#look at this sad scrawny boy
amoritasart · 8 months
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He found a new glyph(:
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northlight14 · 1 year
Everything people need to know about my feelings towards Von Karma can be perfectly summed up by this one expression from Edgeworth in the anime…
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cryptidwritings · 3 months
I created my OCs in the dragons dogma character creator and... yeah, I'm writing dark water for me, specifically, because I'm kind of obsessed (just a tad).
a few critiques about the character creator below, plus a poll for those who care:
Not enough poc/textured hairstyles. I didn't count how many there are (at least 5 by estimation), but I could've used a few other options (this is also limited by the style/setting of the game itself, which I do not play.)
Female body type should have more detailed muscles like the male body type. My girl has muscles, let her have her muscles! She wants a four-pack and defined biceps!
the facial hair physics gives me the creeps. (just my opinion. I think it's the spaces between the hair. I have trypophobia tho so...)
the tattoos are.... meh. again, most likely limited by game lore. (the scars are great tho!!)
sometimes I feel like sharing their faces takes away from the fantasy of it all in case how I see them isn't how everyone else does.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 8 months
Ruining his Night
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Jamie left everything on the field that night, and it paid off. His team celebrated the win inside the locker room with jovial claps on the back and cries of triumph. It was impossible for the other team to ignore the shouting as they filed on their bus, already resigned to a sad silence for the long ride back home.
However, no one was quiet in the locker room. The home team was far too pumped from the success of the night.
"Now that's how you play football, boys!" Jamie cried to his team, "You think those twinks are celebrating anything tonight?"
"No!" everyone shouted back in unison.
"You think we have something to celebrate, boys?" Jamie's smile beamed at his teammates.
"Yes!" they roared.
Jamie's grin didn't falter as he showered and dried up. He and the rest of the players were already planning the biggest rager the college had ever seen. The word was already out, and their fans were already setting everything up.
Jamie slipped a clean T-shirt over his head. He was finally done changing, but something felt off. A strange fog fell over his thoughts.
His victorious smile faltered.
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"Yo, Jamie?" a teammate asked, "You good?"
"Yes," Jamie answered flatly.
All emotion seemed to disappear from his face. It was like he'd completely dissociated from his surroundings. The victory didn't even seem to register on his face anymore.
"What the hell, dude. Liven up!" another jock chimed in, "We just won for God's sake! I thought you were ready to party!"
Jamie didn't seem to listen. His face remained unexcited, and his eyes seemed to glaze over. He was like an entirely different person from the man who was gloating in success a few moments earlier.
"I can't go to the party," Jamie suddenly broke his silence.
"What the hell!" his friends scoffed in disbelief, "What do you mean you can't go? We have to celebrate, right?"
"I have plans," Jamie responded apathetically.
The football players couldn't believe their star quarterback. Jamie had just won the game and psyched the team up for a party, and now he wanted to bail? It didn't make sense.
Jamie was set. He left his team and abandoned the locker room, ignoring his perplexed teammates. Jamie pushed out the door and into the cold night, marching past his parked car. He trudged several blocks in the opposite direction of the house party.
Jamie turned into a neighborhood he'd never been in before; he walked right up to a house he'd never visited before; and he knocked on a door he'd never seen in his life. He had no reason to be here, but none of this seemed to bother him in the slightest.
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The door swung open and, robotically, Jamie relayed, "Quarterback Jamie is reporting for duty."
The scrawny guy inside grinned maniacally at the athlete standing in the cold. He seemed utterly dumbfounded by both Jamie's presence and his words.
"Oh my God, guys!" the boy screeched, "He actually came!"
Jamie was grabbed by the arm and pulled into the house. The quarterback allowed himself to be dragged into a messy living room where several nerdy men were sat around a table playing some sort of board game.
"Look," the boy who answered the door whined, "The hypnosis actually worked! And he even said the line!"
"No way!" one of them gasped.
"Jamie," he slapped the quarterback on the back of the head, "Say it again."
Again, in the same monotone voice, Jamie relayed, "Quarterback Jamie is reporting for duty."
The nerds sent their seats flying as they fumbled out of their chairs. Jamie stood there and stared ahead while the impish geeks admired his superior form, eagerly feeling the thick flesh beneath his small muscle-T. He didn't mind having so many hands travelling all over his body. They pinched his nipples, groped his butt, and even explored his crotch, but he just stood there and waited to be told what to do.
That was what he'd been programmed to do.
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Jamie stood there for the rest of the night, wearing nothing but a bowtie and apron. He was commanded to fetch the drinks and hold them like a "Good Little Seltzer Boy." That was what the geeks called him. They quickly became engrossed in their Dungeons and Dragons campaign, occasionally turning to Jamie and grabbing a drink from his tray or copping a feel of his muscles.
Jamie didn't mind. His phone was going off like crazy. All his teammates and friends were wondering why he wasn't at the party, but one of the geeks quickly silenced the device and tossed it in the corner.
"Jamie is ours tonight," he giggled, "Aren't you, Seltzer Boy?"
"Yes," Jamie answered numbly.
"There's nowhere you'd rather be, right?"
"No," Jamie said.
But Jamie wasn't really answering. He wasn't really thinking at all. One of those geeks was a waterboy on the football team and had been slowly hypnotizing the star quarterback in secret. Jamie had ultimately fallen under trance and received programming to report to the nerd's house after the football game.
Once the match ended, his mind couldn't do anything but go blank and obey.
Jamie continued to serve drinks late into the night. The nerds continued to take advantage of the quarterback's presence, ordering him to fetch more seltzers from the nearest liquor store. Jamie subsequently marched several more blocks through the cold and loaded several cases of the fruity drink on the check out station.
"Aren't you the quarterback," the store-owner commented, "Is this really the stuff you drink?"
"Yes," Jamie answered mindlessly, and then handed over all the cash in his wallet.
The nerds were overjoyed to see the jock lugging back as many cases of their favorite drink as he could carry. They became more brazen with him as they got more drunk.
Jamie began rotating between massaging the shoulders and feet of different D&D players as they demanded it. He was completely indifferent when one of them ordered him to massage the more intimate area between their legs. Jamie didn't mind.
"Who cares about this game," one of them finally tossed the board aside, "Jamie, get over here."
Jamie was already kneeling on the floor to massage somebody else's crotch, so he proceeded to turn and crawl over to the speaker, completely ignorant to the fact that his apron left his muscled rear completely exposed for the rest of them to gape at.
The players forgot all about their campaign, devolving into a band of horny brats with a mindless jock at their whim. Jamie couldn't be more unbothered by the different ways the nerds bossed him around. His mind knew his body was theirs to use.
By morning, he'd be made to clean everything up and forget. He'd tell his friends he got drunk at a different party though he had no memory of any of it. Needless to say, Jamie's night of triumph had been thoroughly ruined.
"Will you at least go out with us tonight?" a fellow jock asked.
Jamie shook his head as a familiar blankness washed over his face, "I have plans."
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Eye Bracket — Round 3
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Jonathan Sims/The Archivist (The Magnus Archives):
I just think it'd be funny if an asexual character won
(im ripping this from the wiki btw) John has prematurely greying hair and looks older than he is. He often looks very tired and is physically unfit, as other characters refer to him as scrawny and he tires easily from physical tasks that others perform with little exertion. he also has lots of scars.
(propaganda, spoilers for The Magnus Archives) He's a wet cat and at one point dated Georgie Barker and does date Martin Blackwood. there is also a whole tag/movement for "hot Jon rights". he may not be like, 10/10 on the attractive scale but his far off gaze has captivated me
Nikignik (Hello From The Hallowoods)
They’re an eldritch being who narrates the entirety of the show. They have a lot of cosmic power, such as the ability to affect the story as it plays about, but typically try to stay out it because they’re a storyteller and aren’t supposed to interfere.
100 eyes on the dark. They see all. They are a sad boi (gender neutral). They are perfect.
a wet cat of an eldritch being who is visiting you in your nightmares :)
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martthaves · 11 months
i just found out about nimona's christmas special from 2013 and-
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i don't think my heart can take it.
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"this is why people hit you" pls 😭😭😭
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ambrosius has been a dramatic bitch since day one, i love it. and bal is just like *sigh* he's an idiot but he's MY idiot. gotta save his ass, i guess.
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he protecc, he atacc, but most importantly- he got his friend's bacc 😤
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he's just a little guy *cries*
long story short, ballister gives ambrosius the christmas gift and acts oblivious, like a good friend he is.
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having witnessed this, i love how their dynamic as adults seems like a very natural progression from what they had as kids. if you just ignore, well, the whole you're my archnemesis and we need to fight each other because of a terrible incident in our past we have never honestly adressed or explained. but yeah, they're just so very sweet and caring, truly a black cat and golden retriver energy at its finest.
based on this i would also guess ambrosius is younger than ballister, with the way he looks and with this childlike innocence and naivety. that, or he's just always been smaller than bal. either way, it makes me think how ambrosius is an easy target for bullies and how ballister feels responsible for him and his safety/happiness. i wonder if looking at the perfect, golden imagine adult ambrosius has created, ballister ever saw the scrawny little boy with a black eye who hid behind his back.
he probably did, huh.
the idea that they were raised together, grew up together, fallen in love at some point, spent their whole lives together, really, makes me go crazy. how both of them lost the only friend they ever had, a friend they were never allowed to fully love.
i made myself sad, but the point is the world needs more bal and amb-ro-zee-us as little boys. they're everything
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thattimdrakeguy · 1 month
I need people NEED THEM, oh baby, oh goodness do I NEED people who don't know much about Tim Drake to stop talking about the Boy Himself: Tim Drake.
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Presented: An accurate depiction of an 18-year-old Tim. The over-sized T-Shirt that helps his already lean body make him look skinnier (therefore people would underestimate him, which is part of his personal fighting technique) worn for comfort over anything else adds to it greatly. He does not normally dress fancy, as is sometimes assumed of him. Wearing some of the Robin colors also help.
If you do not know what he looks like, that is fine, that is actually UNDERSTANDABLE. Like what am I to do, pretend I don't know why people don't know what he looks like? After over a decade of him mostly looking like a generic white guy super hero?
Y'all gotta realize, people did not care about Tim for a very long time, because he was basically the D-List Robin since he stopped being the main one. So they never did their research. He wouldn't even be written right. And his relationships and details of his character could change drastically between writing changes. It was awful.
So those that don't know, please try to learn why people sometimes say what they do about Tim. It's not all true, but in this case, it is true. And when we get to see what he's supposed to look like in a real comic, it's very exciting for us, because we don't normally get that excitement anymore.
I know, it's sad just to be happy to see our fav look like themselves, but it's the spot we're in.
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Presented: Canon Proof of Tim's appearance, set when Tim was only months away from being EIGHTEEN-YEARS-OLD, he was still being confused for being TWELVE-YEARS-OLD. Showing how he does look for his age.
Like he's SUPPOSED to be VERY SHORT, he's supposed to look lean to the point of seeming skinny in his street clothes, people are supposed to underestimate him (which is why his appearance works so damn well), he's supposed to have a soft 'cute' look to him, especially young looking even for his age as you can see above, that is part of him, one of of his gags is that he's confused to be twelve even when he was nearing eighteen. HE PURPOSELY LOOKS LIKE THAT. It is an ACTIVE choice. It is not a weird thing people just randomly do, it is a purposeful character design choice, made for the character, for him to stand out, and be different from the other characters with.
It is NOT a fanon thing people made to infantilize him. That is just what he looks like. And it is exactly what some real people look like. It is ACTUALLY part of him. It is a CANON part of him. That is brought up so much, because people keep thinking it isn't CANON, when it is CANON.
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Presented: A horrible drawing of Tim Drake, during an era that made a lot of people have misconceptions of the character we're only lately getting away from. But some people still believe to be the more accurate Tim, based on when they started reading. DO NOT DO THIS.
All because a lot of artists don't care to draw him right, doesn't mean his appearance miraculously changed within the canon. Or at least it shouldn't have, considering that'd be weird, and take an aspect of the character that made him unique go away. Which is not fun for any character to have them done to them.
So when ever an artist does DRAW him like that, can we gang together and say "HEY, GOOD JOB ARTIST, FOR ACTUALLY LOOKING UP WHAT TIM LOOKS LIKE"
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Presented: ANOTHER VERY GOOD TIM. See how he's shorter than his friends (Bart's leaning), has a soft 'cute' face, leaner physique (looking skinny, but not scrawny like he isn't athletic), thick middle parted hair. These are the components of a well drawn Tim that people desire to see more. It will look different based on the art style of course. But these are what makes Tim's appearance suit what we know of Tim, and has been clearly established no matter his age. Here, he is presumably around 17-years-old. Possibly not even a year younger than he currently is.
Because seeing people who see him look different, when it's the right difference, and complain, because they are not aware Tim isn't supposed to look buff and tall and masculine, just because a lot of artists didn't care about who is ultimately at this point a D-List Super Hero...isn't really fair to the people who DO CARE ABOUT IT.
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Presented: Something I'm definitely gonna delete from my device soon enough, but added for the sake of the post.
If you wouldn't take away from Dick's ass, don't take away Tim's appearance, please.
We know Tim is different, and that's why we love him the way we do so much.
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allysunny · 5 months
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New Year's Kiss | Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
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ˡᵒᵛᵉˡʸ ⁿᵃⁿᵃᵐᶦ ᵃʳᵗ ᵇʸ ᵈᵒⁿᵍ ᵉʳᶻʰᵃⁿ
Synopsys: You and your husband Nanami were invited to the Jujutsu High New Year party. You love him, and he loves you, and he's sure as hell going to let you know when he kisses you at midnight.
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: Fluff! Good old-fashioned tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship, suggestive themes (but nothing explicit), Nanami is an amazing husband as always, cw: Gojo Satoru, not proofread. If I'm missing anything, please let me know.
A/N: Hey everyone!! I realised I hadn't written anything for Christmas or New Years, and I was kind of sad about that. I might still post something Christmas related after this, just not sure which fandom I'll do it for.
Anyways this is something short I decided to write for y'all because I missed writing for Nanami so, so much, and he was the perfect person for this trope. I also had a lot of fun writing Yuji, Megumi and Nobara (you'll spot a few easter eggs from the JJK Official Fanbook!), they're all very fun.
I hope you guys enjoy it! I had a great time writing this!
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“Yes, and he also had this weird mop of hair on top of his head – if you added a black streak, I’m pretty sure he could’ve been emo. He used to style it like this –“ Gojo went on making gestures with his hands, pushing his hair aside to form a quick side part. “And it’d be all over his eyes. And he always had this look of utter boredom on his face, quite like the one he has now, and – “
“Satoru, that’s enough.” Nanami sighed next to you, interrupting his coworker.
“Awww, but she deserves to know the total nerd she’s married to! You might be one good-looking hunk of meat right now, but I still remember the days when you were just a scrawny little boy who had never felt the touch of a woman.” Gojo went on with a huge grin, turning to you.
“Alright, that’s it. We’re getting something to drink.” Nanami gently took your hand and led you away from Gojo, who started to chase after you, rambling about your “former emo man”, but eventually gave up and searched for someone else to bother.
You chuckled into your hand and looked up at your husband, whose face was contorted in an expression of annoyance – you were far too familiar with that look, which graced his features whenever he came home from overtime missions, or any of his coworkers were involved. But you were also familiar with that same look fading away as soon as you give him some attention. Your husband is, deep down, first and foremost, a domestic man.
“A side part, Kento?” you smiled, releasing his hand momentarily only to hold onto his arm.
“Must we really discuss my questionable hairstyle choices right now?” he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, which only amused you further.
You knew Jujutsu High’s New Year party would be a tough invitation for your husband to accept.
“Darling, I deal with them every day. Why would I willingly be with them on the last day of the year as well?” He said, taking off his glasses, an action he often did when tired. “All I want is to stay at home with my beautiful wife, cook some of her favourite dishes, and watch the fireworks from our backyard.” Unfortunately, no matter how many kisses he gave you, he couldn’t convince you to stay in.
“I want to meet your friends, Kento.”
“They’re hardly my friends,” he grumbled. “And you know them already.”
“Hardly. I want to meet the people you work with. You’ve met mine. What’s so wrong with that? Besides, it’s a party. I know it’s not really your thing, but there’ll be food and drinks, and it’d give us a reason to dress up.” Was your plead.
“We can dress up at home –“
“It’s not the same.” You pouted, placing both of your hands on his cheeks, forcing him to bend down and look you in the eye. “Please? It’ll be fun, I promise. And if anyone’s being too annoying, we can leave and cook up something at home. How does that sound? Please, Kento. Pretty please? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you in a tux. I really like you in tuxes, you know…” Your hand dropped to his shirt and fiddled with its collar as you gave him you best seductive look. You knew your little games stirred him up often – that smart mouth of yours had landed you in trouble quite a few times (although you never complained), and you were counting on it to help you out right now.
Nanami only sighed and dropped his head in defeat.
“Ah! Yay!”
“But we’ll leave if anyone crosses the line.”
“And I’m bringing something of my own. Who knows what food they’re going to serve in there.”
“Alright, deal. I’ll help.”
With this said, he quickly bent over, hands coming to hold the back of your thighs and lifting you up. Your legs instinctively locked around his waist, and you laughed loudly, still cupping his cheeks.
“But I deserve compensation. Now, and then.” He murmured against your lips and swallowed your giggles as he kissed you deeply. Nanami would do anything to hear the sound of your laughter.
You held onto him tightly and he led you to the bedroom. The compensation was his, but you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it as well.
Which brings you to the present.
“Come on, cheer up. It’s just Satoru, he’ll get his hands on a cupcake or follow a pretty girl outside and leave us two alone.” You offered him a smile, but instead of returning you one of his own, his eye twitched slightly.
“Satoru. Sounds pretty friendly to me.”
The expression on his face was enough to make you break into a fit of laughter. Nanami was not usually a jealous man. He trusted you immensely and had never doubted your loyalty and love for him. But when it came to Satoru Gojo, he could get almost childish. “I don’t like how he looks at you, as if he could crack you, steal you away from me. He’s far too arrogant for his own good” he had revealed to you once after you’d ran into him at the supermarket. You could only smile and kiss him gently, promising there was nothing to worry about. No cocky white-haired man would ever take you away from him.
“Kento, come on. Don’t tell me you’re jealous.” The word hung off your lips with a tint of amusement to it, and he scoffed, looking away as pink coated his pale cheeks.
“I’m not jealous. I just don’t like – “
“How he looks at me. Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard all that before.” Tugging on his arm, you made him turn in your direction, completely facing you. You ran a hand through his jaw and grasped his own, kissing his wedding band with such delicacy, it was almost surreal. “It was friendly, you’re right. Because that’s all Satoru and I will ever be. Friends. Hell – I can’t deal with him for more than 20 minutes straight. I’m not sure that’s very friendly.” This earned a chuckle from him.
“And there’s no need for you to be jealous. I chose you, didn’t I?” you smiled, and Kento’s hand slid from yours to cup your cheek.
“And I still can’t believe it. You’re my dream come true. I love you.” He pulled you towards him, but before your lips could touch, a cheerful voice could be heard calling out your name from across the room.
"Hello! Ah, Nanami-san! Good evening!” Itadori Yuji exclaimed with a smile, fiddling with his dress shirt to make it appear smoother.
You gave your husband an apologetic smile and turned to the young boy. You loved Yuji. You’d met him a few times, and quickly became very fond of the pink haired student. He had no one, no parents, no relatives, no family, so you sort of made it your unofficial job to look after him. He looked up to Kento an awful lot, and clearly saw you as a mother figure. In fact, he’d once even called you “mom” while asking for some salt when he was over for dinner one night. His cheeks had become pink, and he mumbled out a string of apologies before you just chuckled and said it was fine.
The boy wasn’t your own, but you treated him like he was.
Nobara and Megumi followed behind him, so you offered them a polite wave as well. The trio was always together, and although he fought hard to keep up his professional and cold exterior at work, you knew how proud Nanami was of his students. A big ball of mush he was, you knew that for sure.
“Hello there, you two. How are you enjoying the party?” you asked, knowing Nanami would prefer to keep to the sidelines.
“Oh, we’re having a great time!” Yuji replied with a bright smile. He lifted his hands, both holding onto two fried chicken pieces. “Have you tried the fried chicken? It’s to die for, although I’m sure Nanami-san could it better.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, that’s disgusting,” Nobara chimed in with a sigh. “Nanami-san, your red bean buns are incredible! Inumaki’s had like – what? Five, so far? He’s stopped saying tuna and will only say anpan, it’s incredible.”
The kids laughed and you laughed along with them.
“Thank you, Nobara. I’m glad you and the others liked them.” Nanami replied cordially. He still had trouble finding that balance between being a teacher and talking to his students outside of class – after all, he wasn’t as reckless as Gojo who behaved like an adult instead of a teacher. Discipline was needed in an educational setting. But you’d also taught him he needed to loosen up a bit, and he was sure trying his best.
“If you want to, I can give you the recipe. It’s fairly easy.” Was that a smile?
“Oh, really? Thank you so much, Nanami-san! I can’t wait to try it at home!”
While Nanami and Nobara discussed a few of the dishes being served, Megumi took the opportunity to silently approach you.
“Nanami-san?” he asked, and it took you a while to understand he was referring to you instead of your husband.
“Oh, hello there Megumi. How are you?” you offered him a sweet smile which he shyly reciprocated. Megumi was the quieter of the three, and you could see how much Nanami saw himself in his demeanour. It was fun to see how alike they could be, even if Megumi had been raised by loud and extravagant Satoru Gojo.
“I’m fine, thank you. I’m really enjoying the poetry book you let me borrow.”
“Oh!” you nodded. You knew him to be an avid reader, and since he liked mostly non-fiction, you decided to share some of your books with him. He was currently reading your favourite poetry book.
“I didn’t think it would be my type, but the way the author crafts imagery with his words, it’s just…” Megumi shrugged, trying to find the right words. “It’s fantastic.”
“Which poem are you on?”
“Last one I read was the one about the moon? The moon and the mountain?”
“Ah, yes! That’s Kento’s favourite,” you smiled again, glancing to make sure all was okay with your husband. He seemed to be deep in conversation with both Yuji and Nobara and your heart got all warm and fuzzy. “I like the one about the birds and the sea. I think it’s near the end though, so it might take a while for you to reach it.”
“Birds and sea. Got it.” Megumi nodded. “I’m having a hard time finishing it, actually. I’ve gone back and reread some of the poems I liked so far a few times. They calm me down. I don’t want to finish it and put it down.”
You gave him a quizzical look, then shrugged.
“You can keep it then.”
Megumi looked up, eyes wide in surprise.
“Wait – what?”
“Yeah! I mean, if you’re liking it so much, you can keep it.”
“But – Nanami-san, it’s your book.”
“And it has helped me a lot back when I needed it. Now it seems like you need it more than me.” You replied nonchalantly. It was true. That poetry book had helped you some dark times, but now it was time to pass the torch to someone else. Megumi was a very sweet kid, and very bright too. You knew he’d take good care of it.
“Wow, I… I don’t know what to say.” He mumbled. “That’s very kind of you, Nanami-san, but I can’t take it. It’s yours.”
“And now I’m giving it to you. So, it’s yours. Think of it as a New Year gift. Alright?”
Megumi smiled and nodded.
“Thank you.”
Just as you were about to reply, your husband gently held you by the waist and pulled you close to him. You got the hint, and decided to help him out.
“Well guys, it was great chatting with you three,” you said, smiling at them. “Kento and I are going to grab something to eat and then probably find a place to watch the fireworks.”
They nodded in understanding – they knew how Nanami was when it came to other people and didn’t want to bother him any further. Especially when he seemed to be so at ease with his wife. They thanked you two profusely before walking away, leaving you with your husband.
“They love you,” he said, turning you to face him and taking one of your hands in his.
“Well, I love them too. They’re great kids.”
“Yeah. That, they are.” You could tell Nanami’s eyes were gleaming with pride, and you hid a cheeky smile. You turned on your heels and walked towards the tables full of food, pulling him along with you.
“How about we get something to eat? I’m starving, and really want to try some of that fried chicken!”
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The rest of the evening went well. It went excellently, in fact.
You got to meet Jujutsu High’s faculty, Masamichi Yaga and Shoko Ieiri (whom you’d run into a few times already), eat some nice food and exchange pleasantries with people your husband knew.
After a while, you two decided to retire to a calmer corner, since you knew how small his social battery was. And you couldn’t lie – you wanted your husband to yourself for just a few minutes. He looked far too handsome in that sweater of his (for a man who wears suits so often, seeing him so casually did things to you). Your tux idea was quickly discarded once Gojo announced that it was going to be something more casual instead of a formal party, but Nanami made sure to promise you he’d wear one for you soon.
You chatted for a while. About the party, about his coworkers, about his job and yours. When you first started dating Nanami, he was working as a salaryman, but that didn’t quite make him happy. He was all about being efficient and making money, but you could tell he was miserable at that 9-5 job of his. That’s when he quit and became a “high school teacher”. After a few months, he laid out the truth. Told you about cursed spirits, about what he truly did. It was hard to take in at first, and part of you thought he was insane, but it eventually sunk in.
Suddenly, the chattering around you two got louder and louder, and people started walking towards the doors.
“It’s 10 minutes to midnight! Everyone, let’s go outside!” Someone shouted and you took it as your clue to do the same. Nanami held your hand and led you outside, quickly finding a quiet spot among the trees that, while secretive, still allowed you a nice vision of the night sky, and the place where you presumed the fireworks would be in.
“Thank you for coming, Ken.” You told him, enjoying the intimacy the trees provided you two with. “I know you’d much rather be at home.”
“Nonsense. You know all I want is to be with you. I’ll be fine as long as I’m by your side.” He said, dropping his head to kiss your forehead. Your cheeks heat up. Even after all these years, a simple gesture as a forehead kiss could make you melt inside. You loved this man with your whole being, and you felt nothing but lucky and happy in this moment.
“I promise to make it up to you when we get home. Start the New Year on a good note,” you murmured, hands trailing the neckline of his dark blue sweater. Nanami dropped his head lower and whispered into your head.
“Oh, I’ll make sure you will. You might’ve forgotten, but I was promised compensation on two occasions…” His voice sent a shiver down your spine, and you clutched his shirt while letting out a shaky breath. The effect this man on you was crazy – something worth studying, because just his words could make you lightheaded.
A few meters away, you could hear people start to cheer and yell.
“5 minutes to midnight!”
You smiled.
“You know Kento, those kids really do look up to you. I think you’re their favourite teacher.”
“I’m serious. You’re all cold and distant on the outside, but I know you have a soft spot for them. I see it in the way you look at Yuji.”
Nanami looked away, but not before you could see something like grief briefly flash through his eyes.
“He… He reminds me of Haibara.” He said, voice soft and low.
You knew about Haibara Yu, your husband’s best friend when he was younger. He’d told you about him once. How he was so lively and full of energy, how he could become friends with anyone instantly. How he couldn’t save him in the end. Even if you didn’t know him, it was clear the young pink haired boy would remind Nanami of his best friend.
You placed a reassuring hand on his bicep. “Hey,” you mumbled. “I bet he’s really proud of you.”
Nanami sighed and nodded.
“I just… wish he was here to see it.”
You smiled sadly, and took both of his arms on your hands, forcing him to turn to you. When he refused to meet his gaze, you held his face, forcing him to look into your eyes.
“Hey. He is. Can’t you feel him? He’s right here with us. And he’ll always be here.” You touched his chest, right above where his heart would be. Nanami looked down and wiped a tear that had fallen down his cheek.
“I love you. So much. You’re the light of my life, and I’m so grateful to have you by my side.” He whispered, kissing your hands.
“I love you too, Kento. More than you could know.”
“Thirty seconds to midnight!”
“I’ve really enjoyed this past year,” you smiled, taking his hand, and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Me too.” He replied.
“Ten!” Everyone cheered in unison.
“We truly did make some incredible memories together.”
“And next year, we’ll make much more.” Nanami assured you. This time, it was him who squeezed your hand.
You walked, taking Nanami by the hand with you. Your spot was nice, and you were sure you’d have a nice view of the fireworks, but better safe than sorry.
When you two found another place you were comfortable with, he stood by your side, hand carefully wrapped around your waist. The trees were no longer hiding you two, and you could see just how many people were outside.
You grinned. What an amazing year it’d been.
Nanami squeezed your waist reassuringly. He loved you. So much.
A year had passed.
A year full of memories. Laughter, tears. Good and bad moments. Memorable and forgettable. It had been an incredible year for sure.
You were certain the next one would be too. As long as you had your husband by your side.
“Happy New Year!” Everyone exclaimed, and suddenly, the sky burst into a hundred different colours.
Brilliant bursts of deep blues, radiant reds and shimmering golds painted the night sky, each explosion echoing in the distance. The symphony of loud booms was accompanied by the sounds of students and teachers alike cheering, yelling, and talking. The bursts of light illuminated the darkness, casting a fleeting glow on their faces and brightened the figures of those jumping around and expressing their joy.
You could only stare at the beautiful display in front of you. Swirling patterns and vivid colours painted an ever-changing masterpiece in the black canvas of the sky, turning into sparkling glitters before fading away gracefully.
Meanwhile, Nanami turned to look at you, taking you in. The lights contrasted on your face, and your eyes seemed to shine as you looked in wonder at the fireworks before you. How could he get so lucky? A beautiful, intelligent, kind, and caring woman. You were the whole package. And you had decided to love him and only him.
You caught him staring at you and giggled, but before you could open your mouth to speak, he’d done it first.
“I love you.”
You chuckled and furrowed your eyebrows. Still, he wouldn’t allow you to speak just yet.
“I want these to be the first words I tell you this year. I want these to be the first words I tell you every morning when we wake up, and every night before we go to sleep. I want these to be the words I tell you when I get home from a tiring day, or when I’ve achieved something I’m proud of. Thing is – I love you. Darling, I love you so much. And I want to say this as many times as I can. You are the greatest gift I could’ve ever asked for. You’ve saved me. I was empty before I met you. You’ve brought so much joy into my life, and nurtured my heart back to health, something I thought was impossible after I had witnessed so much death and loss.” Nanami took both of your hands, and you could see his eyes were sparkling with tears.
“What I’m trying to say is – I love you. I’m a better man when I’m with you. You make me a better person. I want these to be the first words I tell you this year, tomorrow morning, tomorrow night, and whenever I can. I will tell you how much I love you until the end of time, because you are everything to me.”
You looked at him through tear-filled eyes. After such a heartfelt confession, you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t think any words could ever express just how deeply you loved Nanami Kento. No words would ever be able to capture your feelings, and just how far you would go for this man.
So instead, you let your actions speak for you.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him down to you, kissing him. He was quick to reciprocate, tongue coming up to trace your lips, which you gladly parted. His hands were resting on your waist and bringing you impossibly closer to him. You poured your heart out in this kiss, letting it tell your husband all you knew words couldn’t.
And by the way he was kissing you back, you knew he understood.
After a while, you two parted for air.
Chuckling, you moved his blonde locks out of his face so you could look into his beautiful hazel eyes.
“I love you, Nanami Kento. I would walk to the end of the world for you. I don’t think any words can describe what you mean to me, but I promise to try. And if words aren’t enough, then I’ll show it to you, every single day, for as long as I live.”
Nanami brushed a strand of hair from your face, and kissed you once again, this time softly, as if you were sealing a secret promise.
Maybe you were.
“Happy New Year, my love.”
“Happy New Year, Kento.”
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Nanami deserves the absolute best. I wish you all an amazing year, and I hope you have an incredible day!
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wulvercazz · 7 months
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🌃Street Horrors☠️
a bit of a flashback for part 2💕
It wouldn't have been so weird to find a person in such a state, Ichigo's horrified to admit; not here on the ground level of the city. His heart stopping in his throat for the half second that he catches glimpse of the sorry figure hidden behind the trash. He's actually far more shocked that what he's found, gutted and dismembered in the middle of an alley, is actually a very unique looking android. Something with this technology isn't usually discarded in such a place.
It takes him a whole four hours to go home for his dolly cart and back and forth three full trips to bring back the broken thing in pieces; unable to carry more than a fraction of the incredibly heavy machinery at a time on his own.
It sits sadly, silently. Even more disfigured now that he had to bring it in three pieces into the garage he calls a home. Something about it rubs him off in the wrongest of ways... Spare parts, is what it is. He reminds himself. Nothing more. Tomorrow, after some severely needed sleep, he'll finish dismounting it to it's core pieces to use for future repair jobs and that sorry sleeping face won't haunt him any longer.
He sleeps that night's exhaustion till noon, and is almost surprised to find the thing still sitting in the same spot he left him. Still sleeping, still sad looking. Androids he's seen in the expensive, more vast, part of the city have plain and clean looks. Friendly in the way that an appliance looks friendly. The way this thing appears to sorrowfully take up space is fucking with his perception of it.
But he's not about to stop himself from doing his job simply because this creepy rich people's toy is disturbingly more human-like than anything he's seen.
Ichigo sets his tools and a makeshift stool at a reach-appropriate height near the android, safety wear in place in case this thing runs on some kind of fuel that he wouldn't want near his eyes. It's so badly broken up, and so much different to anything else he's worked with, that he's got no other choice but to take his time investigating it all over. Following the jumble of gut-like cables that spill out of its abdominal cavity, poking at what he supposes is a very large and empty memory port right in its middle. Whatever an android would need such a powerful core for he's got no clue, and honestly, he'd rather not know. The government doesn't keep a full control of all Android unit production for no reason; he's not about to dive into conspiracy theories... but there's a reason for everything- and they tend to have the worst of them.
Bits and pieces and more length of cable shuffle about as he works, perhaps he was being too optimistic last night, thinking it'd dissassemble so easy. He changes tools with a huff, reaching behind the memory port to poke at whatever it's attached to and a dim light blinks on right above his face. Ichigo's heart drops down to his stomach and then punches him in the throat until a loud startled gasp threatens to choke him, right until the fight or flight freezes on a continuous and alarmed confusion; the thing's eyes are open and staring right at him in a chilling glowing blue.
"Get your grubby fucking hands off me." A hoarse, messed up, voice says with a hard set brow and tight broken up jaw.
The tools clank and clatter into the floor messily, and the box and tool box he'd been sitting on shuffle with a screech when he backs off as much as he can without stumbling onto his ass. "Y-you- you're- I thought- your consciousness works."
"Enough to know I don't care for a scrawny little boy feeling me up."
Ichigo has a hard time choosing whether to be pissed at the obvious offenses or to freak about how this thing is throwing sass and insults in his face in the first place. Androids 'learn' from their first owners what will become part of their personality later on; absorbing the words and mannerisms, the inside jokes as much as they retain their owners' likes and needs, and fit them along their fabrication conduct protocols. To better relate to their human, of course. He's never seen an android learn personality quite like this, never heard an android complain, or have preferences and wants of its own. Never heard one come up with an insult on the spot in a voice that didn't sound like a mere echo, a regurgitated string of words it's heard many times before.
It's almost... like a human is sitting in pieces right before him.
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miss---lu · 1 year
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You are a victor from district nine. You won the 60th hunger games and now you bake luxurious pastries for the capital. Even though you’re sweet as sugar you end up falling for the district twelve drunk
This is going to be a little series.
You were closing up your family’s bakery. You went to wipe the tables and lock up the shop. You slipped your keys into your pocket as you went to go change into your clothes for the reaping.
It was the day to find the tributes for the 74th hunger games and you would be a mentor this year so you had to be there. You were the last person to win from your district so each reaping left you feeling sad. You knew the chances of you bringing home a victor were slim.
Either way you had to be there. You made your way to the side of the stage where mentors where supposed to wait. You smoothed out your dress as you tried to put on a cheerful smile.
You were a darling to the capitol. Ever since you won your game 14 years ago, the capitol people loved you. You won your games by being a sweet fifteen year old girl who people just wanted to protect. You used to be a darling little thing, but after the games your heart hardened.
It didn’t matter though, after all you had to continue playing the part. After 14 years it was pretty convincing.
Part of the way you coped with your issues was working in your family’s bakery. You worked there before you were reaped but now you were the head baker. It honestly let you blow off steam in a way that would bring harm to your family.
Since you were a victor, your business boomed. Now you provided baker goods for your district and people in the capitol. You would make cookies and tarted for their parties and wedding cakes with dozens of layers. They were always over the top but it wasn’t a bad way to spend time.
You were brought out of your train of thought and saw the female tribute being reaped. She appeared to be only fourteen. She was small and didn’t look that strong. The boy tribute wasn’t much better. He appeared to be five foot and was very scrawny.
Chances weren’t good this year. It honestly broke your heart. You knew neither one of them had a chance of winning.
You still forced a smile on your face since you knew cameras were pointed at you. As everyone was dismissed you headed back towards your bakery to pick up the crates you would be taking to the capitol. Every year after the reapings, President Snow would throw a party for the sponsors. It was when betting officially started and sponsors would spend the night drinking and eating expensive food.
The parties disgusted you, but you always got a generous amount of money from them which significantly helped your district. You would always bring back the payment and distribute it to the poor families in your district.
Your brothers and father where weighting in the bakery each carrying crates filled with baked goods. They helped you move stuff to the train and then you were on your way.
. . .
The train ride there was slow and depressing. Both kids seemed to know that they didn’t have great chances. You tried to boost their spirits and give advice, but it didn’t help much. Still you promised to try and get them sponsors.
You sent them off with the male mentor and went to sign off for the pastries. A capitol man was trying to flirt with you as you unloaded the crates.
He had an unnatural yellow skin color and vibrant orange hair. Capitol fashion could be very weird sometimes. He honestly rubbed you the wrong way but you didn’t see any escape.
You left the crates for the servants to organize into their formations but the yellow man didn’t seem to want you to leave. He took a step towards you and you felt your stomach start to turn queasy.
As you prepared yourself for him to lean in you heard a voice cut in: “Sorry Cassius, but Y/N is needed for a mentors meeting.”
He shot you a charming smile as the guy, apparently named Cassius, pulled away. Your heart melted a little as he offered you his hand. He quickly pulled you away and waved towards the yellow skinned man.
“Hey Sugar, did you miss me?”
You giggled as Haymitch placed a kiss on your palm. To the capitol people he was a drunk, but to you he was charming as ever.
You nodded as he continued to pull you with him. He quietly pulled you into the elevator with him and you crashed into his chest.
“No need to fall for me Sugar.”
His eyes twinkled with a little bit of mischief as you laughed. He reached around you and pushed the button for the twelfth floor (his floor).
He wiggled his eyebrows as he wrapped his arms around you. You loved seeing this side of Haymitch. As the door binged open you heard a woman scoff.
It was Effie. You didn’t take it personally, after all it was her job to make sure her tributes and their mentor were presentable and Haymitch usually wasn’t. She tsked at the display of affection but she still gave you a smile.
Effie did love you. After all you spent a lot of time with Haymitch and whenever you were around he would stop drinking. She also loved your baked goods and whenever she placed an order you always made sure she received them.
Speaking of which, you took off the purse from around your shoulder and opened it. Inside where about a dozen cupcakes. You gave Effie one and she smiled. It was buttercream frosting with an extravagant rose on top.
You set two down on the table for Cinna and Portia. And two more for Haymitch’s tributes. Then you turned and gave Haymitch his cupcake.
He gladly took a bite then gave you a kiss. You could taste the frosting on his lips.
“Thanks Sugar. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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spacedace · 1 year
I’ve been looking for more stuff with the riddler or scarecrow, maybe even Grundy in the dc x Danny phantom tag
For some reason my brain decided "Scarecrow Fear Toxin = Ghost Weed" and this was the rapid fire result haha Thank you for the prompt!
“Man I get this is a public place and all, but can you please vape somewhere else? Whatever strain you have in there is starting to give me the munchies.”
Dick, emergency respirator on and otherwise frustratingly unable to do much while in his civies, shared a surprised blink with Scarecrow before they both turned as one to the scrawny looking teen leaning casually against the side of the bus stop. Dark hair, darker circles under bright blue eyes, a faint scowl, worn out clothes, bruises on his arms and a way too thin frame. If the teen made it out of this situation alive - he wasn’t wearing any kind of mask at all, hadn’t even yanked his shirt up over his nose or anything - there was even odds that Bruce was going to end up waving adoption papers by the end of the night.
“What?” Crane hissed from behind his mask, ghoulish visage twisting to turn his full attention on the unimpressed looking teen.
“You’re vape.” The kid sad, waving a hand vaguely at the thick layer of fear toxin laying heavy around them. “Like, whatever model you’re using kicks off a lot and I’m already hungry I don’t need whatever cucumber-watermelon-thc-tastic miracle mix you picked up from the corner store giving me a craving for takis on top of everything else.”
“You’re…I’m sorry are you saying this is giving you the munchies?” Crane asked, body going still, voice rising in bewilderment.
The teenager rolled his eyes. “Obviously.” The boy seemed to just now realize just what the person he was talking to was wearing. “Dude are you trying to hotbox yourself in a burlap sack? What the fuck, no wonder your shit is everywhere.”
Dick sighed behind his respirator. Yeah, he was getting another brother by the end of the night wasn’t he.
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 7 months
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pairing : dean winchester x (fem) reader
summary : childhood friends turned strangers reunited when an incident occurs with the winchesters father
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You had known the Winchester boys since they were kids. When Sam was still looking up to his older brother. And when Dean hadn’t developed his ‘have no feelings’ mentality. You were between the two of them always, literally and physically, older than Sam, younger than Dean and always between them. You were taller than both of them. They were still scrawny. Couldn’t keep up with you. And they could never yell at you because of their frequent voice cracks, you’d break out laughing and they couldn’t stay angry when they saw you so happy. 
All your free time was spent together, the three of you. Even though you were friends with both of them, you always felt closer to Dean. He seemed to get you more, he encouraged you to do dumb things and then followed after you. And then Sam would be there to panic and worry when one or both of you got hurt. Dean would always walk it off with a smile on his face, blood covering his knees, his elbow, his face, wherever he had gotten hurt. Didn’t matter to him, he was having fun. Usually he’d check in on you before he even thought about his own injuries.
Dean was your person, your best friend. Your first childish crush, the first boy you talked to another girl about, the first boy you held hands with. Sure he was holding your hand to make you run faster, a game of tag and Sam was it, but it still had your little heart pounding.
But then Dean had started helping his dad when he’d go on his hunting trips. More than he was before. Sam too. When Sam started staying home, refusing to go, coming over to your house with his homework only to forget about it and start ranting about his brother, you were relieved. Sam was more focused on school, and it made him much better company than Dean. Even though he was a couple years younger than you, he was still one of your closest friends. 
It hurt at first. Dean stopped saying goodbye when he’d go. He stopped coming over as soon as he got back. He no longer gave you a hug when you’d leave their house, he usually wouldn’t even come out of his room if you were over. You tried to talk to him once or twice but he’d give you short, indifferent answers, he didn’t even want to speak to you anymore. 
So Sam and you got closer. He let you in on their families biggest secret. Told you about his childhood, told you about what Dean and his father did when they went on their ‘hunting trips’. And when he saw how interested you were, he told you more.
He was disappointed. He knew how you felt about Dean. He could see it in your eyes, when Dean would walk past you without saying anything and you’d silently beg him to look over at you. He’d always known that you’d go for his older brother, Dean and you were closer in age. Sam knew Dean was a better match for you, it was so obvious when you’d become so interested in the paranormal and he was so interested in getting away from it.
Their whole childhood was a competition. He knew that, whether Dean knew that or not Sam had no idea. But Sam knew that Dean and he had always liked you. Both of them. And as a child he always hated seeing you so happy with him, but now he hated seeing you so sad without Dean’s attention even more than seeing you happy. You couldn’t help it, you had never looked at any other man the way you looked at Dean. 
When Sam went to college there was no more reason to go over to the Winchester house, no one was ever there anyways. If they were, they had no interest in seeing you. Deep down you still craved Dean’s approval, yearned for his attention the way you had it when you were kids. Yearning so much so that when an opportunity arose for you to start hunting on your own, you took it. You figured you had known enough for a small, local job, Sam had taught you enough. And had tested your stamina and strength your whole childhood. 
You were hoping it would make you feel better, saving people's lives, but it didn’t. It only made you miss your boys more.
And then one day, you get a call. 
It must be midnight when the phone rings. You pull your warm sheets off your body, feet hitting the cold hardwood floor under your bed. From across the room your phone is echoing. When you answer it the voice on the other line almost makes you drop the phone, heart picking up in speed. It’s Sam.
“Sam?” Your voice is shaky, probably groggy, but you can't tell. You’re trying to even out your breathing, trying to make sure this is a real phone call and not something you're dreaming up. 
“Hey, y/n, I’m sorry for calling so late.” 
“No, it's fine. What’s going on? Is everything okay?” 
“It’s about our dad. Can we come inside?” 
“What?” You practically fly over to the window, tripping over your rug in the process, you peak your head through the curtains. Outside there's an Impala sitting in front of your house, Sam stands there leaning against the door. He gives you a wave as he sees your head appear. 
“You’re in front of my house.” 
“Yes we are.” You didn’t catch it the first time. Sam said ‘we’. Meaning Dean was also here. 
“Is she gonna let us in or what?” Gruff voice. Not Sam’s must be Deans. It’s been years and it still hurts to hear the indifference in his voice.
“I’ll be downstairs in a second.”
Sam hangs up and you're instantly searching your floor for the pajama pants you kicked off in your sleep. Blue plaid pants, and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt. The one Dean had gifted you when he got his first ever paycheck. You hated how even after years of being ignored and pushed aside, he still finds a way to be a part of your life. 
Outside, Dean finally steps out of his precious car. “Y’know Sam I really don’t understand why we're here. Dad is still missing, and I thought you were invested in this search. Now we're here, sitting like dogs on your ex-girlfriends doorstep.” 
“Yeah? You guys broke up when you went to college I assume, or else you wouldn’t have been with Jess.” 
“Dean, jesus man, y/n was never my girlfriend.”
“What d’you mean?”
“Tell me you shoved her away for the entirety of your teenage years because you were jealous. Why couldn’t you just admit you were in love with her before you ran away from it.” Sam runs an irritated hand through his hair, not impressed by his brother's inability to speak to anyone before jumping to conclusions, all his life.
Dean’s jaw clenches, angry at himself, angry at Sam, irritated and tired from being on the road. But he holds it back, “Whatever, this really isn’t important right now. You're gonna tell me why we're here or what?” 
“She’s a hunter, Dean, I looked her up. I think she could help, she’s been around, leaving tracks.”
Sam is relieved when you finally open the door, tired of the conversation he’s currently having. Your hair is up, lazily thrown into an updo because you didn’t have time to brush it. Dean notices the shirt you’re wearing instantly, you kept it, all these years.
You usher them in, leading them to your kitchen where they explain everything to you. You believe them, obviously, he doesn’t take very much to convince you of their story. Sam had practically prepared you for this exact moment since you were kids. And in the morning you're setting off in the car with them, a duffle bag full of all your important shit thrown on the floor of the backseat.
Weeks later, you’ve gotten used to being around them again. The dynamic is weird now, you’re closer with Sam then you are with Dean. And you watch Dean flirt with a new girl in every town you visit. Little you would be screaming at the thought. 
You keep up with them, it almost surprises them. Almost. 
A particularly hard job throws your memories back to your childhood. Dean and you rush in, fists first, no thoughts. And Sam is there to pick up the pieces. But you get injured, worse than any of your childhood injuries. 
Scratches cover your body. Bruises paint your skin with blue and purplish tones, your arms, your ribs, your face. Your lip is bleeding, consistently, because the cut on it keeps opening. Even through the pain, when Sam and Dean find a new job, you climb into the car with them to get to the next motel. 
But your plans of joining them on this job are destroyed when Dean tells you to stay in the motel. 
“No way! I’m going with you guys.” 
‘Y/n look at the state you're in, you’re not coming.” 
“I’m fine!” 
“Y/n please-” “Sam wait for me outside.” Dean’s eyes are serious, Sam goes to protest but decides against it when Dean's eyebrows furrow. He leaves without any argument, it was always like this as kids with them too.
“You’re not coming. End of story.” 
“You don’t get to say that. You don’t get to control me.”
“Okay you can say that, but I am telling you, you’re not coming with us.” 
“Y/n.” You’re fighting with your eyes. He doesn’t want to argue with you, he actually wishes he could bring himself to apologize. You're scared that if you start yelling everything you’ve wanted to scream at him since you were 16 might fall out. 
“You’re not coming.” 
“Why not?” Your voice is raised. 
“Because I can’t handle losing you from my stupid decisions again.” He’s running a hand through his hair, sitting down on the bed across from you.
“When we were kids I lost you because I couldn’t handle the idea of you and Sam being together. I pushed away the one girl I have ever felt anything real for. I would watch as you left the house and it would kill me not to say goodbye, I always thought it might be the last time. And then you stopped coming over and I never got to say I was sorry. It’s been years, and I have never been able to stop thinking about you."
His breathing is jagged, you’re quiet, you sit with a mix of guilt and years of what you thought was unrequited love stirring in your brain. 
“And now, you wanna go out there and get thrown around some more? I barely let you come with us in the first place, I can’t let you do this. I won’t allow you to be hurt again because I made a stupid decision.” 
“Okay, I’ll stay.” A breath flows from his chest, relief, weight lifted. He stands up, you follow his actions and stand up in front of him. You hesitate for a minute but eventually allow yourself to wrap your arms around his torso, “On one condition.”
“And what’s that?”
“I’ll stay if you promise to come back alive. Y’know, cause I won't be there to save your ass.” You pull your chest away just enough to look up at him, his green eyes find yours, he’s chewing his lip. His hand finds the back of your hair, a smirk now planted on his face.
“C’mon, you know I can handle myself just fine sweetheart.”
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a-french-coconut · 1 month
Will Solace loves Star Wars
Nico has seen a lot of weird things in his life.
It's included in the demigod packaged he received upon birth.
Got upgraded to premium after he spent eighty years in a casino where he met tons and tons of unique people.
But seeing his boyfriend and Cecil Markowitz dressed up in some kind of robes, Will in beige and the son of Hermes in black, facing each other on the top of the lava climbing wall is at least earning third place on the podium.
They circling each other when Cecil starts talking.
"I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire !"
What is this doofus talking about ?
"Your new empire ?"
"Don't make me kill you."
Nico frowns. He's used by now to his boyfriend's antics but Cecil is sounding really serious.
"Anakin, my allegiance is to the republic, to democracy !", Will screams at Cecil.
Anakin ?
Who in his father's name is Anakin ?
"If you're not with me, then you are my enemy."
"Only a Sith deals in absolute."
Nico figures it's some kind of pop culture he missed on. He has no idea of what a Sith is.
"I will do what I must."
He boyfriend reaches for something in his robes, face deadly serious and golden curls flying around his face.
"You will try"
At his bewilderment, they both ignite some kind of light sword. Cecil does a backflip Nico had no idea the scrawny little thief could do and he attacks his boyfriend.
Music fills his ears, he sees Austin, Kayla, Yan, Gracie and Jerry playing a somber tune as Will and Cecil clash their sword in a practiced dance, their movements swift and graceful.
He watches, a little awed he'll admit, Will doing a backflip to escape Cecil's attack, the two boys using all the place they have in top of the lava wall.
The combat continues for a while, Nico suffering from a heart attack when Cecil almost chokes Will to death, until the music gets faster and more tense, a chore of voices now joining.
They fucking jump on the lava wall.
It occurs now to Nico that the wall has been modified, flying platforms turning around it, sometimes getting splashed by molten lava.
Will and Cecil continue to fight while they jump platforms to platforms, narrowly dodging droplets of lava.
"I have failed you Anakin, I have failed you," Will says with sadness in his voice, hands tightening around his sword.
"I should have knows the Jedi were planning to take over !"
"Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil !"
"From my point of view the Jedi are evil !"
"Then you are lost !"
Nico has never seen such tension between those two. They facing each other, both with grim determination.
"This is the end for you my master.", Cecil says darkly and jump onto Will's platform.
They exchange blows and parries, the platform getting close enough to the ground for Will to kick out Cecil that lands on the ground.
"It's over Anakin, I have the high ground !"
"You underestimate my power !"
"Don't try it", warns Will.
Cecil jumps from the ground towards Will that swings his sword and hit the son of Hermes's both legs.
Nico has to say he is little disappointed when the legs don't get cut off. He's sure his boyfriend is skilled to reattach them. It can't be more hard than arms.
Cecil crumples on the ground, sliding towards the lava pit while Will looks at him.
"You were the Chosen One ! It was said that you would destroy the Sith not join them ! Bring balance to the Force not leaving it in darkness !"
Will is screaming at Cecil, despair echoing in his voice.
"I HATE YOU !" yells back the son of Hermes as Will leaves him.
His boyfriend turns to Cecil, voice broken :
"You were my brother Anakin. I loved you."
Nico has never seen Will like this. Shoulders dropped, grim face with sadness written on it.
Maybe he isn't acting and Cecil really did something to him.
And he just stood there looking like an idiot while his boyfriend fought his ex best friend.
"Hey Will, everything's alright ?"
At the sound of his voice, Will's entire demeanor changes.
"Hello there !"
His face lightens up, a smile graces his features. Gone is the sad boyfriend he was looking at a second ago. In his place stands his goofy boyfriend in beige robes with what Nico can now see is a plastic tube.
"Yes, hi-"
"Breakup material !", Cecil screams from where he is laying the ground, lopsided unconcerned grin like he wasn't chilling one meter away from a pit of lava.
"Nah don't worry Neeks, this one I can forgive due to your special childhood."
"What on earth are you talking about ?"
"The cinematic masterpiece, the magnificent oeuvre d'art, a cultural revolution-"
"Star Wars. He's talking about Star Wars", Kayla cuts her brother off with an amused smile.
"Yes, that exactly. Star Wars."
"What is Star Wars ?"
Will lets out a long sigh.
"I see I have failed you too young Padawan !"
Kayla stifles a laugh at his expression whereas Cecil has no such survival instinct.
His laugh transforms into screams when skeletons hands erupts from the ground to catch him.
"Neeks we talked about using your underworld powers on Cecil", his boyfriends scolds him slightly.
"He deserves it. Now what is Star Wars ?"
"Come tonight at Apollo Cabin ! It's time for the Star Wars marathon !"
Kayla groans and shoots him a glare.
"Good job Nico ! It's going to be my fifth one ! I can only endure so much !"
"Nonsense ! Of Star Wars getting tired you cannot !".
Kayla notches an arrow and Will bolts out snickering :
"See you later Neeks !"
"Come back here you little green gremlin !"
"Yoda is not a gremlin ! He is a wise Jedi master that lived for hundred of- Kayla no ! You can't shoot your head counsellor !"
Austin and the rest start playing a lively tune as Kayla chases around her older brother.
A night cuddling his boyfriend watching movie seems like a great plan. But for now he'll just appreciate the view of Will running like a headless chicken, robes flowing in the wind.
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omg covey i’m thinking about “i'm a sister, i had a brother...his name was jason” and i’m imagining meeting jason when he comes to chb for the first time. like being the only one to know who he is(other than thalia obv but she’s not there and chiron who has to keep the secret duh)
imagine annabeth showing up with ur expecting to be percy(ur baby bro) and instead it’s a boy you thought was gone?? your best friends little brother??? and just being like “no way that is the stapler eater. i thought he was dead”
also having to know he is alive and here but thalia thinks he’s dead and gone??? my heart can’t take this i’m making myself sad at this point i have to go now
✮⋆˙ always someones little brother; the lost hero ft. daughter of poseidon! reader blurb
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content: the beginning of the lost hero ft daughter of poseidon! reader. warning: none! author's note: once again, wrote this instantly. something about this plot line got me foaming at the mouth frfr. ALSO i wanted to fit “no way that is the stapler eater. i thought he was dead” into this so bad, but i couldn't find the right place for it lmao. just know it's here in spirit because that is the BEST fucking line i've ever heard, good lord- ALSO i had negative idea how to tag this one bc like...thalia's not in it so i can't say 'x her' and 'x jason' doesn't really make sense??? so i just went with 'lost hero' ft the reader bc that was the best i could come up with lmao
when that blond boy and his friends washed up to camp, you couldn't help but be the slightest bit disappointed it wasn't percy. it was natural; the big sister in you begging to ensure his safety. during moments like this, you thought of thalia and wondered if she considered herself an older sister after all these years of believing her brother to be dead. and you vaguely wondered if you would ever get to that point too, percy being gone for so long that you lose your title of big sister. a title you wore with so much pride that being stripped of it would surely kill you.
but then you broke through the crowd of campers, telling them to scram and leave the new arrivals alone. you pulled annabeth to her feet, pressing a kiss to her scalp, knowing she was sharing your feeling of disappointment. then you shooed her away too, telling her to get chiron before - finally - turning to the new trio. a beautiful cherokee girl with eyes that were hard to look away from, a scrawny latino boy who's hands were a constant blur of adhd induced motion, and finally was that blonde boy who's eyes left you reeling. a striking blue that you had only ever seen in one other person...thalia. and a scar on his upper lip...roughly the right size for a staple to be the cause. there was no way...the gods could be so cruel sometimes.
"a-are you jason? jason james grace?" you gasped out, eyes locked on the boy as your lip wobbled in sympathy of thalia. she wasn't even here to greet the one boy who never left her mind. jason jolted at you knowing his name, eyes wide and slowly nodding his head.
"do- do i know you? do you know me?" the poor amnesic boy questioned and you half-shook your head and half-nodded.
"no, not really. but...i know your sister, thalia-" and before you could get more out, jason was jolting forwards, a vesical reaction to his sisters name. you leapt forwards, catching him from plummeting to the ground and instead slowly crumbling down there with him, your arms firmly wrapped around him in hopes of providing some comfort. you had the fleeting thought that you hoped someone would be there to catch your baby brother like this if he were to ever need it.
"i...i remember thalia. my big sister," jason whispered against your shoulder, fighting off tears as the memories rushed his brain. and you smiled softly and squeezed the boy a little tighter.
"she'll be so so happy to see you, jason. her baby brother that she thought was dead. you know, she never forgot you, she loved to talk about you to me," you muttered, gently rocking him like you would a baby, despite his grown age. jason pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes in seek of lies.
"she loves talking about how your favorite snack just so happens to be staplers-"
"one time! it was one time!" jason hissed out, isntantly, and you laughed.
"yes, but that scar really doesn't help your arguement," you mused and jason just shook his head, but he seemed more at ease then when he first arrived.
you couldn't help but think that you and thalia had traded places. a daughter of the big three lost their baby brother so the other could have hers back. and you thought, faintly, that you and thalia would always live like this. wretched mirrors of the very things you wanted, but the only way for it to come true was to damage the loving face looking back at you.
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beenbaanbuun · 1 year
High School Sweethearts
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Genre - smut
Words - 5k
Warnings - afab reader, oral sex (f receiving), drinking (characters are sober enough to consent), panty stealing, Jungkook being a menace
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Who knew a high school reunion could be so awkward?
Admittedly, you went in with your hopes way too high. You guessed that seven years would be enough time for people to mature and grow out of their high school stereotypes. You guessed wrong, of course. It seemed like it was too much to assume that people could change. Perhaps being back in your old school gymnasium had regressed everyone back to their former selves. The jocks were back to being rowdy, and the queen bees were buzzing around them, hanging off their every word as if they weren't all a little too old for that behaviour.
But as much as you enjoyed rolling your eyes at them, you weren’t much different. As a former wallflower, you chose to stick close to the edge of the room, examining every other person like they were animals in a zoo. It was interesting to watch how everyone tried to big themselves up, arguing about who had the flashiest car or the hottest spouse. It was as if everyone was trying to prove how much better they were, fighting for popularity like they were seven years ago. As if any of them were any different to one another.
They weren't. 
Most of them had a dead-end job that would lead them to nowhere but an early, stress-induced grave. Some of them had kids, and they liked to pretend that their lives were better with the addition of dummies, baby formula and an extreme amount of disgusting bodily fluids. You had to disagree. The fact that they were all willing to rid themselves of their adult selves for a night, and come back to the place where everyone lived out the most confusing years of their life, said enough. Even school was better than whatever adult life had to offer.
There was one person who you had yet to see; the one you’d actually been most looking forward to speaking to again. It's not like you’d been close with him throughout high school, more so that the two of you had a mutual understanding. You’d smile at each other in the hallway, or take notes for the other when they decided to skip. Sometimes you even said hi when you sat down next to one another in class. Thinking back on it, he was probably the closest thing to a friend you had during high school, which was kind of sad.
His name was Jeon Jungkook, and you thought he was perfect. Even if he was kind of scrawny, and got shy every time a girl looked in his direction, he was still the cutest boy in school, in your eyes. The way he slid notes across to you in class to ask you questions that he thought were too silly to ask the teacher, or the way he’d nudge you with his foot if he noticed you dropping to sleep during class. Everything about him was endearing, and honestly, you’d missed him.
Your inability to make friends had carried over to adulthood, but this time you weren’t so lucky to have an ally like him out in the real world. You hated everyone at your job, and you were pretty sure they hated you too. They were chatty and bitchy and reminded you way too much of the teenage girls that used to talk about you behind your back in school. Obviously, you avoided them like the plague, trying to keep yourself to yourself, but that got lonely. Sometimes you found yourself longing for that weird kid that got you through school to come back and rescue you.
You took a sip from your drink, deciding that the only way to fully enjoy the night would be to be too drunk to remember it. Then at least you wouldn't know that you wasted a night of your life that could've been used to catch up on everything you’d been putting off for the past few weeks. Unfortunately, with how weak the drinks had been made, you were probably still sober enough to drive. That wouldn’t do at all.
As you reached out to grab another drink, a shocked silence fell over the room. Weird, you thought as you brought the second glass to your lips, pouring the mysterious liquid into your mouth. It tasted kind of funny, like a bunch of teenagers had mixed together whatever they’d found in their parent’s liquor cabinets in an attempt to get them as drunk as humanly possible in as little time as they could. It was ironic, in a way. To most of the people in the room, the drink was probably a nightmarish throwback to the high school parties that you were never cool enough to be invited to.
Finally, you decided to take interest in whatever had made to room fall so eerily quiet. That was when you spotted him, the weirdest kid in school (joint last with you) looking more beautiful than any greek or roman statue you’d ever seen. Gone was the bowl cut, replaced by soft, curly black locks that rested gracefully against his cheekbones. Even from this distance, you were sure you could see the glinting of an eyebrow piercing from under his perfectly styled hair. You were definitely sure that you could see a lip piercing, hugging the plush pink skin that you spent every night in high school dreaming about kissing.
Jungkook just stood there in the doorway, awkward as ever. It made you giggle to see the gaggle of women that were huddling around the jocks only moments prior switch their attention so fast. The men didn't seem to mind, equally stunned by the muscular man that seemed to have crashed the party. 
“Hi,” one of the prettiest of the group said, her voice soft and beautiful as she spoke, “I’m not sure I remember you. Did you go to our school?” You had to hold back the wince that was begging to come out. 
“I’m Jungkook,” he gave her a polite smile, almost as if there wasn't an intense fire burning behind his eyes. By the look on his face, you could tell he was barely keeping it together.
“I’m sorry,” for a second you thought she was apologising for the years of torture she put him through. It sounded almost sincere too, and if you didn't know her any better, you would've believed it. But before you could let yourself forget the grudge you’d been harbouring for years, she opened her mouth again, “I don't think we’ve ever met. You’re too handsome for me to have forgotten.”
Once again, Jungkook just gave her a tight-lipped smile. Although this time, he didn't have the courtesy to reply. His eyes flickered over the rest of the crowd who had begun to chatter about the handsome stranger who’d just walked into the room. In a way, you weren't surprised that no one seemed to know who he was. He would’ve looked like an entirely different person to anyone, bar you, of course. You’d spent hours upon hours trying to surreptitiously burn his features into your retinas; you’d recognise those bewildered-looking eyes anywhere.
Said eyes seemed to focus on you for little more than a second before he departed from his audience, not even muttering so much as a goodbye. The polite smile faded as soon as his back was turned to them and you had to stop yourself from giggling at the way he rolled his eyes into the back of his head. It was almost like you were a schoolgirl again, your childish heart pounding in your chest at the sight of the man you’d been waiting to see all night.
“Hi,” he waited until he was right in front of you to say anything. You were grateful for that. It made it feel more intimate, almost as if your entire school year wasn’t watching Jungkook tug you into a warm embrace. An embrace that passed a little too quickly for your liking. You hadn’t even had a chance to wrap your own arms around his extremely toned waist before he was pulling back and holding you at an arm's length. 
He studied you from head to toe, the look on his face inquisitive as his dark irises darted from side to side. It was like he was trying to engrave you into his mind, much like you’d done during school. In a way, it made you feel exposed. Weirdly, you didn't mind.
“Hi,” you finally muttered back, “It’s been a while.” 
He chuckled in response, his face lighting up with that oh-so-familiar bunny smile that he used to wear. You missed it more than you cared to admit.
“I guess it has,” The hands that rested on your shoulders felt warm, burning through the thin fabric of your dress and into the skin below, “it would’ve been even longer if I hadn’t decided to come.”
“Were you not going to?” He shook his head in response.
“Thought it would just be one big cliche,” he grunted, “although that's a little hypocritical of me, right? I mean how cliche is it for the loser to get buff after they leave school?”
“Just a little cliche,” you laughed. Even though your interactions with Jungkook in the past had mostly been wordless, talking to him like he was an old friend felt natural. You felt at home, talking to him, and with the way his body relaxed, you guessed it was the same for him. “What did make you decide to get hot?” 
He grinned as he used one hand to brush some hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear. It made you shudder; your ear had always been a sensitive spot for you. You prayed that Jungkook hadn't noticed your reaction, although the smirk on his lips told you otherwise. He definitely noticed.
“You’ve always found me hot,” you assumed he was joking, but there was no laughter in his voice. His eyes were deadly serious, despite the Cheshire grin he wore. To be fair, this was the most words you’d ever said to him in your life; he probably just had a dry sense of humour that you never knew about. There was no way he knew about your long-term crush on him that had all of a sudden reignited after all these years. 
“Hotter, then,” you corrected yourself with a grin that matched his, “What made you decide to become hotter than that scrawny, nerdy guy I knew so long ago.”
He smirked, clearly pleased with your compliments. You never knew he was so arrogant. It was a complete 180 to how he had been when you knew him in school. It was hot, though. Not that everything about him wasn’t…
“Fancied a change,” he muttered before he stepped closer to you, hands still firmly on your shoulders. There was no escape from his stern gaze; no matter where you looked you could feel his eyes on your face. “And what about you?” 
“What about me?” your voice was barely above a whisper, but he heard it nonetheless. It was cute, reminding him of the times when you could barely say hi to him without fumbling over the simple word. Your personality really hadn't changed, he realised. 
“When did you get so hot?” As he took another step closer, his chest now only inches away from yours, you could feel his breath tickling your face. Your eyes fluttered shut and you let out a shaky breath. 
“What do you mean?” Your voice was just as shaky as your breathing. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything. You were grateful for that. 
His hands remained strong on your shoulders, holding you against him with no escape. Sure, his grip was loose enough that you could put a stop to whatever this was if you wanted to. But whether it was due to your own desire to finally get close to the man, or just the desperation that was growing inside of you, you didn’t. You stayed right where he wanted you, waiting for him to pounce upon you like you were the prey to his lion. 
“Well, if I remember correctly,” one hand let go of you, only to brush against your exposed collarbones in a way that made you want him to do something about the growing wetness between your thighs. His fingers were light, only giving you the gentlest of touches across the area. You had to bite back a whimper as one finger trailed up and down the side of your neck. “You never exposed this much chest when we were younger. Not this much leg, either.”
He let out a chuckle when you finally let a small whimper slip from your plush lips. He had you right where he wanted you. Where he had been wanting you for the last few years now. 
“I always knew I made a mistake by not making you mine. I was just so shy back then, and you were just so pretty,” you could barely focus on his words, too busy trying to control yourself. It’s not like anyone else in the room was paying any attention to the two of you anymore, but you were two seconds away from begging Jungkook to stick his dick inside of you. Now that certainly would’ve brought attention to the two of you. 
“Who’d have thought that my shy little seatmate would grow up to look this good? Thick thighs, a gorgeous pair of tits, and the prettiest pink lips I think I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I really have been missing out.”
You didn’t know what to do other than suck your bottom lip between your teeth and bite down. Jungkook only chuckled, using his thumb to set it free from the vice grip you had on it. 
“I always found your shyness hot, though,” he confirmed, making sure you knew that your body wasn’t the only thing he wanted from you. “Although I guess it’s more hopelessly adorable, right?”
Did he want you to answer him? You hoped not. You didn’t really know what to say other than ‘take me to your car right now and make me scream so loud that everyone in this building knows what we’re doing,’ and for some reason, you didn’t feel like that was the right thing to say. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered once you were sure that he was, in fact, waiting for a reply. 
“Yes, Sweetheart?” 
“Please do something,” you gave him the best puppy eyes you could muster, remembering the times in school when he’d let you copy his homework every time you flashed them in his direction. Maybe you could prey on his old weakness. 
“Oh, baby,” he cooed, “I was going to see how long I could tease you, but I can’t say no to you when you look at me like that.”
And with that, he let his hand grip onto yours as he started to guide you out of the gymnasium and towards the school locker rooms. For a second you wondered whether you were making a bad decision, but those thoughts didn't last long. It's not like anyone would miss the two of you, you decided as he let him tug you along. In fact, you doubted anyone would notice your absence for the rest of the night. The hot ‘stranger’, maybe, but you? Definitely not. 
As you approached the doors to the male and female locker rooms, the two of you stopped. 
“Choose, baby,” he tugged you in front of him so his chest was against your back. You could feel his abs flexing against you, and you were sure he was doing it on purpose, just to rile you up. 
“Girls,” you mumbled, letting Jungkook guide you again the moment the word slipped from your mouth.
“I agree,” he pushed the door open, which was surprisingly enough unlocked, and guided you into the dark room. “Probably smells nicer in here, right?”
You let out a snort at his comment, although it never broke through the tense atmosphere that had settled over the two of you. 
The lights were suddenly switched on and you were able to take in your surroundings. Benches lined the pink-tiled walls, and hooks hung from the walls. You remembered being in here as a teenager and hating it, but now, when it was empty, you found the room almost peaceful. 
“I was right.,” He bragged, “it smells great in here!”
“I think girls just smell better than boys.”
For some reason, although you were a step closer to getting what you wanted, you felt more at ease. Your mind was less hazy, and your tongue was finally able to form words. It helped that Jungkook was no longer pressed up against you like he had been for the past 20 minutes, though you suspected your freedom from his grasp wouldn’t last long. 
“You always smelled perfectly nice,” you said, spinning round to face him once again. He leaned against the wall, one foot leaning up against it. You hadn’t noticed the huge boots he was wearing before, but you had to admit that they suited him. The new confident air that seemed to follow him matched the black leather perfectly. 
“Thanks, baby,” he smiled softly.
He pushed away from the wall, only to take a few steps closer to you. As we walked, he rolled the sleeves of the black shirt up, exposing a sleeve of tattoos. You felt your mouth go dry at the sight, all the moisture in your body seeming to relocate to between your thighs. 
“It really is a shame that we were both too shy to talk to each other back then,” as he shifted closer, you began to shuffle back. Step after step, your heels clicking against the cold, tile floor until you could step back no further. The wooden bench was cold against the exposed backs of your knees, making you shiver. “I can't believe I made myself wait all this time to finally have you. It’s like I’m living out my teenage dream, baby.”
“Me too, Koo,” when he reached you, he pushed you down by the shoulders until you were sitting on the bench. Your already short dress rode up even more, exposing the way the meat of your thighs spread so deliciously. 
Jungkook let out an audible groan as he watched them jiggle slightly. He thought you were pretty back then, but now he thought you were delectable. He could barely hold himself back from pouncing on you and sucking dark hickeys onto the expanse of unmarked flesh. 
“Koo,” he repeated, sounding almost as breathless as you felt, “I like that. It’s cute.” 
“Koo,” you whimpered out. Although you now knew that the puppy eyes did nothing, you still pulled them out as you let your pent-up desire fall from your tongue in waves. “Koo, I need you. Please, do something.”
It was an ego boost, he couldn’t lie. Hearing you begging for him like you did in his wet dreams was honestly a little more than he could handle. It got harder and harder for him to hold himself back, but somehow he managed. Even if it was just so he could hear your pretty whines for a little longer. 
“You’ll have to elaborate, Sweetheart,” he was evil, you thought to yourself as he bobbed down in front of you and placed the ghost of a kiss against your inner thigh. It was a sensitive enough spot for you to let out a moan, but nowhere near close enough to your throbbing pussy. “Koo doesn’t know what to do unless you tell him.”
Your words fell short as he stuck his tongue out and licked a long stripe up the warm flesh of your thigh, inching closer to your dripping core by the second. For a second, you could feel the tip of his nose brush against your clit, but it was cruelly ripped away from you before you could even register what was happening. 
You quickly gathered yourself, ready to speak once more. But you barely got a single syllable out before he fully pushed your skirt up and attached his lips to the crease of your thigh, where your skin met the seam of your baby pink panties. The groan you let out was animalistic as he sucked harshly, bringing your blood to the surface in an attempt to make the most beautiful purple mark he could muster. He never was an artist, but he was determined to make you his canvas; a beautiful symphony of sweat, spit and deep purple bruises that his lips had painted onto your body. 
He pulled away to admire his work. It looked prettier than he expected, especially with the lace of your undergarments sitting right next to it. He was almost tempted to leave your underwear on as he fucked you, but they were so pretty that he couldn’t bear to see them stained with his cum. Maybe he’d just have to keep them in a safe place; that safe place being his back pocket. 
He let his instincts take over, fingers slipping under the waistband and pulling the panties down. He muttered out praise when you lifted your hips up and let him pull them past the swell of your ass before dropping yourself down onto the bench. The impact made your thighs jiggle again, and Jungkook stopped what he was doing to mouth at one of them for a second or two. 
Finally, he tugged the panties over your feet, slipping your heels off in the process. You watched as he confiscated them, tucking them neatly away in his jeans. The smirk on his face let you know that he wasn’t going to be giving them back any time soon. Oh well; they messed up the silhouette of your dress anyway. 
“How did I know you were going to be this pretty?” He bent forwards, coming to suckle on your skin once again. Once again, it was a little too close to your core for you to ignore it completely. Your hands shot out, gripping onto his hair as if that would ground you as he sucked another deep purple hickey onto your skin. 
It wasn’t long before he pulled off with a pop and immediately turned his attention to where you wanted him most. He could see you clenching around nothing, your pussy practically begging for him to do something. But you hadn’t told him what to do yet, and so he just sat there, staring at you with an insufferable smirk on his face. 
“Koo,” you whimpered as your desperate hands tried to drag his face closer to your core, “please touch me!”
How could he resist you when you asked so nicely? So he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss against your swollen clit. It made your body jolt in surprise, but his large hands came to wrap around your hips and pin you down to the bench. He shuffled further forwards so his body was now in between your thighs; there was no way for you to close your legs and escape him now. 
His lips fully closed around the sensitive bud as he began to suck. The cold metal of his piecing added to the whole sensation, driving you absolutely insane. A moan escaped you as he worked, loud and pornographic and you hoped that no one was around to hear it. Jungkook chuckled against your core, never breaking away from you. The vibrations sent another wave of pleasure through you and you slammed your head back against the tile wall, eyes screwed tightly shut. 
It hurt a little but it was nothing compared to what Jungkook was making you feel. The pain soon dulled to nothing, replaced quickly by your unyielding lust for the man on his knees. He switched to using his tongue to flick against your clit and you wondered how much experience he’d had at this for him to be so good. Everything he did, you felt deep inside of you, making you writhe as much as you could in his domineering grip. 
He seemed to find your inability to sit still amusing, smiling to himself as he continued his kitten licks. Either that, or he was just particularly pleased to find himself on his knees for you. You liked the sound of the latter because, although you knew that he was in charge, he was still worshipping you. He was still on the floor giving you everything you could possibly ask for. It made you feel powerful, in a way, even if you were too far gone to do anything about it. You’d just have to let Jungkook take the lead this time; you were sure you’d have your chance again. 
All of a sudden, you felt his wet muscle probing your hole, gently stretching your walls open. He licked at you as if you were the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted, letting out his own grunts and groans as he drank your wetness. His nose was angled so that it bumped your clit every so often, giving you enough stimulation to make you whimper, but not enough to bring you to the edge. He was sick, you thought to yourself as you tried to buck your hips up into his face. It was nothing but a desperate attempt to get more but the hands he had on your hips kept you down. 
You could feel him stretching you open on his tongue, and although you knew that it was but a fraction of his real girth, you were still a little grateful that he gave you something before the real thing. Besides, the way he moved his tongue inside of you felt strangely delightful. The way he could wriggle it, making sure that it scraped against your walls in the most intoxicating ways, made you whimper. If you could speak, you were sure that you’d be begging him for more. You were sure that your words would just be replaced by more moans, though. 
He soon switched to licking at you once more. His tongue danced against your skin in a manner that made your hands tighten in his hair until your knuckles were white. He didn’t seem to want to let up, though, powering through the feeling of your fingers against his skull. There was a determination within him to make you cum on his tongue, and he prided himself in how quickly he seemed to be pushing you to the edge. All it took was a few more seconds of well-placed licks and you were thrown into the depths of pleasure, writhing around as your orgasms rocked through your body.
After a few more seconds, he pulled away. The entire bottom of his face gleamed as the lights hit the wetness that covered his mouth and nose. You half expected him to try and wipe it away with the back of his hand, but the sharkish grin on his face let you know that he actually enjoyed being this dirty. Part of you wanted to know where that shy boy from years ago went. The one that was too shy to look you in the eyes, and blushed a deep red every time your hands accidentally brushed on the tabletop. But deep down, you knew that this was him, and it had been all along. 
“You okay, Sweetheart?” the comforting circles he rubbed onto the plush skin of your hips were such a stark contrast to what was happening only moments prior. He wanted to make sure that he was okay to continue and that you still wanted this. Of course, you did! It’d been such a long time coming that you were pretty sure you’d let him use you in any way he wanted you to, at this point. You nodded at him, but he responded with: “Tell me that you’re okay with your words.”
Just like before, you were unsure if you’d actually be able to get your words out. Your eyes were still shut and your mind was still racing with the memories of his actions from just moments ago. 
“M’good,” you mumbled. 
“That’s good, baby,” he pressed a kiss to your thigh. It was more gentle than anything he’d done all night, and it let you know that he genuinely did care for you. You weren’t just someone he’d been wanting to fuck, but someone he actually liked as a person.
“Now, baby,” he mumbled into your thigh, looking up at you through his eyelashes. Your heart skipped a beat when you realised how beautiful he looked with his pupils blown out and lust swimming through his features. “As much as I’d love to bend you over this bench right here and now, I like to think I’m a gentleman.”
“Oh, yeah?” You teased, slowly coming to your senses again. 
“Do you want to take this back to mine?” Jungkook’s hands had started to wander Firm touches mixed with gentle brushes of his fingertips all up and down your sides. It was distracting, even if it wasn’t meant to be, and you didn’t know if you’d be able to wait until you’d made it back to his. But despite how badly you needed him, the benches were much too uncomfortable to even consider getting fucked on. The last thing you wanted was to end up being bed-bound with back pain for a few days. 
So even though it pained you, in a way, you nodded at him. He responded with a grin, happy in the knowledge that you wanted this just as much as him. He stood, offering you his hand like a gentleman would. You took it, more than happy to let him guide you to his car, drive you to his, and fuck you on any surface he wanted to. You were hoping it would be the bed, but at this point, you were sure you’d take anything. 
“Lead the way, kind sir,” you smiled back at him. 
“My pleasure, Y/N.”
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Masterlist part 2:
<The other one got to crowded>
♡ Multi character X Reader: How the characters propose
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader gushes over the character 24/7
♡ Multi character X Mitsuri! like reader: Reader shows their strength and the men are in awe
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader laughs like Pinkie Pie
♡ Anemo boys X Reader: Taking care of sickly children
♡ Multi character X Reader: Keeping the reader warm
♡ Multi character X Reader: Sailor moon and Tuxedo Mask like relationship
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader has a winter blush
♡ Furina X Reader: She keeps breaking things so the reader has to fix them
♡ Multi character X Reader: Baking Christmas cookies
♡ Multi character X Reader: Courage the cowardly dog like reader
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader gives them hugs from behind
♡ Multi short character X Reader: Characters have a sudden growth spurt
♡ Sumeru boys X Reader: Character forgets date night and has to make the readers favourite food to get forgiven
♡ Sumeru boys X Reader: Readers cuddly
♡ Multi character X Reader: Character has a baby that looks just like them and their friends reacts to it
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader is a Winx fairy part 1
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader is a Winx fairy part 2
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader hugs the characters sadness away
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader makes the characters a special room in their teapot
♡ Lyney and Lynette birthday
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader hugs and pets the characters head to cheer them up
♡ Multi character X F!Reader: Readers scrawny
♡ Multi character X Reader: Reader made them valentine's treats
✧ Wriothesley X Reader: Spy x Reader scene
✧ Multi character X Reader: Readers a little stressed and depressed
✧ Xiao X Reader: Reader calls for him alot and he gets annoyed
✩ Multi character X Reader: Readers eating ice cream and the characters wish it was them instead
✩ Lyney X Reader: Readers obsessed with his fingers and thighs
✩ Sub Scara X Dom F! Reader: Scaras first time and readers a bit rough, but he likes it
✩ Multi character X Reader: Readers sad so the character does the dirty sushi roll with them
✩ Multi character X Reader: Readers trying on undergarments and the character peeks in on them
✩ Multi character X Reader: Reader has a handkink
✩ Multi character X Fem! Reader: Reader loves her big tits played with
✩ Multi character X Reader: Reader dresses as a maid for the characters birthday
✩ Multi character X Reader: Lactation Kink and handjobs as a reward
✩ Multi character X Fem! Reader: Reader wants to be a mommy
✩ Multi character X Reader: Reader tries to fluster character and it fails
𑁍 Multi yandere character X Reader: Reader refuses to eat until they are set free
𑁍 Multi character X Reader: Reader thinks the guys are girls at first
𑁍 Multi character X Reader: Reader catches their best friend trying to sleep with their boyfriend
𑁍 Multi character X Reader: Doing the Lesserafim workout
𑁍 Platonic Zhongli X Reader: Detailed
𑁍 Multi character X Reader: Reader doesn't like being degraded
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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