#married jasico
ficklefood · 11 months
jasico future fic about them being happily married and being a really great couple but also yearning to have their own kids as some of their friends start having families too...they start considering and researching their options like adoption and surrogates and one day a baby shows up on their doorstep. swaddled in a basket and everything. there's a note from juno...the baby is her "gift" to jason and nico for being such a wonderful married couple. it's a weird surprise but the baby has nico's dark, warm eyes and jason's soft, blond hair so they love her immediately.....
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thinkingjasico · 1 year
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Jason sends this to Nico every year on pride month first thing in the morning
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gutsybitsies · 6 months
I love jasico slowburn where it takes them over a decade from meeting each other to get together.
i love superbat slowburn where they get together when theyre both senior citizens.
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kingburu · 6 months
[fic] Different (1/1)
Link: AO3
Characters: Jason Grace & Reyna Avila Rameriz-Arellano
Fandom: Avatar: HOO
Genre: General
Word Count: 4,281
Summary: Pre-HOO, Jason feels different. Not the, orphaned son of Jupiter, raised by wolves, future Praetor to the Twelfth Legion Fulminata, different. Some...other different, in a way that he wishes he understood. Especially as a son of Jupiter.
Small, somewhat prequel to Rewrite the Stars.
People clap now when he enters the bathhouse, all because he hit puberty. Teachers who enjoyed his company suddenly doubled down on safe sex in the same breath of explaining what sperm was. Not just to the class. That lecture was pointed. (Frankly, Jason thinks he’d be happier with a cheeseburger.)
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jankwritten · 7 months
Jason and Nico are dating and in love and their connection is deep-rooted and incredibly complex and everything.
jason and hazel are best friends. They're besties. They hang out and try over-complicated coffee drinks together and they have sleepovers (with Nico ofc) where they gossip and paint each other's nails and swap stories about growing up and inevitably dive into trauma about their mothers and how that has affected them in the modern day.
Jason and Nico are dating but more often than not Jason has his arm around Hazel's shoulders when they all three hang out together. Nico is always reluctant about touch, or maybe only in the earlier stages of their relationship, but Hazel has no such reservations so she and Jason hug all the time. Jason carries Hazel around on his shoulders when they're in large crowds, usually with Nico holding onto the back of his shirt so they don't get split up.
Hazel and Jason have matching tattoos (Nico and Jason do too, but Jason and Hazel got theirs first). Hazel is the person Jason goes to when he first realizes he maybe wants to wear skirts. Jason is Hazel's first stop when she wants to spar or train with someone, because she KNOWS Jason will not hold back or pull punches.
Nico is beyond happy about all of this as well, because he loves Jason so much and so deeply but there are some days he just. cannot deal with people, he doesn't have the energy to talk or interact or even be in the presence of other people, and on those days, Jason and Hazel hang out and Nico knows that the two people he loves most are taken care of, that they will still be there when he's ready to see them again because they'll keep each other safe.
It's like. Jason and Nico are soulmates and they will always find each other, always save each other, always know each other. but Jason and Hazel are life partners in the way where they didn't fit at first but as they grew older and spent more time together they learned that they were both rebuffed by the walls each other put up and, actually, the person underneath is pretty cool.
Jason and Nico are married and Hazel lives in their third bedroom kind of situation. IDK. they are just important to me. they have to be Connected. near each other. spidey senses tingling when they're in danger.
(this rant brought on by the reminder that there are 7 different kinds of love given names in greek and Jason Hazel and Nico are three of them. Romantic, Familial, and some form of deep platonic.)
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
To the Percy/Octavian nation because you just have to spike my brain with them
That It’s the Wedding environment prompt but it’s Octavian and Percy falling in love (?) during Jasico’s wedding.
How and what goes after that, heaven knows bc i certainly don’t.
I do know that Percy is the flowerboy thanks to his losing bet to Nico
and Octavian is dragged to the wedding by his duties as the head consultant in Jason’s company.
The couple is enjoying their sufferings.
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eewtp · 1 year
I’m a nice person and all but I’m a hater at heart so let me just air out my grievances for everyone after this TSATS teaser:
• Some of you all really are insufferable because what do you mean this is Jasico material? What are you fangirling over? Nico missing his best friend? His first friend, yet another one of the people close to him that’s dead?
It’s really giving “fellas, is it gay to miss your dead friend?” “is it gay to yearn your dead friends touch?”
I really do not care if you like Jason and Nico together but to go to this extent, as well as the whole “lol this is marketed as Solangelo but really it’s Jasico <3” like I want you to be so for real right now-
• Tied to the first one because Nico and Will are not going to break up. Nico is not going to “realize” the he likes someone else and not his current boyfriend, who he gushed about like crazy in these few chapters. Yeah they’re probably going to hit a roadblock or argue along the way but what couple doesn’t? Ask a madly in love married couple if they’ve ever been annoyed with one another at some point in time and come back to me then.
• These teenage boys are not infants they can joke with each other however they like. This is in Nico’s POV and he does not show the slightest discomfort at Will’s jokes or presence or anything so I don’t understand where some of you are coming from. As a former teenager with former teenage friends, I can say that there are couples of all flavors and it’s not up to you to push your boundaries on others. Yeah these mental health jokes wouldn’t fly with *some* people but that’s not them so move on.
• Listen I like the hc that Percy is bisexual but this is like the second time he was referred to as straight. He’s straight unless he comes out somewhere in the book or in the next one, Chalice of the Gods. You can’t be genuinely mad at Rick for putting a sexuality to his character…
• Finally this one is for me but yeah Percy and Nico weren’t that great of friends. There was never that connection so, again, can’t be too mad when Nico says they literally weren’t that close.
Alright that’s all for now 😶
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gatesofember · 3 months
I can’t stop thinking about clichecore jasico so here’s this
“Jason,” Nico interrupted. “We should get married.”
Jason finally stopped talking. After a second, he said, “What?”
“We should get married,” Nico repeated.
“Wait,” said Jason. “Are you being serious?”
“I think so, yes,” Nico answered. “Look, while you were in there, I kept thinking—what if there was an accident? What if something went wrong? What if you somehow ended up dead or incapacitated? Your dad would bury you under your deadname. He would make the decision of whether or not to cut life support. I don’t want that. You can trust me to respect your wishes and I would want you to be the one making those decisions for me, too.”
“I’m pretty sure I can solve the deadnaming issue with a will,” Jason said.
Nico shrugged. “There would be tax benefits, too,” they said simply.
Jason looked forward. Nico examined him out of the corner of their eye, but they couldn’t decipher what he was thinking. His brow was furrowed, but he didn’t seem upset.
“I can’t make this decision when I’m just coming off anesthesia,” Jason finally said.
“Okay,” said Nico. “We’ll talk about it later.”
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sunshines-child · 4 months
I have this little animation going off my head of Jasico to the song First Burn from Hamilton ugh "You've married an Icarus, and he's flown too close to the sun" "You built palaces with every paragraph, you built cathedrals" ughhhhh
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tinybro · 1 year
ok my brain has been hooked on that "jasico feat. lil daughter bianca" idea from this post and i need to wordvomit my own take on it
several years postcanon (and in an AU where he doesn't die), jason gets himself an apartment of his own in a city pretty far off from either camp. everyone's kinda perplexed because he's so isolated, but he just really needs some space to figure out his own identity separate from all the gods and camps shit that's dominated his entire life. he keeps in touch with everyone but he's just quietly doing his own thing.
and then he gets a small child dropped in his lap by his dad – the first time jupiter's had any direct interaction with him since the whole gaia incident, so he's as shitty a dad as ever and it's honestly shocking that he's involving himself this much with one of his kids. and it sure doesn't make jason feel any better about it that dad only bothered interacting with him for the sake of a different kid, but he can't blame the kid for that. she's barely a toddler and her name is coincidentally bianca. of course he thinks immediately of nico, but jason doesn't tell anyone about his suddenly becoming a young single dad at first. he wants to do things himself, and he's always been the type to help anyone and everyone while keeping his own struggles to himself. jason tries so hard tho, he does research and reads parenting books and stresses hard over whatever trauma this small child has already dealt with in losing her mom and being handed off to a stranger. he runs himself ragged trying to figure out how to be a good parent all on his own without any decent role models.
meanwhile, nico's always had an open invitation to visit jason's place or just crash on his couch if needed or whatever. he hasn't taken jason up on the offer often, so it's a surprise when he shadowtravels in one day and accidentally scares a small child, and suddenly jason has to explain bianca to someone. whoops. and nico has plenty of his own feelings about shit – her name dredges up a lot of emotions for him, and of course he's frustrated with jason for not talking to anyone about this – but jason's clearly exhausted, so nico sets all that aside and forces jason to go get some sleep and let him babysit for a bit.
jason gets some much-needed rest, and when he comes back out nico's already gotten way too attached to this kid. whether he's projecting a bit of his bianca feelings onto her or just sympathetic to a kid dealing with too much way too young, he's absolutely doting on her and it's incredibly cute and jason is extremely endeared.
nico had only intended to stop by briefly before getting back to his own business, but he ends up staying for a few days because he keeps finding excuses to help out more. it's so domestic and comfortable and neither jason or nico are acknowledging how much it makes them feel like a married couple because they're of course dancing around Feelings. and when nico does finally have to leave to get back to whatever task hades had him doing, bianca is very sad about it and, well, that just means he has to come by again as soon as he's done, right?
(it snowballs quickly from "nico visiting frequently to see bianca and help jason out" to "nico practically living with them and being dad #2", and it's even more awkward when the rest of the friends find out about the surprise child)
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ficklefood · 11 months
ok more thoughts for my married jasico fic(?) idea (that i talked about in my last post)
they are in their mid-late 20s by this point, nico has now taken on a director-type kind of role in camp half-blood and is way more hands-on than either chiron or mr d. the demigods absolutely love nico and look up to him, and nico kind of has this thing going on where he *pretends* to be stern and mature as an authority figure, but the kids thinks he's too cool in like, an edgy epic way, to ever be actually scared of him. (which, of course, boggles him every time and makes his heart twist because these kids like him and arent scared, even though he's been in a staff role on camp for like 7 years and counting now)
nico is pretty much a kindergarten-middle school-high school teacher (because chb's got kids of all ages), pretty much a physical education-arts and crafts-home economics-all around teacher, slash guidance counselor, slash wilderness and survival coach, slash friendship/love advice-giver/mediator -- he does a lot on camp for the kids. and a lot of his time is dedicated to the younger ones, who of course need more guidance and supervision. nico's pretty much settled into the role of everyone's secondary parent (and for some sad cases, he has to play as a primary parent figure). it's demanding work but he wouldnt have it any other way. he's making sure that camp is *home* for the young demigods in a way he wished he had it from the very beginning.
i also like the idea of nico having taken a few psychology and education courses, to help him be a better support figure for demigods who are going through some traumatic stuff. gods know he's been through a lifetime's worth of trauma a kid shouldn't have gone through. he didnt finish an entire degree though, he decided that academics isnt really his thing
jason, on the other hand, went to college to study history and got really into it. now he's pursuing a career as a historian and is starting his phd! everyone, including himself, thought he would be into roman military history, but as he started his historical studies and was exposed to all kinds of different stuff, he eventually settled on a real interest in social history, especially queer history, in the ancient world. he finished his undergrad at new rome but started his postgrad someplace nearer long island/camp half blood, so nico can go to work in camp, and because jason got a good offer at whatever university anyway
they have a house near camp and jason drives nico to and from work since they have 1 car. picking nico up and driving home together after a long day always puts a smile on jason's face, no matter how tiring or frustrating his research was that day. he would always find time to help nico out on camp, and often gives special history classes to the kids (alongside the usual combat training and strategy classes he's always been good at too). nico and jason go jogging along camp halfblood's beach every sunday. the campers know jason and love him as they love nico! he's more open about spoiling them, especially the littler ones, than nico, who also cant help his soft spot for them, but at still tries to be stern (and fails)
by this point theyre more than ready to start their own little family. theyre so so ready to have their own kids! nico cherishes the happy moments with his family from his childhood, before everything got complicated.... jason wants to find that happy family life, that he never really got to have as a kid, with nico.... so they talk about it from time to time until they decide to actually *do* something about it and start looking up their options like adoption or surrogates and then boom, one day a baby shows up on their doorstep, with soft, blond hair like jason and warm, dark eyes like nico, swaddled up in a basket and sleeping soundly, and oh...the baby is a gift from...juno? who's pleased that they're such a wonderful married couple and deigned to go ahead and grant them this beautiful child?
anyway ok much to think about much to flesh out, but god i really want this to be A Fic that i can yknow Read and stuff and just have in my hands. yknow. ugh
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happyk44 · 1 year
jasico prompts!!!!! i have several you can choose ur favorite:
stupid newlyweds who are on honeymoon and therefore their braincells are dead, not noticing weird things happening around them bc 1) they're used to weird shit 2) they just got married and are too into each other to notice the terrorist attacks, alligators, and mafia shootouts
classic coffeeshop au except this coffeeshop is definitely a front for money laundering but the receptionist is So Cute so you can't blame jason for going there everyday
jason has wall of nico photos that are definitely not creepy and he insists that its just his cork board where he puts photos of friends on except its mostly nico.
god!jason kidnaps nico to piss hades off but oops now he's in love and he keeps making excuses as to why he cant release nico: weather's too hot, you owe me money, i have a cold, etc etc
It wasn't a shrine. No matter what Leo said, it wasn't a shrine. Shrines were completely different - Jason knew that. He had a couple actual shrines and this, this was just a photo album. It wasn't even technically dedicated to Nico. It just sort of... ended up there.
Jason couldn't really pinpoint when or how Nico's photos became the prime material of edge page. The album had been a simple idea. Something to look at when he was feeling lonely and remember that he had friends. Initially it was just a small photo book he took with him on his travels but ever since Leo made him that portable printer, he had expanded it to a couple collections.
He hadn't been hiding it either. The albums were innocuous from first glance, protected. Everyone knew he had them, he talked about them all the time. Every time he whipped out his disposable camera, and then later his shock-proof phone, he'd say a quick, "For the album." And they'd smile and pose. There were a lot of candid photos too.
Travelling was just easier for Nico. So he was around more. Checked in more. Of course, Jason was going to have a lot of photos of him.
But as he flipped through his albums, he was beginning to speculate that maybe Leo was onto something. It still wasn't a shrine but...
Well, Nico was pretty. The light caught his face in wonderful angles. There were times he'd be laughing and Jason would think, I have to remember this.
The thing about losing all your memories? You wanted to make sure you had something, just in case it happened again. He wanted physical proof. Leo was here. Piper baked cookies. Hazel had a birthday.
Nico laughed. Nico smiled. Nico disappeared into the corner shadows of the wall. Nico held a puppy. Nico walked around with a half-grown chicken on his head for two hours.
Jason closed the album shut and set it aside. Nerves tousled up inside him. This was... perhaps a problem he had not anticipated. He steeled his breathe inside himself.
It wasn't a shrine. Shrines were for worshipping. For holiness. And his pitures of his friends were important and beloved, but they weren't worshipped. Or holy to him. They were just memories. They were just moments. They were just...
He closed his eyes and exhaled softly.
Sprawled out on the bed, Leo snored. Jason honed in on the sound as he creaked open the album closest to him and reviewed the photos. Nico's hair caught in the moonlight, his head tilted back up to the stars, eyes closed, face blissful. Half a second later when he caught Jason taking a picturing and started laughing. Another half second and the smear of his hand, his dark eyes peeking out just above.
Jason traced the picture.
I knew you loved him, Leo had laughed hours ago as he'd flipped through pages, but I didn't realize it was obsessive horror movie shrine type love.
Of course, Jason loved him. He loved all his friends. Nico was important to him. And these photos weren't - they were just a memories. Just moments.
Jason flipped through the pages of the album. The brushes of air caught against his skin. Thoughts of sinking into shadowy tendrils, the rush of nothingness, fluttered to the front of his mind. Nico's hands cold against his. His quiet, Are you okay? as Jason readjusted to solid ground.
In the album, Nico reflected back at him from every corner. Dark eyes glinting with secret smiles. The curve of his jaw. The spread of his hands. Other people sat in the pages too. But Nico outnumbered them all. He was front and center. Just looking at him filled Jason with a thick warmth he hadn't felt in a very long time.
He paused. An understanding dawned on him.
Of course, I love him, he's my friend, he'd huffed back at Leo earlier. And it's not a shrine.
Leo had grinned wickedly. His eyes were alight with a knowing that Jason detested. He hated the way Leo always seemed to know him better than he knew himself. Not in a factual logical way - but emotionally. Jason could introspect on himself for decades and never come out with the emotional understanding Leo could sniff out just by looking at him.
It's totally a shrine, dude. He'd laughed a little here, hipchecked Jason. And you're not thinking of the same love I'm thinking of.
He didn't elaborate then and Jason didn't ask. But he got it now.
Maybe it was a shrine then. Sort of. Looking at Nico - candid and posed - filled him with a quiet delight, a sense of clarity. And there was devotion there. It sat quiet in his bones, waiting for the moment Nico would appear from the shadows like an unholy angel. Then it would rattle up cut through Jason's core like a hot knife. Like an iron brand.
He'd been branded in the name of a god before. Although then, he had been an unknowing participant, sat down before a group of adults and burned until his tongue bled. His shrine was devoted to a statue. His prayers heard without much response.
This time was different. His shrine was smiles and humanity, warmth. His calls went answered every time. The brand on his soul had been placed there willingly. He'd chased it down with heavy teeth and was rewarded with blood and family.
Jason pushed Leo's legs out of the way and crawled into place next to him.
The last couple of years had been spent wandering around from place to place, restoring temples, building shrines, remembering the forgotten, taking care of the old. In his travels, he'd hoped for a deity he could take pride in like he used to. When he'd ask them what they wanted from a follower, they'd smile knowingly with crooked teeth and sharp eyes and shaky hands.
They knew the truth he was too blind to see.
He'd already found his god.
Now he just needed to prove his devotion.
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gutsybitsies · 4 months
i dont want to put anyone on blast but not shipping jasico because of their age difference is
when jason died he was 16 and nico was 14. so like. the age difference is. it's 2 years.
also its so weird seeing other people's view about shipping bc a lot of people seem very entrenched in the view of the character in the moment. personally when i ship characters i imagine them throughout their life, in various ages.
especially characters that i first read when we were the same age, now i'm much older than them i tend to mentally adjust them to my age. so now when i think of jasico i think of them as codependent friends as adults. they maybe kiss drunkenly a few times during new year's eve celebrations. everyone thinks they're already dating and married except for them.
anyway. ~jasico~
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mischievousmary · 11 months
Nico:*slow and steady realization that he likes Al*
Alabaster: if we don't get married soon I'ma start biting people
(could also be jasico)
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jankwritten · 2 years
considering the first place that Nico and Jason meet in hockey AU is Vegas, I think I should write a spinoff AU of it where they actually get a little bit too drunk at the casino where they meet and, instead of going back to Nico's hotel to hang out, they wind up getting married somewhere. Might store that idea in my back pocket for a day when I want to write hockey AU but not REALLY hockey AU.
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thefuzzzz · 4 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge #12!!
Prompt: Ancient Greek AU
Nico and Jason had been "friends" for years. Of course, when Hades found out they were more than just that, the two were separated.
"You are children of different realms," Hades had boomed into the echoing halls of his palace, "it can never be."
Nico tried to argue, but his sharp tongue landed him locked in his bedroom for months to come.
"I will find you a rightful suitor. Then, you will be wed," Hades said one night at the dinner table, per Nico's arguing.
"It will be a loveless courtship," Nico had muttered into his plate. What a hypocrite his father was, a man of death married to a woman who sprung up life with every step.
That night, after being locked away in his room again, Nico sat by the window and watched as the night rolled by. Cold wind whipped his hair.
At the sound of whooshing, Nico whipped his head to the side.
There, he found Jason's smiling face held up by his ability to fly. Nico ginned. "My father will kill you if he sees you here," Nico stated, letting their fingers intertwine.
"No matter, I'd die with your face as the last thing I saw."
"You have a death wish."
"You are King Death's son."
Nico laughed lightly. Then, he remembered what his father had said at dinner. Suddenly, nothing felt so funny.
Japan saw the minuscule shift in Nico's face. "What's the matter?"
"My father...he's trying to wed me away," Nico said softly.
Jason raised his eyebrows before thinking. "By what means?"
"I presume the gladiator's arena."
"I'd kill a thousand men for you, Nico.”
Nico tightened the grip on their hands. The wind was impossibly cold. He wished more than anything to drag Jason inside and hold him close in the warmth, but fear kept them at bay.
"Don't...we can find another way. I don't want to watch you be murdered at the hands of some brute over this."
"Over this?" Jason echoed. "Over the loss of my one true love? You know not the lengths I would go for you, my dear."
Nico looked at him, pained. There was no use fighting it, Jason would register as a fighter. All Nico could do was pray he won.
The following days, Nico hardly left his room. Even in the times he was permitted to by his father, he stayed in bed. He preferred to sleep than be awake in a world without Jason. At least in his dreams, he could find joy in his presence.
The first of three days of battles, Nico sat bored in his throne atop the colosseum, right beside his father. He watched as the two opponents of the first battle fought. He listened as they declared their love for him and tried to impress him with flashy moves. Still, he leaned his head on his hand until one man was declared the winner.
The second match was just as boring. Nico caught himself hoping Jason really did enroll. Then, he stopped the thought out. He couldn't bear to see Jason harmed by one of these desperate men.
The third battle of the day dragged on for too long, in everyone's opinion. Nico could've sworn he heard his one father mutter for it to be over already.
The fourth and final battle of the day came soon after, to the whole arena's relief.
Nico, however, was not relieved in the slightest.
Two warriors came out. Neither were Jason. One was a tall man with shaggy dark hair, and the other was as a man in knights armor Nico had never seen before.
He couldn't see either of them well, considering their distance, but he couldn't see the knight at all under the armor. He wished for it to be Jason, but the armor wasn't his own. Deep down, Nico knew it was futile to wish.
The man with dark hair proclaimed undying love for Nico before drawing his sword. The knight stayed silent, which Nico could appreciate.
The fight was at least interesting and quick. The armored man won with ease. His fighting style was unfamiliar, Nico had never seen it before. He wondered what far away land this man was from. He hoped he never found out.
The next day was the second round. This day only had two fights in it, but the first still dragged on for what felt like millennia.
Nico almost fell asleep, but the itchiness of his royal robes kept him well awake.
The second fight included the armored knight yet again. Nico was glad he was a good fighter, at least he'd be able to marry someone who didn't talk. Maybe he wouldn't mind Jason being around.
The armored man won, progressing to the final fight the next day.
Nico hardly slept a wink that night. He wanted more than anything for Jason to come up to his window that second and whisk him away to another work, but that didn’t happen. He just laid there, with nothing but the rattling of the wind on his window and the undying worry in his mind.
The day of the final battle rolled around. Nico thought his jaw would dislocate with how hard it was clenched. He sat in his throne, watching the two fighters take their places.
He wanted so badly for Jason to show up out of nowhere and convince his father they were made to be together. However, his wishing and wanting never got him anything.
When he looked up from his desolate upset, he realized the fight was almost over. His father was gripping the arms of his throne beside him so hard his knuckles were turning white.
Nico looked toward the battle field as the two gladiators fought. The opponent, a man with many scars and cropped brown hair, battled sharply with the knight. It was clear the brunet was tired, and soon enough the battle would have a predicted win.
Nico convinced himself it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe he could run away? He could always leave the man at the altar, change his name, and abandon his father’s kingdom. The option of poisoning his soon to be husband didn’t look so bad right now.
When he looked up again, he saw the brunet on the ground, and the knight standing above him. The brunet didn’t move, and his father’s booming voice declared the knight the winner. Nico’s veins turned to ice.
The knight looked up at them triumphantly, but didn’t put his sword away. His battle wasn’t yet won.
He tugged off his helmet, giving way to a familiar face and blonde hair. Nico grinned, jumping up and shadow traveling to the ground so fast he hardly registered Jason’s warm embrace.
Jason held him close with one arm and pointed his sword at Hades with the other. “I won.” He said simply. Nico pulled him down and kissed him softly but desperately before he could get out another bitter word at his father.
"See? You knew not the lengths I would go, my dear."
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