#matpat behaviour
und8e2ff · 2 years
so... I called Seiya a fake and a fraud the other day and...
I might have been wrong?
Recapping with the images I used in the linked post...
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him do his lil dance
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This is what I got when I taped some paper on my monitor and traced the path of his arm movements
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This is the Pegasus constellation
yall about to watch me lose 5 years of my life for the second time in 48 hours
how special does that make YOU feel?
okay, SO-
The Pegasus constellation in real life actually appears in the sky flipped both vertically and horizontally from the picture I used in the last post. That's how the Pegasus constellation appears behind Seiya.
but here (below) is how it appears in the sky in real life
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Also, while reviewing the GIF specifically, I noticed that the Pegasus constellation behind Seiya when he's channeling his cosmo has extra stars for the back legs of the Pegasus.
In both images I've posted so far of the Pegasus constellation, those stars aren't there. At first, I thought they were extra stars to make the background more "balanced" with more stars to outline Seiya's silhouette and to further frame him as the focus of the shot.
so... that was f a l s e
The extra stars for the legs in that GIF/animation are actually the Andromeda constellation.
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The Pegasus constellation is made of the Great Square of (the) Pegasus and a few more stars that make the two front legs and the head of the horse.
The Pegasus and Andromeda constellations share a star in the Great Square called Alpheratz. The Andromeda constellation, while being its own thing and not actually being part of the Pegasus constellation, looks like the back legs of the Pegasus.
This explains away the extra stars in the GIF as being accurate to astrology and not just artistic choice.
All of this is very interesting and has fuckall to do with the actual point I came here to address today.
I started to play around a bit with the pathing of Seiya's arm movements and see if there was any, and I mean ANY possible way it could really be matching up with the Pegasus constellation.
and honestly???
ye, it kinda works
First, let me clean up what I traced out yesterday.
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Okay, so when I clean up the path and separate the two, this is what it looks like.
This is the exact path his arms move in and I've marked every place where his arms change trajectory/curve with numbers so you can have a better idea of the order he's hitting which points since there is quite a bit of overlap.
The Pegasus constellation has 15 stars but I don't think he's hitting like... every individual star? More like tracing over where each one roughly is?
this'll make more sense in a bit...
Alright, so-
Earlier I discussed the orientation/direction of the Pegasus constellation as it appears behind Seiya and how it will appear in most images when you look it up. The head is up top and to the left with the Great Square, it's body, to the bottom right.
But again, the way it appears in the sky in real life is flipped both vertically and horizontally with its head to the bottom right and Alpheratz, the farthest out corner of the body/Great Square connected to Andromeda (the hind legs), to the top left.
I've tried countless times to fit different images of the Pegasus constellation into the outline and while it never quite fits, I've realized that in spite of that, the path still kind of works.
sooooo . . .
I'm gonna try to get an image of the Pegasus constellation that includes the names of all the stars in it. This'll help me explain the path and how it hits/curves around or through each part of the constellation.
And then I'm going to show you what it looks like when you trace the path of each hand over the constellation.
Like I said earlier, if you draw out the path itself and then try to use a photoeditor to like, idk... 'superimpose' a stock image of the Pegasus constellation into it, it won't really fit like that. But I think I've found a way to make them align.
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This is the best image I could find of the Pegasus constellation with almost all of the stars named.
Sadly, I couldn't find an image like this with the constellation facing the same way it does behind Seiya, but I'll mark the paths and do my best to explain.
ye, I think I'm about to hit the image limit
I think it's clear where Seiya's hands start. His left hand starts on the star Alpheratz and his right hand starts either on Baham or Enif, but I think it starts on Baham.
Actually, it might start at Homan.
I'll start with his left hand, though.
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So, like I said earlier, Seiya's left hand starts on Alpheratz, which is way in the bottom right corner. From there it does a HUGE diagonal left upward curve to Enif. Enif is the furthest star in the upper left of the constellation, it's the Pegasus's nose.
And from Enif, it swerves really far back right again to Algenib. Algenib is the star above Alpheratz in the Great Square (the upper right corner). From Algenib it goes a little bit back left to Markab, the upper left corner of the Great Square. From Markab it goes down to Scheat, the lower left corner of the Great Square, and then upwards, diagonal and right back up to Algenib.
The final movement is a HUGE downwards crescent from Algenib that sweeps under Alpheratz to the left, through the legs of the Pegasus, and up, not quite to but very close, to Enif again.
Actually, on the first swing from Alpheratz to Enif, I think it might swing through the stars Matar and ι or Iota Pegasi which are the stars in the middle of the bottom and top leg respectively.
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Alright, looked at it a little more and Seiya's right hand very likely starts at Homan. Homan is a star in the middle of the Pegasus's neck.
From Homan, Seiya's arm makes a pretty sharp crescent to the right, it doesn't go through anything, but when it comes back to the left, it passes through Baham, which is the top of the Pegasus's head. From Baham, he makes a massive, downward sweeping motion that I believe is going through the star at the tip of the top foot.
The Pegasus's feet are out in front of it with one leg positioned over the other.
I think that star is called Kappa Pegasi? In the picture, it just looks like κ which is probably supposed to be short for κ Peg. Kappa Pegasi is the second star after Sadalbari, which is the bent knee of the top leg of the Pegasus.
Both of the legs are coming out of Scheat at the lower left of the Great Square.
From there it continues to curve rightward and it goes by, quite possibly through, the tip of the bottom foot of the Pegasus. The star at the end of that leg is represented in the image as π, short for π Peg which is Pi Pegasi. From Pi Pegasi, it continues its loop and goes through Scheat where both legs start.
From Scheat it arcs up and to the left to Enif, the Pegasus's nose, and finally, from that point, it swings slightly downward and far right to the upper right corner of the Great Square, Algenib.
Edit - Honestly, that last arc was probably supposed to go just a bit lower and hit Sadalbari. I think that's the only major named star I haven't hit yet. but oh well
Seiya might be crossing all of the major/named stars. oh wow...
The attention to detail is astounding, high key.
but bruh- I really went in on this lil boi the other day
I came for his stance. I came for his character; I deadass called him a liar at one point.
chile... I came for his eyesight
Marin was out there catchin strays-
okay, girlies. so i redid the math and the math IS mathin, but liek...
bitches cain't carry decimals
Hi there, this is your Captain bitches speaking~ We're almost off this flight ✈️🌠
chile... nah, Cause I dragged tf out that poor boi in my last post and I was wrong. Not just for draggin him and not mindin my business but because I was actually, factually wrong.
ima go on now and let him do his lil Disney Cosmo channel thang mid-fight and sit down someplace
im sorreh, mah boi...
but ye, Within 48 hours we learned net zero information in which the person that debunked me was like... future me.
Much love and thanks to anyone who reads this thing.
And a lil extra love and thanks to people who read the first post too~
💖 * 💖 * 💖 * 💖 * 💖
please go outside
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carpedzem · 3 months
i think mcyt cc are playing losing game in how they treat dteam. i think they dont understand that a lot of stans, when they are forced to leave for one reason or another, they do leave mcyt space all together. like the moment shit goes down im not interested in watching people who left dteam and even more im not interested in watching people who were so tryhard to see their downfall. i know it happens sometimes people just switching ccs but even looking at the numbers, mine and craft is not as popular as it was 2 or 3 years ago. and sure the big boom happened during pandemic and we now live in different reality but i think that a lot of people just leaves and when they leave upset, they want it all gone from their lives. like i cant imagine tapping into jm stream after dropping dt like ever. i regularly block and mute ccs that i just dont want to see in my recommendations. there's also a whole thing of how they act in general. its not about that they finally proved to me that dt are evil people but bc how they treated past situations - usually in an awful way
im thinking about it bc i recently watched matpat final game theory and he actually talked about it in his vid. he mentioned how yt is is a game in which everyone can win through collaboration - ironically he even used qsmp as an example! and as contrast he mentioned beauty community that started fighting between themselves to gain viewers and steal them from other youtubers. and by the end every watcher was fed up with this behaviour and they left all together. and i wouldnt be surprised if mcyt wasnt on the same path. people mostly watch ccs for entertainment not to be involved in drama constantly. and when never ending discourse just keep happening they move to another thing that is less draining. and this is what is happening with mcyt. not only dt is losing views but every single cc in that group as well
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casey-complains · 5 months
matpat has made his career of shitty or stolen theories and bigoted behaviour, i am NOT mourning the removal of this white man
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starleska · 1 year
I just saw on YouTube that MatPat has made a GTLive about Welcome Home.
I’m honestly conflicted. On the one hand, I am genuinely happy that a big YouTuber like MatPat has noticed Welcome Home, as I do love his theories on occasion.
But I’m also worried. After everything Clown has been through with the sudden rush of a massive following, and also me knowing how MatPat’s very large fan base can be VERY zealous, I’m genuinely worried for Clown. I know they’re going through a lot and are currently on a well deserved hiatus, but I do have the sudden thought that the prospect of MatPat’s fan base getting too zealous may end up doing harm in the long term for them. They have done that before on other things.
And that’s not even getting into MatPat potentially making a theory video about Welcome Home when the project hasn’t yet left the Prologue Stage of its story, which may end up again doing harm.
I wonder what your opinion on all of this may be. What do you think of MatPat covering this potentially as a theory and do you worry about his fan base becoming zealous for Welcome Home?
hello sweetheart! thank you so much for sending in this ask, and for putting your thoughts down in such a respectful manner - very well articulated 💖 i'm going to pop my response under a read more, as i feel it deserves a good chunk of text for a reply.
and if you're a new Welcome Home fan - welcome to the fandom! 🥰 here's a simple guide i wrote which explains what Welcome Home is, where the story is taking place, and how you can support the creator.
okay, here we go! ✨
first of all, i understand why you're concerned. this explosive growth has been tough for Clown - and having caught the edge of the tidal wave of attention just for Welcome Home fanworks, i don't blame them for being so stressed! no one could've predicted Welcome Home would blow up so much, although it is a testament to Clown's artistic talent and skill 🔥
here's the thing: fandom isn't something you can control. i feel that even though this concern comes from a good place, we may be sliding a little too close to gatekeeping territory, and that isn't fair. i totally get what you're saying about the overzealous part, but i don't believe there's anything inherent about being a fan of MatPat's content which would cause someone to behave in a disrespectful, boundary-overstepping manner. let's be clear: we are not inherently more deserving of enjoying Welcome Home just because we discovered it earlier, or any other trait that would separate the earlier fandom from a new influx of fans from MatPat.
again, i sympathise with your perspective. i was an old MatPat fan myself: a real creepypasta-obsessed teen who discovered all sorts of cool fandoms through him and other channels! but i don't think Welcome Home being covered by MatPat means there's a higher risk of harm, or that those fans in particular are more likely to exhibit inappropriate behaviour. i worry about fandoms which, when trying to make sure everyone is being respectful, end up creating an us vs. them mentality...and there's nothing i dislike more than fans who believe they're more entitled to enjoy media more for artificial reasons, like if they discovered it earlier, or know more about the property, or engage in fandom the 'correct' way (whatever that means) 😕
i think that just because Clown is (very understandably!) stressed and needs time to adjust, doesn't mean we should try and halt the popularity of Welcome Home - which would be both unfair and impossible. there's no criteria for whether or not someone can be a fan - all that is to be expected is that they are respectful and kind. we should continue as always: being respectful, and echoing Clown's wishes. i think we should welcome all these new fans and show them a great time! and if a fan does do something harmful, we shouldn't attack them; instead, we should let them know why that's not okay, and not assume everyone is out to do harm. ignorance isn't always out of malice, and many of us discussing this issue have the luxury of being older, and having had our younger years in fandom under much less scrutiny. perhaps there's this lingering anxiety due to the claims of fans doxxing/hacking, which Clown has since debunked as being odd fandom rumours.
ultimately, Clown put Welcome Home out into the world for other people to enjoy. MatPat is allowed to make theories on Welcome Home, and his fans are allowed to enjoy it too. this is the same as an unknown video game being covered by Markiplier, or a similar property being picked up by the nerdcore music community. yes, it's likely MatPat's fans may be on the younger side, and perhaps inexperienced with fandom etiquette or boundaries. however, this is a generalisation! i feel perhaps this anxiety with new fans coming in has something to do with our own overzealousness, and how in the early days we began making fanworks/interacting with Clown's content in ways which he's since stated he's not comfortable with 💖
at the end of the day: whether we're 13 or 55; whether we compile large documents full of information about the Welcome Home story or write gushing posts about how cute Wally Darling is; whether we've known Clown's work for years or are just discovering it today - we're all fans, and we all deserve to be here. being zealous is what fandom is all about! the best thing we can do is just keep on putting out positive energy, and encouraging all of that lovely, budding excitement. let's keep helping new fans learn about the amazing story of Welcome Home, and making them feel welcome too 🥰
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onesunofagun · 6 months
You know, I'm going to put a thought down because I'm thinking about this again because of the post earlier.
It might be a vent? I think it's more just me trying to describe a feeling so it's outside me and I can look at it.
I've seen a lotta discourse and a lot of theories and different takes out there. There's always gonna be some stuff that's frustrating because it's something Sus being widely normalised, but generally speaking, I think the varied perspective and ideas are always good thing in a fandom.
I've seen all sorts of ideas be explored-- in fics, in doujins and art, in roleplay, in lore essays-- over the years. I like to think I have a pretty good map on the fandoms I've been online and present in since the early 00s. I can usually remember context about how certain stuff came about, like what tropes or ideas got popular when and how, whether through shipping or fanon or mangas or general knowledge about the development process.
When you've been in a fandom a long time-- especially if you have made a lot of contributions to it, at any point-- sometimes you even have a part in shaping certain idea flows within it, yourself.
So I have had the chance to see and contribute to a lot of conversations that have happened over and over and over again, in a kind of generational way. I have seen certain discussions from old forums, translate to fics. I've seen them pop up on tumblr, then tumble to Reddit, then YouTube. I have watched the spread through the general sphere of things, get added to and turned over and re-examined.
For the record: I love watching that process, and I like being part of that process! Mentally tracking the grandfathered in fandom history has also become its own kinda hobby for me.
I've always found it interesting mapping where new fans come in, seeing how they orient themselves and what they pick up-- how and why and what they do with it, whether I appreciate it or not (I highlight biases that are related to harmful ideas when I see them to illuminate them).
Seeing certain concepts be repeatedly rediscovered and watching how certain waves of fans digest them is fascinating. Sometimes with surprising results, sometimes with disappointing results, but it's fascinating either way. That's kind of part of the appeal having been here so long and why I came back into (mild) activity-- I get to study and dissect the fandom behaviours as well.
But despite all of that, I've found I don't really appreciate a good number of the popular YouTubers who focus on Zelda as their channel topic.
I think I've developed a bit of a distaste for a few of them in particular, actually--the big number Zeldatuber channels. Mostly the ones that seem to be the theorycrafters that kinda followed on from a MatPat style format. All of my love to well researched videos analysing the themes and meta, and all the silly boundary breaks and speedruns, mind. But I found I got really disillusioned with the handful of channels that rose to prominence and how their content shifted with that growth.
With the potential to monetise their discussions and discords worth of people and patrons driving this kinda content, I do think a lot about things that have been discussed in the fandom in the past that get taken up and regurgitated as part of that grind. I have lost track of how many videos that have come out of a few big Zeldatubers of this vein gave me a really weird slimy feeling and I am trying to work out what it is.
I'm not super invested in watching much of Zeldatube at large, mostly because I've seen most popular subjects covered in many variations. I'm a lot more personally interested in analysis, rather than theorycraft, so take it with a grain of salt that I may have a bias too (The popular Zonai fixation really doesn't interest me at all, and Zeldatube burnt out on that hard).
A lot of the channels like this seem to present their stuff like it is brand new and never been seen before, and like it's a great achievement in sleuthing or that they've cracked a code-- but not in a fun feeling way. Not in an exciting personal discovery way, but in a way that feels like it's propping up an exclusivity around that channel, and its validity as a leading authority on Zeldadom. There's something vaguely newsfeed-like, or sensationalist about it to me, with tight knit associations to other big channels making the same type of content (and about the same types of subjects as far as I ever noticed, and widely overlapping perspectives).
I wonder if that's a cynical feeling that I have where I'm just being an old man yelling at clouds, but there's really something that rubs me wrong about the handful of top channels like this. Something about the way they generate and present, and potentially profit from, often long running fandom concepts and otherwise freely shared ideas that have had many contributions feels off.
Maybe it's also me struggling to understand the closed off nature of how a lot of people just absorb the series secondhand now, and how normal it is to have the most popular Zeldatube channels setting the tones and assumptions around lore for large swatches of the newer fans. And not because old guard gatekeeping, but because there's an obvious chasm there between new and old fans of the same media that now exists that's seemingly getting wider.
I do sometimes worry about the trend of recycled old fanon staples presented as brand new takes, because of that-- or worse, sold as the definitive take, especially when a lot of people do just accept them and then go off and start arguments because 'big Zeldatube said so' and they must know best.
Sometimes I wonder if the trend is actually adding to issues with consumption vs engagement, in terms of media literacy and fandom interaction. There's certainly some theories, because of these channels, widely taken as a kind of gospel from the 'zelda experts' like the discussion is already closed; mystery solved. I've legit seen smaller youtubers be accused of stealing or copying theories from the larger channels, when making detailed and well researched videos about canon lore. I have had multiple interactions with fans who just link to a popular video and be like 'here watch this, it'll explain it' like they can't even be bothered to have their own take, but they're also not interested in yours.
The way big Zeldatube presents itself and gets consumed at large, though, I guess I just don't recognise that as the same as seeing a new fan have a joyful discovery of something from their own interactions with the franchise and fandom. I realise that the channel runners are fans themselves, but I suppose I mean that the platform feels more like a degree of professional separation that's very closed. It's become 'Zelda is my job now' thing that's focused on interest trends and news.
Something something, decades of fandom interaction and discussion and archiving getting scraped and haphazardly slapped together again for the content grind because clout and profit??
That feels mean to say but--
"Like and subscribe and join my patreon for more content, often mined from various thoughts around the fandom to make up a new video to schedule" is how it often tastes to me and that's not a flavour I enjoy.
Again, by all means, not applicable to the whole of Zeldatube or many fans who do watch the big channels. But this kinda thing does feel like a pervasive and popular part of the theorycrafter channels. Commodification of theory, and exploitative platforms built off a community's back, leave a lot of the big Zeldatubers without my support or endearment. I feel incredibly conflicted about them.
Is that anything?
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asktacoii · 24 days
I think our magic anon asks are somehow going to either cobs or directly to the chip thats how her behaviour is affected without actual magic
(silly 5/7)
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the-spam-specialist · 2 months
Tin foil hats? I have whole board with pinned different information from your story and little posts from ask. I'm had tin foil hat and energy of MatPat trying to piece together fnaf timeline.
Anyway my theory about Notch past is that, he is a breed in captivity pokémon to be perfect just like Pokémons for Pokémon championships tournament. That means perfect nature, perfect EVs spread, perfect moveset. Like literally I saw few teams running this kind of Ceruledge move set with life orb and tera of fighting in tournaments.
On @skylertheminish ask you mentioned Notch having Docile Nature dispite showing Adamant nature strength witch to me suggests that a mint was used to change his nature witch makes sense since adamant is perfect nature for Ceruledge and even run in competitive specially with kind of moveet Notch has.
Also I remember at my question if Notch can detect other ghosts you answer that he specifically trained to detect other things around him.
Beside that would explain why he doesn't know what a berry is. If he was raised to be a perfect weapon ofcourse he would be feed a meal that are meant to increase his EVs and maybe with added proteins?
Also his behaviour when Protag try to touch him suggested to me he was severely abused. I believe they put him through immense training to be a perfect weapon, with perfect EVs and definitely they try to assert total control over him to make him listen to only then. That would explain the crack in his armour or maybe this is something he got while trying to escape his captors.
As to who put Notch through something like that? Well I think everything points to Pokémon hunters, not only they mentioned in only second chapter of story, but it kinda make sense. Specially with throat chop as a move Notch knows. It's a TM learn move to Ceruledge just like Close combat which means someone definitely teach this to Notch and throat chop also prevents target from using sound base moves(34 is present now in games), perfect thing to have if you hunt Pokémons.
As to my prediction to the future of the story. Well I believe that someone who put that much effort in raising Notch wouldn't just let him slide and would want him back. I just hope that Protag can protect they new friend, as Notch definitely chose them.(just like Froakie with Ash in XY ^^)
But that's just a theory, a Pokémon theory!
Thank you for reading my little rumbling nonsense. Now I will go back to my dark corner and sit with some ghost types with my tin foil hat.
A good theory indeed! And a very thought-out one! We'll have to see if any of it is confirmed in future chapters!
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voidpumpkin · 2 years
The Knight/Ghost, Luz, Sidon, and Krobus?
Oh Ghost my little beloved, virtually characterless in the game but have so much fanon lore and head cannons about them, they were the first canonically they/them explicitly no gender character i knew *cough fuck you matpat cough*.
I don't normally like silent character's but Ghost is just so cute and as concept they're fascinating. Through player agency and little bits of lore it is made clear that despite the Pale King's intentions and what has been said about hollowness that they are a thinking feeling character, (i've always believed the hollowness described is a connection and unity with the void that gives them strength rather an emptiness that allow them to contain the Radiance) I just love this silent child looking thing exploring a world and meeting all these new and wonderful people as well as the internal conflict as they learn their purpose and fullfil it.
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Bingo again!
Luz my beloved, sorely undervalued by the fandom (there is some serious white favoritism in the fandom, thankfully not so much with the crew as they actually recognise she is the main character and that the story is about her, though they should have done more to emphasize her status as afro and latina). She has one of the more interesting character arcs i've seen of nuerodivergent child engaging in seriously harmful practices and having to get a reality check (I don't what anyone says, she let snakes out, her mum was right to send her to summer camp, a camp V loved, that would have probably benefited Luz had she had gone). She's built her world around her interests to her detriment and has to learn that it has become damaging, that her behaviours are hurting people, and she learns this on the fucking boiling isles of all places. In life or death situations she comes to understand she can't go into her fantasy, that she needs to confront reality and figure out how to thrive in it (a wonderful deconstruction of isekai stories). she's legitimately smart, figuring out the sigils and making complex use of them, her struggle with her mum is compelling, the character contrast between her and belos is fascinating, two people who when confronted with the boiling isles move in very different ways, one changing and growing, the other rooting themselves in place and festering. She's legitimately funny with some of the best lines in the show and her romance with Amity is adorable. It's subtle but i do think the writers go a bit too hard on Luz blaming herself. She's probably the only character who got a perfect amount of screentime in season two.
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Oh Sidon, you and Link were some of the first things i learnt about BOTW, a legitimately fun character who deserved infinitely more screentime, a really think a sidon mipha's ghost meet up should have happened. Sidlink is probably one of my favourite ships of all time and one of the main reasons i want more monsterxhuman ships. There is reason him and sidlink have influenced some of my stories.
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Krobus, best salesmen, very nice, very neat, probably my favourite Stardew Valley character, the one i always marry after it became possible and his shop is so useful.
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jadez1207 · 7 months
I think people lately have gotten too comfortable psychoanalysing random strangers and trying to label all behaviours as stemming from some deep reasoning/meaning which we just must dig into and find out more about.
This is especially true online, where people will see one random photo/video of a person and write paragraphs of digging into their brain and past, all while making massive leaps in logic and grasping at straws like the matpat of internet strangers.
Are there reasons people do things? Sure. But the assumption that somebody never just did something because they wanted to, or made a mistake, or just find it fun, is exhausting.
And on top of all this, whatever reason they have whether it be part of their real life tragic backstory, or a deep-rooted psychological reason, really is none of your business, random Internet person.
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sparklypunk · 5 years
Unpopular opinion: matpat rarely annoys me. Sure his theories can be wrong (a lot) and he can be a cocky know it all who answers questions "no one asked" but I really appreciate that he does go out of his way to do that. It's all just literally theories with science and laws and fun facts. None of it is really serious but gets the audience to look deeper into what is there. To look for the impossible and find an interesting way to connect it all together
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new-rosecity · 3 years
i was bored so i watched wilburs vod of the matpat video reaction and from my limited wilbur arg knowledge (i watched to first video and a summary video on it about a year ago) i have come to a small conclusion that somehow within the story of the arg c!wilbur contracted rabies
first off the idea of wilbur making an arg with the main concept of rabies is very on brand for wilbur.
basically my theory is based on the fact that one of the possible cause of death of edgar allen poe is rabies (i just looked on wikipedia, it also said his death recorded does not exist)
wilbur said he did something embarrassing (and possibly illegal?) that kai witnessed (contraced rabies)
his weird and erratic behaviour and the symptoms of coldness, although rare are symptoms of rabies
i thought the idea that wilburs arg not only mimics edgar allen poes writing but life would seem fitting
anyways i dont know all too much about wilburs arg's so this is probably extremely disprovable. this is also the only theory i would make about this bc i dont like reading all too much and im not the smartest or most patient person lol
i do think it would be quite funny if part of the answer was rabies and if any theorists think this is useful youre very welcome lol
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und8e2ff · 2 years
I'm going to see if I can find out what Ikki's second language might be.
Note: I understand this series is older than I am and this question has probably already been answered (probably on Reddit, idk), but let me have my fun.
According to the wiki, "Death Queen Island is a fictitious island located below the Equator in the South Pacific." So... Somewhere in Oceania?
There's constant volcanic activity.
And there's some sort of purple flower that grows there in abundance.
To be clear, I'm not taking this research too seriously Lies, but I'm def lookin for viable answers.
The only purple flower I can find that's said to grow on/near volcanoes is the passion flower. Aside from purple, the passion flower comes in many colors including red, pink, orange, yellow, white, and blue. Most species of this flower are native to the Americas (Central and South specifically), but there are a few species native to other regions, Oceania included. noice, we gettin somewhere
Do the species native to the Oceanic region come in purple?
You're asking too many questions. The purple flower and the region in question match up, that's all we need to know.
I nitpick this later.
So... Apparently, there are like 400+ active volcanoes in Oceania. I'm going to see which ones are the most active and what specific part of the region they reside in. After that, I'll see what languages are spoken most and if passion flowers grow there, I guess???
I don't really know, but oh well. I'll see what turns up.
Actually, pause-
So... Looked up Guilty's mask and it looks like a Rangda mask. The Rangda mask is a Balinese mask and Bali is in Indonesia.
So the next questions are:
Is Indonesia part of Oceania?
Do passion flowers grow there?
Does Indonesia have active volcanoes?
So... Looking at a map of Indonesia, only part of it is below the equator, and to reference the wiki, "Death Queen Island is a fictitious island located below the Equator..."
I'm not gonna lie, I wish I didn't look up the mask because now the answer feels obvious af. I don't think this is fun anymore but I'll continue anyway.
So... The wiki doesn't quite say Oceania, it says the South Pacific, and the part of Indonesia that's below the equator is in the South Pacific, I guess???
Okay, so... Looked into it a bit and Indonesia is not part of Oceania, BUT to be fair, I assumed the Oceanic region based on "...below the Equator in the South Pacific," that's my own fault. It doesn't count Indonesia out.
Next question: Do passion flowers grow there?
The answer is Yes. Passion flowers in Indonesia are called markisa and apparently, two varieties of this flower grow in Indonesia. They're passiflora edulis and passiflora flavicarpa.
Apparently, these varieties bear yellow passion fruit and from what I've seen, the flowers associated with these fruits don't seem to be purple. Most of them look white. They're purple towards the center, but again, for the most part, these flowers appear to be white and not the purple color shown in the anime.
I'll give some grace on this because
It's not that deep
Profit Ikki isn't actually in mainland Indonesia. He's on a remote island with high volcanic activity. Many factors including but not limited to, temperature, pH, and available nutrients in the soil can alter the color of some (maybe all, idk) flowers. Is the passion flower one of those flowers? You're asking too many questions.
But the final question... Does Indonesia have active volcanoes?
aight, so- Indonesia has mad volcanoes. Indonesia is 3rd place in terms of which country has the most volcanoes and 74 of them are still active today?
I think I'm finally nearing the end of this. sweet
oh ye, Forgot to mention that Bali Island is in the part of Indonesia that is, in fact, below the equator, so I guess I'll look into what the most active volcano there is?
When I google "what is the most active volcano on bali island" I get Mount Agung. It is the highest point of Bali and its last eruption was in 2019.
Let's make a couple things clear:
Death Queen Island is a fictitious remote island
Bali IS NOT a remote island
So that being said, Death Queen Island is likely a much smaller volcanic island somewhere off the coast of Bali. Also, its volcano must be a lot more volatile since it rains fire all year round and there's little to no vegetation/wildlife present.
omg Fuck this whole thing-
Okay, so I looked up how passion flowers grow, and apparently they're a vining plant that should be grown near walls, trees, and trellises?
On Death Queen Island? WHAT FUCKING TREES?
Trellises? A man-made structure? IKKI SLEPT IN A FUCKING CAVE, I-
I did this to myself.
I have no fucking idea if this fucks up my entire theory on what the purple flowers on the island are and if this makes at least 30 minutes of research useless, but I'm tired. I'm gonna try to wrap this up now.
So the question is... What languages are spoken in Bali?
I deadass could have asked this questions ages ago after looking up the origin of Guilty's mask.
It's giving, como se dice... MatPat behavior?
I actually want to fucking die???
I've put HOURS into this shit and I haven't even eaten anything yet. I didn't think this would be more than 2 - 3 paragraphs for Ikki's part? Yeah, this post was SUPPOSED to be finding out both Ikki AND Shun's second languages.
After how long this shit turned out to be, don't hold your breath. If Shun's part comes out, BIG ON THE ""IF"", it probably won't be for another year at the very least.
The languages spoken in Bali are Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian), which is spoken all throughout Indonesia, and Basa Bali (Balinese).
Apparently, most people in Bali are bilingual knowing both Indonesian and Balinese (or trilingual knowing English alongside both of those languages), but most of the locals just speak Balinese to each other, and Indonesian and English are reserved for Indonesians from other islands and tourists? Or so I've read.
Also, apparently, both languages sound pretty different from each other even though they share the same origin?
So... That means Guilty is at least bilingual but since his mask ties him specifically to Bali, I'm assuming he's a native to that island, that he would exclusively speak his native tongue, Basa Bali, to a foreigner that doesn't share any of his two (or three) languages in common anyway, and therefore...
***************************************************** **Ikki's second language is Basa Bali (Balinese).** *****************************************************
This was done all in one sitting.
fuck me
i'm going the fuck to bed
also, i said that the passion flower grows throughout Indonesia, it does also grow on Bali Island specifically. okay, NOW i'm done
my shoulders hurt
that part of my spine at the base of my neck hurts
fuck sake
my next saint seiya post will probably be in 2027
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zerojanitor · 3 years
i wanna be the kind of mature and wise wizard-type figure who doesn’t resort to petty behaviour but i see matpat and i just want that fool clowned on
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blue-shaded · 4 years
I never thought I'd say this but: The Chad Matpat vs The Virgin Sean when it comes to merch apologies
Yeah this is pretty much it. But that goes for any apology. Sean just doesn’t know how to properly write one.. Every single one he’s made is him shifting the blame to something else and pretending like it’s entirely out of his control. It happened with the transphobia game, he blamed the devs, pretended like he couldn’t know.. But uploaded the video anyway. Now with the merch, he blames his “design team”, pretends like he couldn’t prevent this.. But then went and put the merch up anyway. Every single time we call him out he crawls back from it, takes distance, pretends like he couldn’t do anything about it or have prevented it in any way or form and it’s never his fault that it happened!! It’s always the 3rd party to blame! Never Sean! Never will he apologize for something that HE did. And then it’s just a matter of hiding the evidence so his media image is saved and so is his career. It’s nasty, cowardly behaviour. It’s time for him to hold himself accountable because it is HIS responsibility. All of it. His channel, his content, his merch store, his career. Never being able to admit you made a mistake is NOT a good look on you Sean.
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clarislam · 5 years
Escape The Night: Season 4, Episode 7 Reactions!
Reactions and overall thoughts of this episode are under the cut due to spoilers!
I legitimately thought the Genie might be the villain of the episode, but I’m completely wrong here!
So freeing the Genie = A key AND a wish!!! 
Scheherezade? Oooh. This is an interesting twist on her character.
First we have Straight Joey, now we have Straight Bretman. 
Whoa, whoa, wait. So we have Sinbad and Alibaba and...okay. Lots of people here. 
I feel like they mashed up the tales of Scheherazade with Sinbad and Aladdin to make this episode. It’s a lot to take in.
So it’s Joey vs. Bretman...and from what I understand, they have to basically adlib a tale? And then whoever the other guests thinks did better will live. Ouch.
Andddd Nikita’s out of Purgatory now. Which means we only have the guests. AND we still have a couple keys left...
Andddd a revival is going to happen!!!
Overall thoughts:
1. I like the twist on Scheherazade’s character being a villain. 
I typically know of her character being a storyteller who told stories to survive being killed post-marriage, and I love how they kept that storyteller part of her throughout the episode while changing her into a villain. I also like how the tables were turned on her in the end during the death challenge, resulting in no death for the guests this episode! Yay!
2. We have the first episode where Joey straight-up volunteered himself into a death challenge!!!
I was pretty surprised when Joey did that and spared Alex from a third challenge because he was recently in two. Honestly, I do think he needed a break from all the death challenges to switch it up a bit, so it was refreshing to see Joey go up against Bretman. 
As far as we know from trailer clips, it’s likely that Colleen will be coming back for next episode. The possibility of Tana coming back would be nice, however, given how good she was at solving puzzles and challenges during this season. The question is: How will whoever is revived act once they get back to life? 
Will the newly-revived for next episode have a similar behaviour? Perhaps feel vengeful against the ones who voted them into the death challenges that caused their demise in the first place? I feel like that would be interesting to explore, and I say this partially because of the several “Matpat turns evil post-revival” theories and fics that happened during last season but also because literally anything could happen in All-Stars. We’ve had self-sacrifice, double-deaths, guardians, volunteering-oneself-into-a-challenge and a no-death situation in the span of 4 episodes straight. Someone turning evil post-revival or getting vengeful could happen.
What did you think of this episode? Do you think Joey might volunteer himself into another challenge again? Who do you think will be revived? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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fuckmatpat · 5 years
this is kinda late but the thing about matpat showing stuff to minors from earlier is that kids will watch his videos not only because of the content but because matt and his team work to make it quote "family friendly" like they try not to swear, they recognize that many of their fans are kids, and yet show it anyway. like looking at other channels aimed at teenagers and adults, you can tell who theyre aimed at even if the content is fortnite or smth. just by their behaviour mostly
exactly! That was one of my main points. it declares itself family friendly but has non family friendly themes around it. I follow a lot of channels that aren’t necessarly family friendly and it’s easy to tell who they’re aimed at. 
With matpat, he’s trying to reach every audiences possible. kids with games that are popular with kids, and teens/adults with gritty themes that dont fit the family friendly theme at all, and ppl like us who are mad by making extremely extravagant videos that is sure to make ppl talk abt em, good or not.
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