#mcl ask
candysweetposts · 9 days
Hi! How are you editing the clothing and hair in new gen? It’s so beautiful, I love your edits!
Thank you!!
I mostly draw over the illustrations. Here are some links that can give you an idea of what the process looks like:
I hope this helps!
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licuadora-nasir · 1 year
Do you have any Lysander x Castiel headcanons ?
Hi, anon! Thanks for the ask!
I have some, his friendship is honestly one of my favourites in the MCL world, Beemoov give me a whole episode of just Lysander and Castiel chilling and vibing plz
Lysander is that person Castiel reaches out sometimes when he's kinda drunk or typsy, when he's having an existential crisis and needs someone to talk to
Ofc Lysander will patiently listen and make Castiel feel comforted and understood; he's such an amazing listener
Lysander isn't the one who usually makes the calls; that doesn't mean he doesn't miss Castiel or doesn't think about him. He comes to mind when he tries a new recipe; he wonders if Castiel would like it the next time he comes to visit. He also comes to mind when he sees cheerful big dogs, questioning if Cupcake is doing well. He lingers in his mind more than Lys lets know
Even though they don't talk that often, once they pick up the phone, it's like nothing has changed since high school
Well, literally their whole lives, but their friendship is one of those that linger in time and remains strong and oblivious to the passing of the years
And even if Lysander isn't the one who usually calls first, will make sure to update Castiel on everything he feels to speak about
For Castiel, Lysander is what's most close to the idea of "home"
Lysander doesn't see him as this big, hot rockstar, filthy rich and with a hell of an ego. He sees him as he is. As a person. As his highschool friend. As the boy who acted like he was the baddest in the school stupidly skiving off to go to the basement to smoke. As the Castiel go would do anything and everything for one of his friends if needed to.
Lys is a sensible person that knows how to comfort someone and make them feel valid
With Lysander, he's allowed to be vulnerable and soft. He can lower his defences and feel like a person again
My masterlist
Asks’ rules
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mrs-veilmont · 2 years
Serious question, all routes wanted or were willing to maintain a long distance relationship with Candy or if there were routes that refused in HSL period?
It's all my imagination and I only played Castiel route so if you have another idea feel free to share with me🌸💜
I will start with my love, Castiel. I think long distance relationship would be hard for Castiel & Candy at first. Cause Castiel's love language was physical touch and Candy could get jealous sometimes but that wouldn't separate them.
And for Kentin, I don't think they would break up, they would do their best to continue. Last boy who would want to separate from Candy.
If you don't think about Nath's change on ul, Nathaniel was mature enough to continue with long distance relationship.
I am not sure about Armin since I have no idea about his route but I'm sure Alexy would give them courage to go for long distance relationship. He is calm and cool person so I don't think there would be any big problem between Candy and him.
For Lysander I like the canon way actually.
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lumen-anima · 4 months
So since I have nothing better to do and I'm kinda itching for MCL NG, why don't we start this shit with some positivity?
I'm down to sketch some MCL NG ocs, if you people have any.
PSA: no colors • bust/half body • one chara per sketch per person
Yes it's free, yes you can use it/post it elsewhere if you'd like, just let me know 👍🏻👍🏻 Also I'm doing this on my own schedule, whatever the boss upstairs let's me do, I do
Just some sketches for funsies and good luck, may this game not end like Eldarya amen
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rickybaby · 1 month
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skyevie · 1 month
I finally finished both mcl new gen episodes (kind of long post about my opinions and feelings)
Tbh I wasn't so sad about the old mcl coming to an end because I think when armin was removed back in hsl it just prepared me for whatever could come next LMAO. I am a big fan of Jason and Amanda, the rest of the Li's... are there I guess ! I think the new point system is kind of weird and overcomplicated for no reason, I really don't like the fact that we have to pay AP's for dialogue and clothes because I can either buy more clothing/recolors and be satisfied with how my character looks or save up for the new episodes... and the fact that you can't buy AP with money, only the blue hearts that can be traded for AP? (not to mention that the prices went up comparing to go mcl at least in my country) But you also need the blue hearts for those special moment with LI's every ep... like idk its sad that there is a part of content you can miss out because you simply don't want to spend money every time an ep is here lol. The missions (which is basically the eldarya expeditions) are fine since we get clothes for that. The calendar is a nice touch up because it's something new and refreshing. But the paid part and vip subscription and the clothes offers in the shop are the next thing that don't seat well with me.... Like we could get a little more for that price... especially since it rounds up to 120 dollars per year... And the fact that all the cute outfits are locked behind a daily shop rotation that have to use real money on... Oh and the last on the more negative side why does our uncle only give stuff for our fuckass goose.... We love you Taki but it's not that serious we could get like a t-shirt... or smth...
On the positives, I really like the fact that our Candy can have a personality now! Like finally we aren't a blank page that adjusts to the people we talk to and we can have opinions AND THEY MATTER! Also the clothes are much cuter, like finally someone thought - yes u can be an adult and have fun clothing and not dress boring! We love that! And I giggled to myself a little when I read why Candy switched her job lol. Reminder me of Eric's arc Eric we love you forever idc about what other said about your route.
At the end of the day I think I will try the vip for one month just to see is it really like worth it for someone who is going to be rather active on this game. Idk im excited for the plot tbh and especially how much it changes depending on the fact if we romance the Devenementiel LI's or Jason.
Also if anyone needs help with answers to the episodes I can help :3
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madeby-meru · 5 days
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i am BORED give me SOMETHING
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mcl-ng-hr · 1 month
Wait what do you mean ‘devil doesn’t bargain’ inspired Jason’s character??? Did they share other songs for the others LIs? Why didn’t I know this ahhhh
Yes they did, I found the screenshots of Chinomiko's Instagram stories on Pinterest!
I assume someone asked if she could give one song for each love interest, and so she did! For Amanda it is I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry. For Devon it is Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay. For Jason it is Devil Doesn't Bargain by Alec Benjamin. For Roy it is Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea by MISSIO. And for Thomas it's Fallin' by Why Don't We.
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saphirdevil · 1 year
Could you draw Kentin from mcl in alternative life? Your art style is wonderful 👉👈
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guy is thinking of candy~
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idolcandy · 1 month
Hi. Do you have answer for uncle/Fairy in the second episode?
He's in the break room right before you present to Devon. It's the dialogue "Yes, but... nevermind. Are you ok?"
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plulp · 6 months
I request BREAD
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candysweetposts · 13 days
Silly little question, do you have any tips for changing the skin color of an asset to match the base model? 😅 For example lips or noses.
Sure. Here are some:
I would usually change the color with hue/saturation & brightness/contrast until the color is as close as possible and then paint over the part that doesn't match.
You can also add another layer and change the "mode" (you can find it under another name in other programs) and opacity. "Mode" puts a filter on the layer, so you can play with the colors even more.
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If you try to add lipstick or other types of make-up, you can also try the previous method for this. Ex: you want to add lipstick. Add another layer, put it on "multiply mode" and just paint over.
I hope this helps!
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louis-ratking · 15 days
Drawing requests:
MCL/ELDARYA/ML/idk whatever fandom you're from and you're seeing this post, ask me to draw anything (but not mecha/robots, sorry...)!! Don't be shyyyyyy
You can either write it down in the comments, reblog this post oooor it would be nice if you'd use the ask feature <3 tysm!! :3
I'm waiting for your creative inputs <3
edit: as for the time I'll post the drawings, I can't guarantee it will be instant, as I'm still VERY busy w/ uni :'c But I'll manage, dw!
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ghoostrash · 1 year
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Duke of Woohoo but MCL
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centralsaints · 18 days
made a PowerPoint for my friend who doesn't know shit about mcl last night and did an hour and a half presentation of the lore of the game and my history with it. I then reached episode 24 and wanted to show the cute animal illustrations and forgot this was Castiel’s
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insert 48493848493 jokes about puppy play
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mclarengf · 2 months
1. logan and mum reader doing the “bad words in the bathroom” thing with lottie, but instead it ends up like this because they didn’t raise a potty-mouth
2. mum leaving logan and lottie alone for a day for the first time ever, only for baby lottie to start coughing really badly. logan has no idea what to do so he ends up googling the best remedies to get rid of baby coughs and mum walks into the house reeking of onions and a teary-eyed logan 3. lottie being the best big sister to twins
4. and then all of this happens in their storyline too
on the contrary, i think lottie would be a perfect wee angel in front of her parents but once she's alone in the bathroom she just LETS LOOSE!!! that girl is surrounded by hotheaded driver uncles and father are u kidding she has picked up SO MUCH!!!
either logan didn't wanna ruin mum's day out or he genuinely forgot he could call for help... mum comes down the hallway like, "oh wow did logan make french onion soup or something? oh. why are both of them crying."
GIRLLL don't give me ideas 😮‍💨 she would beee
do not infect my metaphorical creative literal child with that FEVER DREAM of a reblog thread
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