#makes it look like she'll be naked in the bath
pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
Bath Time With Sevika
Now let's be realistic, before you two started dating, Sevika never took baths. She only had a standing shower in her apartment because it was quick and efficient.
Warm water capacity is very low in the Undercity and she saw no point in baths, especially after losing her arm, baths would prove to be too troublesome for her mechanical one.
You're the one who introduces her to the luxury of taking a warm and relaxing bubble bath when you ask her to take one together. At first she scoffs at you, saying how it's a waste of warm water and time but she can't deny that the thought of having you sitting all pretty and naked on her lap definitely excites her. As soon as you give her your best puppy eyes and an offer of a massage, she's sold.
Now we all know that she is a woman of an immense stature so you both have a bit of a hard time figuring out your positions but soon she's sitting all tense in the tub with you between her muscular thighs.
It's only when you start washing her hair and massaging her shoulders that she slowly begins to relax.
With a heavy sigh, she closes her eyes and lets you do your thing. If she is willing to lower her defenses this much around you then that is the ultimate sign of trust from her.
The whole time she keeps a steady hand on your thigh, having taken off her mechanical arm so that it doesn't get damaged. She has to admit that being pampered by her girl and feeling the warmth of her bare body feels really nice.
She could get used to this.
And she does! Pretty soon, this becomes a routine for you two whenever she comes back home all stiff with the stress of a long day at work weighing down on her shoulders.
She loves to sneak in little kisses when you wash her hair and she adores how cute you look with bubbles all around you.
You're the only person she allows to take care of her like this and that's a wonderful thing all in itself.
The trust and safety that you two mutually bestow upon each other is something worth cherishing and fighting for.
And she'll protect this little patch of heaven that you managed to make for yourselves in a cruel and unforgiving place such as the Undercity.
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
i wonder if anyones told harry lately that respectfully, his tits looks amazing
YN has...and disrespectfully
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"Fucking hell." Harry huffs out. "What am I at?"
"About to reach three minutes." YN tells him from her seat in front of the plastic tub. It's been almost an hour after Harry's show in Cologne and since his back has been acting up again, he was sent promptly into an ice bath.
After taking some pictures and changing out of her fabulous Midnight Memories t-shirt outfit, YN is now an oversized Pleasing hoodie and some biker shorts. She sits in front of Harry's bath, her sock covered feet propped up against the edge of the tub where she'll occasionally tap her toes with his cold, bare ones.
"Tell me something to distract me." He breathes out with his eyes closed. YN quickly racks her brain for anything distraction worthy and only one thing comes to mind.
"Yeh tits have been looking really good lately."
"Fuck off." He huffs out a laugh at the unexpected compliment, peeling an eye open to look at her.
"They're real yummy looking. Just might have to take a bite out of one."
"Shut up."
"Yeh do it to me all the time. Gotta motorboat me too--hey!" YN laughs when a piece of ice gets thrown at her. But Harry hisses out from the movement of the cold water, squeezing his hands into fists above the water. He thumps his head back against the ledge, taking in a deep inhale through his nose and some of his hair falls over his eyes.
He hasn't cut it in a while and it may or may not be entirely YN’s fault.
She had told him that she likes his new length because it kind of reminds her of when he had his long hair all those years ago. And with that, she shyly admitted how much she wondered what it would have been like to have been romantically with him during that time. So how can even think to give his hair a trim when he loves the feel of her gripping onto it when he's going down on her? Or when he's hovering above her and she tugs on the ends so hard and so good that he leans his head back at the touch. Or even when they're just cuddling and he has his head on her chest, her fingers threading through his curly locks?
To help rid her wandering mind from continuing further, she decides to tease him and take a playful jab at his ego.
"Come on, H. You're barely at five minutes. Don't be such a baby."
"A baby?" Harry scoffs. Yn tries to hide her smiles behind her sleeve-covered hand as he takes the bait. "Lovie, please. Yeh wouldn't be able to be in this for the other five minutes I have left."
"Is that a challenge?" YN raises an eyebrow.
He flashes her a cocky smirk and a shrug on his shoulder. "More like pointing out the obvious."
If there's one thing that her and Harry have in common, it's their huge, often sensitive, egos. He knows her like the back of his hand. He noticed the poke at his ego right off the bat and he knows he pinched at hers. Harry knows she got a taste of her own medicine when she stands up and places her phone on the foldable chair.
He raises his eyebrows in amusement and excitement when she crosses her arms over her torso, grips the bottom of her hoodie and tugs it over her head. After she plucks off her socks and shimmies out of her shorts, a bright smile paints itself on his face when she reaches behind her to unclasp her bra. It's like watching a child on Christmas morning. He acts like he didn't just see her naked the night before.
He throws a nod her way. "Panties too."
"Nuh uh." She throws her hair in a bun on top of her head. "You kept your bottoms on, so m'keeping mine."
He sits up a bit more to make as much room for her as possible. He watches as she grips the edge of the tub and slowly sinks a leg inside the freezing water. She lets out a heavy, staggered breath but quickly tucks her lips in to not let her boyfriend reel in the satisfaction. But Harry can honestly care less about being right at this point when his eyes are glued to his handwriting on her skin.
His eyes trail from the red, cursive honey text on her upper thigh to the love me please? right below her left breast as she lowers herself in the tub with whimpers and heaved breaths.
"S'better when you go in all at once."
"Yeah, I got that. Now shut up." YN furrows her eyebrows and Harry puts his hands up in defense, a smile still sitting on his lips.
This isn't the first time her and Harry have delved into cold waters. During their time in the band, and when they went solo, the two have always been down for a spontaneous dive in a lake somewhere during the Winter where ever they were in the world. It soon became a tradition that anywhere they went with a body of water near by, they had to take a dip if it wasn't frozen over.
Once her shoulders barely hover over the surface, Harry tugs her over to him so her back is to his chest. The water overflows over the edge a bit but either one pays mind to it.
He hugs her close to him, arms over her chest and the side of his face pressed against hers.
"S'n-not so bad." She shudders, clearing trembling in his arms. "This is nothing, yeh b-big baby."
"Yeah, y'really showed me." He teases before pressing his cold lips to her temple.
"But the good thing is that at least I get to lay on these pillows on yeh chest. Might just go ahead and take a nap on 'em--hey, hey! Harry not the hair! Not the hair!"
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @theekyliepage @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish  
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@fox-daddies here 🦊🦊
Could I get Hc for the M6 walking into their room to find Mc laying completely naked in bed because their way too hot to do anything.
For a moment I thought by hot you meant "Too sexy to do anything", but I realized you meant it's a hot day, or at least I hope so? ANYWAY
Vesuvia's summers can be hard to tolerate by the ones who aren't used to it. Today the wind seems too tired to blow, and the sun is so bright that the sea is as blinding as the sun. You took a refreshing bath, but couldn't force yourself into your clothes again, so you just threw youself on your bed, directly under the open window, hoping for the faintest breeze to slip into your room when...
... Muriel enters the hut. He's drenched in sweat too, and first thing first, he gets out of his clothes and tosses them aside before slumping on the bed next to you, eyes closed. You hear his heart pounding in his chest, tired by the heatwave just like him, as his hands reaches yours, brushing it with the tip of his fingers. You stay like this for hours, until the merciless sun finally gives in to the sunset.
Then his hand reaches for your waist, pulling you on top of him.
... the door slightly opens, and Portia's witty face peaks trough the crack. Her smile widens as she sees you, and after a quick glance behind her she slips inside closing the door behind her back. "I guess milady's flowers can wait..." she whispers as her lips brushes your hand. "Or maybe she'll come looking for me. But would you be sorry if she were to find us like this?", she winks.
... Lucio enters the room, looks at you from behind his sweat drenched hair covering his forhead, and announces: "great idea". In a matter of seconds he joins you, his cold metal hand sending the best kind of chills up your spine. He looks at the sky-colored canopy over the bed, looks at you with that familiar child-like light in his eyes and whispers "Make it cloudy". Points up. "The canopy. Make it cloudy! Make it rain! Can you???".
You wonder how this man can be so silly and so genius. With a snap of your fingers, a single drop falls on the bed. Then another, and another, and another one. Lucio starts giggling, then laughing, taking you into his arms and kissing you through his laugh. "Oooh, you're the best!"
... Julian comes back home. "What a day!" he huffs, before starting to ramble about what happened at the clinic. You smile silently. Keeping the bed on the right of the door has its perks with Julian. "... and then a kid reached for the leeches -why do they do that, do leeches looks like candies?- and almost knoched it over when..." he abruptly stops.
"Oh dear" -his tone changes- "it looks like you got hit by a heatstroke... yes, the temperature of your skin shows it, and your lips too". You feel his dramatic sigh on your neck. "I must proceed with a deeper check..."
... Asra climbs the stairs of the bedroom. He smiles. "Here you are! What a weather today, uh? I really can't think of a way to refresh myself". You don't think he's messing with you: Asra and you are so used to such level of intimacy. He sits on the bed. A mischievous smile crosses his lips. "Unless..."
You let out a scream in surprise as you feel the bed dissolving into cool water under your back, before the water covers your mouth. You hear Asra laughing from the other side of the surface, right before diving in next to you.
... Nadia enters your bedchamber. She is followed by a couple of servants and has a big list of things to do into her hands, and she's instructing her helpers about the heatstrokes prevention program. They stop in front of the bed. "O... Oh. I, hem, I thought you were at the shop...", she mutters, before realizing there are people there with her. She turns towards them, and manages to put together a crumble of dignity. "You're dismissed. I'll send for you when I'll be done with some... ehm... urgent matters".
The servants bow and run out, embarassed. Nadia turns "Oh I'm sorry, so sorry my dear, I didn't mean to embarass you...". Her flushed face is so funny that washes away any embarrassment from you. "I will make up for it", she continues, "Just ask, may I go to get you something to... I don't know, to eat? Another bath, or maybe you want to go on vacation somewhere? A poem! I can apologize with that, for sure, or sing...?" She stops when she notice the look into your eyes. There's no need for clarvoyance to understand what kind of apology you'd like right now!
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greycaelum · 1 year
Can i pls pls plssss request a one shot with gojo and his girlfriend,where his gf always get really excited about snowing,to the point of jumping up and down and her eyes twinkling like a child?!
Its snowing in my city and i keep jumping up and down ;)
Scribbles and Doodles: { Let it Snow }
—Gojo Satoru X Reader
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"Hi sweetheart, thank you for your kind words, I'm sorry it took me so long. Research and my job kept me preoccupied. I hope it's still snowing and be careful too! Have tons of warm stuff to keep you toasty and snug in the winter!" —Grey,
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Satoru woke up to a chilly morning. He remembers turning the air condition mid-2 of the dawn after getting chills but now, it was even colder. Peeling off his mask, Satoru turn to his window and saw the grey skies, and he has to double-take at the white thing slowly falling off and cluttering on his windowsill.
It's snowing.
And by any chance, he's hearing a familiar voice faintly laughing.
Satoru groaned, pulling off the covers from his naked body. Rubbing his bleary eyes, he walks to his window and looks down. As if in a queue, you run through the small pile of gathering snow, a wide smile adorning your face, still in your hoodie pajamas.
"She'll catch a cold." Satoru clicked his tongue and grab his clothes. His muscles are aching and he'd rather sleep than trudge into the frosty powder winter has to offer. Satoru stop his tracks and went back to the bedroom. Rummaging through the cabinets he found his jacket and went out of the room.
"'Toru! It's snowing!" You shrilled at him. You ran in his direction and almost tripped on the slippery ground.
"Fuck, Baby, you trying to give me a heart attack?" Satoru held your arms and steadied you.
You just grinned in reply and stood on your tiptoes, grazing your lips to smear a kiss on your boyfriend's cheeks before turning your heel and tumbling on the snow again.
"Slow down, you little rascal, you wanna catch a cold or somethin'?" Satoru pulled back the scruff of your hoodie making you recoil and yelp.
He wraps his thickest available jacket around you, zipping the thing that reaches your ankles all thanks to his height, and pulls the hood over your head.
"There," Satoru smirked at your pout. "Now that's what you call a burrito."
"I can't move!" You flail around with difficulty, all the blame falling into the jacket's thick insulation. "'Toru! Get this off, you cheater, you're not even wearing one." You accused.
Satoru is tempted to hold a carrot around your nose but throws off the idea if he doesn't wanna sleep on the couch. After all winter's privilege is getting to cuddle you more to share warmth.
"I don't catch a cold, because I'm the stro—" Satoru pointed at himself assuringly.
"Because you're abnormal." You deadpanned and turn around, marching off.
"Hey! That's just mean. Come back here!" Satoru bends down and makes a ball of snow throwing it on you.
"Y-You!" You turned around only to get hit by another on your chest. It didn't take long for you and Satoru to have a snowball war filling the front yard with squeals and snowballs hitting whatever it hits.
By the time you're both spent, laying on the snow with a snow angel behind you both, your hands are all numb from the snow and Satoru's nose is almost as red as Rudolph's. Both of you panting but holding your hands together. This time a thin layer of Satoru's Infinity encases you to keep snow from getting in your eyes. Catching your breaths you both went inside, got into a warm bath, and eventually found yourselves tucked on the couch of the living room, hot cocoa in your hand, a bowl of chicken broth in Satoru's, and a thick quilt covering the two of you.
The snow quietly piles up outside, sweeping the city into a white wonderland. You and Satoru curled up on each other, snug and cuddled in each others' arms.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned image(s) and song(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @lexiene @tender-rosiey
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ninigummysmile · 1 year
𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 - 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐚
Summary: After a day at the beach, Lisa can't get the images of you in your pretty bikini out of her mind
Solo!Lisa x Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Warning: This story contains +18 content. It is not the responsibility of the author if minors read it.
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 912
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It's no secret that Lisa likes you, but it seems like you're the only one who never noticed, no matter how obvious it is. She stares at you all the time even when you're looking, is extremely clingy and wants to be by your side all the time, whether it's helping you with something or simply doing nothing.
And as obvious as you are too, treating her differently from everyone else and willing to do whatever she says, the denial that maybe you don't like her that way makes her blind and not see what's right in front of her.
Lisa tries to hold back around you, not wanting to cross any boundaries that make you uncomfortable or make you want to pull away from her, but sometimes… you drive her crazy. Like today, for example, how do you want her to control herself when you're wearing a pretty lilac bikini with the sun tanning your beautiful skin?
From the minute you suggested spending a day at the beach, she knew she would have to hold back the urge to kiss you even longer.
She hoped every second you didn't ask to put sunscreen on your back. But unfortunately (or fortunately) you asked. And even now, as she parks the car and walks into her house after a few hours on the road, she can feel the softness of your skin in her fingers.
To distract herself, Lisa goes into the kitchen to prepare her dinner, because she doesn't want to think of you that way. Yes, she is falling in love with you, she is already sure of that and she wants it to be something natural, each thing in her own time. She wants to make a date with you first, she wants to spend some quality time together and then ask you to be her girlfriend. It doesn't matter how long it takes her to work up the courage to do it, but she wants to do it.
She doesn't want to start imagining you and thinking about you in a sexual way, because she feels that it will contaminate her mind and she won't be able to disguise it from you. Because you always have to know when she's different.
After preparing and eating very quickly so that she can rest as quickly as possible, she prepares a hot bath to relax and rest her muscles after so much swimming. Her mind wanders everywhere and, at the same time, inevitably always comes back to you.
Lightly passing the soap on her body, it seems that the boner is about to kill her. Rinsing off quickly, she leaves the bathroom so she can lie down and sleep. Tomorrow will be another day and she will already be calmer, your beautiful body sculpted in the two lilac pieces will no longer be clear in her head.
Turning from side to side, despite being very tired and sleepy, her body seems not to want to give up and wants to stay awake. Lisa knows that she won't be able to fall asleep just by staring at the ceiling or that counting sheep won't work, it will only make her more awake.
A groan of annoyance comes out of her mouth and she throws a tantrum to herself. She knows she'll regret it after just one moment of pleasure and that she won't forgive herself so easily for doing this thinking about you, but she just can't. She can no longer ignore the wetness between her legs from the moment you take off your shorts and shirt.
She removes all her pajama pieces, throwing them anywhere in the dark room and now naked, takes a pillow from her side. Positioning herself on her stomach, she places the pillow between her legs and lets out a sigh of relief at the contact her intimate region has been waiting for all day.
Gently moving her hips, the slightest friction of the fabric on her clit makes her moan deliciously.
Two of her hands each go to one breast, grabbing them and pulling her nipples.
Now she tries to remember on her own the moments when she was at the beach. Putting sunscreen on you, when you stood in the sun to try to get a tan, when you went swimming and she could clearly see your nipples being stiff from the cold water, and when you sucked on one of your fingers to clean them after eat a snack.
With back-and-forth movements, Lisa increases the speed of her hips and tentatively tries to moan your name to see how it sounds on her tongue. She can swear that she will come just by saying your name over and over again and that you are there encouraging her to come.
Her throat goes dry and a fine sheen of sweat gathers on her forehead. One of her hands lets go of a breast and she starts spanking her own ass. Imagining that she has the fabric of your lilac panties to the side and is sucking you is enough to make her come on her own pillow.
With a pillow between her legs, her ass red from the slaps and the relaxation of an orgasm, sleep begins to take over her body and she feels further and further away from reality. Even though she feels bad for imagining you that way, a small smile doesn't manage to leave her lips until she completely blacks out.
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anjelicawrites · 11 months
Aemond would make such a perfect Maleficent, the last one of his people, the dragon warlocks and witches, bitter after seeing his family slaughtered, having his sapphire stolen and his power diminished, after he's trusted the future King of the land.
He's waited so long to have his revenge, until the King has a daughter. On the day of her christening, Aemond shows up and curses the child: she will die at sixteen, after pinching her finger on the spindler of a spinning wheel. You are one of the assembled magic folk from all over the Kingdom, invited to bless the princess. You are much less powerful than Aemond is, you can't revoke the curse, you can modify it, though: the child will not die, but sleep for a thousand year
"Or until true love's kiss wakes her" Aemond says, before disappearing.
You are tasked with raising the child somewhere safe, while the King tries to destroy all the spinning wheels of the Reign. Following your instincts, you hide in an abandoned forest, not knowing that it used to be Aemond's beloved sister Helaena's dwelling. The place had sealed up after her death, but opens to you without you having to use your magic, to Aemond's surprise. The place seems like it's talking to you and you are growing more powerful, while your protégé grows ad well.
Against all he believe could possibly happen, Aemond is becoming fond of the child, many time saving her, with the help of Vhagar, who once was the biggest, most powerful of all the dragons bound to his family, now reduced to a dragon as big as a raven or the human form of an elderly lady.
You are another problem. He's supposed to antagonize you, yet you intrigue him and start plaguing his dreams from the moment he stumbles upon you one night, bathing naked in the lake. He should flee, yet his feet feel like lead, his only eye stubbornly refusing to look somewhere else, until you turn around and laugh, well aware that he's oogling you.
"Are you going to tell me why Aurora calls you her Fairy Godfather, or has your dragon eaten your tongue?".
From that moment he can't help but grow fonder and closer to you, looking out for your safety as well, even though the forest has chosen you as its own and it is doing a great job at that. Until Aurora turns sixteen.
She stumbles upon the prince of a neighbouring Reign, who has gotten lost and promptly falls for him. Unknowingly, he tells her about the curse and Aurora understands that's her story. Angry at you both, she goes back to her father's castle and the curse falls upon her. During all these years Aemond had tried to revoke it, without success, the hatred he has infused in his words is far more powerful than his magic is.
You are both at Aurora's bedside, distraught, your hopes destroyed by Aemond's words
"Why do you think I chosen 'the one true love's kiss?' because it doesn't exist. She'll never wake up".
He says in his grief, breaking your heart. Hurt as you are, you flee the chamber and are captured by the King's guards. Aemond gently kisses Aurora's forehead goodbye, leaving before the teen can open her eyes, awake again.
Aemond as well gets captured by the King, who now wants to execute you both, even though Aurora is awake and well. The King knows that, as long as Aemond is alive, he'll be a potential danger.
Aurora doesn't know how to help you, it's Vhagar that tells her to grab the sapphire from the treasure vault. With her help and the young prince's, Aurora steals the sapphire and Vhagar manages to give it to Aemond, who can now restore himself, and his dragon, to their full power, thus saving you as well. The King, mad with rage, tries to kill him and almost kills Aurora and is eaten by Vhagar.
Despite the shock of the horrors she had to see, Aurora manages to get her happily ever after with her prince, unifying the two Reigns. You and Aemond as well, after you have him work for his forgiveness, have your happiness together and become Aurora's bloodline fairy godparents.
Everything taglist: @ilikeitbetterangsty
Aemond's taglist: @phantoms-main-blog
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haunted-headset · 7 months
tw: long-ish vent
What the fuck is wrong with my mom? Seriously though, what the fuck is her issue?
She has a video of me on her phone of me in a bathtub with marker scribbles on my face. When I was 6. I was ass-naked, by the way, & she was purposefully making me cry by mocking me. "Look at you! You look so stupid!" & to add to that, she forced 6-year-old me to look into the phone camera & say what an idiot I was. At the age of fucking 6. & she shows it to people. She shows people a video of her daughter sobbing hysterically in the bath. & she sees nothing wrong with this. "It'll be funny when you're older!" No. No, it won't be, you absolute fucker.
She let my stepfather starve me, scream at me, purposefully make me cry for his own sadistic amusement, & she says nothing. She copies the behavior he does & expects me to take it & say nothing like a child. She starves me & screams at me & purposefully makes me cry & she thinks it's okay because she's "an adult." Just because you're an adult doesn't give you the right to be a sadistic, cruel, nasty bitch.
She has so many videos & pictures of me crying. Because she thinks that it's funny. It's funny to see your kid bawl their eyes out because you're mocking their one mistake?
She's laughed at me whenever my anxiety takes over. When I can't order food, when I can't ask for things, when I physically cannot speak because I don't want to have a panic attack, she thinks it's funny.
She gaslights the living hell out of me, & when I call her out for it, she screams. Just to make me cry. Because it's entertainment to see my cry & not fight back & take it like the fucking wimp I am. It's funny.
When I can't eat because I hate the texture, or it gives me sensory issues, or because I feel like I'll vomit, she'll yell. & I cry. or I shout through my tears. & then she laughs.
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mejomonster · 1 year
I'm comparing xuanji and tantai jin right now in how they handle their "innocence" about romance (just cause they don't feel emotion generally)
Xuanji: completely oblivious, WOULD grab sifengs boner while dropping in on him naked in a bath and DOES NOT care. He's her great friend! And he's fun to make blush! Will also be the first to kiss HIM. Again, she's not really sure why or that it means EONS to sifeng emotionally. But she is glad to be with her friend and it seems fun uvu
(Xuanji later will go onto top her babe but that's later, I'm talking the early parts when she isn't feeling things much)
Tantai jin: I am SCANDALIZED you would touch me. I know you're my WIFE but as my wife you tried to sleep with me to lock me into marriage and I was disgusted by how fucked up and cruel you were so I put you to sleep. Do NOT strip me, don't even look me up and down. I don't have lust or any particular romantic feelings for you, it's not like I'm abashed of sex as I AM an adult who got married and know the fucked up palace shit of behind closed doors. BUT I am repulsed by the idea of being near you, especially naked and sharing that experience with YOU agh, so I Am going to continously insist on Being chaste. Maybe one day I'll want to rail someone, like you said when I feel "love" for someone or whatever maybe... but lmao not your awful ass
Also tantai jin, seeing a demon kiss qingyu: huh... evil powers cool I should eat her. It'd be nice if I could eat humans for power too. Huh... that kind of looks enjoyable? Maybe I'll try making out with someone I don't dislike. (Thinks about his wife who feeds him and would die for him, but there's baggage so he just moves on)
A few eps later: actually... like... would it be Too Fucked up? If I just... DID make out with my evil Wife who wants to kill me? I mean... a kiss is a kiss if it feels nice does it matter if we kill each other later? What if she sat on my lap! What if... I was held in her arms... <3 (no! Focus! She'll betray me! We can only have sex if she's my prisoner or something so she doesn't stab me or sell me out while we're naked!)
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xieyaohuan · 10 months
25 for homewell? 👀
25- Write about your ship bathing or swimming together.
"Want to join me?"
Her body is submerged in the water, only her head peeking out from between the soft silvery bubbles. There's a smile on her face, and he tries to focus on that. Perhaps she's not mad at him. (Her heart is beating a little fast, but it almost always does. It doesn't have to mean anything.)
When she caught him, he expected to be scolded. Instead, she asked him to open the door to her bathroom and come inside, forced him to look her in the eyes.
And now, this.
"There’s enough room for both of us."
She's looking at him expectantly, but his mind is blank. Nothing exists except her eyes, her smile, her voice, her breath, her angry heartbeat. He looks down, shuffles his feet, tries and fails yet again to come up with a response.
This is another test, he knows, one of those that are impossible to pass because he does not understand the rules. Of course he is supposed to refuse, but will she sit him down later and analyze each minute detail, pointing out where he went wrong, which unspoken social rules he broke this time? Of course she will. Everything is always a test with her.
The books he's read won't help him here, and neither will the movies he's watched, not even the etiquette guides she's given him to read. There's nothing he can think of that covers how to behave when you've been trapped like this.
How does she always manage to get him into these types of situations?
Don't worry, she says, her heartbeat still contradicting her words: I'm not mad at you, and he wonders if that is a test, too, what exactly it is that she wants him to apologize for.
I may have broken something, is all he can think of. It was what gave him away. I'm sorry, he says, I'll go clean it up. The words sound clumsy, incoherent, helpless, stupid. She'll think he's stupid.
Her smile is widening; he can sense the muscles on her face contract. No need, she says, I'll take care of it later.
When he raises his eyes a little, he realizes he can see through the walls of the tub, but the water is distorting the shape of her body. He was vaguely aware he couldn't see through water the way he could see through her walls, her desk, her clothes, but he always assumed that was because whenever he tried he was under water himself.
Disappointment mixes with relief.
She notices his gaze, and all he wants is to reassure her that he's not spying on her, that she's safe in the water even from his eyes, but would it really be reassuring to tell her that he looked, if only by accident? (Don't pierce my clothes, I'll know if you do, she told him in their first year, and he almost never does, not when he's in her line of vision at least.)
It was an accident, he says. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Perhaps if he keeps repeating those words, she'll take pity on him and tell him what exactly he has to do, how he can make it up to her.
Take off your clothes, she says, more demanding now. I want you to join me. Don't make me come out of the water.
Everything is a blur as he peels off his gloves before slipping out of his suit.
She's watching him as he folds it and places it on the toilet seat. Somehow taking off his suit top feels a lot stranger than slipping out of his briefs; she's seen him naked below the waist a few times before but never above. Even if he tried to cover his chest, she would still see his shoulders, his arms.
One arm emerges from the water, beckoning him closer. There's a smell of alcohol on her breath; her glass by the side of the tub is almost empty. It feels wrong, misplaced; she never drinks when she's with him at the Tower.
But they aren't at the Tower.
He carefully steps into the water, grabbing the side of the tub as if his life depended on it. Her eyes are still on him, so he quickly lowers himself into the water, comforted by the protection it offers; she, too, can't see him underneath layers of bubbles and water.
His head is spinning as she pulls him towards her until his body rests against hers, wrapping her arms around his chest.
I'm sorry- he starts again, but she shushes him and draws him closer, nuzzling her face against his neck.
Don't forget to breathe, she says, or perhaps it's just her constant voice talking in his head again; this keeps happening. Doesn't matter. He takes a deep breath as he sinks a little deeper into the water, closing his eyes and resting his head on her shoulder.
She takes a handful of bubble foam and rubs it into his hair and on his nose until they both have to giggle.
Oh, what am I going to with you, she says, her voice almost sleepy now, but her heart has calmed down and her breathing has slowed.
It takes Homelander a while before he understands that she's neither angry nor afraid nor even displeased by him.
She is fully at ease, and that is the most beautiful realization he has had all day.
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burnieblanders · 2 years
The boys react to Mc turning into a cowgirl: fat, huge boobs that leak milk, lil horns, cow ears and tail, can only speak in moos, inspired by milqilin* on ao3 (idk if they have a tumblr...)
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(This is my mc♡♡ i love her)
Basically they all love it tho♡ lmao
Lucy: tries to keep his composure but secretly loves it, as soon as he gets mc to himself (he invites her to his room of course) he drinks her sweet milk gently. He ties her up, wrists and ankles bound to the bedframe and fucks her slow...loves the jiggle of her curves. (To me he seems like the type whod fuck all night, switching between brutal merciless overstimulation to tender and sweet aftercare.)
Mammon: cant contain how much he loves it, cant stop touching and hugging mc, plows her as soon as theyre alone together. He tastes her milk but find he doesnt love it as much as he loves to just squeeze her nipples and hear her whine.  (To me he seems like the type to go like 4 rounds back to back, defs a cuddler after sex)
Levi: omg its just like a hentai...so he goes hentai mode and ambushes her while theyre hanging out, (doin that classic trap ur love interest against the wall) tho hes visibly flustered and stumbles a bit so mc throws him a bone and acts submissive for him, hes still not the best at being domineering though, hes too self depreciating, so mc just pins him down and rides him
Satan: like lucy he tries to keep his composure but loses it a lot faster, he invites mc to his room, saying they could look through a book on pregnancy and breast milk together. As theyre sitting next to eachother and looking through the book he starts to get distracted, theyre reading about breast feeding and he tells her he wants to try it...so naturally things escalate from there...it starts with him simply suckling her breast milk and ends with him pounding her into oblivion, smacking her ass, pulling her tail, pinching and pulling her nipples, calling her a slutty cow and just generally bullying her♡.♡
Asmo: he lures her in with promises of a massage and a bath with rose petals and scented oils along with candles and incense to set a romantic mood. He rubs down her whole body and relishes in her softness....They do it in the bathtub and splash water all over the floor lol. After they get out of the tub they do it again in bed, then standing up, then back on the bed 2 more times. He constantly compliments her beautiful body as he gives it to her slow, gives her tons of kisses and hickies. (What kind of avatar of lust would he be if he couldnt go multiple rounds?? Lol)
Beel: ambushes mc in her room, acting like a spoiled brat and demanding a taste, he gets on top, drinks her milk and relishes in it, sucking too hard and making her struggle against him sometimes, he takes the hint and tries to hold back so he wont hurt her. He continues to  suck and play with her tits as he fucks her (to me he seems like the type whod go hard for a long time, leaving her completely exhausted from multiple overstimulated orgasms, i think he could do1 or 2 very long rounds before he needs a snack break)
Belphie: loves to hold her, lean on her, and cuddle with her when they nap together. Some nights as theyre cuddling he wakes up and while shes asleep he puts his dick between her thighs and ruts against her slow. She'll wake up wanting more so he gives it to her from behind while pulling her tail. Hes the type whod fall asleep inside her of course...
Dia: loves it unashamedly, invites mc to his room for tea and a chat. When theyre together hes straightforward in asking to taste her milk, as he does he gets excited and touches her. He asks if shes ok before he continues. They get naked, he eats her out and fingers her until she cums twice making sure shes proper wet and receptive. He then picks her up effortlessly and bounces her on his massive dick like a doll. (Another one that would fuck all night tbh, hed leave mc absolutely drained)
Barb: very intrigued by it, requests to try some of her milk in his tea, having heard breast milk is creamy and tasty. After trying it in tea he tries it plain, then he requests to try it from the source. Hes mesmerized by the warmth in his gut that he gets as he listens to her embarrassed moos, hes more proper than to just whip out his dick in front of the young miss, so he excuses himself and jacks off desperately thinking about how hed love to get a tit job from her before hed put it in her slick. How indecent!!
Simeon: admires her from a distance ;_;
Solomon: he wants to help in some way...so he gives her one of those lil milking machines so she can get rid of some of the excess, she gives the extras to him so he can drink it or cook with it >_>.....he makes her a potion that should help reduce milk production at least a little bit and indeed she stops leaking so much that all her shirts get soaked, shes very grateful to him for that. So how can she thank him? With some good old fashioned sloppy toppy of course....jeez i couldnt think of anything good for my fave character!! 😩
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter nine
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 2.6k
my masterlist
series masterlist
When I'm ready to return to the party, I feel like I've absolutely lost my mind. Quite literally, the only thing I feel even remotely capable of thinking about is Rafe. Maybe I love him. Maybe I didn't splash my face with water enough times in the bathroom. I know I'm just drunk.
I pull the door open and start to go for the stairs I came up when I hear a voice behind me. "Hey." Then a whistle, trying to get my attention. I turn, just as I see Rafe standing up straighter from where he was leaning on the wall.
"Oh, hi!" I smile, pushing my slightly damp bangs out of my face. "I was just going to look for you." I can hear the drunk in my own voice. It's so annoying.
"Well, here I am." Rafe grins, holding his drink up to his lips.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, finishing off his drink. "I didn't mean to freak you out or anything, you know, I'm sorry about that." He sounds nervous.
"No, no way. I'm fine. That was fine." I nod nervously, smiling at him. "I didn't mind one bit." I feel my cheeks burning.
I can see Rafe relax a little bit, he looked a little wound up about it. "I just, you know, it felt right." He shrugged. I'm glad he felt the same.
"Ugh- do you know what I really want right now?" I hear myself saying, changing the subject.
"What's that, Snowy?" He asks.
"I would literally die for a hot bath right now." I giggle, leaning back against the wall, and looking up at the ceiling as it spins.
"That can be arranged. Could it wait till we get back to Tannyhill? Or I can find you another bathroom where you won't be bothered.." He suggests and I laugh, shaking my head.  I don't remember agreeing to go back with him, but I don't mind. The shower in the guest room that I used the other day was beautiful.
"It definitely can wait. I've made the mistake of having a bath at a party before." I lower my eyes from the ceiling to meet Rafe's.
"You- what?" He chuckles, looking truly confused.
"You heard," I say, giving a slight nod. "Completely naked, door unlocked, everything. There's a picture of me passed out drunk in a tub with a bowl full of my own vomit out there somewhere. I think Kie has it."
"Wow," He laughs. "Here I was thinking that this may be the drunkest you've ever been."
"Not yet, but I'm getting there." I joke, reaching out for his hand so we can go back downstairs. He takes it and has to hold it up a little bit to keep me from falling. "Do we need a ride? I'm kind of ready to go." I ask over the music, which is louder now that we're back on the ground floor.
"I can find someone," Rafe assured me, scanning the room. He's not standing the steadiest either, so he wraps his arms around my shoulders, holding me from behind and resting his chin on the top of my head. He's not nearly sober enough to drive a dirt bike.
"Maybe we can ask Kegs?" I haven't seen him drink." I suggest, looking around for my brother but I don't see him.
"No- no he can't drive. He's been taking shots I think." Rafe said, sounding unsure.
I gasp suddenly, making him jump a little bit. "I'll call John B! No.. that's probably not the best idea. I can call Kie! She'll come to get us." I tell him. "Can I borrow your phone?"
Rafe nods and holds it out to me. "If you're sure she'll be okay with this."
"I'm not gonna hide anything from her, she won't mind. I know it." I smile, taking his unlocked phone and struggling to see the phone app, and then the numbers. It takes me a minute to dial, but finally, I get it and I head for the door. It is much quieter outside. Rafe is close behind me as I run out onto the lawn, laying down in the grass as the phone rings.
"Uh, hello?"
"Kie! Oh my god hi!" I say, waving Rafe away. "Rafe- give me like two minutes okay I want to talk to her," I whisper and he laughs, nodding as he walks back up to the porch and leans against the railing, watching me.
"Snowy? Are you with Rafe Cameron? What are you doing?" Kie sounds shocked, suddenly much more awake.
"Yeah, I am." I giggle. "He invited me to this awesome party at Kelce's, I'm having so much fun."
"That's great Snowy, but why would Rafe invite you to a party?"
"I don't know honestly, but we've been talking all night and we just get along so, so well." I say, looking up at him and waving, which he returns. "Kie, he kissed me," I whisper.
A few seconds of silence follow, and I can practically hear her confusion.
"Snowy, are you for real? Did you want that?" Kie asks quickly, seeming worried.
"No, no Kie I'm fine. I definitely wanted that. He has not left my side all night, and god he is just so pretty. His arms are just so.. ugh, I feel like my heart is going to explode." I giggle. "And! And, he called me Juliette. And I liked it, Kie. Isn't that crazy?"
"Oh my god.." Kie sighs. "Okay, well, if you're happy, I'm happy." She reluctantly says. "Is that what you called to tell me? That you're in love with a Kook?"
"Not exactly, can I ask you for the biggest, biggest favor in the whole wide world?" I ask hopefully.
"You need a ride?"
"We need a ride, to Tannyhill, yeah."
"To Tannyhill. Of course..." I hear her sigh as she gets up out of bed. "Where are you?"
"Uhm... I don't know. One sec." I say, looking around. I know I'm at Kelce's, but I don't know what the address is. "Rafe?" I shout over to him, standing up very unsteadily. He's here in almost an instant.
"Is Kie coming to get us?" He asks.
"Yeah, but I don't know the address." He nods and I pass him the phone, he holds it up to his ear.
"Hey, Kiara." He says, the smile on his face fading a bit as I can hear her say something to him after. "Yeah, no, of course. I just think she'll be more comfortable. She said she wants a bath and we have a bunch at home so she can take her pick." He chuckles. He then tells her the address, and before he hangs up I get as close as I can while he's still got it to his ear, so I can say "I love you" and "thank you" to Kie.
Rafe hangs up and looks at me. "She's not pleased, hey?" He asks and I shrug.
"It's whatever, she supports my decisions. It's JJ I'm worried about." His eyes harden a little when I mention JJ.
"Well, I don't see why he can't suck it up." He said, seeming frustrated with the idea.
"He will at some point," I explain. "Should we do an Irish goodbye? Or.." I suggest and he laughs.
When Kie arrives, Rafe is just finishing up saying goodbye to some friends on the porch, and I run up, jumping in her passenger seat.
"Hey Kie, I appreciate and love you so so so much..." I smile, leaning over and hugging her, she can't help but smile and hug me back.
"Snowy, are you sure about this?" She asks, pulling away and looking at me seriously. "I can take you back to John B's, it's not too far."
"No, Kie, I swear I'm fine. Rafe promised me I could have a bath." I tell her, I love baths, I haven't had a long relaxing bath in probably years.
"Snowy I am so serious right now, be careful." She says quickly as Rafe approaches the car so he doesn't hear. He hops in the back and she gives me a look of uncertainty but agrees to drive us anyway.
Back at Rafe's house, I jump out and run around to Kie's side to open her door and give her a hug.
"I seriously love you so much. You're the best." I tell her, and she hugs me back again.
"I love you too, Snow. Just please be safe. Call me if you need me." She tells me. "Also hurry up and have that bath- you smell like booze." She jokes and I let her go.
"Sorry.." I giggle, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek as I step back, almost falling backward from the weight of my backpack, which is still somehow much lighter than it was when we arrived.
"Let's go, Snowy," Rafe says, grabbing my backpack to steady me.
I nod and wave goodbye to Kie, walking up to the house with Rafe while he has his arm around my shoulders. I see him glance back at the car as Kie pulls away.
"I missed her.." I say out loud.
"It was nice of her to drive us." He nods.
"It's so weird they weren't there." I continue as Rafe guides me up the stairs inside the home.
"Shhh... I think my parents and Wheeze are asleep." Rafe shushes me and I nod.
"Right. Sorry." I whisper.
He takes me up to his room and I put my backpack down next to the bed.
"Still want to have that bath?" He asks, walking over to his bathroom and flicking the light on.
"Oh my god, yes please." I smile, already going to pull my shirt off, not having a care in the world if he sees me shirtless.
"Woah, wait- I'll get it running and then you can go in and get ready." He says, laughing a little.
"Sorry." I laugh, embarrassed now as I pull my top back down. He didn't look anyways, I don't think, but still.
"Don't be sorry, it's definitely fine by me, I just don't think you want to do that." He explains vaguely.
He goes into the bathroom and turns on the faucet, grabbing something from under the sink and heading back over to the tub, out of my view.
I lay back on the bed and look around at his posters and everything. He's got a few photos of family and friends, a couple of golf trophies, and some miscellaneous sports or movie posters.
"I didn't know you liked the fast and furious movies." I giggle, sitting up to look at the poster.
"Yeah, they're pretty cool. I don't know, that was a Christmas gift from Sarah a few years ago." Rafe tells me, coming out of the bathroom, and wiping his hands on his shorts. "Bathroom is all yours." He says, coming over to the bed and laying next to me.
"I love those movies," I tell him, turning my head to look his way, seeing he's already staring at me.
"Really? You do?" He smiles, and I can see a glint of something in his eyes, hardly decipherable, but I can tell he's happy. I think he probably likes them more than what he said.
"Yeah, they're some of my favorites." I say, staying there on the bed for a minute before getting up.
"Bath time," I say, walking in and closing the door behind me.
"Thank you!" I say through the door, smiling at the bubbles he put in for me.
"Shout if you need anything!" Rafe replies.
I strip down and get in, feeling the warmth rush over my body and a deep breath leaves my chest. This is instantly the best bath I have ever had.
After a few minutes of laying there with my eyes closed, I realize I'm falling asleep. I don't want to make that mistake again.
"Hey, Rafe?" I ask, hoping he can hear me at a normal volume.
"Yeah?" I hear his response.
"Can you come in here?" I ask, and there's a pause before he replies.
"Are you alright?" He asks, sounding puzzled.
"Yeah. I just want some company."
I pull the glass door of the bath closed and I hear him open the door, I can just see shadows through the glass, and how he opened it just a little to peak in before he fully entered.
He comes in and sits on the ground at the wall next to where my feet are.
"Hi." I giggle.
"Hello there." He replies, laughing a little as well. "How is it?"
"Only the best bath I have ever had in my life," I reply, and I can see him nod.
"I'm glad."
"The bubbles were a nice touch."
"I figured you would like that."
"How did you know?"
"Well, girls like that kind of stuff. And you have a very bubbly personality, I'd say."
I giggle a little bit. "Yeah, it's a fair assumption."
"Can I ask you something?" He asks after a moment.
"Yeah, anything." I say, and a moment of silence follows.
"So, like, what's up with you and the Maybank kid anyways?" He asks.
I sigh and sink down in the water. "Well, nothing. He's my best friend. I love him." I explain.
"I feel like there's more to that story."
"Yeah, a little, but I don't want to talk about it honestly." I admit. "He hurt me, I guess."
"Some best friend he must be if he could hurt you." Rafe says sarcastically.
"I don't think he meant to." I try and justify what happened.
"Did he hit you?"
"No, no way. God no. I mean like, emotionally... I guess." I explain. "But that was a year ago and I know I was just being a baby."
"I doubt that." He says. I can tell by his tone that he still has questions, but he decides to drop it.
"So.. do you want to talk about what happened with us instead?" Rafe asks, after a few moments of quiet.
"The kiss?" I ask, it's a stupid question. Of course, that's what he means.
"Yeah, seriously I'm sorry if I overstepped-"
"Rafe, if you overstepped do you think I would be in your bathtub right now?" I laugh, interrupting him before he gets too carried away.
"Yeah, I guess. I just wanted to make sure I didn't fuck everything up." He says. How could he possibly have fucked anything up?
"You couldn't if you tried, I don't think." I try and ease his worries.
"Snowy, you don't know me apparently- I am the expert on screwing things up."
I frown at that- why would he feel that way? It makes me sad.
"Okay, keep in mind how smashed I am right now when I tell you this," I laugh. "You couldn't fuck it up if you tried because I know I really like you." I hold my breath while I wait for him to say something, trying to hone in on how drunk I'm still feeling so I don't have to admit to myself that I said that to him.
"Alright, now you keep in mind how smashed I am when I say this; I think I really like you too." I feel my cheeks burn as he says that. Keeping in mind how smashed he is, yes, he could be making this up. But, why would he invite me to pre's alone if he didn't at least want to get to know me? That's a good sign. Maybe he just felt the same way about me that I did about him. He's cute, he's nice, I wanted to get to know him and if something happened? Great. If not, I'm fine either way.
"But, before you say anything, I feel bad about how this happened. So please, if you remember this tomorrow, let me take you out sometime." He adds, and I'm surprised about how I could blush more, I'm just glad he can't see me right now.
"Yeah.. yeah I would like that."
A/N; eeeeee i loved this so much!! i hope you guys are enjoying as much as i am :) -R
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capitaletele · 3 months
I am obsessed with the idea of baths. (Like, I literally wrote my longest and most involved Starmania fic as a pretext to get Cristal and Johnny in a bathtub.)
But since there are NEVER ENOUGH BATHS, here's some more, in a form that's too disjointed to make it to AO3 for the moment:
I like the idea that there's no running water in the tunnels ("ça c'est la seule chose qu'on a pas") or at least, not enough to go around. In any case, the Zonards definitely don't have access to like, regular showers.
But there are public baths, and so the squad makes a trip after hours like three times a week to one of them for a shower, and sometimes when they have more time a full scrub and soak, and in the meantime they use something else at the hangar for their daily ablutions (or don't, Johnny is a dirty rat boy who probably juste dunks his head in freezing rain water in a bucket once a week and we like that about him.)
But when Cristal joins the gang, somehow she doesn't find out about the baths trips. Maybe Johnny is called away just after he brings her to the hangar, and he tells one of the Etoiles Noires, like "Hey, you get her settled around here, okay?" but the Etoiles Noires decide not to tell Cristal, sort of as a hazing thing -- they can't be thrilled about her arrival, it's their way to make sure she won't stay too long.
Or perhaps Sadia makes a point to keep it from Cristal, thinking it'll discourage her and she'll run off as soon as she's experienced the smallest inconvenience.
So anyway, the only thing Cristal sees in terms of hygiene is everyone chewing toothpaste tablets and splashing themselves with water from a rusty pipe once in a while and she figures, fine, alright, she knew they did things differently in the tunnels, she can tough it out. She doesn't really understand how they're not all *more gross* than they look, or how they can keep their hair as clean as it (mostly) is with the way she sees them deal with it, but she puts it down to experience, and anyway it's not like she can ask them why they don't all smell rank. (It's not like Johnny seems to mind that she's a bit funkier than she's used to these days.)
But it does wear on her anyway, never feeling clean, being self-conscious about how she looks and smells. After like 10 days or so, Johnny comes back from somewhere and finds her soaking wet, teeth chattering, lips blue, as she tries to wash herself with buckets and a trickle of water that's coming from a hose, and he's like, "Wow, you really hate the baths that much?"
And Cristal goes still, like, "Wait, BATHS??" and they figure the thing out.
Johnny noticed she never went with the others on their excursions but he figured she was just shy or uncomfortable being naked in front of relative strangers, or that she was too afraid someone would recognize her, or that her standards were too high and she thought it would be too gross there or something. (Which seemed strange to him because it's not like she's complained about any other aspect of her new life, but who knows... Sometimes people are weird about this kind of stuff. He has his own issues about the baths so he wasn't about to ask.)
So anyway, Johnny goes a little nuts when he finds out his Etoiles Noires did Cristal so dirty (lol, get it?) and summons them to get to the bottom of it. Everyone is very sorry because honestly, Cristal isn't nearly as bad as they thought she would be, but it got just a bit too awkward to bring it up now that they'd lied to her for a while... So anyway, they apologize, and Johnny commands the most remorseful of them to take Cristal to their usual baths once night falls and stand watch outside while she does her thing, to make extra sure no one else comes in or Sadia doesn't try to mess with her again. (He can't go because he's too busy doing... something else. This is why this story is not a real fic, lol.)
And so Cristal goes to the baths with Ruby the Etoile Noire who lends her her kit and shows her how to use the communal showers and then how to turn on the steam room and where the little pool is for afterwards, and Cristal is able to take an actual warm shower for the first time in like 10 days, and the water pressure isn't amazing, and calling the temperature "hot" would be pushing it -- this is still in the worst part of the tunnels, after all -- but it feels like HEAVEN. She washes her hair like three times in a row.
And then she goes into the steam room, and down into the tiny little pool thing that's just big enough for her to let herself float in, and she revels in the privacy and quiet of it -- it's the first time she's been truly alone since she went down into the tunnels on that fateful Friday afternoon. Her whole body goes lax. The only thing missing is...
And then, of course, Johnny shows up!
Maybe he's actually deathly afraid of water and that's why he never goes usually -- maybe he has some water-related trauma, maybe like, his mother drowned, or tried to drown him in an access of madness. Or maybe on the contrary his mother used to bring him to baths just like this one, and the memory is too painful now, idk. In any case, he never ever goes, but he wanted to make sure Cristal was okay, so he comes in to check on her.
And she convinces him to join her, which is not too hard probably because 1) NAKED and 2) ALONE. She brings him back to the showers and "helps" him "wash" until he's all clean and pink (and desperate) and then they make good use of every horizontal (and vertical) surface in the joint (and rinse everything real well afterwards, they're not savages) and then they hang out in the pool and get to touch lazily and cuddle and talk in half-whispers even though they've got more privacy than ever before.
Eventually though they have to get out because the baths are about to open to the public again and they have to get Cristal back to the hangar before she gets spotted, but after that they make a habit of it -- Cristal joins the Etoiles Noires every time they go in a group, and once a week she stays behind and Johnny joins her and they have a little date night.
(And of course because I'm me, I can't help but think about After, once they've run away somewhere together. Maybe they're in the East, and they've also got a huge public bathing culture, and once in a while at night Johnny picks the locks and they slip in and relive their wild hangar days.)
💧🚿 the end 🚿💧
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐕
𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞, 𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐀
𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜; 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐚'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐉 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐉𝐉 𝐱 𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝟖.𝟗𝐤 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
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(Shy's House in media)
Jasira oversleeps by a full thirty minutes today, which wasn't unusal before she started seeing Blue. But, it's the first day in since they have been talking that she finds herself this far behind schedule. A once minor annoyance is a now a source a great disappointment. The sound of the ringtone she set just for Blue evokes more response in her than gunshots. If she had called, there was no way Shy would have missed it so the fact that she's woken up this late just means Blue hasn't called her. She checks to be sure, as soon as she's finished stretching. No calls, no texts. Just radio silence. It's unlike her, and she tries not to internalize because she knows how her job is and how impromptu it can be, but she would be lying to herself if she said it didn't sting a little. She shakes it off, doesn't want to let it affect her day because she has a full schedule ahead of her.
Meet her sisters and brothers (and the other frats and sorors) to start planning the Spring Break/Senior Farewell Foam Party.
Be at the school to teach to the high schoolers
Dance practice with her Dolls
Go take that exam she missed. (It's her last one. EVER)
Start making her rounds to with the kids' schools because it is Friday. Which means she has them until Monday. All of them, siblings, nieces and nephews.
Take them all to lazer tag
Grocery Shopping
Make sure the kids are asleep
And, by seven tonight, she'll be getting them bathed and ready for bed. It'll be pushing nine before she gets any real time for herself, and she doesn't know if she'll have the time for Blue. Energy more like. Lunch is definitely off the table for them, she's too busy. Blue likely will be too, which she can accept easy. Lunch dates have always been conditional, but with morning call, the likelihood of them not talking at all makes Shy's stomach twist and twirl something uncomfortable.
She's speeding through her morning routine (because she didn't wake up until seven fifteen, and she has to actually drive to Southern's campus for this meeting and her makeup exam) when she hears brief knocking on her door, followed by the jingle of some keys.
"Twin!" The voice booms through the small space of her quaint home.
"I'm in the bathroom, Daddy!" She calls back, rinsing the face soap off her, and immediately, she hears his footsteps headed her way. He opens the bathroom without a second thought, and she simply sidesteps to ensure that she isn't hit with the door. Still, when he steps inside the bathroom, she says, "What if I was naked, Daddy?" and she isn't fully dressed, now, but she has on her skirt at least.
He shrugs, not even having considered that. She's his kid, always and forever, "I used to bathe you with me."
"I was five."
"You gon always be five to me." He says, patting her head, " 'Sides, ain't nobody tryna look at'chu."
She huffs, not nearly as annoyed as the huff conveys, but not entirely playful, either before saying, "Daddy, I'm grown."
"Well, since you so damn grown, pay ya own bills."
"Cool it, okay, I'm still a princess. I was just messin' witchu. I like not paying my bills."
He reaches into pocket with a near silent hmph while muttering, "Always want my money," but he pulls out a wad of cash that most certainly won't fit in her wallet, only held closed by two rubberbands. "For the weekend. Should be enough, but call me if you need more."
She thanks him with a kiss to the cheek as he leaves the keys for the family van next to the money on the sink top. He leaves the bathroom as she's unwrapping her hair and styling it. Continuing getting ready for her day, she can hear him, with his tools, presumably changing her locks. He comes by and changes them for her every Friday so Bryce doesn't have a chance to get a key made. Becuase he's done that before. His singing as he works becomes the soundtrack for the rest of her morning until she's breezing past him and out of the door. He only stopping singing to himself to tell her that her new key is on the van key ring.
By the time she makes it to the Delta house on campus, she's the last one there. She hates that, because it's something she would be strict about herself, but her place in the hierarchy of the house means she won't get shit for it. Not from her sorors, anyway. Maybe from some of the others. Still, though, it pains her not to follow her own example and rules. She enters the house, finds them in the living room, waiting and starts the meeting like she was never late.
The meeting goes off without a single hitch, if she doesn't count the passive aggressive comments from other girls in other houses. There moments, small but various, where she regrets suggesting this be a group event. A symbol of unity, she insisted, because tensions between the frats and sorors had been.. rough this year, and more than a few of the divine nine had faced threats of having their chapters suspended because of it. The foam party was supposed to be more than Spring Break Party or a Senior Farewell, but proof that the houses could peacefully coexist because according to their dean, and to outsiders, they were acting too gang-like. Which, while there were issues, having grown up in a gang riddled community, Jasira thinks it's an ill fitting comparison. That said, she has to keep all that in mind when dealing with some of the other girls. She hates how difficult they can make things. Not all the girls, just one particular house that she refuses to spend anymore energy thinking about. She needs all the energy she has.
Her class today is probably the most important one she's taught. It's the first class she hasn't taught in New Orleans, so she's without the cushion of a sibling or a niece or a nephew. She's more nervous than she's ever been because she's got juniors and seniors today. More over, since the meeting fell behind because she was late, she's in danger of being late to the school. She calls the office ahead, of course, but her window is still pretty slim, and she wants to catch up to her written timeline because no matter what, she has to be back in New Orleans before 2:44.
She gets there as classes are in transitions, and immediately, she remembers how much she hates teenagers. Not just teenagers, but she is reminded how much she hates how boys are raised because as she's walking to the room she's in for the next hour or so, she's getting catcalled by boys ranging from age fourteen to eighteen, and it's nauseating for her. But, she shoves it all down, like she always does and pretends she can't hear anything.
"Oh, good morning!" She's met with a bright, sunshiney smile from an older woman, who has the most beautiful blend of salt and pepper hair that she thinks she's ever seen. "Well, it's a late morning, but still, good morning. I'm Mrs. Greenwood," she says, walking towards Shy to usher her further into the classroom, "Come, come, get comfortable."
"I'm Jasira Boudreaux," she introduces herself, laughing for reasons completely unknown to herself before blurting out, ''I am so nervous."
"Oh, dear," Ms. Greenwood giggles, "Well, you're about to be even more nervous, because I let my student teachers have the classrooms to themselves." Shy's eyes widen, and Ms. Greenwood follows up, "I like to give them a true feel of what it's like to be a teacher without the cushion of me to control the kids for them." Jasira's jaw drops but closes as Ms. Greenwood cuts in, "You will do just fine, darling. If you have any real problems, just buzz the office and the child in question will be escorted out," she brings her over to the desk and clears it off so Jasira can the space her own for the hour, "I wrote you a list of students to keep an eye out for, just the ones that typically give me problems."
"Thank you so much," Jasira says as the door opens and students start coming in, "I really appreciate it."
"I'll leave you to it, hun." She says and leaves as more students pile in.
Jasira sits at the desk, making herself at home and tries to calm her nerves as the kids pour into the room. She tries and fails at not looking up, not having wanted to see exactly how big the class was, but this seems to be one of the bigger ones. Desks filling up and some students having to opt for the computer table, due to lack of options. It does very little to help the nerves she's hardly relaxed. She takes a few more deep breaths, figures as long as her voice doesn't crack or shake, she should be just fine. When the second bell rings, and the door is closed, she turns back to the students. All eyes on her, full of cuirousity and expectations, or maybe she's projecting a bit. Either way, her heart is pounding out of her chest. She straightens her back, clears her throat and introduces herself to the room.
"What's ya first name?" Asks a young boy, sitting in back of the room at one of the computer stations.
"What's that matter?" She asks, "You'd never have permission to use it."
He shrugs, leaning back in his seat to the best of his ability and manspreads to show off the length of his legs. She cringes, with the thought of how much she hates teenage boys running through her mind on an infinite loop.
"Cus if you don't tell me, Ima just have to call you mine," and his response is met with a class ride response of a wave of jaw drops and damn's. He daps up a few of his friends like he's done something great, and she sees it as a great opportunity to put her foot down.
"Sure, you can call me that, but then, I would just have to call you Delusional," and her response is met with a wave of laughter and ooh's.
One student even makes it a point to blurt out, "She sho' played the fuck out'chu, boy," before laughing much harder than necessary.
The student sits up, shrinking into himself and looking like a thinly chocalate coated cheery, "Aye, my name Dewaun, I ain't answering to nothin' else."
"Good, and you shouldn't. Just like I won't be answering to anything but Ms. Boudreaux, can you manage that for the next ninety minutes?"
He nods, "Yes, ma'am."
She smiles, "Pleasure to meet you, Dewaun." She scans the room, "Alright, let's get acquainted."
Once the students all introduce themselves, and she checks them off the role, she gets right into her lesson. She's thankful she's able to do this towards the end of the year. The kids are engaging but she knows senioritis when she sees it. It would almost frustrating if it didn't help kill her nerves. Plus, for what senioritis looked like at her school back in the day, she appreciates the engagement she actually is getting. The hour flies by, thankfully and when the bell rings, the students actually express desire for her to return before they graduate and teach another lesson. She's nearly jumping for joy when she hears her cellphone buzz against the desk. She'd pushed this morning away, but in the back of her mind, she had yet to stop thinking about how she hadn't heard Blue's voice all day. The buzz of her phone sends her quite literally running across the classroom back to the teacher's desk. She doesn't even have time to be embarrassed with herself, either because her hope rang true.
Baby Blue
I'm sorry I forgot to call you this morning. I wish I had time for lunch, but I hardly have time for this message. I hope we can still skype tonight. I hope you are having a very safe and happy day.
Her smiles nearly outgrows the rest of her features. She doesn't even realize she's bouncing on her toes until she hears a voice call out from behind her.
"So, I take it the class went well." Her blood runs cold with embarrassment, but when she turns to face Ms. Greenwood, she's still smiling wider than her cheeks can handle and she feel them burning. She doesn't trust her voice not to do something utterly ridiculous, so she just nods. Ms. Greenwood smiles, clasping her hands together and says, "Good, I'm glad. Hopefully you can come back for the end of the year and I can get another extra free period."
The two women make small talk after that but the older woman doesn't keep Shy too long. When she's all packed up and goodbyes are said, she finds herself racing to her vehicle because teaching allowed her to catch up to her schedule. Not wanting to fall behind, she finds herself racing back to Southern so she can get on with practice.
Unlike with the meeting about the foam party, she is the first to arrive here. Which, she finds a a little enraging, considering she's coming from across the city, traffic and all while all her girls either live in the Palisades apartments or on campus. There's no reason she should have beat them there and there's no reason she should have to wait for them for more than three minutes. But, she finds herself having time to use the gym shower and change into her practice clothes before the first set of bodies start to enter the gym. By now, she's once again behind the schedule she just caught up to. By the time all her girls show up, she's now almost thirty minutes behind and she can tell by the faces of her dolls when they see her that they know she's pissed. The wide eyes, sudden dead laughter and slow walking makes that painfully obvious and it pisses her off even more. Here, in a space full of faces that look like her own, she's less polished. She lets herself be more tough, more agressive because it seems when she's soft with her girls, they slack and she's just been too cool, lately, it would seem.
"Y'all must think my time run off some infinite loop."
Shayla is the first to speak, "We sorry, Shy. Toya had just told us that you was late to the Delta meeting and we know how busy you be so we thought you was gon' be late for this, too."
Her eyebrows raise as she looks at Toya, who ducks her head and turns a bit to the left. Toya, who just crossed and got her letters. Toya, who hadn't been the strongest little sister on her line and had crossed mostly off the backs of her line sisters. Toya, who should know that sorority business is sorority business and it isn't to be discussed with non-sorors. Her tongues run across her teeth as she refrains from getting her together in front of the rest of her dolls. She's in her head, reminding herself that sorority business is sorority business, and she would never embarass a fellow sister in such a way. She has to look away from her before she forgets her own rule.
"Ion give fuck if I am late," she starts to pace, "If I'm late, y'all better be here when I get here, stretching or doing suicides. Sumn. There ain't no world in which making me wait is cool, because like you said, I have a life outside of school. What the fuck y'all got? I know y'all schedules, I know y'all ain't got no jobs. So, please, tell me, what was y'all doing besides draggin' y'all feet?"
Their eyes are anywhere but on her. It's her least favorite thing ever, talking to them like they are five years old. Her freshmen are one thing because they're seventeen and eighteen, but the rest of her girls are full blown adults. She shouldn't have to tear into them.
"Since y'all have no respect for my time, I ain't got no respect for y'all's. Y'all's weekend is mine. I want y'all at my house tomorrow and Sunday at 10:00AM. Y'all are practicing all day. Today? Y'all runnin' til y'all legs give out, and I will send some of my sisters to come down here and sit wit'chall to make sure y'all actually do what I said 'cus I have to get back my very busy schedule." She says, flashing a snarky grin before walking past them, but not before looking over at Toya, who briefly makes eye contact with her before looking up at one of the lights, "When I call you later, ya phone better be on, ya hear me?"
Toya nods and mutters, "Yes, Big Sister Princess."
Shy doesn't even remind her that since she's crossed, she does not have to call her that anymore. She's too pissed. Too pissed that they can't practice today because she doesn't have time because they wasted the hell out of hers. This is her last year going to State, her last chance to make it to Nationals (not that they haven't already won it twice over), and her girls are just shitting all over the opportunity. As she's walking to her car, she calls Kelli and Troy to go supervise her girls.
She takes a moment, when she gets to her car, to cool down and clear her head. She doesn't want to be this agitated when she takes her make up exam. It's her last chance to take it; she can't ask her professor to be more lenient than he's already been. There's no room for fucks ups. She finds herself pulling out her cell phone and dialing Blue's number without a second thought. She doesn't pick up, and Shy realizes she hadn't really expected her to, but the sound of her voice coming through the voicemail box is enough to calm her nerves. She shoots to her a text.
You ain't gotta to call me back. I will stay up tonight, waiting for your call <3
She drives across campus then and finds herself running to her class. She's still in her practice uniform, and she had completely forgotten she until she sees how her professor is eyeing her. She can't tell if he's ogling or scruntinzing her. Either way, it makes her feel like she's the size of an ant as she takes a seat. He doesn't say anything to her as he come by and hands her a packet that's the size of a semi thick children's picture book. She sits there until 2:15, and she knows as soon as she finishes and turns the paper in, that she will not back to New Orleans before 2:44. As she's walking out to her car, she's making calls to the kids' schools, alerting them that she won't be on time. She hates that so bad; she hates making her babies wait. In her mind, she knows dance practice tomorrow morning is going to be hell for them because she was all caught up and all good before that non-practice ass practice. She calls the sorors appointed to oversee the practice to check on the girls.
Traffic is bitch and while in it, she makes another round of calls to the kids' schools to alert them that she'll be even later than she anticipated. As she finds herself getting annoyed again, her phone rings. As if the universe just knew what she needed, it's her Blue eyed princess.
"I didn't expect to hear from you so soon." She says, in favor of a hello.
"I'm working but I," she gives a sigh, wrapped head to to, in exhaustion, "am caught in traffic. So, I have some time, and I needed to hear your voice while the world was quiet."
Shy's smile is slow-growing and lazy, but this is probably the best she's felt all day.
"You callin' me loud?"
It makes JJ smile, "Well, I have a recording of you laughing. You wanna listen to it and see for yourself?"
"Oh, so you a lil comedian now?" Shy says, falling into their banter. She fake laughs, "Te-he-he, you are so funny."
"Thank you," JJ says, bypassing her obvious sarcasm, "I'm hilarious." She relaxes in the driver's seat as traffic remains at a standstill, "It's really nice to hear your voice, finally."
Traffic starts moving for Shy, but she stays on, wedging the phone between her ear and her shoulder. It isn't the safest nor is it the most comfortable way to drive, but with traffic moving as slow as it is, it doesn't cause her much concern. JJ asks about her day before she gets a chance to ask about hers. As she starts to rant, specifically about her Dolls, traffic picks up. Not wanting to hang up, she opts for simply holding the phone as she gets out her frustrations. JJ's the perfect listener. She is responsive and gives input in way that makes Shy reflect upon her actions while also making sure she doesn't feel like JJ isn't on her side. Even when her rants are unreasonable, JJ never makes her feel judged or like she's crazy. Shy didn't realize how good that would feel until she had it. When she finishes, ranting, she hears Blue let out a sigh that is so different than the one she let go when she their conversation first started.
"Thank you," she says, just above a whisper.
"For what?" Shy asks, "Whining?"
"For taking my mind off this case for five minutes," she rubs her eyes as traffic begins to move for her, too, "I have to go. I'll see you tonight."
Shy feels better when they get off the phone, and traffic is flowing consistently, much to her pleasure. It's like everything is the way they are supposed to be now that they have officially spoken. And, she feels lighter now that she's gotten out her frustrations.
When she pulls up to the high school, she's got a group of teenagers, waiting for her on the curb with a teacher sitting in her air conditioned car. She recongizes the liscense plate, and realizes it isn't a teacher. It's her old dance teacher. The one who started playfully calling her sister when her brother, Bryce, started preying on her. Instead of, you know, stepping in and protecting Shy. She remembers how she made it sound perfectly okay that her little brother was interested in her. She made Shy feel like them being sisters in law would be so cool. She remembers the first time she came to school limping after he had violating her. She remembers being told by her dance coach that it wouldn't have hurt so badly, had she not made him work for it. She can still hear her voice saying, "Give it up more easily next time, and you won't get hurt." Jasira hates that bitch.
She unlocks the car with a clenched jaw, and her little brother Joaquin hops in the front seat while the others pile into a back.
"Crawl in them wayback seats. Y'all know we got gotta pick up everybody."
"Teetee, my legs too long for them seats," Michael complains, and Rashad pipes up in agreeance.
She pulls off as soon as the door closes, "I really don't care cus y'all be the main ones whining about being crawled over so get back there like I said."
Both boys kiss their teeth but do as they are told. When she gets to the middle school, the tweens and young teens are waiting outside for her, completely by themselves. Late or not, it pisses her completely off and she makes a mental note to complain to the school about it later, seeing as it's literally illegal to leave minors on school grounds alone. She fixes her lips to apologize, but doesn't get a chance to before her Kutty pops off with an attitude.
"Guh, you know how long we been waitin' on you?" He smacks his lips, "It's hot, roun', I was finna get a sunburn."
"Excuse you," she stops the car, again. The abruptness of the action gives everyone a strong jolt forward, "You can catch the city bus since you got so much mouth."
"I'm straight," he responds, settling in his seat. She pulls off, again and heads to the elementary school. She gets out, then, to help them all get adjusted, and make sure they are lapped up properly in the backseat before leaving.
It's four o'clock by the time she's picked gotten to the daycare, and she has to get out of the care again, to make sure her baby sister is strapped in properly. All she can think is, she's happy that she didn't tell the kids she was planning on taking them to do lazer tag because that is completely off the table now, and she would hate to have disappointed them.
They head to Krogers for grocerys, and they split off with the plan. Every high schooler is assigned a set of kids They split off into groups with a list and their buggy, and meet back up before finding a register. Her group consists of Kutty, Jamal, Mikayla, Kayla, Devante, Harrison and of course, her baby sister, Julianne. The entire time they shop, Kutty won't shut the hell up about some girl that he likes at school, who either won't acknowledge him or simply hasn't noticed him yet. Jasira finds it hard to tell or even keep up because when he's this excited he really talks five miles a minute, and he slips in and out of english. But, she's sure she's responded the way she's supposed to cus his voice has started cracking the way it does when he's whining yet. She's semi zoned out, reading a jar of roux, mentally kicking herself because she hates buying, but she's already too tired to make it from scratch.
"So, how things going witchu and ya lil vanilla dip?" He asks, slowly. He's still the only one who knows about Jennifer, the only one in her entire family who even knows she's dating again. So, his question immediately catches her attention. She picks her head up and turns towards him so face, she nearly gives herself whiplash.
"Shut up. Ion want Jamal hearing you and letting something slip to Mommy."
"Is you ashamed of her?"
"No," Jasira says, pointedly.
"Cus she white?" He adds, as if his sister hasn't already answered his question or her answer would change.
"Nigga, no," she says, tone twice as sharp as the last time she spoke. Inquiring eyes are still on her, suffocating her and she huffs, "I didn't plan on dating again this soon, and I don't need nobody in my ear about it," she brushes past him, putting the jar in her buggy, "Including you."
He ignores the last tidbit, "She cute?"
"What she look like?"
"Didn't I say she was gorgeous?" Jasira huffs, knowing he won't let it go, "If I letchu say hey to her on skype tonight, do you promise to leave me the fuck alone and be nice to her?"
He beams and nods his head, excitedly. She gives him an eyeroll and a stiff smile. A smile that turns more genuine when her little brother, Jamal, runs up to her, wanting to know if she got the brand of rice that she likes. The kid's got a killer memory; she loves grocery shopping with him.
They meet back up with the others in the front of the store after about ninety minutes. When they get to the register, she's thankful her daddy spoils her, all of them, the way he does because there is no way in hell that she would be able to afford a third of this without the money he gave her this morning. And when they leave, she's still got money left over.
They make it home ten after six, and Jasira and the older kids immediately started cooking dinner. As they're cooking, she hears the younger kids arguing over what to watch. She's tired, more tired than she realized before so she sends Joaquin to handle it instead of taking her focus away from dinner to do so.
By the time she gets dinner finished, she's not even hungry anymore, just tired and feeling strangely wired up. When she's sure every kid has a plate, she heads into the bathroom to do her nightly routine. She doesn't know if JJ is still working, so she opens her laptop, opens Skype and waits idly by for her call. In the meantime, she surfs through channels, in hopes of finding something decent to watch. She settles on an In Living Color rerun because she doesn't have to really think about it while watching, and there's a marathon on. She's six episodes into the marathon by the time she gets an alert that JJ's skype icon pops up on her laptop screen.
She's excited to answer until she does, and she sees her face. She looks...drained. Utterly depleted. The excitement drains from her face.
"Are you okay?" JJ gives a tired smile and nods, but neither action feels sincere. "You want me to talk?" JJ repeats the same action. Jasira leans back, getting comfortable, "Aight, so," Jasira gets into her day. JJ listens to her talk, really, listens because it's the only bit of genuine peace she gets in her day, talking to Shy and listening to Shy talk. Mainly the latter, because she knows Shy has no issue filling the gaps when JJ has nothing to offer. Because she knows JJ won't push her to talk, if she doesn't want to. Because JJ likes to hear about the fullness of her life. Hers feels so empty.
Shy spares her the rehashing of her tearing into her dance team, but she talks about her plans for them tomorrow. JJ can't express how grateful she is, that Shy isn't her dance captain. She's strict, it seems. Not that JJ doesn't understand it. She's sure her soccer girls used to feel away about the way she ran her ship, too. She listens to her talk about having her siblings and nieces and nephews for the whole weekend. Apparently, it's a regular occurence, to give their parents a break. She tells JJ that's something that she has to look forward to, and JJ doesn't find it as nerve-wracking as she imagines she would have.
Eventually, Shy runs out of things to tell her, and JJ still hasn't found her words. So, it gets quiet until Jasira starts actually paying attention to what's on tv. She's an active tv view, which JJ finds to be utterly adorable. She just watches her do her while she waits for the energy to say something.
"You ever think about having kids?" The question comes without preamble, after a few hours of being on the phone. Three hours exactly, and JJ hadn't spoken yet. She had just finished up that arsonist murder case today, and it did not have a happy ending. She had held together at work because Hotch took it like he had lost a longtime friend of his. She'd stayed detached while working, but no one works a serial murder case where whole families, kids and all, are burned alive and sleeps at night, peacefully.
She got home and showered, washing all the metaphorical grime and soot off of her from the case before she called her girl. She hadn't intended to have carried any of that energy into their nightly session, but she didn't want to bring her detached, insincere self to Jasira, either. So, here she was, quietly sharing space with her girl, searching for words that haven't found her yet.
As time had passed, hearing Shy talk and sing themes and laugh at jokes, some of the ugliness of her day had begin to alievate. She feels herself become more open, less heavy, but even then, she let her girl do all the talking, and Shy hadn't minded occupying the empty space that JJ couldn't leave unattended. Until now, she didn't hadn't said anything that actually required response. 
With a case like today, whole families being burned alive in the comfort of their own homes, having a family of her own was the furthest thing from her mind. Still, with some of the weight of the day drifting away from her, she hums and finds herself pondering the question. 
"Well," she starts, trailing off to gather her thoughts properly, "Not realistically, no. Idyllically, sure. White picket fence, two or more kids, beautiful wife. That whole thing. It's always more of just a blurry idea. It never feels real or possible for me. " 
"Why not?" 
She sits up, resting her elbows on her knees, "I never really been serious enough with a girlfriend to really imagine as anything but a distant, fantasy ideal. Plus, I wouldn't really have the time." They are both quiet for a beat before she says, "It's scary, too, you know? With everything I see, it's hard to imagine having a kid, seeing what I see all the time. Having a kid," she shakes her head, the idea, realistically, stressing her out already, "That's your heart just walking around the world without you. You can't always protect them," she thinks about her sister, "You can't protect even them from themselves. It's terrifying."
Jasira just lets out a soft hmph. She thinks about her dad and her older brothers, her whole family, really. She thinks about how, as she was growing up, they went out of their way to treat she and her sisters like utter princesses. She knows it was in hopes that they would never accept anything less from a man. That them having a strong sense of self worth would shield them from the clutches of a devil in a human suit. She thinks about how despite all of that, she still ended up in the clutches of a demon like Bryce Wallace.
She thinks about her co-captain from high school and her best friend, who at sixteen was shot in her own front yard during her own birthday party because someone didn't like her brother. She remembers how warm her blood was on her hands, as she tried to apply pressure to the wound in her neck. All while laying in the grass next to her. She remembers how awkward the angle was and how because if that, she couldn't give it the pressure the wound needed, remembers how the blood felt gushing from her neck and through her fingers. More than all that, she remembers hearing her death rattle and seeing the life drain from her eyes. It was a slow process, longest three minutes of Jasira's life.
She thinks about how, a lot of her peers didn't make it to eighteen for similiarly stupid reasons. She thinks about how often the second line goes through her street, and how the latest celebration of life was for a nine year old, who caught a stray while at a park two weeks ago. She knows far too well the fear that JJ speaks of and the darkness that causes it. She hates that it's her norm, but at the same time, maybe because it's her norm, she still can't imagine not being a mom. She can't imagine that she would ever be happy, if she never gets to be a mom.
"What do you imagine your family to look like?" JJ asks, adding, "I know you want all that." 
Jasira gives it thought before saying, "I don't wanna raise my kids here. I love New Orleans, I do. And, I've survived it," she says, and JJ immediately hears her knocking on wood after, "But, a lot of my peers growing up didn't, the people I personally considered friends, 'cept for a small few, didn't." It makes JJ's stomach clench, imagining how many funerals she's likely attended for her to say that so casually. It makes her heart hurt for her because she's only twenty-two. The only funerals she's ever gone to was her sister's and her maternal grandparents' down in Alabama, but she even didn't really remember the latter. That's how young she was. "I really ain't tryna my kids sleepin' on the floor to lessen the chances of them catchin' strays. I don't want them witnessing drug deals and being pressured into gang life. I don't want my kids frequently harrassed by police." She pauses, thinking about if she should say her next thought before ultimately deciding, fuck it, "I mean, my kids being harrassed by police is something I'm going have to prepare them for anyway, but I don't want it to be an every other day thing for them." 
"Where would you move?" 
"Not out of Louisiana. I love my culture too much." She answers without pause. JJ feels a wave of disappointment hit her, but she doesn't acknowledge it to herself, and she definitely doesn't say anything out loud. 
"What about your future," she pauses, trying to find the right word as to not be presumptous; she knows Shy is queer, but she also knows sometimes, people have prefences. So, she's wondering, "spouse? How do you imagine them?" She face palms, shakes her head as soon as she asks, hearing how clunky it comes out. She feels like she's fishing. Maybe she is. She isn't planning anything, but it would nice to know. She likes Shy, and she's tired of short lived relationships that mean very little and go nowhere, tired of one night stands. She doesn't want to set herself for disappointment by getting too invested for the first time ever, either, though. She runs her fingers through her hair as she awaits Shy's response. 
"Someone who make me feel safe, secure. That's the biggest thing. I don't want to fear my partner ever again, and I don't want my kids afraid of them, either. I wasn't scared of my daddy, never. I was reasonably scared of my mama, but my daddy was my ultimate happy place in human form. He still is. I need my kids to have that balance." 
There's a queasiness swirling around her and she doesn't manage to stop herself before, "So, a husband, then?" tumbles out of her mouth. She immediately winces, and wants to ram her head into the coffee table for that.
"A wife, maybe." She says, and JJ lets out a sigh of relief. "Probably." Jasira says, and JJ falls back against her couch, unable to fight the way her lips curl up at that. "I picture myself with a wife in the long run, but I do also love men so I won't rule a husband out. I just don't see myself being serious with a man for a long time. It's hard for me to even imagine having sex with another man right now, but I think that's just 'cus of..." She cuts herself off, but JJ already knows who she's referring to. "But, I could end up with anybody. "
"So, how else do you imagine them?"
She hums, thinking, "Someone open-minded and kindhearted. Dependable. Someone dedicated to our family."
JJ winces. She thinks about her own family. About how her father could be anywhere from East Allegheny to Australia, and she would have no idea. She thinks about how she hadn't spoken to her own mother in a little over a decade, not really. She sends birthday cards and holiday cards, but that's all. The only family she has outside of work is her cousin Charlotte, and they aren't as active with each other as she wishes they were, but they do talk, at least. Even circling back to her own parents, she doesn't know that she would have ever describe her father as dedicated to the family. His job, maybe. Definitely, but not the family. He wasn't absent for a father but quality time with him was privileged, not inherently expected. And, both of her parents became downright neglectful after they lost Ros, but somehow still managed to have her on a leash. The doors were taken off the hinges and she couldn't do anything that didn't involve school or soccer or work, but they looked through her, not at her. And, they did a piss poor job at making sure she had everything she needed. She worries about what she might be like as parent, especially when she factors in her job. There's another reason a family has never existed in her mind beyond the basic, idyllic future. It wasn't a real vision so she could tell herself she didn't care if it passed her by or not. 
"So, family oriented.." JJ mutters, almost to herself. 
"Not necessarily." She shrugs. She knows a guy serving life in prison because he ate a charge for his own dad. She's never been naive enough to believe that the love running through her family was normal. Even her some of own siblings go through their own versions of hell with their mothers' side. She's always known that not everyone is as lucky as she is. "I don't really give a shit if they cool with they family; everybody got they own shit and I can't judge. Plus, my family fully adopts in laws. It's just, like, if ima marry and have kids with someone, I need them do be dedicated to what we create. I can't be feeling alone as a parent with a partner. I would rather just be single."  
JJ hums, "Noted. What else?" 
"I feel like you over there checking off boxes," and JJ can see Shy's teasing grin clear in her mind. She wishes she hadn't left her laptop in her office so she could actually see it. It's the prettiest thing in the world to her.
And, maybe a part of her is. Checking off boxes and hoping that, maybe, one day she grow and develop the traits she's missing. She shouldn't be thinking about that, and it's freaking her out that she is. She's still getting to know Shy and all. This is all brand new. Not just the connection that may be going somewhere (is hopefully going somewhere) but might also go nowhere at all, but the feeling that's been growing inside her since the moment she laid eyes on Jasira Boudreaux. This moth to a flame feeling. This can never seem to think about anything but her brainrot. This constant, floating on a cloud dreamstate. It's all new to her, and it's kind of fucking her up mentally. 
They agreed to openness, keeping it casual until they decided that this was, indeed, going somewhere because with the distance, that's practical. It's fair. It keeps one of JJ's feet put of the door in case she ends up feeling that usual need to escape that comes with her trying to cultivate relationships. But, JJ hasn't seen another woman since she first laid eyes on Shy. Every since she first saw her dancing, only two women have existed in her world; Jasira and every other woman, and all the others bleed together. She's never felt that before. She's never cheated or anything, but she's always thought the you are all I see line was a crock of shit. And, there were definitely more than a few moments in her past where if she had a girlfriend, she would have to remind herself of that.
She finds her own feelings freaky as shit, and she doesn't want to freak Jasira out with her premature emotions. Especially given her lack of experience and desire to live a little before she settles into anything else heavy. Not that JJ can blame her; she's twenty-two and spent seven years in the tight fisted grip of a predator; JJ doesn't want to pressure her to do anything or move too fast.
She rolls her eyes and forces herself to chuckle before saying, "What else?" 
"Someone I can have fun with, someone passionate. Someone attentive, a good listener. I don't like repeating myself with grown ass people. I said someone that makes me feel safe already, but that's really my number one thing, I don't know, Blue, I require a lot, now." 
"It all sounds reasonable to me."
"I get the vibe that you don't really think about marriage much." Jasira says, before elaborating, "Like I feel like whether or not it's on ya mind is solely dependent on how you feel about who you dating. But, you don't seem like the kinda person who be thinkin' 'bout marriage, just to think about it. "
"That's," she pauses, recognizing the truth to her statement. A small but poignant jolt of electricity shocks her nerves, at the same time, as she realizes she's been thinking about it more and more since they've been talking every day, "oddly accurate. It'd be nice, though," she says, "having someone to share myself with, having someone to come home to."
JJ closes her eyes. For the first time, she thinks, really thinks about a wife as more than an abstract concept. For the first time, she thinks about what she actually wants her wife to be like.  She wants someone that she wants to share her space with. Nothing sucks more than coming home after a long day, seeing your girlfriend and the only thought coming to mind is, "Why are you here?" She wants someone that doesn't make talking feel like a chore. 
She wants someone patient, someone warm. Someone who can give her peace just be being around or talking to her. She wants to be with someone who can make grocery shopping fun because she finds it taxing. 
As she thinks about it, she does think it's important for her girl to have a good relationship with her family. If she has kids, she wants them to experience summers having fun with their cousins. She wants them to be spoiled by their grandparents and aunts and uncles. She wants them to have a support system that exists outside of their little bubble. Aside from of one cousin, JJ doesn't have that, and she's just now realizing that she wishes she did. 
She wants to be married to someone who makes her laugh. Funnily enough, she wants to be with someone who can touch her emotions enough to be able to make her cry, too. Anger is exhausting, but it's so easy. She doesn't even know if she can even still feel sadness; it's been too long since she let herself go there. She can't remember the last time she's cried, and before now, she had never really sat with her thoughts enough to consider that maybe that wasn't a good thing. 
"So, you were dead silent for three hours today." Jasira notes, figuring since she was talking now, it'd be a good time to ask. 
"I was," she pauses, thinking about the case and how she felt when she had first gotten home versus how she feels now, "decompressing." 
"You feel better now?" 
She doesn't feel a hundred percent, but she feels a bit lighter. Jasira sees and experiences enough ugliness and violence, JJ doesn't want to give her something else to carry. Even if only mentally. So, she says feels lighter because she does, and Jasira can hear a but underneath. She doesn't want her sleeping haunted by whatever they've been working on these past few days. 
"If you talk about it, let it go then you might feel even better."
JJ sighs, "You don't want to hear that. Trust me." 
"Blue, you needa release it." She can feel the weight she's carrying. Piece of her mind drifts to some of things her grandmother does for her when she feels mentally unwell, to give her piece of mind. Little practices that always work and have been passed down to her. Of course, they require JJ being physically present to perform so they have to settle for conversation. "Either say it to me or write it in a journal but you needa let that shit go. "
JJ clenches her jaw, then unclenches, then clenches and unclenches again. She sits up again, elbows on her knees once more. Shy doesn't say anything, doesn't want to push her any further. She exhales and grumbles something about getting a journal. She can't find it in herself to just dump all that shit on Shy when she's going through so much already. Jasira isn't bothered by not being spoken to about it. It takes time to open up; she just worries about JJ's mental wellness. And, she doesn't know JJ that well, but somehow, she doesn't seem like the journaling type. At least, she doesn't seem like she would pursue it without a push. So, Shy asks for her address, which JJ gives with a hesistance to her tone. Jasira writes it down, decides that she will buy and send her one, just so she at least knows she's serious about caring. 
Jasira's bedroom door swings open, snatching both women's attention. Jasira's head snaps up as JJ's eyes reopen and she sits up. Considering everything JJ knows about, the sudden action has her on edge until she sees her girl's eyes relax. Jasira rolls her eyes as she relaxes once more.
"Jarelle," and JJ smiles at the tone of her voice. It's the same tone Roslyn used to take with her when she would catch her playing dress up in her closet, "What is your issue?"
"You think you so slick," Kutty replies, with their baby sister in his arms, "I know you in here talkin' to ya lil girlfriend."
JJ knows that voice. It's kind of hard to forget a teenage boy who's about as good an interrogator as Hotch. Her eyebrows raise at the title he's given her, though. She suppresses her smirk, quite eager to see how Shy will respond to the title. To see if she corrects it or not.
"So what if I am?" She reponds, turning JJ's repressed smirk into a small smile. She doesn't correct it. JJ isn't even going to pretend that it doesn't make her feel cocky. Every reminder she gets that Shy likes her, makes her feel like she can fly.
"You said I could see her." He rebuttals, and she rolls her eyes because she did say that. "Ima be good, swear," he adds and she slides over. He hands her off the baby before sliding in bed with her. He's beaming, and it makes JJ's chest feel lighter, because the last time they spoke, she found herself stressed. Stressed over if he liked her or not. Stressed over if whether he liked her or not would have any factor in the rest of their family liking her. Stressed over whether or not the family liking her would have any factor in Shy continuing to like her. But, he's happy to see her, now, and she's breathing easy. "Wassam," he greets and Jasira glares at him; he gives her a sideways glance and asks, "How you doing?"
JJ looks at Shy before she answers. Shy gives a lazy shrug of permission before focusing her attention on the baby girl in her arms who looks almost just like her. They have the same big brown eyes, their noses nearly identical. That baby girl has the cutest, most full head of curls. And, when Jasira starts to talk to her, she smiles the brightest smile. JJ manages to answer him, tells him she's doing well, but she can't take her eyes off Jasira with her baby sister. She feels her heart clench in her chest, watching how good Shy is with babies. Jarelle is watching her watch his sisters, and he leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. He unfolds one hand just enough to be able to rub his chin. That look in her eyes, when looking at his sister. So soft, so full of not just wonderment but care. Jasira's too busy to notice. He talks to JJ here and there, and she always reponds, but she never takes her eyes off his big sister. He remembers how Bryce used to look at her. All hard and mean, like she was something to be owned, just a thing and not a person at all. JJ doesn't look at Shy like she's a person, either, but she looks at her like she's a deity or something, and Kutty decides he likes that. He decides, if anyone is going to be worth his sister's time, it should be someone who looks at her like JJ is looking at her.
"Yeah, aight," he murmurs, "I get it," he slides off of her bed, "This is cool," he says, louder. Jasira squints at him as he leaves.
When the door closes, she looks back into the camera, at JJ. "He so weird, I'm sorry."
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Limit (Lucifer X (MC)Tia)
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Summary: There is a saying. "To know what you are good at doing and what you are not good at I know my limits."
Warning: Implied/Referenced Sex and Nudity and Bathing together.
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Tia can only blame herself for this. As she lay in bed, every inch of her body either is sore or aching. Not to mention that she was naked under the bedsheet.
While the demon next to her is sleeping soundly, she's happy that she got him to sleep even after past breakfast. Luckily is one of those weekend where there's no class and all Lucifer's paper are done.
Last night she tried to drag him away from his work, but that didn't work, so she stay in his study with him that night. She know that he'll try to work all night. So, she went up and sat on his lap and act all needy even though she was but she was focus on getting Lucifer to stop. Lucifer was traying to fight his temptation, he told her that he'll finish the last paper work and they'll have the whole night and tomorrow to themselves.
Tia hesitant at first since she just want to just cuddle with him, but if this was the motivation he need to get his ass to bed, then she'll try and power through.
She agrees which earn her a sinister smirk from Lucifer.
After finishing the remaining documents, Lucifer quietly set his pen down and pick Tia up and carry her all the way to his room, where the intense love making happened.
Now Tia is paying the price for it, but she keep reminding herself that this was worth it.
Enjoy it, she won't deny it, though she think that she might have bit off more then she can shallow.
She bit down a wince and groan as she try to push herself off the bed and prop on her elbow, she can feel her throat is burning up from all the screaming and moaning she did.
Her lower half is numb, her legs are asleep so she felt the pins and needle every time she move her legs.
But she has to power through this, she has too.
She slowly crawl towards the edge of the bed and slider down to the floor like she was some snake. She let out a quiet gasps as soon her skin felt the cold floor.
At first she to push herself off the floor but she can only manage to get on all four do to if she try to stand on her feet, she'll lose her footing and trip or her legs are to numb and the pins and needles are too painful to bare.
So she just decide to crawl towards Lucifer's bathroom. She doesn't care if she dirty from the floor. She already feel sticky and sweat.
After five minutes of crawling she made it to the bathroom, she shut the door, though she didn't notice that she didn't shut it all the way. Tia has to option, she can either try and take a bath, but that would mean she has to climb into the tub which it isn't going to happen.
So, her best option is the shower, so she crawl towards the shower and shut the glass door and lean back on the wall, with her facing the shower, she leans forward and turn on the shower with cold water. She yelp when the water hit her but soon she relax and lean back to the wall as she let the water wash over her.
She never had a problem with showering with cold water in the morning, back home they don't have hot water setting on their showers, if they want hot water they have to boil the water by stove.
She feels her body already starting to recover, soon before she realize it she fallen asleep while the shower is on.
Lucifer soon woke up by the sound of running water, he groan and rub the sleep away from his eyes before siting up, he turned to see that Tia side is empty. Then he turn his head towards the bathroom to see the door is slightly open. He got out of bed and up on some pants and shirt before heading to the bathroom. He peek through the crack before opening the door and step in. There he spots the tub empty and the shower occupied.
He looks through the glass door to see Tia on the floor asleep, back against the wall and her head leaning on the on right wall. Lucifer opens the door and immediately turn off the shower before bending down and pick up Tia bridal style and took her out of the shower. He then set her in the tub, leaning against the edge of the tub.
Then he turn on the tap of both warm and cold water in medium so it won't over flow while he grab all scented and heal herds.
Once he got all he needed, he return to the tub and up all the things in, then he turned off the taps. He pulled up a bath stool and sat by the tub, next to Tia.
He sigh in relief when he saw Tia's pout turned to a satisfied smile. The she stir up and open her eyes and saw Lucifer.
"Lucifer?" Her voice is still a bit raspy.
"You should've waken me up, Little one" Tia groan when he heard him say that, then she turned away from him.
"No, you were sleeping. I didn't want you to wake up just you can help me take a shower. Which by the way why am I in the tub?"
Lucifer sighs, of course she would put him first before her. Tia in the past said that if there were a sin she was guilty off, it would be sloth, but Lucifer can feel that she as stubborn and prideful as he was.
He reach up and stroke her wet hair which get her attention and turn to look at him again.
"You've so much for me last night, its only fair for me to take care of you" Tia Looked into his black and red eyes.
She often feels that if she don't do things by herself then she would be just a burden, but at times she wish that she can have someone... take care of her.
She hates to admit it, but she feels that she at her limit and just want comfort.
She bit her lower lip as she fight back the tears before she mouthed "Stay with me" All she want is to be held, be in his arms. That's all.
He nodded before standing up and slowly taking off his shirt and pants, fully naked. Lucifer climb into the tub and Tia move forward to make room for him. He settle behind her as she turn around to face him and climb on his lap and lean against his chest, skin on skin, her ear is by where his heart is, even though demon heart beat are slower then humans, something about hearing Lucifer's heart beat, calms her down. She set her arms under her chin. Lucifer wrap both arms around her to make sure she doesn't slip off of his lap.
The two stayed like that, in each other arms.
Note: For some reason I find myself in "The Morning After" Mood. But honestly I love these type of fic. For one, I can't write smut so this was the next best thing, and secondly I just love the comfort and somber moments after sex so yeah. I had this in mind and I just want to make my own.
I do want to make one with Luis and Asmo and even Oscar and Diavolo, but those are going to be more comedic take of this trope. eventually.
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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chickensarentcheap · 5 months
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
a: Tyler is the master of aftercare. Seeing as Esme is always completely submissive to him sexually (well, when they're in the mood for that kind of thing), he takes such good care of her afterwards. Things get rough and he's so much bigger than her, so it tends to leave its mark a little more than it would with someone else. Lots of snuggles, praise, words of affirmation, compliments, get something to drink, a snack, run her a bath :)
I: There's always a love and respect that comes through from both of them, no matter how intense things can get. Even if it was rough, there's small pauses where he's very tender and loving with her, or she'll smile up at him and move those longer strands off hair off his forehead and out of his eyes. Lots of compliments and praise for and from both. There's a lot of love between them. Even in just the way they can look at one another sometimes.
J: Oh Tyler always jokes how he has two good hands but his right is his most dominant. He's not afraid to admit he does or even do it in front of her. They've done it for each other over facetime when he's been away. Esme has a lot of toys that she relies on at times LOL
V: Esme is LOUD. Very loud. She's a groaner, a moaner, a screamer even. She is so loud, the people in the hotel room above them complained to the manager about the noise. And the running jokes is that 1) their neighbour in New York learned Tyler's name before meeting him because of Esme's noise 2) The neighbour always knows when Tyler is home from a work trip lol
M: Well, like Esme has told Tyler, a stiff breeze in a room can get him going LOL. But he has extremely sensitive ears and right under the left ear and if she zeros on in on those places while just making out, he's ready. Seeing her in yoga pants usually gets him going too. He's just turned on by her, to be honest. And I mean, she just sees him in a backwards baseball cap and that's her for her. But even watching him step out of the shower naked, undress in front of her. There's a lot of lust between them :)
O: Tyler is a big giver. He loves giving. And he's been known to wake her up that way in the mornings. And the man has some serious skills and has even made her black out a time or two because one orgasm isn't enough. He'll keep going. Esme is very much into giving as well. She enjoys pleasuring her man. And she's confident in her skills.
P: These two usually lean towards rough. Not necessarily fast, though. Sometimes a mix of both, fast and hard, and slow and languid. They communicate a lot during sex and they know what the other one is in the mood for.
Q: Listen, these two will take sex whatever way they can get it LOL
T: Oh yes. Esme has a drawer full of toys. She's never used any on him (not his thing) but they have incorporated toys into things and he's used them on her.
U: Tyler LOVES to edge her. That's a massive turn on to him. Esme never really gets a chance to be in charge but she'll tease.
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syndxlla · 7 months
Fck now MY head is full of fanfic ideas because of you. I don't have anywhere to throw them so imma throw them at you 💕 take em! Don't take em! Tell em they're dumb! Say "yes and" or "yes but actually" or "no and" or "no but actually"! I don't do fanfic but I play dnd and that's like the same thing in a lot of ways.
Link comes back and is more hurt by Purahs words than he thought. Tired. Grumpy. Zelda feels a little guilty about all the work Link is doing. Asks to help him cook. Link is grumpy, he's bossy. Controlling. Conflict there? Zelda brushes it off but something is clearly bugging him.
Next day. Link is still upset. Zelda kept a journal previously, asks Link to get her a blank book to write in. Link is forced to go back to the lab, he's planning on apologizing, but it goes badly. Comes back, gives Zelda the book, and goes outside to blow off steam doing a bunch of manual labor. Cleans the horse pens. Chops a shit ton of fire wood. While he's working Zelda snoops more, and hatches a plan. Asks Link to draw her a bath again. Bathes. When Link is to come back into the house, she insists he's dirty and smelly. He needs a bath. Something something, reusing her bath water is embarrassing. While he's bathing she leaves.... but then she comes back and starts cooking the recipe he was being bossy about. He can't leave the tub or she'll see him naked, so he just watches her. In a hot tub. That she just soaked in. Eventually, she leaves so he can get dressed and the pot can simmer. Link is so freaking tired, after the bath all his muscles just relax. They talk about the thing Purah said. Bed time. Link puts on a bunch of fire wood, and sits next to the bed Zelda sleeps in. After him not being able to sleep, Zelda pulls him into the bed. He's basically not even conscious. It's warm with him there. He's asleep. The fire is hot. She takes her top off to stay cool.
Link wakes up to find himself in bed with Zelda. Panic! Gets out to not wake her. She's half nude. Stoicly ignore. Must busy himself to ignore thoughts. Eventually she wakes up too. Or was she awake when he got out of bed? Link pretends nothing happened. Zelda is frustrated. Internally, Link tries to work out how that happened. The next night, when Zelda goes to bed she notices theres no raging fire. He takes his shirt off and joins her, and the bed is just as warm.
Etc etc, someday Purah comes by and sees Link doing a bunch of chores while Zelda sips tea, watching him intensely, practically taking notes, wearing one of his shirts and Purah just sits there like. Oh. They've got it BAD.
Oh f wait the whole school story arc. Link helps bud a school?? Zelda gets better and plays with kids as Link falls madly in love with her watching her? Ahhh!
Something about tending a fire being a symbol for effort into the relationship or something? She uses the fire for closeness, he uses the fire to get away and be stoic or whatever. He wants to be stoic even though he wants to be close, she wants to be close but understands she must look regal to rebuild hyrule. Then they start doing the things together. Im sorry but building a school and teaching together is foreplay for "hey babe you want to have kids?"
haha i love all of this! you guys are all so creative! it makes me so happy that my works have inspired such creativity! i love a lot of these ideas. i’ve had lots of link taking care of zelda but believe be the tables will turn soon!!
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