#me and my shower thoughts about kp
bcbdrums · 1 year
Ok, you're a Drakgo blog. What if Drakken and Shego had also switched brains in Mind Games? 😉
my instincts tell me you're wanting this to go nsfw...
this episode, actually, is a PERFECT example of how you have to keep the KP universe...a cartoon universe.
the reality of two characters switching brains/bodies leads to what an adult sees as obvious questions: what about the bathroom? showers? but a child-viewer may or may not think of that, it depends on the kid. i know that as a young teen viewer the first time i saw it, i thought of it and then forgot about it cuz that wasn't the point. cuz it's just a cartoon.
realistically... kinda seems like that experience would ruin their friendship. and yeah with drakgo... if we're keeping it KP-universe and not real-world, shego would be yelling at drakken the whole time not to mess up her hair, to stay out of her personal stuff. drakken meanwhile would be accidentally destroying the lair using shego's powers. freaking out and screaming for her to help him control them as he just panics more and more, throwing random blasts around of increasing intensity as he panics. shego freaking out more and more about her hair and chasing him around, the pair of them looking ridiculous to the henchmen who are likely watching with a bowl of popcorn.
keeping it in-universe...that's the first thing that comes to mind. that's where i'm keeping it. lol ask someone else for nsfw.
but, thanks for the ask. :)
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silverheartlugia2000 · 11 months
Kim Possible X Detective conan plot???
OK so this thought string is a bit convoluted but bare with my adhd for a sec..
I was in the shower when suddenly an earworm jingle popped in my head, not just any, one i havent thought about for a while. It was that ad rap from when Dr. Drakken was trying to sell brain wash shampoo, ya know the episode that birthed the naked mole rap??
any way i kinda fell into a KP hole for the rest of the shower, NMR changed to just how GOOD of a pet owner ron is (the time Kim had to rat sit for him and he had rigged her room with a pet'smarts worth of tubes, the fact that ruffius is much longer lived than mole rats normaly are, heck he might be semi magical even? weirder things have happened on this show)
then some general stuff about rufus himself, hes the best mole rat ever, and then somehow morphed into monkey kung fu..
then the crime/murder remnants of binge watching detective conan for the last few days smacked me with the lure of "exotic pet smuggling" specifically (or at least within the inventory) naked mole rats.. and you just KNOW that shits like that are more for the prophet than actually caring for the animals!
Ron would be appalled!!! he wouldn't even think about going to any other case if he somehow hears about this! If Kim was busy with something else the second he gets wind he would go himself! wade barely manages to beep Kim before Ron jumps onto a plane! She is not letting her bestie go alone cause bad things happen when he does!!! (the romance at the end of the series didnt vibe with me.. i just got too attatched to the whole unbreakable vibe of them being the best matched platonic friends ever for a whole four seasons!! they didn't need to make them kiss!!)
dont know how to fit conan into this if i can at all.. honestly i just want to see Ron go literal apeshit XD, Im betting the general undefeatable karma of Team Possible can cancel out Conan's death quota for a while, much like Kaito can, doublely so if Kaito is the one who introduces them? Heck Kaito's traveled the world it's possible they've met. heck with all the magic stuff she's dealt with (including mystic monkey powers) she probably agreed to keep an eye out over in the US for him once she weasels it out of him! (also kaishin or whatever the name for shinichi/heji is welcome just not KIm/ron please..
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ahdriking · 2 years
Top 5 things kinn has said to porsche that make him so turned on
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First of all Porsche is not a difficult man to turn on, so the bar isn't terribly high for Kinn here. Secondly, this is mostly just me airing out my dirtiest KP thoughts, so you're very welcome for that.
No.1 Kinn dresses Porsche up all nice in a suit and tie for one of their big fancy gala events. He stands behind him as Porsche checks himself out in the mirror, hands tight around Porsche's waist. "You like it?" He leans in to whisper low in his ear. "Appreciate it while it lasts. Because later, I'm going to rip it off of you."
No.2 Porsche is on his hands and knees, back arched, ass in the air, his thighs spread wide for Kinn, showing him everything. Kinn runs his hands over Porsche's body and presses kisses to his skin, marveling at the sight of him, "So fucking pretty," he says. Porsche shivers, and Kinn smirks, before pressing the pad of his thumb over Porsche's hole. "Especially here."
No.3 They're messing about; Porsche has Kinn's phone and Kinn's chasing him around the bedroom trying to get it back. He tackles him to the bed, pinning him down with his body and his weight, but Porsche won't stop wriggling, giggling like an imbecile having too much fun. "Are you going to be a good boy and keep still," Kinn growls. "Or do I have to tie you down?"
No.4 Kinn is lounging on the couch when Porsche comes into the room fresh out of a shower, naked as his birthday. Kinn looks at him and his gaze darkens. He puts aside what he was doing and levels Porsche with a look that makes Porsche's hair stand on end. "Come here," Kinn says. "And get on your knees."
No.5 Kinn on his back, spreading his legs for the first time in his life to let another man between them, pulling Porsche down against him and kissing him breathless before he says: "My life, and my body, are yours."
Porsche is destroyed.
So am I
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the-wayside · 4 months
hello! I’ve read your KP fics and I utterly loved them and I am also watching the sign now. When ep 7 aired some (including the cast in the bts) were talking about how Art’s case was paralleled to phaya tharn. would you mind sharing your thoughts on that cause I didn’t particularly see that correlation more of a correlation between an obsessive love like chalathorn and tharn. also how are you feeling about the recent ep and how do you think things could wrap next week? I’m just hoping for a satisfying conclusion! *fingers crossed*
H! Thank you for reading my works and the ask! That's so lovely of you to let me know that you enjoyed them. As for the questions, well. Buckle up. It's a longish one.
For me, it's not a direct Phaya/Tharn/Chalothon = Art/Kao/Ning summation, it's the essence of things that match between the two and the concept of who Phaya and Tharn COULD be. Art and Kao are Phaya and Tharn but in a mirror darkly.
Let's break it down. From the moment the episodes starts, that beautiful first scene is Phaya and Tharn. We don't know the circumstances right away so it's the beautiful tragedy of an artist (Art/Phaya) losing their muse and love (Kao/Tharn). Because we know that Phaya is fated to lose Tharn because Tharn throughout his lives has always chosen to leave Phaya, regardless of his reasons. Kao's pleas echo what we hear in Tharn now: when everything changes (when I leave) don't change the way you look at me (please remember how much I love you). You're getting married from Art is, Phaya confronting the fact Tharn will be forced to choose Chalothon to save everyone. It's not the life Tharn wants but it's the one he must live.
Art in the shower to me feels like the guilt Phaya, and Sakuna, must feel towards Tharn and Wansarut because of how they get caught up in the war with Chalothon. Losing them pours out a tremendous amount of grief but again, guilt because had they never met and fell in love, they would still be alive.
Love has a way to find you and make lovers walk a different path. Art says it at the beginning of the performance and it has such a double-edged meaning. Did Sakuna and Wansarut not cause death and suffering with their love? Did they not have to do secretive and potentially hurtful things to stay together? Why is their love purer than Art and Kao's? But with undenying faith love brings us together. These are things that are beautiful but utterly terrifying. Love and hate are not enemies but bedfellows. His whole performance art piece is stunning and you think it's about him and Kao but it's directly speaking to Phaya and Tharn, Phaya particularly, which is why we getting him looking back at Tharn, feeling the connection of his role and his mirroring in Art but also Chalothon watching him look back at Tharn, seeing the thread of their love strengthen in front of his very eyes. There is no black in the performance until Chalothon enters the scene and if you look, one of the performers has a red paint mark on her leg where Sakuna has one of his leg I don't want to say shield but you know, the shin things he has. Red being Phaya/Sakuna's color and the blue being Tharn/Wansarut as water/rain fall and white the purity of their love. Art by the end only has black smudged paint on him, almost as if they are marking him for death (Phaya marked by Chalothon). What's also interesting is that the female performer appears to still be "alive" while the male performer is lying down and could be considered dead. But it isn't what you'd expect. In this version, the woman represents Art/Phaya and she lives but the man, Tharn/Kao still dies. I also love the heavy accent lighting on Art's back which is unblemished where as Phaya has his winged tattoo but it's to remind you of that fact. It's Art and Kao's story, but it's future we may yet see because of Tharn's choices.
When Ning arrives, obviously representing Chalothon, we see further into that future that hasn't happened yet. Tharn has yet to leave. Chalothon hasn't won yet. And we also get him smug at the back because he sees what we see. He sees Phaya in Art and I think that's what draws him to start fucking around. He creates a scenario like he does with Phaya early on where he starts pushing buttons and making Art (Phaya) seem delusional and crazy. It's also really obvious to me what harm Chalothon intends when he puts his hand over Art's heart. He wishes he could burn and gouge Phaya's out of his chest but he can't so he will take the metaphorical Phaya and get his jollies that way.
We also see an increase in Phaya's "hysteria" at this time as Chalothon says to Akk (god I want to slap him) so we see a bleed that begins to suggest an inversion, a dark poison into Phaya and Tharn's love like Art and Kao as they work on this case. And that's what the episode is about. It's about Phaya and Tharn feeling that poison but extracting it out by being honest with each other, leaving no room for misunderstanding and darkening of their love, which they solidify by making love. They could just as easily BE Art and Kao, but they're not because they're them and their faith and fate are placed into each other and they do not let others affect them, letting the pool water they sit/the shower they share together to cleanse them of the sickening slough of others' issues.
But back to the episode timeline. Tharn is attracted to and goes over to the painting that holds Art and Kao's goodbye, now painted over with white to almost hide the pain and negativity of their love. Trying to cover what was fundamentally broken. Tharn is himself, walking through the vision, the first piece clearly one about breaking out of one's shell or revealing an identity from within one's self (outside he is Tharn, inside he is Wansarut) and then the painting. What is most important to Tharn's very being beside his soul? His love for Phaya. He can see what the love should be but he knows that's not what it is. He can see without knowing the crippling and degradation of love. This isn't his love. So they find the blood spatters. They take this to Art and we have this beautiful scene of forgiveness which means different things to them. All Art (Phaya) wants is for Kao (Tharn) to be there and for them to stay together. Art loves as purely as Phaya does. But as we know the poison is in the well, Art hears Kao say such awful things but what he also says is "is that what you want to hear?" The unwillingness to hear any more pain leads to tragedy. Kao will never get a chance to explain himself. But it shows how easily everything can get turned on its head. Art has lost his way. Tharn can see that Art loves Kao and wouldn't have hurt him but what we finally see is the divorce of Phaya and Tharn from this What If version of them because Phaya isn't Art. He won't stand by as Tharn leaves. He will chase him to the end of the world of the gods.
Art and Kao seem obsessive because of Art's mental state towards the end and it is largely contextualized by outside forces and I really do wonder if Kao truly loved Art and if they were able to deescalate would they be together now. So yeah, I think they both walked a similar path but what was different and was always different is how Phaya and Tharn are always honest with each other and they always come back to home in each other. It's upon that basis that they deal with things as they come. They aren't taken by the words of others (normally) and even if they are, they always reset together. The reason what is happening now is happening is because Tharn hasn't reset. He hasn't brought this to Phaya. They are at cross purposes (stay versus leave) and that discord will be what causes them pain, not necessarily Chalothon despite his best efforts.
I mean, for this week, that's whole other post but like you I'm hoping for a satisfying conclusion. When I watch a show it ultimately comes down to: did I enjoy this? Some things help me to enjoy a show more or less but my rating system is more along the lines of did I feel like I wasted my time watching this, would I rewatch it and do I feel the feels? And so far the answer is no, yes and yes.
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wickedmoonlite · 10 months
KinnPorsche Rewatch 2023
Reminder: as we go into heavier topics in KP (dub-con/non-con, toxic behaviors, etc.), I will not be doing deep dives. I’m planning on taking this just below surface value as these are literally thoughts I have in the moment as I’m watching. Thank you.
Episode 9 Random Thoughts
I just never trusted Tawan, even in my first watch through. I felt bad for him, but that was about it.
I really do wonder who poisoned him, though. Seems like a Ken thing maybe? Since he's a double agent and all? I dunno.
Once again, Tankhun has the best instincts of them all. Never trust the sketchy ex, boys. And also Big knowing not to trust him, either. I get why they didn't just throw him out, but he shoulda just gotten tossed :')
It's literally the minor family. It's always the minor family. Gun has a complex, remember?
My dumbass feral cat boy getting worn down by the cute boy he was gathering info on. Inspiration for the singer-songwriter.
Arm is the only one taking note of the relationship that's right in front of their damn eyes.
Yes, but Pete, you and Vegas are destined to be together. Just go and spy on them. Do it.
Is Tawan trying to lure Kinn in by showing skin with muscle tees? And piss off Porsche at the same time? I don't get the obsession with cutting his shirts lower each time you see him.
What kind of workout is Tawan doing? Wtf?
Yok knows everything, Porsche.
Porsche dancing around in his tighty whiteys is such a mood. Also the song is a banger, tbh.
"Hey Porsche, why is your leg so long today?" Drunk Pete yelling out Korean phrases. This entire scene is something else. Then they just fuck on the couch anyway.
Vegas always knows when Pete follows him. Idk why Kinn keeps sending him to watch them, other than ✨plot devices.✨
Pete getting the stirrings from Vegas putting his hand on his back and the looks he gives. Yeeees.
Oh, Porsche. Not good. Very bad. No spying allowed.
Arm knows better, P.
Why is Tawan, like, constantly in the shower or the bath? Especially when Kinn comes to visit.
Vegas why are you putting your pants legs in the water??? Bruh.
But you and your family are doing things though Vegas??
Oh my god, I hate this scene where Tawan just puts his head in Kinn's lap. Like, please, my dude. Could you be less subtle? All the while, he's fuckin around with Vegas. I just don't like how manipulative it all is. Is no bueno.
Porsche for the love of god. Why you do this? Trust issues all around, bah. I know he was doing it for the right reasons, since he didn't trust Tawan from the beginning (for good reason)... Many thoughts about this whole situation.
I love how cute and nervous Chay is here :') confessing to his crush and Kim says yeah I like you too, I'm just dumb with feelings, here's a cheek kiss, thanks for the gift. Ugh. Too cute, too cute.
I can't imagine all the thoughts rolling around in Porsche's mind. Tawan is consistently showing him what he's actually doing there but he's not showing it to anyone else (except for those that are reading between the lines like Tankhun, Arm, Pete, and Big), least of all Kinn. He's being sickly sweet to Kinn. It's all so manipulative. But that's exactly how the minor family needs it to be. Sowing the seeds of distrust and chaos is the entire point of Tawan being involved in the first place.
And once again, Tankhun has it right.
Convenient Vegas is convenient.
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So now I'm finally properly caught up! Yay me. I think these posts peaked at episode 6 because it really is my favorite, but I'm going to keep going because there's so much more to come and it's fun putting my stupid thoughts on the internet.
Episode 10 next 😭 we're close to the end now.
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emogirlalexis · 3 months
I’m so happy to be leaving the beauty industry.
The way we have completely warped what people are SUPPOSED to look like. Why am I seeing face lifts and Botox on 30 year olds? It feels SO invasive and dystopian and honestly most people who get it done - it feels so uncanny valley because they didn’t need it to begin with and now they look alien.
Everyone says “oh I don’t look good because I’m OLD” - why do we shame ourselves for age? Why are we so hellbent on encapsulating our youth? For WHO do we strive for these goals? Why do we put these standards that are impossible to attain at the forefront of our happiness when we catch a reflection of ourselves? And why is it when a young person says these things the response its always “well you’re young, you just wait until you’re older”.
I hope on everything I have that I live long enough to have a bunch of wrinkles and saggy jowls and chin hairs and menopause and whatever else comes with aging. How we look should NOT quantify how we age - it’s about how we TALK and ACT and how we present ourselves to the world. Wisdom, grace, maturity and compassion are NOT mutually exclusive with a specific age demographic.
The truest thing about aging for me is MOBILITY - who cares about wrinkles when you can WALK - sure it’s achey and more work than it used to be but it’s still there. Once your mobility is cut, so is your independence and invariably your life will deteriorate after the fact. When you are dependent on another for basic things, when you have to rely on people to grab your medicine and meals and help you shower and use the bathroom - I don’t think in those moments you’re going to be wishing you had less wrinkles.
I am not blind to my youth but I also spent 10 years of it praying for my own demise and in turn I missed out. I’ve missed out on so much fun, and love and confidence! I’ve missed out on comfort in my own skin when I really needed it. I want to age gracefully. I want to live fully. I don’t want to forever lose myself in the pursuit of some unobtainable goal. I understand the frustration when you don’t recognize your face in the mirror, when what you see doesn’t reflect how you feel. But that doesn’t diminish your inherent value. That value cannot be taken away over a mole or dark spot or dark circles or wrinkles.
The beauty industry wants to keep you insecure; and they do that by projecting every possible insecurity with a “potential cure”. If you have a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis that’s obviously not in the same wheel house as fine line, wrinkle and dark spots.
When I started working in the beauty industry I was no stranger to beauty and fashion, I had a 10 year pageant career, from the full southern glitz to the scholarship pageant circuit as well as experience in dance competitions, recitals, plays and musicals as well as extra work on TV shows. I KNOW first hand as an alternative girl who was ostracized and alienated from her hobby over her aesthetic choices as well as things I could never change; like my height and how weight sits on it. I’ve been critiqued and critiqued my whole life about how to be more palatable, more marketable. To be vanilla means you’re a moldable BASE that you can put whatever in and make something so different the original is not even a passing thought. With all my experience, there’s is still NOTHING like women going into a cosmetic store, or women online in the beauty community and space.
All these brands care about money and sales and product moving, not application and education - which is why they keep making new insecurities you need a product for. Strawberry ARMS? KP? Is it that unsightly? I had KP my whole life and literally never gave a fuck because I never looked at it and thought “that’s not normal” or “I don’t like this about myself”. Yet somehow every brand now makes a product for it? And it’s all over $30 - way to make a new insecurity and then price all the actual consumers out of it.
These businesses are so damn CHEAP and stingy - they only care about cutting corners and making a bigger profit. They rely on the influencers and brand reps to push the information out to the masses about product; but instead of true hands on educators and cosmetic chemists and scientists talking about these make up formulas even though they supposedly helped create them - all we get are “wow I like it” from some pretty girls getting product for free online; or for commissions There are some amazing creators out there (Miss Megan Robinson and rose and Ben) who do truly TUTORIAL and explain why and how to use the products and the benefits you get from them and The ARTISTRY- the different ways the products can be used especially layering and unconventional color stories and formulas. But for the most part the market is over saturated with paid promos and people who can’t have an opinion without being black listed or canceled OR people who market their opinion as the one that can’t be swayed but their opinions are purely emotion based instead of fact based.
I have so much issue with corporations and capitalism in the cosmetics industry - it seems there’s no universal standard, no true formal education for cosmetics besides the full blown hair nails skin shebang. Most department stores and cosmetic stores are not trained in proper sanitation and the store is not up to date with testers and the tools one would need for successful make up testing. There needs to be some reform in cosmetics- not hair or skin because those courses are necessary and there’s so much more science behind caring for hair and skin that there is make up application. Yes color matching and understanding undertones and color theory and all that jazz is important but you’re a make up ARTIST and you can be self trained and amazing and just lack the basics of sanitization + building your kit.
Corporations attack your insecurity, market a ‘cure’ and then price it unobtainably to set up this THING around aging and accessibility (finances). The same could be said about any cosmetic procedures - the marketing and people who are currently making themselves the ‘forefront’ of these services are actively dragging women down; I’ve seen HORROR stories of women being told that they’re ugly, they look better NOW (after filler and Botox ); it’s going to take a lot of visits to achieve a specific look. I saw a woman who got bullied by her dentist over her teeth being bad. When you get your nails done and they say “upper lip too” like… girl no I like my mustache hairs - they’re MEANT to be there.
The beauty industry is PREDATORY and the more we feed it the hungrier it gets. We de influence and then we repurchase. We can’t afford it but the “cheap stuff” just isn’t the same. They keep coming out with more and more and more and if you don’t have the newest thing you’re not cool, you’re not the “it” girl; you’re not popular or WORTHY.
All of this could be further from the truth.
The Industry is ugly - NOT you.
No one wants to speak the negatives because of retaliation or backlash or they’ll receive support but it never actually takes off enough to mean anything and I share this for my mom, my grandma and 12 year old me. Beauty is ALWAYS about what’s on the inside; it always has been. You can buy a Tiffany jewlery box, the finest most beautiful hutch money can buy and would you believe if if I told you- it comes EMPTY.
It’s up to you to fill yourself with diamonds and rubies and gems. It’s up to you to be beautiful on the inside; because that beauty will radiate and pulsate under the surface begging for attention that a lipgloss could never provide.
I am a beauty addict, I love art and creativity and color and vibrancy! self care for a person who spent the major of their life NOT caring - it’s never too late! If you want to use skin care to feel good, there is no harm there. Find your ritual, EDUCATE yourself on what you consume before you consume it. Remember that preventing a spill will always be easier than trying to remove a stain - wear sunscreen about all else! Sunscreen in the number one anti-aging preventer.
Be kind to yourself, practice mindfulness and grounding. Be real with yourself, about aging, skincare and make up.
Go grey. Have wrinkles. Wear red lipstick. Stop conforming to society and watch how the world BENDS to fit YOU - it shouldn’t have to be the other way around.
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starvette · 11 months
T 34/90 fuck I'm not really Kitavan anymo
Hey. The third of July was so stormy I slept like a puppy without a care in the world. Some very good stuff happened. I didn't sleep for a day which messed me the hell up and I was once more can't-lift-my-arm-up exhausted for the next two days. But I want to write now because I have a new action in mind.
I'm going to be standing or walking as much as possible first for the next week and then for another week. Now, since this will be very difficult and change my routines I thought I must blog about it. I will have to finally surrender the incessant reading. I mean I can still read on laptop, it's just more difficult. I guess I'll pretend I became Ali and moved to a horse farm and now run around all day (although you do sit when you ride a horse...) or I became a nurse, or I got a job at H&M, or I became nineteen year old waitress Lana, or went to K-pop idol camp. I realize that living this way indoors at all times might get unbearable so I'm prepared to put on UVmune and head out during the day. Just doing all this for the so far incurable KP. It hasn't budged an inch and it's fucking distressing. I'm most worried that I did this to myself with those failed laser treatments. They may have killed my oil glands. What if I'm like those poor bastards who LASIKd their eyeballs?
Last evening (it's a little past midnight now) I got Haribo strawberries. They were incredible at first, and then whatever. Then I watched Lilja for twelve minutes but it was enough to get me down. People weren't fucking kidding when they said it's a bummer. The candies with tea were meant as my preworkout and, hey, it worked, but Lilja got me scared of jogging at nearly midnight.
What happened with kitavaning? It's a mess. I've been eating sweets or fruit and then running or at least biking or dancing soon after. That would be fine as I indeed get energized and don't bloat, but still it's been fucking hard to coordinate sleeping, eating, shopping and then running at the right time. But then, everything changed when I heard San Millan explain that zone two training is where you burn more fat than glucose! So then I'm not even supposed to OD on sugar before training? See, I went on my first 'zone two' run and it turned out a damn slow pace and even that may have been too fast. It was so much easier than the hell I usually put myself through that I really may not even need to sugarize beforehand. And he did train a champion, he's the real deal! I tried to understand the biochem behind it but it went over my head. I realized I have to sit (stand) through those conversations in small increments with a pen and paper. But from what I gathered so far metabolically healthiest people primarily burn fat for fuel. And it's not because they're on keto diet, they just run or bike a lot. Before I heard that, I thought I could binge on sugar as long as I become an athlete and burn it off.
I have much to do and I'm not even allowed to sit down and it's been two hours since I ate those candies so I really bloody need to go bike them off.
I've been getting what seem like sugar crashes. First I feel faint, then I get pale and hot, and sweaty, and finally have to go lie down. Well, I got one again, while biking. First I felt funny, then I feared falling off my bike and cracking my skull - you know, all in the name of good health, then I got hot and had to take off my hood and open my jacket a little, got a little sweat on my lip, had to slow down, and then finally step off and walk, especially up any slope I encountered. It was bad and I didn't have my wallet so I couldn't just go get a vending machine hot chocolate. Eventually I got better and biked home full speed covered in cold sweat. I was so smelly I had to shower. Recuperated with Valsoia vegan seed oil ice cream which I'd sadly left out to thaw a tad too long. Should've done three hours instead of four. So that was an imperfect binge. I've had a total of two of those boxes and I'm scared it will become a problem. It tastes like cake without all the biscuit stuff. One thing I've decided I will stick with iron lady style is the three months off gluten. I accidentally got far (19 days) with it and now failure is not an option. Great deterrent when I want cake or wafers or, geez, especially pastries. But the sad thing is, gluten free is not gonna do fuck all.
I realize now that I hadn't eaten anything since 10AM in the morning. Then that tiny baggy of Haribo twelve hours later. Maybe that was the actual cause for the crash?
Yesterday I had the worst craving for LIDL currant sorbet while watching The Idol finale. Like, it couldn't be just currant sorbet either. It had to come with the The Idol. I killed many an hour writhing in my cravings, waiting for the torrent to drop. Well, I ate it and saw the finale, and even danced for an hour after! Two hours go by - sudden sugar crash. I was dumbfounded.
I didn't burn the ice cream, just fell asleep for two hours to Lava Lamp playlist. Woke up intermittently hearing some angelic shit. It was nice.
So, in the light of this San Millan stuff and my sugar crashes, I should probably quit the sweet stuff again. I think I will eat canned beans for a preworkout three, maybe four hours before running. After all, hunter gatherers don't eat candy nor fake ice cream and they can still run. Notably, I just saw mime reporting that zone two runs worsened his VO2 max whereas prior zone four or so runs had steadily increased it. He has an Apple watch so he can measure fun shit like that.
I ruined the rest of the day, starting ten in the morning. I laid on my side (a new favorite hobby), then got a third box of that ice cream and swore up and down I'll never have it again. Binged on that after a two hour thaw. Turned out that it never thaws to a perfect consistency, but it was still nice. Then I felt like potato chips and Kardashians so, what the hell, I got two giant expensive vegan bags. Then I fell asleep. Woke up, finished ice cream leftovers with coffee. And it was still fucking delicious. Yeah. But I'll tell you the reason for all this. The truth is, I'm having mental breakdowns over the KP. I just don't have a plan for it anymore and it's looking fucking hopeless. I don't know why this nightmare refuses to end. It's been probably ten years now.
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rainbowcolored7 · 2 years
The Darkness Hums (2113 words) by rainbowcolored7
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก | KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Characters: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Blood Kink, Blood and Violence, Blood and Torture, Masturbation, Violent Thoughts, Masturbation in Shower, No beta we die like Pete's moral compass, Pete going through it, I'm open to tag suggestions I truly have no idea how to tag this, just 2k words of Pete masturbating, that's it that's the fic
Vegas’ sweet tenor whispered in his ear, “Come on, come with me.”
So, I've been writing fic for a very, very long time. However, after many years of feeling like garbage about my own writing, and the guilt of abandoning so many unfinished works, I stopped posting anything. I promised myself I would never post again unless it was complete. Cue over ten years later, here I am, posting my first complete fic after all this time, thanks to the insanity of KinnPorsche the Series and the heartwarming, inspiring support of the fandom and the friends I've made in it.
This show has taken over my body and soul. It'll take an exorcism to extricate this damn show from my heart. Like, cold dead hands and all that. After episode 7 this idea popped into my head and begged me on its knees to write it. I honestly didn't think that VegasPete would be my first post. I have two other wip's going on, one KP and the other Arm/Pol, of which I thought the Arm/Pol would be the first one out the gates. But, um, instead it's Pete masturbating while he thinks of Vegas!
That being said, I hope you enjoy!
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systlin · 5 years
Hello! I thought I saw a mention of KP on your blog at some point, but I can’t find it now. Anyways, I have it on my upper arms and was wondering if you had tips on how to deal with it? ( only if you have time/want to)
1. Korea italy towels. These thingies.
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Get in a shower or bath, soak for 15 minutes or so, and then start scrubbing. Watch in mild horror as dead skin rolls off of you like eraser rolls.
2. Get a good rich body butter or moisturizer and after you finish showering or bathing, moisturize the hell out of yourself.
Do this about once a week...the moisturizer you should do every day...and there ya go.
Mine hasn’t bothered me in years now.
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What Did I Miss...?
Sorry for the long absence. I’m going to be busy for a while, so bloggin will be sporadic. I do want to keep track of all the drama. So here’s another “what I missed” update. This keeps getting crazier and crazier!
The Thomas Markle interview is up for a BAFTA! This keeps getting more and more surreal.
Meghan has a new nickname, “Me-Gain,” which supports my theory about the palace’s fear of Sussex money scandals.
And that’s because Tatler threw out a salvo:
The Tatler editor attended St Andrews with Will and Kate. Make of that what you will.
Of course she’d giving birth at the Lido Wing. She wants that Di pic.
Piers is still at it:
This Bumble thing sounds so bizarre to me. They must be paying this people a mint.
Sam found out she wasn’t on any watch list:
Christopher Geidt is now handling Meghan and the Commonwealth Trust:
I think this is the biggest news item in this list. Geidt’s “brand” is curbing royal excesses. He famously clashed with Charles over his politics and luxuries and he was the aide who reined in Andrew and cut the Yorkies’ security. He’s so freaking strict that Charles and Andrew couldn’t take it anymore and they pushed him out. The fact that they now have him supervising the Sussexes also reinforces my suspicions about possible money scandals. Harry and Meghan are going to be on a tight leash.
Dickie Arbiter had thoughts about the baby shower. Dickie is palace-friendly and has been a sugar since the engagement became inevitable, so I’m counting this as more evidence of a deep fear of money scandals. The spending is a big deal.
And, speaking of spending, Meghan’s maternity wardrobe cost $500k. That means between the baby shower and the clothes, she has spent a million just on the pregnancy. That’s simply amazing.
It’s also heartbreaking when contrasted to celebratory charity drives Meghan’s fans are doing. Kudos to the Meghan fans for this. This is a great initiative, but I doubt these will net anywhere near a million dollars.
Some time ago an anon predicted that Meghan would start spreading rumors about Will and Kate as soon as she was out of the KP umbrella. Well, you were right anon.
I’m completely beffudled by this. The first article was about a ‘rural rivalry,’ but everyone (i.e., Meghan’s press) immediately jumped onto the affair story, which is far juicier.
Yes, I like the Cambridges, but I wouldn’t put it past Will to cheat. These people live in a highly privileged sphere and there were rumors that Kate told Chelsy that she would have to get used to the cheating. So, yes, it could happen.
That being said, this sounds weird. The Jecca Craig story sounded likely because it fit Will’s personality and his issues with his position. Jecca was a symbol of escape from royal responsibilities. I may be behind the curve here, but that’s what I would expect from a Will affair—a symbolic escape. Rose doesn’t fit that. She’s in Norfolk and is part of the royal circle. Yes, I know that’s what Charles did, but Will isn’t Charles and he has a much more oppositional relationship with the royal sphere. Yes, he’s handling it a lot better now, but I don’t think he revels in it. If he had an affair I think it would be with someone completely outside of the royal circles—an Africa-centered aristocrat like Jecca, or something like that.
Ditto on the Rose and Kate feud. This is going to sound horrible, but if Will had an affair, I think Kate would suck it up and not make a fuss. She wouldn’t be trying to “kick” Camilla 2.0 out of their circle, particularly since she knows perfectly well that an aristocrat of Rose’s level can’t be “kicked out.” That’s the whole point of the aristocracy. They are stuck with each other.
And Rose and Kate were friends? Rose was a “close confidante”? Since when? Yes, they both have houses in Norfolk and they are both married to aristocrats, but I don’t think they were ever close. Ditto Rocksavage and Will who are in entirely different generations. I’m sure they get along, but I doubt they are close friends who go on double dates all the time. Does this group even double date? I thought they did huge dinner parties, weekend shooting parties, and group trips. If anyone has more info on this supposed closeness, please let me know. The Sun is calling them neighbors, but the Cambridges just moved back to London and Tatler says the Cholmondeleys mostly live in Cheshire.
I may be biased because I just plain don’t like these people. Rose Hanbury and her family are some of the sneakiest stealth operators in the aristo set. I think she got knocked up with twins and the engagement and wedding took like two days or something. Then her sister married Rose’s ex-boyfriend, who had a huge inheritance drama with his sisters. They are just...ugh.
The timing is also weird. Two years ago, when Will was looking sulky and Kate was looking way too skinny, this would have been a lot more credible. Now they look fine. 
Like I said, I wouldn’t rule out Will having an affair…but Rose Hanbury?????? The whole thing sounds off to me, and I’m kinda disappointed because I’ve been waiting forever for a “cheating Will” story and this is meh. The Jecca story had a certain level of Prisoner of Zenda romance to it. She was the love and the life he could not have and so on. This is just blah.
Even Celebitchy is going “yes we suspect Will is a horndog…but Rose Hanbury?????”
The spin is also totally bizarre. Kate stood up to her philandering husband and refused to socialize with his mistress…and it’s supposed to make her look bad? Tom Sykes says it’s “Kate’s first scandal” and I’m just going “whaaaaaat?” If this is actually true (which I doubt) and Kate actually stood up for herself (which I honestly doubt she’d do in real life), I’d say “go Kate!” The press is drawing weird parallels between this and the rumors or Meghan’s bitchiness, but cutting out your husband’s alleged mistress is not the same as abusing an employee, imo.
Anyhow, the story is so juicy that Blind Gossip turned it into its April Fool’s blind item. 
Harry apologized to Skippy for ghosting him. This was buried under the Turnip Toff Tiff item.
William helped Harry and Meghan get the Clinton aide. This does not surprise me. Will wanted them as far away as possible and he wants their dirt as covered up as possible too. The strategy seems to be (i) quarantine the Sussexes, (ii) try to get Geidt to control them, (iii) help them bury the dirt.
LOL, there really is an oral sex tape out there. The story is at 16:40  and the most interesting part of it, imo, is that it’s being shopped by “a woman in Canada.”
Meghan’s returning to one of her old Hollywood charities. Interesting how Kate’s six-month leave was considered long but Meghan’s is considered short.
Another Meghan blind.
Harry’s Vegas girl wrote a letter to Meghan:
Kate has a new stylist. I’m torn about this. I like some of the new stuff (pussy blouse, ponytails), but not all of it (pants and tiny purses). Luckily the changes are not huge, even though the DM is trying to portray them as such.
Frogmore Cottage is not finished yet. This is my shocked face.
So, there you go. Crazy, uh? I was expecting a quiet-ish maternity leave, but nooooooo. It’s 24/7 drama here at chez houseplants.
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aloha-cowgirl · 5 years
Allow me a moment to share my shower thoughts of the night.
Look. I don’t know how many people know about Boyce Avenue, but I adore them. They are SO much more than just cover artists. When I start listening to Alejandro sing, I can’t stop at just one song. And this song is my absolute favorite.
I should explain. I hate the original version of this song. I don’t not like Katy Perry, but I wouldn’t call myself a fan either. And this song in particular is about teenagers having sex and I just don’t like the message. 
Boyce Avenue changes just a few lines and the song, changes the tempo, and it’s a completely new feeling!
KP Version: Let's go all the way tonight / No regrets, just love / We can dance until we die / You and I / We'll be young forever
BA Version: Let’s just talk all through the night / There’s no need to rush / We can dance until we die / You and I / We'll be young forever
KP Version:  We drove to Cali / And got drunk on the beach / Got a motel and / Built a fort out of sheets / I finally found you / My missing puzzle piece / I'm complete
BA Version:  When you're around me, / Life's like a movie scene / I wasn't happy, / Until you became my queen / I finally found you, / My missing puzzle piece / I'm complete
KP Version:  I'ma get your heart racing / In my skin-tight jeans / Be your teenage dream tonight / Let you put your hands on me / In my skin-tight jeans / Be your teenage dream tonight
BA Version:  I'mma get your heart racing / If that's what you need, / In this teenage dream tonight / Let you rest your head on me, / If that's what you need, / In this teenage dream tonight
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
My Dancing Doll [UPDATED]
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A/N: Me, the last person who should make a new series when I have 6-7 more chapters of SNA, and God knows how many between TMM and KotN. But here’s a story since I’m starting to regret not going to an HBCU. It’s written for Ben since I did one for Kylo last time and KotN has Matt Feedback is much appreciated, let me know if I should continue. please. IT’S UPDATED AND IT’S BETTER! IT WON’T BE A SERIES JUST A NICE LONG ONE SHOT.
Basically based on this and one of my fave SU Dolls, Ms. Kayla Pittman
“So like that show Bring It?” Ben asked. A chuckle emitted over the phone. “Yes, but not exactly.” Y/N, his best friend told him. “I still can’t believe you moved all the way to Louisiana.” A pout formed on his lips. You chuckled once again: “You’re so dramatic, you choose to move away also, Mr. Harvard.” Ben just rolled his eyes. You two were inseparable and he never thought that even college would pull you guys apart, even if you called or face timed every Sunday, and practically text each other every day. It wasn’t the same for Ben. Hence him flying to Louisiana to pick you up for Thanksgiving so you guys can come home together. So why not invite him to one of your shows. “I can’t believe you’re a dancing doll.” He teased. “Oh my Gosh Ben, it’s not even like that you’ll see and then you’re going to want to come down all the time.” You were a Southern University Dancing Doll, it meant so much to be a part one of the nations most prestigious and famous dance teams. So what was the best way to explain to your rhythmically challenged friend than to make him watch Bring It? “Alright, alright,” Ben huffed. “Well, I can’t wait to see you Dancing Doll.” You let him off the hook with that tease. “Bye Ben, see you next week.”
It was so damn hot in New Orleans, Ben wanted to peel off all his skin. “Jesus Christ,” He wiped the sweat that formed on his forehead. Looking at his phone he had three hours to spare before meeting you, so he would go to the hotel, wash up, and get his ticket from you. But boy did this heat have other plans for him. Settling into his hotel after a nice refreshing shower, the chill from the air conditioner knocked Ben right out. If it wasn’t for the maid’s cart ramming into the wall outside, Ben didn’t know how he would’ve awakened. With sleepy eyes, he looked at his phone was your face illuminated alerting him he had a call. “Hello?” He groggily answered. “Ben, what the fuck are you doing? You’re supposed to be meeting me to get the ticket!” You continued to yell at him, even though you were trying to keep your calm. “M’sorry, shit, shit, shit.” He cursed as he flopped around his room to get himself together. Holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder he listened to you just go off about calling him seventeen times and thirty-six text and being so worried something happened. “Relax, relax sweetheart.” Ben interrupted. “I’ll be there, everything will be fine and focus on your practice. I’ll see you soon, forehead kiss.” He said and you huffed in annoyance. “Forehead kiss,” You grumbled. Every time after you would calm Ben down from his ridiculous tantrums, you would give him a forehead kiss, and vice versa. So now, since you guys were so far apart, the friends just decided to say it. “Alright bye,” He hung up.
The drive to the Superdome was hell! He knew he was definitely going to get cursed out by you. Maybe God had pitied Ben and decided that whatever Y/N had in store for him was far worse and the least he could do was get him there on time. Y/N HATED being late and one of Ben’s famous trait was being late; how’d they become friends, they still don’t know. In her text, she had given Ben directions to sneak in the back where the band was to give him his ticket. He followed it intently, through the sounds of Lil Wayne and Beyonce and the smell of barbecue before he found his destination with a sea of gold and blue. Throughout all the commotion, he could make out specks of jaguar print and he guessed that’s where you would be. He found himself correct as he saw your head popped up. He froze just staring at you because...damn. You looked good. Like yeah, you’re a beautiful girl. But, like damn it had to be a crime for you to look so mature, so...sexy. Your eyes met his and he gulped because even though you were shooting daggers at him, it was so hot. Ben watched his friend saunter over in her gold dance heels and jaguar-spotted cape and he swore he could watch you do that all day. “Ben, it took you long enough!” She said but all Ben could do was open his mouth as he accepted the ticket. He couldn’t stop staring at the way your (y/h/c) curls framed your face giving you that old Hollywood pin-up girl look, the way your black eyeliner winged to give you a mischievous look, while your red lips just played games with his mind. He didn’t realize he was just staring at you until you walked away. “Hey, Hi, Hi,” Ben pulled you into a hug, which confused you. Did he not listen to anything you had just said. “Hi,” You smiled sweetly, which had his brain turning to mush. “I have to go, I have to march in, and I’m already not supposed to be here.” You told him. “But, I want to watch you march in.” Ben put on his best puppy eyes, but it didn’t work. “Ben, stop it. I got you a good seat, now go! You’ll see me from there.” With a sigh, he accepted his defeat and watch you walk away to join your group. He began to shuffle along when he turned back to see you all taking a picture. Your eyes fell on him and you sent a wink his way with a flirtatious smile. Did you just do that or was his mind playing crazy tricks on him?
Ben briskly walked to find his seat in the large stadium with you running and doing other things in his mind. “Shit,” He mumbled under his breath. Never did he ever think he would feel this way about you, Y/N, his best friend. Slumping in his seat, he sighed trying to find the best excuse as to why he was feeling this way. It was just primitive hormonal instinct, he declared. Basic cavemen theory: see pretty lady, mate with pretty lady. Ben shook his head, he didn’t want to mate with you, he’s known you since you were twelve! Even though, everyone spoke about how cute your kids would be. A smile slowly fell to his lips at the thought until the rumble of drums pulled him out of his thoughts as Southern University began to emerge. On the large screen, he could see, who he guessed, was the captain and her somewhat stuck-up expression before panning out to show the others. His brown eyes widened when he saw their outfit. My God they all looked naked! There was no way in hell your dad knew about this, there was no way in hell any of their dads knew about this! It was a bodysuit that looked made it look like they had on silver sequin panties and a large bedazzled fleur de lis covering their torso. The captain began to throw a stand that maneuvered the group out. His eyes frantically searched for you, not knowing if he really wanted to see you or just wanted to see you in that. He groaned, falling into his seat as the crowd stood obscuring his view of you. Through his woes, he glanced to see that they had made it to the stands, doing one last count before sitting down one by one. He watched the screen intently as he still hadn’t seen you. People had begun to sit down so he had a very clear vision. Ben watched Y/N slowly guide her gloved hands down her body, back arching almost inhumanely, as she slowly rolled into a seated position. All the while maintaining eye contact with the camera before a little smirk fell to your lips, causing the crowd to rave at the newcomer who was very much living up to the expectation as the tail. Ben was heated, internally and externally. You basically just eye-fucked a whole stadium, who the fuck does that? Clearly you but, it was the look you had just given him! His brows knitted together as he clenched his fist. He wasn’t mad, is what he told himself. And it was true, he wasn’t mad, he was jealous.
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Nor could he concentrate on the game as his eyes kept wandering back to you. The way you were perched up like a pretty Barbie doll or laugh at your friends jokes or make faces at the games. Ben couldn’t just stop watching you, it was as if he was a scientist studying cells or a painter and his muse. With every stand that was thrown, your movements were smooth and effortless. “A true doll,” He had heard someone say. A lot of people had taken interest in you, saying that you were “a perfect pick for the team” that “fit in with the seasoned dolls” and “is able to keep up and still having your own style.” Ben couldn’t help but smile at the compliments that filled his area about you. Plenty of times he wanted to turn and say that the girl they all deemed “Lil’ KP” was his best friend. In a brief moment, your eyes fell over to his section and Ben believed that even from afar you were staring into his soul. A blush began to cover his face at just the thought of you possibly thinking of him the way he recently discovered he thought about you. Simultaneously, a smile graced your lips that had believing that the universe was clearly messing with him. He growled in annoyance as he got up and made his way to the exit. Even though he was outside, he needed some nice, fresh, air-conditioned air. Sitting at one of the concession stands sitting area with the palms of his hands pressed against his eyes. Why was it now that everything had to be like this? Maybe that feeling was always there and you were always there and he found contentment in that. But now, you were miles away in Louisiana, wearing sequins all over your rolling body, with guys who didn’t know how great you are and deserved to be spoiled with food, presents, love, and attention. Much time passed before he decided to go back in. He observed that bands had left and it was much darker. Had he missed the whole game? “Umm, is it over?” He asked a random person. “No Baby, it’s halftime!” The man exclaimed. “They just getting started!” Bidding him thanks he made his way to the seat.
His mind was easily taken off you for a brief moment as he watched Grambling State take over the field. He couldn’t help but think of the big differences between this and the one at Harvard. Now, he knew what they meant by ‘come for the game, stay for halftime’. As his eyes roamed around the illuminated arena, he could definitely see there were more people than there were the first half. The field was clear and the crowd went mad anticipating for what Southern University would bring. The field was clear and the crowd went mad anticipating for what Southern University would bring. The band stepped foot loud and clear onto the field. Ben watched in confusion and amusement because this was far from what he saw at Harvard. The band leader who looked like he could be a British guard hyped the crowd as he flung his body over the field with high kicks and bending backward to land on his hat. The whole look was just enticing and he was impressed at the band's clarity, flow, and how they could execute movements while playing the instruments. Harvard could never. Maybe he should go to HBCU and be that one random white boy. He shook his head; he was pretty sure that he would at least have to have some type of rhythm and Ben could positively admit that after a while, his claps would fall offbeat. “And now ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for the classy, the beautiful Southern University Dancing Dolls!” The girls emerged from the field in a high-cut jaguar printed leotard with a sequined collar choker. “Again with these bodysuits!” Ben grumbled as it took his eyes to adjust to the fast movements that made it harder to find you. “YASSSS LIL’ KP!” The girls next to him screamed. Looking to the far left, he saw your mesmerizing smile. With every kick, turn, and jump he saw those facial expressions that were etched in his mind since the sixth grade. He was so happy for you achieving one of your many dreams and felt so proud to call you his best friend. Keyword: his.
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And if you weren’t already killing him with the costumes, after halftime the dancers changed into a more revealing two-piece blue number with sequins and a feathered skirt aka belt because when you bent over he could see how perfect your as-. Ben shook his head, he shouldn’t be checking out his best friend like that. If the outfit wasn’t enough the band was playing songs that called for more sultry movements and once again you were eye-fucking the stadium. Granted you were just being an entertainer, he couldn’t deny that he wanted you to look at him with that look and only him. But what could he say? What would he do? He couldn’t just walk up to you and say “Hey Y/N I think I’m in love with you and I want to be with you forever.” He cringed just thinking how awkward it would be. With a deep sigh, he continued his new hobby: Y/N-watching. You looked so good in each costume, but this one had to be his favorite he pervertedly admitted to himself. Ben had to decide if he would stay quiet or say something.
The game was over and the score was forgotten as he followed the true fans to the back to watch the band march out. And there you were in all your glitter and blue feathers with a tired but very bright smile. With a tightening feeling in his chest, a somber feeling washed over him. How had he overlooked you? Yes, it was cliche to fall for a best friend. But, you were talented, funny, good-looking, intelligent, had a great personality, literally cared about him and cared enough about him to put him in his place. It made him sad that you were always there and he’d only seen you as a best friend. But had he? Thinking back, you were always the first person he wanted to tell good news to, the person he went to to make him feel better, the only person that could tease him to days end without making him mad, the last voice he wanted to hear at night, the sight he wanted to see in every class period, his date for every formal event, basically just always by his side. It was always you. Throughout his internal dialogue, he had missed your smiling face make your way towards him. “BEN!” You jumped and he caught you quickly, arms wrapping tightly around your exposed center. His fingers gently dug into the soft skin causing you to giggle and squirm out of his grip which had him wanting to pull you back in. “Did you like it? Did you enjoy the show?” Y/N asked. “Of course I did, it’s way better than mine. You might have to go up to Cambridge and show them a few things about a halftime show.” Your sweet laugh fell passed through your red lips leaving Ben in a haze. “Did you see me?” Her eyes gleamed up at him as his lips tugged before speaking. “Did I see you? Sweetheart I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You were so beautiful and graceful. Y/N you have to be the most perfect person I’ve ever met.” As Ben began to talk, you slowly started to realize it wasn’t about your dancing, it was about you. “Everything you do is so effortless, even on your bad day, you make it look like a walk in the park. The way you carry yourself is so captivating, just to be in your presence is an honor. And the fact that you always chose me to grace it with just, I mean, I just.” Your smile had faded into a confused frown. “What are you trying to say, Ben?” Your words were slow and calculated, at least that’s how he processed it. “What I’m trying to say is, well, I,” He stammered before throwing all caution to the wind. “Oh fuck it!” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a long-awaited kiss. Everyone cheered and the band began to play ‘Ebony & Ivory’. You pulled away quite embarrassed, hiding your smile in his chest. Deep down you always thought you felt something more for Ben, but you thought of it as just the progression of friendship. But that kiss definitely proved you wrong! “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. Lifting your head, you smiled: “It’s ok, but you still owe me a date.” “I know and we have whole two hours for that.” He chuckled.
“You will not take me on a date on a plane!”
“Think of it as part one.”
“What’s part two?”
“Oh hell no, don’t think you can use our families dinner as a date!”
P.s.:  Feedback is much appreciated, let me know if I should continue, please. LAZINESS AT IT’S FINEST RIGHT HERE!
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the-wayside · 2 years
I wonder how long it's been since Kinn had to watch the face of someone traumatized by violence, someone who didn't come prepackaged to deal with the world he lives in?
The camera work on the flashback is interesting because we see things we didn't see before. We see Kinn's grasp on Porsche's waistcoat, he's got some of Porsche's blood in his hand and shirt cuff, and it's the same hand that is leaning on the outside bath edge. We see Kinn's field of view change. It starts off blurry and only focused on himself but widens in scope to include Porsche.
All of these things show how Porsche is playing on his mind. Forcing him to reaffirm his place in the world and how detrimental that can be. People hurt for him. People can die for him. And for what?
Porsche takes offense to Kinn not putting him out there but Kinn never takes anyone with him who can't handle the stakes of being his guard. He is the main target. He is the source of all the danger. He appears to have the approach that people are disposable but he never truly treats people like that. Porsche is clearly ill equipped so Kinn steps in because no one else will.
We all had a good laugh about the gopher but it's a distraction technique. If he isn't diverting his own attention, he has to watch a man be beaten over and over for his betrayal. Kinn doesn't take joy from violence. It is necessary to maintain his position (I already said Kinn is neutral evil in his alignment) but he could just as happily do without.
Kinn had made his peace with his lot in life until Porsche came into it and is asking all of these questions and breathing life into previously dead emotions (empathy, kindness, protection). Don't get me wrong, Kinn isn't having an identity crisis, he knows who he is, but he is shaken up. His previously stable world is rocked. What Porsche represents is possibilities. Possibilities that there is more than this. A this that Kinn has never even considered.
So he finds himself seeking Porsche out. Having glimpses of this man who is a walking set of contradictions, who loathes him and thanks him. Verbally flips him off and dances with him. Takes him for a walk on the pier and annoys him but shares his deepest pain as if they'd always known each other. Porsche is enticing proof that we can all be more. We can all hide multitudes. He is a problem Kinn can't solve and that's what he's drawn to. Porsche confronts Kinn by his very existence.
I don't know about anyone else, but that would be hella attractive to me too.
Like...there are just so many levels to everything that I don't know if we can ever really untangle the multiple threads and streams you can read into the show.
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lhugbereth · 7 years
KP- I'm crying omg, Ignis almost fighting the stranger in his bed 😂 I imagine Noctis is adamant that he's too comfy to leave and says he has nowhere to go anyways because SOME asshole named GLADIO kicked him out. Ignis softens a tiny bit but is still reluctant to let Noct stay, tho he looks harmless enough he supposes, just too sassy for his own good. Cue awkward bed sharing maybe? ;) Bonus: Ignis stretching out before bed and noct pretends to be asleep but he's watching like ?! DAMN! I'M GAY!
I’m sorry this has taken so long, but at last it’s time for a side-Ignoct catch up post!! These two are almost as bad as Promptio when it comes to being totally obvious-slash-oblivious about their mutual crushing. So I hope you enjoy this post featuring flexible Iggy and Noct’s Big Gay Awakening :3 
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(idk where this gif is from but it’s too appropriate not to use...?????)
Noct appreciates the view under the cut! v v v 
[The night of the Grand Prix in Altissia]
- Noctis has never been in love. He’s had flings, sure, mostly when he was in school and none of them serious. Nothing that lasted longer than a single semester. Before that, it was mostly him avoiding the people who only saw him for his name and his father’s money. At twenty, he’s already pretty sure things like love and dating just...aren’t for him.
- Which is why he doesn’t get Gladio. Like, at all. Flying both of them across the continent just to watch Prompto skate? Noct doesn’t think he could ever feel that strongly about someone else. He really, really doesn’t get it.
- So when Gladio tells him after the competition not to wait up, Noct rolls his eyes and makes his way to their hotel all alone. He takes the scenic route, admiring the city streets lit up at night and ordering a gelato from a vendor. But even the area near the canal is filled with couples enjoying the romantic atmosphere. Noct sighs, tosses his empty cup in a trash bin, and continues on his way.
- If he’s expecting Gladio back at all, it certainly isn’t an hour later and with Prompto attached to his hip. They burst into the room in a flurry of laughter and kisses, almost ignoring Noct’s presence until he clears his throat from the other bed.
- “Oh. Hey, Noct. Uh, this is Prompto -”
- “Nice to meet you!” The blonde smiles, waves, but looks a little embarrassed as he puts a half-inch distance between him and Gladio.
- Noct rolls his eyes again. He’s doing that a lot recently. “Yeah, hi. Are you guys gonna...need the room?”
- Gladio’s mouth twitches. He looks at Prompto, back to Noct, down at his feet. Next to him, the blonde flushes as he reaches into his coat pocket. “Um. You can have the key to my hotel room if you -”
- Noct is already moving. He says nothing as he snatches the card key out of Prompto’s fingers and starts down the hall toward the elevators. Behind him, the sound of the door closing follows him all the way to the lobby.
- Luckily for him, Prompto’s hotel is only a block away - a five-star kinda place called the Leville. The room is on the tenth floor, and invitingly empty with one large bed in the center. The skater’s bags are against the far wall - he seems to travel with enough stuff for two people, at least - and there’s a spa-style tub in the bathroom. Noct considers it for a moment before his exhaustion gets the better of him and he collapses on the bed without even getting undressed.
- He’s asleep when the door opens. A figure enters quietly, stops in the doorway to watch him. He doesn’t notice when the figure approaches, or even when a gentle hand reaches out to touch his shoulder. In fact, he doesn’t wake up until that same hand shakes him hard enough to knock him nearly off the edge of the mattress and onto the floor.
- Noct bolts up. There’s a man standing over him - a stunningly beautiful man, his groggy mind supplies - looking about as confused as he is and somehow even angrier. Before Noct can stop himself the words are tumbling out of his mouth. “Who the fuck’re you?!”
- Silence. That probably wasn’t the wisest choice of words if the other man’s harsh green glare is any indication, but it’s too late to take them back now. Noct waits, tense with nerves, until at last the silence is broken by the most elegant Tenebraen accent he’s ever heard. “Is that how you usually greet someone whose bed you’ve sequestered?”
- It takes a moment before the words sink in. By then, Noct has already started babbling about how Gladio kicked him out and Prompto gave him the key and he doesn’t know who this guy thinks he is but this is his room now and --
- The man cuts him off with a sigh. “I should have suspected those two. What did you say your name was?”
- “Nocti -- Noct. Just Noct.”
- Gods, this man has spectacular eyebrows. “Well, just Noct. I suppose kicking you out now would only make me as bad as them. You can stay, but forgive me for asking for the use of my bed?” Noct blushes. He actually fucking blushes at the thought of his beautiful man falling asleep next to him, this stranger who hasn’t even bothered to give his name. It isn’t until he slides over to make room that he realizes the man is gesturing to the chair in the corner. Oh. Oh.
- He’s certainly slept in less comfortable positions, but he can’t help feeling all of this is Gladio’s fault. If it weren’t for him and his stupid crush, Noct thinks, he would still be back home in his own room, with his own bed and his video games. He wouldn’t be curled up in a worn armchair with a thin blanket tucked around his shoulders, simultaneously trying to fall back asleep and keep watching the show across the room. He thinks the man must be a skater like Prompto because damn he’s flexible - stretching on the floor at the foot of the bed, one leg straight out behind him and the other in front, his body pressed flat against it as his fingers curl around his heel. Then a smooth transition into a side split, his sleep pants leaving little to the imagination when he twists and arcs his back. Noctis wonders if the man knows how good he looks. If perhaps he’s doing this on purpose to torture him, as if Gladio and Prompto hadn’t done enough. Either way, it isn’t fair - and it makes his cramped position in the chair even less comfortable (although perhaps trying to hide his boner in the bed would have been worse)
- He swears he’s never going to forgive Gladio for any of this.
[The next morning]
- Ignis finds his guest still sleeping when he gets out of the shower in the morning. While he dresses, he finds himself studying the young man curled up under his sheet in the chair. He appears to be no older than Prompto, around nineteen or twenty. Attractive (he tries to ignore that). A student, perhaps? Although he claimed the night before to be an acquaintance of Gladio’s, he certainly doesn’t strike Ignis as having the build of a hockey player. He does, however, seem like someone who has secrets.
- If there’s one thing Ignis hates, it’s not knowing something.
- He slips out of the room as quietly as he can, but the mystery continues to eat at him all morning. Even after he checks out at the front desk (hoping Noct will find his way home before he’s carted off with the linens), Ignis can’t seem to reign in his thoughts. Why, for example, wouldn’t Noct give him his full name? What was it he was hiding? And why had he looked so disappointed when he’d been kicked out of the bed? Ignis chalks his curiosity up to the strangeness of the whole situation, and tries his best not to mention the young man in front of Prompto once they arrive at the airport.
[Several days later:]
- “Oh, hey! Gladio says he can make it after all!” Prompto’s looking at his phone again, for at least the dozenth time since Ignis first told him to put it away and concentrate. At this point, he can only give up trying and plop down next to the blonde on the mat.
- “Wonderful. As if you weren’t already distracted enough this evening.”
- Prompto smiles and pats his knee. “He’s bringing you coffee to make up for it.”
- “Well, I suppose that’s something.”
- What Prompto fails to mention is that Gladio isn’t coming alone. He’s dragged his friend with him again, and the moment Noct walks through the door carrying a bag of take-out lattes, Ignis loses the capacity for rational thought. Everything he’s been trying to ignore since Altissia (those deep blue eyes, that perpetual hint of something tugging at the corners of Noct’s mouth, the inexplicable obsession/attraction he’s felt toward the kid) come back in full force.  And still Ignis knows next to nothing about him!
- He doesn’t realize he’s been staring until Noct shifts uncomfortably and reaches in the bag to pull out one of the steaming hot coffees. “Nice t’see you again. Gladio said you, uh, like double shots?”
- “Oh. Yes, I do. Thank you. Er - “ Reaching out for the gift, he can’t help but notice the “name” scrawled across the side of the cup in black marker. “‘Specs’?”
- Noct flushes as his eyes somehow grow ever more beautiful. “O-oh. I didn’t…. I mean, you never told me your name, and Gladio said I should...ask you myself….” (Nearby, Gladio is grinning and whispering something in Prompto’s ear until the blonde’s mirth grows to match) “U-um, I hope you don’t hate it. T-the nickname, I mean. It’s ‘cause of your glasses, y’know, and - “
- “Ignis.” He clears his throat when Noct blushes again. “My name is Ignis Scientia. I apologize for my apparent lapse in manners when we met in Altissia.”
- “Yeah, um, me too.” (Gladio and Prompto are, if possible, being more obnoxious than before. Prompto’s actually filming this with his phone while Gladio shoots him the thumbs up from over Ignis’ shoulder). “I’m Noctis. But Noct is fine.” And now Ignis is smiling at him - it’s subtle, more in the way his eyes soften than the barely-visible curve of his lips - but Noct thinks it’s completely unfair how gorgeous he looks when he does it.
- “Thank you for the coffee, Noct.” Ignis takes a sip (is it wrong to be jealous of a plastic cup lid??) and gestures for him to have a seat next to Gladio on the mat. Noctis watches for over an hour in awe, unable to tear his eyes off Ignis while he limbers up, runs Prompto through their basic drills, and eventually demonstrates a new beam technique that shows off both his flawless flexibility and his impressive upper body strength.
- Halfway through, Gladio leans in and with a knowing grin, tells him to pick his jaw up off the floor.
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starvette · 1 year
11th 52.4 * v *
HEY my fast actually succeeded! Unbelievable. I wasn't even hungry. Toward the end I thought I can see how they can keep going like this forever. Just a faint heart pang that haunted me. I broke it a bit early, in the morning when it was meant to be in the afternoon or evening, but I kept it light and it's fine. Cherries, sun dried tomatoes (without oil), tofu, hot choc, spinach. I lost weight! I was afraid that wouldn't ever happen. Convinced I'd weigh more after my fast. 54, probably. But no, there is still some order left in nature. But I did nothing... Just read anorexic book. It helped so much. I was reading exactly the right part where she is so anorexic she gets locked up in an asylum. Still doesn't eat. I've no idea why. I've been fantastic about my body care routine. Suddenly it's doable. I did shart in the shower though! Had never done that before but there's a first for everything.
Now that I've eaten I worked out my arms again. I was allowed a reprieve from HIIT but I still mounted my trusty bike and went downtown at 1AM. I wore glasses and nobody paid any mind to me. Old town was full of wobbly drunk male tourist hockey fans, but the rest of the city was empty. So I got bored fast and went home. Didn't even grab a coffee. Started seeing hedgehogs again. The hockey mascot is also a hedgehog.
After a week of standing desk and a great body routine, still no KP results on my thighs ): not even an improvement in zits.
0 notes
Beautiful- Chapter 5
I’m so sorry for the extended absence I’ve had a ton of stuff on my shoulders lately. First things first, I had another set of exams for college and then I started this new series called The Gifted (by the way I totally recommend to everyone). Finally I’ve settled enough to punch out another chapter.
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I’m actually hella proud of it. The first part of this chapter was inspired by James Veitch is a Terrible Roommate if you haven’t seen it yet, I 1000% recommend it’s so funny and it just reminded me so much of Joanlock that I couldn’t help but write it in.
To Sherlock’s credit they hadn’t had an interesting case in about a month. It’s honestly a miracle that he’s made it this long without any of his usual shenanigans. Normally at this point he would’ve conducted an experiment involving explosions or a case study on Watson’s behavior at different intervals based on how much sleep she could get to function to the best of her ability. Not that he didn’t have substantial research on the subject already, more research could never hurt though.
It starts out with one. Watson’s lip quirks up as they pass a tiny display at the grocery, it’s a stack of rubber ducks carefully stacked in a pyramid. It’s an impulse buy not that he looks back at it but it made her smile so in the end it was worth it. It quickly becomes a game to test her observational skills. One day the duck disappears from its usual precipice on the shelf just below her products. If she notices its disappearance she doesn’t mention it.
However hours later he hears her call from downstairs, “Sherlock why was the duck in the cereal box?” To simply put it he’d moved her favorite cereal 3 inches to the left after sticking the duck inside. She should’ve noticed a lot sooner but at the same time he hadn’t heard her pad down the stairs until a mere 45 minutes ago.
Then it strikes him that he hasn’t pushed her to her top level annoyance in far too long. He almost misses her screaming his name from the other side of the Brownstone. So he buys more rubber ducks. With his devious plan now in action he changes their orientation every day when he’s sure she’s either not home or in deep slumber. One day he arranges them as if two are getting married, then in a cult like circle around a tube of toothpaste, even draping two of them in shreds of toilet paper as mummies for Halloween. His particular favorite was when he managed to perfectly recreate the scene from Titanic after the boat sinks.
After all of this effort there’s still no reaction. To his shock and appall, she didn’t even address the ducks. By all logic by now he should’ve at least gotten a smile out of her but no. So he ups his game purchasing a load of them for a shockingly cheap price off this Amazon user SpookyBoi. Three days later a box filled with 95 rubber ducks is delivered to Marcus’ home. He couldn’t very well set the delivery for the Brownstone lest Watson find it while he’s not paying attention.
So he sets up his new mission carefully setting up the ducks as if they’re crawling out of the drain itself. He barely even used a third of the ducks in the box so of course he already begins planning his next attack in case Watson doesn’t bring up the ducks yet again. Sure enough not even a peep from her even though when he returns they’re visibly moved after her shower.
Fine if she wants to play that way.
It takes 3 hours but he expands his mission having them crawl from the drain, up the side of the tub, out over the side, to the other side of the bathroom in rows of 10 until they narrow reaching a significantly larger duck wearing a crown. He’s not going to admit how much money he actually spent on this display but it’s oh so worth it when his phone buzzes late one night.
We need to talk about the ducks -JW
Ducks? -SH
Don’t play coy with me. I couldn’t shower this morning because I had to move over 100 of those stupid ducks. -JW
Srry. No more tiny ducks. Prmse. -SH
Honestly she should’ve caught onto the loophole right then and there but shockingly she didn’t. Only an hour later Gregson calls with reports of a triple homicide. He takes a separate cab excusing to Watson that he had to meet with Alfredo really quick and he’d meet her at the scene of the crime in about an hour. Rather he makes a quick trip to the local bath store and purchase 5 ducks about the size of a laptop. He positions them and he’s off to the crime scene.
You said no more ducks. -JW
I said no more tiny ducks. -SH
I’m meeting my mom for dinner tonight. When I get back I want all of the ducks gone. I don’t care how. It happens or I make your life hell -JW
His disappointment at the end of their game is met with a tiny bit of thrill at her threat. He still wants to see how far he could push her. He wants to get that oh so pleasant shout. Cn I kp 1? -SH
One. -JW
:) -SH
It takes him 2 hours and an air pump but the trap is set long before Watson walks in the door. The large inflatable duck takes up ⅔ of the bathroom and is positioned facing the door.  He tries not to bounce with excitement as soon as she announces her presence with a sigh and the loud shut of the door.
“I’m going to take a shower.” She says, exhaustion evident in her tone. He nods not turning to face her lest he gives away the surprise.
He begins counting the seconds until finally,
“Sherlock!” Her voice calls in frustration. He bounds up the stairs two at a time, a giant smile plastered across his lips. She’s standing in the doorway of the bathroom, eyes flashing with fury. He’s hit suddenly by how nice she looks. Her makeup is done carefully, hair draped over her shoulders in loose perfect curls, black dress hugging tightly to her figure without being suggestive. She marches over to him and he notices how much shorter she is without her heels on. She barely comes up to his shoulder. “Do you think this is funny?” She seethes, yet beneath the anger he swears he sees a bit of a spark in her eyes, a challenge.
“Quackers.” He answers with a smirk.
“I warned you.”
“No you said I may have one.”
“I didn’t mean one that takes up half of the bathroom!” She steps forwards moving to push him back but he catches her wrists.
“You should’ve been more specific. I thought you would’ve learned after the tiny ducks.” Her chest swells with an angry breath. He’s suddenly aware of how close she’d advanced in her attempts to push him and the fact that he’s still holding her. He drops her wrists quickly but it’s too late. Memories of that night sweep over him once more. How he’d held her wrists above her head, how he’d pressed her against the wall lips buried in her throat, the way her nails scraped down his bare back.
She moves away quickly back into the bathroom, snatching a pair of scissors from the sink. With a quick slash the duck is torn and is quickly deflating. “Take your duck so I can shower.” It isn’t a request, rather a command. He obeys taking the limp yellow body and dragging it into the hall. The bathroom door slams in his face and he sends a quick text.
Need 2 tlk nw. Emrgncy.
Alfredo arrives at the Brownstone much faster than Sherlock anticipated, knocking frantically on the door. He yanks it open, his former guide’s eyes tracing over his form. “Did you relapse.” His voice is harsh and demanding.
“What? No.” Sherlock says defensively.
“Did you almost relapse? You don’t have anything here do you? You know Joan would kill you.”
“Slow down. It has nothing to do with relapse at all.” He visibly settles.
“What’s the emergency then?”
He goes quiet listening for the sounds of the shower. He continues once he’s sure he can hear the water hitting the tub. “I think I may be attracted to Watson.” He says quickly.
“You’re kidding me.” Alfredo scoffs throwing his head back. “I abandoned a client and broke 3 different laws on the road because you think you are attracted to your partner.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re not seeing how much of a problem this is.”
“You’re right. I don’t.” He sighs taking a seat on the couch. He pats the spot beside him inviting Sherlock to sit down. With a roll of his eyes he plops down beside him. “Joan is an attractive woman. Why is this a problem?”
“Because this isn’t the first time.” He mutters under his breath.
“We are not having this talk at 11:30 at night.” Alfredo groans rubbing his hands over his face.
“If you’re not going to be any help”
“I am going to help but I need you to stop with this cryptic shit.” He sits up now, “When did this start.”
“If I tell you it doesn’t leave this room. Not even Watson knows.” He waits until Alfredo nods before continuing. “18 years ago my father took me with him on a business trip to America. I went to a bar while he was at the meeting to have a few drinks. I met this woman, went home with her and we-”
“Please skip the details. I can assume.” Alfredo interrupts putting up his hand.
“Well I told her that my name was Sean. No use in giving my name if we were only going to meet once.”
“What’s the point of this side story.”
“The woman was Watson.”
“You slept with Joan.” Alfredo repeats in shock. Their bubble is broken by the shattering of glass behind them. He spins around and sure enough Watson is there clad in pajamas and her favorite red cardigan. A shattered tea cup lies abandoned at her feet. The water he heard running… It must’ve been the sink. How much of the conversation had she heard?
“You’re Sean.” She whispers in disbelief.
“Shit.” Alfredo mutters.
“Watson.” He’s on his feet approaching her quickly. Her eyes are shining with a new kind of anger, one that reflects disappointment… betrayal.
“Don’t.” She stops him backing away. “You knew. You knew and you didn’t even bother to tell me.” She scoffs.
“Watson.” Another step forwards and another backwards.
“How long did you know.”
“How long!” She demands swiping furiously at a spare tear that escaped.
“Since we met.” He whispers in admission. An angry laugh mixed with a sob leaves her lips. She looks away so that he can’t see the tears of humiliation escaping. He steps towards her again taking her arms gently. “I’m sorry. I thought if I told you, you’d leave.”
“Well I found out. What now Sherlock?” She asks bitterly snatching herself from his grip. She hardens herself setting her jaw. “I’m staying at Marcus’ tonight.”
“Watson you don’t have to-”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” She snaps. “You don’t get to tell me what to do right now. Got it?” With that she leaves up the stairs to get dressed and packed for the night. Alfredo lingers for only moments before dismissing himself with a quiet apology. She doesn’t say a word as she storms out the door but he can see the angry tears streaming down her cheeks.
The Brownstone aches with silence in her absence.
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