#makaylas fics
thestarrynightslover · 3 months
Maybe We Could Do It Again
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 4,632
Warnings: bickering and fluff.
Summary: Jay meets the Reader as they’re both babysitting Makayla for Adam and Kim and they end up tangled up on the ground and kissing.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Okay, so this is one of the longest fics I’ve written, which might be a little too long but I hope you guys like it and feel free to send feedback! By the way, this is the first time I insert Burzek in one of my fics but I think I got their energy right ;)
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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“Oh my God, Adam! I can’t believe that even when you’re not supposed to do something you get it wrong!” Kim yelled at her boyfriend.
“What the hell-” He even tried to respond but got immediately interrupted for his bad language.
“Adam!” She hissed again, not believing how he could still curse so much now that the two of them had a child in the house.
“Sorry, sorry!” He said, nervously raising his hands, as Kim already peeked through the kitchen doors to see Jay and Makayla pretend like they hadn’t been listening to every word of their conversation in the living room. “It’s just… I remember you specifically telling me to find someone to babysit the kid, so I did it! How is it possible that I’m the one who-”
“Yes! I did ask you two to do that! On Monday! And do you remember what you told me?” He didn’t dare to say anything. “Oh, no? Because I do! I remember you saying, and I quote:” she said, even making finger quotes to emphasize the whole thing, “‘Where the hell am I supposed to find a babysitter for Makayla? None of my friends have any experience with kids!’” Kim shoved it in his face, making a very good point for herself. But, as usual, Adam decided to go against any sign of good judgment and continue to defend himself. He knew he could never let Kim in on it, but Jay himself was one of those who had already heard the officer saying how much he loved bickering with his girlfriend and getting her all fired up against him.
“No, uh! That won’t cut it! You told me, and I quote: ‘Then hire someone! I don’t know! But you’re the one who came up with the date night idea, so don’t come and throw something that should be your responsibility on my shoulders!’, so I knew that I needed to find someone! Kev and Vanessa are visiting his siblings this weekend, so I thought: why not Jay? He’s good with kids, and he offered to help us with Makayla!” Adam concluded, absolutely proud of himself while Kim just rolled her eyes.
“Oh. My. God!!! You do know he didn’t mean that literally, don’t you?” She was already fuming by that point.
“Err-” He had to admit that he’d never stopped to think about that possibility…
“No one means that literally!!” She shouted, this time, making even the neighbors hear their arguing. “No one means that literally, and, now, you’re just making us both look like the cops who can’t take care of their own kid in front of the entire unit.” She stated, in a lower, tone while pinching the bridge of her nose.
“But this is not the entire unit! This is Jay! Our friend Jay, who had offered!” Adam stood by that argument and Kim had already opened her mouth to shoot a remark back when Jay came into the kitchen.
“Makayla’s distracted with the tv.” He started with that so that they wouldn’t be worried. “Uh... Guys, Kim, you don’t have to worry about me telling anyone about this, okay? I won’t. Besides, I did mean what I said before. I’m here to help. Whatever you guys need. Plus, for someone who had plans of watching a game rerun alone at home on a Friday night, babysitting that cute little girl is almost like hitting a jackpot!” Jay assured, giving them a small smile and shiny eyes headed towards Makayla’s direction. Babysitting a kid, when he was probably never gonna have one of his own, was one of the things that he, personally, missed the most about when Will and Natalie were together. Back when Lindsay lived in Chicago, he used to be sure that, someday, he was gonna find someone. Settle down. Build a family. But, now… After everything that had happened, he couldn’t help but feel like his time to do all that had run out. So, instead of mooning over it, he could gladly babysit Makayla.
“Well, um, thank you, Jay,” Kim started, nervously tucking a string of hair behind her ear, “that’s really nice to hear. And we very much appreciate it. But-” She didn’t get a chance to finish as the doorbell rang and Adam rushed towards the apartment’s entrance to prevent his very excited little girl from opening the door by herself. When he got there, followed by the other two adults, Makayla was already standing on her tiptoes, hand-in-handle.
“Hey! Watcha doing, you little adventurous?!” Adam asked while picking her up from the floor and tickling her sides, which made her become a giggling mess. “You can’t just open the door like that, darlin’! You gotta check on the peephole first,” he said, as he lifted her up enough so that she could look through the hole, “like this. See someone?”
“Yes! It’s (y/n/n)!” She squealed out. “Can we open the door now? Please, Adam?” Makayla asked, shooting him pleading eyes, while her body buzzed with happiness.
“Ah, (y/n/n), right,” Adam said simply, opening the door and fearing that Kim would want to restart the whole discussion with him.
“Hey, princess!” And that simple greeting was all it took for Makayla to throw herself from Adam’s arms straight to yours. “Wow,” you laughed at her sudden movement, which had caused you to lose your balance a little, “you excited to see me?”
“Yes!! Did you bring the bakings???” She asked you eagerly, bakings being what she called your cooking utensils.
“No, not today!” Your answer made her face, almost immediately, turn into a sad frown. “But I brought this!” You told her while lifting up a box that read ‘karaoke set’, above a few drawings of a microphone and musical notes. Seeing that, Makayla’s saddened expression shifted in two seconds, eyes lighting up.
“Look, Kim!” The little girl shrieked, more than ready to have what she already knew was about to be the time of her life.
“Yeah, I see that! Seems like you girls are gonna have a blast…” Your friend weirdly trailed off, as her mind tried to find a quick solution to the mess her boyfriend had made.
“Uh…” Was all that a very handsome man you hadn’t met yet managed to let out.
“Jay, um, this is my best friend (y/n). (y/n/n), this is our friend from work Jay. I’m sorry about the mess, guys, it’s Adam’s fault.” Kim spoke again, bluntly accusing her boyfriend.
“My fault??? Are you kidding??? You told me to find someone to watch Makayla 'cause you didn’t want us to keep bothering (y/n)!”
“Guys! It’s no bother at all, really. Hanging out with this little princess is in my best interest, believe me!” You said, quickly defending your case.
“Well, thanks for saying that, (y/n/n). What happened here is that Adam told me he wouldn’t be able to get anyone,” Kim started while shooting daggers into her boyfriend with her bare eyes. “So, since I wasn’t about to just wait for a miracle, I called and asked you to do it. But someone didn’t think about telling me that he had already gotten Jay to come. And now you’re both here, ugh!” She finished, rather dramatically, while pointing a finger at Adam.
That was, seriously, the best couple you knew when it came to bickering.
“Okay, so, um, it’s not gonna be any trouble. I can leave since your colleague got here first and you don’t need to be stressed on your date night, friend.” You tried to bring things to a peaceful ending before Kim turned it into a murder scene.
“Oh, I do need to be stressed! I need to-” She started to debate but got cut off by Makayla’s cute pleading voice:
“But you can’t leave, (y/n/n)! We’re gonna play karaoke!” The little girl clearly had already gotten worked up by your idea for the night.
“Makayla, baby, please don’t be difficult. You hang out with (y/n/n) all the time, and uncle Jay is already here…” You watched as Adam tried to reason with his daughter while she held you really tight.
“No, uh…” Their friend started to say. Was it too weird for you to be thinking about how incredibly cute he looked when scratching the back of his neck like that? “Relax, man, I can go. I bet that you’re gonna have a lot more fun with her than with me, anyways, Mak.” He completed, talking to your little friend with a sweet smile, to which she reacted with a confused frown.
“But- but why does Jay have to leave? Can’t he play karaoke with us, (y/n/n)?” Makayla asked you poutingly.
“Now that’s something I’d like to see!” Adam started to mock but stopped when Kim punched him in the arm. “Ouch! That hurt, you know?”
“I know! That was exactly the result I was hoping for!” She squealed out sarcastically, “Makayla, honey, you can’t just ask both (y/n/n) and Jay to play karaoke, of all things, with you.” It was lovely to watch Kim interacting so patiently with her kid but the young girl still didn’t seem to understand.
“But why???”
“Well, they don’t know each other, Makayla.” Kim tried again but Mak still wasn’t ready to give it up.
“But they know me!” 
“Good luck explaining now, ma.” As soon as the words came out of his mouth, all of you 𑁋 Adam himself included 𑁋 knew what was coming, fortunately, Kim just punched him in the arm again.
“You know, guys, you don’t need to fight over something like this, okay? Uh… Since he’s your coworker, I’m gonna assume that he’s one of the good guys, therefore I wouldn’t really have a problem with hanging out with him…” You said because you were never one to say no to little kids. “I mean if that’s okay with you, too, officer…”
“It’s detective, actually. But you can call me Jay, uh, (y/n), right?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Well, I don’t have any problems with hanging out with you either,” Jay said and, Jesus, was that really his smile? “I mean, Mak should get all the babysitters she wants!” He told her with a wink. It was official. You were so done for the night.
“Ha!” Kim nervously let out a laugh, “let’s go easy there, cowboy! You can’t just come into my house offering the kid everything she wants.”
“Okay, okay,” the detective started to say with a gesture of surrender while the couple started to get out of the house to give you the space to properly go in. “Sorry ‘bout that, ma!” You could have sworn that you saw him tremble 𑁋 just a little 𑁋 under the deadly gaze your friend sent his way. Adam, who seemed to be off the hook for the first time that night, took the moment to laugh and hope that his girl would forget she had been so mad at him.
“C’mon, darling. Let’s get going before we decide it isn’t very safe to leave Mak with those two.”
"Yeah… I'm already deciding that but maybe they'll prove us wrong." Kim said, voice absolutely faithless. "You behave, Makayla!"
"It's more than obvious that she's going to be the best tonight. Get outta here already!" You heard Jay yelling a little in response to her, as you and Makayla started to get the karaoke set up.
But you, being the lucky person you were, obviously couldn't find your way around your friend's old stuff.
"Uh, you need any help there?"
“No! No, not all! Um, I got this!” You quickly responded because you could be pretty skeptical when it came to admitting your weaknesses and, from your point of view, not getting a simple karaoke set to work was a huge one.
“Alright, then…”
“Are you sure you don’t want Jay to help, (y/n/n)?” Mak asked, sounding way more reasonable than you, the actual adult there.
“Um, err, I guess maybe I could use some help… It’s just that this TV setup is quite different from mine…” You said, still unwilling to let how confused you were really show.
“Yeah, I can help!” you heard Jay as he left his spot in the corner of the room. “I was just ordering us pizza but I can totally help out 'cause Adam and I actually shopped for these TVs together, so I have the same one!” He said, this time, already gently getting the device from your hands before you could even react, which was probably him sensing that you wouldn’t give it up so easily, like he could see right through you.
“Okay, well, since you already ordered the pizza, I’ll go make us some juice.” As you said that you got both of your companions making weird faces at you, so you amended: “Or not, because you already ordered soda too… Just keep in mind that if Kim gets mad because of all the junk food that kid is eating, I’m telling on you, detective!” You said, making a point to stare right into his eyes 𑁋 God, they were so beautiful, was there nothing but beauty in this man’s body?
“Okay, so I think we’re all good here with the karaoke! Who wants to go first?” Hearing that you came of your very dangerous thoughts and Makayla jumped up and down, screaming:
“Me! Me! Me!”
“Alright, little lady, then come pick a song!” Jay told her and stood by to help her with her choice.
About three hours later all three of you had already sung your hearts out 𑁋 Jay having had gone for ABBA, which surprised you and Mak, to say the least 𑁋 eaten lots of pizza, drunk lots of soda and had begun watching a movie, cause you told Jay that that always did the trick when it came to Mak falling asleep. But, God, it was hard to pay attention to the movie you were supposed to be watching when sitting next to a guy like that. And he wasn’t just really handsome. He was sweet and kind and funny. Also, he was so good with Makayla. It was like everything you’d always imagined the perfect man being like was right there, reunited in the detective’s goof self. But you couldn't be thinking those thoughts about him. Not when he was so close. And definitely not when your best friend's daughter was lying on both of your laps.
So, in order to calm your thoughts for a minute, you gently put Makayla’s head on a cushion as you got up 𑁋 because she was already asleep 𑁋, and said I’m gonna get started on cleaning over there.” It was indeed necessary since Mak had dropped all of the content of a big ice cream container near the dining table, the ice cream being very sticky and sort of liquid 𑁋 which was obviously beyond your understanding but who were you to judge Kim and her preferences? 
"Oh God, lemme help you!" You heard Jay saying, as he quickly made his way from the corridor over to where you were cleaning the floor, by the dining table.
"Ah, there's no need for it. I'm used to spending time with Mak, and, then, cleaning up before Kim sees it." You told him with a sly smile.
"Ha! Well, I don't doubt it! You're really good with her."
"And she's really good at making giant messes."
"Right." He said, chuckling lightly. "But, this time, I bet you felt like there were two kids, huh?"
"Your words, not mine, detective."
"Anyways, I'll help. Don't tell Kim and Adam, cause they might spread it across the district, but I'm actually pretty good at cleaning. Especially, when compared to someone who's doing such a lousy job." At that, you instantly snapped your head in his direction.
"What did you just say?" You asked, pretending to be mad while standing up and raising your sponge, as if it was a weapon you were threatening him with.
"Uh… Uh, d- did you know that pulling a weapon on a cop is a crime?" He asked, trying to play along, but stuttering a little.
"And what are you gonna do?" Now that Makayla was asleep… "Huh? Arrest me?" Jesus Christ, you definitely weren't thinking straight, you thought as you watched Jay drop his mop, also spilling all the soapy water on the floor. He even motioned to take care of it but stopped when he realized that you were, now, standing closer. Closer than it was safe for him to be near a woman like you. So he decided to take a step backward, not remembering the floor situation and slipping. As a reflex, you grabbed his shirt when you were obviously not gonna be able to prevent him from falling.
So, you ended up falling with him. On top of him. Oh God, was that living room always so hot? Your thoughts were cut off by Jay's laugh, it was an open-mouthed laugh, just like when you two were interacting with Makayla. He didn't seem to be the kind of guy who got to laugh too much, especially given his job. But it definitely suited his features. His smile, that bright, was so beautiful.
"So you're seriously not even gonna try and get up? Just gonna stay there staring?" Hearing that, you blushed instantly, because you hadn't even realized you were staring.
"Ah, uh… Right." Now, that was your turn to stutter, and Jay was loving every second of it. He thought you looked absolutely adorable like that. Even more so than you had looked all night.
But you weren't feeling adorable at all. You were embarrassed. By the situation at hand, sure, but, also, by your entire behavior that had, pretty much, gotten the two of you in that position. What was going through your head? The answer was simple: nothing. Or, better yet, Jay's gorgeous face, body, and behavior. Just, Jay being gorgeous all night. Now, what really made you wanna dig a hole and jump right into it was when you tried to get up but the floor was so slippery that you just fell back on him.
Needless to say, he was having a playfield. Laughing like there was no tomorrow. In fact, he had relaxed completely under you, laying his head on the soaked floor.
"You know what? This is pretty comfortable. I think I'll stay right here." It was official: you had no self-shame.
"Are you serious?" He asked, trying hard to hold back from laughing.
"Look, I don't know what else to do, okay? And my brain is clearly affected by your little charm, because I just keep mortifying myself over and over-"
"So you think I'm charming, huh?" Damn it. A thousand times damn it.
"Uh… That's not exactly what I-" You couldn't finish your sentence, as Jay started pulling you even closer to him. Kissing you. Oh boy, how he kissed you…
"Oh. My. God." Both you and Jay jumped away from each other, as much as you could, the second you heard Kim say that, her being followed suit by Adam:
"What the hell is that?!?" He half-asked, half-barked at the both of you, trying hard to not burst into laughter.
"Uh, it's, um, it's not what you're thinking, guys-"
"It's not what I'm thinking?!?" Yeah… It was safe to say that Kim was pissed. "Are you sure it isn't? Because the image actually seemed pretty self-explanatory to me!" As the both of you just kept working out a way to get up from the floor, she continued: "I come back home thinking that everything was gonna be perfect because my daughter had two adults babysitting her! People that I thought were quite responsible but, then, I come home to find those very adults making out on the floor in my living room! My very dirty living room! And, by the way, where the hell is Makayla?"
"She, um, she's in her bedroom. Asleep." Jay finally spoke. "And, about the mess… We were just, uh…"
"Yeah, man, we saw what you were just doing," Adam said, looking like he was having the time of his life.
"No! That's not what he was gonna say-"
"Ah, so the two of you got along so well that now you even know what he was going to say, (y/n)?" Kim said, while glaring at you.
"All I meant was that, well, the place got a little dirty…" Jay started to explain but not fast enough.
"A little???" Kim was really, really mad, you realized.
"But dinner was great!" At that, both you and Kim just stared at him incredulously while Adam started laughing on his way to the kitchen.
"That's what you were going to say???" You ask him, not believing you'd just tried to defend him for some joke. "Kim, I'm sorry things ended up this unfruitful…" You began to tell your best friend, to try and patch things up, when Adam chipped in from the other room.
"You know, darling, Jay wasn't wrong! This pizza is great!" He barked, mouth full. And that's what got Kim to go over the edge.
"Don't you realize what just happened here, Adam??? And, you two! I still haven't heard an explanation on what the hell I just saw!"
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry! We were cleaning up and then it just-"
"It just what, (y/n)??? It just happened? That what you were gonna say?"
"As a matter of fact, yes, it is! It just happened because you and your boyfriend made me babysit with this ridiculously hot guy and I'm human! Now, before you have another crisis, Makayla didn't see anything and I'm leaving because I just humiliated myself more than enough for a lifetime!" With that said, and your flight or flee instinct activated — cause you were never much of a fighter —, you did the smartest thing possible and stormed out of there, hoping to be able to get into some sort of protection program for embarrassment victims.
Meanwhile, Adam and Kim simply had to laugh, even more so when they noticed Jay's shocked twinkling expression.
"Jay! What is wrong with you?" Kim asked, taking him out of his daze.
"Go after her! If I hadn't been so upset about the circumstances, I would've been the first one to say that what happened over there?" She asked, pointing to the floor. "What happened there was hot." The officer finished her trail of thought bluntly, as if it was the most obvious thing.
"But… What about your living room?" Jay asked, still unsure of what to do.
"Are you kidding me? Look, Halstead, if you promise not to break her heart… I won't hold it against you." Kim stated, making her stance on the whole matter very clear. She thought it was a good way to start apologizing to you after freaking out like that.
"Uh, uh, alright!" The detective rambled, looking like he had no idea of what to do next.
“Go!” With that last push, he left his friends’ house to go try and get the girl.
“You know, this is quite a mess but they do have the potential to be a great couple!” Adam happily pointed out, as he kept eating all he could find.
“Ha! If she’s as lucky as I am…” Kim ironically muttered, as she watched her boyfriend impolitely shoving food in his mouth.
“Then she’s a very lucky lady!” He confidently stated with a grin while all Kim could do was laugh at his messy childish ways.
Outside burzek's apartment — burzek being the ship name you used to tease Kim and Adam with —, you had been slowly walking towards the subway. You wanted to move faster but your mind was too full at the moment. And, sometimes, when you needed to get your head back on straight, you couldn't really do anything else, having a hard time concentrating on your flow of thoughts.
It was right when you were beginning to think you had stopped the spirals in your mind that you heard him: "(y/n)!" You recognized the detective's voice on the spot. How could you not, after how he had managed to disrupt your thoughts and actions all evening? But you weren't about to turn back around and have your very own movie ending with him. You just knew it wasn't gonna play out like that and decided to keep walking in order to preserve the little dignity you still had. "Oh, c'mon! Just give me a minute! Please!" That pleading made you turn around, to let him down more politely, which ended up with the two of you almost hitting each other. Once again, that same night, he was too close to you. The proximity with his body sending all sorts of heatwaves through yours. He seemed to be feeling it too, given the way he started to look at you, the damn smirk back on his lips.
"Nu-uh. You don't get to look at me like that. Not after what it did to me the first time."
"Huh. Care to elaborate on that? How exactly am I looking at you?" He asked, moving even closer to you altogether. "And, more importantly, what exactly did it do to you?"
"You don't need me to answer any of that." You pointed out, crossing your arms over your chest — clearly going into defensive mode.
"Maybe not," he started, tilting his head slightly — the damn smirks never leaving his face. "But. I'd like to hear it nevertheless."
"Well, you're not going to."
"Ah, okay." Wait, was he really giving up that easily? "Then maybe I can just try and see what it does to you one more time? For the sake of curiosity." All you could think to say was an enthusiastic 'Yes, please!' but, when he started leaning in to kiss you, you seemed to come back to your senses, pushing him away and taking some steps back of your own.
"Oh my God! Don't you get it? We can't be doing this right now. Not after the way I left things with Kim because of our previous, um, actions!" At that, Jay just gave you a confused look. "I stormed out of there but just because I was feeling too ashamed about it all and I honestly don’t think that I want any more embarrassment for a lifetime.
“Okay, okay. I get that but maybe it would feel less embarrassing for you if you knew that I was feeling all of that too: all of that buzzing energy and the goddamn butterflies and everything. You were doing exactly the same I did to you to me. And, as embarrassing as it was to be caught like that by Adam and Kim, I still can’t say I regret any of it. In fact, I was thinking that maybe we could do it again? You know, minus all the mess and the kid 𑁋 I mean, I adore Mak but that would be-” 
You didn’t care to listen to the rest of all he had to say. Instead, you threw yourself into his arms, even making him lose his balance for a second, and started kissing him, except that this time it was a slow, hot, and thought-through kiss. And the second you did kiss him, you heard clapping and whistling from afar, as you turned to find Kim and Adam there, once again witnessing you and Jay kiss. And that had Jay whispering to you:
“Let’s get out of here?” To which you responded simply with a:
“Yes, please!”
252 notes · View notes
infamoussparks · 4 months
Chapter 4: Skeleton Closets
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Approx. 5,200 words; 40 minute read.
Everyone had secrets to keep, this was just a fact of life. You don’t rise to power, become labeled a “hero” and not have a lockbox hidden away. Delsin knew his secret had been safely buried, but now it felt as though he was going to have to reveal his hand. And he knew, beyond any doubt, that his secret was going to shatter any spark of trust he had built up. With everyone.
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Delsin mused over his list, mentally checking boxes next to tasks that seemed to be finished enough for now. He had personally called Rosaline to inform her of Eugene’s findings and she didn’t sound surprised at the least. Rosaline did ask that the team continue to house Caly for the moment, only because the hospital was crawling with reporters even a full day after the incident and she didn’t feel it was a very safe environment for the 4-year old. Especially if Caly had suffered trauma, which seemed more and more likely given Caly’s reluctance to speak while seemingly retaining full comprehension of what was said to her. Rosaline would have Caly’s vision and hearing tested as soon as she could.
After speaking with his team, Delsin paid a visit to Benji who was more than happy to continue to spend time with Caly and be excused from classes. Benji was a good student, only faltering in training classes as he struggled to accept his power and outright refused to use it, even with Fetch’s reassurance that she would be there the whole time and could help him break control in seconds. Benji would just shrug and stop participating and Fetch didn’t push him. Delsin wasn’t concerned about Benji missing any additional classes for the time being.
Eugene hadn’t made much more progress on digging deeper into Stratego simply because they had a very innocuous website and no apparent backdoor into what the company really was. He was busy trying to crack the code in various ways between teaching his classes.
Fetch delivered on her lists of students. The lists were hand-written but grouped students by powers that worked best together to provide the most support for everyone, should they need to start getting defensive on campus. Delsin had kept the conversation strictly business, even though his heart ached to pull Fetch aside and just talk. He made another mental note on his list to get Fetch alone soon.
But Fetch did that first.
“Hey, Smokes… Got a second?” She had rapped her knuckles against the open office door and pulled Delsin suddenly from his head as it snapped toward the door while he straightened from leaning against the desk. Fetch offered a soft smile, “A little jumpy today?”
“Yeah, sorry. Lost in my thoughts. Come in,” Delsin motioned toward the couch and he moved toward the refrigerator, “Want anything to drink?”
Fetch closed the office door behind her and dropped onto the couch in one graceful motion, “Is it too early for a beer?”
Delsin chuckled as he grabbed two beers and joined Fetch on the couch, handing her one of the glass bottles. She quickly opened it and clinked it against Delsins’ before taking a long sip. She sat back against the couch and blew a puff of air up toward her bangs, the pink-dyed hair fluttering before settling against her forehead again.
Delsin leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees while his bottle hung loosely between his fingers. He didn’t say anything but he felt the tension in the room rising between the two conduits in the silence.
“Let’s try this again. You and me.”
Delsin felt his eyes go wide at the words but he only glanced to the side to check if Fetch was still there and this wasn’t some weird daydream. She was absolutely still seated beside him, head tilted slightly to her right as she gazed at him. He swallowed and cleared his throat.
“Are you sure? I mean, I’m not going to push things but I don’t want you to do this because you think I want it.”
“You do, though,” Fetch took another sip from her beer bottle, “And I do, too. I’m tired of chasing my shadows. Delsin, we’re 30. We need to stop messing around, you know?”
Delsin did know but this whole conversation was not at all what he was expecting. He slowly sat back against the couch and nursed his beer for a moment before responding. 
“What brought this on?”
“We’re about to face something crazy, I can feel it. I don’t know what Stratego means for us but I know it isn’t a good omen. And… Honestly, I just miss you.”
“Do you? You haven’t been very open to the idea of ‘us’ in years. And I know that’s my fault too, with the whole…” Delsin motioned by swirling his beer around. It was still too hard to name, “I’m tired of playing games.”
Fetch shifted her position and she leaned up against Delsin then, resting her head on his shoulder. Delsin didn’t move, just waited with learned patience. Fetch could be hard to read sometimes and this was one of those moments. But she was opening up and he didn’t want to accidentally close her off, so he sat with the silence caught on his tongue.
Fetch lowered her voice, her words sounding more sincere, “No more games. I promise. And you know I don’t break my promises.”
“You never have.”
Fetch moved her beer to her right hand, sliding her left one over to Delsin. He paused a second before offloading his beer to his left hand and taking her hand with his right one, their fingers lacing together. It was quiet in that space and Delsin realized he missed her touch. He missed any touch, really. It was incredibly hard to have physical touch with the power to drain other conduits. Even after all these years he still had no control over that first touch and it had resulted in a great deal of personal frustration.
But he didn’t have to worry about that with Fetch as he had taken Neon from her long ago and she never shied from his touch while they were together, on and off again. 
Maybe this time would be different.
“Fetch Walker, you know I can’t turn you down,” Delsin mused softly, giving a quick kiss to the top of her head. Fetch snickered in return.
“And I can’t give you up, Delsin Rowe.”
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After an hour, the office had shifted into what looked like some sort of detective set. Papers with hand-written notes covered the desk, Eugene was sighing and growing more and more frustrated behind the laptop screen, Fetch was picking up papers and putting them down again in some sort of pile system that only she seemed to understand, while Delsin was pacing the room, a familiar scene as he was trying to put the pieces together in his head.
“... You two kiss and make up, or what? You both seem a lot more relaxed today.” Eugene sat back in the desk chair, pushing the laptop away from him and took his glasses off as he pressed the heels of his hands against his closed eyes. Delsin and Fetch exchanged a look and Fetch smirked as Delsin winked at her.
“Something like that, Gameboy. When you gonna introduce us to your partner?” Fetch teased. Eugene suddenly flushed three shades of red and looked like he wanted to melt into the floor.
“You know I’m too busy here for that.”
“Oh? That’s not what I heard from our local barista…”
“Oh my Go–”
“OKAY, so.” Delsin cut Eugene off and pulled the conversation back to the topic at hand. Eugene gave him a grateful look and Fetch waved the distraction off, “Where are we on Stratego?”
Eugene sighed loudly, “Dead end. No backdoor, no hints in the code. I’ve tried everything I can think of but I can’t find anything that would connect them to the kidnappings or alleged experiments.”
“So that either means they aren’t behind it, or that they are absolutely behind it.” Fetch chimed in, her focus waning from her paper stacks.
Eugene sighed again, clearly on the brink of giving up, “Did you research the funding, Delsin?”
“Not yet. I was going to see what I could find after my visit today.” Delsin had stopped pacing and was now standing behind Fetch.
Fetch glanced up at him and furrowed her brows slightly, “Are you seeing Betty today for your weekly visit? Where does the time go?”
“Yeah, time is a mess lately, right? I’ll be back before you know it. You two got things under control while I’m offsite?”
Eugene and Fetch agreed in unison and Delsin gave Fetch a swift kiss on her forehead before leaving the office behind.
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Everyone had secrets to keep, this was just a fact of life. You don’t rise to power, become labeled a “hero” and not have a lockbox hidden away. Delsin knew his secret had been safely buried, but now it felt as though he was going to have to reveal his hand. And he knew, beyond any doubt, that his secret was going to shatter any spark of trust he had built up. With everyone. 
Delsin loved his visits with Betty. They helped to keep him grounded when things were overwhelming with the start of the conduit school project. They helped to keep him fed when the warehouse took all his time and energy. They provided him with a place to express himself when things with Fetch took a turn for the worst, or when they worked out again. Betty was always welcoming and warm and loving, no matter what stuff Delsin seemed to be slogging through. She was his rock.
Which is why he visited her every week. Or so the story goes. He actually only saw her every other week. And this week was an off-week, so he wasn’t expected by Betty today. He was, however, expected by someone else entirely.
He drove his familiar blue pickup truck on the highway to avoid the main street traffic and took the same exit as the one he took to get to his reservation, but he didn’t drive far enough to even find himself in those familiar woods before home came into view. Today he turned nearly immediately off the access road and traveled along the street until he pulled into a parking lot. He parked and sighed, steeling his nerves before exiting his pickup truck and heading inside the large building.
“Welcome to Seattle Inpatient Psychiatric Cent–Oh! Hello, Mr. Rowe!” A cheery nurse waved as Delsin entered the building and approached the desk to sign in. She was always very helpful and Delsin had long ago picked up hints that maybe she was interested in him, but he didn’t want to pursue something with her with so much else going on in his life. And now he didn’t feel the need to anymore.
“Hey, Lissa. Always nice to see you,” Delsin finished signing in and he caught Elizabeth smiling with a fresh flush on her cheeks. Delsin was the only non-staff member she allowed to call her by that nickname.
Elizabeth stood and walked from behind the desk, using her badge to summon an elevator, “I’ll bring you up to the room. Please follow me.”
“Sure thing,” Delsin followed and once they were inside the elevator he was distracted by his own thoughts, “Any change? Talking? Movements?”
Elizabeth shook her head, “Sadly, none. The doctors are taking good care of her and following your instructions.”
Delsin sighed and ran a hand along the back of his neck as the doors opened to the floor that Elizabeth had requested. She walked out first and he followed her a few steps behind. She stopped outside a closed door marked with a single word and gave Delsin a brilliant smile.
“Here we are. Please just signal if you need anything. You have…” Elizabeth checked a clipboard hanging to the right of the door, “30 minutes with her. She has a call after you from her family.”
“Thank you, Lissa. I should be fine with her alone.” Delsin flashed a side smile and gave the nurse a quick wink. She flushed bright red and then nodded and quickly left back toward the elevator. Delsin watched her go and once he was mostly alone in the hallway he refocused on the door before him. And that one word written across the whiteboard attached to it–catatonic.
With a strong inhale through his nose, Delsin opened the door and went inside.
The room was airy and bright, the walls painted an off-white but not quite cream color. The bed was at the far left corner. A huge window was directly across from the door and a table with two chairs pushed in around it found to the far right. The room was mostly empty except for a lone wheelchair pushed before the window with a person seated within comfortably.
Delsin had always been a man of buried regret. He was known for doing the “right thing” but he’d learned quickly that the “right thing” always came at a cost. Maybe he was chasing that absent praise and reassurance that he would never receive from his lost family members, leaving him stranded in this odd in-between state of doing just enough to prove himself but never enough to find himself in it all. Regardless, after his win seven years ago against the D.U.P., sealing Brooke Augustine within concrete never sat right with him and he was soon at her aid to free her after all the interviews and photos and attention, only to find the damage had been done. Now, Augustine remained here at Seattle Inpatient Psychiatric Center in her catatonic state. Delsin donated a huge sum of money toward her care and protection. And to keep his visits a secret, off the public record.
“Beautiful day out there, Augustine,” Delsin approached the wheelchair with a bit of nervousness in his tone and mannerisms. Knowing he was partly at fault that Augustine was here at all weighed heavy on his conscience.
Augustine did not respond. Or even blink. Not a single movement or sound. She just stared out the window at the view, seemingly fixated on the Space Needle in the distance.
“The warehouse is doing well. We’re more full than ever these days. Helping all the… what did you call us? ‘Bio-terrorists’, right? Helping all of them to feel more connected and human than you ever did. Us conduits need to stick together.”
It was like a sort-of therapy to talk aloud to her every other week. No input, no laughter, only silence. It was like talking to himself but Delsin knew Augustine could hear him. Somewhere deep in her mind, she was there seething or crying or apologizing or planning. Delsin didn’t know which, but he never skipped a visit.
He may have been the only constant she had left.
“Listen, I didn’t come here to banter with you about the state of things, but I do have a question for you,” Delsin slowly made his way to stand directly in front of Augustine and then he kneeled so he could look into her eyes, “Who are the Stratego? This group the D.U.P. funded way back when it was still active? They are causing problems for us now. Does that name mean anything to you? Stratego?”
Augustine did nothing. Delsin huffed quietly.
Delsin tried again, “At least blink or something, dammit. I know you know something. Do you know who the Stratego are?”
Again, nothing. Not even a twitch.
With a grumble, Delsin rose from his spot before Augustine and looped around her chair once. He was clearly at a dead end here, but maybe it just meant that Augustine did know something. She may have tried to signal otherwise if she didn’t know anything at all. Maybe. It was still a possibility.
“Okay, fine. I’m going with my gut on this. We’re going to sort through this and dismantle whatever the Hell Stratego is, with or without your help,” Delsin gave Augustine’s face one more lookover before he turned his back and headed for the door. Not exactly a wasted trip but it didn’t feel very productive either.
Delsin reached the door and tossed out one last message, “If you think of anything, have the nurses contact me. I’ll see you in two weeks,” Then, the man with more than one power and more than one chip on his shoulder, left the room and the hospital behind.
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The Stratego lab was bustling with people calling out news and updates and coordinates. The main room was full of several computers, monitors showing muted feeds of people within cells down the halls. A small team of three was in the main section of the room, surrounded by computers on each side. One woman stood with a clipboard, a pen wiggling between her fingers like a fidget toy. She barked orders after checking her watch for the third time.
“Anthony, ready on the transmission hacking?”
“Ready,” Anthony called, his eyes glued to the monitor before him, fingers posed over a keyboard.
“Thomas, call ready to connect?”
“Roger, Cindy,” Thomas gave a thumbs up and an enthusiastic grin. Cindy rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose which pushed her glasses up into her hair for a moment.
“Good. Connect the call. Anthony, begin the transmission interruption.”
Thomas pressed a button and a phone ring began in the earpiece in Cindy’s ear. Anthony immediately began typing away once she signaled that she heard the ringing.
“Hello and thank you for calling the Seattle Inpatient Psychiatric Center. How may we direct your call?” The kind voice who answered was accompanied by a soft beeping that signaled the call was being recorded.
“Yes, hello. This is Cindy Signet. I’m calling to speak to my Aunt, Brooke Austine.” Beep.
“Ah, Ms. Signet. Let me transfer you to Elizabeth and she’ll connect you. Please note that all calls are recorded.”
“Yes, thank you.” Beep. Cindy watched Anthony from a few feet away. He was typing and clicking and slowly solving an invisible puzzle.
The call was transferred and Cindy and Elizabeth made small talk before she connected the call to Augustine’s room then went to retrieve the phone and hook it to an apparatus so that she didn’t have to hold it the entire call.
“Cindy? Are you there?” Elizabeth confirmed before sliding the phone into the holder for Augustine.
“I’m here. Thank you so much Elizabeth,” Cindy checked her watch again, “How much time do I have?” Beep.
“Thirty minutes. I’ll be back at that time to disconnect the call.” Elizabeth sounded so pleasant on the other end of the call that Cindy almost felt bad for her.
“Perfect. Thank you again,” Beep. “Is she doing any better?”
“Still catatonic, I’m afraid. But she seems to have had a lovely day today.” Beep. “Here she is. Enjoy your call.”
The phone was placed into the apparatus and a soft clunk noise was heard as it was all adjusted into place. The silence that followed was abruptly interrupted by the familiar beep of the recorded call and then a strangle garbled noise, like a record scratch pitched down. Cindy focused her gaze on Anthony. He signaled that he had hacked the call and disconnected the recording device successfully as always. Cindy let out a quiet sigh of relief.
“Augustine, it’s Cindy. How are you, Director?”
“Good to hear it. I’ll cut to the chase, I have good news and bad news for you.”
Dead air.
“Bad news–Project 41 escaped with Project 42. Good news–we found and neutralized Project 41. Unfortunately, we cannot locate Project 42 at this time.”
Deafening quiet.
“I have teams out but we have no traces of her yet. As soon as we find her, I’ll contact you.”
A soft noise. A swallow of breath.
“Of course we are keeping things as quiet as possible. No one will be suspicious.”
Another noise. A quiet click of lips parting.
“I understand, Director. I’m on it. Good-bye.” Cindy turned to Thomas and held up her hand, then created a fist. Thomas disconnected the call and Cindy let out a rush of air.
“She’s pissed.”
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While things unfolded at the hospital in secret, at the warehouse the sun was brilliant and warm as late afternoon blossomed into early evening hours. The students at the warehouse were none the wiser to the chaos running through their teachers’ heads, but then again Delsin, Fetch and Eugene were very good at tucking these things away to not cause a mass panic with inexperienced power users. It had been a secret rule of theirs since the beginning in pulling together what they needed to make the warehouse a reality. In teaching others, panic needed to be almost non-existent. They all wanted to give everyone a chance at learning safely and not in a trial-by-fire situation that they all fell into once their powers had awakened.
Black platform boots swung through the air as a young woman sat perched on a branch within a tree just outside the warehouse’s main entrance. She was watching the students come and go like little ants marching to and from their colony. Her loud, rave-wear aesthetic was mostly concealed from behind the leaves of the tree, neon green, black, yellow and purple melting into the shadows and sun-kissed patches around her.
Finally, her amber eyes caught a student in her sights. One she had overheard the name of. One that seemed like fun to play with. That wasn’t her directive, but she loved rules simply because she loved breaking them. She dropped from the tree in a graceful plummet, landing as quietly as possible. She pulled a pair of gray-tinted goggles from her dyed black hair over her eyes taking care around her eyebrow piercings, then pulled up a black mask from around her neck being cautious around her piercings in her lower lip and in her nose as she covered the lower half of her face before stepping out behind the student.
She reached over, tapping them on the shoulder with one hand, her neon green fingernails matching the fishnet arm warmers she wore, “Sam?”
Sam turned around to see who needed their attention and clearly did not recognize this person at all. The woman smiled beneath the mask she wore and held out one hand, palm up as if expecting a gift.
“I forgot my little key-pass-thingy in my dorm. Could I borrow yours?”
Sam squinted their eyes trying to place this person as a friend and before they could ask how they knew each other, the woman sighed loudly and pulled her mask down revealing her face.
“Ugh, fine! I tried to give you an easy out, but whatever. Enjoy your headache,” Before Sam could react, the woman held her other hand to her face, opening her palm and blowing a kiss of green gas directly into Sam’s face. The student wobbled, then pitched forward completely unconscious and the woman caught them and dragged their body into the bushes behind her. She felt around Sam's hoodie and found the emblem the students wore and unpinned it for herself. She held it up to the sunlight and shrugged before attaching it to the strap of her revealing black shirt. Then she pulled a folded piece of paper from against her hip, held there by the band of her tulle skirt. She tucked the paper into the pocket of Sam’s hoodie.
“There ya go! A little gift from your new friend, Makayla. Sleep well!” Makayla giggled, then turned and literally skipped into the warehouse, allowed access by her ‘borrowed’ pinned emblem. Her toxic gas could do terrible things if she wanted it to. For now, Sam would stay passed out and trapped in a nightmare until someone found them in the bushes and woke them. They would likely have a migraine upon waking. It wasn’t a pleasant experience.
Makayla looked around within the main entrance of the warehouse, casually moving her goggles back up over her triangle-cut fringe, dyed black and neon green in two perfect sections. Her amber eyes widened as she looked around, taking everything in.
“Holy shit. This place is so epic.” Makayla started moving down the main hall slowly, running her fingers against the wall as she walked, etching a map within her mind. It was way bigger than she thought it would be and the place was full of people all doing their own thing, all different ages. It was even more amazing than she had been told.
A small child raced by to her right, giggling loudly as a student in a dark blue hoodie chased her. Makayla was drawn toward them for a moment before she heard a commotion behind her and she spun to look only to see another student dragging Sam inside.
Makayla cursed under her breath and did her best to squeeze between students who were coming over to investigate and attempt to help Sam, which left the hallway mostly empty. Someone called out a name that Makayla hadn’t heard in years and she watched as the Eugene Sims came out of a classroom to check on Sam’s pulse. She continued to back up slowly and suddenly felt herself collide with someone. She spun around quickly to face them.
“I’m sorry I was distra–Oh, shit.” Makayla’s purple-tinted lips hung open in disbelief as realization clicked in her mind. She had just walked into the Fetch Walker. And Fetch didn’t seem happy about it.
Fetch had been watching the commotion from the second floor balcony but Eugene had been closer and reached Sam before Fetch could. Fetch still headed over to investigate and see if she could calm the students and break up the ring that was growing as people were trying to see what was going on, when a student bumped into her who seemed to be suspiciously trying to flee the scene. And when this neon-wearing kid turned around to apologize Fetch saw guilt written all over her face.
“Wait. Who are you?” Fetch immediately had her hackles up, her defenses rising as she looked over this spry woman before her. 
Makayla was better under pressure than anyone ever gave her credit for as she countered, “You’re Fetch, right? I guess you could say I’m a big fan.”
Fetch glowered and gritted her teeth, “Liar.”
“Oh? You recognize one-for-one, huh? Love that for you.”
Fetch could feel her neon burning at her fingertips as her buttons were pushed, “Choose your next words carefully. What did you do to Sam?”
Makayla brought her green gas to her palms. The toxin swirled and collected as she stepped back into a more defensive pose, “A fan of my work too? How sweet. I’ll give ya a free sample on my way out.”
Fetch didn’t wait any longer and simply rushed this intruder in a bright pink arch of speed and agility. Makayla was faster than she looked and the neon green gas aided her in narrowly avoiding Fetch’s leap. Then green and pink streaked down one of the darker, empty hallways as Makayla led a chase through the warehouse that Fetch was destined to win simply because she knew the layout. Makayla realized this wasn’t a bright idea, so instead she baited Fetch with quick dodges and false steps, keeping the Neon user on her toes. But the end of the hallway quickly thwarted any hope Makayla had for winning this encounter and she stopped running, hands up in surrender. It was a dead end.
Fetch left her neon to glow around her fists as she stood tall and approached Makayla slowly, “Listen, I don’t want to hurt you. Just tell me what you did and why you’re here and we’ll talk it out.”
Makayla laughed in response, dropping her googles back into place and bringing her fists in front of her face as though she was cowering in fear, “You wouldn’t hurt me? Even though you’re glowing?”
Fetch snarled slightly and shook her hands free of neon, knowing her power was an instant pull if needed. She had to appear less aggressive if she was going to get this person to talk. She did her best to memorize the woman in front of her while showing her neon-less hands in a show of good faith, “I’m not going to hurt you. Would you hurt me?”
Makayla grinned and quickly opened her hands to reveal two full palms of green gas. In an instant, Makalya blew the toxic gas into Fetch’s face and watched the conduit drop to the ground. She tiptoed over to Fetch and toed her body for a moment with her boot. With no response, she dropped another folded piece of paper on top of Fetch’s stomach.
Makayla whispered her response, “Yes, I would. Sweet nightmares, Fetch. Pleasure to meet you and knock you out,” Makayla didn’t stick around and instead dashed without aided speed back down the hallway the way she had come and paused only long enough to assess the situation where Sam, Eugene and the crowd of students were, then she rushed into the cafeteria in the opposite direction.
The cafeteria was half full of students not bothered or unaware of the situation in the entranceway and Makayla marveled at the food choices here. Her stomach made a rallying cry on her behalf and she walked over to the burger station, grabbing a container of french fries and then walking casually out a side door that led back outside. 
Once outside, Makayla breathed in the fresh air deeply and adjusted her googles back on top of her head, “Freedom and french fries. Life doesn’t get better than this.”
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“I’m baaaack~” Makayla’s voice a sing-song as she waltzed through the door, evening darkness covering her entrance. Hours had passed and Makayla made sure to take the scenic route home. The concrete room felt more like a prison than a hideout but it never bothered her. It was what her leader seemed comfortable with, so she didn’t give it a second thought.
“Makayla Grayson. We agreed on no powers.”
“Yeah, yeah. I got bored. Sue me later.” Makayla waved the accusation off and then stood on tiptoe, stretching her interlocked fingers up to the ceiling with a satisfied sound.
“... And?”
Makayla laughed as she skipped over to an empty desk hopping up to sit at the edge, swinging her legs freely, “And I got you a key. You were right, place was loaded with powered, but don’t worry none of ‘em tracked me back here.”
She unpinned the silver emblem from her shirt and placed it on her closed fist then flicked it toward her leader using her thumb. The small emblem caught the light as it flipped head over tails and the person standing across from Makayla caught it in a flash of white, then examined it carefully.
“That’s not all, boss. Guess what else I found?”
A head snapped up to stare at Makayla in great interest, “Tell me.”
“The supposed ‘Heroes of Seattle’ are running the place. All of ‘em. I took out Fetch easily enough. I bet the other two would be just as fun to test my powers on.” Makayla knew she hadn’t seen Delsin there, but if Eugene and Fetch were inside, he must not have been too far away. Besides, a little white lie never hurt anyone.
There was a pause of silence then a soft chuckle sounded from the one with the emblem in hand now, “Good work, Makayla. Go drain up. You’ll need it,” Makayla’s leader spoke quietly and remained beneath the single fluorescent light which cast her in an eerie glow.
“Aye, aye Celia! I left your calling card behind, too. Lemme know when you wanna grab dinner.” Makayla leapt from her spot and she quickly dashed out the door, leaving silence in her wake.
A rabbit mask tilted in thought as plans were forming in the mind behind it. Celia hummed to herself one single name.
“Delsin Rowe…”
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spencerreidat3am · 1 month
RIGHT?! We are so back fr
2 notes · View notes
fighterkimburgess · 2 years
Good At This
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Summary: Adam Ruzek has the girl, and a daughter. His worries about not being enough are mostly in the past. But when he comes out for breakfast and sees his daughter wearing the one piece of his mentor he has left, he and Kim get to share parts of the man who helped them become who they are with her. With thanks to @sylvies-chen because this is so much from Abby.
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: Bob Ruzek’s A+ Parenting, mentions of a not-so-great childhood
Living in his childhood home again was a lot easier than Adam had ever expected. He’d thought that it would be tough to be faced with the memories of his parents marriage breaking down, of his stepmom moving in - and moving out with yelling. Of finding his dad’s blood pooled on the floor there. Seeing that every morning might kill him, but it was worth it to keep their daughter safe and happy.
But instead of all of that it was a home, his old swing set in the back yard getting fixed whenever he had a few spare hours so Mack could attempt to do a loop the loop. He tripped over her toys in the living room, reminding her with a look and soft words to pick them up. There were nights where he sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn between he and Kim as they watched her put on a new show for them.
Adam was getting to raise his daughter to be happy and healthy, giving her the new, wonderful memories that he’d always wanted. Replacing the ones of shouting parents he had with joy and laughter when they went over old photos from his childhood and she chuckled at how he looked as a baby. When she finally met Sammy, all two years her older and they played soccer in the back yard in the goals he and Kate had played in. His name was going on her new birth certificate, the agreement he and Kim had come to - after Mack had final approval - that she’d be a Burgess but he got to be her legal father. How could he ever complain about that?
And then at night, in the bed they’d brought from Kim’s old apartment, he got to curl up with her in his arms. She was the last face he saw at night and usually the first he saw in the morning. It was work - a lot of hard work - but he got to be a dad and love Kim and be loved by her and Mack so he was delighted to do it.
Thankfully this Saturday was their DO, and he had plans to finish reinforcing the woodwork on the swings, the two by fours waiting in the shed for him. Once that was done it was a couple of coats of wood varnish and the set was ready for Mack to start playing on. She’d already talked to them about asking a girl from her class to come over after school, and he wanted to make sure it was ready for her first official play date. Adam finished dressing in clothes he didn’t mind getting dirty, coming out and down the steps to the scent of pancakes when he stopped dead on the last step to watch Kim and Mack. There were three plates ready on the table, but Makayla was wearing an oh too familiar grey and brown flannel. It swamped her tiny frame, the shoulders reaching down nearly to her elbows, despite her recent growth spurt.
”Hey Kim?” His voice was slightly strangled as his girlfriend - the word never failing to make him smile - turned to him. “Where’d you get that shirt for Mack?”
”Laundry. It looked clean enough, someone spilled syrup on herself. Is it ok?” Kim ran her hands over their daughter’s hair and Adam just smiled, blinking back his emotions.
”Yeah. It was Al’s.”
“I didn’t…” She trailed off and came over to hug him, the pressure firm between the two. His fourth anniversary had come and gone, and it would soon reach the point where he was gone for longer than he’d been in Adam’s life. That he was gone too soon still hurt so much.
”Who’s Al?” It was Mack who interrupted his thoughts, calling over to them as she pulled the two long sleeves up to reveal her hands. The pancakes on her plate were in the middle of a syrup lake, the sticky sauce dripping onto the table. When he was a kid that would have led to yelling from his dad, the kind that made him afraid to say or do anything for the rest of the day. Instead he and Kim wiped up the mess and put some paper towels down before sitting down. It was syrup, it could be cleaned. His daughter’s happiness was more important.
”He…” Kim trailed off and Adam looked at her, his foot hooking around her ankle for comfort. How did he explain who Al had been to them? How did he say it without talking about the danger they’d been in that Al had helped with?
”We used to work with him. He was a good cop, and he helped me get my head out of my ass about Kim. I’ll show you a photo when we finish breakfast, ok?”
It was jokes during the meal, Makayla insisting that she hadn’t poured too much sugar on her breakfast. Even Kim laughed at her antics as the sugar rush set in, giving Adam a syrup sweet kiss. He pulled up a photo of Al on his phone to show Mack, the seven year old nodding seriously as he did before disappearing to her room to read.
The thoughts of Al were in the back of his mind all day, but it was the kind of warm summer day that he could get his chore list done. The final nails went into the swings, a first coat of varnish on so Mack could get on them in a couple of days. While he was out in the sun he got the lawnmower out to trim the grass that had sprouted up high in the last week. Kim had started a veggie patch in the corner of the garden that was flourishing, bright yellow flowers turning to tomatoes, peppers, and beans. Once he finished mowing it got added to the compost pile and he laughed at just how domestic his life had become. And he wouldn’t change a single thing about it.
Their Saturday night routine involved getting either Chinese food or pizza and watching a movie, the three of them eating from the couch. That evening it was deep dish and the AC blew towards them to make the high temperatures a little more bearable. He’d watched Moana more in the last year than he ever thought he’d have watched it in his life, but this was his life and it was pretty much perfect. There was nearly nothing he’d change in it, his daughter and his girl in his arms.
“Adam? Can you tell me about Al?” Mack was quiet between them as the movie ended, looking up at him. She’d changed into pjs after her shower, curled up between the two.
“What do you want to know?” Kim was also quiet beside him, the two waiting to go with what their daughter wanted.
“Just about him. You looked sad earlier. Do you miss him?”
“Yeah, I do. I miss him a lot.” He swallowed, Kim squeezing his arm in comfort before he spoke. “Al’s the guy who helped me start working in Intelligence. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have met Kim, and we wouldn’t have been there that day when we found you. Wanna know one of the first times I hung out with him?”
“Yeah!” The thoughts of another movie were abandoned as a little girl stared up at him with love and wide eyes.
“It was a couple of weeks after I started, and I didn’t know if I was doing a good job. You know when you’re not sure, but you’re afraid to ask in case you’re not doing good?” She nodded, curling in against him more. “It was like that. But I was out with Al and a friend, and my friend asked Al how I was doing in work. He said I was better than he was when he started being a cop. That meant a lot.”
“You made me feel safe when you found me.” She never really talked about that day with them, more giving oblique references to her life before with her Mommy rather than talking about it. “I was scared but you looked after me. You make me safe.”
“That’s what we’re here for, kiddo. Always gonna do that. And now, it’s bedtime. Who do you want a story from?”
“Both of you?”
They knew that soon she’d be too old to get a bedtime story, that at seven and three quarters most kids would have stopped by now. But while Makayla asked them for a story they would gladly give it to get to spend more time with their girl.
She crawled into the middle of the bed, Adam on one side and Kim on the other as Kim pulled out the Ramona Quimby book they were on. Before she could start Makayla took her hand, closing the book.
“Will you tell me one of your stories about Al?”
“Yeah…sure…” It was clear to him that Kim wasn’t sure what to choose, but she swallowed and nodded, the three curled up in their little bubble.
“A couple of years ago my sister was sick, so I had to take time off work to help her out. She’s fine now, but she needed me then. It was my first day back and it was a tough case, and a man came up to ask what we were doing about it. He called me some names, acting like I didn’t know what I was doing—“
“But you’re a good cop!” Mack interjected, making Kim smile and Adam laugh.
“Kim is the best cop, Mack. The best. Trust me.” He waggled his eyebrows to make his girls giggle, Kim shushing him so she could continue.
“Well I know that now. But sometimes when you come back to something after being away for a while you think you’re wrong, that you can’t do the thing. That’s how I was feeling. But Al stuck up for me, he made sure I knew just how good a cop I am and how good I am at helping people. It’s part of why I’m still one.” Their daughter’s smile was luminous, snuggling under the sheet she used in the heat.
“He sounds good. I wish I got to meet him.”
“So do I,” Adam murmured, kissing her forehead and helping tuck her in. Her platypus was tucked under her arm by Kim before she kissed their daughter goodnight, the nightlight going on as they took one last look behind them before closing the door.
“Beer?” Kim asked, Adam nodding immediately. She pulled out a pilsner and passed it over, the two sitting on the couch with the popcorn abandoned, tv automatically switched off.
“I think he’d be proud of us, y’know?” Adam began, taking a long drink before continuing. “Communicating, raising a kid together, in a relationship? He kept telling me we needed to get our shit together, that he knew we were meant for each other.”
“He never said that to me.” Kim was quiet, staring at her bottle. “For so long I thought he didn’t like me. I thought he’d hate us back together.”
“He loved you like his own, Kim. I went to his grave when you told me about the baby, asked him for advice. I asked him to look after them after we lost them.”
It was a comfortable silence, each taking sips for a few moments before Kim broke it.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For not giving up on us.”
Burzek Taglist: @aruzlover @morganupstead @adamruz @fullwattpadmusictree @redpoodlern @everythingaddictxx @write4life13 @jeanjacketjesus @tuxieboy101-blog @thelittlepterophyllum @planecrazylex @sophiatellerrhodes @ossypooh @kimburgess-ruzek @thestarrynightslover @reidskitty13 @etamne @torreshalstead @itsnotpersonalbut @kellykidd @dedlund82 @pinkwhitebrown @mmacke3613 @upsteadlovingheart @ittybitty-tittycommittee @takemetooneverlanddd @oracle23 @thedefinitionofendgame @burzekwater @butterflylies @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @withakindheartx @bebataylor84 @whoiamwhoistrivetobe @multicouple-lover @keenmarvellover
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house-strong · 2 years
please write some criston stories there’s not enough fics of him out there 😭
my blog was created on the decision that i needed more criston fics 😭 for him im not so sure,, maybe a fic that develops into running away with him?? idk i need to think
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gloomwitchwrites · 11 days
Congrats on 1k!!
Price + taking a bath (naughty) 🙃
Please :)
Thank you!!
Oh…Price. My beloved. I came to CoD because of Simon but I stayed for Price (and also Gaz and Soap hehe). While this is technically for “taking a bath,” I think it’s safe to say that I can stretch this into shower territory as well. So, for you, it’s Price + taking a bath + taking a shower w/ a naughty undertone. Enjoy!
Captain John Price x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (MDNI): suggestive themes, brief mentions of intimacy
Word Count: 520
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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Price prefers showers over baths (at least when it comes to general day-to-day cleanliness). He is used to rinsing off the grime, dirt, and blood of his job under a showerhead.
When it comes to being a bit naughty with his woman, a bath or a shower is always on the table.
First and foremost, you are never taking a shower or bath alone. Never. Not when Price is home. And Price is always on his worst behavior.
Price always begins soft. He peppers you with compliments, telling you how pretty you are, and how much he loves being with you. Really, he means every word, but it’s really just to soften you up and make you melt into him a bit.
How you’re facing him matters. In the shower, with your back to him, Price will place gentle kisses on your shoulders and neck. He’ll delicately caress your skin but otherwise leave you alone. In the shower, and you’re facing him? It’s over. Price is going to kiss you, maybe even press you against the shower wall. In the bath, if you’re reclining against his chest, he’s much softer but he will take full advantage of the position. He’ll want to touch you everywhere.
Very handsy. Constantly touching. Sometimes it’s to help you wash your hair. Sometimes it’s to touch your breasts or slip his hand between your legs.
Price isn’t one for breaking eye contact. His gaze will remain glued to your body. He wants to look at his woman while she’s naked and wet. How could he not?
While taking a bath, Price is more likely to cater to your needs at pleasure. There is more time to soak, and with that, he’ll take more time to touch. If Price isn’t playing with your breasts while in the bath, he absolutely has his hand between your legs. Would absolutely whisper praises in your ear as he makes you come on his fingers. Sure, you’re getting clean, but that doesn’t mean the two of you can’t get a little dirty in the process.
But in the shower? It’s all about him. He more controlling. Price can bend you over in the shower. He can put you on your knees. He can pin you against the wall. You can suck him off or be fucked out of your mind. Not that Price won’t give you a little pleasure, but he’s going to take full advantage for himself.
In the bath, Price is gentle. In the shower, Price is rougher.
Price loves fucking you in the shower because he can come inside you and clean you up all at once.
When your legs are jelly and/or your throat is sore, Price becomes gentle again. He’ll scrub you down. Clean your hair. Even shave your legs if you want him to.
After the shower or bath, Price wants to be the one to dry you off. The intimacy of it only turns him on, which is the point. Not that he always acts on it, but sometimes he cannot help but drag you to bed for another round.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
@coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett
@keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @sapphichotmess @enfppuff @kittytiddywinks
@berarenado @saoirse06 @haven-1307 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu
@marispunk @thewulf @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan
@beebeechaos @enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666
@lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67
@contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg
@nelladowney @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe
@jaggersinclair @nomercyforthewarrior @dakotakazansky @talooolaaloolla @hantheconqueror
@littlemisscriesherselftosleep @umno-yeah
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
tsamsiyu ta'em masterlist
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Summary: Corporal Makayla Sully believed she was the last of her family. Her parents were long gone, her brother Tom was killed for his wallet, and his twin Jake abandoned her in exchange for the sunny paradise Pandora. Kayla is informed of Jake's passing and so she decides to take a job opportunity with General Frances Ardmore. She hitches a ride to Pandora with the intent of recovering her brother's remains, twenty years since the last time she's seen him. Instead of a box of bones or ash, however, she's given something she thought she lost a long time ago.
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
posted on ao3
Warnings: canon-compliant, canon-typical violence, mature language, adult content, slow burn, polyamory, found family, cool aunt agenda, alien/human (technically avatar), jake sully sister agenda, time skips, I'm trying to hurry up and get to the good parts so bear with me, fluff, angst, adopted spider, tags to be added
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part thirteen
part fourteen
part fifteen
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen (WIP)
How it started
OC Introduction
Height difference
Eventual smut?
What inspired me
How many chapters?
Video edit 1
Character playlist
Video edit 2
Video edit 3
AI generated art
Kayla's avatar attire
Kayla's past relationships
Kayla's sexuality
Name origins
Kayla's avatar size
Jealousy trope
Potential AFoP easter eggs
Incorrect Quote 1
Alternate Universe Concepts
Ronal's baby
Video edit 4
Incorrect Quote 2
More ai generated art
Ronal's baby part 2
Kayla's opinion of the Tulkun Way
Makayla Sully commission art
Young vs Older Kayla pics
Chibi Kayla/Wari/Ronal Art
Jake and Kayla as Kids
Mama's boy edit
Neytiri edit
746 notes · View notes
musings-of-a-rose · 5 months
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I'm having a Sparks and Benny thought here. Based on this pic. Both of them arrive at home from a Xmas party at Will's. Things got hot really quick.
Note this was supposed to be in your ask box. I messaged ya this thought. My bad! Holiday brain!
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The Party
Pairing: Benny Miller x “Sparks” f!reader
Word Count: 1300+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I miss the HELL out of these 2 so please continue to send in anything! Also I’m changing this up to a New Year’s Party because I couldn’t finish it in time for Christmas. And then I was even more late! Thank you for being so patient and waiting!! (This was not beta read)
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Light Me Up Masterlist
Benny Miller Masterlist
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“Did we really have to dress all fancy?” Benny whines, rolling his shoulders to shift the suit jacket a little. 
“It’s Will and Makayla’s first New Year’s living together and they wanted to be fancy,” I explain as I knock on the door to Will and Makayla’s place.
“I guess.”
“Plus, it’s my first as Mrs. Miller and I wanted to look pretty.”
Benny’s eyes soften as he looks me, the edges of his gaze darkening. “You’re always gorgeous, Mrs. Miller.” He grips my hips and pulls me to him, releasing one hand to tip my chin up, kissing me softly, the heat slowly warming.
“Get your own porch, asshole.” Will had opened the door and was standing there smirking. 
“You’re right. I’ll just take my wife home then,” Benny pulls me in the direction of his jeep. 
“Nice try. Makayla would kill me if you guys didn’t show up. Come on in.” He opens the door wide and motions for us to enter, fist bumping Benny as he walks past. 
Makayla had gone all out, everything sparkling in silver, gold, and black, like a modern day Gatsby party. People had already arrived and Benny steers me towards Frankie and Monica, Santi off in the corner making out with a girl, whom I shockingly recognize. 
“Is Santi with the same girl he brought to the bar a month ago?” I whisper to Frankie and Monica. 
She nods. “Yeah! I think this one is sticking around, surprisingly enough.”
We chat with them for a bit, Makayla flitting over for a few minutes before being whisked away on a champagne emergency. The music is going, some people getting up to dance. Will recruits Benny to help him with something in the kitchen, so I pull Monica onto the dance floor, whispering to her that we’re going to be menaces to our respective husbands. 
We start dancing to the upbeat song, hands on each others hips as we sway and move to the song, her spinning me around so my back is flush with her front. And that’s when I see him, Benny, emerging from the kitchen and freezing, his eyes on me as I dance. Judging by the light chuckle in my ear from Monica, I’m guessing she caught Frankie’s eye too.
“Wanna torture them some more, Sparks?” She says close to my ear.
“Hell yeah.”
I follow her lead, moving my body as she guides me, our hips moving in tandem as she pulls me closer to her. For good measure, I lift my arm, wrapping it around the back of her head, trying not to giggle when she squeezes just a little too much on my inner hips. And then the song ends, Monica and I laughing as she hugs me.
“That was way too much fun, Sparks.”
“Yeah it was. Did you see their-”
Suddenly, Monica was ripped from my grasp, Frankie’s hand firmly clamped around her upper arm, a smirk and a wink tossed my way from her as he steers her away through the group of people. 
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” Benny had snuck up behind me, his hands now on my hips, his nose nuzzling in my hair as he speaks low in my ear. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was dancing, good sir.”
He chuckles and it makes goosebumps pop up down my arm. “Yeah. Dancing. Sure.” He  makes to pull me away, to find some secluded spot but then Will clanks a spoon on a glass and everyone turns, Benny groaning a little too loud so I elbow him softly in the ribs. 
Will puts his arm around Makayla next to him before speaking. “I just want to thank everyone for coming. We’re so excited to share our first New Year’s Eve with everyone we love and we’ve been working hard- ok. Makayla has been working hard. I just do what she says,” laughing flits around the group as Makayla playfully slaps his chest, leaving her hand on his toned pec. “But seriously. Thank you guys. Here’s to another great year!”
The toast was had, the ball was dropped, the midnight kiss was a little too risque between you and Benny, Will not so covertly throwing an empty Solo cup at Benny’s head. 
“Ugh I’ve been dying to take these shoes off all night!” I groan, kicking my heels off and plopping down in one of our comfy chairs. 
“You looked hot though.”
“That’s the price of fashion. Pain.”
He chuckles as he removes his jacket, revealing that he wore a simple, plain black shirt underneath it, the fabric stretching and pulling as he tosses the jacket on the back of the couch and sits with a sigh. I look over at him, feeling warm watching his movements.
“Did..did you really wear a black t-shirt under your dress jacket?”
Benny looks down at his shirt, his eyebrows pulled together. “Should I not have?”
“No, no. I think it works.”
He brushes his chest and I almost come unglued. “Good.”
“Wanna see what’s under mine?”
His big blue eyes snap to mine. “Fuck yeah I do.”
I get up, standing in front of him as I pull my dress over my head, hearing his sharp intake of breath as I reveal his favorite lingerie set on me, complete with black garter belts.
“You…you had this on the whole time?”
I nod, moving to straddle him. He grips my hips, sliding his hands up to my ribs as he kisses my chest, his mustache tickling my skin causing me to chuckle. But then he grips me tight, standing abruptly and sets me in the chair, draping each of my legs over the arms of the chair. He kneels, his eyes dark and all-consuming as he stares between my legs. 
“Can you buy new underwear?”
“I think so.”
I barely get my reply out before he grips my panties, ripping the part that covers me, tucking the ripped ends up. His large hands squeeze my inner thighs and before I can say anything, his mouth is on me, warm and lapping, my legs trying to squeeze around him. He holds me open, his fingers digging deeper into my skin as I moan his name, electric sparks rolling over me as his tongue changes patterns. One of my hands grips the chair and the other moves to his hair, tugging hard and whining when his growl vibrates me. 
“Oh fuck! Ben, I -” The sounds he pulls from me are loud and grateful, Benny leaving his mouth on me to work me down. But I don’t have time to relax as he stands, pulling me up only to spin me, pushing my upper back down, the sound of a zipper loud in the quiet apartment. He drags himself through the wetness between my thighs before pushing and I slap the chair, trying to find something, anything to grip.
“Can’t believe you were wearing this the whole night and didn’t tell me,” Benny pants behind me, setting a rougher pace just hear the panted whines tumble from my lips. 
My hands scramble, still trying to find purchase as he presses harder, faster, but then he folds himself over me, engulfing me from behind, his large hands sliding down my arms, his fingers lacing with mine, holding my hands as he continues to push in further. I turn my head to the side, feeling myself hurtle towards the edge again as he brushes against that spot at the back of me. 
“Oh fuck, Benny! Please..please!” I come, tightening around him, his breaths panting out across my neck as he buries his face, turning his head slightly to bite my shoulder as he comes, his hips pushing in a few more times as he releases. His bite turns to kisses, nuzzling into my hair before he whispers.
“I love you, Sparks.”
I manage to finally catch my breath. “Don’t you mean Mrs. Miller?”
“Fuck!” He pulls out but stands, picking me up to throw me over his shoulder with a squeal as he stomps down the hallway, spending the next few hours showing me exactly what being called Mrs. Miller does to him.
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed  @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol  @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry @mysterious-moonstruck-musings  
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fangirlfrom-hell · 7 months
Swearing Jar || Upstead x daughter
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Summary: Sophia is Hailey's and Jay's teenage daughter. She deffends Makayla from some bullys, now she has to pay the price.
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly erased my other blog 🫠
This was the first fic I dared to post, I'm so glad I found it!
"Yeah, get out of here, you fucking asshole!"
Everyone at Molly's stood silent when they heard the screeming from outside the bar. The voice of the girl was unmistakable, everyone knew who she was. Hailey and Jay shared a concerned look.
"And don't you dare to even look at her again, you moron!"
It was defenitely Sophia. No doubt.
Hailey and Jay stood up in a hurry to go outside, followed by Adam and Kim, naturally Makayla was with her. From the other side of the bar, a concerned Severide also rushed to help.
"Or other wise you'll have to respond to me, you jerk! And I won't be any gentile!"
That last phrase made Hailey's and Jay's blood run cold. Everything happened so fast. Before they could reach the entrance door, it opened. Will Halstead was leading a furious Sophia and a crying Mckayla inside of the bar. Once the three of them were inside, and before the door closed, Lydia pocked her head out and yelled her last insult.
-"Sophia, please! That's enough!" Will took her from the shoulders and turned her inside of the bar.
Molly's was closed to the public that day, there was a party to celebrate Violet's and Gallo's engagement. So Sophia and Mckayla were able to be there along with their parents and friends. The place was full of firefighters, detectives and some doctors from The Med.
All of the guests were shocked looking at the girls, mostly looking at Sophia. They knew she was an impulsive girl, but their faces were showing confusion and concern.
Kim and Adam immediatly ran to hug their daughter. When Sophia raised her head she saw Hailey, Jay and Severaid in front of her, but also Platt, Hermann and Cruz had arrived to the scene. They were in a defensive position, ready to go out to defend the girls. Will raised his hands, saying that everything was ok.
Hailey walked to Sophia, Jay behind his wife. Both of them looking at their daughter straight to the eyes, asking for an explanation with a simple sight.
"-Mom, they were bullying her, ok? They were saying bad things to her and I wasn't going to let them! Not anymore!".
Jay was about to say something, when Kim interrupted without taking her eyes off Makayla.
"-Bullying? Who was bullying her?"
-"Some shitheads from school" -Sophia said right away.
-"Language!" Jay, Hailey and Will said unison, thought their first instinct was to laught.
Everyone at the bar was paying attention to the scene and they couldn't help to laugh a bit. Even Hank Voight smirked a little bit at the girl's reaction. That's when Sophia realized that this wasn't a private conversation.
"-Sorry", she muttered. "Look, I was trying to...protect her..."
-"At least she didn't hit anybody this time" -Mak said in a funny tone. She was feeling better now, surrounded by her loved ones.
-"Yes, because I happened to appear before she did something ~stupid". -Will completed Makayla's tought, which made her laugh.
-"That happened once and it was an accident. I thought we were over it?"
Jay rolled his eyes at her daughter's argument. "Ok. Let's leave this in here for now. We should go back to the party". -He said realizing the attention they were drawing.
-"Yeah, we should go back" Adam reafirmed, looking around.
Hailey hugged her daughter's shoulder and kissed her head, she couldn't deny she was proud of her daughter's grit.
Everyone went back to their seats. When Sophia passed by Severide, he strocked her head as a symbol of affection. He and Stella were very fond of her. Later that day, when Stella arrived from her shift, Kelly told her what happened with the girls and she bursted into laughs: "That girl has been a sassy pants since she was in diappers".
The party continued normally. Everybody seemed happy, having fun. Makayla was dancing and sharing laughts, as if nothing had happened before. Kim and Adam where isolated on a table having a serius conversation, those bully boys were not going to have it easy.
Sophia was seating between her parents at the same table as Will, Severaid and Stella. On the next table Voight, Platt and Mouch were part of the same conversation. Sophia told them how the boys were harrassing Makayla and how she felt the urge to defend her to make it stop. Hank suggested she had the gut to be a cop or maybe even a lawyer, Jay discarded both ideas. Trudy finished the conversation on the matter by saying "You've always been my favorite Halstead".
-"I'm a little bit hungry. Can I go get some pizza?"
-"Sure. Go get a slice and bring some more to me too. I can descount the favor from your new debt to the swearing jar" - Jay said teasing his daughter and then stood up to let her out. Sophia just rolled her eyes. He gave her a mocking smile.
Kim approached to the table in that exact moment, looking for Sophia.
-"Hey, Soph. I just wanted to thank you...I know this is not the first time that you stand for Mack like this, she has told us, so... just thank you. You've been a lot of help for her".
Sophia shrugged in shyness "She's my best friend", she stated reffering that the obvios thing to do was to stand for her friend, sister.
Hailey and Jay had their eyes on their daughter, they couldn't stop looking at her with a proud smile on their faces. The atmosphere was calm and full of love, when Will interrupted the feeling: "You still have to pay the swearing jar, you won't get rid of it".
Sophia abruptly pointed to Makayla and said as a joke: "You owe me like 10 dollars for this".
-"Are you kidding me?" -Jay stared- "You owe the jar like 50 dollars, kiddo".
-"Are you serius!?"
-"Yeah, I'm with your dad in this" -Hailey continued -"Those were really bad prohibited words, sweetie".
-"Yeah, and I only used them for a good reason".
-"Bad words are bad words, and you must follow the swearing jar law". Her father said raising an eyebrow and proceeded to drink from his beer.
Sophia crossed her arms and continued the funny argument "Really? How many criminals have you handcuff by talking to them politely?"
-"She's got a good point" -Trudy said.
-"I'm with her at this" -Voight followed.
They all laught at the silly debate. Those around who listened to the conversation shared some giggles, also because the family dynamic was adorable.
-"All right" -Hailey stood up- "If mom doesn't get the pizza, you two are going to starve, so excuse me".
Father and daughter sat down again, Jay hugging her by the shoulder "I love you, kiddo. I love you so much. You're still paying, though".
Sylvie approach to the table with a bright smile: "That won't be a problem. We all saw what you did, so Violet, Blake, Ritter and I collected some cash for you. Here you have".
-"Geez, thanks!"
-"Pay the jar, and don't you dare to curse ever again, or you'll leave us broke". -Violet yelled from her spot, next to Blake.
-"Straight to the jar" Severaid and Stella threatened.
Hailey came back to the table giving one slice of pizza to her daughter and another one for Jay: "This girl and her mouth...she's going to make us rich, I tell you".
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bilightningwhumper · 2 months
Old Intro (now unpinned)
Finally made a writing sideblog, so hi, hello, nice to meet you all.
Alright, so I've been mostly lurking in the whump tags the past couple years. While it's not new new to me, I'm still learning more of the tagging finese that's going on.
Appreciate any help and also maybe beta readers in future?
But anyway, here's the stories I've been working on for my Ao3 (bilightningwriter for my username there):
Shadow of a Sheild*- Marvel omegaverse fanfic is currently centered around mostly my OCs Jamie (Steve Rogers' and Peggy Carter's daughter) and her love interest, Anna; though I'll have more scenes and/or separate simultaneous stories with other OCs (like Jamie's half+step siblings, Will and Becca) as well as other Marvel characters
Summary (current, to be edited):
Jamie Makayla Rogers (formerly Carter) is a girl displaced out of time. Much like her father, she was frozen in ice, but like his mate, she was forced into it. Now in the modern world, Jamie is struggling to communicate with the soldier who left her mother. Captain Steve Rogers. After all, until recently, he didn't even know she existed.
Steve Rogers suddenly has a pup, already almost grown. Avenging the world seems a simpler task than attempting to raise a teenager.
Main tropes/themes/etc:
The New Eden Institution- whump omegaverse fics made to both get comfortable writing for myself again, as well as to mess with AI because I guess Omegaverse screws with it, lol; no greater motivation than being petty
New Eden Institution: A Correctional Facility for the Troubled and In Need
Is your child in need of intervention before progressing into adulthood? We're here to help! Your dependent must 18 or older. Unfortunately, we have no program for Betas so far, though we strive to eventually help all troubled children. Guaranteed improvement and healing.
Main tropes/themes/etc:
The fairytales I'm working on so far for it are as follows:
Little Mermaid
Red Riding Hood
Swan Lake
Robin Hood
Beauty and the Beast + Cinderella (merged)
Mangst 2024- TNEI Edition Masterlist
Ao3 New Eden Institution series
Magic High School AU Collection*- Also unnamed; stories so far to be AUed are:
Lady and the Tramp
Swan Lake
Asterisks next to titles that are/will be restricted to users of Ao3 only because AI is ridiculous.
Main characters are all some combination of LGBT+ and/or neurodivergent (and I mean neurodivergent, not just the "nice disorders").
Warnings for these: SA is pretty prevalent in my stories, for personal reasons. Homophobic and transphobic characters (side characters are, not main ones, though some internalized for the main, but they get through it) as well as ableism. I've mostly stuck to what I personally know, so a lot of the main characters are white and not PoC, though I'm working on it, I just don't want to overstep or inadvertently be insensitive.
One thing I avoid is death, like killing off characters, especially the main ones. Big fan of "everybody lives."
That's it for now. I'll add more as I think of it.
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infamoussparks · 8 days
Chapter 7: Sound Choices
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Approx. 4800 words; 30 minute read
“Doves…” Fetch tensed as she spit the name from clenched teeth, neon dancing at the ready behind her fingertips. Delsin held an arm out as though both protecting and preventing Fetch from making the first move.
“Ms. Walker. Pleasure to see you again,” Celia spoke nonchalantly from behind her rabbit mask, her head tilting in an uneasy fashion, “And you as well, Mr. Rowe.”
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“I’ll help where I can,” Rosaline was in the office and speaking to Eugene while the screen of the laptop reflected off each pair of glasses.
Fetch was discussing something quietly with Delsin at the other side of the desk. It didn’t seem too heated at the moment but it definitely gave off the impression of being a super serious conversation between the two.
Benji sighed softly to himself as he sat on the couch beside Caly. He offered her markers and paper and they were drawing together to keep the kid occupied. Caly seemed content to be in a room full of adults and was now wearing one of Benji’s t-shirts. She hadn’t exactly been dropped off with clothes of her own and Rosaline had seemed too busy to bring anything extra for the small child, but Benji had plenty of t-shirts and didn’t mind sharing one with the tiny girl. It looked like an oversized dress on her and Caly rocked the look regardless.
“I like that kitty, Caly!” Benji grinned and added some orange color to the small cat-shaped art Caly was drawing. She flashed a huge smile at Benji and seemed to appreciate that he recognized the animal so quickly. She went to clap or sign but the paper fell to the floor off the couch and she immediately reached for it, nearly falling off the couch herself. Benji reacted quickly, grabbing her by her outfit which pulled the shirt up slightly but saved Caly from a scary tumble to the concrete floor.
“I’ll get the paper, Caly,” Benji spoke softly as he retrieved the paper from the floor and then knelt before the toddler, “Are you ok?”
Caly nodded but her face looked twisted as though the fear of what had nearly happened was settling in. Benji scooted himself back to the couch and right up against the small child before he realized some of the markers were uncapped and had accidentally left a mark on Caly’s leg. He reached out to wipe away the lines before he noticed a black smudge that wasn’t exactly going anywhere… and it looked familiar somehow.
“Hey… uh, guys?” Four pairs of adult eyes came to rest on Benji, “I think you need to see this…”
Eugene narrowed his eyes at the mark that Benji had found on Caly’s thigh. “Is that a… a QR code?”
“What?” Fetch was making her way toward the couch now with a look of intense curiosity. Delsin stayed where he was and Benji watched as Delsin exchanged some sort of look with Rosaline.
The shutter noise of Eugene’s phone brought Benji’s attention back to Caly, who was still drawing on the paper and ignoring the attention. Strange, Benji thought to himself. She definitely doesn't act like a 4-year old.
“I think this is coming up with a backdoor to Stratego’s website. Hang on a minute,” Eugene was looking at a basic encrypted website on his phone and he moved back to the laptop to scan the photo he took of the QR code with this bigger screen. In a minute he had the website up for everyone to look at on the laptop. 
Delsin was running a hand through his hair, his beanie in his other hand suddenly as he seemed to be processing this information. Rosaline was studying Caly in silence. Fetch was pacing the room, her black boots moving back and forth in front of the couch. Benji took it all in while wondering what was going on. He hadn’t heard the name “Stratego” before.
“Can you hack it from there? Looks like you need a password,” Delsin pointed out the obvious.
“Yeah, I’m on it. I can also compare the code from this page to the code on the main website to see if I can find anything to help me with this. I’ve got this, Del,” Eugene said. The laptop screen showed a basic website login screen that was an odd crimson color and had an owl logo near the top, in the center. Below that was the word “WELCOME” and then below that was a white field with a blinking cursor clearly waiting for the correct password to grant access to whatever was stored here. Benji suddenly felt uneasy, like maybe he shouldn’t be here for this part of the discussion.
Before he could mention anything about possibly leaving the office, Fetch sat on the other side of Caly and caught Benji’s eyes, “This stays here, not out there. Top secret stuff. Understand?”
Benji nodded. He was stuck now and he knew it.
But it did feel good to be trusted with whatever this was. It gave him a little bit of a boost as a potential hero-in-training. 
Suddenly, everyone was talking over one another. Commands, lists, ideas, strategizing. It was a little overwhelming and Benji was lost in the sounds of voices all speaking at once. He turned his attention to Caly, who had been focused on her drawing but was suddenly frozen, a marker in her grip leaving a mark on her paper that was bleeding and spreading as the ink continued to flow. He went to reach for her hand but before he could touch it, Caly let go of the marker and it fell to the floor. He bent to pick it up and was suddenly was hit with a wave of calm. As if everything was going to be okay. As if everything was going to work out just as planned.
He sat back and handed the marker to Caly and she shook her head at him as she hummed softly. She seemed to have switched from art to music. That seemed right to Benji, somehow.
“... but they marked her? With a tattoo?” Fetch looked angry, gesturing to Caly from her seated space on the other side of the girl.
“It’s not an ordinary tattoo.”
“What do you mean, Dr. Hutch?” Eugene asked over the top of the laptop screen. He was typing furiously but Benji couldn’t see what was on screen now, he only assumed as much from the amount of typing sounds he heard.
“Kids grow too fast to tattoo so young. The design would stretch and be unrecognizable in a few weeks, if not sooner. That has to be the work of a conduit,” Rosaline spoke and her hazel eyes were fixed on Caly, “Maybe an ink user? Or someone who could alter pigments within the skin?”
Caly’s soft humming was slowly becoming louder and Benji looked from Rosaline to Fetch. Fetch eased herself back into the cushions on the couch and closed her eyes for a moment. She seemed to be relaxing instead of remaining heated from the discovery.
“Of course. They had conduits there, they could have been using them on each other too. Like in Curdun,” Delsin grumbled and strode closer to Eugene behind the desk. Rosaline stepped to the side to allow Delsin some space between them.
Rosaline’s voice was quieter now as she spoke up, “This website may not only have a backdoor to Stratego, but a way to learn more about Caly?”
Now everyone seemed to be exchanging glances. Rosaline yawned suddenly and pulled the desk chair over as she dropped into it. Eugene’s typing seemed to be slowing as well and Delsin replaced his beanie on his head with a half-hearted motion.
“It’s possible,” Eugene said, “I’m so tired though. Could we break for coffee?”
Fetch straightened from her spot on the couch, “You too? I thought it was just me.”
“Definitely not just you. I’m ready for a whole nap,” Benji chimed in.
Then everyone seemed to realize at once as five pairs of eyes fell on Caly, humming from her seat. She gave them the biggest smile, content that the room seemed calm and quiet again. Her humming stopped abruptly and the edge of sleep stopped just as quickly.
Now everyone was looking wide-eyed at everyone else.
“Holy shhh–” Fetch cut herself off, but everyone was thinking the same thing. Immediately, coffee and doubling down on hacking this website seemed to be the first priority in the room.
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It had been several hours and Eugene felt like he was on the edge of cracking the code. Or cracking up with insanity. It was hard to tell which. Delsin, Fetch, Benji and Caly had left long ago, each with their own agendas, but Eugene had coffee and he had Rosaline, oddly enough. The doctor had decided to stay to try to figure out the password based on what she knew about Caly. Nothing had worked so far but neither conduit was any closer to giving up, either.
“Would you help me with something, Eugene?”
Eugene sat back in his chair, sipping his coffee and letting his eyes rest, looking away from the screen for a moment, “What’s on your mind?”
Rosaline perched slightly on the edge of the desk, “Remember how you offered to assist me with… expanding my powers? Or getting to understand my limits?”
Eugene nodded.
“I’ve… heard some whispers in the hallways in regard to trust and the school itself. I would be willing to test my limits with possibly calming the situation, if you’ll grant me time to explore my abilities.”
“Ah, yeah,” Eugene sighed, “We’ve had some unfortunate instances lately with a group of conduits who seem intent on pulling the warehouse into chaos. Delsin, Fetch and I have done our best to avoid any issues, but we’re seeing more students off campus than on these days and that’s worrying.”
“Let me try. I may predominantly work with babies but I know a few things about the human condition as well. It comes in handy for working with adults and I would be willing to try to use what I know here as well.” Rosaline held her coffee in her hands, twisting the cup slowly as she spoke.
Eugene contemplated her offer. It wouldn’t hurt to have her try. And if anything, her abilities could be an amazing boon to the warehouse team overall. “I’ll have to run it by Del and Fetch, but I have a feeling they’ll oblige.”
Rosaline offered a small smile, “I hope they do. After everything the warehouse has done for Caly and myself, this would be a small way I could repay my debt.”
“You don’t owe us anything, Rosaline. I hope you know that.”
Rosaline nodded but Eugene could see her mind was made up and she was here to help for as long as she would be useful to the team. He was secretly relieved about that because after everything they had come across in such a short amount of time it seemed that getting help on their side was as important as ever.
Eugene took his phone from beside the laptop and sent a text to the group chat consisting of the heroes of Seattle with Rosaline’s proposition. He received a text back immediately from Delsin who was in. Fetch did not reply, but she had never been much of a phone person. He put his phone down and turned his attention to the laptop. He had the new backdoor Stratego website up in one window and the code for the website in another. He was scrolling the code when he had a thought and brought the website to the forefront. He moved his cursor into the password box and typed in a single word. Then he released a shout of accomplishment. The password was cracked and the website began to load the next page.
Rosaline moved to stand directly behind Eugene as the website loaded and Eugene made a note on some scratch paper on the desk, circling a single word.
“That’s her. That’s Caly,” Rosaline breathed as she neared the screen from over Eugene’s shoulder. The video conduit pulled his attention back to the screen and there he saw a photo of Caly and a blog of sorts with information and updates on her status. He started to scroll through but noted that a lot of the experiments were heavily detailed and he instead closed the laptop before Rosaline could read forward too far.
“I’ll show this to the group. I’m glad we have this though. Hopefully I can use it to discover more about the team behind Stratego and what their goals were. Also, this gives me a way to get information on a potential… criminal,” Eugene spoke carefully, choosing his words slowly as he sat back in his chair. He could use this new database to aid him in a search for records on the other ‘Projects’ kept by Stratego. He could try to find information on whoever Cindy Signet was too. This could help answer so many questions.
Rosaline seemed curious as she raised a single eyebrow but said nothing.
“I think…” Eugene hummed, “that you should join me in the training room. If just to show you where it is and how we run powers in there. Plus, I could use a good stretch.”
Rosaline contemplated the offer and checked her watch, noting the time. “Alright. I could use more coffee afterward.”
Eugene chuckled, “I can help with that. Follow me.”
Rosaline followed behind Eugene, leaving the laptop in the safety of the office while Eugene ran scenarios in his mind that could be used to help Rosaline push her powers or encounter new ones. He didn’t know much about magnification and he was curious to find out more about it from the doctor at his heels.
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It was late afternoon and Delsin and Fetch were atop the roof of the warehouse meeting up for what felt like the millionth time that day. Fetch was tired and hungry, the day fallen to plans and schemes built around what-if scenarios that may never come to pass. She watched Delsin send a text to a new group of people pulled from his contacts–two new additions to the normal office team that now made up the new “Stratego Situation” group. Her phone buzzed lightly in her back pocket and she didn’t bother to fish it out, already knowing Delsin was summoning Eugene, Rosaline and Benji to the rooftop. 
So it didn’t make her feel any better when a familiar tingle lit the hairs at the back of her neck in a timely interruption of the oncoming discussion. A swirl of paper fragments wove between them, fluttering quickly before coming to rest at the top of a capped exhaust stack, revealing Celia in their wake.
“Doves…” Fetch tensed as she spit the name from clenched teeth, neon dancing at the ready behind her fingertips. Delsin held an arm out as though both protecting and preventing Fetch from making the first move.
“Ms. Walker. Pleasure to see you again,” Celia spoke nonchalantly from behind her rabbit mask, her head tilting in an uneasy fashion, “And you as well, Mr. Rowe.”
“Celia. To what do we owe the pleasure?” Delsin spoke harshly but did not move his arm from in front of Fetch. She growled lowly behind him, clearly frustrated with the forced patience.
Celia hummed softly not bothering to move from her perch as she addressed the question. “I want the same thing you do, Delsin Rowe. I want freedom for our kind. I want us to be in full control. Isn’t that something you still want, too? Isn’t that the final outcome for this place, your warehouse? Your school?”
“What? No, that’s so–”
“Fetch.” Delsin snapped her name and the neon user bit her tongue. She glanced between Celia and Delsin from her space slightly behind him and felt her anger blooming in her chest.
“Celia, I don’t think you understand,” Delsin started again, “That was the past. I was younger, we were both younger then. Now we have the world at our powered fingertips and all I want is for people like us to feel accepted and acknowledged without feeling afraid of who they are.”
Celia laughed. It sounded cold and empty. “And you train them to build their power so they can hide it for the rest of their lives? I think you can do so much better than that.”
There was a sound of commotion from below and Fetch heard Delsin curse under his breath. There was a clatter of what sounded like multiple powers clashing at ground level and Fetch realized too late that Celia was only a distraction.
“Maybe you should take a few minutes to really look at what you want from this idea of yours; are you helping your students or are they simply pawns in your version of Curdun Cay?” Celia tossed out a single hand and a whip of paper shot through the air at blinding speed. Delsin and Fetch both leaped away from one another to avoid the attack. Fetch shot neon in response, her missiles of bright light finding their mark just a second too late as Celia leaped over them and landed a few feet away on the rooftop.
Celia shouted, “You owe me a thank you for taking down Stratego, by the way. I hadn’t known that faction was still operating. It’s as dead as our enemies now.”
“We don’t owe you anything, Doves!” Fetch shouted in response. With the chaos erupting below and now on the roof, Fetch readied a new shot but Delsin told her to hold. She did as she was instructed and then Eugene was at her side, angels of blue pixels lining up before the Heroes for added defense and support. Celia cocked her head, her mask tilting to one side before she laughed again. This time it sounded full of vitriol. And then she vanished in a swirl of paper speeding toward the opposite end of the rooftop.
A scream from below had Eugene gasp and he looked over at an angel who was hovering just off the side of the building. A flash of steel wings glinted with the sunlight as a male student flew up to the roof. He was panting slightly, a grimace on his freckled face, “She’s back. The poison one.”
A splash of water was heard over a rupture of shouts and then the steel wings folded and the male student took a calculated dive from his height. Fetch huffed at seeing Brent and knowing his twin sister, Jean, was bringing water to a gas fight. This wasn’t going to plan. At all.
“Celia brought her friends. Of course she would. What is she after?” Fetch hissed and flared her neon at her hands. Colors of pink and yellow arched up her arms.
“Caly. I think.” Everyone turned around and faced Benji who was rolling his shoulders and standing behind them on the roof. “I ran into Rosaline on the way up here and she said Eugene told her to get Caly and stay in the training room.”
“I did. When Rosaline and I got to the rooftop door I could see Celia and I sent her back downstairs,” Eugene confirmed.
“Great,” Delsin griped and then blew out a rush of air before quickly forming a plan, “Eugene, with me. We’ll tail Celia. Fetch? You take Benji and go after the intruder. Everyone protect Rosaline and Caly at all costs.”
Before anyone could alter the plan, Delsin was off rushing in a trail of smoke toward Celia’s game of chase, Eugene and his angels regrouping and falling in line behind him.
“Sure, Smokes. You and Gameboy go after Doves. I’ve got Hazard.” Fetch was furious, fists balled up at her side as neon licked up her arms. But she was ready this time. She knew what was at stake. She knew Hazard’s ability and how to counter it now. She wouldn’t be caught off guard, not again. Never again.
Having Benji with her was a risk but he had an incredible power and a plan started forming as Fetch nodded to him and bolted off in the opposite direction, Benji following her closely as he utilized his parkour skills to the fullest of his abilities leaping over items on the roof with ease.
“How much power do you have stored up?” Fetch dropped into a crouch at the edge of the rooftop, surveying for Hazard below. A burst of neon green gas caught her focus and she narrowed her eyes, tracking the girl like a trained sniper. Old habits die hard.
Benji crouched next to Fetch on the rooftop, “I’m full.”
Fetch cocked an eyebrow and then rolled her right shoulder backwards, loosening up for the battle ahead, “Good. On my signal I’m gonna need a full blackout. Think you can handle that?”
“A full blackout? But it’ll affect you, too. Are you–”
“Benji. You wanna be a hero? Sometimes you gotta trust your instincts and choose the lesser evil. Hazard is a menace and I can handle a little darkness.”
Benji worried his lip for a moment before nodding and taking a deep breath. Fetch watched him carefully and then stood tall and strong, looking focused and calm.
“Follow me, but keep to the rooftops and out of sight. On my signal, full blackout. No hesitation,” Fetch shook out her arms and legs and tested her knees. She was ready to spring to the ground from this distance with her brilliant neon on full display, “And if things go wrong, don’t let Hazard get too close. Keep her as far from you as possible.”
Fetch tracked the neon green bursts for a moment longer before dropping to the ground in a bright display of her own neon colors. She had planned for this location drop and was smirking with satisfaction when the poison girl flit right into place. Hazard paused in her movements, turning to face Fetch with all the confidence of a bird with puffed feathers. She shifted her goggles up over her fringe and gave Fetch the biggest grin.
“I see you woke up! I hope you enjoyed your timeout, Neon Princess.” Makayla hissed out the name like a slur.
“I’m back for my rematch, Hazard,” Fetch snarled in response.
“‘Hazard’? I like that one. Thanks,” Makayla inspected her fingernails for a moment and Fetch tensed seeing the girl bring her hand close to her face in such a familiar move.
Fetch let off a missile of neon directed at the girl before her and it landed at her feet. Makayla leapt backwards, dropping her hand and the toxic gas with it. Without direction, the gas was useless and dissipated quickly into the air. Makayla frowned with the distraction.
“Okay, fine. You’re on. But you’ll have to do better than that, Fetch.”
Fetch straightened her posture, her hands flicking forward with neon ebbing and flowing like waves around her arms. “I never miss my mark.”
Makayla reached up and quickly adjusted her goggles back into place over her amber eyes. She smirked and seemed to welcome the challenge. Then she acted. A blast of green gas was forced toward Fetch but the neon user was quicker and tossed up a shield which lasted long enough to prevent the gas from being breathed in as intended. Makayla took another leap backwards and quickly glanced behind herself. Fetch was all rough edges now, colored in neon light and looking more dangerous by the second. But this spot was perfect as it was the back wall of the warehouse with no place to run. A deadend. Makayla would need to rush past her to get free, or use a new trick.
Fetch wouldn’t let either happen. Revenge was on her tongue and it tasted bittersweet.
Makayla blew more gas toward Fetch, but the neon user instead wasted no time and raised one arm to the sky, releasing a blast of Neon straight into the air. Fetch watched as Makayla flinched and then followed the neon blast with her eyes before she burst out laughing.
“I thought you said you never miss? I’m right here!”
Fetch shrugged, “Maybe I wasn’t aiming for you.”
Makayla stopped laughing immediately and started looking around for anything that would be broken or could possibly trap her right here. Fetch watched as the girl started to slowly be swallowed in a dense fog that was building from the ground up. As it came for her as well, Fetch crossed her arms over her chest and waited.
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Benji wasn’t sure what the signal would be but when he saw the neon flare fly straight past him into the air, he knew. He crouched on the rooftop and dug deep into himself. Using his power always made him feel uneasy and nauseous. He hated his specific power. It had always been one thing to be teased about his skin tone and how he “blended into shadows” or “disappeared at nightfall”, but it was another thing entirely to control those shadows now. Controlling the only thing people compared you to in jest was a harsh reminder of how others viewed you. Benji knew not everyone saw him this way and he had been reminded of that when Lucky touched him but it was a hard idea to shake completely.
He shook the feeling of his heart being in a vice grip and poured his focus into calling forth shadow in a way that was an ultimate power move. The shadows rushed from his fingertips and crawled over the edge of the rooftop in a mass of what looked like a shadow waterfall. He could feel when the shadows hit the grass and he pooled and pushed them together, building the shadows into a dense darkness that took over the area and blocked out the light.
Benji worried for a moment about Fetch, but the release of power was a high unmatched and he found he was pushing himself to really make this the best blackout he’d summoned. He would become a true hero, if only by his own standards.
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Nothing was coming down. Nothing was loose or shaking. Whatever Fetch had aimed for had missed its mark, of that Makayla was sure. She shook out her hands and started pooling more toxic gas when Fetch seemed to be fading into a fog.
Makayla wiped at her goggles. Sometimes they steamed up when she was in the heat of battle. But the fog didn���t wipe away. Now she shook away her gas from her fingertips and moved the goggles up into her hair. The fog seemed denser and Fetch was surely receding into it. Which is when Makayla looked down at her own hands and noticed the same thing happening to herself. The fog crawled up her body and was slowly pulling her into the darkness.
Panic began to set in.
Makayla swallowed heavily and tried to wave the fog away, but it didn’t budge. The color was slowly shifting from a light gray into a light black, each second passing by in slow motion. The darkness blotting out the sun from overhead and devouring Makayla into shadows she could not escape. A strangled cry came from her throat as the panic took hold and she realized she was fully lost into darkness. Her breathing came in quick heaves, her hands started to shake and her knees collapsed onto the soil beneath her. She realized she was sobbing, wailing quietly to herself as she wrapped her arms around her middle and rocked herself in one place. The darkness was inescapable. This was terrifying.
It was so dark. She could no longer see anything. Not even her own body that she was holding so tightly her fingernails were causing pain to her sides. She was sobbing so much she could feel snot dripping from her nose but she couldn’t regain control here. This was her nightmare come to life.
Then, with an unexplained quickness, the darkness began to recede. It was pulled from her like a million blankets over her head and she gasped for air, a full mess of tears, ruined makeup with snot and spit dripping down her chin.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry…” A voice laced with heavy concern and regret came from her right and she looked quickly in that direction like a wild animal caught in a trap with no place to run. A man stood there, his eyes glowing a soft gray color before he blinked and the shadows disappeared just enough to make out all of his features. His brow furrowed with recognition as he took in her sorry state. “... Makayla? Is that you?”
“Ben–Benji… ?” Makayla choked out his name and then a bright neon blast knocked her backwards into the grass and everything went dark for the second time.
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marvelfanfics1 · 1 year
New game called "hide daddy's arm". All fun and games untill they are taking it a little too far and daddy is getting tired of it. Baby doesn't get into trouble because daddy is a smart man and instead of having a pouty baby because they got a scolding, he finds a genius way to get Baby to go bring his arm really fast without even having to be firm with them when he scolds a very confused Sam
Bucky: Well, sounds like uncle Sam is gonna have to get a time out since my baby can't bring my arm back because of his game.
Baby: No!! *runs of to get it* It's here, daddy. Uncle Sam is not in trouble, right? *hugs Sam and whispers* if you say "sorry" daddy might let you off
Bucky: *smirking*
At this point, I'm thinking about making this a fic with everyone's ideas! I love this, and I hope you don't mind if I use this in my fic if I do one about the arm stealer.
- Makayla 💜
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felicitysmoaksx · 7 months
JJ’s Fic and Moodboard Masterlist Updated 6/5/24
Best Friends Brother AU || One Chicago || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese: Police Officer || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Single Dad!Severide || One Chicago || Kelly Severide Centric
Halstead Brothers Adopt Reese || One Chicago || Gen
Merlyn Twins au || One Chicago & Arrow || Tommy Merlyn & Connor Rhodes
One Chicago x Jatp Fusion || One | Two | Three || One Chicago & Julie and The Phantoms || Mult-ship
The Andi AU || One | Two || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric & Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
The Resident x One Chicago Crossover || One | Two || The Resident & One Chicago || Gen: Conrad Hawkins & Sarah Reese
Ballet au || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Voight Family Values || One Chicago || Gen and Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese as a Former Black Widow || One Chicago & Marvel Studios || Gen: Sarah Reese & Bucky Barnes
The Sisters Halstead || One Chicago || Gen: Makayla Ward & OC
MCU Spiderman Meets The Amazing Spiderman || Marvel Studios || Gen
Mockingbird || One Chicago & DC TV || Gen: Sarah Reese & Dick Grayson & Mult-Ship
Severide & Reese Step-Siblings au || One Chicago || Gen: Sarah Reese & Kelly Severide
Burgstead Pregnancy AU || One Chicago || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Superstar Juke AU || Julie and The Phantoms || Julie Molina x Luke Patterson
NHL Star! Connor Rhodes || One Chicago || Connor Rhodes Centric
What if Paulo took Daisy with him when he left Clump? || Irreverent || Gen: Paulo Keegan & Daisy
Some Kind of Haunted || One Chicago & Criminal Minds & CBS FBI International || Gen: Brian Lang & Connor Rhodes && Connor Rhodes x Sarah Reese
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete ||  One Shot  || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot  || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago 
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide 
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP ||  Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess 
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind  || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit  || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short  || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet  || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You  || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Interlude: What If || Chicago Med || Complete || Drabble || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
DC TV/Chicago Med Crossover
Mockingbird & Co.
The Same Little Breaks In Your Soul || Chicago Med || Arrow || Titans ||  WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
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adamruz · 2 years
Ask Me Again
Word Count: 1121
A/N: I have to give credit where credit is due and this idea stemmed from a video that Agnes (burzekspd) shared on Twitter of Abby and Luka from ER. @piscesgirl87 and I talked yesterday about this being something we’d love to see for Burzek and it got the wheels turning last night at midnight when I was trying to fall asleep. I think this is the fastest I’ve ever churned out a fic. 😂
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Adam was upstairs reading Makayla a story before bed, while Kim relaxed on the couch, catching up on her favorite show on the DVR. The two of them still hadn’t defined their relationship, but they ended up in each other’s beds more nights than not in the four months since moving into the new house. Most of those nights, they stayed up talking about everything, from why their first engagement didn’t work to how they wanted to make sure they got it right this time around. Makayla was even starting to notice a difference in their relationship. They were flirting with each other more and would occasionally call each other ‘babe’ or ‘baby’. Both had even heard from Kevin about various times Makayla saw them kiss while they thought they were being secretive.
Adam came downstairs and plopped down on the couch beside Kim. “Ask me again,” she blurted out.
Adam was confused, trying to rack his brain to remember what question to repeat. “Did you still want to drive to work tomorrow?”
“Adam,” Kim said, clearly annoyed.
Adam was completely clueless at this point. “What? That’s the last thing I asked you. Or at least I thought it was?”
Kim chuckled at how he wasn’t following what she wanted him to do. It was something that he had done four times before in his life, twice to her, and one time she immediately shot him down, but she was ready now. She turned to face him, gently took his face in her hands, and repeated, “Ask me again and I know you know what I mean. Think!” She was staring into his eyes, trying to send her thoughts telepathically to him. He was always so in tune with what was going on in her head, but he was really lacking at this crucial time.
After about a minute, but what felt like hours to Kim, she saw the wheels turning in his head and she could tell he knew just what she wanted. “Okay, I’m finally tracking, but I need to go upstairs to grab something.” 
He jumped off the couch and she quietly yelled after him, “Don’t you dare wake Mack up! She has her first spelling test tomorrow and needs her rest.” She had no idea if he heard her because that was the fastest she’s seen him move since the suspect they chased last week. He was back downstairs within seconds, holding a small box that she instantly recognized in his hand and tears began to form in her eyes. “You kept it? After all this time?”
“Are you kidding? Of course I did. Come here.” Kim got off the couch and she placed her hands in his.
He was about to get down on one knee, but she interrupted with, “Wait, can I give a speech first?”
“I’m not sure this is how it works darlin’, but sure.”
She took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves. “I know we’ve talked about the push test and how that ruined us the first time around, but I think a little voice in my head kept wanting to give you more tests as the years went on and you passed them all with flying colors. First, it was with our baby. You stepped up and wanted to be in their life even though we weren’t together. You were with me every step of the way, even after the miscarriage. Then there was Makayla and agreeing to be her guardian when we had hit a rough patch, but you protected her the best way you knew how when I was missing. You then slept on my couch for months to help me with her and I could never repay you for that.”
Adam interjected softly, “Babe, don’t forget it was a very small and uncomfortable couch.”
She rolled her eyes. “I know. You bought this house and have spent every day off making the swingset of our daughter’s dreams and checking off my list of projects around the house. You’ve just stood by my side after everything we’ve been through and I always just tried to push you away. You’ve seen me at my absolute worst and that still didn’t even make you walk away.”
Adam swallowed at an attempt to prevent himself from getting choked up. “Is it so hard to believe that I did all of that because I love you? I’d do anything for you and Makayla, you know that. I love you.”
“I love you too.” At the same time, they looked over to the steps to see Makayla in her pajamas, holding her platypus, watching and giggling at them. “Adam, I told you not to wake her up!”
“I didn’t, I swear,” he answered to defend himself.
Makayla added her reasoning, “He ran into something upstairs, said a bad word, and I woke up.” Her answer made Kim laugh.
“Oh, I forgot about that, sorry kiddo. Come over here. You should be here for this anyways, no matter what your mom thinks.” Makayla ran over and took a seat on the couch. 
“Okay, is it my turn now,” Adam impatiently demanded. Kim nodded in return. “This is going to be quick because I just want to get to the question. You changed my life the moment we met and she changed our lives the moment we found her on the street. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with my two favorite girls. It was always going to be you, Kim.” Adam went down on one knee, opened up the ring box, and asked, “Kim Burgess, will you marry me?”
Kim responded in a volume that might have woken up the entire neighborhood, but she didn’t care. “YES! Of course, I’ll marry you!” He slid the ring on her finger for a second time and it was even sweeter than the first. Kim practically pulled him up off of his knee and enveloped him in a sweet kiss.
“What about me,” Makayla asked innocently. They laughed and Adam bent down to pick her up. The three of them wrapped themselves into a big hug. “Can I call Uncle Kevin to tell him? Please!!”
“No, it’s too late, bud, but you can do it first thing in the morning during breakfast. You need to get back to bed.”
“Okay mom.” Makayla jumped down from their arms and started to walk back upstairs. “Goodnight mom, goodnight dad.”
“Did she just call me dad?” Adam was trying hard to contain his excitement over the first time being called dad by his soon-to-be official daughter.
“Yes, she sure did and soon enough, I’ll be able to call you my husband.”
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house-strong · 2 years
Hi! I noticed something reading your stuff and it’s up to you to include this in your writing because I know the Hotd x readers are all white with the incest dynamics but I’ve heard people with dark skin tones mention that when x reader’s have “pink cheeks” or describe straight hair it isn’t inclusive anymore and you can change the description to warm cheeks etc.
oh i’m sorry!
thank you for bringing this to my attention – it’s easy to forget sometimes,, i try my best to steer clear of mentioning any hair color, skin color, or weight indicators, but i will start paying closer attention to when i describe cheeks flushing or hair descriptions and keep those neutral.
also in my writing, i’m most comfortable and often rely on using she/her pronouns for the reader, but if you do not use those pronouns PLEASE bring that to my attention.
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brunos-wife360 · 20 hours
Be Mine
Just a fic dedicated to myself and Bruno (cause I’m to scared to ask someone to make one for me lol) so yeah here is some content. I just came up with this (my creative Brain is flowing).
Tags: @hyunjinbiased-blog
I sat with my back against the wall diagonally opposite Denise who was guarding the door with a gun in her hands.
I could hear talking coming from the closed room in front of me. I knew the talking was just Bruno and the doc discussing his immunity and that it would be possible that his blood could be used as a cure.
Pondering as I stare at the wall, my mind starts to think about Bruno and how much I liked him. But I knew he didn’t feel that way about me, not to my knowledge.
I have liked him…or maybe not even like, love maybe? I don’t even know but I have had these feelings towards him for a little while.
He is my best friend and if he finds out that I feel this way it will ruin the friendship and he might not ever see me the same again.
My thoughts continue to cloud with him taking over that I didn’t realise he had opened the door and walked out until he made his way over to me and tried to get my attention.
“Makayla” he said trying to snap me out of my deep thinking.
When that didn’t work he lightly shook me “Mak”
I snap out of it and jump a little as I put my hand over my heart from the little scare he gave me.
“Jesus Christ, didn’t realise you were there, must have been thinking a bit to hard” I chuckle
He gives a hearty laugh back “Sorry about that friend, I noticed you were thinking, may I ask what about?”
My face goes a little red but I don’t think it was noticeable “just about the world and it’s current state, I’m thinking about family”
A memory of my family runs across my mind and a tear falls down my cheek and he frowns wiping it away as he pulls me into a hug.
“Chìca, don’t worry, we’ll get through this, as long as we stick together we will survive, and I also promise that if something or someone tries to harm you, I will protect you” he says as we pull out of the hug.
I smile at him and sniff “Thank you Bru”
He smiles and steps back from me a bit “well I guess we better get going, Doc said he needed his equipment from the Santa Monica pier.”
I look at him “what kind of equipment?”
“ It’s a laptop” he answered “but the last time he saw it one of his buddies had it”
I nod slowly “uh-huh, so we gotta go to Santa Monica then?”
He nods in confirmation as I sigh “ok then guess we better get going”
We grab our weapons and head to Santa Monica
We made it to Santa Monica and immediately headed to the pier were we could find this ‘equipment’.
So far we went through the amusement park and went in the ride were we encountered a fucked up clown who disappeared after we kicked him off the ride.
Me and Bruno made it to the crumpled and destroyed pier which we carefully made our way through a passageway of what it once was.
We jump off a piece of the pier and make our way up little steps and search around for the laptop.
“It has to be here somewhere” I say as we walk towards a body and in its hands is the laptop.
“Bingo” says Bruno as he grabs the laptop.
I kneel beside him as he logs into the laptop “so what’s the CDC not tellin’ us, ugh” he groans and looks up and I do too to see that fucking clown.
“It’s Pennywise from Wish” I say giving a little laugh at the joke.
He then jumps down on me as i say “Fuc-“ and he knocks me out.
Bruno’s POV
“Ay cabřon” I say as I watch as he knocked out the girl I liked “you don’t hurt people I love”.
He looks at me and growls before doing to me what he did to Makayla.
I woke up to the Clown fucker feasting in a body next to me making me gag.
I look down and see the laptop and I slowly inched my hand towards it.
“Ok easy now…almost” as soon as I touched it the fuck drove his knife hand into my hand.
I scream in pain and anger “OW YOU MOTHERFUCKER I’LL KILL YOU!”
He then slowly gets on top of me and he goes to bite me but I use all my strength to hold him back as I scream “NO!”
The clown is suddenly launched off me when he gets hit the the laptop and I see my saviour and it’s Bruno.
“Hey I heard you scream and I saw him try to hurt you, couldn’t let him do that” he said giving me a helping hand.
“Thanks” I take his hand and we both gave off against that son of a bitch.
He makes a leap for Bruno but I manage to get a hit in him dazing him a bit before he turns his attention to me.
He laugh that horrible laugh of his as he swings at me and I dodge before Bruno lands a very painful hit but that doesn’t stop him.
He leaps onto Bruno who is holding his arms trying to kick him off.
I switch out my knife for a modded axe and I swing at the bastard cutting his head clean off.
Bruno’s eyes widened as he pushes the body off him and gets up.
I survey my handiwork and smirk before I look back up and I see Bruno looking right at me.
I blush at the attention “are you ok”
He continues staring at me with his mouth sharp and his eyes widened a little bit.
“That was Hot” he said but then slapped a hand over his mouth when it came out of his mouth.
I smirk “was it now pretty boy”
I didn’t have time to process before I felt lips on mine and I instinctively put my hands on his chest and his around my waist.
It lasted like that for a minute before he pulled away.
“I love you, will you be mine” he said
I smile “of course”
He smiles before he looks at my hand and freezes “your hurt, we need to get you back to the Serling and get you patched up”
“No objections here” I say
And with that we made our way back to the Serling we’re the others were waiting for us.
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