#itadori yūji
satorufever · 2 days
megumi you aren't hiding it very well...
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miraiimoon · 2 days
Его одежда
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Gojo Satoru
Сатору обожает, когда Вы носите его одежду. Даже, если Вам не хочется или нет необходимости, он может в наглую снять с Вас футболку и надеть свою. А потом весь день довольно пялиться.
Не дай бог снять эту вещь. Глаза шамана округляются до размера Земли, и он начинает обижаться, возмущаться, скулить и хныкать.
― Как ты могла? Ты больше меня не любишь? Я перестал быть важен?
― Тору, милый, о чём ты говоришь? Мне просто неудобно. Твоя футболка слишком большая для меня.
― Это не значит, что ты можешь её снять.
― Хорошо, успокойся. Сейчас я переоденусь, ― Вы попытались взять футболку, чтобы пойти переодеться, но Годжо мгновенно выхватил одежду из Ваших рук.
― А уже всё, уже не надо. Я уже успел обидеться. Можешь носить свою одежду сколько угодно. Мою больше не получишь. И не проси, не дам!
Сатору демонстративно развернулся на пятках и трагично убежал в комнату, плакать в подушку. Ему на самом деле немного обидно, ведь Вы никогда не просили его одежду, а блондину очень хотелось бы видеть любимую в своих вещах (Годжо любит осознавать насколько Вы меньше по сравнению с ним).
После того как мужчина немного погрустит, он будет поднимать себе настроение сладким, за которым пойдёт на кухню. А там Вы, в его футболке. Как итог, Сатору рад и больше не грустит.
Теперь Вы будете чаще носить его одежду. Особенно зная, что это может закончиться неожиданным приливом «голода» у мужчины по его главному «десерту».
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Nanami Kento
Сначала блондин не обращал внимания, что его одежда иногда пропадает. А немного погодя стал замечать свои вещи на Вас. В основном футболки и рубашки, а иногда даже и спортивные штаны.
Самым пиком был галстук Нанами на голое тело. Он потом использовал его, чтобы связать Вам руки.
Мужчина немного раздражался после того, как узнал, что Вы воруете одежду. Но со временем привык к этому и отдал несколько своих вещей, а вот спортивные штаны со страстью сорвал.
― Милая, может уже снимешь мою майку? Мне она нужна, ― Нанами подошёл сзади, положив руку на поясницу.
― Я хотела, чтобы она стала моим платьем.
― Может я лучше куплю тебе платье?
― Нет, хочу твою майку.
― Ладно, тогда нужно будет купить мне больше маек. Учитывая, что половина из них станет твоими платьями.
― Верно, любимый, ― Вы развернулись и поцеловали Кенто в губы.
Блондин уже пытался отдать Вам сразу несколько своих вещей, но получил категорический отказ. Якобы, новые вещи не пахнут им и носить их не так приятно.
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Itadori Yuji
Юджи совсем не против того, что Вы носите его вещи. Только не забирайте всё, иначе парню будет не в чем ходить.
Вы тоже делитесь со своим молодым человеком одеждой. В основном это большие футболки, шарфы и возможно некоторые кофты больших размеров.
Изначально парень был сбит с толку тем фактом, что его одежда начала пропадать. Он даже не подумал на Вас. А когда вещи возвращались на место, он сразу понял, кто это, но не стал останавливать Ваше маленькое развлечение.
― Юджи, милый, ты не видел мою футболку? ― спросили Вы, выходя из душа в полотенце.
― Видел, но это моя футболка, ― не отрываясь от журнала, ответил маг.
― Я знаю, он мне тоже очень нравится. Поэтому раздевайся.
Итадори смотрела на Вас шокированным взглядом, всё ещё надеясь, что это была шутка.
― Снимай быстро!
Бедный парень от испуга выронил журнал и стал наспех снимать футболку. Как итог, довольная и счастливая девушка, и «ограбленный» парень.
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У Гробовщика особо и не возьмёшь одежды, чтобы носить в повседневной жизни; она вся чёрная. А как иначе, он ведь хоронит людей.
Хотя порой его верхнюю одежду можно использовать, чтобы согреться. Но он её так просто не отдаст, сначала шутки, после одежда.
Любимый Ваш «образ» у Гробовщика, это его верхняя одежда накинута на голое тело и цилиндр. Так мужчина имеет лёгкий доступ к Вашему телу, да и созерцать подобное ― услада для зелёных глаз.
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Aizawa Shouta
Можете отобрать его чёрные кофты и футболки.
В принципе Айзава не против, хотя у него создаётся впечатление, что у Вас нет своей одежды.
Единственный вариант, когда мужчине нравится его одежда на Вашем теле, это попытка соблазнить и ему сложно отказать в таком. Но ещё больше Шота любит медленно снимать с Вас одежду и наблюдать за реакцией на его действия.
Брюнет старается не оставлять Вас надолго, иначе вся его одежда пропадёт мгновенно и ему нужно будет искать свою среди Вашей. По этой же причине Айзава чаще обнимает, чтобы его запах оставался с Вами подольше.
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Hibari Kyoya
Дай Вам бог здоровья, если решите взять одежду Хранителя Облака без его ведома и разрешения. Как мы знаем Хибари строг и всегда следует правилам. А такого правила, как давать одежду своей девушке у него нет.
Большинство одежды Кёи ― это классические костюмы в силу его должности. Поэтому единственное, что Вы можете позаимствовать у своего молодого человека, это рубашки. В крайнем случае пижаму.
Хранитель крайне недоволен, когда увидит, что его вещи используют без разрешения. И он быстро найдёт выход из этой ситуации. Мужчина привык мгновенно решать проблемы.
― Кёя? ― взгляд Вашего парня явно ничего хорошего не сулил. ― Я ведь извинилась, не смотри на меня так.
― Как? ― в его тоне была нотка игривости.
― Как хищник на добычу.
― Не могу иначе, ведь так и есть. Ты оступилась, зверёк. Очень сильно, и теперь моя задача научить тебя как делать позволено, а как нет. Ну и наказать, разумеется.
― За что? Я ведь ничего не испортила. С твоей одеждой всё в порядке.
― Я не разрешал тебе.
― Многие пары так делают, ― Ваш взгляд опустился на пол, а громкость голоса понизилась.
― Тебя ждёт наказание за непослушание, ― брюнет подошёл ближе и опустился к уху. ― И так будет каждый раз. Только своей жене я позволю носить свою одежду. А до тех пор, пока этого не случилось, ты будешь получать наказания, если попытаешься сделать так ещё раз.
Вот и как можно на такое спокойно реагировать? По сути прямой намёк на Ваше будущее с ним до самого конца. Но Вы ведь снова возьмёте его одежду. Наказания Хибари слишком горячие, чтобы отказаться от них.
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Герцог и сам с большим удовольствием отдаст Вам свою одежду. Но при одном условии ― вы должны находиться дома, подальше от глаз посторонних. На людях мужчина готов отдать своё пальто, чтобы согреть от холода.
А вот дома Ризли любит смотреть как Вы расхаживаете по жилищу в его вещах.
Любимый образ брюнета ― это его красный галстук на шее любимой. И больше ничего. Есть у герцога кинк на разницу в размере между вами.
Ризли сложно отказать Вам в чём-либо, возможно это связано с его прошлым, и он не хочет больше оставаться один.
Он всегда укутывает Вас в своё пальто, когда вы вместе пьёте чай в его кабинете. В крепости довольно прохладно и брюнет знает, что Вы можете легко замёрзнуть.
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Diluc Ragnvindr
Немного удивлён тем фактом, что Вам нравится носить его одежду. Она гораздо больше и должно быть некомфортно ходить так целый день.
Но Вам удаётся сочетать большие рубашки возлюбленного со своими юбками и штанами, что ему очень нравится.
Дилюк даже готов Вам помочь в подборе одежды и аксессуаров для составления образа.
Как-то раз Вы составили образ используя стиль любимого и мелкие детали из его одежды. Он был в восторге от того, что его любимой всё к лицу.
Единственное, чем недоволен молодой человек, это сложность, а порой и многослойность Ваших нарядов. Ведь раздевать от такого доставляет ему дискомфорт.
― Милая, ― тяжело выдохнул Дилюк.
― Помочь? ― Вы с озорством посмотрели в ответ.
― Да.
Ему было тяжело признать поражение, но молодой человек был повержен в «схватке» с Вашими новомодными штанами. Вы с лёгкостью справились с застёжками и посмотрели на Дилюка.
― Пожалуйста, больше не надевай таких … нарядов.
― Тебе не нравится?
― Нет, что ты. Мне всегда нравится как ты выглядишь. Вот только мы будем вынуждены отложить момент нашей близости до утра. Раньше я с этой загадкой не справлюсь.
Вы тихо засмеялись над словами любимого и целомудренно поцеловали в щеку. Что заставило его немного покраснеть от смущения.
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Крайне ошарашен увидев Вас в своей рубашке. Чжун Ли живёт уже достаточно долго на этой земле, но люди всё так же продолжают его удивлять. Хотя, когда это делает любимая, гораздо приятнее.
Вы ка-то пытались облачиться во фрак, но снять его с мужчины крайне сложно. Он эталон для подражания и его образ тому доказательство. Нельзя просто так взять и забрать у него частичку его образа.
Моракс снимает одежду, только тогда, когда ложится спать с Вами. Он тщательно следит за тем, чтобы его вещи были аккуратно сложены, дабы избежать мятого и неопрятного вида.
У Вас будет лишь мгновение, когда Гео Архонт отвернётся, чтобы украсть его фрак и быстро накинуть его на голое тело. А после с улыбкой наблюдать за реакцией. У Чжун Ли всегда непробиваемое (каменное) лицо, чтобы не случилось и сложно понять, что он думает. Но в этот раз каменным будет не только его лицо. Не надевайте его фрак, если не хотите, чтобы Вас «мучали» всю ночь.
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Dan Heng
Ещё один спокойный и невозмутимый мужчина, который с ноткой лёгкого удивления реагирует, когда Вы берёте его одежду.
Учитывая, что Дань Хэн привык к Вашим неожиданным выпадам, идеям и поведению, он вполне ожидал чего-то такого.
Брюнет как раз вышел из душа, когда увидел Вас в трусах, его водолазке и пальто. Вы услышали тяжёлый выдох сзади и обернулись.
― Ты могла бы снять мои вещи?
― Нет.
― Почему?
― Они пахнут тобой, и создаётся такое впечатление, что ты меня обнимаешь.
Дань Хэн опустил взгляд на пол, но ничего не ответил.
Уже через несколько часов, когда вы легли спать, он Вас крепко обнял, давая понять, что сказанные слова не были пустым звуком.
― Я не привык выражать свои эмоции и чувства, и в любви я крайне плох. Поэтому, если тебе чего-то не хватает или что-то нужно, скажи мне прямо. Я готов испол��ить любое твоё заветное желание.
― Тогда обнимай меня почаще.
― Разумеется.
― Но это не значит, что я перестану носить твою одежду.
― Да, я так и подумал.
― А ты сильно устал?
― Зависит от того, что ты хочешь.
― Сек��.
― Спокойной ночи, ― брюнет мгновенно выпустил Вас из своих объятий и перевернулся на другой бок.
― Дань Хэн!
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noisylovepatrol · 8 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 - Shibuya Incident Arc PV
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angio2244 · 5 months
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nausnian · 5 months
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The great monk Geto suguru will see you now
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megumize · 2 months
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🏳‍🌈the fruitiest trio‼️‼️
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juniperarts · 2 years
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freyzrc · 5 months
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Day 217 With this sukuna complete, this concludes my new jjk prints for year end con! ^-^ 🖤🤍 You can find the other half of the gang : here! (Sorry nanami and toji fans, i'm very sick and have limited time to get everything done u^u maybe i'll do a duo of them after everything settles down~)
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onnie-giri · 1 year
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cup noods(less) 🍜
wanted a change of pace and experiment on something different ^^
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gabbyp09 · 6 months
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Baby yuji
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notalent0 · 5 months
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“just what do you think, you’ll be able to do, brat?” ITADORI VS SUKUNA / fan art
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softxsuki · 4 months
Hey, hope you're doing great! Can i ask an urgent request, a jjk x fem reader where the reader is left in a vegetative state after a mission, all them seeing her for the first time in intensive care with multiple tubes going in and out of her while she was fighting for her life in a coma, and like when she wakes up she's clueless the first days, struggling to say what she wants or express any emotions because she's unable to talk (and move also) Hope it's not a burden to you <33
Megumi, Gojo, and Itadori With S/O Who's In A Coma After A Mission
| Pairings: Megumi x Fem!Reader, Gojo x Fem!Reader, Itadori x Fem!Reader | Genre: Hurt Comfort, Angst | Post-Type: Headcanons | Word Count: 1.07k |
Warnings: mentions of death (no one actually dies), past character deaths, despair, crying (in itadori's), reader in a coma
Note: Hello <3 Happy New Year. I actually really enjoyed writing this one. One of my fav jjk posts so far 0.0 hope you and anyone else that reads it also enjoys it! And I hope your situation with your family has improved <3
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Megumi is in shock as soon as he finds out you’re in a coma after your recent mission
You had assured him you’d be okay, and in that moment, regret fills him for not pushing to be there with you
He’d already gone through this with Itadori years ago when he thought he was dead after that one mission they were on together, and now here you were clinging on to life, one of the most important people in his life
He was scared he’d never see you awake again, yet he remained calm on the outside, coming to the hospital to visit you everyday
You were in the same hospital as his sister, who was also in a coma, so he was also able to visit her more often while you were there
The two most important women in his life were practically lifeless on hospital beds, it killed him
However, hope filled him one day when he saw your fingers fidget and he immediately ran to get a doctor–you were waking up
Confusion fills you as soon as your eyes open, you can’t quite put together where you were, the last thing you remembered was fighting that powerful curse before everything went dark and now you were in a room surrounded by people in white coats
The doctors had just finished removing your breathing tube since you were finally stable and conscious 
Megumi feels his shoulders lighten as he sees your eyes open, you were alert, which was a good sign
He takes a seat beside you, the chair he’d been glued in since he found out you were in a coma and takes your hand to let you know he was there as the doctors started their examination on you to make sure you were doing well
The next few days are tough on you as you struggle to move or speak due to going so long without doing both of those things while in a coma, but Megumi is by your side the whole time helping you out
He spends his every waking moment by your side, taking care of you until you’re back to your normal self
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Like Megumi, Gojo is also worried of course, but that worry doesn’t show on the outside
Yet everyone around him knows something is wrong because he’s unusually quiet and doesn’t joke around anymore, he’s become very serious
He was the strongest in the world, yet couldn’t do one simple job and keep you safe? He was beyond disappointed in himself
There was so much responsibility on his shoulders that the elders threw on him, but they didn’t dare request him during these weeks while you were in a coma
Gojo was unstable and there was no telling what he’d do if anyone pushed him too far, so he spent his time visiting you, and continuing to teach and train his students, the only two things he could find the energy to do, but all solo missions were at a standstill
Even after you awaken, Gojo still isn’t himself, his attention is now fully on your recovery and making sure the doctors are doing their utmost best to make sure you recover fully
The thought that he was so close to losing you just like so many of his other friends and colleagues terrified him, he felt unworthy of his title of the strongest, but moving forward he’s even more protective of you after seeing how easy it was to almost lose you
So after you’re released from the hospital and sent back home, finally able to speak and move around again, Gojo is on high alert
He feels paranoid that something will happen to you again so he pushes back his missions and has the elders give them to other sorcerers in the meantime so he can watch over you
It kills you to see him this way so you’ll have to do your best to persuade him that you’ll be fine and safe, he can’t spend his whole life glued to your side, that’s no way for him to live
So it does take a while to persuade him to continue his work, but he makes sure to keep you heavily guarded while you’re still in recovery
It will take a while before he’s back to his usual self, just give him some time
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Itadori is probably the most visibly impacted one after hearing the news that you were in a coma after your latest mission
He’s another one who has lost countless people and felt responsible for not being strong enough to protect them, and now he couldn’t even protect you
He’s distraught, silent tears falling from his eyes as he makes a promise to exorcize the curse that did this to you
If he wasn’t by your side, he was out on the streets eliminating curse after curse, waiting for the moment he’d come across the curse that put your life in danger, he wouldn’t be going easy on it
It kills him to see all those tubes connected to your body, you looked so fragile, like any tiny gust of wind will have your heart monitor flat lining at any given moment, he was terrified 
He experienced too much loss already, if he lost you as well, he’d never recover
So when he receives a call from your doctor, he’s already running to the hospital before he even picks up the phone
You were awake
Tears of relief fall from his eyes when he sees for himself that you are in fact awake–your eyes on him as he enters your hospital room, eyes he thought he’d never see again
He collapses at your side, pulling you into his arms, almost scared that if he let go, he’d never see you again
The weeks of your recovery go smoothly with Itadori by your side though, he listens to everything the doctors say and helps you get back on your feet, literally
Walking became difficult for you, so he became your cane
Even talking hurt your throat, but he’d speak for you until your throat healed up andyou could speak again
He was incredibly attentive and caring during the next few weeks of your recovery and made a vow that nothing like this would ever happen to you again so long as he was alive and by your side
And that was a promise he’d keep forever
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Posted: 1/1/2024
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angio2244 · 8 months
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emotionalmessss · 1 year
A/N: sukuna one-shot after my small hiatus from writing. I'll be looking over my requests and changing up my rules a bit, but enjoy!
Synopsis: studying with Yuji doesn't go as planned when sukuna decides to make a surprise appearance.
Warnings: heavy non-con, humiliation, slight yandere, slight violence, all sorts of bodily fluids, angst I guess, forced, size difference, sukuna is an ass. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Word count: 6.7K
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“Yuji!” I called out from the living room. “Yuji!” 
I fiddled with the pen that was tucked between my fingers as I waited for any sort of answer. I couldn’t think of a worse person to teach than Yuji. He could barely sit still for more than a few minutes before his mind wandered and he grew fidgety. I was previously enjoying my Friday afternoon at home, and alone, before Gojo called to inform me that my plans were going to change. 
Not that I entirely cared, I could use the company from- 
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a slam coming from the adjoined room of my apartment.
“Fuck.” I groaned and caught the pen in my palm, giving it a tight squeeze before glancing up at the doorway.   
“Get your ass out of the kitchen now!” I demanded, raising my voice since my previous call to him was ineffective. 
My legs folded awkwardly beneath my body as Yuji came rushing out of the doorway - a bag of chips and cookies tucked under his arms as he watched me with widened eyes. My eyes glided over his face with a look of disapproval, my lips pulled straight as he jumbled the contents in his hands. 
“Are you done raiding my pantry?” My lips shifted into a sarcastic smile. “Food can wait.” 
“Training was hard! Maki had us working overtime today.” He pouted as he began walking towards the couch. He dropped the cookies onto the table, but gripped the chips like he thought it was going to be his last meal. 
I reached down for the papers and shook them in his face. “That doesn’t mean you can slack off on your school work!” 
He flinched, his hands shooting up to block his head from my banter. “I can’t think on an empty stomach!” Yuji gave me a nervous smile, his eyes closing as he chuckled. 
I tossed the papers onto the table. “You can’t think regardless.” I poked playfully at him. 
“Hey!” Yuji pouted as he ripped open the bag of chips. I watched as he fished a handful out and shoved them into his mouth. Crumbs fell from his lips and onto his black slacks - I guess he changed back into his uniform after working with Maki and Panda.  
“It’s true.” I fully turned to look at him, adjusting myself on the couch. “Not all your learning can be done in the field.” I watched as he dug his hand into the bag again and leaned over towards the textbooks and papers in front of us. 
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” He grumbled, his lips pulled back into a frown as he looked down at the work he fell behind on. He squinted for a moment before looking back up at me. “Oh! You know what would be great?” Yuji quipped, seemingly attempting at stalling. 
“What would that be?” Another heavy sigh came out. 
“Some tea! It could help us relax and -” 
I cut him off with a laugh, swatting the back of his head gently. “I’ll make some tea after we finish the first page.”
Yuji let out a small groan of annoyance, his mouth pulling down into a frown. I watched patiently as his head tilted down in acknowledgement. Another smile pulled at my lips as he situated himself on the couch, hunching over slightly as he read over the pages. I had met Yuji a few months back, along with Nobara and Megumi. We all got along well, and had frequent missions all together. But I grew closer to Yuji than I did with everyone else. His mannerisms were often like a child, always smiling and giddy. I found it difficult to remind myself that he is the vessel of a thousand year old curse that has a taste for blood and chaos. 
Ryoumen Sukuna. The King of Curses.   
I glanced over at Yuji slowly, watching as he worked through the readings and questions at a decent pace. He’d be faster if he didn’t second guess himself so much. He was smarter than he let on. He hadn’t even asked me for help yet - too stubborn to seek help from others. 
Yuji trained almost every day with Gojo and Maki, upping his strength and keeping Sukuna at bay. I was astonished at his drive to succeed and rid the world of curses. He seemed to be unfazed by the monster hidden deep within his subconscious. 
Megumi told me about the first time he met Sukuna, through Yuji’s body of course. He told me that he felt like he couldn’t even breathe, like all of the air was suddenly sucked out of the air by just being in his presence. His cursed energy was on a whole other level, even when he wasn’t in his true form. Megumi explained that it was one of the few times where he didn’t know what to do. Should he exercise the boy who impulsively consumed one of those wretched fingers? Should he call for help? Should he run? I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that must’ve been like. I didn’t even want to. 
Thinking about it made my stomach churn and my mouth dry up-  
“Y/N?” I heard his voice call out. 
My vision came back into focus as I turned to glance at the salmon hair coloured boy. “Hm?” 
“You kinda zoned out there, are you okay?” 
Oh, nothing really. Just lost in thought about the blood thirsty curse hidden deep in your body that liked to come out at the worst of times. Nothing much, you know. I monologued to myself, keeping my expression blank. 
“I was just thinking of making us some tea now.” I forced a small smile and brushed a stray hair out of my eyes. I didn’t want to concern Yuji with my own paranoia, he faced enough of it from the Elders and everyone else that came into contact with him. 
He watched me, carefully studying my facial expressions to see if I was hiding anything. 
“I have this new one that I just bought, I think you’d like it.” I pushed myself up from the couch, not wanting to cause Yuji to worry more than he already did. I carried myself over to the doorway and paused for a moment to look back at him, “you’re doing great with your work. I was watching the entire time.” I flashed another smile, which caused Yuji’s expression to mirror my own from the praise. 
“Thanks, y/n.” 
I gave a small nod before disappearing into the kitchen. I needed a minute to myself, and couldn’t understand the sudden anxiety creeping up inside my subconscious. It’s not like I was in any danger being around him. I spent more time with Yuji than I did with anyone else, he almost spent more time at my apartment than his own dorm. 
Still, with all the reassurance that I engraved into my head, I couldn’t help but feel a gnawing anxiety in the back of my head. Christ, what was going on with me?  
As I waited for the tea to brew, I peeked into the living room. 
Yuji leaned over the table, pen in hand, and his free hand coming up to scratch the back of his head. His brows furrowed in concentration as he worked through his readings and questions silently. He huffed slightly and I realized that he was probably stuck somewhere and that I would need to guide him. 
My attention focused back on the tea, which I now poured into two glass mugs. The liquid steamed and smelt wonderful. I balanced them both in my hands and made my way back over to the living room. Yuji still sat in the same position, frowning deeper. 
“Stuck?” I asked, placing down the mug beside him and plopping back onto the couch. 
“Yeah, I don’t understand this.” He pointed down. 
I leaned over beside him, pulling my skirt further down my legs as I did so. “Oh, that’s easy.” I began walking him through the readings and explaining the questions a little deeper. He seemed to be getting a hang of it pretty quickly. He was definitely smarter than he let on.      
“You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for.” I muttered, sipping at my tea. 
Yuji turned to look at me, a small blush creeping up at his cheeks as he let out a nervous chuckle. “You’re just saying that. Besides, there’s no way that I could get this done without your help.” He reached for his mug, taking a small gulp before grimacing. 
“What is it?” I asked before it dawned on me. “Oh right. You like honey in your tea.” I jumped off the couch before he could say another word, rushing off to grab the jar from the cupboard. 
I reached up for the little jar that was tucked away behind the other cans and nonperishables. As soon as I grabbed it, my ears caught the noise of a small clattering coming from the other room. I dropped flat on my feet and glanced over in the same direction. 
“Yuji?” I called out, walking towards the noise. “Are you okay?” 
I peered around the corner slowly, sticking just my head out. “Yuji?” I looked over at the now empty couch. His papers and snacks were sprawled out everywhere and his cup of tea was knocked over, dripping onto the floor. 
My attention drifted over to the front door, which was still shut and locked from earlier. 
“Yuji, quit messing around.” I stood in the doorway now, my eyes searching for any sign of him. Was he trying to freak me out? He usually fooled around like this, but he was so engaged in his work; jumping out and scaring me seemed like it would be the last thing on his mind. 
My fingers tightened around the jar of honey, frowning as I saw the mess left behind. It almost looked like there was a - oh god. My legs started to move towards the front door, before I even had time to process everything. I couldn’t explain the feeling, but whatever this was, it was telling me to get the fuck out, and fast. 
The tips of my fingers grazed the cool metal of the handle, shaking heavily as I fumbled with the lock. 
My body froze completely when the sound of a throaty, deep chuckle reached my ears. Much to my dismay, my movements halted and I could no longer control my body. My back was turned away from the eerie sound, my heart trying to convince me that it was all in my head. 
Heavy footsteps followed when I made no attempt to react. The beating in my chest amplified, my hands loosening just enough for the jar that I still held to fall and shatter against the flooring beneath me. 
“Leaving so soon?” The deep voice asked, still sounding like they were behind me, only a few feet back
A small squeak slipped from my lips as I finally managed to gain control over my body. Although, I did not turn to face that ominous voice. Instead, I glanced down to the broken jar at my feet; the sticky honey pooled at my toes, pieces of glass reflected back up at me. 
My hand was still wrapped around the doorknob, debating on my options. Could I unlock the door, open it, and run down the hallway and outside before they reached me? Would I have time to scream for help? Would anyone actually come? My thoughts were running a million miles per second and I couldn’t keep up. 
Another laugh echoed behind me, this time it sounded amused. I twisted my head back to finally make eye contact, only to feel my last shred of hope disappear when I noticed who - no what, was behind me. 
A shaky breath fell from my lips as my eyes focused on His face. The black markings spread down from beneath Yuji’s bright eyes, reaching all the way to his chin. Another two marks stretched across his nose and on his forehead, solidifying my previous fears. While it was technically Yuji’s body, it didn’t really look like him anymore. He seemed to grow a foot taller, while his training outfit strained under new muscle mass. 
Sukuna. Fucking Sukuna.  
The expression on his face almost sent me into a panic attack. He watched me like a predator stalking its prey, head tilted ever so slightly while his lips pulled back into a smirk. He knew. He fucking knew. My pupils were blown wide as I gripped the handle tighter, attempting to use my thumb to unlock it as I maintained eye contact with the curse that adorned my best friend's face and body. 
The air in the room felt thick like glue, wrapping around my chest and choking me out. Was this what Megumi felt? Constricting and suffocating? 
Sukuna’s eyes moved from mine and floated down my body, lingering slightly on my chest and waist before shooting back up to read my expression. As much as I wanted to cringe at his prying eyes, I managed to keep a straight face. I wanted nothing more than to run down the hallway and find Gojo, but I knew that was exactly what he wanted. 
His wandering eyes caused a rush of heat to flow through me, unsettling my already flipped stomach. No. He couldn’t possibly-
Megumi’s stories lingered in the back of my head. He’s on a whole other level, Y/N. You can’t take him on yourself. If he ever switches with Yuji, you run and find Gojo or me. He would tell me whenever Yuji wasn’t around. I guess he didn’t want to make Yuji feel even worse than he already did, as he was the vessel. 
“Well?” Sukuna spoke again, the deepest of his voice startling me to jolt straighter. “Aren’t you going to run?” He sounded bored, almost like he was annoyed that I wasn’t reacting. I knew that he wanted me to react, whether it was to run, scream, cry, or beg him to switch back with Yuji.  
I swallowed hard. “No. That’s exactly what you want and I don’t want to give you the satisfaction.” I fully turned to face him, letting my hand drop from the handle. 
My body buzzed with adrenaline to escape, but I knew there was no way that I could outrun him. I had to play this smart. Yuji was almost certainly fighting for control, but he must be exhausted and weak from all of his training. It was going to take him longer. I just had to stall a little bit.  Despite the pep talk that I mentally gave myself, I still felt horrified. My breathing stunted unconsciously, restricting the access of air into my lungs. 
Sukuna’s arms crossed over his chest and he grinned, flashing me his unnaturally sharp canines. 
“Have it your way then.” 
Before I could fully process his words, he dove towards me. I gasped and leaped out of the doorway, narrowly escaping his sudden attack. Fuck. So much for stalling. I stumbled over my own feet as I threw myself over the back of the couch, landing on my unsteady feet. My body spun around in an instant, focused on keeping him within my sight. Sukuna watched me as I took a small step backwards, but remained on the other side of the couch. 
“Stay the fuck away from me.” I took another hesitant step back, eyes darting back to the door. No more stalling. Yuji wasn’t going to come back out for a while. It was time to get the fuck out of here and fast. I had limited options on where I could go. Getting to the front door meant that I would have to run by him, which certainly meant he would capture me. Running to my bedroom wasn’t smart either, as there was nothing to barricade myself in with. Instead, I focused on keeping the distance between our bodies.  
Sukuna’s eyes brightened when he watched me stumble back, enjoying the fear that he was pulling from me. It was sick. My every move was being studied by his crimson eyes, anticipating what I would do next. 
“You’re just as annoying as that brat.” He laughed, referring to Yuji. 
Once again, the unnerving sound of his laugh startled me into stepping backwards at a quicker pace. It was silly. I knew that retreating would not allow me an escape from the sickening sound of it. But I stepped away all the same, hoping that some distance from the Curse would grant me freedom. 
My eyes left him for only a moment, and when I looked back, he was out of my line of sight. I snapped my head from side to side, remaining on edge while I looked around the small room. Where did he go?! I bit down on my lip, and without thinking, I dove forward towards the front door again, only to be stopped. I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders and yank me backwards. Behind? How?!  
I expected to land on the ground, but my back hit something just as hard and knocked the wind out of my lungs all the same. I let out a sharp groan at the feeling, kicking and throwing my elbows back and in attempts to get free from his hold. My attacks did very little as his large hands moved from my shoulders and down to my waist. His grip was strong and sharp, digging into the soft flesh of my torso. 
“Let me go!” I trashed about, screaming and fighting furiously. 
I felt the rumble of his chest as he laughed, planting my back harder against his chest. The sudden movement surprised me, and I gasped before resuming my fight. He hummed in satisfaction, sending another wave of vibrations down my spine. 
“That’s the spirit, slut.” He growled, giving me another tight squeeze. 
I huffed, stalling my fighting. “What the fuck do you want?” My voice was low and hoarse. 
“Isn’t that a stupid question coming from a sorcerer?” He mocked, leering down towards me. His body was oddly warm, warmer than I ever thought it would be. 
I opened my mouth to respond but before I could, I felt my body being slung forward to the ground. My hands shot out and I let out another surprised cry, bracing myself for the hard fall. My knees and hands slammed against the ground, landing on all fours. Before I could stand up again, Sukuna’s foot planted on my back and pushed me onto my stomach. I let out a gasp of strangled air as I collided with the hard floor, Sukuna’s foot grinding me harder against the cool surface before retreating. 
I gritted my teeth in anger and flipped myself over clumsily. Sukuna glared down at me, his smug expression taunting me into fighting back. Instead, I started to crawl backwards, attempting to distance myself. He matched my movements and followed me backwards at a slowed pace, until he dropped over top of me. I screeched, half expecting his full weight to crush me, but he caught himself, hovering just above me. 
His red eyes focused down on mine, drinking up my quivering form. My heart felt like it was going to explode from anticipation, fearing his next movements. A sob of both fear and helplessness left my lungs as I watched those red eyes drift over my body. 
“Yuji…” I muttered softly, turning my head to the side. 
Sukuna must’ve heard me because he snorted, but chose not to respond to my helpless plea for Yuji to return. He had control in this situation, and there was no way that he was going to willingly switch back at this moment.   
The tears I fought back pooled at my lower lash line, slipping down the sides of my flushed cheeks as Sukuna gleaned over me, lowering himself closer to my face. I shut my eyes tightly and cringed back. This was it. I thought. He’s going to tear my throat out with his sharp teeth. I was going to die, choking and sputtering in my own blood. I braced myself for the pain, preparing myself for death that awaited me for open arms. Yuji…Nobara…Megumi…
I felt nothing but warmth. Was this death? My eyes snapped open when I realized that this feeling was not my blood seeping out of my throat; it was his tongue. My shriek of fear turned into disgust when I felt his tongue press flat against my jawline and lick up my cheek and over my eye. 
“Urgh… wha-” My cheek damp with his spit as I looked up at him. He wasn’t going to- no. He wouldn’t… No.    
His face retreated back from mine, a feral look of satisfaction painted across his features. My face twisted back up in disgust when I realized, causing him to chuckle. Before I could scramble away from his intentions, his arms wrapped around the back of my thighs and he pulled me against him, draping them over his own. My skirt rode up around my hips as he placed himself flush against my core, grinding against the thin fabric of my panties. 
My gaze widened and I shook my head, squirming against his grip. “No! Not this! Just kill me!” 
Sukuna laughed again, “You sorcerers really are stupid, huh?” His nails dug into the soft flesh of my thighs, parting me further open for him. 
My hands flew to meet his, scratching and pounding against them with a new sense of urgency. Shock took over my expression as I fought with a newfound strength, but it proved to be fruitless.   
“You can’t!” I cried, kicking and twisting my body. 
Sukuna bellowed out from a laugh, my frantic eyes meeting his half lidded ones, his head cocked ever so slightly to the side as he watched me. He looked as if he wanted to devour me, his tongue darted out again as he licked his lips. Sukuna felt an overwhelming sense of pleasure as I struggled in his grip. There was a deep, dark primal instinct embedded deep within him that made him enjoy forcing submission.   
“I can and I will, slut. No one is coming to save you. You’re all mine.” His hands moved faster than I ever thought as he ripped the shirt of my uniform, the cool air hitting against my already erect nipples and eliciting a sharp gasp from my lips. My chest heaved up and down as my hands flew from his and over my chest, trying to shield my body from his lustful gaze.  
Sukuna grinned, prying my hands away. He groaned, staring at my tits that were on full display. He looked hungry, as if he hadn’t eaten in years and I was the perfect meal for him, served up on a silver platter. My mouth parted when I felt something wet and slimy fall on the swell of my breasts. My eyes blew wide when I saw the glimmer of saliva slide down to my collarbone, pooling there. Drool. He drooled. 
“Oh god. You’re sick.” I cried, wanting the feeling of his skin off of mine. 
“Your God can’t save you now. Take it like the good little slut I know you are.” He wiped his chin with the back of his hand before lowering it down to my cunt, which clenched around nothing. With my skirt bunched around my hips, it provided an ease of access. Sukuna looped his finger through my panties and tore them off in one swipe. 
“No!” I tried to push his palm away futilely. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Yuji can see everything.” He oozed, his voice hitting me like a ton of bricks. “Maybe then that brat will stop jerking his cock to the thought of you.” He snickered, his fingers prodding against my dry folds. 
I squeezed my eyes shut, somehow hoping that his words would be blocked out by this. “Stop, this isn’t right.” I didn’t want to believe the things he was saying, but his taunting would not let up. 
“What’s not right? That you’re a little cock tease or that Yuji fucks his fist picturing you bent over and screaming for him?” He sneers, his fingers make work on my cunt, spreading open my folds but never reaching for my clit. 
His words felt like a vice, tightening inch by inch with every mocking word that dripped from his mouth. Despite looking like my best friend on the outside, there were no similarities on the inside. Sukuna was sadistic, cruel, and demeaning. He enjoyed the chaos he caused, having zero regard for the lives of anyone but himself. 
My reaction must’ve drawn out some pleasure from the monster above me because he spoke up again, suddenly. “You know how many times I had to listen to that brat moaning out your name?” He taunted, glimmering teeth on full display. “It’s only fair that I get a taste.” 
I felt his fingers pull away for a moment, while another shaky sigh came from my parted lips. That loss of contact only lasted for a few seconds, and then came the sense of familiarity when that warm wetness returned. My breathing stuttered as my eyes shot down to my core, immediately noticing the second mouth that formed on the palm of his hand. My mouth slacked open as I watched the thin muscle poke out and lick a stripe up my cunt. 
“Urgh-” My head fell back against the floorboards, feeling the heat begin to accumulate between my legs. 
Sukuna hummed in satisfaction, his free hand moving towards my face. I flinched when I felt his surprisingly soft hands grab my chin and turn my attention back towards him. “Eyes on me or I’ll rip them out of your pretty head.” His nails dug into the sides of my cheeks as he pinched them together. 
His tongue dragged down, gathering up the slick that quickly bloomed at my entrance before pulling back up and drawing out slow circles on the tender nub. He repeated this movement a few times, licking up and down at an agonizingly slow pace. I could hear the lewd noises that my cunt was making, his spit and my own slick mixing together into a sticky mess. As much as I fought against the feelings he was providing me, I could not fight the soft mewl of desperation when his tongue slipped into me. 
“So wet already, pathetic.” As much as I wanted to look away, I enjoyed having my eyes still in their sockets. 
Sukuna groaned at the sensation of my cunt clenching down on his appendage. He had not tasted something so good in over a century, so sweet and warm, dripping out all for him. It felt even better since he could hear Yuji crying out in the background of his mind, shouting obscenities and begging the Curse to stop his assault. Sukuna did not. His tongue dove deeper, licking and slurping like a wild animal at a feast. This was a feast. 
My reactions only spurred him on more, watching gleefully as my legs twitched and toes curled at the sensation. He watched as my eyes rolled back lazily and my hips swayed against his palm. I could feel my eyebrows pull together in a frown, desperately fighting against the feelings he was giving me. 
His tongue curled upwards and my body spasmed. Sukuna chuckled and slammed his palm on my hip, pinning me to the floor to stop my writhing. “Desperate little bitch.” 
My eyes rolled back and I felt my hips jerk involuntarily forward, seeking pressure against my unsatisfied clit. My thighs squeezed together as I tried to drown out the pulsating that grew into a gnawing feeling of pain, wanting a release. 
“Ah, ah, ah.” Sukuna tutted, retracting his tongue and pulling away. “Did I say you could come yet?” 
Another whine came from my lips from the loss of contact. While I fell down from my built up high, so did my pride. Lazy lidded eyes met mine, hints of annoyance lingered behind them as he watched my paled face twitch, snapping back to reality. My hands slammed against the floor and I tried to scoot out of his hold; reality hitting me like a fucking truck. Sukuna followed closely as I scampered backwards, making quick work to grab onto my ankle and tug me back in place. 
“Where do you think you’re going? We’re not finished here.” He growled down at my shivering form, legs turning to mush from a single glare. He enjoyed watching me try to retreat away, but also felt a pinch of annoyance at the back of his head. I watched as his eyes squinted and he smirked, an expression that could only be described as terrifying in this moment. I returned with a look of pure fear as I stared into the eyes of the beast. 
“Please! Don’t! I can’t do this any-” I cried when Sukuna flipped me onto my stomach, my chin knocking against the ground before I could finish my sentence. 
“You’re right. I’m getting bored of this.” Before I had a chance to crawl away again, his hands were pulling at my hips, angling me so that my ass was perched up and pressed into his groin. He must’ve guessed my next moves because his hand moved to hold my back down, keeping my chest pinned to the floor. 
A puff of strangled air left my mouth and I craned my head to look back at him, my eyes pleading for any sense of mercy hidden within him. I felt regret seep into my nerves as I watched Sukuna lick his lips at the sight of my ass, which was on full display for him. His hand pressed harder against my clammy skin, his gaze finally reaching my own. 
“Don’t panic, I’m not fucking that hole.” He traced soft patterns against the globe of my ass. “Not today, anyways.” He chuckled, pleased with himself as he shuffled around with Yuji’s shorts. My throat tightened when his cock sprung free, large and thick, dripping with precum at the tip. 
I bit down hard on my lip and tried to scurry forwards, my blunt nails digging into anything that I could catch. “No. You can’t. You’ll rip me apart-” Sukuna let out a groan of annoyance and pulled me back down. His fingers raked through my hair and tugged it back, guiding my head back towards his direction. 
“I’m going to fuck you whether you want it or not. Fighting back will only hurt you worse.” He grunted, his hand moving back and forth down his shaft, smearing his precum all over until it glistened. He positioned himself at my entrance, slowly guiding himself inch by inch inside of me. My jaw slacked open and my eyes squeezed shut at the burning sensation that shot up my entire stomach. 
“Sukuna, please. Get off.” My hands tried to pry his out of my hair. “It hurts.” 
He said nothing when he slammed himself completely inside me, his nails digging painfully into my skin. I had not been prepared nor adjusted for his size, so when his cock was fully seated inside me, I screamed. The searing pain erupted and traveled up to my throat, making me feel like I was going to throw up. 
“Fuck.” Was all Sukuna could say, still frozen still. He felt like he was being suffocated by the tightness of my cunt, which clenched tighter when I screamed. His eyes closed for a moment, savoring the terrified expression on my face. “You’re so tight.” His hips moved slowly, dragging himself out before slamming back in. 
I screamed again, back bowing down to the ground and clawing harder at his hand. “Too much! I can’t-” Sukuna dragged my head up and slammed it down onto the ground, silencing me immediately. 
“Shut up. I could care less if it hurts. I’ve satisfied you enough.” He spoke low and with no regard for my well being. 
Sukuna’s hips began to move at a steady pace, while the pain of his cock buried inside me still lingered, it was overshadowed by the throbbing at my temple. My vision was spotty and I felt myself swaying, struggling to remain in this position. Sukuna must have noticed this because he let go of my hair and grabbed my hips, whether it was to steady me or to get better leverage, I didn’t know. 
With my slumped form pressed tightly against his groin, it became easier for Sukuna to plow into my cunt, which clenched tightly as a last resort to fight off the intrusion. This only seemed to please him further and he let out a dark laugh, relishing in the feeling. 
With my arms pinned awkwardly beneath my body, I had very little range of motion, which only made it easier for Sukuna. His hips snapped against my ass, filling me up to the brim as his cock slammed into my cervix. My mouth hung open in a silent scream, eyes wide but only able to see dark patches. 
I managed to tilt my head towards him, noticing that he kept his gaze on his cock stuffing me full. My breathing was sporadic, unable to get air in without hiccuping and sobbing. The dark spots in my vision only grew bigger and my head swayed. 
“I’m gonna pa-” 
Sukuna slowed his pace, but it wasn’t for my own mercy. “Tch. Stay conscious. I’m not going to fuck a corpse.” 
My teeth gritted at his words, but his slowed pace allowed me to control my breathing.  
“I’m going to kill you.” I mumbled, eyes watering with fresh tears, clumping my thick lashes together. 
Another booming laugh filled the room again, and this time Sukuna paused. “Oh yeah? The big bad sorcerer acting all tough now?” I was yanked upwards, my back slammed against his chest as he leered down to my ear. With this new angle, his cock reached a whole new depth inside me. My teeth caught my bottom lip, not wanting to let out a sound. 
Sukuna trailed his hands along my waist before squeezing my clammy skin. “You’ve got more balls than that brat.” He whispered, his breath hitting the shell of my ear. “Want to know what he’s doing right now?” He asked, which seemed more rhetorical than anything, his tone hinting at something much more sinister than I expected. 
“What are you talking about?” I hissed back, jerking my head away from the heat of his mouth. 
His hand wrapped around my throat, not enough to cut off air but enough for me to shift back closer to him. “Ah,” his hips jerked upwards, causing me to suck in a sharp breath. “He’s watching.” Sukuna taunted, making sure that I was balanced on top of him before reaching round and grabbing my tit. “Jerking himself like a fucking pubesent child.” 
A wave of nausea hit me in my throat, his words cutting deep. Was this true? Was Yuji enjoying this…? How much could he see? Sukuna tweaked my nipple hard, marveling in the pliable flesh between his fingers. 
“Let’s give him a good show, yeah?” He chuckled, flipping me round so that my legs were on either side of his waist and I was now facing him directly. I straddled him awkwardly, perched upon his legs. My hands flew up to his shoulders so that I wouldn’t fall backwards. Something told me that he wouldn’t care if I fell and slammed my head into the ground again. 
“Don’t say that.” I snarled, glaring up at him while he watched me with half-lidded eyes, too concentrated on the feeling of my walls squeezing around him. “You’re repulsive.” 
“Don’t be all coy with me now. I don’t mind sharing my playthings.” He sneered, his hips snapping upwards while I was caught off guard. My head snapped back and I gasped, feeling the pleasure as he hit a spot hidden deep within me. “That’s it. Let the brat hear you scream for me.” He hit that same spot that made me see stars, my eyes fluttering shut at the sensation. 
I lost control of my emotions, and now was beginning to lose control of my own body. My nerves sent off waves of pleasure as my cunt milked him, clenching tightly every time he buried himself inside me. 
 This was wrong. So so wrong.   
Over and over, Sukuna hit that spongy spot. I could hear just how wet I was everytime Sukuna thrusted his hips. So much so that it gathered at the base of his cock and seeped onto his thighs, making him grin ear to ear. “What a good little sorcerer.” He cooed, edging me on. “Look at you now.” A dribble of drool slid down my chin, soft moans coming from the back of my throat. 
“Ah- there!” I squealed, my nails surely breaking skin and drawing blood, but Sukuna didn’t seem to mind. He was enjoying seeing me like this. As much as he loved hearing me scream and beg for mercy - this, this was something else. Seeing my will break and take his cock like this drove him mad. Seeing my eyes roll back and pouty lips open wide for him made him want to stuff it. 
Sukuna’s hand quickly covered my opened mouth, his mouth returning on his palm to shove his tongue deep into my throat. “Hmmph!” I gagged slightly, not expecting the sudden intrusion. 
“Don’t bite me.” He warned, keeping his pace as he glared down at me. 
His tongue swirled around my mouth, invading my senses and driving me even closer to the edge. With his palm flat against my mouth and tongue shoving against my own, it was harder to breathe. My breaths come in short sporadic gasps and mewls. Excess saliva spilled out of my mouth and coated his hand, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Swallow it all and I’ll let you come.” He ordered. “I’m feeling generous.” I eagerly swallowed every last bit of his spit, knowing that I was close to coming any second now. 
“What a desperate little slut.” His eyes narrowed down on my frame, watching my tits bounce at his quickened pace. 
I moaned against his tongue when I came, squeezing his cock harder than ever. My eyes were wide open but I could barely see a thing, only focused on the feeling on release. “Fuck, you’re gonna push me out.” Sukuna groaned, gritting his teeth as he realized that he was about to come too.
“N-not inside…” I moaned, slowly coming back down from my high. 
Sukuna must’ve heard me but chose to ignore me, because his hands moved back to my waist and he pushed me down on his twitching cock, making sure that I couldn’t jump off. He let out a deep moan as he filled me up, heating me up from the inside out. 
I squeaked at the feeling, trying to pull away. “No!” 
His cock was still buried deep inside me while his come leaked out of my overstimulated cunt, the aftershocks of my orgasm clenching around him. He shuddered before releasing my hips, allowing me to skitter off and away from him. The feeling of his come inside me made my body convulse, my body trying to squeeze it all out. I watched as it dripped onto the floorboards and slid between my asscheeks. 
Sukuna sighed, his head raising up to meet my petrified gaze. His chest rose and fell quickly as he watched me. “I’ll see you again, Y/N.”  
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onyxstone14 · 2 years
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the last of the zenins
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