#log 245
I'm here! This is... wow. There's two stars in this system! And that planet right there is so blue. Maybe I should- ..."High Sentinel activity."
Y'know, maybe I'll... leave that one be for a little bit. Um. Especially because this place is marked as an Outlaw System. Maybe I'll hold these broadcasts back a little while I'm here. I've already gotten enough trouble from pirates... I'm still pissed about those six ships at once. After a month of no fighting!
Uh. My navigator marked a station over past that blue planet, so I guess I'm heading over there. I'll tell you how it goes.
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self inflicted fishing hell
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The Coat
Rating: M
Warnings: Subtle smut, suggestive content, getting caught. MDNI.
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Donquioxte Doflamingo, Akagami no Shanks, Captain Smoker, x GN!Reader
A/N: Consider this a sister to The Hat Rule. Enjoy.
Word Count: 281
The Polar Tang had docked for a supply run, the submersible quiet as the crew had all taken advantage of this rare porting. You’d taken advantage of it as well, settled in the office of your Captain. You’d offered to take log of what supplies were and weren’t needed- and you had, the ledger sitting on the edge of the desk. But what had drawn your attention was the coat that draped over the chair you were sitting in. 
It smelled like Law. 
Your eyes closed as you breathed in the scent; it was undeniably him. An undercurrent of antiseptic that clung to him at all times, but atop that- the body wash that they used ( vanilla musk, bourbon, something woodsy- sandalwood? ) coupled with their natural scent. You felt your heart race in your chest as your mind raced. You couldn’t… But no one was here. No one would find you. 
Your hand made up your mind, slipping under your boiler suit to press against yourself, a stutter of a sigh spilling free at the blessed pressure. Gentle strokes stoked a fire within you, and in a matter of minutes, you were already aching, rutting into your own hand with soft gasps of his name. 
“Did you finish-” Their voice spilled into the room, dragging a startled squeak out of you as you froze- as did he. Eyes widening in surprise, he studied you for a moment: features flushed, chest rising and falling rapidly, suit unzipped clear to your stomach, sitting in his chair, face buried in his coat. “-the logs?”
“Don’t stop now.” Law closed the door behind themself, locking it once it latched. “Continue.”
“Did I stutter?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Word Count: 245
Your fingers brushed against the feathered coat of your… Paramour? You weren’t anything exclusive, nothing that you could certainly put a name on. But he kept you close, gave you gifts, caressed you like you were something precious. Paramour, other half, lover. Or, you could be. The option had been given more than once.
( You’re surprised he hadn’t simply ordered you, yet. )
You settled down on the couch, leaning your head into the coat as a makeshift pillow, drawing in the scent that clung to it. Oud wood, bourbon, sandalwood, and spice clung to the fabric, much like the cologne that he preferred to use. The scent made your mind grow nearly foggy, eyes slipping shut.
Your thighs pressed together as heat settled low. You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about fucking him. He’s so big, and his hands… A soft sigh spilled free as you shifted, your hand smoothing down your front before coming to press between your thighs, giving delicious pressure. You sighed as you rocked into your touch, not noticing the door opening- or closing.
Not until your hand was suddenly pulled away by a taut wire. Eyes flying open, you were greeted with the man himself, crouched in front of you. “What do we have here?”
“Oh, please. Don’t stop on my accord,” your hand was freed, though you felt like a deer trapped in the headlights. “Keep going.”
And who were you to disobey an order?
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
ShanksWord count: 239
The coat had been dropped over your shoulders as your lover left to shower. You’d made port for the evening to avoid sailing directly into a storm. Shanks had been raving about the hot springs that fueled the inn you’d decided to stay at, something the entire crew were looking forward to. 
You plopped onto the large bed, wrapped up in his coat. Hands smoothed over the worn material; there were a few runs that you’d need to fix at some point. But something caught your attention- the barest hint of the way Shanks tended to smell. Whiskey, burning wood, and an odd touch of orchid- something you knew came from your own body wash. To know that your scent had mingled with his own enough that it clung to his coat had you flushing with pride. 
He’d be a while… 
You moaned softly as your hand busied itself between your thighs, face buried in the sleeve of the coat, eyes squeezed shut. You were already close, so pent up- 
“If ye wanted me that badly, ye could’ve said something, love.” Shanks’ voice interrupted you. You jerked your hand away, eyes widening.
“I thought you’d be a while still!”
“So ye thought ye could get off while I was away?” He ‘tsk’ed, shaking his head as he walked closer to the bed. “Came to ask if ye wanted to join me- but I think I know the answer, now.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
SmokerWord Count: 262
“I’ll be right back.” Smoker had said before he slipped out, leaving you in his office. You’d met on the sea, your ship and his own; it made for the perfect excuse to get together and talk. It’d been nearly six months since you’d last seen one another, and the time- and distance- had certainly been a pain in the ass.
Not like you two were together or anything. No, you were almost certain the feelings were purely one-sided. 
You settled back in your chair, only to pause; he’d left his jacket behind, draped over the back of the chair you sat in. Curiosity getting the better of you, you leaned over, breathing in deeply. Cigar smoke, pine, vanilla musk, and bourbon greeted your senses. Shit. You shifted in your seat, glancing towards the door to ensure that yes, you were alone. 
Shame colored your cheeks at the way your thighs tensed, at the way you could feel heat growing. Worrying your lip, you pressed your hand between your thighs, hoping to ease a bit of the tension. Your hips rocked on their own accord; a stuttering sigh spilled free as you closed your eyes, imaging that it was his hand instead of your own-
The door opened. You squeaked, jerking your hand up, pulling your face back from the jacket. Smoker paused, taking in your flushed cheeks, the way you’d gone rigid, before a chuckle escaped him. “Doll, if you wanted me,” he murmured, closing the door behind himself, locking it. “All you had to do was ask.”
“Come here.”
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angelkcals-blog · 3 months
food log 2/27
venison - 130cal
black bean quinoa burger - 245 cal
sourdough toast w goat cheese - 245 cal
total: 620 burned: 1036
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teenie-greenie · 8 days
My husband made us this nice dinner but I couldn't count the cals and I felt gross bc we also had cake so I pvrged it. Other than that I didn't eat anything all day 🥰 didn't get my 10k steps in which is annoying tho
CW: 163
Intake: ? (<300 after pvrging)
Burned: -245
Net: ?
Food Log
- bread, salmon, shrimp (pvrged)
- cake not pictured (also pvrged)
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Teenie 💚
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Good afternoon on this godless day.
It's time to pick a fight with @staff
These are today's trending tags
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Please take note of the number of posts Red Velvet had 245 posts.
The marvels has 295.
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Next up is Chicago for some fucking reason and Jerusalem though I'm willing to bet that tag isn't what they wanted it to be.
Notice too, there's no post count on these tags.
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Then there's Stark Trek with 212 post
And UK politics with 223 posts.
But the Palestine tag?
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The Palestine tag with over a thousand new posts isn't even featured.
To anyone that comes into my notes and tells me not to use the trending tags. This is why I do. They're suppressing all of the Palestine tags. Don't tell me my posts will get marked as spam. People need to see this!
This isn't something you can just ignore. Turn away from. Log off or put away! You have to pay attention!
And for @staff to willingly participate in a genocide makes me fucking sick.
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kirstielol · 11 months
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food log for june 28th 2023
(38 calories) coffee
(240 calories) chocolate protein shake
(545 calories) hamburger and veggies + hummus
(198 calories) chocolate protein ice cream
(424 calories) greek salad with protein chickpea pasta
daily total - 1,445 calories & 83g protein
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food log for june 29th 2023
(245 calories) protein toast with margerine
(660 calories) toffee nut latte and a ham & swiss sandwich
(860 calories) pangoa bowl from freshii
daily total - 1,755 calories & 77g protein
two days in one since i forgot to post one yesterday. wednesday was pretty good, i was right around my calorie budget and got a decent amount of protein. yesterday wasn't so great though lol. i had a hair appointment from 11am-1:30pm. so i had some toast before i left, and grabbed starbucks on the way home.. then around 6pm my bf and i were out running errands and grabbed freshii while we were out. definitely could've picked a lower calorie bowl from freshii but i was craving that pangoa one 😩 it's too good lol.
this week honestly hasn't been great. i've been eating at maintenance calories most days (~1800), which isn't the worst, but i am trying to lose weight so i definitely need to get back on track. i'm glad i'm at least still counting calories every day, i'm on a 32 day streak according to my app!
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luxraydyne · 3 months
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Arkaig HHP Log #245 - Spike's Heart of the City
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Game 245 - deskspace by npckc
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I picked up this game through the itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. I chose to donate 10 dollars, and I found about 153 games in the bundle that I was actually interested in. So, the consideration for this game will be if it was worth the 7 cents (rounded up) that I paid for it and the hours that I played it for. The bundle has since ended, but I still encourage you to make a donation to the organizations listed here.
What did I think it was at first? no idea!
How was the character creator? There isn't one! There isn't really a way to customize your experience either.
How was the game? This is a fun little self-care / time management app! You can log your mood, set timers, and take little breaks.
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What did I not love? The UI is very minimal and the app is cute, but my cell phone does all of these things for me. Google can do most of these things. I don't necessarily need an app for this.
At 12 minutes and 7 cents, was it really worth it? It's a pretty cute little utility, and if you find that having your phone on you is a distraction when you study this could be helpful!
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
hat is your avatar?
Oh! My avatar is the player character from Dead Cells, the Beheaded.
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Specifically taken from the Fatal Falls DLC trailer, it's him hanging out with one of the game's optional pets, the Biter. (if you follow the link, warning for blood and relatively toony violence. also the biter does die very early on, but nothing is shown besides the ribbon)
Dead Cells is a game I am quite fond of, so in the off chance you are unaware: it's a roguelike game where you play a headless, immortal prisoner stuck in a time loop during a zombie plague. It has a breadcrumbs approach to lore and storytelling where most of what you find is through optional lore rooms, and is, at least in my opinion, a visually gorgeous game that uses a blend of pixel art and rotoscoping.
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The game maintains a tone with a lot of gallows humor, but it manages to do so without a real sense of heartlessness. That said, it is a very bleak world featuring a lot of frank depictions of prison brutality, the aftermaths of executions, an unjust social system, a rather unpleasant epidemic, and basically total collapse of the island's population. The relative lightheartedness shown in the animated trailers is there, but a lot of it is that you are playing a character who has witnessed and experienced enough death that he's mostly burnt out to the horror of it.
Most of the love I feel for the game is in its mechanics- it has a swift-paced and very rewarding combat system that encourages you to get clever with your loadout. It IS a game that prides itself on being "tough but fair", and most notably, one of the recent free updates from the game involved a huge package of different accessibility settings including the ability to manipulate the UI to a great degree, change the contrast on the foreground vs. background, outline characters, switch to a dyslexia-friendly font, add more forgiving windows on parries, auto-hit functions, and the option to get knocked back to the start of the level instead of all the way back to the beginning, and none of these options disable achievements.
There's a lot of love put into its construction and as someone who does not have that much experience with roguelikes, I've logged 245 hours of gameplay on it as of this post.
If you're interested, I'd recommend checking out the animated trailers, as IMO they do a very good job of indicating the overall tone and spirit of the game. The one thing that gets done in the trailer that you can't do ingame is the pan-chucks from The Bad Seed, and they are actively adding those in the next update.
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dietcokedemise · 1 year
confessions of a junkorexic
march 15, 2023 | entry #4
i have officially lost 20lbs since january!!!! ahhhhhh!!!!!!! on january 2, 2023 i weighed 221.4 lbs and as of today i weigh 201.4lbs! it’s definitely not a “drastic” lose (especially since i’ve done this a million times before even more rapidly) but alas, i’m still happy that i’m essentially just one fast away from being back in the 190s since may 2021! just think…if i get my shit together and keep this up i’ll be at my ugw by this time next year! it’s honestly so surreal to even think about but i’m hopeful 🫶🏾
other than that, nothing too insane has transpired today (besides me literally almost fainting while jump roping this morning bc i had been liquid fasting for the past 24 hrs)—what can i say? i’m determined 🤭 today was supposed to be a water fast but i knew i would be doomed to fail before i even started so i just opted to liquid fast 💀…that was until i got uncontrollably nauseous midday and ended up cutting the fast short and eating a few ounces of chicken and a protein cookie #proteinispriority—but now i feel a little too full and super gross so i’m just gonna lay down and pray i don’t blow chunks all over my room 🤢
ciao! <3
food log
fast (0 cals)
fast (0 cals)
6 oz of spicy chicken (315 cals)
fiber gummies (30 cals)
pb & chocolate chip protein cookie (220 cals)
caramel protein + collagen shake (245 cals)
total cal intake
810 👍
daily stats
201.4lbs (91.3 kgs) [-0.6]
hours fasted
days binge free
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sunder-the-gold · 1 year
Arknights: Minimum Additional Pulls you can acquire for Texalter and Chong Yue as a FTP Doctor
@sanspapyrus683​ @shuttershocky​
We'll start from the assumption that you're an absolute Free To Play player who spends nothing on the game, but who puts enough priority on these resources to ensure you always get as much of them as possible. I'll factor the Monthly Value Pack into the very end.
I’ll further assume that you haven’t completed any of the four events which will rerun before Chong Yue. At the end, I’ll point out how much Orundum you can get from the Intelligence Certificate Shops, otherwise.
I can't factor in everything about your account, but I can leave reminders about what parts of your account to factor in.
For example, the Orundum from Paradox Simulations will not be included in the final totals, but the operators who can provide those will be listed.
Finally, I can't factor how much OP you're going to spend on skins.
Headhunting Permits (from now until 'Il Siracusano')
+3 permits from 'Ideal City'
+3 permits from 'Dorothy's Vision'
+0 permits from 'To Be Continued'
+3 permits from 'Dossoles' rerun
+1 permits from 'Trials For Navigator'
+0 permits from 'Obscure Wanderer'
+0 permits from 'Legend of Luo Xiaohei'
+3 permits from 'Near Light' rerun
+3 permits from 'Il Siracusano'
+12 permits from the Green Cert shop (4 x 3 months = need to buy the second tier of permits!)
+3 permits from Calendar Sign-Ins (1 x 3 months)
= 31 pulls
+ whatever number of permits you may already have
+ whatever number of permits you gain as surprise gifts
+ whatever number of permits you buy from the Yellow Certificate Shop
(from now until 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows', including the 'previous' permits)
+3 permits from 'What The Firelight Casts'
+3 permits from 'Invitation to Wine' rerun
+3 permits from 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows'
+12 Headhunting passes from the Green Cert shop (4 x 3 months)
+3 Headhunting Permit per month from Calendar Sign-Ins (1 x 3 months)
= 55 pulls
+ whatever number of permits you may already have
+ whatever number of permits you gain as surprise gifts
+ whatever number of permits you buy from the Yellow Certificate Shop
Originite Prime (from now until 'Il Siracusano')
+38 from 'Ideal City' (including +1 from log-in banner)
+27 from 'Dorothy's Vision'
+16 from 'To Be Continued'
+18 from 'Obscure Wanderer'
+17 from 'Legend of Luo Xiaohei'
+31 from 'Episode 10: Return To Mist'
+41 from 'Il Siracusano'
= 188 op * 180 / 600
= 56.4 pulls
+any Originite Prime gained for completing any available Stages you haven't beaten yet
+any Originite Prime gained through surprise gifts or server shutdown compensation
(from now until 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows', including OP from the 'previous' three months)
+29 from 'What the Firelight Casts'
+28??? from 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows' (estimating with the lower OP count of the previous two CNY full-events)
= 245 * 180 / 600
= 73.5 pulls
+any Originite Prime gained for completing any available Stages you haven't beaten yet
+any Originite Prime gained through surprise gifts or server shutdown compensation
Orundum (from now until 'Il Siracusano')
+400 from 'Ideal City' sign-in event
+2,800 minimum from the Amazing Wall during 'Ideal City'
+400 from 'Episode 11 Warm-Up sign in'
+1,500 from 100% clearing Annihilation 15: Laterano 'Chocolate Street'
+400 from 'Il Siracusano' sign-in banner
+7,400 minimum from Orundum-mining during 'Il Siracusano'
+1,800 from Green Certificate shop over three months (600 x 3 months)
+21,600 from max-cap Annihilation runs over three months (1,800 x 4 weeks x 3 months)
+14,400 from daily and weekly mission rewards (700 + 500 = 1,200 x 4 weeks x 3 months)
= 50,700 / 600
= 84.5 pulls
(from now until 'Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows', including Orundum from the 'previous' three months)
+1,500 from 100% clearing Annihilation 16: Iberia 'Gloomy Shipyard'
+1,500 from 100% clearing Annihilation 17: Columbia 'Experimental Base Hangar'
+600 from 'CNY' sign-in event
+2,400 minimum from 'Where Vernal Winds Never Blow' daily 'Fortune Wall' event
+1,800 from Green Certificate shop over three months (600 x 3 months)
+21,600 from max-cap Annihilation runs over three months (1,800 x 4 weeks x 3 months)
+14,400 from daily and weekly mission rewards (700 + 500 = 1,200 x 4 weeks x 3 months)
= 94,500 / 600
= 157.5 pulls
+any Orundum gained through surprise gifts or server shutdown compensation
+200 Orundum per Paradox Simulation for Aak, Lee, Dusk, Mulberry
+200 Orundum per Paradox Simulation that you haven't completed yet
Minimum Total Additional FREE-TO-PLAY Pulls by 'Il Siracusano' = 171.9 (+24 free pulls)
+2000 orundum from Intelligence Certificate Shop at 'Dossoles' Retrospection for another 3.3 rolls
+2000 orundum from Intelligence Certificate Shop at 'Near Light retrospection' for another 3.3 rolls
Minimum Total Additional FREE-TO-PLAY Pulls by 'Never Blows' = 286 (+another 24 free pulls)
+2000 orundum from Intelligence Certificate Shop at 'Break the Ice retrospection' for another 3.3 rolls
+2000 orundum from Intelligence Certificate Shop at 'Invitation to Wine retrospection' for another 3.3 rolls
Monthly Value Pack pulls
+18 OP gained from monthly value packs (6 x 3 months)
= 3,240 Orundum
+16,800 Orundum from daily sign-ins (200 x 7 days x 4 weeks x 3 months)
= 20,040 / 600
=another 33.4 pulls for 'Il Siracusano'
=another 66.8 pulls for ‘Where The Vernal Wind Never Blows’
Advanced trick: Buying multiple Monthly Value Packs in one day to get all of the OP from them in one day for panic-rolling, at the cost of getting that OP later.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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Denver Sean
Disgusting: Jared Fogle Audio Bragging About Sex with Children Heard In New Documentary [Video]
March 08, 2023 9:24 PM PST
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Former Subway spoksperson Jared Fogle crimes against children are detailed in a new ID documentary, “Jared from Subway: Catching a Monster.”
The documentary includes disgusting real-life phone calls of Jared bragging about and planning sex with children.
via USA Today:
Once celebrated for his astonishing 245-pound weight loss, thanks to a diet of Subway’s low-fat sandwiches, authorities uncovered the true Fogle, one that hundreds of commercials failed to capture: a perverse, power-drunk man who abused 14 minors.
Fogle’s undoing is the focus of Investigation Discovery’s three-hour docuseries, “Jared from Subway: Catching a Monster” (Monday, 9 EST/PST and  now streaming on Discovery+). Filmmakers interviewed Fogle’s former classmates, radio host-turned-informant Rochelle Herman – who befriended Fogle to expose his attraction to minors – and two of Fogle’s victims, Christian Showalter and Hannah Parrett. Fogle declined to participate in the docuseries, according to filmmakers.
Herman first met Fogle in 2006 when she hosted him on her local Florida radio show. She was uncomfortable with Fogle’s flirty nature and disturbed when he told her that he found middle school girls hot. Herman, a mother of two, suspected Fogle of deviant behavior and thought if she befriended him and recorded their phone calls, she might obtain evidence she could take to the FBI.
During their chats, he told her he found minors attractive because “They just have such nice, pure bodies.” He said being with someone 9 or 10 would be “really hot.”
Herman took her tapes to the FBI, but the agents told her that because she had recorded Fogle without his knowledge, the tapes were inadmissible in court. So she became an informant for the FBI, keeping up her relationship with Fogle and handing over their taped chats to the agency.
This went on for about three years, and Herman became frustrated. The FBI attempted to lure Fogle to Sarasota, Florida, for a fake children’s birthday party to prove he was willing to cross state lines in order to have sex with a minor. Due to a last-minute change in Fogle’s schedule, he was unable to attend the party and the sting operation was foiled.
Indiana State Police Capt. Chuck Cohen received a tip that Russell Taylor, then the executive director of Fogle’s philanthropic organization, sent images that depicted bestiality. Cohen explains in the documentary that possessing such images is not illegal, but performing sexual acts with animals is. So authorities obtained a warrant and searched Taylor’s home in April 2015.
During their search, they discovered that Taylor had hidden cameras throughout the home and in the bedrooms of his stepdaughters, Showalter and Parrett. The cameras captured the girls during vulnerable moments, like when they were undressing, as well as their friends. Authorities found more than 500 explicit images.
Through the investigation into Taylor, authorities discovered he had sent an image of a naked minor to Fogle. Fogle responded to the image, asking when he could have sex with the child, which triggered an investigation.
Steven Debrota, an assistant U.S. attorney at the time, says in the docuseries that Taylor gave Fogle a thumb drive and a laptop with child porn. A search warrant was granted and authorities raided Fogle’s home on July 7, 2015.
Fogle allegedly spent $12,000 a year on sex workers, Debrota says in “Jared from Subway.” In text messages obtained during the investigation of Fogle, he wrote to an undisclosed recipient, “I’ll pay you big for a 14- or 15-year-old .. ’cause it’s what I crave!” He added of his preference: the “Younger the better LOL.”
Debrota says Fogle had sex with underage sex workers while staying at The Plaza and The Ritz-Carlton hotels in New York.
In August 2015, Fogle pleaded guilty to possession or distribution of child pornography and traveling across state lines to have commercial sex with a minor. He is serving a 15-year sentence at a Colorado prison.
15 years doesn’t seem nearly long enough.
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kirstielol · 1 year
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food log for june 16th 2023
(38 calories) coffee
(560 calories) avocado toast with poached eggs, and fruit
(600 calories) chicken caesar salad & a chicken leg
(188 calories) chocolate protein ice cream
(245 calories) carrots, cucumber, hummus, and half a nectarine
daily total - 1,631 calories & 70g protein
250 calories over budget, which isn't too bad i guess. bf wanted to go out for breakfast yesterday morning, so i chose something relatively low calorie. dinner ended up being much higher calorie than i thought, idk how a caesar salad ended up being 600 calories lmao but i guess the dressing and croutons added quite a bit. i even opted for light dressing and omitted the bacon. whatever, it was delicious and i'll probably have it again today or tomorrow.
today we're going to a friends house at 2pm for d&d! we all take turns bringing meals for each other, so i have no idea what i'll end up having for dinner. i'll probably just have something light before i go.
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hejibitscomics · 2 years
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Hejibits #245 - Dropping Logs Whatever you do, do NOT break eye contact with Hestu
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I posted 1,246 times in 2022
544 posts created (44%)
702 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,230 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 467 posts
#ts4 - 246 posts
#sims 4 - 245 posts
#izzy speaks but i really shouldnt - 242 posts
#the sims 4 - 240 posts
#simblr - 240 posts
#sims4 - 238 posts
#sims - 237 posts
#not mine - 209 posts
#ts4 edit - 197 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
81 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
Somewhere at Sims headquarters
Intern: What if they could piss on the floor??
84 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Just logging in to share with you guys my mom's super hot take on trans rights;
"Frogs and fish change gender all the time but when a person does people lose their shit! Who cares! The frogs don't!"
Frogs don't care about your TERF ideology, get fucked. -my mom 2022
110 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
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Prompt: favorite queer character(s)
Color pallet: Lesbian
Korrasami my beloved 😭🥺
112 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Did you have to dislocate your shoulder to pat yourselves on the back like that?
It's an "incredible platform of creativity" BECAUSE THE COMMUNITY MADE IT ONE!! Y'all gave us roofed hot tubs, shut up.
283 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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