#lmk hanahaki
probablyaseamonster · 2 years
This fandom needs more hanahaki
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unlucky-few · 2 years
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When you have tonsillitis but the grind for ur aus never stops.
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emelinstriker · 1 year
Macaque ♢ No Response
Got too many fluff fics of Macaque, so have this one for the feels. c:
Hanahaki go brrr-
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♢ ~ Angst ~ ♢
Not just anyone got to be this close to Macaque. Be it emotionally or physically. This demon held even people he enjoyed being around with at arms-length. You knew it's due to his past experiences and you didn't mind. You enjoyed hanging out with him regardless... Though, you were disappointed that he never showed any signs that he was actually interested in you beyond friendship. Thus, you never tried to make a move. However, you did give away subtle hints that you liked him.
From the way you were helping him with his daily plans, to the way you were regularly smiling at him. He never seemed to take the hint. He simply treated you like he would any other he deemed as 'friend', while also putting his dislike for Sun Wukong first.
And it hurt.
Yet this pain was quite minimal compared to how you felt during one evening's 'hangout'...
The sun was starting to set as the people of Megapolis slowly started to head home to rest from their tiring day at work or school. Meanwhile, you were waiting in an isolated corner at the park for Macaque to arrive. He wanted to meet up to ask you something so important that texting you apparently made him feel uncomfortable.
Hope arose when you read his hangout message once again. Was he going to confess? Was your love for him reciprocated?
After what seemed like an hour of waiting, despite it only having been roughly 10 minutes, a shadow portal appeared underneath the closest tree's shade. And as expected, your monkey friend appeared. "Sorry about being a little late. I quickly had to check up on someone..."
You waved your hand dismissively, telling him that it's fine. "I haven't even waited for half an hour. Anyway, what was it you wanted to ask?"
"Ah, straight to the point, as usual", he chuckled. However, while his smile remained, his gaze suddenly seemed a lot more nervous.
"Well... You see... How do I put this-"
Hope arose once more as you noticed a very faint blush on his cheeks. Macaque crossed his arms for some comfort.
"Do you..."
Your smile brightened.
"...Do you know what would be a good gift for a first date?"
And in an instant, your smile was gone and was replaced by a mixed expression of hurt and confusion. You masked the expression with more of the confusing part almost immediately.
"I- Um- What-"
"I got a date with a human this evening and I haven't even come up with a gift! But humans bring gifts to dates, right??"
"...W- Well, generally speaking, I... I guess flowers are a first date thing?" You shrugged. "Or- Uh... Something small they might like? I- I don't know?"
"Something they might like... from what I recall, they don't like flowers. So that option is out of the question..."
"Oh." You liked flowers. "T- Then I don't know how to help you here... Sorry." He wasn't talking about you, clearly.
He sighed, placing one hand behind his neck with the other on his hip. "It's fine. I guess I could've just asked you this through text. But I felt like it'd be too... awkward."
"As if this meeting wasn't awkward...", you muttered lowly, hoping he wouldn't hear. Though, you forgot about his extreme hearing. The dark-furred simian raised an eyebrow at you, but refused to say anything. This meeting was kind of awkward after all. However, he thought it was awkward due to a very different reason.
"...Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?" You asked after a few seconds of silence. If he paid enough attention, he would've heard the obvious disappointment in your voice.
"I...", he started before pausing, "...No, actually. I'm just... looking for advice."
Your mouth formed a straight line as you crossed your arms. "I... guess all the advice I can give you is... act like yourself, give them something small they might like, and just... have fun. Good luck on your first date though, I'm rooting for you", you added with a small, fake smile.
And with that, you started to turn and walk away, hands in your pockets... When you suddenly had the urge to cough. You covered your mouth with one hand as you rather loudly coughed, trying to get rid of whatever was itching in your throat... And out came a tiny bit of blood. Your eyes widened at the sight as you let out a very quiet gasp. Macaque, of course, heard you. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"
"Y- Yeah. Just... caught a bit of a cold, I- I guess... Don't worry about me though! Worry about your date!" You nervously laughed, brushing off the concern his gaze on you held.
"Are you sure? I could at least-" "N- No, no! It's fine! I'm f- fine! Maybe a walk back home will clear my pipes more." You were trying to hold back another cough as you started to walk away a little faster. "See you after your date! Text me how it went!"
After letting out another cough, you started to speedwalk away, leaving the shadow monkey alone to his thoughts. He was worried, sure, but you had a point. He had a date to prepare for and he was majorly unprepared.
While he set out to finding the perfect first date gift for the other human, you arrived home and ended up coughing into your bathroom's sink. You were already expecting more blood, but you were not expecting the petals that followed soon after...
You needed answers.
And so, you ended up looking up your symptoms on your phone. Oddly enough, it did not take long at all to figure out why you were suddenly sick and coughing up bloody petals. The first page of your search was entirely filled with articles, images and even documentaries about it. A disease, or rather a curse, called Hanahaki.
Apparently it wasn't a common disease. It sort of seemed to have vanished for the most part, and the most recent records you could find seemed to have happened a few years ago. It seemed to involve falling in love with demons and said demons not returning the person's love. Which is why it was also deemed to be a curse- A curse the Celestial Realm may have set upon humanity for committing the sin of falling in love with a demon. However, as said before, it seemed to have died down and the greater majority of humans are safely able to be with a demon...
You were not part of that greater majority.
Dread washed over you as you felt the urge to cough again. 'Oh, what fun', you thought sarcastically. Especially after knowing Macaque was on a date with someone potentially better and more interesting than you... Tears gathered in your eyes at the thought of being completely replaced by someone else as the person he usually came to talk to first. It did not help your increasing coughing fit.
Your coughing did not seem to decrease of stop either as more and more thoughts clouded your mind. Perhaps Macaque would be better off without you bothering him with your interest in him...
Speaking of the shadow monkey, he did not have a great time on his date either. Turns out his interest for his crush disappeared the moment they started to talk about their interests without ever asking him about himself. The conversation seemed to be more one-sided if anything. He did try to add some of his own interests into the mix, but his date would brush those off within seconds and lead back towards their own topics.
He couldn't help but imagine how this conversation would've gone if you were sitting there instead of his date. You probably would've talked about mutual interests and lead to the topic of a new videogame you two could try together. The dark-furred simian sighed as he nodded along to whatever his date was saying, already zoning out of the 'conversation' and starting to look at his phone on his lap.
At some point, they started talking smack about their friends and hinted at his friends probably being 'just as strange'. His thoughts only went back to you. However, one statement actually pulled him into the topic.
"That being said, i knew a loser back in my school days named (Y/N)." His date said as the monkey's ear twitched. "What an oddball, honestly. All they ever did was read, write and draw during recess with no friends at all. Haha! Someone this quiet and awkward would never be able to score a date, I tell you-" They suddenly stopped when they noticed the intense glare the demon sitting across the table was giving them.
"...You know what? Sorry, but I don't think this relationship could ever work. I'm out. Check's on you", he stated before angrily getting up from his seat. He took a few steps back before phasing through his own shadow.
"Huh- Wha-... HEY!"
Once back in the darkness of Megapolis's streets, Macaque started to calm down. Sure, they could've meant another (Y/N), but the way they described those interests of yours, those interests that you've been carrying around happily for years... It just struck a cord and he somewhat snapped. He actually had to hold himself back from just outright yelling at this human.
Though, even if they were not talking about you at all, they still were not suitable as his mate. The lack of common interests was just one part of it. Either way, he decided to text you, knowing you would still be up at this time. It wouldn't be the first time he would want to visit you before the clock hit midnight.
'Date was a bust'
'Kept talking shit and i lost interest before we even hit the 30 min mark'
'You awake?'
Yet you did not reply.
Strange. You did not answer like how you usually would... Maybe you just fell asleep early? After all, you probably expected him to be unavailable for the entire evening. And if you were sick, that would just add even more reason to it. Macaque groaned. He should've stayed with you to make sure you were actually okay! Worry started to take ahold of him once more at the thought of you ignoring his texts due to your last conversation with each other.
Only then did he realize... You actually seemed disappointed when he told you about his date.
What hit even harder was the memory of him wishing you sat with him instead of this other human he thought he had a crush on. But... it was you he actually wanted. It's been you for so long and he never realized.
He facepalmed before deciding you give you a surprise visit. Just to make sure you were asleep and not ignoring him for his stupidity. Using another shadow portal, his next destination was your living room. Once inside, he quietly roamed the darkened apartment. All lights seemed to be off, so he thought you were actually asleep... Until he noticed the light coming from your bathroom. Macaque, instead of knocking as to not scare you into thinking he was an intruder, spoke up.
"(Y/N)? Are you in there?"
No response.
"...Are you mad at me for sending you to the park for our short talk?"
No response. The demon closed his eyes and focused on the bathroom's sounds. Maybe you were actually ignoring him.
However, confusion started to kick in as he noticed... He did not hear anything. No water dripping, no movement of clothes...
...Not even a heartbeat?
Now that he thought about it, he did not hear your heartbeat even once since he got here... But you would never leave the bathroom's lights on if you left... If anything, you would only leave the living room's lights on if you were out for a short moment. Concern replaced his confusion as he tried opening the door. Only for it to be locked. He cursed under his breath before using his shadow form to enter the small crack beneath the door...
He froze.
There you were. Lying on the ground.
He already knew you had no pulse. Your heart wasn't beating. And he couldn't hear any faint breathing either. But... what made him freak out the most was how you died. Dark purple petals filled up the sink. Dark purple flowers filled up your bloodied mouth...
Macaque started to hyperventilate as tears quickly gathered in his eyes. He ended up sobbing once he fell onto his knees. grabbing ahold of your corpse, cradling it in his arms.
"N- No- Please- This- This is a joke, right? You're not- You're not actually dead- Right??"
No response.
No response.
"...I didn't get to... I couldn't even tell you... I just..."
No response...
"...I love you... sugarplum..."
> Masterlist <
♤  Part 2
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
I read it years ago, and it's good don't get me wrong, but A) it's pre season 3 and B) I want your opinion
oh ok gotcha 👍
so you asked: “Hanahaki shadowpeach post divorce. Both have it. Theyre both immortal and hanahaki cant kill them, just painful and unbelievably annoying and hard to fight with it. Who would be the first to confess or would they both live with that forever”
ok, so my personally interpretation of hanahaki (and the interpretation i'm using for my top gun fic) is one where the character coughing up flowers believes that their affection are unrequited but can no longer reconcile with that fact.
as in, "maybe i've been pining for you for some time but i never truly hoped for anything big except what we had. but i cannot stand it anymore and it isn't fair how i can see you and feel butterflies while you look at me and acknowledge nothing."
i like this mostly because it adds to the angst factor and is a good character study for the blorbos who are terrible with dealing with their emotions.
tbh by s5 shadowpeach aren't saying shit. they actually start coughing by s5 and are in denial for what it means but both know that the truce they gave each other was an olive branch and an open door for reconciling but the two idiots are under the impression that it is only them who desires to go to a relationship that was close to where they started. so they continue to cough up flowers and because of their immortality, the disease is much slower than it would be for a mortal.
it's become their chronic disease that neither will ever confess to one another and then you have mk who knows that both of them have the same disease and is sick and tired of their bs. like, he knows neither monkey will die from Hanahaki but he is so annoyed bc every time shadowpeach inch a step closer, MK's like "ok, this has to be good enough to stop the coughing" and then it doesn't and he's like "YALL WANT MORE????"
rip mk
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zumii-idle · 11 months
"Damn peach blossoms… Macaque snarled as he grabbed at his shirt. His claws ripped easily through the thin fabric and scratched at his chest. If only those blossoms had never plagued him, then maybe…
Maybe he could have been happy."
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Chapter 6's scene of Macaque digging his claws into his chest from @anxiescape's Peach Blossoms!
Read here > Peach Blossoms by Anxiescape
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charliemcksstuff · 10 months
Hanahaki! Shadowpeach au
The first time went unnoticed, something a little like this.
Wukong muffled a giggle as he heard his dear warrior’s footsteps crunch the leaves below him. He remained shrouded behind the cover of the tree as Macaque’s footsteps became slightly louder before stopping to a halt.
The king had a wide, giddy grin on his face as he tried to remain as calm as possible and hide from his sneaky shadow. He held a hand up to his lips to stop another little laugh from slipping out.
A voice spoke from behind him and he jumped, yelping and losing his balance on the tree branch.
Luckily enough, his tail instinctively wrapped around said branch and stopped him from face planting into the earth. His ears caught onto the snarky cackle above him and he craned his head to meet the eyes of his best friend.
“Oh, by Buddha! You should have seen your face!”
Macaque chuckled, shoulders hunching as his grin thinned out into a beautiful smile. He reached down, his hand outstretched and inviting. Wukong took it, hoisting himself back up onto the branch and pouting.
“No fair! I bet you used your ears to find me!”
The king huffed, crossing his arms and looking away. Macaque lazily smirked, rolling his eyes.
“It’s not my fault you’re so loud. Plus, you can’t even try to hide without giggling your ass off. Just admit that I won this round, my king.” He sassed, leaning into Wukong’s space teasingly.
Wukong tried to step away, before an idea popped into his head and he grinned. The warrior faltered at the grin and now he just realized that he was playing into a dangerous game. He tried to escape but there was no use, his king was already barreling into his chest and knocking the air out of him.
They both fell out of the tree, tumbling into the grassy ground below as they both laughed together. Wukong snuggled into Macaque’s neck, giggling some as he hooked his arms over the latter’s shoulder.
“Can’t ever escape my surprise attack!”
The king exclaimed, to which Macaque only quirked an eyebrow at such words.
“Oh really? And what if I just portal away?”
Wukong only squeezed tighter.
“You can’t! That’s not part of the rules!”
He pouted further, moving to sit up from his place on Macaque’s chest.
“You cheat all the time, what’s wrong with me doing it?”
“Well I never use my powers! You’re always using yours!”
The shadow demon huffed, before smirking and shoving Wukong’s shoulder lightly.
“You cheater…” the golden monkey grumbled under his breath, knowing all to well that his dark counterpart heard him either way.
“Yeah, but you love me. Just admit it.”
The blush rushed to his cheeks before he could even push out a reply, Macaque found that quite funny. Wukong sighed, trying to push the words out, but found his throat has clogged up, and before he knew he was keeling over to cough up whatever blocked his airway.
He felt Macaque’s shaky, worried hands gently place themselves onto his shoulders and he couldn’t help but feel glad that he was here with him.
Soon enough, whatever got stuck in Wukong’s throat had landed in the hand that covered his mouth. He pulled his hand away from his face and peered at it.
Pink petals?..
Only then did the king find out they were petals of plum blossoms. He looked up when he heard a small giggle. Macaque had let a small chuckle slip, worry still slightly creasing his brow.
“I must’ve eaten the pit of a plum or something..” he humored and his shadow laughed again.
“When have you eaten plums?”
Wukong shrugged, smiling some.
“Eh, when I feel like it.”
“Do you eat the pits of stone fruit when you feel like it too?”
The king spluttered, slapping Macaque’s shoulder lightly.
“S-shut up!”
He huffed, dropping the plum blossom petals and deeming it as he either ate a plum put or just inhaled a flower while playing.
“Want to play again? If we do, you’re seeking.”
Macaque smiled oh so beautifully. How could Wukong ever say no to a face as pretty as that?
“Yes! I’m bound to win this time!”
And with that, the flowers were forgotten on the earthy floor.
Feel free to ask questions about this au, I’d love to hear and answer what you ask me!
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terezsa07 · 2 months
Hello, just wanted to say, that I post on both AO3 and Wattpad.
Just a minor warning, I accidentally posted it twice on AO3.
P.S. I have troubles remembering the disease name, so....yeah....it happens.
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
I think we should take this further and see how many types of flowers MK can cough up at the same time (dead serious)
It HAS to be that one time MK got vibe-checked by his shadow-self ink-doppelganger, failed the check, failed to save his mentor and won incredible amounts of self-doubt- and doubt as to wether he even has a family as a prize, when just a few eps before he was very bluntly calling Pigsy his dad
I don't know much about flower language and stuff though, so i can't say which types, but it must have been quite the bouquet
You gotta thank scroll Subodhi for putting the idea into MK's head that he "doesn't have a family".
Anyways, how many flowers is that? 1 for Wukong, 1 for Mei, 1 for Pigsy, 1 for Tang, and 1 for Sandy? So 5 flowers at once? I love this very physical/visual metaphor for "how badly is MK feeling during this scene" lol.
I also don't know anything about flower language, but I'll try my best to assign a flower to each character for MK to cough up!
Sun Wukong: Japanese Spider Lilies (an idea kinda from @ideas-of-immortality! They've mentioned how spider lilies are a representation of death, and how they were planted around graves to keep bodies safe! So like, something something "Wukong losing everyone he cares about" something something.) Mei: Gladiolus (Meaning "little sword", gladiolus flowers symbolize strength, love, and integrity. Mei the flower.) Pigsy: Chrysanthemum (One of the four noble Chinese plants, it "blooms in bright colors during chilly autumn, a time when most flowers wither", representing vitality, longevity, and health. "Against the chilly frost, it comes into full bloom, with a bright spectrum of colour yet with a low-key elegance. This represents a tranquil mind of indifference to fame and fortune, which reflects the pursuit of classical Chinese gentlemen." Pigsy is a gentlemen <3) Tang: Adenium Obesum, specifically the variant referred to as "Golden Cicada" (self-explanatory) (I can't find out anything about this flower other than the fact it exists) Sandy: Lotus Flower (The name Sha Wujing literally translates to "Sand Awakened to Purity", purity being something greatly associated with the lotus flower. It is a flower that "grows from the muddy waters and emerges and blooms above the waterline with perfect dramatic beauty.")
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bubblymochicat · 2 years
LMK au where Wukong gets Hanahaki shortly after he and Macaque have their falling out. He spends centuries repressing it and hiding it from everyone as it slowly got worse.
It was getting worse slowly because Wukong was using his magic to suppress it. It also helped that he hadn't seen much of Macaque. Then he runs into him again while mentoring MK and his hanahaki rapidly takes a turn for the worst.
When SWK gets possessed by LBD she puts his ass on blast and exposes him to Mac, and now Mac is like, Huh??? Wtf??
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anxiescape · 5 months
Fire Lilies Chapter 2 is now up!! Happy New Year!!!
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starii-lins · 8 months
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Day 10: Hanahaki disease
not rlly proud of this but ehh (this is supposed to be familial btw, the platonic hanahaki disease trope hurts a lot more imo :3)
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scribblurri · 11 months
Word-Woven Garden: Complied Flower Meaning List
my platonic hanahaki au fic on ao3 has had a couple of people requesting a compiled list of all flower meanings mentioned in story for convenience, so here it is!
all meanings listed are taken from this spreadsheet, if simplified or interpreted differently just for story purposes
Ch. 1
Poplar / Cottonwood: Black - courage, White/Silver - time
Primrose - childhood, early youth, modest worth
Goldenrod - encouragement, be cautious
Ch. 2
Oleander - beware (highly poisonous)
Anemone / Windflower - anticipation, fragility/frailty, forsaken, abandonment
Scarlet auricula / cowslip / bear's ear - avarice
Ch. 3
Ox-eye daisy - patience
Peony - anger, ostentation, shame
Lilac - first love
Fennel - strength
Coltsfoot - justice shall be done
Coriander - hidden worth, concealed merit
Ch. 5
Anchusa / Bugloss - falsehood
Barberry / Berberis - sourness of temper, sharpness, petulance
Acacia - friendship, platonic love
Ch. 6
Laurel - glory, treachery
Lavender - mistrust
Ch. 7
Moonwort - forgetfulness
Marigold - cruelty, grief, contempt
Chinese aster - I will think of it
Ch. 8
Hortensia / Hydrangea macrophylla - carelessness, coldness, cruelty
Buttercup - ingratitude, childishness
Ch. 9
Honesty - sincerity, honesty, fascination, forgetfulness
Ch. 10
Fraxinella / Dictamnus albus - fire (also known as the gas plant or burning bush, they produce volatile gases that catch fire easily in hot weather!)
Lobelia - arrogance, malevolence
Ch. 11
Hollyhock - ambition
Ch. 12
Borage - rudeness, bluntness, courage
Ch. 13
Rue - disdain
Flos adonis - sorrowful remembrances, painful recollections
Ch. 14
Sea bindweed (a type of morning glory) - uncertainty
Ch. 15
Wormwood - absence, bitter sorrow
Ch. 16
Basil - hatred
Ch. 17
Heath - solitude
Morning glory - unrequited love, extinguished hopes, affection
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
I like that fic a lot not only cause it's my ship, but because I've never seen that hanahaki type before. Usually the feelings are mutual, and it could be solved by communication (or the person just dies rip). Never seen hanahaki where it's factually right and not just based on what the victim thinks
yeah those are rare ones. mostly, i think, because people like a happy ending (and i am no different tbh), but those are the original concepts of what Hanahali represented: a love one-sided and fatal not just to your emotional wellbeing but your own life as a whole.
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glittertrail · 2 years
If you wanna infodump about hanahaki disease and any other fake illnesses you might know about i would greatly appreciate the information lol (i literally only know the basics -aka unrequited love makes you cough up flowers and then you die- and have no idea on where to start researching)
there's... not that much to infodump on to be honest, i basically discovered what was the hanahaki desease little before the plague and asking for everyone's favorite flower became a thing before and at the beginning of the plague bc of it (the first of many many mentally ill choices made that year for me and my friends)
there's not much more to hanahaki desease than what you just said, it first was used in a 2009 shoujo and became a niche-ish staple in fanfic ever since (I know it's been used in like 2 or 3 works of original media but it's mostly a fan work trope), specially lgbt+ fanwork bc ✨drama✨ and since it's relatively new there's not like a established lore besides the basic 'coughing flowers (and potentially die)' thing, that means there's a good number of variables and those are fun to play with if you are into world building (which i am this is where the nerd rambling actually begins)
About the flowers themselves: it's normally either flowers associated with the object of the unrequited love, character A or B favorite flowers, or maybe something plot relevant (aka A saw B buy a certain type of flowers so now those are the flowers A is coughing, maybe they're their favorite color, maybe one of them is named named after the flower, or the flower has a particular meaning in flower language, you get the gist)
About the mechanics of the desease: the way it works changes depending on the writer, sometimes the flowers grow in lungs (traditional), sometimes they grow directly in hearts or stomaches, you have similar but different secondary symptoms depending on how medical-ish you want to get, other than flowers coughing you can also get other issues like trouble breathing bc the lung space is limited or if they grow in hearts it means low blood pressure, and things that come with it, like fainting spells, if they grow in stomaches then there's acid reflux to take into account (... and disordered eating imagery, which, not my favorite i must say)
it's a painful, slow disease that often develops over months, if not years, and begins with coughing up a few petals, and grows in intensity and pain until the victim is coughing up entire flowers, at which point the disease has reached its final stages and if not treated, it's fatal (and sometimes even when treated bc it's too late).
((tangential but a discovery i made when asking people about their favorite flowers is that a lot of people that have allergies just consider flowers the enemy in general so this is like doubly cruel if you have one of those; the smell of flowers becomes a trigger))
The treatment: so the traditional way to cure it is fessing up to the crush and have their love be required, which has the unfortunate implications of... forcing the other character to return their feelings, which is not Great and not always possible (once again ✨drama✨). There's also the surgical option (aka get rid of the flowers via medical intervention) which sometimes has got the side effect of making the person that has the surgery lose the feelings they had towards their crush or be unable to fall in love again altogether (depends on how last resort and angsty you want to get).
There's also the mechanics of what does unrequited love mean in the context of the story; say the object of the crush accepts to go out with the character that is sick... what if they don't fall in love with them anyway? what if they do but the other person falls out of love? If the crush is requited but both parties are unaware is it still unrequited? what happens when you have characters that are aromantic or otherwise sexually incompatible?
Since the dilemma of forcing someone to reciprocate the feelings of the character affected by the desease is too much of an ick for some people bc that'd make the object of the unrequited crush potentially responsible of someone's death, sometimes there are shifts that make for interesting points in the story:
→ the reason of the desease being not the unrequited love but the refusal to face the possibility of rejection, which then explores other topics the sick character has to deal with, like issues with their self worth or perception of their own self image
→ the desease losing the deathly quality in favor of becoming more of an annoyance than anything else; which opens up another realm of possibilities like turning the deadly angsty trope into a comedy/fluff compatible prompt and broadening up the kind of love it portraits (yes ofc there's romantic love but also... getting a sudden rush of affection for your friend in a purely platonic way, remembering how much you love your pet) or other kinds of angst (it might not be deadly but the possibility of like... Being ridiculed/bullied about the unrequited crush is not off the table depending on the setting of your story)
Edit: a point I forgot to make about the flowers chosen, if favorite flowers are traditional, a world in which knowing someone's favorite flowers must be common knowledge bc how do you casually know that otherwise. The number of people that were taken aback when I started to ask people's favorite flowers was huge bc there's people that had never even thought about it or, heartwarmingly enough, people that did but never had the opportunity to talk about it and lacked the vocabulary to do so (they could point at them in pictures but the name didn't come to them) so there's considerations to be made on that respect
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Yeah I know I haven't finished my other series, but I might write some hanahaki fics
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charliemcksstuff · 9 months
Here’s my eventful hanahaki! Wukong au! Hope you enjoy reading, I spent so long writing this
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