#lookism fics
wannaeatramyeon · 1 month
Goo Kim x Reader: Cycling through the love languages
G/N. Self-indulgent af. Goo has a realisation about you.
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Goo knows for a fact you like him.
Who wouldn't? Who doesn't?
Maybe Gun and Charles Choi actually, and he knows he pisses Kouji and Crystal off something bad. The majority of the crews too. And that sour faced woman from the cafe this morning. There was also the guy who yelled obscenities and flipped him off for driving erratically.
Ah whatever. He casts aside his growing list of enemies with a wave of the wrist and an adjustment of his glasses.
Point is, you like him. You. The only one that matters.
Why you can't admit it to yourself or to him, he can't understand.
...Nevermind the fact that it's only recently that he has admitted to himself that he likes you. After one too many knowing looks from Kouji, and then another too many drinks the other night when Gun remained stone faced and Crystal couldn't stop rolling her eyes as Goo started gushing. Tongue loosening and desires spoken and spilling over into reality.
The realisation wasn't so much a shock to the system, as a comforting hug. Like yes, finally. 
His weird little daydreams, his growing apathy towards fighting and work, or really anything that excludes you. The way you said you liked his suit the other month and he walked with a spring in his step all morning and afternoon and evening and night, and has worn that suit damn nearly every day since.
It all makes sense.
So yes. Fine. He likes you. A lot. 
Sometimes the thought of seeing you makes him feel giddy with excitement. Other times the thought of replacing his first love, good old dependable cash, with you makes him feel sick and he breaks out into a cold sweat.
Here’s the thing though: Goo likes calculated risk. He likes the thrill of the chase.
And if you want him to be the one that chases and pursues you then ok. He will. Challenge accepted.
Let's do this the easy way. Flirting.
It might have been more successful if he wasn't so flirty and playful anyway. Curse him and his charismatic ways.
(Or so he tells himself.)
You don't find him too different from usual, all things considered. Maybe more of a nuisance, buzzing around you like an errant fly.  His smile is greasier, words honey sweet. He leers at you. Waggles his eyebrows like you're in on a joke together.
Dear heavens, you think he also winks at you too. When you frown at that, he just clicks his tongue in annoyance and says there's something in his eye.
You think that's a lie. In fact, you know it is. His eye is completely fine but he is moody and pouty for hours after.
No, the wink didn't work. The flirting can't really be counted as a success. Nevertheless, his flirting doesn't stop at syrupy words, Goo is touchier too.
He's a touchy person by nature, especially in the right situation and with the right person. Whatever is needed to twist a situation to his advantage. A chin rested on your shoulder, casual arm thrown around your waist. A playful shove, footsie under the table that is more rough and malicious, aiming to hurt, than cute and teasing.
But he's close, closer than ever. Banter muttered into your ear, breath prickling your skin.
Every moment is just a new opportunity to touch you. Your hand, your shoulder, hip, lower back.
You never minded before, you gotten used to his touches surprisingly quickly except now-
The caresses and contact poorly hide a yearning. There's a different intent. It's purposeful and calculated. This doesn't escape your notice.
Goo also doesn't miss the heat that rises to your cheeks. The pretty pink flush when he pulls you near. The hitch of your breath.
Ah. There it is.
Success at last.
Sadly for him, success doesn't last long. You get used to his wily ways quick enough, you always do.
And it doesn't have the profound effect on you that Goo initially anticipated. He thought that might lead to a confession of sorts from yourself, and even you both skipping into the sunset together.
Neither happens. You stay as cutely tight lipped as ever.
Well if he can't worm his way into your heart with his A game and progress whatever this is you both have going on-
(Which is frankly a little insulting to think about. Goo would like you to know that some people have taken one look, one!, at his hot self and thrown themselves to his feet.)
-Then he can just buy your love.
In Goo's world, in this world, there is nothing that money can't solve. Luckily, Goo has lots of it.
He starts small.
Your reaction when he gave you a bouquet of flowers was rather sweet. He takes note of the way your face softens, how your eyes crinkle when you smile, the shape of your lips as you’re surprised with his gesture.
 If Goo was the sappy sort, he would say that it felt like his heart skipped a beat.
Turns out that he is the sappy sort, and he talked Crystal's ear off about it until she kicked him out of her office and slammed the door in his face.
Next, the jewellery you seemed taken aback by. A few pieces you looked at in distaste despite the size of the gemstones, had the audacity to say they're garish and inconvenient. 
“It’s too much,” you tell him. “Take them back. Return them. Please.”
You left all but one: a simple ring with a plain design.
The affront that Goo felt only lasted for a night at your rejection, dissipating the moment he saw the ring on your finger the next day, shining brightly in the sun. Enough to rival the smile that crept over his face.
Turns out that the car dealership was a step too far though, a step too ill thought out. The gifts gradually got bigger and grander until one weekend afternoon, you were looking around at brand new vehicles with Goo.
"This is by appointment only," he doesn't hesitate to brag. "It's exclusive. They managed to fit me 'cos I'm kinda a big deal."
You hum in response, your usual go to reply when Goo is feeling particularly full of himself and you’re half listening.
"What do you think of this one, sweetheart?" he asks, steering you towards the most expensive vehicle in the showroom, with more horsepower or torque or whatever it is enthusiasts talk about.
A sleek and shiny sports car that you know for a fact costs more than you will ever make in a year. All chrome and aerodynamic lines, that screams I have money and the biggest dick around here (or tiniest, depending on who you ask and whether you think they're trying to overcompensate).
You take one look at Goo, eyes dropping to his crotch and feel your body flushing. You quickly try to shake those obscene thoughts from your head.
"Um," you clear your throat, which has mysteriously dried up at the last second, "It's nice I guess? Bit much though." You poke your head through the window, admiring the top of the range features and the smell of fresh leather. Goo is nothing if not in your face, and this car certainly fits his vibe.
"Nothing is too much for you!" his voice floats over your shoulder, and you whip your head to stare at him.
"Yes, you."
"What do you mean?"
"It's on me, cupcake! For you." He throws his arm around your shoulder, a touch of sincerity under his usual viper grin.
Huh. Not only is this excessive-
"My apartment doesn't have any parking," You state, and Goo starts calculating if he likes you enough to buy you a new apartment also and unfortunately the drop in his bank balance still doesn't outweigh his feelings for you. Whether you will accept is the question but he can work on that.
All thoughts are derailed though with your next words-
"I can't drive. I don't have my licence. And the thought of navigating Seoul traffic," you grimace at the idea, "Nightmare. Not for me. No thanks."
Oh. For fuck's sake. There goes the idea to buy your love with gifts. Most people would say thank you with a smile and go to at least sell the car but of course you would rebuff him. He’s been letting you take advantage of his bank balance, his hard earned money, and of course you’re too good to him to do that.
‘So this entire day was a complete waste of time,’ Goo thinks sourly hours later, meandering the streets side by side with you, spending the rest of your afternoon together. Until-
"Oh my god I love these!" You exclaim, taking a bite out of the hotteok. Fresh off the grill from the street vendor, paid for by your companion. Out of everything he has given, or tried to give you - you're the happiest with the cheap street food. "You're the best!" you tell him between mouthfuls.
Goo doesn't stop his chest from puffing out at that comment. Those words elevating today from being deemed a waste to... fun.
And actually, a little sweet.
If he can't win you over completely with gifts, then he will show you how irreplaceable he is.
Over the next week, Goo is at your beck and call. His clinginess taken to whole new levels. He's at your home more often than not, by your side almost every moment of the day.
"Don't you have work?" You ask when he's glued to your side one morning.
"You're more important, sweetheart," he says, words off the cuff and surface level.
It's only hours later, when he has reluctantly peeled himself away to finish a task with Gun, he realises that it's not entirely inaccurate.
Free time is spent driving you from A-to-B. Heavens forbid you are forced to use public transport (Goo shudders at this thought) and since you hate Seoul traffic, he might as well keep you company.
He's on his most gentlemanly best behaviour. 
Holding doors open, draping his jacket over you if so much as a gentle breeze is around. Hand-made meals, lunches and extravagant dinners. Even chores.
"Do you live here now?" You ask, padding out to your kitchen. Half asleep, hair in disarray to Goo humming and washing your dishes.
He smiles, sly and snake-like, "Are you asking?"
With a yawn, you burst his bubble, "Nope."
Goddamnit. Not even trying to be the best househusband seems to be working. What will it take for you to confess that you like him? He's getting sick of this song and dance.
He scrubs with a huff at a particular stubborn stain on a pan. Stupid pan and stupid chores and stupid househusbandry.
Ugh. What pisses him off most of all is: he thinks he can get used to this. 
Being around you all the time, taking care of you. Not even you in your ratty old sleepwear, with threadbare knees and oversized t-shirt dims how he feels about you.
Goo isn't an idiot, despite what Gun might say.
He possesses frightening intelligence even if sometimes his common sense is nowhere to be seen.
You like him, he knows this. He likes you, he also knows this. 
Then why on earth can't he bring himself to tell you? Is it that expressing it is a vulnerability he's not used to having on display? That despite everything, speaking it into existence means that he's offering you himself and there is always a chance of rejection?
If Goo was more mentally balanced and less self absorbed, maybe he would dwell on these doubts and feelings. Be introspective for the first time ever. 
He is not.
Instead he feels overwhelming indignation that it has come to this, that nothing has had the desired effect, and most importantly it's all your fault.
He puts all his energy into storming his way over to your home, wanting everything and everyone around him to be also darkened by his mood.  Makes sure his displeasure is felt through the way he stomps, how he slams his car door, how he blasts through traffic lights. Buzzing himself into your apartment building with vehemence, pounding on your front door until he hears your exasperation from somewhere inside.
"Hold on Goo! What the hell!"
The door is yanked open. For a brief moment Goo sees your annoyed expression, before he too is yanked inside.
"What is your problem?" Each word is punctuated with a jab in his chest.
Goo refrains from devolving into a tantrum. Realises that he already seems unhinged enough and doesn't want this conversation to get any worse. 
Taking a deep breath, he grabs hold of that jabby finger (noting with amusement that other people's fingers he has broken for much less), adorned with a familiar ring, pulls your hand into his and strokes over your knuckles once, twice, three times.
He is absolutely not buying time. But really, why has it come to this: sincerity and honesty. How unseemly. This is so not him that even the idea of it sends shivers down his spine.
Whatever. With one last breath he forces out any trepidation and regains his usual composure. The one that is all confidence and captivating and can talk circles around anyone anyday.
"Y/N,” he purrs, "I like you and you like me."
You open your mouth to say something but he presses on. "It's obvious. I'm not stupid.”  Goo points to his glasses, “I have eyes. I can see how you are around me, cupcake. And it's painfully obvious that I like you too." He allows himself an irritable sigh at this.
"Honestly I'm the one that gets courted. I'm a catch. People chase after me," he mutters to himself. "And yet look at me now."  Huffing at himself for his behaviour, he turns back to you. "Why don’t we see how this-" signalling between you and him, "-goes, hmm? 
"Wait," you take a step back from his presumptiveness.
Which isn't wrong, per se. In fact, he is completely spot on. Goo is an objectively attractive guy, you would be blind not to realise it (or have questionable taste). Sure his personality offsets his looks, because good god it can be grating as hell, but even with all his flaws he has wormed himself into your heart and into your life too.
You flitter somewhere between friends and more. Friends, with this odd, prickly, scheming creature is a miracle in itself. You’re not sure why this red flag shines green with you but he does. You don't know how you balance each other but you do. You don't know how it works but it does. 
Moving this to something more though, it scares you. Especially if he's as blasé and unserious about this as he is with most things in his life that don't revolve around money.
"Goo..." You try to phrase this delicately. "Your relationships or encounters or whatever you want to call them don't end well." He gasps at your words. "I don't want to start up some casual whatever with you for you to then change your mind. It could really mess things up between us."
"Casual?" He scoffs, dismissing your concerns with a wave of his hand,  "I've been 100% from the start. You should know I'm all in, sweetheart."
Your breath hitches. This wasn't what you meant. This wasn't what you were asking but he answers your doubts anyway.
"I'm all in on this," he repeats, crossing his heart mockingly though there is no disguising the earnestness in his words; how his actions over the last weeks and months have shown you that he's serious.
Still. You want to double-check.
"...Are you sure?"
"Y/N. Sweetheart." he places your own hand over his heart, "I've never been more sure of anything."
His glasses catch the light. Flashing mischievously and wickedly like it always does yet you can't see any ill intent. There's no hesitancy in his conviction.
"We fit, don't we?" Goo smiles, sensing your apprehension wavering and crumbling.
You can't deny that you do.
"Yes," is your simple reply. You peer at him from below your lashes and find him looking at you with an intensity you’ve never seen before.
Still pressed against his heart, Goo moves your hand up to his lips. A playful grin that is full of promises spreads across his face. His eyes don’t leave yours as he seals it all, marks it official, with a kiss.
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god-monsters · 11 months
How Lookism Guys Fall in Love with YOU + personal hc
Requested. If you can't tell how repetitive I am from my masterlist, here it is all side by side to show you exactly the sort of tropes I like a LOT. Sorta hc, sorta the storylines-ish I like to write.
Strangers to Lovers
Johan Seong
Meeting Johan and bonding through his pups. You don't even need to show him kindness. Show Eden and Miro kindness and you will enter his thoughts regardless.
A cliched way to a man's heart is his stomach. Feed Johan up too to up the relationship.
Lots of emotional maturing needed for Johan to understand what the hell is going on. Pulls away to get some distance yet always ends up by your side. He can't help it. Eventually just gives in.
Goo Kim
While I personally dislike the love at first sight trope, this guy would absolutely double take if there was something that caught his eye and then he would be his normal extroverted and clingy self to get to know you.
This fucking charmer. Yes he's annoying, but even then he gets under your skin and you can't help falling for him too.
Also a fan of the hot-and-cold-casual-fuck-buddies dynamic. He'll see you every day for a week, wake up in your bed then ghost you for a month. Rinse and repeat. After a little while - oh. Goo realises he misses you.
Samuel Seo
Ah the oh-shit-I-caught-feelings-when-we-were-just-casually-fucking-and-no-strings-attached pining.
Meeting at somewhere like a corporate event or even in a club.
Lots of inner turmoil as he gets to grips with his emotions and how to deal with you. A little bit of push and pull before he eventually admits how he feels.
Ryuhei Kuroda/Xiaolong
Just meeting someone, anyone who is the opposite of Mitsuki and Vivi. Showing them what a normal healthy person, with normal healthy interests looks like. Show them kindness, show them your sweet smile, show them you don't want anything apart from just them and they will fall for you.
Ryuhei - Not really much guilt with moving on from Mitsuki because face it. They weren't exactly anything.
Xiaolong - oof. The most angsty hurt/comfort you can think of.
Friends (classmates) to Lovers
Zack Lee
Long-ish time friend, but nothing progressed due to his feelings for Mira. Gradually circumstances bring you both closer together. Tending to his wounds, school projects, maybe even shopping for a gift for Mira.
Start to see you in a new light. Deals with a lot of denial at first and then later, guilt. Unsurprisingly, it's Mira that notices the change in Zack and encourages him to pursue you.
Vasco Tabasco/Jace Park
Classmate of theirs through J-high or knew them from middle school. Help to tutor Vasco or just generally up to some shit with Jace. Maybe playing detective.
Not involved with Burn Knuckles, but you might as well be. With Vasco or Jace, the rest of the crew treats you with the same level of respect as their No.1/2 and will protect you at all costs.
Relatively straightforward friends to lovers, with all the worries of gang shit.
Vin Jin
Love the idea of Vin Jin, Mary and You being best buds together. Either from Cheonliang or you getting closer to Vin through Mary once they attend J-High.
An absolute asshole though he is a little softer towards you. Takes him a while to fall for you and see you in a new light. Is so used to you as a friend that it will take someone else interfering or an event.
See masterlist for someone asking you on a date or Vin seeing you in his Cheonliang jacket heh (the latter really breaks his brain).
Jake Kim
Childhood friend to lovers. You knew him before he joined Big Deal and/or while he was a tall lanky middle school kid.
Always had a soft spot for you. Walking you home from school, spending evenings in the library messing around, hanging in the park. Once he joined Big Deal and you started high school, it added some distance between you but Jake still could never get you off his mind.
Eventually reconciling and slow burn into lovers. Dealing with all the usual angst of Jake putting you in danger and risking your safety by being with him. Hint: he gets over it eventually. Or else it turns into angsty regret (my personal fave!).
DG/James Lee
You know him from his James Lee days and go way back. Either classmates together or another very typical show-him-a-little-kindness and then wormed your way into his heart.
Sees you more and more, and no matter what, you're never judgemental of him and you're able to talk to him like a normal human being - which is a rarity. Growing closer together until he starts to confide in you. One day, James just realises you're the closest person to him and he likes you. You have grown and grown on him until it's obvious and completely hits him over the head with it.
Progress into lovers is very straightforward. You stick with him through thick and thin. Even with his transition into DG, you're the one constant in his life that he keeps close by and protects.
Eli Jang
Know Eli from his J-high days and always been good buddies with you. Sure you could tell he's good looking but you didn't put him on a pedestal.
Eventually growing closer to him and also meeting Yenna. Which is a huge step, by the way. Eli is so goddamn protective of her and when you are both introduced he thinks 'huh? this is? nice??'. Loves the idea of a happy family.
Bit of angst dealing with the death of Heather and moving on with you.
+ Daniel Park, Jay Hong, Warren Chae, Hudson Ahn, Kwak bros
Colleague/Crew Member to Lovers
Gun Park/Goo Kim
The third partner and completing the Gun/Goo/You trifecta. Teaming up with Goo to piss off Gun or with Gun to become the sassiest, most fearsome duo and a headache for the blonde.
Eugene/Samuel Seo
Working alongside and rising through the ranks, impressing them with your competency that they have no choice but to take notice of you. They struggle treading the line between professionalism and falling for you.
Jake Kim/Sinu Han
Big Deal crew member, joining and working your way into the Boss's heart. Another one for lots of pining and slow burn as they try not to fall for you because they feel it's pretty inappropriate.
Another favourite little scenario: you working on Big Deal street. Either taking up an empty premise or working in a store or restaurant and catching their eye. Flirtation abound especially when they visit you when you should be working and prove to be an awful distraction.
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narcissistshandler · 7 months
Can you fo reader x JongGun🙏
Like after Daniel broke his arm, he comes to your apartment, you might worried, teasing him or being jealous, and everything happens after that...
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��� 𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦 gn! reader x park jong gun
✧ 𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 top!amab reader, bottom! gun, anal sex, masturbation (mentioned), jealous behavior, thoughts about hurting and drawing blood (in a romantic way), broken bones, and some sadism/masochism at the end
✧ 𝖠/𝖭 yeah, I didn't like the result of that (this has not been edited so please let me know if there is any mention/hint of the reader's gender)
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He was already there when you arrived, even if you didn't notice his presence, one with the shadows of the room. It was as if he purposefully sought to hide and leave you with the uncomfortable feeling that you weren't alone, that there were eyes following you, and that there was something out of place - even if you didn't know for sure what.
And when you flicked the finger on the switch and the room filled with light, you couldn't help but jump when saw him sitting on your bed, with an unusual smile on his face, the eyes darker than usual, and wearing only one of your shirts. There was a tension there that you only felt when you stepped towards him and saw the spark of amusement in the curve of his lips, the excited insanity.
The air seemed to grow thicker, even though you merely tried to engage him in shallow conversation. Which you already had enough experience with to know it was difficult. Gun was reserved, in the best of words. He came and went as he pleased, had what he wanted and then disappeared without even an explanation.
What were you? You asked yourself every damn day. Your circle was smaller than it seemed, you heard his name quite often and it wasn't uncommon to bump into him, he also had the keys to your house, but that didn't make what you had something serious.
You tried not to think about it as Gun kissed you - ravaged your mouth as if he was furious with you, or at the very least, very excited. He was eager today - pulling your clothes off, biting your neck, fighting the fabric of your pants to get to your dick as quickly as possible. He was also talkative, 'I prepared myself for you while I waited', 'I thought about you while I did it', he said, knowing exactly how to tease you and leave you wanting him. 'I came on your bed, on your sheets, on your pillow', and you can almost smell him in your room after those words leave his mouth.
And his ass really was prepared for you, dripping with lube on your bed and his hard dick forming a tent under the shirt he had stolen from your closet.
You felt like a crazy person, like an addict who couldn't fight the source of the addiction. Gun only had to spread his legs for you, and like an eager puppy, you lined yourself up with a shaking hand on the relaxed hole and sank inside, where you belonged. What are we? The question came back to you. What does all this make us? Because you knew it had been months, maybe years, since Gun had slept with anyone else, neither did you.
You grabbed Gun's hands, somehow wanting to force him to answer the question that didn't even come out of your mouth and tried to hold his arms up. You wanted to know if he felt the same way. "Urgh," Gun groaned, and easily fought against your power. The sound full of pain and discomfort sounded alien in his mouth and it completely captured your attention. Only then did you notice that Gun wasn't moving one of his arms, which was swollen and turning red.
Your movements began to slow down, until they almost stopped. "Don't you dare!" He grunted, legs immediately wrapping around your waist and heels digging into your ass.
"You’re hurt, you need to go to the hospital," you argued, not being able to help but worry, but Gun wasn’t having any of it. Even with one of his arms broken, he moved as nimbly as usual and he easily reversed your positions so that he was now sitting on top of you, your cock not even leaving the heat of his hole. "You're fucking insane!" you moaned at the show of strength. Gun looked damn erotic on top of you, riding you, even with one of his arms limp at his side, wrapped in the long sleeve of your shirt.
"As if you didn't already know that," he replied, the smile wide on his kiss-swollen lips. "I came here to fuck, not get medical advice, so shut up and let me work."
But you just couldn't shut up. "What- ah, happened?" You asked through clenched teeth as you watched Gun's long, firm legs sink into the mattress with each rise and fall, his dick hidden under the shirt forming a wet spot on the fabric.
Gun responded to you without haste, releasing disjointed sentences and words as he mounted you, firmly and quickly, successfully taking the breath away from both of you. “Charles Choi,” he said, and then “fight” and a “brat” that he repeated a few times and that you didn’t think much of until you noticed who it referred to – Daniel.
"Daniel broke your arm?" You repeated his words, your fingers digging into Gun's thighs in a failed attempt to slow him down so you could make sure you heard him right.
Gun's smile seemed to get even bigger, and for the first time, you hated seeing him smiling.
"Why? Jealous?" And only Gun would think anyone would be jealous of someone taking blood and breaking someone else's bones. But then wasn't that what you were feeling? Not anger at Daniel for hurting Gun, but jealousy. Jealousy that you wasn't the one to hurt him, leave your mark behind on Gun's body and that Daniel was the one to get Gun all hot and excited.
That strange, possessive part of your mind stirred - you almost wanted to draw blood from Gun at that moment.
"You’re a slut," you accused, not at all denying Gun’s statement. He chuckled and swiveled his hips in a sensual circle, the good hand resting on your stomach. He was teasing you, you realized.
Then the notion hit you, you didn't need to resort to such methods to mark him as yours, after all, only you were capable of having him like this, naked, in your bed, with hot cheeks and fucking himself on your dick. You had already left your mark implanted deep into his body where you doubted anyone else would ever be able to be.
Your feet dug into the mattress, hips jumping off the bed to slam against Gun's ass. The sound he made was downright obscene, what looked like tears glistening in the corners of his black eyes, the psychotic smile still there. He was yours, it was the first time you noticed. He had chosen to come to you, because no one else knew this slutty side of him, because no one else could feed that side, only you.
Gun fell willingly against your chest, moaning and trying to move back against you, hungry, looking for more of your cock, more of the aggression and pain. Pain. One of your hands rested on his back, keeping him lying on top of you and the other wandered, found Gun's long fingers and then closed around his wrist, tightly and then, you pulled his broken arm.
The scream that came from Gun's throat would forever be etched in your memory; his cock twitched and spilled, further soiling the shirt he was wearing.
At that moment, you knew what you two were, complete lunatics who would always find in each other exactly what they needed. There were no longer any doubts.
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k-dokja · 22 days
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Poke. Poke. Poke.
Poke. Poke.
Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke—
“Don’t you have shit to do?! Stop fucking around!” You swat at James with the nearest object you can get your hand on—a whole encyclopedia you pulled out earlier. Fortunately for him, he manages to dodge in time to avoid your lethal strike.
Still, if you think your anger can make his persistence wane, you have a whole other thing coming to you.
“Don’t ignore me, I’m bored,” he drawls, scooting up behind you again. His chin sits on your shoulder and weighs you down, but your effort in pushing him away is retaliated by him wrapping his arms around your midsection. His legs cage your crossed ones, keeping you snugly trapped inside his hold.
“And I’m working, go bother someone else,” you shoo him away but only succeed in getting James to press his teeth on your shoulder.
“Don’t wanna,” he sinks his teeth further into your shoulder, hoping to hinder you from your online activity. “Besides, you’re only doing busy work. If it’s really that urgent then you wouldn’t be sitting at home.”
James smiles sweetly when you glare sideway at him, but your ire is more directed towards his hand than anything else—the one fondling your chest through the fabric of your shirt. He hums in satisfaction when he discovers that you aren’t wearing a bra underneath, making it easy for him to rub and pull at your nipple.
Your breath hitches. But that’s all he gets from you before you smack his hand and try to shake him off. “Stop fucking around!”
“Aww,” James pouts, nuzzling his nose at your shoulder. “But I want something to play with.”
“Would you shut up?!”
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As James sits to nurse the bump on his head, he bites down on his lollipop, pouting harder than ever before. “You didn’t have to hit me that hard, I was just messing around.”
“You know, this is domestic violence,” he points out, jabbing a finger at your general direction.
However, you only answer him with a deadpan. “It’s actually animal abuse.”
“Hey!” He can’t help his snickering. “Does that mean I’m your pet?”
You grumble, returning to your previous work. “A really annoying one.”
“Yeah?” James teases with an all-too excited grin that you don’t feel good about. “Why don’t we—”
“No.” You cut in. Dead serious eyes stare at him. “Shut up. Do you want to die?”
James only grins impishly and you have half the mind to immediately leave the room. Finally, you heave out a sigh of defeat before conceding. “Let me finish this research and I will play with you. Okay?”
“Don’t ‘hm’ me, that’s my final offer.”
“Fine,” he shrugs, “but at least, let me mess around a little.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose before resigning to the reality you’re living in, “Just don’t be a pest about it.”
James smirks before scooting closer to you again. “Deal,” he says but when his hands begin to wander again, he immediately feels you tense up.
Although, that might be on him for shoving it into your pants. The thing is being so awfully obstructive.
“James Lee!”
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koiiiiijiii · 29 days
being IT gurls with Eugene/Yoojin.
like imagine you have no idea about workers organization (bruh even if you do know you think you have choice? this bro gives huge yandere vibes), you just have been friends since childhood and he us such a gossip girl with you. that nights when you two stay at his place, he leaves all his chairman duties for Mandeok and you two sharing just nastiest tea about everyone!! btw you gossip about sammys bonkers 💯💯💯
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ꢾ୧ your sleepovers are exclusive, no one are allowed (Yoojin are jealous)
ꢾ୧ he took the best pictures of you, you would never have better new profile picture if it’s not Yoojin
ꢾ୧ you give each other that light cheek kisses every time you meet and have small hug as greeting and goodbyes!!! it's essential!! if you haven't gave him that small hug, placing your hands on his shoulders while his palms are a little bit lower on your waist than it should be, he won't let you go!!
ꢾ୧ you two kinn regina george!!! and he definitely judging your partner choice like umpire Kim - uew this is so cringe. guilty. again, if you don’t understand - Yoojin are jealous.
ꢾ୧ if you want to eat something, whole restaurant are booked and no other people are around, only two of you nasty rats keep gossiping about your ex classmate horribly done liposuction, how that boy from your class already married.. prob because he knocked up that girl from other class, ohh and do you remember that teacher you had on math classes? he is doing some questionable pyramid scheme now… oh oh and that guy who took eugene company when he just came? his boobs are hu-
ꢾ୧ you are his dear friend, there is no other scenario why he would let you stay at his place, having sleepovers together to watch scream queens, american horror story and old episodes of keep up with the kardashians (Chris is his kinn, fight this opinion)
ꢾ୧ all in all 10 nasty gossip rats out of 10, you vibe together as long as you are sweet and loyal to him and not part of any gangs - again Yoojin is jealous, you can be only his dear slay queen bestie
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kumimi3 · 7 months
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❪ LOOKISM BOYS<33 ❫ ❮ little sweetheart (child!reader) ⟡ ↳ platonic!Harem (workers version)
- Who knew a young child is involved in such a criminal association such as the workers? Who knew the young sweetheart has captured many of the workers hearts’ as well?
- Your presence was sudden, having been introduce by none other than Charles Choi, giving everyone a brief notice that you are welcomed by the elite CEO himself, that must mean something. You’re special.
- You play such big parts in the worker’s plans despite being young(around 13-14 yrs old), earning Eugene’s approval, praising you for your logical intelligence as he pats your head in soft caresses
- Yuseong, his younger twin, has taken a liking to you as well, offering to let you play with his toys whenever you visit the company--Which happens ever so often, but nobody complained, in fact, they preferred your presence over anything else
- It didn’t matter that you were childish, it was a part of growing after all, a reason why Eugene lets you run rampant inside his company like it’s a playground. Eugene creates rules for safety measure, but other then that, he gave you the privilege to do anything, even going as far as to enter the room when there’s a meeting.
- Samuel acts ever so stoic and dull on you, scolds and huffs at you like a tired father, yet he hopes you know that he only means well. He takes pleasure in being your bodyguard, pretending to act as if it’s nothing when he hears your arrival, yet he is always at the entrance, eager to meet your doe eyes as you open your arms to hug him, to which he complies
- He has taken you to rides before, often being assigned to take you to the private and luxurious school Charles Choi has transferred you in, but he didn’t mind it, even when he clicks his tongue in feigned annoyance, yet he still assists you, even going as far as to show off in his 100 million car. He has grown to like you alot, to the point he lets you play around in his cars
- “Oi! You scratched the new leather seats I got.” “I’m sorry Sir Samuel, I didn’t mean to!” “... It’s fine, just keep still next time, brat.” If it were someone else, they would’ve been 6 ft under.
- Neko gushed at your cuteness, ignorant of the fact that a young teen managed to enter the private area filled with blood and gore--She definitely hides you from the treacherous games, but yet she wanted you to stay.
Ryuhei Kuroda kept pinching your cheeks and teasing you for your height since the day you came, thinking of you as the child of him and Neko, such childish dreams, but he made it obvious all the time
“Yah, Neko~ Our baby Y/n is here!” “Want your papa to buy you a toy or something? Oh, right…. Yeah, I’m your papa!"
Now gun and goo, even with a child, they are still so careless
Goo screams your name from a mile away throughout the entire building, opening his arms wide as he runs towards you, holding you up in the air as he twirls the both of you around
Being given mission by Charles Choi, the infamous pair are always there by your side, protecting you from any harm as you complete your quests for the workers affiliates
Gun, as with his calm demeanor, it’s relaxing to be with him, receiving soft pats and short praises from him many times, not to mention his liking towards carrying you
Whenever you’re with him, he doesn’t waste no time to hold you with one arm and resumes to his schemes, he may be quiet but he’s really great with the littlest of details
You don’t like pickles on your burger? He’ll get rid of it before you can even see it. You gushed about a pair of toys 2 week ago? It’s inside your bedroom now. You only like a certain color in a pack of gummy bears? He’ll pick them himself so you wouldn’t have to &lt;3
Goo is vocal with his wants, always whining that you should call him “Big brother/Oppa” instead of ‘sir’! Spends millions on you, from the headband on your head, to the custom made designer shoes you wear for school.
He’s a maniac, he’s a psycho, but he just couldn’t help but feel at ease with you, for once he’s not meeting new members just as a nutcase like him, you were a breath of fresh air for him
They all protect your innocence from the illegal work they do, they’ll protect you from being ruined, not matter what, you’re their little baby after all &lt;3
Little do they know you’re just as deranged as them lol
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unreleasedwrites · 1 month
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Caught You, Again
“You’re eyes seem to be wandering yet again, and your cheeks are redder than rubies.. You just never get tired of me, do you?
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summary: You and Gun have been in the same class since the eight grade, and you developed a little crush on him that same year. Once the ninth grade started and you two had been paired as seat mates, you started to drop subtle hints here and there with the idea of your little crush on him for the past year. Gun notices this and takes it as an opportunity to constantly tease you about it jokingly— until, he was no longer joking, and made a move by asking you out which then ended with you becoming his first and last girlfriend, because he made you into his first and forever wife. Yet, he never fails to see you in the not so hidden act of admiring him, which has him calling you a “simp,” and he continues to tease you for it.
character(s) included: Park Jonggun x fem!reader
cw: fluff, teasing, playful and flirtatious gun, gun is nice, swearing, use of Y/N, mentions of physical fights gun gets into, mentions of blood/bleeding/bruises, couple nicknames, kissing, established relationship, idk much about weddings, VERY SUGGESTIVE TOWARDS THE END!! this is really long tbh 😭😭
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unwrapped on: Saturday Night, December 03 2023
wrapped up on: Sunday Evening, April 28 2024
published on: Sunday Evening, April 28 2024
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“Need something?” Your seat mate suddenly questioned you as he shrugged a brow at you, who was blankly staring at him, obviously lost in your thoughts.
“O-uh— No!” You quickly replied and zoned back into reality, “Sorry, I was just thinking, I didn’t notice tha-” You added before he cut you off and said,
“If you like me, you could just say so’ You wouldn’t be the first girl to confess to me this school year.”
“Wha-! Talk about confident, also it’s literally the second week of the ninth grade..” You scoffed, a little nervous considering you have liked him since the eight grade so he technically wasn’t wrong.
“That isn’t a no~” He replied with a tint of his usual smirk.
“Wel-” You tried to speak right before he interrupted you once more “Enough with the excuses already, it’s boring.”
“Well?” He added and you responded with, “Well.. What I was trying to sa-” Ding, Ding, Ding— You were interrupted once again, but this time, by the bell. And it was now lunch time, so you two went your separate ways.
That was one of the occasional conversations you had with Gun, it just so happens that you two have been paired as seatmates since the eight grade and therefore, had to have spoken to one another atleast a number of times by now. They were just meaningless and short interactions that was just another way to kill time for him, yet those little conversations and interactions meant the world to you.
Fast forward into the school year and currently, it’s almost the fourth month of school— all of your classmates along with the new/transfer students have gotten to know each other, and it just so happens that you and Gun have started to talk more aswell. From little “Hey, about the homework-”, “Since were the next pair who’ll discuss, how about we-”, and “Could I borrow an extra pen, if you’ve got one?” To “What did you get for this number..?”, “Let’s hang out at my place, we could also plan our discussion for english tomorrow.”, which also turned to him simply grabbing things out of your bag when he pleases.
The formal little questions he’d usually ask you were starting to turn casual and friendly, not only his words but his tone is shifting as well.
You never thought you’d be invited to his place so casually and he’d lend you his jacket whenever you two are hanging out. Although, he insists you keep all of them since he loves the way it looks on you. It was weird. It was all so weird. So many girls like him, he’s constantly got girls dreaming to be around him as much as you get to be. Now, if you think about it— you never actually see ANY girls approaching him or hanging around him at all, aside from you, that is. People are constantly telling you about how you two must be dating, well you aren’t, but he’s never actually denied it either. He continues to tease you almost everyday and it just has you falling for him even more.
“Y/N?” Gun suddenly called out to you while you were walking out of the classroom to go home.
“Dinner, just you and me. This Friday at 7 o’clock, how’s that sound?”
“Wait, what?” You rose a brow at his sudden invitation, “What do you mean, by dinner with just you and me?” You briefly added.
“A dinner date, with just the two of us.”
“That was a little, out of nowhere.. Don’t you think?”
“..Yeah.” He responded, “My bad. Maybe it was a little too soon, never mind about what I sai-” He added before you cut him off, “Wai- wait! it wasn’t too soon at all! Sorry, I was just taken a back— since I really wasn’t expecting this from you.” You said, visibly happy.
“Well then..?” He nervously asked and you responded with, “Are you kidding? That’s all I’ve ever wanted!! I’d love to, Gun.” It was evident just how excited you were. Suddenly all bubbly and red in the cheeks, Gun found that to so adorable. “I wasn’t expecting such enthusiasm from you,” Gun said as he laughed, “You’re probably in love with me, aren’t you?” to which you replied, “You asked, I answered! And would you have wanted a no for an answer?” “A no from the girl who’s head over heals in love with me? I highly doubted that response.”
Gun might’ve said those words so casually and care free but he really was surprised with how quick it took for you to say yes. Throughout the course of your friendship, it did become obvious that the two of you do like each other. But it was much more evident on your side, with how much people knew you like Gun and how you spoke about him and how you were whenever you were with him, versus how you were when you were with some other boys that were rumored to like you. Of course, Gun was slightly taken aback when he learned about all this— how could someone like you, a beautiful and simple sweet heart who doesn’t even like contact with people or going out that much, like him, a guy whose name is insanely problematic and all the rumors spreading about him are mostly true and have something to do with his violent side and the things he does outside of school, a guy who people quite literally fear.
But Gun didn’t really like thinking about any of that. All that mattered to him was how you felt and the adorable reactions that come out of you whenever he teases you about apparently liking him so much.
A few months passed since your first date and the two of you started dating after a while, even more time has passed since then because you two were now in your final year of high school. Despite going further into your friendship to turn it into a relationship, nothing much has really changed.
You guys were at your place this one time and you begged him to do skin care with you. He was reluctant at first but with your puppy dog eyes and some touchy convincing, he finally agreed.
“Stay Still!!” You scolded your boyfriend who kept moving when you were trying to apply a full mask onto his face.
“How am I supposed to? It’s so wet and slimy, kinda reminds me of something..” Gun replied.
“Oh shut it, I finally finished applying it, now we have matching masks on!! Come look at the mirror!” You exclaimed, “Tada~!”
He looked at the mirror blankly and slowly turned to you, who was overflowing with joy.
“Awh, don’t you like it?”
“It’s.. something, that’s for sure..”
You looked at Gun with your usual pout, to which he caved in and finally went along with the whole thing, saying it’s not that bad.
“Hehe, my baby looks so handsome, just as he always does~” You said as you admired Gun while squeezing his cheeks.
“You’re such a simp, you know that, right? Gun said, slightly muffled as he looked down at you with his usual smirk.
“Hmph! If you don’t want my love then you could just say so!” You said as you let go off his cheeks and crossed your arms with a grouchier pout on your face.
“Baby, there’s no need to be a brat.” He then grabbed your chin to kiss your lips (you were tiptoe-ing). Gun always knew how to deal with the unpredictable pace of your mood, given how you can go from absolutely simping over him to a pouting girl who doesn’t wanna talk about it at all with him.
“Your eyes sure as hell love to wander, dont they?” Gun teased. You went all pouty again so he coated you in some more kisses to make up for the teasing about you being a complete simp.
Those were the moments that ultimately led to the situation you’re currently in. Beneath the sunset in your favorite place, dressed in an astonishing wedding dress, paired with an elegant pair of heels, just the right amount of steepness for you to walk in, given your veil and dress that was trailing on your back. Holding an extravagant boquet with all of your favorite flowers wrapped in such delicate material.
It was all so ethereal. Gun, your soon to be husband hasn’t seen you. You were queued to walk down the aisle so very soon, which had you shaking in both excitement and fear. It’s finally the day you’ve been waiting for so very long. You knew you really liked Gun the moment you two became closer, yet you’re still stuck in the point where you were admiring him from technically— not afar because he was right beside you the entire time. But still, you were just an admirer in awe. And now you have the same last name as him and do tons of things together— cooking? hell yes, shopping? without a doubt. hopping in the shower and bathtub together? you don’t even notice him coming in until you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around you and start to wander across your body.
Another thing is that Gun may seem like a “cold” or reserved person on the outside, but he really does care about people that matters to him and knows how to observe. One of the things he observed about your “infatuation” with him was how you looked at him. He really saw right through the eyes you looked at him with— they only expressed one thing. That one thing was actual love, and it was not at all short-lived as people say what infatuation is.
It truly surprised him to see how your eyes never got gloomy or even got tired of looking at him that way even when time passed.
If anything, they became brighter and loving with every moment that passed with you looking at Gun’s dark eyes, wondering why he would ever want to have anything to do with a girl who’s had a huge crush on him for so very long.
He realized just how much importance those little details hold. As they say, the eyes don’t lie. And he sure as hell was able to experience that for himself.
He may not have wanted to admit it at first, but he slowly fell for you, in the way where you fell first but he fell harder. His entire mood and demeanor would change the exact moment that you’re around him. He could be beating up people and see that you’ve come to check up on him because he specifically told you that he was just going out to get something from Goo, but ended up taking way too long— hence, why you went to find him. He changed in an instant. Leaving behind the scene and making sure you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about it. And according to Goo, the way he talks about you is just “agitating”— which pretty much translates to “amazing” in your vocabulary, given that Goo doesn’t care about these types of things.
You’ve heard from various of his friends that he really does love you, because he doesn’t prolong any of his fights due to the very fact that he wants to make sure that he can get home to you asap. Especially when it’s late at night, he knows you like to sleep but he wants to be the one to tuck you in and cuddle and place gentle kisses on you to sleep. So even though he loves fighting worthy opponents that gets him turned on, no one can top you— he just loves that matching pj’s set that you tend to wear, with the small pink lace ribbons and the silk fabric, the short and small shorts with the sleeveless top.
Gun told you all about what he does for Charles Choi when he fully trusted you and you guys were already dating, and he didn’t expect you to stay. He was scared to tell you with there being a big chance that you’d freak out and leave him, call the cops, and do other things he wouldn’t have ever wanted you of all people to do to him.
Despite all of his fears and bad expectations of what you might do when you learn of the “bad” side of his, he still has you and always will. He really cant believe that you stayed after everything and still look at him the exact same way you did when you first met him. You somehow still retained the same feelings and love you have for him despite everything— and he is insanely in love with you for that. He loves teasing you about it though.
Going back to the present situation you’re in, you were now walking down the aisle as Gun absolutely stared at you in awe. Enthralled by how amazing you looked in white and how such a gorgeous woman was walking down the aisle to meet eye to eye with him and to hold him hand in hand.
The ceremony was breathtakingly beautiful, flowers of all sorts were surrounding the venue with just the right amount of lights that have been set upon with candles and dim lighting. The details in fabrics, decorations, covers, and even the architecture of the venue was simply incredible.
All of this “extraness” as Gun would call it, was for you. Gun wasn’t the type of person to have such a big wedding despite the small number in guests, but he knew you loved all of the things he had made to be included for the special day.
And even though Gun was relatively smart with his money, he was more than willing to go all out on this short event.
After all the agreements and words that the officiator had asked the two of you, you guys finally reached the most important part of the day, the one you have been dreaming of for who knows how long.
The officiator spoke once again, “Do you, Y/N, take Park Jonggun to be your lawfully wedded husband— To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
You looked deeply into Gun’s eyes, “I do.”
The officiator turned over to Gun, “Park Jonggun, do you take this woman to be your wife— to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?
Gun held eye contact with you with a subtle yet sincere smile, “I do.”
He then carefully placed the beautiful ring on your finger, which was followed with you doing the same with his. Just after that was the unity ceremony which was such a bliss.
Of course, once that had passed, came the pronouncement— After more words and hundreds more that you didn’t pay much mind to, the officiator finally looked at the two of you deeply and stated, “I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”
And so you guys did kiss, for a pretty long time— With Gun’s hands placed on your waist and one of your hands on his shoulder, and the other nestled against his face. The crowd cheered for the two of you as it all happened.
It was all so, so, so, incredibly divine.
Once the ceremony has ended and the after party was finally about to begin, you kept chatting with the guests, more particularly your closest friends who were also your bridesmaids. It genuinely made them wonder how you could be so in love with someone. The way you talked about him was absolutely adorable considering they’ve met Gun before, and think of him as the luckiest guy on earth, and you as the blindest girl.
And despite not knowing many of Gun’s friends that he invited, they were still so kind to chat with you. They told Gun when he came by that he really was one hell of a lucky guy to have someone so head over heals for him. To which he only agreed with them before he went to attend to the other guests.
“I don’t understand how you could like him so much, he’s garbage..” Goo said as the other guys were talking amongst themselves at the same table you and Goo were at.
“Maybe to you he is— but he is just the sweetest to me, and he’s hot as hell too.” You replied, obviously lost in your thoughts, imagining Gun once again.
“Woman, what the hell do you see in him for him to be considered as sweet? Do you have any idea how much people he’s arranged the organs of?” Goo questioned.
“Oh please, how much have you?”
“Hey. I don’t like getting my hands dirty as much as Gun does.”
Goo came closer to you and whispered in your ear, “Did you know that Gun has liked you before you even attended the same school together..?”
“Yup. You may have been led to believe that you were the first to like him all these years, but he’s just never told you that he’s actually a creepy stalker deep down.”
“You’re bluffing.”
“Nope! And you could figure it out for yourself!” Goo exclaimed.
“Oh please! If he hasn’t told me all this time then he wont tell me now, why don’t you just tell me more about it?”
“Fine, buttt! You can’t tell Gun or even give him hints that I was the one to tell you all this, alright?”
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that,” you replied.
“Alright-y then! I’m guessing you know Gun as someone you became classmates with in the eight grade, and became friends with in the ninth. Butttt, he actually first heard of you in the seventh grade, and although he wasn’t in your school that time, he transferred the next year so that you two could be classmates. He first saw you walking out of that school and he told me all about how pretty you were and how he’d like to be friends with you,” Goo explained.
“I can’t tell if you’re telling the truth or not..”
“It doesn’t matter what you believe, just know that I am telling you the truth and it’s up to you to take it or not.” He said with a smile spread across his face.
Like all things, the wedding eventually came to an end, it may have been short-lived but it was truly memorable. Of course, what comes after the wedding is the honeymoon.
You guys went on a trip to somewhere tropical for your honeymoon, which resulted in Gun wearing almost nothing most of the time, and if he was wearing something, it’d be boxers or swim trunks, or a more formal outfit that just looked sooooo good on him.
There was this one instance where you guys were about to go to bed, and Gun would usually have on some loose pants or shorts, but this time.. He was wearing absolutely nothing, not even boxers or briefs of some sort. He casually walked over to your shared bed while you stared at him.
“Need something, babe?” Gun asked he tucked himself into the blanket you were also tucked in, but you were both still sitting up.
“Well.. No, but um…” You replied nervously, obviously pent up from the view you had right in front of you.
Gun looks at your eyes then down to his naked body (and mind you, you were wearing a cute yet small and slightly revealing matching- sleepwear set), “Hm? You’ve seen me naked countless times before, and it’s not like you’re a virgin.” He teased as he brushed some of your hair to the side.
“Yeah b-but..” You managed to utter as you were still straight up staring at his body, fresh from the shower.
“But what? Does my wife need help with her words?” Gun teased as he leaned in closer to you and slowly lifted up your top to place his hand on your chest. To which you got very tense and nervous.
I’m sure you already know what followed in the next moments..
But moving forward with a few more days that passed, Gun caught you staring— maybe even admiring one of the pictures that you took together recently, specifically zoomed in on him. You hadn’t realized or even noticed his presence so you were just looking at the picture like some teenage girl, obviously crushing on him.. As if you didn’t just get married to him to him last week.
You were cheekily smiling at the picture, even giggling to yourself at some point when you swiped through some of the other pictures of him and you. You just loved him so bad, that even though you had him right with you, you still resorted to pictures. Gun thought that was adorable. The woman he fell in love with, sat on a chair facing away from where he was sneakily stood at, was swiping away at pictures of him when you didn’t even know that you had him wrapped around your finger.
“What’s my dear wife up to this evening?” He spoke out of nowhere, suddenly startling you. This caused you to have the phone slip out of your hands, but he swiftly caught it and took a closer look at the photos you were staring at.
“What are you doing with pictures that you can’t already to with the real deal right beside you?” He asked as you got increasingly nervous by the seconds passed and you were starting to fidget.
“I was just looking at what photos I wanted to keep.. And what I didn’t want to keep, y’know what I mean..?” You replied.
“Is that so?”
“Yes, my dear oh dearest husband,” you said mockingly— “Why are you interrogating me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Little miss stalker,” Gun said as he sat on the chair across from you, obviously enjoying himself.
“Stalke—? Oh wait-! That reminds me,” your husband’s brow rose at your sudden statement, “Your close friend, Jonggoo, told me a little something when him and I were talking during the after party.” You added.
“And that is..?” Gun asked, skeptical of what you might’ve learned, knowing Goo very well.
“Well,” you shuffled around as you tilted your head and finally spoke, “Is it true that you only came to the school I go to in the first place because you saw me walking out there one time and.. yeah—?”
“That bastard— But, yeah. That is true.” He said without a change in expression and emotion.
You gave him a teasing smile and a soft “hehe” as you looked at him. For some reason, finding out that was true only seemed to make you fall in love even more.
“Oh hush, I don’t understand how much a person could like someone—” He said and he stood up to lift you into his arms for teasing him.
“Hey! Why are you carrying me?” You suddenly yelped. He dropped you gently on to the bed and he climbed on top of you.
“Woman, it’s not good to start something you can’t finish.”
“Tsk! My nickname is now woman?” You pouted.
“My apologies then, my wife.” He said somewhat mockingly to which you pouted even more, so he finally said it in a more sincere manner and gave you a kiss.
“Well?” He asked you as you were still in the same position, with him on top you.
“Well what?” You clarified while your eyes shamelessly wandered through his body, flustered with the position you were in and the teasing he was doing to you.
“You’re eyes seem to be wandering yet again, and your cheeks are redder than rubies.. You just never get tired of me, do you? Gun said in a teasing tone as he leaned in closer.
This honeymoon sure as hell will be going on for a long time.
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notes: I think ill prolly put out a masterlist and about me post in like a month or two who knows, also this request has been with me for so long 😭 I am so so so sorry to this anon, please forgive me 😵‍💫 Also, I really hope that this wasn’t too bad and can live up to what you were expecting and requesting, I am so sorry if it doesn’t, I really tried 😭 ANDDD I accidentally deleted the actual request because I got a little lost with trying to navigate tumblr because I accidentally clicked the Queue button and yeah.. I don’t think I really proofread this tbh
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and I'll be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request!!
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emojellyace08 · 10 months
Hiii! I love the way you write and I was wondering if I could make a request (only if you want)
So how about the lookism boys reaction to an extremely beautiful and ethereal fem!reader who is like so feminine and ethereal she looks like a princess from a fairytale and even animals love her??
Anyways remember to stay safe and healthy!!
Lookism Men x Stunning Fem! Reader
Hiii Thanks for the request @jejegilipollas! This kind of reminds me of a Disney Princess reader! I'll be doing headcannons for almost every Lookism Men so I wouldn't leave out who you actually simp for xD. And remember all of us are really pretty in our on ways and we're all equal. And stay safe and healthy too! Warnings: insecurities, mentions of trauma, mature themes for the bottom/second part Genre: fluff ☁️ angst 🥀, slight lemon/smut 🍋 slight crack (comedy)🧨 ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿
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Daniel Park/Jay Hong/Zack Lee/Vasco/Eli Jang/Warren Chae/Jerry Kwon/Johan Seong/Jake Kim/Sinu Han/Duke Pyeon/Jace Park/Line Man/Brad Lee/Jiho Park/Magami Kenta/Young Jinyoung Park/Young Gapryong Kim/Jichang Kwak/Taesoo Ma/Xiaoleoung/Jihan Kwak/Jibeom Kwak/Yuseong
He doesn't really prioritize having a "Goddess or too good to be true looking girlfriend" since he already has lots of trauma and he's been really stressful lately. So having a dependable, trust-worthy, and helpful partner is enough for him.
But when he saw you, a transferee student/staff on his school/working place he couldn't stop staring at you. He may look like a creep so when you turn in his direction, so he'll look away pretty fast. But you took notice of this and knowing your friendly personality and warm vibes, you thought befriending him isn't a bad idea.
So when you approached him, he couldn't help but to blush and be awkward around you. He thinks that you're too good for him and he's out of your league. Your smart, pretty, kind, you name it. Because of his insecurities getting in his way, he doesn't really know if he even deserves to stay beside you. But after getting to know you better, you're not really a judgmental person and you're always staying beside him even when things aren't really going well for him. So he really learned how to trust you more.
He's also the type to innocently admire your beauty. He'll definitely shower you with lots of pure compliments! "Hi Y/N!" "Oh hello." you greeted him back with a soft voice as he noticed your hair tied in a different hair style since you often let your hair be loose down. "Your hair looks pretty today." he complimented you while rubbing his nape feeling shy. "Oh really? Thank you!" you smiled back at him, you've been feeling down lately because of your pretty privilege making you insecure. But his compliments just makes your day better. "Yeah, no problem."
You may not know it but it's obvious that he's an animal lover. And he always adopts or feed stray pups and kittens who either lost their way or have gotten abandoned by their animal parent or owner. So you asked him about this and he seems pretty flustered when you brought about the topic and you couldn't help but to giggle at his reaction. Oh God, your voice sounds so pretty. He really can't help but to admire you even more. He just really can't help but to compliment you a lot though you can hear the shy and bashful tone beneath his voice.
So when you're walking home after school/work, you saw a little kitten crying near the road. You decided to gently approach the animal since it can get hurt by a vehicle if you just let it be. You called for it's attention with a sweet voice. And unexpectedly, the cute furball didn't hesitate to rub her body on your leg making you chuckle. "You found a stray kitten?" you heard a familiar voice as you turned around to see that it's just him making you sigh. "Jesus, you scared me" you replied back as he softly chuckled and squatted down beside you making sure that he wouldn't scare the kitten away. "Shh, don't worry little one he's a nice guy" you cooed as he was shocked at your statement. Him? A nice guy? He couldn't help but frown thinking about the things he have done and the names people called him. He feels like you're too good for him, yet you're like a fire in a cold snowy weather. It may seems like your warm feeling can hurt him, but it's in fact the opposite. You made him feel, what's the word. Relaxed? Comfortable? He doesn't really know as he couldn't stay away from you no matter how many times he tried.
"So umm..." "Yes?" you asked him in a sweet tone as he tried completing his sentence, he couldn't help but stutter since he's been hiding his true feelings for you for a long time now. "I have pet food on my house, would you mind if we take her home?" he requested as your eyes sparkled. "Really? Sure! I was also planning to buy her food since it looks like she hasn't been fed for days." "Okay, but do you think you can carry her? Stray cats may have rabies if you got bitten y'know" he reminded you as you chuckled once again. "Don't worry. She let me touch her and it seems like she's getting used with my presence" "Sure. Let's go now" he stood up as you picked the little kitty on your warm arms. "So what will you name her?" he asked on his way home as you followed next to him. "Meowy!" (Chainsaw Man reference lol) "Meowy?" "Yeah. I couldn't think of a cool name. And when I saw her she didn't even hesitate to greet me, so I think Meowy will be her name" you stated as he can still see the light behind your eyes (MCR reference lol) as you petted the animal already felling asleep. He smiled at you as he thought how not only how beautiful you are, you also have a good heart. "Meowy is a pretty name. You should keep it" he replied back as you smiled at him and continued to thank him for helping you out on taking care of the little kitten. Can he just enjoy this moment with you? He have forgotten the danger outside the world as he has the desire to protect you. You really are his sunshine.
Gun Park/Samuel Seo/James Lee or DG/Magami Kenta/Hudson Ahn/Vin Ho Bin(Vin Jin)/Cheong Taejin/Mandeok/Olly Wang/Jiho Park (villain arc)
For the most part, he's not the type to be looking for a date unlike the others. He's not a hopeless romantic.
Though if he founds someone attractive he can't help himself to do the fling with them, releasing his stress on someone while making himself feel good. Yep, he's only fucking someone just so he can pleasure himself. Nothing more and nothing less.
But he can't help but to curious the moment he laid his eyes on you. You're cute to be honest, he won't deny that. You look and act so fragile, innocent most likely. You're also very gentle, sweet and passionate. Contrasting his wild and bold side. He's like a wild animal. He's harsh, aggressive and cold. He never has the desire to be involved on a romantic relationship. He finds the idea of it cringy to be honest. He finds it making him vulnerable. And he finds the idea of having a soft spot on someone well what's the word, to be honest he can't put words on the idea of it.
He does wonder sometimes if he actually lived a decent life, but that doesn't mean that he has regrets of becoming who he is today. He's strong and he can handle things on his own which makes him proud of himself. But hearing it from you and showering him with pure and genuine compliments sounds and feel very different. "Wow! You're so cool and strong!" you stated as your eyes sparkled like little stars on the dark, starry night. He smirked at this, he must admit that you look so innocent and if you continued to act like this, he wouldn't hesitate to give you a kiss if he's more affectionate. "Well I know" he simply replied. Thinking about this moments make his head ache and his stomach grumble. It's not because he's sick, but is it because of what most called butterflies? He chuckled at the thought of it. It's useless. He doesn't need anybody let alone a girl, but he'll often look for your presence when you and him are away for each other even if it's not a very long time.
And it makes him wonder why do you always stay on his side. You and him are too different. You actually lived a decent and peaceful life with a healthy environment, unlike him who's always surrounded by thugs and who's often obsessed with money, power, drugs, alcohol and sex. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he does like you. That's why he's always pushing you away. He doesn't want you to get hurt. And he'll definitely kicked someone's ass if they ever tried to lay their hands on you.
"Hey," he called for your attention as you looked at him with those doe-like eyes. His voice sounds a bit harsh and demanding, but after getting to know him better and getting close to him you know that he's just like that to everybody. And you know that he actually doesn't mean it to be like that. "Yes?" you asked him softly as he made eye-contact. "Why do you always stay next to me?" he asked curiously as it made you slightly upset to be honest. Does he think of you as a burden? Are you annoying? Well despite you always getting compliments from other people about how you look like a princess or Goddess that popped on a fairy tail and given life, you're actually insecure about yourself. Your gentle and feminine side can be annoying to some. You can't help but to feel like a little child that always needed to be protected and taken care of. And you often cared too much about others making you a people pleaser. "What do you mean?" you chuckled trying to hide your distress but he took notice of this. He doesn't mean to be rude, he sighed as he reconstructed his statement since you misunderstood it in the wrong way. "I mean, why do you stay beside me? You can get hurt you know?" he stated as your eyes sparkled once again. "Ahh, you mean in that way?" "Yeah." "Well, because you're really nice!" you honestly answered as he was shocked by your response. Really? Most people viewed him as an asshole for beating them up for his work. "You're joking right?" "Why do you think I'm joking? You're strong, kind well in some times, and you actually protected me when I need help." you smiled at him once again as he looked from a different direction trying to hide his blush. So far, that's the most genuine compliment he got from someone else.
And he also took notice of how gentle you are with animals. Not only you help out other people, but also those street kittens and pups that randomly pop up on streets. He just finds owning a pet a bit stressful since he already has lots of responsibility in his shoulders. "PLEASE CAN WE ADOPT HIM!" you pleaded as you cling on his arms making him groan. "No." "WHY!" "Well, I can't take care of it and I don't want to." he answered honestly but in a brutal way making you frown. If you have dog ears right now it will droop down and your eyes got bigger again like you're about to cry. "Please? I'll take care of it..." you put your hands together begging as he stares at you. He honestly find it cringy since he doesn't know if you're doing that on purpose or if you're just too soft. Not being able to stop you, he sighed. "Fine, but don't ask me to be his babysitter." he looked away as you smiled once again. "C'mon just tell me that you also find him cute!" "Shut up..." he may sound rude, but you can see that little smirk forming on his lips.
Goo Kim/Jake Kim/Kuroda Ryuhei/Yoojin/Sinu Han
This men will be a 100% simp for you (especially Goo and Ryuhei). He just founds you really hot, cute and pretty! Well you name it.
In some levels, they do care about their partner's appearance (remember having preferences are not bad ladies and gentle man). But they actually do not belittle others who are not their taste especially women since for the most part. He's a gentleman (or he tries to be).
To be honest, they're just secretly horny lmao. Remember they're still men so having a partner with a beautiful face and body just makes him worked up. Like, you don't have a right to be this pretty (he just praises you at this point).
But he does know deep inside that looks are not just a fundamental in having a partner. He does care about personality. He just honestly can't stand women who looks hot but just acts annoying and bitchy most of the time. It turns him off the most. But meeting you is one of the best blessing he have. Not only you look like a deity, but you also act like one. He just thought you're an angel who fell from the sky, in this hellish place called Earth. Did God sent you for him? Is life not finally being an ass to him? Who knows.
He'll also compliment you 24/7. Like his mouth just wouldn't stop talking about you. Like, in some levels you kind of find it annoying especially if you're the quiet one. You also probably thought at first that he's a perv but he's just being honest and appreciative! So you just brushed it off and you actually started appreciating his comments about you since it's not harming you in anyways. In fact it also boosts your confidence even more. "Y/N do you know how pretty you are?" he teased just to get a reaction out of you (and he also likes making you smile H:LKHDL:KHAL:KFH:LDKHA) "Of course I do" you smirked as you played along with him. "Well you actually look like a koala" "HEY THAT'S RUDE!" you stated as he laughed at your reaction "BUT KOALAS ARE CUTE!".
He also finds it adorable when you adopt stray animals. He just finds you "waifu material" girl. He also fantasizes about adopting 5 kittens or puppies with you and living on a peaceful and small town. You know, just the normal couple living their best life. Though he wouldn't be open about it since he finds it lowkey embarrassing lmao. "BABE! I FOUND A KITTEN ON A STREET!" "C'mon Y/N it's the fifth time you adopted a cat. Are you making an orphanage out of animals?" he teased as your kitten named Pebbles cling into him like a toddler begging for his dad's attention. "Please? I already have a name for her" you pleaded as he sighed knowing that he can't stop your motherly behavior with animals and besides he finds the cat cute too, it's a pure white kitten with blue sapphire like eyes. "What's her name though?" he asked curiously as you smiled and named the cat Snow. "Why won't you name her Elsa?" "C'mon love you make too much jokes." you sighed trying not to laugh as he chuckled at your reaction. "I'm just kidding, besides Snow's a really fitting name." he gently picked the cat on your arms and petting it. He just finds you daring. You're more than just your looks and he finds that fascinating :3.
A/N: I hope you really like it! It's kind of rushed yet late lmao. And I'm more of a cat person than a dog person but I still hoped you liked it!
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iloveparkjonggun · 9 months
Lookism men x wife!reader
characters included; Gun, Goo and Jake. reader is fem, nicknames(dear, sweetkins, princess etc) , characters are aged up, SFW, fluff fluff AND fluff.
A/N: after finishing lookism, i couldn't stay silent any longer, i HAD to write for them despite literally having no idea how to, i suppose that this is the first time i'm writing something properly, haha. Anyways, have fun reading <3
_____ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚_______
. . . . . ╰──╮Park JongGun╭──╯ . . . . .
Gun aged like a fine wine, you must admit. The day you laid your eyes on him for the first time ever still replayed in your mind, although you wouldn't really admit it. Witnessing with a new student while you were just chasing around your cat was the least thing you expected, and that attidute of his, you didn't expect that either. You were 16 at that time, young and full of life. Life was dready sometimes, that's a fact that no one could never get rid of including you, but who cares? We're here to have fun, and that's how you lived your life. When you gave Gun a slight smile along with a wave for the first time, he just replied with a single glance and turned away. He was odd, you thought. You were familiar with the most of the students in your school, and since he was a new face, you just wanted to greet him kindly. And how did that thug react? Exactly.
That's when that guy, who's name you learned later sucesfully inserted himself in the bad side of you, you could easily tell that he was a delinquent from the way you looked, but still you can't judge a book by its cover, but including that attitude with that presence? yeah, he definetely was a delinquent.
You just had no idea how the time melted so quick, the guy who used to be nothing but a delinquent in your eyes years ago was now behind you, arms roaming around your waist, stroking you as if you were a sculpture while you were just trying to cook dinner. ''Dear,'' you call out, a smile unconsciously appearing in your lips. ''Go take a shower first, you must be tired after work.''
He almost purrs while nibbling on the side of your neck, ''I am. So let me reduce my exhaustion.'' You could feel him inhaling your scent, lips contacting with your skin, leaving several soft kisses which caused you to giggle slightly. ''Alright, enough. Go shower, dinner's almost ready.'' You turn your head, leaning closer to him. knowing what you were up to, he moves his face to the side, his cheek waiting to feel your lips on it. Expecting to greet with his cheek, you greet with his lips instead, tasting the cigaratte at the same time. Damn it, you think. You fell for this move again. The chuckles coming from him while he makes his way to the bathroom only increases the heat of your cheeks. With a sigh, you continue to cook, a smile on your face.
. . . . . ╰──╮Goo Kim ╭──╯ . . . . .
''Princess!~'' cooed Goo, grinning with his full teeth, seeming utterly excited on whatever he was about to show you. ''Guess what just happened.''
''What?'' You answer, pair of eyes still glued to your phone, which instantly goes noticed by your husband. A frown already on his face, he leans his head to your phone, blocking you from the view of your phone. ''Look at me, not at the phone.'' He narrows his eyes and gives you that pout. You put your phone aside, now your full attention on your needy husband. Resting his head on your lap, he gives you a cheeky smile.
''Guess what day tomorrow is!''
''September 11th?'' You ask, one eyebrow slightly raising as you played dumb.
''Yes it is but, that wasn't the answer i was looking for.'' His lips quivers, before he tilts his head ''Don't tell me that you forgot, Y/N~'' He whines, which was when you decide that it was the time to drop the mask. A chuckle could be heard from you as you gaze down at him.
"Silly. what do you think that i was searching at my phone?''
''Wha- hey, you're just trying to change the topic now!''
''No im not, dumbass. I was searching for places to spend your anniversary.''
''Stop trying to change the to- Oh.'' Hearing those words causes the pout replace with a smile which easily reached his ears. ''Aww, sweetkins!'' In a blink of an eye, Goo was now straddling your lap, throwing his arms around your neck while he buried your head on his chest, rubbing your head on his chest as he hugged you. ''I knew that you didn't forget about it!''
'' 'Course i didn't forget, how could i- Goo get the hell away from me i cant breathe.''
''Oh.'' From his facial expression you clarify that he forgot how heavy and muscular he was for a moment. Now, you were the one on top of him, sitting on his laps as he hugged you, grinning up at you through your chest. ''Better now?''Your hand extends to his blond hand on its own as you smile back. ''Better.''
. . . . . ╰──╮ Jake Kim ╭──╯ . . . . .
You were gazing at the big deal street with your husband, head resting on his shoulder, his hand slowly stroking your waist, keeping you close as the cheerful talks of the people mixed with each other on the background while you both enjoyed each other's company in silence ''How odd.'' You break the silence first, recalling memories. ''Years passed, yet, this street still looks the same.'' Glancing up towards Jake, your smile widened at the sight of the smile displaying on your beloved's lips.
His irises' attention was now on you instead of the street as he smirked. ''How odd.'' He repeated your sentence, ''Years passed, yet, you're still beautiful as you were before.'' lips slightly parting away, you couldn't even reply to that sudden compliment, but your face sure did, which earned a loud laugh from your husband as he brought you closer, while you frowned, eyes on your shoes, attempting to hide your red cheeks despite already being aware that it wouldn't work.
''Damn you romancist.''
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pr3ttyb0ym2g · 4 months
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𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ;; Crack fic. Goo likes you, who's just a student trying to stay out of trouble. Trouble includes Goo. 𝘼/𝙉 ;; Really old, so writing style is a bit different. Also, will add more to this short fic if people really like it.
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"How much?" Goo asked, pulling out a wad of bloody cash and slowly unfolding them. He began flipping through the various hundred dollar bills and counting the amount quickly, ensuring he had a particular amount. "This again?" [name] asked unamused, holding a large textbook in their hands. Goo had been trying this for weeks, fucking weeks, to 'buy' a partner. The pair were at a stoplight, watching as cars sped across the street in front of them. "You gonna answer my question first?" Goo didn't look up, slightly furrowing his brows in focus, and continued to count. [name] paused, taking in a deep breath before rapidly slamming their elbow into the crossing button, hoping it would somehow make it change lights faster. "Please get me away from this weirdo." [name] thought to themselves as Goo remained unbothered. "I can give you a monthly salary." Goo placed a hand on his hip, using the other to shake the bills in front of [name]'s face. [name] could only stay silent. Goo pursed his lips, whining, "Come on, what will it take?" [name] suddenly began rapidly pressing the crossing button, "Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait", counting the seconds before the light changed. And when it did, [name] dashed across the street like an Olympic athlete. "Hey! Hold on!" Goo called out in surprise, sprinting as fast as he could. And it was fast. It was like a cheetah breaking into a sprint. "What the fuck!?" [name] yelled out in genuine shock and horror as they captured a glimpse of Goo's mad dash, quickly breaking out into a faster pace of their own.
"[name], come back!" "Oh hell no!" Reaching the other sidewalk, [name] quickly tucked their textbook under one arm and ripped their phone out of their pocket. They rapidly dialed a number. "Why is this happening to me!?"
"You're so fast! Want me to buy you designer running shoes too?" Goo sweet-talked or sweet-yelled, really. It rang as [name] kept running. The teen tried to not think about how Goo was shortening the distance between them, and instead, they kept whispering curses under uneven breaths. Goo, to [name] , is a fucking psychopath (Which is true by quite literally any means). And oh lord it'd be a miracle if [name] didn't get a restraining order or file for harassment and stalking. "Please leave me alone! I just want to study!" "Oh! How about we study together?" Goo was running right beside [name]. Goo had caught up and didn't even break a sweat. [name] was definitely more concerned now. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 months
Jake Kim x Reader: Open Door Policy
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Jake's office-
Well. 'Office' sounds much better than it looks. A cleared backroom in a leaky warehouse off the main Big Deal street, surrounded by boxes and metal racks and filing cabinets. In the centre sits a surprisingly nice desk and chair that Brad and Lineman showed up with one day and no questions were asked.
Meetings and meals are shared in this overcrowded space. That somehow fits Jake Kim and his loyal followers and all of their headaches.
Anyway, Jake's office has an open door policy.
As befitting, really, of the beloved leader of Big Deal. Where members can bring their problems no matter how small or insignificant. Ranging from potentially not hitting the amount of money needed for Gun and Goo to-
"Boss, someone ran over my bike." Jerry holds up his undersized misshapen bike in one hand, a contrite casual Sinu trailing behind.
His favourite interruptions though, usually bring him a different sort of headache. The kind where he knows he has a deadline to hit, numbers and problems to crunch through, but the temptation of procrastination is too much.
He recognises your knocks. The rapping of the knuckles that somehow betrays your excitement at seeing him.
Jake's "Come in" returns the joy in equal measure. The way your eyes meet and light up when he asks "How can I help?" with his trademark grin.
You hold yourself back, as you often do.
("I don't want the crew to feel awkward," he tells you one time, many times. Actions not matching his words when he presses heated kisses against your neck and pulls you into his lap, "Open door policy, can't have them seeing anything that makes them uncomfortable.")
"Just wanted to say hi, Boss." You tell him, noting the way his breath catches at your 'Boss'. "See you at home," and you turn around to leave.
"Wait!" Jake leaps up from his chair, reaches you in one and a half strides and wraps his arm around your waist. "You're not even going to give me a kiss?"
His pout is met with your roll of eyes, "What happened to making the guys feel awkward-"
Jake leans in, breathes "Just this once."
It's a lie, it's always a lie. You can never bring yourself to mind though, when you feel his smile against your lips and his fingers brand themselves into your skin.
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god-monsters · 11 months
Gun Park with Reader: Your biggest fan
Masterlist.Pure crack conjured up by and for @slimesam Don't wanna read? Pls scroll to the end 👇
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Gun park is not immune to idol worship. His run in with Brekdak proved that. Whipping out his notepad and pen for an autograph even as Goo poked fun at him for weeks after.
Starstruck barely even describes his emotions for when he met you. 
And you had heard of him? You calling him skilled? Talented? A prodigy?
True, it is undeniable that he is but he never thought you would be the one saying those words.
For once, outside of a fight, Gun completely loses his composure.
Cheeks turning bright red and ears burning crimson. He's not sure he has even felt such heat in his face before.
So when you ask him for a favour, how could he say no?
"Are you ready?"
Gun frowns at your question.
Is he ready? Not for this, no. He doubt he ever would be.
Yet when you smile encouragingly at him, telling him he is perfect, that he's everything you want, his frown lessens. 
Gun swallows down any doubt and misgivings, and nods.
He has killed before, for crying out loud. Plucked out teeth with his bare hands. Shattered bone with his fists. 
He can do this. He will do this. 
Just... a little something for your introduction. A small performance as you are announced and make your grand entrance for your title match.
"You got your glow sticks ready?" 
Gun nods once more.
The cameras were unexpected.
The match is broadcasted live in South Korea. An international spar held in Japan for a martial art niche. Hardly popular but enough for a handful of enthusiasts to tune in.
DG, Goo Kim, Jake Kim, Zack Lee. Each watching in their respective homes but mouth dropping open at exactly the same time.
Is that... is that fucking Gun Park?!
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narcissistshandler · 9 months
More of Jake Kim x top!male reader please! Like the reader help Jake to unwind after a long day (and also can you please add 69 position too, like somewhere in the story?) Thank you in advance!
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✧ 𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦 male reader x jake kim/kim gimyung
✧ 𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 top!amab! reader, bottom!jake, 69, blowjob (jake giving reader), rimming and fingering (reader giving jake), anal sex, very light sub/dom dynamic alternating between sub/dom jake and sub/dom reader
✧ 𝖠/𝖭 This one is another that was in my drafts for weeks because I got lost in the narrative, sorry for the delay
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Not even if Jake wanted to he would be able to hide from you how tired he was, so even in front of your slightly worried look he just smiled as he let the bag slide from his shoulder to the floor, giving you that usual bright smile and fell into your open arms on the sofa in the living room. There were deep circles under his dark eyes, and even the daily phone calls weren't enough to make up for it when Jake spent the last few days away from home, training and looking to learn more about his dad.
"You need a shower," you said, arms tightening around his waist so you could hold him closer.
"Wow, thanks, I missed you too, [name]," he replied, feigning annoyance that broke within seconds as a chuckle escaped his lips. You weren't wrong though, Jake spent the last few hours on on a long journey in a stuffy bus because it was the last option if he wanted to get home today and Jake couldn't stand being one day longer away from you, from what was left of the Big Deal and from home.
"I missed you," you stated, lifting his chin with your index finger so you could take his lips in a kiss. "So much."
Jake melted against your chest, the weight in his shoulders seeming to melt away as your lips molded against each other. His mouth dropped open for you in a show of submission that didn't sit well with him. But Jake was damn tired and he couldn't think of anything better than to lay back and let you have your way with him.
You pulled back, breaking the kiss, your hands trailing down Jake's rigid back over the sweat-soaked t-shirt - from shoulder blades to coccyx.
"You're tense," you commented. "Dinner, shower and sleep?"
And as tempting as that offer was, Jake countered:
"Bath and you fuck me until I pass out?"
One of your hands came up to run through his hair and Jake could almost see the thoughts running through your head, but more than that, he could feel you slowly getting hard against his stomach and he almost instinctively moved to touch you, hand open falling over the tent that formed in your pants.
"You-" you started, but cut yourself off with a soft moan, eyes darkening. "Okay, whatever you want, yeobo."
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The freezing water under that Jake did his best to take a quick shower under and make sure his body was clean for you was unable to lessen the heat building in his body like flames slowly getting bigger. The odor of sweat was replaced by the smell of soap and water and when Jake pressed two fingers inside himself to make sure he was ready and clean for you, his dick reacted in an interested twitch even under the cold spray. That's when he decided he couldn't wait another minute.
You were sitting on the bed, back against the headboard, naked — as Jake had ordered you before entering the bathroom —, cock hard against the stomach with the head red and oozing, begging to be touched, you didn't however, never would dare touch yourself without Jake's express and clear permission and you hadn't received it in weeks.
It was hard to know which of you two was more looking forward to having the other after so long apart.
Jake dripped all the way from the bathroom to the bed, wet footprints and water droplets left behind on the floor and then onto the sheet as he climbed onto the bed. In erotic familiarity, placing each leg on either side of your hips and sitting on top of you, like a king on a throne. The feel of your bare skins touching sent an instant thrill through his veins.
Your hands landed on his hips, cocks mere inches apart. Jake melted under the attention, an almost basic need to be near you, under you or over you igniting all of his senses, more than he needed to breathe or eat or sleep or drink, he needed you and it was getting harder and harder keep thinking straight.
"How do you want this, jagiya?" The title of 'sir' or 'boss' or 'master' for when you felt more submerged and obedient than usual wasn't there today, although the lightness in your tone was the same as usual, a silent plea for 'please tell me what to do'.
"First," Jake began, gently rocking his hips. Your cocks rubbed together briefly, the sensitive tips bumping into each other and mixing the leaking pre-cum before Jake's hips drew back again. Your fingers tightened on his waist as you watched the lustful display. "Kiss me."
You did. You kissed him hard and longingly, wistful after all the days you spent apart, fingers sinking into his skin and pulling him against you as your tongue slipped into his mouth.
Jake's mouth opened easily for you, hand finding your hard cock that pressed against his. You were already wet for him, already oozing even though he barely touched you.
Jake's fingers barely closed around your cock and each pull drew familiar, erotic sounds from you that were lost in the kiss. He knew you made even more delicious sounds when his mouth was on you, when your cock worked its way down his throat at whatever pace Jake decided he wanted. His mouth watered at the faint memory of your smell and taste; hole tightening.
He pulled back, breaking the kiss and lowered his attention to watch the bulbous head of your cock disappearing between his thin, callused fingers, semi-transparent beads of pre-cum wetting them.
"I want you inside," he said, the honey-sweet words rolling off his tongue. "Get me ready for your cock."
You snarled like a wild animal and he felt your cock twitch in the grip of his hand. Jake can't help but laugh, proud of himself for having such an effect on you.
"Go get the lube and stop teasing me or I might come before I even get inside you."
"Dare and I'll put a chastity belt on you."
Jake gave you two last tugs, finding it difficult to stop touching you before getting off of you and crawling to the end of the bed where he could reach the lube on the nightstand among other toys stored there.
You fixed your pillow and moved to lay on the bed, patting your chest. "Come here."
He went with a wide, perverted smile on his thin lips, handing the lube into your hands before positioning himself as you wanted.
Your free hands soon returned to help him position himself, pulling him back until his ass was close to your face. Jake's legs sank bent into the mattress, wet cock dragging against your chest and your own cock ending up at a tempting distance from his face. Despite the excitement bubbling in his stomach, the new position brings a flush to his cheeks. Jake couldn't stop thinking about how he must look in your eyes, all open and exposed and within easy reach of you; tight balls visible between the legs and hole twitching where you could now see with your hands holding his ass cheeks apart. Embarrassment aside, he really liked it.
Your breath hit against the wrinkled muscles, a mere forewarning of what was to come before your tongue made the first contact. Jake melted with a loud groan, falling completely flat on top of you, all strength seeming to leave his body.
Your fingers dig into his skinny ass, spreading it further apart as your face sinks against him, your tongue, wet and soft and so good, rubbing against the tightly contracted muscles, licking and kissing and making his hole a mess of saliva and spit. Completely dirty.
His entire body shudders under the stimulation and your tongue is fucking him, pressing its way inside and the muscles in his legs immediately tense, rocking back powerless against the heat of your mouth as he struggles to get more of your tongue, needy. And it's not enough and at the same time it's so much, so much and he wants more, deeper, more-
Jake knew he was being loud, he knew he was being damn loud and damn needy as he rocked back against your mouth, one of his hands reaching behind to help keep himself open as he felt one of your fingers easily slide inside his relaxed hole, and then another one. He had missed it. Missed you, the sex with you.
With his other hand, Jake took your cock and brought it to his mouth, eyes falling closed as the familiar weight slid into his mouth and onto his tongue, the bitter taste of your pre-cum making him moan as soon as it hit his senses.
Your tongue pressed inside him, right between the two fingers you held scissors apart inside him and a muscle in his leg jumped. He could feel his hole opening and closing, tightening around the intrusion, the combined sensations of your fingers and tongue eliciting a insane pleasure from him.
Mind overheated, Jake didn't even notice that his mouth had stopped working. He just kept your cock in the heat of his mouth, making no move to suck or lick. Like your personal cock warmer, saliva pooling on his tongue and eyes drooping shut in an attempt to deal with the intensity of your touch, he gave in to the sensations. It was a strange thought that didn't scare him, if Jake could pick his paradise then this would be it: rationality turned off with sweetness by your hands and mouth, body being used by you.
Jake's cock dripped nonstop, occasionally twitching where it was pressed between your and his bodies. His feet sank into the sheets, legs trying constantly to close, body continuing trying to curl and tighten in involuntary reactions.
Your fingers slid along the sensitive walls, just a little deeper, seeming to play with him; in, out, rubbing and pressing, until your fingers curled inside him, hitting his prostate and a moan died in Jake's throat.
His entire body was so hot Jake didn't even notice his cock spilling out. The orgasm came easy and smooth, coursing through him in gentle shock waves that had his hole clenching around your fingers so hard it felt like it wanted to suck on them. Moans echoed around your cock in his mouth, spittle running down his parted lips and then chin.
You gently rocked your fingers in and out of him, helping him ride out the orgasm, wet tongue sloppily licking the rim that clung to your digits. Jake clamped his lips around your cock, sucking weakly as small shock waves ran down his spine. His dick twitched again, spilling every last drop onto your chest, his balls squeezing tightly.
Then your fingers were gone, leaving him devastatingly empty. A whimper rose all the way up his throat.
“Shhh,” you shushed him. "Hush now, love."
Your firm hands moved up to his hips, moving him off of you with an ease that never failed to make Jake's mind short circuit. He loved it when you moved him. He went easily, mouth now empty, letting you lay him down on the bed, chest against the sheets, muscles relaxed and malleable under your power.
"I'm going to fuck you now, yes?"
Jake groaned, gripping the sheet between his fingers, eagerly spreading his legs for you.
He couldn't force himself to form coherent words and he didn't even need to, all that existed was the fat head of your cock wet with Jake's saliva pressed against the open, relaxed rim.
Then you sank inside him, with one thrust. Jake felt his muscles being stretched with a burning sensation that sizzled through his spine, your cock pushing its way in until it sits completely deep inside, your hips resting against his ass. The preparation hadn't been enough to rid him of the pain, you both knew that the burn of stretching always left Jake trembling, yearning for more.
“So tight for me, Jake,” you murmur, lips against the heated skin of his shoulder. "So good, so sweet, such a pretty whore."
Jake sobs at the praise, eyes falling closed as he surrenders to the overwhelm of being filled, the sensation almost too much, leaving him trembling beneath you, sweet hole quivering and twitching, sweat running down the back of his neck.
And you just stay there, weight steady against his lean back, rolling your hips against him without rushing, feeling Jake's hole opening and relaxing gently against the pressure, like he was made for this, like he was made for your cock and nothing else.
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k-dokja · 27 days
Heated and Jealous sex with Johan? 🤭🫣
Day 69 of me begging me to stop writing cunnilingus into everything.
As always AFAB reader. NSFW is under the cut.
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Johan says and you know he doesn't mean it. Not with the way he holds your hips hard enough to leave bruises in the morning. The apology is a meagre comfort to the way he sucks on your neck, leaving purple splotches along your unmarred skin. He kisses you like he intends to hurt you and it's unfair.
You aren't the source of his ire, but he's taking it out on you anyway. Then again, Johan has never been known to be fair.
Not even your sobs and whimpers deter him from his course when he tugs your shirt off you. His wet lips move from your neck down to your chest, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your mounds and the valley of your breasts. He noses your nipple through the bra, a warning. His better eye is focused on you as he unclasps your bra.
His mouth encloses your nipple in an instant, turning the soft flesh turgid with his teeth in the lightest of bite.
Your breath hitches in your throat, and a quiet moan comes out of your lips when he pulls you free of your undergarment. Without thinking, your hands latch onto his hair and shoulder, clutching on the softness of his hair and the thin material of his shirt.
"Johan, be gentle," you plead quietly, but you don't think he can really hear it, not in this state.
He moves to your other nipple as he works you out of your shorts, wanting to do too many things at once and not having the resources to pull it off. Once he frees you from the pesky fabrics, Johan hooks your bent knees around his hips, grinding his clothed erection into your hot core. Already wet and wanting for more of him.
"Johan!" You squeal but his only response is a ragged breath. He kisses you on the jaw before moving down on you.
Even if you know what's coming, you have no way of preparing for it.
His mouth is hungry on you with every lick and suck on your lower stomach and your inner thighs. Johan knows your body well, better than his own body if you're being honest. He can ignore his own wounds and bruises for days, but with the way he works his tongue on your folds and clit, it doesn't take much for him to coax out a chorus of moans from your writhing body.
His caress is a reminder. Only he can do this to you. Only he can make you feel this good. Only he can turn you on this easily. And he's determined to hammer in that fact time and time again, always intense in his craving for you. The heat in his eyes never leaves you as he works you to perfection.
Your fingers curl around his locks as Johan draws more pleasure out of you. A slight grunt of pain escapes him, but you don't have a chance to react before he doubles down with a fervour on your core. The desperation to feel the sting on his scalp again burns his veins, he wants more.
He wants the proof of your arousal coating his face as he buries his nose into your mound.
And the orgasm which hits you is no less intense than his affection. As your body seizes from the pure pleasure, Johan continues to lap the juice coming out of your pussy until you finally calm down. Once your body slumps down on the floor, Johan wastes no time to clamber over you.
"Mine," is the only word he utters before seizing your mouth with his. Johan kisses you harder and deeper, wanting to taste more of you, wanting to feel your shiver in his arms.
"All mine."
The lack of oxygen leaves you lightheaded, unaware of when he grinds his lower half into you, the head of his cock catches between your slick folds.
Your wetness gives him easy entry. The gasp slipping past your lips when he bottoms out is swallowed up by his greedy mouth. Johan starts slow, an unexpected reprieve from his earlier insistence to make you come undone. His hips roll against yours in circular motions, deep and drawn-out.
This break in pace gives him the chance to fondle your body again. Johan squeezes your breast, kneading the soft mound in his hand. His head rests at the crook of your shoulder, nuzzling the bruised skin made by his mouth from earlier.
"Do you feel better now?" You ask, finally catching your breath enough to question him.
You pet his hair softly, loving the consistent fluffiness of it that never disappears through the year. A sense of contentment washes through your body as Johan pumps you languidly once the haze of his anger dissipates.
"You know I don't have eyes for anyone but you," you mutter as you mush up his hair a little, knowing that he won't mind.
"It's not your fault," he grumbles, "they were chatting you up."
"Talking to people is a part of my job, I can't just ignore the customers," you huff a little, more exasperated with his childish response than anything.
With another growl, Johan lifts his body up from yours, working his shaft into your pussy more insistently. "Just don't like it," he says, pulling you flush to him, "the way they look at you like you're something to eat."
In hindsight, the flash of heat in his eyes is an insufficient warning for the brutal pace he picks up. "They don't have the right of it," he grunts, keeping you down while he pistons his cock deep into you, drawing another whimper from your throat.
"Ahh—Ahh! Johan!"
He keeps on pounding you mercilessly, relishing your silky, slick muscles enclosing around his cock. His hands slide to your thighs for a tighter grip, spreading them wider so you can take him better. Your chest bounces alongside the jerks of Johan's hips, fueling his need to claim you further and further.
"It was either beating them up or this," he says, "I'm going to get an earful from you either way, so it was better to hear your moans than your lectures."
You can't even respond. Not with the way your back is arching from the slams, hitting your sensitive spots. When you toss your head back, he knows he's got you locked, vulnerable, and lost in ecstasy. He knows your body so well, knows every crevice and spot to touch if he wants you to lose your mind.
"Johan..." You mumble breathlessly.
Tingles shoot through his nerves from every tiny sound. Your hair falls on your face, curtaining the blush on your cheeks. Johan can see the exact moment when you get overwhelmed. You can barely keep up with him, being so far behind his stamina and libido.
"Please... I need—" Another strangled cry escapes you.
He holds you tighter, his strong arms caging your torso against him. "Say it," he urges, reaching down between your legs to manipulate your clit.
"I-I'm close!" You moan loudly, your body stretching like a bow. Tears brim your eyes as you lean your head on his bicep.
"P-Please, let me come."
A satisfied smile curves his lips as his cock hits your inner wall just right to rub against that sensitive bundle of nerves. His thumb circles your clit, taking the final push to tip you over the edge. Johan never stops fucking you with that punishing pace even when your second orgasm washes over you.
Lost to the throes of your desires, you don't feel the way his movement gets sloppier and sloppier. Unknowingly, your climax triggers his own. With a harsh slam of his hips, he comes deep inside you, his body crushes yours as Johan pulls you into a tight embrace.
The hot, sticky substance filling you up makes your toes curl and your body shiver. Your entire body grows limp, trembling against Johan's embrace as your fingers dig on his shoulder. It takes him a while before he comes down from his high, but even when his body is no longer tense with arousal, he doesn't move off you.
He grunts.
"You're going to crush me."
With an annoyed groan, he gets up from your body and gives you the necessary space to breathe. He can't resist the urge to kiss you again when you look this beautiful under him, your expression is all wanton and flushed from the force of his lovemaking.
"Don't ever think about leaving me," Johan says, more like a plea than a threat.
"I never will," you cup a hand to the side of his face, making him sigh in relief, "so stop acting like a baby every time someone looks at me wrong."
Johan pouts, "I don't act like a baby."
"Yes, you do," you tug at his cheek, "a clingy, needy baby that needs constant attention—Johan!"
That's it. You're just begging to be punished at this point. Luckily for him, he has stamina to spare.
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koiiiiijiii · 30 days
since nobody asked anything in comment section in THIS post i decided to came up with something by myself. now i know you little rogues not reading author notes🤨
Nightly Rituals
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Park Jung Gun likes your presence in his apartments, it’s always little bit more warmer and cozy with you. Especially he likes time before bed, and both of you small routines. well, he could call his routine small - just stealing some incomprehensible bottles from you, he doesn’t bother his head to read it, as long as it seems to smooth his skin he use it! also, maybe reading some book or answering to forgotten messages while he waiting for you from the shower - that’s his usual routine before bed.
he could hear the water in shower stop flowing, you wrapped yourself in a towel and slipped out of the bathroom. picking and putting on your pajama the inescapable process has been started. Jung Gun learned your skincare routine perfectly - you always start with your face adding toner, letting it dry while you adding extra products on your hair, then you using millions of bottles - moisturizers, essence, serums, creams on your face, then switching to your body, and finally drying your hair and final step - adding that tasty smelling oil on your hair and boom! you are ready for… bed… “Hun, admit it honestly, you really enjoy all this stuff and not getting tired every time?” he said, getting comfortable and pulling you towards him “It’s one of the ways of meditation you know, Gun?” you murmur softly into his chest
Ma Taesoo
Taesoo enjoys 100% of time when you staying in his apartments. he honestly asked you few times to move in with him, but you politely rejected this idea (i headcanon that Taesoo live in stereotypical bachelor designed apartment… imagine bathroom with no place to put all your bottles? and rooms with cold/neutral lights? brrr, my horror honestly)
and here he are - sprawled out in bed, with his hands behind his head and leaning on the headboard, watching you. in turn, you occupied the table in his room, laying out your makeup bag, hair dryer and some other little things there, and now you were fussily rushing from the bedroom to the bathroom to wash your hands, looking in the mirror with this terrible cold-white lighting in the bathroom. Taesoo chuckled softly, when he saw how you add another cream on your body - specifically on your thighs, saying with his husky voice “Chill woman, enough marinating yourself in all that jojoba creams, im not gonna eat you alive, while you sleep” he grinned at you and pulled you into your shared bed. “Maybe not gonna eat, but you know sweet” he said hugging you from behind, burrowing his nose into your neck “You smell so good and nice that i might change my mind.”
it was nice to came to Vinny in apartments that Juwon give to him, honestly better than his previous home. the soft glow of bedside lamps cast a warm ambience across the room, painting shadows that danced along the walls. Vinny lounged in bed, his attention divided between a phone in his hands and the anticipation of your return. you finally took your time after preparing for final exams, allowing yourself to indulge in the luxury of self-care, a small act of kindness to soothe both body and soul. you slowly going through your skincare routine, gently massaging essence into your cheeks and admiring yourself in mirror.
Vinny shifted against the pillows, his gaze drifting to the doorway as he eagerly awaited your return. the soft shuffle of footsteps drew his attention, and his heart skipped a beat as you appeared in the doorway, bathed in the soft glow of the moon and city lights outside the window. as you settled beside him, he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from your face, his touch gentle against your skin. "Hey," he murmured, his voice filled with warmth. "I've missed you." you leaned into his touch, your heart overflowing with love for the man beside you. "I missed you too," you replied, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. in that moment, as you curled up together beneath the covers, everything seems right in the world, every problem just disappeared.
he always like to violate and invade your personal space. not that you were against it, like now, when he flatly refused to wait for you in bed while you completed your six-step skincare routine and chose to join you. he insisted that he wanted that black mask be put on his skin, while you muttered that he should clean his skin first and then add serum and only after put that mask on. "Babe, why so many unnecessary steps, you know that this mask won't make big changes anyway, right?" he whine like a child who tired of shopping for groceries, when he only agreed to came because his mum promised to buy him some chips. "Because it's the whole thing about skincare, hun!!! You doing it not because of effect, but for the process!! Trust the process you know??!" you said turning to him with annoyed face and that funny crab hair band that Wooin bought for you last time he went to shopping center. he said it looked cool and reminded him of you when you blushing.
after the last five minutes of him hovering around you like an annoying fly, whining about how he wanted a mask too, you finally gave up. going to the refrigerator and deftly pulling out a black bubble mask, you went into the room. and Wooin looked out of the bathroom in bewilderment - where did you go if he was in the other room? as you returning to bathroom, you made him sit on the side of the tub and pulled the same hairband over his head, only green in the shape of a toad, “They didn’t have anything with snakes, so i thought another amphibian would be a good idea too.” you said pulling his hair up and putting that most wanted black bubble mask on his face.
༘⋆🌷🫧💭 ⋆˙
⊹ xo - xo ⊹
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author’s note ; okay now serious topic, empty blogs, pls update at least something in your blogs - age, some info like “here for fics/reblogs/etc/“ or at least some pfp, otherwise i will recognize you as bot blogs and will block you, thank u!
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kumimi3 · 4 months
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𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋! : " 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒... " ❛ 𝟶𝟸 ; 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚞𝚎𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚘 , 𝚓𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚖 ❜ - gn!reader , sfw | inbox request &lt;;3 @diarrheas-stuff
they confuse you beyond limit when you once met them, you feel the way their eyes on you but they don't pay attention to you as they did behind your back.
Jake, the ever so extroverted one could only laugh so timidly just to hide the stutters of his words, cringing underneath but still holds enough bravery to shoot you a pick-up line
"Hey miss, you single? 'Cuz I'm available~"
The subsequent eye roll received from Samuel couldn't stop you from showing a meek laughter, blushing softly from Jake's words. The sight of you flustered was a sight for sore eyes, can't you see the way they stare at you like you're a breath of fresh air? You're completely the apple of their eyes since then, just you.
Often times, when the wind becomes too cold, you could hear the footsteps of Samuel, stoic eyes eyeing you below and from the immense hold of his eye contact, you only now noticed his black blazer has been hovered over your shoulders, enveloping you like a blanket
"I suggest you start checking the weather before you go, otherwise you would've been freezing to death if I wasn't here... You dummy."
masked by the blunt words of his choosing, he isn't very well at hiding his care for you, he showed it far too many times than he intended that you can only chuckle at his words before you open your arms to embrace him as a sign of gratitude
gosh, what have you done to him? You've raised the stakes of his beating heart and in turn makes you the culprit of all the feelings sprawled all over his mind: giddy, shy, smitten...
His hand reaches for something to hold, like the back of your head, and your lower back as well, moving you closer to his body. Can you feel the warmth he's emitting? He doesn't usually feel this hot around the people who surround him at bars or clubs, he could only ever brush away their flirty remarks with no excuse
He isn't afraid to mingle around, nor can he give reasons of being 'taken' because he's not, but what could you be thinking if you see him with another person? Just the thought has him clicking his tongue, quite bitter than he intended it to be
if there was anything stopping him from mingling around, it's you. But it's not like he'll complain, you're the one person he'll choose anytime anyway.
Jake was your ride or die, every minute with him was a rollercoaster beyond any amusement parks he brought you to
all wrapped in his suave personality, he guides you through the flirts and surprises he has in store, ever since the three of you were young, he has expressed his adoration ever so boldly, even now
From the single flower that has been dusted in dirt because he has run into a gang fight, to the bouquet of flowers he had bundled together, each flower being the ones you've liked through the years because--of course--he remembered. From the paper rings he would often create with his notes, to the expensive ring he bought as he casually slips it on your fourth finger, declaring it as a promise of his love
"See, isn't it pretty? It's a promise ring, you know... So that once everything isn't messy anymore, i'll replace that with an engagement ring."
The day the two men drifted apart, it was heartbreaking to see your eyes shining in tears, blinking it away as you feel Jake's finger caressing your cheeks and Samuel's head gently patting your hair behind you
Ever since then, they couldn't to leave you all alone, they've settled their hatred aside and would gladly take care of you together. It was unknown when the three of you established being in a 'poly relationship' but they couldn't care less that they're both sharing you
in all honesty, if there was another man to share you with, Jake was more than happy for it to be Samuel than any other average and boring lad out there. Gladly it was the same for Samuel, he can view Jake as his rival all day long but he's aware he's the best one out of all, someone worthy to share you with
They are your guard dogs when you walk in the middle of them, other people who ogle at you will be earning glares from none other than Samuel himself, his muscular body and face is enough to make them cower away, but no, they have to receive the insults of Jake as well before leaving, hearing the way he laughs at them before his slender fingers finds sanctuary on your waist and Samuel who is holding your hand with his big one
"They're pretty aren't they? Yeah you ain't getting a chance on them, now moving along!"
"Pathetic fuckers..." Samuel mutters, guiding you through the luxurious restaurant as he smacks Jake's head to behave, quite a cute interaction if you ask
Long minutes have passed and for what seemed to be a simple but lavish date has turned into a frenzy once Jake carried you bridal style and exited the restaurant, laughing loudly together when you see Samuel's baffled expression before running after the two of you
It was then you realized that Jake had brought you to a silent park, only now did you notice it was the same park you three would often go to after school, pouting as you would bandage the bruises of the two men after their fights with other gangs, earning the title of being their 'pretty little nurse'
Sitting on the same bench as before, your head rests on Samuel's head as your legs lay comfortable on Jake's lap, merely being nostalgic with the sudden memories from 3 years ago when you three were still so carefree
But they wouldn't change it for anything, Gosh look what the three of you had, you're all still here, and that's all they could ever ask for, to be together.
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