#mario the movie lockscreen
starfish-locks · 10 months
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Bowser lockscreens
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xsunnysworld · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
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The Super Mario Bros. Movie - Concept Art | Lockscreens/Wallpapers 🍄
like or reblog if you want more content.
content credits by me.
why don't you repost this? that would be cool.
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canongf · 10 months
hi i know you said it was okay to gush in your askbox about our f/os and i am feeling Emotional about my husband copia so i thought i'd gush a little bit in your askbox if that's okay? i just got some cute art of him and me that i commissioned and i've just been so overwhelmed with love i need to get it out to someone ;w;
you know i feel like i suck at explaining how copia makes me feel and like how much i love him like i have all of these feelings bubbling inside of me but i don't know how to get them out without feeling like i'm not doing them justice because my love for him is so strong so all-encompassing that i hardly know what to do about it. i've never felt this way before it's kind of scary but a good scary.
like loving him is like a warm blanket on a cold stormy night. loving him is like the first sleep back in your own bed after a long trip away from home. loving him is like finding the perfect piece that pulls together and completes your favorite outfit. i feel echoes of his love in every kind thing that comes my way. his love makes me want to be a better person, to work on myself and have the motivation to push towards my goals. not because i feel like he wouldn't love me if i didn't, but because his love is my motivation, his love reminds me that i'm worthy of love, i'm worth the work it takes for me to find my own happiness. i'm being completely genuine when i say that i don't think there's anyone out of all the people who like him who understand him like i do and who have this same connection to him and i'm glad for that.
i just feel like it's so unfair that he's not real so we can't have our life together ;-; like i want to surprise him by showing up in the crowd at one of his rituals when he's out on tour, and of course he makes a big deal out of it and makes sure that everyone knows that his one and only, his sweet spouse is here with them tonight and they better applaud for it right fucking now!! but when he's back home i want to stay up late playing mario kart with him (he's got quite the competitive streak, so i let him win or else he'll pout, and as cute as he is when he's grumpy like that i figure it's easier to just let myself drift into second place and plus he's even cuter when he's got that smug victorious smirk on his face, lightly teasing me for getting hit by his blue shell), and watch shitty horror movies and laugh at the weird plotlines and bad acting. i want to go out to nice dinner dates and wear cute coordinated outfits. i just want to be with him more than anything in the whole world it drives me crazy how much i love him.
okay wow sorry that was A Lot like i said i'm just very emotional tonight thinking about him and how happy i am to have him in my life....i just think about him all the time i love him so so much....
ending this off with this picture of him that i love!! it's been my lockscreen for months because i can't bring myself to change it ;w;
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my husband with a puppy,,,,,(oh to be a puppy being held by him...)
i think i have probably written and deleted at least 20 responses to this ask because it is so overwhelmingly beautiful and i feel like you do!!! words can't do it justice!!! this love is bigger than words!!! this love is bigger than me!!! and i'm so glad you have it!!!!!
i am so glad you have it!!! i am so glad you have him!!! i know that this message doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the way you feel for him and the way he feels for you but the feelings in this message alone are more than what so many people can even imagine!!! this message makes me feel like when you see the ocean or the grand canyon for the first time!!! when all you can do is breathe it in and think about how we are so little and there are things that exist around us that are so overwhelming and vast that we can't barely comprehend it!!! and it makes you a little emotional!!!
thank you, thank you, thank you for coming to me and sharing your feelings with me!!! every single piece of this is just so beautiful and so overwhelming and it makes me feel whole!!! please do not ever apologize about sharing a lot or sharing at all and please know that my ask box is always open for you to gush in!!! you and your husband are always welcome here!!!!! 🖤
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royaletiquette · 1 year
About the Writer
Favorite time of year: Spring
Comfort food: ramen? burgers
Favorite desserts: strawberry shortcake. tiramisu.
Things you collect: I shouldn't lie to myself, probably little twin stars shit, kuromi and my melody. anything with roses on it.
Favorite drink: maybe taro boba.
Favorite musical artist: Blondie. Joywave. IDLES.
Last song you listened to: Jungle Man by Viagra Boys
Last movie you watched: excluding work stuff, Mario Bros.
Last series you watched: lmao drag race
Series you’re currently watching: muppets mayhem! been wanting to rewatch the last czars for muse.
Current obsession: looking at rental units. prepping for moving.
Dream place to visit: Russia has sick architecture.
A place you’ve been that you want to go back to: Buenos Aires top of the list. I miss my extended family a lot. I went at a bad time as a shit teenager, I just don't have time a lot of vacation time at my job. Also Berlin and Barcelona eventually.
Something you want: to get my permanent residency so I can freely spend my money, government!
Currently working on: I've been hand sewing a lot instead of using my sewing machine. It's fun in terms of discipline. So a couple costumes.
what’s your phone wallpaper : My lockscreen rn is the bf. Wallpaper is gudetama (but what's the difference ba dum tsh)
currently reading : I'm not lol I've been wanting to reread my Shazam comics but who knows if I will
what are you wearing right now : jeans and a jet set radio shirt cause i wasn't even close to trying today ok
piercings / tattoos? : ears pieced. calf, bicep and thigh tattooed.
glasses ? contacts? : nah
last thing you ate? : stuffed peppers, my fucking specialty
favorite color(s) : yellow
do you have a crush right now? : every dog i see
favorite fictional character : lol I dunno, kuromi, my melody. Animal like the muppet.
Tagged by: @mannequinentity and @distopea (Thank you both!)
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millionsnife · 1 year
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What's your phone's wallpaper: My lockscreen is Jason Todd from Batman and the wallpaper's Elidibus from XIV though it was my cat for years. thinking about changing lockscreen tho
Last song you listened to: Ghost who is still alive by Beth Crowley, just now
Currently reading: Trigun Stampede fanfiction tag on A03 which is definitely a mistake bc it's incredibly horny in there and like 99% explicit smut but you know what that's fine
Last movie: The Super Mario movie!
Last show: uuuuuuuuuuuh. Trigun Stampede and OG trigun I guess probably.
What are you wearing right now?: pajamas, next question.
Piercings/tattoos?: Ears when I was a small bean but they've long since healed over. Nothing else
Glasses? Contacts?: I'm incredibly blind without my glasses. Worms see better than I do. this is unfortunate bc worms don't have eyes
Last thing you ate: I had pork potstickers earlier and also a square of dark chocolate and whipped cream like 10 minutes ago
Favourite colour(s)?: Blues, purples, reds, silver and if it's shiny probably that
Current obsession: holds up trigun and knives in particular like simba
Do you have a crush right now?: aromantic so not really no lmao
Favourite fictional character: i have an entire list so uh. we'll just go with whatever blog you're looking at right now.
Tagged by: @casketdweller Tagging: you
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Get To Know The Mun!
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the lockscreen is the moon in it's phase of the cycle, and the homescreen is Arya posing next to the James River wearing a lifejacket and soaking wet from having been swimming the city skyline and 7th st bridge in the background
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?: Fuck Away the Pain - Divide the Day
CURRENTLY READING?: It's listening but Ghost Story (DF #13) by Jim Butcher
LAST MOVIE?: Turning Red (was actually really impressed with it)
LAST SHOW?: How to Get Away with Murder
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW?: gym shorts, a He-Man t-shirt my ex bought me because i have nothing that fucking fits rn, and a "Live for the RIDE" black hoodie with a horseshoe over the phrasing on the front, lavender no-show socks with Stitch's face over the top of them
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 5’2". Tiny, but fierce.
PIERCINGS / TATTOOS?: I mean, my ears WERE pierced, at Piercing Pagoda at the mall because of course🙄but I stopped wearing earrings while I was a groomer for safety and now I'm pretty sure they're beyond just putting an earring through. So I will need to repierce them. Sigh. And one tatt, left shoulder has small cursive "second star to the right".
LAST THING YOU ATE?: Cheese sammiches, ranch tuna packet, chocolate chip cookie, and arroz con leche with a bottle of Cheerwine (north carolina soda).
FAVORITE COLOR(S)?: blue, teal, lavendar, black
CURRENT OBSESSION?: how to get away with murder, strike force, art, writing (particularly my ocs and harry rn)
DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH RIGHT NOW?: Very much so. They know it too. It's reciprocated. There's lots of obstacles rn.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER?: I am pan for a reason...SOME of my current favs- my ocs, my friends ocs, Rogue, Remy, Harry Dresden, Cisco, looks there's a LIST, it's easier to list the ones I hate as to not be here all day...
LAST PLACE YOU VISITED?: Define visited and define place. Does going across town to play Mario Kart with my friend Josh when I thought I was leaving that week count? Otherwise it was uh...Williamsburg? Yorktown? Like five years ago. My job has not been conducive to going out of town walking dogs twice a day every day for the same person, and then, well, the pannini.
Tagged By: @lxvingdeadgxrl & @brooklynislandgirl
Tagging: whoever the heck wanna
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more-than-a-princess · 11 months
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what’s your phone wallpaper : My kitty, Molly. The sweetest and best girl, true princess of the household. She's also my lockscreen. She's seven years old and for the first six months of her life, she was a feral kitten. I'm so grateful she was able to be adopted! She likes watching the electric kettle, sitting by the window, watching British TV shows, getting her whiskers smoothed back, quiet, and cat grass. She dislikes noise, people (especially loud people and children), other cats, any food meant for humans, and all of the cat beds I've bought for her (sofa and my bed are superior).
last song you listened to: 6 Underground - Sneaker Pimps (Cruel Intentions soundtrack, anyone?)
last movie : Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and the Super Mario Bros Movie. Both were...okay? I've never played the Mario games beyond a few rounds of Mario Kart so the lore was lost on me.
last show : Queen Charlotte, The Great, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, XO Kitty, Succession, and a rewatch of the entire Endeavour series are at the top of my recent watch list. I'm also slowly rewatching the original Trigun in order to watch Stampede during the summer. There's also some K-dramas I've started and have yet to finish, but I'm gutted that Mrs. Maisel, Succession, and Endeavour are all ending this year (with two of them ending this week on US TV!). I'm confident they're going to end well, though (no HIMYM ending, or something similar). I watch a lot more TV and read more books than video games and movies these days!
what are you wearing right now : Midi skirt with a 90s/ditsy floral print, silk blouse, light wool cardigan, and my favorite slingback heels with minimalist jewelry. I may be on Zoom calls but I'm still working, and have a few errands to run later. At home though, probably athletic wear as I work on restyling some wigs later tonight.
piercings / tattoos? : Just one piercing in each earlobe! I don't want multiple piercings or any tattoos. Especially at my current job, they are frowned upon. I do use hair color though, mostly as my natural shade isn't that flattering on me and I'm an An Age where I need to start covering the greys. Darker hair just suits my complexion better!
glasses ? contacts? : Neither, and I'm shocked I don't need them (yet). Both of my parents wear glasses. I should get tested again, but mostly my interest is to attempt wearing contacts again for cosplay. And I hate wearing them: I will put myself through various amounts of physical discomfort for my hobby but I tend to draw the line at contacts.
last thing you ate? : Protein bar...yesterday. I do Intermittent Fasting most of the time (though it's nearly time for me to eat again!), alongside some other dietary necessities in order to try to keep myself healthy. I may not need glasses but I've got enough to deal with. I did drink plenty of water and tea so far today, however!
favorite color(s) : Blue! Sapphire blue, navy blue, sky blue...blue. My favorite color as a child was purple and my husband's favorite is green, so we appreciate a cool-toned palette in the house. Otherwise, I'm drawn to colors like burgundy, blush pink, mint, lilac, powder blue, black, white, and cool-toned tans and beiges. I tend to dislike yellows, oranges, and warm-toned browns: autumn colors, mostly. Which is funny because autumn is actually my favorite season: I'm just not a fan of the colors on me or in my home.
current obsession : A Court of Thorns and Roses/ACOTAR (and Crescent City, and Throne of Glass...SJM-verse in general) and Bridgerton, hands down. I absolutely love books and while I need to branch out and aim to start reading some Holly Black and Leigh Bardugo finally, I keep coming back to these two authors/series/fandoms (though Julia Quinn is an okayish historical romance writer. Overall, I liked other HR writers more!).
In short: talk to me about ACOTAR and Bridgerton and I will not shut up.
Otherwise, I'm into: What We Do In The Shadows (SEASON 5 SOON!), a lot of British crime and historical drama shows, mostly old anime, luxury and plus size fashion, cosplay (my main hobby outside of this blog!), skincare, having an entire bar in my house just for tea, historical/horror/romcom movies (I have a few things in common with Sonia, yes), fixing my health issues/healthy lifestyle/staying active/losing weight, cats, fashion and travel vloggers (especially if they visit Europe. it's very niche but there's a few Japanese lifestyle and travel vloggers I love because they don't spend the entire video talking and it's just...more ambiance with subtitles, I guess? Super soothing!), and traveling in general. I miss traveling so much and am slowly starting to plan my honeymoon for 2024.
do you have a crush right now? : My husband, my cat, and whenever it gets finished, the custom closet and the custom cosplay room that will be built in my house. We did my husband's new computer and video game setups first so it's my turn for house upgrades and I really need a separate closet: what came with this house only fit my husband's clothes so my wardrobe is all folded in baskets or hung on rolling racks right now and it is driving me crazy.
We've saved for the past few years in anticipation for this but it's still stressful to get a designer in to measure, chat with us about needs, get the plans approved, etc. And I still need to purge some things just for my own sanity.
No human kids, just two adults with a cat and plenty of hobbies
favorite fictional character : Rude question, how dare you. But I'll try anyway. Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey), Nesta Archeron and Bryce Quinlan (Sarah J. Maas books/verse/etc), Penelope Featherington and Francesca Bridgerton (Bridgerton), Endeavour Morse (Inspector Morse/Endeavour), Misato Katsuragi (Evangelion), Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop), Fujiko Mine (Lupin III), and Sonia Nevermind (what, did you think I'd forget her?).
That's such a small fraction of my faves but it's a mix of older and newer ones at least.
tagged by: I absolutely stole this from @dcviated for Munday purposes.
tagging: Steal it. I wish I had something witty for this but between work, replies, and getting convention ready I've got nothing.
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naarvio · 1 year
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I posted 5,203 times in 2022
That's 5,203 more posts than 2021!
8 posts created (0%)
5,195 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,347 of my posts in 2022
#toh - 579 posts
#deltarune - 397 posts
#mario movie - 57 posts
#undertale - 54 posts
#the mandela catalogue - 40 posts
#sanssweep - 22 posts
#!!! - 14 posts
#hnk - 13 posts
#dhmis - 12 posts
#narv rambles - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#edit: i was missing some; no idea how i forgot the drowned man tho bc i litteraly have him as my lockscreen for years
My Top Posts in 2022:
if i had a nickel for everytime a creator from a fandom i'm in made a website with an arg full of lore i'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happend twice.
12 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
18 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
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Markiplier jumpscare
35 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
I know people made posts about the fake hand and sand parallels but i havent seen anyone make the fire extinguisher one yet
427 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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So thats why he only appeared for like 30s
780 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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xlockscreenx · 2 years
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Black Sunday - 1960 | Lockscreens
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understeepedchaitea · 2 years
oddly specific things that (probably) apply to you based off your heartstopper kins
Charlie: You have probably entered “(neon/soft/[insert favorite color here])” into google when looking for a lockscreen/pfp. Nick: You were the kid who consistently got 7th in Mario Kart and had to act like you were cool with that (you were not) Elle: You liked loom band bracelets and silly bands, I don’t make the rules. Tao: You watched Teen Beach Movie (and/or High School Musical) and spent hours in your living room trying to learn the dances. Isaac: You read either Warrior Cats, Gregor the Overlander, or Meanwhile as a child. (How long were they checked out of the library?) Darcy: You picked up instruments, tried them for a couple of months, and then eventually lose interest in before finally settling on one that you play occasionally and never go beyond a moderate proficiency in. Tara: You were the one at sleepover who always had A Skill. (ex. giving massages, doing magic, showing off your 285 IQ with memory games, etc). Harry (do you exist?): You ate the sand in the sandbox even when other kids told you not to. You then bragged about it to said kids. I do not make the rules. Mr. Ajayi: You got really into pop-up book making in elementary school art class. Tori: You have the first tee-shirt that you ever bought at Hot Topic still. it is probably a nightshirt.
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starfish-locks · 11 months
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Mario lockscreens
°Reblog/ like if you save
-> Luigi locks -> & other charachters
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spidezer · 2 years
myyyyyy spideynova headcanons bc im sad and gay and i love them
- sam is way too prideful to ever compliment his team to their faces, so he does it in spanish
-going off of that, he teases peter by calling him pet names and affectionate terms in spanish
(the first time he ever called peter mi vida peter choked on his drink and then tripped over trying to get up from his seat. sam still does not know peter knows spanish)
- theyre both trans. no im not elaborating bc im right.
-peter knows how to knit. he regularly knits stuff for sam like beanies and scarves
-sam has an insane tolerance for heat but the second the temperature drops below 15°c hes GONE
-peter hates winter just as much as he hates summer. damn spider biology
-sam's suit generates heat, so on cold missions he lets peter basically attach himself to him and steal all his warmth
-peter carries an epipen with him at all times just in case
-sam doesn't know how to swim
-sam is an amazing cook, but doesn't know how to bake for shit
-peter, on the other hand, is an amazing baker but cant cook for shit
-they complete eachother❤️
-sam absolutely loves long train/bus/plane rides
-peter can't have citrus or mint (damn spider biology pt 2)
-sam had a crush on peter for basically forever, but peter only realised his feelings when he found sam unconscious in space (gotg episode) and realised just how much sam meant to him
-speaking of the gotg episode, sam teases peter mercilessly about what peter said about him to the rest of the team
-peter's favourite animals are sharks (projecting❤️). his favourite types are lemon and greenland
-sam absolutely LOVES getting flowers. he keeps them in the open. his favourite are sunflowers
-peter learnt a bunch about flowers for this reason
-sam is a good painter
-peter has autism and adhd
-both of them complain to ava about how oblivious and straight the other one is. ava is sick of their shit
-peter calls sam starlight. sam gets flustered every time he does
i cant stand them.
-sam has his licence. he doesnt have a car, since he can just fly everywhere
-peter's lockscreen is a selfie of him and sam
-their first date was at an arcade.
-sam is surprisingly good at shooter games, while peter leans more towards rhythm games
-their second date was at a park, during a meteor shower. neither of them knew it would happen
-sam confessed first
-peter has really bad insomnia
-sam prefers hot chocolate, and peter prefers tea
-sam curses in both alien and spanish. peter loves it when he does
-they plan to move in together for college
-peter's favourite band is breakup shoes (projecting pt 2 ❤️ STREAM THEIR SONGS)
-they have eachother's takeaway orders memorised
-they have biweekly movie marathons together
-peter always has a stash of bandaids on him
-sam had a very short lived job at a pizza place. peter came there every night to dunk on him
-peter cries easily, especially when hes angry
-sam bottles his emotions
-peter is a dog person
-sam is a cat person
-peter has a stuffed toy collection
-when sam gets extremely overwhelmed or upset, he flies to the moon
-peter is bi and sam is gay
-sam enjoys wearing dresses + skirts in private
-they're both on t and have had top surgery, courtesy of shield (wish that were me rn)
-peter gets sunburned very easily (everyone point at the white boy and laugh)
-they both have freckles, but peter's are more visible
-sam has flecks of gold and hazel in his eyes + long eyelashes
-peter has small hands + feet (projecting pt 3❤️)
-sam is the reigning champing of mario cart
-peter knows ballet
-sam has made it a mission to buy every piece of spidey merch he can find
-peter bites his nails
anyway iiiiii love tjem so much. so much. feel free to add ur own hcs to this list i love hearing them
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Itadori Dating Headcanons
The two of you have Just Dance battles. Loser has to clean the bathroom.
Every night is movie night.
You, Itadori, and Gojo tried to go hiking once and lost Gojo in the forest. Rumor has it he is still there.
Mario Kart gets intense with you two.
You steal all of his sweatshirts.
Speaking of clothes, he is insists on matching couple outfits!
Every Wednesday he posts you for his Woman Crush Wednesday and the caption is always about how much he loves you. 
If you don’t identify as female, he posts at least once a week about you and how much he loves you.
Itadori definitely takes your phone and will post a selfie on your snapchat story with “Hacked”.
Arcade dates!
Nanami definitely gives Itadori money to take you to a nice restaurant at least once a month. Nanami calls these proper dates. He also makes Itadori dress nicely for these.
Gojo will occasionally follow you all to see if Itadori actually uses his dating tips.
Itadori’s lockscreen is a picture of you two being goofy.
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azenkii · 4 years
Modern Mailee headcanons
because these girls have officially started living in my head rent free:
mai usually either has her nails unpainted, and when she does paint them she uses the closest shade she can get to vantablack (side note: fuck anish kapoor). however ty lee asks one (1) time if she can paint mai's nails and mai's soft for her gf so now it's a whole thing (the first time zuko sees mai with little white flowers painted on her pastel pink nails he's convinced she's pranking him)
ty lee has one of those bikes with the basket on the front because she is the ultimate cottagecore lesbian
ty lee uses the aforementioned bike to cycle to the farmers' market, so it's not uncommon to see her riding her bike with like. a bunch of fruits and loaves of bread in the basket. she literally looks like a movie character
when they move in together they adopt a little fluffy calico cat and name her fifi (idk it just seemed right)
ty lee and mai are both really good at roller skating, and sometimes they just hold hands and skate down the sidewalk with their drinks in hand
mai comes to watch every single one of ty lee's acrobatics competitions. the one time she misses it it's because she got into a minor car accident on the way (ty lee nearly has a heart attack when she gets the call)
ty lee likes to leave little sticky notes around the house with cute messages on them for mai to find (like a "hey there, sugarcakes ;)" taped to the fridge or smth)
(mai writes the date of each note on the back and keeps them all in a box in her closet. ty lee finds the box while looking for a pair of shoes and can't stop grinning for the rest of the day)
ty lee is the only person who's allowed to post pictures of mai online without having to ask permission before each one. she usually does still ask but mai won't mind if she doesn't (she trusts ty lee not to post anything she wouldn't be okay with)
ty lee brings mai along with her when she goes clothes shopping. mai pretends to hate it but secretly she loves seeing ty lee get all happy and excited over clothes. (ty lee knows, but she pretends she doesn't)
mai does ty lee's hair for her in the mornings and, because i will stick by florist!mai till the day i die, she sometimes slips a little flower in there that ty lee doesn't find until she checks the mirror later
ty lee does mai's makeup for her
when they were still in the early stages of their relationship mai made ty lee a playlist that she still listens to to this day
one time, while they were at a bar, mai was winning a darts competition when she saw a guy put something in ty lee's drink. the next dart ended up in the guy's belt and mai is now banned from that bar for life
(mai's only regret about throwing that dart is that she threw it too high. a little lower, and she would've eliminated any chance of that guy ever having children)
ty lee, zuko and azula are the only people who know that mai was trained in classical ballroom dancing when she was a kid. mai usually hates showing it off but will occasionally dance with ty lee when she feels like it
picnic dates picnic dates picnic dates picnic da
most people think that mai would be better at mario kart than ty lee. most people would be wrong.
they bought each other promise rings from the arcade when they were kids. when they started dating, they bought a new pair (that pair was then replaced by engagement and marriage rings)
the one and only time ty lee ever punched someone right in the face was when mai got into an argument with some guys and one of them called her a 'frigid, stuck-up, arrogant bitch'. ty lee promptly broke that guy's nose.
whenever ty lee's having a bad day mai will either a) give her flowers, b) cook one of her favourite foods, or c) get fifi and announce that they're having movie night, right now, get out the blankets and sit down,
if their relationship with azula is decent then they go on friend outings that inevitably turn into dates with azula third wheeling
if their relationship with azula isn't decent then they do the exact same thing but with zuko instead of azula
mai's biggest secret is this: she has a glitter stash. she uses it on the anniversary/birthday/other event cards she makes for ty lee. ty lee has been sworn to secrecy because zuko is not allowed to know about this
ty lee always ties these super elaborate bows on her presents that everyone else struggles to untie. mai, on the other hand, can undo it in like five seconds. ty lee took this as a challenge and every gift she gives mai has an increasingly more complicated bow on it
aquarium dates aquarium dates aquarium dates aquarium da
they have this giant 20,000 piece puzzle that they've been working on together for ages. when they finally finish it, they get it framed and hang it in the living room
ty lee's lockscreen is a selfie of her and mai. mai's lockscreen is one of the built-in ones but her homescreen is a candid photo of ty lee about to get on her bike
feel free to add on! and if anyone wants to use these you are 100% welcome
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dyingpleasehelp · 4 years
Tagged by @systematichurling :)
Tag eight people you’d like to get to know better! I’m tagging: idk sorry. :( do it if you want to :)
Favourite colours: Purple! then green, and orange, and teal. my room walls are painted teal :)
Last song I listened to: uhh.. hm... does this count?
Favourite musicians: Oingo Boingo, DEVO, Depeche Mode, The Paper Chase, Wall of Voodoo, Bill Wurtz, Mr.Bungle, Will Wood, OK Go, Lemon Demon, and whoever composed/wrote the immense amount of movie/video game/musical soundtracks i love so much.
Last film I watched: I think it was the Mario Bros movie. That movie is so weird....
Last show I watched: Huh. I don’t know. Probably when I went to my friends house and we put on the Scream series on Netflix for background noise. We know nothing going on in that show lol. i forgot what episode we left off on.
Favourite original character: oh, hmm. Not counting characters that are. me. probably Liam-Neil. Idk.
Sweet, spicy or savoury: i cant chooooose i like them alllll why isnt sour a choice :(
Water, tea or coffee: tea and water. i havent had coffee in a long time. i havent had tea in a while but thats just because im too lazy to make the packet i picked out... maybe ill do it tomorrow or somethinggg
Pets: none :| I’m only thinking of getting. Leeches in the future. Because they are Easy and Cute Worm Things.
Lock screen, last song I listened to and last pic I saved!
my lockscreen is prince peasley.................. last song, on my phone at least, looks like it was “Tough Guy Alert!” from Bowser’s Inside Story. Last pic saved was a WIP of art om working on for Portfolio class :)
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eliza-i-wish · 4 years
Ummmmm, shipping i guess? Or just vent some stuff! 😁
these are literally just random not all of them are even controversial or make sense but welcome to my 11 pm scatterbrain
i’d love to see books and movies and stuff that don’t always end with a romantic relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I am a sucker for a (many) great romcom(s). But even in like Star Wars and stuff. I don’t think that every single piece of media ever needs to have an endgame romance.
also. i want to see healthy! realistic! not always overtly sexual portrayals of teenage relationships! ok good? good 
also the epilogue scene of on my block infuriated me but it was great cause oscar’s dream came true (I like this show but I have Strong Feelings about it especially this last season) 
this is the most random thing I have ever done
here’s a 🔥opinion: my hair needs to freaking get it together like I love you sis but you gotta work with me
y’all know american pie? that 10 minute song from what? The 70s? 80s? that hits different after you literally watch someone on stranger things get murdered to that song but it still be sorta slapping. as I descend into my eventual insanity and reality becomes false, its uninterpretable nonsense becomes more and more of a mood
while Disney was a part of everyone’s childhood, it deserves less respect
remember when I only listened to Hamilton? WORK (all my love to lmm he’s amazin)
I wish we could have a redo on 2020, also I hate politics
nytw chant ii is the best song off of the nytw recording (hadestown)
me, talking: also, also, also, a l s o,,,
lumi I apologize you’re probably so confused right now.
c HE e S S EE e.
you know orpheus? he’s great. he’s pretty. he’s also my phone lockscreen. I LOVE YOU GUYS
marya dimitryevna vs Mario who will win
I crave for naught but chocolate and the routine I went by before the world was cancelledcountry roads take me home to the place I belong... ZE HAUS OF HOLBEIN
hottest topic of all. I should go to bed
*the deep piano opening of chant i ominously plays in the distance somewhere*
this has been a glimpse of sunny’s inner 11:00 brain. thank you amber gray for existing and GOOD NIGHT 
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