#loonatics r
loonaticskr · 1 year
Loonatics KR Bios - Tech E. Coyote
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Art created by @purpleluckystar I now adopted. Disclaimer: I now own Loonatics R including the characters and versions of the Loonatics which will soon have updated versions. I'd like you to please do not use or draw this version without permission first.
Name: Tech Eon Coyote
Age: 22 (season 1) Nationality: American Relatives: Carl (father), Mary (mother).
Personality: Awkward, nervous, logical. Is incredibly intelligent but not socially skilled. Can be snarky at times. Proud of his natural skills. Is in fact a gold-hearted individual under his seemingly antisocial exterior.
Molecular Regeneration: Possesses a healing factor that regenerates his body whenever he's hurt, rendering him nearly indestructible. However, doesn't make him immortal. Above-average Intelligence: Born with an I.Q of 210; combined with his obsession for machines, it allows him to invents many useful gadgets for his team.
Weapons: Vary depending on what can be useful for the mission. Always has something to defend himself on him, which sometimes can surpass a villains' superpowers.
Other info:
Had golden brown eyes before the meteor. Is a high-functioning autist/has Asperger Syndrome. Is vegetarian, which is unusual for a carnivore. Growls, howls, or whines instinctively sometimes. Coffee addict. Can pull an all-nighter if too focused on a task. Considers his inventions as his "babies" and is always heartbroken when they get destroyed.
It's not often you meet someone like Tech. His parents knew right away their son was special. Indeed, not only was he incredibly intelligent for a child his age but it was also confirmed he was on the spectrum. Though he grew up in a loving family, his difference prevented him from socializing well with the other children; he couldn't make friends. For most of his life, it wasn't a problem; the coyote simply focused on his education, aiming to become a renowned inventor.
When entering Acme University, however, he met someone who seemingly understood his struggles and they became fast friends. It came to a point Tech was almost dependant on them, confusing his feelings for love, not understanding he was being manipulated. in 2771, during the annual science forum, their "friend" betrayed his trust, using their inventions for their own evil, selfish deeds. Tech was able to stop their plans just in time, but the event left him deeply wounded and traumatized; he swore off the friendship, preferring a solitary life than the risk of being backstabbed once again.
On June 12, 2772, Tech's life took a new turn as he joined the Loonatics, becoming their primary inventor. Thrown of his routines, Tech took more time to adjust to his new surroundings and is still struggling even today. It's not easy living with so many people in one tower, and he's not sure if he wants to be more than a teammate.
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d0llh0use-of-h0rr0rz · 7 months
Loonatics unleashed >>>> the looney tunes show sorry not sorry
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theloonatic · 1 year
Also meant to tell yall moots and new folks
-I'm on the NHS waiting list to get assessed and probably diagnosed with gender dysphoria and psychopathy/ASPD so yeah. Just so yall know that I go by he/him + slime/slimeself + it and can't feel some emotions as a result
-I am in the grishaverse fandom, ghost and pals fandom, aftg fandom and The Like
- I am a minor
-I am from Northern Ireland and if u call us british the door is here 🚪
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If u disagree with this statement I need you to fuck off and never fuck on again (ur parents r next goofy)
- I am writing a grishaverse spinoff fic, Fugitives of Flies. You can find the intro chapter here:
However right now I'm focused on writing a story called Shut Eye Town, about people with magic eyes living, and fighting, in the future world. Its titled as (Story!Posting) and given the tag #Shut Eye Town
What can I say thas it 🙇‍♂️ thank u 🙇‍♂️
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mrkspo · 4 months
são oito da manhã e eu tô sem nada pra fazer então vou fazer uma lista de alguns dos melhores álbuns de ggs do kpop 🤷🏻‍♀️
• Pink Tape - f(x) quem nunca ouviu esse álbum OUÇA O MAIS RÁPIDO POSSÍVEL, ele é praticamente uma bíblia de como fazer um ótimo álbum de kpop, simplesmente icônico desde músicas ao conceito, ele é um daqueles álbuns que vc vai ouvir e vai parar em outro lugar, um outro universo, um universo mais divertido e colorido, Step andou para que ETA podesse correr. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Signal, Pretty Girl girl e Shadow
• The Perfect Red Velvet (Repackage) - Red Velvet preciso dizer mais alguma coisa? é o red velvet, apenas isso. esse álbum é a representação perfeita de como fazer um álbum de r&b e ainda colocar diferentes detalhes e estilos. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Perfect 10, Moonlight Melody e Look
• REBOOT - Wonder Girls quer voltar pro passado que você não viveu? ouça o reboot, sério, não tenho nem mais oq falar só sei que esse álbum é maravilhoso dms e é uma ótima experiência. recomendação de músicas do álbum: I Feel You, Rewind e OPPA
• Mix&Match - LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE se você vive numa pedra — ou só n gosta de gg — vc provavelmente nunca ouviu a preciosidade que esse álbum é, ele é tipo uma pérola, n sei explicar mas é como eu vejo esse álbum, uma pérola. ele te leva pro mundo do oec, do loona, te deixa numa realidade totalmente paralela ali e vc fica fascinado. esse álbum é a perfeita representação do dreampop, é isso, nós amamos dreampop. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Uncover, Sweet Crazy Love e LOONATIC
• <ↀ> - TripleS LOVElution bem recente comparado aos outros álbuns da lista, o TripleS é particularmente um grupo bem recente, mas mesmo com uma discografia pequena elas já tem músicas de muita boa qualidade e eu diria que o som delas lembra até um pouco o loona (detalhe: elas são produzidas pelo mesmo produtor do loona, ent eu vejo similaridades). é um álbum pra vc se jogar, tem músicas pra vc dançar q nem louca (tipo Girls' Capitalism, e eu amo o clipe dessa música) e tbm pra vc dar uma relaxada (com Seoul Sonyo Sound). é um álbum que já está no meu coração e um grupo que já estou de olho tem tempo. recomendação de músicas do álbum: Seoul Sonyo Sound, Speed Love e Black Soul Dress
é isso amores, um xero 😘
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kervinfirestories · 11 months
Welcome To Kervin Fire Stories
Welcome to my blog called Kervin Fire Stories. Since I can't do something fanfic related (yet) and I don't use my personal account @kervinfire isn't much use since my personal account caused a lot of fights and unwanted attention.
Just like every other blog, my asks are now open.
So I am using this blog to either make fanfic updates or make one-shots.
But most importantly if I had a budget I may also work on commissioning into comic book stories.
Either way, I am going to copy-paste from my previous posts..
Follow me on Wattpad
Watch me in Deviantart
Donate to me in Paypal
Loonatics R (Incomplete)- reboot story created by @purpleluckystar and now story and characters owned by me.
Loonatics KR (Coming Soon)- reboot story continues with a writer's cut rewritten by me. credits to @draze-a, @mysticinternetdinosaur, @segamarkiii & @DarthCraftus
You can visit my other blog @loonaticskr
You can donate at FundraiserMe
Grand Theft Auto Origins: Kervin Made Liberty (Hiatus) - An OC version of GTA Online's Kervin's Backstory
The Red Fox (On Hiatus) - A story about a Red Fox
Story of 2 Angels (On Hiatus) - A backstory of a brother and sister becoming wrestlers with the last name Angel
Alza Flare (Hiatus) - A black cat looking for revenge
The Maharajah of Zootopia (working title and coming soon) - an action hero story featuring OC Kervin as a Zootopia version of him that is inspired by Indian action movies and includes Zach King's Prison Escape (It may have 2 storylines depending if magic is canon to Zootopia)
CROSSOVER STORIES: (May include Kervinverse Stories Ft. versions of my OC Kervin)
Loonatics Unleashed X Fire Pro Wrestling World:
Loonatics Road (Paused) - A story of Loonatics as wrestlers in a different universe
Zootopia X APB Reloaded:
Anyone Can Be All You Can't Be (Coming Soon) - A story of Kervin (APB Reloaded) stuck in the Zootopia universe and has no choice to work with the ZPD
Def Jam X Kung Fu Panda:
Def Jam X Kung Fu Panda: Book 1 Fight for A New Fight (Hiatus) - Story of Def Jam game characters including
Grand Theft Auto (HD) X The Bad Guys:
GTA Online Vs The Bad Guys: The Good, The Bad & The Grand (Coming Soon) - A story featuring my GTA Online OC Kervin fighting alongside Michael, Franklin & Trevor VS Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Ms Tarantula, Mr. Pirahna, Mr. Shark and Diane Foxington. (Storyline maybe rewritten)
Operation: F.T.F.S. (Secret Personal Future Projects To Change An End To Commission Other Artists)
Formerly known as Project: End Of Days. Operation: F.T.F.S. (Finish/Fix The Fan Story) is mostly known to fix controversial Fan comics, Fan Fics, Fan Videos and but mostly also fixing certain short fan stories all thanks to comission money like PayPal. The only catch is that it needs to be commissioned to the original artist who made the either a controversial comic, video, fan fic and etc. in order finish the story by fixing a new comic for example.
The name change took inspiration from Cody Rhodes WrestleMania 40 victory and previous name Baron Corbin's Finisher called End of Days.
Zootopia - "Birth of a New End" Needed to be commissioned by Borba (Coming Soon) Set in a different AU. Kervin (Zootopia OC) has met Nick and Judy as a married couple who moved to the same apartment and interacted with them becoming good neighbors however as time passed one day Kervin received a call that he got a part of the new career he is working on but after the call he overheard an argument next door and he knew something does not feel right. Kervin has to choose to either ignore it to proceed his career and pretend it never happened or prevent it from bad things that can happen in the future.
Coming Soon
Public School Domain - (Coming Soon) The first original and non fanfic story inspired by school games like Rockstar's Bully Scholarship Edition. The story is set in a modern fantasy world era in the 2000s about an original character who is a wolf fox hybrid student who came to a city bay area who enrolls a new school filled with plenty of public domain characters and locations both inside and outside of school grounds including historical artwork, folklore, fairy tales and many more. The only main objective is simple which is to graduate however with a place like that there are more adventures to come.
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Okay nobody explicitly stated that they wanted to see the terrible MS paint references I was using while writing Oversight but the post did get a few likes so I'll take that as a reason to post them. The references for what Rev and Ace were wearing in Oversight chapter 3 will be in another post due to this one being a bit larger than I expected.
Okay, here's the map of Loonatics HQ on planet Blanc that I'm using for my Magnetic Attraction series:
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As you can see, I used a lot of abbreviations, 1 because I wasn't actually planning on showing anyone this, and 2 because writing letters with a mouse in MS Paint is hard. I'll go over what they are but it's going under the cut so I don't flood people's dashes.
-Northwest corner:
QR: Quiet Room. A completely soundproofed room for meditation, concentration, and relaxation. Frequented most by Ace and Lexi.
PD: Patio Door.
GR: Gaming Room. A large space filled with many fun things to do. In the center is a circular table perfect for board games that is rarely used thanks to every member of the team being too competitive to play them without causing wanton destruction.
LR: Living Room. A more preferable area for movie marathons and gaming sessions than the lounge thanks to it being away from major walking areas.
DR: Dining Room. Mostly used for special occasions as everyone on the team prefers to eat in the living room or lounge.
K: Kitchen. Frequented most by Slam.
DS: Dry Storage. Where dry food is stored in bulk.
F (light blue): Walk in Freezer. Where frozen food is stored in bulk.
F (azure blue): Walk in Fridge. ...You get it.
-Southwest corner:
B: Bathroom. Each team member has their own personal bathroom.
C: Closet. Each team member has their own walk in closet.
A, D, S, L, R, and T: The rooms of Ace, Duck, Slam, Lexi, Rev, and Tech respectively. All their rooms, including their closets and bathrooms, are soundproofed for everyone and especially Lexi's sake.
S: Staircase. Leads to the roof.
SC: Storage Closet. Filled with various supplies somewhat relevant to the west wing of the base.
CE: Courtyard Entrance/Exit.
P: Pool. A decently sized swimming pool. Frequented most (and never cleaned) by Duck.
CR: Changing Room. Place to change in and out of swimsuits with privacy.
LR: Laundry Room.
FE: Front Entrance/Exit.
-Central area and courtyard:
St: Storage. For supplies relevant to the entire base.
S: Stairs. Leads to the basement floors and roof.
E: Elevator. See directly above.
BE: Back Entrance/Exit. Main exit to get the the outdoor field, driving course, and running track. Tech can sometimes be found there testing any of his inventions that are too dangerous to test inside.
B: Bathroom. A bathroom in the central area that's more accessible to visitors. Soundproofed for Lexi's sake.
GS: Gadget Storage. Where all of the team's most frequently used gadgets are stored so they can be easily grabbed before missions.
ME: Main Entrance. The preferred and most scenic way to enter HQ.
L: Lounge. A simple setup with three sofas, a coffee table, and TV. The preferred place to relax and chat with other team members between missions due to it's central location and proximity to multiple exits. The TV area indents a gentle slope leading to a great view of the courtyard.
UPG: Underground Parking Garage. The entrance and exit to the parking area under the main floor.
Courtyard: In the center of the entire base is a courtyard featuring evenly trimmed grass, multiple topiary trees, and decorative fountains. Nicely paved walkways lead over the driveways leading into and out of the parking garage.
-Northeast corner:
GD: Garage Door. Exits directly from the garage onto the driving course.
G: Garage. Where Tech makes most of his vehicles and larger inventions. Has exits to the driving course, parking garage, and roof. Has a security mode that stops Duck from teleporting in and soundproofs the room to prevent Lexi from getting a migraine while Tech is working.
Lab: Tech's laboratory, complete with incomprehensible machinery, too many monitors, and a safety shower. Contains the same anti-Duck shielding and pro-Lexi soundproofing security mode as the garage. As expected, Tech practically lives there and sometimes has to be coaxed out with food and coffee.
-Southeast corner:
CE: Courtyard Entrance/Exit.
S: Stairs. Leads to the roof.
SC: Storage Closet. Filled with supplies somewhat relevant to the east wing of the base.
WR: Weight Room. Filled with plenty of weights and exercise machines to keep the team in fighting condition.
VT CR: Virtual Trainer Control Room. Room for controlling the virtual trainer.
VT: Virtual Trainer. Combat training room that uses highly advanced virtual reality technology. Definitely has never been used for at-home vacations or VR video games. Never.
FE: Front Entrance/Exit.
SH: Sparring hall. Classic sparring hall complete with training weapons and an inbuilt speaker system for playing action music.
-Not featured on the map:
Underground Parking Garage: Where the team parks their vehicles, all of which were created by Tech.
2nd basement: Basement one level under the parking garage. Not much is notable on this floor except for a storage room that's been abandoned due to the door being broken. Tech would normally fix it, but it slips his mind in favor of more important projects.
Roof: Level on top of the main floor. Mainly used by Tech for testing aerial vehicles and drones, but is sometimes used by other team members for sunbathing and stargazing.
Back Outdoor Area: The area outside the base to the north that features a driving course for testing Tech's vehicles, a running track for outdoor exercise, and an open field for outdoor activities or Tech's more dangerous experiments.
Surrounding Security Shield: A fancy high tech barrier surrounding the entire base that keeps out intruders. Looks like a normal high class fence when not actively stopping people from breaking in. The front entrance features a security check-in that purely uses remote or manually inputted codes for entry, rather than the optional facial scanners that Loonatics Tower had on Acmetropolis.
I definitely put more effort into planning out the Loonatics' Blanc HQ than I probably should've, but, whatever I guess. It was fun enough to do, and I hope literally anyone cares so this entire post wasn't a waste of time.
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lizzieehearts · 2 years
i love you flip that i love you need u i love you pale blue dot i love you the journey i love you playback i love you pose i love you ptt i love you dance on my own i love you u r i love you be honest i hate you a different night i love you wow i love you & i love you why not i love you star i love you voice i love you universe i love you hide and seek i love you 12:00 i love you so what i love you ding ding dong i love you oh yes i am i love you # i love you butterfly i love you colours i love you curiosity i love you satellite i love you where you at i love you xx i love you hi high i love you perfect love i love you heat i love you favorite i love you ++ i love you not friends i love you yum yum i love you yummy yummy i love you love and evil i love you love and live i love you rain 51db i LOVE you sonatine i love valentine girl i love you girl front i love you sweet crazy love i love you odd i love you add i love you odd front i love you chaotic i love you loonatic i love you loonatic english version i love you love4eva i love you rendezvous 18.6y i love you frozen i love you one way i LOVE you dal segno i love you egoist i love you rosy i love you one and only i love you see saw i love you heart attack i love you girls talk i love you new i love you d-1 i love you love cherry motion i love you puzzle i love you singing in the rain i love you love letter i love you eclipse i love you twilight i love you every day i love you i love you every day i need you i love you kiss later i love you my melody i love you yeojin i love you my sunday i love you let me in i love you the carol i love you the carol 2.0 i love you around you i love you i'll be there i love you vivid i love you vivid acoustic mix i love you loona i love you idalui sonyeo i love you moon girls i love you heejin hyunjin haseul yeojin vivi kim lip jinsoul choerry yves chuu gowon olivia hye i love you 1/3 oec yyxy i love you
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metanatis194 · 1 year
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the-genuine-beauty · 2 years
Ranking (Almost) Every LOONA Song
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DISCLAIMER: This ranking does not include:
OSTs / Reality Show Songs (with the exception of “Pose”)
Acoustic Versions
English and Japanese Versions of Already Released Korean Songs
Cover Songs
Brand Collabs / Collabs With Other People
Keep in mind that this is just my opinion, and you are free to agree or disagree. This was a hard to make because LOONA has one of my favorite discographies in KPOP and every song has something in it that I like. Also I tend to change my mind a lot when it comes to my favorite LOONA songs. I will update this page when new music comes out, or if I change my mind on a certain ranking. There are currently 76 songs that will be included in this ranking and I will be starting from 76 (my least favorite) to 1 (my most favorite).
With that out of the way, here is my ranking: Updated: 7/13/2023
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SKIPS 76: Fairy Tale 75: StarSeed ~Kakusei~  74: Valentine Girl 73: The Carol
DON’T LIKE IT BUT CAN APPRECIATE IT FOR WHAT IT IS 72: Luminous 71: Not Friends 70: Pose 69: Sick Love 68: OOPS! 67: Why Not? 66: So What 65: PTT (Paint the Town)
OK BUT COULD BE BETTER 64: Rain 51db 63: 365 62: A Different Night 61: My Sunday / My Melody 60: Rendezvous 18.6y 59: Favorite
GOOD 58: D-1 57: Puzzle 56: One Way 55: WOW 54: Around You 53: Let Me In 52: I’ll Be There 51: One & Only 50: Kiss Later 49: Chaotic 48: Vivid 47: Love and Live 46: You and Me Together 45: U R 44: Hide & Seek 43: Dance On My Own 42: Starlight 41: Heat 40: Perfect Love 39: Oh (Yes I Am) 38: Frozen 37: Fall Again 36: Stylish 35: Ding Ding Dong 34: Flip That 33: Day N Night 32: Uncover 31: Be Honest 30: Rosy
GREAT 29: Curiosity 28: Heart Attack 27: Twilight 26: LOONATIC 25: Girl Front 24: Love Cherry Motion 23: Pale Blue Dot 22: Number 1 21: Love Letter 20: Satellite 19: Girl’s Talk 18: See Saw 17: Singing in the Rain 16: Need U 15: Love4eva 14: Universe 13: Butterfly 12: Where You At 11: Hula Hoop
THE BEST OF THE BEST 10: Voice / Star 9: Everyday I Love You 8: Playback 7: Egoist 6: Sonatine 5: Sweet Crazy Love 4: Colors 3: Eclipse 2: New 1: Hi High
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loonaticskr · 7 months
Loonatics KR Bios - Jett Reighland
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Art created by @segamarkii and character written by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Disclaimer: This character will soon be updated for the fic. I'd like you to please do not use or draw this OC without permission first to @mysticinternetdinosaur
Name: Jett Reighland (Otter)
DoB: June 10, 2747. Gemini (Age: 25)
Nationality: American
Relatives: Unknown
Personality: Violent, reckless, and a troublemaker. He is a total jerk to anyone who doesn’t meet his “standards.”
Appearance: He has brown and white fur around his body. He also has a small mohawk dyed pink. On his left deltoid, there is a tattoo of a strange sigil enclosed in a circle.
Casual Outfit: His clothes have a gothic sense to them. He wears an oversized black & orange hoodie, baggy jeans, tennis shoes, and a syringe necklace.
Onstage Outfit: Thanks to access to the contestant’s wardrobe, he wears a black denim jacket with many pins and patches over a graffiti shirt. He also wears jeans with suspender straps and boots. 
Powers/Skills: N/A
Weapons: N/A
Other info:
He has Hazel eyes. 
He wanted a medical career but dropped out of college. Now works at a department store. 
He joins “T.V.G.T.” for easy money.
He’s Left-Handed.
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kervinredfire · 2 years
Loonatics KR Update: New Characters Part 2
Happy Halloween / All Saints Day everyone I'm back for Loonatics Unleashed content with Loonatics KR. Sorry, I got bust because of the face-to-face classes but now it's time to bring part 2 of my character of Loonatics KR.
Please do not fanart, use, or draw my characters without my permission to me. I like to stay my characters safe, clean, and nothing weird or stupid.
Caren (Loonatics R Character adopted by me from @purpleluckystar and drawn by DarthCraftus)
For those who don't this character, this was written by @purpleluckystar from Chapter 2 which is Lexi's chapter, and the similar jealous cheerleader from Episode 6 Comet Cometh.
This is one of the characters that I adopted for those who have read my update here
For those who read it, we all know that she is responsible for kicking Lexi out of the cheerleading squad and not much else in the chapter. But I may plan to give her a bio and character perspective or put her in future chapters or spinoffs for different characters to add her on
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Cane Lupo (Blond Wolfdog), Cane Lupo (Brown Italian Wolf) & Tiger Leaps (Red Tiger) (Loonatics KR OC Character written by me and drawn by @pink-chameleon13n13 )
Now I show you my 3 new OCs joining Loonatics KR. To explain each of my 3 new characters without any spoilers here is some detail and some trivia inspiration.
Rage Shards - is a Wolfdog who escaped from prison after being framed for a crime he did not commit and after many long times in prison, he became unstable. After the meteor hit him giving dark powers to escape and lay low. I took inspiration from WWE Immortals Dean Ambrose as Back Alley Brawler and Lunatic Fringe
Cane Lupo - is the youngest godfather who leads his own mafia group called The TriColores alongside his allied mafia group Colonie de Rats. After the meteor strike, he has the ability to turn any part of his body into ebony steel making his melee takedowns more brutal than ever before. I took inspiration from the Godfather video games but only two protagonist characters. Aldro Trapani (Godfather) & Dominic Corleone (Godfather 2)
Tiger Leaps - is a student character who schools the same place as Lexi but in a different class. Despite his secret past he starts to have his new life in a new school with adventures to explore and what life can throw at him. He has no effect on the meteor and has no powers. But he can fight against bullies, play sports on his own, and loves to make fireworks. I took inspiration from Jimmy Hopkins from the game called Bully.
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Don't forget to follow me though including Wattpad for more updates of my stories coming soon. Or just post fanart
And donate me to PayPal if you want. So I may use commission money for comics and characters in the future
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t3nshiii · 2 years
the perfect songs for train rides.
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songs i listen 2 when i’m on trains ✨
14h & 40m
- 0g
- 0x1=lovesong
- 10:36
- 11:11
- 1/6
- 2am
- 4:00a.m.
- the aerialist
- alldaylong
- all or nothing
- already
- always
- anymore
- art deco
- asap
- automatic
- autumn morning
- bad
- bad sad and mad
- bamboleo
- bbibbi
- beautiful monster
- before anyone else
- believe - billlie
- be natural
- best friend
- black beauty
- black pearl
- blind letter
- blue flame
- blueming
- body talk
- bother me
- brand new city
- breakfast at a funeral
- butterflies
- butterfly - loona
- butterfly - stayc
- caffeine
- candyfloss
- can’t get you out of my mind
- can’t stop this party
- cherry - lana del rey
- childhood
- comfort crowd
- complex
- cursor
- day 1
- depression
- a different night
- dive with you
- dm
- don’t text me
- doughnut
- drive
- eclipse
- eight
- the eleventh day
- ending credits
- entrancing
- escape
- every heart
- every summertime
- the exit
- express moon
- eyes locked, hands locked
- fairy of shampoo
- fairy tale
- fall again
- fine
- fire - taeyeon
- flowerld
- for
- freak - lana del rey
- genie
- girl front
- girls on top
- girl’s talk
- goblin
- good to you
- greetings
- hairdryer
- happy birthday to you - nayeon
- hear me
- heart
- heart burn
- hear the sea
- a heart of sunflower
- hello - joy
- hello, sunset
- holiday - secret number
- hot summer nights
- h.s.k.t
- humpty
- icu
- i feel love
- i’ll be there - stayc
- i’ll be there - loona
- i’ll be your spring
- in my dreams
- insomnia
- intro - dreamcatcher (summer holiday)
- invu
- i sing
- i wanna cry
- jazz bar
- joah
- july 7th
- kingdom come
- knock on wood
- last words of a shooting star
- lemonade
- life is a bi…
- life’s too short
- liquid smooth
- look
- loonatic
- love - fx
- love countdown
- love fool
- lovegame
- love in tv world
- love is bitter
- love letter
- love line
- lovememore.
- lovers in the night
- love spell
- lp
- lucid dream
- lullaby
- lust for life
- mago
- make a secret
- make me happy
- memories
- mimi
- mojito
- money power glory
- moon - everglow
- moonlight - pixy
- moonlight - twice
- movies
- mumumumuch
- my second date
- neon
- new
- & new
- night aviation
- night drive
- nobody like you
- noir
- northern lights
- obliviate - iu
- odd front
- oh! my mistake
- the one exists in my memories
- one in a million
- one & only
- only
- on the moon
- the other side
- pado
- pale blue dot
- paraglide
- peach
- perfume
- pink cloud
- playground
- please please
- polaroid
- promise
- pushin n pullin
- rainbow halo
- red queen
- restless
- rose - miyeon
- rosy
- running through the night
- same same
- say something
- selfish - moonbyul
- shade
- the shower
- show! show! show!
- show window
- siren - taeyeon
- slow down - stayc
- so bad
- some nights
- soul lady
- sour grapes
- so what - stayc
- so whY
- spark
- split
- star / voice
- starlight
- stay
- stereotype
- summer rain
- sunny day
- sunset - twice
- swan
- swan song
- taste
- telepathy
- thank you, family
- say yes - snsd
- lazy girl
- time travel
- tokyo lights
- truth
- twilight - loona
- twilight - purple kiss
- ultraviolence
- umm… life
- universe
- unlucky
- untouchable
- up no more
- u r
- valentine girl
- weekend
- the weekend
- we ride
- what do i call you
- what’s in your house?
- what the flower
- where are you?
- where is love
- where is my love?
- where you at
- whistle - dreamcatcher
- white mustang
- who comes who knows
- why
- winter
- woowoo
- x
- yesterday
- you and me together
- you never know
- young in love
- young luv
- zzzz - purple kiss
- zzzz - mamamoo
- the long night
- around you
- shadow - fx
- full moon
- faded love
- let me in
- lady - yubin
- heat
- kiss later
- my melody / my sunday
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aloreley11 · 29 days
Solo vengo a compartir algo personal sobre mi "Proceso creativo" Cuando escribí "One kiss, One Shot, One Night" Quería mucho, mucho... Empezar a integrar más el ship de AceXDuck en las historias. Pero como que no supe bien cómo llevarlo, en lo personal de todos mis AU, puede que sea de mis menos favoritos.
Pero... 100% creo que este AU, tiene muchos méritos para mí. 1. Sí logró que pudiera indagas mas en el AceXDuck 2. Terminó con mi bloqueo creativo
De hecho, completamente creo que "R-Star" lo pude escribir, por haber escrito este....
Y pues... Ya... Solo quería compartir eso...
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mogai-headcanons · 4 months
Loonatics Headcanons!
Ace Bunny is Bisexual Polyamorous(He/Him)
Lexi Bunny Is Pansexual DemiRomantic DemiGirl(She/They)
Danger Duck is Bisexual(He/Him)
Slam Tasmanian is Oriented AroAce GenderApathiec(Any/All)
Tech R Coyote Is PolySexual DemiRomantic(He/Him)
Rev Runner Is Unlabeled(He/Him)
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tempestosia · 5 months
weekly report #2
R – Abyss by Pilar Quintana (still)
E – popcorn, candy and other tidbits
P – forager (i can't stop playing it!! so addictive)
O – not sure if counts but…. i started doing taekwondo !!
R – start studying that language you’ve been wanting to learn!!
T – bought myself some cute keychains! might start a collection
songs of the week: o telefone tocou novamente by jorge ben jor ; loonatic by loona (oec)
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well i was supposed to post this on SATURDAY but i completely forgot aaahh!! so let’s just pretend i didn’t take this long to post it. anyways, it was a pretty nice week, apart from the poor quality sleep sometimes (cause i’m still getting used to my new schedule) which causes me to feel sluggish the whole day :p but yeah, it was pretty good, i’m feeling more motivated recently.
also feeling pretty excited and lowkey anxious for this new week cause there will be some pretty big stuff coming !!
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Elowen Im-Keating, mais conhecida como Winnie, entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ela parece tanto com a Jennie Kim! Ela nasceu em 18/07/1998 na cidade de Boston, Estados Unidos e atualmente tem 24 anos. Ela trabalha como solista na SENSE Entertainment, deve ser muito talentosa… Ah, você quer seguir ela? Procura por @winnie_uv e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreana-americana.
Personalidade: Winnie é inquieta e obstinada, o tipo de pessoa que acredita que pode fazer tudo se colocar seu coração naquilo, mesmo que nunca tenha tido contato antes. Apesar de sua natureza sarcástica e irônica, Elowen é uma garota que beira a timidez, preferindo deixar que os outros se aproximem ao invés de dar o primeiro passo, porém é amigável e calorosa uma vez que este passo seja dado.
Gênero/ano de debut: Winnie debutou em 30 de janeiro de 2020, sob a VENTURA Entertainment com o conceito puxado para o girl crush e R&B, com melodias marcantes e o foco em seus vocais e dança. Após seu debut, Winnie continuou produzindo e escrevendo músicas, sendo a maioria para ela mesma, da mesma forma que começou a expandir para a indústria internacional sob o pretexto da sua dupla nacionalidade.
Parte dos antigos fãs de Winnie odiaram sua decisão de entrar em uma empresa, acusando-a de ser mais uma "vendida" da indústria musical e colocando como alguém que só pensa no dinheiro, e não na verdadeira essência da música. Sendo assim, seu debut veio acompanhado de uma onda de hate.
Recentemente surgiram rumores em fóruns coreanos de que o integrante do BURST e Winnie estariam namorando por conta das interações que os idols possuíam em frente às câmeras. Tais rumores foram negados imediatamente por uma nota emitida pela SENSE Ent para que a imagem dos artistas não fosse prejudicada por rumores falsos. Uma grande parte do público acredita que a empresa só tenha feito isso para abafar o namoro devido ao debut decente do grupo, enquanto outra insiste que é apenas uma amizade natural surgida entre idols que fazem parte da mesma empresa.
Um ano após sua estreia, passou a experimentar mais na carreira de modelo, participando de photoshoots para revistas e eventos de moda.
Trabalhos antigos/soundcloud: mixtape #1 SPOILED BITCH - Tiffany Day. BITE BACK - Tiffany Day. DREAMS ABT OPTIMISM - TIffany Day.
singles alone - Babebee LOOK - LVRA
depois do debut
debut mini album (2021) (prod. BILL$) Love Letter - LOONA/Jinsoul Singing in the Rain - LOONA/Jinsoul (title) Girl’s Talk (feat. Jade) - LOONA/Chuu & Yves Lovin’ Me - Fifty Fifty
digital single (2021) Esper - Kwon Eunbi
1° full album (2022) D-1 - LOONA /Yves Underwater - Kwon Eunbi (title) I AM SHAMPOO - BIBI Hope Not (feat. PARIS)(prod. Kolt) - BLACKPINK Pastel - Whee In HONEY - Solar (title) Nuh-Uh - Chungha LOVE COUNTDOWN (feat. BILL$) - NAYEON, Wonstein Bad Girl (prod. Kolt) - LACHICA, Chungha Lay Low - YooA zinggle zinggle - Solar
digital single (2022) she got it - Dingo X BIBI
mixtape (2022) Dear my blue - Yerin Baek Bunny - Yerin Baek Amy - Yerin Baek Mr.gloomy - Yerin Baek 0310 - Yerin Baek
SICKO - 2° mini album (2022) 28 reasons - Seulgi (title) (comp. Winnie) Animal Farm - BIBI Dead Man Runnin’ - Seulgi Lowlife Princess - BIBI (comp. Winnie, prod. Kolt) Natural - PIXY
3° mini album (2023) I Don’t Wanna Know - Lee Chaeyeon Glitch - Kwon Eunbi (title) XXXX - Chungha All Eyes on Me - JISOO Blood Moon - YooA Strawberry Kisses - Bébe Yena Blade - BIBI
futuras produções: Sweet Crazy Love - LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE Uncover - LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE Chaotic - LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE LOONATIC - LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK KAZINO - BIBI I’m good at goodbyes - BIBI BAD SAD AND MAD - BIBI Caffeine - Eyedi Copycat - Apink CHOBOM Villain - PIXY Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard’s wife - LE SSERAFIM
livres para uso, produzidas por ela: POPPY - STAYC EUNOIA - Billie
TW: menção a saúde mental, mas não escrita em detalhes.
Elowen não vem de uma família afortunada, aquelas clássicas dos comerciais americanos, na verdade em vistas dos padrões da sociedade, veio de uma família quebrada e conturbada. Porém, Winnie jamais mudaria nada de sua família. É verdade que é fruto de um relacionamento entre dois jovens com grandes ambições, tendo apenas algumas memórias de uma convivência com ambos os pais dentro de casa, compreendia desde muito cedo que tê-los vivendo sob um mesmo teto era sinônimo de calamidade e que o divórcio entre eles não era algo devastador para a criança, e sim um alívio.
Seus pais se amam, é claro para qualquer observador que passe mais de 15 segundos na presença de ambos, no entanto a natureza caótica de sua mãe e o espírito livre de seu pai faz com que esse amor não possa ser contido dentro de quatro paredes, sequer pode ser mantido na mesma cidade. Elowen sempre morou com sua mãe em Boston, onde nasceu, enquanto que o pai viajava pelo mundo, sempre mandando lembranças dos locais visitados e ligando todas as noites para contar suas histórias mirabolantes antes de Elowen cair no sono. Quando era questionada sobre a situação de sua família, se sentia saudades do casamento ou se queria que os pais voltassem, a garota sempre ria, respondendo que jamais mudaria a dinâmica que ensinou tanto a ela.
Elowen iniciou sua carreira musical muito antes de assinar o contrato com a atual empresa, começou aos 14 anos no conforto de seu quarto sob os olhares dos posters dos mais variados artistas, com seu violão herdado de seu avô paterno e covers de músicas de rock clássico que sua mãe sempre ouvia. Não demorou para que se arriscasse escrevendo suas próprias músicas, melodias desafinadas acompanhadas por letras que iam do mais recente crush da escola para a complexidade de ser uma adolescentes na era em que o Tumblr era sua rede social favorita. E assim, alguns anos depois, era uma artista do soundcloud que reunia uma pequena fanbase e acumulava pouco mais de cinco mil seguidores em suas redes sociais, produzindo canções que iam do experimental ao hyperpop.
Winnie, como já era conhecida e creditada na internet, lançava sua música de forma independente, gravadas dentro de seu armário em um estúdio que ela mesma improvisou com a ajuda de sua mãe. Sabia que se continuasse naquele ritmo, acabaria se tornando uma artista grande um dia, com sorte uma música sua se tornaria viral ou então um grande nome da indústria iria encontrá-la e assiná-la em sua produtora. Porém Elowen se sentia estagnada em sua aprendizagem, como se tivesse esgotada tudo em si que a motivava a fazer tudo sozinha, como se sua carreira estivesse contida nas quatro paredes onde começou. Foi aí que surgiu a decisão de fazer audições para as empresas de kpop.
Acreditava no seu próprio potencial e tinha confiança de que poderia aprender as qualidades necessárias de um idol, e caso não conseguisse isso, bem… A indústria do kpop bem que poderia se utilizar de uma mudança de qualquer forma. E em março de 2019, após muitos não e um sim, a americana juntou suas coisas em uma mala e com seu coreano enferrujado, aprendido com o pai, comprou uma passagem só de ida para a Coreia que chamaria de casa pelos próximos anos.
Sua adaptação foi longe de ser tranquila, tendo que se acostumar não apenas com o idioma e com a rotina pesada de treinos um trainee, mas também com a cultura que era tão diferente da sua. Com alguns tropeços e erros, Elowen conseguiu seu tão sonhado debut no fim de janeiro de 2021, após apenas dois anos de treinamento, chamando atenção por ter seu mini album de debut produzido por um grande nome da indústria.
No ano de 2023, com a abertura da SENSE Ent., Winnie mudou para a nova empresa do grupo em um acordo mútuo entre artista e empresa. A mudança se deu pois Winnie acredita que seu perfil artístico combina mais com a visão da SENSE, focando em uma nova geração de artistas a qual ela deseja fazer parte.
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