#mario psa
pixelrino · 1 month
hilarious super mario video
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viaviv124 · 6 months
Hear me out
Bowser wags his tail when happy. Only in front of people he trusts but still. And considering his tail canonically has the strength to break stone pillars he SO broke a lot of shit by accident just because he was excited.
When Luigi first saw him wag his tail he was MELTING. When he later told Mario (it was an attempt to convince him Bowser isn't all bad and can be cute too) he did not believe him. Like he prolly went something like "Luigi. This is BOWSER we're talking about! Are you alright?"
Luigi has also been smacked by Bowsers tail one too many times by accident. Like Bowser just wanted to turn around to show him something and suddenly Luigi was sent flying. Bowser feels SO bad everytime and makes him snacks as apology bc food makes everything better.
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titleknown · 5 months
While people have rightfully memed on the anti-drug PSA, I feel like this one is slept on too.
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mbm-artist · 10 days
Hi there hello, I'm sure you're wondering either
A) Why tf I just reblogged a bunch of stuff in the span of like 30 seconds
B) What's going on in general
C) What's the point of this post you're reading
D) All of the above
Well dear viewer, I'm gonna give you a TL;DR and then under the cut give a more in-depth explanation, I'll even cut it up into different sections to make viewing easier :)
⚠️ Trigger Warnings ⚠️
Randy (duh), a LOT of swearing (duh), suicide mentions, pedophilia/attempted grooming/etc mentions, queerphobia (transphobia, homophobia, etc), misogyny, mentions of sexual things, slurs, harassment, general 16+ content mentions
Randy is a 14 year old minor (allegedly) as of the time this post was made, please DO NOT INTERACT with him, just block him and report him as many times as you want. This post's purpose is to spread awareness and maybe hopefully get him banned from Tumblr. Please do not go after, attack, or interact with him or his (supposed) "girlfriend" (he has her tagged at the bottom of his pinned post). I suggest you block (NOT REPORT) his "girlfriend" too, you can never be too careful.
As of the time this post was made Randy's father and school have been contacted, and we are waiting on an update.
Please offer all the victims of Randy unconditional love and support, they deserve that and so much more for all the bullshit this kid put them through, don't you dare even TRY to victim blame them. I will flame you if you attack them at all in any way shape or form, no excuses, ifs, ands, or buts.
I am also a minor in high school (not giving my age for my own safety), so take that how you will. My pronouns are they/them/he/him if you don't know already :D
One more thing before we get into it (if it wasn't obvious already),
Thank you, you may now proceed.
The Google Doc (Alllllll the info about this guy in one place, most reliable source of info) | Randy's "gf's" tag, #proud randy supporter (Second-most reliable source of info, this has a LOT of updates on him in real time) | Randy tag, #randysworld-multi-fandom-fan/randysworld2009 (Second-most reliable source of info, all posts related to him will [hopefully] be here) | Randy's Interactions With Me (proof of him interacting with me) | Google Photos Album (just all of the screenies of proof in one place, I'm gonna tryyyyy to keep this updated as much as I can but no promises)
My response to the 1st ask he sent me | My response to the 2nd ask he sent me (pretty much the same as the first one)
The Short Explanation
So basically this whole fiasco is about @randysworld-multi-fandom-fan or otherwise known as randysworld2009
His crime(s)?
1. Hypocrisy
2. Queerphobia (transphobia, homophobia, the works)
3. Misogyny
4. Perversion (being a pervert)
5. Suicide baiting
6. Pedophilia accusations (all of which are false, and carelessly thrown around)
7. Attempted grooming(?) of fellow minors
8. Slurs (need I say more?)
9. Harassment (in case that wasn't obvious already)
Among other things
He's been interacting with accounts in the following fandoms (as of the time this post was posted):
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss, or HV/HH/HB)
Murder Drones (MD)
SMG4 (Super Mario Glitchy 4)
Yo Gabba Gabba (YGG)
TL;DR this guy is a 5yo Gen Alpha brainrotted kid stuck in a 14yo kid's body, and he's been harassing multiple (mainly TADC) accounts on Tumblr for a bit now, and just being a nuisance and damaging people's mental health.
That's the simple explanation, if you're still not convinced you need to block this guy (and his [supposed] girlfriend) and report him until your hands hurt and/or would like to know more thennnnn
The full explanation + evidence is under the cut ✨
The Long Explanation
Okay so I'm gonna be quoting the Google Doc a LOT here, you'll be able to tell which parts are quoted and which parts are me.
"Randy or randysworld2009 is a Tumblr user that appeared around TADC blogs in the beginning of 2024. Since then, he has built a history of harassing said blogs, mostly roleplay/askblog accounts and artists, forcing roleplay and specially spouting misogyny towards women mods and fem leaning characters, transphobic and homophobic towards queer people. At one point he started getting his information messed up, saying that he was super straight and then later on a “half-bisexual”, also often times approaching people with romantic/sexual intent and then getting angry when those same people state that they are not interested or are above legal age, which he supposedly is not. It is believed that Randy is 14 years old, but at this point, we can’t be certain of what information is true or false. For all we know, his blog could be just a troll."
So yeah, this guy is bad news. That was a direct (formal) quote from one of the victims.
If formal isn't your style, here's a more casual one
"Randy first appeared around the beginning of 2024. He began harassing tadc ask blogs then that led to harassing their mods. Eventually others got involved and Randy basically snapped. He got EVEN MORE batshit and started spouting misogyny, transphobia, and dilution. He's chronically online and believes everything is a roleplay. He's obsessed with getting a girlfriend and has sexually harassed many. he is the horniest bastard you could fucking meet omg"
Another direct quote from another victim, this one he treated the WORST.
(Some) Screenshots
There are more screenshots in the Google Doc and the Google Photos Album I made, but these will be a few tidbits of evidence that will hopefully convince you by now if you're not already. (With some additional commentary/explanation from yours truly underneath each screenie✨) Additionally, all the images will have links to their sources. (Please let me know if they don't work, I'll update this with usable links if that's the case)
Exhibit A - The Bastard Himself
(Mb for light mode jumpscare here, even more reason for your eyes to bleed when looking at this immature fuck's profile)
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Just his profile (as of the time this post was posted) so you know exactly who to block and report as many times as possible Exhibit B - His Interactions With Me
This is some evidence of him interacting with me, there's more in the Google Photos Album I made of proof he interacted with me
(Mb for light mode jumpscare again, it's the only way I could show the post and the comments in the same screenie)
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His comments on my pinned post, if you saw this or this you know I demanded that he delete his comments on here (while flaming the fuck out of him), so here's a screenie of what they were before he (hopefully) deletes them
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The first ask he sent me, my response being the awesome giant rant where I DEMOLISHED him (I'm way too proud of it if you couldn't tell)
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All his interactions with me from when he initially found me
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The rest of his interactions he's ever had with me
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Like the first ask he sent, I answered with the same thing, ANNIHILATING this fucker (still way too proud of it)
Exhibit C - Direct Victim Testimonies (to yours truly) These are asks that I sent to the main 3 victims I had gathered evidence from before gaining access to the Google Doc, they're my main sources so far (send all the love and support to them please [especially Sunny's system they've all been hurt the most from what I can see], they're very sweet outside of all this and more than deserve it)
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Dia answered first, their answer helped me gain access to the Google Doc and get a HUGE chunk of the evidence I'll be showing here
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Second half of Dia's answer, a summary of the wholeeee situation straight from a direct victim
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Sunny was the second to answer my ask, this is what I mean when I say clearly Sunny needs the most love and support out of all the victims (as far as ik) cus like how can you not man- also this is how I found out they contacted Randy's father and school, very big piece of lore (and you'll see why they have soon don't worry)
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Lilith was the last to respond to my ask, this being how I found out that it was them specifically that contacted Randy's dad & school (which I commend them for, it was a very good move so bravo to them man genuinely)
Exhibit D - Evidence
And now the moment you've all been waiting for, if this doesn't convince you then shit idk what will-
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This post was my first exposure to what Randy is ACTUALLY like and wowee what a doozy man, it started me down the rabbit hole that lead me to making this post rn (make sure you look at the notes [both comments and the reblogs] too those also have even more info aside from everybody FLAMING the fuck out of this kid lolol) Also GO OFF ON HIM GLITCH GET HIS ASS WOOOOO
(Sorry for the light mode jumpscare yet again, evidence is evidence)
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1. Misgendering. What the fuck. (Dia's pronouns are they/them) 2. EW. Need I say more??? 3. This post is how I found my main 3 sources up until Dia answered my ask 4. You'll start to see that this post and the following posts show that he's SPECIFICALLY targeting fem-adjacent blogs (including blogs that are run by enbies that he assumes identify as femme and promptly misgenders) and generally being a misogynistic and transphobic BITCH
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This post is an example of Randy A) Accusing a fellow minor of pedophilia (very carelessly and incorrectly might I add) B) Not even getting their age right? Hello??? C) This kid clearly does NOT know what the difference between slang and genuine predatory behavior is which shows how fucking SHELTERED this kid must be oh my GOD D) Another example of him misgendering and being misogynistic/transphobic
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This post is more proof of him being misogynistic and sexually harassing people, and might I add a HORNY ASS PERVERT Rabid is actually someone I followed way before all this dude, I'm guessing that's how Randy found me unfortunately
After this screenie Dia answered my ask, so all the screenies beyond this point are straight from the Google Doc (some had links to their original posts, some didn't for the sake of anonymity which is completely understandable)
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This post backs up what I said regarding the other screenie where Randy assumed Lilith was like 20, istg this kid does NOT know what fact checking is holy fuck This was a certified screenie I got from the Google Doc might I add
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This post, another one provided by the Google Doc, is an example of him A) Harassing TADC ask blogs (and it leading to harassing the mods) B) Sexually harassing people and being misogynistic in general He just doesn't know when to quit huh
(Sorry again for the light mode jumpscare this is the last one I promise)
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This one didn't have a post linked to it so I only found it cus of the Google Doc (so yay ig you don't have to click the links to the OG posts for more info anymore beyond this point), the mod spitting FACTS
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Once again lovingly provided by the Google Doc, wowee this kid sure loves slurs
I know this might not get to many people, but I'm hoping it at least has some sort of positive impact, because I want to try my best to warn as many people as possible and keep him from having any more influence than he already has.
Thank you for reading my ramblies on this important news, have a cookie for getting this far and you're an LGBTQIA+ ally 🍪 (plus an additional scoop of ice cream if you're queer 🍦)
And Happy Pride Month, TRANS PRIDE BABYYY
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Plus some Anti-Randy spray for the road (lovingly provided by Sunny and Lilith) ✨
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(in case of any confusion, the colors kind of mean different things but not really, it's not that important- but red is for trigger warning stuffs/disclaimers and general important things, green is for section titles, blue is for links, and that's about it really-- and yes I did make a subtle RGB joke. Sue me, I wanna be at least a little funny to make light of all this grim dark stuffs. All those super super serious call-out posts can be kind of depressing so I want to find the happy middle ground between serious and lighthearted, it gets the message across and it still feels important without being too much of a downer yanno? Anyway do tell me your thoughts in the comments after dropping a reblog, I would appreciate feedback on what you think of my writing style here :3) (Oh, and if you're wondering what purple means? It's a secret 🥰)
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yin-yanglulu · 1 month
Academy would’ve been so much more successful if they had made commercials for it with Spyro being like “IF YOU’RE NOT WATCHING SKYLANDERS ACADEMY ON NETFLIX…YOU’RE GONNA TURN INTO A CHOMPY!”
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lilacs-stash · 2 years
Okay Tumblr, we are not going to bring Emmet Brickowski up when talking neg about movie Mario's voice. Emmet is a good character who was nothing to do with this besides being voiced by the same guy. And we are going to remember that Chris Pratt can actually to other voices then his normal one (I.e Rex Dangervest), but he didn't for some reason. Do you understand me.
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aleppothemushroom · 1 year
You are not entitled in any way to call someone a mindless fanboy for liking something you don't.
You are not entitled in a any way to call someone a hater for not liking something you like.
Unless it's a moral issue, you are not allowed in any fucking way to put someone down because their opinion does not line up with yours.
You are also especially not allowed to tell other people how to enjoy things.
Shut the fuck up. Watch what you want. Talk about it how you want. Don't be a dick. And leave each other the hell alone. Okay?
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midnightcowboy1969 · 2 years
and if you do drugs you go to hell before you die
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leecreatureite · 2 years
@leabossa64 is a freak in the community avoid her at all costs.
i am her ex.
She forced her TBDL fetish apon me, asking if she could call me daddy. i had agreed, as she made me feel like i could not say no, she would lashout at me if i said anything other than yes.
she romanticizes incest+rape, with her obsession with the m is bad animation. ya know, the shock animation from the 2000s ? with mario drunkenly raping his brother? shes OBSESSED with it, shes written fics + claims she has both Mario and luigi in her system
speaking of, shes known for faking DID. this is a big claim, but hear me out.
she claims to have 800+ alters, though she only discovered her pluralism in december iirc, theres no way you can split off that many alters in only a year.
theres a LOT more, just Google like vulgario and youll see a horrid screenshot from her. she was taziomario or whatever, you'll see it.
idk how to end this but.
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maidensflowergarden · 2 years
Bought a new tape off eBay for the first time in a while now & I have struck gold in terms of the commercials/PSA’s in this tape
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mbm-artist · 10 days
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look at this drawing i did!
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outrun20xx · 2 years
Unmute. Please.
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sudden-stops-kill · 9 months
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luigisblueoveralls · 1 year
I just wanted to make this clear before I even do it but if I upload something of mine, like an original idea, please don't think I'm not working on yours. I promise promise that I am. It's just I tend to spend more time on requests because I want them to be as good as possible. Original stuff of mine I don't spend a whole lot on but want to get out there for people to read. I tend to work on two stories a day so whichever I finish first is what gets uploaded but if I do that don't think I'm not working on yours cause I most definitely am!! I promise! Lol.. again thank you all for the love and kind words! ❤️
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hoodie-prince-kid · 2 years
Hey yall can we use Mario and Nico more often for me? Thx :)
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vioyume · 10 months
Some Cartoons that you can Watch on YouTube
Many of which are shows from the 90's, 2000s and early 2010's. Was this mostly done out of nostalgia? Yeah, but it's nice to have something to watch casually when you're not witch hunting on pirated websites or don't want to go to them.
I try to have playlists of fully uploaded series or have the majority of the episodes since I feel like it wouldn't be as satisfactory to have only one episode of a series.
The majority of the shows here are from my own childhood but it's a mixture of shows for children to adult audiences. Though I did not add every single preschool cartoon from my memory.
Don't feel like watching cartoons? Old TV Time has many infomercials, PSAs and mini documentaries from the 1900s!
The Moomins 90's Show
Sam and Max Freelance Police
Sonic X
Popee the Performer (CW: Disturbing/Graphic Imagery and Crude Humor)
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 1
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 2
My Little Pony Gen 3 + 3.5
Hi HI Puffy Ami Yumi
Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat (Most Episodes)
All of The Backyardigans
All of Milly & Molly
House of Mouse (Most Episodes, but I'm surprised that it's not on Disney Plus)
A Playlist of Pokemon Episodes/Shorts that are Available from the Official Account
Ruby Gloom
The Super Mario Bros Super Show
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Underground
2003 Strawberry Shortcake
Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse
Many of the Older Barbie Movies
Cat Soup (It's a Surreal film)
Pucca Season 1
Clone High (It's an Adult show, so expect what you're going to see from one)
Domo Shorts
Ninjago: Wu's Teas Shorts
Growing up Creepie
101 Dalmations 90's Show
Quack Pack
Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppets (CW: Disturbing and creepy[?] Imagery and Loud Noises, they're just shorts I really like.)
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