#may be low activity but i just wanna write ;__;
raggedyflowers · 6 months
“When you try to rizz them up”
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summary: one piece character reacting at you (trying) to rizz them up. it’s my first time writing smut so … don’t look at me I’m shy (may delete later)
character: Ace, Law, Sanji, Zoro x female reader
cr: NSFW 🔞, heavily flirting, suggestive words, semi public sex
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Drinking with Ace was not a smart idea ‘cause while the alcohol went directly on your brain, it seemed that Ace burned it as soon as it touched his lips. So it’s not a big surprise when at the end of the evening you were drunk, but he was perfectly fine. “So” you smirked at him, with a courage you usually didn’t have. “You catch fire only to the fist or even up the elbow?” it was such a dumb line that you should’ve feel embarrassed even if drunk, but Ace found it endearing. “You are so out your mind right now, y/n” he told you, helping you get to your room. “You make me out of my mind” you kept going, ignoring his laughter. “Whatever you say” he respond to you. “Usually I’m better at flirting” you mumble to yourself. “You’re going great, why don’t you try when your sober?” he asked you with a smirk, leavening you at the door at yours room without words. The next time you hanged out together, Ace kept an eye on you. “Try to remain sober this time, y/n” he winked at you. “I really wanna satisfy your curiosity”.
that night he did satisfy your curiosity… and not just that
you two found your way to Ace’s room and then he showed you how fast he can warm up the situation
He let you sit on his face and he spent the night eating you out
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Your relationship with Law has always been private and even if someone could have said that he was cold with you, you know behind closed door Law was nothing but a loving and caring partner. It didn’t stop you to try to rizz him up in front of the rest of the Heart Pirates. You loved seeing him blushing, but most of all you loved what did come after. “You don’t need to use your devil fruit” you said to a confused Law. “You already have my heart”. You look satisfied the red cheek of your boyfriend who shock his head. “Why are you like that, y/n-ya?” he asked talking over the laughter of your crewmates. “Like what?” you asked innocently. “I just want you to shamble my organs with your dic —” you never finished the sentence since Law grabbed your arms and took you away.
“You already stopped being a brat, eh y/n-ya?” he asked after pinned you at the wall as soon as you two have entered in his room
You could’ve just bite your tongue for keeping your moans low
“Ah-ah” he said while slowly tracing your entrance with his tattooed fingers. “Don’t stop talking now. Let everyone hear you like before”
And then he push his fingers inside of you and you couldn’t do nothing but scream his name
Needles to say your organs were actually shambled that night
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“You should wear the burgundy suit more often” you said to Sanji taking him aback. “Mmh?” he asked you, stopping cutting the vegetables. “I need something pretty to look at”. You always said things like that to him, joking mostly, but not entirely. And you loved seeing his cheek turning red after you called him pretty. “Move please, pretty boy” you said one day passing near to him and grabbing his waist to move him. “Y/n ~ ” he mumbled covered by your laugh. “Pretty, really?” he asked you and you cupped his check. “The prettiest” you said to him. “Not as pretty as you, my love” he told you back. “Wanna show me how much pretty you can be for me” you asked him with a mischievous smile.
he did show you how pretty he is
with his red cheek and sweet smile while he pounded into you
“you are the prettiest” he said you groping your breast while he kept his pace. “taking my cock so well”
but really he was the prettiest boys, especially when he lowered himself and started eating you out
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One of your favourite activities on the Sunny was watching Zoro work out. You pretended to read a book but your eyes couldn’t help but to lingering on his sweaty body. “Your book is upside down” he said to you with a smirk. “Really?” you asked, without an ounce of shame. “Are you training on the forth swords styles?” Zoro looked at you with confusion. “You know, the other sword in your — ” you pointed at his pants. He smirked. “Wanna found out?” he smirked again.
he actually spent all night “practicing” with his forth sword
you never been more happy to indulge him
“do you like my sword style?” he asked you while keeping the brutal pace pounding into you
you wanted to say yes, but couldn’t form a single thought
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sunsburns · 1 month
kiss of life (iii.)
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pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite!daughter reader
summary: you have never doubted aphrodite when it comes to soulmates, she's the goddess of love, she knows what she's doing and you're getting pretty sick of people telling you she's made a mistake with your soulmate, specifically. you refuse to believe that she could be wrong, but luke castellan is making it really hard for you to have hope.
—or: you and luke are off on your quest you're totally not having second thoughts about choosing him, he's your soulmate after all... right?
word count: 3.2k
warnings: filler chapter (sorry gang), reader's pov, reader is lowkey unreliable and is hiding something, pre-tlt, luke's character is kinda inconsistent but whatever, angsty fight with luke and reader, low-key happy ending
a/n: everyone might've moved on but i'm still here 😔… gang i think i’m coming back to my active era (no one cheered) anyways there’s so much i wanna write for this series so enjoy this little filler!
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You'd always been a fan of bad ideas, but choosing Luke Castellan as your companion for the duration of your quest had to be your worst one yet. You felt a pang of doubt, questioning your choice, especially after witnessing the outcome of his quest—a failure that seemed impossible to shake off from the whispers of other campers. A failure your siblings wouldn't let you forget.
"I was there when he came back. I know what happened," you muttered, frustration creeping into your voice as you stuffed clothes into your bag.
Your siblings meant the world to you. You cherished the bond you shared—the familial camaraderie that bound your cabin together. As the eldest, you revelled in guiding and nurturing them, relishing the role of guardian and friend within your cabin's close-knit circle. Yet, like any family, they can sometimes be suffocatingly overbearing.
Alexis, your brother, ever ready to smack a reality check, had been the first to warn you against choosing Luke Castellan, and now he spearheaded a group of your siblings, all urging you to reconsider with reason.
"But that's just it. You don't know. Not really. None of us do." Alexis told you, reclining against the shared vanity in your cabin. The absence of the younger kids, off with Chiron for a lesson on constellations, offered you some peace of mind, sparing them from witnessing the escalating intervention.
As Silena sifted through the clothes strewn across your bed, her soft humming filled the room, a stark contrast to the weighty silence that hung over the conversation. "No one but Chiron and Mr. D knows what happened on that quest. He refuses to talk about it." she mused.
"There's not a lot of glory in that." Alexis shrugged, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"He's been so weird and different since he returned," Silena added, "I remember he used to smile. It was such an attractive smile. And he used to talk... He barely ever talks anymore."
Alexis snorted, "That's called depression, Silena."
"It's just so sad." She frowned and sat on your bed, her gaze distant, "Pretty people don't deserve to be depressed."
"Amen to that."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at their melodramatic exchange, a fleeting smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you focused on folding another pair of pants. 
"He still talks." You said.
"But it's not the same," Alexis countered, his expression grave. Deep down, you knew he was right.
"And the way he's treated you," Silena scoffed, "constantly icing you out..."
"Avoiding you for months..." Alexis added, stepping closer to you with a solemn expression. "Refusing to even talk to you."
When he tried to put his hand on your shoulder, you couldn't help but shrug it off, not wanting his sympathy.
Their reminders, well-intentioned though they may be, served only to deepen the wound already festering within you. Like a knife twisted in your back, the memories of Luke's avoidance and unanswered questions pierced your thoughts with relentless precision. You vividly recalled the disappointment etched across his face in the infirmary, a silent testament to his dismay upon discovering your role in his fate. The weight of his unspoken words hung heavily in the air, a haunting reminder of the rift that had formed between you before it even started.
Your siblings were very careful with their next words: "Do you think that maybe... just this once... Aphrodite got it wrong?"
With a heavy heart, you stormed out of the cabin, your mind reeling with conflicting emotions. You swore up and down to Alexis and Silena that you were fine, that you only needed air. The need for clarity drove you to seek solace in the quiet embrace of nature, the gentle flicker of a breeze offering a touch of comfort amidst the turmoil raging within.
Throughout your life, your unwavering loyalty to your mother, Aphrodite, and the Gods has been a source of solace and guidance. You found comfort in the subtle manifestations of them, from the celestial dance of stars to the gentle caress of sunlight filtering through the trees. Even in the casual interactions of everyday life, you sought traces of your mother's hand guiding your path.
As you gazed into the dancing flames, the remnants of fruit smouldering in their fiery embrace in a tin can, you found yourself caught between hope and despair during your offering for your mother. Silena's words echoed in your mind, a harsh truth you were reluctant to confront. Maybe you didn't have a soulmate. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe you're unlovable.
Yet, amidst the cloud of doubt, a flicker of defiance ignited within you. The mere thought that Aphrodite could be mistaken in matters of love seemed impossible to you. You had witnessed firsthand the intricate tapestry of fate woven by her hand, guiding souls to their destined counterparts with unfailing precision. 
The yearning for that connection, that soul-deep bond, burned within you like a beacon in the darkness of uncertainty. It was a desire as old as time itself, the longing to find solace and belonging in the embrace of another.
As the flames dwindled to embers, their dying glow casting flickering shadows upon the ground, your prayers went unanswered. 
The weight of your impending quest pressed upon you like a heavy cloak. Questions tumbled over one another in a relentless cascade, each one a dagger aimed at the heart of your resolve. Where would you need to go? Would you need to defend yourself? Would monsters come after you? Should you choose someone else? Could it be that Luke was nothing to you but a mistaken thread tethered into your life?
Your shoes stepped over twigs and dry leaves on the ground until you stepped out of the forest. Passing by the armoury, you forced a smile upon your lips. You forced yourself to be excited for your first quest rather than dread it. It was a rare privilege bestowed upon a child of Aphrodite, you should honour it.
As you approached the heart of camp again, the familiar clang of sword meeting dummy rumbled through the night air. The rhythmic sound, though commonplace in the realm of demigod training, carried an ominous weight under the cover of darkness. You would have assumed that all campers were asleep.
Luke Castellan, a boy who had become synonymous with the darker days since his return from his quest, stood amidst the training grounds, his silhouette illuminated by the pale moonlight. The sight of him, bathed in the ghostly shine, was haunting. With each precise strike of his sword, a muted testament to the rage that plagued his restless spirit, he seemed to exude an aura of both determination and despair.
No wonder you were so exhausted.  
You dared not meet his gaze, instead keeping your head bowed as you navigated the familiar path through the training grounds. Every fibre of your being screamed for you to move faster, yet the pull of his presence was undeniable. Despite your best efforts to remain unseen, Luke's voice cut through the night, calling out your name with a sense of urgency that sent a shiver down your spine.
With a sinking heart, you felt his hand land on your shoulder, stopping your escape. You couldn't avoid him now. Turning to face him, you were met with a sight that mirrored the restlessness within your own soul. His features, etched with lines of weariness and frustration, betrayed the weight of the burdens he carried.
You were distracted by the way he was looking at you. Brows furrowed, his lips turned and pulled into that permanent frown that had you wondering if he had ever smiled since he came back. Yet, despite the weight of his solemn expression, there was a flicker of something in his eyes – a glint of warmth, of familiarity, that almost stirred a faint glimmer of hope within you.
"You're making a mistake." He insisted. "You need to choose someone else for your quest."
You tried not to seem too disappointed. "I can't pick anyone else." You protested, and he raised his brows at you, doubtful. "The Oracle told me to choose you."
"She told you to-?" A scoff escaped him, "The Oracle doesn't tell you who to choose. She doesn't say anything about who you should bring-"
"The Oracle tells you what your quest is, then a weird riddle about something that will happen on your quest that will put you on edge the entire time."
Luke had stepped closer to you as he spoke as if his words would've sunk into your head clearer if you could hear them better. He spoke to you a lot that way, hoping you'd cling to every word he had to say; good and bad. Mostly bad.
The Oracle's cryptic words lingered in your mind. She had not revealed much about your quest, offering no subtle hints or insights into Eros' whereabouts to make your life easier. Instead, her assurance that success hinged on bringing Luke Castellan along had left you grappling with uncertainty. "He has all the answers you seek," she had urged, her words echoing with a weight that you struggled to comprehend.
"It has to be you."
"What else did she say?"
You hesitated. "That's it," you replied, your words falling short.
"That's it?" He didn't believe you.
"Just a few hints of where Eros might be, I guess." The lie slipped from your lips effortlessly. 
He caught it quickly but never urged you to admit it. Luke remained silent, his expression unreadable as he mulled over your words. 
You sort of wished he fought you over it.
You wished he'd do anything with you. At least try to.
"If you don't want to come with me, that's fine," you conceded, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning, with or without you."
"Really? You'll just leave?"
The bitterness in his tone was unmistakable. Yet, despite the resentment that coloured his words, there was a flicker of something in his eyes – a glimmer of regret, perhaps, or maybe resignation. It only annoyed you further.
Luke Castellan was possibly the most confusing person you've ever met. He didn't want to join you on your quest, but you couldn't leave without him either? What's his fucking deal?
He intrigued and frustrated you, like some curse had been placed upon you, and you wanted to understand every part of him while he wanted nothing to do with you. Perhaps Aphrodite was being cruel when she chose him as your soulmate, but you weren't any better when you put him in the position of joining you on your quest.
"I don't know you." You admitted the words hanging heavy in the air between you. "You've made a really good effort to make sure that I don't know anything about you. I did my part. I picked you. If you don't want to come, that's... fine."
It pained you to say it. You did not want to go alone, but you weren't going to force someone to accompany you who clearly didn't want to be there. However, the uncertainty of what lay beyond the safety of the camp walls loomed large in your mind. You haven't left the protection of the camp in years, you weren't sure of what was out there other than the stories the summer campers would tell you, of their close calls and near misses. 
Luke Castellan was the perfect example of what leaving camp does to someone.
Despite the weight of your decision, you held your head high as you turned on your heels. You doubted Luke had anything more to say; he was a man of few words, after all.
You left him there, just as he left you by the docks for months. And then you lied to yourself, clung to the belief that your mother, Aphrodite, would safeguard your journey and that your brother, Eros, awaited your rescue.
And so, the next morning, after bidding your tearful goodbyes to your siblings and friends and earning a proud pat on the back from Chiron, you swallowed your pride and left.
The Oracle's words were etched into the very fabric of your being, a relentless mantra that monopolized your thoughts as you trudged toward the top of the hill and left the safety of campgrounds. Each step forward was a testament to your determination, each footfall a declaration of your unwavering commitment to the quest ahead.
As you climbed, you couldn't help but imagine the faces of campers upon your return. You pictured the awe in their eyes, the pride in their voices, and most of all, the look on Luke's face when he realized the extent of your lone success, his disbelief mingling with a begrudging respect.
The sound of your name startled you out of your thoughts. You were trudging through the grass when you spotted a body sitting under a pine tree, shaded from the sun by its leaves.
Luke looked up at you, frowning, "Took you long enough."
His dishevelled dark curls fell over his eyes, a stark contrast against the vibrant greenery surrounding him. With a resigned sigh, he rose to his feet, his movements fluid yet tinged with an air of impatience Luke picked up a bag by his side, tossing it over his shoulder. It wasn't until he emerged from the tree's shade that you noticed the subtle changes in his attire. Gone was the signature orange camp shirt, replaced instead by a more subdued navy tee that hugged his frame. His old cargo pants remained the same, but different nonetheless.
Eyeing his bag, you could spot smaller daggers strapped to the sides, prepared for anything. It took you a few seconds to process why he was there. You squint at the sun as he steps out from under the tree. "You came."
He huffed, "Obviously."
You let out a breathless chuckle, maybe one of relief since honestly, despite everything you'd been trying to convince yourself of, you were terrified to leave on your own. 
"Why?" you asked, your voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as you adjusted the straps of your own bag. The question hung in the air, unanswered. Of course. You almost rolled your eyes as Luke began to descend the other side of the hill. With a fleeting glance over his shoulder, he wordlessly beckoned you to join him by tilting his head to the side impatiently.
You grinned then, wide and bright. "I know I said I didn't care if you came or not, but I'm glad you're here."
He showed no sign of acknowledgment of your sentiment, his gaze fixed ahead as he continued to walk once you joined his side.
As the minutes stretched on in silence, broken only by the rhythmic crunch of leaves underfoot, you found yourself lost in thought. It was only when the distant hum of passing cars reached your ears, their blurred forms darting through the forest's fringe, that you were jolted back to the present.
Drawing to a halt near the forest's edge, you felt the weight of uncertainty settle upon you. With a hesitant pause, you turned to face Luke, the question that had been gnawing at your mind poised on the tip of your tongue.
"Why'd you stop?" He asked.
"I just..." Your voice wavered, uncertainty lacing your words as you struggled to articulate your thoughts. You worried that if you said the wrong thing he'd leave you stranded right there and return to camp while the two of you were still walking distance from it. It annoyed you a little; how much you had to walk on eggshells with him.
You couldn't help but wonder how different things might have been if you hadn't chosen him. You were being stupid when you picked him, you decided. You already regret it. Maybe Luke was right, the Oracle was just trying to get into your head.
"What made you change your mind? About coming on the quest?" you finally managed to voice, your eyes meeting his in search of answers.
He looked at you, brown eyes flitting over your expression, before licking his lips and simply stating: "If you break an arm, so do I."
That had been the closest Luke Castellan had ever been to admitting he had a soulmate.
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taglist🏷️ : @pleasingregulus , @weasleylovers , @telliette , @jarofshells , @jess-fae , @s0urw00lf , @srvbryn , @justanotherkpopstanlol , @coryoskywalker , @simplyjake , @girlyp-0-p , @aquangxl , @lovebug0 , @number-onekidqueen , @mxtokko , @patitotodd , @gloryekaterina , @simpforsunwoo , @ladyslytherin7 , @criesinlies , @mashiromochi , @quackitysdrugdealer , @jadahxx , @maraschinocherry3 , @trovailleangel , @daliscrim , @wicca-void , @girljakeperalta , @kurtcobaingirlie , @yourlocaldelusional , @elisa20beth , @lifeonawhim , @ivyy-covered-walls , @star-flecked-soul , @maxinehufflepuffprincess , @flower-lise , @coc0lepigeon , @bitterspoons , @bigolidioot, @honeynicoole , @y0urm0m12 , @iammightsadyall , @cherr-y-eji , @riaaavm (lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3 pls make sure ur tags on on! )
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thee-great-enigma · 2 months
Price would only give you the slightest hint of what you really want to see in his nudes, or around the house.
Oh you're rock hard and want to rub against his ass for some relief? He sits down on the couch for three hours, completely ignoring you.
Oh you wanna eat him out, feel the weight of his cock on your throat? He'll walk around in sweatpants that are hanging so low on his hips that you can see the salt and pepper fringe of his happy trail and the very base of his thick cock, not that the sweatpants are hiding the outline of the pretty thing. But he swats your hand away anytime you try to touch him, walls away anytime you sit on your knees and plead for him to let you touch him because you "Need to so bad, sir, please? What have I done wrong that you won't let me touch you? Just- please? I'll be good, just please- please I need it, need you so bad sir," you whine only to be shut down again and again.
You want to fiddle with his chest whether it be playing with the soft hair or lightly pinching or sucking his nipples? He'll swat your hand away, wear a thick coat, send you pictures of anything else, make sure you can't get what you want.
And of course it makes it all the sweeter when he does finally let you have your way. But he's also busy doing his own thing, watching TV or reading a book. Bonus points if he's wearing his little reading glasses on the lower bridge of his nose to see the pages of his book or even paperwork. Since you've begged so nicely, been so good for him all day, he might as well give you a little bit of relief. When he first told you to kneel in front of him, you grinned stupidly, thinking he'd finally let you use your mouth for something other than pleading for him all day.
But instead, he shoved his foot between your thighs, shin practically crushing your cock. You let out an embarrassingly high pitched noise as pleasure and a small bit of pain rushes up your spine, making you slightly dizzy for a second. Your jaw gapes as you try to register this, grappling at his thighs for purchase. He doesn't even pay you a glance, just hooked his leg under your crotch and made sure there was enough pressure to keep you short of breath.
You give an experimental buck of your hips and when he doesn't do anything about it, you keep going, keep snapping your hips forward. You find purchase in his thighs, blunt nails digging into the plush skin as shaky gasps and moans escapes your lips. You don't mind this so much, it feels good and at least he's giving you a bit of pleasure. You just wish he'd look at you.
You whine up at him, pursing your lips and tilting your eyebrows up, murmuring into the couch cushion, "Baby please– please look at me– I'm begging you lovie, just look at me. C'mon, that book/show can't be that important"
And yet the only sort of attention his gives you is a low grumbled. "Dirty horndogs like you don't need to be looked at. Go ahead and cum, I don't care, just don't make me watch you do it."
You groan as you rub your poor abandoned cock against his leg, complaining about him being "too mean". You reached up for either the remote or the book, but he swats your hand away, again no even giving you a small flicker of attention.
Woah Enigma knows how to write!!! Yeah sorry for not being active, life has been kicking my ass and motivation is a rare visitor that only likes to come when I'm busy but this time I actually finished something!
Honorable mention, @rodolfoparras a lil gift since I may or may not have participated in the train me gnome and a few others ran through your husband
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inkykeiji · 4 months
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anonymous said: i just wanna sit down on sukuna’s massive thigh. is that so much to ask?? character: ryomen sukuna notes: anon, i want to ride sukuna’s massive thigh so so so badly!!!!! and so of course i had to write something!!! warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, daddy kink, size difference, thigh riding, implied cureless!au, fem!reader, humiliation and degradation, toxic relationship, bit of noncon overstim right at the end words: 1.8k
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It’s custom practice, at this point, that Sukuna places you on his lap whenever he’s engaging in an activity that requires sitting; when he’s working in his office, when he’s in a meeting (because his precious little baby is always with him, no matter what time or place or occasion), when he’s reading, when he’s lounging, when he’s eating. 
It isn’t always in the same position; sometimes you’ll rest against him, your back pressed flush to his chest, one thick arm wound around your waist for stability; sometimes you’ll straddle his massive thigh, your face buried in his neck, lips painting strokes of saliva across his collarbone in messy little pecks, lashes leaving gentle butterfly kisses against his shoulder.
But irregardless of the situation and your posture throughout, if he’s sitting, you are there with him.
It is also customary that you behave while you’re in Daddy’s lap—no fidgeting or squirming, no whining or whispering, no complaints of boredom at all, and no getting down until he releases you. 
So it’s not a shock, exactly, that a low, dark chuckle rumbles beneath his ribs the moment your hips begin to rock—barely anything more than shallow ruts, something that might’ve been mistaken for an innocent restlessness, had he not known better.
But he knows you much too well.
“I thought Daddy had a rule against wiggling, sweetheart.” 
“Can’t help it, Daddy, swear I can’t.”
“Is that so?” he hums, flexing the muscles of his hard, defined thigh between your legs, snorting a little when you gasp. “And why is that?”
“M’horny, Daddy,” you whimper, nuzzling your cheek against the column of his throat. “Don’t wanna bother you, Daddy.” 
“Oh? And what makes you think this isn’t bothersome?” 
It’s not—you know it’s not.
Because as well as your Daddy knows you, you know him, too. 
His four simple rules don’t exist because he can’t concentrate when you’re on his lap—he most definitely can. If there’s one thing you’ve come to learn about Sukuna in the short but intense time you’ve been his, it’s that he retains an exceptional amount of control over himself—body, mind, and soul—and it’s a fact he takes immense pride in. 
Because, sure, Sukuna may live for the pursuit of pleasure, a hedonist in the purest sense, but that doesn’t mean he can’t control himself, his self-discipline and restraint sharper and stronger than a tungsten needle when he wants it to be. 
His four simple rules are all about power. 
Doesn’t mean they’re going to stop you, though.
Your hips are still shifting, cunt pressed flush to his thigh with only a thin layer of lace separating it from his pants, slit sliding along his firm, strong muscles in slow, hard strokes.
“Are you sure one pitiful little orgasm from pathetically humping my thigh is worth it?” 
No, you’re not. One measly clitoral orgasm probably isn’t worth the hefty punishment that’s going to follow, but you’re too sleepy, too needy, to care. 
An indistinct little noise vibrates at the back of your throat, head moving in ambiguous motions, rubbing thick cords of drool across his shoulder, leaving tiny webs shimmering on cashmere.
Your hips roll with more purpose, falling into a steady rhythm of rocking—back and forth, back and forth, smearing your cunt along the sleek muscle between your legs.
It already feels so good, using his thigh to stroke your clit in repetitive motions, the cotton twill of his trousers providing just enough resistance to make the friction delicious, a dull, dense heat flooding the pit of your stomach.
“God, look at you,” he scoffs, a peculiar mix of disgust and devotion saturating his voice. “Trying to fuck my thigh like you’re some sort of animal.”
Exhaling a snort, he jiggles his thigh in accentuation, sneering a little at the choked moan you try so hard to snuff out, pleasure clawing at your tongue.
“I guess it doesn’t make much of a difference to a desperate little slut, does it? My sick little girl will take whatever she can get, won’t she?” 
Your head nods lethargically, smearing your own saliva over your chin.
“Aren’t you embarrassed to be acting like this? So eager, so ardent.”
“Jus’wan’ you, Daddy,” you slur out. 
Because it’s true; you just want him, in any way you can have him. 
Maybe you really are just a dirty, desperate little slut. Maybe it doesn’t matter either way.
“You know, I can feel your slick soaking through my pants,” Sukuna says, lips against the curve of your ear, dark, low voice reverberating against the cartilage—little tremors that snuggle into your flesh, skittering down your spine in a shiver. “It’s fucking disgusting, how wet you are from this.”
It is, he’s right, an obscene amount of arousal already staining his leg—far too much to be decent, to be normal, don’t you think, baby?—the copious amounts of slick making the grind along his strong muscles effortless, lace molded to your drenched folds and soiled all the way through, leaving a large gleaming patch on the material of his trousers, fabrics gliding together easily, aiding in your motions as your humping gains speed.
“Do you hear yourself? Do you hear how fucking lewd your cunt is?” 
You do, of course you do, vulgar squelching echoing out among the home office with every buck of your hips, sopping clothes sloshing together, procuring a sick sort of gurgling.
It’s so humiliating, salacious sounds complemented perfectly by his silky laughter, but you can’t stop, movements accelerating to hard, quick gyrations of your hips as you lose the friction of his pants, now too slippery to be anything other than teasing.
His derisive remarks, coated in icing sugar, do nothing to tame the blaze in the pit of your tummy, his voice like kerosene, flames flaring with every word that drips from his mouth.
“You’re so easy, aren’t you? Easy to please, easy to pleasure, all you need is something nice and firm to rub your cunt on, huh?” 
“Feels good, Daddy,” you mumble against his neck with another clumsy nod, words weighted with spit. “Feels s’good.”
“Yeah, I can tell, baby,” he snorts. “Look at how fucking sloppy you are!” 
Leaning back a little in his office chair, he looks down at where you’re conjoined, a soft whine slipping from your lips at the loss of his chest. A thick layer of sheen coats his thigh, turning the charcoal shimmery in the beams of sunset streaming through the windows. His tongue clicks against his teeth in a disapproving tut, as if it’s such a shame that you’ve ruined his trousers so terribly. 
It really is, though, sticky substance having accumulated on his pant leg so much that it’s merely collecting atop the material now, unable to soak any further. You whine again, yearning to bury your scorching face, pricks of humiliation stinging your cheeks.
“I should make you lick it up, honestly,” he muses to himself, humming a little at the prospect. “Such naughty little girls should be made to clean up the messes they make, don’t you agree?” 
Aside from the light notes of beguile infusing his voice, he sounds normal—calm and unaffected—and you’d think him to be, too, if you couldn’t feel his massive cock, hard and straining against expensive slacks, brushing against your thigh with each of circle of your hips. 
It twitches a little with every gentle graze of your body, but Sukuna does nothing to pursue it, nothing to satisfy it or solve the problem, too focused on you to care.
Your arms wind around his neck, bringing him back to you with a discontented little mewl, and he laughs again, going willingly. 
Always so needy. 
You’re really riding his thigh now, vigorous enough that the wheels of his office chair shift against the hardwood, Sukuna planting his feet more resolutely, keeping you both in place, muscles pulled taut with the motion.
Damp little moans seep into the skin of his neck as your hips work, each one pushed from your throat on an airy little gasp, and he can tell that you’re close.
Because that’s so easy, too—you’re so fucking obvious with it, with the way your thighs keep tensing around him, almost as if they’re trying to readjust their grip; squeeze him tighter, hump him harder, siphon his thigh up further, urgently chasing that building high.
That heavy heat is amassing in the pit of your stomach, sinking into your gut as it grows with every swivel of your hips, hotter and hotter, higher and higher until it feels smothering, sweltering, engulfing you from the inside out and weeping through your pores, ragged little pants of his title exhaled from parted lips. 
“You’re such a perverted little girl,” he murmurs in your ear, voice deep and decadent, tinged with just a hint of amusement. “What would everyone think if they knew how sordid that pretty little mind of yours really is? All of your university professors who praised you so much, all of your esteemed colleagues at work, how would they feel to know of your true nature?” 
“They’d be disgusted,” you sigh out, almost dreamily. 
A chuckle rumbles behind his ribs, rubbing his jaw line along your temple in a possessive caress. 
“Yeah, they would. And you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You’re so sick.” 
“Only for you, Daddy, always for you, Daddy.”
“That’s right,” he purrs, hands finally finding their rightful place on your hips, so massive the tips of his thumbs overlay your ribs. “Now be a good dirty girl for Daddy and make a mess all over his thigh, sweetheart.” 
And that’s all the permission you need, really. 
Oh, it’s so cute, the way your cunt clenches against his sculpted muscles, the way he feels your hole flutter eagerly around nothing as wet, sticky warmth floods his thigh, the way your clit throbs in time with it, pressed tightly to his leg.
You’re whimpering out his name, skin clammy and glittering with sweat, tiny dewdrops beaded along your temples catching in the waning sun rays as you snuggle into his jaw, pliant and languid.
But Daddy isn’t done with you just yet.
The hands on your waist flex, blunt nails carving deep crescents into the flesh—latched onto you, firm and stable, using his grip as leverage to force your hips to keep moving, even as they start to jerk.
A hiss is spit through the gaps of your teeth, sharp and sudden, whole body recoiling from the involuntary overstimulation. Shudders ripple through your flesh in vicious bouts as Sukuna aggressively rubs your sensitive cunt along his leg, pressing his thigh upward and grinding strong, defined muscle into your aching clit. 
“Daddy!” you wail, clinging to him despite the agony, fingers twisting knots in his immaculately pressed dress shirt. “St—ah!—S’too much, it hurts!” 
“Oh, poor baby,” Sukuna pouts, oozing condescension. “You didn’t really think Daddy would just allow you misbehave in such a manner and get off without some sort of punishment, did you?” 
No, you didn’t; of course you didn’t, but—
“Quite stupid, my pretty girl is,” he shakes his head with a chuckle, spikes of ice prickling your spine. “You wanted to ride Daddy’s thigh, so you are going to ride Daddy’s thigh, over and over and over again until your cute lil cunt has been rubbed raw, until Daddy decides it’s enough.” 
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iren-n-ire · 8 months
Astrology Observation 14
🚩 Take note that I'm not a professional astrologer, I just share what I experienced (or observed).
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Neptune in the third house can communicate to spirits, a medium or they wanna try it because it's intriguing to them.
Neptunian Aquarius talks about astrology (or writes about it like me right now lol) all the time, anything supernatural or occult. I also see this as a believer of the two sides which one of the reasons' people's beliefs are split: Science vs. Religion, aquarius are connected to the Field of Science. In short, they are 50% on both sides and sometimes it causes a chaos because we all know duality comes with a price too, below will be a bonus if the native is into occult or divination:
Neptunian Aquarius in the third house always thinks about the future and fantasizes about it. This screams a huge psychic placement. Siblings have psychic skills too and it runs in the generation of their family (Pisces in fourth house). Their neighbors experience supernatural or doing things related to it and the same goes to the native because their Pisces in the fourth house
Aquarius in the third house talks and thinks logically, after all it's an air sign. Even if the native has water placements, they still prefer the logical side (like me lol) which shows that they convert their feelings into something a else: intellectualizing, hypothesizing etc., like a genius would do🤣)
Since their Libra is in the 11th house, most of their friends may be girls or has dominant feminine energy. Again, it's an air sign which denotes that their friends maybe logical, mbti has STJ, active love life, and their friends may fall in love with them?
I have a Leo Sun friend who had a past crush on me
Uranus in the fourth house native rebels against traditional stuffs, they will call out the dirty things of the tradition of or about families such as women doing housework, men not performing home chores because they're men, and
This is nothing special because it's already obvious but Pisces or Neptune in the third or fourth house can have Pisces siblings
I have 2 Pisces Sun siblings, (I'm a Neptune in 3h Aquarius native, Uranian Pisces in 4th: Tropical)
Jupiter in the seventh house have so many crushes or people are crushing on them, they may have multiple exes too; popular people even if they keep a low-key profile
Capricorn in the second house are the provider type in the family and in their other relationships, a living maneuver. Another indicator if their saturn is in the eighth house because they may also want to manage other people's money: Gift giving and acts of service is definitely their love language.
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Facebook Pages: IREN & IRE
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❤ Thank you! See you on my next post! ❤
💋 Be you, Do you, You are You! 💋
538 notes · View notes
queenofallimagines · 3 months
Oooh I have a Obey Me writing idea for you but you can ignore if you don’t wanna do it. So when you first come to the Devildom, almost all of the brothers are cold/petty asf to the MC (in my Pisces opinion). Imagine MC’s like “fuck that” and doesn’t try to pander to them as much as the game script wants you to. Like the story still progresses bc the MC is still nosy when it counts, but she doesn’t center them around her world and instead gets closer someone who was nicer/more helpful in the beginning (say like Solomon or Simeon). I’m sorryyy I’m not hating on the brothers but realistically you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Like yeah being a tsundere is cute to an extent but most of em were doing too much in the beginning. Maybe a reaction from the brothers (doesn’t have to be specific for each brother) as they slowly start to warm up to MC but they can’t stand that they’re not gonna be as close as they wanted to be. And either Solomon or Simeon (or both) reacting to you getting closer to them ;) Again this request may be highly specific so you can either tweak it or toss it if it doesn’t sound appealing to write. It can be SFW or NSFW. I love your writing!
A/n: YOURE SO RIGHT BESTIE!! Like the dick ain’t good enough for them to be all over MC like that CRAZY disrespectful 😒 like in my head I was being fake nice to them to secure the pacts until like you make one with Satan and then it’s like okay, maybe I can be genuine w yall. Bc like I’m making friends w any of the billions of other demons there like Diavolo is all but head over heels for you.
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- I’m so on board with this
- Like if they want to go low I can take it right to hell
- They want to throw UP
- Mammon thinks you’re joking but when you fr never come ask him for help he’s crying himself to sleep
- Asmo hates being ignored so after that time in the maze(catacombs? wtf was those) he’s antsy that you don’t really talk to him
- They feel you having fun through your pacts but when you’re around just them it’s like nothing
- Like when a lightbulb dies
- Student council meetings become increasingly more tense as they watch you get along with Solomon and Luke and Simeon and you’re cold to them
- They don’t even really realize they the problem at first
- Lucifer always itching to punish someone so when he snaps at you and you clapback and the issue never comes up again he’s a little disappointed
- Like him and Satan make fun of your grades?
- Bet. you’re being tutored by Solomon and a demon in your potions class
- Like bitch how the FUCK were we ever supposed to take demon philosophy before?? We just got here!!
- Refuse to work with them on any school activities
- You and mammon partnered up to decorate for some school event?
- You work only when he’s not around
- Beel is the one who sounds the alarm by realizing it’s hard to keep track of you
- Like he’ll go asking where you are and nobody can even say when the last time they saw you was
- Belphagor tried to pull that “I’m a human” shit and you didn’t visit the attic for like three weeks😭
- Had to actually force himself to be genuinely nice
- Remember how they said they sent a demon to like the human realm to pretty much do the same thing? who was that because I don’t think we ever hear about them😭
- But you get their number and talk about your shared experiences
- Fish out of water if you will!
- Lucifer WANTS to yell but you do the bare minimum of what they ask he can’t mandate you to join family movie night😔
- Asks a pouting mammon where tf you are and he lists off like any number of random demons you could be chilling with
- Asmo is burning with envy as he catches you at a party with a group of old acquaintinces
- Can see they are so obviously enjoying your company
- Tries to steal the attention for himself
- Levi seeing you on other mfs socials cosplaying w them and doing a TSL marathon like he’s right there??
- Dinner be so awkward but you brush it off like a G
- only texts the family group chat for confirmation, dinners ready, and when is lord diavolo asking for everyone
- Lucifer comes to Dia’s house bc paperwork and he plans to spill the tea when he sees you and him already HAVING TEA🤨
- Like excuse me??
- “Ah just who I was looking for-“
- “Sorry Lucifer I have exams to study for I was just asking Lord Diavolo some history questions I’ll be on my way.”
- He’s literally WILTING💀
- Whines to Dia and he’s like I’m sorry ?? have yall not been spending time with them??
- “Yall….LIVE together. I ain’t out just you and them in the same house for no reason??”
- He can’t eleven rly do shit bc you’re integrating into demon society very well and are pretty sociable
- Like you gain regular popularity but not through them
- Rest of RAD forgets you’re under their protection tbh
- Like you’re your own entity and not at all attached to them so when a random demon is caught talking about like chilling w you and mammon is like IM THEIR FIRST MAN YOU GOTTA AS ME
- he looses about 500 years when the demon goes
- “Oh yeah you are their hired help huh?”
- Yeah he’s picking out a coffin
- Bc he rly tries to curb his tsun behaviors but he hasn’t made it to that level with you where he can be genuine in private
- Levi too like he calls you a stupid normie on reflex and is whimpering when he sees he’s been blocked on devilgram
- What did yall expect??
- Beel is the ONLY one who you regularly talk to
- And even then he’s got his own stuff going on
- But you guys always eat together
- Jaws dropping when he offered you food
- I imagine Beel is like “oh they don’t be talking to yall?….That’s crazy”
- Precious boy so unaware of the conflict
- Nor bc he’s dumb but he’s like “tf that got to do with me?? MC likes me.”
- Very “okay what does that mean to me tho” energy
- I imagine after the Levi pact arc when mammon is wrapping your sprained wrist and he’s all
- “If I can’t come save ya next time, Die.”
- You pull away completely
- Even Satan is having to control himself be he sees your purposefully avoiding him
- He would congratulate you on how well you’re dodging his advances if it didn’t piss him off so bad
- Keeps it a little secret to himself that he can feel your pact mark burning right under his skin whenever you talk to them
- Played hot and cold to see how he can make you less mad when he interacts with you
- Lucifer is so desperate he’s fr about to make a pact early to feel any sort of proof you exist
- Idk if peacocks do it but you know how birds will rip out their own feathers under stress?
- Yeah That’s HIM😭
- Barbados just sit back and observe
- Even the season 3(?) characters come in early! Like you meet 13 as an extension of Solomon and y’all are thick as thieves
- You’re flourishing in your Magic practices bc you still have their pacts, them helping you with magic or not you’re still not one to be fucked with
- Mephistopheles is so giddy that you’re close to him and not Lucifer
- Offers to hide you in his news room to avoid them
- “It’s so quiet a perfect place to study!”
- Sees them scrambling to get ahold of you but your in his office w your phone on silent
- “Oh hmmm, idk I saw them in the forbidden section of the library maybe check there? Weird y’all supposed to be watching them and have no clue about their whereabouts.”
- Lucifer can take it NO LONGER when we’re about right before lesson 16 and he’s making a scene at dinner
- “Why do you never stay in this house? You a mere human think you’re too good to talk?”
- “That. That shit right there is why I don’t talk to any of you. Do you not notice how rude you are?”
- Before Satan can even say his “we’re demons” line you’re cutting his ass off
- “Why would I want to spend time around people who threaten my life for fun?🤨my job is to heal demon human relations and I’m doing that just not with the help of YOU.”
- Dips to purgatory hall bc it’s not Solomon’s night to cook
- They all just kinda 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍for a few days bc wtf can they say to that??
- Like you’re absolutely right
- You were already humbling Lucifer before but now he has this irrational anger towards you
- But in a nice way??
- He’s like packing your lunch and throwing away whatever you had
- Pushing you out the way to do whatever chore or task you’re doing
- Makes your favorite foods when is his turn to cook dinner
- Like he’s completely unhinged
- To stir the pot let’s say this is lesson 16 and they show up to all that
- Can you imagine??
- Their filled with even more regret than before!! They never got a chance to establish a deep bond with you
- Not really. Not like you have with everyone else
- And now you’re gone??
- They barely even care about the Lilith reveal like😭
- They do everything they can to win your favor but it’s like the end of the program now who’s to say it was enough??
- Beel is elated while the othered are broken that you and belphie become close
- Poor belphie is exhausted w all this drama so to make amends even more he goes out of his way to heal the gaps between you and the others so it’s all good now
- Not Lucifer tho
- He’s still moping
- Can’t hurt his pride by saying how glad he is that your back
- Can’t tell you how he watched his world fall apart when he saw the light leave your eyes
- DEFINITELY can’t tell you how he prayed to Lilith that he would protect you from now on and that he’s sorry
- All of RAD throws a huge goodbye party for you
- Lots of tears
- During the movie night of like that last few days
- As a little treat for you, you still sleep w Lucifer lmao
- Like you sneak out to go to the bathroom and none of the brother see you for the rest of the night?? Yeah we knew already
- He WILL cry jsyk
- He’s pressing kisses all over you and holding you like you’ll disappear
- Mumbling praises into your skin
- The most he’s ever said “I love you” in his entire existence
- Looking at you with teary eyes
- Can’t keep up his prideful façade
- He’s okay with being vulnerable to you
- Again hit him w the “my morning star”
- And he will go crazy
- Tears up when you leave
- Like he can’t even front like he’s not about to go throw up
- They’re all anxious that they won’t ever see you again because you still hate them
- I promise you on everything in all three realms
- They almost do NOT let you leave when you go
- “Thank you for my time here, I love all of you.”
- They are inconsolable
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314 notes · View notes
usedpidemo · 28 days
Update - 3rd year anniversary! (and some future plans, a reflection, etc.)
Hi everyone! π here.
By the time this post is up, it'll be the 13th of May. Three years since I began my writing journey and this Tumblr blog. Three years. Time flies by so fast. I was close to graduating senior high after it was delayed because pandemic, had my graduation in an empty room basically, now I'm hitting my third year of college. Crazy stuff.
With that said, here are the stats + timetable of the blog so far:
First work: Sandwich (Wendy) (published 05/13/21, 4:03 a.m)
Highest note count: Tell your friends (Yujin x Wonyoung) (published 01/14/23, 1274 notes)
Number of works published: 91 fics (1 fic every 12.03 days)
500 followers: June 18, 2021 (36 days)
1000 followers: October 12, 2021 (152 days)
2000 followers: June 18, 2022 (401 days)
3000 followers: November 12, 2022 (548 days)
4000 followers: May 22, 2023 (740 days)
5000 followers: December 18, 2023 (950 days)
Current follower count: 5615 (1 new follower every 5.12 days)
It's been a hectic final month of college, so I apologize for the lack of activity in recent times :< But summer is coming up very soon, so hopefully I'll have all the time in the world to write more till then! I will say, a new fic is on the near horizon, so please be on the lookout!
I would like to take the opportunity to thank every single of you, whether reader, lurker, or a fellow writer for your support! Especially during these lull times, your unwavering support has kept me afloat and has been a motivation in continuing to write. Love you guys as always. Here's to another fruitful year <3
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From this point, this part will be an overall reflection and life summary of the previous year, my thoughts on some personal matters, and some ideas I've been contemplating. If you don't wanna read this, you can stop here.
I miss 2023 quite a bit, not gonna lie. I know nostalgia can quickly grow warm and fuzzy, seeing the past through rose tinted lens, but I'll admit that 2024 hasn't been off to the start I envisioned it to be. That year was mostly peak for me, and I could even argue it's my favorite year to live out based on all my experiences. Traveling to new places, finally attending live events, interacting with my K-pop biases, and so on—it really felt like the best was yet to come with how 2023 flowed and transitioned into the new year.
Five months in, and I am struggling. Horribly. Most plans, dreams, and ideas have gone up in smoke, and it's just one devastating gut punch after another. I have a shitty professor in one major that basically made me check out of that class, and I don't know my family will react when I tell them I have to repeat said class because that professor was a dick. My family's been infighting on a daily basis, and I'm mostly collateral damage to them. Not one week can go by without some serious confrontation between them. There was a brief health scare with my mother, but that seems to be a nothing matter; thank God she'll be okay.
All this just makes life so deflating, in all honesty. I get that no life is without struggle, but I genuinely don't know when we'll be in the clear. Not anytime soon, I reckon. In these tough times, there's very little comfort except the past, when everything was pretty all right for the most part. It's been demotivating to write when mom comes forward with another grievance with my sister. It's hard to write when you have a professor who likes to power trip their students into submission. It's hard when you don't know how to admit to your mother that he failed his one class because of said power tripping professor.
But that doesn't mean I will let it eat me alive. I know we've been through some utter lows in the past. And we always get back up. If no one has us, then God does.
Summer break is fast approaching and I want to fix things. Even in my own little way. I know none of what I'm saying has anything to do with writing degenerate stories about hot K-pop idols, but real life circumstances have definitely affected me more than I can brush off. I should be calm, unfazed, undeterred.
After all, some stories are meant to be finished. They just take a more unconventional route. Ask Cody.
With all that being said, I will finish these commissions over the next two months. I'm really sorry to everyone who requested and paid for their stories months and months ago; I genuinely feel bad for not getting these out on time, but I am very mindful of quality control, and I have no one to blame but myself for being a slacker and lazy worker. Despite my feelings, I should remain professional—that's what being a worker means.
A lifestyle overhaul is definitely in my list of things to improve over the summer too. Figuring out how to get writing done, finding ways to alleviate my PokeRogue addiction (GOTY), whilst having a healthy work/life balance and not losing my sanity over it. Or worse, burning out.
And I want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends—peach, caps, majorblinks, chunk, frisky, raf, c.o, levi, sins, iz, ken, v1n, ddeun, notions, kevin, eros, brandon, kaede, svn, frisky, cray, rpg, prael—for putting up with my shit for another year. This life is tough, but you guys make it tolerable. Thank you for letting me air out my grievances even when it wasn't the best time to. I pray that when everything passes, I'm able to repay you all in some shape or form generously.
And to you, dear reader, for making it this far, thank you. Whether you've been with me since day one, or day 1094, as a commenter, reposter, liking, or just passing by/lurking, thank you for giving me a chance. Without you, all of this would have been for nothing. I don't know where I would be now if I didn't take that chance, that leap of faith back in 2021, and it's because of you I am able to keep doing this for the love of the game.
With grace,
Peter / π
66 notes · View notes
peptothesi · 1 year
My type of fun
A Sportacus x reader cause why not.
Y/N is a very relaxed person, their version of fun is laying down in the shade and enjoying the nice Lazytown weather. But just because it’s their version of fun doesn’t mean it’s everyone’s. But it doesn’t hurt to teach their ways.
Warnings: The characters may be ooc, not very long.
(I’ve learned a lot just to write this but I found out SPORTACUS HAS ELF EARS so it was worth it)
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In your own bubble of personal space everything moved slowly. The air was warm and had a low buzz, it could feel as if hours passed but in reality it would only be seconds.
In moments like these on your own in your own space you could watch life, and not just watch the day move along
Or birds flying through the sky
Or even insects minding their business on a blade of grass.
But you could almost physically see life functioning as you looked in the sky and saw the clouds move little by little, the air becoming more cooler as the sun moved slowly across its great blue canvas.
But as you watched life you also watched the citizens of Lazytown move, kids cheering and playing games, adults fussing and laughing. If you tried you could almost feel the vibrations of them through the earth.
They were progressing.
Everything moved.
But they still moved at their own speed.
Like you.
But instead of running or jumping or playing games. You lay under a tree in the park basking in the shade while the heat of the sun rest on your legs.
You smiled as you squinted, spotting the bright sun and it’s blue sky between small green leaves.
You inhaled deeply through your nose relaxing at the clean smell of the outside as the blades of grass cushioned your body on the ground but also tickled exposed skin that may have peaked out from under your clothes.
This was your way of living, while the townsfolk rejoiced at newfound activities and expertise, you were happy relaxing under your favourite tree, in your favourite park, in your favourite town, surrounded by your favourite neighbours.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you let you body relax further into the earth.
“(Y/N)! You wanna play with us?” You snapped one eye open to peak at Ziggy and Stephanie who waited patiently for your response as they lean over the yellow wall covering just above the lower halves of their bodies.
You could imagine they were kicking their legs to keep their blood flowing.
You shudder at the thought.
It just made you tired.
You closed your eye enclosing your vision in darkness and hummed in response, shaking your head and smiling at the sound Ziggy’s annoyed groans.
“C’mon (Y/N), you gotta get up and get moving! Have some fun!” Cheered Stephanie, you could practically see her bouncing on the tops of her toes, ready to play and move.
“Stephanie,” you began “ I am having fun, I enjoy napping” you smile tiredly.
Stephanie and Ziggy scoffed and took one final look at you before moving again back to the town centre.
Stephanie felt disappointed more than anything but she shouldn’t be the one to force you to do what she wanted. Stephanie and Ziggy gave each other an ecstatic knowing look as soon her favourite above average hero in blue clad came back flipping into their vision at the corner of Stephanie’s eye. Her mind revolved back to you and a cheeky smile decorated her sweet face.
Stephanie giggled and pulled Ziggy close to whisper her plan into his ear. He snorted at the plan and nodded quickly before the two ran off in their hero’s direction. Leaving you behind and alone in the shade again.
For now.
You grow suspicious at the silence but pay no heat to it and continue relaxing.
“Hi there!”
Sportacus. Now you didn’t mind the athletic elf man he was friendly to everyone and did not have a bad or “lazy” bone in his muscular body. But sometimes he could be a lot and you found it hard to keep up with him when he first arrived in his big blue and red blimp so you just stayed behind and watch.
It’s not the worse thing though, it’s easy when he is practically eye candy in blue and white wrapper.
“Sportacus” you greet giving a small nod in his direction.
“C’mon (Y/N), get up and move about. Or you’ll miss out on all the fun!” You chuckled at his enthusiasm but you stayed where you were and shook you’re head.
“I’m ok here, Sportacus but thank yo-ah!” You yelped and opened your eyes.
Sportacus had grabbed your hands pulled you onto your feet, you staggered and fell into his arms as you tried to stop the blood rushing through your head.
You held him by the forearms as your cheek rested against his cotton shirt, you could feel the heat and softness of his pectorals through it you were certain you could heart his heartbeat, you weren’t a health but like Sportacus but you were 99% certain it shouldn’t be going that quickly.
But it still felt really nice but it didn’t take long for the blood to rush to your face as you realised you were leaning your weight into him as your body pressed into his.
You scrambled out of his hold, his hands stayed out as if ready to catch you again. You glanced up at his face noticing a red creeping up his red and decorating his pointed ears that barely hid under his hat.
But that was probably nothing.
You cleared your throat with a cough “I um- I’m sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen. I uh-“.
“No no it’s my fault I shouldn’t have done that. It was- it was a dumb move.” He rambled his hands remained out but gestured through the air before falling to his sides.
Now it was quiet except the tapping of Sportacus’s shoe on the ground but now someone was in your personal space and again time felt slow. He swung his arms lightly as he avoided your gaze.
“Listen I’m sorry again it was my fault it’s just-it’s just that it feels like you’re never apart of the fun, I’d hate to make you feel like I’m leaving you out but you just never hang around me,” he chuckles nervously, as he scratches the back of his neck, showing off his bulging biceps “It almost seems like you’re avoiding me.”
He turned to leave.
“I don’t want you to feel like I’m avoiding you” you reply quickly, grabbing his forearm to keep him beside you.
Your arm had reached out and grabbed his swinging hand and held it in yours.
You looked to the ground as you feel Sportacus’s fingers intertwine with yours. You have to stifle a smile when Sportacus swings your intertwined hands between you both.
He really never stopped.
You gulp “ I just can’t keep up with all of you, I get tired easily and I don’t want to seem like I’m weighing you down” you mutter, your eyes flicker up and catch Sportacus’s vibrant blue ones looking back.
They were round and his pupils were diluted, the blue in his eyes swirled magically, they were filled with such energy and excitement that even his irises couldn’t keep still.
If you didn’t know any better he looked mesmerised.
But at what.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to find out or not.
You look away again and removed your hand from his warm grasp and nervously scratch your neck.
“I’m sorry, It’s just not my idea of fun” you mumble.
You turn your back to him and crawl back into your position on the ground on the other side of the tree away from his most likely disappointed expression.
You close your eyes again “The others are probably waiting on you, I’d go if I were you.”
You didn’t hear a reply instead you felt a heavy thump next to you. You opened your eyes and turned to see Sportacus lying down looking at the sky like you were.
Your eyebrows furrowed “What? You’re not going to go move around?”
“Don’t tempt me,” he chuckled and turned to face you, the tip of his nose brushing off of yours “But I’d like to learn about your kind of fun today, I can run around later”
You cracked open a smile and looked back up at the sky and sighed peacefully. It felt nice to have someone there with you, but the fact that your shoulders were touching Sportacus’s showed how close you were to each other.
But Sportacus didn’t care. Sure not being as active or moving around was driving him nuts but this was worth it.
“Can I hold your hand again?” He whispered his eyes never leaving the sky.
You turned to look at him, his Adam apples bobbing in his throat nervously, his moustache twitched on his upper lip as he felt you closely examine his handsome features.
Without another word you intertwined your fingers again and relish in the warmth of his hand, fitting perfectly in yours.
“Thanks,” he chuckled before turning to face you again “ So how does this work, do we do butterfly kicks while we lie down?”
You laugh and turn to face him again, noticing his face flush after your noses brush against each other again.
“No… You just lay down and relax” you explain, you watched as the gears in his head turn.
“Really? That’s it?” He doubted, he face cringed as you nodded. He shifted in his place, wiggling his body against the grass trying to get comfortable.
“Well maybe this isn’t the comfiest position to be in,” you began “ but it works for me”.
You sat upright and leaned against the hard bark of the tree, putting your weight against it and patted your lap, cleaning it of any dirt “Lie down here please”.
Sportacus looked up flushed as he eyed your lap before rolling over to you and plopping his head down on your thighs.
This was better, he thought ,so comfy. He closed his eyes finally getting the hang of things, sighing as he practically melted into you.
You tugged on his hat gently and he hesitated before reaching his blue armbanded hand up to his head, slightly brushing his fingers against your thigh and yanked it off. His ears sprang into place in all their pointed glory, standing out against his golden wavy hair.
Sportacus rested his hands against his stomach and let you thread your fingers through his locks. Sighing happily as your fingers grazed against his scalp.
It didn’t take long before he fell asleep. Your gentle gestures and humming put him under a tired slumber, leaving him dead to the world.
You rested your head against the bark of the tree and closed your eyes drifting off finally yourself.
Your eyes pried themselves open, feeling heavy from their previous closed and dormant state.
You take in your surroundings quickly, it became late, the sky had turned a purple to yellow gradient giving Lazytown enough light to lead them home to their families and beds.
You look down at your lap and furrowed your brows, it was empty. Strange because you swore there was a significant weight on your lap before you fell asleep that was no longer there.
Instead you you heard a light snore from beside you.
Now that you look at it, Sportacus had moved from your lap to sit beside you. You had been resting on his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat as his body heat radiated from him.
His cheek rested on the go off your head as his arms held you securely in a comforting yet strong hold.
You felt safe with him.
You smiled but tried slowly began to push yourself from his chest.
But to no avail you were held tightly as a groan rumbled from his throat is a husky deep tone.
“Just another minute” you could feel his voice rumble through your being, filling your chest with a warmth.
He pressed a soft kiss to your scalp and nuzzled back his nose into your hair inhaling the smell of your shampoo.
“It’s getting late, Sportacus,” you whisper, your face growing warmer by the second “You should go home and sleep.”
You stayed in that position for a while, not that you minded, he was warm and honestly made for a great pillow. Considering your were practically sitting on him, you legs draped over his and your upper body Mildred against his like a cuddly puzzle.
Another deep mumble came from him in response.
“Would you like to stay the night with me?”
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tiredlilguy · 11 months
I’m writing from my phone because I have carpel tunnel and my hands hurt. Take these randomly assorted BSD hc’s:
(possible SB spoilers, but just the characters)
- Albatross has every piercing under the sun: like he’s got a nose ring, eyebrow piercing, snakebites… anything u can think of
- Oda wears rings 🤤, plays with them when he gets anxious (he’s also my husband)
- Chuuya is a summer child (born in the summer), so he love it when it’s hot af outside and drags his friends outside to go eat lunch with him or smth (HES HUMAN IN MY HEART STFU, I DONT WANNA HEAR IT RN)
- opposite to Chuuya, Dazai is a winter baby, but he also hates the cold
- sometimes Adam sends Chuuya random incriminated texts on his phone. It’s usually just something silly like “Hello! I hope you’re eating sugar and growing very healthy.” Or maybe a random fact like “Did you know that cows have a strong sense of smell? They can perceive smells at a distance of up to ten kilometres.” Chuuya will usually not respond back, but he scoffs and lets out a small laugh to himself before closing his phone
- Ango hates bugs, he will cry if he sees a spider sitting on his paperwork
- Oda and Ango when drunk are very enthusiastic and energetic. Oda will dance on the counter while pretending his glass is a mic. Ango will join him too- The only person that knows this side to them is Dazai
- animals love sigma for some reason. Like Disney princess style love sigma. Sigma however, hates that this happens to him, and actively avoids walking in forests or places where animals usually reside.
- Oda is a good dancer, like good… old style bar dancer. He’s quite impressive actually, and it’s attractive-
- Chuuya and Albatross both have heterochromia.
- Literally no one except for Chuuya has seen Albatross with his sunglasses off. That shit is basically glued to his face
- Verlaine is bougie as hell. Like I know he’s Mafia, but I think it’d be funny if he was… more bougie than like everyone else in the Mafia. Like he actively buys and wears expensive shit.
- Verlaine has a good hair routine.
- Doc may or may not have a plushie collection. And they may or may not all be sea animals
- Kunikida seems like he’d have an emo phase. Idk why… I just think he would.
- Despite only using one bar of soap for showering, Atsushi actually smells really nice for some reason (he smells like lavender)
- lippman is a swiftie, doc is a barb (I discussed this with one of my moots and now I can’t stop thinking about it)
- since it’s hinted is SB that Lippman would still make ppl fold at him wearing feminine clothes, I hc that he does not rly give a shit about gender or what one should/should not wear
- Chuuya has taken this tip from Lippman and has worn skirts before with his outfits
- the real reason why akutagawa dislikes mandarins (that’s canon btw) is because one time he was offered one to eat and as he was peeling it the mandarin juice got in his eye and he chopped it up into bits out of anger
- Chuuya only ate bread and soup when he was in the Sheep, since then Kouyou has introduced him to the finer foods in life, and Albatross introduced him to junk food
- Dazai used Chuuya’s shower when he was in the Mafia because he didn’t have a shower in that old ass storage container
- Oda does not pay for haircuts. He cuts his own hair, and one time he was too busy so he had to tie it up in a low pony
- Kunikida likes things that are weighted (weighted blankets, etc)
- Oda’s a little bit tanned because of jobs that have to do with being outside in the sun for long periods of time
Ok that’s all. Enjoy. I should make an Odasaku hc list because he is my absolute favorite character (next to the flags). Let me know if u want a specific bsd character hc. I will write it >:3 (also please tell me ur hc’s too. I love hc’s) I’m gonna eat lunch now.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Can I ask for C,H, and Z with OctoTrio?
Warning: Yandere thing. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Floyd Leech, Jade Leech, Azul Ashengrotto.
Note: Of course! I don't think I've actually been requested anything for the Octavinelle guys all at once. If I have, I don't remember it. Time to replay a bunch of Little Mermaid inspired songs as I write for this. Like this amazing one I found.
Letters: C and H.
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✍︎ Cruelty. How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? 
   ✒ Honestly, Floyd would mock the living hell out of you. Aww, what's wrong? You far from home? You don't wanna be here? But he's here! Doesn't that make things so much better~? Yes, he'll mock you, but he's genuinely very happy to finally have you here! It's obvious by his big old toothy grin and how he literally refuses to detach himself from you. Now that you're here, he's basically treating you as his roommate. You thought living on the same campus was bad since he'd always chase you down. Just imagine that but now you gotta sleep in the same room as him. The only good thing is, Floyd gets bored easily, so he'll take you out very often, pretty much every day.
   ✒ On the other hand, Jade is more low-key about the mockery. Don't be mistaken, he's not loudly mocking you like his twin but it's more like his taunting you. Oh, what's this? Is that a tear from your eye? Are you growing homesick? This just won't do! What a soft and sensitive little thing to be shedding a tear in front of him. As long as you behave and do not attempt to leave his supervision, he’ll be nothing but the perfect gentleman. Although it is unnerving how he knows things about you that you never told him, and he talks about them with a creepy grin. Oh, it’s nothing bad, he wouldn’t dream of embarrassing you (in front of others at least)! Since you’ve been good, he’ll give you more freedom. Just don’t abuse it, or he’s pulling you right back.
   ✒ Of course not, Azul would never mock you! Out of these three, Azul is the one to most likely comfort you instead. Yes, he understands this may be confusing and stressful, but can’t you see that this is for the best? There are so many benefits to living with him. Disregard the restrictions he puts in place as well as his constrictive grasp. Now that you are his guest, he’s attempting to treat you with comforts and luxuries. Yet it’s difficult to relax when he literally kidnapped you. Although if it hadn’t been for that, you might’ve thought you woke up in some dream vacation with how much he provides just in hopes that you’ll finally stop being so tense and anxious. 
✍︎ Hell. What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?   
   ✒ Believe it or not, Floyd doesn’t actively try to hurt you. Yes, he can be rough and accidentally harm you, but he isn’t actually trying or even wanting to see you hurt. Of course, he may make a threatening offhand comment, but that is enough to scare you into avoiding stuff he doesn’t want you to do. Yes, his warnings are scary, but you’ve actually seen him lash out at others. Just because he doesn’t want to hurt you, doesn’t mean he won’t hurt other people. Your worst experiences with him are either when he was too careless and gave you a particularly nasty injury which had him tearing up and not leaving you alone until you forgave him. Or when a poor soul got too close for comfort, making Floyd jealous and causing him to beat the guy to a pulp. It was terrifying to see how he didn’t relent and was only satisfied when then guy couldn’t even look you in the eye again. 
   ✒ Jade also doesn’t hurt you. Oh no, instead he watches as your useless attempts to escape or avoid him backfire. Only then does he swoop in, saving you from the predicament you created. Oh, but you don’t get away unscathed, he’s teasing you relentlessly. Sometimes his teasing is harsh, but that’s not the bad part about it. The worst is when his teasing takes a dark turn after you try to escape. As he treating your wounds (if you have any) and he examines you for any more injury you might’ve gained during your attempt, his teasing demeanor changes. The taunting grin he wore becomes a smile and his eyes are boring into you as his soft tone turns somewhat serious and dark despite his smile. His descriptions are vivid, and he does keep his word. You’re reminded of how cruel he can be by his vaguely threatening words. 
   ✒ The worst thing about Azul is his clinginess. In the public he keeps up his suave business facade, but when you’re alone with him is the worst, especially when he’s feeling insecure. When someone else expresses a clear interest in you, that’s when those negative thoughts begin to bubble up in his mind, clouding his thoughts in foam. That’s when he becomes extremely desperate for attention. If the thoughts in his mind are so bad, it may cause some tears and sobs to escape as he can only think of the worst case scenario. What if you do prefer them over him? Only you can comfort him, and you will have to. It’s not as if you have much of a choice when he has a vice grip on you, as he gazes up at you while the tears are streaming down his cheeks, and literally the only thing that can pull him out of this void of insecurities are reassurances from you. And reassuring him takes hours.
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Hi! Welcome to Project SEKAI facts!
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This account posts daily facts and trivia about Project SEKAI! I occasionally do longer analysis/content overview posts as well as some event speculation.
This account is currently operated by one mod and is scheduled to post daily at 4pm UTC. Bonus facts may be posted if I find something interesting in newly released content.
Repost policy
I just post trivia and can't gatekeep that from you so reposts of trivia is allowed but if you choose to copypaste/screenshot my stuff to repost instead of writing it in your own words then please put credit. Reposts of my essays/character analysis is not permitted at all.
Hope you enjoy your visit!
↓ Submissions & Asks info + more below cut ↓
Submissions are welcome!
Must be canon or otherwise official - Content from any server of the game (including cards, stories and songs etc), music videos, Petit SEKAI, official artwork or 4komas is OK! I will also accept content from the anthology mangas, magazine articles, and seiyuu content (including unofficial stuff so long as it is relevant to the game, like something they said on a personal livestream). In other words everything is fine except fandom stuff/unofficial fanworks.
If the fact is related to Vocaloid/Virtual Singers, it must be relevant to Project SEKAI in some way.
No leaks - Leaked content is usally low quality and I will not be able to post the fact until the content has been released officially, so I'd rather you didn't submit it at all.
Please submit a source for your fact - a screenshot, image, video or link is OK! If you don't have any then that's fine, but please at least tell me what story/card/article/stream/etc is the source so I can get the screenshot/image/link myself.
If the source is not available on the EN or JP server, or is not available online, please attach an image/video! - I only play on the EN and JP servers, and will only be able to get screenshots and recordings of content available on those servers. If your fact relates to content exclusive to any other server or is from a physically published source and you do not provide an image/video, I will not accept the submission.
Asks are also open if you have any questions about a fact or if you have any general questions for me. Due to the incredibly overwhelming amount of asks I get nowadays, it is impossible for me to answer everything. Sincerest apologies for that. I still try to answer as many as possible but it could take a while for your ask to get a response. Also please do not ask me about shipping (platonic stuff is okay I just don't like to go into noncanon/speculative territory and then share my opinions on that. In other words I don't wanna start ship discourse).
Characters are tagged Firstname Lastname (excluding Vocaloids). For example, facts about Ichika will be tagged as Ichika Hoshino.
Events will be tagged using the fan translations from the Project SEKAI wiki, rather than the official English names. This is just for consistency so I don't have to go back and redo tags whenever EN changes a title.
The media will also be tagged (e.g: Hatsune Miku: COLORFUL STAGE or Petit SEKAI)
Full tag list linked in blog description
Send me an ask/comment if you need anything trigger tagged. Triggers will be tagged "trigger tw". Flashing lights is the only thing I actively tag atm.
Repost policy
I literally just post trivia I’m not gatekeeping that from you. You can post stuff you learnt from my blog anywhere
Copypasting/screenshotting my trivia posts is OK with credit. People plagiarise my stuff every so often and I'm not fond of it. Like teachers always tell you just write it in your own words.
Don’t repost my essays/chatacter analysis at all but that should be a given
About mod
This is a sideblog. Thanks to recent tumblr updates I can now respond to replies directly
EN player since launch, got the game for the Sonic costume, stayed for potato ni natte iku
I am learning Japanese and am also entirely self taught. If I make any mistakes with my translations I apologise + please correct me!
i'm a VBS main. no i will still not tell you who my oshis are or my opinions on ships. i like the vbs side characters and asahi and sakurako. i will tell you that much because i doubt how much people care about them.
I wrote the TVTropes entry in the header before the one other person who uses that site accuses me of stealing it
Feel free to send asks about my opinions on the game idm talking
I have most notifications for this blog turned off so if I ever miss something I apologise
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^ best ask i've ever gotten now framed in my pinned post
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hillerskalibrary · 10 months
This is my first time being in a fandom so I don't really know - do you think people writing YR fanfiction will die down quickly after the end of the show? I am already super sad about the show ending but no more new fanfiction about these two might be even worse 🙃
Do you maybe have experience from other fandoms? 🧡
Hey anon! To you, as well, apologies for the late reply, especially since this question is clearly important to you - and no doubt to many others.
Now, should I have attempted to write a heartfelt answer on how the YR fandom will indeed probably slowly fade away but that's okay because the important thing is the joy it gave you while it lasted? Yes, yes I should have.
Did I spend half an hour making a graph in Excel instead? ... also yes.
look I may be a failed scientist but I'm still a scientist and you came to my inbox so...
Behold! My beautiful and not-at-all questionable graph of the number of YR posted per month since the release of S1.
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Now, first the good news: as you can see, the general trend of fic goes UP! ;) I think it's been clear that S2 has drawn in lots of new fans, and that reflects in the number of fics - not only are there more writers, but more readers = more interaction = more motivation for writers.
Now, what does this tell us about fic numbers after S3?
... absolutely nothing. No, seriously, it is impossible to extrapolate any of this into the future :D. I mean, it is likely the peak will be even higher for the S3 release, and it's safe to say that then it will go down. But how fast, or how low, is hard to tell...
Now, I can see how this may make you sad. And I would like to offer two counterpoints.
ONE It's not done yet. This may seem obvious but- the time to be sad is not here yet. Suppose the sun shines today, and the forecast predicts rain for tomorrow. What are you going to do? Go out and enjoy every ray of sun while you can? Or spend the day inside, sad because you won't be able to go out tomorrow? Look - don't get me wrong, I don't wanna dismiss your feelings. It's just- we'll have time to be sad about it later, you know? Right now fandom is active: great fic is being published, thought provoking discussions are being had, ... . Let's enjoy that!
TWO Whether fandom lives or dies after the show, is partly up to you. I mean it! A fandom lives by grace of its active members. So write fic. Prompt other authors if you can't (and even if you can!). Organize events, challenges, polls, ... There are so many things you can do to keep the fandom going, but it's going to require time and effort. And no, success is not guaranteed. But it's worth it.
Lastly though, as you say yourself: this is your first fandom. A first fandom is always a little special, but after a first... comes a second. Always. It may seem hard to believe, and it may not even be something you necessarily want, but very often, that's how it goes. Fandoms come and go - and that's fine. It sucks too, of course, sometimes. But it's fine. It has to be, because the alternative is for nothing to ever change, and that would suck even harder. So enjoy this wonderful fandom we have, gush about it all with your mutuals, and trust that a new blorbo will find you ;).
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caustic-caffeine · 6 days
my thoughts on the instagram ai situation, as a digital artist on the platform
figured i’d write and share this around so others in the community i’m in know my status. sooo, some basics for starters:
“Are you leaving Instagram? Where can I find you active?”
i’m staying on instagram for the time being. seeing as instagram almost certainly already has the data of my past posts, i won’t be deleting anything; going forward, i’ll be using ai disturbance filters and other anti-ai overlays for any stills i post. i anticipate using instagram for reels primarily, as well as staying in communications with mutuals and other artists. i do have a cara account, but will likely be posting intermittently until some issues i’ve noticed get addressed. going forward, i’ll most likely be at my most active over here! growth, fortunately, never was a priority in my social media presence so i’m not super concerned about that.
instagram: gonna continue posting reels and occasional stills, will be primarily focused on interacting with fellow artists
here: most active! will post both rough and polished stills, as well as lore and whatever random thoughts pop into my head. (see pinned post for a tag guide)
cara: activity will be low unless shit really hits the fan on instagram and i can no longer protect my work via overlays. if you’re an insta moot, feel free to dm me if you want me to share your posts around, though! if the link doesn’t work: i’m @/asphodelity [EDIT] cara does work with an ai organization, hive; here is a post that goes into it and other things people have said about the platform! as i already wasn’t intending to use the platform all that often this won’t change anything for me, but make sure to do your research if you’re looking into the platform!
“Will this affect how much you post?”
not really! i already have a fairly sporadic posting schedule, so i’ll just be continuing what i’ve been doing: posting when i have things i wanna share :]
“Help! I’m an Instagram artist and want to know how to protect my art!”
i gotchu.
[EDIT] the non-glaze/nightshade/artshield filters are mostly ineffective! it won’t hurt you to use them, but if you can stick to using the glaze and nightshade sites!! if you don’t have a pc, you can apply to get a webglaze account!
how to (hopefully) opt out of your art being scraped in the european union (i think?)
how to (hopefully) do the same in the united states (note: post could be outdated)
other ways to protect your art: one, two, three, four
ai disturbance filters: one, two, three (set these to overlay at 30% as the top layer for most effectiveness! these aren’t as effective as using a website like glaze, but are better than nothing)
after june 26, no matter your region, you’ll be unable to opt out of ai data training. this affects, to my knowledge, everything you post, including captions.
“Any other thoughts?”
now, more than ever, we as a community need to stick together and support each other. don’t let anyone tell you your art isn’t worth anything; we as artists have something very special in our ability to create, express ourselves, and connect with the world around us, an algorithm and misguided techbros will never be able to take that away from us. keep pursuing what you love, my friends; we have to weather the storm to see the rainbow.
my dms are always open for art reasons. need a pep talk? i’m around. wanna collab or trade? i’d love to! need help boosting your social medias? i’m happy to help (although my presence is admittedly very small). whatever it is, i’m here and willing to help!
i’ll keep updating yall on this platform as my activity changes (or, perhaps, something big related to ai happens), so be sure to stick around if that seems interesting! also, please feel free to reblog this post and add more information i may have missed, that’s all for now, thank you for your time <3
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quinloki · 1 year
*sliding again in your inbox* if you’re up for it, may I ask Yonji and Reiju with Public Humiliation, Rimming and Dogging? I’m loving your hc 🙈
I'm glad you're enjoying them! It's actually been a nice break from my usual Long Form story writing, and I think I needed the break more than I knew xD
Alright - this is my first time giving head canon to Yonji and Reiju, so let's see how it goes. (Also, what luck, the only two current Vinsmokes I *like* )
Public Humiliation - Yes - Yonji is perfectly happy to dress you as he pleases and haul you through whatever public space he so desires, all while letting loose with degrading phrases and actions. He's good at it, credit where it's due, but compared to his "older" brothers, he not nearly as cruel. It's still embarrassing, and the primary reason for it is more a declaration of to whom you belong. Yonji will lay into you in public, but if anyone is stupid enough to try and join in, he won't stand for it.
Rimming - Hm... I ... hm. I wanna say he's a Sure for receiving and you probably don't even want to ask for the giving side of it. Princely prince prince-ness isn't going to do something like that to someone even if it nearly kills them from embarrassment. But it's also not high up on his personal list of enjoyments. Not that he doesn't enjoy it, but it's a little more middle of the road for him is all. (the hang up is, he does want you to ask him to rim you, guy's got a little bit of a sub streak in him he rarely ever gets to flex, but he has to trust you implicitly before he'd bring it up, and it's hard to trust when you can barely engage in your emotions >.> )
Dogging - FUCK Yes - Look, it's not like you're in the stocks or something in the middle of town square, so don't go complaining. It's an empty parking lot, don't look over at the busy street while he's railing you, just make those pretty little noises he likes. If you hold your voice in then maybe it's time to move closer to the foot traffic, or maybe you're quiet because you do want to be in the stocks in the middle of the town square.
Public Humiliation - Sure - She'll do it, and she'll lean into with such practiced perfection you'd think you were being humiliated by Ichiji or Niji. Unlike her siblings, she is compassionate and fully capable of emotions, but she's really good at masking them. Sometimes leaning into the more cruel side of her personality is liberating, so it's not like she's doing this against her will, but it's also a part of who she needs to pretend to be around her family, so she's not nearly as enthusiastic as she appears.
Rimming - Yes - Giving or Receiving. There's pleasure to be had in the physical and I think Reiju is all for diving into that pleasure. She's very switchy to me, and while she prefers to maintain control, she's not against giving and getting for most activities. Sadly I think her practiced reserved nature has been going on for so long that I don't think she gets messy or down and dirty - everything is all very clean and proper and well-prepped. Which isn't a bad thing, in this kink, but I think it spills into her other kinks too.
Dogging - A Sure to Yes - Reiju doesn't want anyone else to hear the sweet sounds you make while she's being pleasured by you, or while she's pleasuring you. You've got to keep that voice that's only for her low and quiet, there's people just a few yards away, and she won't forgive you if someone else is graced by your mewling whimpers. Don't disappoint her now, and don't fight the building pleasure either, just because you're not allowed to be loud doesn't mean she doesn't want to see your face messed up in pleasure.
-- Little different vibe on those Dogging entries, but I hope it still came across well ^_^ Thanks!
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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thelyingjoke · 1 year
Ooh! I wanna hear about the Kokichi/Kaede parallels!
sorry it’s taken me a while to answer this!!! school has made me Busy. but thank you for enabling me to rant about this
this isn’t gonna be Super coherent since it’s 1am and i’m kinda just writing everything on a whim sorry!!! i’ll try my best to get everything down though
i think one interesting similarity between the two of them is their lack of faith in the others! in kokichi this is obvious, but it also can be seen in kaede too. as much as she wants everyone to stick together and cooperate, and she likes believing in them, there is still that level of Distrust she has towards them. rantaro’s warnings do get to her, and i mean if she did have 100% faith in everyone else, she probably wouldn’t have resorted to a murder plan so quickly. they both take it upon themselves and themselves alone to stop the killing game, not letting anyone else in on their plans, because they in ways believe only they could do it—they believe that their whole plans would fall apart if others knew (this leads both of them to their own deaths) (they also share this with rantaro). also they can also both be mean as hell in their teasing sometimes, that one’s not too important i just think they’re so silly and i love them
there’s also the fact that they orchestrated murders with one of the intentions being to stop death—kaede with the time limit, and kokichi with the fact miu was planning to kill him. two good-intentioned people who are actively trying to stop the killing game in ways that are Not So Moral. (i may be getting ahead of myself here but one extra parallel i noticed and think is kinda nest is between shuichi/kokichi and kaede/miu—shuichi and kokichi both form their own plans to defeat the mastermind and end the killing game, coming to kaede and miu respectively as their sole help in this, to which the girls help them at first but then the idea of murder enters their brains and changes everything BUT that is not the focus!!! i will get back to kokichi/kaede now)
another thing is the way they contrast with each other. kokichi has high empathy and low sympathy levels, while kaede has low empathy and high sympathy levels. the way that kokichi has a leadership talent, but ends up outcasting himself from the group—while kaede outside of the killing game is implied to be a bit of an outcast, what with being Piano Freak and all, but she fits right at home with the other eccentric teenagers and ends up in a leader position! aaaaand i know there was more i had in mind but i can’t remember😭i hope this satisfies you though!!! if anyone else knows anything they wanna add on please feel free :)
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orangeshinigami · 6 months
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Mutuals only / Slow replies & low activity blog. Multiship / Multiverse / OC & Crossover friendly! Mun is 21+ so mature themes may be present, everything will be tagged accordingly though. Est. Nov. 2023.
Discord available upon request for plotting & rping purposes.
( Header credit: RIDLEEY / Icons credit: THE-CURSED-ICONS & MENDINGGASHES / icon border credit: TOSKASRPH & as of Jan. 2024 I started using a border made by POOHSOURCES )
Update March, 2024: Icon border / post divider / banners credit - CROWDITS
MAINS: @auburniivenus (ship exclusive) / @adversitybloomed (ship exclusive) / @lockedtowers / @glacialdeath / @apocalypta-secundus / @loyalhearts / @toomanydamnmuses / @geraniumplant / @manaborn / @xxj0kerxx / @ninguisinferna / @attroxx / @familiarache
Mobile friendly guidelines under the cut.
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read these!!
You can call me Bibis, I’m 25 years old and roleplaying has been one of my hobbies for over ten years, I’ve been a part of the Bleach fandom for about that same amount of time too. However, I still haven’t finished reading the manga (I’m always working and when I finally have some free time I have no energy to do anything guys, help). But I’ll eventually finish it, I swear… Or I’ll at least watch the anime bc I’m super hyped about this revival. ANYWAYS, yes, this is just a heads up that I do know some things about the last arc of the manga but not everything. But don’t worry, depending on what we choose to write, I’ll do my reasearch!! &lt;3
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ichigo or Bleach obviously, also no icons / headers and stuff used here were made by me unless otherwise stated.
I work 44 hours a week (sometimes more) and I’m still finishing my university course, so my activity will be low, especially from monday to friday. Please understand that I might take a long time to reply – this doesn’t mean I’m not interested in writing with you / don’t like your character or anything, I’m really just super busy most of the time.
No godmodding please. You control your character and I control mine, thank you very much.
Plotting!! I love plotting SO MUCH and can get super excited over it and come up with 5415114 AU’s, hahaha. Seriously, if you have an idea about how our characters could interact or want to build a whole new AU for them, PLEASE do not hesitate to hmu!! 
Feel free to turn memes / asks into threads, just make sure to make a new post for it rather than just reblogging the answered ask.
My discord is available to mutuals upon request, we can plot or even rp through there too!! Given my busy schedule, it’s easier for me to be active and reply to stuff there.
Shipping can be super fun, but only if there is chemistry. So there has to be a lot of plotting and our characters need to interact a few times for me to consider shipping them!! Instant shipping / pre-established romantic relationships are not really my cup of tea. I won’t write romantic ships with minors, btw, please don’t insist. 
My main verse is set when Ichigo is around 18 years old and finishing up high school!! But if you wanna interact with older Ichigo, or have a plotting idea that would work best with the older version of him, do let me know!! Like I said before, I truly love plotting, so don’t be afraid to throw your ideas at me, I’ll most likely be just as excited as you are to discuss them.
Since I’m well over the age of 18, you might see NSFW themes (such as violence, drugs, sex) on this blog from time to time. I have no triggers and I may be a little forgetful when tagging that sort of thing. Please if you see anything that’s triggering to you that you believe I didn’t properly tag, send me a message and I’ll fix it right away. I want this to be a safe and fun enviroment not only for me but for my writing partners as well!!
That’s about it!! I’m super friendly ooc, I promise. So send me memes and questions whenever!! I’ll be happy to answer all of them. :]
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