#may perhaps be of interest or use to this blog's audience
majaloveschris · 2 days
Hi Maja.
First of all, your blog is one of the only ones I’ve always felt was sincere, on point, respectful, and not toxic. I’ve always had a good feeling about you and how you are kind despite all the toxicity on here.
That feeling has never wavered and there is a big part of me that wants you to be right and win against these ridiculous anons that seem to want to put you down.
An opinion (which I don’t claim to be fact, just some thoughts here): I see a lot of takes on here popping up from blogs that claim they have PR knowledge and claim to be experts and read and follow along the gossip, but I think nobody really knows and they can only hypothesize on what they think is the truth.
I think CE being married (by public knowledge and Wikipedia) was the main goal here. I’ve always sort of felt this, which is why I ultimately was not surprised after he did his SMA spread that he went public with Fish girl and then later on “got married.”
The reason I say this is because HW and society is very judgmental and superficial. Being single or unmarried at a certain age always raises questions whether or not it is valid to do so. I disagree with this sentiment but unfortunately the world is how it is. It happens to regular people, so why wouldn’t it apply to celebs? Especially the ones who have basically become a pop culture icon of being an eligible bachelor/desirable.
Let’s think about this. After 2019, CE was no longer under the marvel umbrella. He had to start defining his post marvel career, and then Covid hit. So many things derailed. He randomly got an IG in 2020 but people found out it had existed as an account since 2019. Perhaps it was always the plan or it was a plan hatched by his PR team to keep him in the public eye. He became relatable internet BF with a Prince Charming storyline of when will he find the one? It was almost overkill from 2020-2022.
Now it’s 2024 and he’s supposedly been with this woman since 2021. It shows longevity and then eventual commitment. He now wears a ring in public so they see him as “settled down.” That’s the image he is now portraying for the public who doesn’t dig or care to deeper in his life.
I don’t think it’s about rebranding to attract a younger audience - if so, his pr team would have realized that gen Z actually does not fare well to age gaps and the subject of grooming and etc always comes up for this hypersensitive on PC/wokeness generation. Then add on the racism and weird ass crap from her/her friends. Definitely not boding well for a generation that lives on the internet and knows how to deep dive. His PR team would have looked at how the public reacted to other relationships like this and I feel, if it was simply he was in love with her and it was real real, would have told him to keep it on the DL DL until it was absolutely certain they had walked down the aisle. At that point, there would be no turning back.
But they marketed this before that happened. They wanted to portray her as the one similar to how in movies, they want to portray a main character and love interest as meant to be even if the audience may or may not receive it that way. How many times do we hear “this movie tanked because the leads had no chemistry and the relationship they wanted us to believe was not believable?”
But ultimately, the endgoal of if CE and his wife are a good couple or not doesn’t really matter. They have achieved their goal of he is now settled down and no longer on the market. If you choose to continue to follow him, stay for his career and not his personal life. Meanwhile, her - well, they’ll keep trying to make her happen because her end of the deal was getting more visibility and breaking into the American market. That much has been clear.
But you can lead a horse to water, you can’t make it drink.
What she chooses to do with the opportunities given to her are left to be seen. Also, how the public and CE/her fanbases chooses to receive them are also left to be seen.
Will this marriage last forever? I have doubts. But I do think they considered many options and this is what they came up with. I also don’t believe CE’s actions show he is very happy with the arrangement, even less so than fish is. Because even from the subtle clues from photos and “videos” - body language does not lie.
To be fair to fish, I doubt she’s in love with him either. I think she’s getting more benefits from this because most of the negativity is being directed towards him, not her. His fans hating and harassing her are just a pinnacle of what he’s receiving from his own fanbase. Some people will disagree with me but he’s the one getting the P and G and disgusting comments and being called the worst person on earth because he married her. His own fans are turning on him and her fans can also blame him but victimize her. The general public doesn’t care too much but will say how he looks because he got with her. She remains “innocent” of any blame because at the end, she is young and he is older so he should know better. Do you see what I mean?
Meanwhile, her fans are just happy she’s getting attention and somebody to fund her poor attempts at becoming a fashion icon. She lacks in talent and work ethic but it’s an easy way for her to get engagement by being attached to him.
The day this ends and she no longer has his name will be interesting and that’s what I think his fans (remaining) are hoping for. They don’t want to reward laziness and clout chasing opportunist and I too support this. They want HIM to be better and find success and love himself more so he doesn’t continue to end up in these shitty situations. But again, he has to want that for himself. He has to want to deserve better so he can work on actually deserving of better.
I hope I didn’t offend anyone with this opinion. Just my thoughts and I support YOU. I hope things work out in the end in your favor because you are a great person and I selfishly want you to be right (haha). ❤️
I completely agree with everything that you wrote down. 
I remember seeing people criticize him for saying he wants to get married and have a family, yet he is still single and childless. As you said, it's stupid that people are being bullied and judged because they haven't already settled down, even if they wanted to. Finding a partner is hard, and finding a partner in his shoes is even harder. I obviously don't know whether he actually wants all of that, but saying he must not want all of that because he didn't do so is not right. A lot of people struggle with finding a good partner. 
I never agreed with people calling him by the P and G words. I guess these people either don't know what those words mean or are simply that mad as Chris that they feel the need to spread lies. He is not those things and never was. Yeah, 16 years is a lot, but she was a grownup when they allegedly met, and I think people exaggerate when they say she looks like a child. 
I think the reason most people are hateful towards him is because they are disappointed in him. I think most people had an idea about the person he is based on the information we had, and him being married to someone like her or even dating someone like her doesn't really fit into that. People aren't disappointed in her because most didn't even know who she was before Chris. We were just presented with her actual self, and we didn't have any expectations from her. But we had for him. 
I doubt either of them is in love with each other. Alba doesn't seem that happy or comfortable around him either. I think this is just business for both of them.
I still think he is a good man who made a terrible mistake. I just hope the best for him, to be honest, which I know is an unpopular opinion now because it seems like wanting the worst for him is what is trendy nowadays. Maybe I'm naive; maybe I'm just holding onto an image, but I don't think the last 20+ years were a lie. I hope he will prove me right. 
Thanks for writing this down and for being there. ♥
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Meghan's Prostitution Resurfaces amid her Links to Prince Andrew
I think everyone on tumblr knows that when Dorito told Joshua Silverstein that Meghan was "traveling the world as a MODEL" (5'2 ordinary looks and political ambitions) she was doing more to earn money than take photos in tacky clothes.
I'm a big fan of TRGs work. In a video, she addressed the recent article that connects the transactional relationships that put Meghan Markle into Harry's orbit.
What surprised me most was the large number of comments from people who really had no idea that Meghan's past most likely put her in Jeffrey Epstein's orbit. Even Lady C has spoken about rumors that Meghan allegedly met Prince Andrew before she actually met Harry. Lady C also said she knows things about Meghan that are encased in cement: "the press knows, everyone knows."
While I'm glad TRG finally told her audience that both Harry and Meghan were in Istanbul Turkey in April 2015 she did get several other details wrong. It's important to connect the dots but the people in her comments section aren't doing their own research like what we do here on Tumblr which is the reason I get concerned when misinformation is spead on YouTube etc because it makes people question the validity of the entire thesis.
Here are my notes to TRG:
1-According to Bower, Fitzpatrick---- MM met via golfer Rory McIlroy. MM pursued Rory like everyone else, via her social media & she used the ice bucket challenge to meet him. He sent her the challenge and she told him to come over and do it himself. Rory was staying at John Fitzpatrick's nyc hotel. Rory helps John with good PR for Ireland.
I think you actually spoke about this mtg bc I recall you speaking about the notorious late night parties at Chiprioni's. Perhaps you forgot. Use the Revenge index to read the full story. Mm pursued Rory. Fitzpatrick seems to tag along with Rory for the celebrity social scene. Back then, Mm was desperately searching for an athlete (or prince) boyfriend bc Chef Cory wasn't good enough to be the future father of her kids (clearly she didn't consider harry's low IQ). Whatever she has been trained to do in bed, it ruined Rory's golf game and yet he still went back for more the next day. Mm also documented their mtg on her social media & featured Rory on the blog something she wouldn't do for cory.
2-Fitzpatrick & Sarah Rafferty are also close. He may have known Rafferty b4 markle. He works to unite Irish celebrities & to back ($) globalists like the Clintons on behalf of Ireland. I consider him to be a lobbyist. He's rumored to be gay but perhaps like mm he's fluid. He has met Charles on multiple occasions in his "lobbyist" role and he knew charles b4 he met mm. He invited her to meet Obama at the WH. Allegedly they flew or met up with her buddy Ron Burkle (Soho House owner) whose plane she frequented as did Bill Clinton. BTW-When Clinton staffers were asked why they allowed Clinton to hang out with slimy Ron Burkle they said, "let us know when you figure it out." Check the daily mail for a pending sexual assault law suit against bill clinton filed by 3 or 4 females who were teenagers when bill was flying around with burkle on air*uck1. The law suit resurfaced about 3 or 4 years ago. Of course our American media didn't cover it. The Daily Mail helped the girls reach out to Burkle & Clinton for hush money.
3-Fitzpatrick is responsible for hillary obtaining that ridiculous "chancellor" position in Ireland after she lost the 2016 election & after the UK approved Brexit.
4-mm wasn't the 1st girl "sent" to date harry. Several years ago, the brf was warned that their participation was expected & if not, "they" could put someone in their inner circle.
Enter the Obamas. They invited Harry to Chicago & filled up his head with woke nonsense. He decided he wanted to find his own "michelle obama." He specifically was interested in a left wing, black woman.
A very brown skin black woman (who lived in Texas) was asked to date harry. We know this bc after mm popped up, the very sweet, pretty young woman revealed that she had been asked to date harry but she turned (the backers) them down. She said, "I couldn't do THAT to harry. This explains Barack Obama's hot mic-ish convo w/harry during an invictus basketball game. Instead of watching the game, Obama had made a special trip to Toronto to check-in with harry on how things were going w/mm.
This also explains the reason mm thought she could gatecrash Michelle's London book event to meet her. Mm really thinks of herself as that vip who infiltrated the brf on behalf of the world's globalists. She feels like they owe her and she's one of them. She thinks she became a first lady who deserves billions of dollars bc she slept w/harry. She's delusional.
Remember when she cleared the stands at Wimbledon? Watch the video and you'll see her friend Lindsay Roth Jordan telling her "smile. look happy." The other friend said "put your hat on." That hat is a message, a symbol to her clients & in this case those backers. Shortly after the Wimbledon fiasco Hillary Clinton went on the record to say the press was racist. You can watch both of Hillary's statements- one recorded w/Chelsea & the other for a uk radio program.
5-Allegedly mm was involved with Jean Luc Brunel's MC2 model management which was financed by JEpstein. There is an infamous photo of Mm with Epstein's Rachel "Ray" Chandler.
6-we know mm was traveling the world "modeling" bc Dorito told Joshua Silverstein those exact words. We've seen many of the hideous photographs & a few videos🤢 Remember she also knows Harvey Weinstein who labeled her hopeless as an actress but told her she should use her long legs.😂
7-there is evidence to indicate that she attended NXIVM training---the clintons (& soros) used nxivm to blackmail the majority of new york state. It's possible that mm even recruited for nxivm nyc or toronto. NXIVM was also THRIVING on Vancouver island.
Fun fact: Trump had no idea that mm had made ugly comments about him during the campaign. So why did he go on the record and say I'm not a fan of hers & Harry's gonna need a lot of luck? He said that BEFORE he was told about the things she said during the campaign.
I believe he had classified info on her. He probably also knew about her nyc reputation w/business men like those at cantor fitzgerald. And we all know she allegedly slept with Trump's former treasury secretary who attended the UK state dinner (steve Mnuchin)
8-we also know that mm is desperate for security. Harry's job was to clean up her past which included IPP status. She wants to wear blood diamonds, but she wants to be protected from the men who gave them to her. She's afraid of her past. The rumors are that Tyler Perry is her next mark. The irony is that she would have invited him to the wedding had he been white. But back then, she was too good for Madea. Now she's desperate. Perhaps she will seduce Tyler Perry into a marriage for his billions, his island & for SECURITY. He's revealed himself as a thirsty liar who can be bought. (btw-he's trying to purchase BET).
No one else cares about her. She & noprah had no idea how those manipulated headlines and the lies out of their mouths would cause even the LA paparazzi to despise her. She went from being a wanna be covergirl whose covers didn't sell magazines to a lying "royal" that the paparazzi don't want to photograph.
9-no one seems to know what issue the Queen was told (or Charles) "they" (the world's globalists) or rather threatened over. I think it was Brexit but it also could have been global warming??? But Hillary and Obama were so bold in their UK appearances & threats over Brexit that I tend to think they wanted QE to persuade the people to go against it. Good for her letting the people decide. Too bad Charles seems to be so wishy washy.
Allegedly Mm went to Tony Blair and requested his help. She wants an ambassadorship or something similar. Why did she think Tony Blair would help her??? IMO Tony might have been the person who shared the "your participation is expected" message, meaning he's in on this mess & most likely some UK judges & church bishops as well.
10-Harry wasn't allowed to marry Meghan because of her "proximity" to Prince Andrew. It was the RACE card. Meghan did however play the Prince Andrew card during MEGXIT negotiations and we've watch her deranged squad bring up Andrew everytime there is a criticism about Meghan.
Even now, Meghan allegedly demanded HRH for the invisibles because Beatrice & Eugenie still use their dad's HRH. I've always thought that the Sussex attorneys have been using Prince Andrew as their benchmark in negotiations with the BRF.
Edit: it is important to note that mm made anti-brexit posts on her ig the same week she "officially" persuaded violet to become their public matchmaker. She also fed the writers of the lifetime movie script a racist narrative that stemmed from brexit. I dont think any of this was a coincidence.
The world is upside down. Maranatha!
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sprinklecipher · 1 year
A Case Study in Using Tumblr Blaze to Collect Survey Data
A little while ago, I ran a very niche survey about the vernacular names used for a specific type of North American bug, and I used Tumblr Blaze to try to get more survey responses. I figure that others who’d consider using Blaze to promote surveys might want to know how it went, so here's a graph of the number of survey submissions, with the “Blazed” periods highlighted in dotted orange:
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Additional details below the cut.
Response Numbers: Between 4/17 (when I first posted the survey) and 4/30 (when I analyzed data for it), I received a total of 291 responses.
There were 14 responses in the first 24 hours after I posted the survey (before Blazing the post related to it).  For all subsequent days that the post was not Blazed, I received between 0 and 2 additional responses. By contrast, I received 145 responses during the first Blaze period and 110 responses during the second Blaze period. It isn't possible to definitively know exactly how many responses can be attributed to Blazing the post, but from this data, I'm comfortable assuming that it's a large majority of the responses.
The Blazed post: I exclusively advertised the relevant survey on Tumblr, and with one, specific post. The post itself was nothing fancy—just a quick description of the survey and some emojis, basically. It looked like this:
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I’ve left the survey running (although I don’t promise I’ll analyze new data for it), so if you would like to complete it, you may do so here (NOTE: the survey contains a photo of a bug). Current results for the survey are also available here (NOTE: the results post also contains a photo of a bug).            
Blaze information: Both times that I Blazed the post, I purchased the second tier level (which provides 7,000 estimated impressions, although in both cases, the actual impressions ended up being ~10k, per the post-Blaze summary reports). I also opted to specifically target a US audience.
Data quality: One worry I had about Blazing my survey was that I’d get a bunch of joke responses or (worse) harassment, but that fortunately did not happen. I can't know for sure just how honest any individual respondent was, but the overall pattern of results was plausible and suggested there wasn't any widespread bad-faith responding. One respondent gave a clear joke answer, but that was it.
Conclusions: It’s hard to express this honestly without sounding like an ad, but I had a generally positive experience Blazing my survey. As someone with a very small blog, Tumblr Blaze helped me get enough survey responses to crunch some numbers on my (perhaps aggressively niche) project idea, which I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to do. I didn’t receive a staggering amount of data or anything, and the response rate I got might not be worth the cost for all projects, but it served its purpose for me. All in all, I'd say it's at least worth considering for anyone interested in running an informal survey without having a pre-existing audience to lean on.
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tobyfoxfacts · 6 months
Below, I will answer the TOP Toby questions asked on Google, in microscopic detail.
What did Toby do for homestuck?
Toby Fox composed many songs for the webcomic Homestuck; created by Andrew Hussie. The comic started in 2009, and Toby joined a forum for the comic. He emailed Hussie and requested to join the private music team forum. He included a sample of his music in the email. Toby was immediately added to the forum. Toby stated that many members in the forum never made music as well. He was quite prolific and wrote SEVERAL iconic homestuck soundtracks. After graduating high school, Toby was accepted by Northeastern University in Boston MA. Hussie offered Toby their basement cause Northeastern University was close by. That's how Toby ended up in Homestussies basement.
How did Toby Fox make undertale on his own?
To answer the first part of the question, Toby Fox primarily used game maker studio and MsPaint for the creation of undertale. He did not make Undertale on his own! He got help from several buddies. He didn't design all the enemies in undertale, and Temmie Chang played a HUGE role in the production of Undertale. Toby met Temmie on Tumblr and commissioned her!
What was Toby's inspiration for undertale?
At an interview with Fangamer, Toby advertised the release of Undertale's demo! During his little sales pitch, he said that Undertale was inspired by Earthbound! One of Toby's childhood favorite games! With fond memories like playing the game with his brother, and all the lovable characters, Toby Fox keeps Earthbound near and dear to his heart.
What are some interesting facts about Toby Fox?
How is Toby Fox such a good composer?
Well, that's up for interpretation. Some people may find Toby's music to be repetitive and empty, after he replays the same melody over and over. On the other hand, perhaps Toby's music composition is simply catchy. He always incorporates a simple tune you can hum to. From a neutral standpoint, I believe Toby gets so much praise because his music appeals to a large range of people. Hes got a wide ranged audience. I've met 34 year olds and 7 year olds who like Toby's music! Even my MOM likes his music and she's... not 30.
Thats right! Adults who grew up retro 8 bit music in their video games will be attracted to Toby's nostalgic esque tunes! Chiptune is a common music genre among the autistic community because the beeps and boops are stimulating to the brain. Tons of autistic people enjoy video games, vocaloid, etc. You know. Classic beep boop music. When autistic people like something; they LOVE IT. So Toby's music takes on a whole new meaning for us neurodivergent people. Toby's target audience has hyperfixating personalities, so he receives TONS of praise.
How old was Toby Fox when he started making undertale?
Math time! (^ω^)~♡ Undertale was published on September 15th 2015. Toby Fox was published on October 11th 1991. The game took approximately 2.7 years to complete. The production of undertale began in 2012. Toby was 21 when the true production of Undertale began. The game was published when he was 23, almost 24.
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Hope this was helpful!! I hope this shows up on Google so people see my answers. No more false information and shitty news websites that find pictures of men that aren't even Toby Fox to include in their articles!
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skydigiblogs · 13 days
I Kind of Wanna Talk About the Translation of Digimon Liberator
So change of plans, I'm gonna pause before reading chapter 2 and talk about the translation so far. Full disclosure: I have a BFA in English and a lengthy background in Creative Writing. I only have like, a child's level of conversational Japanese under my belt, meanwhile. But our system is really fascinated with translation theory.
This isn't the first time I've talked about translation theory in Digimon on this blog, either (see this post), so if you're a regular, some of this might be familiar territory.
I'll only be talking about official profiles and chapter 1 for now, because I can't keep the thoughts quiet enough to read chapter 2 lmao.
Defining Translation Theory
Before I can talk about the translation of Digimon Liberator, I want to briefly explain the concept of translation theory, as it's something I'm fairly interested in exploring through the Digimon franchise.
Translation theory is, essentially, the drive behind how a text is translated from one language to the next. Kind of self explanatory on the surface, it's complicated by the medium of a text, as well as whether certain elements can be cleanly translated from one language to another.
In this conversation, "original language" will refer to the language a text was in prior to translation. For Digimon, that's Japanese. "Host language" will refer to the language a text was translated into. For what I can read, that's English.
Certain mediums lend themselves well to translator's notes. If you've ever picked up a work in translation, this may be a foreword from the translator in books. Those of you familiar with fan subs will know these as those notes that show up on the top of the screen whenever something needs more context to fully convey (such as a linguistic joke or cultural reference).
I'm going to use an example from Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleur du Mal, my go-to on this topic thanks to how many translations there are and the fact that Les Fleur du Mal is a poetry collection. Specifically, i want you to look at "L'Albatross," (literally "The Albatross" in English). These two sites have a lot of translations (and the first site has the original French text available to read as well).
I'm not going to make you read all of the translations, but I do want them to help you understand the different ways translation theory can affect a text in its host language. Scan through a few and it becomes clear that every translator did something at least a little different. With poetry, this is quick to spot, because how a line reads can drastically change how the poem itself lands with an audience.
Generally, a few questions should come to mind when you're reading a translated work. This list isn't every question you should (or could) ask, of course, but these are some of the ones I think of:
Is this translation intended to be a literal (as close to 1:1) translation?
Additionally, is a literal translation even possible, linguistically?
If not, what form of writing is the translator engaging in?
(For example: if the original work has references to culturally distinct idioms, does the translator literally translate those idioms, or do they look for the closest idiom in the host language that conveys a similar meaning?)
The same can be asked of figurative language. What similes, metaphors, and so on are changed to make more sense in the host language, if at all?
What linguistic bias is on display in translation?
(A good example for understanding this would be the translation theory of Emily Wilson, who was the first woman to translate The Odyssey into English. She noticed a bias in the interpretation of language by her male predecessors in the field. More on that in the many articles she's been interviewed for, but I'll highlight the one she wrote for TIME back in 2017.)
And, perhaps, what is lost in the oral quality of a translation?
(Turning back to Baudelaire for a moment, French sounds different from English, on a fundamental level. Will a translator attempt to preserve the meterical qualities of an original work? Oral qualities refer to anything that can be heard when read aloud. Assonance, consonance, rhyme, slant rhyme, etc.. I think this is the easiest example to ponder over what is lost in translation, because it is fundamentally tied to the language itself.)
Okay, We Can Talk About Digimon Again
So, Digimon Liberator (in both forms) is a work in translation from its original language of Japanese. I think I'm not alone in saying that, regarding the comic's translation, everything looked pretty clean, showing an intent on Bandai's part to make sure the comic was legible to a Western audience.
I didn't notice any weird linguistic artifacts in the comic, and I haven't seen anyone complaining about its translation here on tumblr. I'm not talking about the comic, because I think the translation method applied is extremely effective!
Similarly, there are "lore" articles that explain the mechanics of the fictional universe from an in-universe perspective. They're written like promotional guides for players, and I think the style employed there works quite well. Any stiffness in the writing feels expected, because it's an in-universe article, where formality and a bit of reservation should be used.
What I want to talk about specifically is Chapter 1 of the novel. I just got done reading it (about an hour ago at this point since I've been working on this post so long lmfao).
It's obvious to me that a lot of thought is going into how this series is being translated. Similarly, it's obvious that it's not being machine-translated. My biggest examples for this come from two things I've noticed so far:
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[ID: A screenshot of the Digimon Liberator official thumbnail for Winr's profile. Winr is a boy with pentagonal, green-framed glasses over his brown eyes. He has a neutral expression on his face. He wears a short sleeved blue and red hoodie with gold honeycomb patterns over a long sleeved yellow dress shirt. On a lanyard around his neck is a black and gold Digimon v-pet.]
This is Winr. Or, for those of you who can read Katakana, this is "Saikyo." I think it's actually "Saikiyo?" My point stands either way. If it's just "Saikyo," it's literally the superlative for "strongest." If it is "Saikiyo," I'm fairly certain it's still meant to evoke the word.
Why am I certain of that? Well, because his name in the host language is "Winr!" Which is a play on the word... well, "winner!"
I doubt a machine translation would be able to make this kind of wordplay, and it evidences to me that there is thought going on behind this translation and its legibility in its host language.
My other example is...
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[ID: A screenshot of text that reads: "Please, I'll buy you some cute accessories next time, so please forgive me, Impmon!" "Ha! No way! I won't forgive you until you reflect on what you did!" "But what if it's like…mad cayuute?" "I don't need no darn cute accessories! And what do you mean by mad cayuute? Just say it's 'really cute'!"]
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[ID: A screenshot of Japanese text that reads: 「お願い、こんどかわちいアクセサリー買ってあげるからゆるして、インプモン!」 「やーだーねー! 今日ばっかりはユウキが反省するまでゆるさねーからな!」 「でも“エグい”くらい“かわちい”よ……?」 「カワチイアクセサリーなんていらねンだよ! っていうかなーにがエグいだ! なにがカワチイだ! ちゃんと“スゴく”“可愛い”って言え!」]
Okay. Bear with me on this one. My Japanese isn't good enough to be able to read a literal translation on the whole section here, but I was curious about the "mad cayuute?" line in English. That struck me as a "this is something translated from a joke I might not get otherwise" line, especially with that phonetic drawing out of "cute."
Someone who's more fluent in Japanese might be able to help me out, because Impmon's speaking above my expertise LMAO.
In the third line of dialogue in the Japanese version, Yuuki says this word "かわちい" (phonetically, "kawachii"). I think it's interesting to see that it's even couched by quotation marks. I'm not as familiar with Japanese formatting, but it wouldn't surprise me if the use of quotation marks here is to bring attention to the way Yuuki speaks. The same formatting is used with "エグい" (phonetically, "egui") earlier in the line, which does have a literal translation as an adjective (I'm not listing out all the definitions I'm finding because I don't want to get too into the weeds with a language I have very minimal experience with though).
So What Does This Mean?
Like I said, the way the translation is being done suggests to me that there is at least one actual person working on the translation work. I don't know how many people are working on the translation team, as I can't find any credits on the site itself.
That said, I find it refreshing that there is evidence of some thought being put into the translation of the web novel. Now, I don't know what the deal was with Seekers, because I genuinely could not get myself interested in it. As much as I would love to do some comparative analysis of the translation in Liberators versus the translation in Seekers, you cannot convince me to read Seekers. I just don't have the patience.
Now, why do I bring this up?
Well, while I can't compare Liberators to Seekers, I do know some people had issues with the way Seekers was written. I think, reading Liberators, I want to talk about my criticisms with, strictly, the formatting and prose in the host language.
As we saw in the second example above, Japanese and English prose are formatted very differently. Those of you who also read through the Liberator chapters may have noticed that a lot of the dialogue is paragraphed in a way that groups them together. This is my first issue with the translation so far. I don't think Bandai will change the format (and I admit, it's helpful for doing comparative analysis like I did above), but separating out dialogue in English is important for legibility.
So too are dialogue tags, which aren't present in the original language in the same section I highlighted. In the section I used as an example, this isn't an issue, as both Yuuki and Impmon use each other's names in dialogue, marking the back and forth for the reader. But there was an example in chapter 1 that I needed to go back and reread after the paragraph.
(From Chapter 1.2)
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[ID: Screenshot of text that reads:
"Anyway, it’s been bothering me. We could chalk it up to a bug, but there's something fishy about the new ability item and cards." “Ah, I agree. It’s kinda bothering me, too. Maybe we should consult Altea next time?" "Eh, I don't really like that Altea."
 The Altea that Yuuki mentioned is a member of the debugging team who supports them behind the scenes. Typically, she works alongside the Digimon Espimon to assist the GMs. Undoubtedly, Altea is the most knowledgeable about the system within their team and a reliable figure indeed.]
I'm not going to dig for the quote in Japanese, if only because I want to focus on the English translation here. If it's a matter of character voice, there's some argument that maybe the translation could have done something to differentiate Yuuki and Impmon here. However, while it would be an additive change, I think that the inclusion of dialogue tags would be the least intrusive means of preventing the kind of confusion I experienced with this section.
Anyone familiar with English prose will know that it's common in the beginning of a dialogue section to denote who's speaking within the first line or two of dialogue, especially with dialogue that does not communicate character on its own. Since it's just two people talking, you only need to show who one of the speakers is.
Ultimately, this is kind of an editing nitpick, and I'm really only bringing it up because I noticed it as an artifact of translation, rather than a sign of bad writing. Honestly, I'd love to learn more about formatting in Japanese novel writing, but that's a deep dive I'm not ready to embark on for a silly little tumblr post I'm writing about my initial thoughts about translation quality in Digimon Liberator. I do want to encourage everyone reading to consider translation theory when they're reading Liberator though, because it plays into the limitations of the medium.
The bigger issues I had with the translation are twofold: tense and syntax.
Tense is going to be easier to discuss here. The easiest way to explain it is thus: tense denotes temporality. "I ate a bagel" means that there is no longer a bagel in my bread box; "I am eating a bagel" means there's not a bagel in my bread box, it's in my hand; "I will eat a bagel" means there's a bagel in my bread box, not in my hand. Really simple explanation, but I want to give the explanation up front so we can look at Liberator's prose.
Let's look at Impmon's introduction.
"Impmon sighed deeply without turning its small, deep purple body toward her. A level 3 Evil Digimon, Impmon is characterized by its two long, clown-like horns, red gloves, and scarf." (1.1)
Notice how between sentences, we shift from "Impmon sighed," to "Impmon is." If the tense was consistent here, it might look like this (editing by me):
"Impmon sighs deeply without turning its small, deep purple body toward her. A level 3 Evil Digimon, Impmon is characterized by its two long, clown-like horns, red gloves, and scarf."
"Impmon sighed deeply without turning its small, deep purple body toward her. A level 3 Evil Digimon, Impmon was characterized by its two long, clown-like horns, red gloves, and scarf."
Tense in a piece generally needs to stay consistent, in the English language. A novel may bend this rule sometimes, but those tend to be in cases where it serves a narrative purpose. Flashbacks are an easy example of using tense to your advantage. Tense denotes time, and determines the forms of words used in a piece. Tense shifting can also be used in other creative applications, but the use in Liberator seems less a creative choice and more, well...
See the next section.
I also want to talk about syntax in the Liberator webnovel. Syntax refers to the way sentences are structured. It's a very broad subject, and the English language allows for some very diverse sentence structures.
I'll use the last example for illustration here, so that you can see what syntax can do to your experience of a piece:
"Impmon sighed deeply without turning its small, deep purple body toward her. A level 3 Evil Digimon, Impmon is characterized by its two long, clown-like horns, red gloves, and scarf." (1.1, original)
"Without turning its small, deep purple body toward her, Impmon sighed deeply. Two long, clown-like horns, red gloves, and scarf characterized the level 3 Evil Digimon, Impmon." (different syntax)
This is an exaggerated edit, but I want to get across how flexible English sentence structures are. Japanese, however, is a highly structured language by comparison, and if you aren't familiar with the syntax of Japanese, it might make you trip a little bit. When translating to English, the order of Japanese sentences is generally Subject-Object-Verb, as opposed to Subject-Verb-Object.
So in Japanese, the sentence "I / eat / a bagel" would be structured "I / a bagel / eat." "I" being the subject (what's doing the action), "a bagel" being the object (the thing being subjected to the action), and "eat" being the verb (the action being done).
(Technically Japanese doesn't have the same kind of particles as English but like. I don't have the technical knowledge of Japanese linguistics to go into it. The structure of Japanese is incredibly cool though, especially from the perspective of someone speaking a language that is a chaotic whirlwind of rules and exceptions.)
I bring this up because, when translating from Japanese to English, this means you have to restructure the sentence you are reading in order to fit general English syntax. That's work! And as we've been trying to illustrate, someone is definitely doing the translation work for Digimon Liberator!
However, one of the pitfalls of literal translations (which Liberator appears to primarily be, regarding its translation theory) is that you sometimes end up with a very dry text in the host language. Let's look at the very next line after Impmon's introduction, for an example.
"Having been with Yuuki since the beta-testing days, Impmon has been communicating with her like this for over half a year. There is no longer any reserve between them, and they're close to inseparable." (1.1)
Compared to later in chapter 1:
"There was no defending such recklessness. What had she been thinking, launching into battle without doing the necessary groundwork? It was her fault. There was no doubt about it." (1.1)
Okay. These two paragraphs have a very different rhythm to them. Do you see it? Diversity in syntax is crucial to momentum in a text, as it acts like grease on the wheels for a reader. The first of these two examples is comprised of two long, "rambly" sentences (for lack of a better word). The second example, in my opinion, shows a better use of syntax (though improvements could be made). It's broken into varied sentence lengths to help maintain movement.
If you want another example, let's circle back to Baudelaire for a second (you remember him from the beginning of this essay?). Poetry is heavily tied to its structure, like we discussed. That structure, like in the Liberator webnovel, is key to the movement of a piece.
I'm unsure to what length the syntax in the webnovel can be attributed to the translator, but distracting, stale syntax can be difficult for some readers to maintain interest in. I'm pushing along because I really like Impmon (and the new line looks sick as hell), but a less-invested reader may find Liberator difficult to follow because of these flaws.
Compared to the comic, which benefits from its visual storytelling (which serves as momentum on its own), the novel has only its prose to fall back on when maintaining readership.
TL;DR Digimon Liberator Needs an English Editor
Hire me Bandai /j
Joking aside, Digimon Liberator's webnovel, in its English translation, reminds me of the kind of shaky prose that a newer writer might produce. As I said in the last section, I'm not sure what role overhead has in maintaining the structure of the translation.
However, I think Digimon Liberator could benefit from an English language editor. Between oddities regarding dialogue tags, tense, and syntax, some readers may not have the patience to sit through this one otherwise. I find that a shame, too, considering the evidence someone is working hard on this translation!
It's not awful. Please don't take this big long essay to mean that's what I'm saying. But I have a BFA in English, like I said at the start, so I'm pretty good at sniffing out the kinds of writing pitfalls that make retaining readership difficult. Hell, it's the same instinct I use when I'm trying to determine what to read (whether that be professionally or unprofessionally published).
Writers tend to struggle with self-editing because they're so familiar with their own work. I'm uncertain if Bandai has an editing team on call for the Liberator novel, but if not, that needs to change. Putting the work of translation (a form of writing in itself) and editing on one person is too much. And if it's a team of translators, they should make sure at least someone is looking out to edit for English style.
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andmineisyellow · 5 months
Hey, I know you are mostly a Polin blog, but I like to read your thoughts on here, so I thought I'd ask anyway: do you think it could be possible that bridgerton is doing the rich x poor trope with Eloise and Theo and instead saving a different storyline for Benedict (hopefully something queer 🤞)? And no, I'm not just saying this bc I like Theo, but since Ruby is most likely not coming back and I really can't see Eloise settling for some old man, idk... Btw, I haven't read any of the books, but what I've read about Eloise's and Benedict's arcs doesn't rlly make sense to me (sorry)
I wouldn't necessarily rule it out mainly because there are always practical/logistical reasons that may force the show to go in a different direction. That said, I don't think it's the current plan they have in mind.
Theo only exists in Eloise's world. He has a bit of a run-in with Whistledown as well, but he never interacts with Penelope directly. He exists only to push Eloise's story forward and because of that, he feels more like a plot device than anything else. He is there to demonstrate that Eloise is perhaps more interested in love than she realized and to drive a wedge between her and Penelope (and to try and convince the audience that Eloise is straight tbh).
Phillip, while still a supporting player, has been introduced to Bridgerton's larger world. He is familiar with the family through the Featheringtons and through Colin now as well. I don't know why the show would go out of its way to introduce Phillip and bring him back unless there was a plan to make him more important down the line. The only way I could see this changing is if Chris Fulton booked a bigger job elsewhere. As a guest star, he is not under a multi-season contract. Even then, there is always the option to recast.
It's not necessarily what I would like to see personally. Any storyline that involves Marina dying or having to abandon her children would probably outright ruin the series for me. I would much rather the show flip the script. They should kill off Phillip and have Eloise run away to Marina instead. They could still hit the basic plot points of TSPWL while avoiding killing off Marina and giving us the queer representation so many people have been asking for. If Ruby were to make the decision not to come back, there would be a precedent for recasting.
We all know that this won't happen as Netflix has shown over and over again that it's not interested in appealing to Bridgerton's potential queer/LGBTQ+ demographic. This is especially true for sapphic women in particular because Netflix worries about losing the straight female demographic that the show has been marketed towards. But I do think it's the option that would please the most amount of people and they're definitely missing out by excluding the queer community.
I don't know... changing Eloise's love interest from a white man to... another white man, wouldn't feel like a particularly bold or interesting move to me even if Theo is of a different class, I'm also not sure why the writers would be motivated to do so. But if the only alternative to Phillip is Theo, then I would much rather see Theo in the future than have to witness any harm coming to Marina.
And you're definitely right about Phillip and Eloise's books not lining up. They're my two least favorite in the series. A Cinderella Story is basic enough that it could still work for Benedict, but Book Eloise's love story is just super far removed from who Eloise is in the show.
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dokushoclub · 1 month
Do you have any manga reccomendations? I've been trying to start some but I haven't found alot outside of the usual beginner stuff like chiis sweet home and yotsuba. I've already read them though
Hi! Thanks for your ask and congratulations on finishing both チーズスイートホーム and よつばと! That's quite the achievement and I'm sure with this experience you are well equipped to read almost any manga of your choice next!
I can give some guidelines to help with choosing the right manga for your current reading abilites. From my experience it makes sense to look at a manga's target audience, the setting and the genre, e.g.:
Manga of the shonen and shojo genres usually have furigana on all kanji, which improves reading speed and also helps with looking up unknown words.
It is more likely that you will already know a lot of the vocabulary in manga that feature a contemporary school setting than those with a historical or a scifi setting.
For that same reason, romance plots are easier to read for learners than plots that involve politics, technology or the supernatural.
As with any guideline, your mileage may vary! Obviously, I don't want people who usually avoid romance to feel forced to read it. And if you perhaps already know a lot of genre-specific vocabulary through your interests, reading a manga that makes use of that knowledge would definitely be the right choice.
I made this decision chart for a blog post a few years ago and I still stand by it:
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sasori-rp · 24 days
Roleplay Rules
Hi there and welcome to my blog! Please keep in mind the following rules, when interacting with me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
General Information
This account has 3 different functions:
OOC Posts and Reblogs
Asks/Interactions/Reblogs/Posts in character
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
I will tag each of these functions accordingly. Keep i mind that my older posts (before 12.05.2024) have not undergone this change and may thus not have these tags.
OOC Posts and Reblogs
As the name suggests, this is just me having fun sharing memes, fanart, fanfictions and so on. These posts will be tagged as #Mod speaks and #Mod reblogs. If interacting with people via comments, I also use //mod to clarify who's speaking, as well as )) at the end of my messages in DMs. If you want to ask me a question/make a request for me perosnally, please address we with "Mod", so I know whom you're targeting.
In Character Interactions
A big part of this blog are my RP interactions with Tumblr users or other RP accounts in character. You will find a lot of One-Liner-Style Roleplay Posts on here. Character reactions will always be tagged with #Sasori RP. Additionally, all my answers/reblogs/posts in character will be written in red font.
As of now, there are no limitations to Asks. You can ask a question or hop straight into RP if you want. Keep in mind though, that if you wish to start a longterm RP, I'd prefer you to contact me via DMs, so that our back and forth doesn't clutter my feed for an extended period of time.
Feel free to tag me on any posts you'd like Sasori's reaction to.
The short-term interactions are open for anyone to reblog and interact with.
Don't forget, that Sasori is an impatient, rarely polite rogue who turns people into puppets for fun. He'll likely not be nice.
If I don't reply to you right away, that can include the following reasons: I haven't seen it yet, I need to think of a good reply (I value accuracy), I'm too busy with life rn, or I may have overread it. Please never assume I ignore you on purpose or out of malicious intent. I will get to you, I promise.
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
If you're interested in longterm RP, please contact me via DMs or send me an Ask, so that I can contact you. I'll discuss the plot and ideas with you, exchange requirements and will decide eventually, if I'm down or not. I don't have a lot of time, therefore I don't want to commit to too many Roleplays at once. I also only commit to Roleplays, that personally inspire me. For everything else, such as RPs that aren't fully my cup of tea, for crack interactions and similar things, I offer the short-term interactions I mentioned above.
As of now, this committed type of RP will be tagged as #Longterm RP for the time being. Perhaps I will come up with a better solution in the future. Despite it being RP, it will not be coloured in the before mentioned font colour, so as to increase the readability of long walls of text.
The Long-Term Roleplays are closed threads. Only the person whom I've agreed to RP with, is allowed to reblog the posts.
General Rules
Everyone is welcome on my blog. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. Keep in mind though, that this blog may contain content for mature audiences, such as violence, cursing, sex and occasional (written) gore. I will try my best to tag sensitive posts as mature.
-> I know it can be annoying that all the fun accounts are minors DNI, so I try to keep this blog as open as possible, so that people under 18 get the chance to ask their favourite character questions as well. Be aware though, that I also post mature content. Interaction at your own risk.
I value open communication. If something is making you uncomfortable or upset, please tell me. We can then talk things out and work out a solution.
I'm not available for any hate speeches/angry rants/passive aggressiveness etc. If you try to involve me in any of these things, regardless of whether it is directed towards me, my friends or a stranger, I will block you. This blog is a safe space. If you have something important to share, you can do so in a constructive manner.
That said, for all those who have heard of the Anon Drama of the past few months: I am no longer involved with the people in question. I have cut contact with them for my wellbeing and sanity and do not want to be associated with them anymore. If you have questions on the topic, please contact me privately, I'll gladly give you a heads-up. Do not send me updates, screenshots or posts about things that may or may not have been said about me. I have moved on. Should you not have heard about the Anon Drama, thank your guardian angel and ignore this point.
I do not do Longterm RPs with OCs at the moment. That may change in the future. OCs are however welcome to send me Asks and make reblogs for me to react to in character.
Keep in mind that me and my characters are two separate people. Their actions and beliefs do not equal my own, neither do I hold grudges against anyone whom my characters may have insulted.
Lastly, have fun! This blog is meant to bring joy to both me and all those who love Sasori, so don't hesitate to interact. I love each and every question I receive and I am thankful for everyone who allows me to indulge in some fun and games with my favourite characters.
That's all from me for now! Thank you for reading my rules. I wish you all a lovely day and much fun with this blog.
- Your Mod
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 24 days
Roleplay Rules
Hi there and welcome to my blog! Please keep in mind the following rules, when interacting with me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
General Information
This account has 3 different functions:
OOC Posts and Reblogs
Asks/Interactions/Reblogs/Posts in character
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
I will tag each of these functions accordingly. Keep i mind that my older posts (before 12.05.2024) have not undergone this change and may thus not have these tags.
OOC Posts and Reblogs
As the name suggests, this is just me having fun sharing memes, fanart, fanfictions and so on. These posts will be tagged as #Mod speaks and #Mod reblogs. If interacting with people via comments, I also use //mod to clarify who's speaking, as well as )) at the end of my messages in DMs. If you want to ask me a question/make a request for me perosnally, please address we with "Mod", so I know whom you're targeting.
In Character Interactions
A big part of this blog are my RP interactions with Tumblr users or other RP accounts in character. You will find a lot of One-Liner-Style Roleplay Posts on here. Character reactions will always be tagged with #Shisui RP. Additionally, all my answers/reblogs/posts in character will be written in blue font.
As of now, there are no limitations to Asks. You can ask a question or hop straight into RP if you want. Keep in mind though, that if you wish to start a longterm RP, I'd prefer you to contact me via DMs, so that our back and forth doesn't clutter my feed for an extended period of time.
Feel free to tag me on any posts you'd like Shisui's reaction to.
The short-term character interactions are open for anyone to reblog and interact.
If I don't reply to you right away, that can include the following reasons: I haven't seen it yet, I need to think of a good reply (I value accuracy), I'm too busy with life rn, or I may have overread it. Please never assume I ignore you on purpose or out of malicious intent. I will get to you, I promise.
Roleplaying Semi-Lit/Lit/Novella
If you're interested in longterm RP, please contact me via DMs or send me an Ask, so that I can contact you. I'll discuss the plot and ideas with you, exchange requirements and will decide eventually, if I'm down or not. I don't have a lot of time, therefore I don't want to commit to too many Roleplays at once. I also only commit to Roleplays, that personally inspire me. For everything else, such as RPs that aren't fully my cup of tea, for crack interactions and similar things, I offer the short-term interactions I mentioned above.
As of now, this committed type of RP will be tagged as #Longterm RP for the time being. Perhaps I will come up with a better solution in the future. Despite it being RP, it will not be coloured in the before mentioned font colour, so as to increase the readability of long walls of text.
The Long-Term Roleplays are closed threads. Only the person whom I've agreed to RP with, is allowed to reblog the posts.
General Rules
Everyone is welcome on my blog. Regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and age. Keep in mind though, that this blog may contain content for mature audiences, such as violence, cursing, sex and occasional (written) gore. I will try my best to tag sensitive posts as mature.
-> I know it can be annoying that all the fun accounts are minors DNI, so I try to keep this blog as open as possible, so that people under 18 get the chance to ask their favourite character questions as well. Be aware though, that I also post mature content. Interaction at your own risk.
I value open communication. If something is making you uncomfortable or upset, please tell me. We can then talk things out and work out a solution.
I'm not available for any hate speeches/angry rants/passive aggressiveness etc. If you try to involve me in any of these things, regardless of whether it is directed towards me, my friends or a stranger, I will block you. This blog is a safe space. If you have something important to share, you can do so in a constructive manner.
That said, for all those who have heard of the Anon Drama of the past few months: I am no longer involved with the people in question. I have cut contact with them for my wellbeing and sanity and do not want to be associated with them anymore. If you have questions on the topic, please contact me privately, I'll gladly give you a heads-up. Do not send me updates, screenshots or posts about things that may or may not have been said about me. I have moved on. Should you not have heard about the Anon Drama, thank your guardian angel and ignore this point.
I do not do Longterm RPs with OCs at the moment. That may change in the future. OCs are however welcome to send me Asks and make reblogs for me to react to in character.
Keep in mind that me and my characters are two separate people. Their actions and beliefs do not equal my own, neither do I hold grudges against anyone whom my characters may have insulted.
Lastly, have fun! This blog is meant to bring joy to both me and all those who love Shisui, so don't hesitate to interact. I love each and every question I receive and I am thankful for everyone who allows me to indulge in some fun and games with my favourite characters.
That's all from me for now! Thank you for reading my rules. I wish you all a lovely day and much fun with this blog.
- Your Mod
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Rated R for adults:
My anon asks are fixated on who is racking up Instagram interactions and our mens are out here killing us with their sexy. Saddle up people! Chapter 2 is upon us! Get ready to ride! 
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I am pretty stoked for this Chapter 2 stuff. Between naked Jimin, Tae, Jungkook and Jin, tattoos, Tae jetting off with other pretty people and partying it up with wild people humping couches in Paris, and now Mr. Sunshine with this dark creepy thing goin’ on...I am on edge waiting for whatever Jimin unleashes on us. 
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Some Armys are shocked at what they are seeing at that after party in pictures and video when in my opinion they’re not that big of a deal. Save Tae’s virgin eyeballs! Send out the chastity brigade! 
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People think the members have lived this pure life all this time. Have y’all seen that full sleeve of tattoos that Jungkook has? And his piercings? That sort of thing is not something a pure as driven snow South Korean would sport. 
Granted, the fandom is so diverse. Many people from many walks of life are BTS fans. What is mild to me may be extremely pornographic to someone else in another part of the world. Those who live a very sheltered life from all this vulgarity are probably in for more shocking things to come...so to speak.
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I know many of you who read my blog think I am joking when I talk about the little hints of bondage fetish we see here and there between Jimin and Jungkook. I’m kinda not joking. Catch those eyebrow raises and those innuendos... “be honest you enjoyed it.” The first time I caught notice of that I had to rewind a few times to make sure I saw what I saw and heard what I heard. Jungkook had to stifle himself here....
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However, one of the things that drew me to BTS to begin with was their wholesomeness. I loved that about them. It was so refreshing after seeing naked body after naked body and hearing lyrics about putting my dick in your mouth or my wet-ass pussy or whatever. I mean...where’s the anticipation and titillation if you’re just gonna go straight to the climax? There is no more shock value. WHERE’S THE FOREPLAY IN THAT?
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So now, we’ve been told they want to show something more raw, more explicit, as Jimin has stated. Maybe he meant “more straightforward” and not “explicit” as we may interpret it in meaning a full frontal nudity kind of way but I’m game for straightforward too. I like explicit all different ways. This was kinda explicit:
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Hobi is revealing this dark aesthetic. The preview pics are interesting, a little unnerving, definitely not the Hobi we’ve come to know up to this point. We will see and hear Friday this new side he wants to show us.
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I want to see Mr. Cutie Sexy Lovely come out with something very LUSTY because I know he can pull it off. I want to see all the sides of Jimin, male and female. He’ll have the whole world on their knees panting. If that’s what he wants to do of course. We all know he’s been trying to get naked for us for a long time now.
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I want to see more of this Jimin (maybe with less clothing...we can dream right?):
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I want the individual members to be able to express anything they want and to any extreme they want. We went from screaming and flailing on the ground when we caught a glimpse of a bare shoulder and now we are seeing bare chests, belly buttons and full naked backs and it’s great because these men are in the prime of their lives and if they want to, they should be able to flaunt everything they have while they have it in tip top shape. 
Perhaps this is the game plan all along. BTS as a group is more wholesome and accessible to a broad audience. The individual members, maybe not so much. But they are in their mid to late twenties and two are about to cross over to thirty. GROWN ASS MEN. 
Oh, I can’t forget pretty JK in his pink and gay Left and Right:
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FYI, If you sent me something prior to me posting this that involves Instagram...I deleted it. I’m tired of seeing the words of the erroneously self-righteous and the insecure. If you need attention, please come up with something else more interesting and I will consider it. If you come thinking you are going to prove something, newsflash: I deleted your ask, my time is valuable, use it more wisely. If you just want to talk about Jimin and Jungkook or the other members, I love that, but I’m not gonna re-hash Instagram faux-reality anymore.
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holly-mckenzie · 3 months
Hello! I love LOVE your blog it's so good. I always find the most interesting shows because of your posts so i wanted to ask what are your fav ships with the best chemistry in a newer film/tv show? I saw a whole debate a few days ago about how "ships nowadays are always lacking chemistry " and i was interested in your opinion. Have a nice day!
Hello anon... I need to clarify, I wrote this answer essay thinking about romcoms, bc that's what film twitter has been talking about, but I realised you said "ships". I will answer your question here. Under the cut, is my thoughts on romcoms, please be aware what is hiding beneath the cut is a behemoth of an answer.
But in terms of "ships" and lacking chemistry. I think there's a few things to think about. Specifically, I believe there has been way to much focus on "ships" and sometimes this conversation detracts from other elements of storytelling, or completely takes over the entire story and what it makes it interesting (e.g. - the conversation surrounding Anatomy of a Fall or what Reylo did to Star Wars). On the subject of Star Wars, one of the things to think about in this conversation is how racism, misogyny, or general bigotry shape peoples opinions. The argument of "they don't have chemistry" is a common phrase used by racists and bigots who don't want to engage with their faves being involved with characters of colour/woman etc.
Now unto other reasons why "ships" might not have chemistry. I think if you are discussing American Television, one thing to note is the departure of shows that had 20+ episodes. With the fear that the show might get cancelled and with a shorter time to establish the narrative, I think we, as audiences, are seeing less of the long con, "will they, won't they" game, that we saw in the late 90's/2000's. I would argue this could be one of the reasons that British TV does so well, most British series are only 6 episodes long, and there may be a better understanding of how to write a more compact narrative, and perhaps there's even better job security... But maybe not considering Joe Barton's history.
Lastly, there is a world of media out there and you need to make the effort to find and engage with it. I talk more about this under the cut, but so many people who are minorities are not given the same advantages as white straight people... So if you want to find good stuff. You gots to look for it. It might not be in a language you understand, or about people who you can relate to, but its out there. Go find it.
So in Answer to your Question, what are my fav ships with the best chemistry in a newer film/tv show.
Television: Starstruck (2021– ) : Tom x Jessie The Lazarus Project (2022– ) : Janet x Rebrov & Zhao x Archie & Shiv x George The Artful Dodger (2023) : Belle x Jack Foundation (2021– ) : Hober Mallow x Brother Constant Alex Rider (2020– ) : Alex x Kyra Animal Control (2023– ) : Shred x Emily Tom Jones (2023) : Tom x Sophia
Other Honourable Mentions: Summer Love (2022– ), Colin from Accounts (2022), Still Up (2023– ), Little Woman (2022), Lockwood and Co. (2023), The Flatshare (2022), The Other Two, Suzhal (2022), In Limbo (2023– ), The Buccaneers (2023– ).
Films: Femme (2023), Here (2023), Decision to Leave (2022), Stay the Night (2022), The Big Four (2022), Ponniyan Selvan i & ii, Stellar (2022), Wildhood (2022), Lakelands (2023), Wedding Season (2022), 7 Days (2021), Scream VI, Sanctuary (2022)
Books: Anything by Tia Williams, Sarah Beth Durst, Uzma Jalaluddin, Jane Igharo
Stage: The Effect (2023/2024), Much Ado About Nothing (2019), Much Ado About Nothing (2022), The Notebook (2024), Hadestown
My Original Answer:
Hello anon, thank you so much! Thanks for appreciating my questionable taste. I do really enjoy watching TV, film, and books and then writing academic papers about them in my head. So obviously this question is really fun.
I need to start by saying, I have been thinking about chemistry for weeks, so I am going to answer your question, just maybe not the question you were asking. Brace yourselves, I wrote an essay.
The whole debate is deeply fascinating to me for various reasons. In part I do really believe that people need to broaden their horizons when it comes to the art they interact with. There is a world of cinema out there. If you surround yourselves by clowns and then complain you are in a circus... that's a choice, no?
Expand your horizons, dip into Asian cinema, African cinema, American Cinema (North, South, and Central), that European stuff (that isn't just what the BBC is pumping out or starring your French favs). And if you must watch Hollywood, then watch some indie stuff. Watch some gay stuff. Watch some stuff by people of colour.
Lichrelly no one is forcing you to watch the blandest/whitest romcoms/romdrams. Are they more accessible to watch? Sure. But complaining, when you don't even care to do the research is a choice. Especially, bc of the way that racism/misogyny/homophobia/ableism makes it harder for people to get their stories out. If you really care about these things. You gots to put the effort into caring and finding them.
Secondly, boiling down chemistry to romance is absolutely wild, considering there are different type of chemistry needed for different roles. For example Rob Collins and Shantae Barnes-Cowan have mad chemistry in the show Firebite. Now let me clarify, I am not saying its romantic. They pulled off the single dad and adopted daughter in a survival/action story story so well. Pedro Pascal, who? And it takes chemistry to pull that off. More popularly, one of the reasons that Succession works as a show is because the actors have chemistry. Some of which is romantic ofc, but the vast majority of it isn't (no matter what the in*est shippers on A*3 say). But I understand, the people want what they want, and that's romance.
I also think that chemistry is an odd thing. I know people are inclined to think that its an objective. You look at two people and are like, "Wow, they have chemistry!", and everyone agrees, because "Wow, they have chemistry!". But I am inclined to think its not that straight forward. There is something to be said about our interactions with art being subjective and biased. This is because as we interact with art, we are interacting with it through our own lens. The author is truly dead, and all that matters is the individual reader's interpretation. So, for example, many people love the movie Anyone But You. If you go on YouTube there are many people who have made ship videos about Bea and Ben. But there is a category of people who fucking hate it and think that its trash and the leads don't have chemistry (Yes, I am talking about myself in third person. I will avenge you Much Ado About Nothing).
So, who is right? Who is wrong? Honestly, it really doesn't matter, because its a fucking movie, and like I said, the author is dead. Similarly, some critics really didn't like the series Tom Jones. In certain reviews and articles, criticism of the series was that Solly McLead and Sophie Wilde don't have chemistry. However, if you follow me, you know I completely disagree and made that show my personality for a couple of months.
But on the subject of chemistry (of the romantic variety), I definitely think its more complicated then people let on. I think most people believe that it's about the actors. You put them in a movie, show, whatever, and chemistry they have just happens. It's like love, you can't explain it, but its there. Or, according to my friend, who used to work in the film industry, the best chemistry comes across when the actors hate each other or they secretly like each other/are fucking each other. It's brought on by strong emotions. Which is obviously a school of thought.
However, as my bestie Merry (@akajustmerry) has been discussing, there are actors who are dating/fucking IRL and none of that comes across in the film/show. I highly recommend checking out Merry's blog to see their opinions on this bc Merry is THE film critic of our generation! Someone please hire them!
But I do think it takes more than just what the actors can bring. It's about the direction they are being given, its about the script, its about the staging. It's about the framing. And it's about the actors and their acting ability. Actors are working professionals and contrary to popular belief, it takes skills to act (not just a pretty face). And one of the skills needed is the ability to create trust between the leads, as Merry and an anon discusses in this post. Because without trust, how can there be chemistry. Which is why intimacy coordinators are SO important. Fuck anyone who says otherwise!
To argue against my friend who used to work in the industry, yes hating/loving someone IRL can create tangible chemistry. And yeah, it might be hard to overcome friendship, if you are friends with your co-star (e.g. - that one interview where Jessica Matten jokes about how weird it was to kiss Kiowa Gordan in Dark Winds). But think about Nikesh Patel and Rose Matafeo in Starstruck. From what I can tell, which is little bc I don't know them IRL and its none of my business, Rose and Nikesh weren't hating each other or fucking in each other. They seem to be friends, but mostly co-workers. But regardless of all of that, Starstruck is literally one of the greatest romcoms of our era. And they have mad chemistry.
Additionally, in my opinion, Lee Pace and Laura Birn of Foundation fame, and Lana Gordon and MPQ/Zachary James and Gloria Onitiri of Hadestown fame have chemistry. But all the men I just listed are gay/in relationship with men, so we can't chalk up chemistry to already existing romantic tension. It is an aspect of acting and skill. Both Zachary James and MPQ have spoken about how the trust they have in their co-stars, have allowed space to shape and cultivate the characters they play (including the romance of the show).
You can't just cast two conventionally attractive people and expect their attractiveness to do the rest. You know my thoughts on Anyone But You. But similarly, think about the way that people were thirsting over Zoë Kravitz and Robert Pattinson bc of all the press and photo shoots they did for The Batman. But then also think of the accusations of whorebaiting, that followed. They simply, in my opinion, did not have chemistry. Even if the Bat and the Cat are one of the funnest dynamics in them comics.
So now that we have discussed actors, and audiences. We gots to discuss actual story telling. Writing is a skill. I know on the tumblr dot com, we have discussed that writing good sex scenes is a skill. Writing good romance is the same... I don't want to labour on about this, bc I feel like you must already know that. But some things to consider is the way in which the focus on tropes instead of storytelling is a detriment to the genre. The fanfictionization of romance. The way in which abuse is touted as romance. The way that studios (coughcough Netflix) are churning out these stories (some of which are def US military propaganda). The lean towards making these movies, more and more explicit. The way that some studios/book publishers are trying to profit off already successful stories without realising what made it successful (e.g. - the amount of fake dating stories in the wake of To All the Boys, or the remakes of older movies).
So what made the movies of old so special. What made romcoms from the late 90's early 2000's, the movies by Nora Ephron and Garry Marshall oh so special. The bleak answer is nostalgia. But you could also discuss the type of narratives that were told during the time. The type of backgrounds these actors and storytellers had before they took these roles. The socio-political enviroment that cultivated these stories. The amount of money and time the studios were willing to invest in these movies. The lack of AI technology... All of the cheating scandals that arose on the sets. The existence of the Film Stars™ vs. just actors.
The fact that streaming has changed the way that movies/tv are made, and the way people consume them. Which could potentially lesson the impact on audiences, as there is less need to go to theatres. To wait for the movies to be released on DVD/VCD/VHS. Lessen the need to re-watch the movies obsessively, bc it was one of three movies you owned on DVD/VCD/VHS, and thus a lack of cementing it in your brain as THE RomCom. Yes, this is just an excuse to yell: BRING BACK PHYSICAL MEDIA, YOU COWARDS!
But one thing that I haven't seen discussed as much is the existence of the Hays Code.
A couple years ago, I watched this lecture and read this book by this academic that focused on RomComs. (I forgot the academic, but I can find it later, if you want. Can you tell I studied English and Film in school?). Regardless, the academic argued that during the 90's filmmakers had to grapple with the remnants of the Hays Code. The code was a "self-imposed industry set of guidelines for all the motion pictures that were released between 1934 and 1968." The Code prohibited things like "profanity, suggestive nudity, graphic or realistic violence, sexual persuasions and rape."
So, while RomComs, like Pretty Woman, were in production, more then 20 years after the Hays Code, this academic argued that filmmakers were grappling with what this freedom meant. That while Pretty Woman was definitely a movie that could have never been made during the time of the Code, the affect of the Code meant that these narratives were adhering to the Code, whether intentional or not.
I think one of the things to consider about the Code was the way that filmmakers had to figure out ways to work around the restrictions in order to tell the stories they wanted. So, for example the Noir is a genre came about during the height of the Code and a time where film-makers didn't have access to that much money. So, the filmmakers had to be creative to get the shots they wanted, which is how we got the highly stylized way of filming that is so iconic to the genre. Not out of excess but out of need. Additionally, the iconic archetypes of the Noir Detective and the Femme Fatale are directly due to the Hayes Code and the period that villanized certain types of woman, and esteemed certain types of men.
Yet, there is an entire study on the homosexual subtext, which was written into these films. For example in The Maltese Falcon, the main character, Sam Spade, refers to another character as a "gunsel". The the censors wrongly assumed this was a reference to a gunman, however, it is vulgar way to refer to someone who is gay. This is the same movie that features a different character, Joel Cairo, who is suggested to be gay (which is one of the reasons the film could not be legally shown on US television stations). Being a filmmaker meant learning how to navigate around the code. Being a filmmaker meant taking a risk, bc you may end up on wrong side of it.
If you want more information on queer films of the time, I believe that Merry or Deah would be able to help you seeing they have an entire podcast on gay movies/shows/games. Check out the @gayvclubpodcast.
So, going back to the RomComs of the 90's. You are talking about an entire industry of filmmakers, who were making movies after the wake of an extreme censorship, and on some level they must known or have heard stories about navigating that terrain. They must have also, on some level, understood what it meant to cultivate stories where characters want each other, like each other, yearn for each other. Because during the Code you couldn't just point a camera at them and say "See they are fucking each other, they did fuck each other, they will continue to do so. Clearly this is a romance". More work needed to be done and laid out in order to cultivate the romances that we now love.
I would argue, if you want to buy this argument, that this is the same reason that K-Dramas/Movies are SO popular. Because it was not that long ago, that Korea was more strict about the way in which physical intimacy was filmed. Think about the era, where actors would stand next to each other, lips touching, and the camera would spin in a dizzying way around them. Now, obviously, kisses aren't filmed in that way, and some movies feature open mouth kisses. Scandalous, I know. But I would argue this is one of the reasons that K-Dramas are so famous, because of the knowledge on how to draw out emotions from the audience that does not rely on physical/sexual intimacy.
So, I suppose the conversation of "ships nowadays are always lacking chemistry " comes down to a skill issue. Skill on the filmmakers parts for not being able to cultivate good stories. Skill on the Actors part, for not being able to do what is required of the role. Skill of the studios parts, for not realising the long term impact of physical media and what sells. And skill on the audiences part, for not seeing the world in one way, and not caring to do the research to find the stories you are looking for.
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spicybylerpolls · 3 months
WOW that lumax sex scene was such a killer ask!
i too have thought about that, and never said anything lol. this is also my first ask on this blog... uh, hi! *nervous wave* long time lurker, first time caller lol
so i voted number 4. "it would not make sense for their arcs."
and it got me thinking about all the bylers who dont think a sex scene would be necessary for mike and will's arcs.
firstly, i think a lot of that is compensation: people acknowledge that sex and sexuality is very important for will especially, but that a kiss scene 'will suffice'. which implies subsidisation and euphemism, aka a kiss being metaphorical for a sex scene. they used to do this in old hollywood with dancing (sex) and smoking (fellatio). in 2025, it might seem a tad tame. and possibly disrespectful to the queer arc itself. why hide gay sex unless you, or your audience, would be repulsed?
or perhaps its because you the viewer feel shame and some accidental internalised homophobia at the idea of seeing gay sex, so you stop with a kiss?
which leads me to my second thought.
internalised homophobia is still very much a thing for people of all orientations even if they are openly queer/an ally/love gay stories. there is some leftover prejudice that probably wont be gone until well into the future, when gay love is a fully integrated part of society. as much as it might seem disrespectful to the queer community, i want to say as kindly as possible that i love to see gay stories in this transitional era we are living in: an era when they are still controversial. its thrilling to watch the excitement and forbidden-ness that still, unfortunately, exists for a gay love story. taboo makes for excellent and groundbreaking storytelling, because it creates conflict in the viewer as well as between characters.
back in the day, class divide (upstairs downstairs) was the go-to taboo in love stories, followed by racial divides (such as save the last dance from the early 2000s). nowadays, stories with interracial couples can still be controversial, but the prejudice is rightfully fading.
less progress has been made with gay stories yet.
so this is interesting for lumax isnt it? why did anon choose this couple and not dustin and suzie as a comparison? or even mike and el? and its extra interesting because lumax are an interracial couple in the 80s, so a compelling story about their place in society COULD have been elaborated on what with billy in s2, and that could have led to a sexuality arc. i mean, it still could.
and my third point is that a natural human response to seeing sex/sex on tv/simualted sex/fictional sex bla bla bla, is arousal. just as a happy scene hopes to make you laugh, a sex scene has to acknowledge that it may well arouse an audience as well as make them feel other things for the characters like joy, relief, satisfaction, comeuppance, justice, and a sense of peace. the question is how the duffers might frame a mike and will sex scene: there are lots of options. it probably would be sweet, romantic, a little awkward. the aim for the audience would be relief, joy, a sense of justice and happiness for these characters moreso than titillation. this would be a way to do a cool sex scene that speaks of coming of age rather than the male gaze or american pie style shock factor.
i also think a part of it is how the actors appear and how their characters appear in the show. for example, lucas is steadfast and strong, a fighter. it wouldnt be totally odd to see him in a sexual light, like it would for someone like murray.
meanwhile max's story is taking her to a place of deep vulnerability, so at the moment sex only seems appropriate as a way for her and lucas to physically communicate their love to each other. communication has been part of their arcs with the letters, and 'im right here' is a statement about physicality as well as emotionality.
dont you think these two character descriptions sound similar to mike and will? a fighter, and a vulnerable character? miscommunications?
max had a fantastic arc that explored her mental health, and it involved lies, but she didn't have any sexuality associations. lucas was associated with sexual imagery a lot more obviously than dustin even, with the 69 sign and the things under his bed.
but mike and will have both been associated with blatant sexual imagery - mike moreso than will independently, unless you count the metaphorical monster stuff - and their story at the moment is also partly about unrequited (paha) love and sexuality. of course they could resolve this arc with just a kiss, but that would not stop the implication that more will happen off screen.
it would instead simply look like a clipped story, cut short for coy censoring purposes rather than storytelling ones, to appease an audience who may be repulsed not only by a gay love story with sex, but by these two particular characters (and by extension, actors) portraying it.
the most important thing is that every scene serves the story. if the duffers think that us seeing mike and will get jiggy with it (sorry, im tired), then we will see it. so if you can think of any good reasons why it might add something to the story to see this, then there is a good chance we will see it.
the only question to ask yourself after that is... even if it would add something to the story to see mike and will have sex, would i still be uncomfortable with that? and why?
i wouldnt be uncomfortable - it should happen and i want to see it
it needs to happen for the story, and i am both uncomfortable and also excited, its a weird mix
it needs to happen for the story but i am still uncomfortable, because of not wanting to see these actors despite the fact they will be grown
it needs to happen for the story but i am still uncomfortable, due to some leftover internalised homophobia which i still unfortunately have (no shade! we all do sometimes)
i really dont think it needs to happen for the story - a kiss would tell us everything we needed to know, the audience can piece it together, but i wouldnt be uncomfortable seeing it
it doesnt need to happen for the story, and im glad of that because i would be uncomfortable seeing these actors despite the fact they will be grown
it doesnt need to happen for the story, and im glad of that because i would feel uncomfortable due to some leftover internalised homophobia
i am uncomfortable for other reasons like not enjoying watching sex on screen
i am uncomfortable because i think the actors would be uncomfortable performing it
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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nat20marketing · 3 months
Hello and welcome back to Nat 20 Marketing!
After resting well for a week, we are back with our humble campaign toward successful integrated marketing communications. For this week’s topic, I call it the 3 R's – Right Message, Right Time, and Right Place, which we will cover one at a time.
Let’s start with the Right message.
When we promote a good or service, often times we want to make sure our point is well received by our target market. Marketers try very hard to be better than their competitors, at least from the outside. There are many ways to present what a company sells, such as comparing their own product against competitors (often unnamed in commercials); demonstration of the product usage and effects; endorsement from celebrities and influencers, etc. But, in IMC, we don’t really just talk about a product. We want to communicate a concept – the value that the company tries to uphold and provide for their customers. The value in a company’s product usually reflects directly at the mission statement, at what the company believes and promises to deliver.
When we target any segment, we want to understand where these people are coming from. We want to know what they care about and what they are looking for. We are the solutions. We need to send ourselves to them, and let them consider us when they are making the purchase decision. As a consumer myself, I like to see brands that align with what I care for, from my core principles to my hobbies and interests. I like brands that are honest and direct with their sales techniques. I tend to look at brands that are relevant to what I do daily. So, a company that sells gaming chairs should send their message to gamers who play video games when they are sitting at a desk. Mobile gamers may not care as much as console gamers when it comes to the quality of their chairs, since mobile gamers play their games on the go. With the right audience, we need to draft a message that really catches their attention. We need to communicate this message in ways that allow the brand to stand out from the others and memorable enough to last for a while, sometimes even after the marketing campaign is over.
When you read through this blog, I have raised several marketing examples from the past few years. Those commercials and campaigns did not happen recently, but they have left me a deep impression that I am able to bring them up naturally in writing and casual conversations with my peers. This is what marketers should aim for when they compose the message and perhaps the slogan.
Slogans can be a good primary channel to convey an idea. They are often short and catchy, with words that are impactful and to the point. The slogan may not always need to be grammatical, so marketers can be creative with their choice of words. 
As free as creative writing can go, there are times when brands may be required to edit their slogans, symbols, or even logos to fit societal expectations. This may go into rebranding but I would consider it is a way to continue a product line without changing the core ingredients of what makes the product THAT product. A fairly recent and well-known case would be the Aunt Jemima brand name change to Pearl Milling Company, where the change was made due to the racist stereotypes present in the old brand name and logo.
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On to choosing the RIGHT time…
A good marketing campaign should be timely and relevant. Marketers should always be on the watch-out for the latest trends and decide whether to join in on the bandwagon or not. Sometimes, marketers need to take the initiative to bring forth new ideas that really wow their target audience. There are so many big and small contributory nuances we must think about when designing a marketing campaign. There are seasons, politics, social issues, and the list goes on. Sensitive messages should be handled with care, and a critical part is choosing the appropriate time to communicate.
For example, during the pandemic, marketers would promote social distancing instead of social gatherings, since it would be inappropriate to encourage gatherings when there was a highly transmissible virus going around the world that was taking away countless of lives. Every year, marketers take the opportunity to promote their products according to festivals that happen around the world, celebrating different cultures, from Lunar New Year to Christmas; from Easter to the Moon Festival.
Lastly, it would be choosing the RIGHT place!
Different generations of people indulge in different types of media. Baby boomers may prefer traditional channels like newspapers, magazines, and television. Gen Z and Gen Alpha would choose the wide variety of social media instead. As marketers, they need to analyze and follow their target audience to where they spend their time. Additionally, some may even have to consider going to public venues such as the Super Bowl and cultural conventions.
Let's wrap up!
To summarize, choosing the right time and place to send the right message out is critical the the success of an IMC campaign. They go hand-in-hand with each other and as marketers who aim for that Nat 20 roll for the marketing check, we ought to put effort into each of these elements when planning and organizing.
We will meet again next week with another Nat 20 Marketing post! See you next time.
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armoricaroyalty · 2 years
open call for small collabs!
Without saying TOO much about what I’ve got planned for the next part of my story, I’ve got some openings in my outline for some small-scale collabs, so I wanted to put an open call out for anyone interested!
Back in Ye Olden Days of royal simblr (summer-fall 2020), it was very common for people to exchange sims for one-off posts. It was a really fun, low-stakes, low-effort way to get to know other people in the community, and I’d like to revive this trend!
The end product of this collab would be a one-off post on this blog with a short news article about an event our sims attended together. (Here’s a few examples of what the end result might look like: 1, 2, 3).
Unfortunately, I don’t have the capacity for taking on larger-scale/more involved collabs right now, so my part of the collab would be just the one post on my blog! If we end up collabing, you are of course totally free to have the collab be a larger event in your own story (and I’ll reblog all relevant posts, naturally!) but I’m not looking to develop new ongoing plotlines or write dialogue for my sims to appear in behind-the-scenes posts on other people’s blogs.
You need to be willing to send me your sims OR host my sims and send me pictures to use for the post
@bridgeportbritt​ put together a few tutorials for collaborating, take a look and lmk if you have questions about the logistics!
You don’t need to be a royal simmer, but you should have sims who might plausibly meet and interact with members of a foreign royal family. Royals, politicians, celebrities, athletes, and non-famous Sims who are high-ranking in their career are all welcome!
If you can, please come up with an idea for what the event would be (i.e., perhaps your celebrity is performing at a gala my sims are attending, perhaps your royal/politician is attending a state dinner in Armorica, perhaps your scientist is receiving an award for their research from a member of my royal family)
I may not be able to collab with everyone! I have no idea what the interest level will be, but if I get more responses than I can realistically handle, I may have to say no. I just want to be upfront about that!
If I end up fielding more requests than I can handle, I will update this post and do my best to immediately notify people I can’t work with right now.
I want these kinds of smaller collabs to be a reoccuring thing on my blog, so if we can’t work together now, we might be able to at a later date!
All simmers are welcome, but I’m giving priority/preference to newer/smaller blogs! Back in Ye Olden Days, my very tiny blog got a HUGE boost from small collabs with established blogs, and I want to spread the love! (not that I’m Simblr Famous (tm) or anything, I’ve just been around long enough to have an established audience (which remains slightly inexplicable to me....an audience? for my pixel barbies??? it’s more likely than you think)
NEAT, I hoped at least one person would be! Please send me an ask, off-anon, with your discord handle so we can connect over there and talk! I will lose track of replies to this post or Tumblr messages!
(as of november 11, 2022)
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digirankguide · 5 months
7 Effective Ways for Promoting Your Video Content
Creating impressive business videos can take time and need resources and the right talent. Whether you are producing a video with an in-house team or outsourcing the services, the process can be time-consuming as well as expensive. One of the biggest problems in the whole process is that after all the sweat, blood, and tears to have phenomenal final products; a huge piece of the puzzle that is often overlooked is the ‘Promotion Strategy’.
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Perhaps, you have gotten a great team for the promotion of your blog content but marketing your video content is a whole ‘new beast’. Since we all know that video content resonates unbelievably well with the targeted audiences, having a video on the landing page can improve your conversion rates by up to 80%. So, it is worthy to spend some time so that people can find, play, watch, and share your video content. Unlock the potential of your online presence with our top-tier SEO services – Elevate your brand with the best SEO company in Lucknow.
Here, we have outlined some essential video marketing tips to get more views and benefits for your company:
#1 Optimize Video Thumbnails with a Smile
The thumbnails are by far one of the most essential components to drive visitors to play or not to play your business videos. However, the reality is, we all judge a book by its cover which is why you will have to dress your videos for the occasion by giving them play-worthy and compelling thumbnail images. The best way to ensure audiences play your videos is by using smiling images with direct eye-contact. But, do you know why? It is because a person can relate to other person better! Would you rather prefer a boring video or one with a picture of Prince William smiling! We guess! The latter is more persuasive. So, smack smiling thumbnails of videos to ensure a higher number of plays.
#2 Run Video Campaigns on Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
What is the greatest way to drive more people to your video content that is providing them something for FREE? Well! Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or/and Instagram are the best places to promote your video content as people are more likely to play, share, and spread the information along with the details about your giveaways. As a result, more and more people will come to your landing page and let others to play your videos. When you give something for free, they will click on it and directed to a nicely designed landing page with an explaining video about your service.
#3 Add Share Buttons to Video Player
We are all enthusiastically aware of how powerful and effective social media platforms are! You perhaps begin and end your day on Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat. It might be sad but a bitter truth! This is one of the reasons why you need to make sure that your videos can easily be shared on these popular platforms. Many popular businesses use the Wistia Video Player to host their marketing videos. One of the greatest things about this tool is that you can easily add some share buttons within the videos so that interested people can share them easily without clicking multiple times. Empower your digital success story with unparalleled SEO expertise. Choose excellence, choose us – Lucknow's premier SEO agency in Lucknow delivering results that matter.
#4 Boldly Ask People to Share Videos with Others
Well! It may look awkward to ask people to share your videos but when you put yourself out there, your targeted audiences, friends, and relatives will surely share your content and help you spread the message. So, there is nothing wrong to ask your near and dear ones to share your content. It is important because you never know who is connected to whom. Hence, a single share can go a long way! So, do not limit yourself to ask people.
#5 Combine Videos with Your E-mail Marketing Efforts
Videos and emails are like a match that is made in marketing heaven. As per the Animoto by adding the word ‘video’ in the subject of your emails can significantly boost the open rates by up to 19%, click-through rates by up to 65%, and reduce the rate of unsubscribe by up to 26%. Adding video thumbnails into your emails can also boost the engagement rate. Not only is it free and easy to incorporate videos into your e-mails to nurture campaigns but it can lead to improved attribution. For instance, if you are using tools like SalesForce, Pardot, or HubSpot, then it is quite easy to pipe videos viewing data directly into your leads workflows and scoring.
#6 Put Some Money for Promoting Your Videos on Social Media Platforms
Whatever tips you have seen so far have been pocket-friendly, now it is the best time to scrape out some money to promote your videos. It won’t cost you an arm and a leg to promote videos on social media platforms and if you pay attention to the targeted audiences and campaign settings you could run successful campaigns and drive the right people to your website, yielding a delightful and desired ROI.
#7 Pin Your Videos on the Top of Twitter Feeds
By pinning tweets to the top of your company or personal Twitter feed, you can make sure that videos do not get lost in the flood of countless tweets you are posting constantly. It will also ensure more engagement with your valuable video tweets. It is said that pinning a video on twitter feeds can increase conversions up to 10 times. This is an easy and free way to drive more views on your videos.
Closing Remarks
It is said that video content can create more impact and long-lasting impression on the minds of your audiences. It is not just an engaging mode of promotion but properly produced videos can significantly help you reach your business goals with great ease. So, do not waste time! Just start focusing on creating engaging, creative, and unique videos to leverage the benefits attached with the help of the tips we have explained in this post.
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cwenvs3000w23 · 1 year
Unit 10: Where do I stand?
Before I decided to take this class, I had never really heard the term “nature interpreter”, nor would I have ever used such a term to refer to myself. However, throughout my journey in this class, I have learned a lot about what it means to be a nature interpreter and the multitude of different tools one can employ to help educate and spread our shared passion for nature. With each blog prompt, I have been challenged to critically think about my own experiences and how they have influenced my journey in regards to studying the environment. During the various blog posts, I have learned to unpack my “invisible backpack” of unearned opportunities I’ve had that have helped guide my value for nature, and see how different circumstances may have led to a different outcome (McIntosh, 1989). Through analysing my own life and experiences with nature, I can better understand why I have gained a passion for connecting to the nature around me. Keeping that in mind, it further enables me to think of how someone with completely different life experiences may not share the same passion as me, and through this understanding I can better learn how I can educate and spread my passion to people of all walks of life. 
Of the many topics the units of this course have covered, a common theme that has been enforced throughout the units is to understand your audience, how they learn, and what they may best respond to. Whether it’s through a simple engaging conversation, stating fun facts, or using aspects of art such as music or visual art; all these serve as different tools that can help engage an audience and perhaps ignite the same sense of passion for nature that we have as nature interpreters. When I first heard the term nature interpreter, the only thing that came to mind was the stereotypical guide at a conservation park, but after 10 weeks of this course I know there is so much more to it, and that educating others about nature is very crucial when it comes to protecting the environment for future generations.  For me personally, I grew up going camping trips with my family, and doing things such as visiting a provincial park, or going out hiking or canoeing was a crucial part of my life that defined the value that I have for nature at a young age. This helped me define my interest for nature, and helped aid my decision to study Environmental Management here at the University of Guelph. However, hundreds of millions around the world do not have access to nature in the same way that I did, and due to this most of their views when it comes to nature are guided by the media and the plethora of different arguments when it comes to things like climate change or habitat conservation. Due to this, it can create a sense of disconnect to nature for many people, which can lead to the mentality that human civilization is so separate from nature. However, I personally see us as a part of nature, as not only do we rely on it to provide us with necessary resources, it is also a crucial part of the human soul. Due to this view, I believe that it is my role as a nature interpreter to share the values I have to as many people as possible so those who didn’t have the same opportunities as me can truly feel the same sense of connectivity to nature that I was able to discover through my life experiences. 
Thinking about where I stand as a nature interpreter still leaves me with a bit of uncertainty when it comes to what form of nature interpretation suits me best. When I try to think about where my future stands I find it important to think through my past and what brought me to study the environment in the first place. One of the major conclusions that I found throughout high school as I thought about what I wanted to do in university, I knew I was the kind of person who wanted to avoid spending my career sitting in an office chair. I have always been more of a hands-on learner who enjoys actually going out into nature, and experiencing the sights, smells, and sounds so I can better gain inspiration in a way that a computer screen could never provide. So this is why I think I can best educate others on nature in a setting that allows me to guide others through the same physical experiences that ignited my passion from a young age. Through guiding others in hands-on experiences and using some of my knowledge, and storytelling skills to instil a sense of connectivity and passion in nature is currently where I see myself as being the most effective as a nature interpreter. The people who receive your nature interpretation will be able to sense how passionate and genuine you are pretty quickly and this will influence how much they take your message seriously. It is for this reason that it is best as a nature interpreter to be in a role that you are truly passionate about, as passion is one thing that can’t be faked.
My ethics in regards to nature interpretation has changed, and been redefined as I learn more about environmental issues and some of the misconceptions I had before beginning my studies. I have always valued nature, and seen it as something that is worth preserving, however my values in regards to what the current losses in biodiversity means to us as humans, and how we can best go about protecting nature has changed quite a bit through this course. I have learned the importance of educating others not only so they know facts about nature, but so they know more about the spiritual and cultural aspects around nature that make people feel a stronger connection to nature so they will view it as something worth preserving for future generations. In my view, losing nature is much more than just losing pretty landscapes or important resources, it is akin to losing a part of ourselves. It is very important to guide the general population into understanding why we dedicate our lives to protecting nature, and why its importance is much deeper than what's on the surface. This is because it is only through a better-educated populace that we can influence political, and business decisions regarding the environment, as with more people advocating for nature with a passion, decision makers will be more inclined to move towards more sustainable practices. Given the current state of the world, it may seem like a very uphill battle for us as nature interpreters, but through reading everyone’s discussions throughout this term I have gained a lot more confidence in the future by seeing how passionate many others are in this class are for protecting the nature around us so future generations can enjoy the same passion and awe we find in mother nature.    
McIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Peace and Freedom, 10-12.
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