#love drawing her w their outfits i think she probably dances to their songs on her own time
viatrix-glow · 2 months
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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polym4id cariňosa <3
notes/me going insane abt them under the cut bc i know the tags would be long if i didn't!
first up! carinosa is a folk dance that originates from the colonial era of the philippines. it tells the story of a man and a woman falling in love but are too shy to properly show it so they do a little hide and seek type of thing. the fan and handkerchief play a very important role for the dance because it helps tells the audience their shy way of showing love.
my headcanon for dalia's mother is she's filipino and her father is japanese. her brother has no canon appearance yet so i just made one up for him!
i headcanon dalia being very close to her filipino side of the family since her mother always video-called them when she has the chance ever since she was a kid. her relative gifts her and her brother presents every time it was their birthday or any holiday.
marika is literally the "ideal" dalagang pilipina (on the outside). fair skin, nice attitude, has a good career as a model, and is very sweet. dalia's relatives would probably like her a lot if they didn't know abt the fact marika does NOT clean her room n stuff.
"tito" in english is "uncle", not to be confused w "ninong" which is used for godfathers (ive accidentally called my tito 'ninong' more than two times bc i didnt know this difference when i was younger). the feminine equivalant for both words are "tita" and "ninang".
no one is wondering this but the reason i didn't get any of their boobs out is bc that would be. not good to do. it's a no no. that era in the philippines was very conservative on that kind of thing, so it would be a bit disrespectful (to me) to do such a thing. also how am i supposed to get the tits out w that outfit huh? (and i cant drAW BO--)
also also. if ur curious why some tagalog words remind u of spanish or anything reminds u of something from spain, it's bc spain colonized the philippines for 300 years. that's why some filipinos have "spanish" names. my middle and last name r spanish bc of this. (idk if some of this is correct tho bc i havent went to a filipino history lesson for like. two years technically. reason why i kinda remembered this is bc we were taught this ever since we were like. in kindergarten.)
that saori and dalia one is based on an image in the wikipedia page of carinosa. i rlly liked it a lot even tho it isnt even part of the dance lol. that was the first drawing i did for this and it took me a while to finish haha.
this isnt connected to the drawings (kind of) but back in my old old school in the philippines we had to dance the carinosa for this annual dance competition against every grade, from the kindergarteners to the damn high schoool students. it was a mixed school so there were boys n girls and i was paired up w one of my friends, all of us were practicing rlly hard but when the performance day came, my friend and his brother (also my other friend i think) wasnt there. so i had to be paired up w the girl his brother was supposed to be paired up w, and considering the fact this song is abt a two lovers n stuff it made it pretty gay lol. we did well but we didn't win, i forgot who won tho...
also rika's necklace is from that one art from the character designer where's theyre wearing the yoba academy uniform.
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flaine · 3 years
Hi love 💞
Today I am bringing u more girl group uht because they would 100% kill shut up and drive by rihanna! I think it's one of the first gg uht song ideas I had a while back and it slaps.... def more of a high energy dance performance (main dancer britt 🥰) and can u imagine the attitude... so much sass and flirtiness 😳 also I can imagine some like,, dream sequence shots of them lounging across a car? Like just stretched out on the roof n stuff? Similar attitude as in my poker face art but different more casual outfits nfnsjfjsjf maybe I will make time to draw this in the next 2 weeks before I leave but idk how to draw cars.... :')
Anyway some more vb au furtana for u (thank u once again for letting me ramble about them djsjfks)... furtana + pet names/nicknames?
Some quick context for finntana is that in hs after she came out to him and Kurt she was still really scared about being openly gay and Kurt joked about how finn could be her beard so finn was like "I mean... I guess we could fake date for a bit??" (In general that's where a lot of their more "couple-like" habits were formed lol idk why but I'm so soft for finntana being extremely close)
Anyway yes so
one time finn accidentally used the term babygirl and santana was so genuinely horrified that he started doing it just to annoy her and it eventually grew on them
Sometimes she calls him babyboy to retaliate and Kurt desperately pretends he does not know them at all
Finn also calls her 'tana a lot without really thinking about it bc that's what he called her when they were small (🥺)
Like in canon, finn calls Kurt stuff like lil bro/brother, probably also uses buddy a lot
Santana used to call Kurt princess (derogatory) in middle school but after they became friends and he told her he didn't like it, she switched to pretty boy (which she admittedly also used when she previously bullied him but like,,, once they were friends she genuinely meant it as more of a compliment bc a. Kurt is pretty and b. He experimented a lot with fashion in hs and she was trying to express her support)
Kurt definitely calls santana Satan (started as derogatory when they were in middle school but, like with pretty boy, became more of an affectionate nickname)
I can't remember anymore rn so that might be it? Maybe I've forgotten some... anyway this got long again (these asks get so long the second I mention vb au dnsjfksjf I'm so sorry) so I'll stop here
Have a wonderful day n take care of yourself 💞💖💘 (and feel free to ramble about your own aus/hcs!! I love hearing about them too!)
hi my love 💗!!
ohh… i can already tell this would be a performance that would make my lesbianism reach some extreme peaks…. i love the attitude that would come with this song!!! every time you give me a song like this for the uht i am so upset that we never got a girl group moment like this for them 💔 also i am in full support of lounging on the hood of a car. it is a dream of mine
and more furtana!!! <333 never apologize for sending your furtana hcs it is an absolute joy to open my inbox to see your rambling <3
but no i love platonic closeness/affection so much it is very important to me 🥺 and i love finntana/kurtana/furt too so these hit!!! i am obsessed w the first two bullets djdhdh i can very clearly imagine kurt’s face as he’s forced to be in the middle of that… also the “tana” one is so cute 🥺 i love them all!!!! 💖
thank u for giving me the floor… my brain is too fuzzy rn for a full ramble of my own but! i will give you a song! i think blaine and brittany would absolutely KILL video killed the radio star by the buggles…. i like an 80s vibe for both of them and also this is just one of those super fun numbers like shout that i can imagine them having a blast performing together!!! also i am convinced that brittany loves to whip out just dance when her friends are over and i think this is definitely blaine’s favorite dance/song. brittany has the high scores for every song but blaine is definitely a close second for this one!!!
take care of yourself too!! & have a very lovely night :) 💞💓
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fisheoctrashdump · 4 years
Ezra 1-20 ewewewewe
Kinda like with Caleb, I imagine Ezra really disliking Christmas. Every year around his birthday and Christmas he gets pretty depressed and avoids Christmas themed stuff, but it's so hard to do when it's just…. Everywhere. He can't really get excited for his birthday, either.
He has to celebrate with his mother every year, and this includes going back to their church. Despite this, he tries to give his friends, partners, and Devon gifts and pretend like he's not writhing in agony on the inside.
His favorite holiday… I'm not sure. I feel like other people's birthdays would be the most important to him.
Ezra is actually a decent cook, but he doesn't have much time to do it. He does enjoy cooking, though.
He refuses sleep constantly. When he actually goes to bed (whether willingly or forced), Ezra is a very peaceful sleeper. He doesn't move much, and he doesn't snore or anything. The only abnormal thing about his sleeping is that he occasionally sleepwalks to other rooms.
He can drive, but he just…. Really prefers not to. He does everything he can to avoid it lol pretty much all of his partners have gotten used to driving Ezra around everywhere.
So, Ezra has super oily hair. He has to wash his hair literally everyday, or his hair will look and feel greasy. On the days he doesn't have time and skips showering, he wears a hat to cover his hair.
He takes boiling hot showers and he doesn't waste any time. Ezra finishes a shower in like five minutes, but he wasn't always like that. In high school he used to spend a lot of time in the shower lol
When Ezra is feeling an overflow of emotions about someone or something, he hugs. It's usually one where he holds tight to the other person as if they are the only thing holding him together. (And in a way, they are.)
He hugs certain people more than others, of course. Ezra doesn't feel quite as comfortable hugging Amber in the same way he does Damon or Venus.
Ezra loves getting kisses from his partners, but he is an anxious kisser. I imagine him being the kind of person to ask for permission before kissing someone, and he probably still does that with his newer partners.
You wouldn't expect Ezra to be as kinky as he is. It's genuinely surprising to his partners when he discusses sex with them the first time (except for Amber, who was never really told what Ezra was into, she just kinda tried stuff out and figured out what stuck.)
Despite this, Ezra actually doesn't like having sex often. He has a lot of other ways he'd rather be spending his free time until he actually gets in the mood.
General physical contact
Ezra has been very affectionate with the people he loves pretty much his whole life. He very often sits close to people or leans against them. It's comforting. He often holds people longer than they're comfortable or is convenient. (For example, Casey wants to grab a water, but Ezra refuses to let go of his hand so he follows Casey to the kitchen)
Very clingy boi.
Physical appearance
I have already done a picture for him before, and also have described in his character sheet, but here's a recap/extra info
He's 5'3, making him shorter than all of his friends and partners
As a kid he pretty much always had his hair shaved in a buzz cut, but he always wanted to grow his hair out as long as Venus and Casey's. Currently his hair is chin length, but it will end up being about waist length before he's satisfied.
So for this one I'm just gonna cheat and steal what I already wrote on his character sheet lol
He's currently trying to figure out his style, because between Hannah and Amber's influence on him, he doesn't really know what he wants anymore. He's been experimenting with different clothing, leading to some pretty awful outfits at times, but he's recently found himself more comfortable in v necks and sweater jackets / denim jackets. He wears a red beanie that Amber made for him often, but not all the time.
Sometimes he will take off with one of Casey's denim jackets, and wear it constantly until Casey asks for it back
It's also not uncommon to see Ezra leave the house in his pajamas, especially when going to class. He looks for low effort outfits so he has more time for other stuff (like laying in bed before school and regretting only having three hours of sleep in two days)
His ears are stretched to a 2mm size. I doubt he will get any other kind of piercings, and will probably take his gauges out at some point, but still use earrings (probably just plain colored studs)
I can see him wearing other kinds of jewelry, but I guess it really just depends. I'm not sure how he would decide to wear jewelry though, or what it would be
A lot of people call him Ez, and he's heard Ezzy a couple times through his life, but Grant uses Ezzy as a nickname for him the most.
I've been imagining Venus and Ezra having special nicknames they use for each other that no one else uses but them, but I still haven't been able to figure out what they would be.
Damon and Grant call him sea star, and Ezra melts everytime they do ;w;
He was forced to learn a bunch of different dances while in gym class in high school, but he was pretty garbage at it lol he doesn't dance much unless asked to
Ezra doesn't sing much. He used to sing for his church's choir after his mother asked him to (but he didn't really feel like he had a choice.)
He understands basic music theory and can sing a song he's never heard before just by looking at the sheet music.
Currently, Damon and Grant will beg Ezra to sing with them when a good song starts playing or something, but Ezra purposely sings either too quietly to be heard, or really badly.
Honestly, Ezra has a lot of buried anger he has yet to work through. He has anger towards pretty much everyone in his life, some more deserving than others. Most of his anger is for his mother, but he even has some directed towards people like Casey and Venus.
Ezra doesn't want to hurt anyone, so he feels his anger is a big inconvenience and something that will only cause harm to him and his relationships. He refuses to open up about the things angering him as well, so he's just… stuck feeling the way he does, with no clear way to resolve anything without upsetting others.
Soft spot
All his partners, but… especially Venus, Casey, and Amber.
Sea slugs. He has a lot of different types he loves, and he finds them super adorable.
Sharks. He has a lot of shark related things, including a big shark plush that sits in the corner of the gramoambra room. He named it Goomba.
Fish in general. He loves pet fish the most, because he thinks they're pretty and enjoys watching them swim around in the aquarium.
Devon and Arianna
Music, especially if it's played for him. (Like when Damon starts playing a song, but someone turning on a song from youtube or whatever specifically for Ezra has the same effect.)
Watching movies inside of blanket forts uwu
When Ezra finally sees his dad again, his dad and younger brothers are
Video games, especially ones from his childhood
Favorite possession
I've been imagining Ezra and Venus having a specific favorite movie that they've seen over and over, something they could quote the entire script to. The DVD for the movie is something they have passed back and forth over the years they've known each other, but it landed in Ezra's possession last before they stopped talking. That DVD is his favorite. He watched it a few times when he started thinking about Venus and wanted to feel closer to her.
Some other things are
Goomba! ;w;
The red beanie Amber made for him
Devon's drawing she made for him while she was in elementary school.
The seashell collection he inherited from Rose (including the one unbroken seashell Ezra found with his dad on the beach before they weren't allowed to see each other anymore)
Favorite photograph
A picture of him and Osmin on the beach together from years ago when he was still a kid.
Relationship with ___
When Devon was born, Ezra wasn't very pleased by her existence at all. When he was younger, Ezra often blamed Devon for some of his issues with his mother. Ezra was often treated more unfairly by his mom and stepdad, while Devon was treated better. He held a lot of resentment towards her as a result, and their relationship suffered because of this.
Things didn't improve between them until Ezra told his family he wanted to move out while he was in college so that he was closer to his new school. Devon was really upset by this, and she told Ezra she didn't want him to leave. He still did, but he promised her he would see her often.
As their relationship improved, and as Devon got older, Ezra began to realize that he had been blaming Devon for something she had no control of. And even with their parent's favoritism towards Devon, she was still miserable living with them.
Currently, Ezra has been trying to provide some kind of relief to Devon in whatever way he can. He feels bad, because he wishes he could do more or get her out of that situation. Considering Ezra still hasn't gained the confidence to walk away from his mother himself, he doesn't see a way out for either of them.
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piscesbarnes · 5 years
Lil Bit Floozy → Bucky Barnes
pairing: bucky x reader
warnings: reader is of age to drink(?) drunk reader. fluff. soft!bucky
prompt: bucky’s more prone to be responsive to you when you’re a soft, drunken mess
“(Y/N),” Natasha said with a warning tone as you pulled her along your side. You were cheery and encouraging as you dragged her to the bar with you.
“Come on, it’s our first night back from our mission,” you whined, already tipsy yourself. Nat had been sent on your behalf, to check in on you per Steve, who noticed how comfortable you were getting with the female bartender. “Bella, this is Nat.” you gushed. Bella was a latina-looking woman. Black hair to match her outfit. She was a little bit taller than you were, but your heels helped you put up a good fight.
“Nat! Heard so much about you,” Bella grinned at her before flickering her eyes to you. “You were right, she is gorgeous.” Natasha’s eyes met your big ones, almost scoffing at your poor attempts to stick around. It worked though.
Bella and Natasha hit it off quickly. The flirting was more than obvious, plus they were both babysitting you. Hitting two birds with one stone. Not to mention the free drinks Bella would discreetly slide over to you. Tequila, Bella’s recommendation.
They listened to you mumble to yourself as you took shots, occasionally responding. It was amazing how they could be engulfed in two different conversations. You even had trouble trying to decipher the codes they were speaking.
It wasn’t until a Rihanna song had blasted through the club that you moved from your seat. You squealed in delight, something you’d never do regularly, but it was so hard to contain your excitement with the intoxication drawing over you heavily.
“Nat!” you tugged on her arm, pouting your lips like a child. Nat looked at Bella. Bella shrugged, nodding her head, shouting something to the other bartender before tugging off her apron and hopping over the counter. Natasha made a sly comment to the dark-haired girl she’d clicked so well with.
Nat and Bella did their thing. They tried keeping up with you, but with the change of energy, your heartbeat matched everyone else’s. To the beat of the song. So you were jumping all around, losing them within seconds of entering the club. Despite it being hard to breathe in the musty room full of hot, sweaty dancers, you found yourself getting along quite well with those surrounding you. Also, unlike you.
From the corner of the room, you could see Bucky sitting at a table by himself. He sipped on a dark drink, a coke probably. Bucky was your friend. And he wasn’t having fun, it didn’t look like it at least. At this, you frowned. If he wouldn’t come to you and have fun, you’d bring it to him. You stumbled over to him, a giggle leaving your lips. Bucky stared at you with wide eyes, not used to this...softer side of you.
“Buck!” you beamed brightly, throwing your arms around him. Hm... the music was softer than it was out there. He tensed up at the touch. But because it was you, a very intoxicated you, he decided he could allow it. You had no idea what got into you. One look at Bucky and your heart swelled. “Hewwo!” you coo’d. You couldn’t be any more adorable.
“Hi doll.” Bucky returned the smile, hesitantly lifting his hands to grip your waist. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah!” you nodded your head, batting your lashes at him. “Jus’ a lil floozy. Jus’ a bit though,” you cut yourself off with a little giggle. You sounded so stupid, but you were so cute, he just wanted to squish you. “Saw you, you weren’t having fun, so I just- you- w-wanted you to have fun.” you stumbled over your words just as bad as you did your feet. He continued to stare at you in awe; how could someone be so cute?
“It’s okay, this isn’t really my scene,” he tried to dismiss. You were adorable. You stopped your fun to come and make sure he was feeling okay. Even though he wanted you to be content, he didn’t feel like dancing. Not like this anyway. “It’ll be hard for me to have fun in a place like this.”
“Not even if you talk to me?” you murmured with a small frown smearing across your lips. His eyes flickered there, causing him to lick his own.
“I would prefer you here with me.” and it wasn’t at all a lie. Bucky liked your company. He was quite curious to see how you were while you were drunk, he’d be willing to hold your hair back if you vomited. Bucky was also very cautious with you. He’d rather you in his sights than trying to dance up on strangers. He was sure everyone in the building wasn’t just hyped up on alcohol.
“R-really?” you coo’d, feeling yourself becoming smaller in his arms. You wanted to squeal and giggle while rolling around in your bed, kicking your feet. But you couldn’t. It wasn’t appropriate for the setting. Even under the dark lights, he could sense the blush that blessed your cheeks.
“Of course babydoll. Wouldn’t have anyone else.” he told you. You don’t know how or why, but you climbed into his lap, feeling super comfortable with him. Bucky certainly wasn’t expecting it, but he wasn’t gonna complain.
“Not even Steve?” you slightly teased. Bucky chuckled, shaking his head.
“Not even Steve. That man is so far up Tony’s ass, I don’t wanna hear another word from the lovesick fool.” Bucky commented. You giggled at the swear word and it’s context. His hand came up to the middle of your back, holding you up in his lap.
“Steve’s just really in love with the guy, okay? Don’t be mad at him, you know he’s always been a sap.” you tried to defend the blondie. But Bucky was right. Steve never shut up and his man and it was getting to everyone.
“You know me (Y/N), a sap I can handle. Steve’s on another level.” this was also true. Bucky was a hopeless romantic, asking you for novels day after day, so you knew he could handle a regular sap. But Steve was in love.
“Steve’s in love,” was now your only argument. But you had Bucky trumped.
“I guess you’re right.” Bucky sighed in defeat. He looked over to see Steve holding the Stark’s hand, gazing at him with so much adoration. He did a small, half smile, feeling happy for his best friend. Bucky glanced at you, to find you staring at him with the same adoring eyes that Steve wore. “Is there something on my face?”
“Nuh uh,” you shook your head. “You’re just... pwetty.” you gleamed up at him, a shy smile spreading across your face. He smiled at this. He was sure you’d made him smile more in these twenty minutes than he had in a whole week. Bucky kind of hoped this was something he could get used to.
“I’m pretty?” Bucky questioned, giving into you as hi leaned his face in to pinch your cheek like you were a kid. Of course, in your intoxicated state, it made you feel so warm inside. “But you’re a pretty baby, aren’t you?”
It was like Bucky knew what he was doing to you. Babying you while he already made you feel so... tiny. You liked it a lot. This affectionate side of Bucky that no one really saw. You got a free pass because you’re drunk, but you were hoping you wouldn’t forget.
The blue-eyed man let you curl up into his chest, stuffing your face against his pectoral muscles to hide the blush. Bucky couldnt stop himself from stroking your hair, your eyes fluttering shut as you leaned into his chest.
“Doll?” he softly mumbled against the shell of your ear. Bucky wasn’t even sure if you’d heard him over the music.
“Uh huh?” you hummed against him, nuzzling your nose into his neck, inhaling his scent. His Versace cologne mixed with his sandalwood candles.
“You want me to take you home? Get you in more comfy clothes so you can sleep?” his voice was overwhelmingly soft. It made you melt nonetheless.
“Mm, only I can be the big spoon.” you answered sheepishly. Bucky hadn’t the intentions of cuddling with you. He didn’t want it to seem like he was taking advantage of you. “Wanna hold you. Big, soft puppy.”
“Baby, I shouldn’t.” he stroked your back, lulling you farther into sleep. You pulled back, a pout forming on your lips. Fuck, how could he say no to that? “I just don’t want you to wake up and kill me.”
“Why would I do that?” you whined. If you could stomp your feet, you would. “S’only cuddles.” when he didn’t seem swayed, your pout only got worse. “Fine! I’ll trade cuddles in forrrrr....” you trailed off.
“For what?” Bucky asked with a tilt of his head.
“Your shirt to sleep with and-...and a kiss!” you chirped. Jesus, how come you never made these advances at him when you were sober? He knew you’d never give up, even if you were drunk.
“How about, I give you my shirt and cuddles. Then in the morning, if you’re still feeling it, I’ll give you that kiss?” you weren’t sure if you heard him correctly, halfway listening to the music. But you were sure you’d be getting what you wanted.
“Hm,” you pretended to think about it, a knowing grin on your lips. “Deal!”
The next morning, you woke up in your bed with a headache. You felt more groggily as ever, turning over to curl up into a ball, only to be met with Bucky’s sleeping state. You blinked a few times in disbelief. You peeked under the sheets and let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. He was clothed in his pajamas. You were in the shirt he wore to the club, meaning it still smelt strongly of him and his cologne.
Bucky was on his back, his hair splayed out from underneath him all over your pillow. His mouth was slightly ajar, the sound of his breathing only escaping his mouth. Looking over, you realized you’d gotten wasted at the club. Shit.
After a bunch of cute little babbling and purrs from you, he managed to get you to fall asleep. He could have retreated to his room, you were too far gone in your slumber anyway. And there was a bigger chance of you not remembering your fun night. But a part of him wanted to make sure you were okay. He would have to explain himself in the morning, but he figured that you wouldn’t be angry with him. He did set out an aspirin and a bottled water for you, which you happily downed, eyes steadily trained on the big man in your bed.
You rummaged your memory of last night. The last thing you could recollect was introducing Nat to Bella. Everything else was a blur. You flipped to lie on your side, chin in your palm with your elbow propped on your pillow as you admired Bucky. You wondered if he was even real. Was this real?
You extended your arm out, your hand running over his chest. Bucky didn’t react, maybe his breathing, but that was it. You chewed on your bottom lip in wonder. What had you done to get him in your bed?
“Y’know,” Bucky grunted as he stretched in your bed, eyes still shut. Your eyes widened even more. “You keep lookin’ at me like that doll and I might just have to kiss you.”
“W-what?” you were bewildered. Bucky turned to his side, facing you as his eyes opened. “Bucky, I don’t- I, uh-“
“You’re wondering why I’m here,” he stated in his gruff morning voice. Bucky had you like putty in his hands and he hadn’t even had a full-on conversation with you yet. “Well, you were a little bit floozy last night, those were your words by the way. You came to me and talked to me a little bit. I wanted to take you home so I could put you to bed,” he paused, smacking his lips, still waking up. “You said you’d only come home if we cuddled. Initially, I said no. But we bargained for my shirt and cuddles.”
“Oh.” you blinked. Seemed fair enough. It sounded like you to be affectionate as you were.
“That’s not all though.” Bucky grinned as the sun began to peek before behind the curtain. “When I said no, you said you’d take my shirt and a kiss instead. But I told you, I’d give you the latter and if you were still up for it in the morning, I’d give you a kiss.” you tried to stop it, you really did, but you couldn’t. Your jaw dropped slightly, but you regained your composure quickly.
It looked like you both were out of character this morning. Bucky was oozing with confidence, while you couldn’t even keep up your emotionless exterior. You were so ready to jump his bones last night and here you were, a shy, messy puddle in front of him and it amused him. He was like a kid and wanted to mess around in the puddle, play with it a little. This was your chance.
“Okay, then kiss me.” you demanded quietly. Your words confirmed his suspicions. You wanted him, drunken words really were just an unspoken truth.
His hand reached out and brushed along the side of your neck, pushing away your hair. Bucky’s hand grapsed the side of your neck, pulling you toward him harshly until you were snuggly fit against him. You were on his chest at this point, giving him the best morning view he could’ve ever asked for. Bucky watched you for a little bit, desire and infatuation sprouting across his oceanic eyes. He couldn’t help but brush his thumb across your chin. His finger came into slight contact with your bottom lip, a soft gasp leaving you. Bucky noticed, of course he did. He couldn’t help but let his thumb wander to brush across your lips, your tongue instinctively licking your lips at the same moment. You caught him off guard, but he liked it. It wasn’t long before he had you under him, your cheek cupped in his large hand as he kissed you hard. Bucky nipped at your lips a few times before pulling away, leaving you breathless.
“I think...” you panted, brushing the palm of your hand across his jaw to which he cuddled his face even deeper in your hand. “I’m a little floozy again.”
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halfgclden · 4 years
character meme for cleo;;; brotp meme for: l/katie, l/keaton, chase/ellie, chase/lulu, parker/kerri, parker/faye, jordan/victoria, ime/fizz, cleo/fizz;;;; headcanons: ☆ for chase, ☮for parker/faye, ★ for ime
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod: The Orion Experience - Cult of Dionysus, Chance The Rapper - Cocoa Butter Kisses, San Cisco - The Distance, ABBA - Voulez-Vous (fun fact: Cleo only has two tattoos that are pure text and one reads “VOULEZVOUS” and the other reads “ANGELEYES” because she Knows what’s up)
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to: it’d be in the woods or the strawberry fields, but this happens very rarely
the game they’d destroy everyone else at: she loves pool and loves making people think she seems bad at it so that she can bet them lol 
the emoticon they’d use most often: ok it’s between 💕 and the pleading face but that won’t show up on the computer so
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: she gets pretty cranky lol. it’s like when she can’t choose an outfit normally she just figures something out but when she’s tired and can’t pick out an outfit she wants to cry and not get out of the shower until the water runs cold.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.: she likes chai lattes or mulled wine, depending on the mood
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: she likes to take baths but she can’t really do that at camp lol (which makes her extra sad), so she’ll do yoga, light some candles, and then play sad music over her headphone and pretend she’s in a music video as she stares out the window (bonus points if it’s raining and/or she’s on the bus)
what they wanted to be when they grew up: a writer, and then an architect (the second of which she’s actually got a degree in)
their favorite kind of weather: she likes it when it rains, but a warm rain, because it reminds her of home
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): she’s got a pretty good voice that she doesn’t do anything with but sing along to the radio/her playlist (but also get her drunk enough and she’s way down for karaoke)
how/what they like to draw or doodle: she mostly draws plants and things of that nature (ha, get it?)
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: L and every single time she pretends she didn’t do it and then laughs her head off at her own joke
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: gonna ignore this bc ya
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: i can’t see either of them getting arrested but maybe katie because L went to a protest or something and got caught up in arrests???
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: katie seems like she’d give good advice. she was probably like “L what’s up with you and Blue n Rosie?? stop being a useless lesbian” so ya c:
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: i feel like katie does this and L just giggles
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: ummm they both seem like they’d be like “no, you take what you want” “no, no, i insist, take what you want” lol
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: L starts them and they both get tired rather than anyone winning
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: omf would either of them??? 
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: see above lol, but she’d take them from Keaton less often and offer some of her own as well
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: ha neither they’re both like “EW”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: keaton is so tame but i can see some unfortunate thing happening that he got caught up in and he calls L all embarrassed bc he’s like “i don’t want rory to worry too much”
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: i think L is the one that gives more advice and comfort!!
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: L and keaton lets it slide because she’s a goober
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: lol L so that keaton can get the bottom bunk with his leg
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: they seem like they’d each throw a pillow and L would flop dramatically and give a death monologue 
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: neither?? idk
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: chase always and ellie’s like “YOU HAVE UR OWN” and chase is like “YA BUT URS LOOK BETTER”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: look ik its always chase in jail but ellie has such a temper i feel like she’d be the one to be arrested lol 
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: umm chase gives comfort, not advice, and he also doesn’t date so i guess that answers that
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: lol chase?? he’d cheat by changing his card to say what he wanted it to with his powers
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: chase says give me top bunk or give me death
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: i feel like chase would start one jokingly and end up yelling “i surrender!!!” over and over again as all the siblings team up against him
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: omf definitely not chase. i feel like ellie WOULD tho and chase’s hair would turn bright pink 
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: they each steal so many fries from each other that they might as well have eaten their own fries
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: it’d have to be lulu
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: ok it’d be lulu busting chase out but also the idea of lulu going to jail and then making friends w all the inmates is so funny to me lol
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: they seem like they both wouldn’t?? chase might be like “u have any crushes?? is it carly?? u should do an interpretive dance to her favourite song i bet she’d fall for u then”
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: lulu and chase is like “oh!! i can not see! i must be blind!”
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: i feel like they’d actually race each other for it lol. chase pulls her off as she’s going up the ladder, lulu oils it so he can’t get up, they both have to sleep on the floor
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: lulu starts them, chase is too good at them, but also i can see her and logan and carly all teaming up against him here too
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: gods why can i 100% see lulu saying this and chase being like “noooooo”
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: parker and kerri is like “why didn’t you get two orders????” and he’s like “bc you got one that i could eat (:”
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: lmao parker and kerri’s like “get ouTTa here valentine”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: i can’t imagine why parker would go to jail but it would probably be kerri busting him out lol
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: hmmm kerri bc parker’s not good at advice oR comfort lmao
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: kerri only did this once when she realized how dumb the move was in chess and just took it back. parker didn’t even realize what her mistake was
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: parker would want the bottom bunk tbh
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: kerri and parker’s like “oh so thAt’s how it is???” and she gives up before it gets too intense
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: omf parker?? but only when he’s in a certain mood and then kerri’s like “you can’t sAy that”
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: parker tried once and got one warning. next time he’s getting stabbed
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: neither, faye just gags loudly
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: lmao parker and he’s like “tsk tsk” and she’s like “not another word”
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: lmao they don’t talk about this stuff with each other
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: um if parker tried this he Would get stabbed
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: faye calls dibs on whatever she wants that day and parker’s like “ugh” and argues for like five minutes just to argue and then lets her have whichever she wants
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: they don’t pillow fight anymore because every time they did it would get too serious lol
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: um this seems like more of a faye line but would she say this to jack ???
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: jordan doesn’t get food, he just steals victoria’s fries and then she’s like “vvvvvvv why didn’t you just sAy you wanted friES????”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: if jordan ever got caught, victoria. but also if victoria ever got caught doing something w cyrus i doubt she’d call jordan lol
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: umm they Don’t
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: they shamelessly cheat in other ways lol
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: jordan teleports there and sticks his tongue out and she’s like “well i wanted the bottom bunk ANWAY asshole”
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: jordan starts them and nobody wins them bc he runs away but vic counts that as him giving up so she wins lol
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: both of them are like “ew” but also vic would just to annoy him
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: hmm fizz steals them and ime lets her
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: ime has to bust fizz out and fizz is like “don’t say it” and ime’s like “u shouldn’t have gotten caught” and fizz is like “i told u not to say it!!!” and then she’s like “ugh just don’t tell alec they’ll cry” and ime’s like “hmmmmmmm… ok”
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: lol ime gives advice and fizz is like “omfg did i ask??”
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: neither of them need to do this they just play and let their powers go wild
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: hmm fizz
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: umm ime starts fizz wins?
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: ime says this to caine and fizz is like “i’ll kill u”
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: ummm fizz but cleo would offer anyway
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: lol cleo would
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: cleo does nOt seem like the person who fizz would call but she’d come get her if she did
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: cleo’s like “ugH i like someone” and fizz is like “can u be a little quieter abt that please that’s gross”
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: they cheat in other ways thank u v much
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: ummm cleo will say she’s fine with either and then fizz chooses the one she wants and cleo sulks lol
who starts and who wins the pillow fights: cleo starts them by accident, fizz wins
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: fizz?? to make fun of cleo mostly
☆ - happy headcanon
chase will leave post it notes on his sibling’s doors/on the bathroom door/mirror to remind them to take their vitamins, grab their glasses on the way out the door, or pick up milk (and things like that). it started as a way to remind jesse that he should wear his glasses more but now caspar or ellie will also wake up with a little note on their door with a doodle that’s like “don’t forget an umbrella today! its supposed to rain!!
☮ - friendship headcanon
parker loves having a friend that he can be competitive with and also kind of be a total bitch with. he likes the fact that they banter and don’t talk about anything too serious
★ - sad headcanon
ime’s grandmother died only a few months after they arrived at camp. they were able to go home for the funeral, but they didn’t even know that she’d been sick and feel as though they never had a proper goodbye
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secret-rendezvous1d · 6 years
D E C E M B E R  3 R D
REQUEST what about pornstar harry making a festive christmas special w y/n?
Here we have it.
The first smutty Blogmas story for you all to read!
You all know, by know, that smut is far from my strongest forte on here. I lack something that I can’t put my finger on and I can never be as good as some of the smut writers on here; I aspire to but I never think I can reach that level of talent. 
I’m not sure where this came from, and there’s a jumble of other pieces that I’ve written in here - that have been adapted to fit the storyline, of course! - but I’m pretty proud of this and only hope that you guys like it as much as I do. It’s an impressive piece, for 5k+, for someone who doesn’t usually do smut so your feedback will mean the most to me on this Blogmas prompt.
Feedback is welcomed, as always - please let me know what you think of my pieces, send me any constructive criticism you think would help out, any ways to make my writing better, anything. It really helps me and keeps me motivated to write and we get to work as a team to make things better, for me to write and for you to read.
Enjoy. xx
 D e c e m b e r  4 t h , 2 0 1 8
“Look at you, eh?”
His lips quirked into a sheepish grin as he bashfully looked down at his loafers and let his shoulder-bag drop to the floor beside his feet. A bang echoing around the room as the leather hit the floorboards and whatever was tucked beneath the buckled flap must have been heavy, she guessed. The address that they had been sent, by their agents just a few days prior to the date, hadn’t exactly lead them both to a room that was located at the bottom of the complex; probably something to do with eagle-eyed viewers zooming in with camera phones through the window because it had happened before, in shoots that she, thankfully, hadn’t been involved in and it was something they wished to keep from happening. He looked beautifully festive for the fourth of December, dressed in a hideous Christmas jumper (with fuzzy Santa beards ironed into the wool and bobble hats knitted into the material in a consecutive manner) and a pair of grey, tweed trousers, with a Christmas pudding beanie tucked over his unruly locks. Which, in her opinion, had topped the whole outfit off.
Him as her boyfriend and her as his girlfriend?
Even though they’d known each other for less than a few months? Not really considering themselves as best buddies, who hung out all the time and arrived on each others door steps like they lived there too, but were far from being the acquaintances that they once were.
Had she thought about couple-y things including him?
Cooking together and welcoming their families into her home because his university dorm was far too small to hold everyone inside? Was he a good cook or was he the type of man who chose microwave meals over cooking from fresh? Dancing to the jingling melody of Christmas songs, singing together in the car as they drove down streets lined with homes decorated with an array of Christmas lights and fake Santa’s, and kissing under the mistletoe that he secretly carried around in his pocket? Having sex, without a camera crew to record their every move, in front of an open fire and drinking warm eggnog and hot chocolates whilst feasting on marshmallows and watching Elf?
Would he take her back to Manchester so she could meet the woman who he spoke so fondly of? Would he agree to meet her family or would he feel out of place? She didn’t think he would because he seemed up for anything that life threw at him but... would he chicken out if she suggested that? Travelling to Hyde Park on the tube, dressed in multiple layers that kept the cold out, so they could visit Winter Wonderland and surround themselves with people who loved the festive holidays? Helping him decorate his university room and getting the grand tour of where he studied when he wasn’t showing off his wonders to the camera?
Of course she had... she had done for some time know... and she loved it.
“What?” His eyes widened as he took note of the amused look that knitted her features together, “I haven’t gone overboard with the whole festive look, have I? There’s this ugly-jumper day at my university today and this was the ugliest one I had in my cupboards. Saved me having to go out and buy one from the shops,” he snorted and hid his hands underneath the sleeves that hung low and practically already covered his ring-clad fingers, “I wondered why people were giving me strange looks in the-”
“No way, Harry. You look incredible. So amazing,” YN grinned widely and tightened the silk belt around her waist, stopping the flaps from opening as she stood from the plush queen-sized mattress she had occupied whilst on her own. Leaving her phone behind, with a screen that still showed a Twitter account that she seemed deep in scrolling through, she welcomed him to the set - the empty set that was still anticipating the arrival of their agents, camera-people and the set officiants that kept the area in order and free of passersby who may have stumbled upon the wrong room - with stretched out arms to envelope him in a hug and. His lips connecting with her cheek in a soft greeting and she was pleased her face soon hid in the hollow of his neck so she could hide the blush on her cheeks. “You smell like cinnamon, too.”
“My mum sent me this aftershave that she saw in a shop back in Cheshire. Wrote me a letter, because she’s so old-fashioned and texts are too new-school for her, and she said that she thought of me when she smelt it because I’ve always loved the smell of cinnamon,” he chuckled lightly and squeezed her body to his chest. The silk kimono, that barely covered the skin of her upper thighs and, due to the white colour of it, was see-through under the right right, was smooth underneath his fingertips and he couldn’t seem to stop himself from rubbing her back. “You smell lovely, too.”
“I never said you smelt lovely,” she teased and mentally scolded herself because, as he strained away from her, his body heat had left her abruptly and she felt a chill in the air that she was sure hadn’t been there when she arrived. A playful frown pinching his features as he looked down at her. “I’m joking with you, H. You smell absolutely gorgeous.”
His laugh was like music to her ears and a smile was all she could give him.
Regrettably, he unlatched his arms from around her, because she was soft and cuddly, warm and inviting and, if he could have things his way, he would have held her until the day was over, and took a tiny step away from her. A step that left a gap that allowed him to take a twirl to take in the room.
“They’re not going to make me dress like Santa Claus or anything for this project, are they?”
“We can boycott if they make us dress in anything that looks remotely ridiculous. I’m not making myself look silly,” she gave him a wink and backed away from him. The backs of her legs coming into contact with the bed was the touch she needed in order to fall back onto the plush mattress. “I’m not dressing like an elf or a reindeer or whatever else they come up with. And, I can’t stress this one enough; and I am not fucking a Santa Claus. I draw the line at role-play.”
“I think you’d look pretty fit as an elf. A reindeer, not so much, but an elf,” he smiled smugly and lifted his hand up from his side, the tip of his thumb and the tip of his finger connecting and pinching and he pressed a kiss to where his fingers joined - a gesture that was something he’d picked up from an Italian restaurant, in Italy, on a family holiday that wasn’t that long ago - “you’d definitely look fit. I’d still fuck you.”
“To be honest, I’d probably still fuck you if you dressed like Santa. Big belly and all,” she teased, cackling towards the ceiling before turning her head to look at him, “I’m glad it’s you I’m doing this with. The best Christmas present this hellish job can ever give me.”
“If we could get things started, that would be great.”
A middle-aged man, with a bald-head and a soul-patch underneath his bottom lip, had spoken. Neither YN nor Harry had met him before this project, even though YN had heard of him through many other connections that came with the job. Catching the attention of everyone that was loitering in the room and passing the time with idle discussion amongst themselves, informally telling people who knew who they were, who didn’t need to be in the room whilst filming commenced, that they needed to leave the room. From across the space, and settled at a table on the other side of the bed, Harry snapped his head in YN’s direction with an excited grin forming his lips, soon disappearing, seconds later, behind the wrist of the make-up artist who was spreading powdered foundation across his cheeks. Not that he needed any makeup because he was flawless and there wasn’t a single mark, acne scar or blemish upon his olive skin.
“Let’s get things rolling now, please,” he waved his hands in the air as a bundle of people pushed through the space of the door. Looking over his shoulder, he made sure those he had asked to be part of his skeleton-crew were in the correct positions and ready to go; that the cameras were in the right place, that the lighting was set on the correct mood and had the correct tones in check and that the microphones and boom-mics were held high enough and out of shot but still close enough to capture the moans and mewls that Harry and YN would fill the room with. Nodding to himself, pleasingly, before turning on his heels. “The general basis that we have is to start with YN giving Harry a blowjob that will then roll into Harry eating YN out and then we finish off with full penetration. But feel free to go with whatever you think fits the moment; you both know how this works by now.”
The floorboards creaked underneath Harry’s weight as he carried a fold-up chair to the corridor outside the room, and YN smiled at how sweet and gentlemanly he was to those people who never really gave him a second of their day, dressed in his red boxer briefs. The waistband digging into the soft love-handles that spilled over the black elastic but perfectly showed off just how satisfyingly huge he was. Her lipgloss feeling sticky against her lips as she swiped a finger over her lips on the brisk walk to the bathroom. A chill in the air , from the small, open window, that brought a layer of goosebumps to her skin.
The same man from before called out, startling him in his tracks as he let the seat rest against the cream wall. His attention fully on the soul-patch that was hard to tear his eyes from.
“Now, please, mate.”
“Yeah, of course. I was just...” his sentence drew quiet as his bare feet padded across the carpet, settling down on the edge of the bed and clasping his hands upon his thighs, “you want me here or...?”
“There is perfect. YN’s going to walk from the bathroom to start the scene. See you sitting there and then things escalate,” a hand wavered in the direction of the bathroom door and YN peeked her from behind the doorframe, waving at him with a cheek-aching smile, “starting in one minute.”
Despite his arrival into pornography, just a few months prior, Harry still hadn’t had much sexual experience to form a personality off of. Just enough experience to know what he needed to do in order to please another person and what he could expect, in terms of pleasure, from someone else. Every girl that he had ever been with - a number that he could count on one hand - hadn’t seen him as a desirable sexual partner and, apparently, had not been sucking him off in the way it should be properly done because the way that YN worked her tongue up and down his shaft, how her lips enveloped him with such an inviting warmth and how she gave his cock all the attention it deserved had left him a trembling, whimpering, squirming mess upon the bed as she dug her nails into the inside of his thighs, not even bothering to wipe the drool that clung to her cheeks and dampened the carpet between her knees and coated her breasts in thick rivulets. With YN in his life, the girls before him seemed like practice runs; their moans and begs being the pushes he needed to be a better person when it came to pleasing somebody else.
He loved seeing YN on her knees.
As she pulled down his underwear and let the loose material fall to his ankles in a heap of red cotton, her eyes looked hungry and once his cock sprung free from its restraint and slapped up against his stomach, she ogled it like a steak dinner and couldn’t dare take her eyes away from it. His tip raspberry pink and his slit twitched at the cool air, a dribble of pre-cum slipping down the side of his shaft and disappearing into the jungle of thick, unruly, dark hair that covered the base. His hand wrapping around himself, tapping her cheek with the rigid head, and his thumb swiped the clear and sticky arousal that bubbled to its escape.
One of her tiny hands sat upon his naked hip, thumb tickling over the tip of a leave belonging to the fern tattooed upon his body, whilst her other snuck around his thigh, denting the pillowy skin of his bum with tiny fingernail indents that tingled his skin. Her doe eyes looking up at him with an appetite and puckered lips were parted plenty enough for him slip a thumb between. Which she welcomed and instantaneously tasted the salty coating that covered the pad of his calloused thumb, using her tongue to lick his digit, a hum of delight vibrated his hand as she swallowed and slowly dragged her lips to his nail, pulling off with a pop.
“Have you been a bad girl this year, hm? Will I find you on Santa’s naughty list or his nice list?” Harry wondered, holding her jaw and forcing her lips to pout as she tried her hardest to grin at him, her eyelashes fluttering on her cheeks with each slow blink that she gave him, her nose scrunching as his thumb dug into the hollow of her cheek, “reckon you’ve been a nightmare, baby. An absolute nightmare. Reckless, naughty, the baddest of all bad girls, hm?”
She shook her head from left to right, only for his wrist to tense, holding her neck still.
“Deserve a proper fuck, don’t you, baby? That’s what bad girls deserve when they’ve been bad. To be properly fucked and punished until they can barely walk,” he told her, a smirk finding its way on his lips that looked menacing and dangerous, sending tingles down her spine and a jerk of electricity towards her clit, the bundle of nerves feeling warm between her thighs and no doubt leaving a damp stain upon the crotch of her knickers, “and I think sucking my cock would help you in moving naughty to nice.”
Her nimble fingers took hold of his cock and she couldn’t help but apply a little pressure to his aching and throbbing hard-on, gripping at his shaft as she kept a close eye on his face, looking for any signs that he was uncomfortable or too close to the end and needed her to back off before he spunked too early on - she had that effect on him and she ruddy well knew it. Her wrist slowly beginning to jerk him off, working him slowly and painfully close to his orgasm, her thumb brushing over his slit as he winced, bucking his hips into her fist. She scooted closer on her knees and applied kisses to the lower space of his belly, tracing his intricately-detailed tattoos with her lips, before she dragged her mouth down and around his belly-button, pressing a kiss to the patch of skin that seemed to tickle him and ignoring the thick course hair that tickled beneath her nose. Peppering the softest of kisses to his shaft and bumping over the pulsing veins and feeling just how warm his skin was, tasting remnants of dried pre-cum when itran down his length in rivulets and slowly - teasingly slowly - puffing cool air onto his wet skin.
Her tongue slipped out from between her lips and moistened her pink flesh, the colour of her mouth matching the colour of his mushroom tip, both glistening beneath the light that streaked through the window. A wince hissing through the gaps of his clenched teeth and she reciprocated by wrapping her lips around him, Her tongue flicking over the slit, craving more of his thick girth to stretch her throat, fingers toying with his balls and rolling them in her hand.
His hand never seemed to feel as good as her hand did and his jerks never did the trick nor did they seem to satisfy him enough and every squeeze and every spurt of ejaculate, that he released in thick strings of white cream, never seemed to send a spark of electricity down his veins like she could do. Her mouth felt immense as it dragged up and down shaft, her hands feeling amazing as one jerked off what she couldn’t fit in her mouth and one fondled his bollocks to bring him close to the edge, and her eyes... god, her eyes looked so perfect as they watered. Drool slicking her chin as she gagged and whined.
“Such a good girl, baby. So good for me,” he cooed raspily, fingers shaking as they stroked through her hair, his hand cupping the back of her head, “you drive me crazy.”
His toes hurt from being curled into the carpet, his thighs shook from how tense they were and his bottom lip almost drew blood as he chewed and nibbled on the flesh and cried out with euphoria - he never seemed to get used to being able to voice his pleasure because sharing a university hall with other people, with flats that had paper thin walls and allowed everyone and anyone to hear him, took away that advantage. His nostrils flared as he huffed and puffed a hoard of deep breaths, his chest rising and falling, as he gained all self control to not fall back on the bed.
“M’gon’a cum if you keep going like that,” he grunted, running his hand through his hair and tugging on his fringe, eyes squeezing shut as she pulled off of him with a slurping ‘pop’, “wan’a cum after I fucked you good and proper. Need to feel you around me.”
Their bodies seemingly in a rush to clamber upon the bed and pursue the one thing they were most eager for. Harry’s cock swinging with movement as he rested his body weight on one knee, resting on the edge of the bed, allowing space for YN to launch herself on the mattress, leading to a twist of two bodies that were panting and heaving with busy lungs. She watched him with hungry eyes as he grasped his cock in a loose fist and jerked himself once, twice, three times before it begun to swell bigger, giving himself a thick and veiny look before lining up to her slit. Tapping her folds once  before slamming forward with a quick snap of his hips, filling her up in one swift thrust, fingers digging into the pillowy flesh that bloomed over the elastic of her lace knickers (that were decorated with delicate candy-cane sweets and a striped ribbon that held a tiny, golden bell upon the knot below her navel) which, if they jingled once more and caught against the pubic hair that sprouted from his crotch region, he would tear off with on swipe of a fist. Tucking himself inside of her and instantly rocking forward on his knees as his broad hips spread her legs apart, her ankles hooking in a rather limp fashion around his middle as she completely enveloped him. His groans sounded so deep and raspy, and in the moment would always put his voice second on her list of favourite sounds, scratching inside his chest as a way for her to hear just how pleased her was to be back in a cunt that he enjoyed so much. That he preferred to sink his cock into. That he was still a little starstruck over and couldn’t believe he had become, not only the industry’s favourite, but her favourite to star alongside on multiple projects.
It was an unexpected motion from him. Completely unexpected. She had been anticipating something a little softer, like a tap to her clit with the head of his cock, or something much sweeter from the man who had admitted, himself, that he couldn’t ever hurt a fly. The same man who was terrified to hurt her, terrified to break a limit and terrified to push between her legs because he didn’t know her. He didn’t know whether she had limits, whether she liked certain things, whether she was into specific kinks that he could put into play... they were simply just ‘fuck-colleagues’, if he had to give it a title; he wasn’t sure if they were buddies or not... they hadn’t really hung out outside of projects, they never really spoke and they used each other’s numbers as a means of contact for an upcoming session they had been asked to attend. Never to talk about favourite foods or what they were up to in a moment or whether they wanted to hang out at a local pub to mingle.
He stopped moving once he was fully situated inside her, his mouth gaped wide and his two front teeth breaking free from behind his pink lips, his chest heaving in short, sporadic and shallow breaths, tongue tensing before licking across the skin of his bottom lip, catching the top of the hump of his chin, as his eyes scrunched shut.
A sound, classed between a gasp and a strangled moan and a choked off bleat, bubbled up her throat and escaped from her parted lips and her nails dug into the expanse of his muscular back. Fingernails leaving tiny crescent-shaped indents amongst the freckles and moles and the faint scratches, causing his skin to feel bumpy and jagged, that he had gotten from somewhere (most likely received by someone whom she didn’t dare bring herself to think about). “God, Harry!”
“Fucking... christ. Fucked you plenty of times but you’re still so bloody tight ‘round me,” Harry whimpered, eyes rolling back into his skull as he released heavy puffs of breath that smelt deliciously of mint and blew her fringe from her eyes. Puckered lips looking exaggerated once he noticed her deeply-coloured eyes were disappearing behind loose tendrils falling from the messiest ponytail he’d ever seen her hair in. His hips pushing deeper - deep enough to nudge against all spots inside her and get the last inch of his prick inside. “How’s that happen, huh? Why d’yeh feel so tight?”
“You don’t fuck me enough,” she whispered - and she hated how she spoke with so much truth. She wished he was her co-star for all of her projects because he was a one of a kind bloke. The way he treated her was the way she had wished all of her co-stars would treat her; a kiss on the cheek upon arrival, a grin on his lips because he was genuinely excited to be with her, a compliment about how lovely she looked, asking her if she was okay, making sure she felt comfortable (regardless on how uncomfortable he may have been feeling) and talking to her like she wasn’t just the parking garage for his cock. “You need to fuck me more. Fuck me harder. Fuck me deeper, Harry.”
Her nails dug into the sweaty muscles of his back, leaving moon-shaped indents in his skin, as she pawed around eagerly for something to grip onto, both of her knees quaking either side of his body as he worked at a pace that had her edging closer and closer, each passing second, to her orgasm. The biggest she’d ever had out of all the people she had starred alongside, the biggest she could ever dream of having from a co-star (particularly a newcomer who wasn’t so used to be handled so boldly by a partner) and the biggest she had ever wanted, ever, in all of her career. Someone to stretch her properly, to the point where she could almost feel a burning tear at base of her cunt, and still feel satisfied by it.
“God, please…” she gulped and her voice was soft, broken in some places, and she wanted to plead with him for them to work together - but she knew it wasn’t just them in the room, they weren’t just having sex to pleasure themselves and they weren’t having sex of their free-will. It was a job and there were people out there who were waiting on something that wasn’t so emotionally fueled. He was making her feel good but was she making him feel good? “Harry, fucking hell.”
“Nice and slow, baby. Slow it down,” Harry cooed, hovering over her some more with the tiniest of grunts and mewls rolling off of his plush and swollen lips. Lips she just wanted to kiss whenever she wanted and a set of lips that she wanted nothing more than to feel touching every inch of her body whenever they were alone. She clenched around him, like she was holding onto dear life, and he felt it. Keeping him warm and snug, hugging his thick shaft like she was born to protect it. “You’re so good, baby. So good.”
She smiled and promptly wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging on his hair was he dipped low and pushed his face into the crook of her neck, right between her prominent collarbone and the warmth of the thick of her neck, arms disappearing underneath her body as he rolled them over. Feet planted on the bed and his knees bent as she stayed closer to front. Her bare chest flushed against his tattooed chest, a heavy moan erupting from within her as he bit down on her skin and started to suck like his depended on it. Feeling her fingers tense between his locks, pulling harder and harder and forcing him to suckle harder and harder, completely falling in love with the way she allowed him to bruise her. To mark her like she was his very own possession - and it hadn’t dawned on him then but it had done a few weeks later, when he saw a video of her with a guy who looked too young to be in porn, with a hickey so bold that it was impossible to cover with makeup, that he marked her. Not some strange bloke, not some cocky bastard who thought she was the fittest fuck, not some guy who hadn’t earned his place in her life... but him.
She buried her face into his neck, soon after, and it only felt right to him, as she clenched around him and kept a hold so devilishly dangerous around him, to allow her the chance to take a bite of skin between her teeth and chew and nibble until it was freakishly purple, taking a fistful of his sweat-drenched hair and pulling his head so it lulled to the left. Her lips moulding against his jawline before she flicked her tongue of her earlobe.
“Fuck me harder, Harry,” she whispered lowly, full of need and the desire to have him pound deeply into her, “so much harder, baby. I need it. I need you.”
And he happily obliged, suddenly snapping his hips up. The tops of his fuzzy thighs colliding with the flesh of her bum, the flesh jiggling under the momentum of his bollocks, as he forced every single inch of himself back inside of her with one quick slam. A drawn out whine echoing around the room from her open mouth as she reached between their bodies and nudged her fingers against her tingling clit, eyes rolling back in euphoria as he wrapped his arms around her middle and he’d her close.
“Christ!” She cried out, “yes, Harry! Keep going.”
She whined at the sensation that was building between her thighs, her stomach clenching visibly and her arms flexing as she held onto him with one arm and continued working her clit with her free hand, her entire body far from relaxed as she let out one last shaky breath, lungs rattling with the effort of the air she’d been holding in, releasing her orgasm around him as his thrusts fell into a jagged rhythm. His cock nudging deep into the pit of her stomach, pressing deliciously into the spot inside of her that forced her legs to straddle him a little tighter than they already had been, as he felt himself twitch and plead for release.
“Fucking hell, you’re so good. Feel so warm and snug around me, don’t you, baby? So good at taking all of me in like the good girl that you are,” he crooned with a voice that was raw and desperate for hydration, his hips slowly retracting away from her and pulling his cock out, one tiny centimetre by one tiny centimetre, little by little, enticing a gasp from her mouth as she rolled off of his body and stretched out beside him. She knew what was coming and she always found his endings to be the best endings; always helped when leaving the viewers wanting more. He jumped to his knees and spread them at a shoulders width apart, the sheets rustling under his skin and the mattress creaking under his body weight, fingers wrapping around his slick cock, that was covered in a slimy coating of her arousal, and jerking himself off to finish his orgasm. His eyes darting between her wet cunt and her startled eyes. “Look at me, baby. Let me see those pretty eyes watch me when I cum.”
And, if there was one thing that YN had grown to realise, over the short few months of knowing him, it’s that when Harry cums, he cums hard.
In all of her pornographic career, she’d had her fair share of unique spunkers. She had this one guy who came short and quick when he orgasmed, like she was errand upon his list of many other dutiful errands, and tasted more saltier than she preferred; she had one guy who sprayed like a fountain and had rather watery orgasms, which she hadn’t ever seen before, that dribbled down her face in quick trickles; she had another who spurted aimlessly and hadn’t any control over any specific place on her body... but she wasn’t lying when she spoke about how much he fucked like the proper bloke she had always wanted to be fucked by; and she had one guy, who she never asked back to film scenes with her, because he had been into cumming deep in her throat, and she wasn’t comfortable with him around.
But Harry... Harry was something else entirely.
When he wore a rubber, because they liked to skip that part sometimes, he managed to fill it nice and full with his release, and to the point where it leaked thick dribbles onto his fingers when he tied a knot at the opening. When he spunked after YN gave him a blowjob or wanked him off in whatever position a producer had them start off in, he liked to take control when he was close so that he could swipe the tip of his cock across her cheek and paint her skin with his creamy substance, only so he could lick it from her flushed cheekbone and give her taste when she kissed him. When they fucked so deeply and so passionately, he liked to cum on her stomach and watch it glisten under the natural lighting that entered the room, smiling at how delicious she looked when she was covered in his release, before turning into the perfect gentleman and wiping her clean when the cameras were no longer rolling. And when he took part in projects based on solo masturbation (which she was an absolute sucker for), when he didn’t have her to jerk him off as he sat back and watched her tits bounce, he managed to keep his twitching cock under control with a tight fist that still allowed him the pleasure of an unruined orgasm, leaking down his hand and onto a towel folded up to capture any spills.
She felt droplets not only land upon her pubic bone,  ut also upon stomach and there was no doubt that some had landed in her belly-button, that some had missed her body completely and dispersed in the air, that some had flicked up and she had missed it land upon her chin or upon her cheek, that some caught in the material of her knickers and that some had definitely disappeared into his fist, for use as lube to smoothly jerk himself off. Painting her so messily and pushing the tip between her folds of skin before pulling away and hunching over her. Puffs of breath fanning over her lower stomach, and just the tops of her thighs, as he looked at the spunk that pooled between her thighs.
She shivered at the feeling of his tongue swiping up her folds. His wet flesh lapping up stripes against her wet flesh and the contact, the slurping and the moans were the only sounds that could be heard amongst the quiet room. Amplified because of the microphone but sounding so soft to their ears, like they were in a bubble and it was just the two of them as they revelled in the toe-tingling aftermath. Her fingers gripped at the sheets beneath her as her toes curled up, whimpers escaping her lips because his nose was in perfect place against her twitching clit. Lips soon attaching themselves as he worked on eating her like a feast. Lapping up every ounce of spunk that dribbled from between her walls, every slick puddle of her arousal that hid in her folds, every drop of a saliva and cum mixed concoction that left a distinguished taste on his tongue that he wanted more and more of.
He pulled away and looked up at her as she stared back at him with a smile on her face and a light behind her eyes that made her look pure, and her gentle cries of pleasure bounced off the walls as she slowly uncurled her toes. His cheeks and lips, and the underside of his nose, glistened under the natural light that filtered into the room and his tongue he’d the taste of both orgasms that he was desperate to show off to her.
“Tastes really nice. Always love how good you taste, baby,” he grinned cheekily, pushing up on his knees and leaning forward, hovering above her as he pressed a deep kiss to her lips. Open-mouthed and incredibly passionate and barely jerking away when her tongue found the inside, devouring every inch of his mouth as she, too, let the taste of their mixed releases linger on her tongue. “Lovely, right?”
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the-canine-king · 5 years
i answered all 50 questions in that oc question post
note: i'm only talking about the ones i made lol i was gonna link them all the character’s names to their profiles but that shit’s way too much work so: https://toyhou.se/CanineKing/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:Original
1. Your first OC ever? hmm, there's probably two answers 1) an unnamed character who was basically a fantasy dressed fox kemono boy. do you remember playing a game as a kid where you look out the window in a car and you imagine someone doing sick parkour beside your car? he was the character i imagined (there was also a whole other story i dreamt up where i was some long lost princess from other world and he was gonna save me from this one but that's a whole other thing) he's technically a character i thought of but never thought of anything beyond that, i don't think i ever drew him either 2) 4 (maybe 5) characters i made in middle school where it was about these characters that come from families that can bend one particular element, and they're all friends on school trying to get used to their passed down powers and also be basically kid superheroes. i drew them out and gave them names, but i never wrote anything beyond that, but they were definitely ones that i would call my first actual written ocs 2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? -looks at ace, eliott, and mel- no 3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? yup! before i wasn't so big on the adopt thing, but i turned into a fan w/ collecting designs and writing a lil story for them! i adopted 38 characters, and one other that's currently still in the process of trade :P (and unfortunately trying to purge some away) 4. A character you rarely talk about? unfortunately that'd be a lot of characters bc i'm super focused on drawing ace/ mel smooching for the 548787th time 5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? i'd probably make it eliott bc who else doesn't love a cute, shy, goat boy on the internet 6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? ...... i can't think of any lmao 7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? i literally only make ocs to make stories so 8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! nah i can't do rp stuff :'D 9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? honestly, not really if i made them lol but i guess i can if i'm not attatched to them and such, so if i just made a design and offered them up then yeah i can trade them (unless i love their design lol) 10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? even thought i haven't fully drawn my plans for his outfit, azazel would be the most complicated in my standards 11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? me personally, i'd say eliott bc that baby boy is trying his best story wise, either thorne or lucas (but totally lucas since thorne is a liar at heart) 12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot TOO MANY AUGH the very first oc i fell in love with but was forever homes was like a fantasy setting character that was an adventurer and had eagle legs/ other features w/ banging colours but other than that too many others 13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? again, a lot, i guess. bc they mostly fall into that trope? aiden (even though he's trying to be a better person), damien, eve, hugh (in a way), jack, ollie, ricky, roman, and wyatt 14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory uhhhh, hard to choose, i don't have any more bc i haven't written their backstories yet lol - growing up as a theif his whole life to support him and his mother, accidentally kills someone after an awakening of powers and is had to run from his hometown - growing up being shadowed over and forced to be someone that they're not, only to get their hubris get to them, causing themselves and others get hurt and can't even remember the person they loved - growing up w/ betrayal after betrayal she closed herself off, but they met someone and slowly opened up and accidentally fell in love w/ them, only later getting caught and fell from grce, then only to find the person they trusted before not remember them - after being caught on what seemed to be a fatal accident, gets rescured from a miraculous surgery, but he's slowly forgetting what he looks like and who he was every passing second - two people close to each other, only to end up w/ betrayal and lies 15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? absolutely but if they ask me something i haven't planned yet i'm just "UHHH" 16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 17. Any OC OTPs? nah ace/ mel is my notp :/ anyways if it's couples in general then: - ace/ mel - lucas/ darla - kaiko/ caspian - + a bunch of the parents in the monster family story - damon/ ollie (okay i'm really not planning for them to be together, but they cute u.u) - jebediah/ demon boyfriend - gunther/ harem - nadiya/ her girlfriend which i still haven't decided if i want her to be like a princess or a traveling swordsman of sorts) - the chimera girl i designed/ her human girlfriend - the fallen god/ mercenary 18. Any OC crackships? uhh i actually don't know :V anyone of the people listed  being w/ someone else would be a crackship? idk every other pairing i know i wouldn't like lol 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) i guess eliott! i guess also catherine, ricky, comet, and/ or captain since they were my fist group of ocs i wrote a bit about, but i think eliott means a lot more bc he was the one that got me thinking more about ocs  :> 20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? for some reason i feel like rosa would be a singer? va hc would be someone w/ a strong husky voice and she would probably sing really well in kind of old slow songs you hear in old bars i also thought maybe lillie could sing too, but they’d usually be softer songs or lullabies to calm herself down it’d be nice/ cool to write for fallen god to be able to sing as well, and maybe the mercenary too so they can have nights signing together. maybe fallen god can sing songs that are in their own god language or whatever, and mercenary can watch in awe there may be others but i can’t think of them rn/ they might be charas i haven’t fully made yet 21. Your most artistic OC lmao it’s a bunch of ocs that i haven’t developed my ocs enough for me to know so let’s skip i guess 22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? i mean, people get some stuff wrong about my ocs sometimes but they’re usually so small that i really don’t care about it lol 23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? hmm they relatively stayed the same personality wise but i assure you everyone’s changed from their initial drawing of them 24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? that's. a really hard choice actually lol bc i wanna be hugged by one of the parents in the monster family story i made, but i also wanna hang out w/ the characters that i can comfortably hang out w/ lol 25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) everyone’s got a bit of shared piece of themselves w/ their ocs don’t they? 26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? against my will? i can’t think of anything that i changed against my will so no :V 27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? the only two i can come up rn are: alistair (devil wears a suit and tie) and rosa (o, raven) 28. Your most dangerous OC? i guess the chimera girl i made since she’s trying to fit in the modern life? i mean i still haven’t thought of her story yet but i know she Angery 29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? ace, aiden, maybe keaton 30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? mel, eva, roy 31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) eliott: landscape stuff, muted colours, mystical content here and there ace: default theme, memes, probably has a side blog that’s more of an aesthetic blog mel: super aesthetic blog, romance themed 32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? literally anyone in the renegade group i could’ve said anyone in the hunters group but they’re all fucking idiots (lee would be more closer to the renegade’s level tho) 33. Your shyest OC? eliott, roy, audrey, fallen god 34. Do you have any twin characters? i literally want to design twin ocs just to have twin ocs jdshfkjsdf 35. Any sibling characters? audrey, dylan, and elle + eve and juno + ace and jack 36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? nah not really lol 37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human ?? i barely have human characters in the first place, unless this one means humanoid :V 38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? iiiii can’t think of anyone other than the two parents i thought of that i’m planning to be dance teachers lmao 39. Introduce any character you want i haven’t drawn them yet but fallen god and mercenary are two unnamed characters that i recently started thinking of where fallen god falls from the heavens and looses their sight, and the merc runs from their past meet and they team up together w/ the merc being fallen god’s eyes and the fallen go being their protector 40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! i guess it;s just sentimental ones like, first ocs, first compliments, first art/ fic of them, etc. 41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) YEAH AND EVERYONE DRAWS THEM CUTER THAN I DO (well i mean these were from freebies, art trades/ games, and gifts but still) please check out ace’s other’s art gallery and eliott’s other’s art gallery, bc they have the most of them (bc i ask for them a lot lol) 42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? whoever in middle school age i guess 43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess big n beefy, jokesters, heart of gold 44. Something you like about your OCs in general that i made them all (well of course not the adopted kids) 45. A character you no longer use? everyone every time i don’t focus on their story anymore than i used to ;;;; 46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? fortunately no, and i hope no one does and it’d stop to others bc wow that’s rude as hell 47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? okay literally the first time i made eliott, everyone i knew wanted to adopt him as their kid lol 48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure eliott, parker, elle (i love all of them tho :’D) 49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes ace, roman, ricky, aiden, dylan, eva, ollie 50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want i love all of my babes okay good night
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yangingaround · 6 years
Bumbleby & Arkos (w/ a little Renora)
okay so back around the time volume 3 wrapped up airing, parts of the fanbase noticed there were a lot of parallels between Bumbleby moments and Arkos moments throughout those few volumes - and to a lesser extent Renora (not so much parallels in characterisations as there were similar uses of narrative tools and themes, though the order, extremity and results could often differ), so i just wanted to review and remind myself of those (as well as any new ones that might have cropped up)
i’ll break it down volume by volume under the cut
Volume 1
alright, we don’t get too many in volume 1 but what we do get are pretty significant
Blake and Pyrrha both take action to ensure they get the partner of their choosing during initiation
when Yang is walking through the forest, for a brief second there’s someone moving across the screen (confirmed to be Blake), and then Blake shows up at the end of her fight with the Ursa and she purposely makes eye contact. Blake had obviously followed Yang and deliberately stepped in so they could partner up. Pyrrha’s more direct, she pinned Jaune to a tree with her weapon so she could go fetch him
there’s a small Renora parallel here in that Nora purposefully sought Ren out, but it’s not as blatant as ensuring they’d team up
Blake and Pyrrha both seem to be rather indulgent to Yang and Jaune’s quirks during initiation - Pyrrha letting the inexperienced Jaune take point despite that they were going the wrong way and she probably knew it, while Blake, while eye-rolling a couple times, clearly doesn’t object to Yang’s silliness and seems to be enjoying spending time with her. both moments also have one asking the other “think this is [the temple with the relics]?’
another small Renora parallel, in that Ren’s clearly used to Nora’s antics and is just kinda tiredly resigned to them
On a smaller note, there’s a couple of interesting parallels in the designs of Blake and Yang compared to Ren and Nora. The first is that both pairs have matching eyes: purple (like Yang’s eyes) is a color associated with Blake and Yang has yellow as her main color (like Blake’s eyes); similarly, Nora’s eyes are green (one of Ren’s colors) and Ren’s are pink (Nora’s primary color). The second is that they each have a color that both members consistently wear, that is, purple for Blake and Yang (all of Blake’s outfits except her dress and all but Yang’s dress and pajamas have it somewhere...that’s four outfits apiece) and pink for Ren and Nora (both of their primary outfits plus Ren’s apron and Nora’s dress in addition to it being the color of their auras).
another thing of note is that Yang and Nora have similar, strength bolstering Semblances, while Blake and Ren are both compared to ninja at some point or another
Volume 2
there ones we get in volume 2 are a bit bigger though it’s still only that major one, however, major scene parallels started kicking in around the dance arc - these scenes were often adjacent to each other from this point
encouragement and promises regarding the dance
at the end of their heart to heart, Yang encourages Blake to do something that will take her mind off things (go to the dance) and get some rest before she burns herself out, because she wants her to be okay, with a lighthearted promise of saving her a dance, so Blake didn’t have to take her up on it if she didn’t want to - Blake then takes her up on the dance offer
similarly, while it’s split up across more scenes and not in the same order, we have a scene where after a talk with Pyrrha, he jokingly promises to wear a dress to the dance if she can’t get a date. later we get Pyrrha encouraging Jaune to ask Weiss out properly, because she wants him to be happy. At the dance, Jaune does change into a dress to keep his word
Volume 3
onto volume 3, where we get a couple of whoppers following the events of episode 6
things happen to Pyrrha and Yang in 3x06 that cause some drama with their partners, though those partners are ultimately supportive of them, that results in them crying in 3x08
Pyrrha learning about the Maidens and the pressure on her leads to her unintentionally lashing out at Jaune when he tries to be supportive but says the worst thing Pyrrha could have heard in that situation, and she runs off in tears. after Yang is framed for attacking Mercury, the uncomfortable surface similarities to Adam make Blake wary - thinking she’d lost Blake’s trust, Yang breaks out in tears - before Blake walks back on the comparison to Adam because she does trust Yang - like Pyrrha, Yang ends this 3x08 isolated from her team
while it’s not a parallel, the danger unfolding in the Vault in 3x11 is intercut with the events in the Dining Room
However, these simultaneous events are a very deliberate directorial choice: Arkos is set up with definite romantic intent from volume 1 onwards thanks to Pyrrha’s feelings for Jaune. intercutting a sequence where something gamechanging happens between Blake and Yang, that will absolutely test the bond they have, into that - it sets up a deliberate comparison; and especially when paired with Adam saying “i will destroy everything you love [...] starting with her”. that’s a deliberate word choice (as he could have easily said ‘everything you care about’), the use of ‘love’ when paired with events involving a pair of characters to which romantic feelings are canonically present is going to romantically charge that statement from a directorial and writing perspective
the next parallels are across 3x11 and 3x12
Blake and Pyrrha try to warn Yang and Jaune away from impending danger (Pyrrha, successful, in getting Jaune away from the fight before it starts, Blake isn’t because she’s too far away and faint for Yang to hear her or make Yang stop)
Pyrrha finally kisses Jaune and makes him fully aware of her feelings before she charges in to fight Cinder. Adam says he’ll destroy everything Blake loves, right before Yang shows up (and then Yang charges in to attack him when she sees Blake is injured)
Pyrrha dies at the hands of a villain she didn’t stand a chance against. Yang is critically and permanently injured by a villain she didn’t stand a chance against.
Jaune will never see Pyrrha again and is very obviously upset and distressed over that. Yang has been abandoned by Blake and the way she talks about it in 3x12 shows that it’s what she’s most affected by from the Fall of Beacon
relatedly, in volume 4 we have Yang saying “a piece of me is gone, and it’s never coming back”, with the heavy implication that she’s not so much talking about the physical loss as she is about losing Blake. and, as we find out in volume 5, it’s highly implied that Yang thought she’d never see Blake again, saying “If she comes back” after Weiss says “when she comes back”)
Volume 4 & 5
Not as many across these two volumes, but there are a couple
Yang and Jaune are both shown to be deeply affected by the loss of their partners
also it’s probably nothing to do with this but interesting to note: Yang and Jaune are the ones shown trusting Ozpin the least
with their redesigns come another important detail, both wearing the colour of someone they’ve lost; the bandana Yang ties around her leg (and not just that, but her shoelaces and hair tie in her DGAS outfit) is now a more vibrant purple, more closely matching the purple that Blake is associated with, while Jaune is wearing red cloth around his waist, part of Pyrrha’s colour scheme
additionally, their ‘upgrades’ in volume 4 (Jaune’s updated armour + sword and Yang’s prosthetic) incorporate the lost partners in some way - Jaune’s literally incorporating Pyrrha into his own gear while Yang changes the blue lights on her prosthetic arm to the same purple as the bandana around her leg
with the reveal of Jaune and Ren’s semblances in these volumes, another parallel manifests between the three named pairings here: each partnership involves an offensive and a defensive/supportive Semblance
Arkos: Pyrrha can control metal and Jaune can act as an Aura battery
Bumbleby: Yang’s strength and damage output increase as she takes hits, Blake’s shadows allow her to avoid taking damage and make her harder to hit
Renora: Nora’s strength and damage output increase when she absorbs electricity, Ren being able to mask negative emotions allows him to essentially become invisible to Grimm
finally, all three pairings have had outright love songs (Dream Come True, Boop and BMBLB) that have appeared on the soundtrack albums but not in the show (Boop did finally make a small acoustic appearance in the show in volume 4)
interestingly, All That Matters, Dream Come True and Boop all deal with similar themes of the singer (Yang, Pyrrha and Nora, respectively) feeling like the person they’re singing to (Blake, Jaune and Ren, respectively) doesn’t feel the same as, or as much for, them (to various degrees of tragedy given the tones of the songs)
lastly (and the most tenuous point, because it could be that the song is just that generic), Shine seems to draw imagery for all three pairings
for Arkos, the mention of stars (Pyrrha often appeared in starry night scenes, such as her training sessions with Jaune, her fight with Cinder and the message she left for Jaune that he trains with in volume 4) and lines like “That the girl you've been waiting so long for could be me“ - as Jaune was too enamored by Weiss to notice Pyrrha’s feelings
for Bumbleby, there’s a couple of verses that evoke both Yang’s sun imagery and Blake’s shadow imagery: “I was cold in the dark It was empty in my life From the outside it looked so bright But nothing felt right... to me Like a sky with no sun Like a night that has no day My heart was eclipsed by the dark Then something changed I saw a little ray of light come through The tiniest of sparks came into view And then You made me hope again” some of this could be evoking what was already going on between Blake and Yang (with Yang helping Blake out of the darkness she’d found herself steeped in), or it could’ve been foreshadowing how things have changed up between them
for Renora, there’s a few lines that could be foreshadow-y allusions to the backstory we got for Ren (and to a lesser extent, Nora) in volume 4: “When I needed a hero you knew it And you were there And I'm scared but I'll open my heart up I'm ready to dare”
anyways, that about covers it, hope it makes some degree of sense
-Mod S and Mod H
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riotfics · 6 years
Like we used to
   He couldn’t believe they’d broken up, sure he and Craig had their ups and downs but it still caught Tweek by surprise, to say the least. The blonde sat in his new dorm, apparently Clyde and Token had broken up too so the 4 best friends just did an ‘Ex-swap’ and Clyde would now be sharing his dorm with Tweek, Tweek sighed fishing his old battered iPod out of his bag and stuck in the headphone’s listening to his favorite band 'A Rocket To The Moon’ relaxing into the bed his body still holding its usual tension.   “Dude I didn’t know you could sing” Clyde commented having entered through the window of their first story dorm, he had a habit of taking late night walks now that his insomnia had kicked up again.     Tweek jumped screaming a little falling off of his bed having failed to notice that it was late or that his roommate had returned,    “Oh I-I didn’t hear you man, um…yeah I’ve been singing since like 4th grade remember? Cr-…Put it down” he reminded him still finding it too hard to use Craig’s name.     "Shit Tweek!“ Clyde tripped over the window sill as he rushed to check on his roommate,    "right I remember, people kept killing kids by texting and driving” he said as he helped Tweek sit on his bed.    “I’m alright not bleeding” the Blonde reassured his roommate rubbing the back of his head softly,    “dude are you struggling to sleep again?” he asked taking in the bag under the Brunette’s Brown eyes.   “Is it that obvious?” Clyde asked with an embarrassed chuckle going to their bathroom and looking at the bags under his eyes,   “wow…it is” he sighed rubbing his eyes with a yawn.      “Dude” Tweek looked to his friend’s voice as he stripped to his boxers and rummaged around his bed for his pajamas,   “come here” he skillfully shoved everything to the floor by the foot of his bed and allowed Clyde to change into his Pj’s before dragging the Brunette to his bed and using the dinosaur head grabber to turn off the lights once he was laying on the wall side of his bed he coaxed Clyde into platonic bro-cuddles and plugged his earbuds into the Brunette’s ears turning on his favorite song. 'I can feel her breath As she’s sleeping next to me Sharing pillows and cold feet She can feel my heart Fell asleep to its beat Under blankets and warm sheets If only I could be in that bed again If only it were me instead of him’   Clyde swooned very softly at the soft soothing voice in his ears and allowed his shoulders to bleed out as Tweek rubbed his back with the pads of his fingers while his thumbs rested on the Brunette’s shoulder blades, he moaned weakly feeling the tension leaving his back and tiring him out slowly but effectively until he fell asleep using the Blonde’s muffin top as a pillow.    Tweek smiled as Clyde slowly bled out until he fell asleep in his embrace practically laying in his lap, he laid against his pillows listening to Ginger (the Guinea Pig Clyde gave him as a birthday present) run on her wheel letting the softly sound lull him to sleep along with the familiar warmth of holding another person.    A month had passed since Clyde and Tweek started rooming together and they’d started cleaning, that was how Clyde rediscovered the dance tickets. He’d been planning to surprise Token by taking him to their Junior Winters ball but now it was at the end of the week and he had an extra ticket, he figured it probably wouldn’t hurt to offer Tweek the second ticket.    “Hey, Tweek?” Clyde looked at his roommate as they sat on the now King sized bed that occupied their room where they were doing their homework, seeing as he couldn’t sleep alone anymore Clyde bought this bed cheap off Craiglist and put their twin sized beds in his parking garage.    “Yeah Clyde?” Tweek asked the Brunette currently finishing his homework and starting to make a crown out of the crafting flowers that his parents sent him to replace the lego’s they lost, he wove in Red and Green ones to it as he looked to Clyde.    “U-Um….back when Token and I together I planned to surprise him on….our anniversary with these tickets to the Winters ball” Clyde said softly rubbing his head as he finished his homework,    “do…do you wanna come instead?” he offered showing the Blonde the tickets.    “C-Craig and I w-were gonna go too,” Tweek said softly as he finished adding the flowers and got some vines to add to it,    “I’d love to still go” he smiled putting the crown on the foam head that he had for crowns.   “It’s a Bro-date” Clyde grinned, he laughed when Tweek rolled his forest Green eyes and jokingly hit the blonde with his pillow.       “So that begs the question” Clyde sat back up after Tweek hit him back,     “which of us is wearing the dress and heels?” he asked howling with laughter at Tweek’s expression which was an even mixture of offended and confused.    “Flip for it?” Tweek asked drawing a Quarter from the coin bowl on his nightstand,   “heads you wear one tails I wear one, then again for if the  other gets to pick the dress or not” he flipped it a few times watching Clyde snatch it.    “Deal” Clyde grinned positioning the Quarter on his hand,       “imagine how we’ll look dress shopping” he laughed flipping the Quarter blindly pinning it on the roof of his hand where he and Tweek leaned in to see.    “Congrats man” Clyde beamed showing Tweek the Tails,   “I think you’d look great in a dress dude, you got the hips for it” he told him laughing when Tweek snatched the Quarter away playfully flipping it to see who picked Tweek’s prom outfit.    “I’ll call it,” Tweek told him flipping the Quarter,    “Heads” he called out pinning the Quarter swearing when it came up Tails again.    “Welp let’s get some sleep broseph” Clyde chimed in once he’d stopped laughing at the way Tweek pouted,   “we have fancy clothes shopping to do tomorrow” he smiled changing into his Pj’s as Tweek did so they could do their nightly routine of music and bro-cuddles while Tweek skillfully massaged Clyde’s back.   “Good night Clyde” Tweek smiled as Clyde started to bleed out under his massaging fingers, he laid back and let himself fall asleep while his fingers worked.    “G'night hunny” Clyde slurred as Tweek focused on a particularly tense spot neither noticing the slip,   “Iloveyou” it sounded like 'uh live ew’ as he buried his face in Tweek’s stomach just humming and nuzzling 'his’ blonde while they fell asleep.    Today was the day, and by that, it was sunrise and the two boys were waking up in their bed to Ginger demanding food by running full force on her wheel until it squealed in protest.   “Clyde go feed Ginger” Tweek groaned softly, he snickered when the Brunette shook his head his nose brushing the Blonde’s side as he was essentially spooned despite being on his back.    “Cut that out” he laughed when Clyde had heard him snickering and decided to really bury his face into his side, he snorted and instantly covered his bright Red face.    “Fine, but you owe me” Clyde chuckled getting up patting Tweek’s pudge as he got out of the bed and approached Ginger’s cage,    “easy Princess I’m coming” he yawned filling her scoop and putting it in her food dish while Tweek showered.   “I needed this” Tweek hummed as the hot water lapped at his freckle dusted skin, he scrubbed his hair with the Strawberry scented shampoo Clyde got him after his old stuff started aggravating his scalp. He washed his body while he let the lather rest in his hair, he rinsed off from head to toe then got out and dried off pulling on his boxers before drying his hair and going to his dresser for clothes.    “Hope you left me hot water” Clyde teased Tweek as he discretely admired his roommate’s thick thighs and freckle riddled body, he grabbed his clothes and rushed to bathe while Tweek dried his hair.    Tweek pulled on his jeans before giving a crestfallen sigh as he worked to button up his shirt huffing when he skipped some buttons and buttoned some to high, shaking his head Tweek unbuttoned it and laid on the bed gently pinching his stomach holding the pudge between his thumbs and palms.    “Self-conscious again?” Clyde asked softly as he got dressed and took his blow drier to his hair before combing it,   “I keep telling you that it’s like, the most perfect gut I’ve ever seen” he reminded Tweek sitting by the blonde who released his stomach to drape his arms over his eyes.    “If it makes you feel better you’re my favorite pillow” Clyde smiled laying on his side burying his face in the surface of Tweek’s stomach,    “I bet if I press hard enough I’ll leave a face impression” he spoke against the skin sending Tweek into childish giggles.   “Here let’s get you buttoned up then go prom clothes shopping” Clyde smiled sitting up and helping Tweek sit up before he buttoned the Blonde’s top for him,    “c'mon giggles” he joked claiming the Blonde’s hand and leading him to his car where he took them to their towns shopping district.    “We should try thrift stores first,” Tweek said softly as they parked and got out,   “a lot of people will blow thousands on a dress they only wear once then donate it” he pointed out when Clyde quirked a brow at him.   “Good idea Tweekers” Clyde smiled claiming the Blonde’s hand and walking to the nearest thrift store, the place was full of things like shoes, toys, and coats so they’d probably be getting Tweek’s heels here.   “Let’s split up and look for heels….actually boots might work better for you” he smiled laughing when Tweek took off his Left shoe handing it to him before going off to look at the boots, he watched Tweek for a bit before going to another section of boots figuring that Tweek could at least pick out the boots.    “These look beautiful” Tweek whispered seeing a pair of Earthy Brown thigh high Suede boots, he quickly snatched them from the shelf and slid the left one on beaming when it fit him comfortably. Removing the boot Tweek tucked them under his left arm and hobbled off to show Clyde,    “Clyde I found the pair I’m gonna get” he cheered startling the Brunette who was looking at high heel boots.    “Wow Tweekers these look great” Clyde commented looking at the Brown boots with Gold accents on them,   “let’s get you these and find a thrift store with dresses” he said softly holding his hands out for the boots as Tweek stuffed his shoe back onto his foot.    “I’m the one in the tux so it’s only natural I pay” he winked playfully when Tweek raised a brow but handed him the boots,    “plus they’re only 5 bucks” he smiled paying for the boots before leading Tweek out with the bag in the Blonde’s free hand.   “You gotta search for a tux too” Tweek reminded Clyde as they approached a thrift store that had 'prom sale’ signs all over the windows making that a promising store,    “I’m picking your suit” he grinned releasing his roommates hand to run for the tuxes.    “God I love that spazz” Clyde smiled softly quickly shaking his head before going to the dresses,    “definitely Green,” he said to himself as he looked at all of the Prom gowns.    “Definitely Red” Tweek grinned looking over the old suits,   “and Black pants” he looked around beaming at a Red Tuxedo jacket with a Black lapel and two buttons gently grabbing it. He wandered some more getting a Black bowtie and vest then found some pants having checked Clyde’s sizes while the Brunette was in the shower, once he was sure Clyde wouldn’t catch him Tweek paid for the suit and a Green pin on Corsage Rose and hid the bag in the one with his boots.    “No peeking Tweek” Clyde called out, he’d found a gorgeous floor length mossy Green ball gown with white accents along the chest and those super short removable sleeves. Once he found a nice wrist corsage with Red roses and Baby’s breath (fake of course but they looked real enough for him) on Green ribbons Clyde checked around for Tweek’s sneakers under the racks then paid for the corsage and dress asking the cashier to double bag it so his date couldn’t see it, he was so excited to surprise Tweek with this dress unaware the Blonde was surprising him with a suit   “Welp since we have everything we need do we want to go get lunch and some coffee then go home” Tweek asked Clyde as they held hands out of habit at this point,    “I mean the dance is tomorrow night we’ll want to be rested” he smiled even though they’d literally just woken up.    “Totally, we can get some food then watch movies with Ginger at the dorm” Clyde grinned,   “just a lazy day with my roomie and our girl” he melted at the the thought of snuggling with Tweek and Ginger binge-watching TV or movies on Netflix.    Tweek grinned as they rushed into the nearest McDonalds getting a bag of Burgers, Fries and MnM McFlurries before heading to the car where Clyde drove them home, he was beyond excited for a lazy day with his roommate and Ginger.    Clyde smiled as they parked at their dorm and claimed their bags rushing inside to Ginger and their bed, he stashed the bag with Tweek’s dress in the little safe Token had bought him then went to the restroom giving Tweek time to hide his suit and set his boots on their shoe rack.    “Hey baby girl” Tweek smiled opening Ginger’s cage holding his hand out for her smiling when she scurried into his embrace,    “I missed you too” he soothed her sitting on the bed laying her on his stomach where she laid down.   “I told you that tum makes a great pillow” Clyde smiled getting the small metal trays they used for eating on the bed and sat them up laying out their food before getting comfortable next to Tweek where he rubbed Ginger’s cheek, he smiled contently claiming a Burger sinking his teeth into it melting against the bed as he ate.    Tweek lit up but smiled and ate one of his Burgers while petting Ginger with his free hand,   “I guess,” he said softly relaxing as he ate. It didn’t take long for the warm food, Ginger, and Clyde babbling about all of his favorite scenes of the current movie for Tweek to fall asleep around 6:30 at night.    “C'mere Ginger” Clyde whispered setting his tray over Tweek’s legs so he could get off of the bed and put her away then put away their untouched food for later he put the trays away then set an alarm for 9:00 PM so they could bathe and maybe just have dinner before he stripped to his boxers and laid down in the bed with his head on Tweek’s stomach, as usual, the Brunette hummed softly easily drifting to sleep as Tweek’s arms wrapped around him.    Tweek jumped awake at 9:00 PM to Clyde’s alarm and woke the Brunette gently shaking his roommate until those Milk Chocolate Brown eyes opened,    “your alarm went off” he yawned sitting up ruffling his hair.   “Hey you wanna go somewhere fancy for dinner tomorrow night before the dance?” Clyde asked his roommate as they gathered the stuff for showers and got to work on reheating their McDonalds for dinner sitting back on the bed to eat,    “mind if I bathe first?” he asked Tweek he always felt grimy after eating McDonald’s then taking a nap.    “That sounds nice man” Tweek smiled as he ate his second Burger while giving Ginger dinner,   “you can bathe first I don’t mind” he reassured Clyde laughing when the Brunette rushed to the bathroom. With nothing else to do the Blonde laid on the bed and texted with his other friends, Kenny was going to the dance with Butter’s and this time they were wearing dresses since in High school they both wore Tuxedoes. 'Kenny: Man I can’t wait to see the dress you wear’ 'Tweek: Gah Clyde won’t even let me see it =(’ 'Kenny: Wait, Clyde? What happened with Craig?’ 'Tweek: Idk man, it just….fizzled out, there’s no spark we were just following the daily motions =(. Token dumped Clyde so we swapped roommates’ 'Kenny: Well shit, oop Leo’s up ttyl’   Tweek smiled softly and grabbed his old electric keyboard playing 'Lava’ from the Pixar short singing it to himself, he looked up hearing the shower cut off and greeted Clyde with a full-blown grin when the Brunette came in with his hair wrapped in a towel while a a second was wrapped around his hips.    “I forgot to grab my boxers!” Clyde crowed sending Tweek into hysterics,    “shut up and take your shower” he laughed getting dressed. 'Kenny: Hey Clyde heard you were taking Tweek to the dance’ 'Kenny: You better be good to this kid’    Clyde looked at his cell hearing it vibrating and scooped it up seeing texts from Kenny, he lit up reading them. 'Clyde: Dude seriously?’ 'Clyde: It’s a platonic Bro-Date’ 'Kenny: Dude, I’ve seen how you look at him’ 'Kenny: Talk to him, treat him good’ 'Clyde: Shut up’ 'Clyde: you’ll love the dress I bought him, it’s stunning’ 'Kenny: Perv ;D’ 'Clyde: shut up! 0/////0’    “Everything okay Clyde?” Tweek asked startling his roommate who fell off the bed,    “heh we’re even” he chuckled helping the Brunette up onto the bed.    “I’m fine” Clyde reassured him,    “You wanna just go back to sleep? I’m not all to hungry” he admitted.    “Totally” Tweek yawned,    “bring it in” he smiled holding his arms out for Clyde who beamed nearly flopping on Tweek as he flopped onto the bed.    “I spoil you” Tweek laughed starting to massage Clyde’s back near his ribs quickly turning the boy to putty,    “you know that right?” he smiled watching Clyde roll his eyes and nuzzle his stomach.    “And I worship you” Clyde whispered into Tweek’s stomach listening to him giggle at the vibrations,    “G'night” he sighed as he fell asleep hugging Tweek.   The next day was spent making themselves presentable and secretly preparing the other’s outfit, Tweek hung Clyde’s suit in the bathroom while Clyde laid the garment bag with his dress on their bed.    “We’ll eat then come home to get changed and go to the dance” Clyde smiled as Tweek exited the bathroom,    “let’s go” he claimed the Blonde’s hand leading him to the car while Green eyes focused on the bag.    “I’m so nervous” Tweek let out a nervous whine as they arrived at the Red Robin and were escorted to their booth,   “what if I trip on my dress, or-or your suit falls apart” he gripped his hair softly watching Clyde run out and return with a scarf which he placed on the Blonde and moved his hands to.    “Tweek can I sit next to you?” Clyde asked Tweek,   “everything will be perfect” the Brunette promised sitting next to Tweek hugging him stroking his hair until he calmed down.    Neither of them seemed to notice Craig and Token sitting a few tables away both of them wearing suits,   “I promise you Tweek, nothing will ruin tonight for us” he cupped the Blonde’s cheeks to establish eye contact then brushed their noses before moving to his half of the booth.    “Thank you Clyde” Tweek smiled visibly calmer, he sniffed the air beaming when their server returned with their steaks and soda refills.    “Anything for you Tweekers” Clyde smiled,    “Oh thank you” he smiled at the server who left for the kitchen once they’d started to eat.    “So Tweek I have a small question” Clyde told Tweek after swallowing a mouthful of steak and baked potato,    “do you want to have our pictures taken at the dance tonight?” he asked the Blonde who forced down some potato to answer.    “That actually sounds really nice” Tweek smiled at Clyde,       “You’ll want momentos after you see the suit I picked out for you” he grinned with the same confidence the Brunette almost always wore.   “Figured I’d ask because I know I’ll want a reminder of how amazing the dress I picked will look on you” Clyde grinned back, he passed Tweek his soda seeing the Blonde thump his chest a few times and reach for his empty glass.    “Easy Tweekers easy” he moved to sit beside the blonde and carefully thumped his back with the heel of his hand,    “Jesus, cut your food man” he crowed after Tweek finally forced the bite down.    “Heh sorry” Tweek apologized guzzling the soda before remembering it was Clyde’s,    “awww Clyde your soda,” he said seeing he’d inhaled like half of it.    “No worries Tweekers” Clyde laughed,   “just chew better and cut stuff smaller” he smiled sitting down claiming the empty glass before taking another bite out of his steak enjoying the dinner with his roommate.    “This sure is great isn’t it?” Tweek asked Clyde as he finished his smaller steak,    “thank you for all this” he smiled at the Brunette.   “It is” Clyde smiled back looking for their server, he went wide-eyed seeing Craig and Token but said nothing and flagged her over.     “Could I please get our check and a box please?” the Brunette requested politely as Tweek patiently sipped the rest of the soda,    “ready for the surprise Tweekers?” he asked as the server left for the box and check.    “Of course I’m ready Clyde” Tweek grinned around the straw exposing the tooth gap that Clyde was such a sucker for,    “are you?” he quirked a brow making his friend laugh.    “Been ready baby” Clyde laughed paying for their dinner and boxing up his steak,    “let’s boogie” he smiled taking Tweek’s hand leading the giggly Blonde to the car.    Tweek smiled eagerly as they entered their dorm,   “you have to change in the bathroom,” he told the Brunette as he started unbuttoning his top clearly eager to put on the dress.     “Fine mister bossy” Clyde laughed poking Tweek’s stomach before zipping into the bathroom and stripping, he brushed his teeth quickly before yelping when Tweek burst in to do the same.    “Sorry,” Tweek apologized,    “figured we should see each other at the same time” he admitted as the rinsed and spit together.   “Go go go” Clyde laughed pushing Tweek out playfully, he listened to Tweek’s laugh before opening his garment bag and covering his mouth softly. This tuxedo was perfect, A white dress shirt with a Black vest, a Red tuxedo coat with a black lapel, black pants and a Green and white corsage pinned to the lapel.    Tweek smiled unzipping his garment bag in the main part of the door and had to cover his mouth to avoid gasping too loud, this dress was a gown and it was the most stunning gown he’d ever seen. Moss Green and floor-length this gown had removable shoulder sleeves which he opted to leave on and White accents around the chest, he noted the small box and the note on it. 'I have to open this one for you ~ Clyde’   Tweek smiled putting his gown on before stepping into his boots, looking over at his flower crown the Blonde grabbed it and placed it on his head using his webcam to position it perfectly.    Clyde took his time getting dressed in the amazing outfit Tweek picked out for him, once everything was perfect clothes wise he used some mouthwash then gelled his hair back huffing when a few unruly strands fell in his face but opted to just leave them.    “Can I come out Tweekers?” Clyde asked trying to contain his excitement, when Tweek said yes Clyde eagerly opened the bathroom door and felt his knees go weak.   Tweek stood gracefully in their dorm wearing a crown of fake Red and Green roses with 4 fake vines falling from it 2 framing his face while the other 2 rested behind his head, the gown was surprisingly a perfect fit even without breasts to fill the top it hugged the Blonde’s hips and the top rested flat without bunching up and the boots peeked out shyly from under the hem of the boots.    Tweek lit up seeing the way Clyde stared at him as he tucked a lock of his Blonde hair behind his ear,    “h-how does it look?” he asked offering the Brunette a hand where he slowly twirled him.    “Stunning” Clyde whispered grabbing a tissue gently dabbing the corners of his eyes,    “how about me? I love this entire outfit so much” he gushed allowing Tweek to twirl him in a circle.    “You look astounding Clyde” Tweek smiled at his friend,    “so…what’s in the box?” he asked softly watching Clyde snatch it up excitedly.    “It’s a corsage” Clyde explained,   “our high school didn’t allow same-sex prom couples so you didn’t get one” he opened the box to show the two fake Roses in the bed of fake Baby’s breath on the Green band smiling when Tweek let him put it on his wrist.    “It’s lovely” Tweek smiled,    “Shall we head out?” he asked passing Clyde his wallet since the gown had no pockets.    “We shall” Clyde smiled giving Ginger dinner before offering Tweek his arm,   “the full experience, minus a limo those are sadly too expensive” he said sheepishly listening to Tweek’s laughter as the Blonde took his arm and walked with him to the large hall the dance was in.    “Oh Mr. Donovan you swauve bastard” Tweek jokingly swooned as they walked to entrance each baring a ticket, he laughed at Clyde’s face ignoring the way people stared at him for being in a gown.    “Pictures first” Clyde smiled seeing a flash ahead of the two realized there was an entrance photograph,    “stop fussing with your hair, you’re perfect” he soothed Tweek as they approached the mark for their photo.    “Kenny is that Tweek and Clyde?” Butters’ voice asked from a few paces ahead of them,    “Tweek looks really pretty doesn’ he?” he looked up at Kenny as they took in Tweek and Clyde.   Tweek lit up stepping under the rainbow bubble arch with Clyde’s arm around his waist, he smiled at the camera laughing when Clyde poked his side to make his smile genuine.    “You guys look great” Kenny smiled approaching Tweek and Clyde with Butters on his arm, they were wearing plain old Summer dresses, unlike Tweek and Clyde.     “Thanks” the two spoke in unison, they smiled listening to 'Stereo hearts’ play as the now group of four walked to the photography area where Token and Craig were bsing for their photos.    “You two should be in some with us” Butters smiled at Tweek,     “it’ll be a fun way to remember the night only Clyde wore a tux” he giggled.    “Whaddya say?” Kenny asked Tweek and Clyde,    “up to you guys,” he smiled as Butters dragged him to get their set taken.    “What do you think Tweekers?” Clyde asked,    “some for us then some group shots?” he offered as they stepped up.   “I love the idea” Tweek smiled genuinely at Clyde and the photographer seemed to love that and snapped a shot of them, he lit up when Clyde grabbed his hip and his left hand then dipped him but still smiled at the way the Brown eyes smoldered with passion.    “Care if we cut in?” Kenny grinned stepping in and claiming Tweek in a one-armed hug using the other to hold a confused Clyde at bay while the photographer laughed and took a picture,    “Leo c'mere, all Blonde’s shot” he cheered watching Butters run up and Clyde step out of the shot so the dress baring trio were photographed.    “I got one” Clyde grinned,    “quick carefully lift him” he didn’t need to name Tweek and watched them lift him by the hips and legs.    “Brilliant and now for me” he stepped in kneeling down and clasping his hands so it looked like he was praying to Tweek’s thighs and butt, he listened to the photographer and some students howl with laughter, as some shots were taken then Tweek, was lowered and claimed by Clyde.   “Oh Clyde it’s out bedtime song” Tweek whispered excitedly hearing the first few keys of 'Like we used to’ by A rocket to the moon,     “we should dance” he smiled listening to the music.    “Oh god, it is” Clyde smiled humming a few bars,   “we should, everyone deserves to see you” he rubbed Tweek’s cheek walking the blonde out onto the dancefloor claiming his hand and his hip. 'I can feel her breath As she’s sleeping next to me Sharing pillows and cold feet She can feel my heart Fell asleep to its beat Under blankets and warm sheets If only I could be in that bed again If only it were me instead of him’   Clyde smiled leading Tweek around in a smooth slow circle in rhythm to the song, he hummed along thinking to all those nights of listening to this at night while Tweek rubbed his back.    Tweek smiled letting Clyde lead since he was used to being lead when he danced, he held Clyde’s warm hand in his and let the other one rest lazily on his shoulder. 'Does he watch your favorite movies? Does he hold you when you cry? Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts When you’ve seen it a million times? Does he sing to all your music While you dance to Purple Rain? Does he do all these things Like I used to?’   Clyde gently nodded to Tweek releasing the Blonde’s hip to spin him on 'While you dance to Purple Rain’ placing his hand right back when Tweek had steadied himself,    “this is by far the best night of my life,” he told Tweek as the blonde wove their fingers.    Tweek smiled watching his gown twirl as Clyde spun him on his toes then smoothly fell back into step,    “mine too” Tweek admitted. 'Fourteen months and seven days ago Oh, I know you know How we felt about that night Just your skin against the window Oh we took it slow And we both know It should have been me inside that car It should have been me instead of him in the dark’   Craig and Token watched their Ex’s dance as they 'chilled’ against the wall sipping punch, they didn’t know how to feel but damn the guys looked good.    Tweek smiled releasing Clyde’s shoulder to tuck the 'unruly’ loose hair up with the rest, he laughed when it just fell back into place.    “It was worth a shot Tweekers” Clyde laughed hugging the Blonde who melted into the hug thin lanky arms wrapping around Clyde for a moment before they resumed dancing. 'Does he watch your favorite movies? Does he hold you when you cry? Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts When you’ve seen it a million times? Does he sing to all your music While you dance to Purple Rain? Does he do all these things Like I used to?’   Just like the first time the chorus played Clyde twirled Tweek during 'While you dance to Purple Rain’ adding a soft twist by dipping the Blonde whose eyes sparkled in surprise,    “yo-your eyes” Clyde gaped pulling Tweek back up.    “Wh-what about them?” Tweek asked Clyde, he looked at the Brunette’s eyes and smiled he could see himself in them.    “They’re beautiful” Clyde sighed,    “like, a beautiful forest clearing” he gushed releasing Tweek’s hand to cup his cheek.    “So Green” Clyde brushed Tweek’s temple with his thumb,    “like…Emeralds” he smiled reclaiming the Blonde’s hand and gently turning them in a circle. 'I know love (I’m a sucker for that feeling) Happens all the time, love (I always end up feeling cheated) You’re on my mind, love (Oh darling, I know I’m not needed) It happens all the time, love, yeah’   Tweek visibly lit up, Clyde’s Milk chocolate eyes smoldered as they bore into his while the boy spoke. Nobody had ever talked about his eyes like that, he took his hand from Clyde’s shoulder gently cupping the Brunette’s cheek.    “Your eyes remind me of the Earth,” the Blonde told his roommate just before he was spun,   “whenever I feel scared or like everything is going to fall to shit, I look into them and I feel….grounded” he chuckled softly reclaiming his shoulder after the spin. 'Will he love you like I loved you? Will he tell you every day? Will he make you feel like you’re invincible With every word, he’ll say? Can you promise me if this was right, Don’t throw it all away? Can you do all these things? Will you do all these things Like we used to?’    “You mean that man?” Clyde asked his cheeks just as red as Tweeks,    “that means so much to me,” he said spinning them carefully in a circle.    “I’d never lie about something like that man” Tweek reassured Clyde,     “I think you have, the most beautiful chocolate Brown eyes” he smiled brushing a tear from Clyde’s lashes before he was kissing him. 'Oh, like we used to’    Clyde pulled out of the kiss and gave a breathy giggle,   “I always was a crybaby huh Tweekers?” he asked before plump lips met his again silencing him as Ruth B’s '2 poor kids’ started in the background.
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quell-tea-salon · 7 years
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Yumeiro Cast Dream Show 2017 event report!
In my short time in Japan I’ve attended quite a few concerts and seiyuu events, and this concert is honestly one of the best that I’ve experienced. I know this blog is mostly for QUELL, but I don’t have anywhere else to share this from... Feel free to scroll past if this isn’t for you.
I’ll also be rambling a lot about Hatanaka Tasuku and Hayashi Yuu ;w;
I recall regretting applying for tickets at some point, because having to travel from Kyoto to Tokyo (or rather, Chiba, since the venue was Makuhari Messe) just for the concert was a huge pain, and very expensive. Boy, am I glad I did though. To begin with, getting tickets to ANY popular event is a tough process. You have to enter a draw to have a shot at getting a ticket, and if you miss out on that, you’ll have to buy the tickets when they go on sale later, and they usually sell out in under ten seconds. I’m not kidding. I’ve experienced this pain. On multiple occasions. Anyway, the first draw was opened to players only (the URL link was a banner in the game’s home screen), which is a really nice gesture. I managed to get a ticket in this draw :)
I arrived at the venue about 30 minutes before the show and bypassed the merchandise corner, as the queue looked scary and I didn’t have much time. Jumped in the queue to take a photograph of the standees (pictured above; and yes, there was a queue for this too), which took about 15 minutes, and then rushed over to join a queue for one of the bathrooms (all of them had long queues /pukes blood). I started chatting with a lady in a cute dress in line behind me and found out that we both have Kaito as our fav (plus Subaru for me). She was happy to find another Kaito fan and whipped out a couple of beautifully packaged small prints from her bag and handed them to me *_* Turns out she’s an artists and draws a lot of Kaito!! I was so surprised but flattered and felt bad about not having anything on hand to give her in return... I just gave her the kiwi bird badge from my backpack that I picked up while traveling in New Zealand, sweats...
Minutes till starting time and we were still caught in the queue, though getting very close to the bathroom. We debated giving up and leaving to find our seats so we wouldn’t miss the opening act, but decided to stay since having to leave halfway through the show for the bathroom would be worse. A few minutes later we heard screams coming from the arena and thought that the show had started, but the girl behind us assured us that they were just playing some promotional videos on the big screen and that nothing was happening on stage. We passed the message on to the group of girls in front of us as we heard them fretting about the same thing. Community spirit!
I parted ways with my new friend after leaving the bathroom and went to find my seat; inside the arena the lights had already been dimmed and clearly something was about to start. I was still stumbling around in the dark when all seven members of Yumeiro Company burst onto stage to the tune of CALL HEAVEN!! and by the time I found my spot they were probably halfway through the song;;;;
My seat was on the third floor, but quite close to the left side of the stage, so in a way it was a good spot as I could just barely make out the faces of the performers standing on my side of the stage. Their formation, from right to left: Subaru, Kaito, Sousei, Kyouya, Hinata, Iori, and Jin. I was still shaky from scrambling to find my seat and honestly don’t remember much, but I know that they were all dressed sharply in formal suits, and that the chorus had a dance routine that was fun and cheerful, fitting of a musical show. As we all know, the cast of YumeCast has a lot of strong singers, so I could relax and appreciate the vocals. I managed to find my pen light too and was ready to finally join the party :3
After the opening act I thought they would break for an introductory talk, but they launched straight into the next song. Everyone except Kyoya left the stage as the intro for Kyoya’s solo, Kimi ni Chikatta Monogatari started playing, and we all scrambled to change our pen lights to pink. Tbh I think Ohsaka Ryota’s one of the less experienced singers in the group, but I was pleasantly surprised by his solid performance. He definitely leveled up a lot since the start of YumeCast, and each of his graceful, princely gestures was very much Kyoya.
Hinata jumped onto stage next to perform Glass no Shoes ha Niawanai (I should mention that these solos were game-sized length and played back to back like a medley). We all melted at how cute he was, and he even slipped in a few lines directed at “oneesan! ;)” *Audience screams and dies* Uemura Yuuto’s usually a good singer but he went off-pitch a few times, probably due to nerves...
Iori was next with Tsumetai Yozora wo Terasu no ha. This is the third time I’ve seen Hanae Natsuki live, and you can tell he’s a seasoned performer by how comfortable he is on stage, and how his vocals are always clear and steady. His lines as Iori made a lot of people in the audience scream, but honestly whenever I see Hanae his joker character is all I register and I couldn’t really appreciate Iori LOL.
Kaito appeared on stage, rocking along to PASSION LASER BEAM, and this is where I died. Hayashi Yuu is phenomenal to watch live, he’s arguably one of the best singers of the group and is amazing at working the crowd, which isn’t surprising considering he’s the vocalist of Screen Mode. Hayashu brought a living, breathing Kaito onto stage in all his haughty glory T_____T It’s my dream to one day catch Screen Mode live as well...
Jin’s Kokoro no (ry was up next. I have to admit that I’m not a fan of Jin’s singing, I think it forces Ono Yuuki to fake a lower register which stifles his singing and it sounds unnatural, which is a shame when Onoyuu has such a lovely smooth voice. Onoyuu kept his fooling around to a minimum at this point, but he couldn’t stop his sunny trademark grin ww
SUBARU! WITH BACKDANCERS!!! Performing You & Me... de, Wave!!! If I had to pick a fav moment in the show, this would be it. Hatanaka Tasuku is SUCH a skilled singer, there’s so much energy in his voice, and his solo even included an intense dance routine which was amazing to watch. This is my fav solo charasong from YumeCast and Subaru completely smashed it... I’m buying the DVD later so I can watch it again ;____; I was so blown-away by the performance that I didn’t even notice what he was wearing >< I also noticed that one of the security staff near my block, who, up till then, was doing a good job of checking on the audience, couldn’t help but look at the stage once Subaru started singing. He watched up till the 2nd chorus lol before turning back to his job.
[OOT: This is my second time meeting Tasuku and each time I see him I feel like a proud mother watching her son grow by leaps and bounds >< The first time I met him was at the 5th fan meeting for Nariyuki Night, hosted by Tasuku and Yonaga Tsubasa. It was a small, cosy event of maybe 200 people, and it blew my mind that we got to see them at such a close distance. The coolest part was that they implemented a bunch of interactive activities to get the audience involved, one of which was a game where they had to guess an item based on clues shown on screen and borrow it from the audience.... Which meant that they had to run up and down the aisles of the seats, and at one point Yonaga grabbed a girl’s hand and escorted her down to the stage *_* Tasuku came by my seat and stopped to think about clues, so I literally had him standing next to me for like half a minute ahjghadllkjad. Also they were dressed in school uniform as one of the many suggestions for the “summer theme”; Yonaga in a beige vest, short sleeves, and colourful hairclips in his hair (he really looked like Nagisa from Free!), and Tasuku with a loose red tie and long shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Cute af. Prior to that I’d only seen Tasuku on livestreams and heard him on radio, and I’m glad to report that he’s every bit as earnest and clumsy in person as he is on air, like an awkward oversized puppy still learning how to walk but excited for someone to throw him a ball ;w;]
The last solo was Sousei’s Dare mo ga Ashi(ry. I was looking forward to this as I’ve been a fan of Toyonaga Toshiyuki since his Tenimyu days, and I love his singing voice. He wasn’t as smooth as in the recorded version, but still a delight to hear live.
Without giving us time to catch our breath, the show moved on to the next song. Hinata appeared on stage in a dark suit and a cape, accompanied by dancers dressed in ghoulish outfits. It was Mysterious Mission! This was a super fun song with a cute zombie dance, and at one point Hinata was hoisted up onto the shoulders of the backdancers in a sort of ALL HAIL YOUR CUTE MONSTER LORD routine. An oh, all the songs from this point on were performed in full :3
Next, Subaru and Jin appeared in santa outfits for Holy Melody Night. This is probably one of my least favourite songs in YumeCast, imo it’s the wrong key for both singers and doesn’t really showcase their voices. They were both so cute on stage though! Running from one end of the stage to the other and waving at us with huge smiles. The concert hall was enveloped in a warm, sparkly atmosphere ;w;
Next was the moment I had been waiting for - Kaito’s Kamigami no Senen (still not sure about the reading for the last 2 kanji tbh). I was hoping that this song would be included in the set list T_______T Kaito caused a stir when he appeared on the stage at the back of the arena, which I wasn’t even aware of. Dressed in graceful white robes and enveloped in mist, he was so beautiful to watch, I forgot to breathe... This song is a Big Deal for me because it’s an unseen side of both Kaito and Hayashu; before Kamigami neither have ever performed with such delicate vocals afaik. Even Screen Mode’s ballads have a completely different feel. When the song ended, the audience quietly broke into applause, instead of the cheering or screaming that happened with other songs...
Kyoya appeared back on the main stage with Sand Mirage, dressed in an Arabian Nights-esque costume and matching dancers. I’m very fond of this song, it’s so catchy and seems to fit Kyoya’s vocal range the most! And it definitely showed off his singing skills. Beautiful vibrato on the notes at the end of the chorus ;3;
Sousei and Iori gracefully descended upon the second stage in butler outfits. The yandere Tapestry song! They started off with a short skit, probably lines from the musical, and when Hanae fumbled one of his lines Tosshi teased him about it ww This is one of my favourite duets but sadly the vocals were rather shaky, with both singing off-key at many instances. A+ for the skit, the bedroom lines directed at “ojousama”, and Sousei’s psychotic laugh at the end.
I should love Final Approach since it features my two favs Subaru and Kaito, but unfortunately it’s one of the most boring songs for me... It didn’t stop me from appreciating the singing though. And the beautiful harmonies in the chorus. And the two boys in pilot outfits. And the high-five halfway through the song!! This was also the moment I understood the reason why some people bring two or more pen lights as I couldn’t decide whose colour to use...
Jin and Kyoya rose up from platforms under the stage in shinsengumi robes for Hi ha Noboru(ry. The katanas holstered on their hips were drawn for a fight scene vs the back dancers! The stage was bathed in violet and blue to match the moody atmosphere.
Then Iori and Kaito hopped onto stage and we all bobbed along to Sekai ha Koi to SWEETS! AND! KISS! *waves pen light frantically* This is such a cute song and both Iori and Kaito were super cute, throwing saccharine lines at the audience and getting everyone to join in the fun ;w; Iirc both of them even threw us some flying kisses....
Next, Stronger Than Medicine with Hina and Sousei. In white doctor’s coats and supported by a big group of dancers, Hina played the experienced head doctor while Sousei tagged along like a clueless junior lol. Parts of the dance were very cute and funny for comedic effect, and though for the most part it wasn’t an intense dance routine Tosshi still managed to show off his dancer background >< I kinda wished that we got to see him dance in a more high-tempo song, but Sousei gets all the ballads...
Around this time I noticed that a group of staff were busy setting up some sort of elevated platform-trolley thing at the end of the corridor between the 2nd and 3rd floor; I’d seen something similar happen at the Yuri on Stage event and my heartbeat jumped as I guessed what would happen next...
When the lights turned back on, the rest of the crew had joined Hina and Sousei on stage, and everyone was in their blue and white sailor outifts for Sunshine World Tour! This was the FIRST break in the show, can you believe it? The cast FINALLY introduced themselves (still in-character), and then Sousei announced that the show was about to come to and end, which came as a surprise because it honestly didn’t feel like the show started that long ago, even though we had actually sat through a LOT of songs. The audience began to whine “Ehhhhhhh?” Then the music for Sunshine World Tour started and the cast split into 2 groups, making the audience scream when they headed into the crowd, climbed up the stairs to the 3rd floor, and boarded one of the two trolleys on either end of the corridor. The audience went crazy when they realised what was happening! On the trolley that started from my end of the hall were Kyoya, Jin-san, and Hina, singing and waving enthusiastically at the audience as they traveled around the U-shaped concert hall. I couldn’t believe my eyes when they passed right in front of me... From my seat in the 2nd row they were SO CLOSE, and even at eye level! I honestly could’ve hi-fived them if I stretched out my arm. When the 2nd trolley came by I had my pen light set to orange and hoped Kaito would wave at me, but he was busy engaging the upper floors. Iori met my eyes though and gave me the sweetest smile ;w; They were meant to sing Sunshine World Tour, but very little singing was done as everyone was busy greeting and waving at the audience wwwwwwww It was a real treat for everyone on the 2nd and 3rd floors...
After the trolleys reached the opposite ends of the hall, the cast made their way back to the main stage and we were asked to sing along to the the chorus for a while as lyrics popped up on the screen :D After the song ended, the cast said their thanks and waved goodbye before disappearing backstage. The lights dimmed again and the audience began to chant “Encore~! Encore~!”
We were probably in the dark for about 5 minutes before the cast came back onto stage, dressed in Dream Show 2017 t-shirts. The cast could finally introduce themselves lol. “We can finally speak! As ourselves!!” “It is okay? Can I really start talking? OKAY I’M DOING IT :DDD” Onoyu let loose and chaos descended upon the stage wwwwww There was no outline for this talk segment so they pretty much did whatever they wanted www
What I can recall, in dot points:
Thanked us for all the love and support which allowed YumeCast to reach it’s 2nd anniversary
Ohsaka was super nervous as it’s his first concert, and Tosshi said that he kept muttering “I’m so nervous” up till the moment before their first appearance on stage, yet once he stepped onto stage he slipped right into character and looked so calm and confident
Tosshi and Onoyu admitted that they sing with their faces (their facial expressions are “noisy”)
Tosshi praised Ohsaka for bringing the rowdy team together like a real Kyoya, and Ohsaka lamented the fact that nobody listens to him while the rest of the team surrounded him and danced and hooted like gorillas www
Tosshi thanked the crew and staff for all their hard work behind the scenes, from dance choreography to costumes. Staff were always on standby backstage, ready to help them change into their next outfits, and as he watched the staff work frantically to keep the show running he truly felt like he was part of a real life Yumeiro Company troupe.
Up till the last rehearsal, Hayashu got one of the hand gestures for CALL HEAVEN!! wrong (he made a fox shape instead of a “W” for “welcome”)
Tasuku and Yuuto put in a lot of practice for their dances. Yuuto practiced his zombie shuffle even while out walking in public and got stared at. “My favourite part of the dance is when they lift me up! :D”
Hanae said it was unfair that Hinata could capture everyone’s hearts just with his “Onee~san♥”, so someone suggested everyone do their own version of “oneesan“ and put them to a vote.
Tasuku was up first... and promptly tripped over his first line, in typical Tasuku fashion wwwww I love him, he’s so clumsy and uncoordinated ;3; They gave him a second chance and this time he said something along the lines of “Thank you for your support this past two years!” and ended on a very cute and energetic “oneesan!!!!” Ughhh PUPPYYYYY
Kaito’s embarrassed tsundere “O.. onee...san...”
Sousei’s calm, somewhat sly “Oneesan :)”
The audience cracked up at Kyoya’s “Oneesan, jiken desu.” (Oneesan, there’s been an accident.) I had to look this up but it’s apparently a famous line from an old TV drama called HOTEL, lol
Kyoya’s take 2. A heartfelt message to all the scriptwriters in the audience, followed by the sweetest “...oneesan”.
Hanae did a skit where Iori was surprised but ecstatic about receiving a present from the MC in the form of a limited edition shoebill merch. “Thank you, oneesan!!”
Zun-san..... was Zun-san. “How about we spend the night together? My one and only oneesan♥”
Finally, the last boss. Hinata started to speak in that saccharine-sweet voice, “Boku,” and already half of the audience were screaming from that first word... “I’ll keep on working hard, so keep your eyes on me, okay? Oneesan♥“ *dying whale sounds from audience*
“Why did we even have this competition, we already knew who the winner would be.”
“You had them at “Boku”...”
Tosshi pointed out that they shouldn’t leave out the handful of guys in the audience, so everyone banded together and yelled “Thank you, oniisan!” and the guys responded with “Yeaaaaaaah!!!” haha
Farewell messages, final thoughts, and thank you’s
Ohsaka admitted that in his first year of playing Kyoya he had regrets about accepting the role, but after some time he found ways to connect with Kyoya and he’s very happy to be part of YumeCast. (I had a feeling that he wasn’t enjoying himself when I watched him on YumeCast livestream... turns out my hunch was correct :0 I’m glad that he’s found his place now!)
Next they showed a video announcing upcoming projects (live action musicals, new CD’s, drama CD’s) and the release of the DVD/BD of Dream Show 2017. Everyone else perched on the staircase to watch the video but Tasuku made himself small and sat on the floor with his knees folded primly. Smol puppy....
Lastly, the crew performed NEVER END STORIES as confetti cannons shot glitter over the arena. Then the dancers joined the cast on stage for the final farewell. Everyone took their turn bowing and saying thanks. Kyoya was last to leave the stage, and he lingered for a few moments to thank the audience. Sousei, who was near Kyoya, came up to him and said “Kyoya, let’s go :)” and Kyoya nodded before retreating from the stage. *Audience dies again*
After the show, I remember feeling so happy and satisfied. Of course, every event I’ve attended has been fun, but none of them made me feel as loved and appreciated as YumeCast Dream Show 2017. They knew what we wanted, and they delivered. I rate it 10/10 for being jam-packed with content (honestly, nobody expected them to perform this many songs), and it was very impressive that every song had its own set of costumes and choreography. It really felt like watching a musical show. The concert felt like it ended too soon because everything moved so quickly, but it had actually run for just over 2 hours. I do wish that they had given the cast more talk time, but i guess that was sacrificed to make space for more songs. I can live with that.
I’ve been playing YumeCast for almost a year now and have considered quitting several times since the gameplay gets pretty repetitive after a while (plus new games coming into my life), but after this concert I have fallen in love all over again and will continue to support YumeCast ;3; Honestly, just from watching the monthly livestreams you can tell how hard they try to keep us happy.
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mtkthedreamer · 6 years
DL Character meme!
I got tagged by @mythicamagic, thank you!
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And then answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Ruki 2. Laito 3. Carla 4. Shuu 5. Azusa 6. Yuuma 7. Yui 8. Kou 9. Kino 10. Subaru
(To be honest it was quite difficult... I mean, the order doesn’t really count from Shuu-san downwards... And Laito-kun is a particular case... whatever XD)
1. Number 5 (Azusa) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
Yeee, shopping with Azusababy \(♥w♥)/ I guess I would recommend him to buy comfortable clothes, and possibly the cheaper ones... but paying attention to their quality too; this, in general. Then, I also think I would probably tell him that fair colors and blue tones suits him better... and I really like big-sized sweaters on him!
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Laito) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
"LAITO, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU’RE A PERVERT, NOT A GROSS ONE- Ah, no, wait” *thinkings pose as Laito’s like “Aw, Bitch-chan, that’s mean, I was just teasing you D:”, feigning innocence ‘cause he’s a damn old fox*
3. Number 7 (Yui) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
I guess I’d try to scare poor Yui-chan about how her teeth could deteriorate in the future because she neglected them by not going to the dentist to check on them. I’m cruel, I know. I’d be a good mother
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Yuuma) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
There’s a reason as to why I don’t make bets, and this is why lol; anyway, in this case, I’d just go through with it... I just hope Yuuma-kun wouldn’t make me do... strange things... He’s not Laito-kun, but...
5. Number 4 (Shuu) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
Wait, how can Shuu-san get even scared, isn’t he just using it as an excuse to sleep? Likely.
6. Number 9 (Kino) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
This is suspicious. There’s a trap, right? 
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
YES Kou-kun is like a brother to me (not as much as Yuuma-kun), so I wouldn’t mind lending him my room... I can always sleep in the sitting room ;D lololol
8. Number 1 (Ruki) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
It’s very unlikely that Ruki-san could do something like this (I mean play it at such a time), but in case... I guess I’d try to reason with him about this.
9. Number 10 (Subaru) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
If Subaru-kun would really wear it in public, I think I would too. Two embarassed people at the same time; it’s better to share the embarassment, lol. It was a lost bet with Kou-kun or Ayato-kun/Laito-kun, right?
10. Number 4 (Shuu) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 (Carla) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
Carla-san knows magic, right? I would ask him if it was possible for him to cast some spell to resolve this, I guess? That’s not what magic is for MTK
12. Number 7 (Yui) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
“OMG, Yui-chan, you should keep on drawing, so that you can improve your talent and become a great artist! ;D By the way, this isn’t me, lol”
13. Number 5 (Azusa) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
Did he buy all the stuff necessary to keep this pet python?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Yuuma) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
Probably panic because I’m somewhat scared of heigh places... or I would in this case, because we’re still. I’d try to keep calm, but... I’d eventually start crying and hyperventilating... I think Yuuma-kun wouldn’t really worry that much, haha.
15. Number 2 (Laito) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
=_= I knew this was going to happen... I’d try and scold him, but Laito-kun is Laito-kun, I can’t really do mu- No, I’d try slapping him in his face, too.
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Carla) standing in it. How do you react?
"... did you find Narnia?” 
17. Number 1 (Ruki) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
*screaming internally and then fainting*
(Ruki-san’s my love interest, you know)
Let’s be serious, he’d keep on teasing me because I would blush so much and get so embarassed about this... but eventually, since I think we’re both rational people, we would try and find together a way to get these handcuffs off.
18. Number 10 (Subaru) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
“... sorry, let’s be friends? Thanks for the ros-” The roses would get destroyed and thrown away by him, since he got rejected... :( (and he’d be like “I was just joking, dumbass! Tch!” and leave while dying internally D: such a cruel fate...)
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
"STAY THERE I’LL GET THEM FOR YOU” I’d lend him my towel in the meantime? 
20. Number 5 (Azusa) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
Since Azusa-kun is his brother, I think Kou-kun would figure everything out and... either give it to me with a smirk on his face, teasing me about it, or... maybe go and tell Azusa-kun to write his name on it or whatever? Like, giving advice like a good brother?
21. Number 7 (Yui) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Carla) a strip tease. What happens?
... If everyone’s there, I think Carla-san wouldn’t be happy about it at all, and with Reiji-san and Ruki-san he would stop her... while Kou-kun, Yuuma-kun, Laito-kun and maybe Ayato-kun would encourage her and tease her (Shuu-san would comment, too, like “Heh, I knew you were a lewd woman”), I guess.
Of course, I’d help the big brothers stopping her.
22. Number 6 (Yuuma) and number 2 (Laito) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
I don’t know why, but I don’t think they would be that good at rapping... maybe Yuuma-kun would be a little better than Laito-kun. 
23. Number 1 (Ruki) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Kino) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
Ah. You mean Kino-kun’s smartphone? Well... that’d be difficult to cover up. It’d be better and easier to buy him a new smartphone... in case it was completely broken. If it got just ruined, maybe we can substitute some parts? We’d ask someone related to this, probably. (Ruki-san begging, lol)
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Shuu) and number 10 (Subaru) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
We just fell asleep after watching some movies. That’s all. Actually, Shuu-san slept from the very beginning, then I fell asleep towards the end of the movie and at last Subaru-kun, after turning off the TV/whatever. 
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Kino), number 6 (Yuuma) and number 3 (Carla). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
Kino-kun would keep on complaining that there’s no Wi-Fi to play on his smartphone, Yuuma-kun would observe the nature and Carla-san... Would he even know what it means to camp? XD He’s a King, he can’t sleep on the ground! lololololol I guess I’d just enjoy this time with them and... panic at night because I don’t like sleeping where insects can easily reach you in your “bed”...
26. Number 9 (Kino) and number 4 (Shuu) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
... Shuu-san wouldn’t really care? He’d just keep on sleeping... but it’d be difficult for him to sleep, because, if I’m not mistaken, the long exposure to displays can influence this, right? And since Kino-kun’s a lot on his smartphone...! Kino-kun would take it easy, too, at first. But eventually, we would ask Reiji-san to solve this.
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Azusa), number 7 (Yui), and number 10 (Subaru). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
Please. Subaru-kun would destroy everything at the very beginning. I think either Yui-chan or Azusa-kun would be very good at Monopoly, anyway. 
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Laito). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
Never trust Kou-kun, that’s for sure. GPS, anyone...? Or just teleport somewhere, for God’s sake.
29. Number 1 (Ruki) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
What’s “banjo”- *googles it* oh, ok. Hm... I guess... “Ruki-san... you should ask a musician, music is not my cup of tea :D” Am I safe?
30. Number 1 (Ruki) and number 2 (Laito) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
I tag: @newchica, @nevaeh-naeva and whoever is interested to do this~!
Blank questions:
1. Number 5 () has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 () standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
3. Number 7 () has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 () and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
5. Number 4 () takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
6. Number 9 () surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
7. Number 8 () accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
8. Number 1 () has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
9. Number 10 () recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
10. Number 4 () is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 () confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
12. Number 7 () decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
13. Number 5 () buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 () but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
15. Number 2 () proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 () standing in it. How do you react?
17. Number 1 () manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
18. Number 10 () presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
19. You go swimming with number 8 (). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
20. Number 5 () wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 () and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
21. Number 7 () gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 () a strip tease. What happens?
22. Number 6 () and number 2 () get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
23. Number 1 () accidentally ruins number 9’s () most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
24. You wake up in between number 4 () and number 10 () with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (), number 6 () and number 3 (). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
26. Number 9 () and number 4 () have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (), number 7 (), and number 10 (). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
28. You go on a hike with number 8 () and number 2 (). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
29. Number 1 () has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
30. Number 1 () and number 2 () get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
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johnlarens · 7 years
my great comet experience (act i + intermission)
okay so I wrote a lot so it’s gonna be split into two posts and I’ll edit this and provide a link to act two!
- So where you stand in line waiting be let in (and where you pick up your tickets) is decorated in Russian propaganda to make it look like a war bunker/safe house! And on one of the doors it says “strobe lights and haze!” (a pre warning for the show I believe?) with a hammer and sickle underneath it
- the theater is so beautiful
- decorating the walls were tons of russian paintings and my god it was absolutely stunning - okay so the lady who showed us to our seats was hilarious!!! My mom and I spent a good chunk of our time before the show talking to her- her name was Marylin! She was a cranky old lady who took her job so seriously but hey, she’s quick and efficient and I liked her! - okay so Brad Giovanine came around with dumplings and was like “who wants dumplings!” and honestly, i don’t think I’ve ever shot my hand up so fast
- i was the first one to get a dumpling in my section,,,,i feel blessed - Brad came back around and started telling us about the strobe lights and all!       But the other cast member who was talking the section in front of me was all:   “if strobe lights bother you then just close your eyes!” *closes his eyes* still to bright? *covers his eyes with his hand" - when the show started war sirens aired and it was such aN AMAZING TOUCH MY GOODNESS!!!! - And then the announcer with a deep Russian accent goes: “ladies and gentlemen, attention please! Cellphones!” - Cast: NYET! - announcer: texting! - Cast: NYET! - And one guy who was sitting in the section in front of me STILL had his phone out???? Even when the cast in my row pointed to him!!!!! - Announcer: googling? - Cast: NYET!
- Announcer: tweeting, photos, videos!
- Cast: NYET! NYET! NYET! - Announcer: no talking during the show! Violators are moved to security guards and KGB. Repeat offenders are sent to Siberia.
PROLOGUE - during the sick accordion provided by Pierre there’s a heart wrenching ‘NO!’ from Natasha as she’s seeing Andrey off to war - Andrey gives her a golden necklace and places it around her neck before going off through #the door - “what about Pierre?”
PIERRE - “I used to be better” he’s so upset with himself and who he his - he’s so sad and he hates himself and I love Pierre so much - “I’m married but not in love” the light shines on Hélène who’s looking down at him - “he is charming! he has no sex!” the ladies dance around him in a circle almost as if they’re making fun of him :-( - “you empty and stupid, contented fellows, satisfied with you place!” he makes a sharp turn and practically jabs his finger at Anatole - he just wants to do more and be more and do SOMETHING with his life I love him
MOSCOW - Natasha and Sonya are dressed in pretty white coats and hand warmers I love them - Grace McLean played such an amazing Marya, she looked to happy to see them - “then a game of Boston, and you’ll read to me while I knit!” Natasha and Sonya look so,,,,shook and 'no thanks’
THE PRIVATE AND INTIMATE LIFE OF THE HOUSE - those in favor of keeping Mary away from Prince Bolkonsky and loving her forever say 'I’ - As Bolkonsky is yelling at Mary she shrinks away in fear and is shaky - Andrey’s father was hilarious (minus the yelling at Mary part - “Everyone enjoys me” and he nods to an audience member - when he pats his powdered wig powder flies in the air ajdbdkdbdk - Abskdbdk this man is so shaky as he wobbles about the stage - And his servant,,,,honey I’m cackling he’s shuffling around the stage, bent over in the shape of an L
NATASHA AND BOLKONSKYS - Natasha’s 'hello’ to Marya is too abskdbdkd the way Denée delivers this line is so humorous - “says the mean old man in his underthings!” I cackled - as Natasha tries to leave, Marya follows her about the stage :-( she just wants a friend
NO ONE ELSE - natasha misses and loves Andrey so much I cry - the blue is so beautiful Denée is so beautiful I love her and her voice - the fake snow is such a nice gentle touch - Standing at the bottom of the steps, Andrey is reading (I’m assuming) Natasha’s letters and looking off in the distance, probably eager to get to her - Close to the end of the song, Andrey starts to walks off and Natasha chases after him before coming to a stop - At the end she positions herself next to an audience member and says “maybe he came today and he’s sitting the drawing room, and I simply forgot” :-( she misses him so much - but that doesn’t last for long :/
SUNDAY MORNING - when Sonya and Natasha do the candle in the mirror and Natasha sees a man lying down, she looks away, but the ensemble member that’s holding the mirror, follows her for a moment. Excellent touch - after Marya finds out how rude Bolkonsky was to Natasha she got SUPER angry and stormed off - and abskdbdk as Natasha is getting undressed, Hélène walks in and it’s gay time
CHARMING - Natasha is so shy and blushy when Hélène compliments her it’s so cute - for a little bit Natasha struts around in Hélène’s green coat and she looks so tiny in that big furry thing my goodness - When Hélène says “you will be the prettiest there” Pierre nods - When Hélène takes off the necklace that Andrey gave Natasha, and replaces it with her string of pearls, she dumps Andrey’s necklace on Pierre who fiddled with it and is like “what am I supposed to do with this??” until placing it on his desk - “She knows that I’m engaged, yet she talks to frankly, so it must me alright :-)” my mom called Natasha a dingbat and I snorted
THE OPERA - “Natasha smooth your gown” she looks so offended when they say that, my poor girl!! - I’m not sure what it symbolizes (or if it’s just part of the outfit), but as Natasha is saying how she’s not a little girl anymore, she puts on some lacey white gloves and they’re so pretty I love Denée so much I’m so gay - okay let me just take the time to say just how much I love Dolokov???? I’d let him assassinate me - before offering his hand for an audience member to kiss it- he kisses his own hand ajdbdidbdk, and then kisses her hand - “-Pierre the cuckold sits at home, the poor man!” from his desk, Pierre does a 'raise the roof’ motion before saying that he’s enjoying himself at home - Natasha is so enchanted by Hélène before Marya comes over and talks about Pierre before pulling Natasha away and brushing away Hélène - The satanic hooded figures??? A mood. The strange performers??? A big mood - Natasha’s response to the opera was hilarious ajsbdkfn first she’s roasting it then she’s praising it saying it’s the best thing ever - When Anatole enters through the door striking in different poses with the bass I nut right there right in my seat - Andrey’s guts spilling out is a good representation of me nutting over the intensity of this song
- first off Anatole is a soggy crocodile and needs to stay away from Natasha >:-(
- Natasha is feeling herself when she knows Anatole is enchanted with her - “when looking into his eyes I am frightened.” Natasha them kinda runs away from Anatole to try and regain herself - abskdbfkfbfkfbf kkay when Anatole grabs Natasha and kisses her on the neck, it’s so loud wtf it was a real deal kiss like, I bust a nut for that shit - when Anatole takes Natasha’s flower she looks so offended like girl!! - Anatole and Natasha’s kiss was,,,,,w ow
THE DUEL - so many strobe lights. so many colors. so amazing!!!!!!! - the ensemble was amazing oh my goodness - Grace McLean in the suit and the whip………dare I say…….mommy - when Pierre refers to Natasha as 'dear andrey’s betrothed’ Anatole shrugs and makes a 'yeah, sure, whatever’ kind of face while doing the so-so motion with his hand - “ I have known her family for years, and long carried affection for her” he puts his hand over his heart - when Anatole asks for 50 rubles Pierre coughed up a wad of cash, hands Anatole 50 and just leaves the rest (which is way more that (50 rubles) in his other hand, only to have Anatole take the larger sum of money from his right hand ! - again,,,,I love Dolokov he just saunters on in with a tray of glasses and starts pouring drinks - some (most?) of the ensemble had those light up bottom sneakers and were dressed like teens at their first rave it was cute! - pierre was drinking through the first good couple lines of it and he’s a funny + sad drunk - when Pierre is proclaiming his 'I used to love I used to be better!’ the demeanor in which he shouts it is so heartbreaking and hélène’s response is so twisted and gnarled - Dolokov is feeling all up on hélène and then they kinda made out and pierre EXPLODES - After Pierre realizes that he’s actually hit Dolokov he looks absolutely - during Dolokov’s turn to fire at Pierre, Pierre stand there arms wide open, head hanging low, waiting to be shot, and when Dolokov fires and misses, Pierre just stand completely still for a good couple moments, before realizing he’s alive - Anatole is so fucking andkdbdkbfkf as he’s saying “we love to love another day” he’s like……prancing around aND HE GIVES PIERRE FINGER GUNS until he goes off stage I’m!!!
DUST AND ASHES - I said it once and I’ll say it again: Scott was an AMAZING PIERRE - When Pierre goes “and if I die here tonight-” he picks up the gun that he used to duel Dolokov with and fiddled with it for a bit, “-I die in my sleep” and my heart broke - he’s so upset that he just slams down his book when he talks about not knowing a thing - “was a happiness within me the whole time?” he’s finally realizing that he can be who he wants to be - “they say we are asleep until we faALL iIN LOOOOOOoOoVVVVE! aaAND II’M SO REEeAADY, TO WAAaaaAAKE UuuuUUP NooOooOOWW” let me tell you I was fucking close to tears - when the song ended the crowd went crazy it was truly stunning
- i love scott
THE BALL - “Oh how I adore little girls, they loose their head at once!” Anatole you little nasty soggy crocodile get away from Natasha!!!!!! >:(((( - when Anatole presses Natasha’s arm and she says that he’s hurting her I wanted to bite Anatole’s hand off :/ - the kiss they have is insane like, it felt like it lasted forever like……..how they breathin???? - “I love you. how else could we have kissed? How else could this have happened?” - “I wiiillll loooove youu, Anatoooole,” Denée’s voice……………me? bust a nut? yes. - Abskdbfkf Anatole does a 'hell yeah! good job, anatole’ face after she says that and I……
- not much to comment about during intermission, i just stretched my legs some and walked to the merch table
- i wanted to buy a shirt but lmao i spent all my money on the ticket 
- when the three minute warning was called, the war sirens sounded and it was so amazing
okay so that was part one of my great comet experience! get ready for part two (act ii and stagedoor)
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Petals and Ink  part three
Summary: Jeremy tries to convince Rich he doesn't have a thing for Michael. Jeremy and his friends go to the mall the get lunch where Jeremy runs into someone special.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mild swearing
Word count: 2090 Shorter chapter next one will be longer.
 Jeremy could not believe what Rich was doing. Rich sat there leaned back in his chair at the front desk acting as if asking this was nothing. “ Are you gay?” he said into the phone. Jeremy tried to protest and get him to stop. “ No please don’t do this. I I Rich don’t. No. Rich this is humiliating” Jeremy whined trying to keep his voice down so Michael on the other end of the phone wouldn’t hear him. There was silence on to other side of the phone. Jeremy started to panic. There's no way Michael would ever answer this he barely knew them. “ Thorry for Thtereotyping ,but like a boy wearing a pathtel pink thweater crop top and white thkinny jeans. Tho my coworker Jena and I have a bet. I thiad your most likely gay and the thaid you're a feminine thraight. Tho once again, don’t mean to stereotype but you know are you?” Jeremy made an inhuman noise of distress. Why was Rich doing this to him. Then Jeremy heard Michael on the other end, “ Yeah I’m gay.” “ Cool, thankth dude. Oh and thothe flowerth Jeremy bought look great on the front dethk.” Rich hung up the phone and looked at Jeremy with a smirk. Rich looked over at Jeremy who was bright red. “ What the hell Rich! Why would you do that! That’s not even his phone number it’s his work number what if someone else picked up the phone! What would you say then. Huh! Oh sorry I want to know if your coworker is gay! Dude what the fuck!” Jeremy shrieked. Jeremy started hitting Rich’s arm as Rich laughed. “ Jutht trying to help you out dude tho you knew if you had a chance. Thorry for helping you.” “ If I had a, Rich no!” Jeremy yelled. “ Tho you don’t have a thing for him?” Rich said raising his eyebrow. “ No. No I don’t. Thank you very much.” Jeremy crossed his arms and turned away from Rich. “ Then why are you being tho defensive? You thure you don’t have a thing for flower boy?” rich smirked. “ No I don’t have a thing for Michael. What even gave you that idea in the first place?” “ Well, letth thee. You thpent hourth talking to him to the point where your forgot it was closing time. Then you came up with an excuthe to go see him at his work and then took a bisneth card tho you had thome way to contact him. Then you got thuper defensive when I brought up the idea of you liking him. Tho yeth your right why on earth would I think you had a thing for flower power.” Rich said rolling his eyes. Jeremy was bright red. “ S-shut up.” Jeremy squeaked. “ Awwwwwwww my little boy hath hith first cruth. They grow up tho fath.” Rich teased dramatically placing his hands on his heart. “ I'm so fucking done with you.” Jeremy sighed as he walked off into his office.
He sighed sunk into his chair and got out his sketch book. He tried to come up with some new designs to clear his mind. He sat there staring at the blank page all he could think to draw was flowers. He stared at the paige for who knows how long before there was someone in the doorway. Jeremy looked up at the tall boy standing in front of him. He had on an old faded band tee and black jeans. “ Hey Jake, what’s up?” Jeremy asked. “ Me and a few others were gonna go to the mall to get something to eat in the food court, wanna come?”  Jake asked with a smile. “I mean it seems better than being cooped up in here drawing all day.” “ Yeah sure sounds nice.” Jeremy said as he got up. “ Can you give a ride, my car is getting fixed some ass hole broke my windshield.” Jeremy asked. “ Yeah totally I was already giving Rich and Jenna a ride.” Jake said.
The two of them walked out with Rich and Jena and piled in to Jake’s car. “ Thhot gun!” Rich shouted. “ What no fair you always get shot gun.” Jena whined. “ That would be because I alwath call it firtht.” Rich smirked as he climbed into the front seat.  Jeremy took his seat next to Jena. They sat and chatted for a bit. Jeremy quietly hoped Rich wouldn't bring up Michael again. They pulled up to a red light when a convertible pulled up next to them. The top of the was rolled down and they were blasting music. “ I'VE DONE ALRIGHT UP TILL NOW ITS THE LIGHT OF DAY THAT SHOWS ME HOW. BUT WHEN THE NIGHT FALLS MY LONELY HEART CALLS.” Jeremy look out off his window to see who was blaring their 80s music for all the world to hear. Then in the shotgun seat, it couldn't be. There was no way it could really be, the blonde girl driving the car turned up the music even louder for the chorus as the boy in the front seat sang along. “ OOOOOOOOH I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY! I WANNA FEEL THE HEAT WITH SOMEBODY! YEAH I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY, WITH SOMEBODY WHO LOVES ME!” It was Michael. It was really him. Jeremy stared at him in disbelief. Michael didn't even notice him and continued singing along. “OOOOOOOH I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY! I WANNA FEEL THE HEAT WITH SOMEBODY! YEAH I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY WITH SOMEBODY WHO LOVES ME!”  Michael sang out as he danced around in his seat. Jeremy kept on staring at him and couldn't help thinking to himself how adorable Michael was as his shimmed around rocking out to the song. The two other girls from the store where in the car with him to. Christen was in the back seat laughing and singing well Brooke was trying to keep her eyes on the road well her friends performed a full on concert next to her. But Jeremy really only watched Michael. He felt something on his arm. “ Hello, Earth to Jeremy. Are you here Heere?” Jena asked she was tapping Jeremy's shoulder. He snapped back to reality. “ Huh, what?” he asked shaking his head. “ What on Earth are you looking at?” She asked as she looked out the window. Michael was still dancing around and singing. Before Jenna could get a good look the light turned green and Jake drove past Brooke’s car. “ What was that all about dude?” She asked Jeremy. “ What was what about?” he said confused. “ Looking out the window smiling like a doofus.” “ Oh, I ummmm I saw a dog.” Jeremy lied. “ What you saw a dog and didn’t tell us ,gathp what kind of friend are you.” Rich teased. “ Ha ha s-sorry.” Jeremy said awkwardly. The finaly made it to the mall. Jake parked his car and they all got out to go to the food court.
Jeremy went to get in line to get sushi from some Japanese place. He walked up to the line when he noticed a familiar outfit standing at the end of the line. Purple sweater and overalls ,dark hair and tan skin. He was everywhere today. Jeremy’s thoughts began“ Should I say something? No I shouldn’t he doesn't care. He'll think I'm stalking him I already showed up at his work today I can’t talk to him what do I even say. I shouldn’t. He doesn't want to talk to me, he’s probably already annoyed with me for letting Rich call him and ask him if he is gay. Why would Rich even do that. See if I had chance jeez. I don’t have a crush on Micheal. I just think he’s sweet, and pretty cute and- no what why am I thinking this. I don’t-” Jeremy's racing thoughts were cut off by a greeting. “ J-Jeremy? H-hey long time no see haha.” Michael smiled as he waved at him. “ Oh, h-hi Michael. What are you doing here? I mean it pretty obvious you're getting food because you're standing in line for f-food, I mean, I just. Hi.” Jeremy rambled. Michael smiled as he giggled at Jeremy, he walked over to him. “ I’m here with Brooke and Christen. They said I had to come with them to make for bailing  on them yesterday.” “ Yeah sorry about that.” Jeremy said looking at the ground. “ No no no, it’s fine really. It was nice talking yesterday, it was my fault for losing track of time. You were being polite.” Michael said. “ It was nice talking to you to.” Jeremy smiled starting to turn red. “ T-thanks.” Michael blushed. The two of them got in line together. “ Hey nice concert today.” Jeremy smirked. “ W-what?” “ In your car. You got some moves.” Jeremy teased as he copied the dance Michael did in the car. Michael turned bright red. “ Y-you saw t-that. I ummmmm.” Michael stammered turning bright red. Jeremy giggled. They got to the front of the line and ordered, once they got their food they walked back to find their groups at their own tables. Brooke and Christen where only a few tables away from Jake, Rich, and Jena.
Jeremy sat down in between Rich and Jena. “ Who was that?” Jena asked. “ Oh no one he was just a customer from yesterday and he recognized me.” “ Jutht a customer. Huh.” rich said smirking at Jeremy. “ Yes. Just a random customer. Nothing special about him at all ok. Nothing just a guy who got a tattoo nothing more nothing less. Ok Rich.” “ Why tho defenthive Jeremy? Jena jutht athked a quethtion.” Rich teased. “ Now is not the time Rich.” Jeremy said trying to hide his face growing red. “ Wait a minute do you..” Jena started. “ NO! I don’t.” Jeremy said. Jake walked up to the table and sat down next to Rich. “ Sorry the line a Sabros was way too fucking long.” ,Jake looked at Jeremy's frazzled state, “ What did I miss.” Jake asked. “ Nothi-” Jeremy was cut off by Rich. “ Jeremy hath a cruth on a customer from yethterday and he’th here and Jeremy dothen’t know how to talk to people.” Rich said with a smile. “ I don’t-” Jeremy started again only to be cut off by Jena. “ He’s sitting over there. He’s the boy in the purple with the dark hair and glasses.” “ Jena really I-” Jeremy got interrupted again by Jake. “ Aw little dudes got a crush.” Jake teased. “ S-stop.” Jeremy blushed. “ Go talk to him.” Jake said. “ W-what! Jake I can’t, I mean, I c-can’t. I don’t-” “ Dude its easy. It’s all about confidence. Just go talk to him.” Jake said. “ Do it do it do it do it do it do it!” Jena chanted Rich joined in the chanting. “ Do it do it do it do it do it!” they said almost yelling. “ Ok jeez. But what do I even say?” Jeremy asked desperate for them to stop there teasing. “ I’th eathy jutht tell him that he exicteth you thexualy.” Rich said. “ Rich what the fuck no.” squeaked Jeremy. “  Honthty ith the key dude.” “ Don’t listen to him. Just go say hi.” Jenna smiled. “ And then what?” asked Jeremy. “ Ask him if him and his friends wanna hang out with us.” Jeremy got up and slowly walked over to Michael's table. Why was he shaking so much. Why was he so nervous. He was almost at the table he was debating running back to his own table and not bothering him. Christen saw him and waved. No going back now.
“ Hey Jeremy what’s up.” Christen smiled. “ Hey Christen, Brooke. Hey M-Michael.” Jeremy stutterd. Michael turned around and smiled at him. “ S-shit. He has dimples. That’s adorable” Thought Jeremy. How had he not noticed that before. “ So what’s up?” Brooke asked. “ Oh nothing really I’m just here with some friends from work.” Jeremy said looking down. “ Cool, you guys wanna hang out with us?” Christen asked. “ Oh, yeah that sounds cool I’ll ask them.” Jeremy said shocked that she had really asked him that. He walked back to his table quickly. “ So how did it go?” Jena asked. “ They asked if we wanted to hang out.” Jeremy sad still in a mid state of shock. “ Nice tell them will be right over after we finish eating.” Jena smiled.
After they had all finished both groups met up and introduced themselves. Jena, Brooke and Christen all seemed to get along well. They went off to Pink and Rich and Jake left to go to Hot Topic leaving Jeremy and Michael alone.
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jynnispook · 7 years
oh no i just found you through Mel's blog and your tagged/Mel is adorable please tell me all your thoughts about Mel you two are so cute when can we have pics of you two together
That was both a reaction to this ask and also like my most prominent thought about Mel like 24/7 bc I’m always just screaming about my wonderful perfect amazing girlfriend. I also just saw her answer to the ask you sent and I’m??? So #blessed. And also. so #gay. 
First off since Mel gave her end of the story I have to say that I spent a good portion of the tail end of our two year friendship beating down my highkey crush on her with a stick bc I was SO afraid of creeping her out? I was just like “Shit Melanie is a delicate flower who has never dated anyone in her life and I’ll definitely scare her away if she thinks I’m as 200% gay for her as i suspect I am.” And then there was a lot of hint dropping and like super close more-than-platonic interaction in our group chat with Vik and Em and it got to the point where everyone we knew just? considered us a couple. There was even a ship name. Vik and Em crowned us Melanda. I’d accidentally refered to her as my girlfriend in convo w strangers and coworkers and then felt SO bad about it. I’d overanylize the situation 100000000 times like “Nah we both have too much stuff going on to be in a serious relationship.” “She would’t want something long distance.” “Mel probably wants more college student shenanigans before being stuck in a relationship.” And “Amanda! Stop! Being! Gay! For! Your! Best! Friend!”
I like vividly remember one night I was at work (game master at an escape room), resetting our Bomb Squad room and rolling my eyes cus the group chat was going the hell off in my pocket. So I check it and I had to sit down in the real office chair of the fake office setup and express a very quiet but heartfelt “holy shit” bc Mel was like “I think I actually wouldn’t mind Amanda being my first girlfriend.” And she was talking about how she was walking around Target Realizing ThingsTM and got a Coke and was like “dang it wouldn’t be so bad if amanda was my gf.” And ofc Vik and Em were like “lmao finally” but I was silent bc I was still waiting to wake the fuck up but she hit me up in the group chat like “Was that too much?? Are you okay with that???” And I’m like shit you have no fuckin clue how okay with that I am. And now it’s like weird remembering a time where we weren’t dating and all the time we spent dancing around the subject and being characters in a slow burn mutual pining fanfic seems so silly. 
And I know you said to tell all my thoughts on Mel but there��s no way I can tell ALL my thoughts on Mel bc there are... so many. Basically every other thought I have is some gay shit abt Mel. Foremost though is that she’s just? So perfect? All the time. Like if she sends me a full makeup selfie w nice hair and cute outfit I’m like “!!!!!!!!” But then if she sends me a messy college student selfie with sweats and a messy bun and munching on a leaf chip I’m like “!!!!!!!!”. Like?? She’s so ??? Perfect.And beautiful.  All the time. And I’m gay. And I love her. She’s also just the sweetest most understanding most precious gf in the world? Like we are pretty good about checking up on each others anxiety but she also peeps in to see how my depression is treating me or remembers little things like whether I’ve been eating or feeling well or dealing w family bullshit. There are some times when I’m 100% sure she knows me better than I know me cus like she’ll give me quiet time or space or something when I didn’t even know I needed it. She also just like, the cutest. Ever. She likes petnames? And remembers things? And is generally really fucking adorable 24/7 in my professional onion. 
As for pictures together, that’s tough due to the long distance element of our relationship. However, I am tentatively planning a trip to RTX in July, where we will have the opportunity for gay meetups! And gay selfies! Until then, I’m a gay h*cker so I actually draw us together a fucking lot! x x x x x x x
And If you wanna see something Real Gay, I dedicated the first couple songs of my Nubstock performance to her here.
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aislesalmon · 5 years
WOW that was a DOOZIE of an episode. Finally back so I can tag spoilers.
Ghghhjfofo Blue and Yellow Diamonds’ redemptions were really well done... especially Blue Diamond... and that's coming from someone who DESPERATELY wanted them to not get redeemed.
Also HEY END OF GEMPIRE. Steven really did stop their spread of terror across space, didn't he? It's going to be VERY interesting to see how Homeworld and the empire change during upcoming seasons.
BISMUTH BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF WHITE DIAMOND. That was probably the highlight of the episode.
Wait no, Peridot being an absolute badass was the highlight of the episode.
Now THIS was the fusion episode we've been waiting for! Forget Know Your Fusion, this was 4 new fusions in under 5 minutes. Plus Smoky Quartz!
- Smoky Quartz: ok, so that was about the last thing I expected to happen. It's so good to see them again, and I love them as much as ever!
- Rainbow Quartz: THIS META MOTHERFUCKER. They're everything I could've wanted and more from Steven and Pearl’s fusion, and I hope we get to see them again in the future! They may have just jumped my favorite fusion, which is surprising considering how Rainbow Quartz 1.0 is far and away my least favorite fusion.
- Sunstone: I don't think anyone could've seen this coming as Garnet and Steven’s fusion. It's not the prettiest fusion, sure, but I LOVE them, and somehow their bizarre design fits them. I doubt we’ll ever see Sunstone 1.0, but I can't wait to see fan interpretations!
-Obsidian: I can see why they waited so long to show her to us - this was the perfect time! What everyone expected the temple fusion to be: beautiful, graceful rainbow warrior clad in Ancient Greek-style clothing. Actual temple fusion: LAVA GODDESS. 
ALL THE NEW OUTFITS! Naturally right when we see Peridot and Lapis Lazuli’s new outfits - which I’d been waiting for to draw so the group thing of all the Crystal Gems I’d been working on wouldn't be out of date - we also get the main crew’s new outfits... which I’d already drawn and inked, which means my project is out of date in a way I can't fix, since there's no way I'm drawing them again as well as I did the first time. Oh, well. Peridot and Lapis Lazuli’s new outfits are with it!
There's all the action that people complained about Escapism lacking! Right where I said it would be. See, I told you.
HOLY SHIT THAT SCENE IN WHITE DIAMOND’S SHIP WAS INTENSE. With everyone else being discolored, and Steven almost fucking DYING, and his Gem screaming at White Diamond that Pink Diamond is truly gone... that would've scared the shit out of me as a kid. I love it. 
That fusion dance between Steven’s Gem half and human half was a blatant Madoka Magica reference, and I can't wait to compare gifs of them to show exactly what I mean. 
Huh, so Pink Pearl got saved... I'm impressed, I didn't think she would. There's obviously still something wrong with her, though.
I'm torn... as much as I loved White Diamond as a villain, and as much as I wanted her to remain a villain, her redemption felt so... organic. Also, she's adorable when she's flustered, so there's that. 
OH, NOW LARS SHOWS UP. We get to see the off colors in relatively normal lighting, finally! At last, we have a decent idea what their color pallets are! And the off colors’ reactions were perfect. I'm so glad they're finally home on earth - I can't wait for them to meet everyone! And I do mean everyone, because holy shit is that a lot of freshly uncorrupted Gems to introduce. Upcoming seasons are going to cost a fortune with all those new voice actors. 
Jasper’s back! ‘.w.` And aaaaaah, Amethyst is the one to comfort her and break through to her, that's just perfect. Wow does she have some catching up to do.
AND A SONG TO END THE CONFLICT GOING ON SINCE SEASON 1. I wonder what else they could possibly have in store? Homeworld’s got some big changes coming, as well as the corrupted Gems being introduced, and the zoo... there's a lot left. I guess we’ll see where it goes from here!
Also... are they just gonna let Lars keep Emerald’s ship?
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