her clothes weren’t in order and her hair was in disarray. She had bags under her eyes and her eyes looked wild. Lila didn’t look like herself at all.
She jumped at any sound and flinched at really sudden movements.
Alya tried to find out what was wrong with Lila and received vague answers.
One time Lila said that Marinette is to blame.
Alya reaches the somewhat right conclusion that Marinette was haunting Lila and hurting her because Lila used to come to school with bruises and claims that Marinette did it.
Alya goes to Marinette’s grave to desecrate it. (Yeah, go anger the ghost that is haunting someone.)
Unfortunately, the moment she tries to do something, the sky turns dark, clouds appear and the wind begins whipping. A Lightning strike near her and there was a cloaked figure beside her with a scythe.
All Alya saw from the figure was the blood-red lips in a very sharp grin and glowing blue eyes, raising the scythe high before she ran away. The scythe swiped the air where her head once was.
Alya didn’t get far before she tripped and blacked out.
When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital with no idea how she got there.
She was told that somebody found her with a concussion in the park and took her to the hospital.
The next one on Mari’s hit list was Natalie.
She wasn’t as involved in the whole thing like Lila, Adrien or Gabriel but she still did it anyways.
Her punishment is a little mild compared to the others and was more of a warning to Gabriel.
Natalie woke up in the middle of the night to see a not-so-dead Ladybug sitting on her vanity chair with the moonlight from the windows illuminating her body and her neck. Her suit was torn exactly like the day of that battle with blood dripping down her arms and from her open wounds. The shadows kept her face hidden but glowing blue eyes stared at her.
Natalie was scared at first. But she regained her normal cool composure.
“I assume you are here to extract your revenge for aiding in your unfortunate demise. But before you kill me, I regret my part in my entire thing and I apologize for everything I have done against you even though I knew it was wrong.”
“At least you show remorse over what you have done. Visiting my grave when even my parents didn’t and leaving flowers. I love those purple hyacinths by the way. Did you know that they mean sorry in the language of the flowers?”
“Why are you stalling my death? Just kill me already.”
“Madam Sancouer. You just played a minor role in my downfall compared to what Adrien and Lila Rossi did to me. And you showed more guilt over your actions than they ever did and Adrien claimed to have loved me. And like I have told the Bats, Death is too swift of a punishment.”
“Who are the bats?”
“None of your concern. You should be more concerned about yourself.”
“Lila sees the ghosts of her past and they haunt her. Adrien is in a living nightmare and has no control over his actions and is despised by everyone. What are you going to do to me?”
“Well, since you show some guilt over your actions, let me tell you a little secret. I am not dead. Not really. I mean I did die. But there was a spell in the grimoire that revived me. It took a few days to work.”
Marinette changed to her normal form. It was a little jarring to see an older Marinette Dupain-Cheng sitting on her vanity chair like it was a throne. The Ladybug suit and the wounds were gone. She looked a little familiar.
“Why are you telling me this? What was the point?” Natalie faltered as she wondered why the girl looked familiar. Marinette moved closer and her face was fully illuminated by the moonlight.
“I intend to take everything by which I mean everything from Gabriel Agreste for what he did.”
“M. Agreste just wanted his wife back. You just gave him your Miraculous, you would still have everything.”
“What difference would it make? Sure I had friends and family before but they turned out to be disappointing. I might have become a famous designer like I dreamed of and can't achieve because I died. Besides, he never said about wanting his wife to come back in his tedious monologues. For all we knew back then, he wanted them for world domination. He showed that he would end the world for them. For kwamis’ sake, he nearly started World War III, just for a pair of earring and a ring. He was willing to kill me to have her back. No wait, he did that too. If he actually read the translated grimoire or asked the Guardian or at least someone with magic for help instead or maybe used his head and made some who can heal as his champion using the Butterfly, we wouldn’t even be in this mess. Face it, Mme Sancour, your boss is a power-hungry and very controlling maniac who is also thankfully an idiot.”
“But- he- he just-. You are just a child, what do you know? M. Agreste knew what he was doing.”
“A child who had a normal life up until he tried to ruin it with his idiotic schemes and hiring Lila to do it. A child who had to fight a war on her own.”
“I am sorry you had to go through that but I doubt you and your little revenge rampage is going to solve anything.”
Ghostly Chains wrapped around Natalie’s body, squeezing tight like it was squeezing the life out of her.
“I was all for sparing you, you know. If you had actually listened to my side of the story, you would have spared from my ‘little revenge rampage’. This is going to be a little painful. Sorry about that.” In a tone that was definitely not sorry.
Pain coursed through Natalie’s body. Her skin crawled and itched as pitch back feathers grew out of it. Her bones turned to dust and reformed.
Where Natalie Sancour once was, there was a raven.
An omen of death and destruction for one Gabriel Agreste.
Marinette leaned down towards the raven. Natalie tried to peck her eye out but Marinette held the beak in a firm grip.
“Ah. ah ah. Luckily for you this is temporary. Mostly. Every night, you will assume this shape and each night the longer you will stay in this form. Slowly counting down the days until Gabriel’s downfall. Since you love helping him so much, you are going to help him know how long he has to live. The night you are a raven from sunset to sunrise, that sunrise starts the day Gabriel Agreste will be utterly destroyed.”
She released the beak and headed towards the window.
"Send him my regards."
With that, she was gone.
(Part 6)
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