#my poor horse boi
und8e2ff · 2 years
so... I called Seiya a fake and a fraud the other day and...
I might have been wrong?
Recapping with the images I used in the linked post...
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him do his lil dance
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This is what I got when I taped some paper on my monitor and traced the path of his arm movements
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This is the Pegasus constellation
yall about to watch me lose 5 years of my life for the second time in 48 hours
how special does that make YOU feel?
okay, SO-
The Pegasus constellation in real life actually appears in the sky flipped both vertically and horizontally from the picture I used in the last post. That's how the Pegasus constellation appears behind Seiya.
but here (below) is how it appears in the sky in real life
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Also, while reviewing the GIF specifically, I noticed that the Pegasus constellation behind Seiya when he's channeling his cosmo has extra stars for the back legs of the Pegasus.
In both images I've posted so far of the Pegasus constellation, those stars aren't there. At first, I thought they were extra stars to make the background more "balanced" with more stars to outline Seiya's silhouette and to further frame him as the focus of the shot.
so... that was f a l s e
The extra stars for the legs in that GIF/animation are actually the Andromeda constellation.
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The Pegasus constellation is made of the Great Square of (the) Pegasus and a few more stars that make the two front legs and the head of the horse.
The Pegasus and Andromeda constellations share a star in the Great Square called Alpheratz. The Andromeda constellation, while being its own thing and not actually being part of the Pegasus constellation, looks like the back legs of the Pegasus.
This explains away the extra stars in the GIF as being accurate to astrology and not just artistic choice.
All of this is very interesting and has fuckall to do with the actual point I came here to address today.
I started to play around a bit with the pathing of Seiya's arm movements and see if there was any, and I mean ANY possible way it could really be matching up with the Pegasus constellation.
and honestly???
ye, it kinda works
First, let me clean up what I traced out yesterday.
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Okay, so when I clean up the path and separate the two, this is what it looks like.
This is the exact path his arms move in and I've marked every place where his arms change trajectory/curve with numbers so you can have a better idea of the order he's hitting which points since there is quite a bit of overlap.
The Pegasus constellation has 15 stars but I don't think he's hitting like... every individual star? More like tracing over where each one roughly is?
this'll make more sense in a bit...
Alright, so-
Earlier I discussed the orientation/direction of the Pegasus constellation as it appears behind Seiya and how it will appear in most images when you look it up. The head is up top and to the left with the Great Square, it's body, to the bottom right.
But again, the way it appears in the sky in real life is flipped both vertically and horizontally with its head to the bottom right and Alpheratz, the farthest out corner of the body/Great Square connected to Andromeda (the hind legs), to the top left.
I've tried countless times to fit different images of the Pegasus constellation into the outline and while it never quite fits, I've realized that in spite of that, the path still kind of works.
sooooo . . .
I'm gonna try to get an image of the Pegasus constellation that includes the names of all the stars in it. This'll help me explain the path and how it hits/curves around or through each part of the constellation.
And then I'm going to show you what it looks like when you trace the path of each hand over the constellation.
Like I said earlier, if you draw out the path itself and then try to use a photoeditor to like, idk... 'superimpose' a stock image of the Pegasus constellation into it, it won't really fit like that. But I think I've found a way to make them align.
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This is the best image I could find of the Pegasus constellation with almost all of the stars named.
Sadly, I couldn't find an image like this with the constellation facing the same way it does behind Seiya, but I'll mark the paths and do my best to explain.
ye, I think I'm about to hit the image limit
I think it's clear where Seiya's hands start. His left hand starts on the star Alpheratz and his right hand starts either on Baham or Enif, but I think it starts on Baham.
Actually, it might start at Homan.
I'll start with his left hand, though.
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So, like I said earlier, Seiya's left hand starts on Alpheratz, which is way in the bottom right corner. From there it does a HUGE diagonal left upward curve to Enif. Enif is the furthest star in the upper left of the constellation, it's the Pegasus's nose.
And from Enif, it swerves really far back right again to Algenib. Algenib is the star above Alpheratz in the Great Square (the upper right corner). From Algenib it goes a little bit back left to Markab, the upper left corner of the Great Square. From Markab it goes down to Scheat, the lower left corner of the Great Square, and then upwards, diagonal and right back up to Algenib.
The final movement is a HUGE downwards crescent from Algenib that sweeps under Alpheratz to the left, through the legs of the Pegasus, and up, not quite to but very close, to Enif again.
Actually, on the first swing from Alpheratz to Enif, I think it might swing through the stars Matar and ι or Iota Pegasi which are the stars in the middle of the bottom and top leg respectively.
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Alright, looked at it a little more and Seiya's right hand very likely starts at Homan. Homan is a star in the middle of the Pegasus's neck.
From Homan, Seiya's arm makes a pretty sharp crescent to the right, it doesn't go through anything, but when it comes back to the left, it passes through Baham, which is the top of the Pegasus's head. From Baham, he makes a massive, downward sweeping motion that I believe is going through the star at the tip of the top foot.
The Pegasus's feet are out in front of it with one leg positioned over the other.
I think that star is called Kappa Pegasi? In the picture, it just looks like κ which is probably supposed to be short for κ Peg. Kappa Pegasi is the second star after Sadalbari, which is the bent knee of the top leg of the Pegasus.
Both of the legs are coming out of Scheat at the lower left of the Great Square.
From there it continues to curve rightward and it goes by, quite possibly through, the tip of the bottom foot of the Pegasus. The star at the end of that leg is represented in the image as π, short for π Peg which is Pi Pegasi. From Pi Pegasi, it continues its loop and goes through Scheat where both legs start.
From Scheat it arcs up and to the left to Enif, the Pegasus's nose, and finally, from that point, it swings slightly downward and far right to the upper right corner of the Great Square, Algenib.
Edit - Honestly, that last arc was probably supposed to go just a bit lower and hit Sadalbari. I think that's the only major named star I haven't hit yet. but oh well
Seiya might be crossing all of the major/named stars. oh wow...
The attention to detail is astounding, high key.
but bruh- I really went in on this lil boi the other day
I came for his stance. I came for his character; I deadass called him a liar at one point.
chile... I came for his eyesight
Marin was out there catchin strays-
okay, girlies. so i redid the math and the math IS mathin, but liek...
bitches cain't carry decimals
Hi there, this is your Captain bitches speaking~ We're almost off this flight ✈️🌠
chile... nah, Cause I dragged tf out that poor boi in my last post and I was wrong. Not just for draggin him and not mindin my business but because I was actually, factually wrong.
ima go on now and let him do his lil Disney Cosmo channel thang mid-fight and sit down someplace
im sorreh, mah boi...
but ye, Within 48 hours we learned net zero information in which the person that debunked me was like... future me.
Much love and thanks to anyone who reads this thing.
And a lil extra love and thanks to people who read the first post too~
💖 * 💖 * 💖 * 💖 * 💖
please go outside
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grozen · 3 months
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silly little man, silly little sketches
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"today has officially become the worst day of my life" - Chuckie T
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themoonshoes · 5 months
um. no offense and let me so so respectful when i say um. ok. river in that office when he gets tied up. so like,
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softquietsteadylove · 11 months
Oh you gotta continue the dressage AU! It looks promising and already so good too!
Maybe something cute? Gil playing with Olympia? And Thena who wanted to look after Olympia coincidentally sees it? And she is not only watching her mare 👀
"Olympia?" Thena looked around, not spotting her mare in the fields. She walked down the steps of the clubhouse, the apples she swiped from the brunch table in hand. "Olympia!"
Where was that devilish horse?
Thena walked towards the stables, where at the very least there would be someone who would know where Olympia was.
She and Gilgamesh had come to know each other better. She had to admit that she judged him perhaps too quickly. He was a very experienced and diligent caretaker, and he really did know the horses very well. Olympia especially seemed to get the very best food mix, the best attention, the best of everything!
The club would insist on nothing less, after all, given she was their top prize winner. But to have a caretaker who actually cared about Olympia because she was Olympia was...refreshing. And he was not so bad to know as a human, either.
Thena walked into the stables, the doors open to air the place out on such a temperate day. She leaned against one of the pen doors, rolled open for exactly who she was looking for.
Olympia whinnied in glee, cantering and kicking like a bunny as Gil played peekaboo with her. She was like a puppy with a toy as her handler took turns peeking at her in between shovelling her hay.
"Hm," Gil pursed his lips, setting aside the shovel as he moved onto the bales. He looked over the wrong shoulder, "it feels like someone is here...but I don't see anyone."
Olympia shuffled her hooves, moving behind him further as he slowly turned around the wrong way to see her.
"Hello!" he called out, chuckling at the sound of the horse behind him. "Oh!"
Thena leaned off the barn door, officially caught in the act. "Oh, h-hi."
"Thena," he smiled as she walked over to them. He grinned, his hands on his hips, "have you seen Olympia?"
Thena barely bit back a laugh; he had his charms, she had to concede. "I...was just looking for her."
"Me too," he put on a look of confusion, ruffling his hair. His shirt had come a little undone in his work. "I was going to get her a snack, but-"
Thena hid her laughter behind her hand as Olympia nudged his hand with her snout and then got her slobbery lips all over them. "Olympia!"
But Gil had no admonishment for the snackish mare, "there you are!"
Olympia cantered on the spot in humour.
Thena went to her mare's side, smoothing her hand down her neck, "he spoils you."
Olympia looked at her as if to tell her not to spoil the fun.
"I spoil her?" Gil smiled, taking one of the apples Thena had brought with her in hand. "And what are these?"
"They were-" Thena gave Olympia a pointed look, "for a very hard working horse when she took a break. But I don't see any hard work being done."
Olympia nudged Gil, urging him to convince her rider to surrender the juicy snack.
"Hey," he chuckled, looking down at the apple in his hands, "I work very hard."
"That you do," Thena murmured. Gil dug his thumb into the top of the apple's core and then split the damned thing right in half. Maybe he was used to it, but it was still quite a feat to witness, nonetheless. He fed one to OIympia and took a bite of the other half for himself.
"At least I have some company," Gil smiled at Olympia, patting her nose as she crunched her surprise snack. He looked back to Thena, "what are you up to now?"
"Well," she blinked; his shirt seemed to come more and more undone the longer she spoke with him. "Practice this morning was thorough. I thought I would look in on Olympia before leaving for the day."
"Aw, we're having a nice time, right girl?" Gil cooed to the horse who was so smitten with him. Her tail swished behind her. "After hay time I was going to give her a nice brushing, maybe a hose down if it's necessary."
Olympia stomped her hoof.
"Stop it," Thena chided, pointing in her horse's long face, "you behave for Gilgamesh. He quite literally does everything he does for you."
Olympia turned faintly, shamed by Thena's scolded.
"Hey, it's okay," Gil said more gently as Olympia sought to hide behind him. "The others don't like baths either."
Thena gave him a look, "this is what I mean by you spoiling her. She had declared you her ally against me."
"I'm not taking anyone's side," Gil laughed, holding up his hands in good will. "I'm here to bale the hay and brush the horses."
Thena looked at the massive pile of hay beside them, both the loose stuff and the pre-rolled and blocked bales. "This is an awful lot for just you, Gil."
He shrugged, though, like staring down a mountain of hay up to the ceiling was nothing. "It's a full afternoon, that's for sure."
"Surely they can't expect you to do it all alone," Thena frowned as he did indeed start drifting back to the hay. She put her hand on Olympia's nose.
"I'm used to it."
Thena could argue that it didn't make it right, but he hefted up a bale and started moving them into each of the pens for the horses. She knew they could weigh around 50 pounds for the smaller blocks. Hay was light, but densely packed, anything could reach a weight that was still a pain to lift and move. "I can help."
"Thena, really," he gave her a look as he walked back for another one. "I only need two in each stall, it won't take long. The rest I'll load onto the forklift to be moved later."
"There must be something I can do," she frowned, not willing to just let it go as he picked up another one.
He set it down at his feet, his back stretching as he did. Why was his shirt so thin?! Thena blinked as he stood up, pulling her eyes away from the spectacle of it all.
"Really, Thena, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself," he said gently. "Not to mention the club would probably kill me in the back woods if I let their prized champion help me shovel the slop."
Thena rolled her eyes; what was this, the 18th century? "I am more than capable of basic horse care. I did manage it long before you came along."
"Hey, I'm not doubting that," he chuckled, looking at Olympia, who was watching their debate with bulbous eyes. "She's the best shape I've seen in a horse here."
Thena held her head high, her pride showing through.
"Okay," he shrugged, putting his hands on his hips again. Was he allowed to work in such a flimsy shirt? Wasn't he supposed to wear protective gear or something? "Hose her down for me, then."
Thena looked over her shoulder at Olympia, who looked away.
"You said you wanted to help," he chuckled, walking past her for more hay again. "She needs a brush and a little shampooing. Then, if you're really keen on helping, you can help me shovel the loose stuff."
The lighter stuff, he meant. Thena put her hands on her hips as well, "fine."
He nodded at her, seeming quite amused by her firmness, "deal."
He moved to retrieve another bale, hoisting this one all the way up onto his shoulder. His back muscles were plain to see regardless of the shirt over them.
Thena sputtered as Olympia flicked her tail right in her face. "Olympia!"
Olympia rolled her eyes and shook her mane out. If she was not going to have her fun, then neither was her rider.
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belladonnaprice · 27 days
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24-karat-plonker · 7 months
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Del and Boycie from 'Only fools and horses' S6 E3 'Chain gang'
@alex-desmall I love how absolutely no one bought that Boycie was a doctor😂
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hella1975 · 1 year
#my day started at 11AM. ELEVEN. AM. let that sink in. and has just now ended at 3am. (three in the morning. am. 3am. three am.)#i am SLEEPY i cant feel MY LEGS#like we all got ready at 11am. we went to spoons breakfast. we pre'd until like 2/3#AND THEN WE WENT TO THE HORSE RACES! BC THERE WAS A STUDENT DAY THING! IT WAS SO FUN! MUCH BETTER THAN LAST TIME!#and we were there until like? 9? i think?#and then we come home to get our shit together. had a chinese. drank some more. and then we went to the club#and we stayed until close bc when i TELL YOU the dj did not play a single skip song#it was just banger after banger i think ive lost my voice#but oh my god my POOR LITTLE LEGS#I WAS IN HEELS THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS AT THE RACES#6/7 HOURS IN HEELS JUST TO TAKE THEM OFF TO GO CLUBBING??? OW#IM GOD'S STRONGEST SOLDIER TBFH#ALL THAT WAITRESSING DID ME GOOD APPARENTLY MY FEET ARE STRONGER THAN SISYPHUS ON THEIR OWN#FUCK THAT ROCK BOY#ow. ow ow ow. but it was such a good day so idc. i met a guyyyyy <3#i also fucking body checked this one girl and i feel a bit bad bc she was so clearly having her teen coming of age moment in the club#like white girl dancing hands over her head twirling etc. unfortunately for her AND ME that involved bumping into me repeatedly#and like? she kept turning to us to try make us dance with her but me and my mates were having a lot of fun in our little trio so we didn't#which yeah maybe that was mean but tbh if someone did that to me id take no for an answer the first time instead of repeatedly doing it#like she was acting like she was empowering us and freeing us from the shackles of insecurity when rlly we were just like girl no#and she WOULD NOT GET THE FUCK OFF ME like zero spacial awareness to her#the irony of clubs is like yeah obvs ur surrounded by people but it's also looked down upon if ur seriously in someone's space#so i just wasn't having it and in the end i just fully fucking SHOVED her off lmfaoooo. sorry girlie <3#like i felt embarassed for her bc of it like she was so in her own little world and i absolutely ruined it but idc#be aware of other people and their comfort bitch!#anyway yeah it was very fun all in all <3#hella goes to uni
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
pegasus is straight confirmed
#the neurotic 10/10 woman being in love with an average 5/10 guy with a good heart is honestly a huge reoccurrence in the witcher though#txt#see prev post/reblog for context#c: roach#c: pegasus#i still like that headcanon from the discord server that#geralt takes to equestrian husbandry when he’s older (in the tw3 end / au where he lives at corvo bianco w/ yen)#and is trying to breed roach because she’s a reliable and fast steed#but she and the paired stallion aren’t really taking to each other and during this period of time dandelion rides in on pegasus#and somehow dandelion didnt care to check if pegasus was actually a gelding or not#geralt thinks — oh finally the stallion i was pairing roach with actually did the job because roach is pregnant#however long horse gestation takes later#roach gives birth and geralt is proud — but he doubts the parentage because#— but ​the foal is both a biter and terrible-tempered (roach) and also fat and lazy (pegasus). literally the worst of both worlds#so geralt has to send a letter to dandelion being like#‘your stupid SHITTY horse knocked MY HORSE up’#‘i hope youre planning on paying foal support’ (like child support get it)#‘i thought pegasus was a gelding’ ‘yeah i’m pretty sure he is’ ‘… dandelion do you know what gelding is’#[geralt explains] ‘🫣 GHASTLY!! … ohh that’s why everyone always threatens me with that huh’#‘poor pegasus 😭 my poor boy…’ ‘well obviously he is not a gelding though’ ‘oh. good on you then boy’#anyways… im sorry you had to read this if you think its stupid. i think its funny and something which would take place in a happy ending#the other detail was that there was supposed to be a litter of foals and only one foal is fast yet docile (best of their traits)#but the foal doesnt like anyone except yennefer and she names it thunderbolt or thunderstorm iirc#but i realized later that horses dont have litters they have like one foal#these headcanons are community property but they had to be written out publically at some point so here you are#i find the horses of the heroes to be a great source of comic relief if you think about it
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original-punks · 7 months
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actual-changeling · 1 year
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Outside of the entirety of TLOU 2 and the estrangement (different ask) - Callus dying. I'm sorry I love that horse so much and killing him off was so MEAN and I did not see it coming at all. Our boy deserved so much better. (Also a better name who tf came up with Callus of all things)
ask me a question
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my angy purple boy <3
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track2hack · 1 year
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Chester’s doing very good after his gelding procedure, still running around and being a pest to everything that looks at him! Minimal swelling and drainage, it’s been a completely textbook recovery so far 🙌 He had an IM injection of Bute on the day and he’s such a soldier he hasn’t needed any sachets in his feed afterwards 💪
Hopefully the weather stays nice this week and I can give him a bath and a clip 🤞 Poor boy is getting sweaty in the autumn sun!
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clownsecret · 2 years
anyone ever think about how in-game, arthas has been dead (or undead) nearly as long as he was alive? fucked up
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darewolfcreates · 2 years
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I used each of the colored pencils in the pack I bought back in high school to make a monster :)
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joshisepic2222 · 2 years
Genuinely 2022 has been an amazing year for tumblr memes
I mean we had so many good ones:
#girl ban
Lennon Asscrack
Horse Plinko
Blorbo from my shows
The variations upon blorbo(glup shitto, skrungly, poor little meow meow)
Eeby Deeby
It's me boy, the PS5 inside your brain
Live Slug reaction
Eurovision Pussy
Tumblr Blaze Launch ft. Catholic evangelism and My immortal
Dracula Daily
Thank goodness he's straight actually
July(Shinso Abe's death, British gov collapse)
September 8th(Queen dead, sansweep)
They unbanned tits- wait no they didn't
The Lettuce is Pm now
Twitterpocalyspe 2 he actually bought it this time
Tits are legal for real this time
2nd Anniversary of Nov 5th ft. Ryan Reynolds
And Now
In general something has definitely been in the water this year when we look back at the memes.
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