#lucios patron the devil
bakuliwrites · 2 years
They just bleat hatefully back and forth to one another. You can read Chapters 1-8 of End Up Here over on my AO3. Link in my Table of Contents.
The Devil’s cold, uncaring laugh resonates through the library.
“How hard you’ve worked to get here?” he thunders, chuckling ruefully, “You mean, how hard my associates have worked to catapult you here. You are an ungrateful brat, Lucio. You squander my many gifts so you can play house with your wife and your two little playthings. We’re busy working to make you the greatest ruler this world has ever seen. And you come in here, telling me you know what’s best? If it hadn’t been for your mother, Lucio, you would’ve been dead in some stinking ditch long ago. You’ve always ridden off of other people’s coattails. Never been smart enough or tough enough to do the hard work on your own.”
“How DARE-” Lucio begins, but the Devil hushes him with the snap of his fingers. The sound of chains clinking together fills Lucio's ears, shutting him up. They snake around his ankles, sizzling with heat, reminders of what the great being before him could do to Lucio for his insubordination. Reminders of all the things he could have taken away from him. All the luxuries and amenities he'll lose.
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ace--of--swords · 5 months
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Happy birthday, bbygirl. Now it is forever and every day.
From the sofs archive
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bluehairperson · 2 years
hi,, Valerius for the character bingo, pls?
(you're one of my favorite artists btw!!)
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MY BOY 😭💙 I love him dearly.
#the pathetic excuse of a man that has been consuming my every thought for over a year#wish I could kiss him on the forehead as if he were a cat#I get that the devs probably only thought of him as a mini villain and comic relief Which he's absolutely great as btw#but yeah he has SO MUCH potential it's really a shame he doesn't get more attention both in canon and by the fans#they wanted a funny character and accidentally ended up with an extremely layered and interesting individual who has one of the absolute#coolest looking arcana patrons key scenes and character themes but like ok go off#the scene in nadia's route when we find him in his half demon form in the catacombs of the hierophant's realm surrounded by skeletons#wearing elaborate and rich clothing is literally one of the coolest visuals I've ever read in my life and I just have to be ok with the#fact that it's only two lines of text and not a full illustration... ok#the fact that he has seen his lover being turned to fucking ash and had to lead a whole ass city almost by himself for three years while#having to mourn alone alchoholism and making deals with the devil like OK SURE TOTALLY NOT EXTREMELY FASCINATING CHARACTER KEYS#also where was my boy in Lucio's route??? where is my canon pre plague content with them?? devs please respond#I'm outside of your houses banging at the door please open I just want to talk#lately some of my friends told me they started to get interested in him solely because of my drawings and that makes me very happy#please like my boy he's so cool#asks
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I can’t remember rn, but why was asra homeless and raised himself if his parents were still alive and well?
This ended up longer than expected, but here's a rundown of what happened with Asra's parents! Putting it under the cut for spoilers :)
The timelines aren't very clear, but during Asra's early childhood, their parents were hired to build Lucio's arm. Aisha and Salim are from a country called Zadith, where alchemy (described in the art book as a combination of magic and science/technology) is a commonly studied practice. Lucio had recently lost his left arm and as count wanted the best prosthetic available.
It's unclear if the Devil steered Lucio towards Aisha and Salim specifically for the commission, or if he simply saw a chance as soon as they started working for the Palace. We do know that since the two of them have The Lovers as their patron Arcana they were key to the ritual that the Devil was slowly working towards with Lucio as his pawn.
When Aisha and Salim completed the prosthetic, Lucio ordered them to be thrown into the dungeons in separate cells and said that they would be executed, because he wanted his arm to remain the only and best of its kind. We later find out that Lucio did this at the Devil's request so that he would have a bargaining chip.
The Devil approached both Aisha and Salim separately and told each of them that if they went into captivity for him, he would make sure that no harm would come to their spouse or child. Both agreed, and they were locked in their own shared magician's gate, leaving Asra behind for roughly twenty years.
Meanwhile, from Asra's child point of view, their parents went to work one day and never came back. He would meet Muriel three years later by the South End docks and the two of them would finish growing up together in a sibling-esque relationship. When Asra first meets Muriel as a child, they say that their parents were "taken", but later, they just refer to their parents as "gone". He does seem to know from the get-go that Lucio was involved in that sequence of events, but by the time canon starts, he's given up on reuniting with his parents and isn't even sure if they're alive any more.
It's unclear, but Asra does seem to be somewhat aware of the deal that ensures that they won't be harmed. We know that Lucio knew who Asra was when he was still a kid at the docks, and that Lucio later recognized him as an adult in the Palace. Both Nadia and Julian seem to express some level of concern for their safety around Lucio but Asra themself acts with an assumption of immunity that they don't normally adopt around people they distrust so heavily.
In the end, Asra is united with his parents in most (if not all) of the upright endings, and it's implied that the three of them are able to begin rebuilding their relationship and stay in each other's lives.
Sorry for long that got, hope that helps anon friend! :D
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snobgoblin · 20 days
ok I've been sitting on this theory for a while because of a few factors, and also I was afraid that the whole fandom has this unspoken rule that you're not supposed to spoil this thing but Thun said it should be fine if I include a warning. SO CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED. massive Arcana spoilers ahead. if I'm right. which I'm not gonna make you think I'm right but *I* very much do think I'm right and this was fun to come up with
I'm gonna apologize in advance, I really wish I could articulate this better but it's ultimately just gonna sound like the ramblings of a madman because I've been so in my own head, so please forgive me 😭
anyway. the takeaway: Lucio was never The Devil. he is The Fool. the PLAYER was actually The Devil all along. and the reason Scout still exists despite the player having the body of The Fool is because... that body is Lucios.
now this is the part where I show you some evidence out of order
⭐️evidence for Lucio being The Fool:
first of all he doesn't even share that many traits of The Devil. not any more than the demons anyway- obsession? well, the demons are all obsessed with something, that's kind of their whole thing, and we know they have different associated patrons. material wealth? well, Nadia is wealthy and she's not associated with The Devil. not to mention Lucio wasn't even always wealthy, he grew up in the mountains. you know what Lucio does embody though? recklessness. adventure. inexperience. traits of The Fool
another evidence is like, the whole ritual. I only mapped out those seats we know FOR SURE are occupied and by who (but it's easy to assume that they are seated in numerical order based on this. I left out the speculation for the sake of clarity here and besides the ritual is a theory for another day) ANYWAY. anyway. wouldn't you know it but the sectioning on the table corresponds with the phases of The Fool's Journey (we know for sure that The Devil is sitting at the head of the table, with Morga taking up the other head. to the Devil's side are the Apprentice and Volta, and so on) (I know there's a whole bunch of people not present at the table but again a theory for another day)
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AND THATS KIND OF WHAT STARTED THIS THEORY IN THE FIRST PLACE, why isn't Lucio in The Devil's seat. he's in The Fool's seat! he says he was right next to Asra which is where the player would have been sitting and we know the Devil was THERE during the first ritual because he was overseeing it and people bargained with him. he wouldn't be able to sit anywhere but the Devil's seat. Lucio was sitting in The Fool's seat
also, just, some design aspects, such as the colors of the eyes and everything and also, in one if the concept art, Lucio is almost wearing a tunic (like the Rider-Waite card) and also has a feather in his hat that PERFECTLY matches the one on that card (I don't know if I'm allowed to show you that or I would)
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this point is a little looser because this isn't something exclusive to Lucio, but people call him a fool a lot. specifically in Dawn of the Grub he says this
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also this one's a little bit of a reach but the way the Fool card doesn't have an animal on it and Lucio, when he was a kid, struggled with his identity in relation to animals, like he didn't wanna be associated with beetles but he didn't know what else he was
also I think Asra says that basically Lucio just thought The Devil looked cool and that's why he latched onto him. it's really not much deeper than that. Lucio only THINKS he's tied to the Devil. but Lucio isn't to be trusted especially when it comes to magic. hell, when he visits the Devil's realm his first thought is "I'll have to remember these decorations for the palace" he just has a fascination with The Devil. which is actually part of The Fool's journey
AND I THINK. MOST IMPORTANTLY. Lucios association with dogs. i dont think its a coincidence that hes so aggressively a dog person and I believe that Mercedes and Melchior are representative of the two different interpretations of The Fool's Dog (some guiding, some hurting) because Mercedes is definitely more violent (bit off Melchiors ear) and I won't bother explaining their personalities you probably already know. also Lucios masquerade mask is a dog and also in one ask Nadia compares him to a yapping purse dog
not to mention, Lucios favorite flower is a white rose which is present on the rider-waite card and he also has this thing where he wants to be a hero, which is something the Fool represents (main characters/heroes)
also the devs stated Lucios favorite pokemon is Houndoom. how interesting, a dog with horns... surely that couldn't be symbolic 😉
also this interaction just in general
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and like in my first playthrough of Lucios route I kinda just assumed "Lucio switched patron Arcana because the Apprentice used blood magic on him" when people referred to Lucio as The Fool at the end but that doesn't make sense in hindsight, I don't think it's that he switched at all it's just, that's always who he was
⭐️ evidence for the Apprentice being The Devil:
first of all, their power. the power to break chains, the power to break binds. it's said that this is a power unique to them, but why would they have the power to break the Devil's chains if they were not associated with The Devil? that card can mean "escaping entrapment" and the entrapment is sometimes represented by chains. it makes sense that, being The Devil's beneficiary, they would share his power. like Nadias intuition
also, The Devil almost STATES that you have a connection to him
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also, this one's more silly but Natiqa says this.........
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also, I don't have a screenshot but I remember the Devil might have said something during the ritual like "you're all in your proper seats... and MC, well, I suppose one Fool is as good as any other" <- implying that they are not a good fit and are only there because of their fools body
⭐️ evidence for the body of The Fool being Lucios
ok so Scout is The Fool yeah? that much is obvious I think. even in the concept art book, Scout is pictured next to that card. so then... how does the Apprentice have that body
Muriel says that the ritual was Asras idea
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I believe that what happened was Asra wanted to use the ritual to force Lucio out of his body so he could revive the player with it
and I think that Lucio wasn't even murdered, he was just separated from his body, and that the ashes in the bed are not his remains. he did not "die" in bed, he "died" in the ritual room. why would there be ashes there? well, the courtiers are trying to frame Julian, of course they'd plant evidence. and Voltas footprints are in the ashes... it was all a set up
there's also that whole thing of Lucio calling the player a body stealing thief, and the fact that the player had to relearn to walk when they obtained this body but Lucio seems to function with it just fine. because it's his! he's used to it
GOD I *know* I had so many more points to make but I think that's plenty. I'll add on in a rb if I think of any more but it's really hard to remember... I hope that makes sense enough because at this point this theory has seeped into the very bones of this game for me and I see evidence of all of this every time I play it. it's so fun to look for BSBFNDBDB and I really just have. a ridiculous amount of analysis based on this but that's for another time BDBFBDND does this make sense? God I hope it does
ALSO ALSO PS please understand this doesn't like, say anything about their morality or anything to me. this doesn't automatically mean "Lucio is good and the Apprentice is bad" I think they're both nuanced, just like the cards
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omg-kawaiiangel-chan · 3 months
Designs for the major arcana (for the game The Arcana). The tower is my least favorite but its a literal tower. What do i even do with that. Made it someone riding a unicycle blindfolded headed for a cliff. They sure arent expecting that!
Also you can probably tell but i switched around some of the characters patron arcanas. Lucio is no longer the devil but now the fool, portia is strength, and julian is the tower. I will probably make a post detailing all of my changes but for now you get these.
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bastart13 · 1 year
Bast, I’m hopelessly confused. I thought Lucio was a representative of the Devil/his patron Arcana was the Devil…and the Fool for MC
But people keep telling me Lucio is supposed to be a representative of the Fool/his patron is the Fool, and that he turned his back on the Fool for the Devil. And the proof is that he was sitting at the Fool’s seat for his ritual and “it says in the artbook that he’s the Fool” but I can’t find that or any real proof that Lucio’s patron is the Fool
What’s the truth???
It's not that complicated. In most routes, Lucio's patron is the Devil and that's what he's classically associated with. Lucio made his bargains with the Devil and owes him a great debt, similar to Muriel and Julian getting powers from the Hermit and Hanged Man.
However, the same way Lucio is associated with both goats and his white dogs, he has a connection to the Fool. The ritual to get his body back involved stealing the body of the Fool. If it worked, he'd be in the same position as the MC. In his own route, where he rejects the Devil, he finds he shares that connection to the Fool with the MC and they come together to be the Fool as a pair. Technically in Nadia's route, when he takes the MC's body he becomes the Fool as well.
Personality wise, it makes sense. Lucio is the most open to new experiences and seeks new beginnings, but he's often impulsive and suffers the consequences of his unthought actions.
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dove-da-birb · 1 month
i saw someone a while ago say that lucio’s eyes are a mix between his two patrons (the devil and the fool) since his eyes have red (like the devil) and his silver eyes (like scout)
when he goes full devil, his eyes completely change to be black and red (no more white/silver)
but when he’s redeemed in his route, he doesn’t have red anymore
The symbolism is so fucking good though.
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transpomefiore · 3 months
mc represents the fool upright, new beginnings and such. and in the major arcana, each card from the magician all the way to the world represent the fool's journey which is what each chapter is named after. (ex: when you start the game, the prologue is "the magician", and the final chapter is "the world")
LUCIO ON THE OTHER HAND his original patron arcana is "the devil", but he actually more so represents "the fool" but reversed.
AND AND, in the stereotypical tarot deck, the fool is shown carrying a write rose and following a white dog. lucio's favorite flowers? WHITE ROSES. AND THERES A DOG GUIDE IN HE MAGICAL REALMS OF THE GAME NAMED SCOUT
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also white roses mean "im worthy of you" and i doubt the devs intended it but i sob every time i remember :3
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
M6 Make-Up Palettes
I see these on tiktok all the time and thought it would be fun to try them out for the M6! I mostly used colors from hair, eyes, clothing, etc... And I wanted to give each color one of those make-up palette names that may or may not have anything to do with said color haha (LI's favorite flower, their patron Arcana, things that remind me of them, chapter titles, etc...). This is purely for fun! Enjoy! Color names go by row and are left to right.
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Top: Belladonna, Flirtatious, Magician. Middle: Faust, Secrets, Nopal. Bottom: Spell, Unconditional Love, Half of My Heart
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Top: Dia, Private Audience, Intuition. Middle: Tinker, Power Play, Dulcet. Bottom: Countess, Chandra, High Priestess.
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Top: Rogue, Rowdy Raven, Go the Fuck to Sleep. Middle: Theatre Kid, Salty Bitters, The Doctor is In. Bottom: Malak, Self-Sacrifice, Hanged Man.
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Top: Fiery, Gossip, The Star. Middle: Adventure, Pepi, Sweet Pea. Bottom: Sunlight Through the Windows, Mischief, Stealing Kisses.
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Top: The Forest, Cozy Hut, Inanna. Middle: Healing, The Hermit, Runes. Bottom: Warm Embrace, Chicken Hutch, Forget-Me-Not.
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Top: Mommy Issues, Cheeky Devil, Plague Beetle. Middle: Mercedes and Melchior, Oopsie, Tantrum. Bottom: Silver Gaze, Camio, Count of Vesuvia.
Heart-shaped empty make-up palette from ClairesCreationsUK on Etsy :)
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ace--of--swords · 3 months
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Thoughts about Thoughts
Made bookmarks for myself. Because why not?
I put high res dl on ko fi for whomever wants them as well
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elsyrel · 2 years
Ok, I was thinking about familiars, and about the fact that it seems to exist a connection between them and arcana patrons. It seems that your patron arcana could influence which creature becomes your familiar. To put it in context, these are the characters whose familiars we know:
Asra, Faust (snake). Patron: the magician (fox).
Nadia, Chandra (owl). Patron: the high priestess (owl).
Julian, Malak (crow). Patron: the hanged man (crow).
Muriel, Inanna (wolf). Patron: the hermit (bear).
Portia, Pepi (cat). Patron: the star (cat).
Lucio, Mercedes and Melchior (dog). Patron: the devil (goat) + the fool (dog).
Aisha, Chimes (snake). Patron: the lovers (snake).
Salim, Flamel (snake). Patron: the lovers (snake).
Morga, Jaeger (eagle). Patron: the chariot (cheetah).
Nafizah, Darude (turtle). Patron: the world (turtle).
From these 10 characters, 7 have a coincidence between familiar and patron... which means that even though the familiar does not depend exclusively on the patron, it is influenced by it.
The most interesting case is Lucio. As we know, his patron is the devil... in this case, familiar and patron do not coincide. BUT, as stated by the devs, patrons can change with time. Lucio's patron changes in his own route, and he becomes the fool... which DOES COINCIDE with his familiars. And this makes me think that familiars are influenced by patrons, but also a familiar is indicative of the arcanas that have a strong connection with a person.
If this is true, Asra would have a strong connection not only with the magician, but also with the lovers. Muriel would have a strong connection with the moon. And Morga could have a strong connection with the sun. I think this gives extra information about the characters :D!! (For example, that love and connection is incredibly important for Asra, or that Muriel has a connection with what's hidden, illusions and doubts). Lucio confirms this theory.
It is also interesting that all known familiars are an animal represented by one of the arcanas... which makes me think that there are certain creatures that form connections with humans more easily than others (specifically, those creatures that are represented by one of the arcanas).
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dickbutt21 · 1 year
Okay so I'm writing a thingamajig where Asra starts opening up about his parents right, and obviously Lucio had imprisoned them in tandem with The Devil patron, but how much of this would Asra know? Would he think Lucio had just killed them or would he somehow have an idea of what happened? Canon thoughts or headcanon thoughts are greatly appreciated!
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There's something I don't understand in Julian's route SPOILER ALERT
When Julian was force fed a plague beetle and got locked in the dungeon to find a cure. Why did he have asra's magic book with him? He doesn't belive in magic and he didn't get visions of the hanged man until he was almost dying. How did he know asra's book had information about the visions he saw before he even got them? I might have misunderstood the whole thing but if not I really would like to read ur opinion of this!
Hi friend! Here's my main guess, and a disclaimer XD
When it comes to the Arcana timeline and lore, truthfully, there's so many inconsistencies and revisions that it's not exactly the kind of plot I'd try to hold any water with. That's without the added complication of six different routes with two endings each, giving us 12 different canons for one story, and a main character written so vaguely that they could be almost any reader. Personally, I find it charming, but for people who like a watertight plot and intricate world building, it can get (understandably!) very frustrating.
To answer your question though, Julian having a magic book in his office starts to make a little more sense in the context of two key parts of his character journey: 1, the Julian we meet in the prologue is also missing memories, and 2, Julian's prejudice against magic doesn't go as far as claiming it isn't real, rather, he belittles it in an attempt to be less afraid of it.
Julian doesn't yet remember the events leading up to the masquerade when the magic book is found in his office - which means he also doesn't necessarily remember the extent to which he was involved with Asra and their search to bring MC back. The book itself, with the mark of magic on it, is implied to have information on it about Patron deals. Asra would have used to it come up with their plan to bring MC back, which means Julian likely wouldn't have been able to take it until Asra was done with it.
This also means that Julian would have been around Asra for some time at that point (long enough to form the close friendship between them and Nadia) and would have seen enough of Asra's magic research to know that it was real, powerful, and effective - and maybe an approach to curing the plague that he'd been avoiding. With source of the plague being Lucio's deals with the Devil (and others), Julian already had many of the puzzle pieces he needed to solve it and both the intelligence and drive to push through.
While the early-route Julian without his memories wouldn't go near magic and would call it silly, late-route Julian with his memories would absolutely borrow a magic book if he had reason to believe it held answers about the plague. Personally, I think that if he'd had the time to do so, Julian would have figured it out eventually on his own without contracting the plague and the near-death experience that let him interact with the Hanged Man. Being infected and confined accelerated the process by removing any other priorities he would've had and opening him to receiving help from a Patron.
The question it leaves me asking, though, is why Lucio felt the need to forcefully infect and imprison his top doctor when he already had everything in place to get a new body. Is it a testament to how cruel and twisted he could get pre-ghost form? Or was it at someone else's request, much like Aisha and Salim's imprisonment seventeen years earlier?
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inviktales · 9 months
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➤ Crawl and Beg and Plead
Fandom: The Arcana
Chapters: 1 / 1
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Apprentice/Lucio (The Arcana), The Devil | Lucio's Patron/Lucio (The Arcana)
Characters: Lucio (The Arcana), The Devil | Lucio's Patron (The Arcana), Apprentice (The Arcana)
Additional Tags: Devil Apprentice (The Arcana), Suspension, Bottom Lucio (The Arcana), Top Apprentice (The Arcana), Submissive Lucio (The Arcana), Dominant Apprentice (The Arcana), Master/Pet, (kind of), Objectification, (Slightly), Blood and Injury, Blood Kink, Dacryphilia, (mild), Anal Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Throne Sex, Roughness, Biting, Scratching, Bondage, Teasing, Begging, Creampie, Unsafe Sex, Butt Plugs, Exhibitionism, (just a little), (or a lot depending on how you look at it), Dirty Talk, My Apprentice OC Azarias, OC POV, AMAB Apprentice, Apprentice Uses He/Him Pronouns, Male Apprentice (The Arcana), One Shot, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, (also i forgot about the dogs so i guess they're just watching the entire time)
The Apprentice has ascended to the Devil's throne and Lucio is his sole loyal soldier. Soldier, lover, pet. He's earned his way into being spoiled in the Devil's lap. (Expansion of Lucio's Reversed ending in Book XXI ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm not done with this series yet fellas.)
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Apprenticember day 2!
Serana's Main LI: Lucio
Ship name: Luciana or Violent Delights Violent Ends
This ship is unique amongst my own, as it is the only one where their dynamic flips on its head between the Upright and Reversed endings.
To begin with, Serana isn't technically an apprentice character. She worked in the palace as a handmaiden under the previous count, but when Lucio arrived, she did everything she could to get close to him. She threw herself at him for years before he finally gives in, mostly in an attempt to make Nadia jealous (it didn't work. This coincides with the EmeryxNadia timeline, which I'll discuss in Emery's posts).
Once Serana reaches him, she is not willing to let him go. When he catches the Plague, she tells him she will do anything to cure him, and she made good on that promise. Her Patron Arcana, The Devil, offered her a solution. And y'all know how that goes.
Upright Dynamic:
In the Upright route, Serana becomes a courtier. She is completely submissive to Lucio, desperate to do anything to please him, including losing her humanity. Lucio becomes completely merged with the Devil, leaving Serana patronless. In every way, she is entirely reliant on him. She worships him.
Reversed Dynamic:
In the Reversed route, Serana takes the dominant role. It happens much the same as in the game; she keeps him as her go-between for the mortal world. He would do anything for her. She feels some warmth toward him, but even she is not certain if it is an echo of her past love, or pleasure at knowing that he belongs to her.
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